#the guild is opening a gym next door that the guild members get to use for free
savetheghost · 9 months
the feeling after you do some really strenuous exercise (trying not to get your shit beat by a guy with a sword) and then get a hot shower and lay down
is like
i dunno man
it feels like you just got pampered
the dopamine be crazy
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nalufever · 8 years
A Girl Worth Fighting For
Prompt:  White Day ~ A  Girl Worth Fighting For Pairing:  Nalu (can't resist) Rating:  fluffy Word count:  1646 'A Girl Worth Fighting For'
Summary:  Natsu navigates unspeakable horrors to win Lucy's  love ~ or ~ Natsu goes shopping, looking for the perfect white day gift.
A fun little drabble exchange for White Day tagging @impracticaldemon @ff-darkshininglight @cheer-chan @magerain @rizzy09
"Happy, are you sure this is the best department store in Magnolia?"  Natsu craned his head up to look at the fancy lettering on the big glass windows.  "Hudson's Em - poor - e - um?  Doesn't look that great.  You sure this the best one?"
"Well yeah, lookit all the stuff in the windows!"  Happy gestured to the fancy display of mannequins wearing the latest Heart Kreuz fashions.  "Mira and Erza love this place!"
"But will I find Lucy the perfect gift here?  She's not like other girls."
"Yeah, she's weird."  The exceed chortled and flew out of reach.  "But you're getting just as weird as her, worrying about finding a white day gift.  Give her fish!"
Natsu shook his head.  "If you're not gonna help you can leave."
"I wouldn't miss this for all the fish in the river."
Putting his worries aside for the moment, Natsu strode up to the double doors and entered Hudson's Emporium.  Clothes, shoes, handbags and luggage were on the immediate left; on the right were displays of sporting equipment, kitchenware and lamps.  
Natsu wandered aimlessly, Happy trailing behind him giving a constant stream of poor advice.  "Ooh!  Buy her a vacuum!  How 'bout hip waders?  Gym membership?  Lookit that muumuu, maybe they have one in her size."
Natsu glared at his exceed.  "Oi!  I said if you're not gonna help you could leave!"
His usual shit-eating grin in place, Happy responded.  "I never said I was gonna help - I said I wouldn't miss this for all the fish in the river!"
An announcement blared over the public address system:  "White Day Special Sale next to the food department starting in five minutes."
With shining eyes and hope reborn in his heart, Natsu let go of Happy.  "Lucy loves food!"
Rubbing his sore neck, Happy coughed.  "That's one thing we can agree on, she loves greasy food!"
They joined the torrents of men rushing to the back of the store also intent on procuring the perfect White Day gift for their special lady.  In between the food and millinery departments was a long table bedecked with a blinding white tablecloth.  Upon it was a dazzling selection of white items; from marshmallows and white chocolate to candles, coffee cups and lingerie - all astonishingly white.
All the men trudged closer beginning to paw the merchandise.  And once the P.A. system squawked alerting them to a time limit they began to toss through the sale items with terrible haste.
Natsu had never been subjected to such indignities before.  As a mage of incredible power and wild disregard for personal safety and the subtleties of personal space, Natsu had never, ever been elbowed in a brouhaha over merchandise.  Each man was desperately digging, searching for a cheap yet stylish and hopefully beloved gift for their special someone.
Happy flew overtop and dive-bombed the now swarming group of men pawing the selection of marshmallows, candles and skimpy night attire.  Competition got fiercer.  A fist-fight broke out over a set of mugs emblazoned with a cheesy 'love' print.  Three men were sprawled on the marble floor - tussling over a package containing white slippers, a nighty and robe.
Shouted threats, kicks and thrown elbows kept Natsu off balance. He had never seen non-mages act like guild members before - it was more than a little off-putting.  Finally his frozen state broke.  Natsu dove into the throng with a battle cry worthy of Erza fighting for the last piece of strawberry cake.  He searched with single-minded aim, finding and discarding novelty knickers embroidered with a suggestion he almost burst into flames just reading.  The candles were a bit tempting, but not nice enough he decided.  Marshmallows were 'meh', the chocolate too similar to what he'd received, the nightwear was all too nosebleed inducing and the mugs were honestly ugly.
The same voice emerged from the speakers:  "Final five minutes left in our White Day Special Sale!"
The table of sale items was now engulfed in a writhing sea of desperate men still seeking the perfect purchase to please their girlfriends.  Intent on one final item he'd had yet to examine, Natsu was taken unawares by two people playing tug of war with a large box.  The smaller of the two men fighting head-butted his opponent who then stumbled backwards, grabbed at the table trying to keep upright, and flung a white metal trivet as he fell - which happened to conk Natsu on his forehead, knocking him out. Happy dragged his friend under the table, hiding from the melee.  He lightly slapped Natsu's face and when that didn't work, he put some muscle into it.  Natsu roused ten minutes later as the special event table was being put away - the saleslady and her two assistants screaming were the perfect wake-up call.
