#about little joys in life or like idk human kindness or something but shit like that always hits those things like a wrecking ball
bestial4ngel · 9 months
Man, I sure love shows about the hopeless future of the earth in the face of capitalism and climate change (<- me when I fucking lie)
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
what are your thoughts on the seven? Like, what are we to make of them as deities?
just reread the series, and on first pass (tho i plan to go back searching for this) it seems like the seven come off as... less Tangible than the Old Gods/R'hllor. like melisandre births shadow assassins. bloodraven Exists. clearly there's something to these gods. maybe not what their worshipper's think, but like. a Power, for sure.
By contrast, the seven seem to exist solely in the minds of those who believe in them. Trials by combat seem to be 50/50. Tyrion win's Lysa's but loses Cersei's. the faith of the seven are notoriously corrupt, and after the sparrow's takeover, is going full-tilt crazy fundamentalist.
Yet these gods bring a great deal of comfort to the characters who believe in them. And I can't help but think about Septon Meribald, wandering the war-torn riverlands barefoot to give out oranges and flour and alms to those in need. That kind of religious-charity seems to be exclusive to the seven.
So given all this... idk, what's their deal? Are they "gods as a reflection of humanity"? "gods as a reflection of society"? I feel like "they were always 100% fake and anyone who ever prayed to them was praying to nothing" is a little too grimdark for grrm, but idk!
Sorry for the long ask jfjsjjd
i am not a good meta poster or essayist so my apologies for what will surely be a poor answer 😭 so introduction. grrm is lapsed catholic and the seven is like soo barely removed from catholicism. also rhllor/old gods doing things in text doesnt necessarily make them, the gods, real. the magic is certainly real but that doesnt mean the gods themselves are real. and so that goes into the whole Do the gods of planetos actually exist at all. so the faith isnt actually alone in having the Are the gods real? question
the faith is based on faith right, belief without necessarily having proof. it's pretty unique actually for that. the old gods have weirwoods and dreams, rhllor has shadowbinding, but the faith doesnt even have martyrdom/saints/incorruptibility/miracles/etc. its purely a social function; hierarchy, laws, morality and life-after-death existentialism.
i think this is what grrm is exploring, another brick in the wall of Society. like how is religion used as a hammer for hierarchy and how does it interact with power, with patriarchy, with classism. yes, the faith descends into fundamentalism but its also one of the only ways the peasant class can organise and attack the establishment. its social mobility in a way they cant otherwise access.
so i guess in all my rambling, i'd agree with the assessment that its 'gods as a reflection of society/humanity'. i dont think the fact that theyre 100% fake is bleak, really. i think all religions are fake irl but that doesnt take away from the beauty and love and joy they can bring to people. for every cruel septa/on, there's a meribald who brings peace and forgiveness.
idk again i am not a good meta poster i cant pull out quotes for shit 😭 but i remember the moments of jaime earnestly praying. and you look at melisandre who uses her faith in rhllor as a desperate attempt to justify her own sense of self, her suffering, her actions. its similar in a way to the faith. melisandre's total belief in rhllor, no matter how delusional, is just as important as if rhllor himself actually existed.
so to summarise, the meaning we gain from metaphysical concepts can be just as important as the perceived power of the metaphysical concept itself. idk im sure im making a mess of the philosphical idealism vs materialism plus i am making no sense and making no actual points but i hope this communicates my personal interpretation of the faith of the seven!
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
I see this held up as major proof of Dean's badness, but couldn't it also be proof of Cas having faith Dean can get past anything without Cas having to change his behavior? The way it's structured the onus is on DEAN to work through it, not others to change or make amends. ---- CASTIEL: You know, Dean, he – he feels things more acutely than any human I've ever known. So it's possible he could work through this. One day, he may explode and let it all out and breathe deeply and move on.
I see what you mean in a general sense, and it's extremely possible that Cas is thinking about his own past fights with Dean and Dean forgiving him, and from the perspective of the critique you have in mind that you're refuting, I agree. But of course deancrit casgirls will forever insist that Cas has never in his life done anything harmful to Dean either accidentally or on purpose, so any time Dean might dare try to hold him accountable for anything, he's actually just making shit up and being toxic and controlling, so here Cas is just apologizing for his own abusive relationship. You can only get their take by being deliberately obtuse/disingenuous.
That said, the context of that line (from 15.13 "Destinty's Child") is Cas answering soulless Jack's question about whether Dean will eventually forgive him for murdering Mary.
CASTIEL: Hey, Jack. JACK: Cas, you know what's good about being dead? CASTIEL: Uh, as I recall, very little. JACK: Well, when you come back, you – you really get into all that life is. Hot, cold, sweet, spicy, funny, scary. CASTIEL: And are you? "Into it"? JACK: I want to be. But I don't... feel things the way I used to. Before I lost my... CASTIEL: Your soul. JACK: I used to feel things. In my bones. It was glorious, and sometimes unbearable. But I felt them. Now, I understand joy or sadness, but... I know those things aren't in me. I understand why Sam and Dean were angered by what happened to Mary... CASTIEL: By what you did to Mary. JACK: Yes. I see that I've caused them pain. And it's clear that things have changed. Especially with – with Dean. Will he ever forgive me? CASTIEL: You know, Dean, he – he feels things more acutely than any human I've ever known. So it's possible he could work through this. One day, he may explode and let it all out and breathe deeply and move on. JACK: How long will that take? CASTIEL: I don't know.
And yeah—I have seen people refer to Cas's little speech here as "condoning child abuse" and other bullshit. Because how DARE Dean not forgive soulless Jack for murdering his mother (something soulless Jack is unable to actually really acknowledge he did). I mean clearly any time someone murders your mom because she made them mad and threatened their sense of security by asking if they're okay and saying their concerning actions can’t stay a secret… That’s just natural understandable stuff! You need to forgive the person who murdered her instantly and if you don’t idk you’re kinda overreacting don’t you think? :/ I mean your mom probably deserved it kind of anyway for reading the room so wrong and talking about getting a person help. And I mean if you don't forgive the person who killed your mom or do anything trying to stop them from hurting more people you're really a child abuser... toward an adult... who murdered your mother in cold blood and is unable to even understand why it was wrong in any sense other than an intellectual one like he read it from a book... preferring to refer to it as "What happened to Mary" instead of acknowledge it as something he himself did because he was mad and felt threatened—which is what he circled back to in "Jack In The Box" too. It's only when Jack gets his soul back that he's able to actually feel true empathy, acknowledge his real actions and the gravity of them, and give an actual sincere apology. Because his soul is actually important—something this fandom refuses, by and large, to notice.
Anyway, this fandom's take on Mary's murder and soulless Jack vs. regular Jack is overwhelmingly a bag of wet third grader vomit and feces so what can one expect?
#mail#soulless jack killing mary is popularly regarded as an accident... but it's pretty transparent that it wasn't?#or rather it was on purpose but he regretted it the second after it happened. but that is still. Something he chose to do. Not an accident.#He saw her as a threat to his relationship with Sam and Dean and he acted.#This is indicated right before he kills her. He admits it outright also right before calling it an accident which unravels that whole idea.#It wasn’t pre-meditated but in that moment he wanted her to die. She was going to tell everyone there was something wrong with him.#And he did not want that.#It wasn't an accident and he can't handle his own culpability because it threatens his belief that he can make things be the way they were#before it happened. Which is why he killed her to begin with! He didn't want anyone to know/think anything was wrong with him!#And just like soulless Jack just wants everyone to forget about it and act like nothing happened and he's fine...#Many fans want Dean to forget about it. They want Dean to believe and say and feel and think that Mary did not matter.#And that being upset at her literal murder (even if it was an accident—which it was not) is bad and evil.#And Sam's great capacity for numbness (which we already saw in season 13) strengthen's their own lack of empathy for Dean#in a situation that in real life they would understand unless they're actual psychopaths.#It's only because Dean is a character in a narrative representing the need/capacity to be loved and accepted at all#that these demands that his thoughts and feelings bend to everyone else's emotional needs become so disturbingly intrusive#dont feed the stans after midnight#and cas is my best friend#hot girl cas
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
been thinking about the art you’ve been sharing from school ever since I saw it (the one of you doing hard/scary things and the violin one) and I just wanted to say that I’m proud of you. as someone who has followed your blog for years I’ve gotten to see how you have grown as an artist and how much your skill and style have developed. but on top of that you’ve just been going through Life Stuff like all of us have and your pieces portray that in a way that feels so emotional and, like, uniting? it made me think wow, when was the first time I went grocery shopping alone? i don’t remember it now but I bet it felt a little like that. the low social battery one? most relatable thing I’ve ever seen. the dreaded emails 😭 the grind of pushing through for finals 😭 and I’ve like never touched a violin in my life but I felt that one so hard somehow? even though I’ve never had that experience it just seems like something every human can feel. something you once loved that turned sour. something you could maybe love again. or something that’s better left alone. just like the ache of remembering, whether it’s good or bad. Anyway. I just think you’re an amazing artist, not just because of your impressive technical skills (which I know you have worked SO hard to develop!!) but also because of the heart you put into it and the stories you are able to tell and just the staggering Humanity of your work. especially with all this AI stuff going around, seeing your work just reminds me that, idk, THIS is what real art is. and that can’t be artificially replicated. the soul of art cannot be generated. TizzyMcWizzy is not replaceable
okay yeah wow this actually just made me burst into full on tears. maryssa ily so much 💙💙💙💙💙💙
im forever grateful that i have the opportunity to make this stuff and to get to fucking SHARE IT WITH PEOPLE like THAT'S SO COOL!! I'M SO GRATEFUL!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!
i was talking with my mom the other day and she was trying to nudge me into pursuing product design again cause "people will pay for products, people will pay you to make things they can sell, no one wants to pay for shit that they can see, why would they? you can't feed yourself with pictures" or something like that, and part of me wondered if that was true,, but seeing the response to my recent comics and the connection there,, like, man, THIS IS A DIFFERENT KIND OF FEEDING, we love and grow and live off this stuff, it makes our lives lighter and our hearts rest easier, and isn't that fuckin worth it???? isn't that the point and the joy of it all?????
gwugh many many thoughts about this but i digress
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afoxyblogger · 2 years
#my belief system is im destined to keep coming back to earth until i’ve experienced everything about living#so i want to do as much as i can per life and then i’ll finally be free
bruh bruh bruh brunh
sorry i got stupidly excited reading your tags because i feel this too. i saw a psychic once, right. idk if you believe in that stuff, but this lady spooked me with how accurate she was. i thought i was going to get like some palm reading mumbo jumbo and it was gonna be a fun little experience with my aunt. NO. this woman asks for a metal object i have owned for more than 6 months, so i hand her my cell phone, and she just holds it in her hand and explains to me my past life experiences-- apparently i similarly went through some tough shit in my past life. i was apparently like kidnapped and lived on a boat as a slave of sorts, my aunt was almost pissed at this woman for telling me this bc i was like 15 at the time right. she then said that every day i would look outside on the boat at a particular scenery, before she finished, she asked if i could describe it to her. and i jumped up bc i knew it, i'd seen it in day dreams. it was water, with land in the distance with one tall mountain that always had snowy peaks. and the land like, it was very lush and green, not at all like where i live (desert). and she confirmed this as being Mount Fuji. ANYWAY she said she told me the story of my past life because everything i went through in my past life was a lesson learned, an experience gained, even being kidnapped and kept as a slave, it was something experienced and she said a soul must experience everything before it moves on. depravity, horror, true happiness, joy, etc. and that my soul was particularly young and had not experienced much yet. so that i would likely be reincarnated a few times more or something like that--
and that's all i remember about that thing. i think my aunt went next immediately after that so i wanted to say!! there's possibly some validation(?) to that theory? at least from a psychic in california lol.
