#the exception to this is when it's funney or I like it. but like let's not be too serious here
fluentisonus · 2 years
shaking academics by the lapels like shut up about trying to reconstruct a historically accurate account of catullus' life with a factual chronology shut up about separating 'truth' from 'fiction' and the historical figure from the poetic one
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marypsue · 1 year
So if you follow me (and aren't just stopping by because you saw one of my funney viralposts), you probably know that I've been writing a bunch of fanfiction for Stranger Things, which is set in rural Indiana in the early- to mid-eighties. I've been working on an AU where (among other things) Robin, a character confirmed queer in canon, gets integrated into a friend group made up of a number of main characters. And I got a comment that has been following me around in the back of my mind for a while. Amidst fairly usual talk about the show and the AU and what happens next, the commenter asked, apparently in genuine confusion, "why wouldn't Robin just come out to the rest of the group yet? They would be okay with it."
I did kind of assume, for a second or two, that this was a classic case of somebody confusing what the character knows with what the author/audience knows. But the more I think about it, the more I feel like it embodies a real generational shift in thinking that I hadn't even managed to fully comprehend until this comment threw it into sharp perspective.
Because, my knee-jerk reaction was to reply to the comment, "She hasn't come out to these people she's only sort-of known for less than a year because it's rural Indiana. In the nineteen-eighties." and let that speak for itself. Because for me and my peers, that would speak for itself. That would be an easy and obvious leap of logic. Because I grew up in a world where you assumed, until proven otherwise, that the general society and everyone around you was homophobic. That it was unsafe to be known to be queer, and to deliberately out yourself required intention and forethought and courage, because you would get negative reactions and you had to be prepared for the fallout. Not from everybody! There were always exceptions! But they were exceptions. And this wasn't something you consciously decided, it wasn't an individual choice, it wasn't an individual response to trauma, it wasn't individual. It was everybody. It was baked in, and you didn't question it because it was so inherently, demonstrably obvious. It was Just The Way The World Is. Everybody can safely be assumed to be homophobic until proven otherwise.
And what this comment really clarified for me, but I've seen in a million tiny clashing assumptions and disconnects and confusions I've run into with The Kids These Days, is that a lot of them have grown up into a world that is...the opposite. There are a lot of queer kids out there who are assuming, by default, that everybody is not homophobic, until proven otherwise. And by and large, the world is not punishing them harshly for making that assumption, the way it once would have.
The whole entire world I knew changed, somehow, very slowly and then all at once. And yes, it does make me feel like a complete space alien just arrived to Earth some days. But also, it makes me feel very hopeful. This is what we wanted for ourselves when we were young and raw and angrily shoving ourselves in everyone's faces to dare them to prove themselves the exception, and this is what I want for The Kids These Days.
(But also please, please, Kids These Days, do try to remember that it has only been this way since extremely recently, and no it is not crazy or pathetic or irrational or whatever to still want to protect yourself and be choosy about who you share important parts of yourself with.)
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cringefail-clown · 4 months
Jakehal is very fun. But why dirkkri? I dont understand what's appealing about it :? confused
theres a lot of things i like about dirkri and honestly i dont even know where to start lmfao
first of all, and its mostly a funny reason - davekat on crack. like some traces of davekat are still there - the arguing about shit, stoic facade vs emotional mess, all the good stuff, but its also so much more exaggerated it makes it this much more ridiculous. gets even better when you consider them under the lense of swap aus like alphaswitch or tbau, where they land on the meteor together. theyre most likely hunting each other for sports by the year two
second of all, the funney. theyd be so fucking funny together. their smallest arguments would take like twenty pages of non-stop flow of red-orange text to resolve, and not because they came to a consensus but because some third party physically dragged them away from their electronics. it doesnt do any good, since it only gives them both time to think over new arguments to use, and theyre back at it as soon as they get their phones back. like if we had a tournament about which ship would do the most collateral damage to the overall group, i think these two would be Up There. karkat would gauge his eyes out from frustration, because now not only does he have to deal with his piece of shit, know-it-all other self, but now theres also Fucking Dirk thrown into the mix. their home life is absolute insanity, a small jab about the other forgetting to buy sugar once again devolves into a screaming match about the merits and flaws of communism or some other inane shit. and theyre doing it for fun, they enjoy debating with each other, because often times they have vastly different opinions, and comparing their beliefs challenges them intelectually and morally. from the outside perspective theyre one of the most dysfunctional pair in the paradox space, when in fact thats simply how they want their relationship to be, and it makes them better people overall.
third reason is that theyre thematically delicious. dirk is a control freak, micromanaging his and his friends constantly. hes terrified of losing control, but hes also desperate for someone to just tell him what the fuck he should do. dirk doesnt think he should be in control of others, because he believes hes a naturally evil person capable of horrible acts, at the same time he doesnt trust anyone else to get things done but himself. hes a whole collection of contradictions.
kankri desperately needs to be in control as well. hes constantly injecting himself into conversations he has no business being in, trying to find someone thatd listen to what he has to say. hes wants to guide others, but his efforts are flawed, because he doesnt listen to other perspectives - hes got tunnel vision, as he thinks hes the one in the right while everyone else is wrong or ignorant (cringefail seer literally). he doesnt trust anyone else to make decisions for him, and becomes defensive when he thinks others are attempting to coddle him. his ass was definitely culled on beforus.