A bit groggy and now with a dully pounding headache, Natsu ran with Happy as the three shop workers yelled 'pervert' at the top of their lungs.
Down a corridor and then up a set of stairs they found a quiet corner of the store.  More than a little depressed and despondent Natsu sighed and confided in Happy.  "That was my last hope.  White Day is tomorrow and I don't have the slightest idea of what to get Lucy."
"Let's have a snack!"  Happy tugged Natsu by the hand to a set of café tables and chairs.  "Hudson's has the best tako-yaki in town."
"Maybe food with help me think."  Natsu slumped into a seat.  "I just wanted to give her something as nice as she is."  Picking at the food Happy brought back, Natsu ate slowly and sparingly.  "The sale is over and I don't know what to do."
"We won't leave until you find something."
"You're the best, buddy!"
To mark the special occasion, Natsu entered the apartment building on Strawberry Street using the ground floor entrance after reminding Happy he had is own special gift to deliver to Charle.  Natsu trudged up the flights of stairs clutching Lucy's gift, wrapped in white paper and silver ribbon.  It wasn't as flashy as some of the gifts he'd seen available, nor as sexy as the underwear - but upon seeing it, he'd known his search was over.
Knuckles poised over the door, the slayer paused.  Natsu took a few deep calming breaths and shook his head to clear his thoughts.  He knocked and waited, shifting the parcel from under one arm to the other.
The door opened showing Lucy's welcoming face becoming confused.  "What are you doing?"
Natsu grinned.  "Is that how you greet a guest?  Weirdo."
"I don't think I've ever seen you use the door - or wait for me to let you in - or -"  Lucy went silent as she saw the gift - and more importantly - the gift tag that bore her name in big swooping letters.  "Come in."
Natsu remembered his uncertainty over his gift and his swagger lost a lot of his strut.  He covered up his lapse in poise by setting down the gift box on the coffee table and dropping into his usual spot on Lucy's couch.  Natsu clasped his fingers together and puffed air, blowing the unruly lock of hair that covered one eye out of the way.
"What happened?"  Lucy couldn't stop herself from leaning over close from her seat and gently tracing over the band-aid over his eyebrow, full of concern for her best friend.  "Does it hurt?"
His cheeks coloured a dull pink, clashing with his hair.  "Nothin'.  An' it only hurts a little bit."
"You have to take care of yourself you know."
"Yeah - but it was for a good reason."  He gave Lucy a timid smile.  "Remember those chocolates you made for me?"
She nodded and bit her lip.  "I remember."
"Please accept this."  Natsu snatched up the box and thrust it at Lucy.  "It's not one of the traditional recommended gifts, but as soon as I saw it I wanted you to have it."
"…"  Lucy took hold of the proffered box.  "Thank you."  She smiled and her eyes gleamed with unshed tears.  "You didn't have to get me anything.  I did hope but I wasn't expecting."  Lucy stared at the pretty white paper with silver ribbon on her lap and traced her name on the card.
"Open it."  Eagerness coloured Natsu's voice as he encouraged Lucy.  "I saw it and thought of you."
Lucy plucked the card off the gift and set it aside on the table (that was going into her scrapbook later).  Lucy tugged on the ribbon and set that beside the tag.  Using her nails she slit the tape all around the box lid.  Slowly she prised off the lid and sat silent.  Natsu had given her a selection of pens, ink and a leather bound notebook in the creamiest pale yellow colour.
She blinked, set the gift down on the table and held out her hands to Natsu who was holding his breath as he tried to figure out if Lucy was pleased.  Her eyes sparkled and in that instant Natsu knew Lucy was happy.  He lunged forward hugging her; wrapped his arms around her and squeezed, breathing in calming air.  "I'm so glad you like it!"
"Yeah, I like …it…and you."
Natsu nodded, then realized Lucy couldn't see that - he needed to speak.  "I know, or else you wouldn't have taken so much time and care to make those chocolates."
Lucy blushed.  "This is a very thoughtful gift, but it's much more than three times the value of what I gave you.  You didn't -"
"Don't be such a weirdo."  Natsu pulled back so he could see Lucy's face.  He looked into her eyes as he rubbed his forehead.  "You're worth it, and never let it be said you're not a girl worth fighting for."
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A Decision Made || Self Para
The snow was falling as Vidia left the gym with her bag thrown over her shoulder. Her skin was still hot from her practice in the cage. The flakes fell and melted as they made contact with her face. A few landed on her split lip and made her groan from the slight discomfort.
