#the first week is always the worst cause i gotta readjust
jorrated · 7 months
i cant believe my semester starts tomorrow and ill need to go back to pretend to being neurotypical.
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Let’s talk TroPreCure! (^∀^ 🌺)
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i’m so stupidly proud of this dumb pun “tropurikyua~”, hahahahaha
Last post of the year and wow is there are lot to be excited for!
I even had to make a list for the stuff I want to talk about and I’m sure I already forgot one or two things but we’ll get to them as we continue to float~ along the wave to February 28th, mmkay? :)
Now for what has peaked my interest so far. And yes, we have to talk about the following first:
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1) HealPre the shortest Precure season??
Unless they plan for double features in February (which I doubt but you never know), HealPre is likely going to reach only 45 episodes long instead of the usual 48~50 before TroPre I’m using this shortening of the title for now so if there’s a better alternative, tell me and I’ll switch out begins its broadcast.
Understandable because the producers probably want to get back to their normal scheduling as soon as possible (toy sales, y’know) and I suspect pushing the start of the new season back by a month is the most they’re willing to compromise.
As for me, I’m quite happy about this since HealPre’s lost its hold on my attention a while ago so the sooner TroPre gets here, the better. Though the downside might be a scrambled climax and a rushed, underwhelming ending for HealPre (I dunno if it’s January’s titles that feel a bit messy or if the hiatus is still throwing me off) but whatever. We’ll refresh ourselves with the new blood Cures so it’s all good.
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2) Tropical movie announced for Autumn 2021, no All Stars??
First saw this mentioned on Youtube somewhere but it’s all over the fandom forums by now. I mean, HealPre’s movie is set for March, the usual time slot for All Stars release. If Toei intended for there to be an All Stars in 2021, there’s no way they would announce the seasonal movie before it so speculations of them skipping it this year are probably true.
To squeeze it somewhere between March and October-ish would force them to readjust their budgets as well and I don’t think even Toei wants to go through that extra hassle after all the trouble the pandemic’s caused for everyone already. It’s just easier to resume All Stars in 2022.
That, and I think Laura being a major character in TroPre despite not having a Cure title (yet) would make for an awkward situation when the three latest teams gather so perhaps that’s also one of the reasons. But I’ll get back to Laura in a bit.
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3) Cure Summer is a RAINBOW Cure
So god help me if I see anyone calling her a Pink Cure.
Yes, she’s the lead Cure for this season. NO, she is not a Pink Cure.
Look, even the official website has a rainbow overlay for her profile pic and text font while everyone else’s respective theme colors are a solid hue:
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Therefore, RAINBOW.
In promotional material and merchandising, they’re probably going to advertise her primarily with pink bah and at worst, she might occasionally be labeled as a White Cure with multiple subcolors (her outfit is not pink-dominant) but definitely NOT. PINK.
...also, this goes without saying but f***yea, we finally got a lead Cure practically and unabashedly wearing the LGBTQ flag and you cannot tell me otherwise, Toei!
Own up to it! Declare Manatsu/Cure Summer as the Precure queer icon!
I’m not gonna stop yellin’ until you do! 😠
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4) Laura = obvious midseason Cure is obvious
First of all, Laura is a babe. I already love her the best and she’s not even Precure yet. <3
Anyways, the set-up is pretty much in the description. Important main character who’s not a mascot, stated to have a self-confident personality and just speaks her mind (oooh, I like~ :D), magical/foreign being from another world looking for Precure to save her home, possesses her own special item(s), has aspirations to become the next Queen (so she’s a princess-candidate or something to that effect, I suppose).
We’ve seen various combinations of these traits in past midseason (and a few starter) Cures so nobody should be surprised when we all guessed that one of the Cures would be a real live mermaid.
The only question is why not just make Laura a Cure from the get-go if she’s introduced to us at the beginning (like Hime or Lala) and having a team of five with no unnecessary extra add-ons later on (like Smile).
Well, there’s a simple answer for that: formula.
Toei is afraid that if they don’t spit out some new animation sequence at the halfway and third quarter points of the show, the kids will lose interest and abandon the series altogether. Which means failed toy sales. Oh nooo... [/sarcasm]
And this way they can also have Laura available in the Cure lineup for the next All Stars in 2022 instead of making her sit the fight out if we were going to have one in 2021. I’m convinced that’s gotta be one of the reasons. *shrug*
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But ok, whatever. Her debut is gonna be later, that’s all. She’s a delayed Cure.  Midseason Cure, same difference.
Moving along to the more important stuff now like what’s her Cure name gonna be, y/y?
Well, knowing Toei, a translation of the term “mermaid” into another language is the most predictable route even though we already have a Cure Mermaid. Not like that ever stopped them from repeating words before (ex. Cure Happy vs Cure Felice). Though if they do go down that road, I hope they opt for the Spanish/Italian “sirena” and not the French “sirène” because the latter sounds too close to how Cure Selene is pronounced in Japanese. And, putting it nicely, we all know Japanese pronunciation of foreign words is as off kilter as can be.
Hell, even the the Portuguese “sereia” sounds aesthetic as hell so it’d be nice if they can just remember there are other languages that exist out there besides Japanese, English and French when making the final decision at the writing table! *stomps foot* >:/
Alternatively, “nereid” or “naiad” are good choices too but they remind me too much of Greek myths and Laura’s from the Grand Ocean which covers more than just a couple of seas (Greece is surrounded by three, btw) so...
