#the great hyne
mizgnomer · 1 year
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Hair Ruffles with a Twist: Other people ruffling David Tennant's hair
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userkayjay · 1 year
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dubmill · 1 year
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Grave of William Ballantine Hyne (d. 1921), Friern Barnet, London; 25.3.2023
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salt-and-shade · 1 year
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Best Suiting/Menswear Looks at the Golden Globes 2023
Tyler James Williams in Amiri Barry Keoghan in Louis Vuitton Mark Indelicato in Christian Lacroix
Percy Hynes White in Saint Laurent Reece Feldman in Daniel Fletcher and Egonlab Eddie Redmayne in Valentino
Andrew Garfield in Zegna Justin Hurwitz designer unknown Scott Evans in Grayscale
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m-aremagnum · 2 years
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The real indie sleaze
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becca-alexa · 1 year
okay so i've started watching Wednesday and i have thoughts:
i feel like wednesday is unnecessarily cruel to pugsley - and not in a bickering sibling way, like actually mean and i'm not feeling it like girl your brother is hugging you goodbye the least you could do is acknowledge you'll miss him too
and onto my next point - i will defend pugsley with my life he is my favorite and i love him
i get wednesday's whole dark and brooding schtick but it feels a little... i don't know, it feels a bit much, even for her -- that being said, jenna ortega is killing it
i know this is just me nitpicking and comparing the show to the movie but i prefer huston's morticia to zeta-jones's (this new morticia is giving a little snarky and, again, i'm not feeling it)
loving how wednesday's a jersey girl
i don't understand wednesday's blatant animosity toward her parents - her mother especially - and i would have liked a little hindsight into why that is
i'm gonna come right out and say it -- Lurch is hot and i'm not sorry
rowan is precious and clearly the Best Boy so far but xavier is a CLOSE second (please i'm just weak for a man in glasses sue me) and yes i know he tried to kill wednesday and dies but poor boy was just following his supposed destiny so he'll always have a place in my heart </3
don't like tyler nope not at all he's giving me the heebies and i bet he'll give me the jeebies later
why the hell is wednesday so mean to xavier poor boy's clearly trying his best
is nobody going to question the three teenagers walking menacingly through a crowd with freaking baseball bats like come on
that monster literally couldn't get any uglier good job
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letorip · 6 days
hiiii! i loved reading “somethin’ stupid”, and I wanted to make a request for it. Not sure if it’s discontinued or not, but what abt reader when everything has healed and them being super insecure of their scars. Maybe getting bullied or harassed for them? And Wednesday comforting them, even though it’s not her thing + reassurance that she’ll always love them, no matter what. Ty for listening to my rant. :)
somethin’ stupid [iii]
“the time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red and oh, the night so blue”
pairing: wednesday addams x reader
summary: wednesday reminds you she loves you with an unending passion, even with the scars that you now wear for her.
warnings: mentions of bullying, body insecurities, percy hynes white the rat man himself existing, explicit words ig? if you can't handle cuss words idk what to tell you
word count: 3.9k
A/N: timeline a bit altered, there's about a week left before you return home for the summer, and xavier gives her the phone with this week left. thoughts are in red. i don’t usually accept requests from people but this was just too adorable to pass up, especially with the new season starting production. it kind of got away from me, in terms of length, but it was fun to write. next out will hopefully be the lottie matthews fic that i’ve been talking up
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Scars were remarkable things. The way they stretched along the skin of your arms and right up almost to the tips of your fingers, or branched along the bridge of your nose and twisted along your jaw, it was as if a tree of your life was etched fundamentally into you, and Wednesday was transfixed.
It didn’t matter how many times she traced her fingers over the paths— two fingers, gentle, watching your nose twitch with every curve— she still thought they were, that you were breathtaking to look at.
“Wednesday, that tickles,” you hummed softly, eyes still closed. She frowned, tugging her hands away abruptly and raising her eyebrows at you.
“I was unaware you were awake," she said.
You lifted one eye open, smiling when you saw her, and though she would have still rather died than admit it, the gesture held a great, mystical power over her.
The skylight overhead leaked morning light into the room, flushing itself against the walls and beaming gently down, over your cheeks. It felt nice everywhere except for the new slashes that were still healing, and you rolled over, away from her to sit up on the edge of your bed and get out of the uncomfortable heat that pressed on those delicate places.
"How did you get in?" you asked, stretching out your arms and wincing a bit at the uncomfortable tightness. "You weren't here when I went to bed."
She watched you go, leaning back on the scratchy, woollen armchair next to your bed and shoving the stack of comic books already there to the side. “Your roof has a window, and I’m a very good climber. You should lock that, by the way.”
You turned to her and raised your eyebrows, looking miffed, but disgustingly adorable. “You could’ve just texted me, you know. I would’ve let you use the door.”
“And use that phone Xavier gave me? Believe me, I’d rather not,” she rolled her eyes with disgust, thinking about the interaction and how it took up time of her life that she'd never get back.
“You’d better, actually,” you said, turning to her with a smile and then wandering over to the set of drawers in the corner, clothes thrown all over the floor. Your whole room in general was a mess, largely from the bottles of medication and knocked over piles of books and things. It had been a rather stressful endeavour to get you up the stairs and comfortably inside, when you were still in your casts and there wasn’t an elevator.
“Why?” Wednesday challenged, watching you. She herself was already in her uniform, but she watched as you moved in your white pyjama t-shirt, the fresh scars almost dancing with your arms as they moved while you walked.
You grabbed a white button down out from the top one, shaking it a bit to get out a few wrinkles. “Because you’re sure as hell texting with me over summer break.” You shrugged, taking the shirt with you and walking behind the dividing screen you had next to your wardrobe. “That was nice of him to do for you, actually.” Your shirt went flying over the divider, landing on the ground.
Wednesday rolled her eyes. “You’re too kind to him. The snivelling rat only gave it to me so I would feel obligated to text him.” She could hear you rustling around behind the screen, messing about with your clothes. “Besides, why use the phone when I can visit you in person? Are you so braindead you need to rely on your phone for communication?”
The small noises stopped abruptly, and when you didn’t reply to that for a minute, Wednesday furrowed her eyebrows, standing up in her heavy boots that thudded against the creaky old wood of your floor. “What is it?” she asked, stepping forward towards the screen. You had made a fool of her with how much you made her worry, but she still desperately needed to know what was going on inside your head. She needed to be sure that you were okay.
She expected to see you have tripped maybe, or you had somehow collapsed into a pile of clothes and drifted back off to sleep, but the reality was a bit more mollifying. You were on the other side, just standing there with your button down shirt open in front of the mirror. You didn't say anything for a while, staring into it with a frown.
The scars over your stomach were perhaps the deepest, with raw, pinkish impressions still pressed into them and greenish-yellow bruises around the edges that were still straggling to heal up. The lines criss-crossed over your skin and up your chest, ending at the peaks of your shoulders that the white button down draped over. “They look bad on me,” you said, quietly.
She didn't particularly know what to say, watching your eyes continue to stare with a rigid dislike back at yourself. To get her to comfortably lean on you had been quite the effort, and now that you were officially together she was still becoming used to saying she loved you or kissing your skin whenever she so felt like it.
“They look like scars,” Wednesday replied. “The bruising will heal and the redness will fade, and-”
“But they won’t go away.” You said it with a flat disappointment. Wednesday blinked, confused by how you spoke of them. Were you unaware just how magnificent they looked upon you? The thought was vexing, and Wednesday was unsure what it was she could say to ease your mind, so she chose to say nothing at all.
You did the buttons up quickly, tugging on the collar to stand as tall as possible. It covered most of the scarring, but one could still see wisps of hurt skin on your hands and cuts across your face and jaw— Wednesday liked that one especially. You didn't seem to like any of them.
"We're going to be late to breakfast," she said, leaning with her arms crossed against the wardrobe. You shrugged again, going to grab your trousers.
"Go without me."
This caused her great pause. You were never one to miss breakfast. It was probably one of the most consistent ways someone could find you if they needed to. "It's your first day back," she argued. "And you're still recovering."
You rolled your eyes but smiled as you messed with the button of your pants, and it relaxed her a little bit, if the Addams could. "I'll survive without breakfast for a day, Wednesday. I need to get ready for class."
She narrowed her eyes at you. "Then I can survive without breakfast, too." You straightened up, sending her a look as you buttoned your trousers. You entirely knew the game that she was playing. The game she was winning, too.
"You can go without me."
"But I won't," she replied. You narrowed your eyes, grabbing some socks.
