#the herd only grows the more you say dont
olivieblake · 5 months
hello i hope you're doing well ! i'm writing to you because i'm slightly in desperate need of big sistering <3 i started college this year, a fancy liberal arts degree from a fancy liberal arts college for maximum pretentiousness and unemployment opportunities. this is quite everything i have ever dreamed of; i've been interested in humanities ever since i was a child, i used to be The Humanities/Arts Kid, among all my classmates who were much more career oriented/engineers/doctors. the only issue now is that i am now surrounded by all the Humanities/Arts Kids of their respective schools and i feel so hopelessly out of my depth here. i've always been the Kid Who Knows Stuff and now everybody i know knows stuff, and they know more stuff than i do. this is sending me into a slighttt identity crisis because i dont know what my aRchetype (?) i anymore?). like, what do people come to me for anymore? there's only so long i can continue to trick people into thinking i know things. (on a side note, we're also noticing a huge leap in sounding soooo self deprecating, because somehow i thought the way to solve this was by upfront claiming to everyone that While Yes, I Do Have Some Abilities And Strengths, It's Not Quite Enough And You Can Find Like Five Other People Who Can More, which a. is quite annoying to have to hear 24/7, and b. while my self esteem for now is quite protected and these are just jOkes, it's a very slippery slope, but i am, uh, working, on this? i think)
ahahahaha love this. and I get it! it's alarming to find out you're not as individual as you thought you were (many movies and books about precisely this, and I might actually recommend Orange County, which I recently rewatched and is perhaps not Great Cinema but there are two mirrored scenes that are just perfection in terms of expectations vs reality). college is a great place for finding yourself, not reinforcing your archetype. high school/adolescence is about learning to move with the herd in the interest of survival, and in some ways finding your archetype is a coping mechanism for feeling ostracized. it contributes to the mythology of yourself. but the world is much bigger than you or the place you came from, and part of becoming an adult is figuring out who you actually want to be (and in some cases being disappointed by who you actually are, but save that particular crisis for your late twenties)
for right now, just be open to who you are in all your facets. you're about to grow so much!! say yes to everything that sounds interesting to you. I mean that. be busy. be overstimulated. do things. meet people. talk. argue. seek the things that make your mind buzz. do not define yourself by your constraints or by the outlines that other people make for you. it's about to get sooooooo much more interesting, I swear
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olberic · 1 year
games ive played in 2022, ranked from least to most favourite:
11: hollow knight (2017)
(i cant find a good gif for this one sorry 🥺)
i tried so hard to like this game. i should like it. its got bugs. its got atmosphere. its got worldbuilding and multiple endings. but god i hate platformers. i hate metroidvanias. this was painful to play and i will not be playing any more.
10: project diva future tone (ps4) (2017)
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its a rhythm game so it really cant go any higher. i like it more than megamix (plus using the playstation is better than the switch i think) but yknow. i cant say its got great characters or story yknow? but the songs are good and its fun
9: final fantasy x (2001, switch remaster 2019)
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i wish i liked this game more… its good but so watery. such old graphics. idk i just couldnt get into it even if the ending was really good
8. tales of phantasia (1995, gba version 2006)
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very surprised at how well it holds up. its a tales game so it ranks higher than it probably should for me, but the characters are fun, the gameplay is fun, and its the first game in the series, so its iconic as hell. the old graphics and lacklustre combat knocked it down a few points (as did the goddamn mines…) but the enjoyment i got from it won out. good game. i played the gba version
7. splatoon 3 (2022)
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sorry for not playing the other splatoon games this shit is FUN. salmon run is so good, yall. i put more hours into salmon run alone than most other games ive ever played. stream deep cut
6. ys viii (2017)
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im actually still playing this one but MAN is it enjoyable. killer soundtrack. cool time mechanics. challenging combat. nice well rounded cast of npcs (and theres like 20+ regular ones!). makes me wanna try the rest of the series. even tho im kinda peeved that theres like no content for this game here but WHATEVER its good. play ys viii.
5. pokemon scarlet (2022)
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yes it had bugs & ur correct to say i shouldnt have bought it. but theyve really perfected pokemon games with this one. open world is the way pokemon is meant to be played. the new pokemon are really good designs. the story was actually riveting at the end, the rivals are up there with sun and sword for how well done they are, koraidon’s one of my new faves, and holy god the soundtrack is good. the literal only thing that would improve it would be if it had a bigger dex and wasnt made in such a rush. i wish this game had come out next year or the year after bc then itd be perfect.
4. triangle strategy (2022)
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this is the first strategy game in the genre that ive played, and i enjoyed it! i played it 3 times in a row to get all the endings + ramping up the difficulty made it such a good challenge. npcs couldve been a bit better developed, and the roland/benedict endings were bad to play, but the overall enjoyment of the gameplay and different paths puts it so high to the top.
3. pokemon legends arceus (2022)
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i know i said scarlet perfected the series but whatever. ive always preferred catching to battling and arceus did a better job of that. between that and the way your character could actually get involved in things its probably my fave pokemon game ever ehehe 😅
2. tales of arise (2021)
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i dont care what anyone says this was a REALLY good entry to the series. i liked the story and the twists. i loved the characters. combat was excellent (law main ↖️) and exploration was more fun than other tales games. might not be my favourite tales game but its better than (almost) everything else from this year!
1. tales of the abyss (2005, 3ds version 2012)
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I LOVE THIS GAME. IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED THIS GAME YOUR LIFE WILL BE IMPROVED BY PLAYING THIS GAME. its about identity and tragedy and legacy and remembering the past and respecting the present and growing to care for yourself and your loved ones. its about herding rappigs and falling out of landships and going WHY ARE YOU ME. IM ME. it made me cry. its one of the best tales combat systems. why are you still reading this go play tales of the abyss.
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Talking in you sleep
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Reader says Beetlejuice's name 3 times in their sleep, but hes already in their home
Idk been thinking about this for ages
Just a small fic
It was an accident
It was no secret to anyone that you talk in your sleep, not full sentences, just a word or two, nothing too abnormal, you didn't know about this little quirk of yours until a certain foul mouthed undead demon wormed his way into your life, he was the one who told you.
"Ya know you chatter on in your sleep?" He'd  chuckle as if he found something truly embarrassing to bug you about.
"How'd you know? Am I that loud you can hear me in the livingroom?"
"Nah, I watch you sleep" he said it so plainly as if it wasnt super creepy.
The ghoul eventually upped his late night habits from watching you sleep, to sleeping in the same bed as you, he did this so often you stopped setting up the couch for him and just accepted your fate to be spooned every night by a creepy old dead guy who you may or may not have a crush on
The nights you've babbled in your sleep always brought on annoying mornings of beetlejuice teasing you, probably lying through his teeth over how you moan his name in you sleep to get you worked up for his own amusement, unfortunately you couldnt prove you didnt since your dreams never really stuck with you long after waking.
Hell with your late night chatter you even manged to summon beej once in your sleep, a night he was spending over at the Deetz, you manged to say his name 3 times in a row, spoken, unbroken, in your sleep, and boy was your face red when you woke up and saw the bastard in question sitting inches from your face with the widest shit eating grin you've ever seen on his face, that was an instance you couldnt deny saying his name in your sleep and dreaming about him, you missed him, of course you think about the demon when you two are apart, even the few days he's with the Deetz and the maitlands.
Tonight wasnt one of those nights, beetlejuice has spent the entire day glued to your side, chatting your ear off about all the scares he and lydia pulled in your absence, his stories always made you smile, the way he practically glowed green with excitement as he retold his showmanship to you.
The night went on with bad jokes and fun stories as the demon filled you in on all the fun you missed while you were doing boring adult breather things and how the two of you should mess with some unlucky breathers so he could show you how amazing he truly was, as if you needed proof that the ghoul was a ham who loved to show off.
As the two of you sat on the couch laughing away, forgetting the movie that basically became White noise to your conversation, a yawn escapes your lips
"Getting tired babes? Am I really that boring" the ghoul teased pinching you cheek
You groan and pull away "well, yeah, unlike you mister freeloader, I worked all day" you shrug before letting out another yawn
"Freeloader? Oh sugar, your words hurt" the ghoul fakes hurt, giving you an over exaggerated gasped face, with his hands over where a person's heart would be "I thought we had the mutual understanding that I was your trophy husband"
You give the demon a soft laugh "you wish-"
"Every night baby~" he purrs pink stripes slowly appearing in his hair
You freeze, it wasnt uncommon for beetlejuice to openly flirt with you, but that doesnt mean it didnt make you freeze up everytime, you werent exactly the type people lined up to date, nor were you very popular growing up, so the sudden and intense attention the demon gave you always made your heart pound.
"Uh, um, I think I'm gonna head to bed" you stammer before getting up "night beej" you mumble before disappearing into your bedroom.
The demon stifles a laugh, god slash satan you were a delight to get worked up, not to mention easy. He loved it, his favourite little breather was always so hot when they were an embarrassed mess.
