#the fish fingers and custard reference?? HELLO??
amararosesblog · 4 months
Ncuti Gatwa, you are a brilliant actor!! That was one of the best that I have ever seen on a doctor who episode. I really didn't see the moment with Ruby [REDACTED] coming, and just so many things happening at once. They are doing such an amazing job this season, and I absolutely can't wait for the next episodes to release! Once again, my emotions are all over the place, and Doctor Who is my hyperfixation. I'm so obsessed with this show, and i'll never stop being in love with the craziness of it all. I could continue to ramble on and on, but we're all thinking the same exact thing. More or less, anyway. Steven Moffat..you wild, wild man. Nice work.
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transformationstuck · 6 years
Taking Caramel Memories
   The sound of rushing water echoed through the tranquil wasteland, filled with nothing but water and light. Despite the seemingly endless horizon of ocean, the endless days of sunlight, there were few places to stand, made by the dead corals forming white islands for people to stand on. Amongst one of those was a lone alchemiter, and on it, a blonde beauty. But she was… different, and confused. Her memories were fragmented, but she knew who she was: Roxy Lalonde, Thief of Void. She would be concerned about her friends, but she was currently more occupied at the state of what she was at the moment. Her skin was a beautiful shade of caramel... quite literally, for glistening bronze was what it was. Her buxom breasts were contained by a crop top, white in color and unmistakably made of icing. Her lower attire was absent, and she could see a cherry on where her bush would be… Honestly, a cute addition of having that fruit there, but it was concerning as it seemed to be a part of her.
   Licking her lips, realizing that it was licorice and her tongue felt quite creamy, she began to think, sitting on the edge of the machine that she supposedly came from. Was she a freak experiment gone wrong? This was… an alchemiter, correct? She remembered bits and pieces… Using it, but not how to use it. “Maybe Janey went and baked something…” She said aloud to herself. “And it sort of fused with me with this thing…”
   But why this planet? And where was this place? It seemed familiar, but the gaps in the memories prevented her from finding the exact words. But as she pondered for the next few minutes, trying to find a way off the island and make sure she doesn’t melt in brine (for why wouldn’t she? She was now made of sugar and she was very sure that it wasn’t just surface deep), she failed to realize a small boat coming towards her island. Barely a boat, even: It was three planks tied together with a rope, and would not have supported a human’s weight at all and tipped. But what was on it was no human, but rather, something purely white and short.
   A carapacian made its way onto the island, docking and seeming to be a little curious about the girl made of sweets, and Roxy took notice of it just as he pulled his little raft ashore. “Oh, hello there, little guy.” She said, smiling. She was so used to having one around at the beginning of their adventures, being surrounded and almost acting like a semi-revolutionary army against who was commonly referred to as fish hitler.
   The carapacian cautiously approached her, seeming a little bit confused about her appearance, circling around her while looking up and down her appearance. Little as the guy seemed, he still was a little thick: a fat chubby carapacian alone in the ocean. Roxy had to wonder what the guy was doing here… But she had no qualms with the guy being here. Or at least… until the guy curiously poked her hips.
   His finger slipped into her without much resistance, almost like custard even, and she shuddered, simply due to how alien it felt. She would have jumped back, but her legs felt weak, and she bit her lips as she realized she was tense and rubbing her thighs together. Was it… arousal? Was she aroused because there was a finger inside her, for a lack of better words? It stopped in a short burst as the carapacian scooped a piece of her out, a scoop of candy out from her skin. It was unblemished, and there was no indication of him having poked her… But… He ate it, and the way his eyes lit up as he appreciated the taste… That was definitely concerning.
   She would have done something as the carapacian dashed forward, grabbing hold of her caramel flesh, gripping it tightly before pulling itself up, climbing her using her gorgeous curves as handholds, sinking his fingers deeper into the caramel flesh. None of it fell off, thank paradox space for that, but the candy held enough resistance for him to climb. Each grasp was like a shock through her body, a test of mental will as she was wracked with mindnumbing orgasm. The only thing she could do as she was frozen was to stand in place.
   The carapacian had his feet digging into her chest, and looked straight into her eyes as his hand clutched her head. Then… He knocked on her skull. Honestly, she wasn’t exactly sure she had a skull at this point, but he seemed to be more focused on her head. She was going to be eaten headfirst while having a mindblowing orgasm because a little chess pawn was climbing her. What a way to go.
   She would be terrified if she wasn’t so aroused, and then she felt it. The way it was sinking into her head. It had its wrist deep, and she could feel the thing shift, wriggling its small hand almost painlessly. Then it grasped something, and her thought process stopped for a second. Pop.
   “Ooh… Fudge…” She said, giggling. She wasn’t swearing, instead looking at what was in the carapacian hands. A brown chunk of chocolate good, caked in dripping chocolate syrup, was being eaten as the little pawn started to eat. What had she been concerned about?      Come on… Roxy. There’s definitely something wrong here. You got to think. He just ate. He plunged into her head again, and quicker, another resounding pop throughout the landscape.      Oh. Pop. That’s funny. He’s eating that thing up. That’s cute.      She repeated the pop as he did it again, pulling another chuck of pastry out from her head. “Pop.” She giggled, a little weakly this time.
   Feels good… What is that? Looks tasty.
   She opened her mouth, letting the carapacian see inside of mouth, a creamy white tongue reaching out as if wanting a piece of it herself. But the carapacian was relentless, or at least, not willing to share.
   Yum. Good.
   By this time, she was barely forming words, concentrating to form them, but no longer finding the will to… It took too much work. And as the carapacian plunged his hand for one last time, he found himself in a completely hollow head. Intelligence sparkled in the beady eyes, but it had… something else there. Something more.
   It never had a proper name. The boatman pulled out his little hand and licked his fingers while he sat down on the laps of the still moaning, looking blankly ahead. It remembered a name that was not his, and yet almost seemed to belonged to him.
   The name was Roxy Lalonde.
-Discord Author.
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