#the exception is animation esp hand drawn
vonkarma2 · 7 months
i dont necessarily dislike the opinion that movies should be more about imagery texture and emotion than dialogue bc the visuals and sound are what make them unique as a medium + visual storytelling takes advantage of film’s particular characteristics like I can see where they’re coming from. but personally I like movies that are basically just dialogue I want to hear people screaming and yelling at each other + funny jokes also. but idk I really love visuals so I think its mostly bc of my personal failure to get immersed in a movie like feel like I’m inside it yk. and low attention span 😔🙏 sorry denis
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deluxewhump · 5 months
What are your favorite whump tropes?
What are your least favorite whump tropes?
Favorites: I’m about to be so specific
Caretaker and whumpee don’t know eachother (starting point of zero trust)
Character has a valid motive to hurt/turn in/kill whumpee and they both know it
Carewhumpers! So much variety packed into this one. The more seemingly arbitrary moral lines they’ve got drawn in the sand for themselves the better.
Multiple whumpers. Whumpee gets passed back and forth (or around).
Noncon where nonconned character physically “enjoys” it
Whumpee knows whumper is the Lesser Evil and whumper knows it too
Stockholm syndrome, or misplaced loyalty
Sensitive whumpee (emotionally, physically, easily offended, is really well behaved if whumper will play by the rules too)
Open handed face slap (esp when whumpee is surprised and emotionally hurt by it)
Face touching (rude grab of chin/cheeks all the way to an affectionate brush of knuckles or fingertips)
Whumper sees some behavior or injury that makes them recall a rule or punishment (whumper having limits)
Whumpee is the Favorite (of caretaker or whumper or carewhumper)
Sold at auction
Platonic bed sharing or putting whumpee to bed.
Feeding, bathing, and/or clothing a distressed and neglected whumpee
Crying whumpee being comforted (especially by carewhumper)
Deep levels of familiarity/understanding between whumper and whumpee (hand signals, reading expressions, inside jokes even)
Power imbalance (hence my love of pet whump, it’s built in even if the characters aren’t trying to enforce it)
Whumpee is acutely aware of how powerful/dangerous to them a character is. (adjacent to previous)
Forced or coerced strip
Gunplay or gunpoint
Language barrier + Fearful whumpee
Vampires that love their mortals/ willing blood volunteers
Character reassuring humiliated whumpee (after some unwanted vulnerability like nudity, bedwetting, vomiting, etc)
Honestly g/t, I forget about it but what the fuck
Begging (some of yall write the most incredible begging dialogue that I want to bark at)
Anticipatory horror of some awful torture (it doesn’t even have to happen just the threat of it) @whumpsday does this and the previous one so so masterfully
Least favorites: (no shade)
Hurt no comfort. How do they do it?
Animalization (exceptions can be made for this one but nothing draws me to it alone)
Loudly defiant whumpee (if! They are never anything but defiant. If I get to see them waver or break in longer form writing I’m into it)
I can’t think of any more I run into regularly at the moment
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Hey!! 👋🏽😄 I know you said in your last rant about SK8 and Reki and Renga that you were one of those people that always looks up and learns from others, but after your last Langa edit, I just wanted to remind you how immensely talented you are. I might have not seen your first attempts at editing, but I know how it looks like when you're barely starting something, and I'm sure everyone is proud of the progress you've made and many people looks up to you as the level of skill they want to achieve. You're doing amazing! 💖💖💖
Hi, my love!!!!!! ASDFSDFGHG that’s soooo sweet, thank you so much for saying this, it really means the world to me <3 Oh, haha I’ve deleted most of my old videos so it wouldn’t hurt anyone’s eyes lmao T_T I’m still a bit nervous each time I’m uploading my vids to the day to be honest, even with so many subs rn, but at first I really didn’t have any supporters at all and my god I sucked at this, but I guess the love for my fav ships was stronger apparently haha. So I always get silly happy at each nice comment and feedback, so thank you seriously. 
I really love love love vidding, Idk why but when smth comes out the way I wanted it’s a super addictive feeling for some reason, but many times I just looked at the final result and just threw it in the trash and started over and my god how many times SonyVegas crushed and didn’t autosave the project. I’m like Suga now, I’m pressing the save button each 2 minutes, cause don’t want to lose anything xD Being someone’s inspiration is truly an honor to me, I’ve got some messages that hit me too hard. Still feels weird bc I’m like “but do you know that I can’t even use photoshop tho, how do u like me now then?” lol.
I’m always drawn to talented characters, bc they amaze me, esp the humble ones. Like those who hate Haru or Lanaga just buffle me honestly. I understand that they’re pretty and talented and everything, but they’re also the sweetest and loveliest human beings, so like...??? And I adore those who don’t whine and get what they want. I just can’t help it. I’m a strong believer in the fact that "you can do anything if you put your mind to it”. So far it worked in real life so suck it lol.
People are also saying like Langa doesn’t deserve to win this and Haru doesn’t deserve to be in Olympics, like Langa didn’t snowboard since he was 2 and Haru wasn’t swimming every day since he was born. I’m like.. and you need to check in the mirror if your face is a shade of green. BTW I’ve also been in a professional sports for quite a long time since I was a little kid, ballroom dancing and adored it back then, and I did not get jealous at ppl who were talented than me, I was watching the tapes actually with a popcorn. And oh god those large competition events when you sit there for days and give it all, but then you’re like 296 out of 1000. Why was I proud instead of being sad? Idk xD It was fun.
So thanks for liking the vid, cause I even regretted uploading it a bit yesterday. Sadly everyone already knows that we lost this fandom to the middle schoolers being extra, so they do not care for anything each episode except for this ship, so that’s what I got for posting a just Langa vid:
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And etc. and that just made me sad, cause I do not like such fandoms, like it’s not even related to the video, that I’ve been making... with love.  Also thanks for the "sama” title, I’m flattered, but editor only wants to vid matchablossom for now, so like there’s no need for any warnings. I’ve been in such horrendoes fandoms, that I’m immune to this. I also in fact didn’t know some keep ruining Langa’s page and saying that he steals Reki’s screen time... cause he’s aparently the only main character...? ...lmao? I didn’t even know Langa can be hated tbh. I wasn’t really ready for all the drama that followed me making a vid about him.
I’ve already deleted some comments, cause I’m like what this even has to do with the vid about Langa? No, I am not obliged to make a vid about Reki, too. What if I post a matchablossom vid, everyone will only start commenting “do renga”, cause fuck your efforts? I’m like... I hate such fanbases, seriously. I do not even know where this is going, but their fans are already pissing me off. I’m still trying hard for this to not affect my point of view about the ship, cause it’d be kinda unfair to them, but its getting harder each week istg.
And I maybe can’t take requests, but I love when some try to get me addicted on their ship with passion and great arguments. It happened to me with some nice ppl. But def not with agression and stupidity haha.
Cause apparently its one of the fandoms where you can’t NOT care for the main ship, even if you accept it for the only possible Langa ship (cause he doesn’t give a shit for anyone else, so like what’s the point), but it doesn’t do anything for you. I’m like... thanks for threatening. This will make me on board ASAP. Like it’s not the epitomy of love to me... I’m sorry? LMAO 
Some anon even sent me a “you’re dense” (literally thats it) ask after that Reki ask. I was tempted to write smth like “oh I’m sorry, this is the most epic love story of my life and his character is the most complex in the world and he’s the best friend and the most inspiring human being that ever hit my screen. can I become undense now? xD”. But you know I do not know if they’d realise the sarcasm and my pride sadly never allowed me to sell my life values for a bunch of 12 years olds to love me lol
My sister always laughs and jokingly says “but you’d probably get much more subs if you made a vid about this or that, but at what price that would be lmao”. Cause yeah, I never could make myself vid smth I do not like, cause I love vidding and do not want it to be associated with things I do not like, plus it’ll most likely turn out ugly, if I do not care. My mom says that she can feel love I put in my shipping vids that’s why she loves them. I really don’t think she’s wrong. But that also kinda makes me an idiot technically, cause I’m not into many of the popular ships, and some popular animes I just find really basic. 
Also I’m like 100% sure it ain’t happening, but even if they miraculously suck each other’s dicks while sitting on a skate board, I can still have the rights not to care at the end. Like did I sign some form where I’m obliged to love each and everyone canon gay ship even if it’s not what I like? Like gay is not the type of love in relationships. You can only care about his ass like Lan Zhan for example or you can only care about your ass. Like that’s different types of relationships, and whatever you like you like. So get all the way of people’s backs, please.
Also do ppl know that you do not need to be blind to the bad sides of the characters in your ships? Or you just gonna be like “I suddenly can’t see” for forever.
