#homestuck vore
tummieyummie · 2 months
Chuckle chub
CW: s0ft v0re
After a while of watching movies, gamzee leaned over to John and wrapped his long arms around him before dragging him back to where he was laying. John made a squeak of surprise as he was dragged to lay on top of gamzees stomach, the size difference was pretty clear… he was almost chest height to gamzee but there was still a major size difference. “U-uh… getting cuddly are we?” John nervously laughed as he was pinned down to gamzee's chest. “Heh heh… we aren’t talkin cuddles yet…” gamzee smiled mischievously with his sharp glinting teeth. John didn’t quite know what he was talking about but he would soon figure out…
Gamzee sat up a bit, positioning himself over John and opening his jaws wide… his hot breath rolling over John causing him to have a full body cold flash of terror. “G-gamzee t-this isn’t funny man!” He whimpered and tried to push away but he was squeezed tighter. “bottoms up motha fucka…” he growled evilly before clamping down on John’s head, his cry of fear muffled. Gamzee ignores his squirms and kicking, shoving him farther as he felt his head enter the back of his throat. John’s muffled cries fell on deaf ears as he was continuously shoveled into his friend's mouth. Gamzee made a hum of approval before tilting his head back and allowing gravity to assist him in swallowing. He was now down to John’s knees… he grabbed John’s ankles and locked them together making it harder to squirm as he was shoved in further… one final gulp dragged John all the way down, his weight pooling into gamzee's stomach..
Gamzee observed his stomach bulge and swell as John was squished into the new space. The stomach groaned, greeting the new captive as his flesh twitched and shifted with the squirms of the prey inside. Gamzee made a loud raspy sigh and patted his squirming stomach. “There we go… just get comfy lil guy you're gonna be in there awhile…” he teased as he wiped some saliva from the corner of his mouth. Gamzee flinched when there was a kick and a muffled yell from inside. “Woah woah woah- chill out man your good!” He shifted upward slightly and put his clawed hand on his twitching stomach. “Listen man your fine, controlled digestion… didn’t learn about troll biology?” He snickered smugly, earning another shove from inside. “Alright alright.. chillax man… you're safe inside your ol gamzee’s belly.” He made a toothy grin before shifting to lay down, his captive being jostled around as he did so. Gamzee patted his stomach listening to the soft groans squished noises from the outside, Lulling him to sleep as he felt content…
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4ssdestroyer5000 · 1 year
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homestuckgulps · 2 years
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aradia digests a lot of prey + bonuses with roxy
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hungryramtroll · 2 years
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palisadewasp · 2 months
Not Vriska Day for me anymore, but there are still some time zones behind me that are experiencing this lovely holiday <3 I'm also gonna upload a speedpaint for this, but it might have to wait until a little later.
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Bonus transparents of all the Vriskas I drew for this:
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irithnova · 3 months
Hetalia anti’s are truly special. One told me that I deserved to get groomed and harassed on the internet as a young teen bec I was into Hetalia.
They are so focused on hating Hetalia that they lose all common sense and sometimes even all their empathy.
Hetalia hadur mind virus is a hell of a drug
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dzamie-oc · 1 year
Voretober 02 - Admiration
Length: 1700 words Vore type: Oral vore, M/M, willing prey, safe vore Fandom: None (Kahudra) Other info: feet first, naga/anthro Summary: Vore streamer Sel'riss meets a fan at a convention. You'll never guess what they get up to.
Sel'riss slithered slowly through the convention hall. It took a fair amount of practice to keep his scaly, blue tail from taking up too much walking room, and if it weren't for fascinating analysis panels like the one he'd just come from, he'd probably never attend one. Well, barring free admission, but he wasn't the kind of snake who'd be able to swing that.
Anyway, he had a good hour and a half until the "legally distinct from Who's Line" panel. He could check out local restaurants, peruse the dealer's den, or-
"Hey!" A loud voice jolted him out of his thoughts. The naga tensed, hoping whoever his tail just tripped would accept an apology. However, when he turned around, the fox approaching him had a smile on his face. As well as a pair of Bro Strider glasses.
"Er… hello?" He wasn't quite sure how to respond to him. Did he drop something, or…?
The fox came to a stop just before him."You're Sel'riss, right? I'm a big fan," he said, bushy tail swishing behind him.
Sel'riss let out a breath. "Oh! Phew, I thought I'd hit someone with my tail. Nice to meet you, uh…"
"Lansat." The name clicked in his mind. "I dunno if you'd remember, but-"
"The guy with the-" Sel'riss cut himself off to check around him for congoers too young to overhear this sort of thing. Playing it safe, he continued vaguely, "the sleeping bag thing?"
Lansat's ears flicked back and he flushed red. "Y-yeah. Let's go with that. You're not too weirded out by it?"