A woman with short blonde hair, almost so short that she looked bald, clipped Vidia’s shoulder as she walked by. Vidia hissed but her muscles were strained and tired from her work out. The woman got a pass.
Then another person walked into her. And another. “What the?” Vidia looked around and started to become disoriented by the barrage of people. She felt like she was under attack but she didn’t know who or what it could be. “Fuck.”
“You have a very foul mouth,” The blonde was standing in front of Vidia. Her accent was Scandinavian or something from where everyone was like the woman, tall and blonde. “A lady shouldn’t talk like that.”
“Who the fuck are you?” Vidia scoffed as she stepped back from the woman who abruptly showed up.
“Trina Unwin. But for now,” She shrugged as one of her cohorts came up from behind Vidia and doused her with a sleeping draught. “Took you long enough. Now, help me get her out of here.” Trina and the young man with the angular features looked around as they picked up the petite student. With a crack, the three were gone.
Vidia came to in a dark room. She laughed to herself because it seemed so cliche. She would have been terrified if it was like a doctor’s office, something bright and clinical. Yeah, she would’ve been terrified. But it was a stupid dark room. All it needed was a creepy man in a cloak. Then she’d know she was being pranked.
“Ah, you’re awake,” An older gentleman, probably in his thirties judging by the small blotches of gray that framed his face at his temples. “Guild Master Pennelegion is waiting to speak with you. Follow me.”
“I’m not following anyone or talking to anyone until someone tells me where the bloody hell I am.” Vidia crossed her arms tightly over her chest and tapped her foot with her usual irritation.
“If you come and talk to the Guild Master, then you will get the answers you want.” The man’s voice seemed as if it was holding back from its usual tone.
“Guild Master?” Vidia’s brow perked up to the side.
“Stop asking questions. Just come on.” The man tapped the wall and it vanished to expose a long hallway lined with silver sconces.
The light stretch just far enough so Vidia could see where her feet were going. The man seemed like he didn’t require any light as Vidia struggled to keep up with him.
The hall ended and opened to a larger room. The light seeme to spill in through the sky lights that bordered the high ceiling. The center of the ceiling had some sort of symbol painted but Vidia couldn’t make it out with only the moonlight to help her eyes.
A chocolate colored woman with a halo of dark curls walked up to the man and Vidia. “Hello, Vidia. I’m Lower Guile Commander Petcher but feel free to call me Chamise. Guild Master Pennelegion will be here shortly. Alf,” her hand rested on the man’s forearm, “I’ll take over from here.”
“Good,” Alf March, Guild Commander and all around grump, grunted as he walked away.
“Don’t mind him. Fitz was supposed to get you but Ridgewell and he were called away for a moment. I’m sure you have a ton of questions. They’ll be answered shortly. Guild Master said the matter should only take a few minutes. Let’s introduce you to everyone.” Chemise guided Vidia to a small group that hung around the edge of the large room.
“Look who’s awake,” Trina was the first to speak.
“You ambushed me,” Vidia hissed as she lunged but was blocked by Chamise.
“Ladies,” they both backed down as Chamise began to chastise them. “You know Trina and Rodney. They were sent to collect you.” Vidia didn’t see the person who came up from behind but he gave a small wave as he looked up for a minute. He was tall, Vidia could tell even though he was sitting. His features were sharp and his eyes were hollow and blue.
“That’s Helen, Graham, and Claire,” Chamise pointed to each of them as she said their name. Helen seemed sweet. She had an angelic face with sweet eyes. She reminded Vidia of a brunette Felicity. Graham reminded her of the typical pretty boy. He had silver hair, which struck Vidia as strange but he was pleasing to the eyes. Claire was petite. Her fair skin reflected the moonlight as she gave Vidia a small bow. Vidia didn’t know the proper response since she wasn’t aware of the customs of whichever Asian country she was from. She just gave a nod and called it a day.
“Everyone this is Vidia Ligeiro. I’ll leave you all to get better acquainted as I go to see what’s going on with the Guild Master.” Chamise walked away and the group stared at Vidia waiting for something.
“What?” She looked at each of them.
“I fail to see what’s so impressive,” Trina spoke as if Vidia wasn’t even there. “She’s just some quidditch player.”
“Excuse me? Who the fuck are you to judge me?” Vidia wasn’t at her full strength but she could take Trina on. The bigger they are the harder they fall.
“And she’s so vulgar.”
“I’m right here, puta. You can say it to my face.”
“You lack discipline and training to even be worth our time. You’re just some broom jock. Why the Guild Master wanted you here is beyond my comprehension.”
Vidia snarled and as she went to lunge at the girl Graham caught her by the arm and pulled her into a lock. “Let go of me!” Vidia slammed her foot down on his instep and brought her foot up to donkey kick his knee cap.
