#the fact that he hasn't really looked buck in the eye since the kitchen scene is actually driving me up the fucking wall
p4nishers · 1 year
eddie not holding eye contact with buck in the truck but starting at him longingly the moment he looks away is just so queer pinning of him
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lemotmo · 1 month
ABC hire Ali, please!!! I want this!!!!
Q. You said awhile back that if they went full fanfic and gave us a storyline you'd want it to be amnesia. So how would you do that this season and have it end with Buddie becoming canon?
A. Way to put me on the spot, anon, haha. But since we're playing make believing here, if it were up to me I would do it like this :
I would open the show with a 3 month time jump, just long enough for Eddie to have been in therapy, and Buck to be newly single (this also means Chris hasn't been gone ages, because none of us want that). I would have a scene of Eddie talking to Frank during his session about his issues surrounding his relationships. Frank asks him if it's possible that Eddie believes the role of partner and coparent has already been filled, and because of that when someone else comes along and tries to take over that role Eddie spirals and begins to sabotage the relationship. The scene goes quiet while we watch Eddie's face go through a million different emotions and we see him look directly at Frank and simply say 'Buck'. Then the scene cuts to the other character block for that episode, so probably something Bobby and Athena related. The next scene would be Buck and Chimney or Ravi goofing off while cleaning the ladder truck, or some other chore. We see Eddie in the loft smiling fondly at whatever antics Buck is in the middle of. Hen walks over to him, and he looks embarrassed about being caught, she just smiles knowingly at him and tells him something along the lines of having no say in who we fall in love with but how lucky the people who get to be in love with their best friend are. Eddie faulters for a moment and admits how scared he is of messing things up between them. Hen tells him it's Buck and it's not possible for him to ever mess up enough to actually lose him. Then we see shift A leaving for the night and Eddie asking Buck if he wants to come over for dinner.
Our next Eddie and Buck scene is the two of them in his kitchen cleaning up from the dinner Buck insisted on cooking, despite the fact that Eddie told him take out sounded just fine to him. We see them standing at the sink, one washing, one drying and Eddie just kind of starts talking and doesn't think he's saying anything Buck can follow but Buck is able to follow and suddenly stops and looks directly at Eddie, eyes flickering down to his lips for a moment, and asks if he can kiss him. Eddie whispers 'yes' and Buck's soapy hands find their way to Eddie's face, they giggle at one another momentarily, until Buck dips his head down and captures Eddie's mouth in a soft gentle kiss. They part just enough to let their foreheads touch, and Buck asks him if he's sure and Eddie says he thinks he's been sure for years now, we see Buck's beaming face and tears filling his eyes as he says, 'really'? Eddie says 'really' and Buck says 'me too, god Eddie me too' and their next kiss is more heated with Buck backing Eddie into the kitchen counter. That's as far as things go that night. They agree they need to talk and Buck asks Eddie on a date after their shift tomorrow.
Cut to passengers boarding the plane we've been getting in the BTS pics before we see a beaming Buck arriving at the firehouse the next morning, coffee for Eddie in hand. He bounds up the stairs where Eddie is smiling fondly at him and we see their hands touch and linger just a bit when Buck hands over the coffee. Buck asks him they're still on for their date and Eddie tells him he can't wait actually. Just then the bell rings and off they go to the airplane emergency. Because Gerard is an ass he separates Eddie and Buck at the scene so Buck goes one way and Eddie is sent off in the opposite direction. We see Buck going through his assigned section and then hear screaming coming through the radio that a firefighter is down and we see a frantic Buck rush off because he knows without being told that it's Eddie. We see Hen and Chimney working on him in the back of the ambulance while a helpless Buck looks on, holding his hand and whispering over and over again that everything's going to be okay. We get to the hospital where Eddie is wheeled away from them leaving them all standing there trying to comfort Buck. Later that evening Buck is in the room waiting for Eddie to wake up. When he finally does and the doctor is asking him questions they realize that Eddie has temporary amnesia and can't remember anything from the last year.