She glared right back, but not in an angry way. Just to let you know she was serious. "Fine." You rolled your eyes, stalking over, now that you were clothed and planting a gentle kiss on her lips. She leaned into it, hands coming up to cup your cheeks. Her thumbs brushed over the sensitive skin there.
"You win," you conceded, pulling away and looking down at her with a smile.
"I always do," she said, looking up at you with a shine in her dark eyes.
I guess (Y/n) is back.
Oh my god, the rumours were true.
Jeeeesus Christ, that kid's face.
The thoughts flitted past you like passing trains as you walked to the quad, loud and unfiltered noise in the back of your mind that acted as a constant reminder of the new skin you wore. You wore them for her, the short girl walking next to you, but even with her right by your side, it was like she was a million miles away.
That must've hurt, holy hell.
They stared, the people you passed, watching you with a weird half-shock, half-pity, their thoughts running wild. The worst ones imagined the scenario for themselves, and within their heads you saw a dozen different replays in different ways of you getting absolutely torn apart.
How are you still alive???
Fucking jumpscare...
That was about all it took before you shut off your noise completely. Maybe for once, it was better not to know what other people were thinking. You sent a glance to Wednesday, who was walking next to you with her eyes facing ahead. When you felt the people still staring, you frowned, bumping her with your hand. You needed her to hold it very, very badly.
But she sent you a look, shaking her head once as if to say 'not here.' You knew Wednesday didn't like PDA of any sort. She still struggled sometimes to wrap her arms around your shoulders or pull you in by your waist. It wasn't natural, but you still couldn't help feeling a little bit disappointed. The imaginary distance between you both widened, right then, and other kids' staring felt amplified by ten.
Suddenly, a colourful blur came bounding across the quad and right down the hall, straight for you. "Enid— Enid, wait—" Enid tackled you in a tight hug, squeezing you against her with an unrestrained excitement and trying to shake you like a rag doll, it felt like.
"Oh my god! You're back! Oh. My. God!" She screamed, beaming from ear to ear, pulling away to look at you for a second before going right back to hugging you tightly.
You grit your teeth from the discomfort of pressure being placed on the delicate skin, but made no move to pull away, and instead did your best to smile through it. A hug felt nice. It was the warmth you needed in a place that was being so cold to you at the moment. Enid didn't care what marks you had.
"Enid, down," Wednesday said firmly, watching the exchange and carefully monitoring your expression. She had caught your grimace, sending you a wary look and crossing her arms, subtly trying to make sure you were okay. You sent her a quick nod, and Enid gently pulled away.
"Sorry," she said, wincing at realising her mistake. The expression only lasted a second though, before she was right back to smiling at you. "Wait, we're scar buddies!"
You laughed. It had been the first time you felt good about them since finding Wednesday tracing them while you slept. "We definitely are."
Enid's were a bit more healed than yours, blending better into the skin than those that protruded from the bridge of your nose and sloped down into your cheek. You saw yours and thought 'ugly'; you saw Enid's and thought nothing. But you would take it either way.
The girl grabbed your arm, tugging you harshly forwards and dragging you towards your usual table. "You have to see Yoko. Her and Divina were worried sick about you." You sent Wednesday back a look as Enid dragged you, and she shrugged, watching you go, not that she'd be able to do much to stop her.
By the time she had comfortably strolled over to the table, Enid had already dragged you into a seat, and was brightly recounting everything you had missed. Wednesday had already done so, when you were still in the hospital recovering, but you let her continue to talk. It felt nice. Like everything was back to normal for once. She slid down next to you, not saying anything.
Divina and Yoko were being nice about your scars. They kept on trying to brush past it, like nothing was wrong, but you knew when they looked at your face, it was the first thing to catch their eyes every time.
"Are you excited to be back?" Yoko asked from behind her sunglasses, leaning against Divina's shoulders.
"Making up the homework I missed out on? Super thrilled," you said dryly, putting your elbows on the table and leaning on them as you partook in the conversation.
"Well, everyone's missed you," said Divina, trying to smile, but her eyes shifted down quickly, to look at your hands and the cuts upon them before back up to you. "We're all happy you're okay."
You sent her what was supposed to be a smile, but by the look Wednesday shot at you, it probably looked a bit more like a grimace. Could you even call this 'okay?' This wasn't being okay. Being okay would've meant you looked the same as you did before, and that wouldn't happen. It had been permanently taken from you.
"So what are you all doing, for summer?" you threw out the question, more as a way to change the subject, and it was successful. Enid lit up like a Christmas tree, super excited to share about a trip she was taking to see her extended family. It wasn't that you didn't care, but you stopped for a moment, realising this was the happiest you had been in a while. At a table with your friends, and Wednesday next to you. Of course, that was when it was immediately ruined.
From behind Enid, you could see Xavier spot Wednesday and similarly light up, bounding over with a smile.
"And then we're going to the beach with my baby little cousins, and—"
"Wednesday!" he called out to her, interrupting Enid and looking across the table at the girl. Her hand crept up to your knee, placing itself firmly, in a way that told you she was dreading his presence. He looked around at you all, spotting you and failing to hide his disappointment at your return. Xavier quickly glanced back to Wednesday. "Did you get my text?" He asked, smiling again.
Wednesday stared back, unimpressed. "I did. I ignored it."
"Oh," his face dropped. "Well, I wanted to ask if you would tutor me on botany."
She blinked. "There's a week left of school."
"I know," Xavier shrugged. "But we have that end of year quiz on Wednesday."
"I would rather watch Legally Blonde." You had to stop yourself from laughing at that one. You had been the one to show that to her, and she spent the entire duration looking horrified.
"We could do that, then," he offered, and you suddenly realised you had been too nice to him in terms of pursuing Wednesday. Most people knew by now, that you two were officially together, not that it had been much of a secret, even when you were just hooking up. It was rather insane for his pursuit to continue, when you were right there.
"Xavier, I think me and Wednesday are busy, for at least the next couple days," you said, trying to let him down easy. He sent you a glare, before looking back at Wednesday like she would have a different response. She stared back, maintaining her deadpan expression, but squeezing your knee softly as if to say 'thank you.'
He frowned. "Fine. See you in fencing, (Y/n)." You smiled back at him, figuring maybe things were good now. Wednesday sent you a wary glance.
God, you couldn't have been more wrong.
Wednesday Addams stormed through the halls of Nevermore with a fire under her feet and a rage in her heart. She pushed through the groups of people, storming up the stairs and down the corridors like she was about to explode. And she truly was.
When she arrived at your door, she was knocking heavily, small fist pounding on the wood with fury.
"(Y/n). Open the door."
No response. It was just about as quiet as it had been that morning, when she had caught you staring at yourself. It filled her with an unmatched worry, sending her back to the night when she had seen those red and blue police lights and thought she had lost you forever. "Open the door." She demanded again, pressing her ear up to it.
"Go away, Wednesday," you said from the other side. It was muffled, but she could still make out the pain in your voice.
"(Y/n), let me in. Now." It was practically a plea at that point, and she cursed you for bringing her to this place of utter weakness for you. "Either you let me in yourself, or I let myself in," Wednesday said, firmly speaking to you with her head against the door. She needed to know you were okay. It came first, right before the rage she felt for Xavier, and she so needed to know that you were still there— still hers to keep.
You didn't say anything though, choosing to continue to stay quiet in your room. Wednesday sighed, grabbing a hairpin from her pocket and reaching for the lock.
She got the door open in less than thirty seconds out of habit, pushing it open gently and letting herself in before she rushed over to you. You didn't even look at her, instead continuing to stare out the window and the sunny day, clouds floating by as if nothing were different. It felt out of place, now.
The part of your face away from the window was covered by the dark of your room. You hadn't even bothered to turn the lights on, sitting in the dark. She used to like the dark, but it felt out of place for you to be hiding in it.
"Look at me," Wednesday said, standing in front of your armchair. Her hand went to your chin, gently tilting your face up. There was a bandage right there, on your forehead, over what could only be a giant cut.
"Who told you what happened?" you asked quietly, your eyes a bit misty. You weren't a usual crier, and it made her uneasy to see just how much of an effect his actions had had on you.
"Yoko. It's about the only time that idiotic phone came in handy. I came as soon as I heard. He's not supposed to start mach when you're not wearing your helmets. Mark my words, I'll curse him until the end of time." It didn't seem to comfort you like it usually did, the pain in your eyes only worsening.
"Do you know what he said, when he cut me?"
She blinked in confusion. "He said 'Frankenstein, I'll give you one to match the others'," you finished, looking her in the eyes for the first time since she had entered the room.