So really thanks for such wonderful message and liking the video and for the boosts when I need them and not being an ass to me if I’m not being obsessed with smth, when you like it. (like I think we have different ship in bnha, right? but we’re still doing great tho, thanks for being an angel <3)
I still didn’t expect this becoming a Voltron 2.0. situation tho. We in our twenties see everything differently, I guess. I do get extra about “their love is everywhere”, but I do not get extra by anonymously attacking ppl, threatening creators and yelling “queeerbating psychotic blind assholes if these two aint fucking by the end of the season I’m shaving my head and jumping out of the window and shoot the director. you do not ship it HARD? YOU DUMB FUCK. THAT’S THE BEST LOVE STORY IN THE WORLD”. Like damn, take your blinders off and see the world, kid. Firstly, it’s definitely not, secondly, ppl see love differently in general and at each age too.
Ah, also you must kill Adam, cause he’s a pedo apparently. Like he ain’t even a threat to your ship, unless you’re blind, but they’re still at it, like they do not know that this kind of age difference is literally nothing for an anime? And that there are canon ships with a huger age difference left and right, too. It’s like its their first time approaching an anime or smth. Like in anime world character can literally kill 1000 ppl with his bare hands and bathe in their blood and we can still stan them, depends on their story, ok? Also Langa couldn’t care less for his advances, so like separate Adam from your ship pls. Like, fuck off, if someone is interested in his character. Yeah, he’s a weirdo for reasons, but anime kind of weird do not apply to real life. Stop acting like you’re some purist, when later you’re gonna ship smth else and it suddenly will not apply. Also rules do not apply to animes, everyone knows they do not apply. These are not western cartoons, my god. And 24 years old flirting with 16 year old is defiinitely not the weirdest shit anyone has ever seen in the anime. Chinese BL has characters who were 14 and 30 when they met and happily married. Also FICTION is not life. Literally no one cares. If you’re scared for your saint eyes, do not watch animes, you’re gonna have a heart-attack from what you can see there. Also we’ve seen gayer bromances in animes, who are just bromances, so pls do not shoot anyone if it’s not canon.
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So basically I was kinda pissed yersterday, cause fuck them for ruining the tag, but after chatting with my hommies and your ask, I’m okay again, I just have to avoid this fandom and stick to a tight community xD. I just got used to my nice fandoms and forgot for a bit about the precautions you need to take if you’re in one of those. You know. Who make a circus out of lgbt, instead of supporting it, and make other ppl hate being in fandoms.
P.S. sorry for this partially unrelated rant, your messages really always make my heart bloom, so thanks for supporting me, and I know you’re proud of my progress, too <3 and this makes me happy. LY
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bestworstcase · 4 years
A while back you mentioned how Cathay is revered as a protector of the dead, could you give us any more details about how the notion of an afterlife is approached within the various Bitter Snow religions? (especially curious on how understandings about death/afterlife within the Saporian Ternary intersects with the ritualistic necromancy aspect of Cathay's cult)
so in the… functional sense, i think the way death and afterlifes work in the bitter snow universe is that the souls of the dead pass into the care of whatever deity has the strongest claim on them, and what happens after that is dependent on the tenets of contracts or decisions made by the deity in question. so in a sense, your beliefs while you’re alive shape what happens to you after you die. (and i figure souls that are unaffiliated / unclaimed tend to just kinda. decay, disperse, and get recycled in a manner similar to the physical cycle of decomposition and renewal; ghosts occur when a soul is anchored in the physical plane somehow, whether by religious practices or simply having a strong enough will to endure without the vessel of a physical body, ie the “unfinished business” case.)
within the ternary, things get a bit complicated because you have three different patrons all of whom technically have an afterlife option; and the one thing you absolutely want to avoid is having multiple deities squabbling over custody of your soul once you die. i think there are probably layers and layers of rules and religious traditions that at their core exist to prevent divine custody battles. especially between zhan tiri and cathay, who (a) hate each other and (b) have domains that overlap because cathay’s dominion is over the dead while part of zhan tiri’s sphere is death.
actually wait let me zoom out a little and say first: broadly speaking, what unites the faiths of the ternary into a single religion is pursuit of a philosophical concept called choimghē, which is… mingling of the profane/mundane and sublime/divine. the word itself literally means “cusp” or “threshold,” and the philosophical idea here is that there is this irreconcilable tension between the profane and the sublime; both exist in a perpetual state of fascination/repulsion with each other; to achieve choimghē is to achieve balance between the two, resolving the fascinated/repulsed tension into peaceful coexistence. the three cults of the ternary are all founded upon this concept, but they pursue it in different ways: cathay’s cult through a repudiation of things anchoring a person to the profane in order to make room for the sublime, char malách’s through creation and spirituality that seeks to bring the profane closer to the sublime, and zhan tiri’s through this almost symbiotic relationship between the profane and the sublime where the end goal is to converge the two into a new blended whole. and of course, since the average religious saporian keeps the tenets of all three cults to some degree, you get blended versions of this philosophy also.
& the point of that digression is to say that the way the cults, and the ternary overall, conceptualize death is as the moment when true choimghē becomes possible. your soul is freed from its profane/mortal/physical body and can now achieve full communion or harmony with the sublime/divine. and as i said, there are three options for this:
cathay. in… a sense, cathay is the dead. she is said to rule over the realm of the dead, but this is also typically understood to be metaphorical rather than literal: there is no “realm” where the dead live after death, there is just cathay, and when she claims your soul after you die you become a part of cathay too; your individual existence is the final tether anchoring you to the profane and in the moment of death you shed that and find perfect union with the sublime, in the form of cathay. this overlaps with her role as a protector of the dead; she gives them peace, and rest, and solace from whatever suffering they may have endured in life, while also preserving them for eternity, and she does that by making them a part of herself.
the ritualistic necromancy practiced by her cult is actually quite removed from this, because a clear dividing line is drawn between “the dead” and “the bodies the dead leave behind.” there’s no… real cultural concept in saporia of desecrating a corpse, except insofar as the corpse may be regarded as a shrine to a god. (by a similar token i think saporians find burial practices that focus on the body as a representation of the dead person rather distasteful: why are you using this slab of meat and bones as an icon of the deceased.) so the use of animated bodies by cathay’s cult is for the edification of cathay herself (…and by extension all the dead who joined her…) and is seen as having nothing whatsoever to do with the person to whom that body once belonged. they have vacated the premises. the body isn’t them.
anyway, second option: char malách. i think of the gods of the ternary his “afterlife” is the most nebulous, because he isn’t especially interesting in collecting souls or incorporating them into his being but he does respect the arrangements between himself and his disciples so he’ll accept them if they’re offered; and i think what he would tend to do with them is weave them into something new. it isn’t reincarnation per se, it’s more… as if the souls of the dead are clay he shapes into new forms that please him; into metal ores or stars or fires or gemstones or whatever strikes his fancy. you get woven into the fabric of the universe. there is some overlap here with the cathay option where you’re shedding your individuality to become part of a collective, but the key difference is that rather than becoming part of the sublime/divine you are instead contributing to the lifting of the profane into the level of the sublime. i think in general this is the rarest path for people to take, because the uncertainty of precisely what will happen to you is frightening, and for close adherents of char malách there isn’t really a downside to going to cathay when you die, because one of the key tenets of the cult is that the destruction and disaster she embodies are just as cherished and valuable a facet of the cosmos as any other.
and third option: zhan tiri. i think hers is unique in that it is available only to those who dedicate themselves to her above the rest of the ternary; casual adherents of her cult who also participate in the practices of the other two tend to go to cathay, or occasionally to char malách, because zhan tiri simply is not interested in keeping you around if you don’t put her first. and it’s also a little unique in that her form of afterlife features a continual cycle of reincarnation, into trees or her huge assortment of sacred animals or on occasion when she feels like it into a human again. or for her hand-picked favorites there is also the scion option, which is like… soul-grafting; her scions are basically human souls anchored into new physical vessels formed from her. anything she can do, they can do on a smaller scale. it’s considered an immense honor for her to even offer.
and there is some tension between cathay’s cult and zhan tiri’s on the matter of burial practices, because zhan tiri’s cult has a set of traditions that involve the preparation and burial of corpses in places sacred to zhan tiri—again, for the edification of zhan tiri rather than for the dead, who are memorialized in other ways—and so there’s this long-standing grudge based on the “bodies should be interred in barrows and available for necromancy to pay respects to cathay” vs “bodies should be buried in forests or bogs so they can decompose and rejuvenate the soil to pay respects to zhan tiri” argument. also, when zhan tiri is feeling especially petty, she is absolutely not above poaching cathay’s wights and filling them with plants and letting them rot until they fall apart. church-sanctioned graverobbing.
coronans find all of this to be exceptionally disturbing. almost every form of traditional saporian burial or death ritual involves what coronans perceive as arbitrary mutilation of the corpse, and the concept of choimghē that underlies all saporian beliefs about death and the afterlife flies directly in the face of the coronan cultural view that magic (ie what saporians refer to as the sublime) and humanity (is the profane) are not ever meant to touch and that pursuit of magic or consorting with magical beings is never desirable.
i think coronans, esp religious ones, tend to conceptualize an afterlife that is a real, physical place beyond the western horizon, in the sun, or among the stars. the funeral barge tradition of sailing pyres into the sunset is a symbolic sending off of the dead to that physical realm, and i think there are also probably various legends/folktales about living people traveling to the afterlife for various reasons. (i have some vague ideas about a common variation on the sundrop myth that involves The First Healer traveling into the realm of the dead and bringing back a magical flower that taught him the secrets of medicine, though that’s vanishingly unlikely to ever show up in the story itself.)