Meaning Eddie forgot about Chris leaving, the Kim fiasco,Buck coming out, and of course their first kiss. So we get several episodes of Eddie not remembering things, Buck spiraling because he finally had Eddie and of course the universe took him away because Buck doesn't get to be happy. We get the 3 month time jump stuff filled in as Eddie's memories slowly return. That's also how we get the bachelor party scenes. And that allows us to see Buck and Eddie interact with Buck knowing where they were headed, and remembering the kiss and everything about that night, and Eddie still believing they're just friends.
Give me all the angst, anon. Lol, this would never happen but yeah this is how I would do it if they ever gave us fanfic.
Thank you so much for this Nonny! I read this with bated breath!
All right, this is it! This would be such a great scenario. It's one big giant trope, but who cares?
Now I want this in season 8 and I'm afraid nothing else will measure up. 😁
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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ganseybois · 6 months
hello! another prompt? eddie gets a weird, unexpected shovel talk from bobby, then from abuela (???) then from maddie! about HIM AND BUCK? except eddie and buck are just best friends???? (right?) (or are they?) (why is buck being super cagey and awkward?)
"Eddie, I want you to know, that I trust you." Bobby says as Eddie sits down across from him in his office.
"Uh, okay. Thanks." Eddie grins uncertainly. "Is everything okay cap? Did I do something wrong? Cause everything at the scene went fine today-"
"No, no, everything is fine. You didn't do anything wrong." Bobby leans back in his chair. "I just wanted to discuss something--someone with you. Buck, to be precise."
"He's been kinda weird lately," Eddie agrees easily, before Bobby even starts talking. Ever since Buck and Tommy broke up, Buck has been avoiding Eddie, and been a lot less chatty. He's come around, he would never disappoint Chris by staying away, but even when he's at the house, he avoids Eddie's gaze, doesn't speak to him much. It's driving him crazy. Eddie can't exist in a world where Buck acts this way around him, he already feels so wrong.
"You know," Bobby says lightly, looking at him kindly. "I know all about love, Eddie. There's different kinds of it. I thought I'd never love again, not after my family died. But then I found Athena, and I also found the 118, but Buck...he's like my son."
Eddie keeps his smile, despite the fact that he's very confused. "Sure, I know that."
"And if anything were to ever really happen to him, I'd never be the same."
Eddie nods, "I know, me too Bobby. You know how much Buck means to me."
Bobby surveys him. "Do you know how much you mean to him, Eddie?" he asks carefully.
"Course," he says, missing the point entirely. "He's my best friend...Bobby, what's this about?"
Bobby smiles sadly at him - Eddie doesn't understand why. "I want you to take care of him Eddie. I want him to know he has a family, always, right in front of him."
"He does," he replies immediately. "Chris is his son."
Bobby sighs, Eddie still not understanding what the fuck is happening, before he is dismissed. Buck continues to ignore him, continues to avoid him, continues to not look him in the eye. Every time Eddie tries to get his attention, Buck manages to avoid him.
It continues for another week, until Eddie has a break, sitting down with abuela at his kitchen table, as Buck chatters happily with Christopher in the living room.
"Mijo," she grabs his hand, squeezing it as she watches Eddie smile, hearing the laughter. "Aren't you tired?"
"Tired of what?" he asks with a smile, putting his free hand over hers.
"Pretending." she stands up and takes his hand, walking him over to the doorway so that they can look at Chris and Buck, who are setting up video games. "Look at them, Edmundo. Everything you want is right there."
Eddie's gut twists as he watches them. "Abuela..." he turns away, shaking his head. "Don't."
"Edmundo, sit with me," she grabs his hand, and because he's Eddie he can't fucking say no to her, and so he does sit with her at the table, and allows her to keep holding his hand. "Don't you see the beautiful man right in front of you?"
"Abuela," he groans. "Buck is my friend. My best friend, but it's not like that. I know you worry about me, but I'm not lonely. I'm fine."
Except Eddie has been saying the word fine for so long that he doesn't even know what it means.
"Mijo," she uses her free hand to cup his face. "Why are you alone again?"
"I told you abuela, Marisol and I just didn't work. I'm not lonely, though, okay?"
"Haven't you ever wondered why you aren't lonely?" she whispers sadly.
Honestly? Eddie hasn't had to think about - he already knows. For Eddie, he is perfectly content with having no significant other if it means he can stop putting on a show. He is happy to have this - his son, his best friend, in his small house, with nothing but happiness and laughter. Why would he have to do anything else? Why should he bother trying to go out into the world and get a girlfriend just to get one? Why wasn't this enough - to love the life he has right here.