The ghoul decides to finish the movie the two of you had on in the background, before heading to bed with you, he didn't need to sleep, just enjoyed being snuggled up to that soft warm body of yours, and it was more rewarding to sneak in after you were out cold, bed would be already warm, and with the added thrill of not wanting to wake you.
As the credits roll beetlejuice snaps his fingers and tv goes dark, the ghoul raises from the couch and gives a yawn and a long stretch as if he was exhausted. The demon makes his way to your room, standing outside your door he pauses at the sound of your voice
It was soft, barely audible, but herd it, guess you were still up, beetlejuice phases through your bedroom door, to be greeted by your sleeping form.
He stifled a chuckle, you were dreaming of him, tomorrow was gonna be great, the ghoul was already busy thinking about ways to poke fun at this in the morning, moaning out his name in you sleep? What kind of dream were you having babes? He could see your face now.
"Beetlejuice" you mumble again in a whisper
"Whoa there babes, you know the rule, one more time and I'm out" he whispers making his way to your bed.
"Beetlejuice" you sigh
"Y/N!" was the the only thing he had time to shout before vanishing.
His shout was enough to make wake you, but not enough to clue you in to what you just did, you grumble out a swear before rolling over and going back to sleep.
The next morning you wake up, a tad confused to not have a snoring dead guy weighing you down, normally on nights beetlejuice would stay over he'd slip into bed with you after you've fallen asleep, using your chest as a pillow.
You dont think much of it at first, heading to the kitchen to make some coffee before getting dressed, you did notice there was no beej there either, waiting for you kettle to boil you give your little home a quick sweep for the demon, nothing.
He's vanished to do his own thing before, he was a grown man, sometimes he'd duck out and mess with the neighbors in your apartment complex, but he would at least leave you a note or something.
You started to worry, what if something awful happened to him? Then it clicked, lydia must had summoned him away to hang out, that had to be it, and with that thought all dread left you so you could carry on with your day, since bj wasnt around you took the opportunity to get a few odds and ends done.
The day drags on into the late evening, you were enjoying the peace as you catch up on some reading.
Your phone rings, looking at the screen you see its lydia, that's odd, she normally texts you if anything
"Y/n I need to ask beetlejuice something"
"Isnt he with you?"
"What? No-"
Dread returns to you chest, you havent seen him since last night, he left no note, he wasnt with lydia, did something awful happen? was he bored with you? You felt like you were going to be sick
"I gotta go" was all you could say before hanging up,
Again nothing, he normally came after the second yell, anxiety for your dear friend make you since to your stomach in fear for the worst, you steady yourself and take a deep breath and say it for a third time
With a puff of green smoke there stood the ghoul, unfortunately sporting a purple hue
"It took you that long to notice I was gone?"
"No, I-"
"Why did it take so long then? Enjoying your time without me?!" Red streaks began to show up amongst the purple
"I thought lydia summoned you back-"
"And you waited till now to check?!"
"I DIDNT WANT TO BOTHER THE TWO OF YOU" you yelled back, beetlejuice is taken abck by your volume, you take a deep breath "if I knew why you were gone I would have said something sooner, what happened?" You say calmly gently taking the demon's hand, red now fading away, though the purple stayed
"You sent me away, you said my name 3 times in your sleep and sent me back to the netherworld" he refused to look at you as if you did this on purpose to mess with him.
"Bee, I'm sorry, I would have never done that on purpose, i- i love having you around, and I, god, i miss you when you're not here, with me" now it was your turn to refuse eye contact, admitting such a cheesy thing, you wanted to just die, not that it would help.
The purple hue is quick to leave the ghoul's form in replacement with a much softer pink, you missed him, music to his ears.
"Sugar" beetlejuice grabs your chin and forces eye contact
You give him a soft smile seeing that he was no longer purple, but also when he pulls you into a rather over exaggerated dip and sloppy kiss "so how bout we make up for some lost time and you can make this little misunderstanding up to me, what do you say babes?~"
You only stutter and choke on your words as the demon spins you around
"Would you like to scare some delivery guy and watch a bad slasher?" You finally get out
The demon pauses for a moment, as if to think about this offer.
"Normally I'd be delighted honey, but I think you owe me~ how bout you have to sit on my lap the entire film~" he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at you, you swallow the lump in your throat, this was gonna be a long night
The two of you were snuggled together on the couch, Beetlejuice's arms were around your waist, his head on your shoulder, your bum on his lap.
"So babes, whatever you dreaming about last night?"
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mimicmew · 3 years
Updated list and info of the species in the Monster AU!
Since some people seemed interested.. here we go!
If you’d like to add your OC or make a new character for this au, use these as a basis! Feel free to ask me any questions if you’re curious or unsure. ALSO IT’S VERY LONG
- Humans are the basic species of this world.
- They can rarely learn magic and become mages, but most cannot.
- Most humans fear and hate monsters, hunting them down and killing them.
- The Pale Kingdom, regarded as the most hateful kingdom, is currently under attack from a dangerous dragon and it’s siren ‘companion.’ They have managed to cool this by sending regular sacrifices to the ocean.
- Sirens are very uncommon, as many of them are hunted down by other species when young, as they are very dangerous.
- Sirens live in pods consisting of 3-15 members. These pods usually exist of siblings from the same hatching, and rarely separate pods fuse to make larger groups. This is uncommon as Sirens are often quite territorial.
- Babies are called pups.
- Sirens never cut their hair, unless they lose a battle. A siren with long hair is to be feared, as they are undefeated in combat.
- For design, Sirens have normal skin colours until their waist, where it fuses into scales. These scales are usually cool colours such as blue, green or purple, and fade into a darker or lighter shade down their tails. They have fins on the sides of their faces that open and close as they emote. They have bright spots across their tail, face and hands. The spots are usually warm colours such as red, yellow or orange. These spots are different shapes depending on where the Siren is from. The only canon ones right now are the eye-shaped spots that both Mono and Thin Man have, so go wild with the shapes! They’ll usually wear shirts as a way of mimicking humans.
- Their magic can be very varied, but is always tied to their voices. A siren without a voice is a dead siren.
- Siren’s grow for their entire life! They grow to about 8 ft by 18, and then they grow roughly half a metre a year, so as you could guess, Thin Man is very long.
CANON CHARACTERS; The Hunter, The Toddler
- Centaurs live in large herds, ranging anywhere from 20 to over 100.
- They live in both forests and open plains.
- They are very naturalist and believe in not taking any more then they need.
 - They have a belief that the face (Particularly the eyes) is the most vulnerable place for spirits to enter, so at a certain age, (around 5 years old) they begin to wear masks. This can range anywhere from beautifully hand-carved wooden masks to just… a sack.
- Centaurs have long hair that runs down their back like a mane. It’s not uncommon for centaurs of any age, no matter the gender, to grow out beards or chest hair. 
CANON CHARACTERS; The Lady, The Lady’s unnamed mother
- Gorgons come from a long line of cursed humans, which have split off to its own species. They are very rare and usually exist in powerful families.
- Gorgons are almost only female, and can reproduce with the same sex.
- Gorgons have rock-hard scales that are always muted colours. Their underbellies are a lighter colour. The snakes that make up their ‘hair’ can be any colour.
- Gorgon’s eyes can turn people into stone through their eyes, so most cover their eyes.
- Harpies are tall, with their human arms replaced by large bird-like wings. Their legs are much like that of a bird of prey’s. The can have feathers on any place of their bodies.
- They often resemble an existing species of bird, from a bright scarlet macaw to a pitch-black crow.
- Some harpies live in large flocks, while others live alone.
- they usually wear long singlets that do not cover their shoulders, as to avoid restricting their wings.
- They often gather odd trinkets and items.
- Fauns are the deer-like cousins of centaurs
- They usually live alone in dense forests, but can sometimes be seen travelling with centaur herds.
- They have horns that can be any shape, and long, floppy ears.
CURREN CHARACTERS; The Janitor, The Wax Bellman
- Not much to say, usually just enchanted statues. Aren’t always made of stone, and can be made of most materials.
- Can really look like anything.
- Usually made to serve a master.
- Don’t need to eat, sleep or drink. 
- Changelings are creatures that, after having a hatchling, will sneak into a human’s house, usually kill or dispose of the human’s child and replace it with their own. Because of this, many changelings grow up unaware of the fact that they are changelings until they grow older.
- They have two forms, a regular human one, and a more monstrous one, often resembling some kind of insect or reptile.
CANON CHARACTERS; The Twin Chefs, The Lollipop boy
- uhh just big Cyclops honestly not much in terms of lore or design.
- Usually very tall and large.
CANON CHARACTERS; The Viewers, Some of the Guests, The Doctor
- Zombies can be made in many ways. However, the ones in this area are specifically made by the haunting songs of the Siren.
- They are killed by the first song, then slowly revived by the second, usually over a timespan of about 5 months.
- These zombies are mostly unfortunate humans who got too close, or sacrifices. They can be of any species, however.
