#and just. learn to be okay with that god forsaken building and people
jorrated · 7 months
i cant believe my semester starts tomorrow and ill need to go back to pretend to being neurotypical.
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Okay but consider? Has Tim ever seen Ra's post-Critical Injury Lazurus Dip? Like not "oooh, I am back to my sexy Dilf-y glory~" but FULL ON "I have been Hard Reset back to the Prime Of My Life(tm), which statistically is early 20s, and am now a Young and Hot prowling bad boy. With no Grey in my hair and a SLIGHLTY higher voice, meaning while I sound familiar, you can't instantly place it like you usually could."
THAT sort of Hard Reset.
Bet he hasn't.
Bet he'd have an even HARDER time recognizing Ra's in a Masquerade mask. If Ra's had a smooth, freshly shaven, face. I mean... it's not like Ra's an assassin cult leader or anything. Him? Knowing how to DISGUISE himself? When in his centuries of life would he have had time to learn THAT?
So there Ra's is. Looking rich, dangerous, and slutty. As one does. Tight black pants, loose poet shirt, gold and gems dripping like honey down his skin. The very PICTURE of a WEALTHY young trouble maker. Blending in with all these wealthy fools, up too no good, some of them far more then others.
That's why the Bats are here.
For Intel.
But of COURSE, Brucie Wayne has aged out of this sort of scene. Tut tut. And his waste of a grandson is just a touch too young. A shame. So it's the Detective and a few others, leading the charge. But... ah, SUCH a big building! And can the Wayne's afford to be seen at such a disreputable event?
Of course not.
So they're in disguise. Layers upon layers, Detective. Masks upon masks. Delightful~
Ra's gets to watch Tim work the room. Prowl in magnificent heels. Dodge covetous hands so casually it seems by accident. Extract information people have DIED to protect. Blonde, tonight. He looks better with hair like the night.
Ra's smiles like a wolf.
And begins to hunt his prey though a sea of masks.
Which is how Tim meets a VERY rougish, tall, and delightfully muscled heir too...something. It's kinda obvious, given all the jewelry. Swordsmen too, from what he can feel of those INTERESTING and calloused hands. Tim knows he should focus... but...
Mystery Hot Guy is REALLY forward. Clearly in to him. And it's not like he's gotta marry the guy.
Did he mention the DELIGHTFUL rumble? His voice has a low rumbling quality to it, when he leans in close so he can be heard over the music. His hands are hot and gripping in that "just a bit too tight but not TOO too tight" sorta way? So yeah... he's gonna... uuuuh, go... "question so informants" real quick. Get back to you guys later!
Don't wait up!
And Ra's? Knows the chance of this working more then once is close to zero. So it has to be LEGENDARY. Life changing. Dick so good it ruins the Detective's LIFE. He's got to make sure the next time they meet, the Detective wants to kill him AND fuck him in equal measure.
After all, the Bats have a "no kill rule". Oh dear, Detective. Really only leaves you one option, then, doesn't it?
So Ra's goes to absolute TOWN on Tim. Sinks down to his knees and eats him out til his legs won't hold him. Carries him to the bed to the guestroom they're about to absolutely DEFILE, too use far too clever fingers, to stoke that burning NEED back up. Too stretch and tease, as his mouth worships that chest. That neck. That clever, clever mouth.
Runs his free hand along magnificent skin, wishes he could grip hair like the finest ink as he savors Timothy's mouth. It all feels decadent. Ra's is patient. Aaaand, there, Tim rocking against his hand has turned for lazy pleasure (savoring the glow of a good orgasm) to demanding.
His hands, his kisses, are growing hungrier. Commanding Ra's to give him what he needs. Spoil him like a pampered little prince. Either worship and adore him, or he will find someone else who SHALL. How can Ra's refuse? He'd be a fool too.
A fool not to suck and bite branding little marks upon that magnificent skin. A fool not to hike up those powerful hips a grind and tease with his length, until Timothy's sharp little nails dig into his flesh in warning. A gods forsaken incompetent, to NOT sink into that magnificent heat, pressed so close he can hear that breath taking little gasp of pleasure, as the thickness of himself presses wider and deeper then any BOY the Detective as ever taken.
Ra's AL Ghul is no fool.
But he IS a VERY giving lover.
Especially when he has something to gain from it. And oh, how it is a struggle not show the victory on his face. It would not do, to give the game away at the last moment. He knows better. So he moves his hips just so. Rolling at just the right angle. To grind with in as he thrusts, to grind against as he moves, his body angled just right to tease the Detective's clit.
Strong, calloused hands teasing what feels like EVERYWHERE. That deep rumbling voice monologing a god damned speech on how good Tim's body feels, how perfect he is, how sexy. That cock hitting everything over an over in a way marksmen would WEEP with jealousy at. Tim is pretty sure his brain is melting. Hook up too good, fuck why he came here actually. The others can handle it.
Will he later admit he fucked up? Probably. But that's when he gets the ability to reason again. Right NOW all he can think is a series of frantic porno noises and variations of the word "More". Turns out fumbling around with your teammates is NOT actually a good frame of reference for "what is Sex and how good does it feel?".
Tim doesn't even notice, two position changes and several orgasms later, when he loses his wig. His face is buried in Mystery Hook Up's shoulder, drooling and clinging, as he's worked up and down that mind melting cock like a toy. All that HE registers is that it feels nice to have that stuffy thing off and fingers running through his hair.
His family, though? Freaking out. Tim left with an "informant" (their ASS) and never showed back up. They've all HAD the traumatizing Honeypot Talk from Bruce. They KNOW Femme Fatales are a thing. Homme Fatales are a thing! Did someone send a sexy assassin after Tim!?
Dick, powered by the sheer force of Brotherly Murder-Panic and 👌close to showing the world why he and FUCKING DEATHSTROKE have a weird decade long "Thing(tm)" going, kicks down the door to waaaay too many random hook ups... until he eventually find the RIGHT hook up.
Where Timmy ain't got no bones. He be truely, magnificently, well fucked and boneless. A cooked noodle. Orgasm machine ran dry and he can see the shrimp color, Captain. He's cuddling a sex god and actively plotting to tattoo his phone number somewhere on this guy's body. Who CARES where he lives. Tim will MAKE it work. How you feel about breakfast?
Ra's is the exact flavour of Lounging Smug Bastard you imagine.
It's not even smirking "pleased with himself" territory anymore. It's full on "if a tiger were turned into a human, got revenge on the bastard who did it, and was lounging around feeling pleased with itself covered in blood" grinning. Because NOW, he has won.
Dick is, of course, going to break every bone in this Mystery Bastard's body. Jason. Hold him.
Which... just as Tim is about to throw a lamp in defense of his new Sex... something, Robin kicks the window open because "fuck it, I'm helping. Timothy may be an idiot. But he's OUR idiot and you've clearly seduced him with some sort of evil demonic sex magic, you fiend, time to fight." Etc etc.
Only then Hot Hook Up takes of his mask.
He.... He looks a LOT like Damian. A concerning amount. Like... if you were to say, take away the Wayne traits, he'd be almost identical.
Tim is ALSO not a fool.
That grin is very familiar. Those EYES are a shade he knows INCREDIBLY damn well. And oh sweet fuck on a stick he boned Ra's AL Ghul.
And it was amazing.
Does Tim absolutely HATE that Ra's was right? That Tim SHOULD consider sleeping with him? Yes. Is Tim going to do it again? According to the flashcard forcefully handed to him by his Father, ahem, "No. We do not sleep with Supervillians. We have self control." So... noooooooo, of course not. He would NEVER. Don't be absurd.
tim knows he shouldnt but also knows bruce has no moral highground to say 'dont sleep with supervillains 😭
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sdcrevolver · 1 year
I finally got around to listening to the recent tson and honestly it’s uhhhhh okay? I have a bit to say about it
The shopping center seemed like it’s in the pale city, nothing specific but with what was described in the building, the mannequins in the theater ( remember the mannequins in god’s forsaken hospital level lmao 😔 ), a lot of it seemed to be taken from the 4th chapter of LN2 where we meet the viewers. I found the idea of some non child characters trying to protect kids from characters like the ferryman interesting, it’s maybe the first time we see someone who’s not a kid try to protect the main character.
The walls echoing that the brain needs someone to keep him company reminded me of the flesh walls in LN2 but this is probably not intentional, maybe just me overthinking things and connecting dots that aren’t there. Noone feeling like she was in good hands and the speaker giving her discounts was honestly nice I thought it was kinda funny. The doctor’s desperate need to learn about the ferryman kinda put me off especially when he starts kinda hurt Noone about it :/
So uhhhh the Multiverse aspect, I’ve seen some opinions about it before listening to the 3rd part so I may have had some doubt when I jumped into it but tbh I’m a little okay with the multiverse thing? I say a little because I’m a little disappointed that LN had this scary world to work with that’s become well loved among its fans and with the managerial changes they just went “ it’s another world!! “ it felt cheap. I honestly understand why Tarsier Studios kept the world/characters/lore open ended with a very heavy emphasis on show don’t tell. If they went one way they would disappoint a group of people so they decided to allow the player to decide what’s going on in their head. I do have hope that Bandai and the Writers of TSON can bring interesting ideas to the franchise but this was a little sour.
I hope it’s only 2 worlds and not a whole multiverse where The Maw and The Pale City are in one universe and the Nowhere is in another I feel that can get confusing and funnily enough less interesting to explore since Marvel and other franchises have done that concept to death ( no hate to the spider movies I love them with all my heart I just don’t think the multiverse idea fits for a franchise like little nightmares ). The places from the first two parts seemed like they could be from the same world, the point of it was the world is fucked up and you play as kids that learn how to cope with it and try to survive, that idea immediately dies when you give them the option to just.. wake up. I get that it’s literally called Little Nightmares but that name originally seemed to refer to either the kids or the monsters based on your perspective of the characters.
Maybe they’re going with the idea that at some point kids won’t be able to wake up anymore and have to scarily accept that now they’re part of the nightmare they might die in, im not sure. I’m interested on what TSON and LN3 will take the lore of the franchise, maybe it’ll get better with later installments and the Doctor’s multiverse theory is wrong but eh seems like wishful thinking. I’ll see what happens before I say anything else
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collegeoflore · 10 months
12 and 23 for Xarrai
8 16 and 24 for Ieriyn
for that Tav meme?
(questions are here)
12. What opinion does your Tav have about the Gods?
the short answer is: not a fan.
the long answer is xarrai sees all the gods as tyrants - look at shar, who demands her followers give up their memories; or mystra, who takes chosen after chosen and keeps them like pets; or vlaakith, who. well. vlaakith. they're cruel rulers who demand obedience and worship from their followers, even those who claim benevolence. as far as xar is concerned, bane is just the only one being honest about who he is and what he wants. they don't really give a shit about what gods others choose to worship but they are silently (or um. not so silently) judging anyone who is particularly devout. every time shadowheart talks about shar early game xarrai is just nodding along like yep. mmhmm. yeah sure. and aggressively rolling their eyes when they walk away lmao. there's an element of bitterness to it too, though. here they are on this adventure surrounded by people who desperately want the favor of their gods but all xarrai wants is to be well and truly forsaken by bane. (at the same time, though, they recognize the only reason they're still alive is because he hasn't forsaken them - bane doesn't suffer fools or failures, after all - so it's a bit of a double edged sword.)
23. What are 2-3 songs that your Tav would relate to?
this is actually the hardest question u could have asked bc i have an almost 40 song (and growing lol) playlist for xarrai LMAO. these are a few i've been really vibing with the last few days, but i don't know that they're the ones xar would relate to the Most by any means.
burn your village - kiki rockwell
metaphor - the crane wives
kill all your friends - mcr
and honorable mention for grey veins by ls dunes. i had this song on repeat for like two days while i was starting to build their character because i picked this game up like right after i saw lsd in concert and it ended up coloring a lot of how i viewed xarrai initially lol
(mutuals feel free to lmk if you want the link to the whole playlist (or my astarion and/or xarrastarion ones) - i'm a dirty apple music user and the playlist has my government name on it so i don't wanna post it publicly but i am down to share)
8. Did your Tav have any romantic and/or sexual relationships prior to their illithid adventure? If yes, who was it with and what was it like? If no, how did they feel about being single?
yes! he had a couple of boyfriends when he was still in school. nothing super serious, honestly - just your typical teenage relationships and all the drama that entails. in the last few years he hasn't really had many partners - a fling here or there, but again nothing serious. i will say though he has a thing for older men with big brown eyes :3c (gale never had a chance is what i'm saying. it was over for him before it even began. this twink is going to ruin his life.)
16. How does your Tav feel about killing?
not good! as of where i am in the game right now (about to defend the grove from being raided following some #mistakes ieriyn made when talking to minthara) he hasn't killed another thinking creature ever. he really really doesn't want to and has spent half the battles the party has been in so far more or less cowering in a corner for fear of killing someone accidentally if he uses his magic. he's honestly kind of dead weight. but defending the grove is going to change things - he can't sit there and do nothing when this is his fault and he knows he has to pull his weight or the party is going to end up dumping him on the side of the road, assuming any of them survive this. (lae'zel and astarion in particular hate his fucking guts for being so useless and yet trying to take the credit for shit anyway lol) i don't think he's ever going to feel good or even necessarily okay about killing, but i do think he's going to learn to deal with it anyway.
24. What first impression does your Tav give off to strangers?
i think initally ieriyn comes off as a spoiled brat tbqh. he's deeply out of touch with the way "normal" people live and has really never been outside his bubble of wealth and comfort, which makes him difficult to talk to i think. he's also heinously arrogant - sometimes because he genuinely believes it ("i'm a special gifted magic kid and soooo powerful and strong") and sometimes because he's trying to cover up for what he doesn't know or what he's afraid of. this is smth i imagine is going to be extremely different by the end of the game, but as of rn he gives a pretty shitty first impression LOL
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What Pride feels like to me.
lonely, dark, and heavy. hopeless humanity is all i can see through tear-filled vision, with no hope of ever living for me fully.
claustrophobic, agoraphobic and getting worse with every joke or post i see that’s homo/transphobic.
i’m scared to go to pride for mass shootings or bombings, so i think i’ll push myself past it but as i tell my parent i love them to get ready to go i’m suddenly overcome with the fear of everything. i swallow down my tears for moments more - turning back from the door, give excuses as to why that don’t force forth the cry. so i don’t sound dramatic when i say i was just afraid id die.
but i see it in their eyes too, i feel it in the tension of the room and the forced positivity for the rainbow under such clouds of gloom. they were just as scared, they just want me to be safe. Like any parent should want, right? their baby not to be scared to walk, day or night, that they don’t have to hide and could go outside the house as themselves without landing them in a life-or-death fight.
but the world is a scary place. but what they don’t get, see, or feel for me is, one less chance turns into yet another year of fear. another year of me, alone, crying in the very bedroom of my childhood home that i learned it all in. every single piece of me that i turned over in my tiny hands. the very ones i clasped every night praying it away, along with any people showing kindness of saying that who i was was okay.
the very bed sheets i muffled those cries into. the ones i bunched up to feel like i knew what it felt like holding someone in the night, too.
i wish sometimes to wring them thin, i have but not like this - i want to drain them of every tear. i want each and every one of them back. every drop of heartache, silent shatters for others hearts sake, every ounce of blood sweet and tears that it has come to collect.
i’m not sure why, or what i’d do with it.
perhaps, i could bottle it, and then see - see all those years of pain in silence, wasted, behind me.
maybe that’s it, maybe then i could move on from what haunts me. if i could just see it, make all of that hurt something physical to show me, validate me in all of it so i could let go of any of this.
i keep thinking i have and then im right back.. here. i still dress certain ways and am afraid of my natural ways. don’t be too loud, don’t draw attention, deepen you voice, talk proper non of that girly shit, walk straight, talk straight.
to be hyperaware of every aspect of myself even for the only thing i really leave the house for, walking my dog, is tearing away any bit of mental health i build. i thought- god, i don't know what i thought.
i guess i thought i’d never be back here. that by now, i would be in a place, at least of mind, where i was free to be me. but still i look in the mirror and so rarely just see me. rather, accompanying, always it seems, is every glare, every passing remark, every lonely day at school choosing that over getting made fun of or letting someone close enough, every time i averted my eyes, instead, looking to the ground when passing anyone in this god forsaken town. --------------
(sort of separate/i wrote this portion below, first, then once i started crying at the end of this i went back up and wrote all that.. so.. yeah. i feel a bit better now though) 
every time this month comes along all i can see are the thumbs downs out weighing the likes of articles for us
 i feel like a whale strung through with a harpoon they cruelly tie weights to once i’ve enough blows to fashion rope around.
i try, i really try, every year, if i’m honest, almost every second of the day to embrace myself and let go of all their hate. i try to focus on the love and the ones out there that accept us... but at the end, i always end up feeling that crushing feeling of hates weight, pulling down on me.
i want to be proud of who i am and exactly as i was made. how i am when i let go of the hateful, close-minded people out there and focus on only the peace i come to make in here. but i end up hunched over even alone, it comes infectious, seeping into my home. and again, i find myself hating who i am because even if i love me and they hate me, and i’m fine with that, but what gets me every time is the hate that others receive greater than mine, because i hide away. i’m a quiet gay, you could say.
i can go around and be just fine for the most part, but on those off days that i come to feel so comfortable in myself exactly as i’m made and i want to dare to wear something fashionable in a more fun way, i instantly wonder if i will be okay. if i’ll make it home or if someone will hit me, kill me, abduct me and release all their hate unto me rather than just through the violently, hateful words.
i don’t get it, i never will. i’ve been on both sides, explored so many faiths and philosophies to see everything from every angle, but i still will never understand why some people choose to hate, to hate another human that is merely loving, loving another human or themselves.
to love this self that you say is created in gods image, and whom this god loves so dearly that he killed his only son for. just like you, he loves us in our sin. if you must call our love this.
but, let me just say this. as much as it hurts, i gladly will die and i cry in my sin of true love. i just hope you one day can see that you will die in your sin of hate if you don’t reflect and change your ways.
my heart, overcome with love for all humans exactly as they are in their good and bad, makes me weep, it always has. and i don’t pray, least not in that way, but i do pray that i keep hold of this, this heart, as soft as a baby birds despite all the hate it gets. and i pray that yours too may soften, and actually hear the truth that sings throughout all of time and space; that, above all we should love, and as challenging as it may be, everyone from you to me, that is the whole human race should love no matter what they face. it’s terribly hard but i am grateful for all that i’ve gone through thus far for it has made my heart grow, my mind too, in order to love all humans the way in which i do. i only pray, or wish whatever suits you, that you receive this grace too.
(It seems, pride is still fear. And that i don't know any other way to be)
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highdramas · 4 years
forever is the sweetest con | b.b.
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝'𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: language and tfatws spoilers? not really but just in case
word count: 2167
summary: bucky makes a friend in his neighbor and her cat.
note: hiiiii so happy that so many people enjoyed the world's a little blurry! i am going to be writing multiple one shots, all connecting and showing little snapshots from the life of bucky and the reader <3 you don't have to read them in order, but reading all of them will help you better understand the relationship!
enjoy! <3
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“stupid fucking thing.”
the swearing followed by incoherent irritable grumbling is like a dog whistle to bucky barnes. he’s standing outside of his apartment, lingering in the hallway, waiting to see if the person will speak again. to the surprise of no one, bucky hasn’t put much effort into getting to know his neighbors. he gives curt nods as he passes them in the hallway, tries his best to muster a smile when he gets caught at the mailbox beside someone else. he thinks that it looks more like a grimace than anything, but still-- it’s something.