But that doesn't mean more than just that - it doesn't mean he's in love with Buck. He loves Buck, of course, but not in love.
"Abuela," he groans. "Buck is-"
"Your friend, I keep hearing that. But, mijo, that's not what I see. I see a man who continues to drop everything for you. Who finds himself alone again and again and back in your house. A man who takes care of your son like he is your own."
"Abuela, please-"
"Edmundo," she gets up to give him a side hug, pressing him to her body. She sighs so sadly, and it breaks Eddie's heart. "The man of your dreams is right in front of you. Don't make him walk away. He is such a good man, and he deserves kindness and love too, don't you think?"
Eddie can't say anything - he doesn't have the words, his throat is closed tight. But he holds her, because he can't bear to stop, because he can't bear to face himself. It's easier to hide.
A week after that, he finds himself with Maddie. He doesn't know how he got roped into wedding duty with her, but he actually had fun today. He's driving for once, bringing her home, when she decides to bring it up.
And fuck, he wishes people would stop bringing it up.
In the almost three weeks of two different people basically giving him shit, he has had a lot of time to reflect.
Unfortunately, it has made things worse with him and Buck. Now they're both doing everything they can to avoid one another - Buck hasn't even been over in the last couple of days. Eddie can't fucking stand it - he misses him, all the time, like a fucking lung.
See, the thing is, Eddie is excellent at compartmentalizing. So when people take the boxes out of his head and unwrap them, forcing him to look at what he's put away, he can't fucking stop. So in the last week and a bit, he has figured out that he's desperately, whole-heartedly, ridiculously, in love with Evan Buckley.
"So," Maddie says in the car. "Who's your plus one now that you and Marisol broke up?"
Eddie grins, "Jeez, Maddie. What a way to lean into a conversation."
"Well you weren't going to bring it up, so I figured I should."
"I didn't know we had the kind of relationship where we talk about that stuff."
"We don't," she pouts a little, and it reminds him of Buck. "But my brother is being super mopey and annoying, so I figured it was about time to get involved."
Eddie's knuckles get white as he tightens his grip on the wheel. "What do you mean?"
Maddie rolls her eyes. "You're a big boy, Eddie. I'm not going to spell it out for you. But I am going to say this - he is really, really not as strong as he seems. So if you take the leap, which I think you should, just...make sure it's forever. Because with you? Buck won't be able to survive it being anything less than that."
Eddie sighs, "Maddie, it's...complicated."
"Except it's really not." she laughs softly, patting his leg. "You're both just idiots. I say that with all the love in my heart, but it's true. You're both avoiding each other for the same reason, and I'm tired of having my brother mope around my house."
"Is that where he's been?!"
"Yes!" she exclaims with an exasperated laugh. "So, please, for the love of god, get him home. With you, where he belongs."
And, well, Eddie can't say no to the bridge to be, right?
"This is the way to your house, not mine." Buck says, ten minutes later. It's been quiet in the car until then, tension filling the air uncomfortably.
"Astute as always."
"I asked you to bring me home."
"That's what I'm doing."
Eddie doesn't answer until another ten minutes after that, pulling up into his driveway. He puts the car into park and takes off his seatbelt, turning to face Buck. He takes off his sunglasses and places them on the dashboard. "You've been avoiding me for weeks."
Buck scoffs, looking straight ahead. "Have not."
"You have, and I think I know why."
Buck snorts. "I doubt that."
"Buck," he grabs his shoulder. "Please look at me." When Buck doesn't right away, very clear fear on his expression, Eddie knows he'll have to do it first. That's okay - he may have been in denial with Maddie, but he's been dealing with his feelings for almost three weeks now.
"Buck," he whispers. "I brought you here, because I want you here, with me. This is your home. Me, Chris, we're your home, Buck."
And the thing about Buck? The thing he wants more than anything? To have a home. So when he looks over at Eddie with those beautiful, open, vulnerable eyes, Eddie realizes that Maddie was right - they're just being idiots.
"Eddie..." he whispers.