CANON CHARACTERS: Six (werewolf)
- Werebeasts are a collection of species. Some of the most well known are the Werewolves, but many more exist, such are wereboars, werebears and werecats.
- They usually resemble humans, but after some time will shift into a monstrous half-humna, half-animal form. Some will change back, while others will remain like that forever.
- They act very similar to their animals. Some are more human, while others are almost entirely beast.
CANON CHARACTERS; The Sheet Kid, The Glitching Remains
- Just funky little ghosts! usually only of people who died tragic deaths :( 
- Usually have stains on their face resembling tears, and can seem like they are fading away, missing parts of their bodies.
CURRENT CHARACTERS; The Eye, The ‘Hunger’, The North Wind
- Ancient and powerful beasts, dragons are the most dangerous species to roam this world.
- If you’re going to make a dragon, try to use it for very powerful entities. Double check with me if you’re unsure.
- They can really look like anything, as there are many subspecies, such as wyverns, wyrms, hydras and more. However, they are unfortunately dying out at a rapid rate.
- They cannot die of old age, only of illness or injury.
- They usually have very strong magical abilities.
- While not always evil, most dragons will horde things. These can be jewels, people, plants or anything really.
Here are some species that might exist, but I dont have any proper lore on yet
- Shapeshifters
- Vampires
- elementals (living elements)
- half-borns (people who are half-animal, half-human)
- Fae
- Selkie
And these are just the ‘sentient’ species! Many mythical animals exist too, such as Phoenix or Unicorn, but are only. animals
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ssamie · 3 years
four. friends and foes
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"m..mom!!" y/n's scream echoed throughout the house, startling nanako who was putting on her shoes 
"wha- y/n?! what's wrong?!" nanako shrieked in panic as she sprinted towards her daughter's room. nanako merely sweat dropped as she was met with y/n frantically squeezing into her clothes, all while brushing her hair as well
"why didnt you wake me?!" she exclaimed with teary eyes "im late!!" 
"sweetie, i did!" nanako said with a nervous laugh "i called for you and you replied but you didn't come down so i thought you were getting ready.." 
y/n paled and grunted as she recalled the late night up until the early morning's events. 
"i should call reki.." she muttered to herself "ah, but what if he's busy? or asleep?" 
suddenly, the ringing of her phone startled her, causing her to jump in fright. she cautiously approached the device and flipped it over to check the caller ID. 
"its reki!" she gasped in delight as she giddily plopped on her bed and answered the call "hey reki!" she greeted with a smile, although he couldn't see it. 
"hey y/n! i was calling to check up on you!" reki replied "how have you been? is the school nice?" 
"im good! and the school is.. okay.. though, ours was more fun" she said. "what about you? are you at S-" 
"IS THAT MY PRECIOUS Y/N?! give me that phone, you brat!"  "hey! that's mine-" 
she blinked in confusion and gulped, patiently waiting for the commotion on the other line to settle. "um who is this?" she asked in a wary tone as she listened to the person's heavy breathing 
"my eve.." 
she shrieked and shook as she felt the chills travelling from her head to toe. she threw the phone on the bed and cautiously backed away. "no way, it's adam" she shuddered ".. creepy.." 
later on, reki ended up retrieving the phone, and they had a never ending conversation. 
they were forced to hang up by shadow, seeing as they had been talking each other's ears off up until sunrise. 
"y/n its time for school!"  nanako called out from downstairs. 
y/n sighed and sluggishly peeled her eyes open. "y-yeah!" she replied "im just gonna.." she trailed off 
and in a blink of an eye, she had fallen asleep. 
"i dozed off" she groaned and repeatedly slapped her face 
"sorry mom, you don't have to drive me. i'll skate on my way" she said with a sigh as she hastily grabbed her bag and school tie 
"are you sure, sweetheart?" nanako asked worriedly "you might as well take the bus if you're already late.." 
"no i'll be fine." she dismissed "bye mom!" 
nanako watched her sprint out of the house, only for the bluenette to panic and sprint back in. "i forgot my skateboard!" she exclaimed
"geez.." nanako chuckled "stay safe, okay!" she yelled out the window as she watched her daughter skate away 
"i will!— ouch!" y/n shrieked out as she hit a huge rock and fell on the ground. "what is with her luck today..?" nanako sweat dropped as she continued to wave her goodbye. 
"its my second day and im late.." y/n gritted her teeth as she sighed in annoyance. "though its fine.. i got to talk to reki, after all.." she smiled 
on her way to school, right at the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the same brunette from yesterday. "oikawa-san..?" she muttered in confusion
it seems he was facing the same dilemma as her. the boy was hastily putting on his shoes, and he didn't even have the time to tie it, as he sprinted out of his house. 
"stupid iwa-chan! he didn't pick me up! he didn't even wake me!" oikawa exclaimed with a groan 
y/n shook her head and simply let him be. instead, she focused on her goal, which was to arrive before the bell rings. 
"ah shit. six more minutes til the bell.." she heard oikawa grumble. she raised a brow in confusion, curious as to why his voice seems to grow louder and louder, as if he was nearing her. 
"and my phones about to die- ah!" oikawa yelped in surprise as he collided with what seems like a person's back. 
"ah sorry!" she shrieked out as she tried to balance herself. she looked up to see his phone about to fall on the ground, which would undoubtedly result in a huge crack. in an instant, she kicked her board around and leaned back to reach for the device before it could make impact with the ground. 
"sorry! um- i should've avoided you.." y/n muttered sheepishly as she made her way towards him. 
"oh.. yeah its fine.." oikawa mumbled back as he stared up at her with widened eyes. "here's your phone." she said as she placed the phone in his hands with a wary expression. 
she was quite worried that he'd kick her out of the team for bumping into him and almost breaking his phone, more so, making him even more late. "..." she stood there for a second longer, awkwardly shuffling on her feet and fiddling with her board in her hands, simply waiting for him to say something. 
"i'll see you in school, oikawa-san." she said with a curt nod 
with that, she hopped on her board and hastily made her exit. 
oikawa watched with a smile of amusement as she barely missed a street bump and almost lost her balance. "so it was her.." he mumbled with a smirk as he looked back to eye the house where their new neighbors, which he now knew was y/n, moved in. 
"i'll have to pay her a visit sometime." he chuckled. he was then pulled back out of his trance by his ringtone, which was playing obnoxiously loud. 
"hello?" he spoke into the phone. on the other line, he could hear iwaizumi's aggravated huffs, followed by a silent yell saying;
"dumbass, you're late! where the hell are you?!" iwaizumi whisper shouted. oikawa figured he was probably trying to hide his phone from the teachers. 
"huh? late?" he looked at the time on his phone and paled. 
"what happened to you this morning?" rika asked her with a hum of confusion "i stayed up late to talk to reki.. i guess i forgot to mind the time." y/n answered with a sigh 
"hey, whyd oikawa-senpai come in late today too?" "yeah, he arrived just minutes after the new girl." "maybe it's a coincidence" 
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y/n overheard their mumbling though she paid them no mind. "is oikawa-san really that popular?" she asked rika 
"hmm? oh yeah. girls love him! he's really good at volleyball so i guess i get why he's famous." rika explained "though it's mostly because of his looks." 
"oh.." y/n hummed in understanding. "what about you then?" 
"what about me?" rika asked. "do you like him too?" y/n asked. rika stared at her blankly, letting silence engulf them, making y/n squirm in slight awkwardness. 
suddenly, she laughed and playfully slapped y/n in the shoulder. "hahah no way!" rika exclaimed "i don't have eyes for anyone except my yuuta!" she said with a dreamy sigh 
"yuuta..?" y/n muttered in confusion "is that your partner..?"
"yup! hes my boyfriend! he's not popular like oikawa but.. he's the best!" rika exclaimed with a huge grin. "i see.." y/n nodded with a smile. "i wonder what it's like to have a boyfriend." 
"oh~" rika grinned mischievously "curious, are you? ~" she cooed "i.. i guess so.." y/n mumbled in embarrassment as she fiddled with her hair with a huff
"heh. don't worry! i'll find you a great boyfriend! my yuuta knows a guy named inumaki! you'll definitely get along!" rika cheered "i'll set you up!" 
"no!" y/n quickly declined 
".. why not?" rika frowned in confusion. "inumaki's nice i swear!" 
"no.. its just that.." y/n chuckled sheepishly "i promised reki i won't find a partner while we're apart" she said. "wow.. you're really loyal to this reki guy." rika hummed "but you're not together right?" she asked 
"ah.. no.." y/n answered with a pained smile 
"i can sense i shouldn't have asked that." rika sweat dropped. "whatever. can i see a picture?" she asked 
"of reki? sure! i have him as my lockscreen!" y/n beamed as she shoved her phone onto rika's face 
"wow, he's actually on your lockscreen.." rika sweat dropped. 
"ooh~ who's this~" a new voice cooed along. 
rika and y/n turned around to face oikawa, who was smiling down at them, and iwaizumi who gave them a small nod. ".. nobody.." y/n replied as she lowered her phone away from their line of sight. 
