#the fact that the rant and the speech are almost running in parallel to each other
yurivanovich · 2 years
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Truths are different. We tell one truth, and are afraid of another.
(Servant of the People S01E01 | S0E23) 
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ettadunham · 5 years
A Buffy rewatch 7x09 Never Leave Me
aka tired of subtle
We did it, guys! We made it to the last season! Also, hello if you’re new, and stumbled upon this without context. As usual, these impromptu text posts are the product of my fevered mind as I rant about the episode I just watched for an hour (okay, sometimes perhaps two). Anything goes!
And I prefer today’s episode to Sleeper as a post-Big-Bad-reveal kick-off to our season’s main arc in multiple ways. Also, Willow drags Andrew. Literally.
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Season 7, as a whole, struggles from the main story arc taking up too much of its time. People often hate on filler episodes, but the truth is, you can’t fill out 22 episodes of television with a singular, focused story arc. And you shouldn’t.
Not to mention that fillers are a great way to explore characters without being bogged down by an overarching plot. (So stop hating on their concept, just because some shows do them badly.)
Buffy at its best realized that these things – your main arc, your character stories and your fillers – can coexist in the same episodes. Some of the best episodes of the show are one-off stories, using a unique set-up or villain of the week while focusing on characters and pushing the season arc on some level.
Unfortunately, the structure of season 7 makes it much harder to tell these kinds of stories. Our Big Bad is ever-present, and the battles and confrontations with it are constant throughout the season, once the reveal happens in episode 7.
I’m pointing this out not to criticize Never Leave Me, but to emphasize how good it is, and why the issue of the season has more to do with trying to keep up with the pace this episode sets.
Oh, yeah. Hot takes I guess about the episode that ranks 98th on iMDB. Never Leave Me is pretty good.
(I kinda wanna look up each episode’s iMDB ranking at this point before writing up on them, just for funsies, but I also don’t want to be influenced by the popular opinions? The struggle.)
To be fair though, part of my fondness for this episode comes from my feelings regarding the previous one. Watching it, I felt like I was seeing a much better version of what a follow up to Conversations with Dead People would look like.
And a lot of that has to do with Spike. And Buffy.
I spent the last time ranting at length about how I just don’t connect with Spike, and that’s okay. Pretty much all Buffy characters are incredibly flawed, and we all relate to and/or gravitate towards different ones, based on our own experiences. I love that. I love that these are well-rounded characters who change and grow in both surprising and consistent ways.
I also like Spike much better in this episode, because his story relates to Buffy much more strongly. Which does seem to be the best way for me to find a connection to Spike in any given episode (see also: Fool for Love).
I guess another aspect is that unlike Sleeper, this episode focuses much less on his romanticism. He instead talks about his past. About the horrific things he’s done. About his and Buffy’s self-hatred. About how he understands it and that she used him now, and how he didn’t back then.
More importantly, Buffy gets to fire back. She did tell him all those things last season. It’s why she ended things with him in the first place. She also challenges his assumptions about that self-hatred as a current motivation in what’s decidedly my favorite scene of the episode.
SPIKE:  “Have you ever really asked yourself why you can’t do it? Off me? […] You like men who hurt you.” BUFFY:  “No.” SPIKE:  “You need the pain we cause you. You need the hate. You need it to do your job, to be the Slayer.” BUFFY:  “No. I don’t hate like that. Not you, or myself. Not anymore. You think you have insight now because your soul’s drenched in blood. You don’t know me. You don’t even know you. […} Listen to me. You’re not alive because of hate or pain. You’re alive because I saw you change. Because I saw your penance. […] You faced the monster inside you and you fought back. You risked everything to be a better man.”
I love this scene, because Spike posits something that’s in line with Buffy’s own fears about her relationships, something that she voices as far back as season 4. That maybe she herself seeks out these painful, dramatic romances.
…But this discussion isn’t really just about that, isn’t it? And even if Buffy hasn’t quite landed yet on how to approach her romantic history, she has plenty of self-knowledge. She knows why she hasn’t and won’t kill Spike now.
Buffy sees and believes in the best of people. Even when they don’t. And here she shows the same compassion to Spike that she did to Angel as far back as season 1.
See, she’s a protector, not a killer. And one with a huge fucking heart at that.
That’s why she didn’t kill Spike. At worst, she saw him as non-threatening to others after his chip debacle, at best, she saw a potential for him to become better.
Still. How does one reconcile this characterization of Buffy with what we see in Selfless? Has Anya not proved more than enough times that she can be better? That she’s more than just the vengeance demon she used to be?
Worse, when Buffy and Xander argue about the difference between stopping Anya then, and Willow at the end of season 6, Buffy’s argument doesn’t really make sense once you think about it. She says that they weren’t planning on killing Willow, because Willow’s human. But from everything we know of vengeance demons, there really isn’t any distinction between them and a human with powers. They still have their souls.
So the distinction Buffy makes between Anya’s and Willow’s case feels arbitrary. And so does the decision to not kill Spike at certain points of the story.
But that’s what Buffy says in Selfless, isn’t it? “Someone has to draw the line.” And in a world with no clear-cut black and white morality, that line is arbitrary.
Buffy’s been acutely aware of the fact that the world she operates in is full of grey areas ever since Lie to Me. There are no easy answers or choices, even when you’re fighting literal creatures from hell, but someone has to makes these decisions regardless. Someone has to draw the line. And that’s Buffy.
But I think that’s why she finds it all the more important to choose hope sometimes. She has to be prepared, yes, and she can’t rely on the power of love alone, as discussed before. Her responsibilities come first. But she can offer a choice.
Even in Selfless, one of the most important moments for Buffy is when she implores Xander to find her another way to deal with Anya. Which is what Willow ends up doing, by asking D’Hoffryn to offer up the same kind of choice to Anya, that Buffy felt unable to in this situation.
Never Leave Me is also the episode where the gang meets Andrew again. More accurately, Willow runs into him, and he’s terrified. As he should be.