sorry for the long message, just got excited to share beliefs with someone haha - Rey (& Grim somewhere)
ur so good lol I’m gonna put my thoughts into a readmore so it doesnt get too long
I’ve never gone to psychics or mediums but mostly it’s because I’m afraid of what they’ll find lol. I had an opportunity at a county fair once and realized I didn’t really want to find out 😅
i’ve also never touched holy water because I was worried it would cause me to spontaneously combust, which was a thing I worried about since I was very young and I feel like that was a sign lol
I feel like for this life I’ve definitely knocked out a lot of experiences from the bucket list (getting disowned for my identity, transitioning, organizing my own moves, embroidery, all that jazz) and I’m hoping to do more and feel more as the years go by
the life I remember most is the one where I got my ‘sona’, which was basically an alternate Earth of some kind. I think he was my first humanoid reincarnation, and he still had many animalistic tendencies. a lot of kins that I have are actually previous lives that I’ve ended up remembering very vividly, which is why kinning is so spiritual to me specifically. I align with red foxes bc I’m pretty sure I’ve come back as that quite a lot if not being human, so it gives me comfort :)
Just from little evidences of online quizzes always giving me ‘old soul’ or ‘wise beyond years’ results, people commenting on my social/emotional maturity, my innate desire to learn and to teach, I thought it was just for fun but they’ve actually helped to give me a different perspective and flesh out what makes me more comfortable to believe in, yknow?
There’s a spiritual aspect to my OSDD-1B as well, in the sense that everyone here is a soul that couldn’t find a body and some systems with walk-ins are simply more receptive to those souls, but I mostly just think of this body that way and don’t push it on others
I can explain more with asks to @archer-system since that’s where I’d be more comfortable sharing things, but I appreciate the ask and I’m glad my tags resonated with u!!! 💕
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zoe-wrote · 8 months
One month abroad
Hello. I thought I would write more often, but I felt I didn't have enough to report on. In reality, studying abroad can be quite mundane.
In these past few weeks, I've spent my time learning the bus system and how to feed myself. I've never been responsible for all three meals before. Everytime I actually cook, I start by chopping up onions and garlic and caramelize them on the stove. I think of my papa every time I do that-- he never shies away from bold flavors, and back home some well browned onions and garlic are often the base that allows the meal to be built so flavorfully. I like to listen to whatever novel is assigned for my contemporary dystopian literature course via audible while completing tasks like cooking and cleaning. Having a manual task to keep my body occupied helps my mind stay focused and I get my chores done, so it's a win-win really. I've listened to Herland and 1984 thus far, Fahrenheit451 is up next.
I like to open my window in the morning to get some fresh air in the room and hope enough sunlight comes in to dissuade any seasonal affective symptoms that could occur in my silly little brain due to the change in climate. I like to put on my big headphones blasting music as I power-walk to class (I'm often supposed to have left three minutes prior). Recently I've been listening to a lot of The Smile because I am insufferable and seeing them in concert next month with jena (THOM YORKE IN THE FLESH!) as well as the usual shoegaze indie pop burlington vermont listening location shit. There is something so wonderful about the sensation of the wind on my skin as I speed through campus to my Existentialism and Humanism lecture blasting Mac Demarco.
I do really love learning, and my classes this term are pretty fun. I think my favorite emotion ever is curiosity, I love the feeling of wanting to know more and giving myself unbridled permission to explore whatever I've stumbled upon. Me and Jena love just trying random doors and seeing if they will open, walking down corridors and pathways in directions we are uncertain of, exploring new random hobbies and chasing new experiences. The two of us are destined to either live long fulfilling lives filled with whimsy and joy or to get kidnapped quite young due to our foolishness and trust.
We joined several clubs at UCD including; film, horticulture, taekwondo, juggling and circus, i joined the lgbtq one as well but jena did not because she is busy being such a good ally to the community. i wanna join orienteering soooo bad they give you a compass and you have to run to spots on a map it sounds so beautiful. We tried to find the gardens for a hort soc meeting but failed miserably, got some fantastic pics from that hero's journey though. Every now and then I get so lost I think I know what Odysseus felt like.
We did attend a two hour Taekwondo training and will continue that I suppose, we had no prior ambition of doing Taekwondo but the girls running the recruitment table were so cool and made a great pitch. I really enjoy getting sold to. It's mostly queer women on the Taekwondo team, but we are instructed by black belt men who I think perhaps attended UCD like a decade ago??? Idk really but it's kind of fun and I've been saying I need a hobby. I love to kick.
We went to our first Juggling and Circus event yesterday, and we didn't vibe with the people as much. Did get to make some balloon flowers though so that's pretty cool. Probs gonna garden this week as well. The campus is kind of inconveniently located (realistically about 1 hour away from the city centre if you want to go anywhere other than Grafton st), so we're trying to find a good amount of things to do on campus.
I've definitely learned a lot about Ireland, credit is certainly due to my personal irish cultural guide Síofra who I've become close with this last month. It's been great getting to know people and to build a new life. I suppose it's reassuring that I've been able to get by these past few weeks without being miserable.
It's a bigger deal to study abroad than I give myself credit for, especially given that three years ago I wasn't sure I would graduate high school. I think often of how my younger self might react to my current life; my teen self would be astonished and disbelieving, but my child self would be reassured and excited. I am quite proud of myself. I feel an obligation to be appear particularly wise when I write or speak about emotions and past life experiences which often manifests in me writing blog posts and such with some kind of message in them once I start wrapping up my thoughts.
I don't have anything specific to offer. What I can say is that I'm excited, and looking forward to exploring this city, country, and continent more. I'm excited to keep getting to know the cool folks I've met here and to see where life takes us these next few months. The world is weird. I'm tired.
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hellofears · 10 months
Offtopic but I love mothers fathers parents guardians just ppl who care and are always trying their best and trying to do right by the ppl they come across even if they’ve done shit before. Like in general, existing is tough thank you so much to anyone who tries the best for the people around them and hopefully for themselves and their care too. Some people have such care compassion and just like kindness even if they don’t always show it in the most like palatable ways or the most conventional ways or they’re blunt or some shit people who stand the test of time of their experiences who just try and live sincerely like u make life worth living. Siblings friends like no matter what there’s something so moving about love and humanity idk any of u a holes but I hope ur doing okay and if not life treats you better soon, things get better or u t start treating urself the way u deserve even if just a little more.
Mothers r people guardians are people siblings are people friends r people, anyone and being able to hold such adoration be it parentally or like in a guardians perspective or as a sibling as someone’s partner romantically or not platonically or not like Thankyou and I hope you feel fulfilled or the people u love or ppl soon coming into your life will love and care for you the way you deserve.
No one has to like anyone it’s inevitable but I hope you’re treated with respect and common decency which all deserve. I think about random shit too deeply and too much all the time don’t mind me but just suddenly thought like seeing a mother so sincerely and whole heartedly care for their kids be it tough love or whatever it just made me feel warm like, if u want to be a parent or anything of the sort I hope you get to do that whatever form it may come in and if u don’t want kids who cares I hope you live your life In a way that’s true to you and your needs and character.
Those who want a partner or partners I hope you find that no matter how long it takes for those who want a withstanding platonic and like soulful connection, someone or ppl they can find that with and truly want to experience life with for forever more I truly hope you find that at some point. I want you to see that kind of joy
There’s something so magical about what people have together what can be had together what we can have together, the fact that opportunity is taken from so many is fucking awful. It’s unacceptable and so beyond ridiculous (on the cause’ part) and evil. Every breathe u take no matter how difficult I hope it’ll mean so so so so many breathes to come endless even and you will come to experience so many good things.
Don’t mind me I’m just speaking to my wall. Life’s so scary and I’ve got it good like it’s a mess. I love the people I love in my way with my faults and my life’s run so far I hope my time to come will be filled with so many people to get to know and love and vica Versa. Thanks for loving and living everyone
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goji-pilled · 3 years
Okay @princekirijo you want an essay? Well here it is now, or as I like to call it Felix's "Asumari is great and this fandom has no fucking taste" rambling and infodump. Congrats fellas, thanks to Prince you ALL get an asumari essay. But before that I'll try to give you a rundown of Mari and Asuka. 
(I'm also so sorry for putting this long ass post on everyone's dashboard)
(Spoiler warning for Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time!!)
Alright on one hand we have Mari Illustrious Makinami. Her whole deal? She's a walking ray of sunshine, literally lol. Unlike any other character in the Evangelion franchise she doesn't suffer from her trauma, she's quite literally the only healthy and functioning human being, she's just slightly leaning towards "batshit crazy" with the stunts she pulls 🤷‍♂️. Other than that she just loves living, she loves being with people, she keeps moving forward, stays positive and decides to live life to it's fullest even after she experiences loss and multiple apocalyptic events (Second Impact, Third Impact, etc.) and she really just embodies the joy of living. That's all there is to her, or at least all we know.
On the other hand, we have Asuka Langley Shikinami who is... well it's hard to explain what she is to be honest. She's part-German and part-Japanese and part of a line of clones specifically made with the purpose to pilot an Evangelion and later on be used as a sacrifice to trigger another Impact (ITS COMPLICATED I KNOW-) Asuka is, unlike Mari, very much suffering from her trauma. She doesn't have her parents and has a very deep seated belief that she's completely alone, which she says doesn't matter as long as she can pilot the Eva. She also very much wants to fight and kill angels all by herself, and it's seriously messing with her when she can't achieve that.
Now we get to the more interesting parts (hopefully this so far wasn't too confusing, then again it's Eva and even I can't fully wrap my head around it all LMAO)
In the second Rebuild movie (Evangelion 2.0 You can (not) advance) we get introduced to both of them, Mari's introduction scene (in the original English dub) has her pilot an Eva and singing about how she'll take the world on by herself, while in the third movie's (Evangelion 3.0 You can (not) redo) opening scene she's piloting the Eva again but this time it's together with Asuka (in her own Unit 02 though) and during that Mari sings about how wonderful it is not to be alone. It's nothing big yet, but it's a really cute detail me thinks,,, you know what else I love about them? They bicker and they banter and it's genuinely so fun to listen to shskdhsuwj
(For a quick catch up: During the end of 2.0 Shinji (the protagonist) triggers another apocalyptic event, the Near Third Impact, and was only stopped due to Kaworu (the guy in my pfp) stepping in. Also between 1.0/2.0 and 3.0/3.0+1.0 are about 14 years (without Shinji bc he's like comatose) where A LOT happens AND we learn in 3.0 that Eva pilots don't age physically bc of "The curse of the Eva"... honestly Eva is wild lmao)
Okay okay I'll get back to it!