"eh? but you seemed so excited to be talking about a 'nobody'" oikawa mused as he dragged a random chair closer to her desk and perched himself on it. "hey~ you really got me in trouble this morning y/n-chan~" oikawa cooed playfully 
she flinched and sent him a wary glance. "sorry about that.." she said "i didnt mean to.." she eyed him nervously as he propped his arms in her desk and leaned in closer to her. 
"dont worry y/n-chan! whyre you so fidgety around me?" oikawa asked with a laugh 
"ah its just that.." y/n trailed off "you're not gonna kick me off the team right ?" she asked 
oikawa blinked in surprise and shook his head. "ofcourse not! it's our first time having a manager, i wouldn't wanna mess that up" he said. y/n sighed in relief and slumped back on her chair. 
"stop bothering her shittykawa" iwaizumi huffed from beside them. "even im getting annoyed by it" he said. "eh? you're so mean iwa-chan!" oikawa chuckled "im just trying to be friends" 
"hey hey, isn't that oikawa-senpai?" "he's talking to the new girl?" "i heard she's their new manager!" "geez. i thought she wasn't a threat." 
y/n briefly glanced at the girls and pursed her lips in distaste. it was only her second day here and yet she's already on many people's bad side. and it wasn't even her fault! 
she sighed and averted her attention to her phone, scrolling through twitter to keep up with S and her friends. "huh..?" she mumbled in confusion as she scrolled through the countless tweets raging about 'SNOW' 
"they know about me leaving?" she hummed and shrugged it off. she didn't seem to see the problem with it. though she loved skating with her friends at S, it wasn't like it'd go to ruins if she left. 
right now, her more prominent problem was oikawa tooru. or more specifically his herds of fangirls. 
"im gonna go to the gym." she excused herself as she grabbed her bag and skateboard. "wait! i'll come with!" oikawa said with a smile as he hastily grabbed his belongings and rushed to her side 
"oh. you don't have to" she said with furrowed brows as she tried to discreetly shuffle away from him. "oh please. what kind of captain would i be if i don't accompany our dear manager-chan?" oikawa teased as he slung his bag over his shoulder 
"let's go, y/n-chan~" oikawa cooed, making her sigh. 
"right." she replied curtly with a nod. 
"so cold! we're gonna be teammates soon so you gotta warm up to me, yaknow?" oikawa chuckled 
"i see. i'll try my best, oikawa-san" she said with a faint smile 
oikawa grinned and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "i can't wait when we become best friends~" 
"ah. i already have a best friend. sorry." she turned him down with a deadpanned expression. 
oikawa sweat dropped and chuckled. "was i going a bit too fast?" he said. "dont worry, i'll aim for the boyfriend position instead" he cooed
"ah. i have reserved that position for someone else as well. sorry." 
"okay, so this is the list of the players' positions." coach nobuteru said as he handed her the paper. "right!" y/n replied with a nervous gulp as she read through the list. 
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"i see." nobuteru laughed and patted her on the back. "no worries, i'll explain it to you as the practice progresses." 
".. you know what the positions mean right?" nobuteru asked with an amused chuckle. "no sir.." she replied with a glum sigh "i was gonna look it up last night but.. some important matters came up" she said 
"first we have oikawa. he's the captain so i think it's best we discuss him first" he said. "he's our setter and 'service ace'" he said. "he has a natural talent as a setter and his powerful serves are something the opponents are all very wary of." 
as coach nobuteru explained, her eyes followed oikawa as he dribbled a ball and prepared to do a jump serve. "i see.. oikawa-san is-" she got cut off as oikawa jumped and hit the ball with his hand, causing a loud slapping noise to ring across the gym 
oikawa looked over to her with a smug smirk, awaiting her words of praise
".. oikawa-san is really scary.." she finished with a shudder as she looked at the other side of the court which the ball had hit 
oikawa's face dropped at the remark and groaned. "i was aiming for something like 'talented' or 'cool' " he said "instead i got called scary" he sulked, to which matsukawa laughed in response and patted his back 
"better luck next time" matsukawa laughed 
"he's scarily precise and clean with his serves.. if i was to receive that i would probably break my arms." y/n said to coach nobuteru with a chuckle "it's quite impressive, hm?" nobuteru hummed 
"yeah! so awesome!" she cheered as she eagerly wrote down the new found information on her notepad 
from the opposite side of the court, oikawa, along with maki and mattsun listened in on their conversation with varying reactions. 
oikawa was quite overjoyed and smug, seeing as he was quietly bragging to them about the compliment 
all while the duo simply rolled their eyes and playfully punched the brunette 
"i wonder if he could teach me that." she thought out loud as she picked up a ball and poked at it with her fingers 
as quick as he could be, he slithered towards her with a charming smile, more than ready to woo her off her feet. "well, why don't you find out, yourself?" he cooed with a laugh 
"though, i'll certainly be more than happy to teach you" he said with a smile 
y/n looked at him with a brow irked in confusion. she simply smiled back sheepishly as he continued to practically ooze stars and sparkles. his larger hands caressed hers as he too went to grab the ball, though he didn't let go and simply placed it there. 
"oh.. then please teach me how to serve, oikawa-san!" she beamed with a sweet smile 
"..." oikawa looked at her with slightly widened eyes and discreetly cleared his throat to calm his nerves. "a-ah, of course!" he stammered out with a shaky grin 
"im always happy to help out our dear manager-chan" oikawa cooed teasingly as he patted her shoulder with a smile "lets meet after practice if you want" he suggested, to which she responded with an eager nod. 
"alright then" he cleared his throat "i'll meet ya after practice, okay~" he cooed at her 
"okay!" she replied with a smile as she waved him goodbye, watching him run off to the court. 
"ah geez!" oikawa groaned out as he hid and crouched behind a random tarp. he covered his warm and reddened cheeks as he mumbled to himself while iwaizumi peers down at him with a sneer. 
"yo, you're really serious about that crush of yours?" iwaizumi asked with a chuckle 
"of course i am! im many many things but im not a liar, you know" oikawa huffed as he slapped iwaizumi's leg. "yes you fucking are" iwaizumi scoffed and kicked him back "you're not a goddamn saint, shittykawa" he rolled his eyes 
"you better not play y/n. she's one of the only girls who aren't obsessed with you in this school." iwaizumi said with a huff "i would hate not having her around here anymore if that happens." he said
"okay, maybe im just a teeny tiny bit unsure of this crush of mine, but still!" oikawa huffed "i'll update you when i make my mind up!" he said as he sent iwaizumi a cheeky wink 
"man, you really are a shitty person." iwaizumi sighed 
"that was.. not bad for a tenth attempt. not bad at all." oikawa said with a pained smile as he patted her head comfortingly. "oikawa-san.." she whimpered "you're such a liar!" she whined out
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"i thought this was supposed to be easy! you made it look so easy.." she sulked
she dusted her pants and picked her board up from the ground. "though i think i'd rather stick to skating after that.." she said
"hey hey, things like this need practice. how'd you think i got better over the years?" he mused. "i guess you're right." she sighed and plucked herself off the ground
oikawa laughed and leaned against the wall, watching her skate around with a smile on his lips. "giving up already?" he cooed tauntingly "wow.. i thought you'd have more resolve than that, y/n-chan~" 
"its not that i lack resolve, oikawa-san" she replied "i just think skating is more fun, that's all" she said as she locked eyes with him and sent him a smile 
"its no fun if i can't play alongside you guys.. so i think i'd rather stick to this, where i can skate with my friends" she said "i mean, i can have fun with skateboarding wherever i am.. i just need a good ramp to boost myself on.." 
she eyed the pieces of frail wood stacked against a bench and grinned. "like that" she said as she pointed to it. 
oikawa spluttered and looked at her with widened eyes. "hey hey wait- don't skate on that thing, you'll fall!" he exclaimed 
y/n paid him no mind and skated towards the makeshift ramp in a fast pace. oikawa watched in distress as she propels herself off the ramp and did a flip mid-air, holding onto her board as she waits for herself to get back on the ground. 
(wtf i suck at describing tricks, idek what they're called sorry lmfao 😭) 
"hey! that's dangerous.." oikawa's voice gradually softened as he now focused on her. 
his chocolate brown orbs trained themselves on her as he watched the lampposts illuminate her from behind, outlining her form and accentuating the beautiful soft blue hue of her hair. 
oikawa gulped as a pinkish hue sprawled itself on his cheeks. his eyes glimmered with admiration as he watched her land gracefully on the ground. 
"what-what was that..?" he squeaked out 
"im not sure" she answered. "it was just a simple trick, oikawa-san." 
"why?" y/n cocked her head to the side and sent him a curious glance, to which he returned with a nervous smile. 
"a-ah, nothing!" oikawa laughed "i've never seen anything like it!" he said "you're really fucking cool, y/n-chan!" oikawa said with a grin as he ran towards her, holding his belongings. 