“son of a bitch.”
the voice is feminine, and it is angry. he’s trying to discern if there is any immediate distress, and if there is-- maybe he can help. he’s pulled from his thoughts quickly as a door swings open and a large box is thrown out onto the doorstep. “fucking hell.”
the door doesn’t close. it stays open, still swinging, as if recoiling from the force in which it was tossed open. bucky could very easily continue on his way to his apartment, put away the few groceries he had purchased-- mostly pasta and cereal-- and spend his evening how he spends most evenings. fighting off sleep, because he knows what comes the moment consciousness fades and the darkness swallows him whole.
but he doesn’t.
instead, he dashes to his door and places the bag at the entryway, turning back on his heel. he fiddles with his gloves as he grows closer and closer to the door. and then, he sees you.
bucky can’t see much-- the door is only cracked. but what he can see almost makes him laugh. you’re huddled over what he assumes is a cat tower. well, a sorry excuse for a cat tower, really-- it’s half put together with miscellaneous pieces strewn all around you. you seem to be studying the instruction manual, flipping through it before you eventually toss it to the side. “kitty, i don’t know about all of this,” he hears you say.
again, there are multiple options here in terms of what bucky can do. he can leave now, pretend he never saw anything. he can check on you, and then… and then what? he doesn’t know.
he knocks.
bucky takes a step back as you scramble to your feet, pushing your hair back. you open the door and up at the stranger. “hi.” the word is short, and he can tell that you are not in a good mood. “if you’re going to bitch me out about the noise, i’m sorry. i bought a new cat tower for my cat, and it’s a bitch to put together. and i hate building anything, so i’m basically useless.” you suck in a breath and muster a smile. “so, like i said. sorry. i’ll be a better neighbor tomorrow.”
you go to close the door, and he doesn’t know what he’s doing when he blurts-- “wait-- no.” he shakes his head, clears his throat. “no, i wasn’t gonna bitch you out. i was--”
what was he going to say? what was he going to do?
“i was going to say i could help. if you want.” he clears his throat and rubs at his chin with a gloved hand. “i’m alright at putting furniture together.”
you linger in the doorway and look at him. though there are countless people who look at him every day, oftentimes, bucky doesn’t feel like he’s being recognized. sometimes he wonders if he is secretly invisible, drifting through this too-long life as a ghost. but the look you give him is piercing, and the smile that follows makes his heart stop in his chest.
“i’m not gonna turn down someone building this god forsaken thing for me,” you open the door wider. “come on in.”
bucky finishes his handiwork on the cat tower within thirty minutes, but something about you draws him in, and now it has been an hour and a half and he has not tired of your company.
you are very charming. that is the first thing that bucky notices about you. and it’s not just your personality, either. everything in your apartment seems to drip in you. there is no wall that is bare, there are different colored lights twinkling around each window, plants galore. it makes him almost feel embarrassed about the state of his own home. if you can even call it that.
it’s not a home. it’s a place where he fights off his demons and drinks cheap beer and pretends that he is okay, pretends that he is not alone, pretends that he doesn’t need sam or his therapist or anyone else in order to figure out how to live in the present.
but yours. yours is a home.
there’s a pang of jealousy, nestled deep in his heart. he doesn’t care if the thought is unreachable for someone like him, someone who has done the sort of things that he has done-- he wants it.
the thought will never reach the light of day, of course. no, it will stay buried in his belly, churning with the guilt and the anguish and the loneliness, too.
“you good over there?”
bucky looks up to see that you’re looking at him. your head is tilted and your mouth slightly agape, and the look… he can’t quite place it. it’s more confusion and less concern, and in a weird way, he likes that. “yeah. i’m fine.”
he’s confused by the way that the corner of your mouth turns up. “you’re a good liar,” is all that you quip before you push up off the ground, dusting off your leggings. “do you like pizza? i’m starving, and i would cook us something, but i don’t want to subject you to that. my mom says the only thing i should ever make is cereal, and even that’s pushing it. says i use too much milk.”
bucky laughs.
and it shocks him. it takes no thought at all to laugh at your words, your charm, the way that you carry yourself with such easy self deprecating humor. you make him laugh.
you, on the other hand, don’t think anything of it. you raise your eyebrows at him. “well? it’s pizza or we’re eating two big bowls of honey nut cheerios.”
“pizza is good.”
you bite down on your lip and you nod, fishing your phone from your back pocket. “great.”
bucky studies you as you order the food.
he’s learning that there are many things that he envies you for.
every muscle in your body is loose and relaxed. you don’t walk, you seem to float-- drifting in and out of rooms, brushing past him, as if you’re made up of nothing but air and stardust. you joke with the employee on the other line and then you hang up and look back to him. “i said we’d go and pick it up. it’s my favorite place, just down the street.”
“yeah, that sounds nice.”
bucky follows your lead. he’d never taken off his jacket, or his gloves, but you hadn’t made a comment about them. you scramble into clothing suitable for a new york winter and then grin at him, face slightly obscured by the massive scarf. “ready?”
he nods, and then you set out. you’re quiet for a few moments, before you say, “you’re bucky, right?”
there’s a silence that settles between you, as if some jig is now up. you glance over at him. “that’s not a bad thing,” you say softly. “or an insult.”
“yeah, i know.” his elbow knocks against yours lightly. “but, yeah. i am.”
you nod and offer your own name in return, and that is that. you don’t allude to anything else that you might or might not about him, his past, or the fact that he was used as a hydra weapon for a majority of his life, now thrust into a brand new century. no, all you do is say, “bucky’s a nice name.”
“thanks, doll.”
the pet name rolls off of his tongue so easily, like breathing. he stops for a moment, leaning into the urge to be embarrassed, but you don’t let him. “no one’s ever called me that before,” you say, brushing against his arm. “i like it.”
“it’s what all the guys used to call their girls.” he stops. “not that, you know--”
“yeah, i know,” you laugh. “i know what you meant.” you glance up at him again. “like i said, i like it.”
bucky swallows his nervousness and instead comes reassurance at your words. “i can keep callin’ you doll, if you really like it that much.”
playfulness. ease. comfort. things he has not felt in so long-- yori has tried to pull them out of him when it comes to women, but it has always felt forced, too fast, not right. this feels right.
“you make it sound like it’s such a chore!” you gape at him, but your voice is not malicious in the slightest. you are holding james buchanan barnes in the palm of your hand and you do not even know it.
“it’s not a chore,” bucky reassures. “trust me.”
“whatever you say,” you point to a small hole in the wall shop. “this is it.”
bucky holds the door open for you and you smile and wink as a thank you and god it sends his mind spinning, intoxicated by even the look that you give him. your name is performed like a symphony by every employee in the shop-- they all grin and wave, some make small talk. they eye bucky who stands a step behind you. but you turn and you place a hand on his forearm and even through all of the layers he swears that your touch burns. “this is my neighbor--” you look to him.
bucky clears his throats and he musters a smile, somewhere between his normal grimace and the smile that only seems to form in your presence. “james.”
they greet bucky with kindness and send the both of you on your way with the large pizza and a free liter of diet coke. “her favorite,” the owner says pointedly, winking to you. “we’re always trying to tell her to stop. maybe you can get her to knock the habit.”
“i don’t think anyone can get me to stop drinking diet coke,” you joke, looking at bucky with a level of fondness. “but he can certainly try.”
“i’ll give it a valiant effort,” bucky says and he tips his head to everyone before he opens the door for you once more. he holds the pizza and you hold the soda, tucked beneath your arm, and you make the trek back to your apartment in comforting quiet.
bucky learns that you don’t have a dining room table. you call it a waste of space, so you two sit in front of your coffee table on floor pillows, eating off mismatched plates and drinking the diet coke out of mugs from the thrift store you frequent.
the night is growing quieter, and you think that both you and bucky sense that it is coming to an end. you think you might be a bit addicted to being around him. he reminds you of the smell after it rains and black coffee, of laughter under neon lights and gentleness.
bucky is beginning to gather his things to leave when a meow turns both of your heads. your eyes light up. “hi baby,” you coo and the cat goes right to you and you scoop her up in your arms, presenting her to bucky. “this is katherine. or kitty, as i call her. she’s normally pretty scared of people.”
bucky hesitates, looking between you and the cat. finally, his hand reaches out and scratches kitty beneath the chin. she purrs almost instantly, nuzzling her face into his hand. you watch, somewhere in between shocked and amazed, as bucky interacts with her. “no, i swear, she hates people.” you pause. “wanna hold her?”
“oh, i don’t know…”
you raise your eyebrows and then he looks back at the cat, who gives a yap. it seems to say: please? he huffs and it fades into a smile and he holds his arms out. you set kitty into them and watch as she curls into him, rubbing the top of her head against his chin.
a girlish laugh bubbles from the deep pit of you belly and you clasp your hands together in front of you, watching with hearts in your eyes. the corner of his mouth turns up as he continues to pet the cat.
“bucky,” you say, putting a hand on your hip. “i hate to inform you, she’s never gonna let you go now.”
bucky looks up at you through his lashes. you, with your easy and calm demeanor, your loud laugh and your inability to build even the simplest of furniture.
“i think i’m okay with that.”
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Do you like the idea of a yoongi x reader in the zombie apocalypse? If not that’s completely fine! I really like your tuxedo book too! 💜
warnings: language, violence (graphic descriptions of zombies getting bashed), angst (at the undead situation), fluff at the end
“Fucking shit, you’re a psychopath.”
“I’m a psychopath? You have got to be kidding me, I’m keeping us alive!”
“What do you think this is, Dead Rising?” he hissed, swinging the shovel hard and crushing a skull with a loud crunch.
“You have to be creative to survive in this god-forsaken world!”
You swept the end of a long metal pole configured with an axe attached to the end with barbed wire and duct tape, slicing off another head with a sickening splutter of expired blood.
“You want the bat with the nails or not?” you gritted out, holding both weapons, realizing that not being two handed was really fucking up your accuracy with your axe-spear, so it would be fucking fantastic if Min Yoongi got over calling you a psychopath and just fucking took the wooden baseball bat covered in nails.
Yoongi rammed the head of the shovel into a decaying skull and the rust gave up, popping it off, and leaving the spade sticking out of a very dead, still walking old man.
“Damnnit, yes, give me the murder contraption, I can’t fuck–”
You shoved the handle of the bat into his hands, ignoring his continuous swearing as you finally gripped your makeshift axe spear with two hands, using a myriad of techniques that you had only ever learned in video games, but how the fuck could you to know that zombies were going to show up in Korea because some lunatic released some weird pathogen in a subway and turned rush hour into undead hour?
Your fuck-of-the-night violently smashed two skulls together into the side of the stairwell of his own apartment building.
Neither of you had any idea it was going to be this bad.
Mostly because you two had been asleep.
Okay, technically, not the entire time, but the rest of your time was occupied. Neither of you paid attention to the news or social media. Yoongi had been your fuck-of-the-morning, fuck-of-the-afternoon, and fuck-of-the next-night.
What? It was the weekend! He was good!
“Well, this is more effective than I thought,” Yoongi grumbled, smacking a rotting young woman’s jaw off before caving her skull in. His black hair ruffled, covered in flecks of blood and gray matter.
“I told you!”
He growled in annoyance and continued on his way with you up the stairs, clearing out the zombies that had wandered in here, not a swarm, but still a whole fucking lot and, after seeing a number of them in pajamas and house clothes, you got a sinking feeling in your chest.
“Shit, did some sap bring home their undead wife or what?”
You couldn’t think about it, couldn’t think about how you just crushed a child’s skull and slammed them unceremoniously into the pile of bodies you were creating, couldn’t think about the moms and the dads, the grandparents and the cousins, but you suspected Yoongi’s guess was right.
And that was a very, very sad thought.
“Is anyone here not undead?” you muttered, noticing the quiver in your own voice.
Yoongi’s back touched yours. He was in front because he knew where he was going. You were behind him, holding up the rear. In front of him was his own apartment hallway, the undead lining up to die by nail-bat and axe-spear.
“The survivors have probably left,” he replied gruffly, his deep voice strained.
He pressed his back against yours, letting you feel his shuddering exhale.
“I’m glad you got a head on your shoulders, even if it’s full of video games.”
You almost laughed even though it wasn’t exactly a good time to laugh.
“You almost screamed at me when I picked up that box of nails and ran with them.”
“No normal person does that shit.”
Yoongi turned his head and pressed his nose to your hair, inhaling a deep breath. You stiffened, tingles running over your skin. It almost seemed normal. Almost. Except for the snarling dead people trying to eat your and Yoongi’s guts.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “Fucking stinks in here.”
“Y… Yeah…”
You had fucked Min Yoongi, what, five days ago? Six days ago? Knew him for a couple of weeks thanks to some insistent friends forcing you two on a date. You thought the most surprising thing was both of you having sexual chemistry, but, no, the gods had other ideas, such as making you two bond by executing an entire zombie horde.
Yoongi said your name, softly, full of the kind affection that one develops in dire situations while desperately clinging to humanity.
“You got my back?”
You answered in the same tone, stuck with him now, but it wasn’t bad.
In fact, it was great.
“Yeah, I got your back.”
You held your axe-spear and he held his nail-bat. At least they weren’t Rage zombies. They were slow, stupid, and died instantly with a bonk to the head. And so, you and Min Yoongi tore your way through the undead, smashing skulls, destroying bodies beyond recognition, trying not to think of how beautiful these lives were before this, trying not to think how one mistake could have caused all this, trying to pray, hope, dream that there was an end as blood, guts, and brains flew into the air, splattering onto the wallpapered walls, staining them forever and ever, trying not to retch at the stench.
“I knew it.”
You jammed your axe into the last skull and there was a spluttered groan as the decaying young woman crumpled. You tried not to look as the bloody dress she was wearing fluttered, skewed legs collapsing with a sick crunch. It was obvious due to her small frame.
She had been pregnant.
You looked up and Yoongi was breathing hard, staring at his apartment door.
His normally pale skin was a little pink from exertion, black hair wild and dirty, dark brown, cat-like eyes fixated on the piece of paper taped to his front door of a very poorly drawn… something. Circles and lines and boxes with arrows. It appeared to be in red Sharpie. At the bottom right-hand corner, you could recognize a lineup of six stick figures and an oval circled next to them, as if one was missing.
“Who the fuck drew this?” Yoongi grunted, plucking it off his door. “Obviously not Jungkook, otherwise I would actually understand.”
He scrunched up his face and jammed the paper under his armpit, taking out his keys from his jeans.
“My friends. Come on, get in here. Maybe you can figure out what would be useful and then we can go meet up with them… once we figure out what the fuck this shit is supposed to mean.”
He grabbed your hand and pulled you close.
All of a sudden that meant your face was in Yoongi’s face.
He looked down at you, surprised at his own action, and you blinked back, startled.
Seconds passed.
A brain separated from its cavity peeled from the hallway wall and plopped onto the ground.
Both of you winced a little at the sound.
Still, Yoongi seemed determined to say something.
“I’m…” he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours. “I’m glad I’m not alone.”
His whole body was trembling. You could feel it from his hand and his head.
“I’m glad I’m with you,” you breathed. “Otherwise, I’m pretty sure I’d be dead.”
Yoongi chuckled. “Nah, not you. I watched you hammer nails into a wooden baseball bat with a brick. You would’ve been fine.”
“But lonely is worse than dead.”
His eyes found yours, dark brown and grateful.
“Yeah. It is.”
Yoongi pressed his lips to yours and you tilted your head to deepen it, savoring the kiss of survival.
cont. 2021.06.06 — hyung, where are you?
drabbles masterpost | masterpost
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bucky-at-bedtime · 3 years
Stucky Fic Recs
So basically I went through all of my ao3 bookmarks and collated a list of some of my favourites (I couldn't fit all of them on this list, so if anyone shows interest there might be a part two).
Please read tags and descriptions of the works before reading, some of them are pretty dark or extremely horny so just make sure you check that the fic is for you!!
Please please please send me your favourite fics in return! I am always happy to hear fic recs, headcanons and any other ideas/comments you all have!
Without any further ado, here are a few of my favourite Stucky fics:
‘Not Easily Conquered’ series by dropdeaddream, WhatAreFear
Rating: M, Words: 117,692
“I told you, you heard me: I told you never to follow me into Hell. Now I’m not vain enough to think that’s why you’re out here now — if there’s any person in what’s left of this God forsaken planet who’s part of a bigger picture, it’d be you. But I’ll keep saying it until it sticks. You got nothing to prove. I’m not worth much, I damn well know that, but I’ll ask you anyway: Stay for me. If you leave me alone in this world I’ll turn into something terrible. I’ll turn into the nasty creature that’s growing inside me. This war, it’ll swallow me whole”
[To me, this fic is like the classic Stucky 101 fanfic – if you're a Stucky fan and you haven't read this, I highly recommend it. The authors explore the Steve/Bucky relationship in such an interesting, tragic, emotive way and I cry every time I read it. I couldn't praise this work enough.]
‘Ain’t No Grave’ series by spitandvinegar
Rating: M-E, Words: 131,789
"Yeah, he never calls me by my name," Steve says. "It's always champ, ace, hotshot, that kinda thing."
"Man, that is flirting," Sam says. "That nicknames thing, he is flirting with you. He's just working his way up to calling you baby or something."
Steve goes redder than a damn coke can. Sam pumps his fist. "Yes, I am so right, I am wise as hell. He did, didn't he?"
"He called me sweetheart," Steve says grimly, "because he's a drug addict with brain damage."
"Or because he looooooves you," Sam says. Captain America throws a cookie at his head. Sam eats it, because he deserves a treat for being so damn wise.”
[I'm currently re-reading this fic and absolutely loving it. The way spitandvinegar writes Bucky's road towards recovery and Steve's entire characterisation – it's all just so good. It's another one that covers some pretty dark themes, so make sure you're checkin those tags!]
'Einherjar' by thecommodore_squid
Rating: M, Words: 71297
But Steve was fine.
Sure, he hadn’t seen Bucky in months, and sometimes he was at the punching bag so long that his skin started to peel off to expose the bones of his fingers, and sometimes he couldn’t find the energy to drag himself out of bed, and sometimes he went weeks without sleeping, and sometimes he thought about throwing himself head-first off the nearest tall structure, but he was fine.
He was absolutely, perfectly, one-hundred percent, fucking fine.
AKA In which Steve learns how to deal with his shit, and Bucky learns how to stop leaving.
[basically the definition of a recovery fic, I absolutely adore it. This is tragic and amazing and makes me cry and smile. It’s got a bunch of fantastic cameos and It really just ticks so many of my boxes.]
‘Like real People do’ by 2bestfriends
Rating: E, Words: 67,775
“"Ask me what?" demands Bucky. "I didn't hear a question."
Steve licks his lips. "Will you stay with me? Will you come back home, Buck?"
"Home," repeats Bucky in a small voice, and then he's crying for real.”
