#the funniest thing about this tbh is that she would know. like he couldn't keep the creation of that mixtape a secret from her
commsroom · 1 year
thinking about eiffel making hera a mixtape on cassette by recording over some old Goddard protocol tape he found in storage, but he doesn't have access to his tunes in a way he can transfer to a cassette recorder so it's just him singing out of key and getting lyrics wrong in a way that makes them more about Hera
this is soo sweet. he's such a massive ham; i love the idea of eiffel, like, dedicating the classical music they pick up to hera, or asking her to dance and dramatically - kind of awkwardly, in low gravity, but also just because he's not a very good dancer anyway - 'waltzing' with himself, or just... singing to her. pointing at her cameras. incredibly off-key. i love the thought of hera hearing some of those songs - the actual, non-eiffel versions - on earth for the first time, after all the times she's heard him singing them.
there's this interview gabriel urbina did a while back, where he was answering character-building questions, and said that eiffel once made someone a mixtape "in the way that only an obsessive 90s teenager can really make a mixtape"- like he really put effort into it, and really cared about it, and the person it was for didn't really appreciate it. and he never fully got over that. i think about that a lot, and how important music is to eiffel, how much is communicated through music... i think it would really mean a lot if hera could make a mixtape for him, someday. i think that's such a sweet sentiment, like a continuation of the way she gifts him music for his birthday.
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trollsauseedsofthepast · 10 months
A "little" review!
Here is my own opinion on Trolls Band Together, enjoy :D :
I really don't like the French translation that my fellow Canadians uses for movies... and I certainly HATED the voices they gave to Poppy and Branch and all of the characters tbh... every time, the characters are completely devoid of emotions and are just talking because they need to with an exaggerated European French accent that we Canadians don't have... and I hate it... BUT me and my big Sister still couldn't keep ourselves from watching the movie and here is my review...
Ignoring the REALLY bad voices and bad translation, the first few minutes were really fun and I understand even more why Branch ended up loosing his colors and becoming the Branch we've seen in the first movie. Loosing his Bros was a bad enough situation, but loosing the last Troll he had was the last straw. Also, on Grandma's card that I've seen on the net, her fun fact now makes so much sense xD
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I was wondering why it said Babies in plural when I thought Branch was the only baby she had to take care of, but now it makes sense xD I also wanna know why she didn't stop the Bros from leaving though...
The next scene I though was so cute, Gristle and Bridget getting married was amazing, especially when she got to "roll" to him in her call back dress from the first movie! It was adorable! John Dory immediately recognizing branch for me was really touching, although I do think Branch had a point when he tried to confront his Bro. I know what it feels like to be left behind and it's hard to forgive this gesture. It's also hard to forgive someone who tried to control you everyday of your life, then abandoning you the moment they loose their control...
But I do think John might not have realized it at the time! Or at least I hope so?
Anyway, Velvet and Veneer were so funny and they make me wonder what kind of other Creatures lives in the Trolls Universe, it's also nice to see that technology exists there too! I wonder how they got Floyd into that diamond prison? If only the perfect family harmony can shatter diamond, why not unscrew the top of the bottle? xD Jk
My sister laughed when she saw Spruce/Bruce, because he used to be the most muscular now he's big(It does make sense though as to why he would be, he's cute nonetheless) xD But we both loved his new look as well as Brandi and their kids, they were really cute! I also like their species, they looked like puppets, they were really adorable! Also, I'm wondering the exact same thing as John, How are they making this work? I'm genuinely curious xD
Crimp surprised me, tbh. What is she, though? It's not really important. Anyway, she's one of my favorite, hands down! Velvet looked like she was gradually growing mad with power, a little cliche, but still entertaining! Veneer did look like he didn't like what was going on as well as loving his fame and riches, very conflicted. And I love how Floyd was so sarcastic to him like Branch was with Poppy in the first movie xD
The too much hussle part made my brain melt, it almost felt like an acid trip like the Jazz hypno from World Tour. So, I don't have anything else to say about that. It was funny though!