"you're very cool too, oikawa-san" she returned the compliment with a small smile of gratitude 
"hold on, i gotta call iwa-chan. i have something important to say" he said as he pulled out his phone and showed her iwaizumi's contact 
"oh.. okay..?" she replied with a sheepish smile as she watched him scurry over to the other side of the park with a heavy blush on his face 
"iwa-chan! i-i have some news!" oikawa shrieked out as he shakily gripped his phone. 
"what the hell are you talking about?" iwaizumi huffed out from the other line 
"well.. yknow when i said i'd update you when i make my mind up about liking y/n?" oikawa mused with a nervous chuckle 
"well, i think i'm positive i like her!" 
"oh. okay." iwaizumi sighed "i'll support you i guess. but one thing.." 
"yeah?" oikawa hummed in confusion. 
"you're with her right now right?" "yeah why?" 
"dont you think she might have heard you by now given that you've been screaming to the phone since the start of the call?" iwaizumi deadpanned
oikawa paled and slowly looked behind him, only to sigh in relief as he saw y/n mindlessly dribbling the ball as she sat on her board. "phew, she didn't hear me" he let out a sigh of relief. 
"oikawa-san?" y/n called out "um.. are you done talking? can we go home now?" she asked 
"ah yeah!" oikawa exclaimed "you didn't hear anything right?" he asked nervously 
"oh well.. no, not at all." she said with an awkward smile as she gave him a thumbs up. 
"you're totally lying!" he shrieked in horror "im sorry! i didnt mean to!" she shrieked back. "sorry oikawa-san" she sulked gloomily as she bowed her head. "but all i heard was when you said 'im positive i like her' i swear!" 
oikawa chuckled and let out a sigh of relief. he patted her back and smiled "hey, it's fine. no need to worry" he said 
"but who do you like, oikawa-san? you're every popular so im kinda curious." she said 
"i can help you confess!" she suggested "i heard that japanese people confess by giving a love letter under a cherry blossom tree." 
"ah. no need for that" oikawa meekly chuckled 
"i tried that once. it was a fail since there wasn't any cherry blossoms around. and i didn't actually know how to write in japanese.." she sweat dropped 
"oh so you like someone?" oikawa asked with a smile 
"yeah.. i-i guess you could say that.." she stammered out as she looked down in embarrassment and rolled her board back and forth. "hmm. okay.." oikawa hummed out
she glanced up at him, confused as to why he wasn't as playful as he normally was. though she simply shrugged it off as tiredness and followed him as he walked off. 
"... damn. double homicide." iwaizumi's voice suddenly emitted from oikawa's phone. 
"i- what the hell-" oikawa let out a groan as he plucked his phone from his pocket 
"is that iwaizumi?" she sweat dropped 
"dont mind him let's go home" oikawa said with a playful eye roll as he ended the call "i'll pick you up tomorrow, okay?" oikawa cooed as he watched her skate slowly to match his walking pace.
"oh.. why?" she asked with furrowed brows
"friends walk to school together, right?" oikawa mused
she blinked up at him and chuckled as a smile formed on her lips. "i guess you're right" she said
sorry for the spelling/grammar mistakes if there are any :<
"i'll be expecting you, oikawa-san"
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ushiwakatrash · 4 years
On your knees, King! (Part 2)
Bakugou x reader, Todoroki x reader
Fantasy AU
!Warnings!: Swearing, betrayal, lil dash of angst, shitty writing
Bakugou is the esteemed King of the Kingdom of Barbarians and because he succeeded in ruling the lands that were once governed by the Yuuei Kingdom, an offering must be made for the peace of the people. As the so-called ‘black sheep’ of the royal family, the King of Yuuei a.k.a. your father, offered you--naming you the most precious thing he could give; but you know the truth behind his words.
← Part 1           Part 3 →
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The whole night Prince Shouto held you in his arms, gently running his hand through your hair as he cooed you to stop crying.
“Oh Sho, if only our engagement was not cancelled then I could have been happy to live the rest of my days with my best friend. But alas, this is only wishful thinking”
These words struck his heart as he yearned for the princess even more. His heart had been hers to begin with, ever since they were kids, ever since they met one beautiful morning in the garden where their parents often had tea.
Knowing she was to be given away when she was supposed to be his pained him. She saw the marriage as her marrying her best friend but for him, there is no one else who he is willing to grow old with rather than (Y/n).
A bitter taste was left in his mouth and before he even knew it, a tear started to roll down his face. The world had always been unfair for him and he almost had the only thing he could ever want, the Barbarians had to take that away from him too.
“Princess, I am still hoping your father changes his mind. I will try to convince him as best as I can” Todoroki softly said. He knew the chances were too slim but he still had to try.
His last string of hope got cut when he saw the broken smile of the princess. “I don’t think there’s anything we can do at this point. My father has already signed the papers. My life is over, Sho.”
“Don’t say that, milady. It may not be so bad. For sure they do things differently but I know they won’t treat you poorly. You are a grand token from the Kingdom of Yuuei and the um... future... queen of the.. Barbarians” The prince’s hands fell to his side and he balled his fists.
“You dont deserve this, (Y/n). I truly wish I could do something. I can’t give you up to that unsightly king! I... just can’t take it..” slowly Shouto got up and turned his back on you.
“Sho, what’s wrong?” he started walking towards the door and flashed a small sad smile “I don’t want to lose you, but it looks like the future is set on doing so. Rest, (Y/n). Goodnight.”
Silence surrounded the room and the princess was left alone to her thoughts once more. “Should I make that Bakugou hate me so he would want to get rid of me? Oh wait, if I become a nuisance, he might just go for my head!” she said to herself.
“If I do what he wishes, he might treat me well...” all that thinking and crying finally took over on the girl’s body and soon enough she fell asleep.
As the Prince excited her room, he felt his legs stagger and when he was already further down the hallway, his knees finally gave up. Immense pain clouded his heart as the news finally hit him.
He grew up with her, he shared his pain with her and he was ready to see her seated beside him when it was their time to rule over their empires. All because of that stupid king, all of his dreams were crushed.
Memories of them came flashing in his mind and he smiled a little when he remembered the time he fell in love. 
“I can’t stand how you look like your father!” those were the words he heard before the scorching heat of boiling water kissed his delicate face. What hurt the most was that his own mother was behind the ugly burn mark that’s starting to eat away his pale skin.
“AAAAAAAAAAH! NO PLEASE MOTHER, STOP IT!!!” the child prince’s cries filled up the whole room. The queen couldn’t believe what she had done and dropped everything she was holding. One of the guards herd the commotion and stood frozen as he saw the scene unfolding in front of him.
“M-ma’am, what happened here?” his shaky voice asked. “I- I d-didn’t mean i-it! It’s his father’s fault! Everything is his father’s fault!” Soon more guards entered the room and some escorted the prince to find medical assistance.
“Get the king, quick! We don’t know if we can arrest her majesty or not”
King Enji, mostly known as King Endeavor, quickly rushed to the room where his knights led him and saw the mess his wife had made. Knowing how big of a scandal this would cause, he announced that the queen had gone ill but in fact, she was hidden away in a room deep in the palace where only selected maids were to tend to her.
If ever palace staff were to spread the truth about Rei Todoroki, their heads would be chopped off in an instant. Out of the fear of the king and of course their lives, no one said a word.
When Princess (Y/n) heard the news she quickly dragged her personal maid out of the castle and demanded for a carriage pronto. Her palace staff scrambled to their feet to comply to the princess in a hurry. 
“Quick, to the Todoroki Castle, something bad had happened. Please sir make the carriage fly if you have to!” she pleaded. They knew their sweet little princess never demanded anything from them so this must have been a real emergency. 
When they reached their destination, (Y/n) jumped out of their vehicle and run towards her friend’s room. Her visit startled the maids because she had come without prior notice.
In a loud authoritative (but cute) voice she ordered the maids to immediately take her to Shoto. Without even knocking, the princess busted the door open and took the boy in his arms.
Instantly, Shoto felt the comfort the princess was trying to give. He cried as she cooed sweet words in his ear. When the prince calmed a little, the little girl cupped his tear stained face and gave a little kiss on his nose.
“You know Sho, you’ll always be the most handsome prince to me. Your face may change but you’ll always be my Sho!” she then kissed his scar and engulfed him in another hug “You’ll always be my prince Sho. It’s okay to get hurt and cry but you have to pick yourself up too. How will my prince protect me if he keeps looking down?” the sweet girl then beamed at him.
Her contagious smile made way to his and he knew everything would be alright. The girl had said everything he needed to hear.
So when Shoto fell for her, he sure fell damn hard.
Back to the present, a red strong dragon had just landed in the balcony of the royal castle of the Barbarians. He roared to let his master know he was home.
“What did you see, Kirishima?” the King went to pet his mystical dragon. In human form, the dragon would be able to talk so after receiving his well earned pats on the head, Kirishima transformed to a young buff man with sharp hair as red as his beautiful scales.
The red head knelt on one knee and proceeded to tell King Bakugou the events that happened. “Oh so she and that Todoroki bastard are friends, huh? But really, a grown ass woman sleeping over at his fucking castle? Tch. I’d rather not have that dual color haired bastard taint what’s going to be mine!” the Barbarian King was not happy with the scenes relayed to him by his loyal steed.