theyre also both so fucking lonely. dirk conciously tries to put difference between himself and his friends, worrying hell "corrupt" them. kankri tries to connect to his friends, but his behavior alienates him from them to the point of no one except maybe porrim want to have anything to do with him.
my point is, kankri wants to guide people but has to learn to listen to others and reflect on his own flawed opinions. dirk has to learn to trust that people closest to him can get shit done on their own and loosen up, as well as realise hes not evil at the core. them helping each other out - dirk teaching kankri about different perspectives, kankri teaching dirk about letting others do their thing - is something i think about a lot.
also i like to think theyd spar for fun a lot as well. its not really a reason and wholly my own personal headcanon but i wanna mention it as well bc its so funny to me. i like the idea of kankris behaviour being a complete reverse of karkat - where karkat is all bark no bite and doesnt like fighting or violence, kankri puts up a front of the beacon of love and peace and tolerance, but in his free time he gets his rifle and goes shooting at the fucking squirrels or some shit. i think he wouldnt have the same qualms about strifing as karkat. like dirk would try to jokingly jab his finger at kankris side and he would just fucking flip him over his shoulder and onto the table breaking it in half, because he doesnt like being touched unexpectedly and by gods dirk when will you fucking learn. he goes from 0 to 100 real fast. its such a hysterical concept for me.
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beatcroc · 4 months
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a year!!! as of today i have now been drawing these funny little pizza freaks, to the exclusion of almost everything else, for!!! an entire year!!! i wanted to do a nice group shot/lineup of everybody to compare to when i first started trying to draw them because oh boy were they bad. i never even posted most of them anywhere because they were so bad. but im posting them here, now, to see how everything's changed/evolved.
this is probably the hardest time i've ever had trying to figure out how to work with a style, but we got there eventually; i'm pretty happy with the handle i've got on everybody now...dont let ur memes be dreams. lots of unimportant journaling and idle thoughts abt it below.
older pics
the first one is the VERY first time i drew them, before i thought i was going to actually have any interest in drawing them [lmao]; it was just the one isolated image, for my friendserver, to illustrate the funney message, so there was no attempt to make it Good or actually understand anything going on w/ the designs or style.
second is the original run of practices sketches to start trying to figure them out for real; done after i started having ideas for the comics and such and realized oh god maybe i am actually gonna draw fanart for this. [again, lol, and lmao.]
third one is the first pt art thing i posted on here. there were a couple weeks of sprite studies between this one and the previous image. the one on the top right wasn't part of that post i just threw it on as space filler; i'd intended to shift to doing Sprite Redraws But Stylized to explore tings more, but that was the only one i did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
individual characters
peppino: by far the hardest dear god. bro what ARE your shapes how DOES your face work. jesus christ. everything i have trouble with this style for, peppino has it in excess. i draw in polygons! i need consistency! and that is the last thing this kind of style is concerned with. they are made of squarshy clay and i do not understand how to mold them. i was really hoping trying to learn this game's style would GIVE me that kind of flexibility for fun exaggerated facial expression but i don't think much came of it in the end 😔. anyway on the bright side all this means once i got peppino figured out a little bit everybody else clicked way easier.
fake peppino: honestly i never did anything with him on purpose except for how his eyes work + the perma-smile thing. i figured ok hes supposed to look weird and off model so whatever happens with him happens. and it did. and it kept happening. it is still, in fact, happening.
noise/ette: somehow, for every bit that peppino was the least natural thing i've ever tried, these two worked pretty much right off the bat. i still don't understand it, seeing as pretty much all the things at play for peppino are also at work for them. i think the new sketches are actually a little worse than older ones but not enough that i care.
gustavo: really funny bc i drew him on model twice and just went 'okay, cool nice, easy, um. he doesn't have any fucking legs?' fortunately he was the only one i had a strong idea for how to stylize him [square] and it worked exactly as i was hoping so wahoo.
brick: is an animal and therefore 5000x easier and more natural for me to draw/stylize than anything else in the cast. that is Just a rat bro. i can draw a rat.
gerome: i think the funniest one here. the most drastic and least necessary change imo. i was gonna have him be really small at first, like smaller than the noises, but then i just... didn't. he's just peppino-sized now. also i gave him like. actual human facial structure, which is funny bc in most cases i'd do anything to avoid, but it works well for his being A Rock to give him some angles and definition like that+ to differentiate his vibe from the rest of the cast who are all very squishy. also since he is essentially Just A Head it's good to emphasize that too ig.
john: i only drew john a couple times but he gets to be here because i like him. and because most of the stuff i applied to gerome was readily applicable to john, though i did try to keep him a little more uncanny because he is a Huge And Lanky Freak. i hate that he is barefoot btw but idk how to make his color balance look right with shoes.
