#the hat threw me off a bit cos it kept part of his hair down
synthshenanigans · 9 months
I guess we know how he got that shot now
I am finally free
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kelyon · 3 years
Nephila Chapter 5: Everglades
The fic where the Stiltskin men are all giant spiders (and some people are into that.)
In which Emma Swan is Florida Woman
Trigger warning: Killian Jones
Read on AO3
“Parks department is gonna shoot us with their tranquilizer guns if they catch us out here, Swan.”
Emma rolled her eyes at Killian and kept steering her fishing boat through the swamp. This section of the glades was tricky to navigate. She couldn’t let his whining distract her. 
 They were in a flat-bottomed aluminum jon boat, ten feet long. It didn’t have a built-in engine. Normally Emma used a paddle to get her where she needed to go on the water. Since her plans today were taking her further out than normal, she had “borrowed” a portable Evinrude motor from her friend Penny. It would be fine though; Penny’s boat just got impounded, so she wasn’t gonna miss the motor.
“I never said you had to come, Jones.” She shielded her eyes from the bright Florida sun. Her glasses were dirty and scratched. The reflection on the water doubled the light and made it impossible to see. She shoulda brought a visor. 
“No, you just said you were going to do something dangerous and stupid.” Killian lounged against the side of the boat and used both hands to swat at bugs. “You know I can’t resist a challenge.”
“Of course not. That’s why you keep hanging around me, even though I don’t wanna bang you.”
“You mean you don’t want to bang me yet!” He gave her the grin that had worked on every other girl in the tri-county area. “I remain hopeful.”
“You remain delusional.”
Every once in a while, Emma thought about sleeping with Killian just so he would get over it and stop bothering her. He was decent company when he wasn’t horny. He was the only person in their group who would go on crazy adventures with her, and he never minded letting her crash at his place. They’d gotten each other in and out of trouble at least a hundred times since she’d moved to Florida during her freshman year of high school.
That was part of the problem with Killian. She’d known him too long. When they’d met, he’d been zitty and awkward, tagging along after his older brother Liam. Killian hadn’t gotten hot until senior year when he started growing a beard. All that shaggy dark hair brought out his bright blue eyes and covered up his acne. He wasn’t bad looking. And he was almost smart. Growing up on a houseboat made him act like he knew everything about every kind of boat, so he was never afraid to act like a drunk pirate. A lot of girls were into that. 
For herself, Emma had heard his voice crack too many times to ever think about him as a sexual option. And yet, ever since graduation, she had found herself at the top of his “to-do list.” It was putting a real strain on their friendship.
 “Oh, come on, luv! You know I’ll do anything for you. But if I’m gonna get a hand bit off by a crocodile, I’d feel better about it if I knew there was gonna be some kind of reward for my trouble.”
“Sex isn’t a reward, dumbass.” Hand on the tiller of the motor, Emma steered them around a patch of sawgrass and into a free-flowing slough where the water could carry them. “And besides, there aren’t any crocodiles in Florida. It’s all gators. I only lived here five years and even I know that!”
“Ha!” Killian pointed a triumphant finger at her. “Well, I’ve lived on these waters all my life! And I know that the American Crocodile is the only crocodile that co-exists with alligators. It’s an endangered species and it only lives here in the Everglades!”  
She narrowed her eyes. “You just heard that on the Internet.”
Killian shrugged. “Doesn’t mean it’s not true.” 
Emma shook her head. Whether or not Killian should believe something he read on the Internet was an argument they had at least once a week. Going over it again wasn’t worth it. 
“Point is,” she said. “We’re going to the part of the glades where there aren’t any gators or crocodiles.”
Killian made a face. “There’s no such place.”
“There sure is!”
He still didn’t believe her.  “How do you know gators aren’t there?”
“Cuz there’s too much other stuff. There’s a billion more birds and bugs and lizards in this part of the swamp than there is anywhere else.”
“In the whole Everglades?”
“Yeah. I read an article about it. On the Internet.” 
If Killian wanted to give her crap about her news source, he was going to have one hell of an argument. But he had just enough brains not to, so Emma got to explain. 
“The article had all these science people talking about the ‘explosion of biodiversity’ in this one tiny section of the Glades. It’s probably been going on for a while, but they just noticed it a couple months ago. All the animals and things that you find one of in any other part of the Glades, you’ll find ten of ‘em in this part we’re going to now.”
“With all the animals there, why aren’t there any gators snapping them up?”
“That’s what the scientists wanted to know. They said it makes sense that there’s more little things crawling around when there aren’t any big things to eat ‘em. But it doesn’t make sense that all the gators, the ‘apex predators,’ just disappeared. They think something is killing the gators but letting everything else go. They’re real worried about it too. So I figure there might be some kinda reward for finding out what’s going on.”
“A reward?” Killian sat up so fast the boat rocked. “You didn’t say anything about a reward!”
“I just did,” Emma smirked. “But we gotta keep it secret. I don’t want anybody trying to edge in on our find.”
“Wait, what are you trying to find?”
“Didn’t you hear a word I said? I’m going to find whatever’s eating the gators!” 
Killian’s jaw dropped. “Are you crazy? You think there’s something big enough to eat gators and the first thing you wanna do is go after it?”
Emma turned back to the tiller. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and unlocked the screen. The article she’d read had a dinky little drawing of a map where all the strange activity was going on. Emma had compared it to the real map on Google and taken a screenshot of where she wanted to go. They should be close. 
Killian was still freaking out. At least he was smart enough not to move so much that it would tip the boat over. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Swan?”
“I told you I was gonna do something stupid and dangerous.”
“You know it’s probably just snakes, right? Them pythons people get as pets, then they get too big and people let ‘em loose in the swamp and they eat everything. My buddy Kaa had to do that once.”
“If it was just a bunch of snakes, the science people wouldn’t be so weirded out about it. It’s something they can’t explain.”
“For all you know it could be a giant fucking monster! Did you bring a gun or something? You know McLeach is good to hook us up.”
Emma shook her head. “This is just a fact-finding mission. I don’t need a gun, I’ve got this.” She held up a digital camera in a plastic zipper bag. “I told Hat Man the whole story and he let me use this to take pictures.”
Killian ran his hand over his face. “Of course he did. Hat Man is the only other person in all of Florida who’s as crazy as you!”
Emma threw up her hands. “There are lots of people who do dumber stuff than me or Hat Man ever tried!”
“Yeah, but none of them ever did something that’s gonna get me killed! I swear, Swan--”
“Would the two of you please shut up?” Some guy’s voice rang out over the water. “You’re bothering the monster!”
Emma cut the motor and stood up. The jon boat wobbled but steadied itself after a second. Pushing up her glasses, she scanned around the water. She couldn’t spot any other boats around all the sawgrass patches. 
“Who the hell are you?” she shouted. “And how the fuck do you know about the monster?”
The voice chuckled. “Lady, I know more about monsters than you know about your own parents.”
Emma clenched her jaw and muttered. “You don’t know shit about my parents, jackass.” 
Sitting on the bench seat closest to the front of the boat, Killian put his head in his hands. “Let’s get out of here, Swan. Whoever this asshole is, the gator-eater can go eat him.”
“The gator-eater can eat this guy, just so long as I get a picture.” She cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted. “Where are you? Can you see anything?”
“I’ve got so many eyes, I can see everything.” The voice wasn’t shouting anymore. It sounded close. Emma hadn’t heard a motor running. Was this guy in a canoe? This far out away from the shore?
Her head spun as she looked around, but she didn’t see anything besides sawgrass and dead tree limbs and a million birds and bugs. There was an extra glare on the water around here, some kinda gold light coming off the patches of land. 
“Where are you?” she asked again.
“Over here.”
A head popped out of the nearest patch of sawgrass. This patch had the most of the weird light, so much gold it barely looked green at all. Squinting, she tried to see who she was looking at.  
At first, Emma thought it was just a normal guy with a tan. Then she thought the guy had some killer tattoos, maybe jail tats. There were dark brown circles all over his face. Then, the circles blinked at her. Then the guy smiled--and his mouth was green. No, that was not a human mouth. He had fangs. He had pincers.
“Oh, Jesus,” Emma whispered. 
She couldn’t move. This was the thing she was looking for, but she couldn’t move. The camera was right by her feet. Her phone was in her back pocket. The boat tiller was less than a foot away from her hand. But she couldn’t move.
From up on his mound of sawgrass, the guy--the thing, the monster--was still smiling. He waved at her. 
Somehow, she could wave back.
Sitting down, Killian hadn’t seen what Emma was looking at. “Do you see him?” he asked as he stood up. “I wanna get a good look at our competit--holy shit!” 
Everything happened at once. Emma could only think of things in freeze-frame. She saw one second of Killian panicking. One second of him falling over backwards into the water. One second of him toppling the whole boat on his way down. One second of Hat Man’s camera in its ziploc bag flying into the air. 
One second of the water coming closer as she fell.
The water wasn’t deep--just deep enough that she didn’t hit her head on the ground. Her glasses almost flew up off her face, but she grabbed them just in time. Spitting and sputtering, Emma managed to get to her feet in the soft mud. This time of year was the dry season, so when she stood up, the water only came up to her chest. But that didn’t mean much for the phone in her pants pocket. By the time she thought to raise it up over her head, it was already soaked. 
“Shit,” she swore. “You owe me a new phone, monster-guy!”
At least Hat Man’s camera was in a waterproof bag. But from where she was, six inches above the water’s surface, there was no way she was going to find it.
“Shit!” Emma swore again. “And if I don’t get that fucking camera back, you are gonna be in huge trouble!”
Laughter rang out over the swamp. It wasn’t Killian. It had to be the guy. That monster jackass was laughing at her!
“This isn’t fucking funny!” she shouted.
The thing kept laughing. “Yes it is. I mean, come on, lady. You gotta admit this is classic comedy.”
She could not believe this. She’d gone out on the water to find a monster, found out it was a smart-ass jerk, and then lost any way to prove it to anybody! That wasn’t funny, it was…
Okay, it was pretty funny. But she still had every right to be mad about it!
“Killian, can you believe this sh--” Emma stopped when she realized she had no idea where Killian was. She couldn’t see him or the boat. He hadn’t said anything since he had seen the monster. There were a million sounds coming from a million animals, but none of them sounded like a grown man swimming. 
Or drowning.
“Shit!” The third time Emma said that word, it was with bone-deep dread. Her mouth went dry and for a second she panicked. God, Killian could not be dead. She would get in so much trouble!
“Hey, asshole!” she shouted as she began to wade towards the gold-covered island. “You with the eyes and the sense of humor!”
“Call me Neal!” the monster shouted back. He sounded like he was trying to be friendly. 
Emma’s mouth dropped open, but then she closed it before a bug could fly in. Where did a monster get off having a name like Neal? She shook her head. It didn’t matter. What mattered was Killian.
“Okay, Neal. Sure. Listen, Neal, I need your help. I know I talked a lot of shit to you, but this is serious. Can you see my friend?”
“You mean the wannabe bad boy? Yeah, he’s getting eaten by crocodiles.”
“WHAT?” Emma shrieked. 
“Nope. That was a joke. Bad taste, I guess. Actually, he looks fine. He was able to get the boat flipped over and he is motoring off to the horizon.” 
“WHAT?” Now Emma was in a full-on bellow. Over the sound of blood pounding in her ears, she could hear the faint whine of an Evinrude outboard motor. “That son of a bitch stole my boat!”
Now that she knew Killian wasn’t dead, she was fully prepared to kill him. She staggered to the island that was covered in a haze of gold--it looked like a bunch of fancy spider webs, but that was the least of her concerns. 
“Are you around here?” she yelled. “Neal?”
The same head and arms emerged from the grassy water. Up close, the face looked even weirder. There was a circle of brown eyes, all different sizes and all dark as buttons. She couldn’t tell if there was a nose or not. And the mouth was way too wide and way too fangy, especially when it looked like it was smiling. There were… things on either side of his smile, bright, shiny green things, a part of his mouth, she guessed.  
Weirdest of all, over the monster’s human-looking chest and arms, he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt. It was green, with yellow flowers.    
“My father always told me to help a human in need. What can I do for you?” 
Right now, Emma was too angry to be confused. “Can you swim?”
Neal raised himself up a little higher out of the sawgrass and Emma saw what the rest of him looked like. 
It was one of those half-man, half-horse things she’d seen in movies. Centaurs, that’s what they were called. Only it wasn’t a horse that Neal was half of. Too many legs for that. He was light brown and gray, so he blended in with all the mud and sticks. His legs looked kinda stubby, and they all came out of one place in front of… Emma didn’t have any other word for it but spider-butt.
Sweet Jesus’ birthday. The gator-eater was a goddamned spider-man!
Neal didn’t talk for a second. Emma figured he was letting her get used to him. But that was gonna take a while and Killian the rat bastard was getting further away by the second. Emma put her hands on her hips and looked this thing in its two biggest eyes. 
“Did you hear what I said? Can you swim?”
“I’ve got so many legs, I can swim anywhere. You want me to catch up with your boat and teach that guy a lesson?”
“Hell no. I want you to take me to my boat so I can give that son of a bitch a black eye myself.”
Neal snorted--or maybe it was a snort. He sounded like he thought it was funny. “I can do that.” He smiled and lowered his spider-legs so his whole body was near the ground. “You wanna climb aboard?”
Emma wasn’t afraid to ride on the back of a spider-thing through the Everglades. She’d been riding jet-skis since she was ten. This couldn’t be that different. It’d probably be easier, since Neal would be able to do all the steering himself.  
He was already mostly in the water, so she just kind of fell on top of him, with her legs on either side of his… Was it a waist? The lower part of his human half. 
Short, prickly hairs grew all over the spider half. They came out when she moved her legs against them. Emma was glad she had decided to wear full pants today instead of shorts. 
“Okay.” She grabbed the Hawaiian shirt with both hands and tugged. “Giddy-up.”
 Neal tensed up and for a minute he didn’t say anything. Then he turned his head to talk to her. “What’s your name?”
“Emma,” she said. Oh crap, was he mad?
“Okay, Emma, listen up. I’m going to help you get your boat, because I am a helpful kind of individual. But if you ever treat me like an animal again, you will be swimming home. Understand?” 
“Oh.” Emma let go of his shirt. “Crap, I’m sorry.”
He shrugged. “No big deal. I’m sure you’re not used to people like me. Now, let’s go retrieve some stolen property!”
Neal had four legs on either side, but he only used the front three to swim. His back legs dragged through the water to balance him out like a dead man’s float. The other legs pushed past the water, all working together. It almost looked like a bird flapping its wings against the wind. Was that what a butterfly stroke looked like? Or was this just a spider stroke?
All that mattered was that Neal was fast. And he knew this area better than Killian did. They caught up to him when he was trying to push his way through an area too shallow for the jon boat.
“Hey!” Emma shouted. “Are you fucking running my boat aground?”
She was too far away to see the expression on Killian’s face. All Emma saw was him looking at the tiller, looking up at her shouting at him from the back of a swimming spider, then looking at the motor again, frantically pulling at the line to get it started.
“Stop doing that, you’re gonna flood it!” Emma shouted again. Killian stopped, and she leaned forward to talk to Neal. “You can take it easy if you want. He’s not going anywhere.”
Chuckling, Neal reduced his speed. The strokes through the water were slower now, but they felt more powerful.
Now that she knew she’d be getting her boat back, Emma breathed a sigh of relief. She leaned back on her hands against the spider-butt and rested in the sun.
Neal must have noticed. “You enjoying the ride?”
Emma nodded, but then realized that he couldn’t see her. “I figured I been on these glades every way you could be except over ‘em in a helicopter. Never thought I’d get to see ‘em on the back of a spider.”
“Do you like it?”
They were getting closer to Killian. His freaking out kept getting louder, probably because he could see Neal in better detail. Or maybe because he knew Emma was going to beat seven kinds of crap out of him for stealing her boat and running away without her.
“He is such a dingus,” she muttered. 
Neal chuckled again. “Listen,” he said. “If you ever wanna… find me again, I’ll try not to scare you next time.”
“Now that I know you, I don’t think you could scare me,” Emma said proudly. “But I might not be able to get out here again for a while. I’ll have to do a little hustle to get another phone. Plus, I gotta tell Hat Man I lost his camera. He might want me to pay for that too, so my weekends are probably gonna be booked.”
“Oh.” Was she crazy or did he sound disappointed? 
They were within spitting distance of Killian now. It was a weird thing, but Emma almost didn’t want to stop swimming with Neal.
“Here’s your boyfriend,” he said as he swam up to the boat.
Killian’s terror had gotten to the stage where he was huddled in the furthest corner of the boat, white faced and wide eyed. Over and over he whispered, “What the fuck?” 
Crawling off Neal’s back, Emma scrambled into her boat. Yep, Killian the pirate had run a ten-foot fishing boat into the only section of the Everglades that jutted up over the water. It was a miracle there wasn’t any damage  to the hull that would make them take on water. 
Neal was already swimming away, but Emma called out. “Don’t leave yet!”
He spun around. Was she crazy or had his eyes lit up?
“Can you do me another favor? Can you pull us away from this sandbar?”
Nodding, Neal grabbed the boat with his human hands. His hands and arms were the same weird color as his spider parts, kind of a muddy brown. The Hawaiian shirt covered his shoulders, but his chest was bare. Emma could see the muscles in his forearms. He looked… strong.
He swam out to a slough with the boat in tow. Killian looked like he was going to throw up. 
“Thanks,” Emma said when Neal let go. She wanted to say more, but she didn’t know what.
“No problem,” he answered. 
Treading water, all of Neal’s legs pumped like he was riding eight different unicycles. He bobbed up and down like a jellyfish. Emma got the feeling that he wanted to say more too.
“Jesus Christ,” Killian moaned. “Swan, can we please go home?”   
“Now you be nice to Emma, okay dingus?” Neal swam around to that side of the boat. With his human hand, he reached up and ruffled Killian’s hair. “I bet if she wasn’t such a nice person, she’d push you out of the boat and leave you here with me.”
“Jesus Christ!” Killian squealed. He crawled backwards away from Neal like a panicked rat.
Emma tried not to laugh at her friend. She needed to get him home before he started crying. She started the engine and began to motor away.
“Thanks again, Neal,” she waved. “I’ll see you around!”
He waved back. “I hope so.”  
Even when they got back to shore, Killian was still spooked. Emma had to talk him through every step of docking, even though they’d both done it a million times. At least they were able to sneak the Evinrude back into Penny's garage without getting caught. That was about the only thing that had gone right all day. 
 When they got back to the houseboat he lived in with his brother Liam, she plopped him down at his kitchen table. She put a cold beer in his hands and started to fry up some hot dogs for lunch. 
He just stared at the bottle. “What was that, Swan?” he asked. “What the fuck was that thing?”
Standing in front of the two-burner stove, Emma shrugged. “He says his name is Neal.”
“‘He’?” Killian repeated. His head fell into his hands. “‘He says.’ He talks? Swan, this is insane!”
“Sure is.” Secretly, Emma was glad Killian was freaking out. It meant she didn’t have to. She could be the reasonable one in the face of all this fucked up shit.
They ate lunch in silence. Emma hated the taste of beer, but there was a hard lemonade in the fridge and she helped herself. Once they were done eating, Emma threw away the bottles and the paper plates. Killian and Liam never asked her to clean up for them, but she knew that if she didn’t, the garbage would stay on the table for the better part of a month. 
“I gotta go see Hat Man,” she announced. “Better tell him now what happened to his camera.”
“I’m coming with you,” Killian said with more life than he had put into anything for the past hour. “I don’t want to be alone right now.”
Emma nodded, and they started walking. 
Geoffrey “Hat Man” Jefferson was the closest thing to an adult that either Emma or Killian trusted. He told them once that his family used to be rich, that a hundred years ago finding feathers for hats in the Everglades was a big business. His great-grandparents bought a lot of land and built a big fancy house on the water. Hat Man still owned the land, and he still wore fancy hats. But the big house had gotten flooded so many times no one could live there anymore. Now he lived in a trailer and spent most of his time getting high on magic mushrooms.
He was a pretty chill guy. Emma didn’t think he would get mad about the camera, but that just made her feel worse about losing it. Hat Man had done her a favor and she had fucked it up. 
Story of her life. 
When they got to the trailer, Emma and Killian found Hat Man and the usual group in the front yard by the road. It looked like they had taken the dining room table from the big house and set it up outside. All their friends were sitting in the dining room chairs, drinking from China teacups and saucers. Margot and Tilly were holding hands and singing to themselves. McLeach was drinking tea with his pinky up and his rifle slung over the back of his chair. 
The table was set with all kinds of pretty platters and bowls--though the menu seemed to be made up of whatever could be snuck out of a gas station convenience store. A red-headed kid named Oliver held out a crystal serving dish of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos to Dodger, who was using a pair of silver tongs to place them, one by one, on his plate. The lace tablecloth fluttered in the breeze and got tangled in the tall grass.
If these were Emma and Killian’s friends, maybe they weren’t actually good judges of what was or was not crazy.
Hat Man noticed them, and raised his teacup in greeting. “Salutations!” he called. “Far-flung comrades, come back to join us in the fold!”
Everyone at the table looked at them. Without anyone saying anything, they all moved around and adjusted their chairs so Emma and Killian could both have seats. Killian found refuge between McLeach and a girl named Vixie--though Vixie seemed a lot more interested in Todd. Todd was a new guy to the group, and had never lived away from his momma before getting dumped here. 
Emma sat down next to Hat Man, who handed her a three-level cookie tray loaded with Ding Dongs. 
“How mellifluous to see you on this fair day, Mademoiselle Swan! To what honor do I owe the occasion?”
Today Hat Man was wearing black tuxedo pants and a silk purple vest with no shirt underneath. The brim of his battered top hat shadowed his eyes, so Emma couldn’t see exactly how blasted out he was. It appeared to be a lot. 
 “Actually…” Nervously, Emma fiddled with her glasses until Hat Man, very gently, pulled them off her face and placed them into a glass pitcher of blue slurpee. 
“You see better when you don’t have stuff in front of your eyes,” he explained. 
“That’s true,” Tilly nodded from across the table. Unlike everyone else at the table, Tilly had drugs that she should be taking, but wasn’t.  
Emma actually saw much worse without her glasses, but that wasn’t anything worth caring about now. Even without them on, she still kept touching her face. 
“Hat Man, do you remember the digital camera you let me borrow?”
“I recall it with the utmost vividity!” he said. His mouth was full of a burrito that appeared to still be frozen.
“Well, I’m super sorry but, it’s gone.”