ANDREW:  “Warren killed Tara. I didn’t do it. And he was aiming for Buffy anyway.” WILLOW:  “Not making it better.”
In case you missed it, this was a direct callback to another scene:
WARREN:  “It was an accident, you know.” WILLOW:  “Oh. You mean, instead of killing my best friend, you killed my girlfriend.”
Listen, all I’m saying that if Willow flayed Andrew after that line? I wouldn’t have blamed her.
But Willow these days is less about the murder, so instead she just stares incredulously at Andrew after that little moment of rage-inducing blunder. And they both nerd-monologue at each other, I guess?
(Sidenote: I don’t think I ever got around to mention this with the last season, but there’s an interesting and somewhat uncomfortable interpretation of the Trio, as a mirror to Willow’s own character. Mostly the worst parts of her at that of course, but there are definitely some parallels here; particularly to Warren and his tech savviness, and Jonathan and his magical abilities. Andrew is probably the least obvious example though – unless we take his relentless gay-coding as a nod to that.)
This whole storyline of course ends up being played mostly for comedy, as Anya and Xander take it upon themselves to test their interrogation techniques on Andrew. And it’s fun, too, seeing them work together without the added baggage that was their romantic relationship. It makes me both root much more for them to get back together, and wish that they wouldn’t, because they work so much better like this.
Even if Xander’s speech to Andrew is obviously supposed to be about himself, and how he’s still not over Anya.
XANDER:  “There was this one guy, her hurt her real bad, so she paid him back. She killed him, but she did it real slow. See, first she stopped his heart, then she replaced it with darkness, then she made him live his life like that. But he still had to go do his job, and see his friends, and wake up in the morning, and go to bet ad night, but he had to do it all empty. Without anything to look forward to. Ever.”
Honey… I know you know this, but you did this to yourself.
Oh, and isn’t it fun that when the Harbringers attack, one of the first things they do is knock Willow unconscious? It’s almost as if the show is trying not to call attention to the fact, that she could probably take these guys out in a second with magic.
But at least this gives Dawn some chance to kick ass, so that’s always a plus.
Another side-plot that’s happening is with my boy, Robin, who finds Jonathan’s body in the basement. And decides to bury It instead of telling anyone about it.
I’m sure there’s an explanation to this other than making us believe that he’s a bad guy, but I honestly can’t even remember. We’ll see, I guess.
The episode ends with Buffy making the connection that they’re up against the First, and the First itself monologuing at Spike about how it’s tired of being subtle. Which feels very meta in an ironic kind of sense from the show, but also marks a questionable turn in the season arc.
There’s a lot of cool concept and potential (hehe) in the First as a Big Bad, that we’ve seen demonstrated in Conversations with Dead People. It knows things. It can appear as anyone you know who died. It can mess with you in infinite ways.
In this scene though, the First is talking about bringing these Uruk-hai vampires to the surface, and that’s just not as interesting as those other tactics. Even if Buffy gets to have cool fights with them.
But that’s still to come. Who knows, maybe I’ll appreciate the super vampires after all.
Also appreciated – those scene of Quentin and the Watcher’s Council being their usual, holier-than-thou selves, keeping information from Buffy, and relying on empty platitudes... immediately followed by them getting blown up.
Yeah. This show’s anything but subtle, that’s for sure.
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fortunatelylori · 6 years
I love Jon and Sansa's not so sibling relationship and I love Theon and Yara's sibling relationship. I'm sure there are connections between the two. Can you list the ways in which they are foils? Thank you!
Hey, nonnie!
Sorry for taking so long to answer this. I’ve had to spend some time thinking about how I was going to tackle it because I’m not sure I’m quite the right person to answer this question. 
My main issue is that I don’t particularly like Yara as a character and I’m not all together happy with the way the show has handled the Yara/Theon relationship. 
So, please ignore me while I go on a rant about my issues with Yara and then I will go on to attempt to draw a few parallel/foil examples between Theon/Yara and Jonsa. 
I have a pretty hard time talking about Yara because in theory she’s a great character: she looks and acts badass but is still emotional and invested in the well-being of the people she cares about, she’s funny and charming and Gemma Whelan is a wonderful actress who looks and acts the part. However, that’s the theory and the actress. 
My problem with her is that in narrative terms, she’s very much a character that talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk. If this was an in-story flaw, I’d have no problems with it but it isn’t. This is the writers wanting to have a badass female character but also not wanting her to overpower the male characters in the show. 
I’ll give you a few examples: 
Yara coming to rescue Theon from Ramsay 
I absolutely loved Yara standing up to her father, calling him a coward and saying she was going to save “her little brother”. However, she ends up at the Dreadfort and runs away the moment a shirtless man and his dogs scream at her. There was so much emotional build-up to that scene for it to fizzle out because the writers wanted to protect Ramsay not just from death, but from any significant injury/consequence.
Yara’s pitch for the Salt Throne 
Since her introduction, Yara has been presented as the real reaver in this story. Tough, able, brave, knowledgeable, we were lead to believe people whole heartily supported her and even more importantly that she knew exactly how to talk to these people and what she needed to do for them. Then Yara makes her pitch as queen and all of a sudden not only do people point to Theon as a better option because he’s male (even though they scorned him when he first showed up on the Iron Islands) but end up very quickly turning on her and picking Euron, a guy they haven’t seen in years, over her. But that’s not even the most egregious thing. We could always chalk that up to male privilege. 
The real issue is that when Yara makes her speech, she says very little of any real substance and then the moment she’s challenged, she becomes flustered. It’s up to Theon to make the salient points she should have made and then the writers give the truly revolutionary ideas to Euron who wants to develop and raise the Iron Born past the level of thugs they’ve been stuck in for centuries. 
Euron’s attack on the Blackwater
Yara is supposed to be a battle hardened naval commander but Euron manages to surprise her and defeat her with little to no effort. I don’t have an issue with Yara losing the battle but the entire set-up shows her as being incompetent because not only didn’t she think there was a chance they’d get attacked, she didn’t take any precautions in the likelihood that it would happen. 