pizzahead: i did not want to put him on here honestly but i Have drawn him a handful of times and more importantly i didn't know what i was gonna do with john's pose if i didn't have him there to be glared at. the only thing that's different with him is giving him wider-bottomed pants, which i got from when i tried to draw these guys in clone high style [i never posted that one either][i will eventually]
snick: he gets to be here because 1. he's like 6 lines 2. i like him and 3. ive scribbled him a few times offhand and it went pretty well
there are some guys missing because those are guys i didn't draw enough [or at all] to have gotten comfortable with them. sorry
i would have Liked to shade these but for the time being i have accepted that my grasp of light/shadow has decayed to the point im not going to be happy with anything i try there, so For Now i am working on my presentation with flats i guess. gerome has a shadow only because he's shaded like that ingame and looks naked without it
anyway if you are still reading [hi?] i get to shamelessly plug now. i'm over the hill of my pizza run now, and while i still have plenty of things i want to make here, most of the bigger more in-depth ones have passed. pizza tower was the first thing in THREE YEARS to get me out of my oc groove to doing fanart, and once i am done with my ideas here i will be going right back to it. if you like my art or how i write characters/interactions you should check out my oc/webcomic blog @jamverse . i can't promise people who like pizza stuff will be terribly into my designs, but i can guarantee i treat my guys with the exact same sort of tone i handle the pt guys with. and hell, i've mentioned it a few times before, but like 70% of my characterization for fake pep is just copied off one of my characters, so if u are going to miss him... he will still be there in spirit >;p
and if you dont care about any of that and are still reading thank you anyway. actually making these comics + seeing how shockingly well-received they've been has done a lot for my confidence, and for seeing that my kind of stuff IS something people enjoy :')
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ashen-laguz · 2 years
yuuya, for the character opinion bingo
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ok i said i wouldn't do these till after i got home from work but we give a little exception to one of the ultimate blorbos of all time
im sosososoooo normal about him. SO normal you don't even know. he's such a funney little guy but also makes me feel too many emotions,,, said emotions range from absolute joy when he gets to indulge in little moments of friendship with hiyoko, silly schoolgirl giggling when he's putting on his stupid little fake suave attitude and trying to be cool (but is actually big dork) to just. immense sadness in those moments where he's just so down on himself. when you know he's never truly going to fully heal from his past guilt even tho he didn't really do anything wrong that isn't more the fault of the grown-ups who thrust harsh situations on him at such a young age. when he obviously does not value his own safety and life as much as those around him.
....and then when two dialgue boxes later, he is making silly joke along the lines of laying on a dumpster like one of your french girls like "hello mon amie im living my most sexy and luxirous life, ignore the trash smell ;3" and i just want hiyoko to push him into the dumpster and lock him in there but also i am simply smiling and laughing through the whole joke.
i will give yuuya a kissy on the forehead and let him live a nicer life but also tell him to stfu and microwave him when he's Like That, which is just another way to say yuuya is the perfect character
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rotshop · 3 years
hewwoooo i had a funney little thougt and so now im continuing it <33333
n e wayssss here's sum fnky little mag main 4 hcs :]
-the blueprint the man the myth the legend the firestarter. anyways
-he struggles a lot more with speaking than he did pre-magnification, he can understand it fine but when it comes to finding his words he struggles. so!! he kinda just uses asl when he can and short phrases / grunts / noises, also has his own kind of language w/ you??? lot of tapping and misc noises that just mean things only you two understand its. funny actually. he'll just make some chirping noise at you and you go 'haha yeah that was pretty dumb.' deimos and sanford are both so desperate to know what ur both talking abt its insane.
-carries u around a lot!! he's always super duper careful and he prefers to hold you in his more normal hand, he always gets worried about his talons poking you too rough or him accidentally shocking you if he gets surprised. also likes it when you ride on his shoulders, u also like it because it makes you feel tall :]
-his jackets fucking massive on you you could get lost in that bitch. sometimes if you two can't get back to base for one reason or another he'll just let you lay on him and use his jacket as a blanket for you,,its always super warm and he purrs so !! bonus points
-if u get hurt he goes fucking mental buuut i dont rlly wanna add a bunch of violence warnings to this,,,so,,,we'll leave it at that
-also he adores the size difference, you do your best to kinda cup the sides of his face in ur hands when he leans down for you and they're just??? so fucking small?? he puts his overs urs and just melts in ur hands lol
-he's VERY nervous around you for the first while, he's incredibly not used to his new form and he's so so worried about accidentally hurting you. his hands always just awkwardly hover around you whenever you're nearby bc he!! fucking wants to be affectionate but hes scared!! hank has to kind of. give him a whole pep talk on this sorta thing and it does help calm his nerves a little but he's still super careful,,,whenever he's holding you or cuddling w/ you he always asks to make sure you're comfortable and he isn't suffocating you or anything,,
-once he gets more adjusted then whooo bestie. he already liked showing off his strength to you before but now its worse. whenever he picks you up and you kinda yelp a little in surprise before you lean into him and hold onto him a lil he just goes bonkers on the inside. he's carrying you most of the time since it just keeps him cool knowing that ur nearby and ur safe in his grip. also tends to keep you behind him whenever you two are on missions (u have to kind of. get him outta this habit just a lil bc he keeps being a lil too paranoid abt it and freaks out when you wander off)
-has claws now which he's very careful of around you but if u ever just like. grab his hands and hold onto em and just kinda. trace over the callouses and scars and scratches then he melts. has to look off to the side or something because he has a big dumb grin on his face, it doesn't rlly help tho because you can hear him purring
-he doesn't talk too much since it feels odd and it's easier for him to keep it to a minimum,,HOWEVER,,the exception is you ofc lol. he murmurs little 'i love you's and such to you a lot still, though he has to be real careful of his volume but!! on the bright side deep-ass voice lol
-terrible awful man who loves to cause problems for you <333
-he's like a cat in the sense that he's always hanging around you and bugging you to get your attention, cannot keep his hands off of u for more than 10 minutes. im so sorry 4 you,,,,on the bright side though he does have this kind of like. shaky and faint purring that's a lil fucked up bc of his smoking but it's pretty nice. really likes just leaning over you and resting his head on your shoulder or laying down by you and laying his head on your lap. will not stop pawing at you or making little 'chirrup' sounds at you till you pet him :| get a hobby king
-OH YEAH ALSO HES SO FUCKING HAPPY 2 BE TALLER THAN U LOL,,,rubs it in your face a lot by looming over you and resting his chin on top of your head or putting his shoulders on top of your head like a rest. you can counter this by just stepping forward / to the side because he WILL stumble and he will eat gravel and honestly?? he deserves it. also he really enjoys being big spoon w/ you, same as the previous point he'll sometimes just make u (read : annoy you until you oblige) lay down if neither of you are busy so he can curl up with you. again his purring makes up for it
-he's surprisingly the most animalistic, given he's got a tail and claws now. he likes putting you up on his shoulders or back and carrying you around like that (but also having you wrap ur arms around his neck while he's carrying you like. bridal style sorta and leaning into him is fucking HEAVEN to him. adores it). its fun until he gets on all fours and skitters around :|| u spray him with a water bottle bc of this and he hates it
-speaking of animalistic y'know how animals playfight w/ each other?? he does that with you. he still minds his strength ofc but sanford or 2b will be watching from the side and there's almost always at least one, 'fucking CHRIST deimos, be careful would you?' but yeah no it's usually very careful and its rlly just him roughhousing w/ you a little. usually devolves into him just trapping you down into cuddling w/ him lmao
-oh baby u dont even know.