 He patted at his mouth with a cloth napkin. “Desiccation and decay is the way of all flesh, Emmy-wemmy. And all the goods we horde will crumble into dust or be swallowed by the somnambulatory sea.” He took off his hat and solemnly placed it over his heart. “Adieu, O photographic device of mine! May your memory be a blessing unto the next generation.” 
The only other person paying attention was Tilly. She had tears in her eyes as she nodded along with what Hat Man was saying. 
“So you’re not mad?” Emma said.
“Very mad, but not at all angry.” Jefferson took a burnt Pizza Roll off a silver platter, threw it into the air and caught it in his mouth. “What happened to it, anyway?”
“I…” she didn’t know how to start. “I wanna say you’re not gonna believe this, but I think you’re the only person who will.”
In hushed tones, she told him the whole story. The news article, the missing alligators, the island of gold thread--Neal. Hat Man listened politely, nodded and asked questions, but in the end he shook his head and said that the whole thing was poppycock.
“What?” Emma said. “But I saw the whole thing! And Killian was there, you can ask him!”
“Don’t be farcical,” Hat Man took a sip of… well, it was in a teacup, but it probably wasn’t tea. “How on earth could such a creature get here from Australia?”
Emma frowned. “I didn’t say anything about Australia.”
“Indubitably,” he said. Emma had no idea what he meant by that. “But Australia is the only place where I’ve ever witnessed such a creature before.” 
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hey may I request the slasher bois with an s/o who is a night owl who loves the darkness and can actually see in the dark thanks ❤
Sure! I’m a night owl myself 😅
So this should be interesting
((Okay edit...I’m so sorry I didn’t view it correctly after I finished writing it I had re read the ask and I was like 👀🤦‍♀️)) ((I hope you like this! Then again super sorry I’ll re write what you asked for and tag you on there))
Basically how I wrote reader was they were used to it kinda like they already been a night owl since young and got used to the darkness.
So sorry for that I still hope you enjoy!
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Michael Myers
All the lights were on in the house for what reason no one knows but that didn’t seem to matter at the moment as the two of you basically devoured one another on the couch. Michael on top running his hand down your thigh as you two continued to kiss one another.
He gave a hard squeeze to your ass causing you to squeak. He smirked at your reaction something about it drove him nuts. Him having full power over you made him feel powerful and he loved it!
He wanted to hear you scream out his name as come undone by him. Just the thought had him really going. His hand thraveled to the waist band of your pants only to stop as the lights went out.
Michael grunted. How dare the lights just ruin his fun and right when the good parts were about to begin. Now it was pitch black not a single source of light to be seen. He doubted you could see as there was nothing happening but he missed the smirk on your face as you could clearly see him.
“Aweeee..don’t tell me we’re finished now Mikey~”He looked at you wide eyed till he glared hearing that nickname. He growled felt you over not sure how you could see him. You smirked pushing him down on the couch straddling him. Michael didn’t like this new side of you or better yet the dominance you had over him.
Even though he couldn’t see you-you could see him and if looks could kill you’d be dead by now.
The darkness never fails you.
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Jason voorhees
It had been a normal day in the cabin lanterns lighting up the house in different corners of the cabin. You smiled as you cuddled up to Jason as y’all enjoyed reading a historical book. “You know this actually happened in real life!”
Jason looked at you before nodding he knew about the Alamo as his mom always educated him about the wars and other things that happened back then. You reminded him of this momma so sweet and kind never judging him for his looks or the fact that he murders teenagers that come around.
The winds started to pick up and blow the tiny fire that was in the little tube only source of keeping it alive. You shivered as Jason put his arm around you protectively and to keep you from getting cold. Jason himself was a bit cold but the jacket brought some warmth.
As the winds blew harder the lanterns started to go out one by one like in a horror film. Jason tightened his arm around you before you spoke up. “Jay..I need to turn the laterns back on”You said as Jason shook his head not sure if you even saw it. You chuckled before reassuring him you’d be fine plus you knew the cabin like Jason knew the camp grounds and woods.
As you got up you head towards some of the laterns turning only a few of them on bring some light source as you heard a thund behind you. You turned around only to see Jason on the floor with a knocked down machete and a few trinkets that were on shelves.
You laughed to yourself before helpping him up.
“I said I’d be okay..I can see you know”You said crossing your arms. Jason tilted his head not sure how someone can see in pitch blackness but wasn’t gonna question you. He believes you.
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Freddy Kruger
You sighed coming home and face planting on the couch throwing your purse in the process on the floor. You sighed as today had been stressful at you work today. A few rude comstumers and then your co worker just plain messing with you for who knows what.
Today just wasn’t your day.
You didn’t feel your self falling into the bliss of sleep as it was then plitch black and at the moment you didn’t care it was sort of peaceful. Nothing to bother you or so you thought..
Then there was a sudden laugher “well we’ll well what do we have here..”He said in this very low demonic voice. You looked around and it was as if you just woken up but you were in a boiler room filed with pipes.
“Hello?”You said as you looked around in confusion it wasn’t exactly dark but it was more or less dem. You looked around for the owner of that voice only to see shadows go by. “Hahahahahaha!!”
The voice laugh as you turned to you right to see a man in the shadows he was wearing a stripped sweater with long brownish pants with a gloved filled with knives. His hat tipped slightly his skin burned.
“Why are you standing in the shadows?”You said as he sorta of froze before smriking and appeared right in front of you. “Good eye there sweat cheeks~”
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Billy Loomis (Ghostface)
Nothing better than watching a scary movie right? Wrong.
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
“Uhmm..imma have to go with Scream..the first one”
The caller on the other end laughed agreeing it was a great movie. “Let’s play a game..”
You smiled as you sat down on the couch “What game?”You asked as the twirled your hand with the phone wire. The caller laughed before saying it was a horror movie quiz.
“Quiz huh?”
“What? I thought you liked horror movies”
“I do..I do”you said smiling waiting for the game to begin looking out the window as it was pitch black out there. You couldn’t help but notice that a man or shadow with a white mask like ghostface was outside moving around circleing your house.
“That wouldn’t happen to be you outside?”You said knowing horror movies all too well to be fooled. The caller froze. Not expecting you to notice him..he was ghostface the most stealthy.
You laughed “I saw you..”
Billy smirked this was going to be interesting.
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Bubba sawyer
Bubba was doing the regular helping draytom doing chores as Chop Top kept you company. “Y-Yea did ya hear that song they play on the r-radio today”He said as you knew what they were talking about. Stretch.
She was one of the radio people that work at the radio station. As much as you tried not to get jealous you just couldn’t help but feel that way. Bubba always had show his affection towards you but when stretch came on the radio he was lost in another world. “Yea I did”You said swinging your legs as you listened to chop top as he used his hanger to scratch his head.
“Me and Bubba had went to go see er today”He said as he moved around and danced with nubbins. “Oh yea?”You said trying to give your best smile. Chop top nodded before slowly walking towards you.
“You aren’t jealous are ya?”He said getting a little too close for comfort. “N-no..why would I be jealous”You said as you crossed your arms. Chop top smiled before jumping around repeating the words. “Your jealous.”
You rolled your eyes and couldn’t help but notice bubba staring at the radio. This made you frown. You sighed before jumping down from your high point and taking a walk threw the tunnels. This place sorta creeped you out but luckily the Christmas lights kept the place lit up. Or so you thought.
All of a sudden the lights flickered before completely shutting off. You looked around before shrugging and continued forward. The darkness was no match for you tbh...you could see just fine and the fact that the darkness kept you calm.
As you continued walking you heard worried squeals coming from behind you. You knew those squeals belonged to Bubba. “Bubba?”You questioned stopping in your tracks as you heard some bones falling down as bubba tried to find you in He darkness. You sighed and walked towards him “Hey..”You said grabbing his arm as he hurried turned around embracing you in a hug.
Bubba made sad sounds of which almost sounded like an apology. “You don’t need to be sorry Bubs..”you said running your hands threw his hair.
All of a sudden the lights finally came back on a reliefs sigh came from bubba. “I would have been okay..I could see”You said smiling as bubba did that cute head tilt his tongue slightly coming out. “Besides..I thought you would have still been listening to Stretch...”You said as bubba looked at the You confused.
“The lady on the radio”You said plainly but sadly.
Bubba rapidly shook his head making a few sounds as he hugged you before making a heart shape with his hands and pointing to you. He didn’t get it much but he knew what you meant. He couldn’t love anyone else but you. You smiled and kissed his cheek “Thank you bubba..I love you too.”
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Thomas Hewitt
Thomas and you had been working all day doing chores around the house and out in yard. Though these chores were intrupped by loud thunder and a few bright strikes of lightning. Luda Mae had already called y’all inside not wanting y’all to catch a cold.
Thunder storms were rare here..since it was always hot!!
Even though it was raining Luda Mae still passed out some cold Sweet iced tea. “Here ya go..drink up”She said as she handed everyone a glass. Monty and Hoyt were complaining about how chores didn’t get done but that didn’t last long before Luda Mae got on to them about the storm.
“It’s rainin outside! Now would boys hush!”She yelled in her country accent and not seconds later the power went out. “Great..”Said Monty as he looked around only to see nothing but darkness.
Everyone was looking around not knowing what to day but that wasn’t a problem for you though. “I’ll go turn the power back on”you said as everyone turned to your voice. “It’s pitch black..how in the heavens can you see”Luda Mae said as you shrugged “I’m just used to it”You said as you heard a sigh.
“Fine..but thomas goes with you I don’t want you running into things in the basement”She said as you nodded even though she couldn’t see you. “I think I should go too”Said Monty moving his wheel chair forward running over Hoyt’s foot. “Ow!! Dammit Monty!!”He Yelled as he dropped the glass cup shattering it.
“Hoyt!!”Luda Mae Yelled as she heard the glass shattered. You looked back before going into the kitchen to get the broom.
You swept up all the glass as everyone argued and threw it away as well as grabbing Thomas’s hand taking him with you to the basement. Tbh you don’t know why she had him go down there with you..he couldn’t see either.
Well you weren’t complaining..it was scary down here anyways. Once you found the breaker you flipped a few switches and the boom! The power was back on.
Thomas looked at you and you smiled at him “What?”You said as Thomas just shook his head. You chuckled before taking his hand again and taking him upstairs. Thomas had to admit he was a bit surprised you could in the darkness. The whole house was dark and yet you were the only one who could see now that impressed him..made him fall for you even more.
“Where’s the damn glass?!”Yelled Luda Mae with her hands on her hips. “I don’t know! It just vanished!”Yelled Hoyt throwing his hands in fustration. They kept agruing before hearing both yours and Thomas’s foot steps.
“Don’t worry I cleaned it”You said as everyone fell silent. “You couldn’t see in pitch black..”said Hoyt not believing it. You nodded your head as you told him to look in the trash. He tipped his hat before going to go take a look.
“Well I’d been damned”he said as he came back now seeing evidence since to him seeing is believing. Thomas Hugged you from behind as you smiled and leaned back into him. “Get a room”Said Hoyt as monty also commented only for them to get shushed by Luda Mae.
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It was a normal day in your apartment fixing some lunch for yourself and you sisters kid that you just so happended to be watching for her as she went out.
“You almost done!”Yelled Lucy as she held her good guy doll close to her watching the good guy commercial. You sighed and rolled your eyes “Yeeesss”You said trying not to get annoyed you didn’t mind watching for you sister but her child was a hand full.
As you cut the sandwich’s in half you made your way to Lucy who was sitting on the couch with her pink skirt and white shirt with a little cardigan. “Finally!”She says as he puts her good guy down and grabs the plate.
You watched as she ate before deciding to take a bit out of yours. “Hi I’m chucky! Wanna play?”
This caused you to stop as her good guy doll spoke out of nowhere. “Do they always do that?”You asked as Lucy looked at you . “Do what?”She said as she finished her first sandwich half. “Talk..out of nowhere”You said taking a bit out of your sandwich.
Lucy shrugged “I guess”She said as you furrowed you eyebrows staring at the doll. “Don’t stare! It’s not nice to stare! He doesn’t like it.”She yelled grabbing her good guy doll making a pouty face. “Who doesn’t like it?”
“Chucky”She said as she put the doll close to her ear acting as if he was talking to her. She then pulled him away saying that wasn’t nice and that’s a mean word to say. “Did chucky day something?” You asked as she looked at you.
“He said to keep your fucking mouth shut if you know what’s good for you”
“Lucy! That’s not nice!”
“I didn’t say it! Chucky did!”she said making you look at the doll. He was smiling having this creepy look to him. You sigh before taking Lucy to bed. As you tucked her in she held onto her good guy doll tightly telling him good night making you frown and question her.
As you left leaving the door open just a crack you walked down the hall that was nothing but complete darkness. You couldn’t help but feel that your being watched and hear little foot steps. You turn around to see nothing there as your eyes adjust to the darkness. “Lucy?” You said as you heard nothing and decided to speed walk where you see light in the living room.
All of a sudden you could hear running foot steps coming from behind you making stop for an unknown reason. “AAAAAAAAH”
You screamed as you saw Lucy’s good guy doll running straight towards you with a knife. “Get...AWAY!”You Yelled as you kicked him sending him flying.
“What the hell?!”he yelled as he didn’t expect you to see him. Sure you heard him but see him no..
“Damn..didn’t expect that”He said as you had already ran and turned on the lights facing him.
“The names chucky...but lady’s call me Charles”He said smirking. You stood there not knowing what to say. He snorted “what’s wrong..cat got your tongue”He teased.
It was true..cat really did have your tongue but at the moment you were lucky to be alive!
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
I’ve always imagineer that it is one of Mike’s biggest fears to not have The Gang (TM) not be real and it all was one big hallucination. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 poor boi
Hah, you don’t even know how many universes I have about this. It certainly terrifies him beyond everything, but he’s desperate to believe, because not only would him waking up mean that his delusions have reached a whole different level, but also that he’s absolutely incapable of connecting with real people. It’s scary to like people. It’s scary if people like him. There’s the constant threat that it will all be taken from him. Even worse if it might happen by his own hands. That he breaks something so important, so valuable, that not even his co-workers can forgive him. Sometimes he just feels like an untrustworthy animal. A feral monster. Though in an odd way he felt more connected to the animatronics- perhaps there was a place for monsters, where they weren’t- … well, where they at least weren’t unwanted. But yes, he never will be free of the worry. Of the fear. Because how do you prove what you see is real? How do you test if all your perceptions can be faked? Do you know if you’re a brain in a jar? Are you here right now? With me? Can you hear me?
When Mike woke up, he sucked in his breath panicked. Where was he?! What happened?! His mind was a fuzzy mess of static-y noises and missing memories. Quickly he shook his head, then looked from the left to the right, trying to figure out what exactly was going on- Doors, the screens, the cupcake, the fan- Oh. The fan was off. Quietly he flicked it on and felt a little bit better instantly as the cold air hit his face. Right. The nightshift. Everything was fine. NO WAIT IT WASN’T- Checking the doors, the awful grinning Chica stood in front of it, pressing herself against the glass. Waiting. Without even having to think, he pushed the button, causing the door to slam. Good god, how lucky he was that he hasn’t been gone too long- He couldn’t imagine what would have happened if the animatronics would have caught him sleeping- Did he ever fall asleep on the job before? … something was wrong. The temptation was there to go out and check on this feeling- But no, he wouldn’t let himself being baited into getting murdered. Hah, that would be FUNNY. No way. His brain was working as good as it always did, he was above this. He KNEW truth from his feverdreams. Finally, six AM. He was out. Or rather, he could relax while the animatronics retreated onto their respective stages. Mike stayed in the main area, playing around with the hats, waiting for the doors to open and his co-workers to enter. But they never came. He waited an hour, he waited the day, as the sun slowly sank down he got more and more worried. He attempted to call them- but nothing. Then finally he decided to go out- But where should he even seek? Did he KNOW where they lived? Seemingly not as he constantly ended up at the false places- he must remember something wrong- something was WRONG! But what was the guard to do? When the night approached, he returned back into the office, for another shift. There was no way he could just abandon the machines, they would hurt themselves- or others, then getting torn apart. Simon would come back right? Simon was his friend. He would return. He would come to look for him, right? If he couldn’t look for them, they would eventually return- Jeremy- Dave- Old Sport- ONE of them had to return eventually, right? Someone would come to tell him what happened! Time passed by. Mike wasn’t even sure how fast- every day pretty much the same. By now he had befriended the machines a little bit more, at least for during the day. The restaurant was breaking down, but thankfully the generator needed little to charge it up, the cameras and lights were all still fine. Hell, even the music did work still out. He felt a bit bad for the animatronics, as they slowly became more and more broken down- they still seemed to be in high spirits though. And still hunting him down heartlessly at night. Mike had stopped questioning that part. They knew he was their friend, at least during the day… he assumed there was some trauma related terror coming with the darkness, causing them to act out viciously. Fine. He could handle it. He was like them after all. Trying his best he attempted to maintain what could and keep the place at least SOMEWHAT clean, though he slowly lost the fight against the creeping plants and mold. But that was fine. Nobody ever came, even if he was sure that the doors were open. What could have caused the sudden shut-down? And were the other taken along? Maybe they had been sent to another location? But then- why not him? His thoughts were constant circles that were slowly driving him insane. He hoped for SOMEONE. SOMETHING. Hell, he was looking for secret doors, hoping for ANY HINT- Until one night, finally someone came. Mike was flicking through the cameras, rather bored as he heard something and quickly flicked until he found the one where there was unusual movement. The doors had opened and a group of teenagers had answered. He could hear their laughter and words, but those turned into distorted echoes, as they were send through the empty hallways. Glancing at the clock he realized it was shortly before midnight. Fucking hell- what for fucking IDIOTS! Rashly he grabbed his flashlight and made his way down the hallway. The poster changed as he passed them. Fuck, fuck, fuck, they were awake- When he arrived in the main place, where the teens had set up some alcohol and party lights, one even having put on a hat, he called out loudly- and admittedly, maybe a bit too harshly. “HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING HERE!?” The kids jumped, one falling straight from the chair. Frozen they stared at him and he frustratedly stared back. Seriously, what where they DOING here?! Suddenly, next to him was a noise of something dropping on the ground loudly. Snapping around he saw a girl standing there, a few broken cups to her feet. Suddenly one of them screamed out. “RUN!” And she didn’t hesitate anymore. “DON’T FUCKING DO IT- goddammit.” Mortified he looked at the stage- The head had turned. With a last glare at the teens he proceeded to follow her up. “IF YOU GO THERE YOU WON’T GET FUCKING OUT, YOU’RE AWARE OF THAT RIGHT? THOSE ARE A FUCKING DEAD END. EMPHASIS ON DEAD.” As fast as he could he rushed after her, but he was distracted as he heard multiple voices scream in the backroom, then scattering. “Goddamn kids- why aren’t they running OUT!?” The next generation seemed to seriously lack self-preservation instincts. Torn he stood on the spot, swaying- Then he rushed back. The animatronics were there- the danger was THERE. Rushing as fast as he could without crashing into any walls while taking corners, just to spot one of the teens being chased down by the laughing Chica. He wanted to go along, distract the animatronic, but quickly saw a silhouette in the darkness ahead- “HEY!” It ran off, moving into the office, making Mike realize what was going on. “YOU BETTER NOT CLOSE THAT DOOR, YOUNG MAN-“ The door was closed and locked and Mike could only stare in through the window, at the mortified person cowering inside, looking back at him. “OPEN THE DOOR! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING-“ The other side was still open and to Mike’s horror, a golden eye lit up behind the guy. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK- Desperately he pounded against the reinforced glass. “GET OUT! TURN AROUND! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?” The brown-haired teen kept his eyes locked on him, causing Mike to make a distressed noise and try to run the other way around- Not three steps and he heard an animatronic scream. Too late. There were other screams throughout the place, there was no time to dwell. Again Mike made his way around, attempting desperately to spot any humans- This was terrible, terrible, fucking awful! How would he tell the police about this?! How would the animatronics deal with hurting people who were almost children themselves!? WHY WASN’T HE DOING HIS JOB!? Hurry, hurry, hurry up. Make you can save SOMETHING. For ONCE. Hearing something he pressed himself against the wall, letting an animatronic pass that seemingly didn’t notice him. Out of breath he moved past the bathrooms and- Sobbing. Instantly he moved inside, hearing a muffled cry. The last of the teenagers cowered against the wall, the green eyes wide and terrified. “STAY- STAY AWAY FROM ME!” “Calm the fuck down!” Mike tried to reassure him. “I… I’ll get you out of here. But you NEED to calm down. You HAVE to-“ The boy threw something that Mike promptly deflected. “You’re a little bitch, you fucking know that? Maybe I SHOULD let you brats handle yourself” He turned to check on what it was that had fallen- His eyes met the ones in the mirror. Silver. Shining silver. An endoskeleton, with tiny white dots in their big black eyes stared back. A torch in its hand. A hat on his head. A little glowing badge on his chest. “What… what the fuck…” He stumbled back and the endo almost crashed into one of the stalls behind him- he could feel the door open against his back. Terrified his eyes wandered back to the kid. “That’s- that’s not real. That’s not me. THAT’S NOT ME-“ IT’S ME IT’S ME IT’S ME IT’S ME Before he could do anything more, the teen bolted past him and he lost his focus more and more. S Y S T E M R E B O O T Mike woke up at his desk, tired, with a headache. Fuck… what happened?! Something happened. Did he fall asleep?! Dizzy he stood up, looking outside of the black doors. There was noise of slow animatronic movement. Something was… off. Slowly he stepped outside, looking around. Chica was with the back to him, carrying something. A liquid of indistinguishable color dripped from whatever she was carrying- “… Chica?” She turned, then smiled, turning further to reveal her pizza. “Mike! So you finally came out! Took you long enough! Lazy butt!” Happily she laughed. “… you’re in a good mood… what is that…?” His head was HURTING. “Pizza, obviously.” “How did you make that?” For a second it was silent, then she tilted her head. “The ingredients you brought in…?” “Ah.” Suddenly he remembered. He went out today, buying groceries for this. Because Chica was whining so much. God, how could he have forgotten that? Friendly she signed him to come along. “Come!” “Can’t. Someone needs to clean up the damn sauce. You got it all over the fucking place.” She smiled sheepishly. “Sorry Mike… come, I’ll clean it up later, I promise.” “WILL you?” “Yessir!” She smiled. “Well…” “Eat with us, Mike.” The guard sighed and followed the machine into the darkness.
