#the examiner told him to stop not even 10 mins in after he'd made several mistakes so that made me even more nervous
robertacolndrez · 1 year
hello beloveds i'm sorry i haven't been here much lately but things have been more chaotic than usual - just wanted to drop by to announce i finally have my fucking driver's licence LETS GOOOOOOOO
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farfromsugafanfic · 3 years
Sutures - Chapter Eight: Bypass
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): angst, invasions of privacy and personal space
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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You awoke with a pounding headache. Looking down at your phone, you noticed the reason why: around 10 text messages from Namjoon. 
Most of them were just general greetings or texts to wake you up, but one of them piqued your interest. 
Namjoon (6:50 am): I would come wake you up, but I think Yoongi is going through something related to the whole soulmate thing. I don't want it to hurt if I touch you.
Did it hurt for other people to touch Yoongi? Even in innocent ways? You felt guilt run down your spine, despite knowing it wasn't your fault. It made you wonder if it was related to the fact that you felt safest when you were in his arms, no one else could compare.
You sent him a quick text to let him know you were awake, before rubbing your temples and rubbing your eyes. You pulled your hair into a ponytail and changed into a simple pair of jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Normally, on a flight, you wore sweats or leggings, but because you were bound to run into paparazzi, you wanted to look at least presentable.
You already felt your stomach turning. You hadn't been on a plane for two years--since you last visited your family in the US--and you remembered the way your heart beat out of your chest at take off and you were convinced you would never touch the ground.
When you finally emerged from your room, you found the members waiting in the living room. All but one set of eyes darted to you when you walked into the room, Yoongi appeared immersed in his phone. 
"Hey Sumi," Jimin said. "I saved you a banana." 
"Oh, that's sweet, Jimin," you said. "But, I'm not really hungry." 
Yoongi's eyes were on you now. You felt as his eyes took in your face: still red eyes, bare skin, and the baby hairs that curled around your ears. You forced yourself not to look in his direction, despite everything telling you to meet his eyes. Even your neck ached as you kept yourself from turning it. 
"Are you sure?" Jimin asked. 
"Yeah, honestly, don't worry about it." 
"All right, the members will all go through the main entrance," their manager explained. "Fans and reporters are already waiting, so as soon as BTS is out. We will drive around and--Sumi--you will go through the side entrance. Hopefully, this will prevent too much issue and we and we can all get on the plane without too much hassle."
Everyone nodded, but you still felt doubt in the pit of your stomach. You watched as the van approached the main airport entrance. The screams were louder than the radio and nearly deafening as the van came to a stop. 
Despite the tinted windows, you still ducked down behind the seat and waited as the members climbed out. Screams and camera flashes were all you could hear and you were thankful that you weren't the one facing the crowd. Yet, your heart still panged as you thought about the members essentially distracting everyone so you could get through without being swamped. 
"We have a bodyguard for you," Se-jin, the band's manager said. "If anything happens, he'll make sure you get through the crowd and onto the plane. Everyone is already pre-checked, so you should be able to pretty much walk on the plane." 
You nodded, clasping your passport and ticket tightly in your hand. The van stopped at the side entrance and you climbed out. No one was outside of it, except for airport security, so you rushed to grab your suitcase and head inside the airport. 
"Good luck," Se-jin said, giving you a sympathetic look as you approached the entrance. 
You walked through the door and they came out of nowhere. Paparazzi mostly, their cameras blinding you as you attempted to move forward. 
"Sumi! Is it true you cheated on Park Minki?" 
"Do you really love Yoongi?" 
"Sumi! Look here!" 
"Sumi, talk to us!" 
The whirlwind of flashes and yells were too much for your headache and you closed your eyes for just a moment. When you opened them, you felt yourself colliding with another figure, your shoulder slamming into their bicep, which resulted in hot coffee on your white T-shirt. 
"I'm so sorry, Sumi," the figure said. 
You turned to look at them, only to have a camera snapped in your face. Blinded, you turned around and stumbled towards where you remembered the security clearance to be. You felt someone grab your arm lightly and looked up to see the bodyguard they'd assigned you leading you through the mess. 
