#the grief + rage is immense with this ones lads. would not recommend.
bestial4ngel · 9 months
Man, I sure love shows about the hopeless future of the earth in the face of capitalism and climate change (<- me when I fucking lie)
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the-gay-in-the-way · 5 years
Hello Again
I’m back once more to drop off some random AU ideas and maybe even a fic chapter or two.
Don’t get too hopeful tho cus I can’t be trusted and I also have a lot on my plate now so I’m not always gonna have enough headspace to spare for fanfic.
I’ve recently binged the entirety of Steven Universe, movie and current Future episodes included, and I’ve got some ideas now.
And if I don’t write those ideas down and share them then I may very well explode.
So, we begin with this new AU I came up with.
It’s very similar to the original SU base plot: same world, same pink diamond/rose story, same diamonds on homeworld.
But we input the sides where some of the originals once were.
And we have them take the base gem roles as well.
Thomas is Steven.
Patton is Pearl.
Roman(Ruby) and Logan(Sapphire) are Garnet.
Virgil is Amethyst.
The exceptions to the original structure are these lads tho.
Remus is an Emerald who originally tries to get rid of the gems on orders from Yellow Diamond, but he switches over to their side because he comes to love Thomas and just how crazy his planet can be.
Deceit is a corrupted Pyrite/Fool’s Gold whom Thomas befriends, much like the situation with Steven and Centipeetle.
So that’s the baseline character stuff that you really need to know.
But there’s some specific stuff that I’ve thought about which I include after the cut because it does spoil a very large chunk of the special later on story stuff that would be in the fic if I ever write it.
It might not get a fic so I recommend reading this, but it’s up to you.
Right, so, I have included a fifth Diamond.
Also, White Diamond was shattered long before the entire situation with Earth ever happened.
Yeah, weird thing to change but it’s important to the new plot.
Speaking of that new plot.
With White Diamond out of the picture, things get a bit weird when it comes to the main storyline.
Thomas ends up just straight up meeting Blue Diamond while she’s visiting Earth.
Virgil, being the protective boi that he is, will immediately come to his rescue before Blue can do much more than just threaten Thomas and make him cry.
Virgil, like Lapis, has been thru so much shiz over his lifetime that he doesn’t really get effected by Blue’s powers as much and is able to fend her off and send her away.
It messes him up a bit tho.
He doesn’t understand why but he felt some very sudden feelings when he faced Blue Diamond.
Grief, Anger, Jealousy, and Affection.
It was very confusing.
But then Remus appears, sent by Yellow Diamond, and things get very busy so he’s not able to think about it much.
It’s a few random incidents that lead to Virgil realizing some things and suddenly regaining a bunch of lost memories.
He then attempts to run away from the Gems.
They catch him, of course.
And he tells them he can’t be one of them because of what he actually is.
He’s the very thing they’ve been fighting against.
He’s a Diamond.
After dropping this huge reveal, he manages to escape again.
Thomas manages to find him.
He asks Virgil to explain everything to him.
That he can’t help or understand if he doesn’t know what’s going on.
And he wants to help and understand him because they’re family and he loves him, regardless of what he is or who he was.
So Virgil leads him to a secret warp pad that he remembers without being able to recall how he knew of it in the first place.
They use it and end up in a garden in space, one that’s pretty similar to the one Spinel gets left on in the movie.
And Virgil’s story isn’t much different.
He tells Thomas about being created by White Diamond.
A brand new Diamond, meant to accompany the rest and assist in expanding the empire with them.
But he wasn’t perfect.
He was off-color.
A Purple Diamond with an imperfect cut.
A natural chip where there was meant to be a pointed edge.
He was flawed and imperfect.
And that made him unfit to be a Diamond.
But he’d been expensive to create.
And White felt slightly conflicted about destroying one of her own kind, even if they were flawed.
So she kept him hidden.
Created an entirely isolated garden for him to live in.
And visited him frequently to see how he was doing.
At first, at least.
Over time, the visits were less about making sure he was still there and more about wanting to spend time with the little Diamond.
(Side note: Virgil is big for a Quartz, like Jasper is, but since that’s the same size of his natural form he’s also quite small for a Diamond. Even smaller than Pink.)
White starts to think that she was, maybe, wrong about her feelings toward perfection.
Because Purple Diamond is still quite capable as a Diamond.
Even if he’s a bit small and chipped.
And she decides to bring him back home and introduce him to the others.
