#the grad school blues
yarboyandy · 4 months
Guy who never imagined he’d get this far in life and can’t conceptualize the fact that school just ends <- hey guys I’m graduating today in like a few hours
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
If graduate students don't learn how to read emails and follow basic instructions real quick, Imma go spare.
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zugmode · 18 days
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pov completion grade
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octo-crafts · 7 months
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Doing my schoolwork feels like pulling teeth at the moment, so I've started making a braided rag basket out of the blue sheet that bleeds dye everywhere (including my hands while braiding it). The plan is to make it the right size to go on top of the entryway drawers so that it can be a tidier landing place for hats/mits/etc. than the current pile on a chair. Since all of my winter stuff is relatively dark colours anyway, the dye bleeding ishouldn't matter, and it won't stain some other unsuspecting thrift store customer's legs and mattress protector blue.
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dionysus-complex · 1 year
god it's a shame that Montana and Idaho are so rabidly anti-trans and anti-abortion etc because otherwise they'd be really ideal states
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masbravaquenada · 1 year
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A little tipsy ipsy photoshoot in the parking lot waiting for my friend to finish his 🌳🍃🌬️.
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sapphirablue · 6 months
I am…. Tired
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negrowhat · 1 year
RW&RB 2nd novel about FirstPrince's life in NYC. Living together in Henry's purchased brownstone. Alex working hard in law school and Henry working hard overseeing Pez's foundation's shelter in the city.
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muninnhuginn · 7 months
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pendraegon · 2 years
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vamptoll · 9 months
“And yet it seems to me that on a very fundamental level, transsexuality is about individuals who change our physical bodies because we want to move through the world on all levels in a sex and gender other than the one assigned to us a birth. Transsexuality is about the banality of buying some bread, of making photocopies, of getting your shoe fixed. It is not about challenging the binary sex/gender system, it is not about making a critical intervention every waking second of the day, it is not about starting the Gender Revolution. Queer theorists, as well as transgendered theorists like Feinberg and Halberstam, just don’t get it.” (20) – Viviane Namaste “Sex Change, Social Change: Reflections on Identity and institutions.
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fatcowboys · 9 months
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[image description: eight quick sketches of animals and a picture of me holding a large stuffed animal bison in the middle. one - a drawing of a puffin swimming in the water with its beak open. another puffin head is behind it. two - multiple sketches of bison. One is laying down while the next is walking to the right. another simple line drawing draws one walking forward while another just draws the bison's head. Three - two armadillo drawings, one of just the angular head, and another of the armadillo standing in a stiff pose.
four - drawings of arctic foxes. two full drawings are on the right. the top one shows a very round fox, mostly a circle with a little face. the one below is sitting and looking down. to the left, partly out of frame, are two more fragments of drawings. five - a picture of me, blue, a fat white person with curly brown mullet and pink tinted glasses. i am holding a large stuffed animal of a bison who is as wide as i am as i smile. six - two drawings of giraffe heads. one is turned to look at the viewer while one is facing away, looking up.
seven - two drawings of crowned cranes. one is full body of ome while it ruffles its feathers, looking bristly as it does. the other is a closeup of its face. eight - another drawing of a bison, this one a quick. simplified version. nine - a rough scratchy drawing of a tarantula. end id.]
went to the zoo for my birthday with friends!!!! i drew a lot of animals and also got a big stuffed animal with my zoo gift shop fund :3
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In terms of relationships, how close is Terios with each of the Ancients from most to least?
Ooh! Another great question! Get ready for some very vague, spoiler-free answers❤️✨
Blue and Terios are… very close. I’ll leave that up to you to interpret.
Terios and Rosé are very close as well, but he views her as a parental figure.
Terios and Aero can be interpreted as “sibling-like.” Aero often turns to Terios for guidance.
Though they bicker and fight a lot, Terios has immense respect for Strength. Terios has proven himself a lot since rescued.
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zugmode · 1 month
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first day of class is off to a good start
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athousandgateaux · 1 year
Political philosophy strangely has no place in the modern academy.
Despite its being at the very foundation of philosophy as a discipline (Plato was, if nothing else, a political philosopher), political philosophy is generally shunned and given a marginal position in contemporary philosophy departments. You can get away with being a specialist in metaphysics, philosophy of mind, metaethics, etc. without really engaging with the other sub-disciplines, but not so with political philosophy -- if you want to study political philosophy in philosophy departments you must work on other fields of philosophy first and foremost.
Similarly, political philosophy plays a marginal, if not non-existent role, in the field of modern political science. The closest contemporary political science gets to political philosophy is theory as a sub-field, but political theory as a sub-field was developed specifically in contrast to (and against) political philosophy, which it generally presents as outmoded. And even then, outside of a few universities whose poli sci departments specialize in theory, political theory is generally marginalized in the discipline when compared to the other sub-fields (comparative, international relations, etc.)
The only place where political philosophy proper really seems to have a home is in interdisciplinary theory departments (which tend to actually be continental philosophy departments -- continental philosophy being the last field to take political philosophy seriously), and those are extremely few and far between. When I did my MA in one such department here in Canada, I'd say about 60% of the grad students in the department were usamerican, despite US students being charged international student fees, simply because there was not a single university department in the US where they could actually work on political philosophy.
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recentlylocal · 2 years
Something very funny to me: while Gideon the Ninth is a very well crafted novel, the plot is actually quite simple and therefore the structure of GtN is IDEAL for AUs. Person A needs an ally to accomplish xyz, but the only available ally is Person B, their frienemsis. Throw in a dash of Person B is lying/otherwise impersonating someone else? Chef’s kiss. Fantastic plot line right off the bat and endlessly adaptable. I’ve read AUs from “ballet school rivals” to “roommates out of financial necessity” and this plot works seamlessly for all of them. 
On the other hand, the plots of Harrow the Ninth and Nona the Ninth are near incomprehensibly convoluted and therefore nigh impossible to form into a coherent AU. I have not read a single Harrow the Ninth AU that isn’t a canon divergence, because? What other setting could possibly be a good 1:1 for “teenager with self-induced amnesia being gaslit by immortals on a spaceship??” People are swapping bodies. IANTHE is there. It simply does not translate to the wacky found family shenanigans that a setting like a CollegeAU demands.
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