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theshinsun · 4 years
Hello again! Here I am sending more 😂 Do you mind doing character thing with Kasamatsu, Imayoshi, Wakamatsu and Otsubo? If it's too much, can you do with the first three? Thank you 💕
Hello again! ^^ (So sorry for the delay I was half done and then I got hit with homework and classes and didn’t have much time to do more analyses, but they’re done for the week now! I’m free!) 
I don’t mind at all! But if it’s alright with you, I probably will just do those first three, not just because it’ll be ridiculously long otherwise, but because I don’t really? think I have any strong specific feelings for Otsubo? Idk why, I like him I just didn’t connect that much with him I don’t think... but I’ll gladly talk about the others!
How I feel about this character
GOOD SENPAI. I love this guy so much and wish he got to interact with more of the cast, I really vibe with his character design (his eyes are just... damn, also SOCKS), and I love the relationship he has with his team. He’s ruthless but obviously cares about all of them working together well, and is just looking for the respect he’s due as captain. Boy puts up with so much bullshit from his team of chaotic flaky weirdos, someone needs to cut him a break.  
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kise (KiKasa ftw, the character development Kise goes through because of Kasamatsu is excellent, and almost instantaneous after he joins the team [“I liked being Kise of Kaijo”]. it’s really easy to interpret his behavior toward Kasamatsu as a crush; there’s no denying they’ve got chemistry and work well together... and even tho Kise drives his senpai nuts, they obviously both care about each other a lot)
Aomine (I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. They have one [1] interaction in canon, but that one interaction sold it for me. Aomine showing deference to someone and calling them “senpai”, helping him up after he got knocked down which seems... pretty unusual for him at the time, I’m so down for these two being in a relationship, it’s such a different dynamic than I usually see with pairings featuring Aomine, and there seems to be some legit respect to build off of there)
Imayoshi (I blame Lysapadin’s fic The Long Game for this, the way these two play off each other there and also canonically is... hilarious, the flirting, the Banter, please give me more quality captain ships I have a need) 
Hyuuga (MORE QUALITY CAPTAIN SHIPS. I talked about them a little in my list for Hyuuga, but I just love the idea of both of these tough, exasperated captains getting to be vulnerable with each other)
and this one is a crossover but
Oikawa Tooru (maybe because he reminds me so much of Kise, and Kasamatsu so much like Iwaizumi, I feel like they’d have a similar dynamic, but it’d be interesting to see how, unlike Kise, a hardworking somewhat self-destructive person and a fellow third-year like Oikawa would get on with this guy.) 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Hmmm.... I’m gonna have to say Imayoshi again, even tho they work together as a couple too. The way they interact is so good, whether it’s platonic or not, and I’d love to see more one-on-one interaction with them. It could just be because the way Lysapadin handles their respective personalities in multiple fics is so perfect, but if they’re not romantically involved I’d at least like to see them as snarky semi-begrudging basketball buddies. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t know? If I have one? Mostly bc I don’t really know what the fandom itself thinks about Kasamatsu, he didn’t get a lot of press even in KNB’s heyday. A random opinion/hc of him tho is he seems to be a bit of a pessimist. Whenever he’s commentating he’s just talking about how the team’s gonna lose, and even before his own game he seemed to just be thinking about how he lost before. Idk what else to give ya, just something I observed that I don’t really see talked about or portrayed for this guy.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
*deep inhale* MOOORE SCREEEENTIME. And not just as a commentator/attachment to Kaijo where Kise hogs the spotlight, give this guy some time to interact with other characters and flesh him out some more please! I know I’m a broken record but that’s the only thing I can think of to improve him.
How I feel about this character
I didn’t used to have much opinion of this guy tbh, when I was new to KNB… but NOW, damn, I love him every time he appears. He’s hilarious, I love how sassy and clever he is, I love that he has an accent (tho it’s only pointed out in the manga), I love that he gets to have little tidbits, like that he’s bad at drawing but good at mind-reading, and how he wears slippers in a school environment and just goes around teasing everyone, whether they’re teammates or opponents. Love this guy. I love how extra he is and I’m living every time he’s on screen.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Aomine (ok I talked about this quite a bit already in my Aomine rant analysis, and I mostly blame Lysapadin’s A Firm Hand series, but I just can’t get enough of the idea of these two together… [also this comic ] Imayoshi taking Aomine in hand and knowing how to handle him when no one else does, and gradually warming up to him when he stops playing tough and finally shows his soft side. good shit)
Momoi (also probably bc of A Firm Hand, but I could see these two having a very interesting relationship. They’re both extremely smart, and good at understanding people, and I really like the idea of Imayoshi taking Momoi under his wing so she doesn’t have to suffer in silence and handle everything by herself. I feel like they’d be surprisingly sweet to each other, but lesbehonest, also a potentially terrifying power couple that I almost never see done)
Kasamatsu (again, just like above, a unique dynamic and a lovely rarepair that doesn’t get talked about enough. they didn’t get nearly enough time to play off each other in canon but what we did see was damn good) 
Hanamiya (ok so… I’m not immune to this ship. I’ve seen some art, a couple fics, and it doesn’t seem to be much of a thing anymore, but still, why the hell not. they’ve got history, they’re both smart slightly evil [or very evil] shits, and they’d be such a disaster of a couple that’s why I love them)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
If not Kasamatsu, then probably Susa. They only got a little time to bond in canon, but I do love their dynamic and how chill they seem to be with each other. They remind me of a team mom/dad duo (tho I couldn’t tell you which was which lol). I could probably be talked into shipping them romantically, but I also just like the way they get along as friends and teammates. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
This is more an argument I keep having with my sister… but I actually, genuinely like this guy’s design. She thinks he looks creepy and too evil and doesn’t like that his eyes are drawn closed, but esp in the manga, he looks really polished and I like that you can tell when he gets serious by whether you can see his eyes open. (or as I say to my roommate “oh shit he’s got eyes they’re in trouble”)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish we got to see more of him just hanging with his team. Idk maybe I’m biased, but I feel like Touou in particular doesn’t get that much time devoted to, like, practice and normal everyday shit (maybe bc we got to see Kaijo twice and Shuutoku got a whole training camp plus some, but all we get of them is the hot springs scene and a very short scene at the beginning and end of the show imeanwhat) I would’ve liked to get to know this guy better and see more of how he runs his very strange individualized team, but that could just be me.  
How I feel about this character
My dude puts up with so much shit. I mean the first we see of him he’s getting kneed in the stomach by a certain dickish first-year, and he just always seems… so done with what’s going on around him. When he’s not yelling about it, which… mood, tbh. He’s relegated to little more than a background character in the anime, and only gets a liiiittle more development in the manga (as well as lots of really good faces), but tbh I’d love to see more of him. I’d love to know what he’s like as a captain and see more of how he gets along with the team; he’s the kind of hotheaded noisy player they make into the protagonist of other shows and I want to know more about him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Momoi (k a couple of my friends @spaztictwitch and @hadenxcharm actually sold me on this one. It’s a really really rare pair, but now I can’t stop thinking about it and I really like the possibilities of them as a couple.)
