#wrt dialogue
vonkarma2 · 7 months
i dont necessarily dislike the opinion that movies should be more about imagery texture and emotion than dialogue bc the visuals and sound are what make them unique as a medium + visual storytelling takes advantage of film’s particular characteristics like I can see where they’re coming from. but personally I like movies that are basically just dialogue I want to hear people screaming and yelling at each other + funny jokes also. but idk I really love visuals so I think its mostly bc of my personal failure to get immersed in a movie like feel like I’m inside it yk. and low attention span 😔🙏 sorry denis
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eyrri · 2 months
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little Kitten Burst doodles because i love it and think about it a lot
pspspspspspspsps play kitten burst
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snowberry-pie · 2 months
i think it’s kind of funny seeing people praising how bg3 handles sex/sexuality because outside of larian hiring intimacy coordinators and having One well-written sexual abuse survivor story it’s. not great lol
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thevioletcaptain · 7 days
so i got some really great feedback on the final draft of my star trek strange new worlds spec and i'm hoping i can ride that high through next week when i'm starting my second-last class in the tv writing program. mostly posting this so i have documented proof that i am in fact a good screenwriter so that when i inevitably start second guessing myself i have a post to beat myself over the head with.
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brother-emperors · 6 months
Does Trebonius make an exception for Mark Antony on his preference for older men ?
tbh the older men comment is an escalation on a long running topic of bickering between them, mostly that Antony keeps grilling him about getting married (it’s politically advantageous & a good wife is a kingmaker while peers are competition & you should be looking to outlive Caesar) & Trebonius keeps associating with older guys in both his personal life (he consider’s Cicero’s son to be like his own) and politically (Crassus&Pompey&Caesar) while ducking all of Antony’s attempts to introduce him to people (just not that interested/doesn't have the time for it, much to the despair of his parents)
however! Trebonius may or may not be hooking up with Cassius later depending on how things unfold as I write!
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 10 months
if i were a more insane and less feverish woman i would start tracking the time to shirtlessness and time to injury in every eastwood movie. tragically we seem to be in a periodic drought where very little is available on tubi/freevee/kanopy/plex et al
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turian · 3 months
i love achievements as a feature on steam because it's so fun to be able to see what percentage of players of (for example) new vegas, did a thing. and then speculate on why. and compare to the percentage of players who did another ideologically dissimilar thing. and it also lets me know that not many people bothered with busking in bg3.
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
I actually cannot believe how fucking powerfully baldur's gate has gripped me
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bogunicorn · 1 year
i've been quiet here to avoid major spoilers (posting them OR seeing them), but i started act 2 last night and holy shit, oh my god, this game is so good. it feels like a cross between playing dnd with the world's most competent DM and reading a really good fantasy novel.
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amamillalatortilla · 7 months
i think it's funny that most people ive seen liveblog the atla netflix show are like
english speakers: this fucking SUCKS ASS you're better off WATCHING THE OG SHOW!!!!!!! FUCK!!! [lengthy posts about every detail they got wrong]
spanish speakers: ive cried twenty times and im halfway through. i walked out of the room after finishing like a new man. it's not perfect, yes, but fuck, man.......... ..... ... omg cabbage man!!!! :D
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boleynqueenes · 8 months
Being as you are someone who writes about Anne Boleyn, I must ask you, which are your favorite portrayals of Anne Boleyn? I mean fiction (novels, film, tv) but also non-fiction. And, do you feel your fav portrayals have influenced you in the way you write Anne and her story? Your least favorite ones, do they have an influence too? Which ones are they? Thanks
If there's one with zero merit and/or minimal entertainment value I won't include it on the list, I'll say I'll ** = my absolute favourites and * = my compelling in some aspects, but tread with caution, and those sort of in between I'll leave alone.
Or rather, let's put it another way...* is worth a library rental or free Kindle borrow, whichever you have available, and ** is worth an actual purchase. Those without *...eh, I'll leave it to you.
The Challenge of Anne Boleyn, Hester Chapman*
Adultery, Heresy, and Desire, Amy Licence*
Raven's Widow, Adrienne Dillard**
Jane Boleyn, Julia Fox**
Among the Wolves, Lauren Mackay*
Queens of Henry VIII, David Starkey*
The Story of the Death of Anne Boleyn, Translation, Edition, and Essays by Joann DellaNeva**
The Lady Elizabeth, Alison Weir*
Renaissance Prince, Lisa Hilton*
Hunting the Falcon, John Guy & Julia Fox**
The Life & Death of Anne Boleyn, Eric Ives**
Tudors in Love, Sarah Gristwood
Tudor England: A History, Lucy Wooding**
Children of Henry VIII, John Guy*
Henry VIII by Lucy Wooding**
The Other Boleyn Girl, Philippa Gregory*
The Lady in the Tower, Alison Weir*
The Lady Anne (Book 2 of 5 of Above All Others series) by Gemma Lawrence**
Judge the Best (Book 2 of 5 of Above All Others series) by Gemma Lawrence**
Threads by Nell Gavin*
In the Shadow of Lions, Ginger Garrett*
Tarnish by Katherine Longshore*
Brazen by Katherine Longshore
Anne & Henry by Dawn Ius*
Wife after Wife by Olivia Hayfield*
The King's Mind by Christopher Rae**
The Concubine by Christopher Rae**
VIII by HM Castor
Queenbreaker by Catherine McCarran
The Tudors (2007-)**
The Lovers Who Changed History (2014)**
Anne Boleyn miniseries (2021)**
Blood, Sex & Royalty (2022)**
I Am Henry: A Compelling Novel of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII (2023)
And, do you feel your fav portrayals have influenced you in the way you write Anne and her story? Your least favorite ones, do they have an influence too? Which ones are they? Thanks
Pieces from everything influence me, Christopher Rae's and Gemma Lawrence's novels, for example, both had some of the best and credible portrayals of Henry Norris I've ever read, both in credible unrequited love (tying into, Anne's wariness thereof) that was forged into a weapon against him and for why he became such a favourite of HVIII's in the first place (would've included Jeff Lavender's thesis of Norris also, had you asked for beyond fiction and non-fiction books). The best parts of all of the above have inspired me to craft AB as a character at turns, sympathetic and unsympathetic: proud, courageous, intelligent, zealous, prudent (more in the 16c sense than 21c), fierce, jealous, sensitive, vindictive, unyielding, talented, compassionate, bold, spirited, pious, impassioned, loyal, loving ...somebody who inspired either complete devotion or implacable hatred, with very little in between, and felt comparable extremes towards her own family, friends, and adversaries.