-(un)surprisingly he's the most like his usual self. his intelligence didn't drop too much unlike the others (there's always at least one offended grunt from Hank when someone says this aloud), meaning he was able to mostly keep to his typical routine. HOWEVER,,he does get a little more laid back surprisingly?? like?? he still works most of the time but if you work alongside him it's a lot more common now for him to just stand by you a little awkwardly until you reach back for him so he can rest his head in the palm of your hand. ur the only one he allows to see him this vulnerable and openly affectionate so please enjoy that. his purring is a little quieter than the others but you can usually feel it instead
-has some funny fucked up wings now. he barely even notices that he does it but whenever you come stand by him he ALWAYS tucks one around you and pulls you closer. also has a habit of just placing one over you while he's laying next to you on his stomach like a blanket. they're sensitive tho so if you ask to touch them he's a little hesitant at first, he trusts you though so he gives in eventually. but. yknow. please do be careful, even just tracing along tender spots with your nails can make him jump a bit
-his speech is relatively the same, a little bit lower and rougher but not too much change. you can hear the little bit of scratchiness in it but !! yeah
-his touch starvation bites him in the ass like this. at first he was able to ignore it for the most part but after getting mag'd??? no gd way. its part of why he just kinda hovers around you a lot more, he's not too good at asking for things like affection so he just kinda. hopes you get the gesture. but on the bright side he doesn't mind if you mess up his hair because he's a little too blissed out whenever you're running your fingers through it. more than a few times has he fallen asleep on you because you were petting him,,,he apologizes whenever he wakes up but you can tell he was happy you let him rest around you like that
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luminisvii · 2 years
Are you planning on doing a ranking for the main gundam pilots? 👀
well, since now there is a demand, i will! let's do a little ranking of some main characters, as best we can!
unfortunately limiting this to shows i have watched bc its kinda hard to form an opinion on these characters based on appearance unlike the char clones. so many good boys so little time </3
we always stand up for the classic. personally, i fucking love the guy. he's one of those characters who may seem really boring at first but i ended up being thoroughly charmed. i especially love him in zeta. and he's quite relatable! i too want to take a nap for 50 years and hope none of this shit is a problem when i wake up. my boy is pretty moody and depressed and i stan a king. i could go off really hard but im stopping here for time so 15/10 for milf lover amuro
im a huge fan of the feral teenager energy here. kamille will kick anyone's ass, including his own. of course i think he has every right to kick jerid's ass, that bitch was standing next to a guy named kacrikon mccooler or whatever and had the balls to be like "oh Kamille is a weird name" shut the fuck up. kamille is the personification of the creature within me that wants to bite people and the general rage that comes with being a teenager. can't get better than that! 10/10 bc i loved the multiple times he punches char
my foray into ZZ is rather short at the moment. consider me charmed, though! judau seems like a funney guy who would be cool to chill with and also probably the most emotionally well adjusted main pilot of the entire lot. i've actually seen him more in SRW and he's basically a little therapy dog. i rank 10/10 for being just a good boy
i feel like i would dislike him more if he were a consistent character or something. can't say i like kou, but can't say i dislike him either. i lack the energy to muster up any real hatred for him. nina is way out of his league, too. 4/10 perfectly meh
I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF THIS GUY!!!! domon had my spot as #1 protag for a very long time (we'll get to who dethroned him later) bc this dude is an absolute fucking madlad. you knew that though this is G we're talking about!!! i'm a filthy G stan and a domon simp!!! dude punches all of his problems and it WORKS! every time! 20/10 GO OFF KING I LOVE U SO MUCH NEVER STOP
this kid is hilarious. in the melodrama that is WING, heero is gunning for that #1 spot of "dramatic bitch" and that's a spot with competition. i think it's great that he didn't know how to talk to a girl so he tried to blow himself up. 8/10 being a terrible friend to duo deducts points like why would u do that to my boy duo
i have no respect for this guy. my hatred of him is largely theatrical, but i simply cannot give that much credit to a guy who betrayed his ideals almost instantly over the hint of pussy. okay, aina is pretty good and i like her, but come ON, shiro! get it together! im aware that hes supposed to be a genius and a good pilot or whatever but honestly all i remember his him being all like ohh zeons are people too after meeting a hot one. 3/10 get outta here!!!