"He's an asshole, I told you," she said, trying to stop you, but you jerked away from her touch for the first time.
"It's not just him. Wends, I see it all the time." Your voice broke a little bit, and you stopped to swallow before continuing. It hurt her heart, as if she was being left to die again in that crypt. "In people's heads, from their mouths, in the mirror. It replays like a fucking movie. I keep seeing myself almost die, and I'm starting to think it would've been better if I had."
No. That was enough. She firmly grabbed your chin again, eyes glinting with violence at the offensive proposition. "Never say that sentence ever again, or else."
"He's got a point though, doesn't he?" you said it slowly, your scarred hand reaching out to her arm and wrapping around her wrist. She flinched at the contact but did not pull away. "I'll never be the same 'me' as I was before. There's something— I'm wrong. And you know it, too. That's why you won't touch me when others are around. It's not me."
Wednesday stared at you for a long moment, as you began to cry. Then her hands went to your cheeks again, just as they had earlier, gently cupping your face in her hands, as if you were the world, because you were. You were her world. "You're an idiot. It appears I've failed to make myself clear."
"What do you mean?" Your eyebrows furrowed.
"Your simple mind fails to realise why I'm even here," she said, and then she leaned forward, clambering up into your lap and resting her forehead on yours. Wednesday had become accustomed to, and rather fond of, making a home there. She was far from the greatest at expressions, but she wanted to make you realise the obvious and that was more than enough motivation to try. "I'm here because I burn for you, down to my core and back up again."
"But I'm not me, not with these—" But you were interrupted by her hand, sliding up to cover your mouth.
"Hush, idiot. You are the same you as before, and I wouldn't stop loving you for anything. I have loved you for all you were before and all you are now. I would have loved you if the damage was worse, and I would still yearn for you if you had died. It makes no difference, (Y/n), you fool. You're still you, and you're still as... captivating as the first time I saw you and wanted you in my possession."
Her hand came to your cheek again, stroking gently the skin there and feeling all the ridges under her thumb. "You've placed a cruel curse on me, as if you don't already know yourself. I am indefinitely, irrevocably yours. My refusal to touch you in public is a personal discomfort, but one I'll...overcome, if it means that much to you. Even if I am not touching you, you must assume I want to, because I do."
She brushed a stray tear away, wiping it on your jacket, and your hands came up to wrap around her waist, tugging her against you like you were afraid she would melt through your fingers. "Are you aware of how I was almost killed, in the crypt, when fighting Crackstone?"
You shook your head. "You don't like to talk about it," you mumbled, burying your head in her chest. Her hands went to your hair, lightly scratching at your scalp.
"It was an...incredibly confusing dilemma. I used to patiently await death. My family and I hold it with a special regard. But as I was dying, I only felt lonely. Do you know why?"
You frowned against her, shaking your head again. Wednesday scoffed. "The obvious answer is you. It would be leaving without you. And as obnoxious as it is, I don't want to. Today, tomorrow, forever; I want to do it with you."
You sat there for a moment, thinking to yourself, and then you nodded. It was slow, but it was there, and when Wednesday felt it, she sat back to look you in the eyes. "Are we clear?" She demanded. If you said no, she would only double down. But instead, you nodded again, looking up at her. She held your heart in her hands.
You leaned forward, kissing her with the most passion you ever had, and Wednesday only returned it, cupping your neck and leaning into you. She would crawl into your skin, if she could. She'd build a little birdhouse in your soul, if she could find a way. You pulled away again, after a long minute, nodding again. "Okay. Same."
She blinked. "Same? I spill my heart to you and you respond with 'ditto'?" You laughed and she rolled her eyes, attempting to get off your lap. But your arms came up, entrapping her there and holding her close.
"You've put it perfectly. I want you forever, too." And so she melted into your embrace again, hand going to your scars to trace them and you nuzzling into her hand. It was a while, before either of you spoke.
"We have to get him back, forever, this time," Wednesday said, cold and calculating.
About two days later, you watched in absolute delight as Xavier ran down the hall in his bathroom towel, a poisonous snake trailing behind him and half of his head shaved completely bald. Call it an ode of Wednesday's love.
this was fun! i'm unsure of where to, if i do at all, take somethin' stupid from here. this won't be the only wednesday fic, so unless you all have more ideas, this may be it for this series. anyways, cheers!
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geotjwrs · 10 days
Could you maybe do one where Jenna and Reader are working on Wednesday season 1 (They’re just friends but both like each other and haven’t told the other yet) and Percy (or literally anyone else) flirts with Jenna a bit, which makes Reader jealous. Jenna doesn’t notice at all how jealous Reader gets but their friends notice and eventually when Jenna is talking about Reader saying she wishes Reader felt the same way she feels about her the friends just straight up tell her about how jealous Reader gets, calling Jenna just blind cause it was very very obvious.
Jenna realises and confronts reader about it, not sure what could happen from there but yeah
Anyways I love your work you’re like one of my fave writers on here!! ❤️❤️
can't you see me
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; none
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The set of "Wednesday" was buzzing with the usual hustle and bustle of filming. Jenna and Y/N had become close friends since the start of production. They shared jokes, late-night talks, and a deep connection that neither dared to label as more than friendship.
During a break, Percy Hynes White strolled over to Jenna, exuding his usual charm. Y/N watched from a distance, his stomach twisting as Percy leaned in closer, his body language oozing flirtation.
"Hey, Jenna," Percy said with a grin, his eyes locked on hers. "After this, how about dinner? I know a great place."
Jenna giggled, twirling a strand of her hair. "That sounds nice, Percy. Maybe we can invite the whole cast."
Percy's smile faltered slightly, but he nodded. "Sure, the more, the merrier."
Jenna and Percy continued to chat, their conversation filled with laughter and playful touches. Y/N clenched his fists, trying to appear unaffected. Emma, who was nearby, gave him a knowing look.
"Dude, you're like an open book," Emma whispered.
"What are you talking about?" Y/N muttered, eyes still fixed on Jenna and Percy.
Emma rolled her eyes. "You're jealous. It's obvious. Why don't you just tell Jenna how you feel?"
Y/N sighed, frustration evident in his voice. "It's not that simple, Emma. We're just friends. She doesn't feel that way about me."
Emma smirked. "If you say so. But I think you're the one who's blind here."
Over the next few days, Y/N started to distance himself from Jenna. He avoided long conversations, kept his interactions professional, and immersed himself in his work. Jenna noticed the change and felt a pang of hurt and confusion.
"Y/N, do you want to run lines?" Jenna asked one afternoon, approaching him with her usual bright smile.
Y/N glanced up, forcing a smile. "Actually, I need to go over my scene with the director. Maybe later?"
Jenna's smile faded slightly, but she nodded. "Sure, later then."
As the days passed, Y/N's distance became more pronounced. He spent more time alone, listening to music in his trailer, and avoiding any situation where he might see Jenna with Percy.
One evening, after filming wrapped, Jenna decided she couldn't take it anymore. She headed to Y/N's trailer, determined to find out what was going on. She found him inside, earphones in, listening to Clairo's "Bags."
"Y/N," Jenna said, knocking softly before entering.
Y/N looked up, quickly pulling out his earphones. "Hey, Jenna. What's up?"
Jenna took a deep breath, her heart pounding. "We need to talk."
Y/N's smile faded, concern flickering in his eyes. "Is everything okay?"
Jenna nodded, stepping closer. "No, it's not. You've been so distant lately. Did I do something wrong?"
Y/N sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's not you, Jenna. It's just... complicated."
Jenna frowned, frustration bubbling up inside her. "Complicated? You've been avoiding me, Y/N. We used to be so close, and now you barely talk to me."
Y/N looked away, the weight of his emotions threatening to overwhelm him. "I just needed some space."
"Space?" Jenna echoed, her voice rising. "From what? From me?"
Y/N clenched his fists, feeling the anger and frustration boiling over. "From seeing you with Percy, okay? I can't stand watching you two together."
Jenna blinked, taken aback. "Percy? We're just friends, Y/N. Why does it bother you so much?"
"Because I like you, Jenna!" Y/N shouted, his voice cracking. "I've liked you for a long time, and seeing you with him... it hurts. Can't you see me, Jenna? I'm right here."
The room fell silent, the weight of Y/N's confession hanging in the air. Jenna stared at him, her mind racing as she processed his words.
"Y/N," she said softly, stepping closer. "I had no idea. I've been so blind. I thought... I thought you only saw me as a friend."
Y/N looked up, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and despair. "I didn't want to ruin what we had. I thought it was better to stay silent."
