#the heavier weight makes it easier to read against the varied backgrounds as well as at smaller varied font sizes
hua-fei-hua · 11 months
truly nothing could ever hope to compare to the feeling of spending over half an hour looking through one's font collection to switch up a thing only to decide to use the font you'd been using originally will suffice
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rposervices · 5 years
How to Evaluate Enterprise Staffing & Recruiting Technology
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(By Bobby Bartlett, Enterprise Sales, TargetRecruit )  In my time working with small, mid-sized, and enterprise level staffing and recruiting organizations, I’ve seen many different flavors of evaluations. Evaluating enterprise front, middle and back office recruiting technology that will essentially run your organization is very difficult and often fails. I recently read that organizations switch ATS systems (recruiting technology) every two and a half years on average. Who knows, could be a made up stat but it had me thinking about why the cycle is so short. Considering the quantifiable costs (implementation, double paying for licenses, man hours it takes to find a new system, etc.) and the un-quantifiable costs (dip in employee morale, time to productivity on a new tool, loss of confidence in leadership, etc.), you would think there would be a heavier emphasis on getting it right. That’s not to say that the intent is not usually in the right place but the execution is often lacking and it’s usually because there is not an expert on staff that has deep knowledge and experience with conducting an evaluation like this that touches so many aspects of an organization. In this article I will explore some ways I have seen firms increase their chances of success in selecting the correct solution.
The Data and Measurables
After doing research into this topic, I found data showing failure rates of IT projects ranging between 25% and 90%. Part of understanding the data here is defining failure. In this Couchbase study that had failure at 90%, failure was defined as projects that had “fallen below planning expectations, delivered only minor improvements or altogether failed.” In the Forbes article that showed a study that used 25%, failure was defined as “outright failure,” or not even completing the project. The links to the articles are referenced below if you’d like to see some of the data yourself. One way or another, the data suggests that if your implementation does fully succeed, it will be in the minority.
Coming to Terms
When selecting a committee to help with an evaluation, one must come to terms with an important fact early on… people are self serving in nature. This is not necessarily a bad thing, it is what has helped us survive and thrive! But we didn’t evolve to evaluate technology, we evolved to survive in the wilderness, and those two things that can be in evident conflict when organizations evaluate technology solutions because people (almost) always put their interests above the greater good of the company’s. I cannot tell you how many times that someone evaluating recruiting technology will get hung up on a piece of functionality that will save them from five minutes of agony a day so they choose that solution vs the one that will save their company hundreds of hours a week. We are wired for our own survival, and often it’s difficult for people that especially sit within one function of an organization to see the forest for the trees. Select people who are global thinkers and prep them to think of things rationally, not emotionally, when making their decision.
Selecting the Right Lead
Now that we know what to look for, we need to decide who is going to be on the committee. Should it be just a few people? Should we let the entire organization take part? Ideally, a CEO, CTO or COO would run point for any technology evaluation because those people usually see the organization in a more global manner than anyone else. Unfortunately, execs rarely want to devote their time to the minutiae of looking at technology. Because of this, there is usually someone chosen to run point on an evaluation below the exec level and the reason they are chosen can vary greatly. Some reasons might be: they are a vocal agent for change, they are viewed as being tech savvy, the executives trust them, or maybe it’s just because they happened to be there when the conversation was brought up. None of the above are the best reasons in my opinion. The person running point should be someone who is a pure operations type that has nothing to gain by making one particular part of the organization happy over another. If you don’t have anyone like this in your business, do yourself a favor and hire a consultant from the outside. Maybe even consider someone without a considerable background in the recruiting technology space for the initial evaluation. I find that people in those types of positions bring less baggage to the table that would harmfully impact their decision.