Then there’s the Yara/Theon relationship and the two issues I have with that. :))) (Hang in there, nonnie! We’re almost done)
Yara’s sexuality and how that is used to shame Theon for not having a dick
Notice how almost all of the Yara/Theon scenes post-castration take place in brothels or situations where a woman is hitting on Yara? Don’t get me wrong. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the show celebrating and highlighting Yara’s love for women. However, that’s not really what they’re doing. They’re essentially using those moments for cringe comedy and as humiliation for the fact that Theon’s not able to partake because … he doesn’t have a dick! Get it?!? Look how sad he is! Get it?!?
Nor is this the show trying to have a commentary on the issue of Theon’s castration trauma (which would be great but alas) but rather this is a narrative punishment/joke. And I don’t really appreciate that. 
And then there’s this:
Yara: Listen to me. If you’re so broken that there’s no coming back, take a knife and cut your wrists. End it. But if you’re staying, Theon, I need you. We’re going to sail to Mereen. We’re going to make a pact with this dragon queen and we’re going to take back the Iron Islands. Are you with me? 
If this was a singular case in this series, I would chalk it up to Yara being callous and ignorant about the profound and lasting effects torture and PTSD have on a person. But Brienne gave Jaime a similar “tough talk” when she disapproved of him being depressed over having lost his hand. 
Brienne: Coward. One misfortune and you’re giving up? […] You have a taste of the real world, where people have important things taken from them and you whine and cry and quit. You sound like a bloody woman!
The message seems to be that all you need to get over trauma is a tough as nails badass woman screaming at you. Add some good ol’ fashion misogyny on top of it for good measure and you’re good to go. 
Had your hand amputated? Stop “whining”! Still unsure how to get passed systematic torture and castration? Either put a band aid on it or kill yourself, we’ve got important shit to do. Can’t possibly waste any time on empathy, understanding and emotional support. 
Again, I can’t really blame Yara or Brienne for that matter. This is the writers thinking that anyone who becomes a victim and doesn’t move past it as fast as humanly possible and also “toughens up”, is inherently weak. I hate that mindset and I hate the old “other people have it worse” argument. Yes, I’m sure other people have it worse. That is no reason to dismiss individual pain and how traumatic events in our lives affect us personally. 
Now that’s out of the way, let’s look at a few instances where Theon/Yara act like foils to Jonsa. These will be broad because I don’t think these two relationships are set-up in opposition to each other, the way Jaime/Cersei and Jonsa are:
The relationship dynamic and roles
Yara and Theon are very much a relationship that operates under the clear hierarchy of big sister/little brother. This was established the moment Yara was revealed as his sister and continues to this day. In the beginning this was highlighted by Yara making fun of Theon, proving she’s better than him but also giving him heartfelt advice at Winterfell and bonding with him over having a shitty father. It was carried over into Yara protecting or rather trying to protect Theon. 
Post-Ramsay, Yara is the leader that drags Theon after her. This inequality is further supported by Theon giving his claim to the Salt Throne in order to continue having a relationship with Yara. So in addition to being big sister/little brother, they’re also queen/right hand of the queen.  
These established roles are completely missing from Jon and Sansa’s relationship and, in many ways, this is the true source of their disagreements and tension. What are they? Are they big brother/little sister? Are they true born/bastard? Are they King in the North/right hand to the king? None really fit … Jon doesn’t submit to Sansa’s authority and she doesn’t submit to his. The only way their relationship works is if they behave as equals. Anything less, I think would be unacceptable for either one of them. 
Not only that, but rather than enforce an hierarchy, Jon and Sansa spend their time validating each other: 
Jon: We’re standing here because of you. I’ve had the Lord’s chamber prepared for you. 
Sansa: Mother and father’s room? You should have it. 
Jon: I’m not a Stark. 
Sansa: You are to me. 
Sansa: You’re good at this, you know. Ruling. 
Sansa: They respect you. They really do. 
Jon: You know Tyrion better than any of us. What do you think?
Sansa: You’re abandoning your people. You’re abandoning your home. 
Jon: I’m leaving both in good hands. 
Sansa: Whose? 
Jon: Yours. Until I return, the North is yours. 
Yara and Theon have a very typical sibling/relatives relationship. They say the most vile things to each other and then move on as if nothing happened because that’s how family works. (Yara does most of the saying in these quotes but you get my meaning)
Yara: Why! It’s the Prince of Winterfell!
Theon: Envy isn’t attractive. 
Yara: You were a terrible baby, you know that? Bawling all the time. Never sleeping. And one night you just wouldn’t shut up. Screaming like a dying pig. I walked over to your crib. I looked down at you. I wanted to strangle you. 
Yara: I’m tired of seeing you cower like a dog. 
Yara: I need Theon. The real Theon Greyjoy. Not this rat shit pretender. 
Jon and Sansa, on the other hand, can’t get away with saying things like this to one another. Their relationship just doesn’t allow for it. And it isn’t because they’re not close or because they aren’t comfortable with each other. But rather that whatever one of them says/does affects the other very deeply. 
All through season 6, Sansa was in desperate need of validation from Jon. She takes it personally that he trusts Davos and Tormund and feels he prefers them to her. She gets angry that he didn’t specifically ask for her opinion prior to the battle. 
There’s also this: 
Jon: You sound like you admire her. [Cersei]
Sansa: I learned a great deal fromher. 
Look at that scene and tell meSansa isn’t hurt that Jon thinks she admires Cersei or isn’t affected by hisdisapproval. 
As well as: 
Jon: And how should I be smarter?By listening to you?
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And Jon …
Sansa: He plays with people. He’sfar better at it than you. He’s been doing it all his life. 
Jon: Aye? And what have I beendoing all my life? Playing with broomsticks?!?