Aomine (again I talked a little bit about this in my Aomine essay, but I’m a sucker for this kind of ship… the love/hate dynamic, I mean. that doesn’t get old does it. and yet I don’t think I’ve ever seen content for these guys together, maybe I should take it on myself)
Sakurai (hot-tempered senpai/captain and anxious apologetic mushroom, sign me tf up these two would be Hilarious as a pairing, oh my god. I love it)
Kiyoshi (k listen. LISTEN. yes all I’ve got is the fact that they’re both centers and they only interact, like, twice, but the idea popped into my head and I think I could actually totally see it. any takers?)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Imayoshi. I don’t know if I’d ship them as a romantic pair (tho like with most things, if someone made a good case for them I’d consider it), but I do like their canonical interactions, like Imayoshi explaining the exceptions made for prodigies in sports (“do you know the golfer Tiger Woods? How about Shaq?”), and passing the proverbial hat to him when he retires as captain (“no worries, you’ll do fine!” like he’s reassuring a new parent or smth lmao). They’re good teammates even if Touou is not really about teamwork, and I like the mutual respect in how they seem to get along.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Not just a one-note guy who yells all the time. I mean, yes, he does yell and he’s got a short temper, but so does Kagami and people don’t portray him as a guy with only one emotion and that emotion is Anger. I mean… usually they don’t. Idk maybe it’s because most of his screentime involves him butting heads with Aomine, but he seems to get along with the rest of the team alright. He respects his seniors and the spirit of the team too, he’s just an all-around good guy that seems to get the short end of the stick a lot.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I have a MIGHTY NEED to see how this guy does as captain, I want to know how he does things differently than Imayoshi and how he handles all the bullshit the team throws now that it’s all gonna be landing on his shoulders. We only got a tiny scene at the end of the show demonstrating his policy about Aomine, and we barely saw him at all in the Last Game, is he doing okay?? Is he ruling Touou with an iron fist or getting into screaming matches with his kouhai? I need to Know.
Thanks so much for asking, I really appreciate the show of interest! <3 Sorry again about the delay!
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bokuroaka · 5 years
youre so right about the fanon characterization of akaashi, kuroo, ushi, kenma and suga. Especially Kuroo in fanfics etc makes me cringe.
yeah like i really dont understand kuroo tbh i understand how ppl can write him off as being annoying/provocative (well he kinda is but like… i love him) BUT the s*x god kuroo? casanova kuroo? WHERE did this come from. and when ppl write him off such that hes an uncaring bastard…… it gets on my NERVES. like idk man!! what i rlly love about kuroo is that hes kind. hes kind and perceptive and uses both of those aspects to the best he can, albeit not in the traditional way. he uses provocation as a way to check up on others and 100% he never really means it. im also 100% sure that the decision for kuroo to be nekoma’s captain was completely unanimous… hes such a good captain fr! like daichi he knows exactly what to say to push his teammates button and how to pull the best out of them when theyre playing.
and akaashi…. tbh its kind of understandable to me, because his true character and attitude towards bokuto lies in his actions, not his words. ok maybe im biased because i have hindsight from the fukurodani arc but.. idk!! i dont understand how u can say akaashi doesnt care for bokuto/gets pissed off at him/etc etc when like… on court his actions say the opposite. being the setter he works tirelessly to bring out bokuto’s best ability on court! he learns bokuto’s mood swings, his emotional tell tales, and he tries his best to counteract it. so does the rest of fukurodani! theres a specific moment that comes into my mind when i talk abt this, i dont remember the chapter but like it was something along the lines of akaashi convincing bokuto that bc theyre playing in a smaller arena theres more eyes on him, and akaashi points to hinata who just bought bokuto’s ace t-shirt. idk like why would akaashi devote so much energy to bokuto if he doesnt like him? why is akaashi w bokuto like 24/7 in all the scenes hes present?? if it were the case of victory in mind than im p sure akaashi wld spend more time devoting his energy to work around bokuto’s moods than working alongside it/with it but he doesnt.
ushijimas case is rlly just bc ppl are ableist. its the same case with mob but because hes framed as an “antagonist” hes demonized to the point of no return. i dont know why ppl r pushing the antagonism real hard w him like…… its volleyball. all of the antagonists on haikyuu arent even real ‘antagonists’ theyre just other volleyball teams who just happen to face off against kageyama/hinata/karasuno.
kenma’s case is purely bc of fujoshi culture and it goes hand in hand with kuroo’s mischaracterization. like that boy is TERRIFYING its more apparent in the manga (esp in the karasuno-nekoma match and all the symbolism of trapping crows in the cage…) the manga does a better job at deviating from fanons uwu soft boy image bc hes usually drawn akin to like… a feral cat. yeah. nothing abt it says uwu soft boy. the only reason (anime) hasnt seen the true potential of his mind is bc like…… hes too. lazy?? to do it??? except when hes rlly riled up for something again like during the karasuno-nekoma match…
suga’s case is again just… fujoshi culture like they are so desperate to assign these mom and dad roles to two guys in any semblance of a group n to ship them accordingly. like. a male character cld show any form of care or kindness towards his friends and fujoshis wld be all over him and wld desginate him the mom of the group. its p funny bc suga has this thing where he beats other ppl up (asahi.. daichi) and jabs at them A LOT (asahi) and thats not… thats not mother behavior…
sorry this is so long KJDFGKLJSDF ive wanted to talk abt this for a long time…
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What is unique about the animation in season 2 compared/in contrast to season 1?
So the style. I don’t have anything particular to say of Season 2, because it’s not as weirdly or crudely drawn as Season 1, but I do have to say it’s BETTER drawn than Season 1, for sure. 
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The art style is already coming a long way by Season 2, and by the end of it, it’s already looking a lot like Season 3, which has a great art style in general (but as @queen-asante pointed out during Season 1 Month, the end of Season 1 was already starting to look like Season 2; characters were already progressing in their designs and becoming less ugly and better proportioned). So I don’t have as much to add of Season 2, since Season 1 saw the most progression and I don’t think Season 2 progresses *AS* much, since we witnessed the style change before the season started. I think the style stays pretty consistent from Season 2-4, even if Season 4 has the best art out of the cel animation period, prior to the digital age (even though Season 4′s art style looks relatively different from Season 5-6 onscreen, when you compare the model sheets, they look strikingly similar, so it’s not like Season 5 is a total style change; it’s just an improvement upon an already pre-established style).
That being said, I do want to talk a little about the character’s designs.
I always thought it was weird that Rolf is practically the only accurately drawn character when you compare his proportions to actual people.
When you look at everyone else… I mean, for starters, everyone has these extremely tiny feet, in various sizes, mind (I love how each of the Eds wears a different shoe size, from Edd as the smallest, to Eddy as medium and Ed as the largest). 
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But seriously, everyone’s feet are so small, they look like Chinese lotus feet, like everyone got foot bindings (if you don’t know what that looks like, don’t look it up if you don’t want to lose your lunch). Compared to their feet, everyone’s hands are fairly large, even if they’re normal sized by our standards (except for Kevin, of course, whom we never figured out during Kevin Month WHY he has such tiny hands; you don’t notice it so much until it’s compared with everyone else… but damn are they small, esp. in the first few seasons where they’re almost non-existent. There must be a reason for it, or it might be because it’s hilarious to see a jock with such tiny hands, who knows?) 
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Ahem. Pretty much all the characters, with the exception of Rolf who I will return to in a minute, have the anatomy of chimpanzees. They have typically long torsos, short legs, tiny feet, arms longer than their legs and large hands (albeit ‘’normal sized’’ in their universe, but their hands are larger than their feet).
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Now if you look at Rolf he isn’t designed at all like the other characters, and that’s most likely a conscious creative choice to set him apart as the only notable immigrant character. 
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He’s evidently much taller than the other kids, yes, but at least he doesn’t have the proportions of an ape. His torso is still longer than his legs, yes, but he has the longest legs out of the entire cast, even Lee (who’s high around the waist mom jeans gives off the false illusion that her legs are fairly long even though she’s tall). His arms aren’t longer than his legs like the others, and his hands aren’t larger than his feet. Even though Rolf’s feet are considered ‘’large’’ in their universe, in our world, they would be relatively normal size, since our feet our typically larger than our hands (as they should be; it would look weird otherwise). Technically, his proportions are the closest to a real human, and I’ve literally never seen any other cartoon do that before. I’m not sure why the EEnE characters are designed so odd, but that’s what gives  the show its charm. What makes it more unique, however, is that not EVERY character is drawn like a bad Picasso painting. Everyone is designed in a very particular way. Rolf is drawn by ‘’normal’’ standards and the others are drawn in a way that breaks all the rules of art, for one reason or other.  
God I just love this show.
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iruutciv · 7 years
well, what do you like besides yoi? any video games or movies or tv shows you like? maybe we'd have something in common. this is the same anon who wants to be your friend ; ;
Hmmmmm I’m into a LOT of things. Okay please allow me to go on a very long rant about some of the things I like. V/ long list below the cut
(Anon, even if nothing on this rant-like list matches your taste, you can still tell me what you like? I could get into something new, who knows! :))
Tv shows... off the top of my head my fav tv shows used to be: Pushing Daisies, Sherlock, Supernatural, Hannibal. These shows either disappointed me to a point of “fandom break-up” or got cancelled...