So one thing that happens is that Asuka during 2.0 develops a crush on Shinji (girl why-), unfortunately things take a turn for the worse. Asuka had volunteered to be the testpilot for a new Eva (Unit 03), she seemed happy at the time and it was a really sweet build up with the "I can smile, I didn't know I could still do that."-line. And then? Then it turns out the Ninth Angel had infected Unit 03 (Angels are basically the Kaijus they fight using Evas btw). The thing goes on a loose and Shinji is forced to fight it (With Asuka inside mind you), he refuses and his father uses an autopilot to destroy Unit 03. And boy did it destroy the angel, well it and it crushed Asuka between its jaws (you can actually hear her scream btw haha pain :)).
Asuka survived though, but the whole incident cost her her humanity and she ended up becoming an angel herself/she took the place of the Ninth. But despite that, there's one person who keeps believing in Asuka's humanity, who fiercely believes Asuka is still a human and tells her as much.
Yep, that one person is Mari and she keeps holding onto that belief until the very end when Asuka uses her last resort, which is using the power of an angel (Doing so was a guaranteed death sentence btw). Mari's own words (in the German dub) were, "Princess, you're giving up being human…" AND IT MAKES ME SO EMO GOD FUCK
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While I'm at it, Mari and Asuka are a fucking killer combo as a team. They rely on each other for support in combat, listen to the other's orders and advice. Especially in Asuka's case it's kind of a big deal that she so openly relies and counts on Mari's support. Like these two trust each other with their damn lifes!!! Holy shit!!
Guess what though, they also have nicknames for eachother. Mari always calls Asuka "Princess" or "(Your) Highness" while Asuka calles Mari "Four-eyes" / "Four-eyed chrony (idk how you spell that tbh RIP" Even better though, in the German dub Asuka calls Mari "Brillerella" as in a combination of "Brille" (German for glasses) and "Cinderella",,,,Cinderella and her Prince,,,Brillerella and her Princess,,, man, that was a gay fucking move of the translation team. Spoiler: I owe them my life.
Funfact: There's exactly two times throughout the Rebuild movies where Mari uses Asuka's actual name. These two times being when she watches Asuka "die" and be used as a sacrifice for Gendo's selfish plan and when later on she begs Shinji, "So please the Princess… Asuka needs your help!" And the best part? That wasn't even the first time she did that. The mentioned line came from 3.0+1.0, but she did that too in 3.0 with the, "At least save the Princess!" line (although her tone was much more...pissed, like she was really angry lol)
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Remember the crush Asuka had on Shinji? Well due to the Unit 03 incident a whole lot of other shit got mixed into that and her feelings for him in general became really bitter (understandably so). Now Mari being who she is sometimes teases Asuka about said old crush but she really does want Asuka to get closure and sort that mess out. 
As an example for the teasing, in 3.0 there's a scene that goes like this (please imagine Mari with a literal :3 face while saying that):
"Unit! Are you back in the game?"
"I'm on it, your Highness. But first things first, how was our little puppy (Shinji)? Did he sit like a good little boy?"
"He's exactly the same! Same stupid face talking mayhem!"
"That goofy face of his, that's what you wanted to see? Riiiiight?"
"Shut up! I went there to bat him one!... And I feel better!"
There's also a very short bonus manga that was released in Japan for Thrice Upon a Time's release that has Mari trying to convince Asuka to come with her on the mission to get Shinji, given everything that follows, it's just another thing to prove my point. And the final bit relating to that is this:
"Feeling better now?"
"Yeah, I do feel better."
That's the exchange Asuka and Mari have after they talked to Shinji, it's nothing special but I think it's really sweet and this time Asuka actually sounded like she was feeling better instead of when she was screaming after she nearly broke pretty thick glass with her fist (If she had hit someone with that much force she definitely would've broken something omggg #violentimpulsesgang)
To get back on track though: I already mentioned it but during the second half of 3.0+1.0 Asuka "dies" (and honestly that entire scene is worth its own in-depth post because its just one huge parallel to The End of Evangelion), the point is: You can tell that the loss of Asuka honestly hits Mari hard. Not only because of how Mari screams Asuka's name but also because of her expressions. They're pained, like really fucking pained and Mari even apologizes to her that she has to fall back due to the fact that she's injured AND because eveything is going wrong.
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After the events of Evangelion 3.0 these two got seperated from eachother, Mari was with WILLE (the organization both of them are with) and on board of Wunder (the ship WILLE basically operates from) while Asuka was in a Village full of (Near) Third Impact Survivors. When they do meet again it went like this:
Asuka, barely back, comes to the door and calls, "I'm back." And within seconds of Asuka stepping into their room after the door opens Mari already runs towards her, arms wide open and she says, "Welcome back, your Highness! Good job. I missed you so much!" And she says that while she literally nuzzles into Asuka,,,like,,,what the fuck gay people real!!! 
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Best part? Asuka clearly has enough strength to push Mari completely away if she were uncomfortable, but she doesn't. Asuka merely wanted enough space to look at the room (because Mari managed to horde even more books lol) and play her game. During their entire renunion Mari keeps hugging her, and part of me thinks that perhaps deep down Asuka actually enjoys the feeling of physical affection.
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Before we get to the last point though, let me say that Asuka and Mari have scenes in 3.0+1.0 that parallel Shinji and Kaworu's from 3.0. (Fyi Kaworu loves Shinji (yeah, like that, and 3.0 was basically them being gay as fuck for an hour) so like...do I even need to explain? 
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And then of course there's also this, the "Take care of yourself, Princess…" line. That is the last time Mari talks to Asuka and as much as that line alone already is so much, it's Mari's expression in particular that kills me. Because this? This soft, almost bittersweet expression she has, as she basically says goodbye? Because she knows Asuka will finally be happy and safe? It just makes me feel so much actually. Man.
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In the end it's a fact that Mari loved Asuka, wether that is interpreted as platonic or romantic by someone is up to them. But it is a fact that Asuka was loved enough that someone wanted to hug her, was happy to see her, to praise her, was hurt by her loss, wanted her to be safe, that someone told her "Take care of yourself…" Asuka was really and honestly so loved that someone would tell her, "I missed you."
But Asuka? Asuka was too hurt, too wrapped up in her own head to actually see how loved she was by Mari (and other people) that she genuinely believed she's completely alone and always will be alone.
It makes the "Take care of yourself" line hit even harder to me, because it's not only Mari's goodbye, but it's a goodbye during the one time Asuka allowed herself to be vulnerable and admit what she really wanted.
And honestly? All of this? Its makes me feel so many things and I just love them  so much man.
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kuvvydraws · 3 years
Life for me has been utter shit - stuck with godawful lessons and a lot of tests, all the while having to worry about this group of mean girls who I offended a couple month ago and now have to constantly think about what I do because all it takes is one mistep and they go all snarky and stir up trouble by making baseless accusations - cause all it takes is one mistake to turn your best friends into utter bitches ((sorry for the language)) who constantly make it out to be that I’m always going out of my way to wind them up and harass them
And now I’m worried that if any of my other past mistakes come up that they’re going to make it out to be a big thing, and if they make it out to be a big thing then I just know it’s gonna reach the teachers who’re gonna make it reach home and then I’ll have to deal with the usual disappointment I get when I make even the smallest mistake, because everyone expects me to be this perfect little thing that cant make a single mistake, and if that happens I honestly don’t know how I’m gonna deal with it - especially if I lose my phone, as it’s like my only comfort source and tether to the things that actually make me happy.
And no I don’t mean that in terms of social media, I mainly mean that in terms of stuff like access to tumblr and my fanfiction - because as sad as it sounds they’re the only thing keeping my happy and keeping me going
I should probably talk about some of this with my counsellor, but then she’s gonna have to mention it to her superiors who’ll most likely make her tell my parents and I just don’t have the energy or will power to deal with that
So here I am, using anon on tumblr to rant at someone as sweet as you who’s probably just gonna get either super bummed out or kinda concerned which you shouldn’t be as I honestly don’t deserve anyone’s care or concern. I’m already a waste of physical space, no need to be a waste of someone’s emotional and mental energy as well.
Sorry. - 🦋anon🦋
((just to add a little bit of recognition in case I want to/need to rant again. Granted that’s good with you of course))
Alright so that's a lot, so I think I'm going to answer this under a read more and hopefully I can bring you some sort of comfort, as little as that may be
Before that tho, I know I'm not a rant/venting blog, but you guys can come do so in asks or DMS even if we never talk again. I rather lend an ear that have you with a heavy weight on your shoulders if I can help carry it.
This is a self-deprecation free blog! Y'all are a fucking delight, and gorgeous inside and out and I'll frigging fight you if I must in order to seal that idea in your funky little brains! 🔪🔪🔪
School problems sound like a lot of stress rn (I'm guessing you're not in college yet, I don't have the facts tho), and those come in the source of social and study issues. To the later, I can only say that they will pass, they're temporary and they don't really matter that much as long as you manage the bare minimum to go on with your life plans (which is a ridiculous thing to say because I myself am 23 and I still don't know jack shit about anything, much less about life).
Your "friends", and this is the last time I call them that, are clearly not deserving of you, not only if they treat you that way but also because if you're so sure they're willing to use mistakes from the past against you, that means you kind of subconsciously understood they weren't that good to start with. To that I can only say that kind of gut feeling comes with age (I'm full of hateful advice tonight, sorry), and that those mistakes they'll make you face were things you did in the past you made being younger and less informed and "matured", and you should look at them with that gaze instead of beating yourself over them or letting them get to you (this is not easy, but you can do it 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻)
Idk how you school (again, guessing) works, but sure there is a tutor or someone you can talk with from the staff, a therapist they hire from time to time or, and I know you won't like this option, the counselor. Think of your mental health for a moment, please.
You're not a machine.
You are not a perfect thing.
You're human, and you're fallible, and weak, and you get tired, and you make mistakes. And that's okay.
And people around you have to understand that. They can't make you a puppet to satisfy their expectations because that's going to end up either burning you out or tearing you apart.
From here, and I clearly don't know all the details so please consider that too, I think you should sacrifice some of that untouchable image others have assigned on you that you use like a shield and show vulnerability, let an "authority" inform your parents that you do very much have a breaking point and you're reaching it and you need to breathe and exist for a second.
I myself got lost, quite purposefully, in reading and writing and art -and I still do- and consuming media as a source of comfort and familiarity that was, and still is, always reliable and endless.
I don't think there's a problem with that, so long as you keep it reasonable and don't get too lost in it. As we say in my country, "lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno" (I'll let you investigate that on your own 😉)
The main thing I get, and what I do all the time because it works for me like a clock, is a red balloon, meaning, hobbies. I like creating things -I like reading the most, honestly, but it's never as engaging as making your own stuff. Write something, draw something, it doesn't matter if you don't think it's good, or bad, or anything or everything in between. You get a distraction, you invest in something that brings you joy such as interacting (or not, that's up to your comfort level and/or want to do so) with fandoms and Tumblr, and one day, when you're feeling under the weather or in need of a break, you can look back and see the things that you have done and be proud of them despite all their little imperfections because you made them and you had a good time while doing so and they helped you get your mind off things.