I dunno. But whatever it’s gonna be, she’s definitely got a strong association with water and her powers will probably be based on that.
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As for theme color, since there’s noticeably no blue or green Cure in the starter lineup, it’s likely she will take up that spot when she debuts around ep 20.
Pink is also open since Cure Summer, again, is technically not a Pink Cure and Laura’s hair and tail fin are hot and light pink respectively but looking at Laura’s design and concept, does anyone seriously believe that?
Her upper torso consists of aquamarine while the body of her tail is definitely some shade of cyan, implying they’re aiming for somewhere around the middle of green and blue on the lighter spectrum.
And yea, I’m aware that green and blue are considered exchangeable in some perspectives with how close some of their shades are to each other but officially, I think Laura’s gonna be grouped with the Green Cures.
Cuz of the hair. If Laura’s gonna keep it the same or a similar shade after transforming, that is. The Blues have always had cool-colored hair so putting Laura in with them might disrupt that harmony whereas if you put her with the few Greens there are (including Parfait), she’d fit right in.
I mean, we’ll see but that makes the most sense, doesn’t it?
On another note, I just want to say that I love how they added frills to her arms instead of letting her elbows go bare naked. It definitely makes her look more like a genuine mermaid than if she didn’t have them (remember, half fish doesn’t mean half the body :P).
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5) Magical Items
Frankly, I’m tired of seeing the transformation device being a compact again even though one of the main motifs is make-up this season. But at least, as far as Precure compacts goes, the Tropical one is my favorite cuz of how cute and delightfully colorful its toy version looks! So I guess I’m okay with it.
The Heart Rouge Rod, though? ...I dunno. I think it would’ve been fine without that...straw (?) jutting out at the top. It looks weird, doesn’t it look weird? :S
As for the collectible clip-ons, I can live without those for the rest of my life. Yeesh.
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Laura’s items, the Aqua Pot and the Ocean Prism Mirror.
Again with the portable, travel-size housing. *sigh* 😩
Alright, I can let this year slide cuz Laura (I’m so soft for her, omg) probably won’t be getting legs for 20 weeks so she’s got to move about on land somehow. But unless they’re really thinking about turning this idea of carrying your apartment around in your bag/pocket/purse into a reality (cuz that would be effin’ awesome), please be more creative with your toys.
On the other hand, I’m much more interested in the Ocean Prism Mirror but from what Kusyami (the Precure merchandise reviews I follow on Youtube) said in his latest vid, this is the ED dance item so don’t know if it’ll actually have an relevance to the story or not. But I did hear him mention it having something to do with the Queen as well and since Laura wishes to become Queen, maybe it’ll be important after all? Maybe it’s her transformation device?
That’d be super cool. Let’s continue the trend of the midseason Cure having a different transformation item than the starters. Honestly, we should alternate every other year or two but we’ve gone three seasons with all of them using the same henshin gimmicks up till HealPre and I just want a break from that.
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6) Fin sleeves??
These look so impractical for combat so maybe it’s exclusive to group attacks.
And/or a sort of precursor to the super forms?
*GASP* Does that mean they all eventually turn into mermaids? 🤩
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7) Yui finally became Precure!! 😭
lol, it’s all crack from this point on so don’t take it too seriously but man, after Yuni’s deceptive braids, I thought I wasn’t gonna see anything that reminded me of Yui for a while and lo behold, Sango.
kehehehehehe xD;
Though Yui might be closer to Minori in terms of personal interests (fairytales and storybooks).
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8) Akira, the actual Onee-chan version
I didn’t think this when I first saw her but once I read “Onee-san” in her profile, there’s no saving you now. Sorry, Asuka. 😅
Also, damn, do her sandals make her feet look big! Compare them to the heels she wears as Flamingo. Are they even the same?! lololol
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9) ...this sounds awfully familiar...
Tokimeku Tokonatsu! [Exciting/Thrilling Everlasting Summer!] Cure Summer! Kirameku Hoseki! [Sparkling Jewel!] Cure Coral!  Hirameku Fuurutsu! [Flashing Fruit!] Cure Papaya!
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Japanese reiteration:
Mallow/Mao: Pink no tokimeki! Lillie: Blue no kirameki! Lana/Suiren: Yellow no kagayaki!
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Care to explain yourselves, punks?! 
୧(ʘ ∀ ʘ ╬)
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calpalirwin · 5 years
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Summary: What’s better than your best girl and best mate getting along? Well, nothing really. If you knew the rumors were false, that is. 
A/N: You’ve heard of enemies to lovers. You’ve heard of fake-dating to real dating. Might I introduce a new trope called hostility turned platonic friendship turned stand-in boyfriend? Aka my brain child with @here-for-the-uproars​
Content: Swearing, general tom-foolery.
DISCLAIMER: NOT A poly!Cashton or poly!5sos fic!!!!
Need to catch up? Part 1 Part 2
And away, and away we go!
Part 3
“Oh, I’m never gonna be able to get up there,” Sam said, eyeing the bunk beds in the tour bus. She graduated with her doctorate and as a graduation present, her boss was letting her take the summer off to go on tour with Ashton. “You’re only young once, Sam,” the older lady said with a knowing wink. “Go enjoy yourself. Your job will still be here when you get back.”
“There’s a ladder right there, baby,” Ashton told her, pointing.
“I’m gonna bang my head so much…”
“Yeah you are,” Ashton winked, grabbing her ass.
“Fletch,” she laughed, turning in his arms to face him. “I’m serious. Can you switch with Cal?”
