#the fact that the mutant metaphor always falls apart when it comes to the ever so inconvenient disabled and mentally ill people…
rivercule · 5 months
Soooo funny that like. In the lead up to HoM characters were wondering if it was right to treat a human being that many of them also know/love like she was a bomb about to go off at any moment and when that treatment and depersonalization was what caused her to enact catastrophe they all walked away from that convinced they were right
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Switch au
N/A: This idea comes to me thanks to some fanarts and some talks.  What am I doing? Honestly, no idea. But I´m doing something. BTW, this is a mix of Ultimate and 616. A new au here.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @muninandhugin
Her skin is wet, completely so. Her cold sweat covers all spots of her body. Boisterous sounds assault her ear-her eyes see unfocused and dubious figures coming near her form-  as the voices, sounds are still enigmatic to her form. Suddenly, a loud honk forces her eyes to locate a big van and a man - if her eyes have the strength to see something so bleary- and her eyes saw the crimson circle and can only reply. "w-what?" with such feeble tone cementing the fact the others sure must haven´t heard.
"Call HER now. We found" she can hear someone giving orders. Someone familiar. And she sees a form of a blonde woman-oh, she can see the logo of quartet fantastic. Is Sue Storm- near the circle and muttering something. She can´t hear well.
"Don´t worry....you´re safe...Kitty" is all she managed to get before she closes her eyes again.
(2 hours before)
One Kitty Pryde is forming a circle in what used to be Dr. Stranger´s old apartment- the man moved out years ago and never look back- and aggressive fixing the symbols in the view. And huffing in and out. She clenches her teeth for a moment and only speaks once the digital watch-the the only thing she brought with her- marked 00:00 and then finally speaks.
"I summon, the begin, not the end. I summon the harbinger of life. Venus, heed my call" Kitty repeats those words 3 times and waits impatiently - tapping her foot away from the circle to not mess out her work of art- until someone taps her shoulders.
"You know, I´m pretty easy to summon...no need to go so archaic" and there is Venus. The Herald. With her long fiery hair-metaphorically speaking now-her dress covering what it must but showing a lot of her skin and her smug expression. "So, little mortal, what you want?" she looks up and down to Kitty. "A new sense of fashion?"
Kitty ignored Venus. At least, this question. "No, I want to sue Zaorva for taking my face. She uses my face and does whatever she wants" and Venus does the only sensible thing.
She giggles. Flicks her forehead and then speaks. "You´re supposed to be smart...that is pretty much dumb" and Venus shakes her head amused. "You are out of luck...She-Hulk is solving a conflict between Pheonix and Galaticus...time is relative" Venus responds and shurgs off.
Kitty is not caring. "Then I want to talk with Zaorva." and Venus stops smiling. "You´re being dumb here...but" she lifts her hand as her once brown eyes change into something azzure. "what you know, Zaorva is also amused...ok, little mortal..." and summoning somewhat ancient staff- mind you, out of thin air- Venus pushes Kitty to the circle without any struggle.
And Kitty is down on the rabbit hole, so to speak.
The beginning is never static. The Neverending is in constant change if you look closely. Nothing remains the same. And Kitty has no mind- a dangerous thing to admit concerning an Outer God and you- to admire the beauty of Neverending. Kitty has no mind to do anything but survive and talk with Zaorva.
The sky is in a greenish shade-one that seems familiar to Kitty and at the same time is completely new- as she´s holding to her dear life on something - something soft and squeeze. And her eyes land on an azzure tentacle. The origin and no end.
And a booming voice responds. Amused. In higher spirits and all its attention goes direct to Kitty. "You were wanting to talk with me, right...here I´m, Kitty Pryde. Oh, right..." and the voice stops and Kitty looks to a version of herself- donning with something blue. Not sure if is a dress or a robe, and at the moment, it doesn´t matter- as a face similar to hers is speaking now. "Hello, Kitty. You want to sue me?" and she treats as is a joke.
(It isn´t? Humanity is a fun joke for some Outer Gods. Humanity is a great way to kill time for others)
Kitty let go of the tentacle-better not try to understand how Zaorva is- and summons her courage again. "Why you bless that union?" and Zaorva didn´t respond and Kitty continues. "Peter Parker was taken ...by that thing...why?"