 Jon: When you question my decisionsin front of the other lords and ladies, you undermine me. 
Sansa: Jofferey never let anyonequestion his decisions. Do you think he was a good king? 
Jon: Do you think I’m Jofferey?!?
Notice how nothing they say toone another or do to one another is as bad as Yara calling baby Theona “dying pig”. And yet they can’t handle it. Even something as Sam gentlyattacking Jon saying that he “hates” him after Jon admits to being enviousof Robb would probably not work. I mean can you imagine Jon’s face if Sansa,even jokingly, told him she hated him. She’d be better off sticking a knife inhis neck. It would probably hurt less. :)))
The sexual component 
Even though I noted that thescenes of Yara enjoying her sex life is a ham fisted way of reminding theaudience of Theon’s lack of sexual organs, I think it’s important to note thatTheon isn’t affected by the idea of Yara either having sex or beingromantically involved with someone. 
That’s the kind of lack ofworry that Jon “If you touch my sister, I’ll kill you myself” Snow andSansa “do you think he wants to marry her?!?” Stark would probablyenvy. 
And on that note, one of themost interesting things that denotes the differences between these two is how thetwo relationships start: 
Yara and Theon’s relationshipstarts on a shared horse ride to Pyke, where Theon fondles Yara’s breasts andprivate parts all the way there only to be horrified when he realizes she’s hissister. Since then, their relationship has been completely platonic and neitherone of them has ever given any indication that they’d like to revisit thatparticular incident. 
Jon and Sansa, on the otherhand, start off as long lost siblings who very quickly end up enacting marriageceremonies (the cloak), having passionate fights in tents, lingering foreheadkisses and … (to be continued in season 8). :))))
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grizzlefur · 7 years
WWEm - Nobody Calls Dean McFly a Nerd
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Transmission date: Monday 18/Tuesday 19 September 2017
Yeah, I said this would be 'punctual' and 'up a decent amount of time before the PPV', but hey
i was ill, and also you're not the boss of me
(unless you are)
(in which case my salary hasn't been coming in and we need to talk)
so without any further ado (just kidding, this is gonna be ado city right here) i present to you SATURDAY AFTERNOON RAW!
(yeah, you thought it was gonna be sunday, didn't you?)
(daniel did)
(he was super unprepared and is currently eating lunch in his booth)
(it looks delicious)
opening on an in memoriam for bobby heenan
we're in san jose
i should be able to make some kind of sport joke there but i can't find it
anyway, here's kurt
apparenrtly we have two matches at no mercy that are mania-worthy
casual shade at the rest of the card there
kurt says that's not all, and now here's the miz
with his bros, but not his wife
oh yeah, she's pregnant
that makes sense
boo for the next year or so when i don't get to steal her style ideas
miz, meanwhile, is wearing black trousers and a white jacket and growing a shitty beard
the single look doesn't suit you, mike
he's complaining that he doesn't have a match at mercy
kurt's like dude i was just saying that
jordan/elias/hardyz in a four-way tonight for a shot at him
miz complains that kurt puts his son in the match ahead of his super-qualified and totally legit hangers-on
kurt has had enough of your tone, young man
miz gives him a lecture about responsible fatherhood
see how kurt isn't beating the shit out of him, shane?
this is called being a responsible employer
miz fucked up his words at least twice while i was writing that last sentence
get it together, dude
anyway, here's jj to step to him
and defend his dad's honour
in a new magic eye singlet
i think he's secretly dressed as a tractor
jj asks kurt to put curtis and bo in the match so miz can shut the fuck up
never gonna work, dude
miz says one more thing about his father
gets fucked on, as promised
booker gives sage words about how jj needs to control his temper
dude, did you watch your entire fucking career
for example, jason has never dropped an n-bomb on air
later tonight we have brock and braun being interviewed (bad) and roman giving an address (worse)
but next, alexa/nia
brilliant shot of them walking backstage
alexa's expression of barely-restrained terror sells it
but first have this advert for cena/reigns
because god knows we haven't talked about it enough
back to jj backstage
as kurt storms in to tell him to calm down and focus
jason responds by ranting about what everyone thinks of him
dude, this is the opposite of calm and focus
kurt talks some fatherly shit at him, boils down to #hatersgonnahate
tells him to win the match
bet he never thought of that
but actually now, here's alexa
doing her best 'ignoring the proles but also lowkey bricking it' face
and also nia
bell rings, alexa runs away
like you thought it'd go any other way
eventually gets back in the ring, gets dicked on for a while before trying to talk nia down
and running away again
heads up the ramp, headed off by sasha
and then nia flattens her
(alexa, that is)
sasha's just lurking at ringside like oh hey there
alexa totally just hit a curbstomp on nia
i thought we banned that
alexa sets up on the top rope, goes for a crossbody, gets samoan dropped to death
sasha attacks nia after the pin, gets fucked on
and oh hey, bayley's back
somewhere, emma is just like yknow what i'm good
the three of them face off against nia and take her down
oh my god, i would watch the shit out of sasha, bayley and alexa as the shield
nia leaves, bayley extravagantly hugs everyone
they both raise alexa's arm, then remember who she is and bayley suplexes her into oblivion
i really should have seen this coming what with it being san jose
+10 hometown boost
cole recommends we go to wwenetworkrightnow.com
someone needs to learn how web addresses work
and also hypes kevin/shane in a cell
and gameplay ad for 2k18
ooh, it's got billie in
i'll probably play it, but not preorder this one
destiny 2 and injustice 2 exist, along with others
ad for total bellas, which looks less good
and a package of wrestling peeps eulogising heenan
apparently we're gonna get more of those throughout the show
cole tries to do heenan banter, corey shuts him the fuck down
and now, a video package about brock
god, i hate ppv setup shows
this is all footage from 2002
transition straight into mania 30 without a AND THEN HE BROKE HIS FUCKING NECK title card
and along came a strowman
okay, i will never not giggle at the announce table sandwich spot
paul claims that was the first time in brock's life he got carted off the battlefield
this package has just reminded me of luke harper's existence
what happened to him?
