#the first chance he got he tried to warn dustin jason was after him
ittostan · 1 year
"It was a little mistake"
Eddie Munson x GN!Reader
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Genre- Angst
Show- Stranger things
Warnings- Angst (no comfort), kind of OOC Eddie, terrible writing, L Eddie
Word count- 1,671 words 8,727 characters
Author note- hey guys so I guess the original post of the first part disappeared!! So here it is again (SECOND PART IS STILL UP!!)
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For some people, it came as a surprise when they heard you hung out with the freak of Hawkins. You were surprised when others were surprised. Did it just not seem like you would? You weren't popular, but you guess you weren't really an outsider either. You never talked to kids who were considered popular or not many who were considered losers-- unless Chrissy Cunningham was considered popular and Eddie Munson a loser. You usually talked to Chrissy at parties when Jason was with the team, and she saw the chance away from the crowds of people when she was near you. With Eddie, you two started hanging out after grabbing the same Black Sabbath cassette tape.
"Uh...I had this first, so I'll just take it," you said, tugging it towards yourself.
"Actually, I'm pretty sure I had my eyes on it first, so it's definitely mine." He pulled it towards him.
"Dude, I grabbed it first. Just give it to me."
"If I can't have it, nobody can." He gave one last tug with all his strength and threw the tape on the floor, breaking it into what looked like a million pieces, then realized he had it just in his hands for a few seconds and could've taken it.
"You break it, you buy it," a voice yelled, then having you two run out and run to your cars, driving off. The next day, bright and early in the morning, Eddie Munson saw the one and only guy he saw at the music store, and it got even worse seeing you starting to walk up to him. "Munson is it? Eddie Munson" you asked, with just a hint of annoyance in your voice. Were you stalking him now? Oh god, you probably knew every single thing about him. Every secret. Everything! "Hello?" you waved your hand in front of his face to have him snap back into reality. "Yea, that’s me," the man with the birds' nest in his hair said.
"You owe me ten bucks."
"Even better... I'll take you to a little fun game." He didn't really have ten bucks, so he decided why not invite this cute person to something even better than 10 bucks! His dnd campaign!
Eddie didn't really tell you what he meant, but after school, he met with you at the room where they had their meetings, and to be honest, you never really looked at this room, seeing all the stuff for maybe theater. You saw a table surrounded by guys that had the same shirts as Eddie did, saying ‘HELLFIRE CLUB’ with a devil or demon it looked like and other things.
You never really talked to any of the people here, but you knew some of them just by their names. Mike Wheeler is the brother of Nancy Wheeler. Dustin Henderson hangs out with Steve Harrington. Lucas Sinclair is on the basketball team. Gareth’s talked to me a few times. The others you had no idea about, but you looked for a free chair and, luckily, it looked like Eddie had put one out for you! You sat down in it and looked at the game that was set out on the table. The whole game, you were confused and confused about how this made up for your ten dollars.
After that day, Eddie made it up to you after you kept asking for the 10 dollars, and he just bought you the cassette tape at that point. You did continue to hang out with the Hellfire Club and became friends with them all, still keeping your place as not a loser and not popular. Now, after a few months of keeping that place and hanging out with the club and Eddie outside of school, you started to develop feelings for THE Edward Munson. You weren't in some little romance movie, so you definitely couldn't just tell him straight up, so maybe give hints?
You started to sit closer to him.
You left little flirty words when talking to him
Tried nicknames
You got kinda touchy (put your hand on his mostly).
You even told him "I like you."
He laughed it off. He laughed at your confession.
Now you were in your room, laying in the middle of your bed, arms and legs spread out, wondering if he liked you back. He never stopped smiling around you. He was always calling you cute names... but then again, he did those with basically everyone he got along with. You rolled over on your stomach, groaning in a complaint, then kicking your mattress over and over till your legs hurt. Something came to your head. It’s like 6 pm. Eddie is probably setting up for hellfire. Alone. You rushed to get up and put on your slippers because of how much you were in a rush, then ran out of the house and got into your car to drive to Hawkins High School even after you left like two hours or three ago. You saw Eddie's van and parked next to it, getting out of the car and stuffing the keys into your pocket. Going inside the school, you heard muffled arguing, so you walked towards it, seeing the slightly open door to the theater room, but when you were going to walk in, the mention of your name made you freeze.
"You said they told you they liked you as a joke? Well, do you like them? " you heard Micheal Wheeler say
"Like them? [your name]? Are you joking right wheeler?" Eddie laughed, "They’re not my type. Let's say I like people who give me some space. That is the opposite of them. They’re always near me like if they aren't they’ll die! There's no way someone could be into that." The group laughed, continuing to completely shit on you. The way you act, the way you dress. The people you spoke to. Every Single. Thing. How could you be so stupid to think Eddie would like you? The only reason the two of you started talking was that you told him he owed you ten dollars. If you hadn't gone up to him that day, you wouldn't have spoken a word to him and he wouldn't have to you either. You could feel tears filling your eyes just threatening to come out if you didn't leave.
You did end up going home and face-planting into your bed, instantly sobbing into your pillow with the things the club had been saying were repeating over and over in your head, basically being imprinted into your mind. The one thing that stuck out to you the most was what Eddie said before you left "Meeting them was a little mistake. Trust me. I don't want them here any less than you guys do. I feel bad for anybody who dates them," his voice said, filled with hatred and annoyance but a small bit of regret that you didn't pick up. That's when you left, so that’s all you had heard, and you were glad you left since you don't think you could take anymore.
The next day felt like the devil himself planned this day. You got up and took a shower bright and early in the morning, then did whatever you did before going off to school, and when you got to the parking lot, it was getting filled with student cars and people getting dropped off. You drove into the parking lot quickly, taking a parking spot that someone almost stole from you. You got out of the car and ran your hands through your fingers, walking to the school doors. "[Your name]!!" someone called, but you ignored it and continued walking through the halls. "[Your Name]!" was called out again, so you turned your head and saw the metal head walking towards you with his hands in his pocket and a smile on his face, acting like he was innocent. Like he didn't hate you. Like he didn't even say your whole friendship was a mistake and he didn't even want it to happen. Sometimes you just wanted to choke him till his face turned blue, but you didn't let your thoughts get the best of you or you’d end up in prison.