[Basically soft lumberjack!steve and lonely twink!bucky being horny and in love. This is a comfort fic for that’s really just about my favourite boys falling in love.]
‘This City Bleeds it’s Aching Heart’ by anonymous
Rating: E, Words: 34,537
“The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.”
[The plot in this one is just a good time and i think it’s just a really fun take on the fake relationship trope. Also some really great characterisation.]
‘Home is Wherever I’m With You’ by cydonic
Rating: E, Words: 88,570
“Bucky kisses Steve and Emma goodbye before they leave for school, which is why – partway down the road – Amelia turns to him and asks, “why are you and Daddy kissing?”
Which is definitely a conversation Bucky’s been expecting since Steve just did it, but it still takes him by surprise. Again, he thinks he should wait for Steve, but Amelia’s not the sort of kid to let anything rest. Plus, Bucky’s taking her to school where she will undoubtedly share the story with anyone who’ll listen.
He also stops to think that Steve’s asked him to stay, which means Bucky must be trusted with their happiness and well-being, at least in some small capacity.
Bucky clears his throat and searches for some explanation that will help Amelia make sense of this sudden turn of events. “Because we love each other,” is all he comes up with.”
[Bear with me, this is a House Flipper!Bucky Au. And dad!Steve. I just love a found family trope I’m not gonna lie to you. Another comfort fic that warms my lil heart.]
‘Lucky Seven’ by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves)
Rating: E, Words: 94,364
“Back from where--?” James says, the sentence ending in a distinctly undignified squawk as Steve sweeps him up in his arms, bridal-style, and starts carrying him upstairs.
James tenses momentarily then relaxes into Steve's arms and throws back his head and starts laughing. The laughter peals out of him, his body shaking, his amusement occasionally broken by little gasps of pain.
“What's so funny?” Steve frowns.
“You are,” James says, still giggling. “You're ridiculous, Steve Rogers.”
“Behave. Or I will drop you,” Steve growls.
[The shrunkyclunks modern AU of my dreams featuring Mechanic!Bucky and cap!Steve and some really beautiful writing.]
'Dishonor On Your Cow' by mandarou
Rating: E, Words: 111695
“Sergeant Barnes?”
“Oh, hell no, don’t call him that, man,” Sam warned.
“Captain Fuck Off!” Barnes shouted over him. “Fight me!”
Steve didn’t know whether to laugh or just slink away. He managed to combine the two by pacing two steps and snorting instead. Like a bull.
“I’m gonna need you to calm your ass, Barnes,” Sam said as he went limp again, obstructing Barnes’s struggling under him. “This is so undignified. That is Captain goddamn America.”
“Captain goddamn America!” Barnes repeated, louder. And angrier.
Steve cleared his throat again. “I’ve been looking for you,” he told Barnes.
“I hope you brought lube this time!” Barnes shouted.
[I’m not gonna lie it took me a minute to get into this one but by the end I was crying with them, laughing with them, and just really in my feels. Some very insane things happen so here’s a few of my favourite tags: ‘Seargent Barnes is done with your Shit Steve’, ‘blatant disrespect of a man’s motorcycle’, ‘Steve you ding dong’ and ‘PR nightmares in the form of Supersoldiers’.]
Propietary Information by Notlucy
Rating: E, Words: 85141
“Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.”
[We were never gonna get through this list without a Sugar Daddy!AU (I have a weakness). This one is… saucy and sexy and sweet and uh pretty kinky so read the tags and all. I’ve read it a few times, and I love the way the author has written Steve in this one, he just makes my heart go '!!!']
‘Roots Have Grown’ by AustinB
Rating: M, Words: 17280
“Bucky is a mildly agoraphobic veteran with funds to spare, who becomes enamored with the cute blonde guy in his building.
So when Steve mentions needing a roommate to cut down on rent costs, Bucky decides it would be a good idea to volunteer.”
[Another weakness of mine is Roommate AUs, and this one is phenomenal. I tend to go for post serum!Steve stories more often, but this is a pre-serum Steve that I just adore.]
‘The Cold Never Bothered me Anyway’ by icoulddothisallday
Rating: E, Words:75562
“Bucky Barnes has spent his whole life in a state of mild hypothermia. Steve Rogers has spent the last 70 years in the ice. The two things aren’t related until, suddenly, they are. Shrunkyclunks soulmate AU (AKA the awkward bb au).”
[I think this is the only soulmate AU in my bookmarks? I would totally be down to read more though! This one is really fun and really enjoy Bucky’s characterisation here!]
'War, Children' by Nonymos
Rating: E, Words: 106615
“After Bucky was released from the hospital, it only took him a couple of weeks to give up on himself. Difficult to believe in any kind of future when the simple act of staying alive was almost too big an effort.
Out the frosted window, across the street, there was a tiny homeless guy burrowing under an awning.”
[An interesting exploration of Bucky’s PTSD with a trans!Steve which was a cool take on his character too!]
'The Company You Keep' by orbingarrow
Rating: G, Words: 51191
“Hurt, hungry, and on the run, the Winter Soldier doesn’t have a lot of safe options to go to for help. Figuring that any friend of Captain Steve Rogers is unlikely to be HYDRA, Bucky takes a chance and reaches out to the first Avenger he can find.
It works out better than anyone could have expected. Eventually.”
[hurt/comfort, recovering Bucky, protective Steve, found family and domestic avengers, need I say more? I absolutely loved this one]
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peppusae · 3 years
[kth] lavender honey ch. 9
note: this fanfic has multiple chapters, so please look forward to more!
lavender honey: kim taehyung x reader
genre: crack, fluff, college au, smut
word count: 2.4k words
lavender honey
ch 9: in which namjoon's bomb reaches all the way from gwangju to busan
“Noonim. I like you so, so much.”
You knew.
You knew all too well, and you had so many answers thought up in your head when you daydreamed about this moment for months.
And yet, right now, as you watch Jungkook look at you with expectant eyes, you feel tongue-tied for the very first time in… ever.
“I don’t mind not getting a reply, because I know you like me too, Noonim.” He replies, when there’s no reply from your side. His ears have gone so red that even when Jungkook gets up from on top of you and walks towards the computer chair he still has a hand covering the bottom half of his face in embarrassment.
You feel like you snap out of your daze when you sit up, wondering just how far things would have gone between you and Jungkook if he didn’t get up himself and you had let him go on with whatever it was in his head that was now making the male flush red, not daring to even look back to meet eyes with you.
You wouldn’t have stopped him since you’re such a horny b-
Minji really needs to shut up.
“Noonim, you’ll be going to Busan too on your library trip tomorrow, right?” Jungkook asks, out of the blue.
“We’re going to a lot of places. The seniors have requested a lot of paperbacks we don’t have, so we need to collect them from the other branches.” You say, standing up when you see Jungkook doing the same and making his way out of the room. You wonder if Jungkook is upset about earlier, but he has a smile on his face as he heads out to where his bike is parked outside the building.
“You’ll need to get enough sleep if you have to wake up early to head out, [Name]-noonim!” Jungkook has to say, patting on the back seat of his bike. “I’ll take you home!”
The home date that Jungkook has been gushing over so much feels like it got cut off so abruptly, and you feel so guilty thinking it is your fault, while you hold on to him as you cycle back home without much to say.
You still make sure to give Jungkook a kiss on his cheek, his face flushing red when you lean back and give him a wave.
“Let’s go to the beach when you come back, Noonim! Also, if you get the time, you should drop by my Dad’s restaurant for a meal!”
You give him a thumbs up, letting him know that you definitely will, and watch as he gets on his bike and cycles off.
Why does it feel like something between us got cut off just now? Jungkook was smiling, but he has never been the one to end the date, it’s always been me…
So, what gives?
“Kim [Name]. Do you have a moment to spare?” Namjoon asks the next day, standing by the doorway of your room.
“Come on in, Joonie. What’s up?” You ask while you fold up some clothes to take for your weekend trip… Even though calling it a trip doesn’t feel right since it’s something you and Taehyung are doing for extra-credit, not for fun.
Maybe if this trip was with Jungkook, it would be a fun trip-
You shake your head to take away Minji’s - your subconscious self’s- mind away from the gutter for one god-forsaken minute.
“I have to catch a bus in a few minutes, so I don’t have a lot of time to wait to chat… I should have talked about this earlier but..”
You look up from your duffel bag, suddenly getting a little worried why Namjoon sounded so serious out of nowhere.
“Joonie, you sound a bit scary right now. What’s going on?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows.
Namjoon laughs, closing the door behind him and taking a seat on your bed. “It’s not something like that, don’t worry. I just wanted to talk to you before you left on a trip with Taehyungie.” He explains. You nod, motioning for him to go on.
“I know you’ve started something with Kookie and everything, but… And it’s not that I’m against it, since you’re an adult and everything.. But it’s just that sometimes, I think you and Taehyung have this bond that just crosses over to a line a little more than just friends.”
Your lips part open at his sudden words, and Namjoon looks like he does not plan to stop talking any time soon.
“It may be just me - but I highly doubt this. You two have this bond that makes me feel like you’re soulmates, and I don’t know but… I think you’re very very cautious in front of Jungkook which I never see you behave like in front of Taehyung. You two have this behavior of taking care of each other, and I sometimes notice it in the way you two look at each other… It’s like the way Jungkook looks at you, but the way you look at him isn’t the same.”
“And I don’t know if it’s just things I’ve picked up or am looking into too much because I’m taking my philosophy and psychology lessons way too seriously, but as someone who has seen you from the day you were born up until now… That’s how I feel.”
You take a deep sigh as you process his words, picking up a sweater and stuffing it into the bag.
“I’m not telling you to act on it, I’m only saying that it’s something that crossed my mind and I wondered if you were able to notice it or you just stayed and smiled your way through and let things flow the way it just goes on without taking a proper decision on your part.”
“Joonie, you’ve made my trip with Taehyung turn so weird.” You say. You don’t think you can admit it to Namjoon, that it wasn’t just him, that you always felt an odd feeling when it was around Taehyung. You had, though, never considered that those feeling and him staying in your head about every little thing could be because you had actual feelings for Taehyung… It sounds almost impossible in your head, if anything.
And you had a boyfriend, an adorable one, at that!
“I’m sorry. But I just wanted to say something so you can be cautious… And not hurt Taehyung’s feelings if something ever happened.” Namjoon stands up, kissing your forehead and patting your hair a little before he gives you a wave.
“Wait, what do you mean-”
“Oh, by the way, Taehyung’s already downstairs waiting for you, so hurry up, okay? Have a good trip, [Name]-ah!” He says quickly before he makes his exit right away.
Ugh… Now you knew you would think about Namjoon’s words the entire trip. Great.
“So, will today be a random mix on Spotify kind of day, or may I give you the honor of listening to my amateur instrumentals playlist?” Taehyung greets, as soon as you two climb onto Namjoon’s car to set out for the library expedition.
You’ve packed some kimbap rolls and juice to have on the way to Busan which will be your first stop, and the bags of clothes you two have packed and stuffed at the back of the car for a simple two-day trip is no joke. But then again, getting to travel to multiple cities during college days in difficult after all, and you were determined to take pictures and pretend you’d gone on multiple trips and not just one, thanks to this opportunity.
Maybe that would help take away your mind from all the stuff Namjoon said earlier.
Dammit, Kim Namjoon.
“Show me what you’ve got.” You say, and watch while Taehyung flashes a beautiful smile at you and connects his phone to the speaker system of the car.
“These ones have some mad-crazy piano work, I learned some thanks to Yoongi-hyung.” He starts, the first few chords of the instrumental making you look up at Taehyung in awe.
The music is so mellow and soft that you can’t help but ask him a question that always comes to your head whenever you hear what he works on.
“Taehyung-ah… Have you ever had your heart broken?”
The sudden question makes him look away from the road and at you, blinking a couple times before he lowers the volume of the music.
“Why… Why do you ask?”
“Your music always has some kind of nostalgic, melancholic essence to it.” You reply, watching the way his eyes go back to the road. “It’s like you’ve gone through some form of grief or heartbreak, always.”
“I’ll be kind enough to open a literary discussion with you today, [Name]-ah.” Taehyung says. “When do you think is the best time for someone to be heart-broken, if they had to?”
“That’s an odd question. I don’t think there’s any time someone would want to be heart-broken.” You respond, realizing Taehyung has smartly decided to change the focus of the topic from himself. Perhaps he didn’t want to answer your question for some reason and you could understand him, to some extent.
“I think it’s so much better to have your heart broken when you’re younger, instead of having it broken at an older age, you know?”
You take a moment to ponder about his statement, then nod.
“I mean… Think about it. I’d rather have met someone horrible when I’m fifteen, instead of having the same thing happen when I’m like, twenty-five.” Taehyung goes on.
“Because when I’m fifteen, there’s so much more of my life ahead of me. I’d meet more people. I’d learn to be cautious about the people around me. I’d know how to mold myself to be a better person. That won’t happen if I don’t get my heartbroken before twenty-five when all my values are built up. It would be a shock to me, and that would simply make me lose all faith in humanity.”
The respect you have for Taehyung grows a little, his voice also causing your heart to ache a little. It’s something new you feel, and Namjoon’s words float around in your mind a little, making you look away from Taehyung and out from the window.
“Because the more time flows… The deeper it gets.” You mumble.
The book collection goes well, the first stop being Gwangju. You two had to hurry, though, and were barely able to reach Daegu before night fell.
Taehyung had explained that, since the libraries would be closed by now, it would be best to head there first thing next morning and to go over to his house and get some sleep.
Taehyung’s parents are home, and his mother is a spitting image of Taehyung himself, bright and sunny and welcoming you and making sure you ate a lot and had everything you needed as she lead you to one of Taehyung’s sibling’s rooms.
“My sister is at college,” he explains, watching you put your duffel bag down on the floor and giving him a nod. “We-”
Taehyung gets interrupted by your phone ringing, and you see that it is Jungkook calling.
“Noonim, hi! What will you be at tomorrow evening?” Jungkook wants to know.
“I’ll be at Busan, Jungkookie. What’s wrong?”
“Great! Can you spare me around 2 hours near sunset? There’s this beach I really want to take you to, at Busan, I used to go there all the time when I was little!”
The excitement in Jungkook’s voice is contagious. You glance at Taehyung who  had walked over to look at one of the posters on the wall.
“Taehyung-ah. Jungkook wants me to spare 2 hours tomorrow in the evening. We’ll be done at Busan by then, right?”
Taehyung raises an eyebrow, taking a moment before he slowly nods and then turns back to face the poster.
“We could do that, yeah.”
“Great! See you then, Noonim!”
After you hang up the phone, Taehyung puts his hands in his jeans pockets, heading towards the door.
“The switch to the heater can be a little confusing but the button is at the back and you have to manually set it, but I think you can get the hang of it,” He says, “If you need anything, give me a call. Make sure you lock the door before you sleep.”
Before you can wish him a good night, Taehyung closes the door of the room, making you sigh.
You could almost hear Namjoon trying to come up with a new theory, and to be honest, you can’t even blame him because, as you lay on the bed and tried to go to sleep, your mind would not let you forget about Taehyung for a single second.
Damn it again, Kim Namjoon.
Taehyung is noticeably quieter than he was the previous day, only speaking when it was time to decide what to eat, and asking you to help him with organizing the books. The hours till evening time passed by slowly because of this, so you’re actually glad when Jungkook texts you an address.
Taehyung drives you to the beach, letting you know he’ll be around and will come back in exactly two hours to pick you up to drive back to Seoul.
Jungkook is dressed in a white t-shirt and blue skinny jeans - boldly remaining you of you two’s very first date dressed exactly alike.
“Kookie, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I told my mom you were coming here for a trip and stuff and she asked me to come for the weekend too!” He says cheerfully, taking your hand and helping you walk through the rough rocky trail leading down to the sandy beach.
Despite your mind screaming out a loud ‘Holy SHIT Jungkook talks to his mom about meeeeeeee!’, the water is so, so blue and the clouds are splattered in multiple hues of reds and oranges. The entire scene is so beautiful and peaceful that you can only stare in awe, taking your shoes off and grabbing them by hand while you walk closer towards the ocean.
“Let’s sit here.” Jungkook suggests a spot, and the two of you sit down, watching waves crashing and producing such beautiful sounds.
“This is healing for my soul.”
“Did you ask me to come over here for a reason, Jungoo?” You ask, glancing at Jungkook who has his shoes placed right beside yours. He has a little smile on his face while he nods, not looking at you and instead making little circles with his fingers.
“[Name]-noona.” He says softly, finally looking up into your eyes.
“Noonim. Please let me break up with you, here.”
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Blueberries and Cowboys: Chapter 2
A choose-your-own-adventure style fic. First, 2 platonic chapters for set-up/build-up. And then, the story will split into 2 paths depending on your romantic pairing preference: You and Thrawn, or You and Eli.
Chapter Masterlist
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Chapter 2: The Plan
Pairing: None...yet...
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of bullying
Length: 2k
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
The rest of the week saw the three of you using every bit of free time outside your classes and studies to gather information for Thrawn to build a solid plan.
Eli tailed his pesky classmate Arden everywhere, even skipping a class one day to break into his dorm, trying to learn anything about the guy that could be useful to get him involved in the plot. Thrawn analyzed the simulation software and protocols that would be used to administer the tests, mapping out every possible way Commander Burdick could hijack it. And you were the one spying on the Burdick himself. Since the commander didn't seem too interested in your grades, you were able to shadow him without suspicion, and had been able to slip a bug into his offices to eavesdrop on any potential conversations about his plans for sabotage.
Your classmates and the staff were none the wiser. That was the advantage of being social outcasts. Half of them avoided you all like the plague, and the other half already thought you were weird people doing weird things. So it wasn't long before you'd all gotten enough intel to work with.
It was late in the evening at the end of the week. You found yourself in Thrawn and Eli's shared dorm, which looked identical to your own in the opposite wing, because the Empire couldn't bother with things like individuality or comfort. Eli sat on the edge of his top bunk, his legs swinging casually, and his coat unbuttoned to reveal a wrinkled undershirt you knew he hadn't bothered to wash all week. Thrawn paced about in the middle of the room, his long strides only allowing him about four good steps before he had to turn around. He still had his uniform on, boots and badges and all.
You leaned against the railing of the bed, watching Thrawn as he went back and forth. Sometimes he sat still when he was scheming, with his fingers steepled and his gaze seemingly reaching into some unknown dimension beyond your comprehension. That usually happened when he was running through variables that didn't concern you, at least from his perspective. You and Eli had accepted long ago there would always be parts of his plans he would never share with you. He was kind of a control freak like that.
But tonight, he seemed to be more welcoming of collaboration, hence his steady rhythm of pacing in front of you.
"Only one variable remains, as I see it," he was saying. "We understand how the commander will manipulate the system to cause a redundancy in the simulation, thus rendering the test impossible to finish successfully."
You and Eli shared a glance; the only person who truly understood how that was going to happen was Thrawn. He'd tried explaining numerous times but when it came to codes and tech, the two of you weren't able to fully keep up.
"We also know through your investigating," Thrawn motioned to you with what you thought was an impressed look, causing you to feel a little pride, "that the commander plans to only sabotage my test, believing it will be too suspicious if Eli also fails. He will also manipulate his false code to originate from the computer of his former lover Eva Carroway, who currently works in HR. So if an investigation does ensue, it will be traced to her and not him."