Exhaustion is a thing, and a terrible one at that, and we end up feeling numb at best, and tired, and just like you can't keep going, you can't even take that infamous baby step that's just enough for some people, and you fear that if you don't make what's barely enough then how...?
That's bullshit. It real, and valid, and it's heavy as fuck and it gets to you, nests inside your very bones and drags you.
I'm not a very cheery person despite what my internet persona might suggest, quite the opposite, and I use that to keep me going.
You can't keep up or find a reason to take that baby step? Do it out of spite.
That's my answer against life itself, when everything is just too much and I cant- I can, out of spite.
NGL buddy, it ain't healthy, but it keeps you on the move until those bad days are over and suddenly you'll find yourself fighting back, standing straight (that's the only straight thing I do), and charging forward like a bull.
Don't give up, I promise time fixes everything sooner or later and good days are on your way. That's a threat.
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dawniebb · 4 years
About Kipo's parents and Scarlamagne
Holy shit, this season was a wild ride and I loved ✨ every second ✨ of it. The gayness. The narrative. The character development. The ✨ s o u n d t r a c k ✨
However, I'm making this post because I wanted to talk about something that really caught my attention, and that is the whole Kipo's parents and Scarlamagne's storyline... Which honestly is good shit. So much potential and agshsgs
First of all, I feel like having a story where the main character doesn't have shitty parents is awesome. I come from a kinda abusive family dynamic so I really don't wish that to anybody lmao and I know that sometimes those situations give protagonists some depth but, at least for me, Kipo is a very interesting character to watch. She's just so. Fucking. Wholesome and I think it's great to have a protagonist as upbeat and positive as her. But anyway
Song and Lio are excellent parents, that's for sure. I know Song hasn't spent that much time with Kipo, but we are shown that she loves and cares for her (I love the usage of the "show don't tell" rule holy shit) and Lio is such a wonderful dad and that's refreshing 💖💖💖💖
But the thing is that I believe that being flawed is what makes them so great and interesting and worth of character development.
Because, like I said, I love them.
But that doesn't change the fact I'm utterly disappointed on them making their daughter an experiment lmao you *don't* do that. She's not a toy. She's a living being. I know they wanted a baby and I know they were pretty excited about having one... But that doesn't change the fact they were willing to put the child they willingly decided to have at such risk. Y'know...
I know I'm a whiny bitch but that didn't seem right to me.
Like I said, I find them really flawed, which leads me to the next point.
One thing that makes Kipo great is its commentary undertones. And I might be wrong (I probably am but this is just my take on this whole situation. Hence, my opinion) but I feel lile this tried to transmit a message about adoption.
So the one thing that made Scarlamagne go unhinged was the fact they chose Kipo over him, which at first might come off as a way to "manipulate" the audience or create this self-pity atmosphere; but the thing is that he calls Kipo his little sister, which means he DID consider Song and Lio his parents. But, evidently, he wasn't his biological son.
Heck, they weren't even the same species.
But that doesn't change the fact they took him under their wing; they promised love and protection. They were basically all he had in a world where he was meant to be hurt as many times as necessary in the name of science. They were the parents of a living being that although was not human did have the same mental capacities as them. He was a monkey with the mind of a human. And they were his parents. They chose to be his parents despite Scarlamagne... Hugo, not being their biological son.
And then came Kipo, the biological daughter.
One important thing to take into account when adopting a child is that you have to be mature enough to love them as your own. That's just common sense. And if you happen to have a biological child after the one you adopted (or viceversa) you can't just make distinctions among them/put a line between them. It's not "the adopted one and the one that's mine". They're both yours. You're their parent. YOU decided to adopt one and give birth to the other one. They both deserve the same amount of love, attention and protection.
And it's like
Song and Lio had two children and they chose the biological one over the one they took under their wing.
Hugo is a monkey, you might say
And yes. He is. But he has the mind of a person. He thinks and acts like a person because he's been altered to do so.
When Kipo was born, his parents chose her from minute one; they didn't want to take him away from the people who were hurting him because they had to wait until the baby was born (understandable, but try to think of that situation with a child's brain); they gave her his blanket. And when it all went to shit, they chose her.
And this sent a... Pretty aggressive message, because they had chosen her before. Hugo knew that if Kipo had been the one trapped inside they would've shaken the goddamn Earth to get her out. Because she was "theirs". She had been in Song's womb and that seemed to have given her the right to receive kind of special treatment
That is, they chose Kipo's life over his' even though they were both their children.
And that's fucked up if you think about it. I know they're sorry and everything but the damage is already done and the only thing they can do is learn from it and fix the mess :3
And you know... Something that really caught my attention is how complex Scarlamagne's mindset is.
Even with everything that happened, he doesn't blame Kipo.
He knows she didn't ask to be born. He knows choosing her was their parents' choice. She didn't ask to be chosen over him.
She's just... There.
She's his sister. She's a bundle of joy and an extremely understanding person and he's fond of her.
She didn't ask for things to be that way. Song and Lio did. Like, shit, they even chose to turn her half-mute wtf agsjsva
And that's what makes Scarlamagne so complex and fascinating.
Honestly, I'm eager see what they plan for him.
Y'all should watch Kipo
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blxetsi · 4 years
modern hange zoe dating headcanons
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lowercase intended !
hange zoe x gn!reader
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- first, their love language is definitely a mix of physical touch and verbal affirmations
- idc idc theyre the best of both worlds 🤩
- you prefer verbal affirmations over physical touch (or vice versa) ? their immediately making a mental note and showing u love with whichever one u like more
- i think they'd be a scientist or researcher ?? maybe they'd study the human body or like global warming ?? idfk but would definitely go into the science field
- also i personally love the idea of moblit and them being together 😳🤚 idk i love the idea
- but since YOU are with miss hange id like to think they stayed friends after the breakup 😌✨ theyre both mature ppl (and hot)
- moblit is always third wheeling w you guys. you and hange could be making out and he'd sit there with his iced coffee like 😐
- hange i feel is a very forgetful person, so like, dates and stuff (things made on a sort of short notice) they tend to forget about, but things like birthdays and anniversaries are NEVER forgotten
- ofc they'll make it up to you after you call them from the restaurant youve been waiting in for over an hour
- but sometimes it does hurt that they value their work so much, you love that they find joy in what they do and are dedicated, but it just feels like they prioritize work over you
- and hange understands ! and they start trying to be on time for things like that. is also constantly reassuring you at random times that they love and care about you
- also loves to spoon you. will literally wrap around you like a koala in bed. doesnt matter if its too hot and youre both immediately sweating, will trap you with their insane amount of strength and never let you go until either they wake up or you wake up begging to use the restroom
- i feel like when theyre working from home (which is everyday in a pandemic 🙄 even tho these headcanons arent really structured around pandemic modern times) they forget to eat/drink when they get reeeaaaallllyyyy into what theyre researching
- could be on the verge of discovering a new genetic mutation (idk) while also being on the verge of passing out due to dehydration
- theyll come out for dinner and be like "yknow ive been having this weird headache all day"
- "probably because you havent drank any water today"
- will stare at you like "🤨" before replying "nah i dont think so 😹"
- you have to threaten letting them starve to get them to drink some water. and as soon as they do theyre chugging three cups
- five minutes later theyre like "babe ! it worked ! youre awesome"
- lots of pet names like babe/baby, my love, my darling (in a dramatic english accent), honey, and any others that youd prefer
- has a weird love for the cartoon archer (yknow that adult show with like 10 seaons ??)
- will literally no nothing about the plot or characters, and will only put the show on for background noise while theyre doing something, but will ALWAYS recommend archer to others and say its their favourite cartoon if asked
- also loves the amazing world of gumball (you got them into it) actually watches the show and loves it, yet never thinks of it when asked "what shows should i watch ?" or "what are some shows you like ?"
- if youre like, an artist or something like that, they genuinely LOVE anything you make
- you made them a little painting ? theyre hanging it up in their apartment. you created a clay vase or something ? buying flowers to put in it rn (doesnt even take care of the flowers but yk)
- if youre having a bad day theyre dropping everything for you (unless its super important then theyre saying "how about i move my work to the bed and we can cuddle ?")
- if you need to rant theyre actively listening while trying to work. will accidentally start typing what youre saying onto their word document. ends up having to delete three whole paragraphs about that bitch at work smh 🙄🤚
- loves taking showers/ baths w you (NEVER in a sexual way though) they genuinely find it fun to wash each other's hair and stuff. if you ask them to wash your back theyre shoving their hands in your armpits and tickling you like,, mf ill fall and take us both down 😐
- definitely an ass/thighs person. doesnt matter how big or small, loves it.
- also a dish collector in their room. their room and office are in the same space, so youll find them with cups and plates on their desk where their research is supposed to be like bae,,, i think youre growing a new kind of mold 😍🦠💥
- talks so passionately abt their work and coworkers to you. theres this new intern at their job and hes the sweetest and brightest kid they know. his names armin and they speak about him SO highly
- also has a really cold nose ?? u love to kiss it bc it makes them shiver bc of the temperature difference
- has weirdly soft hands. youd think theyd be kinda rough bc of all the weird shit they touch for "science" but no. the hands are perfect
- doesnt know how to take care of things around the house (like handy stuff) so they beg levi to come over.
- he reluctantly does bc hes their friend but will nod at you as soon as he walks in and says "i hope hange isnt being too annoying today"
- immediately youll defend them and say zoe hange could never annoy you bc hange is the love of ur life and all he'll do is say "youre lucky then. i envy you."
- you and hange both know hes using his dry humour, but as punishment hange follows him around the place and annoys him even further
- also tries to convince you to get a dog at the weirdest of times ???
- itll be three in the morning and theyll just whisper in your ear "we should get a dog"
- theyre allergic to cats so if you suggest that they say "no ill die if i go near one"
- if youre allergic to dogs theyll say "okay fine a baby then"
- "how will we get one ?"
- "we'll steal it. or go looking through a dumpster"
- what did they say 😳😳⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
- you shut down any ideas of a dog or baby for a long while after that
- loves squeezing your cheeks, and would love if you did it to them too
- will literally just sit in bed squishing them and request you do the same. so you both just sit facing each other criss crossed, squishing each others faces while giggling
- ive made this pretty long already so this is it ! but yes, they love u through and through
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second headcanon babyyy !!! hope u all enjoyed !! my asks r open if u wanna request something !! (also please request something 😭😭😭 )
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wnabe-q-ty · 3 years
i just want to die and thats okay
have you ever been in a numbing mental state for so long that the idea of happiness seems fake? like you are so used to not knowing what to feel, how to feel or even what you should feel to the point where a crack of a smile or a moment that brings you joy you immediately stop because your brains just tells you its not real or worse it’ll fade just like a wif of wind...
it makes me wonder if everyone was born to collect such memories in their system, enjoy the multiple feelings of being loved, feeling love and giving it back.