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camillemontespan · 5 years
oblivion [raleigh carrera] [part two: leap of faith]
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Part One if you want to catch up
Warnings: Discussion of drugs, near death
Fiona gave Raleigh the green light in the end. After their heated argument regarding Marina’s care, she threw her hands up and said, ‘Fine. Do it your way, look after her instead of sending her to rehab. I’ll just tell you I told you so.’
She stormed out of the room, rejecting phone calls from media outlets who were desperate to find out about the fallen popstar who lay asleep in the hospital bed. 
Raleigh sighed and slouched down onto the chair by the head. He picked up the TV remote control and turned on the television. The voices of newsreaders filled the room. 
‘Marina Cortez, the 25 year old singer who has dominated the music charts this past year, has been taken to hospital after a suspected drugs overdose,’ the news anchor told the viewer. ‘Please note, the following video images may be difficult for you to watch as they are graphic in nature.’
The screen then switched to a shaky video of Marina, lying comatose in a stretcher, being loaded into an ambulance. Paparazzi surrounded the vehicle and members of the public were taking photos on their phones, filming and shouting her name. Raleigh clenched his fists, wishing he could jump into the TV screen and beat them all to a pulp.
The screen reverted back to the newsroom. The news anchor turned to his co-host. ‘Katie, what do you think about this? She’s hit rock bottom, hasn’t she?’
The female co-anchor with a huge blowdry and face caked in bronzer nodded, trying to look sad. ‘Absolutely, Gerald. This is a far cry from the innocent girl we were introduced to on One in a Million. She is pictured falling out of clubs, screaming at paparazzi, wearing next to nothing.. It’s such a shame.’ 
The screen changed to a video of Marina in her car being surrounded by paparazzi. She was wearing aviator sunglasses and her black hair was pulled up into a messy bun. Raleigh knew she was wearing sunglasses because she was crying but didn’t want anyone to  know; it was a thing she admitted to him before they parted ways. ‘Move bitch!’ she was screaming at the camera. ‘Fucking move or I will run you over!’ 
The screen switched back to the blowdried newsreader and her Botoxed beyond belief male colleague. 
‘Hopefully, she will make it back to the nation’s good graces,’ Gerald said and that was when Raleigh turned the TV off in disgust. Why did Marina have to apologise? Why did she have to make the effort? THEY were the ones who destroyed her. The paparazzi were like rabid dogs, the fans were  relentless with their adoration and expectations for Marina to be perfect all the fucking time. The newsreaders who discussed her on their breakfast shows like she was nothing. They had made her into a commodity, forgetting that she was a person
She was a 25 year old girl from a tiny town in America. She had a little brother, Nico. She doted on her grandmother. She loved to read old books like Jane Austen and quote the passages to him. She liked going to football games. She loved her guitar. 
He rested his head in his hands, trying to hold himself together. 
Raleigh jumped when he heard the tiny, gentle voice beside him. ‘Hey Raleigh.’
He turned to see Marina looking at him, her eyes glimmering with tears. ‘Marina,’ he breathed, leaning down to pull her into a hug. His hand caressed the back of her head. She felt so small and fragile, like a little bird. He could feel her tears sliding down his neck. 
‘Shh, honey, it’s okay,’ he whispered. ‘You’re safe. I got you.’
Her voice came out like a choke. ‘I’ve really fucked up, haven’t I?’
All Raleigh could do was hold her. He resisted every urge to kiss her desperately, begging her for forgiveness. When they parted, Marina lay back down but her pinkie finger was hooked around his. Tiny contact, but still contact. 
‘You’re coming to stay with me,’ Raleigh told her. ‘I’ve cleared it with Fiona.’
Marina blinked. ‘Why am I staying with you?’
‘Because rehab clearly doesn’t work,’ he told her bluntly. ‘Plus I want to be there for you. I want to look after you, keep you safe-’
‘Why?’ Her voice was thick and she was looking down at her hands. ‘Everyone leaves me in the end. You left me. Why come back now?’
‘I’m so fucking sorry,’ Raleigh whispered. ‘I fucked up. I should never have left you in the first place. I promise, I’m not going to fail you again. I love you-’
He stopped talking. He hadn’t meant to say that. 
Marina looked up at him now, her eyes big and watery. They were red rimmed; god, she looked awful. She looked broken. 
‘How can you tell me you love me when you left me alone in the dark?’ she asked. ‘I needed you. I know it wasn’t  obvious at the time but I really fucking needed you.’
Raleigh caught her hands, making her stop. ‘I know. I was wrong. I just want to make this up to you. Let me help. Please.’ 
It was like arguing with Fiona again. He was exhausted from having to repeat himself. 
‘I heard you were on the way to the hospital and my heart stopped,’ he continued. ‘I thought this was it. I genuinely thought I was going to lose you.’ 
Marina was studying him now, wary. Raleigh persevered. ‘I knew that if I lose you, I’d never forgive myself. I have so many things I want to say to you, so many apologies, but nothing is going to change the fact that I abandoned you when you needed me most. I was selfish; I thought I was saving you by leaving, as I was the one who introduced you to drugs and everything else in the first place, but I realise now that I left because I was guilty. I could see you going down this dark path and I fucking knew it was my fault, so I left so I didn’t have to face the consequences.’ 
He sighed and looked down at the floor. ‘I was pathetic,’ he spat. ‘So, Marina, you being in this room right now.. It’s my fault. I’m so sorry. I got you into this mess so I’m going to get you out of it.’
The room was silent. Marina looked like she was going to cry again. ‘Rehab didn’t work for me,’ she whispered, finally. ‘What makes you think your methods are better?’
Raleigh smiled sadly. ‘Because I’ve been through this and my way works. You just got to take a leap of faith and trust me, Marina.’ 
Marina chewed her lip and looked conflicted. Raleigh worried that she would tell him to get out and take his knight in shining armor role with him. 
But she didn’t.
‘Okay,’ she whispered. ‘I trust you.’
Raleigh left Marina to sleep. Striding with purpose down the hospital corridor, he went through the staff only hallways and out of the staff exit. Still no paparazzi at this door, thank God.  Raleigh got into a cab and asked to be taken to his destination. 
Marina’s apartment was on a boulevard filled with palm trees and upscale restaurants. She had come a long way in the world. Raleigh let himself into her building. The doorman recognised him and let him through. 
Fiona had given Raleigh Marina’s key to the apartment. As he entered, he braced himself.  He hadn’t been here for months. 
The floor to ceiling windows in the  open plan living room/kitchen looked out over the LA skyline. Raleigh ignored the bottles of vodka littered on the kitchen island and he ignored the white powder that was sprinkled haphazardly on the glass coffee table.   He ignored the doorway to the bathroom where Marina had been found underwater
He found Marina’s suitcase in the dressing room and began to load it with clothes. Not her ‘famous’ clothes which consisted of crop tops, tiny dresses, high heels and ass grazing denim shorts. No. He picked out clothes that were comfortable; cosy oversized sweaters, cute t-shirts with slogans, jeans and suede boots. He found a scarf and hat. 
Where they were going, the weather was not constant sunshine like LA. Where they were going was so different, it was going to be like another world. 
Marina was discharged three days later after being kept under surveillance. Raleigh was waiting for her outside the hospital room, suitcases in hand.  ‘Ready?’ he asked. Marina nodded mutely and eyed the suitcases. 
‘You brought my suitcase?’
‘Yup. Packed it myself.’
Marina groaned. ‘Oh god, tell me it doesn’t have only bikinis and lingerie in it.’
Raleigh was about to protest but stopped when he saw her smiling. Good. She had a tiny bit of sparkle back. Marina took her suitcase and followed Raleigh as he lead her down the staff hallways. 
‘How bad it is outside?’ she asked. ‘I imagine they want to eat me for breakfast.’ 
Raleigh grimaced. ‘Not good,’ he told her honestly. ‘But there’s no photographers out this way so we should be safe-’
They weren’t safe. Paparazzi were crowded out the secret exit and waiting for a glimpse of Marina. Clearly, someone had tattled to the press that Raleigh had been using secret doors to get in and out.  Raleigh heard Marina whimper and he instinctively wrapped his arm around her, holding her close to him. ‘It’s okay, honey,’ he murmured. ‘Keep walking, the car is there.’ 
‘Marina! How are you feeling?’ one photographer shouted. 
‘Give us a smile!’
‘Are you and Raleigh back together?’
‘Pop’s bad couple reunited!’ 
Raleigh kept Marina walking, trying his best to get her past. He could see her bodyguard, Hank, striding through the photographers towards them, with his hand out. ‘Get out of the way!’ Hank hollered. Raleigh passed Marina to Hank, who was basically a 6’6 human shield. Hank protected her from the swarm and managed to get her inside the car, keeping her hidden from the flashes. 
‘Is she off to rehab?’ a photographer asked. ‘Surprised she’s still alive!’ 
Raleigh whipped around at that comment. ‘Who the fuck said that?!’
‘Raleigh, come on!’ Hank shouted, storming back to where Raleigh was being surrounded. ‘We don’t have time, get in the car.’ 
Hank grabbed him and hauled him to the vehicle, opening the door quickly and shoving him inside. Raleigh stewed on the thoughtless comment made by that photographer until he remembered he had more important things to deal with. He turned to see Marina with her head in her hands, crying quietly. 
‘Marina, shh..’ he whispered, gently wrapping his arm around her. ‘It’s okay, you’re away from them.’
She looked at him with her brown eyes filled with anguish and croaked, ‘I wish I had fucking died.’ 
Horror filled Raleigh’s heart. He pulled her into his chest, holding her tight. ‘Don’t you fucking say such things, Marina,’ he said. ‘I won’t stand for it. I’m so relieved you’re here. You’re alive and I thank God that you’re beside me right now. We’re going to fight this, okay? Where we’re going, media can’t follow. They can’t stalk you or scare you. You’re safe.’
Marina rubbed her eyes harshly and let out a breath. ‘Where are we going?’
Raleigh smiled. ‘Michigan. My mom’s place.’
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trans-rights-gastly · 5 years
[Posted without the ask attached like requested. Original ask HERE]
Eli played with the mint in his mouth. The branch chief had a strict ‘no food’ rule in place but he made an exception for things like small candies. Never gum though, he considered it not to be a snack but a toy with flavour.
The entire office was silent except for the silent humming of the computers and the occasional clicking of the branch chief’s pen. [Click Click] A habit, he had noticed.  Eli looked at the branch chief from the corner of his eye, a thing he caught himself doing a lot lately. Not because he was, as his co-workers would playfully tease him with, crushing on the guy but because Eli was bored. Occasionally he would imagine what kind of person would.. or should he say could, fall in love with someone like his boss.
The guy wasn’t handsome by any means and Eli wondered if he ever was. Even in old pictures he would occasionally see on a senior-employee’s desk or an old employee group photo the branch chief had looked almost the same; naturally skinny with a sickly skin and hair color.
If Eli had to call one thing of his boss handsome or beautiful it would’ve been his eyes. There was something about the icy blue of it that just stood out, especially against the backdrop of the rest of his boss. He wondered why he would hide them behind those coloured glasses. According to rumors, Eli himself wasn’t around to see it for himself, the branch chief always had worn glasses in weird colours, pink, yellow and now of course, green.
The odd shape of it made him look bug-eyed and even odder than usual. He was so lost in thought that he forgot he was staring but it wasn’t like the branch chief noticed. If he was working, he was working and not a single thing on this earth or outside of it would distract him from it, he’d only stop to click his pen and that was it. [Click Click]
Sometimes Eli entertained the thought of replacing himself with a bag of flower wearing a hat and a wig and just taking a paid day off, the guy probably wouldn’t notice the difference anyway. However he never did. He was so close to earning that promotion and he really could use the money. Aether was far from the worst job as it was safe, clean and it paid well. Which was good news considering that he was the sole breadwinner in his household. So if the boss needed a sucking up to, he was there. Not because he like the guy, no far from it, the guy was an asshat, but because flattery gets you everywhere.
He would offer to get lunches, to come in earlier and already boot up all the PC’s, to be close to him so that if he ever needed anything- he’d be there in less than a minute. It was soul crushing, but Eli know he was close to get his reward. Lately whenever, he did something well, he would notice a faint smile on his boss’ lips, a genuine smile, not the creepy one he would sport for events and tours.
The sudden voice halted his train of thought right away. “Huh- I mean, yes branch chief?” Eli had made a habit of calling his boss by his full title, a thing that earned him lots and lots of points and would always pay off.
“Do you ever think about leaving this place?” The fact that he didn’t get an ear meant that his first response was deemed good enough.
“No, sir. I love it here.” Another rehearsed response. Sure, you were free to leave and go do something else but that’s not what his peers wanted to hear now, was it?
“Good, very good. Because see, there has recently been a job opening- It’s still within the wonderful foundation but it’s higher up and of course that means.. higher pay.”
For a split second Eli wondered if his boss rehearsed this as well but he shook it off, he worked for this and he had earned it. He never made fun of the guy and even protected him. He needed this promotion and he deserved it! “And you are telling me this because…” He dared not finish the sentence himself, afraid that he may mess up.
“Because I consider you a worthy candidate.” [Click Click] Eli felt his inside become warm and bubbly but he contained himself. An employee must always be prim and proper, that was the rule. “I- Thank you, sir. I do not know what to say.” “If you say yes, you can start tomorrow.” [Click Click]
The next day Eli arrived even earlier than he usually did. He shifted his weight from his one leg to the other and was looking forward to wearing a different uniform from now on. This one was tight and a little too revealing to his tastes.
A cold finger suddenly poked his neck which made Eli jump a little. He turned around ready to confront his attacker when he saw it was his boss. He wondered how it was possible for the guy to have fingers THAT cold while wearing gloves.
“Branch Chief..! You scared me.” Eli had not hear him walk in at all, one would think that wearing golden plated heals would make you less stealthy but the branch chief proved otherwise.  
“Apologies!” He threw his hands up in the hair like he genuinely meant it. Eli had worked for him for almost 6 years and never heard him apologise, not just to him but to everyone the branch chief talked to. It was always THEIR fault. “Also please, call me Faba.” He said with a grin that would make a cheap cartoon villain jealous.  
“Come now, can’t be late to your first day, now can you!” There was a weird hint of excitement in Faba’s voice. Deep down there was a voice within Eli telling him to run, just run and never look back but he ignored it.
[Click Click].
And then it was gone, the entire feeling of anxiety and nerves, just gone. Was it really so weird for Eli to think that his boss was genuinely happy for him? Of course he was happy, he was his protege! With a spring in his step he followed the branch chief to the elevator and watched him punch in a code he never saw before.
“You’ll be working a little deeper down than usual. It gets a bit clammy because it’s below sea level but otherwise you won’t even notice the difference!”
The elevator went down for what felt like almost 20 minutes when it came to a stop. Eli never knew that this was under the surface.. He couldn’t wait to tell the others about it.
He couldn’t believe what he saw, to the left and right of him were huge thick doors that seemed impossible to open. He thought about the fire safety drill they had to do once a month and how this was absolutely not fire safe. He kept looking around till he slammed into Faba who had come to a sudden stop and got a facefull of hair.
Faba was almost a head shorter than him and landed face first in the little tuft of hair on the top of his head. “I.. I’m sorry..” Eli braced himself to be scolded, to be told to turn around and hand in his letter of resignation but to his surprise the branch chief just smiled.
“I should have told you I was stopping. My bad.” Eli now noticed that Faba had taken his glasses off, icy blue eyes looked at him like he was wounded prey and [Click Click]. Actually scratch that. It looked fine. Pretty even.
“So this is where you’ll be outfitted, you have to look the part. Presentation is everything.”
Eli nodded. He was not going to mess up again. If the branch chief told him to jump he would ask how high.
“I’ll leave you to it! Privacy is also important.” And with that Faba turned on his heels and left the room, the thick and heavy doors slamming shut behind him.
Eli looked around and found a locker with his name written on it in neat handwriting. Like Faba had said there was an outfit waiting for him. A lab coat that looked like a simple version of the one faba was wearing, some new looser pants and new shoes and gloves with a golden rim.
He changed faster than he ever did and looked at himself from all angles and decided that he looked good.
Eli smiled and felt amazing, this paid off. Finally he could do more in life that just work. Now he could spoil the people at home, maybe take them to vacation. Kalos is nice this time of year and-
He swallowed hard, did he hear a voice? It wasn’t the branch chief voice, that was sure. He held his breath when he heard it again, a faint voice yelling for help. It was so far away but it was human and in panic.
“Hello..?” The word barely escaped his lips and he only now realised how dry his mouth was. Eli scanned the room and saw an air vent, a few inches above the floor. He got to his knees and put his ear next to it.
His stomach turned. He heard something that he could only describe as soup falling to the floor, it sounded wet but with stuff like noodles in it, the screaming slowly faded away.
Eli brought his knees up to his chin and wiped away the tears that had formed in the corner of his eyes. Maybe… Maybe he heard wrong. Maybe it was something else. The foundation.. it helped people and Pokemon alike. Maybe someone was watching a movie, but it sounded so real.. He should tell the branch chief or his new co-workers.. Wait- did he ever see someone wearing the outfit he was wearing right now?
“Already tired?”
Eli jumped up, equally happy to see a familiar face but terrified from what he just heard.
[Click Click]
His heartbeat slowed to a normal pace again and he exhaled. “I’m.. I’m so sorry, branch- I mean Faba. I just thought I heard something and it scared me.”
Faba looked at him, icy blues piercing directly into Eli’s soul and that smile… It seemed to go from ear to ear with slightly crooked teeth that looked weirdly sharp in this kind of light.
“Oh that.” And that was apparently all he was going to say on the topic. “I returned because I forgot something important. See, you’ll be working in a place that is a little… let’s say more dangerous than your old job so you need to be wearing this!” Eli looked at the box Faba was holding, it was neatly wrapped, like a present but Faba seemed way more excited than he was.
He carefully unwrapped the box and looked inside. It was a helmet. A weird one, with a mouth piece that looked like a modern gas mask and a golden vizor that covered the entire face.
“Tadaa!!” Faba was giddy like a mom who bought her kids that new gaming console when she said she wouldn’t. “C’mon, put it on!” He guided Eli’s hands towards the helmet and helped put it on.
“Thanks..” He realised his words were slightly slurred a thing he wanted to apologise but before he could a sharp pain like a knife stabbing his brain shut him up.
Eli started to panic and had trouble breathing, he fell to the floor and tried to pry the helmet off but it seemed tighter now.
[Click click]
Eli felt his body relaxing. Was it his body? Whose body was it? Who was he? His name, what was it again? Eli… E…? Wait how did he end up here? There was someone there, through the golden vizor he could see two icy blue circle looking at him and he felt a hand patting him on the shoulders.
“There now.” That voice.. who was it’s owner again?
“My name is Faba.” [Click Click]
“I’m your boss and you are here because I saw potential in you. You are such an obedient little one aren’t you? Always showing up on time, always using my correct title like the good boy you are.”
Was he being spoken to like a pet? Was he a pet? Was he human?
“I need you to Listen to me.” [Click Click]
Okay, listening. He could do that.
“See they aren’t all so wonderful as you are and they’ve become.. difficult. Would you be a dear and show them out, please?” [Click Click]
“I need them in little pieces, it’s easier to dispose off.. Now they may plead with you, beg you and even fight you but I know you will Listen to me and do as your told.”
The other person who called himself Faba reached out a hand and pulled him up.
“Be good.. and I may even give you your name back.”
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heavensmortuary · 5 years
So like this is the thing I made for my co-op thing, and its a blurb of the thing I'm writing! You don't have to read it if you don't want to, I'm just putting this out here ^^
This Is Where I Leave You
“This is where I leave you,” he said, “I won’t go farther.” The boat knocked against the algae-slick stairs, their corroded metal rattling the entire front of the building. I thanked the man, gave him his money, which he was careful to count before I stepped off into the rusty water, which gave up its sharp metallic scent. The archway reminded me of a whale’s mouth carved right into the grotto wall, sucking in the metal steps in its endless search for nourishment. I would be its next meal, a sacrifice perhaps. My boots clanged on the steps I began my ascent upward, and I heard the man gathering up the oars to take off, their wood clacking against the boat, shaking off the frost that had collected there. 
    His last words burned at something in my mind. I turned, ”Why won’t you go in? What should I expect inside?” He raised his bushy eyebrows, worked his mouth looking for an answer. Then his face cleared, and he sighed.
     “That’s just the thing; call me a coward, but I don’t know what’s inside.” He dipped an oar into the water, pushed off from one of the submerged steps. He tipped his wide hat sympathetically. “Luck be to you.” And with that, he waved kindly, and settled into a slow, soft paddle. 
    I watched him drift away, and the farther he went, the closer the fear I’d choked down so long came. I discovered that my hand had become rigid with the cold where it clenched the metal railing as I headed forward, and it left a handprint burned onto the metal. The door at the top was wooden, streaks of green moss in its sodden wood like verdant scabs in its grain. For some reason, my mind had conjured up the idea that there would be some sort sign, perhaps saying something like, “Beware, turn back!” or “Death awaits all who enter here.”, but there was nothing, just a brown wooden door. A rusted doorknob was fused into it, and it might have had some sort of intricate pattern etched into it at some point. There were no locks, unless the rusted hinges counted. I turned the handle, and when that gave way to nothing, I threw my body against it, teeth clacking together with the impact. No time for hesitation. It shuddered, then fell open, nearly tossing me inside.
    Dark. The deep sort of shadow that ate the light it touched, the kind that moved of its own accord, not the light’s. I recognized this sort of darkness, and my mind screamed that I would not step into it. I would have stepped backward, back down the steps, and slipping into the freezing rusty water, would have rather swam back to shore than let it swallow me. But there was the smell of must, of decay. It was like forgotten rooms, and that meant that something was there at least, and that I must go in. Giving up to fear would defeat me far worse than anything the cavern could hold, and so I stepped inside, sticking one foot tentatively out in front of the other. Maybe this was the sign to turn away others.