Jenna reached out, taking his hand in hers. "You didn't ruin anything, Y/N. I feel the same way. I've been too scared to say anything, but... I really like you too."
Y/N's eyes lit up with a mixture of disbelief and happiness. "Really?"
Jenna nodded, her smile bright and genuine. "Really."
From that day forward, the dynamic between Y/N and Jenna shifted. They were still the same playful friends, but now, there was an added layer of affection and understanding. During scenes, their chemistry was undeniable, drawing admiration from the cast and crew.
One day, while filming a particularly intense scene, Jenna and Y/N found themselves holding hands longer than necessary. The director noticed but didn't say anything, smiling to himself. During breaks, they would steal moments together, sharing quiet conversations and secret smiles.
As the final scenes of "Wednesday" wrapped up, the cast and crew gathered for a small celebration. Jenna and Y/N found a quiet corner, away from the noise.
"I can't believe it's over," Jenna said, her voice tinged with sadness.
Y/N smiled softly. "It's just the beginning for us, Jenna."
She looked up at him, her eyes shining. "Yeah, it is."
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cosmicpearlz · 2 years
hidden truths
summary: who would have thought a childish game of 7 minutes in heaven would eventually bring you two together? (a classic enemies to lovers)
pairing: percy hynes white x reader
a/n: hi, thank you for showing so much love for the xavier fic! i’ve been working on this for a while and i’m finally happy with it. i hope you guys enjoy! for the sake of the story, percy is in his blonde era (one of his best)
warnings: really not much but there’s a part where it gets a little steamy.
percy hynes white was the epitome of an annoying frat boy. the only reason you have to tolerate him is because of mutual friends and similar classes. if you had it your way, you would never be in his presence.
“y/n, c’mon it’s not a party without you. you never miss the frat parties,” emma clings to your arm giving her best puppy dog eyes.
“fine em, i’ll go. only because i enjoy free drinks though.”
“yes! yes! me and naomi are gonna swing by your dorm to get ready,” emma gives you the biggest grin making you roll your eyes. she slides back into her seat that was sitting across from you.
“okay. who else is going?”
“if i’m not mistaken the whole group is going.”
“wait a second. which frat house party is it?”
“definitely not the one percy and georgie are in,” emma mumbled under her breath. you glared at her with a clenched jaw.
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. emma, you know i can’t stand percy.”
“you can’t back out! you have to just ignore him,” she looks at her phone and realized she was running late for her class. “well look at time. i gotta go but i love you and i’ll see you later!”
emma gathers all of her books off the table and rushes to give your cheek a small peck. you were sure you wanted to kill her.
“i seriously hate you!” you yell out to the girl currently running towards the door.
“no you don’t!” was the last thing you heard from her before she makes her out of the door.
true to her word, naomi and emma came by your shared dorm room with jenna. you still weren’t sure if you wanted to go. handling the stress of your math class with the midterm exam was enough on your plate. now you have to deal with percy for another night out.
“get dressed before we’re late,” jenna looks at you through her long mirror.
“you literally can’t be late to a frat party jenna and i have nothing to wear. so i can’t go.” you put on your best smile to make yourself seem innocent. naomi shakes her head at you and immediately walks to your closet.
she was searching for a minute before finding the perfect party outfit. naomi pulls out your black leather mini skirt with a simple dark green cropped shirt. walking over to you, she hands you the outfit and wordlessly points to the bathroom.
“oo i know just the shoes for this outfit!” emma digs through your shoes and pulls out your black chunky platform heels. she hands you the shoes as you reluctantly go to the bathroom.
once you fully got dressed and ready, you took one look in the bathroom mirror silently admitting your friends picked out a great outfit.
“see you look hot. percy isn’t gonna know what hits him,” naomi throws you a wink.
“this is torture enough. let’s go before i change my mind,” you grabbed a dark washed jean jacket and your phone. the other three girls grabbed their belongings and everyone walked out the door.
“okay ground rules. one, we have to let each other know when someone is leaving. two, at least try to stick together. and three, y/n try not to argue with percy,” naomi says to the three of you while linking arms with you.
“tell that to blondie.”
finally making it to the frat house, music was blasting. at least they were playing the hood music you thought to yourself.
“ladies! welcome to the party. the drinks are in the kitchen and you guys are the last of the group to come,” georgie greets all you with a smile. you take the time to hug him before stepping in.
“wow sweetheart. didn’t think you had it in you to actually dress decent,” percy gazes at you with a smug grin.
you turned to glare at him, “don’t call me that and you’re certainly not going to ruin my night.” you tried to walk pass him but he grabs your wrist to stop your movements.
“hey lighten up buttercup. it’s a party!” you scuffed at him and walked passed him again but not without making sure to bump his shoulder. you made your way to the kitchen where you seen joy, hunter, and oliver.
“y/n, don’t kill me for what i’m about to say. are you sure you and percy don’t like each other? i mean i can’t be the only one who sees the tension.”
“hunter, we have tension because we hate each other. joy can you pass me a red cup?” you take the cup from joy to start pouring your drink.
“maybe you guys just need to fuck.” jenna gasped at oliver’s words and nods her head enthusiastically .
“ollie you are so right. you guys need to like fuck it out of your systems. or at least makeout.”
“fuck off. i would never think about touching him,” you threw your drink down your throat feeling the light burn of the alcohol.
“y/n we’re playing 7 minutes in heaven! you gotta come play with us,” joy waved you over. sitting in a circle sat georgie, hunter, jenna, emma, oliver, naomi, joy, percy and a couple of other people you assumed where either in a frat or sorority house.
“eh why not,” you shrugged your shoulders and walked over to squeeze in the middle of oliver and naomi.
rounds go by and different pairs had gonna into the closet coming out a giggling mess. it’s what happens when you mix alcohol and single college kids.
“percy it’s your turn to spin the bottle,” hunter hands the bottle to him. percy places it on the floor and gives it a good spin. you had seen where one of the girls desperately looked like she wanted the bottle to land on her. how pathetic you thought to yourself.
please don’t land on me
please don’t land on me
please don’t land on me
you continued to chant this in your head as the bottle was nearing to a stop. holding a breath you didn’t realize you were holding the bottle finally stops. percy looks up from the bottle and eyes you, of course it lands on you.
“y/n and percy step up and get in the closet!” emma cheered clearly too excited for whatever was gonna happen. percy was the first to stand up and held a hand out to help you up. you huffed and took his hand as he gently pulled you up. huh, has his hands always been this soft?
“remember 7 minutes. no more and no less,” georgie pushes you both into the empty closet and closes the door. you were not drunk enough for this.
“so we finally alone now,” percy leaned up against one side of the wall and leaned on the other side.
“yeah, don’t try anything blondie.”
“oh c’mon sweetheart. you know you like when i flirt with you.”
“who told you that lie.”
“you did. with your body,” you could just hear the grin he had. maybe you do enjoy he’s flirty words. at least sometimes… but he could never know that due his ego. it didn’t need to be any bigger than it already was.
“how exactly did you even come up with that conclusion?” you kissed your teeth and moved both of your arms to cross in front of you. percy moves the short distance to cage you between his arms and the wall he rested his hands on above your head.
“don’t think i don’t see when you slightly squirm or your pouting face to stop you from possibly blushing. face it honey, you’re just as attracted to me as i’m attracted to you.” your breath hitched upon hearing this from him.
“careful now. one might think your head is getting a bit big there. just full of lies,” you were so glad he couldn’t actually see you. he was a little right, for some reason you’ve always been attracted to him.
“lies? yeah okay,” he bent his head down more to your face. “if i kissed you right now, you’re saying you wouldn’t kiss back?” feeling the coolness of his breath touch your lips made you nervous all of a sudden.
“no. i would not kiss back,” it was lie and both of you knew that. he chuckled lightly and shook his head.
percy takes his hands off the wall and planted one at the base of your neck while the other one was on your cheek. he pulls you into a needy kiss. immediately you responded by kissing him equally as needy. you felt him smirk into the kiss, such an asshole you thought.
he uses the hand that was on your cheek to slide down and hike your thigh up to his leg. “jump,” he low said against your lips. you completed his request with a small jump to wrap both legs around his waist. your skirt had ridden up allowing him to have more access to your ass while your arms took their place around his shoulders.
“see sweetheart? you do want me,” he teased you by nudging his nose with your nose.
“just kiss me again idiot.”
“you’re being a bit mean for someone that’s not in charge right now. you know damn well i have no problem with putting you down right now. but you wouldn’t like, would you babe?” his words were sent straight down to your core and a small whine slipped out of your mouth. you wanted him so bad.