“If I do that, then I can’t do this,” he pouted, spinning her back around and lifting her into the bunk with fluid ease.
“Hey. Hey!” Sam squealed as she landed on the soft mattress pad. “Oh, this is cozier and bigger than I pictured,” she commented, laying down in the bunk.
Ashton giggled as he rested his arms against his bunk. “Yeah, we had to do some remodeling of sorts when Luke decided to become six and a half feet tall!” He said the last part a bit louder so Luke could hear.
“I’m 6’2” at best!” came the retort from the living room area of the bus.
Ashton and Sam laughed. “Anyway, now they’re long enough for GIRAFFES and wide enough for when the girls come along.”
“And still too tall for me,” Sam finished.
“Again, there’s a ladder right there.”
Sam wrinkled up her nose. “Nah, I like it better when you lift me.”
“Me too,” Ashton agreed with a flirty wink.
“You need to learn to keep your hands to yourself,” Sam giggled, playfully swatting at his hands.
“Can’t,” Ashton said simply. “One, I always gotta be doing something with my hands. Two, you’re way too hot, baby.”
“You’re right about the first part,” she agreed with another giggle. The drummer had the worst case of restless hands she’d ever encountered. A restlessness she was more than happy to take full advantage of. “As for the sec-”
“Also true,” he cut her off, leaning into the bunk to kiss her.
“Ugh, my head,” Sam whined, hands pressing to her temple. At two weeks of tour life, the loudness mixed with the bright lights were beginning to make her head spin. Even when it was dark, it wasn’t dark enough.
“You okay, baby?” Ashton asked, concern written across his face as he tugged her closer to him.
“Whoa, don’t do that,” she said, pushing at him, feeling the pain slosh around in her skull.
Ashton frowned. “Do you wanna go lie down in the bunk?”
“You won’t be mad?” Sam asked, her eyes squinting. Some Motrin and a quiet tour bus sounded like fuckin’ heaven. 
He shook his head. “No. If you don’t feel good, you don’t feel good.”
“I can lay down in here, Fletch,” Sam protested, feeling bad anyway. She had come to watch his shows, not get sidelined by a damn migraine.
“Nope, bus, c’mon,” he said standing up and gently tugging her to her feet.
“Okay, okay,” she laughed weakly. “But, I can go to the bus myself. You’ll be late if you walk with me.”
Ashton was about to protest, but he thought better of it. He knew hoisting her into his bunk would make it hard to focus and he definitely couldn’t cause his band to miss their cue because he got handsy with his girlfriend ten minutes before they were supposed to go on. “Alright then,” he said, kissing her forehead. Get some rest if you can. I’ll be there as soon as I get done and shower.”
She nodded her head barely. “Mmkay. Love you. Break a leg.”
“Love you too, baby,” he smiled, placing another kiss on her forehead.
“Oh, fuck this…” Sam muttered as she stared up at Ashton’s bunk on the bus. She reached on tiptoe to pull her blanket down, but no way in hell was she climbing up there with her head pounding like it was. She swallowed the Motrin with a swig of water and pushed back Calum’s curtain on the lower bunk before crawling inside and trying to get some sleep.
Ashton was the first one on the bus after practically sprinting backstage to change and shower, wanting to check on Sam, Calum on his heels. 
“Baby?” Ashton called out softly, drawing back his curtain. “What the fuck?” he muttered when he didn’t see her there. He could hear her snoring softly, but where the fuck was she? He frowned, crouching down to the bottom bunk and pulling back Calum’s curtain. He smiled when he saw her curled up and fast asleep. “Baby?” Ashton whispered, nudging her gently awake. “Baby, I’m here.”
“Shh, sleeping,” Sam mumbled at him, a hand swatting him away.
“Baby, you’re in Cal’s bunk. C’mon, gotta move ya up a floor.”
“No!” She rolled further into the bunk. “Too high. Couldn’t reach. Didn’t listen.” The broken sentences fell from her lips, a charming characteristic she only did when she was dead tired.
Ashton chuckled. “I’m sorry, baby. But I’m here now. C’mon, I’ll lift you in.”
“Too warm. Bed cold.”
“Hey, mate can you move? I’m exhausted,” Calum’s voice sounded.
“Trying Cal. Someone won’t move, though.”
Sam smiled at Calum’s voice. “Bub bed warm. Fletch bed cold. I stay. You shh,” she continued to speak in broken sleepy sentences.
Ashton and Calum shared a glance. Both men knew that moving a sleepy Sam meant death. The woman may sound cute when she was in a sleep state like this, but she was also mad as hell if you dared disturb her. Calum shoved passed Ashton and crawled into his bunk. “Night, mate,” Calum told Ashton, drawing the curtain closed. 
Ashton drew the curtain back open with a sharp pull. “So, I’m supposed to sleep by myself? In my cold bunk?”
Sam nodded, already curled up against Calum. “Should listen. Sam smart, ‘member? Sam doctor.”
Ashton rolled his eyes playfully. “I can’t believe I just got bubbed in my own relationship…”
“You Fletch. He bub. I’m baby princess,” Sam explained.
“Well, move over cuz Fletch is coming in,” Ashton said definitively, crawling in the bunk.
“What?! No!” Calum protested as Ashton’s body pressed into his. “It’s too small for three people!”
“Shut up and pass me my baby,” Ashton muttered, pulling Sam across Calum’s chest and onto his. “There, we’ll sleep side by side, and she can sleep right here on top of me.”
