#the gifmaker that u are ✨
thedeadthree · 2 years
i have been trying for EONS to add a gif overlay to an edit and like.. it looks good on one layer and then when i click to the animation the layers go transparent and like? how do i make it not do that? i went to merge across all layers and it’s like……. not doing it ajjzjzjx IF ANYONE KNOWS HOW TO FIX THIS ILL BE FOREVER GRATEFUL.. like the edit is technically DONE but bc im ambitious i wanted to add a gif overlay ✨🥴
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rebeljyn · 2 months
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People who reblog other people's gifsets just to shit on them are so braindead lmao like my guy I spent literal hours making a gifset talking about ✨MY✨ favorite outfits of Padmé's(which even if u don't like them they're all insanely good costume work) and then you make the effort to reblog said gifset just to say you hate the very core of said gifset?💀
Like ok? Make your own post? Why did you reblog it if you hate it so much? This is part of why gifmakers lose the motivation to make content btw like we already do it for FREE the least someone can do is be respectful enough to not start shitting on a gifset that has nothing morally wrong with it.
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staud · 4 months
🤍 Freeze! ✨ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are amazing and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel appreciated! 🤍
omg tumblr user aegonx thee talented gifmaker u are!!!! THANKS<3
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euphhorias · 2 years
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the beginning of the final month of the year but today is an angel’s birthday so réka @yooboobies​ my sweet honey, the happiest of birthdays to u !! if u thought last year’s letter was emotional, then this one’s even more so 💜
where to begin? over a year has passed since we’ve, well i’ve, had the pleasure of meeting u and being allowed into ur space 💖 and it’s something i cherish and hold v v dear to my heart bc coming into a fandom such as k-pop, i never expected to make close friends and then have friends of friends but u were one of the first and the fact we’re still here, months later, is magical ✨ we may have been introduced to each other in a different gc, fond memories there, and then u made ur own, the boongie base, and were kind enough to send me the invite 🥹 to which now is a place i’m so grateful for and couldn’t imagine my life without 🥹 the amount of love that’s spread, the silly shenanigans, the delulu convos, and the loveliest of souls, i do not think myself worthy of being a part of something so delightful but it’s all thanks to u so truly thank u for inviting me into this warm space of light and joy, it cheers up my dark days and makes the good ones even brighter 💕
we may live thousands of miles apart but i can honestly say u are one of the most special people i have met, not just from being in a fandom but life in general 🫶🏻 i wish u could see urself how i see u, how so many people see u, a beautiful heartwarming darling who would give the shirt off her back if it would help someone else, ur that kind of selfless person and it’s so hard and rare to find, ur like a diamond in the ruff and deserved to be loved upon as such 💎 not to mention ur INSANE talent !! whether it be sketching or gifmaking, creating sims or teaching lil kids, u should give urself way more credit darling, oh how i would love to have a sliver of how talented u are, both envious and completely in awe of u ajksjksjds 🥰 and another bonding factor: being cat moms and our fur babies looking like precious twins it melts my heart and simply hearing from u, seeing ur gorgeous cute sexy selfies, are blessing themselves and i consider myself v fortunate to be in ur company almost daily ❤️‍🔥
i wish i could do more than post just a silly lil letter, for it’s only a fraction of the love and adoration i have for u 😭 but until we meet (🤞🏻🤞🏻), it’ll have to do tho be forewarned, an in-person celebration will be far more than simply words from me, as u deserve to be showered with gifts and endless amounts of love, so that’ll be crammed in more and more as the years and birthdays go by 🥳 to draw this to a close, i just want to say how thankful i am for being a part of ur life and u in mine, it’s crazy to think there was a time we didn’t know each other but i’m so glad we’re in THIS time when we DO know each other and i count u as a wife, best friend and drinking buddy all in one 🥂 never change, never stop being urself and thank u for bringing the boongie base wives together in the most wonderful polyamorous relationship ever 🥺 never stop loving yoongi, hoseok, sope, bts, for u have one of the biggest hearts i’ve ever known, and please remember how cherished and treasured u are, by all of us 🤍 also, have fun seeing louis next year !! ur going to have the most amazing time !! and of course, enjoy ur special day, it’s all about u my girl sweet loml, stay safe and celebrate this beautiful time 🫰🏻 I LOVE U SO MUCH ENDLESSLY AND ALWAYS 😍🎂👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🎉💛 
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miwtual · 11 months
kim hello!! we haven't talked much, but ur so kind when we do <33 and ur love for gifmakers also feels so good to see, especially on tumblr where it feels like we get the short end of the stick most of the time sjdbfhskdj
mutuals send me a 💌 and ill tell u something i love about you
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swiftiebuck · 2 years
tumblr user swiftiebuck I just want to say ur 911 gifs (not sure if u gif other shows/movies) are so so gorgeous 💗 I don't know shit about gifmaking but in my humble layperson opinion they are top tier.