“do you want me to beg you?” you feel his shoulders shrug upwards, “i’d love to see you beg me.”
“percy please-“ he cuts you off bringing his mouth right back on yours. your fingers start to tangle themselves into his hair pulling ever so slightly. percy lets his hands squeeze your ass making you lightly gasp. taking the quick opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth some how making you more needier than ever.
your tongues battled for dominance and he presses more into you. he maneuvers his hand in between both of your bodies to touch the waistband of your panties. you moan into his mouth, “you want me right there huh?” you nodded your head quickly as your chest felt heavy.
“i know baby,” percy bent his head to the crook of your neck and laid open mouth kisses on your neck. “the first time i finally get to fuck you, it will be done probably. i need to see your face as you cum for me.” he taps your back thigh for you to unwrap your legs from around his waist.
he gently lets you down and helps you fix your skirt. “don’t worry, i’ll have you under me in a couple of minutes,” he kisses your cheek quickly while running his fingers through his hair to push it further back.
as if on cue, the closet door swings open revealing everyone staring right back at you. you became flustered instantly and put your head down to look at your shoes. percy’s hand touches your waist to lightly push you out the closet.
“we’re going back to the dorms. enjoy the rest of the party guys,” you snapped your head up to look at him and slapped his chest. “i’m not gonna lie sweetheart.”
you rolled your eyes at him and go to jenna who held your jacket and purse out to you with a smirk. you avoided her gaze and thanked her quietly. percy’s hand takes its place around your waist to guide you out the front door.
the walk back to the dorms was silent. but not an awkward silence, it was quite comfortable. your hands constantly bumping each other as if you guys wanted to hold hands but wasn’t sure.
“my feet kinda hurt,” you break the silence with your very truthful statement. he looks down at your pouting face and smiles.
“you want a piggyback ride?”
he nods his head and bent over to allow you hop on his back. immediately he loops his arms under your legs and pulled down each side of your skirt, so no one seen anything. you placed your arms around his shoulders again and leaned your chin on his head.
“you okay?”
“yes thank you.”
this feels too natural with percy. kissing him, being in his arms and having him pressed against you felt real. you weren’t even sure if he felt the same way but this feeling sent your stomach fluttering with butterflies.
“hey percy, can i ask you a question?” you whispered to him as if you were too shy to ask the question.
“what’s up?”
“why do we hate each other? or at least did hate each other?”
he sighed and licked his lips, “y/n i never hated you. you’re gonna think this is stupid and pretty cliché but i only did that to get your attention really.” you genuinely start laughing at the ridiculous of the boy.
“percy, if you were just nicer to me when we first met then we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
“i know but i have you now, right?” now he was nervous for your answer. would it all go back to how it was before after tonight or will tonight change everything?
“yeah. you have me now,” he smiled and let go of one of your thighs to bring your hand to his lips placing a delicate kiss.
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annalarissa · 6 months
Jenna Ortega’s fame: a blessing or a curse?
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Jenna Ortega, the bright young star of Hollywood, already has a cult of her own - crazy fandom that can make Selena Gomes and Taylor Swift jealous. And tarnish all her great achievements. How did that happen?
About a year ago Netflix released “Wednesday”, which immediately has become one of the most popular series of the platform and a real cultural phenomenon. Wednesday's dance went viral, prompting the teens all over the world to cosplay the goth girl and of course, Ortega, who played the main role in the beloved series, turned from a promising actress into a superstar.
But could we say that fame is a blessing for her? Along with unprecedented popularity, Ortega has acquired numerous aggressive, obsessive fans, most of whom are teenagers living more online than in real life. The behavior of these fans have already turned into a serious problem. Every new project involving Jenna Ortega is dragged into a scandal by the efforts of her own fans that throw absolutely every accusation in the book at her co-stars.
It all started in January, when Percy Hynes White, who played a part in love triangle with her in “Wednesday”, was accused in anonymous tweets of sexual assault, racism etc. The actor denied all the accusations and no legal proceedings followed. Ortega's fans meanwhile organized the massive campaign against White, justifying it with concerns about their idol’s life, both work related and personal. Ortega and White have repeatedly stated that they became best friends during the filming and although the status of their relationship is now unclear, many fans of Ortega continue to campaign against the actor, inciting to harass him on social media. White’s participation in s2 of “Wednesday” is still uncertain.
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Martin Freeman was the next to come under fire from Ortega's fans. Freeman is her co-star in the upcoming "Miller's girl" film, where his character, a teacher, has an illicit relationship with his own student, played by Ortega. The first trailer was released recently and immediately caused to resurface the accusation of racism, child abuse etc Freeman has. In less than a day the viral tweet gained more than 13 million views and Ortega's fans actively participate in spreading accusations and inciting the harassment of the actor. And the movie hasn't been released yet! There is every reason to believe that with the release, the hate snowball will turn into an avalanche and Freeman will become the next victim of the cancel culture.
The most ambiguous situation happened around another co-star of Ortega, Toby Wallace, who played her love interest in the recently released Paramount film "Finestkind''. Although Wallace wasn’t involved in anything controversial, did not actively promote the film together with Ortega and even skipped the red carpet premiere of the film, he was bombarded with hateful comments on his Instagram by Ortega's fans, who wished him dead (smt in portuguese), among other things.
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Perhaps the situation began to bother Ortega's PR team, because several big fan pages simultaneously called for an end of harassment of this actor, thereby only fueling the interest of others in the issue.
Thus, almost everyone who plays a love interest of Jenna Ortega in the movies finds themselves under attack from the actress' numerous and very active fans. Their actions create quite an unhealthy atmosphere of scandal around the young star, negatively affecting her reputation in the industry, because everyone of her colleagues risks getting bullied and canceled.
Miss Ortega didn’t comment on any of this and fans may see it as full approval, continuing to harass her co-stars on the Internet. Who is next? The release of a new film featuring Ortega and the Weeknd is to be announced soon, and the prospects for the Weeknd, already suffering harsh criticism for his Idol series involvement, are not very sunny.
In the upcoming film Ortega plays a stalker obsessed with the Weeknd’s character, a very controversial role in itself. Let’s just wait and see if he would be the new target for the Ortega’s stan cult.
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically 26
It's 1913 and fuck me but this episode fucks like a rabid rhino as it's time for Human Nature.
And it kind of makes sense! Remember when the Tennant Doctor talked to Jackson Lake? And told him about how Time Lords sometimes store memories in fob watches? And then remember how Tecteun and the Ood had a fob watch they used to be a dick to the Whittaker Doctor? And she was maybe going to open it? Fob watch! We know all about these!!!
So, we start with Tennant and Martha, sprinting into the TARDIS to escape "The Family". These, it transpires, are aliens made of lurid green gas who can possess people, so we're off to a simply fantastic start right there in terms of saving the budget. To escape them the Doctor turns himself human, and gets Martha to basically guard him in The Past because as a human he remembers nothing, which
A) means we are treated to David Tennant's acting changing to being Subtly Wrong, right down to the way he smiles, which is unsettling as fuck; and
B) fucking sucks ASS for Martha because she's now a black maid in a posh white English boarding school and this episode is not interested in portraying posh white English boarding schoolers in 1913 as anything other than raging cock-heads who make you glad there's a world war around the corner to wipe two thirds of them out.
Although I say English. That's St Ffagans, that is. With some exteriors up by Llangors. I know my Welsh historical sites.
Anyway, Martha yeets herself bodily up the rankings with this one. She's capable, and clever, and marooned in a fucking awful time as a bodyguard for a man who doesn't remember her and treats her like shit, and she is so achingly alone. She's stored the TARDIS in a shed, and she goes to it for some normalcy, and to dream of going home. She's made friends with Jenny, another maid, and their friendship is sweet and wholesome, the only bright spot left, and the whole thing would make you weep if only, um, Freema's acting was good.
(I'm sorry I adore her but she is just... very hammy)
So it's very depressing when Jenny becomes an alien host.
BUT it's also an AMAZING SCENE, because Martha has managed to source some afternoon tea for them to share, and Jenny comes in and is Weird, and Martha doesn't just notice - in a move that had me going "Well THIS scene was written by a Welshman," she looks Jenny in the eye and says "Okay, shall I put some gravy in the teapot? We could have jam and herring." And Jenny falls for it just as a changeling would, and Martha gets the fuck out. Incredible. Martha for the win. Everyone should know their changeling lore. Martha clearly does. Good girl.