You and Eli chuckled under your breaths. It had been a little amusing when you'd discovered Commander Burdick was using this plan to not only undermine Thrawn, but also get revenge on his ex-girlfriend. But even more hilarious was how awkward Thrawn treated the subject. He had been quite perplexed to learn people could be so vindictive after a break-up. And any time he explained that detail of the plan, like he was doing now, he hesitated over his word choice. You couldn't tell if he only pretended to be confused about romantic relations, or if that was truly an area he found himself lost in.
If Thrawn noticed your snickering, he didn't respond to it, only continued to recap the plan. "We have also determined how we will expose the altered code naturally, so it does not cast suspicion on us... What was the word you used?"
"Backfire," said Eli.
"Yes. It would not due to have anyone suspect that we altered the test ourselves, or to have our concerns disregarded altogether. Thus, arranging for the maintenance crew to get a mild case of food poisoning so their performance checks are postponed to occur right before the tests will take care of that variable. At the least, they will fix the altered code and I will take the test as normal. At the most, they will report it and the commander faces expulsion."
"So..." said Eli through a yawn as he stretched. "What's left to work out, then?"
Now it was time for you and Thrawn to share a look.
"Were you not interested in involving your classmate, Arden Fey?" asked Thrawn in his soft, contemplative voice.
Eli shrugged. "Yeah. But Burdick's already got his scapegoat, his ex. So it'll be easier to keep him out of it. Whatever."
You could tell he was trying to be nonchalant. But just this morning, he had spent the entire walk between classes ranting about some new insults Arden had come up with, and how badly he wanted to show the guy up once and for all. You knew your friend wasn't feeling "whatever" about it.
"It's not a matter of ease or difficulty," Thrawn stated plainly. He had stopped pacing and was standing with hands behind his back, highlighting the broadness of his shoulders and the height of his stance. His presence seemed to fill up the whole room, and not for the first time, you were glad to be his friend and not his enemy.
"Yeah," you added in encouragement. "We just have to get creative. Find a way to make Arden a more appealing scapegoat than Burdick's ex. In fact...."
You trailed off as an idea occurred to you. You darted out of the room, surely leaving your two friends perplexed, but you would only be a second. You sprinted down the corridor toward the lifts, where a bulletin hung against the wall with fliers and pamphlets. One notice was a bit larger than the others, a promotion of an upcoming gala event to celebrate the Academy's anniversary. You ripped it off and went racing back to the boys' dorm room.
Eli had come down from the bunk and held a concerned look, probably prepared to follow you if you hadn't returned so quickly. Thrawn was still standing composed, but there was a curiosity in his eyes that made you smile.
You held up the poster in front of your chest. "What do you think the likelihood is of us playing successful matchmakers this week?"
Thrawn understood your idea almost immediately, looking down on you with a pleased smirk. It made you flush a little, to know the Chiss was impressed. You rarely had a chance to contribute good ideas when his mind worked so much faster than yours.
Eli caught on next, and he started to grin, the happiest you'd seen him in a while. His smile was infectious and you grinned back. Happy looked good on him.
"We know Eva's not shy with younger guys," you explained. "Before Burdick, she was fooling around with some intern in the med bay."
"And Arden's vain enough," added Eli. "If he thinks anyone's interested, he'll go for 'em."
"So we get him to ask her to the gala as his date...." you said.
"Burdick sees the two of them together...." said Eli.
"And realizes he can get back at his lover in another way, by pinning the sabotage on another student...." joined Thrawn.
The three of you stood together, proud and satisfied that yet another plan had finally worked out. It was almost worth the stressful studying and petty bullying and all the other unpleasant things you had to endure at this god-forsaken school, just to have fun moments like this with trusted friends.
"We should attend this gala as well," Thrawn said eventually, holding out a hand for the poster. He inspected it thoughtfully. "It is only a few days before the tests, so I hadn't planned to pay it any mind. But now...."
"Yeah, we should make sure Burdick's as jealous as we want 'im," nodded Eli.
You were secretly pleased. The plan was already a win-win, but now you would be able to go to the event yourself, too. You hadn't mentioned your desire to go to either of them before, figuring they weren't interested and not wanting to sound silly if you suggested it. But you did love dancing, and it was so very rare you got a chance to wear something other than your Imperial uniform.
"It's a dance," you noted, in case they couldn't tell by the details on the poster. "We'll need to go in pairs."
"I suppose it would make the most sense for you and Eli to go together," said Thrawn quietly.
You looked between the two, realizing both of them were flushed slightly. Eli's cheeks were dotted with pink, standing out amongst his dark brown features, while Thrawn had more of a purple tint to his face now, a color you'd never seen there before. You could feel yourself growing warm and uncomfortable as well. It was only a dance... only a way for you to enact a much more important plan... but it was the first time your trio had had to engage in anything other than platonic friendship. The balance of your group seemed to be shifting ever so slightly in this moment, and you had no way of knowing if it was for good or ill.
You cleared your throat, pushing away any feelings that might have been brewing in your chest, and instead calling focus back to the mission at hand.
"Actually, I think I'd better go with Thrawn. Whoever doesn't go with me would have to find their own date, and no offense Thrawn, but I think Eli has the better chance of asking someone else."
You hoped they hadn't noticed how hollow your voice sounded, how hard you were trying to keep yourself emotionless.
Eli was pinker than ever. "Uh, I highly doubt that..."
"You're not completely hated around here, you know," you said quickly. "Definitely not with the girls. You're not bad looking, you can be charming if you try, and you're... you know, human." You glanced at Thrawn and added again quietly, "No offense."
Thrawn shook his head. His color and demeanor had already slipped back into his usual neutral self. "No, I agree. Those are the dynamics of our peers and we must work with it. I will take you to the gala, Eli will find his own date, and all three of us will push Arden and Eva together as well. It's a good plan."
You all nodded in agreement. But there was a knot in your stomach, a nervousness you didn't quite understand. You cared very much for both Thrawn and Eli. They were your best friends, your only friends. As a group, you were bonded by your ostracism, protecting and supporting each other on your journey out of this hell-hole.
And separately, you had something special with each, too. You and Eli came from similar backgrounds, and had the same need to disconnect from your surroundings and just have a bit of fun every once in a while. The two of you had spent many late nights together, either hopping between bars, exploring the city, making each other laugh uncontrollably, or quietly sharing the honest thoughts you both buried far too deeply inside. Some nights you'd done all of the above, and returned to your dorm feeling both exhausted and renewed.
But Eli didn't always appreciate the finer things in life, and that's where you connected with Thrawn. He wasn't necessarily an optimist, but he had this way of noticing the beauty that existed everywhere around you, even in the most simple or mundane of moments. Everything had the potential to be interesting. His calm but strong presence had kept you grounded and sane throughout your studies here so far. Sometimes you would talk, other times you would simply be in the same space. And either way, you felt better about life.
You didn't exactly want your relationship with them to change. But you couldn't help but feel this gala would do just that....
Next Chapter: The Preparation >
Blueberry Path | Thrawn x reader
Cowboy Path | Eli x reader
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buoyantsaturn · 3 years
you don’t want this (trust me on this one) (1/1)
warnings: angst. its very sad folks. 
summary: Nico visits an old friend
word count: 1,513
read on ao3
Nico winced as his voice reverberated against the stone walls. He hadn’t even spoken loudly, but the echo seemed to amplify his voice. He was glad there wasn’t anyone else around to overhear what he was about to say. 
“I have some stuff I need to say, and I need to just get them out, so… Just bear with me, okay?” Nico took a deep breath, stuffed his hands in his pockets to hide their shaking, and dropped his gaze to his shoes. “I miss you.”
His voice stopped. He had so much more to say, and he’d thought that if he started talking, then he wouldn’t be able to stop. But now he had everything building up inside of him and threatening to push out, and he couldn’t manage to get his vocal cords vibrating again. 
Nico cleared his throat, and tried again. “I… I didn’t, like, script this out, but I know what I need to say to you, so hopefully I don’t skip over something important. I mean, the missing you part is probably the most important thing.” He reached up and pinched his nose as he huffed in frustration, and then ran his hand through his hair, tugging on the ends as if that would help him find the words. 
“It’s just that, if I’d known that the last time I saw you was going to be the last time, I would’ve, like, made it count, or something! I don’t even remember the actual last time I saw you, because the last time I remember seeing you definitely wasn’t actually the last time.” He huffed again. “Did that even make sense? Whatever. I just know that the last memory I have with you involved me snapping at you because I was tired and pissed off, and-- And I hate that that’s the last thing I remember. Because I know you wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye, but I don’t remember saying goodbye!” 
Nico took another breath, and slowly lowered himself to the ground until he was sitting. “I don’t...blame you. You had a lot going on, and I was probably more of an annoyance to you than a friend most of the time, but… I love you, and I miss you.”
His hands fidgeted in his lap before one finally reached out, tracing the J that had been freshly carved into the stone wall as part of a name. “I think… I think that’s most of it,” Nico whispered. “I know I probably should have summoned you, because I don’t know for sure that you can actually hear me, but… But there’s one more thing. And I needed to make sure you weren’t going to interrupt this next part, or try to talk me out of anything.” 
Nico drew his hand back, dropping his gaze to his lap again. He couldn’t even stand to look at his friend’s name as he said the words. “It’s, um. It’s two things, actually. Two very stupid things - or, maybe one thing that’s a little more stupid than the other - and if you were here, you would definitely try to talk me out of...well, one of them, for sure.” He took another pause, another breath, and started to smile. “The first one is… I’m gonna tell Will I love him, because… Well, first, because it’s true, and second--” His soft smile instantly flipped into a frown, and he had to force himself to swallow down the emotion he could feel building up again. “I don’t know that I’ll have another chance to tell him. Because the second thing is that I’m going back to Tartarus. We both are. I mean, I’m going back, but Will is coming with me. And… And if something happens to one of us… I don’t want to go without telling him.”
He forced himself to glance away, tilting his head up and blinking his eyes furiously as tears finally started to form. He wiped at his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket quickly, as if trying not to make it noticeable. “The Tartarus thing is the stupid part. Did I make that clear enough? I don’t want you to think that I think that telling Will how I feel is stupid. I mean, as stupid. Because he should already know how I feel without me having to say it. Like, I’m pretty sure I’ve made it clear by now, but… I guess it’s always a nice thing to hear confirmed.” 
Nico sniffed, pausing for a few moments as if waiting for a soul to manifest in front of him whether he asked it to or not, but nothing changed.
“So, um. I don’t really know how much you know,” Nico said softly, “so I guess I’ll catch you up to speed as best I can. Hazel’s a praetor now, so her and Frank are kind of like the ultimate power couple around here. Apparently Reyna stepped down sometime after you--” He swallowed down the word. “I haven’t seen her in a while, so I don’t actually know what she’s up to. Nobody will actually tell me anything, so when I leave here, I’m gonna go see what I can dig up.” He shrugged. “Or, I dunno. Maybe I don’t want to know. Nobody actually knows that I’m here anyway. Will and I are leaving in a week, and I wanted to make sure I had time to rest up after making this jump, so I didn’t actually tell anyone I was coming. And if they see that I’m here, then they might figure out that something’s up, and--” 
He tipped his head back, but it didn’t stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks this time. “I get it, you know? Why you didn’t make that goodbye memorable. I don’t want to… I’m scared to say goodbye. Because I almost didn’t make it out last time, so what if this time, I can’t? Like, maybe I should just let my last goodbye to Hazel be from the last time I visited - a happy goodbye, instead of one that’s going to leave her worrying about me for the rest of my life.” 
Nico drew his knees up to his chest and hugged them. “Except, I know, I know, that’s a bad idea. Because then I’ll have her showing up at my empty gravesite, yelling at me just like I’m doing to you right now.” 
He scrubbed his hands over his face. “Okay, sorry. Where was I? Um. So, Percy and Annabeth are here now, too, with Grover-- Did you ever meet Grover? He’s their best friend. I was on a quest with him once. He’s cool. I think you’d like him, but you Romans always had a weird relationship with fauns, so I dunno how you’d feel about a satyr. Um, and Leo’s doing good, last I heard. Staying out of trouble. I think he’s teaching shop classes to homeless kids in Indiana, or something. And Calypso’s going to high school. I heard you tried that, for some gods forsaken reason. Why would you voluntarily put yourself through that? Will just told me that when we get back, he’s going to start studying for AP tests, whatever those are. He says they’ll help him get into college, I guess.” 
He paused, as if realizing what he’d said a second too late. “He’s...so certain that we’re both coming back, but… You know what happened when Percy and Annabeth were there. Somebody has to stay behind, and… If it comes to it, I’m going to do whatever it takes to get him out. He’s got so much potential to do anything he could ever dream of, and I… I’m just an old man who missed my shot at a life the first time around.” 
Nico groaned, hiding his face in his hands again. “Gods, I can practically hear you lecturing me. Okay, I’m moving on. Who did I miss… Oh. Piper. She’s...good, I think, if what Apollo said can be trusted - and isn’t that weird? I’m actually listening to what a god has to say. And on top of that, a god is talking to us. Apollo visits, like, once a week. I think he’s going to try taking over when Mr. D’s sentence is up at camp. Sorry, anyway. Piper, she has a… A girlfriend, I think, but people usually say partner when talking about Shel, and I don’t really know what the difference is. I’m trying to learn, still, but there’s just...so much.”
He stopped to think. “I’m...pretty sure that’s everyone. Everyone that I’ve heard something about, anyway. So, um, I should probably get going if I want to see everyone before Will realizes I’m not at dinner. If all goes well… If I’m still alive after all of this, I’ll summon you, and we can catch up for real.” 
Nico got to his feet. “And, um. If not…” He chuckled sadly to himself. “If not, then I guess I’ll see you in hell, Jason.” 
He turned and left the tomb.
thanks for reading!!
buy me a coffee
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apageinthecastle · 3 years
A Quarantined Reunion - Chapter One: An Apple Pie Kind of Day
Karen Page and Frank Castle haven't seen each other since their exchange at the hospital. Now, in the middle of a pandemic, the two have been brought together again and have no choice but to quarantine together. What will come of the reunion?
Karen slipped her heels on, reaching for the hook where she always kept her keys and, thanks to this pandemic, her mask. Grabbing her purse off of the table by the door, she started out, careful to lock up behind her. She looped her mask over her ears, adjusting it as she left the building.
It had been months since this pandemic had started, with no end in sight. All of New York City was on lockdown except for essential errands only. It was the empty refrigerator that had Karen currently outside of the walls she’d been confined to for the last few weeks. Even her job with the Bulletin had gone completely remote.
She hurried quickly down the street to the grocery store just a fifteen minute walk from her apartment. Hell’s Kitchen was too quiet for the former Vermont woman. It had taken her months to get used to the noise of the bustling city and now that it was gone, she desperately wanted it back. New York, and it’s loudness, had become a warm familiarity that was now missing from her nights.
Frank adjusted the mask on his face for what must have been the tenth time in the short distance between his apartment door and the street below. When the lockdown was first initiated, the pandemic had only been expected to last a few weeks – Hell’s Kitchen residents were hopeful that life as they knew it would return to something next to normal by the end of Spring Break. After a short reprieve from full lockdown, December saw the restrictions return full-force. Easy enough to lay low when everyone else is doing the same, Frank thought to himself. Still, a creature of habit, he was annoyed with the constant change in pandemic rules and regulations.
In the midst of the neverending flux around him, however, at least one thing had remained the same: the weekly walk to 5 Napkin for a Double 5 Cheeseburger Smash and Bourbon spiked S’mores shake. If he was in a particularly annoyed mood, he might even add a slice of apple pie. Yeah, he decided as he shoved his hands in his pockets against the mid-December cold, it is definitely an apple pie kinda day.
Karen breathed into her hands as she walked, pulling her scarf a little tighter around her neck. Yes, she’d grown up even further North than her current residence, but eventually cold was just cold. Today was one of those days and she’d forgone the gloves, per usual. In the event she did need to use the firearm she concealed in her purse, it was much easier to do without fabric to get in the way.
For all the attention the woman usually paid, the empty streets had lowered her guard. She allowed herself to become absorbed in her thoughts as she walked, musing over her newest assignment from Ellison. Consumed in her own head, the hand that grabbed her by the arm and yanked her into a small space between buildings caught her completely by surprise.
It took a moment to register what was happening - the police officer shoving her against the bricks behind her, pinning her with his body. She didn’t have an opportunity to reach for her gun before the moment was gone and it was too late. A scream erupted from her throat, only to be cut off by the hand that clamped down over her mouth.
Tossing his regretfully empty milkshake cup into the trash as he continued along 9th, Frank haphazardly shoved the apple pie container and compulsory five napkins into the pocket of his coat; he was too hungry to wait to eat anything that required a fork. Tugging his mask down and unwrapping the foil around his burger had become one swift, instinctive motion over the months, not unlike the simultaneous action of dropping one magazine and replacing it with another in the heat of a firefight.
The burger was almost in his mouth when he heard it.at The sound, abrupt but unmistakably a scream, cutting through the eerie pandemic quiet and reverberating off of the buildings nearby. God damnit, he thought, can’t a man eat a burger in peace?
Any potential for cheeseburger peace now ruined, Frank frowned to himself and re-wrapped it, dropping it into the other pocket of his coat. Screams like that - the kind that made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end - didn’t happen without good reason. Having spent the last year keeping a low profile (and the one before, working with Madani and the CIA in that god forsaken desert to earn what little amnesty he had), the Marine was conflicted. If the year laying low had taught him anything, it was how to effectively contain the restlessness that had a way of seeping through his better judgement. Hell’s Kitchen has survived this long without the Punisher bullshit, it sure as hell doesn’t need another pile of bodies, he thought. God knows they’re running out of toe tags.
The thought was wiped clean and his blood turned cold as a familiar voice filled his ears. Her voice.
His feet, which had been tracking the source of the sound of their own accord, fell silent against the pavement as he closed the half-block distance and saw Karen Page in the meat hook hands of the NYPD. So much for laying low.
Everything was happening too fast for the blonde to register as she tried to fight against her assailant. She was barely keeping him at bay, let alone making any headway in getting him away from her, and she felt her heartbeat drumming in her ears. Her vision was a flurry of limbs as she continued to struggle, crying out as her wrist was turned to an unnatural angle at a violent speed.
A moment later, she felt space around her as the man was shoved away. Her eyes went wide as she looked, trying to take in the scene playing out in front of her. Her breath caught in her chest. No. She thought, blinking back the pain filled tears that threatened to spill over her onto her cheek. It can’t be. It had been two years since she’d seen him and she’d convinced herself she never would again. Not after that conversation in the hospital when he’d told her he didn’t want to choose to love someone over another goddamn war.
Swallowing as she sank down the brick wall, Karen couldn’t deny the sight anymore. Seeing the meticulous nature of the attack of what had moments ago been her attacker, there was no room for doubt. It was him.
Frank Castle.
He let the incoming right hook catch his cheekbone, and used the cop’s sluggish moment of recoil to throw his weight into the man’s middle, tackling him hip-first against the pavement. Driving his knee into the base of the officer’s spine as he pinned him to the ground, Frank snatched the government-issued firearm from its holster and readied it, knocking his opponent’s hat off with the barrel.