From my least favourite...I try to remember that every choice she made was morally defensible and/or justifiable, from her own perspective, regardless of whether or not it actually was (and of course, they weren't always). I try to remember also that fear and insecurity can best explain some of her less palatable choices, as enumerated here. Basically, just that she was human and flawed, but also that there were many people personally (and often, religiously) invested in magnifying her flaws and reducing, or even outright omitting, her strengths. Obviously, that misogyny can also be a factor in some of her portrayals, is a salient remembrance to keep in mind, as well.
#pls don't judge me for some of these lol#they are all my choices for entertainment and readability#and there are actually elements of tobg i really enjoy wrt anne's characterization that if excerpted i might actually love#i love how clear-eyed ; erudite ; ambitious and passionate she was#the film adaptation is sort of like a pale reflection of that in many ways . until the one horrible SA scene the film was actually like...#not bad i just think hviii was poorly cast . the physicality but not the charisma#or just loving the dialogue#and you did specifically say for understanding /enjoying ab as a figure/ character. not necessarily the the others in her sphere#threads im going to add sa tw and also it's really only the chapters of 16c AB which had any merit#and the same sa tw for dawn ius#also technically tobg novel even if not the same as in film#she portrays mary as 13/14 so..#in some of these like TLE and HVIII her appearance is VERY brief or ancillary but i still loved#also sa tw for TLE . damn . why is this so prevalent in tudor fiction....#anon#i mean jealous in two senses of the word also:#protective and mistrustful of unfaithfulness#both understandable traits for her to have in the circumstances she was in#my least favorites are ig TOBG even tho it's technically on this list-- lol-- altho it's way more entertaining than like#TKO by alison weir and honestly also TiL in some aspects#but somehow TLE and TiL both were better than TKO and her six wives book and also her hviii and court book#the king's damsel by kate emerson.... the concubine by norah lofts...jean plaidy...margaret george
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neganium · 1 year
People talking about Atom: The Beginning makin me miss when that one scanlation group stopped translating it into English bc it got picked up by an official publisher...
And then said publisher admitted to using AI translation, and it Showed, iirc...
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gregoftom · 1 year
i’m not kidding when i say it takes me double the amount of time to watch a succ episode bc there is so much detail in the shots and editing
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neptrabbit · 2 years
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Been replaying AA5 recently😂can’t believe AA5 is a real game
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autistichalsin · 1 year
Halsin's incredible patience and nonassertiveness (unless it's literal life or death), the way he never responds with more than mild irritation or hurt even when he's insulted, the way he lets everyone assume he has no feelings- while also struggling to externalize his own emotions (minus romantic ones)- the way he sees relationships differently than others, the way he holds disdain for most of how society views things, the way he is incredibly empathetic to the point of not being able to tolerate any suffering or unfairness, the way he has a poor sense of boundaries (particularly around sex), his dialogue if turned down by Tav about having thought their interest in his lovers was a sign of romantic interest, the implications that Thaniel was possibly his only childhood friend, his finding more companionship with animals than people to an even greater extent than most other Druids have, his extremely humble nature, the way he overfocuses on his goals to the point of letting everything else fall by the wayside, the rigidity of some of his ways of thinking especially WRT nature...
Halsin is autistic y'all. Source: am autistic
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cbrownjc · 3 months
Three quick thoughts about EP 2x06 (spoilers):
Thought #1: So this episode gave me something I really wanted but I actually wasn't 100% sure we'd get this season -- which is Armand admitting that in over 500 years, for his entire vampire life, he's never made another vampire. Ever. I wasn't actually nervous that the show would change things to have Armand turn Madeleine -- since it was already spoiled in trailers that Louis (and Claudia) would do it -- but I could feel that whole situation being a perfect setup for revealing that Armand has never once made another vampire, and they did it. 😁 Just as in the books, Armand is being set up to only have one fledgling. And the show very much leaned into the bond that makes between two vampires, given the dialogue Louis and Madeleine exchanged about that, the feelings of that.
Thought #2: Look, maybe Justin Kirk's character could still be Marius, but if so? Then the writers are leaning super hard in trying to specifically get book readers to look the other way on this. Because of that "switch bodies with you" line they had him saying to Daniel? Come on! I've heard that we won't see his character on screen again this season, but IMO that doesn't mean anything IMO, and for now, my hackles are still up. And the reason I still can't shake the Marius deal wrt him is because --
Thought #3: You know, "eating" and going to the bathroom doesn't mean Rashid is human. And the fact that Justin Kirk's character came right up to Daniel to talk the minute he left? And then didn't have any fear, or even tried to excuse himself quickly after Rashid came back? Again, come on. Because, again, Rashid was the name of a character in Blood and Gold, the book that gave us Marius' backstory. That whole scene also made me think there is a connection between Justin Kirk's character and Rashid, just as much as it gave me Body Thief vibes. But yeah, we very much won't know anything either way until the finale, IMO (hopefully).
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