And now Zaorva answers putting a finger-Kitty´s finger. And there´re some implications here that she chooses to ignore- making a silent gesture to Kitty. Kitty/Zaorva will explain. "Peter Parker falls in love with the Felicia Hardy of my dimension. If you think this love was caused because of her tits..." Zaorva never breaks eye contact. "you´re wrong! Now...let me answer some of your questions that height in your soul"
Kitty wonders if she can even speak against. Even if she truly wanted. Could she do it?
"Felicia Hardy of the dimension where I live is not human as you noticed but rather the void" Kitty looks even more frightening. "The void has plans to Spiderman...He´s not being forced to be with this version of Felicia nor will be hurt, again, he has plans for this version of Spiderman"
And she continues. "Spiderman of your dimension jump the interdimensional portal on his own free will. No void, no Felicia tempted him to do so...only his desire to escape the mess of this dimension"
And to conclude. "And why I use your face? Because of Katherine Anne Pryde...I was you a long time ago. I can be a bit nostalgic" and a cute smile plays on Zaorva´s face. "And if you want to sue me" she is obviously mocking now. "She-Hulk is dealing with a big problem with Pheonix and Galaticus"
Kitty gulps unsure of her next step. A tentacle shows up. Several.
"Not so fast, little mortal, while I´m amused you wanted to sue me...would be another one to my criminal file" Kitty makes a wtf expression even if she´s still aware of the tentacles. " you did something really dumb and I´m a bit disappointed as well...so, I´ll punish you"
Her eyes change to a crystal tone of blue. She´s smiling in such a serene way. "You´re bold, as you´re judgemental, brash and always look down on magic users...well, that´s a bit hypocrite of you, isn´t it?"
And her view is just darkness.
And Kitty opens her eyes in a blink. So fast and registering how the ceiling facing her is not the one she is used to. This is not the X-men´s mansion. Not the old apartment of Dr. Strange and not a hospital. Where is she?
"Ah, you wake up!" a voice carries from above. She shivers thinking is Zaorva again- her voice is different from the last time- and her eyes land to the right to see a woman -donned from heads to toes with crimson- hovering in the air in a lotus position.
"Who are you and where am I?" Kitty replies taking a grip on her situation. The woman´s age seems lost to Kitty- either she has 1000 years, which wouldn´t be the first time Kitty meet an immortal, or she has a normal age- opens her eyes and slowly comes down to the ground.
"I´m the Sorceress Supreme of this dimension. Still Scarlet Witch, I fought tooth and nails to keep my title to let go so easily and my name is Wanda Maximoff. You´re Kitty Pryde" Wanda answers for Kitty as she didn´t know who she is. "and you´re in Salem, my house now"
Kitty sits on the now identified as the couch and looks around. There´s nothing suspicious on as far her eyes- tired as they are- can register. "What happened?"
Wanda clap her hands and took a deep breath. "Lots of things happen in the 2 days you were in a comma. Oh, I´ll come there. First off, Jean Grey, the woman who was sleeping with Wolverine behind Scott´s back and then sleeping with Scott behind ...did many bad things earning the wrath of Pheonix...the Firebird would have burned all the X-men, however, Jean in a moment of clarity decides to sacrifice herself in exchange to all X-men´s safety. Pheonix agrees!" and Wanda looks at Kitty´s face.
Kitty and Jean aren´t that much friendly towards each other, in fact, quite the opposite...but, knowing Jean sacrifice herself to save others is something Kitty isn´t ready.
"Then, Logan didn´t take this well and jump into a Vulcan. Yes, that happened. Prof X´s lies are exposed and people start to side with the mutants in the social media" Wanda frowns at that. "sure, when I took the mantle people to side with my people too...but that didn´t lead the Romani people to live well, not all of them"
"Oh...anything else?" Kitty asked and Wanda nods.