All day he had been trying to get your attention, but you either walked in another direction, hid around corners, or simply just ignored him, acting as if he didn't even exist. Now on his side, he didn't know what to do. He tried walking beside you and talking, but you didn't even breathe his way. Not even a little side-eye. What did he do? Did a rumor come out about him? Did you just not feel well? Did you not want to be friends? He saved a spot for you at the hellfire’s table right next to him..no show. He was even saving an extra drink for you. Last night they didn't finish the campaign due to all the talk about you, so he told everyone to come the next day so they could get a little further, probably just for an hour. It was after school and he left you a note in your locker that said they were having hellfire if you wanted to come. You read it... then threw it away.
While the guys were at Hellfire, he stared at the empty seat that had been left for you. Where were you? What did he do?
A week has passed. Then 2. Then 3. Then, somehow, it was 21 weeks, 147 days, 3528 hours, and 211680 minutes without you. He tried to make it up to you. He did. You told him a month later in a little paper but never spoke to him again. He bought you a few things to make it up to you, but none worked. He missed your smile. He missed your laugh. He missed how on little movie nights you’d add some random candies to the popcorn. He missed you. He made the biggest mistake ever. Losing you
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moonlit-imagines · 2 years
Headcanons for being Hopper’s daughter and dating Eddie Munson (Part 2)
Eddie Munson x fem!Hopper!reader
warnings: death, angst, guns, violence, drugs, etc
prompt: anonymous: “Hello! I was wondering if I would be allowed to request being the daughter (or just child) of Jim Hopper and dating Eddie Munson headcanons please and thank you <33”
part 1
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eddie was sincerely freaked and a bit relieved you believed him in all of this mess
he was your boyfriend, you told him everything BUT this. now he got to hear it all
“why didn’t you tell me before?” -eddie
“eddie, you of all people know how lame the government is. i could be killed bringing anyone into this of my free will” -you
“yeah…fuck the government” -eddie
walking him through ‘83 and the demogorgon, ‘84 and the demodogs and the gate and such, ‘85 and the mind flayer and soviets, up until now
which was jarring
“y/n…are you okay?” -eddie
“are you?” -you
you were ready to fight for eddie. you were ready to make this all go away but you were wracking your brain on how you could swing this
keen on calming him down, but you needed to leave in order to help him out
“i mean, y/n, do you really think you should be out there? everyone knows youre his girlfriend, they’ll be after you, too” -steve
“worried for me, stevie?” -you (steve had a crush on you in middle school)
“will you let that go? now is not the time!” -steve
this time…it was different. it was peculiar, it was personal
and another body dropped, making the stakes feel even higher as your people tried to find the culprit
meanwhile, jason carver was seeking you out. an eye for an eye, perhaps?
“y/n, do you really think you of all people should be carrying a gun right now? i mean, all eyes are on you. it won’t look good if you’re caught” -nancy
“no one died of gunshot wounds, i’ll be fine” -you
“you really do sound like your dad” -nancy
“thanks, hope i don’t die like him, too” -you
“i’d say, right now, you have a better chance of dying like chrissy and fred” -dustin “what?! just saying”
checking on eddie as much as you can
and very strongly warning against getting high because this already felt like a trip
but u got him many snacks and some stuff to keep him occupied for the time being
“im not used to responsible y/n. it’s weird. you’re weirding me out” -eddie
he flirted with you over the radio a little too much
“ahem…you know we can all hear you two, right?” -robin
putting on a show for the cops to get them off your trail
“miss hopper, give us a reason to conclude you’re not a suspect” -powell
“oh, im not little y/n anymore?” -you
“you live with him, you spend all your time with him. this whole town thinks it was you, too” -callahan
“you think this is easy for me, guys? you think i’m not looking over my shoulder every other step? that could have been me, right?! and now the man who had offered me a home is nowhere to be found and i have nowhere to go and now i have to deal with you two—people i thought i could trust and could trust me—following me around like im a killer! i just want this to end!” -you, crocodile tears streaming down your face
“we’re sorry, y/n. for all of it, okay? but be careful out there, a lot of people have their eyes on you and we can’t stop that from happening” -powell
at least you got the cops off your trail
plans were finally starting to be set in motion
especially after the gate at lover’s lake had opened
“y/n, y/n, wait, don’t jump in there. don’t go” -eddie, latching onto you
“you’re gonna learn with us that no one gets left behind, eddie. steve needs us. you can still go with the kids, it’s okay” -you, diving in
eddie followed you down and into the upside down in immediate conflict
“y/n, where’s your gun?!” -nancy
“ammo’s wet, we’re gonna have to do this the old fashioned way” -you, picking up an oar
after everyone was deemed safe, eddie apologized for “chickening out”
“eddie…this is your first time in the thick of it. no one blames you for being scared or hesitant, we all were at first. some of us still have those moments. but we all look out for each other, and we’re looking out for you, too. don’t sell yourself short” -you
“you know, that thing with the oar..? it was kind of hot” -eddie
“should have seen that one coming from a mile away” -you
“so you agree you’re hot?” -eddie
ok so when you’re in this “fight for your life” mode you may be just a teeny bit hot
he was so used to your “idgaf” attitude and the way you were heading for burnout and now you were all business
getting to eddie’s other-side trailer and ultimately escaping (with a few hiccups)
and creating your master plan
“y/n, how do you think we’re gonna save him?” -dustin, leaning against you in the RV
“how do you mean?” -you
“eddie. how are we gonna convince the town he’s not a killer if we cant expose vecna?” -dustin
“well, now that we know that the creel murders are connected to vecna, maybe the government will say creel escaped or something. i don’t know, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, dusty” -you
eddie was asleep on your other shoulder
when you went to gear up, you ran into jason
“y/n hopper, the devil worshipper’s girlfriend. what’re you doing out in this neck of the woods?” -jason
“i think you mean the sheriff’s daughter, i’m not defined by my previous relationships” -you, lying completely
“ah, so you’re saying that you left him? finally come to your senses?” -jason
“just looking out for myself” -you, holding up your newest purchases
“well, we can look out for you, too. you’re more than welcome to come with us” -jason
“i’ll pass, jason. i have my own people to look out for” -you
jason glanced around
“oh, the hellfires? your story isn’t adding up here, y/n. you sure you’re not standing with eddie?” -jason, inching closer to you to intimidate you
steve and robin ran to your aid to get jason away from you before you inevitably shot him in the foot or something
and off you all went, splitting up to hopefully end this all once and for all
“max…” -you
“yeah?” -max
you pulled her in for a really strong hug
“be careful, okay? i can’t lose my moping buddy” -you
“you’re not allowed to mope without me, you know?” -max