Selecting the Right Committee
This to me can be the trickiest part that staffing leaders struggle with. Especially within organizations under $100MM in revenue. They still often are hyper-concerned with preserving culture (as they should be) and are often of the mentality that if they all choose it, they will have to live with it without complaining. Nonsense! For starters, you will never have a unanimous decision where everyone sings kumbaya and harmoniously selects the one perfect tool for your business to grow on. In fact, this may actually cause a division where two camps viciously fight over which tool to select. Also, end users and even managers and directors, are usually going to choose the tool that fits their agenda best, not the one that makes it so the entirety of the company can accommodate its needs today and 5 years from now. Recruiters will have mostly their needs in mind, as will salespeople, accounting, payroll, IT, marketing, etc. It would go almost completely against our fundamental nature to think otherwise. My recommendation is to have your point person survey each team and maybe even some of its members to see what their needs are up front, document them, and make sure they all make their way into the evaluation criteria. From there, identify the best people from each part of the organization to represent their team, while also understanding the bigger picture, and encourage the most data-driven and pragmatic approach possible. It can help to ask the top 3 things someone would want in a new recruiting technology to make their life easier and the top 3 things that would help the company grow. Their answers may be telling as to whether or not they should be on your committee. Also encourage the committee to not only think of today, but consider the problems that might come up down the road, and how the recruiting technology they are evaluating could solve those problems.
Creating a Criteria & Scoring
Often times we will look at 5 demos from 3 vendors over a 2-3 months evaluation period and at the end just throw our hands in the air and say screw it, I’m just going to choose X vendor because I like them. Or, I like these one or two things Y vendor does so I’ll choose them. Evaluation fatigue is real and it happens to everyone. How can one single person ingest so much data in a drawn out period and remember everything about it? Not to mention they may not revisit the conversation for another 5-10 years, or ever again for that matter! Having a rock solid evaluation criteria documented can make you feel 100% more confident in your decision. You can create one on your own from scratch, or the easier road is ask your friend who works at another staffing company if they have anything hanging around that you could base yours off of. Also, you can weight each feature by level of importance and then rate the features vendor by vendor 1-5 or 1-10. From there you can determine the final score of each vendor. You can also break functionality out by group so they can rate the features that are important to them while they are watching the demos, rather than having to look at the entirety of the document that is largely irrelevant to their life. This way they don’t have to rely on their foggy memory later and it keeps people engaged in the demos. They aren’t going to want to turn in a blank score sheet or have scores on there that can’t be justified because they had no idea why they put them there. Just be careful that if you do decide to score and rank solutions, that you choose line items to score that are clear cut and definable, not confusing and ambiguous. For example: say “Rate the ease of creating reports from scratch” instead of “Rate their reporting from 1-10”. One asks a specific question. The other leaves it completely open to interpretation. They could be rating how visibly appealing the reports are, how many reports there are, how well the reports fit their needs, or even if the reporting tool allows them to create their own report in the first place. In the end, find out what’s important to each team, and give them a manageable list to help them organize their thoughts and help you make a solid decision.
Process – Evaluating a Recruiting Technology
Similar to implementations, too often sales processes face unnecessary delays or get put on the back burner. Even worse, sometimes people reach out to vendors too late, putting them both in a precarious situation because the vendor of course won’t turn down the opportunity despite knowing the implementation is already in jeopardy. Allot at a minimum of 3 to 3.5 months for a smaller organization. If you are larger, there is usually a sliding scale upwards from there. Be wary of any company that is offering to do an implementation in a shorter time frame. They are most likely not spending much time making sure your data migrates properly and/or their system barely has any functionality so there’s just not much to do in an implementation! Another detriment to an evaluation process is when it gets delayed or put on the back burner. I can confidently say that you will need additional meetings to discuss the same things over again because you and your team will forget these details as time elapses. To prevent this, work with your vendor to create a timeline from the beginning to move the evaluation forward. A timeline should outline the expected meetings needed for a company of your size within your vertical. A timeline document will rarely be adhered to perfectly, but it sets expectations that you are a serious buyer. Your time is extremely valuable, as is theirs, so why not make sure you are both not wasting it. One other major time-waster is being unprepared for meetings. This falls on both the vendor and the staffing company but not having clear agendas and prepped teams on both sides, inevitably more meetings will need to take place in follow-up. To quantify this, let’s say an average demo is attended by 7 people. If those people are making on average $100k/year fully burdened then that’s roughly $350 down the drain if another hour needs to be tacked on that could have been avoided. Effort up front can save far more effort on the back end. Having a clearly defined process from beginning to end is time well spent.