the quality is soooo crisp and clear. the coloring looks Exquisite—vibrant but not over saturated and not too low contrast either ✨ no idea what type of magic u work but sometimes the images look better to me on ur gifs than on the actual mp4 show lmaooo.
idk if u adjust the speed, but I like the setting you use. I appreciate a good slowed down gif which gives more time to see the expressions the characters are making, etc. but sometimes when they’re a little too slowed down it changes the vibe or tone, makes things look more dramatic or romantic than they are in the actual scene. which isn’t a bad thing!! but I feel like ur style is the type that’s most faithful to the source material, if that makes sense.
also the text? sublime. I love the font you use, the size is just right—not too big that it becomes distracting or too small that it’s hard to read. it bothers me when there are typos or weird punctuation/capitalization in the text on gifs but I’ve never noticed any of those on ur work.
I see ur gifs and I just want to stare at them all day and bask in the artistry like a museum goer on a lazy sunday. just all around excellence. no notes 😚👌🏼
this is so nice ohhhh my god im genuinely about to cry thank u😭😭
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jeonwonwoo · 23 days
seungsol gay ❤️✨—
YOU MADE A TAG FOR ME I 😭😭😭 /positive
but I said “why do they do that” in accordance with when idols all of a sudden look 👀👀 scrumptious, gifmakers will snatch the videos like their fingers will fall off if they don’t make a gifset [when you talked about the sleeveless seungcheol content]
MEEEEE bc u should have seen the speed i was moving at when the concert videos started dropping
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visualtaehyun · 5 months
2023 in review 🏳‍🌈
Tagged by the lovely @btwinlines (here) and @chickenstrangers (here) ✨ Thank you 🙏
>> Post your most popular and/or favorite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
This took a while to assemble because I first needed to track down all my original posts which are strewn across several personal tags because I didn't know at the time I established them that I'd be shitposting, getting back into giffing?? etc.
Still lurking but I took to commenting on Thai BLs on YT a lot. The thoughts needed to go somewhere but I wasn't back on tumblr yet cause I'd been mostly using it for Kpop for several years at that point. My first Thai QL related reblogs are from January 2023 though.
Fun fact: I watched Theory of Love in 2019 after stumbling across OffGun and promptly watching their entire back catalogue lol I even watched a good portion of 3 Will Be Free as it aired but fell off of Thai series entirely and I don't recall why! My only guess is that I was too into Kpop and learning Korean, nerdy proof from vocational training below lol I got back into BL in late summer 2022 via Semantic Error and from there I fell quickly!
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popular: I only posted twice that month! Be My Favorite was one of the reasons I un-lurked and this breakdown of the pronoun talk in ep. 10 was me deciding to start sharing my vibrating-in-my-seat-about-Thai-language energy lol
honorable mentions: Wedding Plan's YiwaMarine were the original reason I stopped lurking because I wanted to make some noise for Thai GL and for this show - hence this ramble of a post was created!