you and the rest of the crew went upside down and as much as you wanted to see the most metal concert ever, you were needed at the creel house
“you be careful, alright?” -eddie
“me? sounds like you’re underestimating me” -you
“hey, im not sure how these things play out, it’s my first time” -eddie
“you never forget your first” -you
you gave him a goodbye kiss and sped off for him to distract the bats
and within the walls of the creel house, things went south really fast
and by the time you thought everything was over, the clock chimed one last time
“no…please no…” -you, dropping to your knees
nancy tried to comfort you, but you all had to rush out as soon as possible
and when you finally did, hawkins fell into ruins
“eddie?! dustin?! lucas?? erica?? where is everyone?!” -you on the walkies
you slowly gathered together, but when you found dustin he was alone
“dustin? where’s eddie, dustin?!” -you
dustin was sobbing, he couldn’t say a word, but he had grabbed fished a ring out of his pocket belonging to eddie
“he asked me to give this to you” -dustin
you broke down into tears with him, losing two of the closest people to you in such a short span of time, the ones who had gotten you through the roughest patch of your life
dustin latched onto you and wouldn’t let go
and you soon met in the hospital to find lucas, just as shaken up as the rest of you as max lay nearly lifeless in the hospital bed
and he needed you too
“lucas, can you take a walk with me?” -you
he explained everything that happened. jason and the walkman, watching her be attacked, her last words, the miraculous return of her heartbeat
“it was my fault. i should have pulled her out but i didn’t and it was too late. she was so scared and i let her down” -lucas
and then he cried too, and you grabbed him and pulled him in the same way you did dustin. the way you did with everyone every time someone died and the same way they did to you when you lost your father
“none of this is your fault, lucas. we all did our best, but we had no idea what we were up against. but i’m here for you, okay? always and forever” -you
the next few days were insane as most people’s homes were destroyed. you were homeless, staying with the wheelers again. trying to help those less fortunate than yourself. taking care of everyone else to get your mind off of terrible losses
staring at and tracing your tattoos like you used to do with eddie
when packing up the car for donations, you turned to see a van full of (mostly) familiar faces
“el!” -you, running to hug your sister
you lifted her and spun her around
“i missed you” -eleven
“i did too. uh, what…what happened to your hair?” -you
“it’s a really long story. you’re not gonna believe it. where’s eddie?” -eleven
“he’s…oh, eleven, he’s not here with us anymore” -you
she pulled you in for another tighter hug
“y/n? still coming to the school?” -steve
“uhhh…shit, steve. i think there’s something else we need to do” -you
you and the crew went to the cabin
while dustin found uncle wayne at the school and broke the news
“where’s y/n? is she okay?” -wayne
“she’s alive, but she’s far from okay. she’s heartbroken” -dustin
“tell her to find me here when she gets the chance. she’s family to me, all i really have left. i’d like to speak to her at the very least” -wayne
you were cleaning the cabin when a car pulled up and you quickly pulled eleven behind you
you’d only just got her back
but were stunned to see your father exiting the car
“dad..?” -you
you ran into his arms and were soon joined by eleven in a family group hug
he kissed the top of your head as you finally sobbed in relief instead of grief.
there was so much for each of you to catch up on
“is that a tattoo? y/n, how many tattoos did you get?” -hopper
“i missed you?” -you, laughing through tears
taglist: @locke-writes // @ripoffadora // @mrs-steve-harrington // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @thereagles // @imaginesbymk // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @brutal-out-here // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @lost-fantasy // @zoeyserpentluck // @augustvandyne // @summersimmerus // @azazel-nyx // @xoxobabydolls // @ruvaakke // @simp-legend // @evilcr0ne // @retvenkos // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @prettysbliss // @sapphireplums // @beth-gallagher22 // @ravenstrueluv // @your-local-questioning-agender // @rqmanoff // @you-bloody-shank // @amirahiddleston //
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lizabethmenke · 1 year
Dreaming of you - Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Summary: Reader tries to find Eddie after the tragic event with Chrissy at Eddie’s trailer before her brother Steve and his friends do.
Tags: friends to lovers, Harrington sibling reader, first kiss, hurt/comfort
Warnings: Mature language, mentions of anxiety and panic attacks
Authors note: I’ve been sitting on this for months. This is the first I have written for this fandom and the first fic I’ve written in years so while criticism is encouraged I ask you be gentle.
You stand in front of the door fist raised not sure if you should knock or walk in. You knew the place was empty as Eddie mentioned the guy was locked up but did that mean you could just walk in? What if you went in and there were other people using it as a hideout who would hurt you? Steve had always mentioned that Hawkins wasn’t what it seemed and although you knew your older brother was referring to all things “Upside Down” you also didn’t shy away from the idea that there were people who would hurt you if they had the chance.
But even with that anxious thought you couldn’t help but wonder if it was better if you walked in and called for him. What if Eddie was there and heard the knock and didn’t come for fear it was the police, or worse Jason and his crew? What if he was hurt and couldn’t come to the door and you walked away thinking he wasn’t there and something happened to him? And there was the scariest what if of all, what if he wasn’t here? This was the last place you could think to look and if he wasn’t here what did that mean?
The panic was starting to overwhelm you. You could feel it starting to clench on your insides and your breathing began to become more shallow. Before you knew it you were sitting on the porch trying to take in large gulps of air. You knew people were starting to close in on him. Even Steve was starting to hone in on this location when he asked you this morning if you might know where Eddie was. Dustin and Max had come by to see you and ask if you knew where he was. You had given them half lies stating you didn’t know where he might go and that any information you might have would be the same as there’s. That’s when they went to the video store and Steve called the house to ask for your opinion. You played him off as well knowing you had to be the one that found him.
You had already made plans to look for him today. After hearing about what happened at Eddie’s trailer last night and not being able to get in touch with him you knew you needed to make sure he was okay. Now with half of Hawkins looking for him, you knew you needed to be the first to find him. Eddie was your best friend and you knew the rumors that were starting to circulate about him weren’t true. Sure he might have a flair for drama and stand up for the underdog but he would never kill someone. That wasn’t the Eddie you knew. That wasn’t the Eddie you loved.
So you started complying a list of places he would go, got in your car and drove. You checked off all of the other places on the list before making your way down the windy roads to a place that Eddie had taken you a few times before. The place where you would sit in the van and wait because Eddie didn’t want to “corrupt you more than he already had.”