"What happened?" Namjoon asked as the bodyguard ushered you through the first class curtain and into your seat. 
"Paparazzi spilled coffee on her so he could get a shot," the bodyguard said, standing at the doorway of first class and watching as you sat down in the window seat next to Taehyung. 
"Sumi, are--?"
Taehyung was interrupted by the intercom and the captain telling everyone to buckle in and stay in the seats as the plane prepared to take off. 
Your heart was already beating so quickly it almost felt like when you and Yoongi were separated the morning you found out he was your soulmate. You thought you were dying as your heart beat so quickly. 
You closed your eyes and took a breath as the plane engine rumbled behind you and the plane began accelerating down the runaway. 
“Tae," you said, your voice sounded desperate and as if you were about to cry. "C-Can you hold my hand? Just until the seatbelt sign is off?"
Taehyung didn't respond, but took hold of your hand and intertwined your fingers. You sat for a few seconds as the plane jolted into the air. 
"Ah!" Tae pulled his hand away. His palm was red and his hand shook in shock. You reached to examine his hand. "No, no," he said. 
"Did--did I do that?" 
"I think so," he said. "I know you didn't mean to."
"I'm sorry." 
You sighed and brought your knees to your chest and rested your head on them as you glanced out the window. You were almost above the clouds, the plane skimming the very tops. Watching the clouds--while it didn't necessarily relax you--it did allow you to get out of your mind enough until the seatbelt light clicked off. 
You unhooked your seatbelt and walked past the members and to the first class bathroom. You were stunned when you entered to find it at least double the size of the typical economy class bathroom, but the thought soon passed as you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. 
A large brown stain nearly covered the entire front of your T-shirt and your hair was falling out of its ponytail. You sighed, realizing you hadn't grabbed a new shirt out of your carry on. You unlocked the door and pushed it open, only to reveal Yoongi standing in the doorway. 
His hands rested on either side of the door and he looked up at you, your eyes meeting for the first time since the fight. 
You backed into the bathroom and Yoongi followed you in, closing and locking the door behind him. "Take your shirt off," he said. 
"What?" You instinctively crossed your arms as he reached from the hem of your T-shirt. 
"Did it burn you?" 
You uncrossed your arms and allowed him to lift your shirt over your head. He tossed it aside and unbuttoned his own as he looked over your torso. No burns, only the fading hickeys he'd left earlier in the week. 
He finished unbuttoning his flannel--revealing his own white T-shirt underneath--and draped it over your shoulders and began to button it.
"Won't they notice when we get to Japan that I'm wearing your shirt?" 
"What's happening? I hurt Tae and Namjoon mentioned something about not being able to touch you," you said, focusing down on his hands as they finished buttoning the flannel. He was careful not to allow his touches to linger too long, but whenever he pulled away, it felt as if your heart was going to come out of your chest and follow him.
He rolled up the sleeve of his T-shirt exposing a fresh red burn that looked much like the one you'd unintentionally given Taehyung. 
"It happened when Namjoon tried to wake me up," he said. "I think it has to do with the argument we got into last night." 
Your gaze fell to the floor as he mentioned the argument. "So, do we have to work it out, or is it a permanent thing until we figure out how to sever the connection?" 
"I don't know," Yoongi said. "But, I have a fan meeting tomorrow and I feel like my flesh will burn off by the end."
You smirked and couldn't help the chuckle in the back of your throat. "Is that the only reason you're here? So, your hand doesn't burn off?" 
Yoongi's eyes widened. You realized the harshness of your words only after you had said them, but you didn't regret them. You straightened your back and kept your eyes locked on his. 
When he grabbed your hand, your muscles relaxed and the exhaustion you'd felt from the previous days overwhelming you. Your eyelids drooped and you barely felt how your head came to rest just below his collarbones and his arms interlocked at the small of your back. 