Although shout out to the Family actually; the Daughter is a little girl with a red balloon and the same nursery rhyme backing track as the sinister little girl with the red balloon in Remembrance of the Daleks who turned out to be possessed by a Dalek or some shit, which is very cool, although these little girls with red balloons and sinister nursery rhyme backing tracks are about as good at acting as each other, which is to say, not really. BUT the Son is played by what's his tits off of Game of Thrones, you know the one? Played the little blond inbred lad who loved dragons. He's fantastic in this! Plays it with just the right amount of menace and charm, it's great. It could easily have become hammy and undermined it, but it's just great. Who knew you could sniff in a frightening manner and make your eyes glow with the Power of Acting alone?
Um, what else, what else... oh yeah, the Doctor as a human is a trembling virgin who gets a girlfriend played by Jessica Hynes. He falls down some stairs because he's so flustered about asking her to a dance. He literally starts saying "Um, I've never..." before kissing her, as though that's at all news to anyone watching.
Anyway, plot-wise, the Doctor dreams of his real life and has written it all down in a dream journal, which he insists on explaining to every woman who looks his way with the tediousness of people who keep dream journals everywhere. He keeps the fob watch on the mantlepiece. He has left a list of instructions for Martha, of which number 23 is to open the watch as a last resort.
But, one of the students in the boarding school is that kid from Love, Actually who later was an American chess player in the Queen's Gambit (side note, I swear like half the cast in the Queen's Gambit was British and putting on lacklustre American accents). Turns out this kid is Mildly Psychic in the way that people often are in RTD's era because why the fuck not, and so he has, in fact, stolen the fob watch because it spoke to him. Occasionally he opens it and learns about Time Lords, but that means the Family can smell the Doctor. This means Martha tries to open the watch, only to find it missing.
So they all go to the dance, which is in the old Oakdale Working Men's Club, and my dad used to go drinking there. It's in St Ffagans now. They're moving the Vulcan there just next door which is fun, because I used to go drinking in the Vulcan, so it'll be two generations of us moved to a museum. I've forgotten what I was talking about.
So they all go to the dance. Unfortunately, this includes the Family, who are armed with a heady mix of alien guns and extraneous scarecrows. In a cliffhanger that lets down the rest of the episode, they grab Martha and Jessica Hynes, and tell a very confused Doctor that he has to change back from human or pick which of these women to kill. It feels a bit needlessly stapled on, tbh. But it's nice to see Oakdale Workies again.
Anyway I think no new questions? Other than "How will they get out of this?" but the second half is next even on this batshit watch order, so we can ignore that one. That's fun. However we do still have a fob watch hanging plot thread for Whitaker, so there's that.
The list!
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole (And Nardole was “reassembled???”)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
What’s With The Silence?
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Who is Captain Jack Harkness? (Is he the one who gave the companions a warning about the lone cyberman?)
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window?
What’s with the Doctor’s future involving getting shot by an astronaut?
Is Amy pregnant and why is it inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
Who did the Doctor lose to Cyber Conversion?
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What’s with the Weeping Angel statues, and why can’t you blink at them?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi.)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
What happened with Amy’s pregnancy?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fob watch? (NEW INFO: he also needs to open a fob watch as Tennant, but this presumably won't count.)
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
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slytherinqueenrose · 1 year
Shortie (Percy Hynes White)
Percy Hynes White x Short!Older!Reader
Warnings: Any except of my bad English.
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So basically it was my very first day on set and I wasn’t too familiar with the cast because we hadn’t have enough time to introduce to each other. Shooting of the upcoming second season of Wednesday began few days before I arrived so some of the cast had their scenes recorded already.
I‘be been observing the filming process while drinking a carton juice with a straw which looked pretty childish but I truly didn’t care about that. I was so thirsty that I could probably drink from anything.
And then something weird happened.
The medium length hair boy kneeled in front of me with a friendly smile on his face. Percy. He’s been wearing his Nightshades cloak and his mask was up so I had a clear view on his lovely face. He was beautiful, I must admit. But what the hell was he doing? Additionally Georgie was standing beside him burning holes in my face. In a good way of course. He seemed very friendly.
“Hello, pretty girl. How old are you and where are your parents?” He asked and I almost choked on my juice. Seriously? “I didn’t know we have children on set” He murmured to his friend and the other one nodded.
Being short may seem to be cool. You know, boys are always higher, even if you’re wearing heels. But it usually felt ridiculous when people thought I was a child. Most of them used to laugh at me as if it was possible for me to change it.
“Dude, what the fuck? I’m 23.” I said, furrowing my brows which caught him off guard. Oh I forgot to mention. I was actually a year older than him. Nobody would say though. I’ve been asked for my ID multiple times when buying alcohol. Having a baby face was kinda nice but annoying at the same time.
“Oh my goodness, I’m sorry.” He said after standing up. He was high. Very high actually. My neck almost broke once I looked up at him. I noticed he’s cheeks gone totally red and Georgie was laughing his ass off already. “I truly thought you’re a random kid they let on the set to observe what’s going on.”
“Well, no. Happily you’re not the first one thinking I’m much younger so I forgive you.”
“Thank you, pretty girl.” He chuckled. “I’m Percy by the way.”
“Y/N. Nice to meet you, pretty boy.” I said winking.
“Are you flirting with me?” He asked with a grin, crossing his arms on his chest.
“I’m just mocking you.”
“We’ll see about it. I must come back to work but what about hanging out later?”
“Good then. I’ll take binoculars for you so you won’t have to squint your eyes to see me better from down there.” He laughed and I only rolled my eyes.
And you know what? He actually did take the damn binoculars. I thought he was only joking but it’s Percy after all. We had a great evening, we’ve been talking for hours and he’s been making fun of my height all the time. Interesting beginning of a friendship let’s say.
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superhero--imagines · 2 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! /Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! /Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here ! / Part 17 Here! <This is Part 18!>
A/N: Posted a little later-taking a break from Percy Hynes White simping to simp for the original Percy <3
* ‘Isn’t anyone going to ask what four kids are doing all by themselves?’
* You watch with wide eyes as people pass by you, Percy, Grover, and Annabeth on your bench.
* ‘At least they should ask if we’re supposed to be in school or something.’
* Maybe it’s New York, but four kids in marching orange t-shirts doesn't seem to strike anyone as a red flag.
* You watch Annabeth and Percy play hackey-sack with an apple, until they make the mistake of kicking it over to Grover who eats it in one bite.
* You’re a little embarrassed that you laughed just as hard as they did.
* You’re not sure why Chiron dropped you off so early at the bus station, or why you were traveling by bus at all.
* You’re even more dissatisfied with the measly amount of currency and stale squares of ambrosia Chiron sent his favorite hero off with.
* ‘What an absolute asshole.’
* Even more concerning is the awkward expression Percy had when he came back from visiting the oracle, you’d done your part giving him warning and telling him not to be afraid, he still looked as white as a sheet when he came down.
* He refused to let anyone see his card too, which was equally disconcerting.
* Worst of all Chiron seemed smug, no doubt thinking whatever awful event awaited Percy would just make him into a bigger hero.
* The thought makes you angrier than it should, who do these people think they are? They’ve lived thousands of years but they haven’t seemed to learn or grow at all.
* “Hey,” you’re snapped out of your thoughts by a trembling hand placed over your shoulder. “Are you okay?”
* Percy’s big green eyes tremble as he looks up at you with a pained expression. Behind him Annabeth and Grover look equally pained.
* “I’m fine!” You yell, wincing at the edge in your voice. “I’m fine.” You repeat quieter this time. “I’m just feeling off.”
* You can still feel fatigue saturate your body, the only thing that seems to be keeping you awake is your ADHD. You’re going to need all your wits about you if you're going to survive this excursion.
* “You’ve been sleeping a lot lately,” to your surprise it’s Grover that says it, his face tinged pink as his gaze is directed at his hands.
* “And because of it, you aren’t eating on time, or at all most days.” Unlike Grover, Annabeth looks you straight in the eye.
* “Wait, I thought that’s how you always were.” Percy’s head whips from you to Annabeth, who’s shaking her head.
* ‘Great, the kid’s probably worried he bet on the wrong horse.’
* Luckily, time seems to be on your side because your bus pulls onto the curb, passengers clamoring on.
* “Come on, I’d rather not miss our ride.” You can’t imagine anything more embarrassing than having to call Chiron to tell him you botched this quest before it even began.
* You settle into the back of the bus on the long bench with four seats, Percy again, settles in next to you.
* You feel his eyes on you, filled with some hidden emotion you can’t place, you ignore it instead, your eyes focused on the door.
* Slowly passengers begin to file into the bus: There’s a girl and her mother, a middle-aged man with a briefcase, a young man with a varsity jacket, and three teenage girls whispering to each other.