"Bobby kind of threatened me, your sister called me an idiot, and my own abuela handed reality to me by kicking me in the ass." Eddie laughs softly.
"Eddie, you don't..." he shakes his head. "I'm a lot. I'm-you and Chris, this isn't the family you wanted, right? You...deserve-"
"I deserve someone who is willing to put my kid above everyone else." Eddie interrupts. "I deserve someone who loves me without condition. I deserve someone who will treat me right, I deserve to be happy." he moves his hand to Buck's face, cupping his cheek. "Don't you think that you deserve that too?"
Buck puts his hand over Eddie's. "Is this for real?"
"Realest thing in the world." he smiles. "Can I kiss you?"
Buck breathes a sigh of relief like he's letting go of the biggest possible weight off of his shoulders. "Yes."
So Eddie does, and it's perfect.
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shebles123 · 3 years
(Disclaimer: apologies in advance if someone has already talked about this!!!)
Okay, so this has been on my mind for a while now...we all know some of our favorite onscreen buddie moments:
- 2x06 (dosed): "he is so cute"..."Yeah, he gets that a lot. You should see his kid, though"..."wait, chimney has a kid?"..."I thought you meant..." (yeah we know who you thought she meant, Buck 😏)
Also featured in this episode: JEALOUS EDDIE MODE
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-2x14 (Broken): *Buck looking at Eddie with utter adoration*...I'll never get over the way buck bats his eyes 😍
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-3x02 (Sink or Swim): "operation buck up buck"...honestly this entire episode was cute af with all the buck christopher family feels...not to mention the fact that Buck pretty much sacrificed his life by jumping in to the water after Christopher falls in.
-3x10 (Christmas Spirit): did someone say best buddie Christmas episode?? Also...who looks at their platonic friend like this 🤨
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Even more Buckley-Diaz family feels:
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3x12: *Buck and eddie help Christopher skateboard*...also, I love the fact that Eddie always goes to Buck when he needs advice about christopher...*ahem*...did someone say coparenting?
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-3x18 (What's Next?): aka the return of JEALOUS EDDIE MODE...also I just adore the way Eddie tries to take care of buck throughout this entire episode, especially when he breaks his cool as buck casually mentions sacrificing himself again (STOP THINKING YOU'RE EXPENDABLE EVAN!!)
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4x03 (Future Tense): *eddie struggles with technology and coparents with buck*...this is honestly one of the most disgustingly domestic buddie episodes...I mean...come on:
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Also, the fact that Buck bought Eddie a very expensive coffee maker (even if it was a prank) is really sus...especially since firefighters in LA probs don't make that much money
-4x05 (Buck begins): aka eddie being a supportive and understanding husband...also you KNOW that Eddie was the one talking to Buck's parents about how amazing he is...that or he was sitting in the corner glaring while Hen and chim talk to Buck's parents (I'll let you decide)
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- 5x01 and 5x02: I know this season hasn't been everybody’s favorite, but some of my favorite buddie moments happen in the beginning of this season...aka buck being very worried about eddie and that conversation buck and eddie have about Eddie's panic attack and doubts about Ana..."my kid loves her"..."is that enough?"...I just really feel like they are setting something up here.
-3x09 (Fallout): And we can't forget the absolute GOAT buddie scene...the scene that sold me on the fact that a canon romantic relationship is possible between these two...
The kitchen scene:
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You cannot tell me these mfers weren't ready to eat each other if Christopher weren't in the room...
So...what do all these buddie scenes have in common you might ask?
well...all of these episodes were written or directed by one of these three people:
-Juan Carlos Coto, Andrew Meyers, and Marcus Stokes
I'd also like to highlight the fact that 3x09 (the kitchen scene episode) was worked on by both Juan and Marcus.
Why is this important? Well friends...for the very first time, in 5b, we will be getting an episode worked on by all 3 of these people together which ultimately means: BUDDIE SCENES (potentially sprinkled with sexual tension 🤞)
I swear tg, these mfers KNOW we love buddie and make sure to keep us well fed every time they are involved in an episode...
So strap in for 5x12 (fear-o-phobia)!!!! And get your clown hats ready 🤡🤡🤡
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redhoodoutlaw91939 · 5 years
How can something go so wrong so fast?