“If you start fucking, I’m shoving you both out,” Calum grumbled. “Now, close the damn curtain, and let me sleep.”
“Mmm, Fletch,” Sam mumbled happily, nuzzling her face into Ashton’s neck. “And bub,” she added, a hand patting Calum’s chest affectionately. “Love my boys.”
“And we love our girl,” Ashton murmured into her hair. “Go back to sleep, baby. We gotcha.”
In the morning, Calum was curled up in Sam’s blanket, his own blanket still trapped underneath him and Ashton. “Hey!” Sam said, snatching back her blanket. “Blanket thief.”
“Bed thief,” Calum retorted, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “I was cold.”
“So was I!”
“Bullshit, you slept on a heater!” Calum told her, pushing Ashton’s shoulder. 
“He was right next to you all night! How were you cold?”
“How were you cold?!”
“I wasn’t. I just want my blanket.”
“Shut up!” Mike grumbled from further down the row of bunks. 
“Sorry, Mikey. Want me to make pancakes?” Sam called out.
“Yes, please.”
“Yeah, um how much fabric do you think it would take to make a blanket for two people in love and one blanket thief?” Ashton asked the lady at the counter. “Say they’re all about this big?” he added, gesturing at himself, Calum, and Sam.
“He’s joking,” Sam put in quickly as the lady gave them all a weird look. “Can you point us in the direction of your king sized blankets?”
“Aisle 4,” the lady said, pointing. 
“Thank you,” Sam smiled brightly, skipping off in the direction of the pointed finger. 
“Okay,” Mike said, his green eyes worried as he eyed Sam sandwiched between Ashton and Calum on the couch. “Real talk. Are you a throuple?”
“We’re not judging,” Luke added. “We just… the nightly cuddling… we’re your friends. You can tell us.”
Ever since her migraine two weeks ago, all three of them had been sleeping in Calum’s bunk. Sam on the premise that it was easier to get into, despite Ashton buying her a collapsible stool; Calum on the premise that it was his bunk and he wasn’t switching; and Ashton on the premise that he slept where Sam slept. And with the king sized blanket solving the blanket thief problem, all three had come to enjoy the new sleeping arrangement more than they cared to ever admit out loud.
The not-a-throuple laughed at the blondes before Sam answered, “It’s just nice to be held. I mean, I’ve personally never slept better. It’s fun too. Like a fort almost.”
“And there’s a strict no funny business in Fort Hood,” Calum interjected.
Sam rolled her eyes. “It’s Fort Rhythm, bub. Fort Hood is already taken.”
“I like cuddles and forts…” Luke pouted.
“Focus!” Mike told him. “So, not a throuple?” The attention was back on the three on the couch.
Three head shakes with a uniform, “Nope.”
“So, can we build a fort?” Luke asked.
“Who needs mattress pads when I can do THIS!” Sam laughed, sprawling across all four men after Fort Luke Sucks Balls was manifested in the living room area of the tour bus. “Oh, damn partner… I knew you were broad shouldered, but damn, you are an actual giant.”
“Watch that mouth of yours,” Ashton growled playfully, grabbing at her chin as her head moved to lay on his chest.
“You know what?” she asked, readjusting herself across her human pillows. “Just for that, you get stuck with my feet,” she giggled, wiggling her toes in his face.
“Bad idea, baby,” Ashton said, gripping her ankles in one hand and tickling her with the other.
“No! Stop!” she squealed, her weight constantly shifting on the other men-earning protested groans- as she lunged forward to try and pry Ashton’s hand off her feet. “Stop! Please!” She continued to fight between laughs, tears falling down her cheeks as she fought for breath. “Fletcher!”
At the full middle name usage he stopped immediately. “I told you it was a bad idea.”
“Tickle me again and you’re out of Fort Rhythm.”
“You can’t kick me out of the fort that you half named after me!”
“Hey, bub, wanna teach me how to play drums so we can kick Fletch out of Fort Rhythm?”
“Can you replace him in the band, too?” Calum smirked.
“Alright, I won’t tickle you,” Ashton relented. Then, with a dangerous smirk, “Fellas?”
Three pairs of hands started ticking Sam’s feet and ribs while she screamed and squirmed. “No! Stop it! Someone’s gonna get hurt!” Sam’s voice echoed around the bus and almost like her words willed it to be true, she smacked Ashton straight in the face. 
“Motherfucker!” Ashton winced in pain, a hand cradling his cheek. “Alright stop!”
The tickling ceased and Sam scrambled to Ashton. “Shit, Fletch, are you okay?!”
“Fuck, I’m glad that wasn’t a fist,” Ashton grumbled, removing his hand from his bright red cheek. 
Sam’s blue eyes went wide before her lips were on his cheek, feeling the heat from her unintentional slap. “Fuck, Fletch, I’m so sorry!”
“Duly noted. No tickling in Fort Luke Sucks Balls,” Ashton continued to grumble. 
“Or sex,” Calum added. 
“Anything else?” Mike asked, getting up and moving to the kitchen area, rummaging around. 
“Name change!” Luke shouted. 
“Admit you’re 6’4”!” was the unison retort before Sam went back to apologizing profusely to Ashton. 
“Baby, I’m fine,” Ashton assured her.
“I’m so sorry!”
“It was my fault.”
“You’re right, but I’m still sorry. Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine. I’d hate to have you hit for me real. Damn, woman,” he said with a proud small smile. His girlfriend kicked ass.
“Alright, here,” Mike declared, waving everyone over to him. “Sign,” he instructed, handing Luke the bottle of mustard. 