Get Behind Your Decision
This may sound simple but it can easily get botched. As an executive or a decision maker, your team needs to know that you are 100% behind your decision. If they feel you are not, some will exploit this fact. It’s basically giving them carte blanche to say if since our CEO doesn’t fully believe in this, why should I? Then they might poison the well for others, really throwing a wrench in your investment. BUT, if they know you are unwavering, they will fall in line. You and your carefully selected team know what is best for the business, and they have to have faith that your goals are aligned. Their success is your success, so you’re obviously not going to purposely impede them. They have to know if it’s not in the system, it didn’t happen. Joe the recruiter spoke to that Jan the candidate but the call’s not logged? Sorry, Jan’s going back into the pool for someone else to take a stab at. Your team is conversing via email about candidates rather than using the internal social collaboration tool like Chatter, they lose out on kicker bonuses for the month because visibility in the system is key for your organization. There has to be value in using the system and everyone needs to know you strongly believe that value.
Closing Thoughts – Recruiting Technology Stack
I’ve seen companies run evaluations that are totally haywire and others that are nearly spotless, and in my experience they are far more often the former than the latter. As people in the staffing industry know, there are no shortcuts in success. Doing the hard thing the right way is not for everyone and it ultimately can determine who thrives and who fades away. Outside of the people at your company, your recruiting technology stack is your biggest opportunity for differentiation. Decisions of a large magnitude like this should be considered accordingly. References Forbes article on 7 reasons why tech projects fail ZDNet article on why 68% of IT projects fail Couchbase article on the data dilemma holding back digital innovation Digital Journal article called “9 out of 10 digital transformation projects will fail ERPFocus article called “Ten ERP failure statistics that highlight the importance of getting it right first time round” Read the full article
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Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: The Body Type Solution To Quick, Lasting Results
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Good news.
You're not imagining things.
Some people have it way easier when it comes to weight loss. And some people have it way easier when it comes to muscle building, or maintaining weight.
Some people are naturally skinny, naturally heavier and naturally muscular, and some have naturally fast metabolisms.
You see, there are actually 3 distinct human body types, and there are various genetics that play a role in our body's shapes and processes.
These varying body types and genetic backgrounds end up playing a major role in whether it's difficult or easy to lose fat and gain muscle.
Here are the 3 types:
Type 1 - Ectomorphs: We've all met someone like this. Ectomorphs are naturally thin, agile and often tall, lanky people. These are the guys and gals who, no matter how much or little they eat, seem to gain no weight at all.
Type 2 - Endomorphs: These are the guys and girls whose bodies are extraordinarily skilled at storing fat, and have the hardest time keeping weight off. (Most overweight/obese types, myself included, are natural endomorphs.)
Type 3 - Mesomorphs: Mesomorphs naturally maintain a larger muscle mass. For these "blessed" types, fat loss is easy, and muscle gain is quick. They tend to be more athletic than the majority of people, but not necessarily thin.
The good news is that no one is "stuck" because of their body type.
Endomorphs can become thin, and ectomorphs can become muscular. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to learn/understand our body type. In doing so, we can help custom tailor a diet and exercise routine that provide the best results in the shortest amount of time.
If You're an Ectomorph (Carb Type):
A lot of people think being an ectomorph is a great thing due to the fast metabolism and natural "skinny-ness". But if you're an actual ectomorph, you know you have tons of trouble gaining weight and building muscle.
Anyone who eats an excess of calories can gain weight (and build muscle when the diet is complemented by exercise), but ectomorphs often have to eat specific high-calorie foods (generally starchy carbs) or their body just won't stay hungry enough to be able to ingest a substantial amount of calories.
Due to their higher carb tolerance, ectomorphs are often called "carb types".
The genetic elements that make ectomorphs thin are the same that make weight-gain and musclebuilding difficult. As a result, the genetic makeup severely limits the amount of muscle your body can maintain. So you can build muscle, but you're unlikely to ever look like Arnold Schwarzenegger (unless you are rigorous with your dietary intake, day in and day out, year after year).
Ectomorph Stats:
Best results when eating higher carbs, moderate protein, and low fat
55% Carbs, 25% Protein, 20% Fat
Start at these numbers, and decrease calories gradually to burn fat.