Self victimizing is something that i came to conclude and understand so i always then to want to think before i feel because idk if these feelings are real, am i victimizing myself again.. but all of the thinking either just hits me with the hard truth about myslef or it either makes me question my existence as a whole...
as being human we try to do many things that would keep us longer on our life line but have you ever felt that you’ve been here for to long, on this earth being you? that’s what i wonder all the time. its not a question of “what am i doing here?” but more of “what am i still doing here?”.. as a person and being who i am i think that my sole purpose of existing is just to assist the people that i meet along my life journey; friendship/relationship, advise, clown, a ball of sunshine, cook or even just someone for someone to shit on etc. and as of now, 25 years old i feel that i have been existing for too long. there really isn’t purpose on why im still here because i feel like i’ve done what i can as me to help other people in anyway i can and all i ever wish for is just genuinely feeling happy, just true happiness.. the type of happiness that doesn’t fall of my face the minute i catch myself feeling it, the kind of happiness that doesnt make you question whether it’s okay for you to feel. the people around me know even my mum; if i were to have just one good year in life and truly felt happy i wouldnt mind if i walked out and get hit by a bus and die.
people do say happiness is something within, its the little things in life that you appreciate but what if you are so numb to life that nothing matters anymor, not even yourself.. some may think what about the people who cares for you, love you or dont want you gone.. maybe im just too numb to understand whether how much it’ll hurt the people i left behind or not but the winning arguement always conclude that “its okay, no one cares really, just do you”
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zhowongli · 4 years
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hello! i started a new thread because the other one (+ this one) got really long, so sorry! but i guess this is my love letters to you guys because you’ve made my tumblr experience so, so much better && i’m grateful for all of you guys + all of my mutuals and followers!!
first of all, @himawari-senpaii thank you so so much for your kind words! meggi, i love your sunflower motif because it suits you so well! sunflowers make me smile whenever i see them, and it really brings me so much joy to see you on my dash/notifs. your tags are always so fun and sweet. thank you for tagging me in this 🥺 
@animoozies connie, where do i even start? you were my very, very first tumblr mutual on this account! i’m so thankful you reached out to me before, and you’re still checking up on me even now. words can’t describe how much i adore you + how appreciative of you! when i see you on my dash with your stories, i always end up cackling because you’re so fun. idk how you do it working all those hours + going to nursing school, but you is a mf boss ass queen!!
@hoekaashi ash, my queen!! my tag for you is my day is blessed because ash ✨exists✨ because that’s honestly how i feel about you. i am truly blessed with your kindness, your humor, your friendship, you. thank you for always keeping me company through our struggles in pharmacy school! you are one of the realest people i know, and i feel so honored that you always send me random kenma pics & fics you think i’d like 🥺
@kanao annette, the other half of my soul, my whole heart, my literal soul sister. you are one of the biggest blessings i’ve received this year, and i honestly don’t know where i would be without you listening to my dumb shit and supporting me through all my mess LOL. thank you for validating me all the time, even if it’s just stupid stuff like enabling me to buy all the random stuff that i’ve been thinking about LMAO. i love how we are always ✨speaking✨ and  ✨manifesting✨ good things in our futures together. i literally feel like i can talk about any and everything with you, and i love that about us 🥺 i am manifesting that beach vacation 2021 for us, okay!!! 💖
@sapphitedreams leo, my cutest menace in the kitchen 💖 thank you for reaching out to me when i was too shy to reach out to you uuuu. you’re such a chaotic calm in my life, and i love your energy. i am constantly in awe with how adorable, supportive, and creative you are! even though you bully me sometimes and only make things for characters’ birthdays, you are so so talented and it floors me every time i see your creations because they are so amazing idk how they’re real. i hope you are able to get some rest even if you have to work during your break (& i hope you don’t accidentally fall during work anymore smh HAHAH)!
@onefortyninecm danielle!! my love!! i know i mention this before, but i am always so so inspired by you. you’re so tiny, but you have such a big heart and soul. you’re so beautiful inside and out + your humor is god tier. i’m so glad you were the very first person i’ve ever commissioned from (& spiraled me into comissioning indulgent kenma art HAHAHA), and i’m still amazed by your talent and kindness every time you post something new omg. i still can’t believe you DREW ON YOUR PHONE what the heck!! you’re so talented it’s crazy HAHA. i’m always thinking fondly of you + dandy wedding in a pumpkin patch 2021, okay thanks. 
@p-irozhki rissa!! i am so blessed with all the gifs you create and all your content on my dash! whenever i think of you, i think about all the smol icons you use because to me, you = cuteness = i wanna hug you so much!!! i think i already said it, but i’m always so thankful when you read all my self-indulgent fanfics and leave kind comments on them 😭 thank you for culturing me about mangoes HAHAHA. there’s never a bad time with you, and i’m thankful we got to meet this year!
@hoshino-a lena lena! you actually have so much bde that i am in constant awe by you. you are such a baddie & i have this like clear imagine in my head of you with crisp and clean vibes + the skies from your pfp on discord, hehe. i love you and all your brain rots about your exes. at this point, every time i see semi, my first thought is “ah it’s lena’s ex” and whenever i hear some sad song, i would be like “omg it’s lena ab her ex semi eita” LMFAOIOAGJDLA. i love talking to you because your energy is just immaculate + i just love your presence 💖 also please get some sleep because do you even sleep 😭 
@myelocin nic!! you’ve painted my world in so many iridescent shade so life, i can’t even begin to describe how much you mean to me. you works are just so beautiful so imagine how much i shrieked when i saw you followed me LMFAOOADIGDALJ i love that your blog is your safe space because it has become a place of comfort for me as well (and i’m going to miss you so much when you leave 😭😭). your makki brain rot is so strong, and sometimes i think about makki and you making dinner and teasing each other and throwing flour at each other or something idk. this is nic’s world now and we are all living in it tbh. 
@tsu-kiss nina!! you are someone i find such comfort in. i’m not really sure if that even makes sense LOL. but your blog and you are a source of comfort for me. in my head, you have such an older sister vibe even though i’m older than you LMAOOADGHDAKJ. i hope life is treating you well because you deserve all the best!! seeing you thrive makes my heart so full 🥺 i love you so much!!
@souheii lisa!! i kid you not, the first time you dropped an ask in my ask box, my heart skipped a beat because you told me you love me and i love you and you are so cute and i cri!!!! i know we don’t talk often, but every time i see you on my dash or in my notifs or when we do talk, it’s like a little shot of serotonin every time :”) thank you for being such a lovely human being mrs. iwaizumi hajime, 27, althetic trainer😭
@ultkags​ cas!! my first child 💖 i know you’re on a hiatus right now because school really, really sucks BUT you are seriously one of my biggest blessings. you are literally my ray of sunshine because every time i talk to you, i gain so much warmth and energy from you. every time i see your edits, it absolutely AMAZES me because i literally don’t know how i am able to see all your edits FOR FREE?? all your thoughts behind the composition and symbolism for each piece is CRAZY. please remember that i’m always your biggest fan + i love you so so much. please take care and remember to drink water and get some rest!! your grandma is always here to send you love + forehead kisses because this grandma can’t bake :(
@u-make-my-heart-tsumtsum​ ree!! hi, i know we’ve only started talking recently but i love how open and warm you are. our love was so strong that even tumblr tried to stop us 😭 conversations with you are always so easy and lovely, and you are just such a cool person!? i love reading all your thoughts (& i can’t wait to dive into your masterlist after school ends because we live for fluffy tsumu content 😭). i’m not sure why you even follow me, but i adore you so much!!
@neonghxst​ el, where do i even begin!! you are such a lovely person, and i literally have no other words to say because you always leave me speechless. your writing is so so gorgeous, and you are so so beautiful. i love reading all your stories because they truly leave an everlasting impact on me, and i love reading your interactions + just seeing you on my dash. you are so thoughtful, and you take care of everyone around you so well. i hope that you are also giving yourself the same treatment because you deserve all the best as well! remember to drink water in between your coffees and get some rest as you go into your final 2 weeks of the semester!! 
@und3lla​ maliha! hi love! i know we haven’t spoken much or in a while, but i really do always think of you randomly. you were one of the first mutuals i made && you are such a sweet soul. i love how every time we talk, it really fills me up with happiness. thank you for just being such a lovely person && you truly are one of the softest people i’ve met. thank you <3
@deadontheinsidebut angel, my dumb ham, my queen, my hoe (heaven on earth), my everything. i know you are also on a semi-hiatus right now because everything that’s going on, but i hope you are properly taking care of yourself >:( i’m always here to remind you to drink some water in between your coffees and teas and to GET SOME REST. you are so so driven, and i really admire how open and friendly you are. you truly are your namesake because you are literally an angel, and i always feel so blessed to be in your presence (even if you bully me sometimes for being a boomer 😔). words can’t describe how much i love you and care about you && i hope that you are able to find what you’re looking for during your break! 💖
@rumprich​ ananya! hello! i am so thankful to see you and all your content on my dash. you have so much creativity, and all your edits are so aesthetically pleasing to look at? like it’s so light + pretty!! i’m so so grateful that we are mutuals somehow because ahhh i really don’t deserve you. you are so adorable, and i truly am blessed to see your presence! 
@yuki-souma​ vee! i know we only started talking very very recently, but you are so much fun to talk to! i love how diverse our conversations are, and i love that we have similar favorites, and even when we don’t, it’s always a fun conversation that i look forward to! i love how open and inviting you are, and i’m really grateful that we are mutuals + i love and appreciate you so so much! 
@owlywrites​ owly! hello! you are seriously one of the most supportive souls i’ve met on this website. your kindness and drive to learn always leaves me speechless because you’re so amazing. thank you for being so kind to me, and i hope you extend that same kindness to yourself! don’t be so hard on yourself and remember to take breaks and take care too. you are such a beautiful soul, and i hope you’ll remember that i’m always here to support you!! 
@graphicstills-in-motion hi arianne! thank you so so much for always being so kind to me. i don’t know what i did in life to deserve you, but i must have done something right to have someone so kind like you in my life! thank you for being such a sweet soul + always boosting everyone around you up. your kindness is definitely contagious! i love seeing your edits and reading our conversations because there are always so many thoughts put in. thank you <3
@applepienation​ justine! thank you so much for always checking in on me whenever i post random shit on my dash. i really do appreciate you and all that you do for not just me, but also for everyone around you. you are such a ray of sunshine, and i’m so thankful that you’re in my life! i know uni is crazy for you right now, but i hope you’re still taking time to take care of yourself! sending you lots of love and positive energy!!
@touyax​ drake! hi love. i absolutely LIVE for your tags LMAOOADJGALD. they are literally my thoughts but you just typed them out HAHAH. i’m so thankful that i get to see your beautiful content on my dash, and i’m always in awe by all your edits! thank you for always being such a fun person + never leaving me feeling like a fool whenever i post ask games LOL. i love and appreciate you so much! 💖
@kagehjna​ ilayda! my kagehina supplier 🥺🥺 i love seeing your presence on my dash because you truly post all the best things! you are such a lovely person + i love reading your tags HAHA. you are truly a joy and we will definitely have matching kagehina icons one day okay 😭😭 12/7 is finally here/coming SO I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! thank you for always blessing me <3
@sadaharus hi mei! you are literally the definition of softness to me. all your content and edits are just so soft and beautiful, and i love seeing everything you post. you are my main gintama supplier HAHA. i really appreciate how kind you are + how you’re always so sweet to me. 🥺 i know it’s kinda funny how i started following you because of a random ask game, but i’m so so glad i did because i always feel so thankful you’re here! 