internet says him and rowan are still signed, but little else
anyway, package is over, here comes cesaro
and also his best bro
i will never get over their fusion dance pose
actual fact
they're up against the good brothers, who are still jobbing wherever possible because we saw the shit that happens when they get to main even
ad for smackdown, which i am super unhyped for
the aftermath of vince 'blading is awful unless it's me' mcmahon
let's see how that trash fire goes later
sheamus wants to talk to us about nostalgia
and also about how he clearly doesn't understand the difference between sequels and remakes
conclusion: fuck nostalgia
and here come the kkb to fuck it for us
apparentliy seth and dean are both exploiting each other
cesaro responds to what chants by repeating the same phrase half a dozen times
which is kind of great
wait, sheamus has mtn dew and liverpool fc patches
now i need to study the rest of both of their jackets
anyway, they finish their usual proclamations, and now here are seth and dean
seth describes them as like if taxi driver and braveheart had a really ugly baby
seems legit
although i don't love the 'yeah but you look dumb' retort
they talk about brothers a bunch, gives anderson and gallows a perfect chance to cut in
and call seth and dean nerds
seth's like oh no dude you shouldn't have said that
dean is not happy
nobody calls dean mcfly a nerd
cue brawl
ending with seth and dean in the ring and everybody else outside like bwaaaaaahhhhh next time gadget
but fuck that shit, here's an ad for asuka
meanwhile, kurt has once again taken the path of least resistance and made this into a triple threat
expect spots, shenanigans, and a champion win
cesaro and sheamus 100% just kicked gallows in the dick
ref like whatevs i'll allow it
book talks about the good brothers not finding their footing in wwe, cole's like ummmmm dude they were tag champs
this match is primarily seth and dean and the kkb doing rapid tags and good wrestling and anderson and gallows being like yessir we are also here
oh hey, anderson tagged in
had to happen evetually, i guess
cole almost calls gallows 'the big dog', catches himself in time
accidental double hot tag takes us to seth/cesaro, and frankly the other four can go home
weird spot where seth goes for his turnbuckle bomb then has to redirect halfway through to not throw cesaro into anderson and gallows' corner
seth eats a magic killer, dean breaks the pin only to get thrown into a barricade by the kkb
someone in the ring just shouted "sports entertainment!" and i don't know in what context
sheamus and cesaro do their flapjack cutter, then both forget who's legal and roll out of the ring, then both run back in and go for the tag at the same time
with cesaro doing the pin and sheamus just holding seth's right calf
is this a fucking laurel and hardy movie
and then anderson forgets how to set up a superplex
-checks the headlines for an epidemic of fail ravaging san jose-
double double suicide dives from seth and dean
next up in 'spots that make not a single fucking lick of sense when you think about them'...
whatever the good brothers are good at, it's not selling when they take a suicide dive
sheamus blind tags off dean, dean hits dirty deeds on anderson, sheamus steals the pin
would you look at that, a champion victory on a ppv setup show
cole started a sentence with "The Bar claims...", i totally hear the barsgays
cesaro poses on the ramp, sheamus hobbles off backstage, seth and dean don't give a shit
but nowthe miz rallies his troops in the locker room
(if you know what i mean)
bo interrupts like dude i used to do motivational speeches can i criticise your technique
bo and curtis give their cvs, throw some casual shade on their boss
realistically, why is matt hardy in that match?
the others have at least been winning a bunch lately or have had their boss shouting at the gm
has kurt been hassled by seven deities
this video from mania 21 brought to you by pizza hut
ok, but...why?
yes, edge won the first mitb
why are you telling us this now
okay, nobody knows
cole does an awkward segue into cena/reigns
corey forgets how to speak english
don't worry dude, attempting to hype roman reigns matches does that to me too
and now enjoy this video package of the parallel histories of john cena and roman reigns
i remember when there was live wrestling on this show, not like 80% clip shows
(yup, turns out i still hate ppv setup shows)
(however much of a tire fire smackdown is, at least it won't be a ppv setup show)
i really don't get why they can say bitch on the live shows but then censor it out of the video packages
okay, even in retrospect this cena promo was fire
and straight from that into an advert for vince's totally legit head injury
back in the real world (ha), kurt is on the phone
he certainly spends a lot of time on that phone
which is...an accurate representation of management, i guess
kudos, dubby dubby wee
+0.01 reality points
(current score: -89887452.99)
pan over to goldust standing inches from a poster with his back to the room
and then he turns round without paint on
and the bodysuit undone partly as well
he wants another shot against bray in his real face
which raises the question: if he wins, why was the paint there in the first place
some kind of anime power limiter?
leaves, then pops back in to snap in kurt's face as usual
but in the ring, it's curt hawkins
he's closed the star factory
and replaced it with the curt hawkins history machine
he's going to make history by ending his 114-match loss streak
well, that makes sense i guess
at least he's aware of his failings
and here comes apollo crews
the apathy is just rolling in off the crowd in waves
titus is here too
corey is either listing the current roster of titus worldwide or naming random celebrities
hard to tell
apollo shows off all the athleticism and none of the charisma, as ever
curt actually gets a nearfall, which is good for him
ticker advertises raw next week for 'ontario, CA'
ok, a) CA is a real state abbreviation, and b) ontario is big
unless it's going to be on the road through ontario in some kind of epic monday night raw travelling roadshow
i'd watch it
anyway, while i was distracted by the ticker, apollo won
i love how his 115-match streak gets an onscreen graphic
up next, brock and braun talk
after a small dancing child with cancer
it's an ad, ftr
not dolph trying another new gimmick
great, here they are
complete with paul growing out of brock's left shoulder
long beat before paul remembers his client can't talk until at least halfway through the segment
got to pace himself
braun: "My actions speak for my words!"