I love going to the movies. I can watch pretty much any film, given it’s not absolute trash. I loooove analysing films. I play CinemaSins at home with my brother. Fav director is probably David Fincher?
I’m generally into the MCU (thanks to the influences of my nerd brother. He keeps me updated). I love the MCU movies (my fav are the GOTG movies and the Captain America movies) and I think the casting managers working at Marvel deserve a special place in heaven
I LOVE BROADWAY MUSICALS. BROADWAY SOUNDTRACKS!!!! AHHHHHHH Recently (I know everyone has been through this phase already but) Hamilton has been on heavy rotation on my playlist for a few months now lol
I’ve been a fan of SHINee (the k-pop boy band) since 2009. (Still a fan, although not as intense) I’ve never really been interested in other k-pop groups besides SHINee though
Always was and always will be a Potterhead (I have recently finished rereading every single HP book except the Order of the Phoenix)
I like a lot of other animes too? Pretty much any anime by Studio Bones (FMA, Ouran, BSD, MP100, BNHA) and Production I.G. (Haikyuu, Joker Game,Psycho-pass). And NG Evangelion. (TALK NEON GENESIS EVANGELION TO ME. Esp about Kawoshin, my fucking gay and star-crossed af ship).
I am absolute trash for Sailor Moon (the old anime series, yes). I got into it because of the canon space lesbians, Haruka and Michiru. (Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are gay af and I love it so????? much?????) But even with the space gayness aside BSSM is a beautifully drawn, surprisingly progressive anime
Fav mangas.... I’ve mentioned CLAMP’s works on my blog before (I love pretty much all of their work); Death Note is my fav manga and I reread it every holiday (Light Yagami was my problematic fav #1). Naoki Urasawa’s Monster is another fav of mine (Johan Liebert was my problematic fav #2). Oh and Pandora Hearts (the manga) needs more recognition and love and the art style is literal goals. PANDORA HEARTS.
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glorious-umbrella · 7 years
Here’s another one! (b/c I got no original content/talent to contribute to the fandom LOL OTL)
Quan Zhi Gao Shou fan cover/Chinese adaption of Rain of Mind by Shuuhei Kita.
[半道英雄] means Hero who is halfway there. This song is just so nice/cute haha. Though, unlike the previous one, the video’s definitely MAJOR SPOILER ALERT. Because these are ppl drawn at their end-game teams. yeah. (rip me when I found this) For fun translation under cut of a comment on the video that points out the little easter eggs--song is not translated (I don’t got the fluency for that). Spoiler so bad. Last warning.
Translations tell me this is 無罪之罪’s art. I need to find this person’s art blog, not even kidding. Seriously the art for this is amazing??? 
Commenter 姚德暉 pointed out that if you look closely you can see tiny details in the characters that help identify them. Considering the fact that like 60% of these ppl haven’t even been introduced yet at the current novel translations, you’ll be lost if you haven’t been spoiled by say, the Wikia (rip me), or already finished the Chinese vers.
In order of appearance (not a word for word translation--I’ve added and deleted some stuff):
Ye Xiu (Excellent Era): smoking, the card
Wang Jiexi (Tiny Herb): unsymmetrical eyes (right is bigger)
Yu Wenzhou (Blue Rain): N/A
Han Wenqing (Tyranny): that fierce facial expression tho (somehow notable to commenter)
Zhou Zekai (Samsara): N/A
Jiang Botao (Samsara): N/A
Fang Minghua (Samsara): ring on right hand (I assume this is relevant later somehow? Don’t tell me.)
Sun Xiang (Samsara): 3 fingers (idk? maybe indicates 3 teams)
Du Ming (Samsara): love letter
Li Xuan (Void | right): N/A
Yu Yuce (Void | left): his character Carved Ghost is a girl
Zhang Xinjie (Tyranny): jacket zipper pulled to the top, his watch
Lin Jingyan (Tyranny): glasses (idk? most fanart of him, he’s got glasses), gentle/elegant appearance (??? notable to commenter for some reason)
Song Qiying (Tyranny): N/A
Zhang Jiale (Tyranny | right): 1 finger (idk? is this notable? could indicate previous team, could be his goal to be champ), red rose tattoo (previous Hundred Blossoms)
Sun Zheping (Heavenly Sword | left): hand injury (right), red butterfly tattoo (previous Happy)
Lou Guanning (Heavenly Sword): glass of wine (indicating wealth)
Wen Kebei (Heavenly Sword): N/A
Xiao Shiqin (Thunderclap): chess pieces (one of the "Four Master Tacticians"), glasses
Chu Yunxiu (Misty Rain): her character Windy Rain is a guy
Ye Xiu (Happy): smoking, blue butterfly, only one whose in-game character Lord Grim looks different than the player--he’s likely modeled after Su Muqiu
Huang Shaotian (Blue Rain): N/A
Zheng Xuan (Blue Rain): biting something (commenter unsure if this counts or is relevant)
Song Xiao (Blue Rain): N/A
Lu Hanwen (Blue Rain): also biting candy, tho in this case it’s probably just to indicate his young age, along with the bunny hair tie
Liu Xiaobie (Tiny Herb): earphones (apparently relevant later)
Gao Yingjie (Tiny Herb): N/A
Yuan Baiqing (Tiny Herb): N/A
Xu Bin (Tiny Herb): N/A 
Dai Yanqi (Thunderclap): N/A
Fang Xuecai (Thunderclap): N/A
Shu Kexin (Misty Rain): N/A
Shu Keyi (Misty Rain): N/A
Li Hua (Misty Rain): N/A
Yang Cong (301 Degrees): N/A
Bai Shu (301 Degrees): luggage (previously from England)
Yu Feng (Hundred Blossoms): flowers 
Zou Yuan (Hundred Blossoms): flowers 
Qiu Fei (New Excellent Era): N/A
Zhao Yuzhe (Wind Howl): N/A
Tang Hao (Wind Howl): N/A
Tang Rou (Happy | left): 3 fingers up (一挑三: 1v3 is strongly associated with Tang Rou in the Chinese fandom, probably relevant later)
Su Mucheng (Happy | middle): N/A
Chen Guo (Happy | right): blue butterfly, idk why flowers tho (maybe relevant later?)
Mo Fan (Happy | far left): hood
An Wenyi (Happy | mid left): N/A
Qiao Yifan (Happy | mid right): cup/water
Wei Chen (Happy | far right): smoking, thin mustache (lookie how old the guy is haha)
Luo Ji (Happy | left): books, pens, fancy vest (student)
Fang Rui (Happy | middle): N/A
Bao Rongxing (Happy | right): everything XD--long blond hair, tattoos, happy smile
Ye Xiu (final shot): still smoking (LOL), blue butterfly, championship trophy
Su Muqiu (no team): umbrella, back (indicates passing)
(Holy shit what a big cast...)
You’ll notice that in addition to the team uniforms:
the Samsara ppl all have the same tooth necklace (except Sun Xiang)
the Void Ghostblade duo share a ring necklace
Zhang Jiale and Sun Zheping are together because both are from Hundred Blossoms
Heavenly Sword ppl all wear loose yellow ties
Tiny Herb all wear a beret except for Wang Jiexi, who has a fancy top hat--probably indicates he’s the most notable
Samsara, Blue Rain, and Tiny Herb are the only teams with special backgrounds (maybe Tyranny)
Can I just say I really, really love the in-game character designs? Even though they’re really different from the official one, the designs are all on point, esp Lord Grim--I’m kinda unsatisfied with Lord Grim’s appearance in the animation because he should be colorful, at least, if the animators don’t want to do mismatched equipment--his colors are so dull when they’re supposed to be so colorful it hurts the eyes (刺眼).
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tl-notes · 8 years
Kobayashi’s Maid Dragon Episode 6 Notes
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The first two cuts of the episode, and we're greeted with three different season words right off the bat. Kyoani is really making a lot of use of them in this show and I love it.
The first is the bird there, a swallow (tsubame 燕 in Japanese). Swallows are used as both spring and summer season words. In spring, they arrive back in Japan after their winter migration and start making nests and laying eggs.
In summer, the hatchlings have left the nest and are out finding their own mates.
The spring season word usage tends to allude to swallows' nests or chicks, and the summer spring word usage tends to refer to flying swallows.
Mmm, metaphors.
The second is the snail, which are especially associated with tsuyu 梅雨, the Japanese rainy season. The rainy season tends to mark the end of spring and beginning of summer—really you can think of it kind of like a fifth season, warmer than spring, cooler than summer, and rainy as heck. It usually lasts about a month and a half or so (and makes doing laundry hell).