And now you were here. Too afraid to walk in and too afraid too stay put. You sat there for a few moments trying to compose yourself. Trying to calm the panic that only Eddie ever seemed to be able to soothe. He was always there for you in your darkest times, whether that was a fight between your parents or when Steve had come home broken and bruised face and with stories about the dangers lurking in Hawkins. Eddie was always there. And it was that thought that finally allowed you to see things more clearly. If Eddie could be there for you in your darkest moments it was only fair you be there for him in his.
You stood on shaky legs, turned towards the door, and knocked softly. If Eddie was here you didn’t want to startle him. You knocked again and called his name. You hoped hearing your voice would be enough to lure him out but there was no answer. Your fear started to spike a bit as you moved to a window towards the back of the house.
You try this again at a few windows and are about to give up when you spot the boat house.
You begin to hope. Maybe the main house is too obvious. If someone was really trying to hide wouldn’t they want to do so in an area that is, well, more hidden. You approach slowly. You knock on the door but before you can call his name the pressure of your hand pushes the door open. As if someone hadn’t fully shut the door to begin with.
It’s dark and you step in apprehensively. From the little light in the room you see no figures, no movement, no sign of life. You stand there for a moment taking in the deserted room and call his name once more.
You should turn and walk out but you can’t bring yourself to. If he’s not here that’s it. There is no other place you can think of that he could be and that thought alone almost breaks you.
Again nothing.
All of the panic starts building up again. Your knees start to shake. You should leave. Figure out a new area to search but you are frozen. The tears start to fall and as a last ditch effort you speak into the void.
“Eds please. I don’t believe all the bullshit people are saying. You’ve always been there for me let me be there for you this time.” Your breathe hitches. “Please Eds. I’m scared. I don’t know where you are. I don’t know if you are okay. I can’t-“ Your breathe hitches again as the tears build up. “I can’t lose you. So please if you are here just come out.”
The tears are streaming down your face now. You can’t help but let out a broken sob into the silence. That’s it. He’s not here. You’ve failed and now it’s time to leave this place and try to piece together any other places Eddie might be at. Another sob rips through you as the possibility that maybe Jason had gotten here first hit you. Maybe you were right at his chosen hiding spot but the thought that Eddie couldn’t answer because he was already gone caused your knees to shack again. Another sob rips through your throat when you hear a rustling noise behind you.
You turn quickly and see a figure crawling out of a nearby boat covered by a tarp.
“Y/N?” You know that voice even if it sounds thick with unshed tears.
“Eds?” You stand still for a moment taking in the form and before he can respond you are running towards him. Throwing your body against his. You almost knock him over with the force of it but he quickly steadies the two of you as your head falls on his chest and your arms wrap around his waist. The tears fall harder as you grip at his shirt.
“Shhh. It’s okay Princess. I’m here. I’m okay. Don’t cry.” His hands have started to rub circles on your back and you swear you even feel his lips brush against the top of your head in a kiss.
You don’t know how long you stand like this before you feel your legs start to give. Eddie notices and slips you both down to the floor. Never breaking contact with you. You pull away to look at him. Hands now moving to touch other parts of his body. His arms. His chest. His face. Your palm lingers on his check and you feel him lean into it as his eyes close.
“You’re really here.” He whispers.
“Of course I’m here.” You whisper back. “I will always be here.”
“I wasn’t sure you were real.” He says. You drop your hands to his chest so you can feel his heart and have physical confirmation he is alive. His forehead is now pressed against yours, breathing you in. “I don’t know how long I’ve been in that boat but I had to keep thinking of things that make me happy and safe or I was going to go insane.” He continues his voice barely over a whisper. “New campaigns, music, you...”
His eyes open and stare into yours. You felt your breath hitch in your throat as he continued.
“When I heard your voice I thought I might have gone insane anyway. You couldn’t be here. It had to be a hallucination spurred by my desire to have you here. I tried to ignore it. But then you spoke again and you sounded so real and so desperate for me too that I had to be sure.”
“Eddie, I-“
“Let me finish.” He gently cut you off. His hands had traveled down your back and now rested where your shirt had risen up and was exposing a bit of flesh. His thumb began rubbing circles into that area and you audibly gasped. A slight smile appeared on Eddie’s face. “I peeked my head out of the tarp and there you were. The must beautiful vision I had ever seen. I was happy to just stare but you were crying and scared for me and I couldn’t sit still anymore. I didn’t fucking care if it was a dream. If my brain was going to conjure you in that moment I would have happily gone crazy.”
You could feel his breath on your face. He was so close that all you had to do was lean forward another few inches and you could close the gap. Your eyes flashed down to his lips for a second and when you looked back into Eddie’s eyes you knew he had noticed. His eyes now had a slight glaze to them and you felt his heartbeat speed up.
You don’t know who moved first. Perhaps it was you. Maybe it was Eddie. All that mattered now was Eddie’s lips on yours. The kiss was soft and timid. Both of you testing this new part of your relationship. You both pull away for a moment. Smiles cracking across your faces.
“I’ve wanted to do that for years.” He admits.
“Why didn’t you?” You ask breathlessly.
“Stupidity. Insecurity. Your brother. Take your pick.”
You laugh and smack at his chest. Your hands linger for a moment as you both stare at each other and then they are wrapping around his neck pulling him to you. The kiss this time is more wild. Both of you trying to pour all of your fear, relief, and desire into it. But you felt something else as well. Eddie’s hands slip under your shirt, trying to touch as much skin as possible. Your hands find their way into his hair and when you tug you feel him moan against your mouth. You take his bottom lip between your teeth and tug gently before pulling away.
“Holy shit.” Eddie says. “Why didn’t I do that sooner?!?”
You laugh. “God I love you.” It had slipped out before you had a chance to catch yourself. Eddie’s hands freeze their exploring of your skin.
“What did you say?” He asks slowly.
You look away from him for just a moment. But Eddie’s voice brought your eyes back to him. “Fuck I knew this must have been a dream. Only in those have I ever heard you say those words.”
“You dream of me? Of this?” You ask quietly.
“Almost every night since I met you.” He says back.
“I can assure you Eddie this is not a dream. I’m real.” You reach your hand up to his face once more. “And for the record you aren’t the only one who has dreamed of this from the moment we met.”
“Oh cruel fates-“ Eddie starts in his dramatic glory before your lips capture his again. Your hand slowly drops to his chest as the kiss deepens. This time you are both pouring all of the love you feel for one another into the kiss. It’s slow and deep and Eddie only pulls away to look deep into your eyes. It’s as if he is once again confirming this is all real. Once the confirmation seems to hit him he speaks.
