#the first one uhhhhh time isnt real because of being sick for almost a month school and work and midterms
snowyteal · 4 months
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have some art of my dnddndnd blorblo sumire
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in-paradox-space · 7 years
when I'm high I'm able to realize nothing matters so I shouldn't worry about it. Shit doesn't always have to be bad, I can find happiness. 
its been a long week and i have thoughts to purge.
When I'm not high I think about how everything is meaningless. We're tirelessly destroying the planet (probably) to keep our lives and expansion going but none of it matters. I am sad, empty and can't find reasons to be happy.
 I think about a girl who I've only met twice in my life. She's not my type... If I even have a type. It hurts how much I want to be with her. I've stopped trying to make sense of it. I'm trying to ignore my feelings. Hoping one day the pain will stop. I'd go through so much pain if I knew I was guaranteed time with her at the end of it though. I spoke about her in September...
 During my huge one week MDMA comedown which made me want to quit everything for good. It took a few weeks but I got over her. She was on my mind every second though. I couldn't make sense of it as I only met her once. I put it down to being very low after taking so much drugs and the fact that I literally never hang out with girls.
 I put it down to that this time as well. 3 or 4 months later I got to meet her again. Last week, I went into town with two other friends. We met up with her there. I did coke for the first time that night too. Friday, December 15 2017 and the early hours the next day. I did coke. I almost got off with a 35 year old woman but my friends were there to stop me. We went to the girls house that night too. I sort of cuddled her while she slept but I was wide awake.
 It was awkward but I was taking in the moment. The other two friends were in the same bed too. It was awkward. They was telling me to cuddle her. I would've never made that move myself. It felt like an arranged marraige. It was awkward because I knew she probably didn’t want me there but she kept saying its alright I can hold her. 
 In the end I just sat by myself, on my phone, wide awake, almost the last of my cough syrup, cocaine and too much booze slurring my mind left to right, while the others slept. We left at 10amish, went back to my friends house.
 Last night. Two days ago. Wednesday. The girl and those two friends went into town again, but I was at my dads place so I didn't come along. Real shit if I knew she was there I might have just got a train that day. Maybe it was best I didn't. So my good bro, uhhhhh they all did MD, not a lot but they blacked out because they was drinking.
I need to stop going into so much detail here. I just feel like I'll read back on these in a few years and I don't want to forget. Why does it matter though?
Well, the girl I like said that my bro was making moves on her and probably fucked her that night. His gf was there too. Nobody remembers so nobody is really viable here.
(switching from mobile to PC typing here)
The girl seems to remember¿
well I think my friend and his gf are probably gonna break up for good. My friends pretty unstable right now.
I was planning on spending a nice night with a different friend, who would never get himself into this kind of mess, he's having a lot of people round and I wanted to be there.
I'm probably gonna be in a hospital waiting room with my friend the whole night though. Being alone right now can't be good for him. Being alone is painful for me right now. I used to like it.
so how do i feel about this?
a little imbalanced. a lot of different feelings.
I slept a full day after the coce. 
I came down hard. My liver has been having some problems so I’m stopping drinking for good. 
Had a funeral on the Monday. My grandmothers.
It’s sad to see her go. 
It was a hopeful funeral though. A lot of tears but she knew how to turn a bad thing into a good thing. There was that feeling there. Surrounded by good family with good intentions and bad pasts.
Went to my fathers, on the other side of the country, later that day. 
I’ve been so depressed there. In that wintery void. 
I’ve been getting fevers and illnesses, likely from my liver. Nausea, fatigue, headaches, loss of appetite, unfortunately no weight loss (typical). 
I had way too much of being isolated and alone on wednesday.
I came back yesterday. Was so depressed in the morning but I saw my friends. Had two joints with my bro which I mentioned before. I very rarely smoke weed. It was cool. I felt great.
Then the drama unfolded. My friend and his gf started arguing like fucking crazy. I was sat there for two hours extremely stoned and panicked by the screaming. I wanted to leave. His gf was telling me not to. Partly out of an awkward politeness, partly because she didn’t want my bro to be alone after the breakup because he’s usually unstable after they argue.
I left, went home, there was no electricity. Had to wait until today until I got more. Just slept in the dark.
I’ve been doing nofap for the past 3 weeks. Dying of liver failure (exaggeration) has made it easier because I really don’t have much libido. 
I keep having wet dreams though. It’s common when you don’t fap, you just kinda let loose in your dreams. 
They’re really inconvenient though because I have to change my underwear and shower. 
I usually wear the same underwear for 3 days until I shower. 
I wash my clothes like once every 2 weeks. 
I had to wear an old pair of underwear last night. 
A lot of people do but nobody ever really talks about it. 
Now. Friday.
A lot went down in the past week. 
 I’ve been thinking about that girl every minute of the past week. Really fucking sad because I don’t have her. 
There’s nothing going on in my life really. 
I’m not making it out like that isn’t my fault for not actively making sure I have something to occupy me. That’s just how it is.
I’m gonna find work next year so I’m occupying myself with something, getting outside. This sad, empty loneliness is too much. 
The fact that being around one girl for one night makes me think of her for the weeks ahead is just an eyeopener
I really need to get out more
I need to interact with more people 
obviously I don’t really feel for that girl and no other girl
its just the fact that I was with her that night, along with the fact my serotonin is low and looking for a pick me up after the drugs and I have no other females on my mind to turn to
i have female friends yes but not IRL, I don’t really get feelings for them
I’m sick of the sadness. 