Armed, ready, and itching to pull the trigger, Frank knew that this split-second decision would make or break any opportunity he would ever have to speak with Karen again. He took a deep breath to counter the adrenaline, flicking his eyes over to her just long enough to try for her attention.
“Karen, get out of here.”
No response.
She couldn’t see this. After everything they had been through, everything they had fought over, everything that had fallen apart between them that day in the hospital, the slightest chance of a clean slate would be blown away the instant he-- he grabbed the cop by the hair and slammed his head into the pavement in frustration.
“Karen. Now.”
She was frozen in place, eyes locked on the two men. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe. Whether it was from the shock of the attack or the shock of seeing the Punisher in front of her again, she couldn’t tell. All she knew is the only thing holding her upright was the wall behind her. She didn’t have the strength or coherent thought to get her limbs to respond to Frank’s command.
His mind swirled with a multitude of thoughts in a single second, trying to decide the best course of action. This asshole had gone after Karen. He wouldn’t let him get away with that. Not a goddamn chance in hell would anyone get away with putting their hands on the last remaining family he had if he had any say in it. At the same time, could he really jeopardize whatever miniscule chance he might have with making things right with her if he pulled this trigger right in front of her? As the seconds continued to tick by - one, two, three - and she continued not to move, the choice was made for him.
He squeezed.
Clicking the safety on the firearm into place, he jumped up, shoving it into his waistband and abandoning the body to take the three strides it took him to get to her. He knelt down without hesitation, putting himself solely in her line of sight so that she had no choice but to meet his eyes.
“Hey, sh, sh, sh, you’re okay. Can you stand up?” Once again, his words were met with silence and a distinct lack of movement from the woman. Her eyes were searching his, but distantly. She was looking at him, but she wasn’t seeing him at all. He held his hand up to her before slowly resting it on the back of her neck to keep her steady, doing a quick once-over for any signs of obvious injury. She was leaning to one side but didn’t dare to brace herself against her wrist - a sprain, maybe? Frank didn’t see any blood pooling. She looked terrified, more than anything. Definitely in shock, he thought as she shook. Satisfied with not having to call an ambulance, he looped her uninjured arm around his neck and helped her to her feet.
“Come on, Karen, let’s get you home.”
She leaned against him, unable to take her eyes off of him even as they started to walk. He kept glancing over as they made their way out of the alley, brows furrowing. He couldn’t read her face, couldn’t tell what she was thinking, and it made the man more anxious than he cared to admit. He’d learned a long time ago not to care what people thought of him. Karen Page was a rare exception to that.
When they’d gone two blocks toward her apartment and she still had neither said a word nor taken her eyes off of him, Frank knew he couldn’t leave her alone. She was in absolutely no condition to take care of herself right now, of that much he was sure. Clearing his throat and stopping, he looked over at her.
“I’m going to take you to my place, okay?”
Whether he was met with the faintest of nods or a particularly violent shake, he couldn’t tell. He didn’t think it would be fair for him to be in her apartment when she couldn’t tell him to fuck off if she wanted to, anyway. It was his place or they parted ways here, and that wasn’t an option.
A quick survey of the area told him she was probably on her way to get groceries. He made a mental note to pick some up when she came to. Should he text Red to drop some off? Were they still seeing each other? Would he lose his ever loving shit if he knew what had happened? Frank shook his head and gently urged Karen to start walking alongside him again. His top priority was getting her to safety, the other details could be ironed out after.
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xmalereader · 4 years
Thomas Shelby X Sam Winchester X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Requested: Okay so maybe tommy Shelby x sam winchester x Male reader...okay so Male reader will fill graces shoes and basically kill inspector Campbell, after that mr sam winchester comes along as the new inspector and maybe, readers caught feelings for sam (didn’t kiss tommy or have sex with him) and maybe sam seduces Male reader to go on his side?? 💓 I just thought it was a cool idea
Warnings: language, blood, violence, slight smut, Sam being attractive as hell!! Thomas acts like a big brother, slight homophobia.
Tags: @softboi-vibes
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Working for Mr. Campbell was one of the worst things that y/n had to go through, he had to handle being around that god forsaken man who was desperate to destroy the Shelby family who Y/n had become very close friends with. He was suppose to lure Thomas into a trap so that Campbell could catch him in the act but Y/n coulnd’t allow that, so he made his own plan and reversed it. Tricking Campbell into meeting him privately, telling him that he had some valuable information about the Shelby’s.
Of course he takes the bait.
He meets up with Campbell by the train station and doesn’t heasitate to pull out his gun and shoot him right on the head. He doesn’t really remember clearly on what happened but he does remember pulling the trigger and seeing Campbell’s limp body lying on the floor with blood spilled everywhere.
He waited a few days before meeting up with the Shelby’s, only to come clean and confess about using them but to also killing Campbell. He expected the Shelby’s to kill him right there on the spot but instead Thomas decided to remain trusting him and to welcome him into the family with open arms, which y/n found very odd for the very dangerous family. He waits all day, thinking that they would quickly kill him when he is distract but that shot never came.
Its been 14 months since the confession and things were slowly getting back to normal.
“Get out of my kitchen.”
“Your kitchen?”
“Yes, now out.”
Y/n was standing in Thomas’ kitchen, cooking them some dinner since he’s been bored being locked indoors. Thomas has been dealing with some very bad people and has forced y/n to stay indoors until it was safe for them, so being locked inside wasn’t a very fun thing since he had nothing to keep hismelf distracted. He’s polished the guns, cleared around the house, even though they had maids.
He was also an artist and had painted out some of the horses that were out in the fields but that didn’t entertain him enough. So, lately he’s been cooking. He knows that a women is suppose to do that but he had nothing else to do, so with all the free time in his hands he’s learned how to bake and cook some very amazing dishes that he’s been claiming the kitchen as his now. Now, only allowing the maids and hismelf to step in but Thomas wasn’t allowed in.
“I just need some whiskey.” Said Thomas as he gives him a look at y/n recorganized too much. With a sigh of defeat he steps to the side to allow him in. “Don’t cause a mess or I will stab you.” He warns him which only caused Thomas to chuckle at him before grabbing a bottle of whiskey and a glass.
“Is it safe to go out now?” He decides to ask as he walks over to tommy, leaning on the counter as he sighs. “Not very sure anymore.” He responds back. “Just found out today that their is a new inspector.” He pours himself some whiskey and shakes his head. “this fucker is smarter than the last one.” He mumbled out through gritted teeth, obviously showing his anger.
“How good?”
“Good enough to know everything about us, including the maids and butlers.” Said tommy as he chugs down his drink. Y/n frowns and crosses his arms over his chest, “So, you’re saying that it isn’t even safe inside anymore?”
“Nowhere is safe.” Tommy sets his glass cup down before rubbing his eyes and shaking his head. “You can leave the house now but I can’t promise you that you won’t be watched. Coppers are lurking everywhere, be careful.”
Y/n rolls his eyes. “You make it sound like I can’t take care of myself even though I’ve been doing it for years.” He sighs softly before rubbing his neck, “Do you know their name?” He asks, wanting to know a bit more so that he can be prepared.
Tommy glanced at him. “He goes by Mr. Winchester.” He clears his throat and takes out another cigerette from his coat. “I’ve seen him around Birmingham.” He places the cigar between his lips as y/n eyes him. “He’s easy to spot since he’s tall but he’s dangerous, actually caught some of my men doing private bettings. He nearly killed them.” He explains.
Y/n has dealt with Campbell and his own damn coopers, he’s seen the way that things work on their side of the law and he wasn’t afraid of this new man in charge. If he could handle Campbell then he could handle Winchester.
Back in Birmingham; Thomas and his family were having a family meeting while y/n leaned against a wall, listening to tommy speak with a frown on his face.
“Tommy, what are we going to do about this Winchester?” Asked John. “He’s got fucking coopers everywhere!”
“That fucking bastard cornered me on the way home, asking me questions about you lot.” Ada butts in with a glare on her face. She was not happy about this and hated being Involved, she moved to London for a reason. So that she can stay out of her own brothers troubles without having to put her own son in danger.
Tommy blows out some smoke before licking his lips. “I know Ada, this bastard is smarter than the last one and we need to play his game carefully.”
“Game?! Thomas—!”
“Ada!” Thomas shouts, causing her to shut up.
The room goes silent.
Y/n bites his lip and pushes himself off the walls. “Let me talk to him.” He says, getting everyone’s attention. “I know how these people work, I used to be one of them.” He begins to explain. “If I can get close to him and gain his trust, I can learn everything about him. His weaknesses and use them against him before he decides to either kill us all or to throw you lot into jail.”
“How do we know you won’t use us again?” Said Arthur this time as he stands and walks over to y/n, his hands balled up into fists as the other takes a step back. “I won’t.” He tells him with a stern voice.
“Arthur, y/n has helped us before. We can trust him.” Said Thomas as he steps between the two, trying to calm his older brother down.
Both y/n and Arthur had never connected well. One had some serious anger issues while the other could be a lying cheat and just trying to find a way to survive this cruel world. “Yes arthur, listen to your brother and sit down like a good boy.” He grins evilly at him.
Arthur growls and jerks forward, grabbing y/n by the collar and pulling him forward, getting ready to punch him. Y/n didn’t flinch at all as he chuckles at the older man, watching the others try to pry him off as Thomas and John shove arthur back.
“That’s enough!” Thomas shouts and turns to y/n, pointing a finger at him as he pants. “Go and do what you can, find some information and report back.” He orders only to earn a scoff from y/n as he leaves the small apartment.
How the hell was he suppose to find Winchester?! He didn’t know how he looked like or how he acted so how was he suppose to know who he is looking for? This is a small town this man could be anywhere.
Y/n rubs his temples and tries to think. “Fuck this I’m going to get myself a drink.” He mutters out as he walks down the rocky road and towards the nearest bar. He would head to the Garrison but he knew that the brothers would be there soon and he didn’t want to deal with them right now. Thomas is probably upset about him trying to start another fight with his brother since the last one was a pretty brutal fight.
The two were all covered in blood and bruises, the first to break up the fight was y/n since he had a pocket knife in his hand and was holding it up against Arthur’s throat only to be stopped by Thomas who had rushed inside the apartment building to pull y/n off Arthur. The two of them were always causing a fight somewhere and Thomas always knew.
Finding a pub located farther away from town he enters the place only to find it half full. Some of the men were drinking at the bar table while others laughed and talked. Lucky for him he was able to find an empty booth that was located far in the back corner, he orders his drink first before sitting down. He sighs and leans his head back as he tries to think of places of where this ‘Winchester’ could be.
Without noticing, a tall man approached his booth causing him to tilt his head to the side and raise a brow.
“Mind if I join you?”
Y/n rasies both brows by the sudden American voice. He sits up straight and clears his throat, waving his hand towards the empty spot in front of him. He watches the man carefully as he gives him a nod and sits across from him with his own drink in hand.
He can’t help but feel a little suspicious about the American. Not many Americans visit England since it is know for its gangs and rivalry with some other countries, during this time of year things haven’t been going to well with politics and elections.
One of the barmaids approaches y/n and sets his drink down in front of him. He silently thanks her and takes his drink in hand.
“Scotch? You look like someone who drinks whiskey.”
He looks up to face the man sitting across from him, giving him a chuckle. “Scotch isn’t as strong as whiskey and I prefer to drink this for tonight.” He says back, taking a sip from his drink as the other laughs. “Planning on getting yourself a whore tonight?”
Y/n frowns. “I don’t do whores, I’m not like Everyman In this town who only think with their cocks.” He spits out rudely, not really caring if the other man thought of him as rude.
The man holds up a hand in apology. “My apologies, Most men around here only come to bars to look for a whore but I’m guessing that some are quiet different.”
Y/n sets his drink down, leaning forward he crosses his arms ontop of the table. “Tell me, what’s an American like you doing in a small town like this? Why not the big city where you can really enjoy the view.”
“I’m not a big fan of cities, prefer the country side really.” He tips his drink downwards as he stares at the remaining liquid inside. “I’m just here to explore.” He finally adds.
Y/n didn’t really believe him. No human being would dare come to birmingham only to explore. It was one of the most dangerous places to be since it was run by the Shelby family, a gang that liked using this town as a game. The people being their pawns and the town being the board, waiting for someone to make a move so that the Shelby’s can take the win.
“Exploring, huh? Not many people come to explore.” Y/n downs the rest of his drink before standing, giving the man a smirk. “People in Birmingham only come here to find a good time.” He says. “And to find something or someone to fuck.”
The other rasies a brow. “What about you? What are you here for?”
Y/n stays frozen in spot, no one has really asked him something like that before. He’s here because he was suppose to get rid of the Shelby’s but inside he became a part of them and worked for them. He’s the one who handles the dirty work but since Thomas has been keeping him locked away he feels like he should use his own skills for something else, right?
“Nothing.” Is all y/n says. He really doesn’t know why he’s still here.
He watches as the other finishes his drink and sets his cup down on the table. “Guess we both have nothing to do then.” Y/n huffs out a laugh and shakes his head. “You wanted to ‘explore’ what happened to that?”
“There’s nothing to explore here,” he stands from the booth and is suddenly in front of y/n. “Unless you have something that we can do together, maybe something fun?” He grins.
“Hm, tempting but no.” Y/n sends him a fake smile before turning around and heading out the doors. He leaves the pub and heads down the empty streets, it was growing dark and he was wasting daylight, maybe having a drink wasn’t such a good idea. He shakes his head and continues his way down the road only to be stopped by some drunkard.
“We’re too pretty boy?” The drunk slurs out as y/n groans and rolls his eyes. “I can’t have one peaceful night can I?” He mutters out angrily as the drunk reaches out to grip his arm. Y/n tries to pull away but the other had a strong grip. “The hell—?” He groans as he tugs harder. “Now, now, pretty. Wouldn’t want to cause any attention?” The drunk chuckles as he pulls him close, causing y/n to gag from the horrible smell of booze and cigars.
“Let go of me you filthy swine!!” He shouts this time and knees him in the gut, feeling the grip loosen as he takes his chance to pull away quick and to glare at the drunk. “You bastard!” The other groans out as he pulls out his pistol, y/n’s eyes widen as he reaches under his coat to take out his own gun.
He hears the sound of a gun go off, causing him to gasp in fright as he looks up the see the drunk man with a bullet in the chest, slowly falling to his knees before falling face first to the dirt ground.
“That wasn’t very nice, now was it?”
He looks over his shoulder to see the same man that sat across from him at the pub, holding his own gun in hand. He gives y/n a look before putting his gun away and leaning down to help him up. “You alright?”
Y/n gawks at him. “Yes, yeah, thank you.” He breaths out in shock.
“Good, for a second there I thought I woukd have to step in until you quickly defended yourself.”
“Not my first time dealing with men like him.” Y/n chuckles out nervously.
“Really? How did that end up.” He asks in curiosity. “Let’s just say that some of them are missing a few friends of their own, if you know what I mean?”
The man cringes before laughing. “Your a tough one, I like that.”
Y/n grins. “Thanks.”
The two are silent for awhile until the other is the first to speak. “I’m Sam.” He extends his hand out. “Y/n.” He shakes sams hand with a small smile on his face.
The two began to meet up at the same bar that they first spoke to each other. It was strange at first for y/n to suddenly open up to a stranger but somehow it felt right talking to Sam. The last guy he became close with was scared off by Tommy who had intarigated him all day until he was scared off, y/n was pissed at Thomas for doing that and didn’t speak to him for a week. To angry to say anything.
But lucky for him, the two of them would meet at the hidden pub that was located far from the garrison.
“You have any siblings?”
Y/n is pulled out of his thoughts by Sam. He looks up from his drink and clears his throat, shaking his head. “I’m an orphan, never knew my parents or If—I’ve ever had any.” He sighs out. He never spoke about his Past since it was too painful for him to deal with.
“What about you? Got any family.” Y/n asks the same question.
Sam hums. “An older brother named Dean and his Husband.”
Y/n chokes on his drink and coughs. “Your brother is married to a man?”
“Is that a problem?” Sam glares at him, growing protective of his own family.
“No, no, just surprised?” Y/n shrugs. “It’s just—marriage like that is illegal, unless it was done in secret then I understand. I’m not one to judge since I can relate to what they are going through.” He mumbles out the last part shyly, trying to distract himself by looking down at his drink.
Sam chuckles with a smile. “Your married?”
“But your into men?”
Y/n shyly nods. “No one else knows but you.”
Sam awes. “I’m your first?” He grins while y/n glares at him. “Tell anyone and I’ll cut your tongue.”
“I won’t be saying anything.”
The second time they meet again it’s at Thomas stables. Y/n was feeding and groaning the horses before they were set off to the big race. When he noticed Sam he was worried that Thomas would see him but Sam was a really sneaky guy and knew how to hide well, a little too well.
“You aren’t suppose to be here.” He blurts out as he pours some food into the horses large bowl, making sure that they have the right amount of food before serving them some water as well.
“I’m only here for a while, don’t worry I won’t be seen.” Sam approaches y/n, his hands in his pockets as he watched him groom the horses. “These yours?” He questions. “No, they belong to a friend of mine. I just take care of them whenever I want too.” He responds back.
Sam sits on a chair that was leaned up against a wall as y/n brushes out the horses. He sighs softly, glancing over his shoulder to eye Sam. “You know we’ve been meeting up a lot lately and I still don’t know your full name.”
“It isn’t important.”
“But it is to me.”
He sets the brush down and turns around to look at him properly. He had one leg over the other and his arms were crossed. “Do you really want to know?” He rasies a brow, suddenly shifting in his seat to stand.
Y/n narrows his eyes while Sam approaches him. He may be taller than y/n but that didn’t frighten him, he wasn’t afraid of a little height change, he knew how to take care of hismelf and size didn’t matter.
Sam has gotten close enough as he leans down to whisper to him. “I’m a Winchester.”
The third time they meet; they are at a museum in London. Y/n had told Thomas that he had gotten a lead on Winchester and was following him to London. Of course Thomas allowed him to go but as long as he does it safetly.
The information he received about Winchester was true since he himself told him that he was going to be in London. Instead of y/n killing him the day that he told him who he was, he instead decided to take his time and think of how he was going to deal with this when the man that he’s been meeting up had snatched his little heart.
“Beautiful isn’t it?”
He was standing in front of a painting as Sam stood next to him, examining the painting as well. The two are quiet until y/n sighs deeply, “what do you want with the Shelby’s?” He cuts to the chase wanting to know why Sam was after the Shelby’s.
Campbell was after them because he wanted to show his people that he can take control of a town with his own coopers and not have to do all the dirty work but yet somehow, find a way to break them. But of course he never succeeded and now he’s dead.
Sam licks his lips, staring at the painting. “The Shelby family has been causing a ruckus since Campbell’s death. Old man didn’t see your bullet coming, am I right?” Y/n eyes widen, his head snapping to see Sams face only to notice a small grin.
“How did you—“
“Know? Y/n you leave a really bloody mess, it was easy to read all the signs there. I also questioned myself as too why you would be alive still? The Shelby’s kill people who ruin their reputation but you—“ he steps closer, he extends his hand out and grips his chin. “They let you live.” He whispers out.