“Y/n Harrington. I am so fucking in love with you.”
“I think I got that.” You say with a laugh.
“Just wanted to make sure that was clear.” His lips find yours again and you begin to get lost in feeling once more. Your hands trail down his chest to the edge of his shirt and start to pull it up as his hands start to do the same thing.
“Eddie!” Dustin’s voice is loud and harsh as you both hear the boat house door open.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” Eddie grumbles against your mouth.
“Y/n! Are you here?” Steve’s voice rings out next causing you to jump apart. At the motion caused in the dark Steve shines a flashlight in your direction. “Y/n! I thought I saw your car in the driveway.”
Steve points the flashlight toward you. “I’m so glad you’re here. I was getting worried when we hadn’t heard from you all day, and I knew you might have gone to find Eddie-“ He stops speaking as the light hits your face and then Eddie’s. The flush on your faces and the heavy breathing causing him to stop in his tracks. “Holy fucking shit Munson! Were you just making out with my sister?!”
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burgundybmw · 2 years
Munson's Mixtape
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Cunningham!Reader
Word Count: 3,196
Warnings: Death (Patrick's)
Summary: Chrissy has been acting weird, and like a good big sister Y/N drives to Hawkins from Notre Dame to check in on her. Only to find out she has plans to meet up with Eddie Munson. Things take a turn for the worse and now Y/N gets wrapped in to the horrors of Hawkins. Hey, at least she has the company of the guitarist she was sweet on back in high school for comfort.
Author’s Note: Hope you guys enjoy a little break from the angst fest!
Track Twelve
Death is quiet. There could be screaming, shouting, crying, complete chaos revolving around the aftermath of it, but death itself is quiet. It's the last words spoken, the last pump your heart gives before it stops forever, the final breaths taken, and then quiet. It was quiet for a moment, right after Patrick fell, and after that moment of silence, chaos resumed. Andy and Chance let go of Y/N as soon as Patrick hit the water, and she took that moment of freedom as her chance to run. She ran as fast as she could to Rick's car, fumbling with the keys to unlock it. Once she was inside she turned on her ignition and hit the gas. Y/N backed out of Rick's driveway in a hurry, not taking any chance that she could be followed. Once on the road, she pushed the gas pedal down as hard as she could to get away.
Vecna had killed Patrick. Y/N didn't know why he was chosen, but she couldn't waste any time contemplating Patrick's home life. It was horrible, to see it happen again. She could almost hear the sounds of bones breaking in her ears. Although Patrick hung around with Jason and the other shit heads from the basketball team, he seemed decent enough. Chrissy always had nice things to say about him, not like Andy and Chance who she only tolerated because of Jason. A selfish part of her wished it was Jason who was taken by Vecna, but she quickly dropped the thought. Y/N wouldn't think about Jason, she needed to find Eddie.
The back roads of Hawkins were dark and secluded, Y/N was torn between slowing down and keeping up her speed. On the one hand she wanted to make sure Jason couldn't follow her, but on the other hand she was terrified with the thought that she could accidentally hit Eddie. After a few more minutes Y/N determined that she wasn't being followed and began to slow down. She kept her eyes on the tree line, trying to catch a glimpse of Eddie, if he even made it out of the lake in the first place.
Y/N was so quick to run she didn't see if he made it out of the water. She slammed on the breaks, the smell of burnt rubber filling the air. What if Eddie didn't make it out? What if Jason got his slimy hands on him? What if he's hurt?
Y/N gripped the old leather steering wheel, her body frozen in panic. Eddie had to be okay. He had to have made it out. Jason would have been distracted by Patrick, that would have given him a chance to get away like she did. She put her foot on the gas again and kept going. She needed to find him and fast. Before Jason had the chance to call the cops, before all of Hawkins was out there looking for him.
She tried to radio Dustin, but the battery on the walkie talkie was dead. She decided to drive around Lover's Lake and the surrounding roads until daybreak, then she would go to the store to pick up more batteries. She hoped that Eddie's walkie wasn't too damaged from the water, she didn't like to think about him having no way to get in contact with her. Y/N kept her eyes on the road and beyond, praying to every god that was out there that Eddie was safe.
Y/N spent all night driving around rural Hawkins, and when the sun finally started to come out she made her way to town. Rick had left some cash in the glove compartment of his car, and it was just enough to buy new batteries and a cup of coffee. Y/N was exhausted, but she couldn't stop now. It was a struggle to keep her eyes open, but she pushed through anyway. She could rest when she found Eddie.
Once she was back on the road, she kept the walkie on. Every 2 minutes she would radio in and see if he was on the other line. With every 2 minutes that passed with radio silence, Y/N grew more desperate. This went on for hours, the constant back and forth between her shouting into the walkie and silence. Until suddenly, she heard a voice on the other end, right before her hundredth attempt at reaching him.
"Y/N, can you hear me? Y/N?" Instant relief flooded through her. It was Eddie. He was alive.
"Eddie!" She shouted as she slammed on the breaks of Rick's car.
"Y/N, shit. You have no idea how nice it is to hear your voice right now." She couldn't agree with him more. Hours and hours of panicked silence in the dark, finally broken by daylight.
"Oh God Eddie I was so scared. I thought Jason had gotten to you, I'm so glad you're alright." She was crying again, but she tried her best to hide it from Eddie. She didn't want to freak him out more than he already was.
"Rather me than you. When I saw Chance and Andy with their grubby hands on you, I..." Eddie was silent again.
"Eddie? Eddie? Eddie baby you still there?" She didn't mean to let the endearment out, but in the moment she didn't care. She just wanted to hear Eddie's voice again.
"...I'm here."
"Where are you? I'll come to you just stay where you are." Y/N stepped her foot on the gas once again, determined to get to him as quickly as she could.
"Skull Rock. Do you, uh, do you know where that is?" She was familiar with Skull Rock. Matthew took her there and tried to feel up her shirt back in junior year. She didn't let him, and he got all pissy about it, but in that moment she was grateful that he took her there. Now she knew where to find Eddie.
"Yes. I'm about 15 minutes away I think, just stay there I'll be there soon."
Baby. Y/N Cunningham called him baby. It was almost worth all of the bullshit he went through during the night if he got to hear her say it one more time. Still, Eddie didn't think he deserved it, not after leaving her there with Jason and company.
He heard voices from outside the boathouse when he tried to put the boat in the water last night, but he didn't realize Y/N was there until he heard her scream. He wanted to dive into the water, swim as fast as he could and get to her, but he froze. Y/N was in danger, and he froze like a coward. What's worse was that he listened to her when she told him to run away. Chrissy had told him that Y/N thought he was brave, what a load of bullshit. Eddie wasn't brave, the furthest thing from brave.