* You keep your eyes trained at the door, your eyebrows threading together when the doors slide shut, and the bus begins to creep out of the junction and onto the road.
* ‘This can’t be right.’
* You don’t remember much from the original book, but you recall that three old women had attacked them during the initial bus ride.
* Annabeth, Percy, and Grover don’t seem worried in the slightest—which seems to be the norm for Percy and Annabeth—but you would figure Grover would have at least smelled them.
* ‘Maybe good old Rick got this one wrong.’
* You turn to your right to join in on the chatter, it’s a long way to California, only to be met with silence and shell-shocked expressions.
* Standing in front of Percy is the teenage girl from earlier, her hand held out to him.
* “Give it back.”
* Did he take something from her by accident? Maybe he was trying to flirt with her or something, she is pretty hot—
* “Wait, Megaera is that you?” Her eyes go wide when she turns to look at you, mouth parting as her eyebrows part. You’ve met her, once or twice, when you were shadowing Hades in the winter. “What’s a fury doing on a crappy bus on the way to California?”
* Before she can get a word in though, Annabeth slams her hat on Percy’s head, turning him invisible, the next parts happen in a whirl, and before you know what’s happening Annabeth is hanging from a frantic Alecto’s back, while Grover hurls tin cans at a shrieking Tisiphone.
* “There’s no need for violence, we can solve this through words!” But your voice can’t seem to reach them.
* “Don’t pay them any mind, all heroes are the same after all.” Megaera rolls her eyes. She looks at you with a smile twitching on her lips, her eyes sparkling like she knows a secret you don’t. Her mouth is about to part, potentially revealing what she finds so interesting about you when you feel the bus jerk to the side.
* The screech of metal against metal fills your ears, smoke filling the bus.
* You barely manage to stumble outside, two hands gripping onto each of your arms, tugging you out.
* You catch a sliver of the blue sky, fluffy white clouds dotting the skyline before you lose consciousness.
* When you wake up the hard ground is pressed against your back, you groan as you bring yourself to an upright position, the scent of strawberries tickling your nose. White flowers dot the landscape around you, and you turn to see a woman with long gold hair running through a strawberry field, her sky blue chiton flowing behind her. Beside her, a long-haired cow nips at her heels, butting her playfully with its head.
* “What a pretty sight.”
* For a second the woman’s gaze meets yours, her lips twitching up.
* You tilt your head, a smile arching onto your mouth.
* The light comes sooner this time, floating into the wind as you regain consciousness.
* Your first thought is focused on the ache in your neck, and your second thought is that the ache isn’t just in your neck, it lingers in your entire body.
* “Are you awake?” Annabeth rushes over to your side, her hair tickling your face.
* You feel your face grow hot as you begin to realize the situation.
* Percy’s carrying you on his back, his arms holding your legs in place.
* “I-I’m fine now, I can walk on my own!”
* “Are you sure? You hit your head pretty hard.”
* As if punctuating his words, you feel a sharp throb in your head.
* “Do you have my staff?” Annabeth wordlessly presses it into your hand.
* Healing magic isn’t your strong suit, but according to Circe, you’re serviceable at least.
* You breathe in deeply, soft white light emanating from the staff, bit by bit you feel the throb in your head decrease until it’s just a little sore.
* “Where are we?”
* They give you a rundown of what happened, after Percy became invisible he shuffled to the front of the bus, and at the time the best decision he could make was to crash the bus.
* “You know they just wanted to talk right? Why’d you jump Alecto?”
* “I panicked, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a monster.” Annabeth mumbles, shuffling uncomfortably under your gaze.
* “I’m not sorry, one of them used to be my teacher and they attacked me.”
* “I’ve never met them before today, but I heard Tisiphone has a terrible temper.”
* Hades is probably going to give you an earful about this later.
* “What did she mean when she said to give it back?” You ask, and Percy shrugs.
* “I guess she thinks I stole the lightning bolt and your—someone—wants me to give it to them.”
* ‘No, that isn’t it. They think Hades took the lightning bolt, so politically they’re either framing Percy or…’
* Maybe something else is missing too.
* You vaguely remember something like that happening in the book.
* ‘But Hades doesn’t care about material things, he wouldn’t send three of his best furies to retrieve it—especially not since the underworld has been so busy lately.’
* You’re trying to make sense of it all, wondering how the facts you know string together, but despite your situation you do know one thing:
* “Thanks for carrying me Percy.”
* It can’t have been easy carrying you all this way.
* He flushes slightly, hastily nodding.
* “I-it was no problem.” He rubs the back of his neck as you trudge forward.
* You walk for a handful of minutes until a small building comes into view.
* It looks like something out of a Scooby-Doo episode. It’s a small one story building on the side of the highway, most likely some sort of curio shop that sells Knick-knacks for ten times their usual cost.
* ‘We should stay away.’
* So someone please explain why you and three children are clamoring towards it like it’s a lighthouse and you’ve been lost at sea for days.
* And then you smell the heavy scent of soft pretzels and think—
* ‘Oh, that’s why.’
* You squint up at the sign as you pass through the threshold, Auntie M’s Curio Shop glared back at you in big neon red letters.
* The proprietress is nice enough, adorning a long veil in which her entire face and body are covered, the only skin exposed are from her olive-toned colored hands.
* ‘Something about this feels wrong.’
* Despite the feeling you allow yourself to be coerced into the back of the shop, passing by strange objects—bat wings stored in a jar, stone sculptures, and strange paintings that seem to be staring back at you—as you’re led to a small snack bar area.
* “We should leave.” You mumble, but your fatigue gets the best of you, your lips wrapping around a straw as you sip cola.
* Beside you Percy’s already inhaled a burger.
* Annabeth seems a bit more cautious, taking a tentative sip of her milkshake.
* Grover looks like he’s a second from pissing himself.
* “I think we should go too.” Grover whispers.
* “You guys are crazy.” Percy manages to say between bites of his burger.
* ‘Something about this isn’t adding up.’
* The woman places food in front of each of you, asking to take a picture of you all just like this.
* “I don’t know—” Annabeth starts, but Percy agrees for the group.
* “It’s just a picture, it’s the least we can do.”
* “Something about this is familiar…familiar in a bad way.”
* The realization dawns on you just as the woman is about to take off her veil, a certain reptilian hiss filling the air.
* Your eyes meet Annabeth’s, both of you with identical shocked expressions.
* The next events happen in quick succession. Annabeth shoves Percy to the ground, Grover shouts “Maia!”, and you tap the pin of your jacket twice, turning invisible.
* ‘That’s Medusa.’
* “I would have spared you Annabeth, but then you brought that man’s son into my store!” She shrieks, and you shield your eyes. Flinching as you creep behind her, hitting her on the backside of her head with your staff.
* Percy doesn’t miss a beat, using the moment to slice her head off.
* “Why was she so mad at me?” Percy asks as Annabeth wraps Medusa’s head as the rest of her disintegrates into ash.
* “I heard your dad, Poseidon, traumatized her pretty bad.”
* “Shouldn’t she be mad at Athena for making her into a monster?” Annabeth asks, a grimace arched on her mouth as she deposits the head into a plastic bag.
* “The world might remember her as cursed, but being a monster can be a gift.”
* Circe had told you about a similar experience, the most beautiful nymph she knew was going to get married to a man she detested.
* Circe made her into someone who men could never hurt again, someone who would not be a victim, a creature who would elicit fear and terror for all of eternity.
* ‘A monster.’
* The thought is probably too heavy for three children to comprehend.
* Percy clears his throat, clearing the tension in the air.
* “Why didn’t the rest of her disappear?”
* “The head becomes a spoil of war, like your horn.”
* You proceed to ransack the place, there’s about thirty dollars in cash in the register, and a handful of slips for Hermes Delivery Service.
* Without warning Percy smacks Medusa’s head into a box, signing a packing slip with his name.
* “You shouldn’t do that, the gods will see you as impetuous.” Grover hisses.
* “I am impetuous.” Percy retorts.
* “The gods can get rekt.” You agree, signing your name beside his. When you notice his confused gaze you shrug.
* “If you’re going to get in trouble either way, you might as well get in trouble with a friend.”
* Percy gives you that look again, like he’s going to burst into tears any second, gulping hard and looking down so you can’t see.
* ‘I’ll give him a moment to compose himself.’
* “Annabeth, Grover, grab some food, anything packaged with a decent expiration date.”
* You grab four cans of energy drink, you’re going to need it if you’re going to be able to keep watch throughout the night.
* You drop the package off into the mailbox, before making your way to a small clearing.