"Spiderman renounces his residence in this dimension and is living in a new dimension with Felicia Hardy" Kitty inhales loudly and didn´t say anything. Wanda carries on. "The Avengers as well X-men will never be friends, but, once Tony Stark is out of the picture...again, they won´t be friends" and now she lowers her head and exhales. "Magneto was killed in the most ironic way...a Jewish community of New York killed him as Magneto was ready to murder everyone, mutants, and humans for his view"
Kitty opens her mouth and closes. "I´m sorry"
Wanda didn´t say much about this part. "The Quartet fantastic located and killed Madame Hydra and Red Skull on the same day"
"And then...come to you. You´re either the dumbest or bravest soul I ever meet. You managed to get an audience with the Mother of all magic. What you two talk I don´t know and if you don´t wish to say is alright...but, you must know...." Wanda now narrows her eyes sitting in front of Kitty and level her eyes to the young woman. "what you truly think of magic?"
"I ...never liked"
"Well, congratulations, Kitty...Zaorva loves ironic punishment and now you´ve magic powers" and as Kitty lifts her hands Wanda adds. "You can wrap reality just like me"
Kitty shivers and tries to deny, but, as her hands glow a pinkish light. Kitty knew in her heart, without a doubt, what truly happened. "And what I do?"
"You have options, Kitty. You can go away and return to the X-men" Wanda doesn´t hide her disappointment with the X-men-was an Avenger thing or something else?- "and figure out the magic on your own...is your choice. Or, you can be here and I can teach you how to use safely without hurting anyone or yourself"
And Kitty adds. "I must choose now?"
"No, you have options and time, something I never had...and more importantly, if you want to talk...I´m here ´cause I know and did some pretty dumb things in my youth...you´re not on even top 10"
And Kitty takes a decision. The X-men have an open vacancy and Nightcrawler wonders what happened to Kitty to give up on the X-men- is how he sees it- to go to a magic academy. "Something fishy...and I don´t trust Scarlet Witch nor any Sorcerer Supreme"
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atomkrp-blog · 6 years
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… loading statistics. currently aged twenty, entering first semester of xavier’s in seoul, south korea. decrypting files… mutant has the following records: strength +4, durability+6, agility +6, dexterity +2, intelligence +7. currently, he is classified under tier omega.
The universe has a cruel sense of humour, and Park Hyunjae has always felt like a punchline.
He’s never been sure of the joke, but even from a young age it has seemed as though it has revelled in throwing adversity at him and laughing as he scrambles to deal with the consequences. The boy who wanted nothing more than to be seen and accepted for who he was transformed into an invisible man.  Even before his mutation presented itself though the deck had been stacked against him, life seeming to place an obstacle around every corner.
Though they’d like you to think otherwise, London is not the liberal bastion that it proclaims itself to be, especially not in the years before he was born. It was not kind to the poor and disadvantaged. It was not kind to immigrants. It was not kind to single mothers. His mother just so happened to be all three. Shortly after moving to the country she falls madly in love and marries a man, falls pregnant with Hyunjae, and mere months later the father passes away in a traffic accident. She stays strong though; she has to for the sake of her child. Rather than support from the community though, she is met with nothing but disdain and distrust.
Hyunjae is born as a perfectly normal, decidedly average baby. Looking at him then you would not have been able to guess that he harboured a mutant gene. The early years of his life are largely a blur; he doesn’t remember much. His mother works three jobs, scrubbing floors, waiting tables and doing whatever else she can to desperately try and make ends meet. She was often absent, leaving him with a revolving cast of babysitters who paid him little attention, but her deep rooted care for her son was always obvious. Her eyes scream of exhaustion and desperation, but her mouth always curls into a smile and hides the struggle: a technique that he’s come to adopt as his own.
It was a happy, if slightly lonely childhood. Until school it had been a sheltered life, but suddenly he is surrounded by people who seem to care, to find him interesting. They don’t glare at him and mumble under their breath, they don’t call him every name under the sun, they’re just… nice. It takes him about a week to fall completely in love with the spotlight, the feeling of being liked, after which he makes it his mission to be the centre of attention at all times.
To begin with it works. Everyone loves him, the class clown with a smart mouth who will do just about anything to get a laugh. As time passes and they grow older the mood begins to sour. There are some that still laugh, but there are an equal number who sneer and see him as lesser. Maybe it’s because he comes from a poorer background, maybe it’s because he’s the child of an immigrant, or maybe it’s because they find his personality overbearing. Perhaps it’s a mixture of all three, or none of them at all. Either way, it’s enough to cause him to slowly withdraw back into his shell and shelter alongside his little group of outcasts who are also treated as lesser for whatever reason.