    The open doorway didn’t light up any part of the abyss I found myself in. It was a glowing portal, a means of escape, nothing more. Ahead was…nothing. The floor was smooth, like frozen glass, but it made no sound even as my steps faltered, no matter how heavy the foot fall. My lungs burned with the cold air inside, thick with the scent of stirred dust that had been undisturbed for decades, or longer, the kind that stuck to the roof of your mouth. Step step step step, silent except for my breathing, which sounded weak and horribly clamorous at the same time. Walking used to calm my nerves during particularly bad days, and I replayed this mindset for this situation, to steady my heartbeat. Minutes ticked off with each step. Was I getting closer, or farther? My arms flailed around. Were there walls? I turned my head in the direction I hoped was back, or to my right, and just saw the pinprick star of the doorway. I kept walking forward, away, keeping my head turned. Step, step, step, step. And the star was gone. A sudden feral fear gushed within me as soon as my brain registered its disappearance, screaming at my mistake. It was gone. I spun around, ran back towards the vanished star, but it didn’t return, didn’t emerge from hiding. Where had it gone? Where was the doorway? I felt tears rise up, burning, but I didn’t care. I was suffocating in the darkness. My hands grasped my head, shaking involuntarily, each limb invisible to me and detached. I couldn’t see my hands, or anything. The darkness absorbed me, and now I was a part of it, indistinguishable from any other part of it. My legs ran into nothing. Was this what the lost god felt like, running around until it became mindless wandering? I ran, not knowing if I was up or down or neither, and when my breath was gone I would soon blink out. 
    Slam! The rip-slash pain raced up my nose. My face became full of splinters, and I was never more grateful. A wall! I scratched at it like a trapped rat, felt along the rotten wooden surface.  A door had to be in here, the impossibly large room. My fingers numbly sought for hinges, a knob, a space, anything. Something in the wall softened, creaked with the press of a finger. Feeling along the wood, it gave me nothing to find, except for a low whistle behind the soft patch, like wind sweeping over stones.  My ear pressed against it, ignorant of the splinter stabs. Crunch, and then a splitting sound. I fell through the wall, and a sudden warmth washed over my body, as did sudden light. 
     I cried with relief, let the tears wash away any remaining shadow from my body and clothes, pulling clumps of dust out of my hair. There was a ragged hole in the blue painted wall where I had toppled through, dust motes drifting out of it. I had made my own doorway. I had escaped. 
     Standing, I took in my surroundings. It was a hallway, one end behind me stretching into the dark, the other glowing with warm light. The whistling sound was louder here, and above I saw that the ceiling was made of white cloth, rippling with a current of air blowing right over my head. It reminded me of a sail. It was warm. I ran toward the light, turning around the twists and angles of the hallway, and the farther I ran the less the musty smell clung to the walls, the light leeching it out, and soon I had to squint.
    I stumbled into a large room, blinded by a great orange light that enveloped it. As I blinked, adjusting to the sight, I noticed one thing. The smell of fruit, just the tang. It was light, just a whiff, but it was just enough to faintly taste. Raineaku. I remembered sharing quarters of the peach-like fruit with the other kids in the my group after our work was done, a bit of rare peace on cool evenings. The memory was pleasant, but it caught me up. Why that specific scent? 
    The brightness had settled on everything, and I found myself not in a large room, but at the foot of a huge staircase. Each step filled the length of the room, and led upwards, until I couldn’t see the top, just it continuing onwards and onwards. The orange light dappled from the cloth-like ceiling, now woven with red and orange and yellow curtains, creating a dazzling effect, a display of the light upon the red glass floor. I started the climb, not knowing whether the stairs led to the final room, or endlessly, but I wouldn’t mind either one, lost in the wonderland of warmth and light. I pressed a hand on the wall, and jerked back, and gazed mouth open. The walls rippled with green and orange, smooth to the touch, almost like a peach skin, and the ghost taste of the fruit played on my tongue. Was it because I had just remembered it? I shook away the thought. I had heard of places that change depending on the person within it, but why here? The brilliant light swooped from the enormously high ceiling, rippling on my body as if I were underwater, some kind of open jawed fish.  
    As I climbed, I began to find that the floor began to soften as my legs tired, each step shifting from red glass, to red carpet. The walls began to change as well. My fingers brushed the waving walls, which changed into soft fabric to a silk-like texture, but this never changed the way the walls felt was if they were holding back water on the other side. The light above shimmered away into purple, and I was in a berry-colored gloom, and then I wasn’t. I was standing at the door at the top of the stairs. There was a circular door, quite regular looking despite its shape. I touched the door knob, shocked by how cold it was compared to the stairway’s humid atmosphere. 
    I said a quick prayer, I breathed out, tightened my grip, and twisted it, hearing a soft ringing inside the door as if hundreds of tiny locks were undoing themselves, and then it opened, quietly, with a soft whisper of a puff of air that escaped. Something black pooled around my boots, seeping from the doorway, sickly sweet, sickly thick. It stuck to them as I picked up my foot to inspect. “Are you afraid?” 
    I froze, a chill clinging to my back as I straightened. Something spoke in the room, something with a voice that gurgled like oil bubbled in its throat, choking. “I ask, again, are you afraid?” I heard something move, like cloth being pulled through runny tar.  The goo ran down the red steps, ink splashed carelessly on a painting. 
    “No, I’m not.” I lied. Whatever it was, it moved just out of sight, and it cast a shadow in the shadow. “Are you the lost one? Do you need help?” Please say no. Please say no. I clenched up my fists, ready to swing if it attacked. I couldn’t help feeling slightly angry at its taunt. Instead, a hand, very human-like, melted out of the darkness and extended out of the doorway. It’s slimy fingers unfolded, and a small square object glowed in its palm. The key, stuck to its palm.
    “Pull me out of this place, and I’ll unlock the Haven. It’s been a long, long time, hasn’t it?” I heard a fake smile in the voice, a deceiving grin. It reminded me of people that liked to watch people bleed.
    It was too easy, too believable. I stepped back and it slugged forward, the sound of its mass detaching from a wall, peeling away. A clear threat. Its side of the door had nothing to grab to exit. How long had it been stuck there? “No, I think you’re fine where you’re at. Can you just toss me the key? I need it.” Wrong words. Foolish words.  It gurgled, its imitation of a laugh, or maybe a growl. And then it surged forward, quick, and I threw myself down the stairs, rolling over and over, a bird lighting from a snapping maw, until I could hear nothing but the gentle air whistling overhead, and the creak of a door at the top. 
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dead-inside-mcgee · 5 years
Controlling a marionette Part 1
Co-written/edited by @blog-griffin-me
Summary: Just a normal day at Septic Inc.
All Chase could see was the faint outline of the walls and the area of floor before him; illuminated by a light coming from seemingly nowhere. It was right to call this place the void. The only thing that could be heard was the erie ticking of a clock on the wall; other than that even his own heartbeat was silenced.
 Is this what it was like for Henrik all that time? Deafening silence, except the clock reminding him of the passing time. Even after only being here a few hours Chase understood why the doctor hadn’t wanted a say a word about this place, and he wasn’t in even the worst of it yet.
 There was a figure in front of him, standing in the shadows past the light. He wasn’t sure if they’d just shown up or it they’d been here the whole time.
 “Who are you? Speak!” Chase cried.
 There was more silence until a voice cut through the darkness. It didn’t sound human, more like a cheap text-to-speech robot. It only added to the creepiness.
 “Chase Brody,” they, no it said. “It’s so good to see you.”
 “What the fuck?”
 “Language.” No emotion or anything in it’s voice.
 “What are you? Do you work for Anti?”
 “Ha ha ha,” it laughed, sounding even more robotic. “Guess I played the character too well.”
 It threw something into the light. A detailed puppet, strings and all. Even though Chase had never seen the demon the others called Anti, he recognized the puppet.
 “Wh-a what?” Chase was dumbfounded.
 “I was hoping to make the doctor part of my collection, sense he needed a friend,” Another dry laugh, “but I got too wrapped up in toying with him that I didn’t notice the days passing by.”
 “You sick fuck!” He screamed loud enough that it hurt his throat.
 “Didn’t I say something about language? We ought to shut that mouth of yours.”
 For a split second he could see the light reflect off of something. A sewing needle.
 A spool of thread landed on the floor in the light and he could hear the snip of scissors.
The ticking of the clock got noticeably louder then it stopped. The sound of static filled the void and there was a loud sound similar to a whip being cracked.
 The clock bagan ticking backwards at an increased speed.
 Negative three hours, eight, ten. Days went by backards.
   T̨h̶͡ r̶ ̡͝ ̡͜ ̀ e̸̢͠e̕ ̢ ̴̡ ̨͝͝ ́ ̴҉̕d͠͏a ́͜ ̡͢ ̨ ̨̨́ y̧͞͠ş̀͢ ͢͠ear ̢̧l̀ ͠ ҉ ̕͘ie̛r ̴͜
There is an old saying, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Well it’s bullshit. Well only half-bullshit.
 Chase has been in many a long distance relationship, and he can tell you “Out of slight, out of mind,” is more fitting. That is until someone you’ve relied on for so long suddenly goes missing. Then it’s more like “I haven’t seen you in nine months and if I saw you now I’d hug you and never let go.”
 The the moment Chase was stapling missing posters to every phone pole, tree, wall, bench, and anything else he could. Three months ago the police told him it was a loss cause. Two months ago Marvin took the sign off of Henrik’s door marking it was his. Even after that Chase refused to let him move anything inside the room.
 It seems silly to have gone to the police. Everyone knew who took Henrik and the police would be no help getting him back. It was most likely a spur of the moment thing, maybe to give everyone a slight bit of hope before it came crashing down.
 The only other person who hasn’t given up hope yet was Jackie, or Greyson, his actual name. He would swoop around the city everyday searching for any sign of him. He still somehow kept a smile even when it came to delivering the news that there was no sign of him.
 It was nice though, even though Henrik’s disappearance tore everyone else apart, it seems like the two of them have gotten even closer. Guess that’s the weird thing about tragedies, sure life sucks but you still got to live it.
 He’d finished putting up the posters and was heading back home to Septic inc. when through the glass door he saw an old timey man standing around, looking a bit lost.
 “Need a hand, or a guide?” he asked, letting himself in. The man jumped and stumbled a bit.
 The stranger, most likely a new ego since no one else could enter this building, wore a white button-up shirt and a black vest over it. He also wore black dress pants and shoes and his right eye was slightly darker shade of blue than his left. He also had mint green hair and a bowler hat.
 “You new here?”
 Marvin also appeared in a the doorway, looking tried and a bit disheveled. He brightened up at the stranger.
 A black-and-white slide appeared in the stranger’s hands, reading: “I am new. I am not sure how I got here.”
 “Cool slides. Are they magic or something?” Marvin asked, examining them closer.
 The slide changed. “Magic? I don’t know, I can just summon them without much thought. I use them to communicate.”
 “Cool, bro!” Chase winked, giving awkward finger guns.
 “You got a name or do you just wanna be Dapper man?” Marvin jokes.
 The dapper stanger looks almost offended for a split second, or maybe it was just Chase overreacting. Next second he’s smiling again and the slide says something different.
 “Jameson Jackson. Pleased to meet you!” He holds out his hand, holding the slide in his other.
 “Marvin. And this is Chase.” He tips his cap at his name.
 “Why don’t I take Jameson here on a tour. Greyson’s waiting for you on the roof,” Marvin said, grabbing the newer ego by the arm.
 “Alright, just don’t freak him out,” he replied, noticing a slight look of distress on the dapper ego’s face.
 “I won’t.” The magician gave him a sinister smile that didn’t help Chase’s paranoia.
 With that the two disappear through the doorway Marvin just appeared from, pushing the button on the elevator first.
 On the roof, standing at the edge stood a man in jeans and a bright red hoodie. The hood was down relieving a head of grass-green hair and a blue mask.
 “Grey!” he called, a grin forming on his face. The man spun around a grin also painted on his face, but weaker.
 “So I’m guessing no new news?” The man’s expression drops and he turns back towards the edge.
 Chase would step closer but he doesn’t trust himself not to tumble right over the side. It’s only a three story drop to the ground, so he could survive but who’s gonna take the chance.
 “It’s been almost ten months and still not even a ransom note or something!” He draws in a long, shaky sigh.”I’m thinking… what if An- you-know-who didn’t take him and he just left.”
 Chase felt like he was just stabbed. For a second the tumble to the ground didn’t sound so bad.
 “How could you say that! Henrik would never do that, and even if he did he would’ve told someone or left a note!” He had to stop himself from going into an angry rant.
 Greyson held his hands up in defence. “I know, I know. It was just a theory, he would’ve also taken some of his stuff as well.” He audibly gulped and wiped the sweat from his brow.
 “I’m just saying,” he continues looking down at the street, “that if you-know-who did take him, he would probably be de-” he suddenly cuts off, his eyes growing wider.
 “I know he could be dead right now but you can’t really be giving-” Greyson punches him lightly and frantically points at someone below, stuttering to get anything out.
 There on the sidewalk, marching forward like he was hired to kill ironman, was Henrik Von Schneeplestein in the flesh. From here he looked normal but they could see large purple marks peppering his skin.
 They scramble for the elevator before silently deciding the rush down the stairs. They made it to the bottom just as Henrik opened the door.
 His eyes were bloodshot, his nails and hair long and dirty, his coat torn to shreds, his glasses cracked, overall he looked close to passing out or just straight up dying on the spot, yet he still held himself up.  
 They were too stunned to speak. He wasn’t sure when, but at some point tears started spilling from Chase’s eyes.
 Greyson moved forward to hug him put he raised his arm up to stop him.
 “I’m sorry, I’d love to hug you but if I do my legs will give out or I’ll start bleeding again.” He hissed with pain just from moving his arm. It was taking a lot of energy and concentration just to keep from falling over right now.
 “It’s been nine months,” Greyson squeaked, barely a whisper. He himself felt like he was about to pass out, he’d already joined Chase in crying.
 “I’m aware.” Nine months of seemingly being tortured and he’s still a smart-ass. Chase could help giggling a bit, which soon dissolved into full on laughter.
 Greyson soon joined him and so did Henrik, but for him it turned into a coughing fit. There was blood on his hands and none of them were sure if he coughed it up or if a cut on his hand reopened.
 “There’s a new guy isn’t there?” the doctor asked.
 “How did you know about that?”
 He didn’t respond, instead he pushed pass them and stepped into the hallway. The two glanced at each other before following.
 Right as they stepped in, Marvin rounded the corner holding onto Jameson. Jameson was holding his hand over his right eye. Chase could see blood soaking through his fingers.
 “Jackie! Chase! Henrik?!!” the magician panted. “I ah- wait- I didn’t. Henrik!”
 He let go of the dapper man and stared dumbfounded.
 “Marv,” he stated quietly, his voice cracking.
 The magician swooped him into a hug without a second thought, forgetting the newer ego clearly in need of some help.
 “I umm.” He clears his throat. “I thought you were dead.” Tears ran down his face.
 “I thought I was dead to.” The doctor mumbled, barely a whisper, before he fell apart and collapsed into Marvin’s arms.
 Jameson on the other hand was looking more and more antsy. He tapped on Marvin’s shoulder and another slide appeared.  
 “Hate to break up whatever’s happening here but I have a little problem.” The slide floats as he points to his eye.
 “Oh right. Ah, Chase! Jackie! Take JJ here to the hospital wing and have Dr. Septiceye patch him up,” Marvin commanded.
 “Doctor who now?” Henrik groaned.
 “Not important right now,” he hushes, carrying him off to his room.
 As much as they want to stay with the doctor, Jackie and Chase obey and lead Jameson up stairs.
 Chase had only ever been the the hospital wing once after Henrik’s disappearance and that was just to show Dr. Jack Septiceye around. Now it looked nothing like the old E.R. Henrik ran.
 Everything had been replaced, everything that made the room homey, everything that made the room Henrik’s. The cozy pull-out couch that he would sleep in often was replaced with another hospital bed and the vintage wooden desk was replaced with a cold, metal, new one.
 Just opening the door to this place sent a shiver down the father-of-two’s spine.
 Dr. Septiceye himself was currently hunched over said desk. He was trying to look like he was doing work, but from what Chase knew about the man, he was probably doing a coloring sheet.
 Greyson cleared his throat and the “totally-real-doctor” spun around while stuffing whatever paper he was working on under a pile of other papers.
 Chase smiles half-heartedly, guestering to Jameson’s problem.
 “Ah, yes leave him over there.” He points to a hospital bed, not seeming too interested in doing his job.
  They comply. The doctor sighs before getting up and grabbing some disinfectant and bandages.
 “Can you tell me when and why your eye started bleeding?” he asks, carefully cleaning the blood off his hand and face with a small cloth.
 The dapper ego shook his head.
 “You two can leave,” he says offhandedly.
“Today's been pretty chaotic hasn’t it?” Greyson asked. The two were now sitting back on the roof, Greyson with his feet dangling over the edge of the building and Chase sitting a safe distance away.
 “It most certainly has.” He lets out a deep, tired sigh.
 “Something up?”
 “I just… feel like I should be a bit happier about Henrik returning and JJ showing up, but instead I’m just scared.”
 “Scared? How?” The hero scoots a bit closer to him.
 “Now with Henrik back you-know-who is going to try and get him back or attack JJ here and…” he trails off, putting his head in his hands.
 “I might have a solution!” Marvin said, appearing from seemingly nowhere.
 “Solution? What do you mean?” Greyson asks. The two of them now standing up.
 “Well I can’t put my idea into effect till tomorrow nor can i really explain without it sounded really bad, but with a bit of magic I can get us some help.” He twirls his finger in the air. “Of course I’ll need one of you to help me.”
 Chase and Greyson glance at each other before either of them spoke.
 “I’ll help you out. Grey’s gotta do hero work anyway.”
 Marvin clapped his hands together. “Alright, meet me at the cemetery tomorrow at eleven a.m. sharp.” With that he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
 “D-did he say the cemetery?”
 Greyson noded.
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Special Agent - Special Love || Daniel Howell
A/N: this is a little bit unusual but I think it’s really intresting so intresting even that I’m considering to write more parts but only if you want that! this was again requested, big thank you for that! 
Word Count: 1.9K
POV: Reader
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“Agent Wolf, we need you to work together with Special Agent XY” The grand boss and organiser of our team explained to my dark haired colleague, speaking with a deep and powerful voice.  
“Why can’t I do it on my own?” Dan protested, visibly repelled by the idea of working with me.
“This task requires two people, if you can’t do that we will find an agent who will.” Our boss said sternly as he looked at him.
Howell and I had worked together before briefly in the past, but that was years ago when I had just started to work for the MI6.
Lets us just say that we didn’t get on very brilliantly and therefore also didn’t form the greatest team. We had one big mission during that time. We had to storm a building along with 10 other agents. Since I was a newbie Dan’s main job was to look after me, but I ended up saving his life by shooting a guy that stormed towards him from behind. Agent Wolf, the greatest man the MI6 could offer, was saved by a young woman, who was just a trainee. We barely spoke ever since, exchanged a few cold glances whenever we saw each other and had a few disputes during some briefings.
This was the first time that we had been teamed up after that incident. I had quickly gained a lot of approval and skill and without planning to I was suddenly the first person ever to become Special Agent in only three years.
“Your mission requires special outfits.” Our boss explained, making the two of us wonder what kind of extraordinary job we possibly could have been assigned to do.
When our equipment specialist walked into the room both of our mouth did indeed hang open in surprise. They were carrying elegant evening attire, a fancy but classic black suit and bow tie for Howell and a tight but long red dress for me.
“We smuggled you into the biggest event of the year, it’s a gala in the Royal Hall of London. Every influential person is going to be there, including our target Steven Hawkman. He is suspected to be a great threat to not only our whole country but also to other countries all over Europe.”
Dan and I sucked in every piece of information we were told, forgetting about the fancy clothing thing.
“You are going to go there as Mr and Mrs Goldsworthy, a young, married couple who has just made their first billion with their IT firm and who is also in direct line to the British throne.” Our boss kept explaining all the details we had to know in order to be authentic.
I shot Dan an awkward glance as soon as we were told that we are supposed to portray a couple. Howell faked an expression of disgust at the mention of it. I just shook my head in annoyance.
“During the Gala, there will be countless of times when Hawkman is not going to be in his special lounge. I want you to sneak in there and get us his phone.”
We both nodded to signal that we had understood, our faces full of determination.
“Now agents, you need to get dressed, our special team will also do your hair and makeup.”
“You’re gonna need a lot of makeup for her.” Dan joked mockingly, making me roll my eyes and hold back a remark on how childish he sounded.
“Can you do something about his terrible hair, it looks like a bird’s nest rather than a haircut?” I asked our styling team to tease him and judging by his facial expression it worked.
The tips of his ears had gotten red in anger but he didn’t have enough time for a mean comeback since we were both pulled in separate rooms in order to get ready for our mission.  
When I walked out of my “dressing room” Dan was already waiting for me. I could see his eyes widen as soon he saw me.
“Like what you see?” I asked him, with a light smirk on my face. The red dress fit almost like a second skin and hugged all of my curves perfectly.  
“N-no” he answered and swallowed hard. Howell tried to look at me derogatorily, but his red cheeks were prominent and everybody could see it.
He stared at the ground to avoid making eye contact or getting too distracted by my looks.
I had to admit he was pretty handsome as well. I would be lying if I tried to tell you that Dan isn’t attractive, I could never tell him that of course.
‘His hair is just so hot.  Oh god, I want to run my fingers through it’ ‘Wait Y/N- what the hell are you thinking about!’ I wanted to slap myself for having thoughts like this.
“Agent Wolf, Special Agent XY, are you ready?”
We both had to gather ourselves again before we shared a quick glance and nodded.  
“And remember, you are supposed the be a couple so act like one!” Our boss reminded us harshly, making my heart skip a beat and my palms sweaty.
We were driven to the gala in a fancy black limousine, throughout the whole ride we didn’t even speak once. Instead we avoided each other’s eyes but stole secret glances at the other from time to time.
‘You need to concentrate on the mission’ I scolded myself as I caught myself staring at how broad Dan’s shoulders looked in his black suit.  
Once the vehicle came to a halt I reached for the door, but Dan’s stern look made me stop in the middle of my tracks. He got out of the limousine himself and walked over to my side of the car to open the door for me. As he held out his hand for me to take I could hear him curse under his breath.
“Married to you. What a sick nightmare.” He mumbled but slung an arm around my back at the same time.
I could feel the warmth of his body incredibly close to mine as we walked into the building together.
“Mr and Mrs Goldsworthy” I told the security guard while Dan showed him our invitations to the event.
The man, who could have been hulks little brother, smiled at us before he let us in. Once we were inside I was overwhelmed by everything that was happening.
There was a huge dance floor, an orchestra and a band, a buffet that was approximately a kilometre long and waiters carrying champagne and prosecco.
A gigantic chandelier gave the whole hall a silvery sheen. There were hundreds of people sitting on round tables, standing or dancing. Each and every one of the guests showed off breath taking evening attire. It was a colourful whirl of ballgowns and black tuxedos.
I took Dan’s arm as we took a look around.
“Champagne for you?” A waiter asked us politely.
I smiled and nodded so Dan handed me a glass.