If fat loss is slowing, reduce calories by 5% every two weeks. It's best to reduce this percentage from carbs, but reducing from protein or fat usually works just as well for ectomorphs
Never go below 15% or above 35% of fat as a percentage of calories.
If You're an Endomorph (Protein Type):
Endomorphs are naturally heavier people who will always be a little bit thicker and "pudgier" than ectomorphs or mesomorphs. This is generally attributed to their sluggish metabolism.
BUT, that doesn't mean they can't be sexy! Some of the most famous - and beautiful - people in the world are endomorphs.
Russell Crowe, Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce are all physically fit natural endomorphs, and there's nothing wrong with the way they look. (Seriously, we all know "Jlo" and Beyonce are HOT, and the little extra junk in the trunk definitely doesn't hurt!). If anything, they've just had to work a little harder than their counterparts to maintain a body size/shape that they're happy with.
If your goal is to have a low body fat percentage, you can definitely do it, but you've got your work cut out for you.
Endomorphs are often called "protein types" due to their lower carb tolerance and higher protein needs for successful body re-composition.
Endomorph Stats:
25% Carbs, 25-35% Protein, 40-50% Fat
Start with a much lower level of carbs. The 25% mentioned is a great "maintenance" point, once insulin resistance/leptin resistance/inflammation and other issues are handled.
I recommend starting at 50-75 grams of carbs per day - this will be low carb, but above the ketogenic threshold. When combined with adequate protein, your body will have a sufficient amount of natural glucose.
Do not stay in the 50-75 carb range for more than 12 weeks at a time, without a 2-week break with higher carb intake.
In the long-term, for maintenance and/or during heavy exercise phases, I would keep around 25% (and a maximum of 30%) of carbs as a percentage of calories.
If You're a Mesomorph (Mixed Type):
Congratulations! You swim in the deeper end of the gene pool. You have the body type of the best fitness models and bodybuilders in the world.
You have a great metabolism, great bones, you're naturally lean (not skinny, like an ectomorph) and naturally muscular (not "thick" like an endomorph.)
If you're a mesomorph, you're probably not reading too many books on how to lose weight - after all, if you keep up even a modicum of exercise and diet, you've got a body most of the rest of us would kill for.
However, there are, in fact, mesomorphs out there struggling with their weight because of the typical American diet. Take this to heart. You don't have to work anywhere near as hard as ectomorphs and endomorphs to get the body of your dreams, but if you're a few pounds above where you want to be, you'll have to put in some effort!
Mesomorph Stats
Body shape - Wide shoulders, narrow hips, muscular body/low body fat, square jaw
Examples - Michael Jordan, Madonna, George Clooney, Halle Berry
Dietary/Hormonal Points - fast metabolism and great nutrient     partitioning; strong levels of testosterone and growth hormone; unhealthy foods may not cause subcutaneous (visible/under the skin fat), but can quickly cause visceral, "hidden" fat surrounding the vital organs
When decreasing calories, start by cutting carbs. In the long-run, though, mesomorphs can get by with cutting calories from any source.
 Interested in losing weight? Then click below to see the exact steps I took to lose weight and keep it off for good...
Read the previous article about "How to beat your mental roadblocks and why it can be the difference between a happy, satisfying life and a sad, fearful existence (these strategies will reduce stress, increase productivity"
Read the next article about "If you want maximum results in minimum time you're going to have to work out (and workout hard, at that)"
Moving forward, there are several other articles/topics I'll share so you can lose weight even faster, and feel great doing it.
Below is a list of these topics and you can use this Table of Contents to jump to the part that interests you the most.