“What the fuck?” they all laughed, looking at the tortilla that had the following written in ketchup:
Fort Luke Sucks Balls Rules
No sex of any kind
No tickling 
The makeshift contract already bore Mike’s initials in mustard. The bottle of mustard got passed around as they all added their initials to it.
“Can we all watch a movie now or something?” Sam asked once the aptly named Tortilla Treaty was signed. 
“Mean Girls?” Luke suggested. 
With the fort named at his expense, they all agreed that watching the movie of his choice was more than a fair arrangement.
“You know there’s plenty of space in here, Fletch,” Sam whispered once they all got comfortable in the fort. “You don’t have to be shoulder to shoulder with bub.”
“I know. Just gotten used to it I guess.”
Sam moved so she was lying on top of Ashton. “Me too,” she agreed, her face nuzzling into Ashton’s neck, a hand resting affectionately on Calum’s chest. 
“Hey, no sex,” Mike’s voice piped up before a piece of popcorn flew in their direction. “And not a throuple my ass.”
“Look, if you want Sam cuddles, just ask. You don’t gotta be rude about it,” Sam joked, tossing the piece of popcorn back at Mike who caught it in his mouth.
“Okay, I want Sam cuddles,” Mike relented, holding open his arms. “Get over here, queen.”
“What about me? I want Sam cuddles,” Luke put in, crossing his arms across his chest in a mock-pout.
“And none for Luke Hemmings!” Sam laughed at him, before sandwiching herself between both blondes.
The bunks weren’t slept in for the rest of the tour and monthly fort cuddles were added to the BUB Accords when they all got home.
Tag List (Wanna join? Just ask)
@goeatsomelife​ @flameraine​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @cxddlyash​ @1-irwin-94​ @baldcalum​ @sparkling-chaos​
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evangeline-perry · 6 years
Dead Poets Society: Neil x OC: part 8
complete series
Since Neil isn’t at Welton at the moment, because he’s gone to see if he’s got the part in the play, and the boys have football training, I decided to just hang around on Neil’s bed in my comfy clothes, reading one of my books.
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‘Charlie, I got the part!’ I hear the familiar voice of Neil yell throughout the hall, ‘I'm gonna play Puck! I'm gonna play Puck!’ I hear him knocking on a door.
‘What did he say?’ Meeks mumbles taking off his radio headphones
‘That's the main part’, Neil yells exitedly.
I hear Knox and Charlie congratulate him before he bounds into his room. There I’ve put my book down and now stand in front of him. He wraps his arms around me and dramatically dips me down to kiss me. I’ve vaguelly aware of Charlie and Knox whistling. When he pulls away he pecks my lips one more time before sitting down at his typewriter.
Todd and I sit down on his bad to see what he’s doing.
‘Okay, okay, okay, okay’, Neil mumbles to himself.
‘Neil, how are you gonna do this?’ Todd questions.
‘They need a letter of permission from my father and Mr. Nolan’, Neil explains.
‘You're not gonna write it’, Todd objects.
‘Oh yes, I am’, Neil laughs.
‘Oh, Neil. Neil, you're crazy’, Todd states, shaking his head.
Neil begins typing as he reads out loud: ‘Okay. "I am writing to you on behalf of my son Neil Perry."’ Neil begins laughing and stomping his feet up and down, ‘This is great.’
Once he finishes his letter, Neil gets up to go and post immediately, but I stop him by grabbing his blazers sleeve. He turns to look at me and seems to know what I’m thinking already. He puts his letter down on his desk and puts his hands on my cheeks, tilting my head back slightly so it’s easier to kiss me. He pulls me up and away from me slightly just to say: ‘Todd leave.’ in a tone that sent a shiver down my spine.
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Then he pulls me back to him, his soft lips on mine. I only notice we’re walking when he sat down on his bed, pulling me on his lap to straddle him. There the arms around my waist, pull me flush against him. My hands move their way into his hair, slightly pulling his hair, causing him to quietly groan, which I enjoyed.
Suddenly I hear some snickers. I look at the door to see the Dead Poets peek in with smirks on their faces. ‘Get out!’ Neil’s voice was low and husky, I couldn’t exactly explain why, but it gave me chills. I could see the boys surprised expressions, and Charlies smirk, leave the slightly opened door, before it closed again. Before I could do anything else, Neil pulls me even closer, if that was even possible, and he started to kiss down my jaw to my neck, before biting down at the base of it. This caused me to inhale sharply, as Neil continues to kiss and bite my neck.
The next morning… let’s just say that I had to readjust my collar a LOT because of all the hickey Neil had given me. When he saw me fumbling on our way to class, he threw his arm around me and whispered in my ear: ‘Why hide them? These boys should know you’re mine.’ Which caused me to blush a bright red.
In English class, Knox stands at the front of the room with his poem in hand, ‘"To Chris."
‘Who's Chris?’ I hear some boys say, ‘Mmm, Chris.’
‘I see a sweetness in her smile. Blight light shines from her eyes. But life is complete; contentment is mine, Just knowing that...  just knowing that she's alive.’ Knox crumples his poem and walks back to his desk, ‘Sorry, Captain. It's stupid.’
‘No, no. It's not stupid. It's a good effort. It touched on one of the major themes, love. A major theme not only in poetry, but life’, My dad told him. I turn in my seat and tell Knox, ‘That was a really sweet poem, Know’, he smiles sheepishly.