The third is the hydrangea flower (ajisai 紫陽花 in Japanese), which like the snail is associated with tsuyu. If cherry blossoms are the spring flower, hydrangeas are the rainy season flower. Some people even go do flower viewings of them, though it's not as common a practice as it is with cherry blossoms.
They made an appearance in another fairly recent show, Amanchu:
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Notice the pink and blue slippers off to the right? Those are to wear when using the bathroom—or rather, the toilet, since the toilet will be in a separate room from the bath/shower in most Japanese homes.
So there's probably something like this on the other side of that door there:
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Darjeeling, as I'm sure you know, is a fancy kind of tea. The name comes from where it is grown: the Darjeeling area in India. Much like Champagne, there are legal branding restrictions in place such that only tea grown and processed in parts of Darjeeling can call itself "Darjeeling."
"Flush" refers to when the tea leaves were harvested. First flush means those leaves were part of the first harvest of that year's crop. It's a good thing.
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The Japanese word for flea market used here is a literal translation, nomi no ichi 蚤の市. Nowadays it's more common to refer to them with the English loan word (furii maaketto), as nomi is a gross bug and English is cool.
So, that it was a nomi no ichi and not a flea market possibly implies it was more of an old school affair aimed at an older audience... and/or a pun, because nomi (飲み) can also refer to drinking/beverages.
Random fact regarding the loan word version of the name: flea and free are both furii フリー in Japanese. Some "flea" markets in Japanese are actually called "free" markets, as anybody is "free" to join and sell stuff.
...Making "free market" one of those "Japanese English" (wasei eigo 和製英語) phrases that Japanese people will use sometimes when speaking English that leads to confusion, since of course free market means something quite different from flea market in native English.
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Vegetable Racer!
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This is super minor, but I thought it was interesting (you might not; feel free to skip):
The way these are worded in the subs, to me, sounds like Kobayashi is either guessing at those facts (especially in the second one: "I guess [...]"), or just found out about them in the context of that conversation (especially in the first one: "So [...], huh?").
The Japanese nuance is slightly different:
ジョージさんって才川さんのお姉さんなんだって。Georgie-san tte Saikawa-san no onee-san nandatte.
ジョージはメイドに扮装してる時のニックネームだった。Georgie wa maid ni funsou shiteru toki no nickname datta.
The "nandatte" in the first line implies she was told that information by someone else (presumably Georgie) and is now explaining/telling it to Tohru and/or Kanna—more of a "turns out she was actually Saikawa-san's sister" sort of vibe.
The "datta" in the second line is a bit more of a solid statement than an "I guess"; following from the previous line it's a little more "...and the name 'Georgie' is what she uses when playing a maid."
So, again, suuper minor, but I thought that "seems to be inferring/guessing at those things" versus "heard them from (probably) Georgie and is telling them to Tohru/Kanna" distinction was interesting.
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"Fanatic" here is "mania," a loan word often attached to things as a suffix in a similar way as otaku—in fact, a lot of people aren't really sure what the difference between the two is.
Basically, otaku is more "person who really likes X" and mania is more "person who is really devoted to X." You might think of it like "fan" versus "enthusiast."
Of course, otaku is also especially associated with anime/manga/games/etc., but both can be used for basically any hobby or interest.
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Let's learn from this little frog and take a short break to enjoy the scenery a little.
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She seems to have been mouthing "nameaiko 舐め合いこ," i.e. the licking each other thing she used to do with Tohru, if you recall from episode three.
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So nothing lewd at all, get your minds out of the gutter. This is a family show.
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This seems to be a translation error. Lucoa is asking dou? kore kara asobi ni konai? どう?これから遊びに来ない?, which is not asking whether she can keep coming to visit them, but an invitation for them to come visit her new place. Specifically kore kara basically means "now"—which makes sense, considering they go to visit immediately after that conversation.
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You've probably noticed these riverside shots in a bunch of other shows; they really are that common in Japan. The Japanese government has long loved standardized infrastructure projects, and this is one example (another being: notice how all the anime high schools look really similar?). They're basically artificial mini-flood plains to contain the rivers in the event of heavy rain (esp. in typhoon season) or whatever, while also providing some public space for kids to play or people to jog or whatnot. They're quite nice.
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Interesting how Lucoa and Tohru both do that thing with their hands as they walk here.
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Why Venusian? In mythology, Quetzalcoatl is said to have become Venus (rather, the morning star) after the whole incident with the sister.
For reference, "Venusian" in Japanese is the kanji for Venus (gold + planet/star) and person—i.e., the standard set-up for "person from X" (American [person] is アメリカ人, Japanese [person] is 日本人, etc.). But, if you wanted to get really literal about it, could also mean "Venus person," which would be pretty accurate according to the myth!
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Shouta is a perfectly normal name for men. A similar name happens to be Shoutarou, the young boy protagonist in classic anime Tetsujin 28-go* (which you may be familiar under the name of Gigantor) .
Coincidentally, Shoutarou got a lot of...adult... fan material made about him, to the point people into that stuff were said to have a Shoutarou Complex, which was abbreviated to shotacon.
That has absolutely nothing to do with this new character here, as this is a wholesome family show.
*The tetsujin in that title follows the same kanji scheme as above, iron (鉄) plus person (人). The -gou is something attached to numbers in a numbering scheme; for example, Apollo 13 in Japanese is Apollo 13-gou (アポロ13号).
Also, the phrase used for "fidget" here is the same one from Konosuba episode 5: sowa sowa.
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Interesting that his color scheme has a lot in common with Lucoa's (hair).
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The text in the bubble is kyun キュン, the sound effect word for your heart "squeezing" when you see something excessively cute and/or lovable.
That can be both platonic, like a hamster or other small animal, or romantic, like the person you have a crush on, but in either case the key is how adorable it is.
It differs from doki doki, the other similar heart-pounding sound effect, in that kyun tends to be an instantaneous thing, and doki doki is more a continuous thing. For example, kyun is commonly a reaction to a cute action, like a hamster falling asleep in your hand, and doki doki is instead more like a state you're in, a raised heart rate while in close proximity with your crush.
Though exceptions exist of course.
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Another super minor thing you can probably skip. The Japanese line here is:
僕が帰る流れになってない? Boku ga kaeru nagare ni natte nai?
Nagare is like "flow" (it's actually a noun-ified version of the verb "to flow," nagareru), both literally (like the flow of a river) and figuratively. It's often used in situations like this, where you can tell the "flow" of the conversation is headed in a certain direction/to a certain conclusion. Like "I see where this is going." Or perhaps more commonly(?), used in retrospect when describing why something happened; "I just went with the flow" or "it just kind of ended up that way" kind of stuff.
It's a common opinion in Japan that Japanese people are bad at saying no* to things (there's a bunch of pop literature written about this in Japanese, it's not just a "wow Japan is so weird" foreigner opinion), so this concept comes up a little more frequently than you might expect.
*Random example that always seems to bug the hell out of foreigners, especially when dealing with people like bank, government, etc. employees: the employee will typically say "mm, that would be a little difficult (chotto muzukashii or something)" instead of "no, we can't do that."
It usually involves a drawn out argument, where the foreigner is thinking "well fuck if they won't do it just because it's hard, that's dumb, it's their job," and the Japanese employee is thinking "why isn't this person taking the fucking hint, if I could do it I would."
That's a bit of an oversimplification, but is fairly illustrative of the concept in broad terms.
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Mini Japanese lesson part, skip if you want.
The word here is youzumi 用済み, which is less "useless," and more "already used [and thus no longer needed]" (though the difference is minor in this case). Basically the idea is that all he cared about was the summoning itself, and doesn't need anything else from her now that it's done.
This you 用 is an interesting word that you'll see pop up a lot in Japanese. It's similar to one definition of "business"; i.e. if you have something to talk about with someone, you have business(you) with them, or if you have something you need to do, you have some business(you) to take care of.
In that sense, you can pretty much always translate it as "business" and that will be accurate enough in terms of meaning—however, it's usage is far more common, and it sounds "natural" in a lot more situations, so it's another of those words you'll see translated in all sorts of ways depending on context. E.g. なんか用?→What do you want?, 用を足してくる→I'ma go see a man about a horse, ちょっと用があるんで→Sorry, I'm kind of busy right now.
Not to be confused with you 用 as a suffix, which means "for _____," like kodomo-you 子供用 meaning "for children" (e.g. medicine).
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The word for "bad" here is taihen 大変, which is yet another word that can be translated in many ways depending on context; generally speaking it's an adjective/adverb that serves as an amplifier (like very or extremely) that often-but-not-always has a negative connotation. Here, I would say it's a little closer in nuance to "I noticed something crazy."
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See, rainy season.