"No, I really am sorry, Sumi," he said, his voice barely audible over the sound of the plane's engine. "I regretted everything as soon as I said it. I was unfair." 
You opened your eyes, but couldn't bring yourself to look at him. You simply caught a look at yourself in the mirror. Yoongi's flannel coming down to your thighs and the way your arms wrapped around him completely. 
"I shouldn't have said anything to him," you said. "I wasn't thinking."
"Shhh," Yoongi said, one of his hands coming to play with your falling out ponytail. "Jimin told me you were crying last night." You didn't respond but rather turned your face into his chest. "Don't cry over me, okay? Especially if I'm being stupid like that. I'm not worth it."
Tears tickled your eyes. "You said I was stupid--" 
"I didn't mean it. Sumi, you speak two languages and you teach English. You're so smart and you don't even know it. I never should've said anything." 
You pulled away from him, but the air felt lighter around you. You glanced at yourself in your mirror. 
"My god," you said, in English, pulling out your ponytail and allowing your hair to fluff out around your face. You used your hands to smooth back the hair, but stopped when he placed his hands on top of yours. 
"Let me do it," he said. Yoongi took hold of the hair tie and did the same motion with his hands, but due to his vantage point, he was able to pull your hair tighter. 
"How about on our day off in Japan I take you on a proper date?" he asked, tying up your hair. 
"I'd like that," you said, turning around and smiling up at him. 
He only responded with the smile you'd come to love.
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kimchi-kitty · 4 years
Lingerie 》BLOCK B《
{13+, mentions of NSFW}
Anon: can I request a reactions thingy from the block B boys, when they find the lingerie you bought to surprise them with in your closet? if you don’t want to it’s okay i totally understand!!!
sure lovely! that’s a cute prompt!✨
PRETENSE: Your boyfriend is getting home in a few days, and you've missed him (in more ways than one) so you go out to the shop and pick up a set of lacey lingerie to surprise him with, later leaving the bag on the floor next to your closet. You haven't heard that a stop of the tour was cancelled, and the boys will be home a day early. Your love, also trying to surprise, doesn't let you know he's already off the plane, so you head out with your girlfriends. When he lets himself into your apartment you're nowhere to be seen.
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Jiho walked into your bedroom to find you, presuming you were napping, but instead found your bed made and your purse gone. You were out. His thoughts were cut short as his eyes caught an luxurious looking black bag on the floor. He stepped closer and looked in the top, surprised to find a set of beautiful black lace panties and accompanying bra. He reached into the bag to examine them more closely and chuckled to himself at what a naughty girl you were. He grabbed the bag and went to wait on your couch.
You arrived home half an hour later, expecting an empty apartment, but instead opening your door just to lay eyes on your boyfriend, confidently laid back on your couch. Before you could even jump, he met your eyes and spoke. “Y/N, if I knew you’d miss me to this point”, he said, throwing a glance at the bag, ”I might need to go on tour more often.” He stood, swiftly and met you as you approached him, wrapping an arm around your waist, and pulled you into a kiss. You wrapped yourself around him, shock melting into joy, until he pulled away to whisper sternly into your ear. “Now be a good girl and go put these on for me.”
Taeil drifted into your apartment grinning ear to ear, ready to greet the love of his life after being apart for two months. When he saw your favorite shoes missing from the mat, he realized that you were out and huffed, realizing he’d have to wait a little longer. He was going to use the bathroom, which was accessible only by way of your bedroom, when he spotted a shiny black bag on the floor, tufts of tissue paper sticking out the top. He took a peak, expecting a new perfume or pair of shoes, but instead found a lingerie set. He put the bag back, assuming he was not meant to know about it, and returned to wait for you in the living room. When you came home you rejoiced in each others arms and cuddled on the couch until sunset, when things turned friskier. You removed yourself from your perch on his lap and told him to meet you in your bedroom in five minutes. Hurriedly, you peeled off your clothes and changed into the set, ran a brush through your hair and reapplied a spritz of your signature perfume. Taeil knocked at the door and you beckoned him enter. When he opened the door and saw you standing there, he didn’t need to fake his surprise. Sure, he knew the lingerie existed, but he could never have anticipated it to look quite so good on you. “Jagi”, his mouth hung open, “I didn’t know it was possible to be more beautiful than you already were.”