I LOVE VIVA!! She's just like Poppy but hard on caffeine and I love it xD
Also, I called it: Clay is my all time favorite taking Trollex's place as #1!!! I could talk about him for hours, but I'll spare you by only saying that I think he's the cutest and funniest(Even if he doesn't want to be funny anymore)! xD
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Also, I gotta say that Tiny wasn't annoying(surprisingly) in this movie. I don't like Tiny and I don't like that DreamWorks are trying to add him everywhere, but he was just fine in this movie and he even made me laugh when they were climbing up the walls with their gummy gloves xD
The car chase was fun, the songs were amazing and the message was great as well, I like how John realized his mistakes and puts Branch in charge at the end. Also....
Anyway, this was my review, I'll definitely buy the movie when it comes out on DVD and watch it until my Boyfriend gets sick of it and tells me to stop xD If you want to see it, please do, I thought it was way better that the first two by a landslide! Though I still love the first two xD
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ggren-mainz · 2 months
Umineko - question arcs playthrough -> ep 1 - 11
last part - All parts and episodes - next part
Things are getting worse and worse
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she's been telling y'all who the culprit was all along, y'all just don't want to listen.
Also I was looking on reddit at memes and one umineko one was like making fun of people who assume the answer arc will answer shit and that they finished ep 8 and still didn't know the culprit like ....that can.,,happen? God no wait i gotta lock in huh?? no more 'NONBELIVERS"???? well i think for now it's ok since i sincerely doubt you can solve anything with half of ch1 only, but still.... Ig ill have to think *disolves into a puddle and dies*
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Wouldn't Kinzo's room be the closest to a safe one? I mean i remember them saying that only Genji had the key to his room, and in rest it's all done with an automated system.
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Am i smart or am i smart ? (I think i'll become the queen of pointing out the obvious atp.)
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Sooo true, save this here to keep it in mind, but yeah while something may seem like the most logical answer for the opponent, they might've not done it because perhaps they haven't thought of it. Variables variables...
they all go to hide in Kinzo's room, and at the entrance, Maria says how the door is built to not let magical entities in, having the same symbol drawn on it as the charms she gave to Jessica and Battler. So Beatrice couldn't have entered this room with her magic, and instead the theory that Kinzo left it of his own accord is probably right. That or Eva was right about Natsuhi or she lied about the receipt OR a secret door exists.
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oookay this changes things quite a lot. Basically, he said that Beatrice existed but she died. So does this suddenly turn into a ghost story? No i don't think so.
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Yk what would be the funniest thing Beatrice could do rn? Appear lmao. But yeah no good resolution too bad it's almost definitely not the real one. Or at least not the entire story for sure.
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Wait wait wait, will this imply that Kanon and/or Shannon were Kinzo's children?? Hmm i mean, maybe it could explain Kanon's words. Or maybe just someone in that orphanage. I don't know if I'm sold in any way but i'd argue it's something to keep in mind.
Ok they say he used the orphans as human sacrifices which we know isn't true cause Kanon kind of died of his own will...to some extent. Idk i don't believe it rn, but again, good to keep in mind.
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FINALLY. Took them this long huh.
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Huh so my earlier theory was wrong, the twilight doesn't literally mean twilight. Then i sure wonder what will happen at the end.
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If this isn't magic and someone is doing all of this than props to them they sure are a good actor.
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Look i get it these people are very worried and do not know what to do. I'm not gonna call them stupid or say they should've acted another way, but i hope next time loop/whatever going back in time will happen they will figure out that maybe they should take the "get my gold" threat more seriously.
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She's so cool but at the same time she's so getting stabbed soon. I can just feel it.
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They're dying.
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:C poor Maria....She deserves better parents. Pls guys fix it fic with Maria found family,
so later they realize the whole purpose of the letter was to divide them, and bring fear. A phone call comes in which you can only hear Maria's distant singing, and the people in the room panic and go out as to find and help her.
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Oh god...she'll be singing next to the corpses, won't she? Also, i wonder what she's singing.
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ofc i was right. Also *points finger* I know this image! it's the one in the thumbnail of the "Answers to all Umineko crimes and murders" video that kept being recommended to me on youtube! I cannot wait to watch it tbh, i bet I'll be like"HUH??? NO WAY!? HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO GUESS THAT?!" the whole time.