Y/ns heart was beating fast as he slaps his hand away and glared. “They helped me and I helped them.”
“So they are seen as aquentinces than family?”
Sam noticed y/n open his mouth and then close it. He got him, he’s finally got him.
“Tell me.” Sam takes hold of y/n’s hand and drags him to the other side of the museum where it was much quieter and lonely. “Do the Shelby really see you as a family or is it all fun and games between you and the brothers?”
“If you think I’m fucking them, then you are wrong!” He whispers out harshly at Sam who chuckles. “Thomas is like a brother to me.”
“But does he treat you the same?”
That catches him off guard as his anger suddenly falls from his face, suddenly going soft as he looks away and thinks about the time that Thomas had taken care of him. Yes, Thomas is protective and paranoid but he did care for y/n but there were times when he felt like he was treated different than the others.
He was always causing the fights and getting into trouble. Thomas is always there to stop it from happening but he usually shows signs of worry more towards his brothers than him. He wasn’t being selfish or anything, it just didn’t feel fair to him. He’s noticed him treat other members like family but not y/n. Was he still not worthy enough to gain his trust yet?
The fourth time they meet is at the Garrison. Lucky for them the Shelby’s weren’t around to know that Winchester was in their pub or else they would’ve shot him in the spot. But they weren’t idiots either, they had to be careful. One wrong move and they could all be dead.
“You can’t be here.” Y/n whispers to Sam who was sitting next to him at the bar. “If Thomas or any of the Shelby’s find you here they’ll kill you.”
“Then I’ll just send my men after them all and have them hung for their crimes.”
Y/n glares. “Then you’ll have to hang me too for liking Campbell.”
“I’m actually grateful that you killed that bastard or I wouldn’t have met you.” Y/n blushes a little at the comment, gripping the glass cup in his hand. “Your killing me, you know that right?”
“Physically or mentally?” Sam smirks at him, leaning his elbow against the counter and with his head in his hand. Giving him a lustful look. “Does it matter?” Y/n gives him a glance and pushes his cup away from him. He was not going home drunk tonight and probably not ever if Sam was going to be watching closely now that he knows that he’s working for the Shelby’s.
“Have you thought about my offer?”
Sam has offered y/n a job to come back and work for him under one condition. That he would be allowed to arrest the Shelby’s but y/n immedialty refused.
“My answer is still no.”
He gets up to leave and bids Sam a goodnight as he exits the Garrison.
Sam wasn’t too far away as he chases after him, grabbing him by the arm and pushing into an alley where he shoved him up against the wall. Y/n reacts quickly, pulling out his blade and placing the sharp tip against Sam’s neck.
“How many times do I have to tell you Sam, my answer is no and it’ll always be no.” He whispers to him but Sam refused to let him go still. “How about another offer.”
“No more offers!” The tip of the blade digs a little further into his skin, not puncturing it just yet. This time Sam releases him. “How about this, you work with me and you decide what to do with them.” Y/n frowns but stops to think over it. Lately the Shelby’s have been going through some tough times with the Russians and he knows that Thomas is planning something big.
“Let them corrupt each other.” He blurts out, lowering down the knife in his hand. “It’s not the first time they’ve all gone against each other, believe me it’ll happen again.”
Sam raises a brow at the sudden change. “And how exaclty will they go against each other?”
“They just will, you’ll see. Before you know it they’ll be at each other’s throats and once they are against each other then you can go after them.” He doesn’t believe the words coming out of his own mouth. Was he really ready to go against them? He wasn’t really doing anything wrong but he was telling Sam that he can go after them once this is all over.
“Just...keep Ada out of it. She’s a widow and trying hard to stay out his problems.” He looks into Sam’s eyes, wanting to make sure that he keeps his promise.
“Promise me that you’ll leave her out of it and that you’ll wait until the time is right for the Shelby’s.”
Sam uses two fingers to push the blade away from his sight. “It’s a promise.”
The fifth time they meet their in bed together, with Sam above him and fucking him. Y/n wasn’t the only one with these urges, he’s always wanted Sam this way but he’s never said a word about it until Sam made the first move.
Sam was an actual gentleman and not like the others that he’s known before. Sam had taken him out for dinner and the two chatted like normal, now that they were working together their was turning back. He’s made his choice and now he has to follow it.
The spent all day together and getting to know each other. No lies this time, just the truth. He’s learned a lot about Sams family and how he was the baby of the family, his brother always protective of him and still is till this day.
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh at the fact of Sam being the baby. Sam May be the baby but that didn’t stop him from doing what he wanted, being an inspector and having control of his own police. He was smart and good at his own job but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t slip up every once an awhile. Everyone makes their own mistakes.
The room they have rented out was small but enough for the two. The walls were thin but that didn’t stop y/n from screaming out in pleasure as Sam fucked into him. He was face down on the mattress, His hands gripping the sheets as he muffled his moans into the pillow.
Sam was above him, gripping his hips as he thrusts his hips forward. His hand crawling under y/n’s neck and wrapping his fingers around it. Pulling him back he chokes out a sob, the pleasure was too much for him but he just couldn’t get enough of it.
He could hear Sam grunt against his ear as he grinds his hips against him, causing y/n to muffle his moan as he covers his mouth with his hand. “Sam—!”
Sam has reached up to pull his hand away from his mouth, whispering in his ear. “Let me hear you, let others know how good I make you feel.”
Y/n whines as the two sit up. He shifts in his position and is sitting on his lap with his back against Sam’s chest. His legs spread open as Sam enters him again and thrusts harder and deeper into him. Y/n bites his lip, leaning his head back against sams shoulder.
“Fuck, Sam—!”
Sam captures his lips into a needy kiss.
Y/n moans into the kiss, his fingers running through Sam’s long hair as he gives it a few tugs. Without warning he feels Sam releasing his load deep inside him, pulling away from the kiss he throws his head back in pleasure.
“A little wanting would’ve been nice.”
He hears Sam chuckle against his neck. “We aren’t quiet done yet.” He wraps his hand around y/n and strokes the top of his head. Y/n let’s out a shuttering moan as Sam begins to move his hand, causing the other to shake in his arms as he waits for his own release. Once he reached his climax he releases into sams hand.
Sam trials kisses around his neck. “Next time I’ll take you properly in a much better bed.” Y/n chuckles dryly. “I guess being an inspector suddenly makes you luxurious?”
“I’m only luxurious with my lovers.” Sam kisses his jawline. “Oh, then I must be lucky.” He turns around in his lap and wraps his arms around his neck, pulling him into another deep kiss as the two fall back into bed.
This was probably one of the worst and best choices that he’s ever made before.
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New Dynasty Chapter 35
Wade, in his Deadpool suit, sat in Tony’s office. Arachne was in his lap, because once she learned where he was going she refused to let go of him and as he and Peter could vouch—once she clung to something there was no removing her until she let go. Peter was standing in the corner of the office, and Wade could tell that he was he was hiding a smile.
[You’d think the little girl didn’t trust Tony.]
{She probably still thinks he blew us up on purpose.}
Wade didn’t want to talk about it. He kept his voice on the subject at hand. “So, after a little bit of digging I found out that not only is someone trying to build a gate—the same gate that keeps letting explosive little blobs through—but they tried to hire mercs to guard it. Key word being tried—no one’s willing to touch that job.”
Tony rubbed his hand over the small beard on his face. “And just where,” he asked wearily, “did you get this information?”
“Where else?” asked Wade with a shrug, Arachne still clinging to the red leather.
Tony’s face suffused with red. “You took a child to that God-forsaken—”
Peter came around and stepped in between Tony and Wade. “Arachne,” he said, “what happened last night?”
Arachne was always willing to answer Peter.
[And us too, don’t forget that she likes us too.]
{And she’s adorable.}
“We went on a field trip,” Arachne said. The last two words were spoken like a foreign language. “Wade said that a field trip is where you go out to have some fun strictly for educational purposes, like that trip with Coraline.”
“Good God, is that psycho back in town?” groaned Tony.
Peter ignored the outburst. “He’s not wrong,” he said. “So, did you have fun?”
Arachne’s face lit up. “Oh, yes!” she said. “We got there and the skinny guy behind the bar yelled at Wade but the pretty lady—she said her name’s Andrea—came over to talk and she has a really nice and soft, furry kind of voice and was wearing a pretty dress and she says that it’s okay for a woman to wear a little girl’s dress because some people like it like that—and she didn’t explain that,” Arachne added with a frown, “but Domino said it was okay because I’m not old enough to need to know and Elektra taught me how to pick locks.”
“How to what?” shrieked Tony.
Arachne paused and looked concerned. “Don’t worry about Tony, Arachne,” he told her calmly. “Please, continue to tell me about the night.”
“Well—I brought out my ball,” she said. “Wade said I could take one with us when we left and I was showing them how high I can make it bounce—I made one bounce twenty feet!—when it rolled under a table and I got it out by picking up the table and they all wanted to know how much I could lift so they kept piling people on a table until the table broke and while a couple people got hurt nobody died.” Arachne took a breath and added, “And the skinny man gave me white-yellow apple juice.”
“Pineapple juice,” Wade corrected.
Arachne frowned. “Is that a different fruit?” she asked turning to look at Wade.
[That’s so cute!]
{Uh, how is she supposed to know what fruit looks like? Has anyone taught her?}
“Yes,” said Wade, “it is a very different fruit.”
“Oh. Tastes good though,” said Arachne focusing on the important thing.
“Yes, pineapple juice does taste good,” Peter admitted. “Arachne, do you remember the way to the cafeteria? Not the one that everybody uses,” Peter added hastily, “but the one that only the people on the top floors use?”
“Yes,” Arachne said.
Peter dug in a pocket and pulled out a card. “All right. Go to the cafeteria and get some juice. Try some different kinds, and hand this to the woman working the counter. Okay?”
She looked at Wade and back at Peter. She seemed hesitant. “It’s okay,” Wade told her.
Peter smiled at her. “Are you worried about him getting hurt again?” he asked. She nodded, hesitantly. “Don’t worry,” he told her. “I won’t let Tony hurt Wade.”
[I think we’re about to get yelled at.]
{For what? What did we do wrong?}
Arachne still hesitated. Tony spoke up. “Pepper and Friday have Sasha, Brian and Howard secure in the penthouse Arachne. They won’t be in the cafeteria.”
“Okay,” said Arachne. She took the card from Peter. “Friday?” she called to the ceiling.
“Yes, Arachne?”
“Would you please keep an eye on me? To make sure I don’t get lost?”
“It would be my pleasure Arachne. Rest assured, I have been well programmed to do multiple tasks at a time.”
“Thank you Friday.” Arachne got off Wade’s lap, politely bowed (something she must have picked up from one of the female mercs at the bar) and then calmly left the room.
As soon as the door shut Peter spoke up, keeping his voice down. “I could have sworn I asked the two of you to stay safe,” he said.
“We did!” protested Wade.
“You think taking her Sister Margret’s is staying safe?” demanded Peter.
“No one would dare hurt her there!” Every mercenary in Sister Margret’s had a single, iron-clad rule: no children. No matter what happened and if anyone broke that rule, well, there would be dozens of mercenaries willing to explain to the bloody corpse why that was a bad idea. With random bits of the city exploding Sister Margret’s was probably the absolutely safest place Arachne could be.
Tony scoffed a laugh as Peter hung his head in his hands.
[It feels like we did something bad.]
{But what did we do? We’re right about Arachne’s safety—no way would we compromise that.}
“Wade, how many people die in fights at Sister Margret’s?” asked Peter. Wade shifted nervously as he recognized the tone of voice—it was the tone that said, “I’m only being patient because I know you sometimes have trouble understanding how normal people act.”
“I don’t know.”
“Usually three a night. Three dead bodies a night Wade,” Peter pressed. He sighed. “Wade,” he asked, “what would have happened if one of them had died while Arachne was there?”
Wade felt a chill roll down his spine. Where Arachne came from, people died because they were “failed” experiments. And given how she felt that people getting hurt was her fault if she had seen someone die—
[She would have been traumatized.]
{Damn, we got lucky.}
Wade leaned forward in the chair. “I didn’t think of that,” he admitted.
“You didn’t think,” said Tony.
“Tony,” said Peter warningly.
“Hey,” said Tony, “it’s fine. At least the one you’ve got isn’t a soulless little monster willing to use anyone and anything to get what she wants.”
“So—Howard takes after you?” asked Wade. Peter shot him a quick glare and he shrugged.
[He can’t expect us to not rib Tony.]
{It’s practically a sport!}
“That’s what Pepper said,” Tony said wearily. Peter moved to stand next to Wade and Wade could see the man searching through his desk drawers. “Problem is that the two Nat and Bruce have are just as bad. Dammit,” he swore as pulled out a liter bottle of ginger ale with a note that said, “Try Me” on it. “I thought she didn’t know about this one.”
“Pepper’s been your secretary for the last fifteen years and dating you for ten of them,” Peter pointed out. “I don’t think there’s a lot about you that she doesn’t know.”
Tony sighed and put the bottle back in the drawer before slamming it shut. “Be glad you’ve only got the one,” he said.
Oh! Author!
What now Wade?
Can Peter and I have another kid?
Why not?
Because that’s not possible in the AU that this story is written in.
What? Those little shits from that manga get that, but I don’t?
Don’t you dare bring that story into this. The settings are completely different.
But author—
Don’t whine Wade.
Why not?
It won’t fit, that’s why not. This story has an established set of rules and logic and I am not going to introduce mpreg out of nowhere.
What about another story?
Wade. I only agreed to write one of them. Remember?
Ah, come on. Just think—you won’t have to search for ideas. It’ll already be there.
Okay, I’ll make a deal with you.
Let’s hear it.
If anyone, and I mean anyone, comments and asks for it, I’ll write it.
But—it will be in a universe without the Marvel powers, which means it won’t be a Spideypool story. It will also be complete and utter fantasy, because that’s my genre. Also, you won’t be aware in it.
If you’re going to do that I want Peter to rescue me!
Fine. Can do. But remember, someone has to say they’ll read it.
What? Who wouldn't want to read something with me in it?
I think you are seriously overestimating the selling power of Wade Wilson without Deadpool. And I’m finishing this one first. I’m only working on one of these at a time.
“Deadpool, are you listening?” demanded Tony.
“No,” said Wade with complete honesty. “I was asking the author if Peter and I could have more kids.”
“What?” asked Peter, confused.
“She said ‘no’,” Wade explained.
“So the world does have small mercies,” muttered Tony.
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adonis-koo · 5 years
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↳ Summary: You came with the intentions of your best friend landing a job as a stripper. You never meant to catch the eyes of the king stripper of the establishment- Jeon Jungkook, yourself. With what was supposed to be a harmless way of paying off college debt faster you find yourself falling into a very odd and passionate relationship with your new mentor. Between infidelity, passion and jealousy there’s never a dull moment at Cherry Bomb.
↳ Pairing: Stripper!Jungkook/Reader
↳ Genre: Smut, fluff, angst, drama, slice of life, relationship problems without the relationship, reader is such a shy baby protect her, MUTUAL pining, so much sexual frustration,  
 Word count: 7.5k
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Tags: some vaguely disappointing sex, female masturbation, thirsting over guk
Song mood
Warning: This story touches on both sexual harassment and abuse, please read with caution if any of these things are triggers to you. Additional warnings will be given when a chapter present them.
“You are so dead to me,” you whispered the words under your breath as you sighed. The things you did for your best friend. A lot of days, days like these you felt the strongest urge to sit down and genuinely wonder if it was all really worth it. But seeing the excited expression cast over her face with a twinge of nervousness let you know, as much as you wanted to begrudge her, overall it was worth it.
You had sworn you’d never step back into this godforsaken establishment after that humiliating night, that to this day still kept you awake and sleepless. It was like a horror that constantly plagued your mind, just when you thought you had forgotten. Seulgi had been soothing you more then you had her the entire way here, ironically enough. 
You were supposed to be going in moral support for her, it’s not every day your best friend proclaims she’s gonna become a stripper because- ‘fuck life and fuck student debt’ that sounded about right. You thought at first, she had she joking, she usually did when she got this stressed. But much to your surprise and dismay she slapped the flyer onto the table at the diner you had both been having breakfast at declaring she was going to audition.
You had instantly told her she was a dumbass and this was a stupid idea- you still felt that way. Even while nervously hopping on your heels at the door with a closed sign, the electric neon red sign turned off and it didn’t look vacant inside but you still felt like you’d be breaking and entering regardless.
What if he was in there? Your stomach knotted and it felt like war world 3 was invoking itself at a god like temperament- your face was beginning to burn up and you hadn’t even taken a step in. Dear God almighty give you strength. Seulgi had told you- first of all, you were being a ‘paranoid, red-faced little fuck’ and secondly, it would be unlikely he’d attend. Right? He wouldn’t be here, he couldn’t be, he’s just a worker it’s not like- Oh no.
Oh no. You could feel yourself sweating bullets and your cheeks turning pinker by the minute as Seulgi groaned shoving you inside, “He isn’t gonna fuck you against the wall Y/n, come on!” She dragged you inside despite your eyes licking onto the familiar head of dark hair, it was messy and bed ridden like he had just rolled out of a sleep state before coming here. And maybe he had, rather than the last time you had seen him- nearly naked. 
He wore a pair of gray sweatpants and a plain white shirt. He was stretched out in his seat and looked bored out of his mind- not even bothering to hide it despite the display in front of him. The girl, admittedly, wasn’t doing all too good of a job dancing despite the slinky shorts and crop top she wore, dropping down to a slut drop while slapping her thighs. Just as the smack rang out you cringed, watching her attempt to sexily bite her lip, in attempt to...you guessed, seduce them?
It wasn’t like he was the only one who looked unimpressed- he sat on the right end of three filled chairs. The middle chair was seated by an older gentlemen who looked to be in his mid thirties if not late. Was he their boss? Someone from upper management, he didn’t look like a dancer compared to the one on the left.
The left one was bright eyed and bushy tailed, he had kindly told the girl she wasn’t what they were looking for and despite your cringe of second hand embarrassment she only nodded and went to gather her stuff. 
“Stop staring!” Seulgi glanced back at you biting her lip, leaning in to grab your wrist to guide you towards the bar was this supposed to be the check in? Or a makeshift check in?
You weren’t sure. What you did know was everyone was obvious attractive because the man sitting behind it, soda in hand with a clipboard looked beyond sculpted by god. Was he a dancer too? He had to be with how good he looked, he straightened up upon seeing you both approach,  giving a friendly boxy smile, “Shit I didn’t think you’d actually do it.”
Seulgi gave him a nervous smile as she wrung her hands together, a habit she always did when she was getting ready to go out of her realm of comfort, “I was absolutely serious. How toughs the crowd?” She glanced over towards the other three anxiously.
Maybe just as affected as you at the sight of him- the king. You didn’t know his name outside of his title- and maybe that was for the best. You’d prefer just knowing him as the nameless man who shamelessly sat in your lap and even offered to sleep with you without so much as even knowing your name.
“Ah who’s the pretty face here? I hope you brought her to audition- Jungkook’s pretty frustrated at everyone so far.” The man behind the bar flashed you a smile instantly turning your cheeks pink as you awkwardly smiled back. Trying your best to not wilt away in the process.