‘Mr. Hopkins, you were laughing. You're up.’ Hopkins slowly walks to the front of the class and unfolds his piece of paper.
"The cat sat on the mat." he says, refolding the paper and moving to sit back down, the boys start to laugh.
‘Congratulations, Mr. Hopkins. Yours is the first poem to ever have a negative score on the Pritchard scale. We're not laughing at you, we're laughing near you. I don't mind that your poem had a simple theme. Sometimes the most beautiful poetry can be about simple things, like a cat, or a flower or rain. You see, poetry can come from anything with the stuff of revelation in it. Just don't let your poems be ordinary. Now, who's next?’
My father approaches Todd's desk. ‘ Mr. Anderson, I see you sitting there in agony. Come on, Todd, step up. Let's put you out of your misery.’
‘I, I didn't do it. I didn't write a poem’, Todd mumbles quietly.
‘Mr. Anderson thinks that everything inside of him is worthless and embarrassing. Isn't that right, Todd? Isn't that your worst fear? Well, I think you're wrong. I think you have something inside of you that is worth a great deal.’ my dad walks up to the blackboard and begins to write, ‘"I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world." W. W. Uncle Walt again. Now, for those of you who don't know, a yawp is a loud cry or yell. Now, Todd, I would like you to give us a demonstration of a barbaric "yawp." Come on. You can't yawp sitting down. Let's go. Come on. Up.’ Todd reluctantly stands and follows his teacer to the front, ‘You gotta get in "yawping" stance.’
‘A yawp?’
‘No, not just a yawp. A barbaric yawp.’
‘Yawp’, Todd says quietly.
‘Come on, louder.’
‘Yawp’, quietly again.
‘No, that's a mouse. Come on. Louder.’
‘Yawp’, a little louder...
‘Oh, good God, boy. Yell like a man!’
‘Yawp!’ a shout!
‘There it is. You see, you have a barbarian in you, after all.’ Todd goes to return to his seat but he is stopped, ‘Now, you don't get away that easy.’ he turns Todd around and points out a picture on the wall, ‘The picture of Uncle Walt up there. What does he remind you of? Don't think. Answer. Go on.’ he says as he begins to circle around Todd.
‘A m-m-madman.’
‘What kind of madman? Don't think about it. Just answer again.’
‘A c-crazy madman’, Todd stumbles.
‘No, you can do better than that. Free up your mind. Use your imagination. Say the first thing that pops into your head, even if it's total gibberish. Go on, go on.’
‘Uh, uh, a sweaty-toothed madman.’
‘Good God, boy, there's a poet in you, after all. There, close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close 'em. Now, describe what you see.’ he pulls his hands over Todd's eyes and they begin to slowly spin around.
‘Uh, I-I close my eyes.’
‘Uh, and this image floats beside me.’
‘A sweaty-toothed madman?’
‘A sweaty-toothed madman’, Todd repeats, ‘with a stare that pounds my brain.’
‘Oh, that's excellent. Now, give him action. Make him do something.’
‘H-His hands reach out and choke me.’
‘That's it. Wonderful. Wonderful’, my dad removes his hands from Todd but Todd keeps his eyes closed, ‘And, and all the time he's mumbling.’
‘What's he mumbling?’
‘M-Mumbling, "Truth. Truth is like, like a blanket that always leaves your feet cold."’
Some students begin to laugh and Todd opens his eyes, but my dad quickly gestures for him to close them again. ‘Forget them, forget them. Stay with the blanket. Tell me about that blanket.’
‘Y-Y-Y-You push it, stretch it, it'll never be enough. You kick at it, beat it, it'll never cover any of us. From the moment we enter crying to the moment we leave dying, it will just cover your face as you wail and cry and scream.’ Todd opens his eyes again and the class is silent. Then we all begin to clap and cheer. My dad whispers something to Todd that I can’t hear before turning to the class, ‘Who’s next?’
‘How do we follow that?’ Neil whispers, leaning my way, I smile at him.
‘I’m sure you’ll figure it out Mr Perry’, My dads voice interrupts, ‘you’re up’
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Neil gets up, unfolding the page in his hand. Once in the front of the class, begins to read his poem:
‘fog on her glasses
from the still steaming tea
a book in her hand
as she casually reads
a catch in her breath
as the climax grows near
she’s deaf to the world
the book’s all she can hear
she’s completely lost now,
or perhaps she is found
in this strange paper world
That’s far from the ground’
The class applauds, and Neil sits back down. My gaze follows him, he winks at me, and I smile. The class goes on as usual, until the bell goes off. ‘‘Mr Perry, stay here for a moment please, you too young lady’, my father calls as we move to leave the classroom.
All the other people leave, but the both of us go to stand in front of the desk, where my father is leaning against. ‘Do you wish to tell me something, Mr Perry?’
Neil and I share a worried glance, but my dad just goes on to ask, ‘for how long?’
‘We’ve been together officially for about a week, sir’, Neil answered nervously.
‘Are you serious about this relationship? What are your intentions in this?’ my dad continued, in a very serious tone.
‘I’m serious about what we have, sir, I… I  just want to make her happy. I...’ he stammers, I turn to look and, he’s blushing, ‘I love her.’ he says finally. What he said moved me, I take hold of his hand, directing his attention to me. ‘I love you too.’ I say softly.
Neil smiled down at me before kissing my temple. I look back at my dad to see him smile, ‘That’s all I wanted to hear.’
With that he pats Neil on the shoulder and goes back into his office, leaving both of us in shock, but relieved. After a moment Neil grabs my waist and kisses me, picking me up and spinning me.