To see how they feel about him.
And to, maybe, just have him be a bit closer to her on a more regular basis.
But she needs to prepare some things first.
So she tells him to stay in the garden.
That they were going to play a game.
He had to stay exactly where he was and wait for her to come back.
When she returned, she’d give him a special prize for succeeding.
And, trusting her completely, he agreed to the game.
And stood there as he watched her drift away.
After that, he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Until he received the message.
White Diamond had been shattered.
And in her place was a brand new Pink one.
A smaller Diamond, like him.
Taking a place among the Diamonds, whom he’d only ever heard about from White.
Like she belonged there.
Even while he hadn’t.
The betrayal felt immense, and almost overpowered the grief he felt about White being shattered.
It left his form cracked and altered.
And, when Pink Diamond suddenly arrived, he’d been a step away from using the warp himself for the very first time in his life.
But she stopped him and met him with a smile.
She told him that she’d found out about him from some of the files White had saved in her personal systems.
That she’d wanted to help him return home, since White had refused to let him in before.
And, wanting so desperately to believe her kind words, he’d followed her.
And she brought him to Earth.
The planet White had intended to give her once she was ready to start colonizing.
Pink brought Purple to this planet she was just starting to work on, and Rejuvenated him.
She took away his memories and forcefully altered his programming.
Then she left him in a hole she made within one of the kindergartens.
By the time he awakened, a slow process after having been altered so heavily, Pink had become Rose.
And Rose had come to realize a few things about herself.
Because Virgil didn’t know what exactly had led to him being left behind.
He only knew that White had eventually been shattered during those hundreds of years he’d been left alone.
But Rose had known the truth.
Because she’d been the cause of it.
After White left Purple, she’d gone about preparing things for his eventual arrival.
The others had noticed and had been excited about meeting a new Diamond that White was obviously creating.
She didn’t correct them, figuring that she could leave them to their excitement for the time being.
But, right when she was about to go and retrieve Purple, Pink was born.
And that suddenly took up a lot of her time.
A few hundred years passed with White doing her best to prioritize Pink’s growth.
She didn’t visit Purple again because she wanted to keep her promise of giving him a good prize for waiting for her.
So she needed to get everything prepared for him first.
By the time she completed that and was once again ready to retrieve Purple, Pink realized the truth.
There was another Diamond.
A small one like her.
One that White obviously adored.
One who’d been the only reason her own rooms had even been created.
A newer Diamond.
Who would be adored by the others.
Just as she was.
But then, where would she be?
Abandoned by those she cared about.
All because of this other Diamond who wasn’t even as perfect as she was.
Pink couldn’t stand it.
In a fearful and jealous rage, she attacked White.
And White, for the first time in a very long time, poofed.
She lost her form and her gem fell to the ground at Pink’s feet.
And Pink, upon realizing what she’d done, decided that it would be better if White never came back.
So she bubbled her and hid the bubble in a part of Homeworld she knew nobody would find.
And used some of the materials that had been used to create herself and Purple in the Diamond Kindergarten to create fake shards of Diamond.
And then, she showed the others.
She told them that another Diamond had been born.
A defective Purple one who immediately lashed out at White and shattered her.
Pink had managed to come in and shatter the Purple one right after, she was even able to show them those shards too.
And they believed her.
But they wouldn’t if Purple came back.
So she went and got rid of him.
Going so far as to rejuvenate and alter him so that he would never be able to even come close to the other Diamonds.
And then, she’d spent her time on Earth.
And she’d learned a lot.
And realized how horrible she’d been to someone who should’ve been a sibling to her.
It made it worse when he suddenly appeared out of the hole she put him in, confused and hollow and thinking he was just another quartz soldier.
So she took him in.
Accepted him into what was left of the Crystal Gems, hoping that this would at least partially make up for what she’d done to him.
And then things had followed their course and now Purple Diamond was Amethyst and Amethyst was Virgil.
And Virgil, after thousands of years, was finally remembering what he had been.
But now how he’d ended up elsewhere.
He couldn’t remember anything past receiving the message of White’s shattering.
Only what had happened before.
And that’s all I’m gonna give you guys, for now.
It really got into my head, this entire AU idea.
I seriously was gonna just exhaust myself with thinking about it if I didn’t write some of it out.
So I feel better now.
Hope ya’ll enjoyed this little AU idea ramble.
Might do something with it, might not.
But it was fun to think about.
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