Anyway, a teruteru bouzu is a doll-like superstitious charm made and hung by the window to induce good weather. You'll often see it in slice of life anime on rainy day episodes, or sometimes in sports anime the day before a big match (in hopes the game doesn't get rained out).
Teruteru is a sound effect word for the sun shining (though it's not actually super common outside of "~ bouzu"), and teru 照る by itself is a verb for "to shine." Bouzu 坊主 is a word for a Buddhist monk, though through association it also refers to a bald/shaved head or a young boy (who traditionally often have shaved heads).
One theory on the origin comes from a Chinese myth about a girl who used a broom to brush away the rain clouds or something. Somewhere along the time it changed to a monk instead of a girl, and voilà? Iunno.
There are also some regional variations on the name as well, but you'll probably never hear any. I know I certainly haven't, at least not outside the context of wikipedia articles or a Japanese culture class I once took.
It's said you can hang them upside-down to make it rain instead—which makes them ame-ame bouzu.
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Oh, Kanna is drawing something. Let's take a look.
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Hmm, I wonder who that is?
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This sequence is a reference to idol concerts. That jacket is a happi, traditionally worn by workers (like say carpenters or the people who runs the stalls at festivals), but also a stereotypical otaku thing to wear to an idol concert. Same with the headband.
The stick is a colored light stick, another (even more) standard piece of equipment for live idol events.
You'd know all that if you watched Gintama.
The color choice (pink here) is often based on which member of the idol group is your oshi 推し, the one you've chosen to dedicate yourself to in particular—most groups will have an assigned image color for each member.
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It's also a thing for there to be predetermined "calls and responses", where the idol(s) will say something and the audience will reply back with whatever.
The little "dance" (spin/jump/posing) is reference to wota-gei ヲタ芸, intensely and purposefully cringe-y dance things people will do at these events. Some people take them a little further.
Wota is short for wotaku, an alternate spelling of otaku (ヲタク vs オタク). The difference between the two is up for debate, but at the moment the w- version is more favored by actual otaku I guess?
Personally I'd say wotaku is more like anime/game/manga/etc. nerds (kind of like what "otaku" in the English community means) while otaku can, as mentioned earlier, refer to a wider variety of hobbies.
Gei 芸 means like performance, art, or trick.
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The word for "mild" is amakuchi 甘口, which in literal terms is more like "sweet." In practical terms "mild" is correct, but the fact that it has "sweet" (ama[i] 甘[い]) in the word gives it slightly more of a "lol that's for kids" nuance to it than "mild" has. I imagine the joke got across just fine anyway, but hey it's an excuse for me to write more words words words.
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In case anyone missed it: lol even the rice was instant. These guys.
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You are probably at least a little familiar with itadakimasu as the standard pre-meal "thanks for the food/amen" line, but there's also gochisou-sama deshita (the line here) that's the standard post-meal line. It basically means "it was a feast [that I was treated to]."
The word for "gaming addiction" here is netoge haijin ネトゲ廃人. Netoge is short for "internet game," basically MMOs (though technically any online game). Haijin is basically an invalid, someone too sick/injured/disabled to care for themselves—it's sometimes used to refer to people with severe drug addictions too.
Basically it's the equivalent of poopsocker.
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The pronoun Takiya uses for "I" here is shousei 小生, a weird old one you typically don't see nowadays outside of some business emails—it goes well with his use of -dono instead of -san when in his weirdo nerd mode.
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Who wouldn't be, it's got one section that's transparent! So convenient!
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The word here is aiai-gasa 相合傘. Technically it just means "sharing an umbrella," and doesn't necessarily have any connection to "lover's." However....
Ai, with different kanji (愛), does mean love though. A combination of that pun and Japan's relative lack of public displays of affection ("a woman should walk three steps behind her husband" was a thing traditionally) led to the image of a couple sharing an umbrella being basically the gold standard for "couple" imagery.
You've probably seen this drawing before in another series at one point or another, with two names written underneath:
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It's basically the equivalent of writing you and your crush's names (or initials) in a heart with an arrow through it—it's the thing you carve into a tree to be romantic or whatever.
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They're in Akihabara here, because of course they are.
Going by the manga, Kobayashi's workplace is in Kita-senju, which is like ten minutes from Akihabara by train.
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That's a lot of screenshots for two minor points, but here I go anyway.
First, the "on every person." Specifically he says ningen gotoki 人間如き. Ningen is human, and gotoki, when stuck onto the end of a noun like this, indicates basically condescension, in a "something of that [low] level" kind of way. For example it's often paired with "child," in a "they're just kids, don't let them get to you" or "I can't believe you lost to a kid" kind of way (from an adult's perspective).
Note that if you instead attach gotoki (or gotoku, same deal) using the no particle, it just means "like ____"—basically as a simile, no negative connotations.
For example, the series Hayate no Gotoku. Hayate means a strong gust of wind/gale, so the title basically means "like the wind." (Of course, the main character's name is also Hayate, so you've got that pun there too.)
Second: The last line there in the Japanese is "俺にとって人間は、住処に土足で踏み入り、宝を奪いに来るハズレでいい。Ore ni totte ningen wa, sumika ni dosoku de fumiiri, takara wo ubai ni kuru hazure de ii."
Basically the idea is not that it's better for humans to be trespassers who come to steal his treasure, but that, because it takes a lot of time to determine whether any one human is a "hit," and humans are beneath him anyway (see gotoki note), he's fine just saving the time and effort and assuming all of them are trespassing thieves.
The key point that distinguishes that from the sub line interpretation is the particle at the very end there is de instead of ga.
Basically, in these situations, de ii means "I'll settle for X" whereas ga ii means "X is actually what I want."
You'll hear those two lines paired together fairly often, actually. Especially with a character with self-esteem/confidence issues. Someone will ask them out, or ask them to join their team or something, and they'll reply by asking "Ore/boku/watashi de ii?" (You'll settle for me?/I'm good enough?). To which the other person will reply "Omae/kimi ga ii." (I'm not settling; you're exactly what I want.)
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Oh there's those swallows again, the ones trying to find a mate.
By the way, swallows mate for life.
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The word for fanservice here is teko-ire テコ入れ (for reference the usual word is "service/saabisu/サービス").  Teko means lever, as in the simple machine. Ire means to insert.
As a term, it originally refers to using leverage to overcome financial losses on the stock market. Your portfolio goes down, putting you in a bad spot, so you borrow money and buy more stock on leverage to try and make up for it.
From there, the term caught on in the rest of society with a broader usage: being in a bad situation and taking a gamble to try to fix it.
In TV (and thus anime), it refers to doing something new with a show (often some sort of gimmick, or changing directions) in an attempt to save it from bad ratings.
It's common in manga as well. Ever wondered why that slice of life romantic comedy series turned into a battle manga?
The "ratings" were bad, so they teko-iri’d it to try to save it before giving it the axe.
So if you assume this episode title isn't a joke (I'm pretty sure the ratings are doing fine, if not Kemono Friends level), it would be saying "honestly, our ratings suck, so we're switching gears and doing a fanservice episode to try to save them."
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terriclare576-blog · 7 years
Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons On How To Draw)
Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) - Art, Graphics & Video (2) - Nairaland
Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Art, Graphics & Video / Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) (117177 Views) Oscar Ukonu: The Nigerian Who Can Draw Everything With Pen / How To Draw A Minion... / How To Draw A Detailed Smiley Face Using Adobe Illustrator (1) (2) (3) (4) (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ... (21) (Reply) (Go Down)Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 3:22pm On Nov 08, 2013 femzi007: dis is my pencil drawing of burna boy.used 2B pencil without grid.he retweeted it on twitter
Great job! There may be a few tweaks needed here and there, but this is good. Welldone. Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 3:27pm On Nov 08, 2013 For everyone, saturday 16th November, at Muri Okunola park, from 12pm next week. There's also formal lessons at Cafe Maison, Lekki or you could contact me on [email protected].
Now, let's get back to the drawing! For the benefit of those learning, could we NOT post any images of drawings which are NOT part of the challenges posted here? If you wanna show off your drawings, please create a separate thread. Thanks, guys. Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by adexsimply(m): 3:39pm On Nov 08, 2013 *sighs* Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by jumzzy448: 3:57pm On Nov 08, 2013 I'm highly impressed that this is actually coming from a female. Op, keep up the good work. Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by femzi007(m): 4:11pm On Nov 08, 2013 didnt learn drawing in a day,nd am stl learnin sef ..and OP am sorry i deviated ppu's attention wit my pix.. Ure doing a gr8 job,nd i jx luv art..more grease 2 ur elbow..do continue Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Goldenheart(m): 4:43pm On Nov 08, 2013 One thing about drawing is, there will always be something to criticize on.... Where in lagos is the art class taking place?!