I want to stop drugs. I have stopped codeine. I really have. I have no way to get more codeine other than CWE cocodomol pills which can be laborious to supply. 
I haven’t touched it in weeks, other than 3 days where I kept overdosing just to feel high, the 3 days before the 15th.
I stopped for a week before then, went through the physical withdrawal. 
I gave all the pills to my friend. They’re too expensive to just flush and I want to take them to America because people there appreciate it for more than just a painkiller.
This lifestyle.
It’s harming me in so many ways.
I want to find real sources of happiness. Not short  term fixes. 
I want to find my rat park. 
During the sadness and isolation from friends (my dads place) I just wanted to be high
I just 
I was so sad
I rarely smoke weed but I smoked it yesterday
because I wanted to remember what it was like when the sadness didn’t hurt or disconnect you.
It doesn’t hurt as much today as I’m not as under-stimulated.
I want to repair my liver. I’ve always had liver problems but I didn’t realize how seriously it was getting until recently.
The heavy drinking and daily codeine overdoses (300mg-520mg at a time) have been killing it off. I’ve been high on painkillers every day so I didn’t notice the liver pains.
I hope it’s not permanent. I’m getting symptoms of liver damage still but the liver pains have stopped.
and yeah
its hard but I’m stopping drugs
If i continue, I will come to a point when it isn’t a choice and it will be even harder 
I’m planning to save up and do a big fucking sesh in january or february then not do drugs again except for maybe the occasional xtc every few months, or acid if i ever get the chance
i was going to invite the guys i went with on friday but they’ve all fallen out (probably) because of the drama
Februaryish, imma invite the girl out on the weekend
hopefully shes still single
we’ll get high if she even says yes, idk if she will. she has reasons to and reasons not to.
I’ll just tell her, I think shes awesome and I want to see her more.
She was never mine anyway. If this scares her away, so be it. I got over her last time, I’ll do it this time and I’ll do it again. 
I have nothing to lose.
I think she just wants meaningless sex and drunken nights though. 
I thought I wanted that but I don’t.
All I care about is being happy with friends. 
Talking about random shit, often shitfaced, all night.
Whenever I get a chance with girls, I feel uncomfortable at the thought of it.
I don’t want to fuck girls. I am attracted to them but idk
i would rather just spend time with them
will I be like this forever
I know it isnt normal 
I do sometimes make out with people I don’t know. guys or girls
but if I get to know them at all it throws me off
Like, they’re not anonymous, there’s a name to the face now, they know who I am.
I feel like there’s a witness to it, even if it’s only them
and I mainly associate shame, not pleasure, with sex.
Then there’s a witness to validate the shame.
I like this girl.
I had chances to make moves. I didn’t want to. 
It’s like, if I do then it’s final. It’s a one night fling and nothing more. I also may have scared her away. I’m so ugly recently and I doubt she would’ve been into me then.
I was so happy just talking with her, fuckfaced, about everything. 
It felt like I had a new IRL friend. I just want to talk with her
I wanted to be able to see her again. 
If I did anything, even a kiss, with her that night then I’d feel ashamed whenever I thought about it. 
Then the memory of her would be tainted. 
she was high though
I doubt shes interested in me at all
but fuck it
after I’m over her, I can look at her objectively again
she’s just another regular young girl/woman
which isnt a bad thing
but it means I can look at her clearly, without all these feelings clouding my vision.
then every weekend
I’ll make plans with people, just so I can invite her out too
‘hey im gonna be in town with some friends this weekend, do u wanna come along we need more people’
sure, it’ll be weird
but the offer of free cocaine must take her fancy one night
and thats it
I’ll act like the world is ending 
we’ll have a good time
and I’ll talk about what’s been eating me up for over half a year
Sure, I might get rejected but it must be easier than just carrying on, knowing she will go her separate way when it could have been. 
I need closure. I don’t even think she’s the one or see a future with her, although that’d be great too. 
I just want to go out with her for a few weeks, maybe half a year or so. then we both lose interest in each other, she dumps me
I’m not gonna say ooo i love you, or anything
I’m not gonna ask her out
I’ll just say I really fucking like her, I think she’s great and I’d love to be able to see you often.
something like that
she can say whatever she thinks
probably that its weird i invited her out after all the drama that happened with my friends yesterday(current tense, as im typing this)
At least I will know then. 
Man, I hope she doesn’t have someone by then but I won’t be surprised if she does. 
so today
christmas is a good time isn’t it?
for me its lonely.
everything stops.
winter is already sad enough.
 everyone wants to be with family, but the only day ill be with family is christmas day itself
im glad i get to be with my friends today, that was a nice surprise,
although i might have to leave to be with josh so that he doesnt hurt himself. 
oops. mentioned his name, his anonymity has been erased. voila. 
ive been typing my thoughts her for like an hour
a lot of shit I forgot to mention
but yeah
i need to do a lot of shit which ive been putting off
shower, wash my clothes, pay for electricity, go to my friends. im currently on emergency credit and i only remembered that was a thing an hour ago. after i slept in the dark. 
I feel sad that I’ll probably not be with her, but in time that will pass.
I feel sad because winter is coming, i have nothing to occupy my time.
this will all pass in time, it hurts now, but I will feel happy again soon enough.
hang in there
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