...i got nothin
some next-level uplit glower coming from braun though
which i just read back as 'quilt glamour'
next big aesthetic of 2017
this lighting makes braun's tattoos look like absolute shit
i'd provide a pic, but then i'd have to keep looking at them as i tracked one down
just trust me
i think it's the combination of veins and scar tissue
the way this shot is arranged, brock looks like an uncomfortable child as his parents argue over his head
paul decides cole's interview displeases him, so he's writing his own
tbf, cole is entirely unnecessary in this situation
yay, brock's warmed up
leans into camera, and the scale difference makes him and paul look like an 80s album cover
oh hey, brock got to do a mild swear
quick, let's censor it out of all future broadcasts
and the segment's over
thank god
and next...roman delivers a message
after these recaps of the women's title happenings
yeah, primarily making me double down on the fact that a women's trios competiton would be rad
and they've added bayley to the no mercy match?
for reasons
emma complains on twitter, and she's kind of right
but now (sigh) roman reigns
the presence of roman has made cole forget what time of year it is
he is just a well of negative thought
standard loooooooong-ass beat before he talks
opens by bigging up cena's talking skills
maybe a bad start
and then probably swears? the tape delay caught it
namechecks alex riley as the boring white version of himself
which is...fair, tbh
calls cena a bitch again, take a shot as you despair for the writers' lack of better material
rolls a vt from 20fucking12
of cena basically having the same problem with the rock as roman has with cena
the main difference being i don't want to punch past cena in the face rn
the real angle we want to see is cena v past cena
get on it, r&d
roman calls cena out for not being here today
is smug af
halfway decent promo, but tbh most of the good bits were shamelessly ripped from cena material
which, hey, steal from the best
in any case, he's gone
but now, renee interviews the hardyz
asks them how they're going to deal with fighting each other in the 6-pack
they're both like welp, it's kind of what we do
matt does the broken accent for one line, everyone pops
and wyatt cut
i like to think matt is still in full flow and just hasn't realised the cameras are off
but yeah, here's bray
and here's a total bellas ad
strong juxtaposition
and also an asuka ad
led with a quote from fucking sun tzu
excuse me while i sigh so hard my lungs collapse
they're on a big push in china
so someone must have realised it isn't the same country as japan
and yet
this summerslam recap slideshow is mostly a chance for bray's music to keep playing so we can here the full track
which is fucking great
and here's
dustin rhodes
the dramatic renaming is slightly let down by the fact that both his tron and the fucking clothes he's wearing say GOLDUST in big letters
could they not have just put him in some generic gear for this match
cole has clearly just ctrl+f'd his internal monologue, and now he's awkwardly calling dustin rhodes by his full name at every opportunity
but yeah, if you were trying to be the man behind the gimmick, why would you still be wearing the hey-look-at-my-junk bodysuit?
pins bray in the corner ropes, kicks him twice in the inner thigh (honestly officer), and then eats a sister abigail for the pin anyway
cue finn on the tron
dustin can't even have this loss to himself
finn is here to tell a story about his youth
in the form of the next big YA novel
i would totally read a novel series anbout a fictionalised finn bálor
finn points out that even the man behind the demon is a man who made himself a demon
so not exactly harmless
reason 1745 i love finn bálor: understanding of symbology
after this bobby heenan memorial, enzo will be here
so i kind of hope it lasts half an hour
and now the announce team awkwardly eulogise some more
and cut to a video package of his greatest moments
this is about 409000% better than enzo turning up
oh fuck, here he is
i am loving the number of boos he's getting
oh thank fuck here comes braun our lord and saviour to bodycheck him into the underworld
casually chucks him into the ring over the top rope from the floor
san jose loves him
spinebuster to death, then powerslam out the other side
walks off, neville turns up while he's halfway up the ramp
gives the angry giant a wide berth
and red arrows enzo for shits
demands a mic, does enzo's shuffle and how you doin', leaves
and san jose fucking loves him
beating up enzo is not good for your heel heat
oh wait, apparently he's sticking around for a fight
after this ad for smackdown
and this recap vt of enzo getting dunked on
cut to charly interviewing enzo in the trainer's room
he's like woe is me i am dead
but btw i'm still gonna win on sunday
but in any case, now it's neville v gran metalik
rip el rey de las cuerdas
neville tears his mask open
-shocked silence-
metalik responds with a lovely step-up tope
neville intercepts a moonsault into the rings of saturn, successfully stands up to lucha rage
and now after beating enzo, he's painted a huge target on his back for every luchador in the company
but now a hispanic heritage month thing about jennifer lopez
for whatever reason
it's worth noting that we're halfway through september, and wwe hasn't mentioned it until they have time to fill on a ppv setup show
one ad for 205 later, here's elias to open the main event reunion tour
he is disappointed in san jose
but also in all his opponents, so there's that
threatens a child in the audience that he'll get them and their mother kicked out of san jose
do...do wrestlers have that power?
and here's a diss track about his opponents and also btw san jose
interrupted by the hardyz before he can get to their verse
ooh, jeff's gone back to his old pre-mermaid arms sleeves
in all their improbable glory
and curtis and bo don't even have their own entrance any more
oh, and they get their boss to come with them
well, i guess he'd be coming on announce or w/e anyway
ok, no, he's just gonna lurk
and commence huge brawl
someone's brought miz his studio chair for ringside
brief moment where it looks like the heels are all going to work together, then elias is like ohhhh wait i'm a huge dick -kicks bo in the kidneys-
incredibly slow tower of doom setup for the hardyz to suplex the miztourage superplexing jj
elias goes for the cheap pin, jeff breaks it
and then elias eats a poetry in motion for good measure
matt then immediately turns on his brother, side effect for a nearfall
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jj deploys approximately 63% of the world's suplexes, miz throws him into the audience because no rules motherfuckers
matt twist of fates bo for a nearfall, broken by elias
who then hits drift away on matt, pin broken by jeff
crotch drops elias, swantons axel, miz breaks the pin
and jj hits kind of a meh neckbreaker for the cheap pin
insistent crowd member with an I PAID TO SEE DANA BROOKE sign
oh, honey
miz comes into the ring to sarcastically applaud jj
and then tries to punch him and gets suplexed to death
until curtis and bo come in to kick some shit out of him
and finale
and some post-beatdown smacktalk from the miz
calls him a bastard, which we can get away with when it's used in its technical sense
and fade on the twat triumphant
(my new feminist porn site)
that's the worst joke i've ever made on here
i am sorry
right, this is normally where i would roll on to smackdown
but, while i do have a weekly quota of sweaty men falling over, it's about to be filled by the new season of strictly
i have diverse interests
so until i get back, here's a line to tide you over
damn, that was a good line
and if anyone was expecting another kind, you are seriously overestimating our budget here
so failing that, how about some SUNDAY AFTERNOON SMACKDOWN?