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popular: this Only Friends meme? shitpost? about Cheum being a textbook U-Haul lesbian
honorable mention: this Wedding Plan parallel edit of YiwaMarine / LomNuea / Yiwa&Lom <3 and this post about the food, tongue twister, language in Hidden Agenda ep. 5 because it exemplifies how/what I learn from Thai series and because it's the third show I ever posted about
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popular: an analysis of how the two main couples or two sets of best friends in Naughty Babe (and Cutie Pie) talk to each other
honorable mention: this rant about how the Korean remake of Why R U?, specifically their Fighter, Tutor and Hwa adaptation, frustrated me because it makes no sense if you don't already know the Thai original and this Naughty Babe post about pronouns and names between the two families
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popular: unsurprisingly it's this Only Friends SandRay post aka Phi Bug and Nong Rabbit
honorable mention: this was the month I finally watched La Pluie so there's a few posts where I'm basically talking to myself lol about some subbing choices, among other things. This was also when GMMTV's press con for the upcoming year happened and I got too interested in all the wordplay in the Only Boo! trailer.
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popular: I still haven't started watching Cooking Crush (too bitter about the uncut situation tbh) but I did write up an explanation of a pun in ep. 1. And because this is the month that I almost exclusively posted about Thai GL - this Love Senior ep. 1 post with various language observations.
honorable mention: This was also the month I suddenly got back into gifmaking, something I had dabbled in throughout several past fandoms (don't- just- don't go looking lmao). Basically no one's watching Wednesday Club? -> a gifset of May as played by Piploy. There's barely a ZeeNuNew fandom to speak of on tumblr? -> a badly thought out ZNN gifset lmao. The video in question doesn't have English subs? -> Love Senior cast and director shenanigans giffed! I haven't made a single gif since btw djsjdhsj
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popular: Pronoun changes, my beloved! Because of course the switch to พี่/น้อง /phi, nong/ in ep. 5 would get me to start rambling posting about Last Twilight lol
honorable mention: I expanded on that when I went back through ep. 1-6 to examine the entire evolution of how MorkDay speak to each other. Also wanna mention this very random post about a meme and Thai song (that I've played endlessly) and that time I hijacked @zimmbzon's doc Jim post to reply to their tags :D
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A very busy year with lots of shows watched, lots of new acquaintances made on here, and a steadily growing understanding of Thai! If the utter devastation I seem to already have caused with that Rung/rainbow Last Twilight post from the other day is any indication of the year ahead, then it sure is gonna be a fun one lmao
I'm honestly not sure who has been tagged yet and who even wants to do this but some no-pressure tags: @ueasking @thegalwhorants @pharawee and, of course, if you read this and wanna play the tag too, feel free to tag me! If any mutuals have already done this, please point me towards your posts too~
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buckysbarnes · 10 months
ASHLEY!!!! happy birthday my dear!!!!! ur such a wonderful gifmaker, tumblr is so blessed to have u <33
Aww thank you so much, Kai!!! I’m blessed to have you ✨💖✨
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milkpansa-archive · 2 years
hihiii 💞
first of all thank u so so much for your super kind words on my gifsets, esp when your own are so beautiful!!!! i havent been active in giffing for aaaages so it made me rly happy to see how supportive everyone is 😭 we may be new moots but i can already tell you're gonna be one of my absolute favourite people on here just bc you exude this like? aura?? completely made up of warmth and love and sunshine !! like the feeling of wearing a rly comfy oversized jumper or like when you're hugging someone and they squeeze you to hold on tighter ! it makes me feel so so safe, and i rly hope you get that in return too from your friends bc you deserve it!!!!
this got kinda long but yeah!!! i just wanted to say hi!! and it's lovely to meet you!!!!
jazz darling hi!! ✨
so sorry this is a bit late!!
you’re so so welcome!!! i hope you know your sets are truly so so stunning and that they deserve all the love!!! and i am still very much a baby gifmaker so thank you so much for calling my sets beautiful!! really really means a lot 🥺
and ohmygod you’re so sweet idk what to say honestly. thank you thank you thank you for thinking of me like that! honored i make you feel like that darling. like you said we’re quite new moots but i just know you’re going to be one of my fave people here as well. i mean you sending this ask? i can already tell you’re the loveliest human ever! i am sending you all the hugs (((hugs tightly))) and here *smooches your forehead* 💖💞💘💕💗💓
hope you have a lovely lovely week darling 🥰❣️
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jaehwany · 3 years
gifmaker appreciation tag
rules: answer the first half of the questions with gifsets of your own, then answer the second half by tagging gifmakers you love!