* You watch the children settle onto the ground, too fatigued and afraid to start a fire.
* “This has been a really shitty day,” you announce, startling the others. “And I for one, do not take well to being in the dark.”
* You tap your staff twice, concentrating your energy, watching as a black inky void begins to envelope the surrounding area.
* The Demi-gods and Grover stumble over themselves.
* “(Y/N), what are you—”
* You kneel on the ground, angry as you slam the ground three times.
* “Aidoneus.”
* The three watch in horror as in your dark blue void, lightning cracks at the edge, a plume of black smoke curling from the center of the dome.
* Just like all those years ago, a hand appears first, then a leg, until he comes into view fully.
* He has a picnic basket tucked under his arm, the other hand holding a twine bag full of pomegranates.
* “Oh good, there’s only three more of you, I was worried I didn’t bring enough silverware.”
* He snaps his fingers, a fire appearing in the middle of your space time distortion, three logs placed around either side.
* “Hello children, I am Aidoneus, also known as Hades, King of the Underworld.”
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novemberwasgrey · 1 year
Xavier Thorpe-centric headcanons (featuring Wenvier)
Because I ship them and I stand with Percy Hynes White. I will probably post more of these later. Team Xavier to the end of times.
‌Xavier’s middle name is David.
‌He was born on August 28th. It’s the only summer day Wednesday tolerates.
He lives in New York.
‌He has a difficult relationship with his father, that we know of. He always hopes it gets better and for his dad to reach out and not prioritize his work for once. He always ends up disappointed. Wednesday hates Vincent Thorpe’s guts.
His mother passed away when he was eleven. He rarely talks about it but he loved his mother deeply and she was amazing. She was an artist like him.
‌Xavier has a green eyed black cat named Shado. It was his mom's and he kept it despite his father's attempts to get rid of it. He is quite the old jaded cat and usually hisses at everyone who isn't Xavier. That's until he meets Wednesday: he's basically all over her purring when she's at Xavier's. She'd like to chase him away when he's too clingy sometimes and she's trying to read but she can't resist those green eyes. And we all know how much Wednesday must love green eyes.
‌Obviously, Xavier loves Arctic Monkeys and Chase Atlantic. His favourite song is Do Me a Favour by Arctic Monkeys.
‌He's very good with kids. Which Wednesday once thought could be handy in the future. The minute she realized what she was thinking, she wanted to hit her head against the wall for becoming like her mother.
(TW: eating disorder/body image) ‌Xavier struggles with eating sometimes because he used to be overweight. He didn’t start running out of pleasure: his father forced him to lose the weight because "having a fat son wouldn't be good for his image". Again, Wednesday's still waiting for Xavier's permission to curse his father.
‌Xavier is a huge fan of The Hunger Games series, he read the books and watched the movies at least ten times. It's partly why he chose to practice archery. Definitely has a celebrity crush on Jennifer Lawrence. He made Wednesday watch all the movies with him and she actually didn't hate them.
His second obsession is Star Wars. His ringtone is Cantina Band. Wednesday hates Star Wars.
‌Xavier is this annoying person who has multiple hidden talents. Obviously, he's a very good painter, but he's also a great piano player (his mom taught him), he's an okay dancer, and he's not that bad at singing even though he mainly does in the shower. But since he's modest or thinks it's not that great, people usually randomly find out about it. Ajax always acts falsely jealous like "Dude you can do literally everything, I hate you", but he's also the first one to exclaim "oh you need someone who can do that? Xavier's like so good, you should ask him!"
Wednesday was impressed (although she was careful not to show it at first) when she found out he could play the piano and they've definitely both played piano and cello together.
Speaking of Ajax, him and Xavier are basically brothers and we all know it. They met when they arrived at Nevermore the same year when they were twelve and they've been inseparable ever since.
I have a very clear vision of Xavier barging in Ajax's room after he and Wednesday get together like "it's official, bitch!" and they're both gloating like two tall idiots, so proud that they're dating the two hot best friends from Ophelia Hall
Wenvier headcanons here
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psychic-refugee · 1 day
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This is an interesting interview with Tiffany Paulsen. There are spoilers for the movie, and they're marked, so be careful if you want to wait for the movie.
I think it's fair that the reporter gave a balanced report on the situation. It acknowledges that the rumours are out there, but gives more context and nuance by a) giving the one statement Percy has made of it, b) acknowledging that the rumours were started by randos on twitter and have since deleted their tweets and c) no formal charges have been made bc police can't arrest someone based on rumours and no evidence.
I do like that Paulsen has a reasonable mindset when it comes to the rumours. She acknowledges that twitter is full of misinformation and trolls, and that Percy as the victim of the rumours really had no recourse.
I also like her compassion for Percy given the situation. She could have been selfish and pissed her movie has some scandal to it, but she remained professional and supportive. I think that's a mark of a great director and leader.
I hope that Paulsen and Percy get to work together again, finding genuine and compassionate people is rare.
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roy-dcm2 · 9 months
FF8 Theory - The True Origin of Sorceresses
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In the background of Final Fantasy 8, they tell the origin of the Sorceresses and it's rooted in the story of a being known as the Great Hyne. Here's what we first hear in Balamb:
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That's the basic story in the beginning. We more details later in the game in the White SeeD ship. Let me summarize:
Th Legend of Vascaroon says Hyne was the ruler of the world that created Humans. Like before, Hyne surrendered half his body, then there was a war for control of that half. Vascaroon was the one that pointed out - what was left behind was Hyne's skin. (Maybe not his entire half-body.)
The ultimania books have one final version of the story called -
Aru Hi no Garden no Jugyō Fūkei
The story says Hyne created the world, created Humans to work for him because he were tired. While Hyne was asleep, Humans ran the world on their own. When he awoke, Hyne was startled by their numbers, so he tried exterminating their young, and the humans started to turn against him.
Hyne bargains for the end of the war by willingly giving up half his body, and telling the early humans they would have half his powers. There was another war, and then Vascaroon, who was a sage, says the "half" of Hyne's body is just his cast off skin. This is how the persecution of Magic Users / Sorceresses began.
When you read all three stories, it becomes clear that these are ancient tales that have become distorted over time. The real details have been lost. Maybe it was all bullshit made up to persecute women.
However, I ask you now to look at Ultimecia's Final Form:
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That looks like half a magical parasite growing out of Ultimecia's normal body. And it looks like it's missing part of it's skin, don't you think?
So, Hyne was probably real. And, that begs the question, who or what is Hyne, really?
Final Fantasy takes place in a Multiverse, and across the various games, we have seen strange entities similar to how Hyne was described.
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The fact that it was so old and wants to kill humans for overpopulating and altering the world, did make me think that Hyne could be a Weapon. But, Weapons seldom show true sentience and the ability to scheme, so it is highly unlikely Hyne was a Weapon.
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In between the alternate dimensions of the Final Fantasy Multiverse there is The Void where strange and powerful entities live. And they love to consume everything and leave everything in darkness. But, they're not known to scheme or bargain like Hyne did. So, it's a possibility, but a tad unlikely.
Not unless the whole beginning part of the myth is false. Like Hyne wasn't the creator of humans. Maybe it was an entity like Cloud of Darkness, it awoke, humans fought and won, then fought over its body, thinking it would give them powers.
But, then, why would Hyne exist as a parasite in sorceresses? Like we see in Ultimecia?
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Let's talk about Jenova. "The Crisis from the Sky" is an alien lifeform that arrived in the ancient times of FF7. It is fairly powerful, but not all powerful. It was known to shapeshift, but Jenova also has the ability to survive being cut to pieces. Exposure to Jenova's cell's (or a virus) causes people to transform into monsters.
And we see a few other sorceresses in FF8, that are steadily becoming more monstrous:
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Yes. I'd have to speculate that Jenova is the closest thing to Hyne. The might have been the same species, or something similar. Hyne probably arrived from outer space in the ancient times. It might have been injured or just asleep when it first arrived.
When it awoke, it started killing people. This drove the humans to corner it and kill it. Then they fought over the remains of the body, thinking it would give them magical powers. the carcass had no powers, but later women started to manifest magic and turning into monsters and that's what started the persecution of the Sorceresses.
Sorceresses in FF8 have to pass on their powers to another sorceress before they pass on. This is what passes the Hyne parasite on to the next person, and is somewhat similar to Jenova's Reunion ability.
What we see manifesting in Ultimecia is Hyne's true final form. It's been gestating inside of Ultimecia for a long time, finally growing powerful enough to absorb all of existence, and yet it still bears the scars from the original war.
At least that's my interpretation.
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