#the exact opposite of being a weakling lol
arcanusarchieves-if · 7 months
What condition?
Don't tell me that MC is some weakling who has to rely on others....
MC has the same amount of power as everyone else. In fact, I would even say they are a bit stronger than most Magus and are definitely one of the most powerful in the Circle - there is a reason they were invited back after all!
Their condition isn't really something that effects their day-to-day life or abilities. They mainly left due to the discrimination and ostracization people with their affliction get (think lycanthropy/werewolves in Harry Potter) and because they just needed a bit of space after the first war.
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lesbiankoby · 2 years
ok can i just say. i always thought it was weird how obito was disliked by his clan for 'not having the sharingan' when having it is rare in the first place it makes no sense. and he always wears those goggles and weird ear pieces. and i cant help thinking that those were actually ninja hearing aids, while the goggles are for protecting his eyes so he doesnt get 'damaged' (his POV) there as well. obito being side eyed by the clan for being disabled, a flawed weakling from a muddled blood line, undeserving of the uchiha name
oh yeah i don’t think it makes any sense that obito would be made an outcast for “not having the sharingan” or even really his attitude in a void…? djjdjdjdd oh i love the idea that obitos wearing hearing aids. it’s definitely a neat explanation for his ostracisation! personally i think it’s the exact opposite, and his “headphones” muffle sound because he’s got audio processing issues— just needs everyone to shut the hell up sometimes. i am exceptionally fond of one of obito’s parents not being an uchiha too though… “muddled” indeed. [headcanons his mom doesn’t even know who his dad is (was drunk) and got a lot of shit about it]
in my own personal interpretation of naruto i think he’s like. like when he refers to madara as his honored ancestor he phrases it in a way that implies he’s literally madaras direct descendant— i think he’s madara’s great grandson and the lineage fell from grace since madara fucked off to be batshit and unleash giant foxes unto the village and so on. obito being REALLY close to the main family / from a lineage like That even if the last two generations before him were weak puts any anxieties he might have about the sharingan into a bit more perspective given how rare it is + everyone being simultaneously wary of where he was begotten from and expecting things from him which he never lives up too. black sheep. also it neatly explains why madara might have fixated into him specifically to begin with, lol.
i’m not even sure obito knows how you’re meant to unlock the damn thing tbh the way he talks about it is odd.
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seerasworld · 6 years
Below Zero Headcanons:
Been messing with these for two weeks, they went from 3 to 14 lol
WARNINGS: vague spoilers for "Subnautica: Below zero", the last one is shippy, my english is not perfect
1) Robin was indirectly responsible for the accident that killed her mother back in Auwell; She was pretty far from the colony, playing around with some "newly discovered creature", when her mother went to call her back home and unknowingly startled the animal, which attacked her. Robin has still nightmares and guilt episodes to this day, but she tries to always keep herself busy enough to not let her mind wander. Sam blames her too to some degree, but none of them is willing to talk it out.
2) Robin and Sam's relationship is a little bit weird, a little bit strained. They're only half sisters to begin with and had trouble getting along even as kids because of their big age difference and contrasting personalities. After the accident involving their mother they coped each in their own way and kinda went in separate directions from there. When they were finally reunited on the Vesper, Robin "went straight to the planet" to avoid confrontation, but she still loves her sister dearly and is now trying her best to smooth things out. Sam is receptive enough but still on the fence about it. They're generally not as tightly knitted as they could be.
3) Robin is calm and laid back in nature, but she strongly dislikes to idle about for prolonged periods of time as she gets ansty very quickly. This sometimes leads her to be careless and not give a second thought about the fact she may or may not get injured while doing something. She is actually the most relaxed when multitasking.
4) Once he's sufficiently warmed up to her, Alan slowly starts fretting over Robin's safety in his own indirect way: providing her new technology to fish more efficiently so she won't starve to death, giving her teleportation devices so she'll escape faster if needs be, even sometimes nagging her about safety hazards and potential risks. They complessively make a good team.
5) Robin can also be extremely stubborn at times. Once she makes one choice and her sight is set on an objective, she usually see to it no matter the cost. This is both a blessing and a curse as trying to persuade her in any way usually gets the opposite result.
6) Photography is another passion of Robin's as well as it being a basic requirement for her job in documenting new species. She built up quite the skill over the course of the years and can handle any kind of equipment. She also has a knack for gardening and interior decorating and prefers to keep colorful clutter around to contrast Alterra's white and gray environments. her indoors often looks more like they're actually outdoor.
7) She has quite a number of tattoos under that wetsuit. She's gotten a big flowery one all around one of her thights and down to the knee, then another on her lower back and a smaller old-fashioned alien head on her shoulder. She's mortified when Alan takes notice of that particular one
8) Alan is very nearly Robin's exact opposite in many aspects. While she is a woman of action, Alan is the kind of guy who believes a problem will solve by itself if he just waits long enough. Being stuck in the sanctuary for over 1000 years was quite the good training in patience. He is also very cautious and easy to scare off whereas she is courageous and impulsive.
9) Staying so long at the bottom of a damp and half-collapsed cave also made him a little iffy when it comes to humidity and water in general
10) He was not one of the minds involved in the Kharaa research efforts. Alan was left behind to guard and operate their various installations in a completely different area and wasn't allowed anywhere near the primary containment facility as he did not have permissions to be there. You know the stabby thing at the quarantine enforcement platform? yeah, THAT little shit was Alan.
11) While he IS an extraordinarily powerful alien with a superior intellect, Alan is also rather peaceful and relatively harmless as long as you don't threaten him or put him in a spot where he has no choice but to defend himself; behind his high and might front he's actually a sweet weakling who'd rather not fight. He never lifted a single thing his whole life and has no idea what physical extertion is.
12) Being confined inside a human mind whith no physical form is obviously immensely limiting. Among many other things, he'd normally have actual telekinetic abilities which he'd use to hover about and would have no need for transportation as he could just teleport himself wherever like a warper. His own body is both a computer and a vast comprehensive of various tools.
13) Robin's bad habit of cracking her bones first thing in the morning never fails to leave Alan disgruntled and quite baffled. At some point she starts doing it at random intervals just to irk him and get some good ol' banter.
14) After years Alan asks Robin permission to upload her mind into a vessel to interrupt her aging process. Robin tells him being virtually immortal together sounds a whole lot like a proposal. He says he does intend to spend forever with her and that he means forever in the literal way. She tells him to go get a ring and ask again because she loves to tease the crap out of everyone.
NOTES: Do you ship these two dorks as well? help us decide on a ship name for them by voting HERE. poll will be closed on Monday!!
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