LOVE HE!!! 100% GOOD DUDE!!! i haven't gotten far into turn A but i love this poor little accident prone boy. loran is the kind of person who struggles with basic tasks but so do i so i forgive him. we love a GNC king! 10/10 gives him kiss on forehead and some of keith's bread
i watched three eps of SEED i apparently already ranked this guy in a mecha power point im never gonna finish
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if i'm gonna be real here, i think setsuna was really let down like most characters were in 00. however, i also think he's funny and has cat vibes, at least that's how i cope with it in my own head! he's clearly supposed to be a heero archetype except he just. lacks the pure insanity that heero had. 6/10 i wish they did better for u bby
also gonna be real, i hated unicorn, and in no small part because of banagher! i feel like he's what a lot of weird people think amuro is when they complain about amuro being a whiny baby. the entire plot revolved around telling me that banagher was the most special boy but like. was he? wishy washy bitch. i would knock him for betraying his ideals for pussy if he had any ideals to betray. basically the best scene with banagher was the one where he was all "oh i cant kill the zeon mass murderer to stop her from murdering more bc she has feelings too :(" and riddhe was like "well i can!" and does it. that's the most worth i got out of banagher as a character! 1/10 come on stop making shiro look better
LETS GIVE IT UP FOR MY SWEET LITTLE GUN DEMON!!!!! i love this kid bc he gives zero shits its so funny. most of these other pilots have a little thing called "strategy" when they attack and mika basically goes UNGA BUNGA like a caveman and smashes enemies with his giant stick. everyone else thinks they're traumatized and messed up and mika is like well i don't know what a 'trauma' is but hold my juice box. i struggle to be coherent about mikazuki bc hes just, so much, in a tiny little package. 21/10 BABY BOY YOU CAN HAVE ALL THE WEIRD SPACE PRUNES YOU WANT
Honorable Mentions Time!
Bernie (BEST BOY)
he doesn't really qualify as a main pilot but i love him dearly. my man bernie will rise to the occasion and 0080 is maybe my favorite UC entry in gundam? all around good. 12/10 burger joke here
Sei & Reiji
i have a lot of love for build fighters and these two are so good. it's hard to rank them separately bc they're a package deal. since pilot is kind of a different thing in BF, i decided to put them here, and it's to say i love them so much they're an excellent team 10/10
she's the closest thing we get to "female character" and "main pilot" when it comes to gundam so she goes here (G WITCH PLEASE BE GOOD) and she was a severely underutilized character. for being the real out of the box thinker of the try team, it's absolutely wild that yuuma and sekai get all the credit of being like. good builder and weird tactician when fumina is RIGHT HERE!!!! the show is obsessed with humiliating her. 8/10 bby girl you deserved more
i mean i guess he's basically a regular main pilot, but idk. vibes are different and this is a very vibe-y based ranking. hes a little bit bland as main characters go but there are worse crimes for him to commit. like being a fuckign terrorist. i do like the part where he doesn't seem to think things through much. 7/10 here's hoping the other movies come out sometime this century!
and that is all for now, all in all, they need therapy
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lunartearrose · 3 years
What your fave Coroika character says about you - Team leader addition!
This will mostly involve recurring team leaders, but if it's popular i will make a post for the one off team leads! Anyways, here we go in order!
1. Goggles
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-you really thought he was Team Blue's leader and still consider him the actual leader
-you are actually super sweet and gentle!!!!
-currently ignoring the goggles crimes of public indecency <3
-you want him to habe more character arcs and make them with your bare hands! You're super creative with what you make and should share it more!!!!
-quite gay, likely neurodivergent!
2. Specs/Glasses/Megane(????)
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-really mad when people don't remember that he's blue team's leader!!
-you have anxiety
-pls b gentle on urself you're trying your best
-you have a firm belief that glasses should be smooched on the cheek
-you buy every single gear and weapon in game impulsively! Must have all!
3. Rider
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-you feel strongly about this boy's characteristics
-i betcha you have/crave black leather jackets and awesome punky platform boots
-you either love gorai or hate it with a passion
-Rider did nothing Wrong (except for the scene with metry we dont talk about that/make rider apologize for real in fanon)
-u would like to be held gently sometimes
-often the most mature of a friend group! The least chaotic
4. Army
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-you! Food lover!
-to-do lists and schedules actually work pretty nice for you
-you just thought he was really cute
-You draw/like it when people draw him with freckles on his lil squiddy face
-very mad about the bees
5. Aloha
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-chaos flows through your veins and nothing can stop you
-one day you will show up at your friend's doorsteps and whisk them away on a lil urban adventure like gravity falls but with a little less danger and more running around roads/woods with sticks and fishing out pond gunk with said sticks
-with all that being said! Your brain has a good time till it mistakes your intense feelings for panic and makes it full on terror. You do not want it to stop you, but friends are more there to bring u down to speed
-funney little jokester
-you either make aloha as much of a party boi as he seems or take one look at the panels where he maked *those* faces and run with what bubbles beneath
6. Mask
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-you have a few mood disorders and i hope you're doing ok with them. But you did see mask and vibed!
-this is a character you vibe especially hard with
-fond of the "weird" pets such as rats, ferrets, snakes etc.