tagged by: @cuddlybitch @baek1nho @belsmultifandommess @gongmyung @koreandragon @surii @thingskateknows @liveasbutterflies @baijingting thank u all so much for tagging me!! always love a chance to celebrate gifmakers on here 💖💖💖
Link a gifset you’re really proud of:
blending is something i always try to do and then give up halfway into the first gif so i’m proud of myself for giving it another go for this vincenzo set. helps that it’s a really dark scene so i could hide all the flaws XD baby steps! also i just think the parallel with the hug and bloody hands and the villain quote is genius ok.. my mind 😌
Link a gifset where you tried something new:
i tried to play around with colourful gradients for this vincenzo set and i’m pretty happy with how it turned out
Link a gifset that features your favorite character or celebrity:
he’s just a baby 🥺️
Link a gifset that you want more people to see:
maybe this atots one? 
Link a gifset that you had fun making:
i always enjoy making comp sets but then it gets to the part where i have to match the colouring across the gifs and then i start questioning everything.. this move to heaven one was pretty fun tho! their sibling energy <3
Link a gifset that you created as part of a meme, challenge, or series:
i put quite a lot of thought into this one for the ‘characters i see myself in’ challenge
Link a gifset of yours that makes you smile:
too many bc i usually like giffing the cute/comedic moments the most! i’ll pick this atots one!! i mean just look at them 🥺️
Link a gifset that you made for someone else:
i made this into the ring set and this do you like brahms set as part of last year’s kdrama secret santa exchange 🎅💝
Tag someone who inspired you to start making gifs:
i’ve been on this hellsite for more than a decade so it’s hard to remember why i started making gifs or who inspired me. i took a break for awhile but it was 2gether and the lovely fandom on here that got me to start giffing again at the beginning of quarantine last year :D
Tag someone who makes great vibrant gifs:
@cuddlybitch @mercurialhigh @metawin @alienwlw​ do absolute MAGIC with their colours and i’m always in awe!!!! @gimme-a-chocolate​ also makes such great vibrant gifs 😍
Tag someone who makes great pale/pastel gifs:
i’m not sure if it counts as pale but @ramsking has a very soft distinct colouring that is gorgeous <3  
Tag someone who gifs for a fandom you love:
@becomeundone for run on, vincenzo and cherry magic 🥰️🥰️🥰️ not forgetting @yesdramas for general kdrama fandom and @earthmixs for general thai fandom (and now kdramas too hehe)
Tag someone who uses text/typography really well in their gifsets:
definitely @baijingting and her devastating quotesets 💔 and i love how @deokmis​ is always experimenting with different fonts and styles! also in general the s&b and jatp fandom on here are sooo impressive
Tag someone who motivates you to step up your game:
@mostlyfate and @gominshi for sure!! always incredibly stunning and creative gifs✨
Tag someone who you have taken inspiration from:
i get my inspiration from all the wonderful people i follow so it’s hard to just pick one. but recently i’ve been going into the sabedit and litedit tags to admire everyone’s works and find inspiration to improve my sets
Tag gif makers who you admire and appreciate! (Put as many people here as you want!):
some have already been tagged before but i wanted to show my 💗 anyway! @moonlightsdream @baek1nho @uppoompat @liveasbutterflies @surii @ipytm @florenzim @dramaism @haeyeongs @gangtaes @kojiseok @oh-aew @ficklefackle @winar @thingskateknows @gongmyung @minhyowon + the ones i already mentioned above!