“(Y/n)... you better toughen it up if you wanna stay a fucking queen in my palace.”
Taglist: @cathwritestragediesnotsins @itsmysticalmystery
Send a message if you want to be on the taglist ♥
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to the anon that sent me an essay, this is for you
to everyone else, idk what this is
from anon:
here are a few things ive thought of to an obsessive level but these are completely non-bts related so u can choose to skip it. hell, you knew u that already.
1. before becoming parents or after emerging into adulthood everyone should be sent to therapy. sometimes i question if it is to fill the gaps their childhood has blown wide open that adults have children. or is it to fulfill some moral responsibility they have to simply reproduce. if its the first, to think about it, is kind of fucked up. you are depriving your child a stable future, creating replicas of exactly what you suffered, if u are not stable yourself.
You know, probably. People have kids for a number of reasons, not all if them good. I am a product of such a cycle, generations that used physical and emotional punishment on their own children to lash out their frustrations in life. The easiest one to bully is the offspring you made, because they don't know any better. They think that's how life is, because that's how life always was. I suffer for it, all the time. But, you know, therapy does nothing if you don't want it. You have to be willing to listen to be helped.
Most people are not willing to listen or change. That's the big problem.
2. its sad how the whole ' one in a million ' concept is staring at me. haruki murakami said mediocrity is constant. that thought haunts me everyday becuase of how many people are just a sea of faceless creatures as the world decides which one is the outlier. its the scariest thing i have ever felt, but it is inevitable. mediocrity should be normalized. there is an exorbitant amount of pressure in youth to produce and create and every other teenager is doing mun and every other adult is in the medical field, but at the cost of what? sure, you just saved the world, but did you save yourself?
Everyone is in outlier which makes nobody special. Society has slowly but surely created the idea that people need to be better than others, the idea that "better" must exist. To want more. And why is that?
Why is everyone pressured to make a product? To monetize their hobbies? To "do work you love"? Why is this the ideal? Because someone wants to profit from you. Someone is always greeding for more, more, so they make you feel this need as well, feeding off your futile attempts to be the "prefect you" but the perfect you doesn't exist. Why is it that every outlier put on a pedestal feels disillusioned / pressured or greedy / selfish? Because you've been tricked, feeling sad and deflated that you can't achieve something that isn't real.
3. middle class. im part of it. we're probably the most entitled section of society there is. it is so amusing to me how we have basically everything we need to survive but always want more. its weird how the poorer sections dont have time to think about their lives at the stake of capitalist countries, while we're here thinking about everything in our day that has harmed us, complaining about shit that isnt even required to survive. my mind is bursting because im literally fucking typing / this / because i have the privilege to and im STILL . doing . it .
Entitled? Everyone feels entitled. Not just middle class. You think rich people don't want more? Pfft. Everyone wants more, simply because that's what were trained to think. Everything around us is always asking you to want more, tying your worth to what you have instead of what you are. Your worth equating to material possessions has been taught to you all your life from the media, all for the sake of profit. The worst is when they turn your own morals and ethics on you to monetize that as well.
4. i hope i dont forget everything that has ever happened to me. not because i'd want to hold it over peoples head. but because i really dont want to grow ignorant. i dont want to have hollow opinions and i dont want to live a life where its easy to be just as. i dont want to be in a herd of sheep.
You will forget. Neurons die all the time. It's a known fact memories get disorganized, remade, and blended with fantasy. You are organic, an imperfect machine. Even your memories are imperfect, only focusing on specific things and not the whole picture because human brains focus on what's important and not what is. This is a survival tactic and it's what causes you to polarize one way or another. Even you, telling me this right now, you are declaring "I want things to only be this way".
But, you know.
"Polarization is the ugliest flower in the world."
Your past and memory is not the only thing that shapes opinions. Agreeing with others is not being a sheep. Are you a sheep because you agree killing an innocent as a police officer is not okay? Sometimes ignorance is okay. You don't have to know everything. Sometimes it's better not to.
5. im really jealous of bts sometimes. its fucking insane. theyre so successful but they have and continue to endure so much shit from the world. passion. passion is the word i want to chop up and throw into a blender and smother in a fire. they have it. and i dont. they are so hardworking. its something ill never be.
They don't have to do anything. They can quit at any time. They choose not to for many reasons. You choose how much you can take and how much is too much. You chose who you are. There are many hardworking, passionate people you don't know, because they don't want to be known. Passion, hard work, these things exist in many forms, and not all of it is so exposed like it is with BTS.
And let's face it, not all of those things can be good. They said so themselves.
6. i think we should really stop saying 'well if u were in their place what would u have done'. we cant do what we havent been given the chance to experience. we cant think about what we wouldve done because we have lived our lives NOT doing it. i am living my life only one which way and there is no other way i can know yet.
We say this to help others realize that prespective is importamt. It is not about actually living it, but having the empathy to understand and see from another person's eyes. No one is asking you to be Dr. Strange and live all 5 million possibilities. You can think someone's actions / words are wrong but, in that moment, they didn't think that, either because they grew up a certain way or because certain things happened to them. You don't have to live the experience to have some level of understanding, even if imperfect.
im sorry for this brain dump , i dont really have anyone else im willing to talk to and i completly understand if u skip this. hope ur fine tho and taking care. love ur works !
I'm an INTJ. My brain never turns off. It's a curse. But thank you for enjoying my writing! Hope you liked this too LOL
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goatpaste · 4 years
WC design/headcannon/ect masterlist- Part A
just a list of ALL my designs for headcanons, maybe some design updates, any other comments or AU ideas i have. on main characters and characters with no plot!
These are all the cats who name starts with ‘A’, posting these in alphabetical order to not overload just one list lol
all under the cut >:3
Acorn Fur
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my Acorn Fur design changed slightly as she used to be more red saturated and i wanted her to not so much like my Red Claw Design
My biggest Headcanon for her is she absolutely didn’t listen to Moth Flight and ended up giving birth to two kit’s with Red claw as the father. they names are Rain Stone and Oak Stump 
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Acornpaw, ancient skyclan warrior
i like the idea of Acornpaw is a decedent of Acorn Fur and one of the last generations of her family that would remember her name
A warrior name i think would be nice for him is Acorndrop
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Acorntail, ancient windclan deputy.
i can imagine he was named the way he was being smallest in his litter, losing his tail to a rabbit trap when he’s older
acorntail stick with being deputy for awhile but i can see either he even after training an apprentice can’t keep up with the duties and once again insist that Morningcloud is made deputy. oR acorntail becoming leader as Acornstar and morningcloud or her apprentice Quickpaw being made his deputy 
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Adderkit, starclan kit who used to live in windclan and died by adder bite, named for it and was avanged by tallstar 
I imagine Adderkit was originally named Burrowkit born to Ashfoot and Deadfoot in their first litter with Eaglekit. Adderkit died on Windclans Journey to find a home after shadowclan chased them out.
Adderkit was very young when they died i picture their memory of their living life being EXTREMELY blurry, they know their windclan and they died by an adder. its why they renamed themself, and they barely remember who their mom and dad were.
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Adderpaw, ancient windclan apprentice who was around to the apprentice age limit code
Adderpaw was name for what a good few other ‘adder’ and snake named kits are named for, their tail wiggling around with its patterns look like that of a skinny snake.
Adderpaw Warrior name ideas, Addergrace or Addersnag
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not much to say beyond i think my design for him looks very funny lol
but my design for him is that he is leucistic
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Applefrost, kid of appledusk and reedshine
Named after her piece of shit dad, and raised on one sided stories of him she loved her dad and wanted to be like him as she got older.
She was the first victim of Mapleshade’s hauntings, picking her because she was named after the man who hurt her family and she looks a bit like him. 
(applefrost isn’t normally greying on the bottom naturally, this is a side effect on spending so many years training one on one with mapleshade in the dark forest. My crookedstar design also has this) Applefrost knows the name mapleshade and was skeptic to talk to her at first, but opened up and tries to just take what advice she can get from the spirit. Even coming to sympathies with her through learning the truth of her father. 
Then one day Mapleshade stopped visiting her, thought Applefrost would never know what happened, there is a reason.
Applefrost was full grown, and so kind even in the face of the warrior who killed her father. And she looked so much like him, yes he ruined her life but maybe this was the price she payed for what she did, to forever feel pain over the lose of someone who didn’t love her. 
It was part that, and part..something about the way she looked at mapleshade, and something she said sent her memories flying back to her little petalkit who looked so much like her. 
Mapleshade would stop visiting applefrost and move on to another generation of their family. 
Applefrost would never tell her siblngs of mapleshade, but would come to disown her own father in starclan. even being friends with petalkit.