@fake-charliebrown charlie! my little sprout babie!! i have so much admiration for you because you have so so much talent! your style is so distinctive, and i love that!! it’s so soft + vibey, and i’m honestly so so amazed by it all. not to mention, you have the best haikyuu thoughts! thank you for sharing all of that with me! i’m thankful for you, thank you <3
@itachihaa​ ay! my froggy princess 🥺 thank you for always being so kind to me + having the patience to deal with how slow i am to responding!! i’m really appreciative of you always because you make/have so much beautiful content and you are so so sweet as well!? and the way you call me miss starlight 🥺 that makes me so soft like!! uuu i love you. 
@stardust-make-a-wish​ star! you are so so adorable!! i LOVE reading your tags because they make me feel so fuzzy and soft but also relatable HAHA. your presence is such a joy + thank you for always interacting with me even though i just spam random stuff LMAO. i love how thoughtful your answers are + how much you love cake/sweets (very suiting because you are so sweet 🥺). thank you for being interested in me even though i am the one asking you questions! 
@karasu-hoes​ daisy! hello! i have so much admiration for you because you have so much creativity and kindness! like your events are so cool and unique + your writing is so beautiful! i love reading your feral thoughts + all your work. i also really love reading your witching hours!!! thank you for blessing me with you 🥺 you are always so kind + i love how much you care about your friends and the people around you. i hope you’re taking care while renewing your teaching certifications! 💖
@frailuta nico! hello love! i know we haven’t really spoken before, but i just want to know i love you so much. you make the most beautiful gifs + i truly am in awe every time you post something. life is tough sometimes, but you are tougher! sending so so much love and positive energy to you + please remember to take care! <3
to all my mutuals and followers: thank you so so much for sticking with me and my mess of a blog. i honestly don’t really contribute much to anything, but i’m so thankful you guys are still here! thank you, thank you, thank you! i love and appreciate all of you guys + my ask box/messages are always open if you want/need someone to talk to 💖 thinking fondly of everyone today + so much love to you guys mwah mwah!
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siren-virus · 3 years
LuckyBoy!AU question (btw, I like this au a lot and love how the dynamics change with everyone here, just saying), Now that we know how Ben operates as a vigilante with his stickers, transformation, sass, uses mana and runes, bickers with criminals and all that jazz; how would he do against the plumbers in general? Against the normal run of the mill plumber? And against a Magistrate if he ever encounters one? How is his relationship with the Plumbers actually? Considering he pranks them a lot apparently and they have some propaganda against him
Also, how does the public react to him? Would they know about his vigilante persona almost as if he was a celebrity of some kind? Would he be an almost unknown vigilante that only the most hardcore of fans, investigators and the like would know of? Would he be considered a cryptid even among the criminals and the common plumbers considering that apparently he's only ever seen by the criminals, Gwen 10, Kevin and Rook on ocassion?
Also also, What would he do with his life (outside the vigilante stuff) while knowing of all the alien stuff his family is always tangled with? Would he get a part-time job in something related to them, or would he act like Ken, trying his best to not be doing anything that relates to them at all?
Finally, I'm also not an american, so idk if they do casual jobs either XD
oh my, I'm glad you like it. If not for social situations being my kryptonite I'd chat your ears off about it. (curse my social awkwardness and my shitty english- is speach dyslexia a thing? cause I think I got that-)
Going up against the plumbers, ok so, we've seen how they function in Omniverse and that is... they don't function well. Maybe when it comes to small crimes, but big ones (like a Vilgax attack) they'll flunk out. The plumbers at their current state aren't equipped to deal with much, just because their stationing is still pretty new and their leadership- apart from Max's- is iffy.
So Ben would run circles around them and take great joy in it too. Most plumbers fear Ben- like I said, there's a lot of propaganda against him. Rather than being the vigilante hero that lurks the street at night, he's like a bad bedtime story to keep kids- or the plumbers in this case- on the "correct" side.
Some of the older veteran plumbers however, think differently of Ben- they don't see him as harmless- Ben will defend himself if he's shot at (and won't attack unprovoked) - But they do take some humour in his antics.
Magistrata are a little more difficult to deal with and less fun to mess with. These guys know their shit. They have some good tech too that works against mana/magic users. Ben has almost been captured by them several times. If he can, he avoids them like the plague. Because if they're around, things are more likely to get done.
I also wanna involve the plumbers kids - Alan, Manny, and Helen, maybe Cooper sometimes, but I like to think Cooper is more in the tech ward with the Galvins.- All of them still consider Ben to be the bad guy. However Alan is slowly being persuaded otherwise- they both have similar humour and Alan really wants to believe that Ben is like them. Wanting to do good for the planet. Manny and Helen, being almost like protective elder siblings, try their best to convince Alan otherwise. But they have seen Ben in action many times, so their perceptions are being warped bit by bit.
He's well known in the media- I mean, he's a human glow stick, so people are very well aware of his existence. Similar to the plumbers, the humans fear him- Will Harangue is responsible for that- The humans Ben has been involved with, however think otherwise, they see him as a hero, akin to Gwen. In most circumstances though, the people will rally together and get their pitch forks and torches. Ben is a witch and must be burned at the stake!
On the underside! The aliens see Ben as a hero, Ben mostly hangs in Undertown and keeps the people safe from actual villains... And Gwen.
Love the cryptid idea, so I wanna try for a running gag. Out of everyone, Cooper has never seen Ben. Anything he's heard has been from other plumbers. Even during times he goes out on missions, he's always MIA when Ben appears - the plumbers are a bit suspicious of that-
Outside of the vigilante life, Ben has a fair amount of involvement with aliens. He works at a cafe (cue coffee shop AU that I'm incredibly soft for ;;; ) this cafe in particular hosts both human and alien guests, one of the very few implemented on earth. Through this coffee shop Ben is able to get on good terms with a few plumbers who will indulge in their daily activities. (it's close by to the plumbers base and just on the outskirts of Undertown.)
Suprisingly the pay is good, but that's because this cafe is under plumber management and they care about their workers and pay a decent wage. -also because not many people want to work there because of the whole alien thing-
The cafe doesn't get in the way of his viglante life, (except maybe he comes to work super tired more often than not.) he takes the day shifts 3-4 days a week sometimes 5 or 6 if a coworker calls in sick. Does the vigilante thing at nighttime. It's when he can be the most bedazzling.
Woo, hopefully that answers your questions.
Also sorry for the long post, but you'll have to bare with it.
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thisaccisdead · 4 years
give up on a miracle - sanders sides au - chp. 1
pairing(s): as of now, romantic nicomas and platonic everyone else
warnings: lots of religious stuff
summary: patton, virgil, logan, and janus are angels in charge of answering prayers. when they find out the earth is scheduled to be destroyed in a week, their only hope for saving it is to set up two humans: thomas sanders and nico flores.
word count: 3.5k
notes: this is a based off of miracle workers but not an exact au, idk it’ll be fun, you don’t have to have seen the show, you just have to like silly angel shenanigans 
Please, God, let this somehow work out.
Thomas didn’t ask for miracles too often. Well—that was a lie, he probably prayed for some inconsequential thing everyday, but he rarely meant it the way he meant this one. The man at the mall felt like fate. He was beautiful, and according to his backpack he was gay, and he was just a few tables down, and... Thomas should have just said hi as soon as he had noticed him, but he had psyched himself out. Like always.
Usually that would be the end of the story, but as Thomas was headed for the exit, the man was there too. In front of him. Speaking to him.
Thomas was too caught off guard to process the first half of what he said—though he did register being given back his abhorrent carrot snack—and when he tuned back in, all he caught was:
“Uh, it’s okay! It’s probably a bit too nosy for me to ask anyway.”
“Uh, yeah! Super nosy! What’s wrong with you, man?” was the sentence that came out of Thomas’s mouth in response. He blamed his lips for coming up with it, because he knew his mind couldn’t have been involved.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” the man smiled apologetically at him, and even that small, sheepish smile was so radiant… yeah, Thomas was mentally beating the shit out of himself. “Well, have a good night!”
So, now the fate-given man was headed somewhere else, and Thomas was about to lose him—probably forever—if he didn’t act. So, obvious answer: he had to act. But he just… couldn’t. Not without a sign at least.
Not without a push.
When no push came, Thomas told himself it wouldn’t have led anywhere anyway. He continued about his day, with only the slightest added weight in his chest.
“Aw, Virge, we have to do something about this one!”
Virgil looked up from his own paperwork to see the prayer Patton had pulled up.
“‘Please, God, let this somehow work out,’” he read out dryly. “Hm, not very specific.”
“Oh, but you didn’t—c’mon, look—“ Patton waved his hand to replay the video of the scene. The figures popped up on the screen, and Patton was reminded all over again of the dopey, flustered expression of the human, Thomas, as he failed so miserably at talking to his mall crush. It was such a silly, hopeful wish—Patton’s favorite kind—and he couldn’t bear to see it go unanswered.
His fellow angel did not share this opinion, evidentially. “Nope. Nuh-uh. No way,” Virgil said, “Love prayers are stupid as shit, hardest of all, never work out. If this whole department’s getting shut down, I’d rather spend my last week answering achievable prayers.”
Patton frowned. His brown-dappled wings drooped as his excitement wavered. “Is that right, though?” he asked, “Should we really stick to… what? Finding lost wallets? Delivering extra sandwiches? Like we’ve done every year of this job? If this is all ending, I wanna finally do something that matters, Virge.”
Virgil looked betrayed. “Lost wallets do matter, Patton. Maybe they don’t end droughts, or heal hearts, but that doesn’t mean they don’t matter. If people wish for it, it matters to them. I always thought you agreed with me on that.”
Patton bit his lip. He did agree with Virgil, on some level, and on any other day he would have considered his words more carefully. But with the prayer department set to close down this very week, he had lost some of his filter. Maybe his ideas were far-fetched, but when he had joined the Department of Answered Prayers he had been hoping to do exactly that--end droughts, heal hearts.
“Virgil’s right,” chimed in Logan. Their manager made his way over, and took Patton’s tablet from his hands. He swiped upwards on the prayer, officially dismissing it as ‘impossible.’ “There is no need to feel bad, Patton. It’s not our fault humans mainly ask for impossible things. If they want impossible, they need God, and God doesn’t have that kind of time. If they want an extra sandwich… we can pull a few strings.”
Logan nodded approvingly to where Virgil was coding breezes on his tablet, screen open to a view of a rural town avenue. He was carefully, cautiously, innocuously blowing leaves into piles one-by-one. This process eventually cleared the front yard of a small house, just in time for a kind-eyed, middle-aged man to come home and cheer at the sight of the finished chore. He even did a stupid little dance to himself, and Patton saw the smallest smile tug at Virgil’s lips.