Sel'riss shrugged. "I've heard worse. Plus, it is a little flattering."
Silence reigned for several seconds, snake and fox both trying to find a way to continue. A passing Vriska complimented Lansat on his getup. Finally, Sel'riss took initiative. "So… I have some time to kill."
Lansat's blush seemed to burn right through his fur. "Are you suggesting what I think you are?"
"Not out in public, I'm not. Care to join me away from prying ears?"
"Y-yes! Damn, that's smooth…"
Sel'riss felt himself slip into a more familiar rhythm as he led his fan towards the hotel elevators. "Practice. I mean, you've watched me for a while. Especially with my niche, I've got to have some way to meet new guests, at least enough to keep up appearances."
The elevator was a little small even for just himself, but he managed to pile enough of his body against the walls to give Lansat a place to stand. The naga quietly thanked the gods for generous weight limits, and tapped the floor. Certainly easier than taking the stairs, especially with how long of a trip it would be.
Once the doors closed and the elevator began to move, Lansat shifted on his feet. "So, er… more plainly, are you really going to eat me?"
"I figured you'd be interested in it. If not, I'll probably just hang out in my room by myself."
This, as he'd suspected, threw the fox for a loop. "If I'm- I mean, yes, of course I am, it's literally a dream come true, but, well, you're not exactly known for giving your prey a choice."
Card go in slot, lock go beep, door go open. Halfway through slithering into his room, Sel'riss glanced back at Lansat. "Wait, do you- you don't think I actually, regularly kill people on stream, do you? That's like six kinds of super illegal."
This time, Lansat did actually trip on his tail; quick reflexes caught him on another length of scaly body. On a whim, Sel'riss finished a loose loop around him, rewarded with yet more furiously blushing fox. "Of course not! I know you let them out afterwards, but they seem pretty frightened to be there in the first place."
Sel'riss slithered on, letting the length of his tail slide around his guest before slipping free to join the rest of his coiled body. "Oh, they are. All in good fun, mind you." He rummaged through a bag before pulling out a vial of blue liquid. "But before and after the cameras are on, they are free to leave at any time, and I won't stop them." He held out the vial to the fox. "Anti-digestive potion? Always a good idea to take mysterious drinks from strangers who want to eat you."
Lansat grabbed the vial and held it up to get a good look. "This is gatorade."
"It looks like gatorade!" Sel'riss cheerfully corrected, "and you might've seen me fool a couple of my guests by telling them it actually is, if they really couldn't pull off the "unwilling" act. Uh, don't worry about that - I'm not gonna record this, just having fun in some spare time."
"This is surreal… With respect, you're both more and less unhinged in person than I expected." Lansat popped the cork out and downed the drink. He made a face at the taste. "Ugh. And still I expected a sports drink flavor. So what now?"
"Take off anything you don't want a bit acid-eaten, and I'll handle things from there," the naga instructed. Once Lansat had stripped down to his underwear and placed his cosplay in a neat pile, Sel'riss wrapped his tail around him and lifted him up, paws by his face. "This way, you get to watch yourself vanish… and I get to see how you react to it!"
A single gulp saw Lansat swallowed up to his knees. Although his upper half remained stock-still, Sel'riss felt the fox's rapid heartbeat against his tail and his toes stretch and wiggle against soft, deceptively-yielding throat flesh. He broke that deception with a single gulp, and his gullet firmly pulled more of the fox's legs in. As more of his fur slid across Sel'riss's forked tongue, the snake picked up more of a spicy-sweet flavor. If his mouth wasn't full of tasty fan, he was tempted to ask what fur conditioner he used.
The snake's eyes flicked to Lansat's underpants, visibly tented out by a prominent erection; he tried to soothe his prey's embarrassment with a calm smile and another long, steady swallow. If nothing else, he hoped his mouth's warm, wet embrace would occupy Lansat's mind enough to take it off of more embarrassing matters. A telltale salty flavor added to the wonderful mix of the fox's fur, and Lansat's eyes glazed over slightly, though he still focused on his predator. Sel'riss reveled in shattering that focus with one more gulp: prey often found his throat much more pleasant to grind against than his mouth, and this fan was no exception; Sel'riss simply relaxed his gullet and let gravity and the fox's unfocused rutting drag his belly in, then his chest, until all Lansat could see besides his arms was framed by serpentine jaws.
Sel'riss ran his own hands along his torso; although preoccupied, the fox's humping was spirited and made quite the active bulges in his stretchy, blue hide. The naga curled his forked tongue against the top of Lansat's head, then finally, with two gulps, sent his head and arms into the welcoming, hungry embrace of his throat and beyond. He twisted around to watch the shifting, squirming lump lessen inside his thicker lower half, then laid his upper body atop his stomach to wait for its newest temporary occupant.