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daughter of breezepelt and heathertail
mostly in here because i needed to up date her design
she hasn’t received her warrior name yet but should be close in the books
but a name like Applebite or Appleleaf
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Ashfoot,  windclan warrior, deputy and mother of crowfeather
i absOLUTLY love ashfoot
i picture her to be a very like ‘badass warrior mom’ she give tough love and you can’t help but totally admire her. She loves her son crowfeather, though if she is honest he tends to disappoint her with how he kinda doesn’t know how to behave
she gets followed around by herds of kits who want to be like her, and her past apprentice’s (which she has many of) call her sheriff (or mom, which is embarrassing but common and crow HATES it) 
Her and Deadfoot are VERY lovey dovey, she loves her sweet husband dearly and was distraught when he died. They were best friends growing up as apprentices together and were both name ‘foot’ in sign they always walked paw and paw, being well synced in battle and in life, they were just perfect for each other. so its easy to imagine when Deadfoot died it was like she lost half of herself
Ashfoot has a very long tail, just oh so slightly shorter than talltail, her family is known for their long tail (a trait passed down through being descended of windstar) Long tails are often called a symbol of power or royality in windclan. its very diserable and only tallstar’s tail was longer than hers. Her son crowfeather, and grandson jayfeather both take after thing ten fold with tails you could trip 10 cats with. breezepelt has a longer tail than average but no were near as long as theirs and it dOES kinda make him mad.
Ashfoot also loVES nightcloud, at first when crowfeather told his mom that nightcloud was having his kit’s she was super skeptical, not of nightcloud but of their relationship. she just saw right through it for what it really was. so she mostly didn’t talk to nightcloud for the two month’s she was pregnant, as to avoid getting involved.
but when Nightcloud gives birth and all of her kits but breezepelt die and she is DISTRAUGHT. Crowfeather isn’t helping and doesn’t seem to find any words that comfort her or not make her more upset, so like a big ol man child he turns to his mom and begs her to calm down nightcloud.
and its this moment that Ashfoot find’s herself completely bonded to Nightclouds side, looking at the dark she-cat crying over her lost kittens with her single son mewling for her. Ashfoot herself has had two litters both that only had one survivor, Eaglekit’s litter (eaglekit only made it to paw before he died) and now all she has is crowfeather. Ashfoot stay’s by the queens side and comforts her new daughter in law. 
Ashfoot and Nightcloud are close, even when her and crowfeather ultimately don’t work out. 
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dont have much for him i guess
i hate him lol
i like him more than most other boy cats that i hate lol
he’s just a lil piss baby
iv updated his design a good bit, i thought his old design was really bleh but i havent been able to touch it up till now
i defiantly think him and brambleclaw shoulda been gay
i dont like him with squirrel, BUT if they’de been closer in age i think he and squirrel before ashfur became a fuckin crazy person they would have been better togeather than her and bramble that i don’t understand why she went back to bramble even if she didn’t get with ashfur
alsO i think the only ‘au’ i can like get into is like
Dustpelt mysteriously disappeared, presumed dead by thunderclan and never to be known what happened. Except between him and Ferncloud. id loVe a narrative of Ashfur kills dustpelt after watching the full grown warrior and mentor reefer to Ferncloud as beautiful, finding the behavior absolutely repulsive. Maybe ashfur ends up killing a few other cats who are like this and Ferncloud knows he killed dustpelt but maybe not the others. and it all ends up coming spilling out in the fire, this moment of the three and squirrel learn what he did but now he knows what they did, so their at a stale mate. but ashfur is becoming loser and more erratic in his behavior and hollyleaf kills him before he does something dangerous. 
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i-licked-it · 3 years
Hello everyone! Long-time, no post. It seems appropriate that this blog, (which was originally started for a Food & Culture class I took in high school) would be brought back for a Nutrition Fundamentals course now that I’m in college studying Baking and Pastry Arts. This blog has always been about me trying and learning new things, and then sharing my take on how to make them approachable/replicable for anyone who comes across them.
Approachability is something that I think is incredibly important, especially when talking about nutrition (a topic so often misunderstood and misconstrued). For this reason, one of the topics in nutrition that I’m most interested in is genetics, culture, and environment play into individuals’ nutrition requirements. As North Americans, we tend to generalize our nutrition claims, making boldfaced assertions that assume there are one or two “correct” ways to eat for everyone.
I think, personally, this comes from our cultural “get there quick” mentality; it’s much easier to have a few cutter plans for being healthy (Princing, 2019)(how many of your friends have told you that you just have to try Keto because it worked for them?) than to look at each individuals needs and determine based on genetic predispositions, cultural preferences, and food access based on environment what will make maintaining a healthy lifestyle easiest for them.
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  [Karlsen, 2015]
Did you know that a study conducted by Cornell University in 2005 suggested the lactose intolerance correlates to whether your ancestors originated from a place that was able to “safely and economically raise dairy herds”, such as in most of Europe (Lang)? This is why many people of African and Asian descent have difficulty digesting milk – we weren’t genetically conditioned to consume it!
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 [Radhakrishnan, 2020]
Picking Credible Nutrition Websites
In the vein of needing to have more than just a generic, one-size-fits-all approach to health, it is important to know how to do your research. “Nancy’s Nutrition Nook” written by your Grade 3 Math teacher who just loves green smoothies might not be the best place to find information that details how you can reach your best self nutritionally.
 Finding a site/source that both suits you and is credible starts with the URL! This is often a really easy way to determine if the information is coming from a credible source. URL’s ending in .org, .edu, or .gov are preferred. These are usually owned by non-profits, higher-education institutions, and governments aka, places that will provide sound research to back up their claims (I got this tip from The University of Maryland) (n.d.).
  The next step to finding a credible website comes when you click through to the article/webpage. Who wrote the article? What are their qualifications? Are they an accredited Food Scientist with several published articles that you can find easily with a quick Google search? Or are they someone who just claims to be passionate about the subject? This might not mean their information is right or wrong, for either of the two potential authors listed, but it dictates to you what level of faith you should put in what their saying and how much further research you should do before taking their word as gospel.
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 [Morris, 2018]
And on that note, finding credible websites is all about the RESEARCH! Does the article you’re researching mention studies done by other organizations? Do they link to them or cite them properly? Do they make sweeping claims that they present as fact with no further back-up? How old are their references? Are they purposely choosing to cite a source from 5 years ago that was disproven widely 2 years ago? Are they trying to sell you something/who is their audience? (University of Maryland – Global Campus, n.d.)
  These factors are important to consider when determining who will provide you with the best and most reliable information for you to make choices regarding your health!
 Here is a quick analysis of two sites, both discussing “healthy diets”. One clearly indicates they have no medical knowledge, experience, or expertise, promotes products via Amazon affiliate links, and provides absolutely no referencing or back up to their claims other than it being their personal opinion.
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(Bennett, 2018)
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(Bennett, 2018)
The other, breaks down the statistics of their article in easy key points, is hosted by an organization known to advocate and regulate world health, and provides a detailed list of all their references for their claims.
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(WHO, 2020)
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(WHO, 2020)
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(WHO, 2020)
…Who would you trust with your nutritional questions and concerns?
Role of Nutrition in the Culinary Industry
If you’ve looked at a menu recently (or scrolled through UberEats, which is much more likely given our current pandemic), you’ll most likely have noticed a number of little leaf symbols or “GF” denotations.
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  [Montebrun, n.d.]
  As nutrition becomes a more persistent thought in the minds of consumers, the culinary industry needs to adapt to serve their clientele. The increase in dietary preferences/restrictions is something I only see continuing to grow in the future. As consumers seek to become more informed about what they eat and where their food comes from, the demand for “healthier” or diet-specific foods will be something we as the culinary industry have to supply.
Bennett, B. (2018). Low Carb vs Keto Diet and My 6 Week Results). Retrieved from https://www.sugarfreemom.com/recipes/keto-diet-vs-low-carb-and-my-6-week-results/
Karlsen, M. (2015). A variety of different popular diet trends [Graphic]. Forks Over Knives. Retrieved from https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/do-people-need-different-diets/
Lang, S. S. (2005). Lactose intolerance seems linked to ancestral struggles with harsh climate and cattle diseases, Cornell study finds. Retrieved from https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2005/06/lactose-intolerance-linked-ancestral-struggles-climate-diseases
Montebrun, J. (n.d.). Different dietary restriction logos [Graphic]. PNGItem. Retrieved from https://www.pngitem.com/middle/ioxTTTm_sea-salt-non-gmo-vegan-no-msg-gluten/
Morris, K. (2018). How to evaluate websites [Graphic]. Kathleen Morris. Retrieved from http://www.kathleenamorris.com/2018/11/20/evaluate-websites/
Princing, M. (2019). A Doctor Explains Why Diets Don’t Work. Retrieved from https://rightasrain.uwmedicine.org/body/healthy-weight/diets-dont-work
 Radhakrishnan, K. (2020). Child drinking milk [Photograph]. Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved from https://health.clevelandclinic.org/5-cant-miss-signs-child-lactose-intolerant/
University of Maryland – Global Campus. (n.d.) Is my source credible? Retrieved from https://sites.umgc.edu/library/libhow/credibility.cfm
World Health Organization. (2020). Healthy diet. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/healthy-diet
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angelofhell-666 · 4 years
"That's my granddaughter Buck..." Part 2
All of a sudden i opened my eyes and i was staring at the ceiling. I go to sit up and i notice my grandpa sitting in his chair. He looked older. Not by much but older.