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ok heres the thing
there are so many people (and gifmakers especially) feeling down rn and yk what? f*ck that. list of thoughts ive had about tumblr and the people i follow/mutual with here we go
- first of all thank u
- how in the actual h*ll do gifmakers churn out masterpiece after masterpiece and then be like "ugh sorry it took so long / sorry the colors arent adjusted / sorry that gif got cropped / sorry its so long" like wth
- gifmakers are so f*ckin awesome...like even if u think ur gifs go unseen or unappreciated they are ✨adored✨ by people like myself genuinely
- mlm writers: THANK YOU
- writers on this app are precious. godsends. especially writers of mlm or transmlm or just plain trans works. love u guys.
- writers often feel pressured to write swiftly and to write everything that floats into their inbox but heres a little insider tip: u dont have to do either of that sh*t. do what u want when u can. believe me, people still love ur works
- people that dont gatekeep the h*ll outta sh*t are awesome
- seeing content from my mutuals thats just reblogged posts that i reblogged is f*cking hilarious to me. we're just recycling sh*t
- just because tumblr is literally a babbling dumba*ss doesnt make the people that use it any less than essential
- d*mn i love crack blogs
- honestly i love the people i follow. they make my day tolerable
reblog and tag the people this immediately made you think of
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seokljin · 2 years
OMG🥺🥺🥺🥺 ur literally the sweetest ever i was so happy to see how much u liked that gifset like truly could you be any cuter and have anything other than the absolute kindest words to say?????🥺💖💔💔❤️‍🩹💓💘 it made me so happy it made the struggle of that coloring completely totally worth it!!!!!!!!😣🥺😭🥺 thank u thank u ilusm you are absolutely too kind i will hold all of your lovely words in my little gifmaker heart forever :(((( i am sending u back all the love and appreciation your words made me feel (so so much!!!) i hope u are doing well and that only good things come to u💗💗💗💗
can we please pretend you didn't just say all that because i don't think i can handle this rain shower of goodness in addition to your gorgeous art?? sfsfhj my honey!!!!!!!!!!! this is such a joy to read i !!!!!!!!!! tysm tysm tysm there aren't enough kind words in the dictionary to tell you what this means to me 💔 honestly think you are a master of the game (how fitting for a hobi simp to ace whatever field they're on just like he rules and lead each and every road he steps on :o) like each and every post is a museum worthy piece ! thank you :( im taking this 💌 and putting your sweet wishes in a heart shaped locket to carry with me always 💗🐿️💞💖🦋💕🌸✨
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woosansang · 3 years
nooo omg ur gifs are pretty and u have such nice colouring!! they have ✨dimension✨ and yes we all make stuff we are not 100% proud of or it turns out bad rip my endless unposted gifsets 💔💔 but it's just cc life... also i think about that purple not too late yeosang gifset DAILY im not kidding 😭😭😭 also i need all the yeotent i can get but this is not about me abdhdbdnsb ~ kangyeosaang
:(((((((((( @kangyeosaang
honestly like tbh tbh ur one of my fav gifmakers and the fact that u make so much amazing yeotent makes me rly happy and im a tiny bit jealous of ur skill. so like. to get a message like this from u is making me cry once again bc im a little bitch like i'm so touched that you'd go out of ur way to send encouragement like this <33
and fuck yeah, lets continue churning out both half assed and beautiful yeosang content for the world <3 <3
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herawell · 2 years
Tagged by @riana-one.
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨💝
1. I like my eyelashes -- they're naturally thick and long.
2. I like my stamina -- I'm not an athlete by any means, but when I go for hikes with my family, I'm always in the lead.
3. I like my hair right now, it's medium length and layered and stylish in a way it hasn't been since middle school.
4. I like my eyebrows -- finally mustered the courage to have them threaded in a parlor for the first or second time since the pandemic.
5. I like my gifmaking abilities.
Tagging whoever wants to do this.
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taechnological · 3 years
do u know any giffers with open requests who can gif this adorable vmin moment??🥺 thank u so much sae💕✨
oh :O tbh i'm not sure which gifmaker blogs have their requests open rn but i say u ask them about it! i'm sure no one will say no 🥺
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