-salmon run arc was fun for you!
-gaymer big gay
-often a fan of the sad x ray of sunshine stuff!
7. Skull
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-you expected him to be super evil but fell in love instead
-likely on the ace side
-Sewing is either an aesthetic or a hobby of yours
-you just think skull is a neat sweet boy and you're so fucking valid for this
8. Gloves
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-him green!
-ok honestly Gloves lovers are the sweetest people ive ever met u rock I'm certain ive never met someone who faved gloves and was mean
-no bad vibes!
-you firmly believe this boy deserves the world
-you draw with the stitches and hc watermelon eyes
9. Emperor
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-you saw this smug bastard and knew. You love this fucker
-ya find yourself amidst debates a lot but there are hills you will die on for He
-you're so pissed off that they dont let you have emperor gear like COME ONNN
-Your feelings are rather intense! A lot of the times it gets tough but dont forget the support you have and like. Try to take it gently
-dont forget ur water! Or your meds!
-nb vibes
10. Vintage
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-you really like actiony anime! Not shounen per sey but as long as it has you saying "holy fuck shit's happening" you're watching it
-this bastard boy you feel might get the goggles friending treatment you know but you love him still the way he is and plan to love him after that
-ur not cis
-eye aesthetics are fun for you
-actually terrible at vintage's main but god dangit if you aren't learning it to cosplay in game...!
-you get into discourse like Emp does but you could honestly care less for the love of god you want these ppl to stop talking
-firm believer in the skull and vin were exes/are complicated hcs
-u want to have more fandom friends! But. You are nervous.
Welp, that's it! Definitely doing a part two since i couldn't fit prince or hachi or quite a few actually
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cleaduvalls · 5 years
i watched “spy kids 4″ exactly twice and i plan to keep it that way. here are my thoughts
i had the volume up from the last one because it was SO QUIET and now my ears hurt. not a great start
i used to think that was carmen and i was so disappointed because i wanted to see carmens kids 😔
tik tok????? oh no
i thought tick tock was matthew lillard for most of the movie
you cant do that in the SIMS
why are you shifitng gears. you dont need to shift gears
shut up wilbur have YOU given birth?????
wait it sounds like ive given birth i havent i assure you
a pregnant belly wouldnt make that sound
yeah alright whatever shaggy youre high
isnt she from girl meets world??????
itd make a better sitcom honestly
hahah funney because shes a spy
birth is NOT that short
i would be great at cinemasins
oh!!!! disabled character!!!!
who approved this show
oh like its HER fault
youre watching the clock speed up why are you not suspicious
roll credits
argonaut. my english teacher would like that
its 5 o clock somewhere
have you not been watching the show??????
there is a serious lack of floop
i feel like ive seen the boy before too
guess not
also i guess this one had a smell feature?????? ig thats why the baby farts so much
dont say stepmother its creepy
ooh tinker toys!!!! real ones this time!!!!
girl its dyed blue youre gonna stain your carpet
oh God she wants to be FRIENDS
epic????? No
these pranks can all be used for smellovision
aromascope ig??????
because you pulled the prank?????
power move
those are really your worst fears?????
i have almost that exact clock
youre looking for SPIES not VILLIANS
i kinda want a clock hand sword
cecils so chill
it looks like the slime from floops castle..... i miss floop
felix has been replaced??? by a computer voice????
oh mood
hahah carmen said that
is that ricky gervais
oh!!!! they broke gender binary!!!!!! took the other chair!!!!!
worlds smallest camera!!!!!!
yeah hes right theres no invisibility powder
its not a SPACESHIP theyre not IN SPACE
hey can we maybe not put that in a movie thanks
yeah i hate this one
that fall was awful
C A R M E N!!!!!!!!!!!
wilbur youre so boring
spy week???? dont you mean shark week?????
i watch these movies too much
except this one this one sucks
7 years ago????? when game over came out????? nice
why does she still have that
HOW does she still have that
take that giggleses
JUNI!!!! only video tho ://
your baby is your back up????? Bad Idea
did you not name your child????
why did they pause for a label????
stop making time puns i hate you
i really hope those are floops. like the cereal
stop calling her stepmother like its her name its CREEPY
stop WASTING them
just say youre marissas kids?????? they know who she is
oh God piss joke
oh God POOP joke
right its the bombs that make him cool not the fact that hes literally ricky gervais
and a fart joke????? i hate this movie
silent but LETHAL???? awfyl. i hate it
toot??? stop making fart jokes
OH THEYRE GETTING CHASED CUZ THE SAPPHIRE i need to pay attention more. i blame buzzfeed
its not working btw. i hate this movie
oh look. a butt joke.
oh yay disney acid trip
uh yeah???? hes ricky gervais
yeah except shes WHITE
i kinda wanna go to the cheese shop. wisconsin instincts ig
thats not a WORD
no the red ones the second hand do you know anything?????
how does she know how to army crawl???? shes EIGHT
there are 42 minutes left im suffering
oh no he died
is she wearing twinkle toes??????
did they.... teleport???? was that an awkward cut???? did they straight up travel through time????? im so confused
yknow as an OBVIOUS choice for the next doctor, floop should REALLY be in the movie centered around time
im gonna punch this dude
hes the hulk
oh dear he referenced a meme
he just called the google lady annoying im gonna punch him next
n i c e
yeah theyre gonna flip youre STALKING THEM
that seems like a Bad Idea
try harder rebecca
dude you look like youre on crack
youre gonna divorce her because she wasnt allowed to tell you?????????