He first begins to come to terms with his sexuality when he’s fourteen years old. Looking back now he can’t even remember the boy’s name, but the slightest hint of a smile was enough to hypnotise him. At first it confuses him, terrifies him, fills him with shame. It’s not a topic that has ever been discussed in his house, but it’s one that he’s almost certain would garner nothing but repulsion from his mother. And so the feelings are repressed. But no matter how deeply he pushes them down they pop back up like a perpetual game of whack a mole. Over the years he learns to deal with them, accepting the reality and debating whether or not he’ll ever be able to act on them.
He’s already lost one parent, he can’t lose another. It’s a small sacrifice to make in his mind.
The first time he has the courage to make a move he’s sixteen years old. That same boy with the quiet voice, the wide-eyed innocence and that damn smile is pulled aside, everything is laid on the line and, much to his surprise, he isn’t shunned. In fact, quite the opposite. Events transpire and the two wind up in a relationship.
If the universe is cruel though, teenagers are downright sadistic.
It turns out that they’d only needed a stick to beat him with in order to make his life a misery, and his sexuality was a metaphorical baseball bat. By this point he’s largely estranged from his peers, barely existing outside of his tiny friendship group who exist firmly on the outskirts. Perhaps they had not been quite careful enough in concealing their affection for one another, or perhaps it was just an idle rumour dreamed up by someone with nothing better to do with their time, but the relationship became public knowledge or at the least speculation. Whereas before it had simply been whispers behind backs and mocking words, it now developed to full on harassment. Things got physical on more than one occasion but he refused to bow to it or sink to their level and fight back.
The cycle of harassment repeats, each time worse than the last. By his seventeenth birthday he’s become a mater of hiding bruises and putting on a brave face, pretending that nothing is wrong. A week after, they get another stick.
During one of the now regular beatings, his mutation finally reveals itself. Pinned to the ground struggling desperately to get free before the next blow to is ribs is delivered, terror flashes across his features just before they vanish. His urgent pleading remains, as do the clothes still attempting to thrash loose, but in the place of his head is only sidewalk. They recoil, confused, as the clothes float upwards and speed away.
Hyunjae doesn’t know what has happened. He doesn’t know why they stumbled back in horror and let him free, and he doesn’t intend to stick around to find out. Instead he heads for home as fast as his legs will carry him, heavy breathing matching every frantic step until he reaches the door. It slams behind him, and he lets out a sigh of relief before painting on his usual happy face and calling out to greet his mother before she rushes to her next shift. When she emerges from the kitchen her smile turns to a look of abject horror.
She screams. She passes out.
Panic takes over as he rushes to her side, pulling his phone from his pocket to call emergency services. And then, in reflected in the darkened glass, he finally notices.
He doesn’t have a head. Or arms. Or legs. He’s just a floating pile of clothes.
He screams. He passes out.
Needless to say that when he awakes he has questions. As does his mother, who is currently backed against the wall with a carving knife pointed in his direction. The sound of his heart cracking fills the room. Turns out that it was never going to be his sexuality that tore his family apart. A glance down confirms that he’s visible once more and remains so as he tries to speak to her. “Someone must have put something in the water, we were hallucinating” he says. “What have you done with my boy?” She says.  “I don’t know what’s happening. I need my mom.” He cries. “Monster.” She cries back.
Eventually she’s talked down, though disgust is still evident on her features. He’s permitted to stay, but they are not to be in the house at the same time. They don’t speak. She won’t even refer to him by name anymore, and in fact he’s fairly certain that she tells people that he’s left town or died. School isn’t a priority, and he cuts himself off from the world almost entirely. The battery is removed from his phone, the boy isn’t spoken to again and his friends are left in the dark. He drops off of the face of the earth.
Over time he manages to maintain some control over his powers. The idea of being a mutant doesn’t repulse him; in fact, it fascinates him. He learns how to become invisible on command and that he’s also capable of hiding his clothes with enough focus. Days are spent blinking in and out of existence, hiding himself when the house is occupied so that he doesn’t have to leave. The world can’t hurt him in his bedroom he reasons.