“Enough!” An older black man bellowed. “Guild Master Pennelegion will be here in a matter of minutes. Get yourselves together.”
Graham let Vidia go with a grin and she shoved his shoulder. “Do that again and I’ll break something.”
“You can try but odds are I’d break you, first.” He winked and she rolled her eyes.
Finally, the Guild Master arrived. Vidia could tell it was him because his presence caused all conversation to cease. He was old, wrinkled and bald. The way he carried himself suggested that each crease on his face came with years of experience. “Welcome, Miss Ligeiro.”
“Hey,” she gave him a small wave. “So you’re the Master guy.”
“That would be me. The proper term is Guild Master.”
“That’s great. Why am I here?” Everyone stared at her with disbelief at her blunt rudeness.
“This, my dear, is The Guild of the Wind. We are a secret society of elite flyers. We’ve been in existence since wizards started using brooms. Your grandfather, Alberto Ligeiro, was a Guild Master until his passing.” Guild Master Ridgewell Pennelegion crossed the room and stood in front of Vidia. “Your uncle, Vincente, is also a member. I believe he is a Guild Commander of his faction. So to answer your question, you come from an impressive Guild Legacy, Miss Ligeiro. That is why you are here.”
“This is some sort of joke, right?”
“I’m dead serious.” He motioned for her to follow him. “Vidia, you inherited your grandfather and uncles ability and skill for flight. I’ve watched you since the first time you mounted your first broom.”
“Cause that’s not creepy,” she muttered under her breath.
“Well, I knew Alberto fairly well. He was a very gifted flyer. I was, also, there when your uncle was initiated to his faction. I hope to see the next generation of Ligeiros initiated as well.” Ridgewell Pennelegion was fast for an old man. Vidia was pleased since slow walking annoyed her.
“Yeah, I never met my grandfather.” Vidia only ever met one of her grandparents and that was Abuela. She never met her mother’s parents, either.
“Well, you have a lot in common with him. He had a sharp tongue, too. Although, Alberto wasn’t nearly as gifted as you are with expletives.” Vidia laughed at the Guild Master’s description of her foul mouth. He was alright in her book.
They stopped at a door. “Alright, Vidia. Should you decide to join us, you will walk through this door. Should you not, we will wipe any memory of this place from your mind and leave you be until the end of time. The choice is entirely yours. However, the Guild of the Wind is forever. I’ll give you some time to process this.”
“Wait,” Vidia grabbed his arm, “What happens if I join then change my mind?”
“That’s never happened, my dear.” He patted the back of her palm as he smiled. “This place is a place to only better your skills. Do you want to be called a broom jock your whole life?” With those words, he left Vidia to think.
Vidia was impulsive and rash almost all of the time. She was all or nothing most of the time. But the Guild was something that made her hesitate. She wasn’t one for group activities. Quidditch was just about the only group thing she enjoyed. But she didn’t want to just be some broom jock. She wanted more for herself than a boring life of just making it by.
With zero scouts or prospects of joining a professional team, her job opportunities after school seemed pretty bleak. Would the Guild of the Wind be that stepping stone to being more? Would it give her the ability to use her talent for flying to excel in life?
She reached out her hand and took a deep breath. Her fingers curled around the knob and exhaled as she turned it. With a slight push, the door gave way and brought her back to the large open room where her walk with the Guild Master began.
“Glad to see you’ve decided to join us, Vidia,” the black man from earlier was on the other side, waiting for her. “I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself earlier. I’m the Lower Guild Master, the second in command of this faction. My name is Fitz-Lloyd Pike but most people just call me Fitz.”
“Cool,” Vidia shrugged.
“You’ll be known as a Guild Initiate until you pass your initiation and become a full fledge Guild Member like the people you were so nicely talking to earlier.” Fitz and Vidia walked through the room back to the lovely pack of members.
“I guess we’ll be seeing more of you,” Helen said with a sweet sing song type Welsh accent.
“Guess so,” Vidia rocked on the back of her heels and tried not to look too bored.
“They will each train you in one aspect of your initiation. Talk amongst yourselves to decide what you’ll be doing. Don’t worry, Vidia. You’ll have time. It usually takes six months to a year for an initiate to be fully prepared for the test.” Fitz smiled and took his leave to speak with the other three adults Vidia met while she was there.
“I say eight months,” Rodney spoke first.
“A full year,” Trina scoffed.
“Less than seven.” Helen smiled.
“Eh, six months. I’ve heard of you, Ligeiro. You’re wicked on a broom.” Graham said with a thumbs up.
“Don’t worry about them,” Claire whispered, “they’re trying to intimidate you. They’re all really nice when you get to know them.”
“I’m not.”
“Not what?” Claire asked Vidia.
“Intimidated or nice once you get to know me.”
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