no???? ofc not???? you have no weapons??????
and i feel fine~
J U N I!!!!!!!!!!! FOR REALS!!!!!!!!
oh shiitake mushrooms he got kinda cute
you can???? reach into the garbage can???????
i love the sound of clockwork. so soothing. that doctor who episode with the time robots???? a fave
oh no they all have died
M A C H E T E!!!!!!!!
why did juni freeze if he didnt really freeze???? thats some buzz lightyear level stuff
oh hey i just realized that junis hair is back!!
oh no now argos the hulk too
the baby looks like dora
hahah funney
and diaper lady???? Stop
nice censorship
can hearing aids work that well???? im no expert but i dont think they can do that?????
taking his hearing aids???? i hate this guy
R A L P H!!!!
oh!!!!!! sign language!!!!!
Even Evil Has Standards
are they trying to make me cry?? im not
you can travel through time youre just not COOL ENOUGH
oh worm????
side note i figured they were the same guy but i was so disappointed when it wasnt matthew lillard
please let this be over i need to mindlessly scroll the spy kids wiki
stop being philosophical youre wearing twinkle toes
roll credits
us???? wouldnt that be me???? or is us right??? clones are wack
oh no he died
why did he float???? did they run out of gravity?????
he moved before he touched the watch
yeah but hell see his dad again and thats the point of this whole thing????
oh no he died. for reals this time
this time???? you have 6 months
i cant raise my eyebrow😔
thats hot
yes bc youre a robot shut up
oh thank God its over
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comicteaparty · 5 years
June 15th-June 21st, 2019 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from June 15th, 2019 to June 21st, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question:
Describe your comic’s protagonist.  Why should we as an audience care about them and their goals?
Nutty (Court of Roses)
Technically I have five protagonists in Court of Roses http://courtofroses.thecomicseries.com/, but I can focus on the main one; Merlow is simply a wandering minstrel who, despite fighting some inner demons, just wants to bring laughter and song everywhere he goes. He is passionate and loves his line of work, and finds the beauty in all expressions in music, and, in turn, in life and in people. His friendly and sincere approach to everyone is what helps bring him and the other four main bards together. Without spoiling too much, once they begin to travel together, he'll be the unofficial leader and the glue between them all.
HoK is about heartbreaks that develop quietly, between people who do genuinely care about each other. The main example of such heartbreaks is feeling abandoned when you need their support more than ever. A lot of us have been through that, myself included. There are countless variations of that experience; the specific variations that I know firsthand, I've mixed them around and given to Ethan and Danbi. That's why their story speaks to my soul, the bruised part of it. And maybe it will speak to yours, too, for the same reasons.
Millennium's http://millennium.thecomicseries.com/ protagonist, Sage, is a kindhearted, southern farmer who has been thrown into a lot of bad situations he could never understand or prepare for, but always approaches with as much love as he can. I guess we root for him because we, too, want to see the best in things and have that kind of positivity work out.
Conan of Galebound http://www.galebound.com/ is a pretty typical farmboy, except he just learned that he's a Hidden Backup Prince, that he has the power to command Magicians, that he's an assassination target, his kidnapper/protector is probably also an assassin, and the literal ocean called him "far worse"--whatever that means. He's had a rough couple of days. I like to think he's relatable and ultimately a good person. At first, his goal was just to get back home, but then he made a terrible mistake with his newly-discovered power. Immediately he takes responsibility for his actions, seeking to learn more about this power so he doesn't hurt anyone else and maybe even help against those using the same power for cruel reasons. Once he feels responsible for something, he tends to through his entire self into taking care of or fixing a problem--sometimes to the point of being a bit self-sacrificial about it. His overall arc, though, is really about following your heart, and recognizing what you really want to do versus what you're doing out of a sense of obligation--or sometimes discovering that your "obligations" and what you want are one and the same.
My comic's protagonist (http://ask-a-warlock.tumblr.com/) is actually not the warlock...it's a small bird named Margo who is an animate drawing. She hops out of an illuminated manuscript one day and discovers the real world is very brutal and harsh. Through a series of buddy adventures with a knight, and demonic crime-solving with a cleric, Margo does eventually choose to be part of the real world, because she belongs with her friends...although she secretly desires to be human, as well(edited)
argh, I put in the wrong askawarlock...haha, well, updated my urlwith dashes
The Angel with Black Wings http://blackwings.mharz.com/ or Big Sis as what me and my readers call her at this point is a sweet and very caring towards people. She's like a motherly figure of some sort. (The one who will tuck you in bed and bake you loads of cookies) However she's heavily plagued by mental illness (feeling extreme guilt and blaming herself on anything bad that happens around her, thinking she doesn't deserve anything good in life, and inner voices that seems to be getting stronger as time passes.) Even tho she thinks she doesn't deserve it, deep down there is a tiny glimmer of hope that one day, she'd be forgiven. Altho her mental issues are amplified, I think most of us can relate to have felt guilt about something we did/didn't do and dwelled and ruminated on it for so long, having uncontrollable thoughts and inner voices that tells us that we are worthless, we are horrible people, everyone hates us and we don't deserve anything. I personally on that boat and slowly working on getting better. So I wrote my comics in the hope whoever reads my comics can make them feel better in some way and find that glimmer of hope. wheeze (edited)
MJ Massey
Emily (http://welcometoblackball.com/) is pretty much a passive doormat. She starts out just doing whatever her parents say and taking the path of least resistence until she feels she can't, that she has to take action to solve her sister's murder. But she has no patience for the shenanigans and games of others, always taking the most direct path she can. Some would say this makes her a concise person, but in her mind she's just doing what's easiest. She ends becoming more assertive and independent over time until she can finally make her own life choices with confidence. A good bit of her insecurities come from being very ill with measles a few years ago, and having to have her hair shaved off. It never grew back quite the same as it was, and her parents are a little more on her case because they want her to marry well in society.