“Thank you, Darling.” I said earning a smile that almost looked painful from my co-worker.
We chatted a little bit while drinking the alcoholic beverage to not seem suspicious.
“All of this old geezers are staring at you.” Dan hissed almost angrily.
I turned my head to see that at least three very old but also very rich men kept gawking at my ass, making me almost groan in annoyance.
Dan seemed to be visibly disturbed by it as well and wrapped his arm tighter around me to protect me from their eager eyes.
“When did Agent Wolf become a gentleman?” I asked him and sounded almost like I was flirting, which I hadn’t intended. It just happened.
“Uh-“ He stuttered at first as his face grew a light shade of pink, but then he seemed to realise that we were supposed to hate each other. “I didn’t. It’s just part of the mission.” He grunted, making me roll my eyes.
As the first dance of the evening was announced we realized that this could be the perfect time to start our plan.
“Ready?” Dan whispered.
“Ready” I answered and we quickly but not suspiciously fast made our way up the stairs the box of Hawkman. Only very special guests were given theatre boxes at galas like this, luckily for us he barely used his.
We sneaked into the small room that was more like a balcony and immediately spotted his phone on the tiny table.
It was almost too easy.
Suddenly we heard footsteps coming closer. My heart started to beat immensely fast but my thoughts were still clear.
Once we realized that the person was indeed heading towards us we knew there was no escaping.
In the blink of an eye I went over all of the options we had left in my head and came to the conclusion that there was only one.
“Kiss me!” I whisper-yelled at Dan.
He stared at me as if I had completely lost my mind, while his eyes were almost falling out of their sockets.
“Wh-hat?” he stuttered in utter disbelief and his expression spoke of pure confusion.
“I said k- oh screw this.” I cussed as I threw my body onto his and connected our lips.
I couldn’t help but feel my heart jump in excitement and satisfaction as if it was shouting ‘Finally!’.
His lips were soft and pressed up against mine awkwardly at first, but as soon as he had recovered from his initial shock he started moving them against mine skilfully.
Somehow my hands found their way to his hair.
“Hands on my bum” I whispered in between kisses and although he still looked surprised he did what I told him.
One of his big hands traced down my back slowly until he reached my butt and squeezed it lightly. The other hands kept wandering over my cleavage, making me the surprised one.
We kept making out and at one point, I tell you, we had completely forgotten about the fact that we were agents of the MI6 and in the middle of an important mission.
When the door opened and revealed an armed security guard we almost didn’t hear him at first.
“What are doing- oh”
We immediately jumped apart from each other and acted shocked and embarrassed.
“Oh my god, we are so sorry.” I apologized and acted like I was hiding behind my ‘husband’ in shame.
Dan told the security guy our names and showed him our invites. Mr and Mrs Goldsworthy seemed to be two were influential and people because the man didn’t ask us any more questions.
“I’m sorry that I interrupted you, Mr and Mrs Goldsworthy. This is just the lounge of Mr Hawkman and it’s my job to keep an eye on it.
“That makes sense. We didn’t know that. Since it was empty we assumed it didn’t belong to anyone. It won’t happen again, Sir.” Dan explained before we said our goodbyes and he walked me out of the building.
“That was – “ I started.
“Hot” Dan breathed, his cheeks still red.
“Close” I finished the sentence at the same time as Dan.
He cleared his throat awkwardly “Close, yeah exactly what I said”.
“So do you got it?” Agent Wolf then asked me, returning to his old cold self.
“I became special agent for a reason.” I just said and showed him the phone in my purse...
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tracklist-fic · 7 years
Tracklist Fic | 001 / The Beginning
Title: Tracklist | An original, mature, Ed Sheeran fanfic CO-AUTHORED BY: @tea-and-toblerones and @sippin-on-red-wine Rating: Mature (lil bit of smuts only in this one)
Note: Hey everyone!!! Sorry for the delay. We’re so excited to publish our first official Track. Please let us know what you think! We love seeing those likes/reblogs/comments/inboxes -- writing is wonderful but it’s even more special when we know it’s well-loved!
Have you read the Prelude? Click here to catch up!
I sat in The MixRoom’s lounge, waiting for Mark's staff meeting to let out so we could begin talks about my next album. My leg was bouncing almost uncontrollably as I chewed on the tips of my fingers, a nervous habit I'd developed as a child and never been able to shake off.
I liked Mark, he was a good chap. Laid back, good sense of humor, nothing ever seemed to phase him. He's someone who had earned my respect and someone who's advice I always took into consideration. He also pulled no punches. If something was shit, he'd be quick to tell you. He wouldn't try and sugar coat it. He'd just look me in the eye and go 'Ed, your vocals on that take sounded like shit. Take a break and give them a rest, they're sounding a little stressed.'  If he criticized, he always had some advice to make it better the next go around. I quickly learned to listen to him, rather than arguing.
The door had cracked open, ushering in the sound of idle chatter, papers rustling and people moving about. I could hear his voice floating in.
"Go get the booth ready for a session later on today. Oh and put some of those butterscotch candies in there too. They requested it, saying it helped with their throat." The door swung the rest of the way open and Mark came out, a huge smile on his face, "Ed! It's been a while. I was wondering when you was going to stop in."
The first time I met Mark I damn near shit my pants. The guy was a giant, tall, built like a tank. His blonde hair was always kept buzzed short. He could be intimidating if he didn't have such a good natured face that was almost always smiling. He did have the air of someone who's bad side you didn't want to be on. He reached his hand out, which I graciously took, returning the grin.
"I meant to have been back in the studio a couple months ago but shit man, I just really enjoyed my time off."
"All that time off spent vacationing and you're still a pale bastard." He joked
"I'm a ginger. We don't tan, we burn, mate and I'm English on top of it. Our bodies aren't equipped to handle the sun. That's why all the vampires flock to London, innit?"
"Thought that was werewolves."
I pause, giving it some thought, faintly hearing ah ooooo werewolves of London in the back of my head. "Shit, you're right."
Mark motioned for me to follow him to his office so we could discuss business. I settle down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. His walls were covered in albums that had went gold and platinum. I smiled when I saw my own album, mostly cos I signed it ‘This wouldn't be worth a shit if you weren't such a cheeky bastard.’ He settled down in his desk chair, shuffling papers and some cd's around. Once he had cleared an area, his elbows came up on the desk, his fingers carding together. Down to business.
"I'd like to run something by you, if you don't mind."
I lean back in the chair, my hand coming up to my chin. "Alright."
"Since you've been gone I've been training an apprentice." He must be wanting to ask if I would care if they sat in on our sessions. "Now, they've handled some pretty big clients with little to no intervening on my part. I think they're ready to make the plunge and deal with a client all by themselves. While they've never been with someone quite your level, you're the ideal client for them to start with. You're not demanding or overwhelming. Plus you're involved with every step of the process and are vocal about your vision and how you imagine the final product sounding, without being a prick about it."
I run my hand over my chin as I mull over what he's proposing. I trust Mark's judgement but having an apprentice who's never done something of this magnitude overseeing this album is a bit terrifying. Especially since what I have in mind is so unconventional.
"I dunno man, I don't know how I feel about being a guinea pig. I've got some ideas that are what you'd consider outside the box that I'd feel more comfortable with someone with experience handling."
His expression didn't change much. His hands were moving across his desk, searching for something. "If I didn't think they could hack it, I wouldn't have them around. I definitely wouldn't be suggesting to try them out." He slid a cd over to me that was labeled 'J's demo's'  "Give it a listen and tell me what you think. If you're still not comfortable, I'll take charge. But I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you hear."
I take the cd, setting it on my lap as we continued talking, mostly just catching up and me telling him all the places I visited on my holiday and how I was going to incorporate all these experiences in my songs. I could tell by Mark's face that some of them were going to end up on the recording room floor but kept his opinions to himself. Probably because he's banking on me choosing his apprentice.
I stand up, shaking his hand one last time, setting an appointment for tomorrow at 11 to start going over ideas. I look down at the cd, planning on putting it on in the car as I drive around town.
"Hey, can you recommend any good bars? I'd like to grab a pint or two later on tonight and keep under the radar."
"Yeah, go to the Copperstill. It's a nice, low key bar. I doubt you'll find any problems there."
"Thanks mate, I'll see you tomorrow morning then."
I put the cd into the car stereo as I drive around doing some errands. I hit play and the car is filled with a quick upbeat song with a underlying percussive beat that I instantly started bobbing my head to. This was one that urged you to get up and dance. It wasn't in your face trance music, it was subtler, one who's beat you'd be humming or tapping later on. The next one had a bright sounding piano paired with an acoustic guitar. When I heard the trumpet during the chorus it caught me by surprise. This had more of an acoustic feel that I found refreshing.
By the time I had finished the cd, I had made my mind up. There had been a mix of everything on this list. Quick dance tunes, Slow and smooth ones that made you sway to the beat. An angry sounding one that made me want to jump and scream. Mark was right, I was pleasantly surprised.
I had pulled up to the bar that he had recommended. I caught myself humming to the beat of one of the more upbeat songs. Figured as much, It'll be stuck in my head the rest of the night.
The first thing I notice when I walk in is the large group of guys gathered at a table being obnoxiously loud. I automatically spot out the leader of the group. Tall, athletic looking, sporting a backwards snapback. As he was shotgunning a beer, his mates chanting Newman! Newman! Newman, I noticed some sort of tattoo running up his arm.
I try and make my way past them, one stumbling out in front of me, almost falling into me. He hits my chest with an open hand in what I guess he thought was an apologetic sort of way.
"Sorry bro."
I just nod, not wanting to get pulled into a drunken spectacle. The bartender sauntered over to me, throwing an irritated look toward the rowdy group. Her eyes rolling before she turned her attention to me.
"Sorry about the douche convention being held tonight. What can I get for you?"
"Whatever's good on tap. I'm not too picky."
She nods, snagging a glass on her way to the tap, her blonde ponytail swaying. The light catching it, causing it to look like spun gold. As she filled my glass I could see her staring at the group of guys, who had somehow managed to get even louder, with a look of disgust. She slid a coaster in front of me before putting down the glass. I thanked her which she acknowledged with a nod before checking on the other patrons at the end of the bar.
As I sat there drinking my beer, I stared at my reflection in the mirror behind the bar. I had to admit I looked a bit pathetic sitting here all by myself. I could see the alpha of the group attempting to rap along to the song that was play. He had flipped his hat around and put aviators on as he waved his fingers around to the beat. A blonde girl had joined the group laughing and brushing her fingers across his chest. Even from here I could see the lust pouring off her.
I decided that if I was going to sit at a bar and drink I should probably eat something. Lunch had wore off long ago and I knew drinking on an empty stomach was a bad idea. I waved down the bartender, who looked even more surly than she did the first time. I knew it had nothing to do with me and everything to do with the group that was now banging on the table. Her tone was polite but she had the air of 'I'm so over all of this.' I did get a slight smile when I ordered loaded fries without the things that actually made it loaded.
When I had asked for the match to be put on I had all intentions of actually watching it but I found myself more invested in the girl than the game. I was appalled when one of the guys swaggered up to the bar demanding drinkings, throwing a crumpled wad of money at her when she asked for payment. It was at that moment, looking at that beautiful face staring down at the balled up money, that I had decided to do whatever it took to make her night just a bit better. The mixing of a cocktail for herself just solidified the decision.
I spent the next couple hours chatting with her but I could tell her attention was elsewhere. Even with the fraction of focus I was receiving I could tell she was a force to be reckoned with. I decided to try my luck and ask if we could meet up sometime. She quickly threw out there she wasn't looking for a relationship. When I had suggested it didn't have to be a date I could see all of her attention being pulled to me. Her posture straightened and I realised she may have been offended. I quickly tried to backpedal but she latched on to the idea saying her shift was done in twenty minutes. The alcohol that I had been consuming throughout the night was urging me to go for it. What's the worst that could happen?
"Fancy meeting you here, Jac."
My heart was absolutely beating out of my chest and I felt like I might puke. How could I have been so stupid? Years and years of busting ass to FINALLY get your big shot at success, and you fuck it all up to have a crazy-hot one night stand with Ed fucking SHEERAN!? Goddamn it, Jac!
I was totally speechless. Panicking. Desperately wishing I could rewind the last twelve hours of my life and try to not colossally fuck things up. This opportunity? To work on his next album? It was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I'd never get another shot like this. And I KNEW I could smash this thing. I couldn't walk away.
He was perched on the coffee table right in front of where I was melting into the sofa.
I should probably say something.
“Look, Ed.”
I finally met his eyes with my own, seeing them in proper light for the first time. Oh, damn, never seen that color blue...
“I’m really sorry about last night. I had… NO IDEA. Mark really kept this one under wraps. I wouldn't have……. If I had known that I'd be working with you. Please, I hope that we can put that aside and move forward. You're a hard worker, I know your whole story. I am, too. I've got no Plan B. This -” I paused, gesturing to the studio, “- is my entire life. I understand if you don't want to work with me, but I really hope that you at least give me a shot. I know a lot about your sound and I have a lot of ideas on how to take it to the next level, but in an authentic way.”
“Well, firstly, I think a proper introduction is in order,” he grinned, extending a hand out to me. “I'm Ed.” No shit -- Oy, can the attitude, Jac.
I shook his hand, gripping it firmly. It was important to have a strong handshake, especially when you were a young female working in a field that was typically dominated by men.
“I'm Jaclyn Thorn. Most people call me Jac.”
“It's really lovely to properly meet you, Jac.” He toys with my name is his mouth, again, looking very pleased with himself. “Listen, I absolutely want to work with you. Mark gave me your demo, and the mix of sounds you've cultivated -- it got me really, really excited. I couldn't get your stuff out of my head yesterday.”
“-- and Jac?” He questioned. “I'm not sorry about last night.”
My head was still spinning, trying to wrap itself around the fact that he not only listened to my demo, he liked it and had it stuck in his head. Then I was wrapped around his head -- No Jac, don't go there. Though the way he said wasn't sorry about last night had me slightly worried. Did he think this was going to be a continuing thing? Is he still trying to pursue a romantic relationship? Surely he knows better than mixing business and pleasure. Ultimately I decided to look past his comment and focus on what we were here for: the album.   I motion for him to sit on the couch next to me so we could be comfortable as we discussed the plans for his new project. I can't say that I was entirely shocked when he sat right next to me. Plenty of couch there bud, but my all means, sit right on top of me. Personal space is overrated. His body was angled towards me, with his elbows resting on his knees with hands clasped together. His face was wearing a mask of interest. Not mild interest, not fake interest, geniune, 'I deep care about what you have to say.' interest. I have to admit it was an intense stare that felt almost intrusive.
C'mon Jac, you got this. He could not even be giving you the time of the day. Besides, he's know for fully giving people his attention but I guess it's different when you’re at the receiving end of it. "Okay, so walk me through how you'd like the album to sound." I found, surprisingly, it wasn't hard to bring my work voice out. Hopefully this will help establish more of a professional relationship than the hot dirty one we currently had. "Mmm, I thought Mark said we we're working on the album until tomorrow?" I could he was teasing, he didn't need to add the 'I'm obviously joking' knee bump with it. I could feel the anger unexpectedly rise in me. I wasn't sure if it was directed toward him for not taking this seriously or at myself for being so fucking stupid and letting what happened last night happen. "Look, you may not think this is that big of a deal. Your last two albums went platinum. Most people that have two successful records can tour using just those two and still live comfortably. So, I'm going to ask you again. Can you put aside what happened and focus on the music?" He dropped his head and for a brief moment I thought he was going to start yelling. When he lifted his head I was shocked to see him looking quite upset. I instantly regretted my sharp tone with him. Of course he thinks this is a big deal. It's Ed Sheeran Mr. 'I work my ass off no matter what'.
"Of course I think it's a big deal." His voice barely breaking above a whisper. "I've been gone for so long, what if...what if it's been too long and they've forgotten me? That all the work I've put in for five years has been for shit because people are quick to forget and jump behind some new singer. What happens if I release this album and nobody cares?" His head had fell to his chest, his leg bouncing ferviously. Oh fuck, I went and broke Ed Sheeran. Way to go Jac... "Well, I'm going to make it my personal mission to make this album, not only a hit, but your best one yet. You're still on the rise Ed, I promise you nobody's forgotten about you." I place my hand on his leg, hoping to comfort him and undo the damage I had caused. He took a deep breath "You're right. I'm all up in my head."  His hand wrapped around mine. "Thanks for the pep talk, Jac." Yeah, okay thanks for making this awkward now. I clear my throat and motion down to our hands with my head. He looks down and quickly lets go offering up an apology. I removed my hand from his leg, which in hindsight probably wasn't the smartest move. "So, your album, does it have a title yet?" I was hoping bring it back around to work would lighten the pretty heavy mood in the room. "Divide." He replied, his voice gaining some of that passionate spark I had saw earlier. "Ah, so, sticking to the math theme I see." That earned a smile.
"Yeah but it fits the feel of the album as well. It's not just named that to go with the other two." 
That had made me perk up. "The feel? What type of feel are you going for?" "So, everyone knows I've been on holiday pretty much going where ever I feel like." Yeah, you lucky bastard. I'm lucky to take a daytrip to the beach. "While I was bouncing from place to place I picked up a lot of new and different sounds. I want to record my holiday." "Record your holiday? What do you mean?" This sounded different than what he's done before. He definitely had my interest now. "I want to combine a bunch of different songs from different regions. I spent some time in Ghana and that experience drastically changed the way I view things, so I'd like to have a song that has an African vibe. I'd love to have some Irish folk on there, y'know go back to my roots and I wrote a song with my brother who writes classical music. Of course I'll still have some love songs and a couple grime sounding songs with R&B. Essentially, I want every track to sound totally different than the others. So it's divided, see?" I stare at him blankly. Now I see why he said I'd be perfect for this album. It also had me wondering if Mark knew this going in and that's why he tossed my name out there. He was taking a huge risk if he went through with this. We really couldn't predict how people would handle all these different styles being thrown at them wrapped up in one album. "Wow...there's nothing like that anywhere on the charts..." "I know, I could be shooting myself in the foot here. I should probably just stick to what i've already done--" I cut him off, shaking my head. "No, you misunderstood. There's nothing like that on the charts. Meaning this would definitely stand out. Just because it's not big now doesn't mean it can't be. You could open up a whole new style and experience for them. If anyone could make Irish folk or African popular, It's Ed Sheeran."
There was a little spark in his eyes as they bore into my face, his features stoic as he must have been trying to form a complete thought. A moment passed and he finally shook out of it.
“I like you.” Just three little words, but they made my stomach flip. And not in a good way. Does he mean, like… *LIKE* me? Or did he mean my aesthetic?
I quickly changed the subject. “So, how many songs do you have on deck so far?”
I could practically see his brain switching gears, he couldn’t resist diving right into any conversation that was centered around the music. Well, then, I intend to keep it that way.
“Maybe, around 40 or so? They’re all pretty raw, though, and I’m open to doing a little more writing. Do you write, or just produce?”
“Well, my strengths are really in production, but I dabble in a bit of everything, naturally.”
We chatted for a good half hour or so, my nerves finally calming down a bit as we both lost ourselves in the conversation, talking songwriting and musical influences.
He glanced down at the thick-banded black watch on his wrist. “Shit, I’m late for my next meeting. Sorry,” he apologized. “What time should I be in tomorrow?”
“No worries. ‘Round 9AM work for you?”
We agreed, and he came toward me as if to give me a hug goodbye. I did NOT want to be pressed up against those broad shoulders of his, so I quickly deflected by putting my hand up for a high-five.
A high-fucking-five. What the fuck, J.
He snorted, meeting my hand with his own and flouncing a soft “Bye, Jac,” out of his lips before walking out of the studio.