Jaehyo was all smiles when he strolled into your apartment, ready to smother the girl of his dreams in affection. His mood fell slightly when he realized your absence. Oh well. He went to use your bedroom mirror to ensure he looked perfect for when you returned. Slight vanity was a trait you had always had in common. In the mirror he spotted a black bag behind him. It looked like the height of luxury- glossy black, with ribbon handles and filled with white tissue paper. It didn’t strike him as something you’d buy for yourself. He inspected its contents to find extremely sexy underwear. His mind went to the worst place possible. Were you having an affair? He physically shook the thought out of his head and reassured himself that you would never do something like that. But... he had been away for a while. Could he blame you for finding a replacement? He considered it a thought better not ruminated, finished fixing his hair, and went to the kitchen to prepare a romantic dinner for you.
As you walked in he was at your counter, dicing an onion. You were throughly surprised, and incredibly excited, running up to cover Jaehyo in kisses and love. He returned the affection, then told you to take a seat at the counter and poured you a drink before returning to cooking. After a few minutes of casual conversation, he offhandedly broached the subject that had still been making him uneasy. “I found those new underwear in your room. For someone, or from someone special?” He didn’t turn to look at you when he spoke. Him going through your things might have been more cause for concern if you hadn’t been together several years. You brushed it off. “Jagiya, of course they’re for someone special! I couldn’t wait to be with you when you returned.” you said, beaming at him. His worries melted instantly. “Oh. Y/N, I’m so sorry I jumped to conclusions. I just couldn’t imagine my return being a big enough event to warrant something quite so elegant.” He shook his head. “You’re too good to me, jagi. I can’t wait to see you in them.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead and returned to cooking. 
Yukwon stepped into your shared apartment, immediately greeted by the dog you coparented, an excitable shiba inu. Her barking would always alert you that someone was there, so when you didn't show within a minute, he knew you were out. He decided to change his clothes and headed into the bedroom; as he pulled his shirt over his head he saw a small black bag on the chair in the corner. Immediately assuming it was a present for him, he went to take a peak. It was indeed a present for him, in a way. He pulled out a set of black lace lingerie and immediately had a devilish idea. He made your bed and laid the set out neatly before plucking a rose off the bush you had growing on the balcony and sprinkling the petals over your bed. On a piece of cardstock he wrote "I'm home princess, now put these on for me like a good girl. -Y" He folded the paper and placed it on top of the bra, finished getting dressed (opting for something a bit more stylish than he had originally planned ) and headed out. You came home to the apartment exactly how you expected to find it, until you reached the bedroom- your heart skipping a beat as you walked through the door. The only other person with a key was yukwon, which meant he must be back early! You were startled, but soon blushing when you saw the bed sprinkled in rose petals, the set you had picked out laying there. You were a tiny bit disappointed; you were planning on doing the surprising, not the other way around! You picked up and read the note, your heart fluttering. You quickly undressed and pulled the lingerie on (the straps were a bit confusing). By the time you finished refreshing your makeup, a knock befell the door. You pulled on your light silk robe, just in case it wasn't your boyfriend. You pulled open the door, only to find the love of your life, the one and only Kim Yukwon standing before you with a giant smile and a bottle of champagne. You quickly pulled him into a kiss, nudging the door closed behind him. He set the bottle down and picked you up, pressing kisses to your neck as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He carried you to the bedroom and laid you down on the bed, slipping off your robe. He took a step back and couldn't help but stare, his mouth hanging slightly open. He met your eyes and whispered, more to himself than to you "I am the luckiest man in the world." 