“I agree with Patton,” came a voice from over by the mini fridge. Janus was doing what he did best: sipping at the canned wine he wasn’t meant to have, not doing any work, and giving his opinion on everything anyway. “Let’s do something interesting. It’s not like it matters at this point.”
“What do you mean?” Patton squinted at him.
“Cuz the prayer department’s getting shut down, duh, what else have we been talking about?” Virgil answered.
“No,” Janus said, “Well—yes, but… you know why we’re getting shut down, right?”
Patton and Virgil tilted their heads at him, and Logan looked away. A smile appeared on Janus’s face, but not one of joy. One that had an edge, a venom in it. “Logan… you didn’t tell them?”
“It would only upset them,” the management angel replied, still not meeting Janus’s eyes.
“Yeah, because they’ll not be upset at all when they see Earth randomly explode in a few days,” Janus deadpanned.
“What?!” Patton and Virgil exclaimed in simultaneous dismay.
Logan glared at Janus. “Are you happy? Now we have to deal with this for the next week.”
“Earth can’t explode yet,” Virgil said matter-of-factly, “that’s not right. Right?”
Patton nodded emphatically. “We should’ve gotten at least a century’s notice! Or had it on a public schedule somewhere!”
“Yeah, God has to call it off. At least for now,” Virgil agreed.
“You want God to stop it?” Janus said with a laugh. “He didn’t even remember it was happening; it was His PA who told the management staff.”
“Yes, it was,” Logan narrowed his eyes at Janus. “How did you find out about it anyway?”
Janus opened his mouth, but before he could answer, Virgil cut in, “God’s not gonna do anything about it?”
“It’s been in His plan. Why would He need to change it?” Logan asked rhetorically, adjusting his large, round-framed glasses as he did so. It was a movement he made often when he was being a know-it-all.
“How’s Earth gonna die?” Patton asked, looking at the floor, still in denial. He had lived his life on Earth, he had been a human—they all had, before they died and became angels. It had been so long since he’d been alive, he couldn’t quite remember the feeling of it. The memory was blurred around the edges, but it still seeped warmth, like dough burning into bread over a fire. Now, the only connection he had to that sensation were the humans--the chance to watch them, how they lived such utterly flawed, full lives. He recalled Thomas’s hopeful expression.
“Asteroid,” Logan replied. He didn’t need to check his files to give the answer, his ink-blue wings stiff behind him--and that was when Patton knew, despite his cold, indifferent attitude, this news was weighing on him too.
“Like the dinosaurs. Well, bigger. But still unoriginal of Him,” Janus scoffed, checking his nails—well, more like checking his gloves, which seemed unnecessary. Something mournful crossed his face for a moment, but Patton couldn’t place what. “The dinosaurs were sad too.”
“You lived in the 19th century. You weren’t around for dinosaurs,” Logan stated, brow furrowed in confusion. Janus ignored him.
“An asteroid? He could prevent that so easily! Earth deserves to at least live to its natural end,” Patton said. He glanced to Virgil, hoping for backup, but his coworker seemed most focused on biting his black-polished nails into dust.
“Well, isn’t it the natural end if it was in His plan?” Logan asked, once again, rhetorically. He also adjusted his glasses again. Patton liked to think of himself as particularly nice, even for an angel, but he wouldn’t have minded seeing those glasses broken in that moment.
“I’m more interested in your claim that Earth doesn’t ‘deserve’ to end,” Janus smiled at Patton. It was a slippery kind of smile, one that he couldn’t grasp the intentions of. “Overall, it’s a dumpster fire of a planet, wouldn’t you agree? I mean, 99% of the prayers are literally impossible for angels to answer at this point.”
“Yeah, well, I know some angels who are too busy with their shitty wine to even try—“ Virgil began to complain, turning on Janus, but Patton was too busy having a revelation to pay much attention to it.
“That’s it!” Patton exclaimed, jumping up from his seat with a grin.
“Please, be more specific, Patton,” Logan sighed. “Define ‘it.’”
Patton was, once again, too busy to pay attention to this. He made for the doorway with haste, only tossing over his shoulder: “I’m going to meet God!”
Logan, Janus, and Virgil made it to God’s office before Patton did. He wasn’t the best with maps, so sue him. The trio was waiting in the grand hallway for him, and he was thankful that they had decided to back him up, despite the fact they had no idea what he was doing. Even though the coworkers bickered their fair share, you couldn’t work as the only 4 angels in a crumbling department without a certain bond forming.
Patton gave them a grateful smile as he strolled past them and right up to the secretary’s desk. The secretary, who was… not present? He checked the name plaque. Engraved in the gold of it was: Mrs. Snuffles, but the ‘u’ had been scratched out and written over so that it was Mrs. Sniffles. Before Patton could even begin to be perplexed by this, a large orange tabby hopped up from the floor, where she had been hidden, and onto the desk.
The cat looked him in the eye, with a surprising amount of purpose, and meowed.
“Hello?” Patton asked, dumbfounded. “...Mrs. Sni—Snuffles?”
She meowed again, this time with an undercurrent of what Patton could only assume was impatience.
“I—“ Patton looked back at the group behind him, but they just shrugged. They were following his lead. That couldn’t be good. “We would like to schedule a meeting with God, please.”
Mrs. Snuffles trotted over to a stack of papers, and pushed the top one aside with a swipe of her paw. She looked up from it after a moment, and then jumped down from the table, going up to the gilded, arched doorway at the end of the hall. She started meowing loudly, and soon an angel with cardinal-red wings and a matching red suit jacket stepped out. He looked down at Mrs. Snuffles, then up at Patton.
“I’m terribly sorry, but God is not available right now. He’s very busy,” the angel explained with a polite smile, the kind that was trained and not felt, “and he will be until Earth explodes. Thank you, goodbye.”
“Oh,” Patton said dumbly. He maybe should have expected that.
Mrs. Snuffles hissed at the angel, and he sighed. “You really think they want to talk to Him?”
“We do!” Patton interjected.
“You think you do,” the angel replied, an undercurrent of bitterness to his tone.
“Same difference, right?” Patton said, giving the other a hopeful smile.
“Just let us in, Princey,” Virgil’s annoyed voice came from behind. “Don’t be an ass. At least not more of one than usual.”
Patton looked between the two of them. “You know each other?”
‘Princey’ gave Virgil a deadpan glare. “Fine. You want a meeting with God? Be my guest.” He stepped aside from the doorway, gesturing to it with a sarcastic flourish.
When no one else made a move, Virgil grumbled and pushed past Patton. The rest of the group followed. When they got to the door, Patton paused and turned to the red-winged man. “Princey—“
“Roman,” he corrected.
“Roman,” Patton repeated. He pointed at the cat curiously, “Mrs. ‘Sniffles’?”
Roman blushed. “I was allergic when I was alive.”
A resounding reply of “Me too!” went through the group, and they all turned to each other in mild surprise.
“It’s how I died!” Patton added cheerily.
“Huh,” Roman replied with a puzzled frown. He cleared his throat. “Well, good luck.”
“Thank you!” Patton said. He looked down at Mrs. Snuffles as well, “Thank you, too.”
She gave him a final, curt meow, and rubbed up to his legs, pushing his feet against the door. He laughed, turned to the others waiting for him, and they nodded. Roman opened the door, and gestured them in.
Patton didn’t know what he had expected God’s office to look like, but it was decidedly not what he found upon entering that door. He had expected something resembling the grand hallway leading up to it: golden statues, velvet carpet, ivory columns. And, sure, that seemed to be the basis of the office; it was everything that was added on that was surprising. The bookshelves were stacked exclusively with trashy magazines, the walls were covered in posters of boy bands and movie stars, and a side-room had been renovated into what appeared to be a personal Starbucks. Finally, in the center of it all, sitting on the sofa and watching TV, was:
“...God?” Patton asked unsurely.
The man--(should Patton call Him that?)--eyed the group from behind a pair of sunglasses. He didn’t bother to turn the TV off as He casually greeted, “Hey, babes! What’s up?”
“Um,” Patton glanced at his friends for help, but they were clearly just as lost as him. Well, not Janus; Janus seemed unbothered. This provided Patton some sense of comfort, enough for him to continue, “We wanted to ask about--”
“Hold that thought, hun,” God held up a finger. “Roman!”
Roman walked in, almost reluctantly, at the call. “Yes?”
“Be a peach and mute the TV, would you?” God asked, throwing His PA the remote. Roman caught it as if with practice, and pressed the mute button with a wry expression.
“Thanks, love you!” God said, then turned back to Patton. “What were we talking about?”
God tried to sip the frappe in His drink-holder, only to find it empty, and He interrupted again to say, “Roman, coffee alert! Mama needs His caffeine!”
Roman bit his lip, presumably to stop himself from letting out a sigh. When he walked to the Starbucks corner, he seemed to purposefully avoid eye contact with the group. Patton glanced at his friends, and found Virgil suppressing an amused grin, and Janus not bothering to suppress his.
“We wanted to ask about the end of the world,” Patton finally said.
God’s brow furrowed slightly. “End of the world? Oh! OH, that is coming up, isn’t it? When’s that again, Ro?”
Roman, from behind the coffee maker, replied, “7 and a half days.”
“Oo, fun!” God gasped, “That’s so soon! I totally forgot that was so soon, isn’t that crazy?”
“So crazy,” Roman agreed dryly, handing Him a new venti frappe.
“Right,” Patton said, almost at a loss, “So, you… want the world to end?”
God shrugged, using one finger to play with his coffee straw as he spoke. “It was in my plan, wasn’t it? Plus, I mean, y’know… Earth’s really, like, ‘ew’ right now, right? Like, sure, I COULD save it, and then I’d let the humans keep doing their little thing, but I don’t want that; they’re mostly messes. I wanna make… I dunno a new place with, like, more Idris Elba’s.”
“And you’re willing to kill the real Idris Elba for that?” Janus cut in. God looked him up and down critically, before asking,
“Hey, do I know you from something?”
“No,” Janus replied quickly, “Certainly not from Eden, and even if I was there, I wasn’t the snake. I’m a real angel, hush.”
Patton turned to him in confusion, but God just shrugged again, and said, “K, whatever. Anyway, yeah, what’d you gals wanna know about Earth again?”
“Um, we wanted you to, maybe… not… blow it up?” Patton asked.
“Hmm,” God hummed, “Thanks, but no thanks! Earth is gross, I’m just so over it, you know?”
“No, I don’t know,” Patton replied without thinking, unable to hide the frustration in his voice anymore, “If Earth’s messed up, all the more reason to be there for your children, and not just kill everything. It’s wrong.”
There was a ‘thunk’ against the floor, and Patton looked to see that Roman had dropped the old coffee cup he had been carrying to the trash. Logan and Virgil were staring at Patton with equally stricken expressions, and Janus’s face was unreadable. He suddenly realized what he had said. He then realized how many angels had fallen for saying much less.
God stood up slowly. He approached Patton until He was uncomfortably close.
 “Awe,” He pouted, “babe, I know it’ll be sad, but how am I supposed to change it now? It’s in the plan, hun. I’m sure you understand.” He patted his cheek once condescendingly--a touch that carried the pleasant warmth of a sunbeam--before He stepped back and took a long sip of His coffee. Patton didn’t break eye contact the whole time.
