#the formatting is janky and I fix in the morning
rhoddys · 2 years
Ok I’ve been thinking about this ever since it happened so I just wanna ramble for a moment. (It’s late for me rn and I already have issues putting my thoughts into words so apologies for the mess)
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As we know this is right after Maxwell wakes up from his whole encounter with Charlie and being offered the chance to work with her once again. As he awakes we also are given these images:
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Showing us that the other survivors have infact begun to see Maxwell as a part of the camp. It’s interesting that they come to find him given that in the opening we see him;
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Gathering resources, though he looks quite disheveled and generally tired, so either a) they went out together and separated, or b) he was out so long that they grew worried about him, which in itself is also very telling of their views on him being in the camp.
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When he pushes Woby away and seemingly puts up his mask again there’s concern on both Wilson and Walters faces (and I’d guess Willows as well but unfortunately her back is too us so we can’t tell, but given her expression when he wakes up I’m sure it’s also the same as the boys) this shows us that they have both picked up on something being different about Maxwell’s attitude at present.
Though Wilson gets to have this understanding evolve a step further in seeing the change of Maxwell’s rose on his lapel
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Personally this tells me that Wilson is able to pick up on things about Maxwell that others don’t, and if you’ve read my fics then you’ll know I especially love to play with this, the only other person who has/had this ability is Charlie.
Which is also sort of showcased as canon in this animatic as well, given many speculations of what Maxwell’s motivations are in present time and what path the lore will progress towards I think it’s quite interesting to wonder how these will also have a play in things.
Long story short uh I’m very excited to see the concept of people seeing past the mask that maxwell wears, and also seeing how the others feel about him being in the camp.
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                          my heart, my hips, my body, my love
what’s your mutant’s ability?
Willow absorbs solar energy from the sun and then is able to focus it in the form of multicolored energy. When her powers are active her hands change color to match, she can shape and throw it wherever she aims it.
                    Her powers are inspired by Karolina Dean from the Runaways                                       check out the power description here for some reference-y                                   stuff
what’s your mutant’s classification level?
Willow is an alpha level mutant, she presents very much as typical young woman
how old were they when they first discovered their abilities? how did it happen?
Willow was always a dramatic little girl growing up, and around middle school she started to show some signs. She had major test anxiety, and with the stress of a big math test combined with a nice sunny day – let’s just say there was a small vaguely contained fire. After that she was home schooled, her parents didn’t exactly look at her the same way.
so, what can your mutant do with their abilities?
She can shape and form solar energy based blasts from her hands, the more intense the energy the more her form changes with it.
…and what can’t they do (at least, not yet)?
With      time it’s possible that she could gain the ability to use her energy to      propel herself upward in a flight like capacity, she’s working on it….it’s      not going too well.
what’s one thing they hope to learn or are currently trying to learn with their abilities?
See above
what is the most powerful thing your mutant can do with their abilities? do you think they would actually do it?
Dependent on her placement in relation to the sun, she could potentially generate a blast long enough to level a small town. She’d never intentionally do so, but it is always a possibility                                                                                                                                                                                         
what are your mutant’s weaknesses?
Willow’s powers are completely solar dependent, so with varying exposure to the sun and solar energy in day to day life, the reservoir of energy she has at her disposal. The longer she goes without usage, the more it stays in her system to save for a rainy day.
do they use their abilities in their day-to-day life? in what ways?
She’s been known to attempt to use her power to heat up old coffee on a long day…it sort of works.
as a mutant, do they have any goals? dreams?
Willow would like to have better control of her powers in the short term, as for the long term, she hasn’t thought that far in advance. She doesn’t know what her future could end up looking like, so much is happening all at once.
how do they feel about the last 30+ years of mutant history? notably, the presidential address of 1983 and the essex house?