‘How about I take you out this weekend?’ he asks after pulling away.
‘Sounds like a plan’, I smile and he leans in to kiss me again.
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shinusual · 7 years
Wooseok Fic - A Great Story
Heh...heh...hi...so this is unexpected. So in the past few weeks I was brutally attacked by this group called Pentagon and I just...I can’t even explain how much I love them alright it’s bad. So, I’m so sorry since I usually write svt fics and this is literally the first fic I’ve ever posted for a different group, but I hope you enjoy it!!! I’m Wooseok trash and this...just happened. THANKS FOR READING
“You’ve gotta be kidding!” Wooseok exclaims the second he hears your response.
“I’m serious!” you fire back. “How dumb are you that you wouldn’t agree?!”
Squeezing your hand he’s already holding, he shakes it vigorously as his arms fly up in disbelief. “You’re crazy!”
Laying beside him, you watch the frustration build on your boyfriend’s face. And you can’t help but laugh. “You’re crazy!”
As if questioning everything he ever knew about you, Wooseok turns his head on your shared pillow and stares deep into your soul. Even in argument like this, he makes your insides flutter. No, especially in an argument like this.
Jaw slightly hung, he’s ready to scream. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them back up. “You’re telling me…,” he starts to say calmly before exploding, “that you would rather have a VENUSAUR than a CHARMANDER?!?!”
Holding his hand even tighter, you cry back, “That’s EXACTLY WHAT I’M TELLING YOU!”
“A FREAKIN VENUSAUR?!” he shrieks, his empty hand slamming up against the bottom of Yuto’s top bunk. “WHAT THE HELL IS A VENUSAUR GONNA DO FOR YOU?!”
“I LIKE PLANTS!” you scream through your laughs. “A Venusaur would be sweet and loving and adorable!”
“(Y/N), IT’S A FUCKING POKEMON! NOT A HOUSE PET!” Wooseok argues, but you can see the small smile starting to creep out of his lips. It was always at this point in your unnecessarily stupid arguments did Wooseok start to lose his hard exterior. He’s having too much fun and there’s no way he can hide it for much longer. “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE ONE ON SKILL AND NECESSITY!”
“UHHH, ANYTHING YOU WANT!” Wooseok aggressively answers. “My Charmander could warm up your dinner! He could be your night light! He can make bonfires on the beach to roast marshmallows—”
“YOU WOULD FREAKIN TAKE YOUR CHARMANDER TO THE BEACH!” you interject, not holding back how ridiculous that sounds.
Shaking your head, you jab your finger into his chest, sitting up slightly to shout down at him. “You would do stupid shit like THAT, but I’M CRAZY FOR WANTING IT TO BE CUTE AND GOOD WITH PLANTS?!”
Seeing you above him, Wooseok can’t handle it anymore. A giant smile finally sprouts out of his face and you can see his gorgeous, shining teeth. Taking a second to just look at every part of your face, he bites his bottom lip before springing into action.
“WOAH!” you scream as he takes you by the shoulder and shoves you back onto the bed. In one swift motion, he’s somehow pinned you down so that he’s now staring down at you.
All too satisfied, Wooseok smirks. Your heart’s racing from both the rather steamed argument you were just having and the fact this disgustingly attractive boy is hovering above you like this. For a second, you just wait to see what happens next.
Slowly, Wooseok lowers his head so his lips are right by your ear. Holding your breath, you can feel his hair brushing against your face. Taking a second, he leaves a hot sigh on your skin before whispering, “If you don’t choose Charmander…, you’re gonna be really Venu-sorry.”
And with that, you completely lose it. Laughing way harder than any person ever should, you can’t even move your arms to wrap around Wooseok fast enough before he’s lying right on top of you, laughing his face off too.
Wooseok rolls over slightly so he’s not completely crushing you, but he can still engulf you in his body. Burying your face into his chest, he’s more smiling at your reaction than his own joke. Unable to contain his joy, he squeezes you and shakes you in his arms as you scream into his sweatshirt, “That was the worst thing you’ve ever said!”
Laughing into your hair, he tries to catch his breath. “I think I’ve been hanging out with Hongseok too much.”
Wiggling your way out of his grip, you pull back a little, just enough to see his adorable face while still being wrapped in his embrace. Everything is so close and so smooshed together in his bottom bunk. Your arms are now between you and his chest, so in that small space you reach up and cup his soft cheeks. Your faces are already so close together. “I hate you so much.”
Somehow that makes him smile even more. Accepting that as your sign of affection, he closes his eyes and easily kisses you on the forehead, lingering there for just a little longer than you expected. He had a way of doing that, making your heart pound even harder.
This is what you loved about your boyfriend. There was no one else on the face of the planet that you could be this idiotic with and they would end it by kissing you so sweetly. No one else could make you feel so safe and so warm while also so frustrated and entertained. So hot and so cute all at the same time. Wooseok didn’t make any sense. He was perfect, yet at the same time, a complete mess. But to him, so were you. And he loved you for that.
Once he pulled away, he readjusts so that you’re both at eye level. It’s always funny when he does that, cause the rest of your bodies never line up. But neither of you care. As long as you’re close, that’s all that matters.
Feeling your grip on his face loosen, Wooseok reaches up and takes one of your hands off his cheeks. Staring as your fingers so naturally lace together, he teases, “How did I get a girlfriend with absolutely no common sense?”