Topic 1: How I Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days - And How You Can Too
Topic 2: How I Lost Weight By Not Following The Mainstream Media And Health Guru's Advice - Why The Health Industry Is Broken And How We Can Fix It
Topic 3: The #1 Ridiculous Diet Myth Pushed By 95% Of Doctors And "experts" That Is Keeping You From The Body Of Your Dreams
Topic 4: The Dangers of Low-Carb and Other "No Calorie Counting" Diets
Topic 5: Why Red Meat May Be Good For You And Eggs Won't Kill You
Topic 6: Two Critical Hormones That Are Quietly Making Americans Sicker and Heavier Than Ever Before
Topic 7: Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss
Topic 8: Why That New Miracle Diet Isn't So Much of a Miracle After All (And Why You're Guaranteed To Hate Yourself On It Sooner or Later)
Topic 9: A Nutrition Crash Course To Build A Healthy Body and Happy Mind
Topic 10: How Much You Really Need To Eat For Steady Fat Loss (The Truth About Calories and Macronutrients)
Topic 11: The Easy Way To Determining Your Calorie Intake
Topic 12: Calculating A Weight Loss Deficit
Topic 13: How To Determine Your Optimal "Macros" (And How The Skinny On The 3-Phase Extreme Fat Loss Formula)
Topic 14: Two Dangerous "Invisible Thorn" Foods Masquerading as "Heart Healthy Super Nutrients"
Topic 15: The Truth About Whole Grains And Beans: What Traditional Cultures Know About These So-called "Healthy Foods" That Most Americans Don't
Topic 16: The Inflammation-Reducing, Immune-Fortifying Secret of All Long-Living Cultures (This 3-Step Process Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Heal Your Gut in Less Than 24 Hours)
Topic 17: The Foolproof Immune-enhancing Plan That Cleanses And Purifies Your Body, While "patching Up" Holes, Gaps, And Inefficiencies In Your Digestive System (And How To Do It Without Wasting $10+ Per "meal" On Ridiculous Juice Cleanses)
Topic 18: The Great Soy Myth (and The Truth About Soy in Eastern Asia)
Topic 19: How Chemicals In Food Make Us Fat (Plus 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply)
Topic 20: 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply
Topic 21: How To Protect Yourself Against Chronic Inflammation (What Time Magazine Calls A "Secret Killer")
Topic 22: The Truth About Buying Organic: Secrets The Health Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know
Topic 23: Choosing High Quality Foods
Topic 24: A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute
Topic 25: 7 Steps To Reduce AGEs and Slow Aging
Topic 26: The 10-second Trick That Can Slash Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Mortality By 37% (Most Traditional Cultures Have Done This For Centuries, But The Pharmaceutical Industry Would Be Up In Arms If More Modern-day Americans Knew About It)
Topic 27: How To Clean Up Your Liver and Vital Organs
Topic 28: The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)
Topic 29: How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You
Topic 30: 7 Common Sense Ways to Have Uncommon Peace of Mind (or How To Stop Your "Stress Hormone" In Its Tracks)
Topic 31: How To Sleep Like A Baby (And Wake Up Feeling Like A Boss)
Topic 32: The 8-step Formula That Finally "fixes" Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested (If You Ever Find Yourself Hitting The Snooze Every Morning Or Dozing Off At Work, These Steps Will Change Your Life Forever)
Topic 33: For Even Better Leg Up And/or See Faster Results In Fixing Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested, Do The Following:
Topic 34: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 35: Part 1 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 36: Part 2 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 37: Part 3 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 38: Part 4 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 39: How To Beat Your Mental Roadblocks And Why It Can Be The Difference Between A Happy, Satisfying Life And A Sad, Fearful Existence (These Strategies Will Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity And Show You How To Fulfill All Your Dreams)
Topic 40: Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: The Body Type Solution To Quick, Lasting Results
Topic 41: If You Want Maximum Results In Minimum Time You're Going To Have To Work Out (And Workout Hard, At That)
Topic 42: Food Planning For Maximum Fat Loss In Minimum Time
Topic 43: How To Lose Weight Fast If You're in Chronic Pain
Topic 44: Nutrition Basics for Fast Pain Relief (and Weight Loss)
Topic 45: How To Track Results (And Not Fall Into the Trap That Ruins 95% of Well-Thought Out Diets)
Topic 46: Advanced Fat Loss - Calorie Cycling, Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting
Topic 47: Advanced Fat Loss - Part I: Calorie Cycling
Topic 48: Advanced Fat Loss - Part II: Carb Cycling
Topic 49: Advanced Fat Loss - Part III: Intermittent Fasting
Topic 50: Putting It All Together
Learn more by visiting our website here: invigoratenow.com
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