Willow listened to the words of the president that day, and tried her very best to believe them. But after seeing her parents turn their back on her,  while she was so young. There was no truth in any of those empty words
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Well, what about the reader starting to date Belphegor after they dated Satan? Like that one you wrote with Lucifer and Satan
Every Moon Sets (Belphegor x GN!Reader ft. Satan)
A/N : Been gone for 2 days because I’m a cry baby bitch who can’t handle my period cramps at all, and I think I’m coming down with something so ugh... anyway, here’s this! Also i posted this from my phone, so the format is janky and im gonna have to fix it when i get back on my computer.... Also, the title is another Brothertiger song... <.<
Word Count : 1.7k
Warnings : angst ; Satan being a genuine asshole ;
“Oh please, do you really think I care what you do? You humans are always saying you’re leaving, but you’re so good at crawling back. Do you want me to leave the door open for you so you won’t have to reach up for the knob while you’re on your knees?” That was the thing… that was the problem right there. He didn’t care, he never cared. Every single thing you did seemed to be a burden to him, even just talking to him seemed like it drove him nuts. That’s why you had told him that you were leaving in the first place, and his reaction only made you that much more sure that you were making the right decision.
“I hate you so much…” You mumbled, turning to walk out the door. You only heard him scoff from behind you. As much as he hated Lucifer, he was so much like him, it would make him sick, but, lo and behold, the only person that he made sick was you. You slammed the door behind you, walking down the stairs to go to the kitchen, spotting Beel rummaging through the fridge and Belphie sitting on the counter as he waited for his twin. You quickly wiped your tears, not wanting them to question what was going on, you knew how close the brothers were, especially Satan and Belphie due to their hatred of Lucifer, and you didn’t want to cause a rift.
The youngest smiled to you as you walked in and you faked a smile back to him, moving quickly to grab a cup from one of the cabinets and fill it with water. You weren’t planning on sticking around long, and you didn’t want to talk, you just wanted to go to your room. “Hey, Y/N. What’s up? You can’t say hi?” Belphie teased as he slid off the counter, walking over to you. “Are you coming to the meeting tonight? I know Satan has one planned, and… you know, I don’t even know why I’m asking. You’re always there.”
“No, I’m not going to be there.” You muttered, quickly filling your cup and gulping all of the water down as Belphie stared at you, waiting for you to explain, but you didn’t really want to. There was nothing to explain. Satan was just a… well.. He was a demon, and that shouldn’t shock any of the brothers, it wouldn’t come as a surprise, so there was no need to elaborate any further. “Have fun though.”
You placed the cup in the sink and turned to walk away, but Belphie quickly moved to stand in front of you, looking over your face to try to figure out as much as he could without you having to explain. “You two broke up, didn’t you?” It was a rhetorical question, and the way you grimaced and tried to turn away only proved that he was right. “What did he do?” He asked softly, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to read your eyes.
You shook your head, taking a deep breath as you tried to move around him. You didn’t want to talk about it, and you really wished that he would understand that. You weren’t even sure when the two of you had gotten so close, maybe it was the fact that you were always at the meetings and he just felt that way. You didn’t mind it, but you didn’t want to come between the brothers. “It’s nothing, just… Have fun at your meeting, alright? I’ll see you later.”
He sighed loudly, stepping to the side to let you move past him, his eyes never leaving your back as you walked away. “Screw the damn meeting…” He mumbled, patting Beel on the back to let him know he was leaving as he made his way up to the attic, grabbing his pillows and his blankets and carrying them back down to your room. He didn’t bother to knock, walking in and dropping all of his things on the floor next to your bed before laying down on them, propping his head up on his hand and looking up at you. “You know, I’m not a total asshole. I can see when you’re upset, and… I’m not going to just let you walk away like that.”
No one had expected the two of you to be together, hell, the two of you didn’t even expect that you’d end up together, but you did. What had started as just a friend comforting you through your breakup had turned into so much more. He had gone from sitting in the middle of your bedroom floor or the both of you sitting on opposite ends of the attic bed to him climbing into your bed with you or laying his head across your lap as you absentmindedly played with his hair.
It started off small, casually flirting with each other or cuddling up to each other as you napped together. Small things, things that you never thought would turn to anything more serious. It had gone on like that for months, and maybe he had let it go so long because he assumed that you’d go back to Satan, or maybe because he assumed that he wasn’t good enough to have you for himself, but he was at least a good enough friend to keep you company while you were hurting.