“Wooowww,” you dramatically reply, rolling your eyes. But that just makes him chuckle, which then just makes you smile. “You still wanna fight, boy? Cause I can go all night.”
Thinking it through, he sighs. “Ya know what, trust me, I could go all night, but we probably shouldn’t since Yuto’s gonna be home in a couple hours.”
Nodding along, you keep his tone and sigh too. “You’re right. We probably won’t be finished by then.”
Wooseok takes a second to just play with your hand in his before he meets your gaze. You’ve always known those eyes to be killer, but they almost always catch you off guard. Smiling this adorable, playful smile, he finally says, “Ya know, you attacked me so quickly with your lunacy that I didn’t get to ask you how your day was.”
Trying your absolute best not to punch him for referencing your “lunacy,” you smile and reply, “It was alright.” You can feel his thumb rub against the back of your hand as you talk. “Class was annoying but when is it not?”
“Something we can agree on,” he says with a nod.
You chuckle as you go on. “Yeah, I didn’t do much.”
But Wooseok isn’t satisfied with that answer. “That’s it?” he complains, raising an eyebrow at you. “Come on, I’ve been waiting to see you all day. Where’s the epic story? The pizazz? I need a plot here, (Y/N).”
With a groan, you let your head rest fully on the pillow as you stare into Wooseok’s annoying, sparkling eyes. This boy will never let you live. Still, he puts a smile to your face. You know he just loves hearing you talk. “Fine,” you say, immediately making Wooseok grin. “Ummm, I guess then from the beginning?”
He nods. “From the beginning.”
Rolling your eyes, you scoff. “Okay, well this morning I woke up and got breakfast on my way to campus. I stopped by that place with the really smelly old man.”
Furrowing his eyebrows, Wooseok asks, “The one with the beard or the one with the really awesome cat?”
“The awesome cat.”
With a nod, your boyfriend smiles, always glad when you both can reference your plethora of custom characters only you two know about in the city. “Go on.”
“So, I got a bagel from there and it was way better than it was last time. Maybe one of my top 5 bagels this week,” you tell him.
“Baby, how many bagels have you had this week?” Wooseok asks curiously.
Nervously looking away, you retract into yourself. “Like 7,” you weakly answer.
“(Y/N)! IT’S ONLY WEDNESDAY!” Wooseok laughs in his shrill voice.
Darting your eyes back at him, you take your clasped hands and hit his hip. “I’M TELLING THE STORY RIGHT NOW!”
With a giant smile, Wooseok calms down and nods in agreement. “Right, right. Sorry baby. Continue.”
Finding your relaxed position again, you proceed to tell the tale of the monotonous tasks that made up your Wednesday. Outlining every instance of mundane and boring, you can feel yourself drifting off at the sound of your own voice to the point where your eyes close. But as you’re talking, you can also feel Wooseok wrap his long legs around yours, holding you even tighter. You can feel his free hand brush the line where your hair meets your forehead, until it comes down and rubs your cheek. You can suddenly feel light tufts of air hitting your nose. He interjects every so often for clarification, to see if that guy with the alien voice sat next to you in lecture again or if the birds in the park tried to attack you like usual. It’s not until you stop hearing his questions do you realize you’re not even talking anymore, but that you’ve somehow managed to put yourself to sleep.
Finally catching yourself, your eyes shoot open and everything’s blurry. “Wooseok, what happened?” you sleepily utter, thoroughly confused by your surroundings.
But as your vision comes into focus, you finally see what’s in front of you. Staring at you with the softest, brightest eyes possible, Wooseok takes a second to just...take you in. As you started to fall asleep, he just couldn’t help but be mesmerized. Your voice was the most beautiful music he had ever heard. In those moments, he took in every feature that he loved and every detail that he thought about nonstop.
After a pause of realization, Wooseok cracks a tiny smile, a layer of blush forming over his cheeks. “You fell asleep, dummy.”
Still kind of groggy, you don’t have to be fully conscious to fight this boy. “And whose fault is that for making me tell such a boring story?”
But Wooseok just takes it. Smiling even bigger, you feel his arm slide beneath you and his giant hand push firmly against your back, so that the only space between you is finally gone. Well, almost gone.
Pressing his forehead to yours, Wooseok closes his eyes and plants one right on your lips. And unlike the last time you shut your eyes, sleep is nowhere to be found. You can feel a rush of sensation fly through your entire body as he kisses you. Wooseok takes a second to untangle your hands so he can focus on pulling you even closer to him. Running your fingers through his hair, you can’t help but feel everything for this boy smooshed against you. It’s magical. Like the best kind of dream that you can only experience when you’re awake.
After kissing you for just long enough to make your entire being melt, Wooseok takes a moment to linger just a little longer, like he always did, making your heart pound even faster.
Finally taking his lips off of yours, he pulls back, but keeps your foreheads together. Your eyes flutter open to find him gazing right at you. Usually, at this moment, you could expect your boyfriend to say something completely stupid. Something that would make both of you burst out laughing and just scream like maniacs.
But right then, Wooseok decides not to. He’s just so overwhelmed that his mind draws a blank. He can only remember the last thing you said. Keeping the sleepy atmosphere between the two of you, he lightly smiles and says, “I thought it was a great story.”
-- -- --
Sigh...I love pentagon XD Thanks again for reading!!! Agh, ive just been in so much feels for this boy i cant even fully explain so i just...ok then. Not my typical group but maybe more for them one day? I’m not sure but i love them...I’m deeply in love with jung wooseok ok bye
Masterlist of my usual stuff
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