(yeah, no mercy starts in like nine and a half hours)
(this whole punctuality thing was never going to take)
so yes
do the show
oh god this is going to be the vince mcmahon drama hour, isn't it
now lasting two hours
raw was mostly bullshit, expect this to be bullshit for other reasons
oh hey, let's kick off with a recap of the whole angle
if you can't remember what happened, read this blog more carefully?
really can't help you with that
oh hey, i want to punch vince in the throat again
funny how quickly that comes back
they've put so much reverb and filters on this audio that kevin is basically unrecognisable
his name is legion
ok, yeah, i'll never not pop for vince getting the shit kicked out of him really
we're in oakland today, so [topical joke about the a's]
and opening with some shane
commence the dramening
whoever designed the graphics for hiac this year needs to calm the fuck down
apparently vince had three fractured ribs
and shane is now here to sing his praises and how much he loves him
one day they'll work out what they want the image of the mcmahon family to be
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shane condemns kevin to hell in the cell [sic]
work out the name of your show, dude
okay, now i need to calm down
but later tonight in other angles, corbin/styles for the concept of an open challenge
but next, randy
come back shane, all is forgiven
most is forgiven
but first, have this ad for cena/reigns
i miss creepy cheerleader cult alexa
oh, and here's aiden english
guess we know what randy's here for
sweet lennon shades, dude
aiden provides his own dubiously-scanning version of randy's music
calls him a tool, gets a massive pop
keep the faith, oakland
shot of the announce table reminds me once more of the a+ announce team on here
and here's randy
oh look, still a tool
"this could be a well-laid plan by aiden english...or it could be a crucifixion"
byron saying what we're all thinking
my money's in column b
guy at the front of the round with a kane sign is either slightly ahead of events or significantly behind
we will see tonight
aiden takes a backbreaker on the barricade, then slams randy into the announce table anyway
nice to see him get some solid offence
still gonna lose, but
gets a thumb to randy's eye while he argues with the ref
adding randy to the calm the fuck down list
and then counters a top rope crossbody into a shoddy-ass rko
handy slowmo replay of the shittiness of that finisher
oh hey, here's rusev to defend the honour of musical theatre
or possibly to recover his honour in the eyes of the noble people of bulgaria
or to...rip randy's teeth out?
esoteric threat there
randy agrees to the match, then immediately gets momentarily distracted by aiden and kicked in the face for the pin
rusev then runs off up the ramp instead of getting down to tooth-ripping
i'm simultaneously disappointed and thankful
stands on the stage, rejoices at his reclaimed honour
oh, but tom has news
kevin will be here via satellite
from the next room
seems inefficient, but hey
also tonight, charlotte's back to talk about her dad
but now, here's jinder
walking backstage sharing smug stories with his crew
and he'll be here after this ad for kids with cancer
what's the opposite of an ad?
an avert?
but then it'd just be an a
appropriately for oakland i guess
damn, i'm good
ad for total bellas, and now rusev is freaking out backstage
renee comes to interview him, has to immediately explain the word 'elated'
rusev is off back to bulgaria to be a hero again
but now, here are the singhs and their amazing alveolar trills
and also their boss
in a possibly ill-advised spotted shirt
or maybe i just spend too much time critiquing wrestlers' fashion choices
jinder is doubling down on mocking shinsuke's face
this is the most incisive and well-written angle
the singhs are continuing to find jinder's jokes more hilarious than is healthy
and now jinder's getting at the crowd for being racist against japanese people?
sure, dude
they've spun a really long mic spot out of one pic of shinsuke and a bunch of racism
oh, and there's the japanese people can't say /l/ joke
credit to oakland for all just going oooooooooh there
this is genuinely breathtakingly racist
crowd start a that's too far chant
p sure he crossed that line weeks back, but welcome to the party
we have whisky and non-discriminatory humour
does some ranting in punjabi to 3% of the people of his alleged country, end segment
the announcers are all like yeah, that was a bit much
let's move on and try to forget that
up next, corbin/styles
in the allegedly open title challenge
after this repeat of the video about j-lo off raw
remember last year when they did the whole month of different latinx people?
but sure
but now, renee interviews shinsuke
who's like yeah that jinder's a funny guy -lowkey furious-
and then leaves
and here's aj
and a replay of styles/dillinger last week
that was a good match
aj has thoughts about kevin/shane
he thinks kevin shouldn't be messing with the man who brought aj to the wwe and started smackdown live
remember mania?
but now to talk shit about "shortcut king" baron
and list his recent failures
(which are hilarious)
and here comes the dick himself
with his new intro i still don't quite get
corey is talking shit about baron for seeing the us belt as a trophy
which...it is?