You didn’t think he’d ever do anything, and you truly didn’t even believe that he had any feelings for you besides being your friend until one morning at breakfast, with all of his brothers sitting around the table waiting for him and you to join them. Satan had mumbled something shitty and snide under his breath, and while you hadn’t even been paying attention enough to even notice, Belphie had caught it. He shot Satan a glare before grabbing your hand and pulling you back towards him, and before you even realized what was going on, his lips were pressed against yours. He didn’t pull back immediately, it was like months of built up emotions were let out in that one kiss, and you grew weak in his arms, letting your body fall against his.
The sound of Satan’s fists being slammed against the table and his chair falling back as he pushed himself back with too much force caught both of your attentions, Belphie’s arm staying wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. “Are you kidding me right now?! You’re a traitor. You chose a stupid human over your own brother! I thought we were close!” Satan practically screeched as he leaned across the table, but you could feel Belphie’s chest vibrating with his laughter as he watched Satan’s tantrum.
“We were, until I realized that you’re more like Lucifer than I thought any one of us could ever be. You disgust me.” Anyone would have been able to hear Satan's growl from a mile away, his fingers gripping around his cup and his knuckles turning ghostly pale before he picked it up and launched it across the room, shattering it against the cabinets right above yours and Belphie’s heads.
He shielded you from the shards that ricocheted, bouncing off his back and clattering to the floor as Satan rounded the table. “I’m not one to use worn out phrases, but in regards to an already used up human, I guess it won’t matter much.” He sighed softly, walking over to where you and Belphie stood, slapping his back roughly while letting out a dry chuckle. “Enjoy my seconds. That’s what you’re good at, surely you’d never be anyone’s first choice.” His shoes crushed the glass even further as he walked away, definitely doing it on purpose, maybe it made him feel stronger, or maybe he just enjoyed the thought that someone might miss a shard and step on it.
“I want this cleaned up by the time I come back downstairs from handling Satan. And you, Belphie…” Lucifer groaned, rolling his eyes as he shook his head. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t use me in the form of an insult. At least not when I’m sitting right there.”
Things had gone on like that ever since it happened, but yours and Belphie’s relationship only blossomed. Satan made it his life’s mission to sabotage your relationship, finally giving Lucifer a much needed break from the constant pranks that he and Belphie used to pull on him. It’s not even that Satan wanted you back, he just didn’t want anyone else to have you. There was no satisfaction in not having you crawl back to him like you usually would, and now that Belphie had you wrapped around his finger, he’d surely never have that satisfaction.
“Just give up, Satan. We’ve been together for months… you’re only embarrassing yourself.” He groaned, rolling his eyes as he walked out of his room, his arm slung over your shoulder. Satan had been standing outside the door, clearly planning something else that would only annoy you and Belphie in the end.
Satan let out a loud laugh, purposely going overboard with the volume just to piss you and Belphie off. “I’m embarrassing myself ? Says the one who decided to take what belonged to me. How embarrassing that you can’t find someone for yourself so you have to take what’s rightfully mine.” Belphie growled quietly which only had Satan assume he was getting somewhere. Maybe Belphie would give up, he’d become tired of hearing Satan’s nonsensical ramblings. “Oh, what’s wrong Belph? Is the truth really that hard to handle?” He smirked, reaching out to pat Belphie’s shoulder, but he quickly shrugged Satan’s hand off.
“Leave us alone, Satan. They don’t want you anymore. You never deserved Y/N, and you definitely don’t deserve them now. Face it, you fucked up… deal with it.” Belphie took a deep breath as he pulled you away, leaving Satan alone in the middle of the hallway.
He’d never stop though. Maybe he did want you back, maybe it took losing you to realize that you were the greatest he could’ve ever had. That thought is what would keep him going, and he doesn’t care what Belphie says, does, or thinks. You were his first.
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theredalice · 6 years
Ummmm so apprently on mobile the format for the questions is all janky so im sorry about that but I'll have tk fix it in the morning when i continue answering the asks! Feel free to send in more names (or request elaboration 👀) but in the meantime im finna sleel
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