His mother can though, with a knock on his door in the middle of the night startling enough to cause him to shift. Again, he doesn’t realize until he swings the door open and her face swells with a mixture of nausea and shame. His heart hits the floor, crashing through when he hears the words. Paperwork is shoved into his hands as she stares directly through him. “You’re on a flight to Seoul tomorrow. These people help…. Things like you. They might be able to fix you, bring my son back.”
“And if they can’t, don’t come back here.”
Which brings us to now. He’s a stranger in a strange land with nobody to turn to and armour-plated walls built around himself. A hermit with no idea what he’s doing, not sure what he’s supposed to do or even what he wants to. Still the façade of happiness that he’s spent so long painstakingly painting remains though. He has to seem strong, as though nothing is wrong, because humans prey on weakness, and they are nothing if not a cruel species.
He’s fine. Because he has to be.
But really he’s crumbling, barely holding himself together. Because he can’t handle much more.
Hyunjae’s mutation allows him to become completely invisible, making himself undetectable by the human eye. This allows him to remain undetected by others and to move around an environment unnoticed. He also possesses limited cloaking abilities, allowing him to render select objects, and in certain cases other people, invisible as well.
Completely Invisible – Hyunjae is able to render himself completely invisible instantaneously. This means that others are unable to see him or observe his movements. In this state he can move at a normal speed and act normally whilst remaining completely undetected. Whilst this mutation does not lend itself to combat, it makes him an excellent stealth and recon asset.
Limited Cloaking – As well as being able to render himself invisible, Hyunjae has developed (limited) cloaking abilities, allowing him to also make objects and, in exceptional circumstances, other people invisible. Physical contact must be maintained at all times and the larger the object the greater the drain on his stamina.
Stealth Combat – Though he is not an especially gifted fighter and would rather use his abilities to avoid conflict, Hyunjae is able to maintain invisibility during combat, even after receiving a direct hit. He is still extremely vulnerable to damage, but being invisible makes him a harder target to strike and goes some way to making up for his lack of strength.
Deteriorating Vision – Hyunjae’s mutation has wreaked havoc on his vision, and each time he becomes invisible it becomes ever so slightly worse. His eyes absorb considerably less light when in his invisible state, and as such have become damaged over time leading to the need for extremely strong prescription glasses. If he remains in his invisible state for too long he risks temporary (Or potentially permanent) blindness.
Unreliable Cloaking – His cloaking abilities are extremely limited and often unreliable. He can only cloak an object whilst invisible himself, and only with focus. The larger the object, the more focus and energy required. At present he is able to cloak his clothes and glasses for up to three hours, an object up to one cubic meter for half an hour, or another person for ten minutes.
Detectable – Invisible does not mean undetectable. He does not cast a shadow, but weather conditions such as rain or snow will real his shape and he still leaves footprints. If he is severely injured and for example leaving a blood trail It will also be visible. Sound is also not dampened in any way.
Triggered by emotion / adrenaline – Hyunjae can trigger his invisibility at will, but it will also flare up without warning when he experiences a rush of adrenaline or a strong emotional response to outside stimulus. Embarrassment, fear and anger seem to be the two most common causes but it is not limited to these. This is, at present, completely beyond his control
Detectable by technology – There have been a handful of times when Hyunjae was able to render himself undetectable by technology, but for the most past his power is only effective against organics. He is visible to cameras and most security systems, as well as when exposed to infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, etc.
Coverage – Hyunjae’s ability is very much an all or nothing affair. He cannot make only a specific part of his body or an object, such as a hand or an arm, invisible. This means that it is a greater drain on his stamina.
Physically Draining – Maintaining invisibility takes a toll on Hyunjae, and retaining it over an extended period rapidly drains his stamina. As a general rule he should be visible for at least one hour for every hour spent invisible. At present he can remain invisible for up to six hours before exhaustion hits, and can cloak small objects for up to three. Though he can exceed this in a pinch, his powers will be unreliable and may short out at any given moment. He will also take considerably longer to recharge after over-exerting himself, typically through sleep.
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