She was the brave one, she ran after Eddie despite knowing Jason and his goons had weapons on them. She screamed at him to run after Andy had hit her. Eddie wished he was brave. He wished he didn't listen to her. He wished he swam to shore and knocked Andy and Chance's teeth in, but he didn't do that. He listened, and he ran away. What kind of guy does that when the woman he loves is hurt? Eddie didn't deserve Y/N's affections, not for a single second. He almost didn't tell her where he was, he didn't want her to get hurt again because of him, but Eddie was selfish. He was so selfish because the thought of being alone scared him half to death, and he desperately wanted her there with him despite the danger. Eddie made a promise to himself then. He wasn't going to run away anymore. If Y/N thought Eddie was brave, then he was going to fake it until it was true.
"Eddie?" He could hear her voice in the distance, and Eddie was so relieved it nearly brought him to tears.
"Y/N!" He shouted, crawling out of his spot under Skull Rock.
"Eddie!" He could see her now. She was still in her cheer uniform, running towards him at full speed, like she couldn't wait to be close to him again. Eddie only had a second to react before Y/N jumped him, arms reaching around his neck and legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He stumbled a bit, but recovered enough to catch her. His hands gripped the underside of Y/N's thighs, stabilizing her as she clung to him. Eddie hoped she couldn't tell he was shaking.
"Oh Eddie, you're okay. You're really okay. Thank god." Her face was buried in his hair as she mumbled. He smelled like lake water and grass, but she didn't care for a single second. Eddie was alive, and that's all that mattered.
"Yea... Yea I'm okay." He could barely get the words out. Eddie was still shocked over the fact that Y/N had her legs wrapped around him. She pulled her face away from his hair, and caressed both sides of his face in her hands. For a brief moment Eddie thought she was going to kiss him, but instead she turned his face back and forth looking to see if he was hurt. Once she was satisfied she closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against his, Eddie didn't dare close his.
"I thought you were a goner Eddie. I spent all night looking for you. I didn't know if Jason got to you, the police, fucking Vecna. I was terrified they got to you before I did." Eddie loved Y/N a little bit more in that moment, and it hurt even more to realize he couldn't have this. He couldn't have her, but he could pretend that he had her. Just for a moment he could love the feeling of her wrapped around him, how soft and warm she was. He could have a taste of what it would be like to love her, wholly and completely, before the moment was done.
"As you can see, I'm still kickin' sweetheart." It killed Eddie inside to put Y/N down, but his heart couldn't handle it anymore. He needed space from her before he did something stupid.
"Have you heard from Dustin yet?" Eddie shook his head. She was the first person he called. Y/N told him to try and get ahold of him, and after a few attempts they finally got Dustin on the line. He told them to sit tight at Skull Rock, that they would all be there soon. So once again Eddie and Y/N found themselves playing the waiting game.
They avoided talking about what happened to Patrick, exhausted by all of the death that surrounded Hawkins. Eddie didn't ask for details about Chrissy's funeral, and Y/N didn't ask if he heard what Jason had said about her the night before. However, she did want to know about what happened between him and Matthew back in school. Chrissy's diary only told her so much.
"You know, the last time I was here Matthew Grayson was with me." Eddie didn't want to hear about Matthew Grayson. He especially didn't want to hear about him taking Y/N here.
"Yea, I forgot you used to go out with him back in the day." He didn't.
"Yep. He tried to get to second base with me here but I told him no. He was sooo pissed at me for that, walked away and threw a temper tantrum like a toddler." Y/N could laugh about it now, how ridiculous her relationship with him was. At the time she thought that attitude was normal, that guys were just like that. She knew better now.
"Grayson was a piece of shit, I remember asking myself why a girl as nice as you would go out with a guy like that." Eddie knew he sounded pathetic, but he couldn't stop himself from saying it.
"He was a piece of shit... You know, I found out later he started a rumor that we slept together. That the reason we broke up was because I cheated on him with you." Eddie didn't know she knew about that. He tried telling everyone that it wasn't true, as much as he wished it was. He even got his ass kicked for telling the guys on the basketball team to lay off.
"Yea, I ugh, I heard about that. You know I wasn't the one who said it right?" He really hoped she didn't think that.
"Oh of course not, but I do know that Matthew and his friends hurt you because of it, and I wanted to say I'm sorry." Y/N had a bad habit of apologizing for things that she shouldn't.
"Don't worry about it, wasn't the first time someone tried to rough me up for shit I didn't do." Y/N hated that it was a repeat event in Eddie's life.
"Still, it wasn't right. I still can't believe I stayed with him as long as I did... at least we didn't go to senior prom together. I'd hate to have to look at photos with his dumb face in it." Eddie laughed at that.
"Who did you end up going with?" Eddie asked.
"Just some girls on the cheer team, we went as a group. Who did you go with? I don't remember seeing you there." Eddie was too embarrassed to admit that the only girl he wanted to go to prom with was sitting right next to him, and he was too chickenshit to ask her after her break up.
"I didn't go. I didn't go to any of my proms actually." Y/N gasped.
"How did you not go to the prom! It's so fun!" Eddie tried to come up with a response, a reason other than the truth for his absence.
"Couldn't find the right date I guess."
"You should go. It's like, a milestone for High School." Eddie laughed.
"Oh yea? And who would be the lucky lady on my arm for the evening hm?" Y/N thought of what she wanted to say, but was scared to hear his answer.
"What about that girl you're smitten with?" Eddie froze. Did she know how he felt about her? Was she being forward?
"Who are you talking about?"
"I overheard you and Chrissy talking in the woods. You said there was a girl you were smitten with, that you wrote her music and gave it to her. Maybe when this is over you can ask her to the prom." Wrote music? He didn't write Y/N music, at least, none that he gave to her. He made a mixtape.
Holy shit, Y/N didn't know. She didn't know he was talking about her.
"I don't think she'd want to go to a High School prom with me, but thanks for saying that anyway sweetheart." Y/N would go with him. She would go with him in a heartbeat if he asked.
"Well it's her loss, you're a catch Eddie Munson. Hey, what about this. You and I can go to the prom together instead." Eddie must be dreaming, any second now he was going to wake up from a nap he must have taken and this dream would end.
"You and I? Together?"
"Yea, you can bring your friends from Hellfire and we can go as a group. It'll be fun!" Friends. She wanted to go as friends. Eddie would take it though.