Seulgi glanced back at you briefly before giving a scoffed laugh, “Y/n? Oh no she’d probably throw herself out a window before dancing, she’s shy- anyways no pressure on me then right?” You glared at her back at her giving away so much information about you so easily- so what if you were shy!?
She didn’t need to go around announcing it to the world! It wasn’t that difficult to figure out and furthermore it was embarrassing it gave people the invitation to tease you. And you could see it was generally playful but it often hurt deep inside when you were jokingly told you shouldn’t act so childish anymore, or how you’d grow out of it eventually.
“Nah, if you’re as good as you think you should be fine- with Hoseok. Jungkook’s a tough one to please but he’s been in a bad mood today.” He shrugged before handing over the clipboard, letting her sign in before handing it back over. Seulgi didn’t look reassured by his words and honestly? You couldn’t blame her, you’d be pale in the face and worried to death if you had just been told that. Hell, even being here to just spectate made you nervous.
Seulgi had pulled you over to a line of chairs off to the side to take a seat next to all the other girls in line waiting for their moment to shine, “What if they ask me to lapdance?” she continued to fret, lacing her fingers together as she nervously watched the girl performing currently, slinking around the one to the left, she wasn’t half bad, honestly.
“You’ll do it anyways because you’re gonna nail this, don’t worry about it.” You gently nudged her shoulder, a sweet smile pulling on your lips as you encouraged, it wasn’t like Seulgi was usually this nervous, but that just meant she was really stepping out of her comfort zone now. But this was her thing, she always pushed her limits, and sometimes she even pushed past them.
You had always admired that about her. You were a creature of habit and routine, you preferred staying the comfy realms of what you knew and that was okay, it was difficult sometimes, you often felt inadequate next to your best friend, but you had to remind yourself that it was okay to be an introvert, it was okay to not be exciting like her.
Slowly the line moved along and you had watched a fair few people, none seemed that terrible in your opinion but a lot had been sent on their way, it really was a tough crowd huh? The one thing you seemed to notice was all the girls who were asked to demonstrate a lap dance seemed to go for the one on the left. Albeit you could understand why, he had the most beautiful smile and his face was sculpted to perfection making his styled, well put together hair frame it all the more. That being said, the one on the right was intimidating, but still, even the cockiest of girls seemed to stay away from him, “Why doesn’t anyone lap dance him?”
“Why doesn’t anyone lapdance him?” Seulgi reiterated with a scoff, raising her brows as she twisted to look at you in disbelief, as if despite you only going one time you still should’ve known the otherwise obvious answer, “Jeon Jungkook? The king? Y/n you should know yourself- he lap danced you and you actually live to tell the tale- don’t roll your eyes at me!”
It was too tempting as you sighed, cheeked flushed at the reminder but still, he was just a guy, “He is- without a doubt, Cherry Bomb’s best stripper, he practically oozes sex appeal just look at him!” She waved her hand about as you tilted your head, glancing over at him again, you had hoped to not learn his name but you supposed it was inevitable with your best friend trying to be a stripper. 
She had unashamedly become a regular at Cherry Bomb to remember his name, she even knew the presumed bartender. Jungkook you supposed was intimidating, even with his dark tired eyes and unimpressed expression that had stained his handsome face the entire time and briefly you remembered what the bartender had said, he was in a bad mood.
You wondered why, but you didn’t have time to think when it happened. When his eyes, just as they did the last time you stepped foot into this god forsaken building, met yours.
You coiled as far back into your seat as humanly possible and your cheeks were instantly lit on fire as your lips quivered, you would’ve seen the smirk break his otherwise bored expression had you not covered your face while squirming in your seat.
You had hidden yourself away but you could still feel his eyes almost eagerly drinking up your expression. Had you not known any better you would’ve assumed he remembered you even after a month from the incident. Maybe he did…
“See! That’s exactly what I’m talking about!” Seulgi howled out, but she was laughing as she wrapped an arm around you, “He’s terrifying, if I lap dance anyone it’s gonna be Hoseok, he’s friendly, welcoming and did I mention hot?”
Forcing yourself to regain your composure you peaked up from the safety of your hands, his gaze was still burning into you, leaned back into his seat and his tongue was pressed into his cheek as if sizing you up. Cowering back into your hands as Seulgi snorted another laugh, “Fuck- I’m gonna go get a drink.” You muttered, feeling your body temperature rise despite him only just looking at you. 
Seulgi was practically wheezing as she slapped her knee, your face couldn’t possibly be a deeper shade of pink than it already was, your face felt like it was on fire and if you might as well be doing a walk of shame. You had a boyfriend, you’ve been dating for over a year. You swallowed thickly as you sat down at the bar, giving a loud groan at just remembering his expression, that stupid smirk on his lips. Letting your head collapse against the counter top as you sighed.
“Looks like you could use a drink.”
“Tell me about it,” You whined, boxing yourself in with your arms as you sighed, it was embarrassing enough as it was having Seulgi make fun of you, combined with his sultry gaze you were ready to melt into a puddle. The bartender seemed to laugh, his voice deep as dulcet making your shoulders relax. After a moment you heard something set down next to you as you sheepishly looked up from your brooding state.
He gave another boxy smile as he gestured towards the can of Coke Cola, “Taehyung, you can probably tell I’m one of the bartenders here. You’re one of Seulgi’s friends, right?”
“Mhm,” You nodded grabbing the cold can, popping the lid as you let the bubbly liquid drown your embarrassment down your throat, “Y/n, I came for moral support. Not really my cup of tea but she’s a hard headed ass.” 
Taehyung suddenly snorted a laugh, grabbing his stool to drag it across from you to sit down, letting his shoulders relax as he empathetically understood what you meant, “Yeah, she's one of the partier’s here, not a first I’ve had to kick her out from too many drinks.”
Pressing your tongue in your cheek you sighed despite the smile on your lips, “Why am I not surprised?” Of course your best friend had gotten kicked out of even here. It wasn’t surprising at all, she never knew when to say enough when it came to alcohol.
Speaking of your friend you heard her name called making you swivel around in your chair, her pupils were blown out and she was fidgety, her eyes frantically searching for yours. You gave her an encouraging nod and a thumbs up as she swallowed thickly, trudging up to the three employers, or one? She had connected her phone to the speaker before setting it down and starting the song.
Once the music started she seemed to let her nerves loosen, you could tell she was still a little nervous but her flow was good and you couldn’t help but smile at the way she so confidently swayed and rolled her body. She was good, and judging from the others they seemed interested enough...well most of them.
Jungkook had leaned back in his seat, even glancing at his phone once and then- back at you. Swallowing thickly you hurriedly glanced back to Seulgi, feeling your cheeks warm again, why did he keep staring at you? Especially when your friend was dancing, your attractive, confident and did you mention gorgeous best friend?
They did end up asking her to show a lapdance, it was honestly laughable, watching her cheeks dust a light pink and just as she told you she danced for the one of the left- Hoseok if you remembered correctly. 
You were practically jumping in your seat when she finished, they had actually been interested in her dancing and began further inquiring about her background in dancing, what hours she’d be open to working and altogether it looked like she had a strong chance of getting hired on. You had hopped up from your seat making your way over to her when you heard it.
When you heard him, “Hope you’re here to audition babygirl.” 
You must’ve looked like a disturbed cat with shoulders so stiff and it was a good thing your back was turned otherwise your stark red face would’ve blared as clear as day to him, “N-no! I’m um- just here as moral support…!” You whipped around, pupils blown out and you were sure your face was growing redder by the minute as you rapidly shook your head feeling your flustered state take over much to his delight. Smirk coiled back on his lips making you duck your head slightly and fidgeting behind your friend. 
“Well…” you felt the strongest urge to pull your friend into a choke hold as you watched her expression shift with an evil glint in horror. Why did you come? What purpose did this even serve you? Your mind told you, it was because you were a good friend- but still, “Y/n does have a lot of dance background- we use to go to the same studi-OW.” 
You had jabbed her in the side, still hiding half behind her as you scolded, your cheeks dusting pink but your eyes glaring holes into her before crossing your arms. She literally just told the bartender you’d rather jump off a cliff then dance, why was she trying to land you a job now? Or was she just purposely tormenting you? You felt an uneasy curl in your stomach at the idea but said nothing more as you felt three pairs of evaluating eyes on you. 
They weren’t actually considering her words, were they? Before you could even work up a nervous sweat the one on the left- Hoseok gave you a bright smile, and despite how friendly it was you still felt intimidated. 
Shrinking even farther behind Seulgi as he spoke up, “Well, we just had a few dancer’s leave us so even if you don’t think you’d be any good, could we still see? We’re hoping to have a few girls on stage by next Saturday.”
Saturday!? That was a whole week away, even if you had no intentions of dancing to begin with it still made your stomach curl with nausea at just the idea. But his eyes were so sweet and his voice was filled with so much pep and friendliness it was difficult for you to say no to him. Not wanting to disappoint even though somewhere deep in your mind you knew he wouldn’t be. 
 “W-well….I uh….Sure..? I guess.” You nibbled on your lower lip, cheeks flushing at your own words, unable to even look at him as your gaze dropped towards the ground.
“Perfect! Just connect your phone to the speaker and pick a song, good luck!” Hoseok replied chipperly, giving you a thumbs up. But you could hardly believe it yourself, especially when you meekly nodded only to accidentally meet eyes with Jungkook again, who was leaned back in his chair, looking more invested in you for the past three minutes then he had all morning. 
Seulgi gave you a slap on the back but you could tell she was trying her best to not laugh at you. You could feel your lips quivering in both embarrassment and fright, what if you weren’t good? What if they all laughed at you like Seulgi?
There was so many possibilities wandering through your mind that you physically had to swallow everything down. Forcing your mind to go blank, who cared if they didn’t like it? You weren’t the one who wanted to become a stripper anyways.
You connected your phone before scrolling through your playlist on Spotify, what was one song you had always wanted to strip too? Not like you went out looking for songs with that intention, nor did you ever have the confidence to actually try, but deep inside your own thoughts. Pausing over Bad Habit your finger hoovered, perfect. Pressing play you heard the smooth sound of the intro play over the speakers, yeah okay! You could do this.
Turning back you realized everyone was watching you, feeling a pit coil in your stomach as your pupils widened, okay fuck you could not do this. You hurriedly turned your backs to them, okay walk dumbass walk. You had started off with a little sway of the hips before realizing the intro was too long to just do that. 
Despite how hot your face felt you let your hands begin to trace up your thighs, dragging up the sides of your body before stopping at the band of your shorts pulling them up higher, your ass felt utterly exposed but you supposed that was the point if you wanted this to be convincing. 
But you didn’t care, right? Who cared? You didn’t care! You kept chanting it over and over into your head as your hands trailed up the rest of your body.
Stopping as you heard the last note of the intro, you couldn’t believe you were actually doing this. Looking over your shoulder you smiled, it was both shy and teasing at the same time as you dropped down to a slut drop slowly. You hands trailing back up your body in contrast as they pushed under your shirt, teasing a little skin before standing back up. 
Ass out and curved spine which made you internally cringe but if there was anything you had learned from regular dancing. It’s that sometimes you have to do uncomfortable things for the sake of choreography, this was just gonna have to be one of those times.
Surprisingly as you danced it had gotten easier, all of the evaluating eyes and stares seemed to mute and that’s when you realized, stripping and dancing weren’t all to far apart, the only difference being the lack of clothes. Nobody had actually stripped at the audition, had they you would’ve ran out of the building at the speed of light, but still. 
You found yourself in this state whenever you danced in studio, performing was always scary until you actually did it.
In fact, you found yourself having fun. Your cheeks had still dusted pink but the playful smile on lips never faded and hips had snapped with constant sway, hands trailing your body and depending on what you were doing you’d throw in some rib isolation's while you were at it.
You weren’t sure where the surge of confidence had come from, but you were really feeling yourself at the moment. And that's when you had gotten the not so good idea of proving a point to everyone including your best friend. And maybe, if you really wanted to stretch your reason, it could be considered payback.
Everyone was too scared to dance for Jungkook huh? While you could understand more than anyone in the room, he was also just a guy, he was human just like everyone else and that was your exact thoughts as you stopped in front of his chair.
Rolling your hips as you dropped down, your hands dragging up your stomach, your chest, even running from your neck to your hair. You couldn’t meet his eyes, even with as much of a confidence outburst you had, his gaze was just too dark, too sultry for your poor nerves to bare.
That didn’t stop your hands from finding their way to his thighs though, running up the thick muscles as you stood back up, trying to keep any and all dirty thoughts from invading your mind as you swayed around his chair trying to buy time and work up the courage to sit down on him. Five seconds could count, right? You decided it was better than bitching out. Coming back around to face him as you made your way onto his lap. Oh this wasn’t so ba- Oh god no! No! No! He really had a boner.
You could barely roll your hips once before that's what they were met with, your body had instantly stiffened and your face was a cherry red suddenly, whatever confidence you had, should’ve gained went right out the window as you popped back up. Hoseok had started laughing while clapping as you fumbled a few steps back, you had the world's most embarrassed smile on your face, your fingers twitching to keep from hiding behind them.
“Are you sure you didn’t come for the job? That was pretty impressive.” Hoseok laughed again, his words the breaking point for your humiliation as your hands practically slapped against your face, turning away from them to try and keep yourself from withering into a puddle, “No! I’m- uh…! Good, I’m not really cut out for this kind of job...” You awkwardly turned back around, your face on fire and frizzy hair covering your cheeks as you sheepishly tugged on a strand. You wouldn’t last a day at this job. 
An arm suddenly wrapped around your neck making you jolt as Seulgi gave you a pat on the shoulders, “She really isn’t.” She agreed soothingly before going to pinch your cheeks. You felt an indignant pang through your chest as you swatted her hand away. Ducking your head slightly as you finally met the gaze that had been burning into you the entire time, Jungkook had surprisingly let out a laugh and much to your disdain your face dropped slightly, so it was bad?
It didn’t matter of course, whether he thought you did a good job or not, but still, secretly, you had hoped maybe he liked it. 
But he had seen a lot more talented people this morning- “Well babydoll I’m gonna have to insist.”
“What?” Your head shot back up, eyebrows raised at his words for a moment confused. He...he what? Your mind went into orbit at his few words as he rose his own brows, his lips looking like they were trying not to give into a tempting smile.
“It’s up to you,” He shrugged, relaxing down into his chair, “But I still want your number regardless.”
His words made your cheeks flush into a hot red as you facepalmed, he was so shameless! Before you could even speak the familiar sound of your phone’s ringtone went off, swallowing thickly you sighed, closing your eyes with a muttered, “Fuck.” you bowed your head before apologizing. Quickly walking over to the line of seats as you answered your phone, “Hey babe, whats up?”
It was stupid way to start the conversation because you already knew what was up, you had promised your boyfriend he could call within an hour if you didn’t get back to him right after the audition. But still, wasn’t this a bit...clingy? You got it, he didn’t want you going to something like a strip club. 
But still, it wasn’t like you went with the intention of landing the job, he’d stroke out. 
“Hey angel, how did the audition for Seulgi go?” He asked on the other end, voice expectant and you could already tell he had called with another motive.
You swallowed thickly, nodding as you murmured, “It went well.” you glanced over to Seulgi talking to them, and unsurprisingly Jungkook had stood up, glancing over your way before standing in front of your friend. Probably coming to his senses and realizing the girl he was looking for was your friend, rather than you, “I don’t know if they’re hiring on the spot though, so we’ll just have to wait and see.”
“Well, if you don’t have anything planned with Seulgi,” here it comes, “Wanna stay with me, feels like forever since I’ve seen you baby.” Your face scrunched at his words, trying to keep from sighing. You really had an essay due for literature later that evening and needed to get it done and you knew you wouldn’t be able to focus if you stayed with him. Or more so, he wouldn’t let you focus.
Not wanting to disappoint though you forced the peppiness back in your voice, “Of course! Seulgi’s going out with a few other friends after this anyways so I don’t have anything else going on.” It was a partial truth if you excluded your essay from the mix. You said your goodbyes as Seulgi made her way back over, looking a bit sour though you weren’t sure why.
Wrapping an arm around her you hummed, “I think you got the job.” 
That seemed to rouse a smile from her lips as she curved her brow, “I hope so! That was nerve wracking as hell, I’m sure you can say the same thing.”
You groaned at her words, your cheeks heating at them as you sighed, “Don’t remind me.” 
You both began laughing as you fixed your shorts back to their normal length, not realizing the certain gaze of someone following you the entire way out the door.
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, well aware of all of his friends attempting to keep their laughs from bubbling out of their mouths as he whipped around to his manager, “Sejin, you wanted me to pick someone, I want her.”
“Jungkook be realistic,” Sejin pinched the bridge of his nose sighing exasperatedly, watching the young man clench his jaw acting more like a five year old with a well known temper striking out, “She couldn’t even look at you without going red in the face.”
“So what!” Jungkook threw up his hands, he could understand what it looked like, it was obvious he was interested in you, physically...but sexual or not he wouldn’t want you for a trainee if he didn’t think you had potential, and you had it and then some. You were an absolute natural when it came to stage presence, “Yeah she needs a little work but she could really help turn things around for Cherry Bomb.”
It wasn’t a secret, while Jungkook himself and his fellow coworker’s brought in a crowd it just wasn’t cutting it. Strip clubs mainly catered to male fantasy rather than the opposite and with only one female soloist as of Cherry Bomb wasn’t exactly doing it’s best financially, and then having those three filler’s leave on top of it. It had been a frustrating week to say the least. 
Jungkook had only suggested seeing you audition because…
Well it wasn’t deep, he just wanted to see you get flustered and red faced for him, seeing you actually go through with it, and then dancing for him on top of it? The discomfort of his boner was still prominent. 
But through all of his raging hormones he could still blatantly see you had potential, and not just a little, you had a lot. It’s what he always wanted with a trainee, there wasn’t any point in taking someone in who was gonna work as a filler for the rest of this short lived career, now whether you actually wanted to take the job or not, was up too you. But he wasn’t about to let his own opportunity trainee wise to go out the window because of this old fuck.
Sejin finally turned around as he curved a brow, “Jungkook you and I both know she is a dancer, not a stripper.”
“She is,” Jungkook agreed, he’d admit that, he certainly wasn’t a liar and wasn’t going to start now, you were definitely a dancer, but that was all the better for choreography, all he’d need to do is teach you sensuality, which with time could very easily be learned. Just as Sejin had hoped he’d bow out, he didn’t as he continued, “But she can learn, just like everyone else you have picked out. None of them are strippers Sejin, that was expected when we did an open audition, why is this different?”
Sejin finally sighed, his gaze sterning slightly into that famous dad look he was known for, “Jungkook look me in the eyes and swear to god above that you don’t just want her as a trainee to sleep with her.” 
He groaned, running a hand through his hair in frustration before looking directly at his boss, “For the love of god I don’t want her as a trainee just to sleep with her- not that I’d mind...don’t look at me like that!” He glowered, “Everyone here knows I’m not that horny Sejin, you know I wouldn’t push this if I didn’t think it was a good investment.”
Sejin gave one last sigh before giving in, knowing the young man was too stubborn to see it any differently as he waved a hand, “Fine, but she’s your responsibility Jungkook, you’ll be training her if she takes the job, handle the paperwork and drop it by my place if she signs, got it?