Minhyuk wanted nothing more than to hold and kiss his girl. He had missed you so much on tour that he'd even started jotting down lyrics about how much his heart ached for you. That said, when he landed at incheon, his first stop was your apartment. He walked in without knocking, your door not locked (he always chastised you for leaving it unlocked, worried for your safety despite you living in a nice area). He looked around, but found no girlfriend to embraced. What he did find were a brand new set of lace underwear, tags still on, sitting on your dresser. As he inspected the fabric, her caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Yikes. He was dressed in sweatpants and a t shirt, his hair a mess from sleeping on the flight and his chin slightly stubbly. He decided that you were clearly putting in effort for him, so he should return the favor. He pulled out a change of clothes from the drawer you had deemed his, and went to clean up. When you arived home, you immediately noticed something that sent chills up your spine. The shower was running. You would normally assume it was minhyuk, but he was supposed to be in Japan today. You nervously put your bag down, and tiptoed to the bathroom. You approached the shower and ripped back the curtain, slightly spooking min, who quickly regained his composure and shot you a very cheeky smirk. "I didn't expect you home so soon" he said, still smiling, the water running over him. You rolled your eyes and sighed "I could say the same about you. You really gave me a spook, but I'm glad to see you Jagi. Welcome home." You went to close the curtain, but min quickly grabbed your wrist. "I could use some help in here." He winked.
Park Kyung was absolutely exhausted. A 10 hour plane ride will do that to a guy. The only thing in his mind before sleep was you. He dragged himself up to your apartment and let himself in, quickly realizing your absence. His mind quickly switched to priority two, and he went to make use of your bed until you got home. As he made his way into your room, his plans were interrupted by a sudden curiosity about a expensive looking bag sitting on the chair in the corner of your room. He knew you liked nice clothes, sure, but this bag was nothing like the ones from the brands you preferred. After all, he’d bought plenty of them for you. He walked over and took a peak into the top, instantly intrigued by the garments. Holding the fabric in his hands, the exhaustion was quickly placed by another feeling - arousal. Without you to satisfy his needs, he decided to have some fun with you via text. Pretending he was still on the plane, he sent you a slew of salacious messages, detailing how he would ravage you when he got the chance. By the time you returned home, planning to satisfy yourself, the two of you were throughly excited. Your excitement reached a new level, however, when you found your boyfriend not on a plane, but laying on your bed. He ignored your gasp and met your eye. “Good, you’re home. I was beginning to get desperate~” 
Pyo Jihoon had quickly realized that leather pants were not proper attire for a long flight, his legs sweaty and uncomfortable. This considered, when he went to your apartment straight from the airport- only to find you weren't home- he breathed a sigh of relief remembering all the clothes he had here. (He'd move in with you in a heartbeat, it just wasn't practical.) He strolled into your bedroom and grabbed a pair of his sweatpants, laying them out on your bed. As he peeled off the leather his eye caught a posh looking bag in the corner of your room. He finished changing and peeked into the bag, pulling out an underwear set far sexier than anything he'd seen you in before. He was somewhat glad you weren't there, because maintaining his composure was not something jihoon was known for. He blushed vigorously and let out a small laugh, but his reaction changed as soon as he began picturing what the fabric would like like hugging your hips and breasts. He was determined to get you into them by the end of the night, and set of planning just how he would. Ever the romantic, he decided to cook you a beautiful dinner before he tried to get you into bed. When you walked up to your door and smelled something cooking you panicked. Had you left the stove on??? You rushed in to find a surprise much more pleasant than your stove on- though it was in fact on, in use by your beautiful lanky boyfriend. As soon as he saw you walk in you he set the spatula down and ran over to scoop you up into an intense hug. "JAGI!! I missed you so much! I'm making beef bulgogi, your favorite!" He eventually put you down and gestured for you to sit at the table, which he had set and arranged candles on. A few moments later he set a beautiful plate down in front of you, and took his seat opposite. You chatted over your meal, his eyes brimming with love everytime he looked up from his plate. As you finished and set your chopsticks down, he rose from his seat and came to stand behind you, learning down to whisper in your ear in his deepest voice, sending shivers down your spine. "Now, would you be so kind as to be my dessert?"
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