I clocked in at Copperstill, my brain on auto-pilot. I had barely even noticed Dylan entering until he positioned himself at my bar, calling to me in a surprisingly polite tone. I noticed he had left his snapback behind. It was the first time I had saw him without it in I couldn't tell you how long. I noticed he had let the top grow out, while keeping the sides short. Now that it was longer, just brushing his brow, I saw that his hair was slightly curly and carefully disheveled. I almost didn't recognise him without his douchebag attire. "Hey Jac, could I get a beer please?" Okay, what do you want? You're never this polite unless you want something.You can change your clothes but it doesn't make you any less of a douche. "Sure, anything else?" I couldn't keep the sarcastic tone out of my voice, not that I really tried. I had no interest in whatever it was he wanted. "Your undivided attention when you get a minute." "The beer it is. I can't promise you anything else. Some of us have to work for a living, trust fund kid." Let's see how long he stays polite for now. He hated it when I brought up the fact that he didn't have to stress over money. Everything he owned was paid for him, leaving the money he earned working to be spent however he saw fit. Which usually meant extravagant trips and loads of music festivals. I may have been jealous. "Well, when you get a bit, I'd like to talk." Still maintaining the same polite tone he used earlier. Would the real Dylan please stand up, because you're not him. I set his drink in front of him, not lingering around or giving him a chance to say anything other than a thanks before heading down to the other end of the bar. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit interested in what he had to say. I'm guessing fake Barbie didn't work out so well last night. Or maybe it did and he realised what he was missing. The cynic and optimist battled with one another the entire night. Dylan hadn't budged at all, remaining in his seat. He had stopped drinking after two beers opting for water instead, which was very unDylan like. My curiosity got the best of me so once my shift ended I sat down at a table with him, sipping my third or fourth drink who's counting? "So what's so important that you'd wait around all night for me?" After a deep breath "I wanted to tell you I finally took your advice." "My advice? I haven't given you any other than 'fuck off' and you clearly haven't taken that 'cause here you are." "Actually it was fuck off and grow up, if you want to be that way."  A smirk crawling across his face as he looked up at me with those faded blue eyes. They don't hold the same magnetic pull that a certain someone's elses have. "Well go on then, I don't have all night. I've got an early morning tomorrow."  I cross my arms and lean back in my chair waiting for whatever it was he wanted to discuss. "I stopped taking money from my dad. I'm paying for everything on my own now. I took your advice and grew up." "Well congratulations, you're a big boy now. Is that what you wanted to tell me?" I couldn't believe this is what he hung around to tell me. That he wasn't being supported by his parents anymore. What do you want, a standing O? "Come on Jac, this was huge for me. I know it bothered you when we were together." a whine had slipped out of his mouth that struck a nerve. "We're not together, remember? You wanted to go be a bro more than a boyfriend." I spit back at him, my eyebrow coming up. “You don't have to tell me I was a shit boyfriend. I know I was. I was an even worse ex. Coming in here, being a total ass to you. I'm gonna change Jac." I'm gonna change. Yeah, how many times have I heard that line of bullshit from men. Hell, how many times have I heard him say exactly that. Then he turns right around and goes partying with his friends, coming home reeking of bitter beer and pungent weed. This isn't going to be any different. If he's broke he can't afford to buy beer and weed, though.. "You're gonna change?" I snort. "Okay, sure, let's pretend for a second that I do believe that load of crap. How do you plan on proving it?" He looked a bit rattled by my response, "Wait, you're gonna let me prove it to you?" "I asked you how not to show me how." I clarified. "By not being a piece of shit?" He offered with a sheepish look. So you have no clue. "Do you even know how to be a decent human being?" I was past the point of caring whether or not I was being rude. "By doing the opposite of what I did when we were together?" He chuckled weakly, "Look, all I'm asking for is one chance. One final chance to make it up to you. If it doesn't work, I'll leave you alone." One chance. One chance and you'll leave me alone. It's almost worth it to be rid of him... After I took a minute to think over everything I gave my answer. "Fine. You get your one chance. You better bring your A game because I'm not playing around here." His face broke into a smile and I was reminded of the younger Dylan I had met. It was easy to forget that he hadn't always been a colossal tool. Sure he had always been rich and slightly entitled. Everything he owned was top of the line. Swanky house, fancy car, always dressed to the nines. The Dylan I fell in love with was a sweet, naive one that was getting a taste of the real world for the first time. That's what made his transformation into a frat guy even more upsetting. When I looked across the table at him, that's who I saw. The bright eyed curious boy with a fierce passion for movies and a love to travel. He had reached for my hand but I moved it, grabbing my half empty glass of booze instead. He didn't even try to play it off and act like he was reaching for something else. It remained there as I finished off my drink. When I stood up he looked up at me from under his lashes. I could see his jaw working as he chewed on the inside of cheek, a nervous habit of his. Once, during a particularly stressful finals week he almost chewed a hole through his lip. "Can I show you how much I appreciate this?" I look down at him and let out a sigh, "Look, I'm not really in the mood to be...giving any favors. I've got an early start tomorrow." Truth was it wasn't him that I wanted to taste. I wanted my mouth wrapped around someone else's thick­, hard cock, surrounded by that fiery-- Whoa, okay, you need to put a stop to those thoughts right now. You agreed it was going to be strictly professional now that you're working together. These thoughts are the exact opposite of what you need to be thinking. Get it together girl, damn. I was so wrapped up in my intense and highly inappropriate daydreams that I hadn't heard him stand up nor did I notice he was right in front of me until his hand brushed my hair off my shoulder. "I asked if I could show you my appreciation. I didn't say you had to return the favor." BLAH BLAH BLAH IMMA ROCK YOUR WORLD BABY YOU'RE GON SEE I'M A CHANGED MAN. LOOK HOW NICE I'M BEING YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO SUCK ME BACK. THAT'S HOW GENEROUS I AM. MAKE ME A CROWN, GIVE ME A SCEPTER COS I'M THE KING OF NICE GUYS. Jac, are you seriously falling for this? His mouth worked against mine as walked backwards to my car. His hands traveling down my waist, pulling me tight against him. I reached back feeling around for the door handle. Once my fingers found the latch I yanked it open and crawled in. He wasted absolutely no time, already pulling down my pants and thong and throwing them on the floorboards. His fingers worked their way inside me, clumsily feeling around like he was just taking a stab in the dark. Pun intended. His tongue was swirling around my mouth taking up way more space than it had any right to. It almost felt like I was in a tongue war with an octopus's tentacle. Cold, wet and unappealing as he continued to fumble his way around down there. Jesus was he always this bad? Or have I been elevated to a better level? His mouth tore away from mine, leaving a fair bit of spit trailing with it. Seriously he couldn't have been this bad before. Do the fake barbie bimbos he goes after enjoy this? He shifted down, crouching down so he was face level with my, very dry, core. He didn't seem to notice as he dove in. I wrinkled my nose as his tongue worked around. What in the actual fuck is he doing? It feels like a fish flopping around down there. IS HE TRYING TO BITE ME? DOES HE THINK HE'S BEING PLAYFUL? As he did, whatever it was he was doing because it was not pleasuring me that's for damn sure, I found myself wishing I had turned him down. No, I wished I was with Ed again. His skilled fingers targeting that exact spot that just made me quiver. The way he hummed against my clit as his mouth and fingers worked in tandem. I could feel myself getting aroused by the thought of it. Dylan must have thought it was his doing because I heard him whisper: "You miss this baby girl? The way my mouth feels on you?" No, not in the slightest. I actually want you to get off me now. This isn't doing it for me. Sorry, not sorry. I finally had enough and sat up. "Look, no offense Dylan, but I really do have an early start tomorrow and it's just not going to happen tonight." His head pops up, a confused look on his face. "Oh...I thought you were enjoying this...but you're right. This just isn't the right place...it's hard to make a parking lot of a bar hot when you're sober." His hand wiping off the excess spit that was coating his chin. My mind flashed back to Ed pressing me into the side of my car. His cock pressing into me through his jeans. My hips grinding against it as I straddled him in this very seat. His mouth on my neck, hands traveling over my body. No, the problem isn't the place. It's you.
You're the problem.
I quickly re-dressed, pulling my thong and jeans back on.
“I think you should go, Dylan.”
“Well… when can I see you again?”
“I don't know, I'll call you, ok?”
He left a timid peck on my cheek before pushing the car door open and hopping out. I sat in my own backseat for a while, my thoughts racing.
The fuck was that, Jac? He's a Grade A toolbag, you know that. And really? Comparing him to… Stop. Just stop.
I took a deep breath and crawled up into the driver's seat. The ride home went by in a blink, my head clearly overwhelmed and, thankfully, on auto-pilot.
I climbed the stairs up to my little apartment and sighed with relief when I reached the landing. Something caught my eye, a little glass vase of flowers were set on the doormat in front of my apartment. What the…
It was a bouquet of technicolor daisies, all pinks and purples and blues and reds. The kind they dye bright colors at the supermarket. Wedged inside the bouquet was a small handwritten card:
Look forward to working with you x
So they were from Ed. Okay.
Was it a professional gesture, or a romantic one? Shouldn't someone of Ed Sheeran’s caliber have an assistant who could send flowers for him? I had the sneaking suspicion that he had bought these, scribbled out the card, and left them here on my doorstep all himself.
I slipped the key into the lock and spilled into my apartment, utterly exhausted from the last thirty hours. I set the flowers on the kitchen counter, trying not to read into them too much.
In a desperate need to feel clean, I ran a hot shower and stood under the spray for a prolonged period of time. Fuck the draught. I just wanted to wash away all the bad decisions I had made, my skin crawling at the memory of Dylan's hands on me in the car. The way my heart had jumped up into my throat when Mark introduced me to Ed this morning. Was that just this morning? God, this has been a long day.
The hot water didn't soothe or cleanse my soul as I'd hoped it would.
What if Mark found out? About Ed? I'd be off the project, maybe even let go. Damnit, Jac, you've worked too damn hard to lose this.
The water was starting to turn cold, so I turned the faucet off and got out, towel drying my body and hair. I grabbed a ratty old band tee and pulled on a pair of boyshort panties before climbing into my bed.
It smelled of him, all subtle cinnamon and clean smell. And suddenly the night before was flashing before my eyes again, as if my brain were saying HEY !! REMEMBER !! THIS !! LET'S !! THINK !! ABOUT !! IT !! SOME !! MORE !!
It was going to be another sleepless night.
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evielynfic · 7 years
Pièce de Résistance - Part 5
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RATING: MA PAIRING(S): Jai Courtney/Reader SUMMARY: You are taking a Life/Figure Drawing class in college. The usual model has called out sick at the last minute and the professor has had to ask a friend to help out for a few classes. Much to your surprise, the fill-in is a bulky, sexy, famous movie star. 
A/N: Hello, guys! I know this update is coming later than I had planned, but at least it hasn’t been a year. The first half of this part came to me very easily, but then the latter half wanted to be stubborn. Needless to say, finishing the story was a bit rough. I managed to push my way through the block, though, and was finally able to finish it. I’m not sure I’m completely 100% satisfied with the end result as a whole, but I wanted to finish it for you guys.
Also, this is where the MA rating comes in. It’s probably not my steamiest scene, but it’s definitely steamy. This is also the part that I’ve been thinking over in my head since just after starting the story that I really wanted to get to.
There’s another note at the bottom and I am posting a separate post since it got a bit long. I didn’t want to keep you guys from the reason why you’re here. ;) I hope you enjoy, and if you’re in USA, I hope you have a happy fourth!
Tag List: @beltz2016​, @lady-sloan​, @oddsnendsfanfics​, @frecklefaceb​, @jasonmccannsgirl8699​, @badassbaker​
Part 5
After arriving home from classes that day, you laid on your sofa wi​, th Jai’s hat in your hand. You had called Jai to let him know you had found his baseball cap, but he hadn't answered. You thought briefly of keeping the hat for yourself, but quickly dismissed the idea. For all you knew, the hat may have had a deeper meaning to Jai, much like your sketchbook had to you.  
You kept replaying all of the events that had taken place over the past few days in your mind, wondering where things had gone so horribly wrong. You had clearly misread all the signals and found yourself stumped as to how someone could turn such a complete one-eighty so quickly. It had to have been something you had said, or Jai had been playing you the whole time. You found the latter option unlikely, but then again, you really didn't know the man at all. One can learn facts and tidbits about someone from the Internet every day of the week, but knowing those facts and tidbits still does not mean that you really know the person.  
As you were leaving for work later that night, you set the cap on your dresser before turning off all of the lights in your apartment. Jai had still not called you back, but you tried not to worry about it. There could be many reasons as to why Jai hadn't answered his phone and had not returned your call. You left for work, clearing the whole situation from your mind.
A week had gone by without a single word from Jai. You had since given up on trying to contact him after five calls and three text messages. You tried to go about your days as if the ordeal didn't affect you and tried to forget about the entire experience with Jai. You had since moved his hat to your closet shelf where you wouldn't see it every time you walked into your room.  
Everyone at work could tell that something was going on with you over the past week. They tried at every turn to get you to talk about the situation, but you refused. Deep down you knew that they were all just trying to help you get through it, but talking about it would just make it hurt all the more.  
When you received the three drawings of Jai back from Miss Bailey, you tried not to look at them as much possible. You didn't even care to read her comments on the papers she had attached to them or see the grades you had received. You had stuck them in an old portfolio and placed them in the back of your closet.
A week after that, your co-workers had stopped talking about it altogether. Thankfully, they never mentioned Jai's name anymore, either. You were beginning to move forward and get back to how things were before. Although, even if you wouldn't admit it, you still felt something was missing.  
That Friday evening as you came in from work, you undressed and threw your dirty clothes in the hamper in the corner of your closet. You desperately needed a shower before you got started on your homework for the week ahead.  
After your shower, you had put on some comfy clothes and began to finish some drawings for class. You did your best not to picture a tall, handsome Australian in place of the latest model that you had gotten that week. After zoning out a bit, remembering those three classes two weeks prior, you were jarred back into reality again when your pencil snapped in two at how hard you had been bearing down on the paper.
Sighing, you stood and discarded the ruined pencil in the trash. You searched in your bag for a replacement and remembered you had more pencils in your closet. As you began to search on your closet shelf for the pencils you had bought recently, you pulled down the box they were stored in, causing several other things to fall off the shelf along with it.  
You groaned in frustration as you set the box on your bed before returning to your closet to clean up the mess off the floor. You picked up everything from the floor and froze when you saw Jai's hat lying there in the corner by your shoes. You quickly picked it up and started to set it back to where you had originally stored it when you saw a piece of folded paper lying on the floor where the hat had landed.  
Inspecting the unfamiliar piece of paper, you went to your bed and sat down, forgetting all about Jai's hat in your hand. You set it down in front of you on the bed and began to unfold the paper. The paper had been torn from standard printer paper and looked to be folded haphazardly, but folded into a small square. As you opened the paper, you began to read the short note.  
If found, please return to owner at the address below.
You stared at the address written on the paper with the initials J.C. written above the street address and the familiar phone number below. After mulling it over in your head, you grabbed the hat and turned it over to look on the inside. Running your fingers over the inner band, your lips slowly began to form a smile for the first time in two weeks. 
You had to research online to find where the address was located and discovered that it was only about twenty minutes away from your apartment. You thought about whether or not you should even bother returning the hat, but since you knew where Jai lived, you couldn't find it in you to keep it. Even if all you did was give him his hat back, you were going to Jai's house. You would rather not have the constant reminder in your apartment that you were completely gullible and probably the butt of all jokes for Jai and his friends.  
You managed to shove all thoughts from your mind before reaching Jai's house. As you pulled up by the curb in front, your mouth nearly dropped at the sight of the house. After turning off the ignition, you dug the paper out of your purse to check the address to make sure you were at the right place. It wasn't the largest house you had seen, but it was large enough to almost make you want to quickly drive off and change your mind.  
After gathering yourself and swallowing several times, you grabbed Jai's hat that sat on your front seat and forced yourself to get out of the car after sitting there for nearly ten minutes. You looked over the house more thoroughly as you walked up to the black wrought iron fence surrounding the property, suddenly realizing there wasn't a neighboring house in sight.  
As you walked up to the gate, you couldn't tell if Jai's car was in the drive or not from the trees. You noticed a call box beside the gate, but surprisingly found that the gate was unlocked after testing it. You looked around quickly for any guard dogs, but saw none. You still hurried to the door just in case there might be one or more lurking in the shadows, mentally chastising yourself for watching too much TV. After taking yet another deep breath, you rang the doorbell before you lost your nerve.  
Waiting for Jai to answer the door seemed to drag on for years. You had rung the bell again after about thirty seconds of not hearing anything. You sighed before turning around and began to step off the porch.  
Just before your foot hit the bottom step, you heard the door open behind you. You froze at the sound, chewing on your bottom lip.  
"Y/N?" Jai finally said after a moment of silence.  
After the shudder that ran down your spine at hearing that familiar deep, accented voice, you turned around slowly, coming face to face with Jai himself.  
"Hi," you said after another brief pause, finding it difficult to stop staring.  
Jai was wearing gym shorts, a thin white t-shirt that almost looked like it was two sizes too small on his muscular frame, and his feet bare despite the chill in the air. You couldn't help but notice that his hair was a bit wet and that there were a few wet spots on his shirt, as if he had just gotten out of the shower recently.  
"Hi," Jai replied, returning your gaze.  
You had forgotten the reason you were there, even while holding Jai's hat in your hand. You hadn't thought that seeing Jai again after two weeks would affect you as much as it was. You had clearly forgotten how magnificent he looked in person.    
"I wasn't expecting you," Jai commented after you remained silent.  
You cleared your throat and finally broke your gaze, glancing at the concrete beneath your feet. "Yeah, I'm sorry for bothering you. I just thought that I would..." You paused, holding up his hat. "You left this in class on your last day." You climbed the steps slowly and held the black cap out to him.  
Jai took the hat, watching you closely. "Thank you for returning it."  
"It's no problem. Again, I'm sorry for bothering you." You quickly turned around and began to descend the steps again, ready to make a hasty retreat.  
"Wait," Jai called out suddenly.  
You stopped on the steps and turned around once more to face Jai. You really just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.  
"Yes?" You asked hesitantly.  
"Where are you going?" Jai asked curiously, walking to the edge of the porch and placing the hat on his head backwards before crossing his bare arms to fight off the chill.  
"Um, I'm avoiding any further embarrassment and going back home. Why?" You felt tears begin to well up in your eyes, but you held them in. You hoped that Jai was far enough away and couldn't tell that you were five seconds away from crying like some heartbroken teenage girl.  
"What embarrassment, Y/N?" Jai probed further.  
"Like you don't know?" You asked, your voice full of bite. You crossed stuck your hands in your pockets as the wind picked up, blowing leaves across the ground at your feet.  
"No, please tell me," Jai responded, confusion written across his face.
"You're honestly going to stand there and tell me you don't think I'm an idiot for thinking that a guy like you could really be attracted to a nobody like me?" You paused a moment, trying your best to hold back the tears threatening to fall. "You haven't returned my calls or texts in two weeks, Jai. After your final time modeling, you just left without even looking back. I thought I might have meant something to you. You kissed me, remember? Why would you do that if you didn't like me and were just going to act like you had never even met me?"  
"Y/N," Jai started before pausing and sighed.  
"What?" You nearly shouted, swiping at the tears on your cheeks that were falling beyond your control.  
"I didn't mean to hurt you," Jai replied as he began to make his way down the steps closer to you. "Besides, you are not just a nobody."  
"Stop," you commanded.  
"Y/N, let me explain." Jai kept moving toward you anyway, despite your wishes.  
"No, just forget it, Jai." You turned and began to head back to your car.  
You barely made it five steps before Jai grabbed your arm and pulled you back to him gently, turning you so you didn't have any choice but to face him.  
"Y/N, look at me," Jai pleaded with you. "I didn't want things to end that way at all or for two weeks to go by without speaking to you."  
"Then why did you?" You asked, trying to calm down.
"Ella warned me to stay away from you and told me that you had a boyfriend," Jai finally revealed, releasing his grip on your arm.  
"What?" You stepped back a few steps to put some distance between you and Jai.  
"During the last class I modeled in, after I stopped talking to you, she told me that I needed to leave you alone. She said that our lives were too different and you were already seeing someone else."
"Why would you listen to her?" You asked curiously. "I'm twenty-four, Jai. I'm not some teenager who can't make her own decisions, and I don't have a boyfriend. I bet the only reason she said any of that to you was because she's jealous and she thought that she could scare you away from me."  
"What are you talking about, Y/N?" Jai asked.  
"Miss Bailey obviously has a thing for you, Jai. I don't know what relationship you two have or have had other than being friends, but she clearly wants it to be more."  
Jai rubbed his face with his hands. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have listened to her. I should have come to you."  
"No, you shouldn't have," you said before beginning to walk to your car again.  
"Y/N, wait!" Jai called after you. "I left the hat on purpose."  
You stopped and turned around once again. "You did?"  
"Yes, I wanted you to find it, but then all of this other shit happened," Jai began moving closer to you once again.  
"Why?" You asked, raising your brow.  
"Because I wanted to know how you felt. If you cared enough to bring my hat back, it meant that you care about me." Jai stopped just in front of you. "Or at the very least, you would care enough about returning my hat."  
You looked at him, chewing on your bottom lip as you mulled over his words.  
"I didn't think that it would take you two weeks to bring it back to me, though," Jai responded. "I was starting to think that someone else had found it."  
"So, you planned the whole thing?"  
"Well, not the part about staying away from you, but the rest, yes," Jai answered. "You have no idea how much I wanted to call or see you, but I didn't know if you even wanted me to."  
"Why didn't you just return my call or texts, then?" You inquired.  
"I wanted you to come to me on your own. I didn't want to influence your decision." Jai paused a moment. "I also wasn't exactly sure you'd want anything to do with me."  
"I wanted everything to do with you, Jai," you returned quickly.
"And now?" He stood there defeated, gauging your reaction.
You acted like you were thinking a minute before smiling a little. You closed the distance that you had put between yourself and Jai, kissing him softly before you chickened out. The kiss was quick, and just after you began to pull away, Jai brought you back in for a kiss that was ten times more passionate than yours had been. You gripped his t-shirt and tried to make sure your knees didn't buckle.  
The kiss went on for several minutes, your breathing becoming ragged. Jai grabbed your hand and began to lead you inside. You didn't protest and followed him, a smile on your face.
After a few hours, you were still at Jai's house, talking and getting to know each other better. Sitting on the sofa beside Jai, you lightly traced the tattoos on his skin as he told you about each one. You smiled at the way his face lit up from the memories of getting them and the stories behind them.  
"So, do you have any tattoos?" Jai asked, his attention turning to you.  
"No. I've always wanted one, but I don't know what it would be, so I just haven't. If I ever do get any, there would have to be a reason for them. I wouldn't just get one to have one."  
"That's my philosophy on them," Jai agreed. "Each one has meaning behind it. Maybe not a always a deep one, but there's still a meaning."  
"I may end up drawing my own one day, but I haven't yet." You glanced at the clock across the room on the wall, realizing you and Jai had been talking for nearly two hours.  
"Speaking of drawings, how did you do on your assignments?" Jai asked with a curious look in his eye.  
You made a guilty face while biting your lip. "I actually don't know. I haven't really looked at them."  
"You're saying I posed naked for you to draw me for nothing?" Jai asked jokingly.  
You tried your best not to laugh at his antics. "It's not like I threw them away; they're just in my closet. And it's not like I need to look at the drawings, anyway."  
"Oh, really?"  
"Yes, your naked image is permanently ingrained in my mind," you admitted.  
"Well, that's hardly fair," Jai remarked.  
You shrugged. "You're the one who posed nude in front of a college class. No one forced you to do it."
"Okay, you have me there," Jai agreed.
"Yep." You smiled a bit smugly.  
Jai paused a moment as if he was contemplating something. "Do you remember when you told me that you didn't think you would have the guts to pose in front of a class full of people?"  
"Yeah, why?" You asked hesitantly with a raised brow.  
"Well, there's not a class full of people here right now..." Jai started.  
"And?" You asked, although you already knew where he was heading.  
"As you pointed out, you've drawn me multiple times." He watched you curiously to see your reaction.  
"Go on." You began chewing on the inside of your lip at what was coming to mind.  
"If you're up for it, I think it's only fair that I return the favor and draw you."  
"Nope." You stood up from the sofa with Jai quickly following you.  
"Oh, come on, please?" Jai begged before stopping you. "Hey, it's just me here. It's not like you're posing in front of a crowded room."  
"And posing for you isn't just as daunting?" You countered.  
Jai proceeded to poke out his bottom lip, giving you his best puppy dog face.  
"Okay, fine," you relented. "But it stays between us."  
"I swear that I will never say a word about it to anyone," Jai promised. "It'll stay between us." He took your hand and brought it to your lips, kissing your fingers softly.  
"You better not."  
"Hey, at least there's no potential for your naked drawings to be sold on the Internet," Jai pointed out.  
"Okay, you win." 
As you sat there on a bar stool in the middle of Jai's living room facing the man, you tried your best to stay still as Jai concentrated. Your legs were crossed over one another, your breasts were on full display, and your hands sat on either side of your legs gripping the stool with the sun shining in through the windows. You tried not to think about the fact that you were sitting there completely naked in the bedroom of a celebrity that millions would kill to be with.
