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Karate Bonnie, stay away when The Scissors play. Those guys have no respect. They only want your body. Karate Bonnie, please don’t go to The Scissors show. You know you got somebody. Fucking hugging and kissing on you.
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You'll be amaaaaazed..... In the HOUSEofCARDS. 😘🃏🃏🃏🃏🃏🃏🃏🃏
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I will bury my face in self loathe because it's all I know. I think I want to cry It out wondering how I messed up. But I know I didn't. There's nothing absofuckinglutely wrong with me. But this complex you fucking created Welp. Sure hasn't help a damn thing. So I don't fucking know. I'm goin to call you out on it soon because I'm damn pisssedddd. Pissed as fucking hell. Lol I lied I'm going to cry now kthnx
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Wow. Seriously though. You make me feel so fucking shitty and have the worst meltdown of my life by what you tell me. Yet. It wasn’t even true. It was just fabrication to protect you... I hit such an all time low in my life... Tried reaching out to you about it... and you failed to try acknowledging it. You cant be that oblivious.... dude.... you made me feel so bad. Everytime I think of how too good to be true you were, how great, etc. ill keep bouncing back to this thought. Stay a 16hour shift all weekend LYING p.o.s as I wallow in self pity no more. Go make plans with more girls —the ones you said weren't genuine yet are willing to still engage with— oh wait. Karmakthnxbye
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Essentially. You don’t have to keep drowning yourself, but you’re going to do as you wish. I can’t stop you from figuring out what you must. Just take it all with delayed gratification ….  And I just have to accept it. You came around to build me up into this little thing I’ve tried hiding from for so long. My character embellished by unhappiness. Thank you for making me conscious of my dreams. And allowing me to reel in my aspirations. Never give up. Dream fucking big.
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How can you tell me youve been working and yet you ended up going to see Alkaline Trio… Why the flip couldnt you tell me you were busy instead of making it seem you were really struggling. Ugh. It hurts. Blows. :[
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I keep trying to force myself to deal with people and situations. I just can't.... && as I keep reassuring myself to stay soft, my insides are dead. Ghost wins....
"I've held back a weld of shit and I think I'm gonna choke. I'm standing in the shadows with the words stuck in my throat."
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The friends we keep.
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Sometimes I wonder torn between my heart, Torn between my heart and my mind. And I feel my body to see if I'm in, If I'm in tune with what I find. But I don't know how to feel. And I don't know what to feel, Anymore. Anymore. Wanna be the decision-cision Kill free things. I feel a difference inside. I'm a boy who's so sick of searching. Maybe there's a heaven nearby. So should I let these thoughts out, Or should I let you in? Its so easy to be alone. Look within. Will I find home? I just don't know How to feel. Feel How to feel How to feel Feel Feeling so afraid like I am stuck here, Like I am stuck here and can't move. I like to watch the sunsets lighting the warm colors. The warmth it blinds the truth. But I don't know how to feel, don't. And I don't know what to feel anymore. I keep on hurting myself. Tearing off the skin, I let it burn at the touch. What I've lived, what I've learned Though it may be the truth, truth it hurts. When we have something inside that no motherfucker will touch. No I won't think like you. If I did what am I trying to prove? I just don't know... I just don't know how to feel. I just don't know what to feel anymore.
A Letter From Prison - Boy Hits Car
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Drive me to the end of myself
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Not so beta anymore omglol
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I’ve reached an all time level of pathetic. When I’ve written out scenarios of what’s the worst that could happen or be said. Now time to get out of work and get my liquid balls. This is going to be a sad news bears week lol
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queerest of the queer
I shouldn't be a bit nervous for tonight. Everything is going okay, everything will be allright. I've no reason to worry, just let it be and go with it :) he's proved more than interest. If I'm fucking wrong maybe i deserve this. jp, anyway. should be  fun show. glad ii will not b alone. 
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I know you can't appreciate it.
I'm only happy when it rains.
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have you ever felt burned my the world?
bummer, huh?
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