gregg mentions aj's weight, and i get briefly distracted by the fact that he'd only need to cut a few pounds to be a cruiserweight and how good aj/cedric would be
anyway, while i thought about that, baron attacked aj before the bell, leading tye to run in and take the fight to him
refs have removed tye, but baron's selling a fucked leg
so aj puts him in the calf crusher as well, cos why wouldn't you
hit aj's music, guess the thing's over
with baron rolling around at ringside going OW MY LEG
we get it, dude
but up next, charlotte
after pizza hut gives us a random clip of the past
this time, it's mitb 2011
i have no fucking clue what rationale they pick these clips on
but hey, it's nice to watch bryan win things
and here's baron hobbling around backstage
renee comes to interview him, he screams about feeling violated
not sure that was where you wanted to go with that, dude
swears vengeance, end thing
and here's charlotte
in street clothes
and oh look, she and her dad have written a book and it's out today
such coincidence
remember when charlotte was meant to be her own thing distinct from her family?
she's here to thank everyone for their tweets and positive energy
or possibly thoughts and prayers
the former seems more likely these days
but ric is apparently going to be ok, so i can resume talking shit about him without feeling bad about it
one day he'll die and i'll feel momentarily bad for all the crap i've said about him before going on with my life
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charlotte has learnt an important lesson about the fragility of life and shit
and here's nattie to be insensitive
she's like cool your dad's ok but let's talk about the important shit
nattie is hosting wwe's first ever celebration of women?
it's totally a thing they should do
but we have a heel doing it, so this is going to be shitty
okay, yeah, it's going to be celebrating all women by looking at nattie in particular
because we're all basically her
charlotte's just like yeah whatever i want a title shot
good shutdown
and here's becky to be sarcastic
in a really nice waistcoat
and also challenge for the title
oh, and here's naomi
who can imagine why
in an enormous white pimp robe
i take it back
an enormous multicoloured pulsing pimp robe
she doesn't even get to say she wants a shot before tamina and lana cut in
lana's here to talk about how bitches ain't shit and her client deserves a shot
so nattie has a tantrum outside the ring about all these women overshadowing her celebration of women
here's noted non-woman daniel bryan to weigh in
making the main event a four-way for a title shot
remember when there was more than one angle in the division?
of course you don't
never happened
and up next, new day/hype bros
the building may explode with enthusiasm
after this ad for brock/braun, at least
back in the room, the bros are already here
and the usos are on announce
lovely shot of someone in the crowd joining in with the new day intro but forgetting how many times they've been champs
loving all the match card graphics, where big e is totally doing his best broken matt hardy
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meanwhile in the match, mojo steals e's ab stretch spank thing
but yeah, they've announced new day/usos rematch at hiac
like anyone didn't know that was coming
e takes a broski boot, kofi shows he can fuck a team up on his own
zack tries for a rollup, eats a midnight hour for the pin
usos front, new day party, end thing
but now let's go back to the mcmahon drama
leading with a recap of vince getting beat on
and now here's kevin via satellite from what looks like a high school theatre supplies room
still life with canadian, spotlight and big red square, 2017
kevin is sorry for what he did, but it's all shane's fault for making him want to do it
claims to have nothing but respect for vince
he's also apologising in advance for the carnage at hiac
and maintaining that he's the good guy here
end thing
have a graphic for the women's four-way
and an ad for john cena's superhero body spray
which you should not attempt
and now here are the hype bros backstage
mojo is tired of losing all the time
proposes drastic action
but now here's dolph
presumably to complain about gimmicks
which he's made into its own gimmick, so it's only a matter of time before wrestling collapses in on itself
and then i'll have to watch scandinavian crime dramas for this blog or something
daniel's ears pricked up at that
i told you, no cable knit jumpers in my studio
in any case, dolph is now being hhh
"Was that fun? Can I run NXT now?"
and now he has more things
corey is filled with rage and despair
and now he's hbk
except modern hbk
hat and flares, no shades or weird bondage vest
oakland is united in wanting him to do cm punk
dolph ziggler, celebrity impressionist
dolph rants some more, goes back out
and now he's in dx
remember when we had cumbersome overlays as part of entrances
i kind of love it
the dx music is still great, too
dolph rails against dx trying to stay relevant, despite the fact that they haven't been since the late 90s
shouts at the crowd for not appreciating the craft
and he doesn't care about the crowd
cares enough to choreograph numerous elaborate entrances with costumes and props and shit, but hey
and then wanders off
is this going anywhere in particular, or is it just that we had some time to fill?
announce team move swiftly on to hyping no mercy
but next, main event
i'm not optimistic for the chances of the one heel in this match
especially because it's tamina, and she doesn't get to win things
after this ad for 2k18, in any case
back in the ring, becky's already here
but fuck that, let's have an ad for 205
oh, and tamina's already here too
becky at least got music
and here's naomi
showing us that enormous fur robes are actually really hard to dance in
i do like her mismatched eyeshadow though
charlotte's back in one of her dad's robes, which makes a certain amount of sense
i still miss peacock queen charlotte
oh, and lana's lurking at ringside
hadn't noticed
match starts, immediately go to a roman/cena ad
because why bother actually watching the main event
all three faces briefly team up to dunk on tamina, because why wouldn't you
naomi springboard crossbodies charlotte and becky simultaneously, cos she's great
pan out to nattie watching the match and looking smug
naomi gets her submission on charlotte, becky breaks it up so she can disarmher naomi
because submission wrestling goes so well in a four-way
charlotte spears tamina, it's pretty great
and then moonsaults her and naomi simultaneously
i talk a lot of shit about charlotte, but it's good to have her back
becky breaks a figure eight with a leg drop, which seems dangerous as fuck
everyone is dead
becky takes a samoan drop and then a splash from tamina, naomi breaks up the pin in a really cool way, lana pulls her out and gets fucked on, and then something i didn't quite catch put tamina down for a pin by charlotte
oh right
superkicked naomi, then took a big boot from charlotte
she does do a very big boot indeed
so yeah, charlotte/nattie at hiac
feel like we've seen this before
but hey, who am i to expect variation and originality in wrestling
and we fade on charlotte being like fuck yeah my dad isn't dead also something about a match
right, hopefully this'll get posted before no mercy
if it does, hmu on twitter @waruce if you don't already
but for now, i'm off to watch the rest of the week's wrestling before i run out of week
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