Christopher was casually sitting in his chair frustrated as he tried to write out what he wanted to say on the paper in front of him. It was his free time and class and he wanted to use it to write something down that he has been meaning to ask. Yet, he was getting frustrated with how he wanted to say it on the paper. He sighed in frustration before crumbling up the paper. He then grabbed another piece from his desk and tried to write it out again. As he wrote his teacher could tell he was frustrated with what he was wanting to say. She walked up to him determined to help him out. Christopher was one of her more independent students that were determined to do anything that he puts his mind to. He was a caring person and wasn’t easily frustrated so when she saw him become frustrated she became curious more and more as she continued to walk up to him. She bent down to his level to be able to talk more privately to him.
“Hello, Christopher. I couldn't help but notice you needed help with something.” She said in her sweetest voice she could muster. She noticed him continuing looking at his paper instead of looking up at her.
“I need help with trying to figure out what to say.” He said in a low voice almost as if he was trying to hide the fact he wanted to cry. She frowned.
“Well, what is it that you are trying to write? I do have a way with words, maybe I can help you out.” She said smiling to him. He looked up with a new determined look that screamed thank you. He took a deep breath calming himself back down before answering her in a low tone as he was trying to keep it between both her and him.
“Recently Buck and Daddy got married and I wanted to ask Buck if he would adopt me. Since he is already like my dad, I wanted to make it official and have their last name and all. That way we were more of a family than what we are now.” Her smile widens even more as her heart swell with happiness. Any of the teachers could tell that Buck and Eddie were in love and when they announced they were officially dating they only knew that they were going to get married any time now.
“Oh that sounds fantastic I think he would love to. Now how about I help you with the note so you can ask him in the nicest way possible.” She said as she grabbed a pencil and started to write on a lined paper for him. That way he was able to put it into a nice card that he always seems to be making.
Christopher laughed as he sat at the lunch table with his friends. The card resting neatly in his backpack on his back. He was having lunch now before recess then his final class which was his favorite Art. He continued to eat as he talked amongst his friends. Oblivious to what was about to happen. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a tall man, about the same height as his Dad and Buck, walk into the room. A glistening object in his hand. Suddenly a loud bang filled the cafeteria making the children panic. Another one sounded off and Christopher could only do what he could think of and dove under the table as fast as he could. Covering his ears and bringing his knees up to his chest. Burying his face into his knees. Hoping his dads would show up with Aunt Athena and Aunt Hen and Uncle Chimney and Aunt Maddie and Uncle Bobby to save him.
It was a normal day in the fire station 118. There hasn't been any calls yet. So they all sat bored out of their minds around the station. Buck and Eddie sat on the couch cuddled up together watching videos of Christopher on Eddie’s phone. Fingers laced together as they leaned in together.
“Well you have certainly raised an amazing kid Mr. Buckley-Diaz,” Buck said as he looked loving into Eddie’s eyes.
“Well you have helped Mr. Buckley-Diaz,” Eddie said as he softly kissed Buck. A gagging sound made them broke apart. They turned around to see Hen and Chimney making gagging sounds as Bobby was making food in the kitchen. Buck frowned at them.
“Get a room you two! I don't wanna see it anymore. It was cute the first two days you were married it isn't anymore!” Yelled Hen as she turned in the barstool to face Bobby once more. Eddie laughed at the face Buck was making towards Hen. Suddenly bells started to ring throughout the station signaling that there was an emergency. They all jumped up before getting into their gear and piling into the truck.
As they drove, Buck started to realize it was the same way that he takes to pick up Christopher from school when he got off shift. He turned to Eddie with a frightened look. One look at his husband's face said it all to Eddie, he wasn't the only one that noticed it was the way to his only child's school where he was currently.
“Cap, where is this emergency at exactly?” He called into the headset in a panicked tone. Bobby turned to him with a confused look.
“558 Sunset Ave. Why do you know the address?” He called out. Buck and Eddie went white in the face as panic filled their features. It started to worry Bobby more as he noticed that not only Eddie knew the address but Buck did as well.
“Its Christopher's school address. Oh my God, Christopher is at school right now!” Yelled Buck as he reached out for Eddies’s arm. Eddie latched onto Buck as soon as he grabbed onto him. Bobby’s expression darkens before turning to the driver telling him to drive faster. They needed to get there now before anything bad were to happen.