"Sure sweetheart, I'll take you to prom, get you a matching corsage and everything. I can't promise you I'd wear a tux, it sort of clashes with get up I have goin on." Y/N didn't mind it, but she sort of hoped she'd get the chance to see Eddie all dressed up.
"That's fine. I'm still going to wear a prom dress though, and I'm holding you to the matching corsage." Eddie laughed, what a semi charmed life he was living. Here he was talking about taking his dream girl to the prom all while on the run from the law and dark sorcerers.
"As you wish my fair lady, an old rusty chariot driven by yours truly will escort us to the prom on June the 7th." Y/N giggled.
"It's a date."
Eddie heard voices in the distance, so he told Y/N to climb on top of another rock to get out of view. He followed closely behind, keeping his eyes on the rocky surface and not up her cheer skirt. They stayed up there as the voices got louder, until Steve Harrington's bright yellow sweater caught their eye as he walked through the clearing.
"Bada bing, bada boom. There she is, Henderson. Skull Rock. In your face, man. In your stupid, cocky little face." Dustin and the rest of his friends followed Steve through the bushes, and Y/N had never been more excited to see the kid.
"Doesn't make sense." Dustin said, looking up at Skull Rock and back at his compass. He couldn't see the two of them from his angle, so they were still hidden.
"Yeah, yeah. Even with it staring you in the face, you can't admit it. Can't admit you're wrong, you butthead." Eddie got up from his spot on skull rocked and jumped down to greet the rest of the group.
"I concur. You, Dustin Henderson, are a, total butthead." Eddie tried to look cool and collected, but he was secretly relieved that the freshman had finally found them.
"Jesus, we thought you were a goner." Dustin said as he hugged him.
"Yeah, me too man. Me too." Eddie returned the hug, and took a step back from. Y/N tried to get up from her spot, but her shoe had gotten caught in a divot in the rock.
"Hey, I can use a little help here." Y/N tried to get herself free but it was no use. The rest of the group looked up to see her head peaking over the rock.
"Are you stuck?" Dustin asked.
"Yea, my foot got caught in a hole and I don't want to try and pry my foot out and risk cracking my skull on the rock."
"Well, it is called Skull Rock..." Steve joked. Nancy gave him an unimpressed look, so he shut his mouth.
"Hold on Princess, I will help you escape from your ivory tower in no time." Eddie climbed back on the rock and started working on Y/N's foot.
"You think you're so cute don't you Munson." Y/N huffed, her leg cramping from the awkward angle it was in.
"I know you do Y/N, don't lie." Eddie smirked, and was finally able to free her leg. He held her hand as he led her down the rock until they were both safe on the ground. He must have held on a moment too long, because Dustin shot him a look. It was his I-know-something-you-don't-want-me-to-know look.
"Can one of you explain what happened last night?" Nancy asked as she handed them the food and supplies they brought. Eddie and Y/N looked at each other, not knowing where to start.
"Well... I guess it started after Chrissy's funeral."
@imchangkyunned , @creativedogs , @nightless , @kik51199 , @thecraziestcrayon , @dabzzallday420 , @science--hoes , @efvyqrs , @justanotherkpopstanlol ,
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heylookafanfic · 2 years
Can I Trust You?
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x GN!Reader (angst and fluff)
Brief Summary: Eddie wonders if he can still trust you after he discovers that everyone is looking for him
Author's Note: I’m back on my Stranger Things bullshit! I forgot how much I love the show and I’m diggin this new season so mild spoiler alert if you haven't watched S4 yet :)
Word Count: 2,012
Reading Time: 7 mins, 19 secs (approx.)
Requested: No, an original
Warnings: food, reader held at knifepoint, talks of murder, spoiler alert for Stranger Things S4 vol 1, graphic description of death
You and Eddie had been dating for about a year & everything was going great. You were Hawkins High School’s social floater so everyone knew who you were, not enough to be considered popular but a face everyone was familiar with. That meant that the entire school knew you were dating Eddie “the freak” Munson. He got the “freak” nickname back in 7th grade after a rumor spread about how he tried to eat a bat like Ozzie Ozborne did (although Eddie never did) but the rumor stuck & he just ran with it after many failed attempts to clear his name. If people get to know him like you do, they’d know he’d never hurt a fly. You got backlash & looks from being with him but being together was the best decision both of you made in your life & he always did everything in his power to make you feel like you were the only person in the world.  
You remember the first time that you heard about Eddie being a suspect in Chrissy’s murder. It wasn’t through the radio or TV but when the entire senior class was staring you down Tuesday morning after the big basketball championships. Jason, the school’s star basketball player & Chrissy’s boyfriend, cornered you while you were walking to class & pressed about Eddie’s whereabouts. You knew nothing about where Eddie was or what he did but when Jason shoved the newspaper in your face, you saw the headline “Local Hawkins High Student Murdered, Drug-Dealing Classmate as Suspect”. You knew he’d never kill anyone, especially over drugs; like yeah, you know he’s a dealer but he’d rather lose product than take someone's life when it came down to it. Finding Eddie was going to be a challenge because he would take you to the most obscure places in and around Hawkins for dates. You’d lived there your whole life and never knew of the spots he took you to. 
He wouldn’t hide in the most obvious places the cops would look for him at like his uncle's house or makeout rock but you were worried about him. With the whole town looking for him, his chances of survival were slim in this tiny town. Luckily, you remembered that he plays Dungeons & Dragons with some of the underclassmen & that your little brother was friends with one of them, Dustin Henderson. Fortunately, your little brother has Dustin’s radio frequency remembered & contacted him for you. Come to find out, Dustin was looking for you, Eddie was worried sick about you & asked him to make sure you’re okay. He gave you the address to Eddie’s hideout & you were on your way. As you were making your way to him, you stopped & grabbed groceries. He probably hasn’t eaten or if he has, he’s probably munching on junk food to survive. You picked up fruit, water, healthy snacks and a few bags of chips so he could stock up. 
Finally arriving at the address, it led you to a little shack by the lake. It looked abandoned & you were about to radio Dustin to ensure he was correct until you heard a noise come from within. Hoping that the noise was Eddie, you walked to the shack. It wasn’t your smartest idea to go by yourself to an abandoned shack by the lake at night but it was worth the danger if it meant laying eyes on (a hopefully alive) Eddie. You were going to knock but the door was already cracked open a hair so, you decided to carefully creep in. You had a flashlight in your bag & quickly turned it on. There were a few kayaks on the wall along with a few ores sprawled on the ground but no Eddie. You carefully lifted the tarp that covered one of the smaller motorboats that was already in the water. To your disappointment, still no Eddie. As you went to reach for your brother's radio, you felt something sharp on your back. 