You watched as Jai's eyes flicked up toward you every few minutes as the pencil trailed over the paper in front of him. You were surprised that you were as calm as you were since you were definitely not used to being on that side of the easel. Every time Jai's eyes would meet your own, you swallowed and tried to read his thoughts. Jai never gave anything away, remaining serious throughout the experience, but you did notice his eyes growing a bit darker every time you looked into them.  
"How do you know Miss Bailey?" You asked casually, trying not to be too obvious.  
Jai gave you a knowing look before answering. "I met her through one of my best mates. I met her shortly after I moved here."
"So, you two have never been more than friends?" You inquired further.  
“Translated: have we fucked?” Jai asked with a questioning look.
“Fine, yes.”  
"No, we're just mates. You can stop worrying," Jai replied with a smile.  
"Sorry if I was being too nosy, I was just curious." You looked at the floor. "She obviously wants you."  
"If she does, I wouldn't know. Ella's never said anything about being more." Jai noticed your distant look. "Y/N, trust me, you don't have to worry. I like you."  
You met Jai's eyes, your lips forming a smile that Jai returned. "I like you, too."  
"It's not like I want to draw every girl I know." Jai winked at you, a small smirk forming his lips. "Especially not naked."  
You chewed on your lip at his words and knew you were turning red.  
As you continued to sit there as still as possible, you tried not to think about the fact that Jai intently observing your naked form was a huge turn on. You tried your best not to bite your lip as your eyes trailed down over him as he sat across from you, his makeshift sketchbook that was a blank sheet of computer paper and a book underneath sitting on his lap.  
Thoughts began to race through your mind of Jai posing naked in class those three times, as you opened the door in your mind that you had firmly shut a few weeks ago. You let yourself daydream of what it would be like if he were to do more to you than kiss you. It was impossible to think that a man as sexy, muscular, and rugged as Jai wouldn't be good at pleasing a woman. Hell, he was pleasing you at that very moment, and he wasn't even touching you.  
After a few moments of fantasizing, you finally noticed the small, smug smirk that had appeared on Jai's lips. His smirk told you that he knew exactly what you were doing without saying a word. You managed to move your gaze away from him and tried to focus on something else before you got carried away, realizing you were squirming a bit on the stool and your legs were clenched tighter together than before. You glanced down momentarily to find your nipples hardened despite the warm air heating the house.  
"Stop fidgeting," Jai chastised, his smirk still firmly planted on his lips.  
"Sorry," you responded, trying to keep still as best as possible. "I'm not great at sitting still. It's a miracle I've lasted this long."  
"You're doing great," Jai complimented. He turned his gaze toward you, halting his pencil for a moment. "Just a little while longer."  
You took a deep breath, your chest and shoulders moving up and down, before trying to keep still again. "Okay, I'm good."  
Jai let out the small laugh before becoming serious and continuing his drawing.
The longer you sat there, the tighter your grip on the stool had become and the more you were subconsciously squeezing your legs together to try to create some friction, discovering that your mind was completely trapped in gutter. You cleared your throat and loosened the grip on the stool, noticing that your body temperature had risen even more. You glanced over at Jai, hoping he hadn't caught on to your current state. When you saw that his attention was currently on the paper on his lap, you sighed in relief.  
It suddenly occurred to you that if you were brave enough to sit completely naked only feet away from Jai, you could do something about the growing ache between your legs. You remembered the advice that Lila had given you several weeks back when Jai had met you at work: Don't be nervous. Seize the moment, make something happen.  
You watched Jai a few more seconds and waited. Once his gaze was back on the paper again, you quickly and quietly hopped off the stool and began to tip toe over to the love seat. You watched to make sure that Jai didn't look up to find you advancing toward him.  
As you reached Jai, you stood in front of him by the edge of the love seat. He hadn't noticed you standing there yet, so you halted his hand on the paper. His eyes were on you then an instant later, becoming more interested in what you were doing instead of drawing. You met his gaze and grabbed the pencil and pad from his grasp, setting them down on the floor. The drawing long forgotten, you climbed on the love seat on your knees and straddled his lap, your lips meeting his in a heated kiss and your hands gripping his thin t-shirt.  
It didn't take Jai long to figure out your intentions, his hands pulling you down onto his lap and running up your sides over your bare skin as he leaned against the back of the love seat. You could easily tell at that moment that you hadn't been the only one turned on by the experience, feeling the evidence through the soft fabric of Jai's gym shorts. You moaned at the discovery, Jai returning the sentiment as you began to slowly grind against him.
Jai broke the kiss for a moment to trail his lips down your neck. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Jai asked breathlessly against your skin.  
"What do you think?" You responded, your voice just as breathless as his as you tilted your head to give him better access. "I've wanted this since the moment I saw you without your clothes on that first day of class when I spit out most of my coffee and saw the smirk on your lips afterward."  
"Good to know," he responded as his hands finally grasped both your breasts, squeezing them gently at first before beginning to play with your pert nipples. "Because I wanted it then, too, when I saw the way you were looking at me."  
You couldn't help but moan and bite your lip, closing your eyes and relishing the feeling of his hands on you as you continued to grind against him. You tugged his shirt up, wanting to feel his bare skin against yours. Jai paused briefly to allow you to remove the item of clothing. After tossing the shirt aside, your lips met once again as your hands returned to explore the hard planes of muscle and skin as soft as silk as Jai continued to do the same to you. You moved even closer to him so that you were both skin to skin, only a thin piece of fabric separating you two from being completely so.
It wasn't long before you noticed Jai hooking his arms underneath your legs and lifting you effortlessly off the love seat. He carried you across the room to his bed, your lips never breaking for a moment until after he had laid you down on the mattress.  
You opened your eyes when you noticed his lips no longer touching yours to find Jai standing beside the bed, his eyes admiring your naked form. You watched him intently, biting your lip in anticipation. You smirked as you spread your legs briefly before closing them again.  
Your teasing seemed to get his attention as he began to slide his shorts down his legs, staring at you no longer his intent. “My turn.”
You couldn't help but notice that his voice seemed even deeper than normal and his accent thicker, sending a shudder down your spine. You sat up on your elbows to get a better view.
Once his shorts had hit the floor, he stepped out of them slowly, his darkened eyes staring at you intently. You tried not to let your mouth drop at the size of him, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from the sight of his hardened dick standing at attention.  
Jai swiftly climbed onto the bed, hovering over you in what seemed like a second. You spread your legs instinctively, as his hands trailed up your thighs to spread them further to accommodate his massive form. His lips met yours once again in a heated kiss, both of your moans melding together.  
You reached down and ran your hand over his length, eliciting a groan from him at the action, and felt even more evidence of his arousal as your fingers trailed over the tip.  
"Fuck," he groaned.  
You kissed him again with more fervor as you opened your mouth to invite him in, your tongues battling for dominance. He began to massage your clit before sliding a finger inside you.  
"Shit, Y/N." He slid in another finger before he began to slide them in and out of you very slowly.  
"Jai," you moaned at the feeling of his fingers filling and pleasing you.  
It was then you felt him lift up off you a bit and heard a drawer open and shut. You opened your eyes to find Jai ripping open a condom package with his teeth. You began to stroke him slowly, enjoying the feel of the soft but hard appendage in your hand. Jai stopped you seconds later, moving your hand before he quickly began to slide the condom onto his fully erect length. You bit your lip as you felt yourself become even more aroused at the sight.  
Jai quickly discarded the wrapper and turned his attention back to you, lowering back on top of you as he had been before. He began to run his length over your core and bundle of nerves slowly. You were torn between watching his actions and staring into his eyes, but once you met his striking gaze, you couldn't tear your eyes from his.  
Just as Jai was beginning to slowly slide into you, you closed your eyes at the feeling. A loud moan left your lips.
Seconds later, Jai was whispering into your ear, "Open your eyes, Y/N."  
You obeyed Jai's request and met his heady gaze, his pupils fully dilated.  
It wasn't long before Jai began to find his rhythm as he began his languid thrusts. You began to meet them as soon as he quickened them.  
You tried your best and failed to hold in a gasp as his fingers grazed your clit, causing your hips to jerk at his touch. "Mmm, you've been ready, haven't you?" He asked as he began to trail his lips and tongue down your neck.  
"Yes, I've been ready since I sat on that stool," you answered, surprised you could even form words at the moment.  
"I thought I noticed you squirming a bit," Jai said against your skin, his fingers moving away from your core and up your stomach. "And, now, I know why."  
"How could I sit still with your hungry eyes studying every inch of my body?" You asked, your fingers running into his curls as he nipped your skin.  
"Hungry eyes, huh?" Jai asked innocently, pausing a moment. "I don't know what you're talking about."  
"Bullshit," you answered, growing brave and pushing him onto his back. You straddled him once again, turning the tables on him as you began kissing his neck and chest. "Two can play this game, you know," you teased with a smirk.  
"Oh, I don't think so," he quickly turned you back over so you were on your back once again and your legs were hugging his broad hips, his body flush against yours. He grabbed your wrists gently and pinned them above your head to the bed, his thrusts becoming harder. "You give up yet?"  
You swallowed and moaned at the sexy, smug smirk that Jai wore at his victory. Instead of retaliating, you leaned up a little to kiss him, quickly wiping the smirk off his face as he returned the kiss.  
You tried moving your hands out of his grip so you could touch him again, but gave up once you realized he had no intention of letting them go. Instead, you intertwined your fingers with his as the two of you grew closer to the edge.  
You began to teeter on the edge minutes later, trying your best to last just a little bit longer. You tried not to make it so obvious, but knew you were failing miserably as your  restraint was quickly unraveling. You could sense that Jai was reaching his breaking point as well as his movements became more erratic and desperate with each thrust.  
When he finally released your hands, it was to trail his own down your body. It felt like your skin was on fire everywhere that his skin touched yours. His lips trailed shortly after, flicking his tongue across your slick, salty skin every so often. One hand tangled into his curly hair while the other gripped his shoulder, nails digging into his skin.  
When his hands reached your hips, he slipped one of them between your bodies, surprising you when he flicked his thumb over your throbbing clit. It was all you could do to not to scream at the sudden overwhelming sensation.  
"You're amazing, Y/N," Jai whispered seductively into your ear.  
A shudder ran down your spine and a few seconds later you finally let go, allowing yourself to embrace the release. A strangled moan of his name fell from your lips as you rode out your orgasm.  
Jai soon released a deep, guttural groan when he found his own release moments later, shutting his eyes and gripping the mattress underneath him to hold himself up. He soon gave up and gave into exhaustion as he rolled over onto the mattress beside you, quickly disposing of the used condom.  
With your breathing ragged and your mouth dry, you turned over slowly to face Jai, snuggling into his warmth. It was all you could do to place a soft kiss on his lips before laying your head down on his chest and surrendering to your own fatigue. No words were needed as you held onto each other.
As you awoke a few hours later, you noticed that the earlier sunlight streaming into the windows had been replaced with darkness. As your memories of that afternoon came flooding back into your mind, you glanced in Jai's direction, a small smile forming on your lips. You found him sound asleep with his arms and legs tangled with yours.  
It took a few minutes, but you finally managed to extricate yourself. After taking care of needs in the bathroom, you padded quietly back into Jai's room, finding him still asleep. You remembered the drawing that Jai was working on that afternoon on as you noticed the paper and book that had gotten tossed to the side on the floor.  
Sitting on the love seat, you reached down and picked up the book and paper, studying his handiwork. Taking a peak back over at Jai, you quickly grabbed his discarded t-shirt from the floor and pulled it on over your head before taking the drawing out of his room and downstairs.  
Turning the light on in the living room, you sat the drawing down on the sofa before retrieving a glass of water from the kitchen. You returned to the sofa, downing some water on your way. You set the glass down on the table in front of you and picked up the drawing, allowing yourself to study it.  
You were studying the drawing so intently, you didn't even notice when Jai entered the room. His masculine scent suddenly tickled your senses just before he reached the sofa. You tore your eyes away from the paper in your hand, looking up at his tall form in front you.  
"I thought you might have left," Jai said before sitting down beside you and pulling you to him.  
"No, I just didn't want to wake you," you replied, running your fingers over his.  
"What do you think?" He asked, pulling a few strands of hair behind your ear.  
"Even though it's a naked drawing of myself, I love it," you replied leaning back against his muscular chest.  
"I know it's not anywhere near as good as any of yours," Jai commented.
You looked into his slate blue eyes. "I actually think it might be better than any of mine."  
"How do you figure that?" He asked, looking intently at the drawing. "Your drawings are so much better than my shitty attempt at one."  
"Because every time I look at it, I'll remember today," you paused, your eyes glancing at Jai's lips. "I'll remember that you made me brave enough to take a chance, even if it just started out by me bringing back your hat."  
"You're welcome," Jai comment with a smirk.  
You raised your brow. "Who said I was thanking you?"  
"Oh, it was completely implied, and I think you want to thank me some more." Jai started to kiss you before you placed your fingers on his lips to halt his movements.  
You stared into his eyes a few moments before he began kissing your fingers. "Fine, I think you might be right."  
"Might be?" Jai asked, pulling you onto his lap.  
"Shut up." You leaned in finally, meeting his lips in a passionate kiss. 
A/N Continued: I really hope that you guys enjoyed reading this story! Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read it and for all of your lovely comments on it! I really do appreciate each and every one of them. You have no idea. ♥
« Part 4
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hopeishappinessff · 7 years
Chapter 15
I stood stock still now, right in front of Chris as he clutched onto my waist and rested his head against my stomach. Miraculously after the showdown over what happened at the movies, he’d calmed down tremendously and now here he was, relying on me to console him. He strategically positioned me to stand between his legs as he sat at the edge of the bed once I’d moved close enough to him. As usual, I was more than willing to set our differences aside and ignore all the harsh words he’d thrown at me just to be right there in his corner when I knew he needed me most.
“Charlie, I’m so sorry.” I whispered, caressing his back as he leaned against me. With a sigh, he turned his head to the side to speak and pressed himself even closer to me “I can’t do this anymore Hope.” “What do you mean?” I was concerned by the tone of his voice and I peered down at him as he spoke softly. “This… all of this… everything. There’s only so much I can take, you know. I’m only human and I can only deal with so much. I feel like ever since I was a kid, God has constantly been punishing me for some reason and I have no clue why."
“Hey,” I started, reaching down to pull his hat from his head and running my hands gently over his freshly cut hair, “God would never put more on your plate than you can bear. You’re a strong man Charlie… and I admire that so much about you. You’re absolutely right, you are only human and you can only deal with so much. But don’t you dare give up that will to fight… that’s not the Charlie I know.”
With his head now angled up and his chin pressed comfortably into my stomach, he stared at me long and hard then closed his eyes briefly as he reached up and gripped my wrists. “Will you promise me something Hope.” He mumbled. I kept quiet as I stared at him, waiting patiently for him tell me whatever it was he wanted me to promise “Please promise you’ll never leave me.” There was some awkward lump in my throat that I slowly swallowed down as my eyes tingled and I knew the waterworks were well on their way. I could only nod in response as I continued to lightly brush my fingers over his hair.
Shifting my gaze toward the large bay window on the opposite side of the room, I gasped at the sudden sensation of cool air wafting over my stomach. Glancing down, I quietly watched as Chris lifted the hem of my shirt. He leaned forward in my grasp and placed the gentlest kiss against my bare flesh. The feeling of his lips pressed there against my stomach roused the dormant butterflies within and it didn’t take long for me to feel them dancing about wildly. He pecked my midsection over and over again, gradually moving closer to the top of my pants.
Gripping his shoulders tight, I weakly pushed against them as I bit down into my bottom lip “Chris, wait…” My words fell on deaf ears as he continued to strategically place his sweet kisses all over my lower abdomen. I watched in awe as he dropped his hands to the top of my pants and pushed them down only a few inches. He quickly eased back into place and hovered his parted lips just over the newly exposed skin. I could feel the warmth of his breath there and I trembled from the tickling sensation.
Without warning, he pulled me forward and effortlessly adjusted me in a straddling position on his lap. He swiftly dipped his face into the crook of my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me firmly against his chest. I wouldn’t admit it to him, but I secretly enjoyed the feeling of his breath rushing out against my neck… it gave me a calming sense of security. He held me there in that position for quite some time, then stood suddenly, leaving me gasping yet again in shock. Unexpectedly he turned and lowered me down onto my back in the center of the bed. My legs were spread and he took full advantage of the position by snuggling himself between my thighs.
Through his actions alone, he spoke volumes. He never uttered a single word, but I understood that the only thing he needed was to be held. It almost felt like he was using me as a frame to support the collapsing structure that was he. I knew that his actions weren’t intended to be sexual, so I allowed him to lie there gently caressing the side of my leg until his breathing became shallow and his motions slowed. Moments later I glanced down at him, making sure to keep my trembling hands tight at my sides, as he allowed the beat of my heart to lull him into a peaceful slumber against my chest.
My eyes fluttered open and immediately dimmed into a squint as they adjusted to the light beaming through the closed blinds. I sat up and meshed myself back against my pillows, gazing around the room in my typical morning confusion. Reaching down to push the comforter away from my body, I stared down at the tank top and boyshorts that covered me and frowned. Quickly raising my gaze in search of Chris, who I distinctly recalled falling asleep right on top of me the night before, I realized he was nowhere to be found. So I instantly took that as my cue to climb out of bed and bolt into the restroom.
After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I threw my hair up into a messy bun and walked back out into my room. I retrieved a pair of PINK Victoria’s Secret pajama pants then turned to exit my room. As I stepped out into the hall, I could hear the distinct sound of voices coming from the lower level of the house. Straining to listen closely, I could make out masculine tone of Chris, but I couldn’t quite figure out who the additional voices belonged to. Creeping carefully and quietly down the stairs, I made sure to keep myself hidden behind the wall leading into the den and it didn’t take me long to recognize the voice of my aunt… and Ms. Joyce.
“Where have you been for the past two weeks Christopher?” I heard Ms. Joyce ask. Her question was followed by silence and I wondered if Chris had bothered to respond at all as she continued to interrogate him. “Don’t shrug your shoulders at me boy. I asked you a question… now you answer me!” She bellowed. “I was dealin with some shit ma, damn.” He replied. Again, the room grew silent but that was short lived because eventually I flinched at the sound of a loud slap followed by the scolding tone of Ms. Joyce.
Leaning against the wall just outside the den, I peeped in discreetly to find Chris sitting on the love seat, my aunt sitting on the longer couch across from him, and Ms. Joyce slowly making her way back to that same couch all while she glared menacingly at her son. “How long have you been here Chris?” My aunt asked in a significantly calmer tone.
With a quick glance in her direction, he lowered his gaze back to his twiddling thumbs and sighed “Since yesterday.” He said. “Since yesterday… son, why didn’t you just come home? You were just a few feet away from the house… you could have at least called and told me you were here.” Ms. Joyce asked him sympathetically.
“I didn’t think about that.” He mumbled. “Where’s Sy’Diyah?” My aunt asked. My heart dropped at the sound of my name dropping into their hated conversation and if I would have blinked, I would have missed the discreet way Chris cut his eyes in my direction as if he knew I’d been hiding out there all along. Hesitantly, I took a step into the den and my aunt and Ms. Joyce both raised their gazes to me as I stood there like a deer in headlights.
“Sit down Sy.” My aunt said softly. Following her instruction without question, I moved quickly toward the couch and timidly took a seat beside Chris. It almost felt like we were sitting right in the middle of a police interrogation as they both stared relentlessly at the two of us. “Sy’Diyah,” Ms. Joyce started, pausing briefly to clear her throat, “How long has Chris been here with you sweetheart?”
“Ma, I just told you…” Chris started as he glared at her, but she abruptly whipped her head around to face him. “You know what you need to do right now young man… you need to shut your lil grown ass mouth because I’m about two seconds away from coming over there and poppin you in it,” She snapped then turned back to me, somehow managing to soften her expression in one second flat, “How long Sy?” She repeated.
“Uh… since yesterday.” I replied. She nodded but remained quiet after my response. “Well where have you been all this week Chris?” My aunt asked. “At a friend’s house.” He said. “What friend Christopher?” Ms. Joyce asked. “… a close friend.” He murmured, staring daggers into her. “I will ask you one more damn time child… where have you been all week?” She repeated, challenging his glare through squinted orbs.
With a clenched jaw, he sighed deeply and rolled his eyes then turned to stare out of the front window. “Gabby’s...” “Excuse me.” Ms. Joyce nearly whispered. “I’ve been at Gabby’s house.” He said, a bit louder... and with a bit more attitude. The room suddenly became eerily silent and I kept my eyes glued to my lap, fearing his mother’s reaction.
“Let me see your phone Chris.” Ms. Joyce muttered after several awkward seconds of silence. “Ma what…” “Let me see your phone Christopher… do not make me come over there and get it my damn self.” She stated calmly. Releasing what sounded like an annoyed sigh, he reluctantly pulled his phone from his side and stood to hand it off to his mom.
He plopped down on the couch after she'd snatched it from his grasp and watched as she maneuvered her way through the device. Locating whatever it was she’d been searching for, she tapped the call button and pressed the phone against her ear.
“Uh yes this is Joyce Hawkins, I’m the mother of Christopher Brown. Is this Gabriela? Hi sweetheart… do you think I could chat with your mother for just a second? Thank you hun,” She said with an annoyed roll of her eyes while she waited several seconds, “Hello, I’m the mother of your daughter’s boyfriend. Yes, my name is Joyce Hawkins. Mmhm, listen… I just received news from Christopher that he’s been staying at your house for the past two weeks and I just wanted to confirm that with you. Alright, well I'd also like to inform you that I really appreciate you looking out for my son, but he won’t be needing to stay there any longer... he’s back at home now.”
A moment of silence washed over the phone conversation and her eyes suddenly bulged as her lips trembled and fell open. “Excuse me… ma’am I don’t… WHAT? Not my son,” Pausing, she raised her gaze to Chris and glared at him without bothering to blink, “I see. Well I really appreciate your time Mrs. Jimenez and thank you so much for sharing that information.”
Ending the call, she straightened her posture in the manner only an angry mother would, then slowly leaned back against the cushions of the coach and stared across the way at him. “Is there something you would like to share with me Christopher?” She asked in an unnervingly calm tone. They seemed to engage in an ongoing staring contest before Chris slowly shook his head no.
“Don’t lie to me son…” “I’m not lying mama…” “Yes you are boy! This woman just told me that there was a specific reason you been hiding out at her got damn house! Why do you think she told me that huh, why?” She hollered, with a face morphing into a familiar shade of crimson as she dropped his phone and jumped from her seat to bolt across the room at him.