Inside, his prey thrashed about, trying to rub against his insides with his arms trapped over his head. He watched as the signature spasms of a powerful orgasm gave way to a tired stillness, just before his body pulled Lansat into his stomach to rest under his upper body. Almost immediately, his gut growled and began to knead at its visitor, doing its best to work powerful yet utterly useless acids into the fox's body.
Sel'riss mentally counted to twenty. He turned out to be a few seconds early, and was about to speak up just when Lansat's body jerked to attention. The fox managed to get his arms against himself more comfortably, and pushed out against his confines - which, of course, held with no complaint.
"Oh my god, did you just-" his voice came, muffled through scales, fat, and muscle.
"I sure did."
"And I- I-"
"Not the first fan, unlikely to be the last. It'll digest normally."
"Oh, fuck, I'm going to-"
"Nnnope, not unless I wanna try to hide you for a day, and probably miss all those panels I wanted to go see." Sel'riss quickly shut that line of thought down. "And on top of that and the sudden one-day fast, there's legal issues. You're fine, Lansat."
"I… I guess I am. At- at least, it doesn't hurt to believe it." A moment of quiet, then the sensation of someone rubbing his belly from the inside. "Sorry about freaking out, Sel'riss. I should've trusted you."
Sel'riss shrugged, well aware that Lansat couldn't appreciate the gesture. "Can't blame you, I lie all the time to keep up the "cruel fatal pred" thing. I mean, it's no accident the potion looks exactly like blue gatorade. Anyway, my condolences in advance for your underwear; I think my stomach's more active than I expected."
"It- wait a sec." Sel'riss closed his eyes, enjoying Lansat fumbling around inside him. "Ah, shit. I knew something had to go wrong; meeting you IRL was way too cool to happen without a hitch."
Sel'ris laughed and promised to try to help after letting him out in an hour. In the back of his mind, he revisited his earlier thoughts: maybe cons weren't so bad, if he can find good company.
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eebie · 1 year
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the homestuck epilogues are g*rbage and jgtst a shitty davekat fanfic
THE TAGS?!!?????!!!?????
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4ssdestroyer5000 · 5 months
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Yesterday was her birthday, say happy birthday to the pretty lady🎈🎈🎈
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I'm in love with the birthday girl♥️♥️♥️
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homestuckgulps · 2 years
sound on! chixie disappears into a neon blue void
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hungryramtroll · 2 years
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mmmm... what to do with these two?
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rvtar34 · 2 months
Happy FNAF-Vore-Vriska day to all that observe it
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ballsucker67 · 1 year
:33 < gau people,,, I WILL NEFUR RESPECT GAYS,,,
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:33 < other stuff too,,,
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kaiju-kisser · 9 months
The coolest person I have ever known was a trans guy really into homestuck and I can't help but feel I missed out but have no drive to dive in. But they helped shape the person I am now even if they don't know it so I'm conflicted.
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sillyselfships · 1 year
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Oh? Whose this RADICAL LOSER?
TEREZI/NEP , Any + Chalk & Law neos
ADHD+Autism, Minor, Hispanic American, Selfshipper, Sys host but that's pretty unrelated to this blog
Terezi+Nepeta+Feferi sources n' Aradiakin.
Aro/Ace/Apl/Polyam [Quadrom/Cupiosx/Platonirom]
Most of my F/Os are male or genderfluid since those're the main groups I am primarily attracted to romantically.
Use tonetags! I have issues with tone.
My f/os are very hyperfix based!
My consistent ones though are Randy Jade, Norm Allen, and Vriska Serket (Randys and Norm are from Dialtown, a special interest of mine! Check it out it's really dumb in a good way.) I've also recently started engaging in sfw vore content so bare with me here, I'm lowkey embarrassed about it.
Proshippers/Comshippers/Whatever new word you have now I don't give a shit, (NOC)MAPs/Pedos/Zoos/Necros, Discourse blogs, people who demonize """scary""" mental disorders (like osdd/did/udd/ect, bipolar, NPD, BPD, ect), anti-xeno/neo, anti otherkin/fictionkin, anti-endo, radqueer ("trans"race, "trans"age, "trans"philia, ect), and "irl yanderes."
This is my self indulgence blog and I don't want people like this up in my followers- I will block you. Can't control who interacts with my posts all too much but I can add a disclaimer before you follow me.
A disclaimer which isn't a "do not follow", many people are uncomfortable with yandere media which I can completely understand, I do not condone irl yanderes. Whenever you consume sensitive media like yandere stuff for enjoyment you should always be aware of your mental state. If this deters you from following I understand, have a nice day/night wherever you are but if you'd still like to follow please block my "yandereyahoo!" tag.
Happy self-shipping, y'all!
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willingcannibalvictim · 11 months
Voretober Day 15: Beauty
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*drops homestuck content and walks away*
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