I think on paper, Toivo (https://ingress-comic.com/) sounds awful. He’s a wizard professor, single father, serial romantic, and unlucky in his adventures. He’s anxious and a little mean and obnoxious. He’s snarky and kind of an asshole and makes mistakes and doesn’t consider other people’s emotions, so he makes things hard for other people. He orchestrates most of the problems he has to solve. But i think that’s why he’s fun? He’s a good person at heart but he isn’t perfect and that’s the type of character I like to read about.
@kayotics He seems like a genuinely fun character to read about. I like characters with flaws that seem to make sense with the story being told
@Desnik I like to think he is! One of my favorite comic series is Ranma 1/2, and I think that series fundamentally taught me that you can have characters who are objectively not great people and still likable.
MJ Massey
I've enjoyed reading his misadventures so far. I think that since he usually learns some sort of lesson from his misadventures it makes him really endearing to balance out his flaws
Lamar Anderson, the current focus of We Are The Wyrecats (http://wyrecats.com/) is a superhero of unyielding principle, to the point of self-destructive fanaticism. He’s a mute genius with cerebral palsy, who has difficulty walking without his hero armor. The Wyrecats were the first and only time he felt like he had friends, and K.A. was his first crush (reciprocated, though neither of them acted on it). When she was put in a coma and the team disbanded, he basically started a one man war against the US government that secretly initiated the plot (long story). Five years later, with K.A. waking up, he’s been questioning his approach, which involved stockpiling weapons and hiring mercenaries to wage guerilla war upon his country’s intelligence agencies. Since K.A.’s hardly in the best mental health at the moment, Lamar’s trying to do his best by her to make a world she’d want to live in.
Mizuki Sato is the protagonist of Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R (http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/). She's a small woman from a small farm town, going on adventures through a strange world. Mizuki's main draw is that she's entertaining to watch. She constantly back-sasses & annoys the people she encounters on her journey (to be fair, some of those people are Taci Ramino) - and when action happens, Mizuki is ahead of the game, out-strategizing her enemies and pushing past her own limits. She may be a bit reckless with her own health, but to her it's worth it if she's helping other people in any way. Mizuki's main goal in life is to find love - someone she could get married to someday, specifically. But... that often doesn't work out for her. Every time Mizuki falls for someone, she loses them to someone else - or worse, she ends up in a short-lived relationship filled with endless put-downs. The people Mizuki encounters in her daily life enjoy the fact that she's around. They like the way she entertains them, the way she helps them out, the way she... makes them happy. But, at least from Mizuki's perspective, nobody she meets actually loves her in any meaningful way. anyway funney muscle lady shoot rainbow lasers woo
My comic AntiBunny http://antibunny.net/ has multiple protagonists depending on what angle we're seeing the world through, but the original protagonist Pooky Bunny can be best described as a gender ambiguous depressed mess who's trying to become a better person. Why should you care? When you first meet Pooky their depression is clearly in control. As the story unfolds in the past you start to see where that depression comes from, and as it unfolds in the present you'll see Pooky learning to let others in, slowly moving to become a better person. Pooky is not OK, and realizes that, but also sees a way forward. So if you want to see someone who is initially consumed by their flaws and who eventually realizes them and works to overcome them, then maybe you'll care about Pooky. What are their goals? Pooky has both what I'd call external goals, that is things they want to accomplish in the real world, and internal ones, that is how they'd like to change as a person. Externally Pooky is all about unraveling mysteries. Being a reporter Pooky often is chasing a story. Internally Pooky's goals change. Early on it's little more than subsistence. Struggling to get by from one day to the next. Though as the story progresses as Pooky says "I'm trying to be a better person." Pooky goes from being someone who's dead inside to coming alive again. You'll see that trauma in Nailbat that started this, and in The Gritty City Stories you'll see the recovery. It's all about the fall, bottoming out, and climbing back up. Essentially that's Pooky.
Attila Polyák
Anne is the protagonist and mostly the perspective character of Tales of Midgard: The Age of Magic https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/book-1-cover-page/. She's a knight and a mage and more or less she's a well established person with a generally (currently) good life. She's definitely not someone special. Magic is very common and accessible to basically everyone and being a knight in a world full of magic is also not really extraordinary. So why should you care about someone who's not special? That's exactly the point! Most fantasy stories are set in fantastic worlds yet the main cast, and the protagonists especially, are still special. Even compared to the world. Not here. This story is the story of the everyman. The true everyman, not a chosen one, not someone who is surrounded by prophecies left and right, just your regular normal person. Of course we're still in a fantasy world so what's regular to the characters is still fantastic for the readers, and these "everydays" are still adventures compared to the normal lives most of us live in real life. Plus... Just because she not special she and everyone else in the story can still, just like in real life, be swooped up into events that are larger than life and seeing normal people cope with the extraordinary is always more interesting than extraordinary people playing their own game.
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