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So she is somehow blood related to Kinzo? I mean it being his wife would also work but I'd say daughter works better. Idk I'm saying bullshit, I'll just make a note of this.
ok so Natsuhi is invited to a duel with Beatrice and when the children find her, she has apparently shot herself. Maria then starts running towards the portrait where apparently Beatrice was, and we can hear her voice laughing. Then we cut to a sort of retelling of the events from the police's perspective, and apparently, they found the story about what happened on the island in a journal written by the one and only....*drum rolls* ....MARIA! now this wouldn't be that big of a surprise except we are also given the last line of the journal which says...
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WHICH IS WEIRD ASF! because of obvious reasons. Why is she saying to find out the truth?? Does this mean she didn't actually believe in the witch? Or well maybe not that but did something else also happen? This doesn't sound like Maria at all. so ig another mystery to be discovered.
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And this is it, the end of the chapter. The next part will be the tea party and my final thoughts and theories. Also just a thought but yeah, although i obviously wish to find the answers, this would be a metal way to end the game, and like not continue at all. Would be quite an end lol.
next part
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wastelandeer · 7 months
If Blue and Jack were companions, what kind of greetings would they have? How would they change depending on their approval ratings? (Romanced, high, neutral, very low etc)
ohhh cute idea!
Blue definitely more verbose- the funniest would probably be very low. I couldn't see her fully leaving, if only because she has no other ideas and now wants to see where this monster truck of destruction and bad ideas goes. The greeting for that would likely be a "Sooooo...how's it gooooiiinnnggg?"
Neutral would be short but friendly, and if romanced I could see her occasionally trying to keep a smile down as you approach.
Very low Jack would just bounce, tbh. He would be gone. He has enough problems, thank you, and taking things on on his own is not one of them. Would probably take Karlach with him if he could.
Approval and neutral would likely be difficult to decern- there isn't much difference between "Sup pup?" and "What goes on in the brain meats today?". Get to know him and the more jokes he makes the more he likes you, though.
Romanced might be a bit frustrating because he's always going to let you talk first so he can re-establish the relationship. You still like him right? This is a thing? Are you really sure about--okay I'll grab your face and kiss then we're cool it's cool.
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dandelion-wings · 2 years
Jean. 16, 17, 21, 28, 30.
16. A childhood headcanon
I imagine that Jean sang a lot as a child! Mondstadt is the city of song and in the freer younger years I imagine her having, she'd catch snatches of ballads and just sing them to herself while she was playing with Barbara or training or just going about. Barbara thought she was a great singer and was always asking Jean to sing for her, and then after she was parted for Barbara, she just... stopped singing, because there wasn't a little sister to clap and encourage her anymore.
(Barbara didn't sing before she got her Vision because she didn't think of herself as the singer of the family, and then when she realized she had a talent at it and it was linked to her healing, devoted herself to it as a way she could outmatch Jean... and then Jean went and got a healing Vision herself, so it was only the singing part, that Jean doesn't even seem to remember or acknowledge anymore, that was left.)
17. What do you think their first word was?
Despite popular Mondstadt myth, it wasn't "Mondstadt, as always." :P Though if it had been "mama" I think parental pride might have tried to turn it into an attempt at that... but, given what we know about the personalities of the respective parents, I strongly suspect it was "dada" instead.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
Answered here! I don't have a good variant for this one, alas; I think Jean is someone who's good at finding satisfaction and value in her duties, but as far as actual happiness goes, it was probably during that childhood period.
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
I feel like Jean does so much unnecessary stuff because she's been raised to be a perfectionist who physically cannot do less than 110% minimum. That said, I'm imagining that, like, right before Varka left on his expedition, she absolutely went through all his prep behind him and wrote up exhaustive documentation, two copies of each (one for him, one for her), and then handed him a, like, logistics plan and budget (since she was keeping both the logistics company and the quartermaster, apparently? miHoYo why did the logistics captain for an entire armed force stay behind when 4/5 of it went on the march, do you understand what logistics does) with a dozen different appendixes for various contingencies. And then gave copies to the captains going along because it seemed plausible Varka would lose it. This is unnecessary not because Varka couldn't use this (tbh given what we know of him he probably half-expected of her) but because I know in my heart, and she knew in hers, that he completely forgot about it three days out.
30. The funniest scene they had?
A lot of Jean's funny moments seem to happen offscreen, honestly? Grounding Kaeya and stuff like that.... On-screen, probably her Windblume exchange with Lisa about electrocuting people.
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