“Dispatch this is Captain Nash. I need to know what is going on at that address you called us to.” He called into the walkie talkie. He was so hoping it was a fake emergency and that there was nothing wrong with one of his grandchildren. He might not be related by blood but he was a son to Buck who in return was like a son to Bobby. So that made Christopher his grandson.
“Captain Nash this is Dispatch. It seems like it is a school shooting. Police are already on the scene.” He heard a female voice call out as he pulled up to the school that they all knew too well.
Once parked the firefighters and EMTs of Station 118 jumped out of the truck. Bobby automatically went up to Athena who was already on the scene before they were to even get there. He quickly hugged her before asking what is going on and where do they need them.
“The shooter is already in custody. Luckily no one got shot or hurt for the most part. There are some small injuries from kids trying to get out of the cafeteria where it happened. So I need Hen and Chimney to go and see if they need any help with those they rest of you are needed for crowd control. We don't want anyone wandering off.” She said before kissing him on the cheek and turning back to her officers.
Bobby walked back to his team. Noting that Buck and Eddie were pacing back and forth and they waited for news about what is going on. Bobby didn't blame them if it was May or Harry he would be doing the same.
“Okay, the shooter is in custody. Hen and Chimney make sure people are alright the rest of us are here for crowd control. Let’s move it, people.” He said before he walked up to the boys who were in the most panic; He placed a hand on their shoulders offering some peace towards them.
“Go find your son.” he simply said before they were running off towards the kids that were already gathered around. Buck slightly behind Eddie.
Christopher just wanted to see his Dad and Buck. Luckily the police officers came in when they did otherwise he probably would have been hurt. He was carried out to the lawn where all the other kids were at by a police officer. They sat him down next to the big oak tree were someone would always pick him up. He sighed as he noticed his backpack on. He took it off looking at the cool picture on the front of it. It was a fire truck with two firefighters grabbing a hose and running off. He likes to think it was his Dad and Buck that was on his bag. He sat it gently next to him before making sure that the card was still in his bag. He smiled as he noticed it still there. He sat down and waited for his parents to come and get him. He noticed that other parents were coming and grabbing their children. Hugging and kissing them as though they were gone for a while. Tears started to fall as he realizes how much he wanted his Dads to be here. He looked down at his hands as he knew it might be a few as his parents were at work. What he wasn't expecting was his name to be heard. He quickly looked up to see his Dad with Buck shortly behind him running towards him calling his name. Christopher quickly stood up the best he could without his crutches. They laid somewhere in the cafeteria as he abandoned them when the nice officers picked him up. He raised his arms before quickly being picked up.
“Mijo! I am so glad you are okay thank God!” Eddie said as he wrapped his arms tighter around his son not wanting to let go. Christopher simply wrapped his arms around his neck as he buried his face into his shoulders. All while wrapping his legs around his dad the best he could. He didn't want to let go. They both felt Buck simply wrap them both into a hug wanting to shield his family away from harm. Eddie leaned back wanting to look at Christopher better.
“You are okay right Chris?” Eddie said as he looked him over for the third time. Christopher nodded before really realizing that both of the adults were crying. He quickly wiped away his tears before wiping both his fathers as well. Making them giggle as he did. He then realized he should give his card to Buck as he didn't know when else he would be able to. He quickly reached for his bag before grabbing the card and handing it gently to Buck. After Buck took the card he buried his blushing face into Eddie’s chest.
Buck looked at the card that was given to him. His heart swelled as he read it. On the front, it read ‘To Buck’ in big colorful letters. He opened and gasped on the inside read ‘Dear Buck I love you so much. Will you adopt me? PLEASE!’. He looked up at Christopher with tears.
“You want me to adopt you kid?” He said as he placed the card down and grabbed Christopher from his dad. Christopher nodded smiling as he couldn't find any more words to say. This was all shocking towards Eddie. He didn't know his only son wanted the love of his life to adopt him and to have him officially as his other dad. Even though Buck already acted like it. This made him even happier that Chirs thought Buck that way. Buck laughed as he grabbed both his husband and Christopher into a hug.
“I would gladly adopt you Chris!” he quickly said as he buried his head next to theirs.
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