He stared up at her, seemingly unfazed by her sudden blow up and shrugged his shoulders. She slapped him directly across his head and thrust a trembling finger into his face “Because her daughter is pregnant!” Yet another awkward wave washed over the room as I stared down at the floor and Ms. Joyce continued to stand in front of Chris huffing like a mad woman. My aunt stared at her through stunned eyes as she slapped one hand over her mouth and the other against her chest.
“What the hell is wrong with you Christopher? Have you lost your damn mind?” She screamed. Her frustrations with him were on full display as she slapped her petite hands repeatedly across his face and chest. He attempted to raise his arms in defense, but she ignored them completely and continued to rain her slaps down on any exposed portion of his body she could reach. My aunt swiftly rose from her seat and practically ran over to an enraged Ms. Joyce, firmly gripping an arm and pulling her back from her distressed son.
“Joyce stop it!” She yelled as she pulled her further back and Chris remained in his stance against the couch cushions with his arms still raised defensively over his face. “Joyce, listen to me. You need to calm down okay. Now you know acting like that is not gonna be good for your blood pressure.” My aunt fussed once she’d gotten Ms. Joyce under control and back on the couch across from us. “Oh my blood pressure already flew through the roof Maddie. Ever since this lil wanna be grown ass man decided to just run away from home to get some lil whore knocked up!” She exclaimed, pointing an incriminating finger at Chris, “Lord, what did I do… where did I go wrong with this boy?”
Chris stared desperately at her, the most sorrowful expression covering his otherwise handsome features “Ma… I’m sorry…” “Don’t you dare say that to me child. You aren’t sorry. Christopher if you were sorry, you would have never ran off from home the way you did. If you were sorry, you wouldn’t have been having unprotected sex with that girl in the first place. If you were sorry, I wouldn’t be so disappointed as your mother right now,” She fumed. There was no doubting the blush tone in his cheeks, but I was sure I was only seeing things because surely his eyes weren’t glossing over too, “Now I’ll tell you what… I’ll give you half an hour to go next door, get your shit, and get the hell out of my house.”
He clamped his mouth shut and stared at her, long and hard, then nearly a full minute later he stood from his seat and briskly made his way to the front door. My aunt and I remained quiet as Ms. Joyce wept with her face buried in her hands. My aunt eased closer to her, reaching over to run a consoling hand against her back. “I don’t understand Maddie, why my baby boy,” She sobbed quietly into the palms of her hands, “Why him? I feel like I failed him as a mother... his life wasn’t supposed to turn out this way.”
Leaning forward, my aunt gently captured one of Ms. Joyce’s wrists, forcing her to face her “Don’t you say that Joyce, you did not fail him in any way. You are a wonderful mother, you know that. You raised two very beautiful and intelligent children and if it weren’t for you, they most certainly would not have become the brilliant young adults they are today. No, Chris’s situation may not be ideal in your eyes, but he’s eighteen years old Joyce… he’s a man and it’s time that you let him go and allow him to start making his own decisions, whether you agree with them or not.”
With a defeated sigh, Ms. Joyce wiped the tears from her face as she shook her head “That’s the most difficult part for me Maddie… I don’t want to let him go. He’s my only son and he’s mama’s baby. I just want him to make the right choices...” She turned to my aunt with a fresh batch of tears brewing in the corners of her eyes, “Madison, my son is about to be a father… my baby is gonna have a baby!”
“Oh Joyce… it’s okay. It’ll be alright.” My aunt wore a sympathetic expression as she pulled Ms. Joyce into a side hug and soothingly caressed the side of her arm. Deciding to finally make myself useful, I stood from the couch and exited the den, rushing down the hall to the powder room to grab a box of Kleenex for her.
Once I’d reentered the den, I made my way over to Ms. Joyce with the box tilted and she slipped a few sheets from it. She peered up at me and within the blink of an eye, she was standing and wrapping me up in a tight bear hug. “Thank you honey. Why couldn’t it at least have been you… why her Lord?” She wailed onto my shoulder. My eyes bulged and I looked down at my aunt who had a hand pressed over her mouth to suppress her laughter.
A short while, I could hear the distinct sound of a car door shutting outside and moments later the screen door opened and shut softly. Chris eventually emerged around the corner in the doorway of the den leading out to the foyer. “Um… I’m about to uh… I’m about to go now.” He mumbled. My aunt glanced at Ms. Joyce as kept her head down, whimpering quietly into a handful of Kleenex. With a sigh, she stood and I quickly followed suit and trailed behind them as they headed for the porch.
“Listen Chris, I know that right now you probably feel like you have no one on your side and you’re alone in this, but believe me when I tell you… you are not alone,” She explained, pressing a hand lovingly against his back, “The choices that you make are just that… yours. You’re a very bright and intelligent young man and you’re at a point in your life where whatever decisions that you make for yourself, they will create the path of your life. I’m here to support you, Sy is here to support you, and I know you have several friends to support you as well. This is not the end of the world… your mother will come around eventually, trust me.”
With a nod, he released a deep sigh and stared down at the surface of the porch. “I really appreciate that Ms. Maddie.” With a thoughtful look on her face, she tilted her head curiously and stared up at him “Can I ask you something Chris? Are you completely positive this girl is going to have your child?” He raised his gaze to her and stared with brows furrowed and the corner of his bottom lip tucked into his mouth. Several seconds of silence passed before he sighed and dropped his gaze “Ms. Maddie... all I know is that I’m gonna do my job as a father, no matter what.”
For the first time since he’d told me about Gabby’s pregnancy, he showed a sign of uncertainty. At that moment, I couldn’t understand the motive behind his persistent desire to be active in a child’s life that he wasn’t even sure was his own. With a smile, my aunt extended her arms to him and pulled him into a hug “You’ll be fine sweetie… you’ll be absolutely fine. And you call me if you ever need anything okay. And remember that I love you as if you were my own.”
“Thank you Ms. Maddie. I love you too.” He said with a smirk. Once she released him, he turned to face me with his lips twisted into a half smirk. He stepped forward to me, pausing to study my face for a moment before reaching to embrace me in a hug. I shut my eyes tight and rested the side of my head against his chest as his incredible scent wafted into my nose. He leaned down and allowed his lips to linger just above my ear “Thank you for everything Hope.”
My heart fluttered at the sound of those delicate words and I fought back the urge to cry as I nodded my head against his chest. He pressed his lips gently against my temple then unraveled me from his warm embrace and turned to exit the porch and head to his truck. “Remember what I said Chris… if you need anything, anything at all, you let me know.” My aunt reminded him. He nodded sharply as he propped the driver’s side door open and stepped onto the supporting ladder beneath “Thanks Ms. Maddie, I will.”
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bespectacledyurika · 7 years
“We’re closed today.”
Sundays--there are so many things a demon could say about ‘em...seriously, but I think the latest thing is ‘closing day’. Today is the one day out of the week that The Mythica Soiree is closed. As a co-owner of the place, I suggested this day out of all of them for many reasons, but we needed one day to recoup and go over paperwork together. Make some notes and fixes here and there. Just your average, relaxed, threat-free Sunday.
Most would be relieved that this day had come. They could finally hang their hat and enjoy just the meager end of owning a business--the simple stuff. Hell, I didn’t even bother dressing up or doing my hair. My platinum locks hung loosely over my curves as if defining my figure while I leaned against the wide table in our shared office, paperwork and notes strewn across the surface hastily. 
I had to admit that it was peaceful, but as I stood there, just staring over these words that I knew I’d have to write or sign off on or something along those lines, I got antsy. It felt...stagnant? There was too much standing still, and Deavyn’s words droned on like part of the background.
Instead of answering him or stating anything to add to whatever details he’d been making, my eyes drifted from the printed sheets of boredom. A light warmth swam across my cheeks as my eyes found his toned forearms, the fluorescent lights above us making shadows dance over the curves outlining their muscular tone. Higher up his arm was the same deal. Originally, I’d only signed on as a co-owner with him because it worked out well in my favor. When I thought that, this was definitely not what I had in mind...but I’m having a hard time complaining.
His dark complexion definitely out-did my own, but it wasn’t bad in the slightest. It was fresh on the eyes and exciting. My tail curled around my ankle without any real thought or hesitation as I traced that strong jawline. 
‘Ohh...if the tables were turned..’ my mind concocted images like paintings. Absolutely amazing. To quote Dr. Seuss, ‘Oh the places you will go’. 
“Yuuurriiii...Earth to Yuri. You awake in there? I asked you a question.”
Oh--shit. Busted..maybe. Just play it cool.
“Oh um, yeah sorry. I’m here. Can you repeat the question?” I gave him an apologetic grin. That probably could’ve gone better, but what else was I supposed to say? ‘Oh sorry, Deavyn. I missed what you said. I was lost in your brooding eyes.’ Pffft, yeah right.
He sighed and shook his head, closing his sapphire eyes momentarily with a smirk. At least there was a sign of amusement. Then he patted my head.
“I asked if the girls had any concerns they’d brought to you. They always go to you first.” I let the question roll before coming up with a solid answer in which my toes perked up and my face brightened with the onset of an epiphany. “Oh right! The girls and I were having an issue with the ventilation in the platform boxes. It’s awful stuffy up in ‘em after a few songs.” I nodded to add emphasis as if I was fully paying attention to the conversation and definitely not the deep collar bone poking out of the top of his white wife-beater tank. 
Boy was I rolling myself into a deep sinkhole, but I just kept on going. However...he didn’t seem to notice from what I could tell. After I’d made my statement to answer his question, he dipped is head to make some notes, worn royal bangs draping over his dark sapphire eyes. It took every part of me to resist biting my lip as I watched his face focus, taking in every small detail.
The pictures jumped around as my eyes honed in on the small ponytail his shoulder-length hair was pulled back into. There was so much hair to tug on...
I felt my mouth water a little as I turned and picked myself up onto the table, crossing my legs. “Y’knooww, why don’t we take a break?” I needed air. Desperately. His head lifted as he arched a brow at me. “We’re not even half-finished? Is that reason enough? Why do you need a break?” There was more amusement lingering in his tone and his eyes.
“Weelll...we have been in here for a bit and I wanted to get a drink. It’s not like this office has a mini-fridge, as cool as that’d be. Speaking of which, we should totally get one of those!” I hoped my excuse was generic enough not to leave traces or hints and maybe my clever little add-on would be a distraction. But there was that smirk that could burn down a village alone. A single spark strong enough to set the world ablaze. 
After that came the most melodically manly laughter my ears had been privy to. Was what I said really that funny? I didn’t think it was, but I also kinda felt like my mouth was going to have its own flood at this rate. However, my face resonated confusion. That might’ve been what prompted Deavyn to pat my cheek with his large, warm hand. “I didn’t mean to laugh, Doll. Just never heard someone so excited about a mini-fridge before. To answer your question, a drink sounds pretty nice. Want me to walk with you?” 
Oh no. This was bad, very bad. I couldn’t just refuse. That’d be rude! But I was trying to get a break from HIM. Alas, I must admit defeat. “You haven’t? Well glad I could make ya laugh. Um..but yeah sure. Why not?” With that, I hopped off the table and proceeded to head to the door. My plan was just to get a drink from the bar, but I was at a loss for my plan now that I could feel his hand just hovering my lower back and his presence following along. It was...rather distracting.
Needless to say, one drink turned into several which turned into more talking than working. I didn’t complain about that either. Easy on the eyes and had a fascinating view of things. We managed to make it to signing off on all the papers and making some fixes on our own plus planning for a few renovations to be made. 
I even threw in a helpful tip I’d picked up from our blackjack dealer, Wesley, about having the bartenders do tricks while their serving. It seemed to work out well for the dancers and served him pretty good too with his cards. Tips and more clientele could be in store for us if this pays off. I made a mental note to check-up on how well that works out so I could report it to the vampire dealer. I’m sure he’d appreciate it.
After all was said and done, Deavyn and I parted ways. He’d offered to give me a ride home, but I had to explain that it would be a bit more challenging than taking a cab. We left it at that, which I was grateful for. There was something about him that was just too gravitating for me to handle in this much of a lump-some of time. 
I made my portal straight for my bed and glanced up at the stars outside my window. It was a lovely night, for sure! Once in my pj’s, I made a special spot for my furry little friend to spend the night with me. Silly little Jasper always burrowed under my covers, but if that’s what the pooch likes, who am I to tell him no? 
Falling into a gentle slumber, my dreams were pleasant--starring a dark-skinned demon with sapphire eyes and a smirk to die for having Christmas ornaments hung on his horns. Why? That’s another story of its own. I think I’ll just enjoy this the way it is. 
Goodnight, Moon. 
0 notes
trans-rights-gastly · 5 years
Same anon as before, holy shit those headcanons did NOT fucking disappoint, I love the whole termination thing aaaaaaaa
!! Well if you like it, there is actually an accompanying story I’ve been working on. I will post a snippet of it here and if you wish, I can post the full thing per chapter! 
I apologize if this is a tad confusing.. It’s a snippet after all. Every chapter has a different main character, though some are two or three parters. This is a horror story so usual warnings for those kind of stories appy!
Thank you for taking time of your day to do this, anon. I wasn’t around when the original hype of the game was at it’s peak, I only got it recently!
Story start
Eli played with the mint in his mouth. The branch chief had a strict ‘no food’ rule in place but he made an exception for things like small candies. Never gum though, he considered it not to be a snack but a toy with flavour.
The entire office was silent except for the silent humming of the computers and the occasional clicking of the branch chief’s pen. [Click Click] A habit, he had noticed.  Eli looked at the branch chief from the corner of his eye, a thing he caught himself doing a lot lately. Not because he was, as his co-workers would playfully tease him with, crushing on the guy but because Eli was bored. Occasionally he would imagine what kind of person would.. or should he say could, fall in love with someone like his boss.
The guy wasn’t handsome by any means and Eli wondered if he ever was. Even in old pictures he would occasionally see on a senior-employee’s desk or an old employee group photo the branch chief had looked almost the same; naturally skinny with a sickly skin and hair color.
If Eli had to call one thing of his boss handsome or beautiful it would’ve been his eyes. There was something about the icy blue of it that just stood out, especially against the backdrop of the rest of his boss. He wondered why he would hide them behind those coloured glasses. According to rumors, Eli himself wasn’t around to see it for himself, the branch chief always had worn glasses in weird colours, pink, yellow and now of course, green.
The odd shape of it made him look bug-eyed and even odder than usual. He was so lost in thought that he forgot he was staring but it wasn’t like the branch chief noticed. If he was working, he was working and not a single thing on this earth or outside of it would distract him from it, he’d only stop to click his pen and that was it. [Click Click]
Sometimes Eli entertained the thought of replacing himself with a bag of flower wearing a hat and a wig and just taking a paid day off, the guy probably wouldn’t notice the difference anyway. However he never did. He was so close to earning that promotion and he really could use the money. Aether was far from the worst job as it was safe, clean and it paid well. Which was good news considering that he was the sole breadwinner in his household. So if the boss needed a sucking up to, he was there. Not because he like the guy, no far from it, the guy was an asshat, but because flattery gets you everywhere.
He would offer to get lunches, to come in earlier and already boot up all the PC’s, to be close to him so that if he ever needed anything- he’d be there in less than a minute. It was soul crushing, but Eli know he was close to get his reward. Lately whenever, he did something well, he would notice a faint smile on his boss’ lips, a genuine smile, not the creepy one he would sport for events and tours.
The sudden voice halted his train of thought right away. “Huh- I mean, yes branch chief?” Eli had made a habit of calling his boss by his full title, a thing that earned him lots and lots of points and would always pay off.
“Do you ever think about leaving this place?” The fact that he didn’t get an ear meant that his first response was deemed good enough.
“No, sir. I love it here.” Another rehearsed response. Sure, you were free to leave and go do something else but that’s not what his peers wanted to hear now, was it?
“Good, very good. Because see, there has recently been a job opening- It’s still within the wonderful foundation but it’s higher up and of course that means.. higher pay.”
For a split second Eli wondered if his boss rehearsed this as well but he shook it off, he worked for this and he had earned it. He never made fun of the guy and even protected him. He needed this promotion and he deserved it! “And you are telling me this because…” He dared not finish the sentence himself, afraid that he may mess up.
“Because I consider you a worthy candidate.” [Click Click] Eli felt his inside become warm and bubbly but he contained himself. An employee must always be prim and proper, that was the rule. “I- Thank you, sir. I do not know what to say.”“If you say yes, you can start tomorrow.” [Click Click] 
The next day Eli arrived even earlier than he usually did. He shifted his weight from his one leg to the other and was looking forward to wearing a different uniform from now on. This one was tight and a little too revealing to his tastes.
A cold finger suddenly poked his neck which made Eli jump a little. He turned around ready to confront his attacker when he saw it was his boss. He wondered how it was possible for the guy to have fingers THAT cold while wearing gloves.
“Branch Chief..! You scared me.” Eli had not hear him walk in at all, one would think that wearing golden plated heals would make you less stealthy but the branch chief proved otherwise.  
“Apologies!” He threw his hands up in the hair like he genuinely meant it. Eli had worked for him for almost 6 years and never heard him apologise, not just to him but to everyone the branch chief talked to. It was always THEIR fault. “Also please, call me Faba.” He said with a grin that would make a cheap cartoon villain jealous.  
“Come now, can’t be late to your first day, now can you!” There was a weird hint of excitement in Faba’s voice. Deep down there was a voice within Eli telling him to run, just run and never look back but he ignored it.
[Click Click].
And then it was gone, the entire feeling of anxiety and nerves, just gone. Was it really so weird for Eli to think that his boss was genuinely happy for him? Of course he was happy, he was his protege! With a spring in his step he followed the branch chief to the elevator and watched him punch in a code he never saw before.
“You’ll be working a little deeper down than usual. It gets a bit clammy because it’s below sea level but otherwise you won’t even notice the difference!”
The elevator went down for what felt like almost 20 minutes when it came to a stop. Eli never knew that this was under the surface.. He couldn’t wait to tell the others about it.
He couldn’t believe what he saw, to the left and right of him were huge thick doors that seemed impossible to open. He thought about the fire safety drill they had to do once a month and how this was absolutely not fire safe. He kept looking around till he slammed into Faba who had come to a sudden stop and got a facefull of hair.
Faba was almost a head shorter than him and landed face first in the little tuft of hair on the top of his head. “I.. I’m sorry..” Eli braced himself to be scolded, to be told to turn around and hand in his letter of resignation but to his surprise the branch chief just smiled.
“I should have told you I was stopping. My bad.” Eli now noticed that Faba had taken his glasses off, icy blue eyes looked at him like he was wounded prey and [Click Click]. Actually scratch that. It looked fine. Pretty even.
“So this is where you’ll be outfitted, you have to look the part. Presentation is everything.”
Eli nodded. He was not going to mess up again. If the branch chief told him to jump he would ask how high.
“I’ll leave you to it! Privacy is also important.” And with that Faba turned on his heels and left the room, the thick and heavy doors slamming shut behind him.
Eli looked around and found a locker with his name written on it in neat handwriting. Like Faba had said there was an outfit waiting for him. A lab coat that looked like a simple version of the one faba was wearing, some new looser pants and new shoes and gloves with a golden rim.
He changed faster than he ever did and looked at himself from all angles and decided that he looked good.
Eli smiled and felt amazing, this paid off. Finally he could do more in life that just work. Now he could spoil the people at home, maybe take them to vacation. Kalos is nice this time of year and-
He swallowed hard, did he hear a voice? It wasn’t the branch chief voice, that was sure. He held his breath when he heard it again, a faint voice yelling for help. It was so far away but it was human and in panic.
“Hello..?” The word barely escaped his lips and he only now realised how dry his mouth was. Eli scanned the room and saw an air vent, a few inches above the floor. He got to his knees and put his ear next to it.
His stomach turned. He heard something that he could only describe as soup falling to the floor, it sounded wet but with stuff like noodles in it, the screaming slowly faded away.
Eli brought his knees up to his chin and wiped away the tears that had formed in the corner of his eyes. Maybe… Maybe he heard wrong. Maybe it was something else. The foundation.. it helped people and Pokemon alike. Maybe someone was watching a movie, but it sounded so real.. He should tell the branch chief or his new co-workers.. Wait- did he ever see someone wearing the outfit he was wearing right now?
“Already tired?”
Eli jumped up, equally happy to see a familiar face but terrified from what he just heard.
[Click Click]
His heartbeat slowed to a normal pace again and he exhaled. “I’m.. I’m so sorry, branch- I mean Faba. I just thought I heard something and it scared me.”
Faba looked at him, icy blues piercing directly into Eli’s soul and that smile… It seemed to go from ear to ear with slightly crooked teeth that looked weirdly sharp in this kind of light.
“Oh that.” And that was apparently all he was going to say on the topic. “I returned because I forgot something important. See, you’ll be working in a place that is a little… let’s say more dangerous than your old job so you need to be wearing this!” Eli looked at the box Faba was holding, it was neatly wrapped, like a present but Faba seemed way more excited than he was.
He carefully unwrapped the box and looked inside. It was a helmet. A weird one, with a mouth piece that looked like a modern gas mask and a golden vizor that covered the entire face.
“Tadaa!!” Faba was giddy like a mom who bought her kids that new gaming console when she said she wouldn’t. “C’mon, put it on!” He guided Eli’s hands towards the helmet and helped put it on.
“Thanks..” He realised his words were slightly slurred a thing he wanted to apologise but before he could a sharp pain like a knife stabbing his brain shut him up.
Eli started to panic and had trouble breathing, he fell to the floor and tried to pry the helmet off but it seemed tighter now.
[Click click]
Eli felt his body relaxing. Was it his body? Whose body was it? Who was he? His name, what was it again? Eli… E…? Wait how did he end up here? There was someone there, through the golden vizor he could see two icy blue circle looking at him and he felt a hand patting him on the shoulders.
“There now.” That voice.. who was it’s owner again?
“My name is Faba.” [Click Click]
“I’m your boss and you are here because I saw potential in you. You are such an obedient little one aren’t you? Always showing up on time, always using my correct title like the good boy you are.”
Was he being spoken to like a pet? Was he a pet? Was he human?
“I need you to Listen to me.” [Click Click]
Okay, listening. He could do that.
“See they aren’t all so wonderful as you are and they’ve become.. difficult. Would you be a dear and show them out, please?” [Click Click]
“I need them in little pieces, it’s easier to dispose off.. Now they may plead with you, beg you and even fight you but I know you will Listen to me and do as your told.”
The other person who called himself Faba reached out a hand and pulled him up.
“Be good.. and I may even give you your name back.”
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