“I have an idea,” Patton said in a newly sunny tone--the type of overly kind, conversational tone that should be feared-- “How about a bet?”
“Are you for real?” God gaped at the continued insolence, somewhere between disbelief and delight. In the end, delight--or at least novelty--won. “Deal with the Devil is out, deal with God is in; OK, I’m into it!”
“You say it’s too hard to save Earth now? Impossible, even?” Patton asked challengingly. He heard a quiet gasp of realization from Logan, and when he glanced behind himself, he noticed Janus was smiling, as if impressed. This gave him enough confidence to continue, “Impossible, like it would be impossible for a few random angels to answer an unanswerable prayer?”
“Sweetie, I don’t know what you’re saying, but I love the way you’re saying it,” God waved His hand appreciatively.
Patton took Logan’s tablet from his hands. He scrolled to find the ‘Discarded Prayers: Impossible’ file. He held it out to God for proof as he concluded, “If we can answer one of these prayers before the end of the world, surely you can stop it from ending.”
“THAT’S your plan?! Pat, we can’t complete the possible prayers half the time,” Virgil exclaimed. He buried his face in his hands. “Earth’s dead.”
God, however, let out a dreamy sigh, holding one hand against His chest. Patton wasn’t sure if he was meant to feel like the ambitious hero or the prize dog at a pet show. “You know, I should say no…” God bit his lip with the same expression a suburban mother might have when she was about to cheat on her juice cleanse, “...but I never could resist a little twist! Ok, shake on it!”
God extended His hand, and Patton took it without hesitation.
“I, God, proclaim: Earth will not be destroyed next week if, and only if, an impossible prayer is answered.” As He spoke, His palm began to glow white, such that Patton had to look away for fear of being blinded. If God’s touch had been a sunbeam previously, it was now the whole sun, and Patton almost cried out from the burning heat. Technically, he didn’t have skin in the same way he did when he was alive, but he swore he felt it melting off in that grip.
Yet when God pulled away, there was no extra light in the room, no damage to his hand.
God smiled innocently. “Ok! Cute! So, what prayer you gonna choose?”
Huh. Patton hadn’t thought that far ahead. Maybe Virgil’s concern wasn’t so unwarranted. He looked down at the tablet he was still holding. His eyes scanned past several prayers that were beyond impossible--fix capitalism, no more YouTube ads, fix global warming, no more incels--until his eyes caught on just the thing. An unabashed grin overtook Patton’s face in realization,
“Oh, I know exactly what prayer we’re doing.”
“Well, have a good night!”
Nico turned his back on the cute mall man after he said it, and he had to push down the urge to glance back a final time. He tried not to believe in true love—it was at best unlikely, and at worst an extremely problematic trope—but he was a writer, and a daydreamer, and when he spotted the man a few tables down at the food court… he just knew.
Ok, he didn’t know, there was no way to know that kind of thing—but he did want. He did hope. And he did, in a move that was unprecedented for him, pray:
Please, if anyone’s up there: I know it’s silly, but I want this so badly. And I know it’s basically impossible at this point but, maybe… if we meet again... let this somehow work out?
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Okay I was gonna do another SG:WoT post anyway because we’ve got a new King interview but THEN, he released the cover to issue four so you KNOW I gotta geek out about this.
(Sorry that this blog is all SG:WoT, all the time now, but I am just. Insanely excited that Evely is drawing Supergirl. Feel free to block/mute these posts as needed. XD)
Okay, so!
First! The interview!
It’s on (ugh) screenrant so I’m not gonna link, I’m just gonna nab the interesting bits:
On the different direction of the book, and if he wanted to go back to the original Adventure Comics vibes: “So, the idea of this thing was to strip her story down, because Supergirl has a majorly weird history in terms of continuity. At least 13 writers have rewritten her origin over the years. Her dad has 13 origin stories; sometimes he's evil, sometimes he's a robot, sometimes alive, sometimes he's dead. She's changed dramatically in the last 10 years, between coming back to life to the New 52 to Rebirth. She's gone through so much that it's hard to get a hold of her. Not to mention in the '90s, when I was coming up, she was like an ectoplasmic space angel. There's so much there, and I just wanted to take all that stuff off and get to the core of the character; get her out of her normal environments and her normal conflicts. It seems like all our stories are about her dad or her relationship to Superman. Instead, let's see the purity of that character.”
On starting the book the way he did: “...I wanted to start out with a very human moment of a person turning 21 and getting drunk. And a person who is getting drunk because they want to be alone, and they just want to forget about the shit that's happened in their past. That's such a human moment. And the fact that she's Supergirl, so she waits till it's legal - because these super people, they follow the rules. She waited, and now it's legal and she can have this moment. She goes off by herself, with her dog that always follows her, and she has a moment where she can be free. For a lot of people in the US, whether you've been drinking since you were 14 or started that day, your 21st birthday and the day after are days you remember for the rest of your life. It's a day of freedom and consequence, and I wanted to show Supergirl going through that.”
On rising to the challenge of helping Supergirl perform better, sales/popularity-wise: “ When I first got on this book, I called Steve Orlando, who had just written a Supergirl run. And he was the one who opened my eyes to how good the character is. He had such insight into her. He was like, ‘There is a difference between Clark and her, and what she's gone through.’ He just laid it for me.”
On starting the book off with Ruthye’s journey, and gradually building to Kara’s: “ I was like, "Okay, this is going to be from the point of view of someone under Supergirl." And so I switched the point of view to this new brand new character, whose name is Ruthye. And we went from there: we start with Ruthye's story, we see her discover Supergirl, and she's our audience. She's our way in, the way Robin has always been the way into Batman.”
On whether or not other characters will show up, outside of Supergirl and Ruthye: “It's like my Superman: Up in the Sky, where it's a distillation of the character. You'll see other characters, but the focus of every issue will be on Supergirl. And it's something where at the very end, you can be like, "Why is Supergirl great? Why is she important to the DC Universe? What is her future in the DC Universe? Here, read this one trade that can answer all three of those questions at once."So, there will be other characters in the Super universe. But the focus will always be on her; on Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. It's her finding out about herself and her own strength.”
On Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow vs. his other titles: “Supergirl is my first 2021 book, or my first book of the 20s. That wrapped up my books of the teens, and now we're in a new generation. God willing, from the moment I started this book, I was like, ‘I'm gonna take a risk, and I'm gonna write books that are a little brighter.’ I know that's coming from me, and it's not to say we're going to avoid conflict or we're not going to explore the depths of the human soul. All that stuff will be in there. But these books are made from a place of joy, not from a place of anger; from a place of hope, not from a place of despair. It very much contrasts to those other books, in my mind.”
On how he thinks folks will react to the Krypto cliffhanger: “I mean, they're gonna think it's a good cliffhanger. That's how I think they're going to react. They're going to say, ‘I want the next issue.’ That's literally my job as written in my contract. Something where at the end of an issue, someone says, ‘I want more.’ So, that's how I hope they react.”
As mentioned, this is not the full interview; the whole thing can be found on screenrant, and I think Tom King shared a link on his twitter. 
And now, as always, SOME THOUGHTS:
I love that he brings up the fact that so many Supergirl stories focus on Zor-El and Clark, and how he was like, ‘let’s not do that.’
That’s my big gripe with modern Supergirl comics; they are trying so hard to make a statement on why we need both a Supergirl AND a Superman, that they end up spending ALL THEIR TIME talking about Clark, instead of, you know. Telling a fun Supergirl story.
Same thing with Zor-El! I know folks love Rebirth--I like it quite a bit myself--but I think the nostalgia goggles prevent folks from remembering that the whole first arc of that book was re-doing the ‘Cyborg Superman’ garbage from the Nu52. 
Speaking of Rebirth, really like that of all the recent SG writers he coulda talked to, he talked to Steve Orlando.
Like, if ya can’t get Gates on the phone, get Orlando.
(I get the sense that Gates doesn’t like this book, actually, based on a vague tweet. But don’t quote me on that.) 
Looks like Ruthye is gonna be our POV/audience insert character for the whole run. I’m...mmmm. I don’t love it, but I understand the logic here. Especially since he compared it to Batman and Robin--how you use Robin as your entry point for a bat book. 
And you know what? Kara’s supporting cast needs some help, so. Welcome to the Superfam, Ruthye.
I also love the explanation behind the drinking thing, as well as the fact that Kara waited until it was 100% legal for her to drink because OF COURSE SHE WOULD.
I am so worried that Krypto is gonna die b/c of what we saw in Future State. I’m over here with my Pepe Silva board like, ‘Well, what if Kara agrees to help Ruthye because Krem MURDERED HER DOG?!?! WHAT IF THIS IS JOHN WICK IN SPACE?!?!?!’
So I am DISMAYED that King does not reassure us AT ALL.
Thus I am forced to cling to this tidbit here: “ But these books are made from a place of joy, not from a place of anger; from a place of hope, not from a place of despair. It very much contrasts to those other books, in my mind.”
Killing the dog would not be joyful. XD So, like. I’m REALLY HOPIN’ HE’LL BE OKAY.
AND LASTLY, (Except not really)
I have some additional, miscellaneous thoughts unrelated to the interview b/c I’m me and I’m loving having a Supergirl comic back on the shelves, however polarizing it may be.
Something I realized, when details started to come out regarding the book, and that other folks have now noted as well: Kara was 16 when Rebirth launched in 2016; she’s just turned 21 in 2021, making her one of the extremely few comic characters to age in real time.
I don’t think that was planned, but it is cool.
It occurred to me on a re-read that Ruthye never calls Kara Kara in her narration, only Supergirl. And I was a little sad! But then I remembered that Kara wouldn’t necessarily reveal her identity to people she’s helping, she would just be ‘Supergirl’ to them. 
I really do love how, so far, there has been NARY A MENTION of Kara angst-ing over being in Clark’s shadow, or being Superman’s cousin.
It appears that her drinking alone on a remote planet is more related to trying to forget her trauma/grief related to Krypton. MAYBE. We don’t know yet.
The Clark thing could still come up. I hope it doesn’t. 
(Interesting to note! Kara recently appeared in Action Comics, helping Clark and Jon investigate some Kryptonian refugees; IDK how closely these books will necessarily ‘work together’ in terms of continuity, but! It’s possible that the discovery of those mysterious refugees was triggering, thus sending her on her way to her own solo title.)
(Well. That’s gonna be my headcanon, anyway. XD)
AND LASTLY, (for real this time)
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Okay, some immediate thoughts:
I loooooove the fire motif, reminds me of a part from the Rebirth run, where Kara met the Super-Man of China, and they visually referenced All-Star Superman, having the Kryptonians kind of...become the sun.
Also STAR CHART?!?! PIRATE MAP!?!?!?! 
The VIBES I tell you, the VIIIIIIIBES.
Also I love that it’s just Kara.
Don’t get me wrong! I like Ruthye just fine so far! But yeah, yeah, give me some more solo-Kara focus, even if it’s just in the art.
Just realized that once this thing gets collected as a TBP, we might get some Evely art backmatter. OhHhhHHhhH YESSSS. 
Anyways, the long wait for issue 2 begins! 
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