“Got it.” Jungkook replied chipperly nodding as he leaned against the bar counter, the lights were beginning to warp into different colors as everyone prepped the main room for the busy night as Sejin returned to his office. 
Hoseok hopped up on the chair beside his figure as he hummed out, “Jungkook mentoring? Never thought I’d live to see the day, that must be some good pussy.”
“Probably,” Jungkook agreed before shifting slightly, finally setting down the half empty can of soda as he turned to look at his friend pointedly, “But you know that’s not why I want her right? Sure she’s shy but you can’t deny she’d be good, we really could use another- if not more female soloist’s if we want Cherry Bomb to stay up and running.”
And while all of his friends had relentlessly tormented him since word got out about wanting to mentor you Hoseok knew it was the truth. Wanting to bang you was just an added bonus, “All I’m saying is-” Hoseok stood up again, clapping his hand against his shoulder as he continued, “It’s extremely convenient for you to say that.” Naturally Hoseok didn’t believe him.
Groaning he sighed, not bothering to try and prove his innocence in his want to have you on the team. Again, he knew what it looked like, but that wasn’t going to change his mind.
Jimin who had been spectating the whole time finally busted out laughing, that dumb cheeky smile he was all to well known for staining his lips as he raised his brows, “You’re so fucking whipped, are you sure she’s the same girl you gave a free lap dance to last month?”
“I’m not whipped!” Jungkook sputtered out indignantly, he didn’t consider himself so at least, yes you were cute, you were insanely cute and shy as well. But that’s all he knew about you. Girls practically fell at his feet daily trying to get a piece of him, to have someone like you cowering in the opposite direction was obviously going to gain his attention, “And yeah, it’s hard to forget a face like that, same demeanor and all, she’s a friend of one of the regulars I think.” 
“She is,” Taehyung nodded from on the other side of the counter, restocking the bar as he chimed in, “Pretty docile that one, but she does have grit. I think she’d make a good addition to the team, she looked good when she danced.” Jungkook finally sighed in relief at having someone’s support, his old friend and ex stripper agreeing with him compared to everyone else. 
Jimin only shrugged, placing his hands in the pockets of his hoodie as he replied, “Hey I never said she’d be bad, I haven’t seen her dance so who am I to judge? All I’m saying is you and I both know Jungkook doesn’t mentor, she must be a hell of a girl for him to change his mind, is all I’m saying.” He gave a teasing wink with a stupid grin as Jungkook rolled his eyes, ignoring both of his friends laughter. They could all say whatever they wanted about you, but Jungkook believed you could do it, and that’s all that mattered.
It was a small whimper and you knew when he had called there was an ulterior motive, and just as you anticipated, there was. You were laid back on the bed, spine curved up and with a clenched jaw as the skin slapped against skin, he was so close to your g-spot it was edging you to near tears as you let out another whimper.
Hanjae had kept up his pace, moderate and his thrusts were particularly shallow, “Mmm you like that angel?”
You squirmed beneath him, but not necessarily out of pleasure like he misinterpreted, he kept unintentionally edging you and it was absolutely killing you. But more nights then less this was how it always was and it had made you often try and get out of staying the night. You loved him but it was hard when he was so picky…”P-please..” you whimpered out again, unable to form much more than that.
“Don’t worry, I'm almost finished baby.” He murmured sweetly, his jaw clenched and just his words alone were enough to make your vision go near blurry. Finish? You hadn’t even…!
Sexual frustration flooded your entire body as he came, taking a moment to gather himself before he got off of you. Pulling the condom off and tossing it into the trash. Technically it wasn’t needed, you were already on birth control but it was mutually agreed you could never be too safe. Or so Hanjae told you. 
But that was the last thing on your mind at the moment as your body burned harshly, your orgasm or whatever was close to resembling it fading into nothing as your lips quivered, “Hanjae…” you let out a quiet plea as he hummed in response, crawling back into bed and pulling his arms around you, it was embarrassing enough to have to ask, your cheeks flaring pink as you murmured against his skin, “Can you eat me...please.” 
It was even more humiliating hearing his familiar rejection, “Maybe later Y/n.” You could hear the disinterest in his voice, it was probably hilarious. 
You had only had three boyfriends, Hanjae included into the mix, and yet you had never seemed to really experience sex, or maybe people just hyped it up too much? 
You weren’t sure, all you did know was your chest crumpled as you sighed, trying to hide your disappointment, it wasn’t like you had ever been ate out before anyways. 
You had heard it was amazing but that’s all it had ever been kept too, heard, never done. Your body burned uncomfortably the entire night and you had a hard time falling asleep but you did eventually. 
You had woke up to an empty bed the next morning, hearing the shower running not too far away letting you know Hanjae was still here. But even after sleeping your body was still burning hot. You glanced towards the door to the bathroom, he always took long showers anyways.
Without even thinking twice you had shifted your legs open as your hand found it’s way down to your core.
Still partially wet from old arousal as new began to form, your fingers gliding up your slit as you let them nimbly drag against your clit, a shot of pleasure shooting through you as you bit your lip to keep from whimpering.
Adjusting your pace to go faster as you clenched around nothing, your thoughts beginning to stray towards yesterday and shamefully towards Jungkook. Remembering the thick, large bulge you had grinded against. 
Your hips suddenly began to wiggle at the memory as you tried to strangle back a moan, your fingers kneading down your clit. He’d eat you with no hesitation, wouldn’t he?
You had ran your free hand through your hair as you hit the sweet spot of your clit again, letting your hips bucked into the air at the idea of his sweet plump lips attached to your stimulated bud, attacking it with a hot wet tongue that made you whine at just the idea. 
Your fingers sped up against the swollen bud as your imagination ran wild, and those hands. Mm fuck, they had to be atleast twice the size of your own, his fingers were long and slim, they’ve would’ve hurt stretching inside of you. 
Without even thinking you had shot your free hand down to your core, instantly pushing a finger in pumping it quickly as your right hand continued hitting against your clit.
Feeling the pressure build in your core as you finally strangled a moaned, bucking your hips into the air as you rocked against your fingers. 
His fingers would’ve reached your g-spot easily, hitting it again and again. Your thighs had squeezed together, another string of moans leaving you as you felt the orgasm begin to wash over you. 
But what you wanted more than anything was his thick cock squeezed into your little hole, you wanted to come clenching harshly against it while it stretched you to your limit pounding into you roughly. Feeling yourself clench around nothing but your small fingers as you whined and whimpered feeling the orgasm finally snap, leaving you hot and bothered only ready for another one. 
You suddenly paused like a deer in the headlights when you heard the shower stop, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You really just masturbated to a stripper rather than your boyfriend! You felt shame cover your very being as you shot up from bed, wet arousal sliding down your thighs much to your embarrassment as you quickly got dressed. 
The worst part about it was how easy it was to imagine so many different things with him, with Jungkook.
Your face was on fire and you couldn’t bare to look at Hanjae after that, you had class to attend anyways and as of right now you needed to be anywhere but in that bedroom. You had shot him a text saying as much as you went ahead to class, unwashed and in yesterday's clothes. You felt gross but it wasn’t exactly like anyone had judged you. But what you did that morning plagued your mind throughout the entire day.
That’s how you found yourself sitting on the bench outside of Starbucks, a macchiato in hand and a strong urge to just smash your head into a wall, your face was flushed and to any bystander passing they probably wondered why. 
If Seulgi landed this job, it meant you’d probably have to visit Cherry Bomb more than you would’ve ever liked and it meant you’d have to see him more than you wanted too. Or so you told yourself. But it was like the earth just hated you that day as your phone rang, an unfamiliar number on the screen, but hesitantly you answered anyways, “Hello?”
“Hey babygirl, hope you’re reevaluating your job options.” You swallowed thickly at the voice that had belonged to the one person who had been haunting you all day long. Jungkook’s voice was smooth, not as husky as you remembered it being the night you had first met. But even with a casual tone your face still flushed, “Awh come on, I’m not gonna bite baby, no words? Well let me dive in then, first of all, if you’re interested, there’s a few exceptions if you take the job. You’ll need to be trained but my boss, Sejin agreed to let me do it. Shockingly enough the job comes with a little more than just grinding my dick.”
If your face wasn’t red before, it was now at his words, amused while he gave a short laugh. You covered your face with your free hand as a shameful hot pang waved between your thighs. Why did your body have to be like this? The line was quiet for a moment before you sighed, “Look...I wasn’t joking yesterday...I’m really not cut out for stripping- don’t get me wrong, I think it’s amazing that you guys can go up there and do that every night but...it’s just not for me.”
“Why?” You had expected him to ask and you could tell he was being sincere in his question, whatever teasing tone he had earlier dropped. 
Nibbling against your lower lip you sighed again before dropping your hand from your face, leaning back against the bench as your frowned, “I’m just not good with people Jungkook, beside’s I get flustered easily it isn’t hard to tell. Not to mention I have close to none of the sex appeal it probably takes to be a stripper.” It had all stung to confess, to a stranger no less, but the last one had stung particularly bad. But it was true, nobody seemed to think you were desirable, and some days you wondered if Hanjae felt the same about you.
It was quiet for a moment before you heard a scoff, “That is such bullshit. I’m sorry babygirl but who the fuck told you that? Everyone in that room was ready to get off to you, me included. You have more then enough sex appeal for the job if that’s what you’re worried about.” you could hear him sigh, briefly pausing for a moment before speaking up, “Look, come to Cherry Bomb tonight, I have a show and we can talk after. Is there anyway I can convince you to take it?”
The idea was outlandish, you couldn’t be a stripper. Your dignity was crying and so was your morals but you had left your waitress job nearly two weeks ago and bills weren’t going to pay themselves.
But that wasn’t the main motivation, no. Something in your chest bloomed a little at his words, did he really think you could do it? That people would find you desirable? Something about his words had you lured in as you finally murmured, “Maybe....I don’t know, we’ll see.”
You could practically hear the proud smirk on his lips as he replied, “Don’t disappoint me babygirl.”
The line went dead and you sat there for a moment still processing the conversation, setting your phone back down onto your lap as you sighed. Pressing your hands against your face as unsurety filled you. Could you really be a stripper? Jungkook clearly seemed to think so. You weren’t sure if you’d really go to Cherry Bomb that night but then again, what did you have to lose?
Note: Here it is!! First chapter to a whole lot big mess :( but seriously!! Thank you guys so much for the loving words on the prologue! I didn’t expect so much feed back!! But!! It made me all the more excited to get the first chapter out so enjoy!! :) 🖤
Taglist: @loveherpersona
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crystalwillow · 4 years
Bonding, Part One
Pairing: Gaius Augustine x Amy (MC)
A/N: For the purpose of this fiction I have given the MC (Amy) the last name Suzano. But if you’ve already given then a last name, then feel free to replace my chosen last name 🙂
*knock knock knock* “Come in!” Amy called out as she furiously typed on the computer in front of her as she answered the phone, “Amy I brou-“ Gaius started to speak. “No I don’t want you to ship us that! I want what Adr- .... Mr.Raines, always ordered!! What is so hard about that to understand!? ... Well, I don’t care if it’s out of f***ing stock! Fix it and get it shipped to our head quarters, ASAP!” She shouted into the phone before slamming it back onto the receiver and turning back to the spreadsheet on the computer, typing furiously once more. “1 order! That’s all they have to fill. 1 gods forsaken order and they can’t even get. It. RIGHT!” She rages as she picks up the keyboard and smashes it to a thousand pieces on the table. Gaius placed her coffee and sandwich on the coffee table and backed out of the room, quietly shitting the door behind him. Amy slumped into the chair as hot tears stung her eyes threatening to spill out. It had been 7 months since the incident where she lost 4 of the most important people in her life. Her thoughts were crowded with visions of them everyday. As she sat in Adrian’s office chair, she found herself curling into a ball and hugging one of his many identical grey blazers. Breathing in the scent he had left behind on it. Finally she started sobbing as echos of his laughter entered her mind. Memories of the happy moments they shared. Like cooking together in the kitchen. Or playing water tag around the rooftop of Raines Corporation. He always appeared cold and distant around others but when they were alone it was like he was no longer afraid of judgement, and just let go. She chuckled quietly to herself through the tears as she remembered the time he greeted her wearing a giraffe suit as he jumped around the living area with an apple between his teeth before stopping to ask if her “curiosity of what a jumping giraffe would look like” had been cured.
- - - present day - - -
“Amy.... Amy! ... AMY!!” Gaius shouted as he shook her awake “Adrian! NO!” She screamed as she sat up and clutched something closer to her chest, panting as she sweat profusely and fresh tears stained her face. As she came to her senses, she took in her surroundings. She was in the same cold, abandoned warehouse, her and Gaius had been hiding out in since that awful day 7 months earlier. “A-Ad-Adria-aa-aannnn” she sobbed, as tears rolled down her cheeks. Gaius still didn’t know what to do or how to act. He was still getting used to having his own feelings back. He didn’t understand much. But he did know he felt numb for himself and sympathy for Amy. She had barely come to terms with her bloodkeeper abilities before she was turned into a vampire. Now the man she loved, who had turned her, was gone. She had sat in the same corner, a fragile shell of her former self for months. She would move to eat food, feed for blood or use the bathroom. Gaius would bring her blood packets and do his best to bring her, her favourite foods... but she’d just push it all away. The only reason she was okay was because when she slept and her mouth opened Gaius would make sure he safely poured some blood down her throat.
The past couple of years had been rough for her. Every time he looked at her now, he felt a pang of sorrow and regret. “Another nightmare?” He asked softly. Amy nodded. There it was. That pang he felt. Amy sniffled and hugged Adrian blazer tighter “it’s not fair.” She whispered as she stared into the dark abyss. “Years. He loved for years. Fought with dignity, earned respect. Took on responsibility like the amazing man he was. And now he’s gone. And why? ... because my stupid ass couldn’t walk away when he tol-“ she started to rant again about how it was her fault. But Gaius cut her off by doing the unexpected. He pressed a kiss to her lips. Shock coursed through Amy for a moment before she pulled away. Gaius was equally as shocked at his movements. They sat for a long moment, staring at each other. Finally Gaius spoke up, “It’s what he would have done right?” He asked. She studied his features for a moment, before giving a small nod, “yeah.” She croaked quietly, averting her gaze to the floor beside her. “Then he’d take your hand. Tell you what he always did. ‘Don’t worry my little hedgehog. You’ll be okay’ before wrapping you in his arms, close to his chest and-“ he spoke carefully, not wanting to upset her “-and letting me listen to his heartbeat and rainfall sounds to fall asleep so I’d wake up to the smell of pancakes, feeling better.” She finished the sentence. “Yeah... he would. How did you know?” She continued on to ask. He smiled a genuine smile, “you were talking in your sleep the other night. About a journal. I... I went to find it because I couldn’t sleep, and, well...” he shrugged and presented it to her, “he wrote about it in there.” He explained, facing away from her.
The next few hours were silent, but comfortable as Amy sat reading through Adrian’s journal. Until finally, Gaius opened the door as he came back. Amy closed the journal and placed it under her pillow. Curling up and hugging Adrians blazer once more. “Hungry?” Gaius asked Amy, expecting no answer. “Not very hungry. No” She answered with a shrug. “Here” he said, passing her a small blood packet. She took it, squishing the blood inside about. There was a strange feeling in the air between them. “Look. I’m sorry about earlier” they said to each other at the same time. Then shared a small chuckled. “You first.” Gaius said and let Amy speak. “I’m sorry for being such a mess. I’ve not been very good company. I’m surprised you’re even here” she said. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have kissed you like that. I don’t understand what came over me. I just got this overwhelming urge to-“ he stopped trying to find the right words “shut me up?” Amy asked, as she suggested words. “I wouldn’t use those words. But in a way. Yes.” He spoke as he tugged at his sleeves. “What time and day is it?” Amy asked as she perked up a little. “It’s November 6th 2020. The time is... night time.” He replied. Amy’s eyes lit up in a way they hadn’t since Adrian passed away. Rightfully, Gaius got scared. “Oh no.” He said tonelessly... “I’ve never seen this look of yours before. What’s happening?” He continued, his voice picking up panic. Amy giggled “I just have an idea... you don’t need to worry. I was just thinking, let’s do a style swap.” She suggested “A... A what?” He asked. “A style swap. You find an outfit for me if the style you wear and I do the same for you. We then bring the bags to each other. Go to separate rooms and change then reveal ourselves to each other. I done it with Lily all the time” she explained, then her spirits dropped at the mention of Lily’s name and as she remembers later Jax and Kamilah played with them at one point too. Tears welled up in her eyes again, Gaius quickly moving closer with tissues as he watched her face fall. All of a sudden the tears stopped building as a single tear rolled onto her cheek, Gaius softly wiped it away before it could fall any further. “Let’s go late night shopping, hey?” He asked softly. Amy nodded in response as she stood and out Adrian’s blazer on. Wrapping it around her. “Thanks” she spoke, as her voice cracked. “We’re all we’ve got now. I have to be willing to learn some new things if we’re to eventually feel better” he replied with a soft smile, which Amy returned as they stepped out into the night.
As they entered the mall Amy squinted at the bright lights “ow my eyes” she whispered “here” Gaius said as he slipped sunglasses onto her face. She smiled and adjusted them before moving on. “Okay. So I guess you’re hitting the more antique clothing stores, right?” She asked as she looked up at Gaius “That would be correct.” He answered. “Okay then. Let’s meet at the elevators on this floor in 1 hour 30 minutes” she said and set off towards the more trendy stores. “Wait... there’s a time limit?!” Gaius shouted after her “Get moving Mr.Mcoldie pants!” She shouted back “Mr.Mcol- oh it’s so on Suzano!” He called out. Amy just laughed loudly, running towards where she was going to shop.
- - - 1 hour 30 minutes later - - -
Amy sits on a bench by the elevators waiting for Gaius to return from shopping. Soon he turns up, red faced and out of breath. “I... got ev- everything.” He declares and he leans over to catch his breath, dumping his bags on the floor. “What did you get?” Amy asks looking at him skeptically, with a raised brow. “Everything. Dress. Shoes. A cover up thing. And more.... personal items” he explains, Amy nods “okay... well, I hope I can do the style justice” she smiles, looking distant. “I’m sure you will. Little hedgehog” Gaius says softly as he smiles at her comfortingly, offering his arm. She takes it and together they take the bags and head back to the warehouse they’ve been staying in.
A few moments later Amy’s sitting on a couch in the corner, reading through the latest version of a gossip magazine she picked up whilst waiting for Gaius to reappear from changing. “I don’t like this!” She hear Gaius shout just before he strolls round the corner. “This is absolutely ridiculous. You new younger folk are always complaining of being cold. I can see why. Your clothing is ridiculously thin!” He rambles as he stands in front of Amy, who’s smiling at him widely, but genuinely. “What?” He asks “Nothing. Twirl please” she said, twirling her finger in a circular motion. Gaius rolled his eyes and twirled, as he did Amy took a sip of water. He stopped to show her the back but all she could do was stare at his glutes. “Nice ass.” She whispered just a bit too loud. She didn’t notice till Gaius had turned around chuckling softly that she had said it a but too loud.
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