“Put the radio down” a voice said
You sucked in a sharp breath
“Now!” the voice yelled
You threw it down & put your hands up, surrendering
“Why are you here?” it asked
“I’m just looking for someone” you said as you slowly turned around
“DON’T TURN AROUND!” the voice yelled
You quickly turned back to your original position. The object that was on your back was now on your neck.
“I’m going to give you three seconds to leave before I have to hurt you. I don’t want to but you need to leave”
“Wait, please! Let me explain” you plead
There was a silence
“Y/N?” the voice said hesitantly
“Eddie?” you asked
The knife was slowly pulled away from your neck and you were spun around. He cupped your face in his hands and you dropped the bag of groceries to do the same. He just stared at you, taking in all of your features as his heart swelled with joy. You were pulled in for a bear hug & heard his sigh of relief followed by a whimper. He looked horrible, like he was sleep deprived & physically dirty due to his wrinkled shirt & jeans having holes in it, his hair was beginning to mat as well as his muddy shoes. It broke your heart.
“I’m so sorry for that. I didn’t know it was you until I heard your voice. I’m so glad to see you, babe” he lightly sniffled
You just let him hold you for as long as he needed. It had been days since you saw him last & he needed your touch, hell, you needed his. 
“It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re not dead” you replied
After a while, he pulled away & found something for you to sit on.
“Here, sit. Tell me everything. Please” he said
“Well, first of all, I brought you groceries. I don’t know if you’ve been eating but I got some healthy snacks & whatnot for you so you don’t starve.”
He rummaged through the plastic bag & gasped.
“Yeah” you chuckled
“I know you like the nacho ones so I thought to get ‘em” you continued
He opened the bag & dug in, eating them like it was his last meal
“So I have good news and bad news” you said
He stopped chewing and looked at you with his brown eyes
“What’cha want to hear first?” you continued
You let out a quick breath
“The bad news is, everyone in Hawkins is looking for you. Jason wants your head on a spike, he convinced the entire town that the Hellfire Club is a satanic cult & Chrissy was a sacrifice. The cops put a curfew but no ones abiding by it. Everyone either wants you & your friends dead or in jail.”
His face sank and his skin went pale. 
“I didn’t kill her! I promise!” he wept
 He slowly backed away from you
“You don’t think I killed her…do you?” looking at you with glossy eyes & hurt in his voice
“Absolutely not. That’s not like you at all, Ed”
He slumped over and cried
“I don’t know what to do, Y/N. Everyone wants me dead, I haven't slept in 2 days, I can’t leave Hawkins without getting caught,  I put Dustin in danger, I put YOU in danger. No one believes me about what happened to Chrissy…” 
“I believe you & I don’t even know your side of the story. I just know the headlines” you interrupt 
You pulled him into a hug & rubbed his back
“Tell me what happened”
He collected himself & wiped his eyes.
“After the basketball game, Chrissy asked about buying drugs off me, so I drove her to my uncle’s place. I went to my room to grab the stash while she was in the living room & the lights started flickering but I thought one of the fuses were bummy. I walked back in there to show her the stash & her eyes - they were rolled back and - she just stood there. I called her name a bunch of times and she wasn’t responding but the lights kept flickering more and more and-”
He got quiet & had a blank stare
“And what?” you say
“- She started floating.”
He nodded his head
“How though?” 
“I don’t know like, she was in the air and her legs snapped and then her arms and then her jaw and her eyes were gouged out and there was nothing I could do to help her & I was scared and” he started hyperventilating
“Sweetheart, you need to breathe, okay? You’re going to pass out if you don’t slow down, alright?” you said calmly while rubbing his back
You matched his breathing to help him calm down & slow his breathing. It worked.
“There you go. Breathe, baby. Listen, you’re okay now. It’s over”
“You probably think I’m crazy” he said, defeated
“Not at all but you got me puzzled as hell on the whole floating thing” you said
“I know it sounds like I’m bullshitting you or like I was having a bad trip but I promise that I wasn’t on anything that night. I would never hurt anyone intentionally”
He sighed
“I feel like I’m stuck. I can’t get out of this”
“Yes you can and I’m going to help you” you said
“How? Aren’t they after you too?” 
“Not really. The cops came over yesterday and asked me where you were but I told them that the last time I saw you was before the game. They’re not really interested in me though. They’re more focused on trying to stop Jason & the basketball team from finding you”
“I’m so sorry Y/N. I’m so sorry that you got pulled into this shit. It’s all my fault”
“Stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong. We just gotta convince Hawkins”
“Well, that’s where my good news comes in. My family has a vacation home in Toronto. It’s about 7 hours from here. You’re gonna have to stay in the trunk until we’re well out of the county but once we get there, you can stay at the house for as long as it takes to clear your name”
“Really? You think that’ll work?”
“I don’t know but I do know that if you stay here, you won’t have long”
“How are we going to get to Canada though? Isn’t there a border checkpoint? Won’t we get caught?”
“No, you don’t need a passport to go to Canada. Just a reason. I’ll just say I’m visiting family”’
He took a beat
“Okay. I trust you completely.”
“Good. We leave tomorrow then, alright?” 
“Tomorrow?! Wait, what about Dustin & the rest of the Hellfire Club? Aren’t they in danger too?”
“Yeah but Dustin already told me he’s got a plan. He’ll be okay.”
He pushed his hair out of his face & sighed
“If it makes you feel any better, once I get back from dropping you off in Canada, I’ll check on them, okay?” you said 
He nodded his head.
“Now, you need to get some sleep. We have a long drive tomorrow and you said you haven't slept in two days”
“What if someone finds us while we’re sleeping?”
“I’ll stand guard while you sleep. M’kay, sweetheart?” you said cupping his face
“Are you sure?”
“Mhm. Now go to sleep. You need it.”
He hugged you, squeezing you tightly. 
“I love you so much Y/N” 
“I love you too”
He walked to the canoe that he made his makeshift bed and layed in it. Within 20 minutes he was knocked out cold. This was probably the most peace he’d felt since Chrissy’s death. You weren’t 100 percent sure that your plan would work but you were willing to try. Smuggling a suspect across state lines, let alone the border could land you in prison but if it meant saving the man that you’d die for, it was worth it.
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