Im right there 1 Like Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 4:48pm On Nov 08, 2013 For everyone, saturday 16th November, at Muri Okunola park, from 12pm next week. There's also formal lessons at Cafe Maison, Lekki or you could contact me on [email protected].
Can we all work on our control hands a bit? It's like driving a car. Get a sheet of paper and cover it with scribbles, vertical lines and horizontal lines, they way you probably used to draw as a child. All these exercises are meant to relax you so you don't start telling yourself "I can't draw, this is too hard". it's s not. You just need some practise. Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by prof800(m): 5:04pm On Nov 08, 2013 Goldenheart: One thing about drawing is, there will always be something to criticize on....
EXACTLY! I like this statement. 1 Like Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Feraz(m): 6:56pm On Nov 08, 2013 Davijunson: @poster, tnks for bringin this thread up....i love art a lot esp drawin...buh since i entered sch, i avnt had d tym to draw again n it had a negative effect on ma drawings....i really need someone to giv me some lessons on drawin as i av neva attended any art class before...(i'm a science student studyin elect engine)....pls inbox me on ma mail...i'd be happy to hear frm yu.... Edited - Likewise me...didn't draw throughout secondary school except biology drawings and all those ish...while in the University, during drawing class, I decided rather than allow the paper waste, why not I try drawing randomly...this is one of 'em...
Redmosquito, I see you... Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Ardedaryor(m): 7:04pm On Nov 08, 2013 Intrestingly u'myoozing Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by prof800(m): 7:07pm On Nov 08, 2013 @feraz... You this my naruto/anime guy...ehn ..? why did you remove that sketch na..? :-/ Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Feraz(m): 7:11pm On Nov 08, 2013 prof800: @feraz... You this my naruto/anime guy...ehn ..? why did you remove that sketch na..? :-/ lol...you see am? Na mistake oh before I see say she sound warning...but I'm quite impressed with her....though one of it is my profile picture...
Pls, who knows how much a good sketchbook goes for and where it can be gotten? Onegai: For everyone, saturday 16th November, at Muri Okunola park, from 12pm next week. There's also formal lessons at Cafe Maison, Lekki or you could contact me on [email protected].
Now, let's get back to the drawing! For the benefit of those learning, could we NOT post any images of drawings which are NOT part of the challenges posted here? If you wanna show off your drawings, please create a separate thread. Thanks, guys.
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by ugsams(m): 7:32pm On Nov 08, 2013 Thanks op this will add value to my knowledge Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by newacca: 7:43pm On Nov 08, 2013 I love the Art world. Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by sleekp1: 7:57pm On Nov 08, 2013 Great work, thanks @op. Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Nobody: 8:23pm On Nov 08, 2013 I really need to hone my drawing skills.Nice thread op.Would try to draw along with u tomorrow. Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Nobody: 8:26pm On Nov 08, 2013 femzi007: dis is my pencil drawing of burna boy.used 2B pencil without grid.he retweeted it on twitter u be badoo o!nice work! Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by lirusehn: 9:05pm On Nov 08, 2013 NICE FOLKZ b like *i must commend her* knwin fully it calls for no commendation and here is mine Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 9:29pm On Nov 08, 2013 Feraz: Edited - Likewise me...didn't draw throughout secondary school except biology drawings and all those ish...while in the University, during drawing class, I decided rather than allow the paper waste, why not I try drawing randomly...this is one of 'em...
Who knows how much a sketchbook goes for and where I can get it? Thanks...
Redmosquito, I see you...
Hey, you could go to Artworld and buy a sketchpad for like N1,000. Or some shops in VI sell for N500. But you get limited sheets in that sketchpad (like 30). What I can do, is for those coming for the Drawing class, is buy you sheets of paper, A1 size, at N7/sheet. Most art students divide those sheets into half or more sizes and make their own sketchpads with hardbacks or a plywood or masonite board backing, for support. Not only can you add more sheets to that sketchpad, it's reusable and will cost you much less than a pre-made one and can take over 200 sheets. So it lasts longer. Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Nobody: 9:30pm On Nov 08, 2013 am not too late onegai, you doing a great job...following wish I was in lag 1 Like Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by tolam4skywd(m): 9:38pm On Nov 08, 2013 Great job @ op... Also wish I stay in lag but all d same I can still learn smtn 4rm diz thread... Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by tolam4skywd(m): 10:00pm On Nov 08, 2013 Oga boss @ op.. Shey month try?? Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 10:12pm On Nov 08, 2013 tolam4skywd: Oga boss @ op.. Shey month try??
there's no image attached, dear. Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 10:29pm On Nov 08, 2013 How's it going so far? Do you believe that the world is full of shapes? Not yet? Okay.
Scientists (people who have more time and better facilities on their hands than the average Naija person, sadly) have discovered that every child has a good sense of Drawing and Perspective, but around the primary school learning age, over half of them begin to lose their ability to draw well. They realised that loss in Drawing ability coincided (big word for jammed) with when children began to learn the words of things around them. They theorised that as children grew up and used the more analytical part of their brain, the visioning part of the brain slowed down.
In plain english, the more you think, the less you see. Simple. Look at driving a car and talking on the phone, your brain CAN'T do two simultaneous, opposite things at the same time. Most drivers react well to sudden difference on the road: their foot hits the brakepad without them looking. Because driving is mostly instinct. Same with drawing, same with playing musical instruments. Those are movements based on instinct. You've done it so much, your brain can do it without you looking. Shey una remember that trick we all play on NL, "if you this read correctly, you read it wrong". That's instinct, your mind has filled in the gap for you, so you don't have to read the sentence.
That's why you cannot draw a hand properly unless you've been drawing for a while or I tell you to draw shapes. Because the minute you look at your hand to draw, your brain fills your mind with an image of what it THINKS the hand looks like, you draw that, and then go "ah ah, but this is not how my hand was, I can't draw".
I'm going to prove this to you, with our next drawing challenge. Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 10:36pm On Nov 08, 2013 CHALLENGE 2: Ladies and gentlemen, please draw the following image the way it is posted, upside down. DO NOT ROTATE IT TO THE RIGHT ORIENTATION, just use your eye, measure a rectangle box and use that as the borders of your drawing, look at the picture, notice the chair is touching a particular point at the border of the picture, on your paper, locate that point, draw the chair. Continue to do so for all parts of the image.
If the scientists are right, (and they are), you will draw that picture I posted better than if it was upright in the nomal position. I presented this challenge to my mum, who has never drawn in her life, and she did well. You should have seen her laugh. So please, no erasings (I left my own mistakes for you all to see), take your time, take 30 minutes and carefully do it the way I described, and for your own sakes, don't rotate the picture to what you expect a picture to be, draw it upside down. Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by tolam4skywd(m): 10:38pm On Nov 08, 2013 Onegai:
there's no image attached, dear. it says d file z larger dan 200kb, so it didnt upload Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by yorex2011: 10:44pm On Nov 08, 2013 wow...nice thread... 2 Likes 1 Share Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 10:47pm On Nov 08, 2013 You will draw any picture upside well, because your analytical part of your brain DOES NOT understand what it seeing, and therefore cannot tell you "that is a woman in buba sitting down". Because it isn't telling you what to see, the visional or sensory side of your brain takes over and you see shapes and you draw shapes. Shapes are not scary to draw, everybody drew shapes as a child and your brain remembers how easy and relaxed that time was, sees clearly and you draw. Now, if I had said "let's draw a woman", a lot of us would have sweated in fear.
If you don't do the drawing upside down, that's your own method. However, this upside-down method has far repercussions. You wanna learn how to paint well (and not what I see here, that people call paintings), do it upside-down and eventually, you'll understand the concept behind the exercises that seemingly don't make sense. 2 Likes 1 ShareRe: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 10:48pm On Nov 08, 2013 yorex2011: wow...nice thread....havent drawn anything in a long while.....anyways i no pencil around..lemme draw myself when i was younger..
PLEASE DON'T POST PICTURES OF IMAGES NOT RELATED TO WHAT WE ARE DRAWING, SO AS NOT TO DERAIL THE THREAD. The last poster, please edit your post accordingly. 1 Like Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by yame014: 11:02pm On Nov 08, 2013 . Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by tolam4skywd(m): 11:13pm On Nov 08, 2013 Dnt knw y my pics z nt uploadin... Aaarrrggghhh!!! Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by yorex2011: 11:15pm On Nov 08, 2013 drawing upside down i havent tried before head too small... 3 Likes (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ... (21) (Reply) Download Picmix On Nokia (Go Up) Sections: politics (1) business autos (1) jobs (1) career education (1) romance computers phones travel sports fashion health religion celebs tv-movies music-radio literature webmasters programming techmarket Links: (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Nairaland - Copyright © 2005 - 2017 Oluwaseun Osewa. All rights reserved. See How To Advertise.
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