"Grandpa..." I softly spoke.
He glanced over at me, "it's about time. There going to need you." He startes to get up from his chair.
I started to help myself up off the ground. As i straightened myself up he ended up being right in front of me.
"What do you mean need me? Who needs me?"
"The Avengers..." As he spoke this orange spinning small hole started up right in the living room.
I watched it in aw as i slowly walked in front of grandpa. The hole started to grow bigger as a man with a cape and a weird goatee walked through it towards us.
"Hello y\n. It's finally nice to meet you in person."
"Im sorry...who are you?"
"Thats Stephen Strange. Iv never met him. But Tony told me about him." Grandpa spoke up.
"I perfer Dr. Strange. But its time to go y\n."
I look at grandpa and he nodded his head. "Just remember. Dont tell the young me who you really are."
I smile, "i wont. But i will make my first impression one you'll never forget."
"That a girl." He smiles at me as i follow this Dr. Strange through the weird portal. When i get through the other side we are in a beautiful land. Woods surround us and theres others that look confused. I turn back at the portal and she grandpa waving at me as the portal closes.
Dr. Strange gathers these people together and explains what Thanos did and how we were all gone for five years.
Since i herd this story before which to me was only a year ago, i look around at all these people.
Someone to the left of me catches my eye. He has shoulder length dark hair with a metal arm.
If gramps explained it right, thats his best friend Bucky.
The color of his eyes were so stunning i thought i would get lost in them. Theres no way a man like this could ever be a pawn in hydras games. Killers could never be that beautiful.
He must notice me starring at him as he does a double take and looks at me with a confused look. Shit i hope i dont look to much like gramps.
I go to take a few steps back as Strange tells us all its time as he starts opening up these huge portals. I get myself ready for a fight as i feel Bucky come stand near me. Couple people away but i can feel his eyes on me.
Everyone starts to walk through the portals and get ready. I walk through and the scenery changed immediately to something more dark. I stay a few rows behind just in case gramps sees me.
Time to get the power flowing since its been awhile. I rub my hands together and punch my fists together as lighting comes alive exchanging bolts through my arms and fists.
Thank god for this suit.
As the fighting began i started to get tired quick. It hasnt been long since it started but its been long enough for me since iv never been in a war. I see younger gramps getting tired and his shield is broke in half. I see hes starting to struggle and got knocked down so ran and jumped off the boulder and landed right in front of him.
My fist made contact with the ground as it erupted lighting straight in front of me and took out a whole crowd of alien looking guys.
I stand up and turn to offer my hand to gramps.
He looks up and takes it as i help him up.
I never noticed how handsome gramps was. I see where i get my good looks from.
As hes catching his breath he says "Thank you miss. Greatly appreciated."
I nod "Its my pleasure Captain."
Good thing my face was caked in blood and dirt so he wouldnt think twice about me looking like him.
His eyes never looked so tired in all my life.
"Arnt you a little to young to be in a war?" He asked.
Smirking i said "Arnt you a little to old to be fighting?"
He chuckled "Touche"
Bucky yells over his shoulder "Guys we got more comin!"
Gramps tightens his broken shield on his arm. I glance at it and an idea pops into my head.
"Thors hammer ever hit your shield?" I asked as i looked around us at the crowd of aliens coming in.
"Yea. Wasnt a very good idea." He raised his voice over the noise.
"Well this isnt either." And with that he looked at me as i rubbed my hands together showing sparks.
I catch Bucky glancing in my direction as i warm up the sparks.
Both of their eyes went wide as gramps held up what was left of his shield as i pulled back my fist and worked up lightning around it as i punched his shield with full force.
The lightening went off like a dome and worked its way through the air and ground taking out aliens within a decent sized radius around us.
Bucky looked over, "Now thats a badass lady if iv ever seen one. You from outer space?"
I laughed as i felt my cheeks get hot from blushing, "no. I have serum. Just like you two." And with that i took off running towards the fight.
"I think im in love..." bucky spoke to Steve.
He looked at him as Bucky was watching her run off.
He has never seen that look in his friends eyes before in all the years hes known him for looking at women. That was love at first sight.
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Wait? Demons go into heat?
Unestablished musical Beetlejuice x reader
Beej goes into heat for the first time while knowing you
Dubious consent and masturbation warning
"Y/n, we need to talk"
You look up from your phone and quirk a brow at the statement, it was weirdly serious for your friend, at first you assumed he was getting ready to mess with you or something, until you noticed the purple hue that has taken over his form.
"Are you okay?" You utter softly
The demon sits down next to you on the couch and sighs
"Okay, y/n, I am going to go away for a bit" he refused to look at you, his voice was small and very unlike him, but this made sense, you knew beetlejuice didnt like going to the netherworld on his little business trips, so this behavior started to make more sense.
"Oh okay-"
"I just dont want to hurt you"
What? You freeze.
The ghoul sighs again, before finally meeting your eyes and gently grabbing your hands
"Y/n I'm going into heat next week and I need to be away from you-"
You snort out a laugh, pulling your hands from the ghoul's grasp, so this WAS a joke, going into heat?
Your laughter was short lived when beetlejuice grabbed your shoulders to get you to focus on him.
"Y/n I'm not kidding"
focusing back to the ghoul, it was obvious he was serious, spots of red peaking through the purple was a grim reminder he wasnt joking.
"I'm a demon y/n, I'm gonna go into heat, and all I'm gonna do is want to fuck, and I dont trust myself to be around you, I'm gonna go away till it's over, and I NEED you NOT to say my name, just promise me that"
You nod
Never in your time of knowing the ghoul was he ever so serious, honestly it was scary, was his heat so bad he'd just jump you without consent? IT'S best not to dwell on it.
It's been a few days since beetlejuice disappeared for your own safety, it wasnt so bad, before he left he was very fidgety and practically glowing pink, the hug goodbye was awkward, the ghoul held you longer then normal and let out a soft whine, guess his cycle was starting.
You couldnt help but daydream about how hot it would be to have the demon rail you senseless in his heat, yes you had a crush on him, but you sure as hell weren't ready to express those feelings, especially during his heat cycle.
The week goes by, you enjoy your silence, and are very productive, it's not like you dodnt enjoy Beetlejuice's presence, it's just not easy to get chores done with him being under foot. You always took the opportunity to get stuff done when beetlejuice wasnt around, you loved him yes, but alone time was important, between getting stuff done, and just relaxing his absence was nice, though you did miss him, but as the week went on, you could help but forget as to why the demon had to vanish, work was rough, and as exhaustion took over your body, peices of your discussion fell to the side of your tried brain, something about heading to the netherworld for a bit, a business trip probably, not that you believed the demon HAD a real job anyways.
As the week comes to an end you go into auto pilot mode, friday was the end of a work week and you and Beetlejuice's movie night.
Coming home from work you had only one thing on your mind, lazing about with your friend and watching shitty horror movies. Everything you did was on auto pilot, tossing your bag aside as you head to your bedroom to swap out your work clothes with something much more cozy, fuzzy pajama pants and a baggy shirt.
You wander from your room tapping away on your phone, ordering the pizza you and beej normally share, you always payed ahead and let the demon believe him scaring off the delivery guy ment free food, you enjoyed Beetlejuice's awful jokes, and that wide toothy grin he gave you when he assumed him scored the two of you a free meal, but in all good consciousness you couldnt let that happen, you'll just the demon believe he's doing you a favor WHILE he's showing off.
You plop down on the couch, everything was set for a fun night of hanging with your pal, you havent seen him all week, for the life of you, you couldnt remember as to why beetlejuice wasnt around, something about going to the netherworld? Probably another business trip, whatever he was always so mopey when he had to leave, he'd probably be thrilled to have a easy hang out right? Well it's been a week and if beej wasnt done with whatever nonsense he had to take care of he could leave, simple as that.
You get up from the couch and holler "beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice"
The lights flicker, then go out completely, you huff through your nose, this wasnt new, been was all about making an entrance.
you flinch at the tone, harsh and angry, not exactly how he tended to great you when summoned, he was messing with you right?
Unfortunately in the pitch dark you couldnt see him to confirm this thought.
Before you could do or say anything, you're pushed back into the couch
"Beetlejuice-" you cry,
"I missed you honey, couldnt stop thinking about that soft warm body of yours" he purred, you face burned with embarrassed, yes beetlejuice tended to flirt with you, but this felt different, more
"What?" You utter
Before you could elaborate you felt the weight of him crawling up onto your lap, the ghoul grabs your chin, the demon leans into your face, your eyes now accustomed to the dark you were able to make out a bit of the ghoul before you, just not enough to make heads or tails of what's going on, as the ghoul leans closer to you, pressing his weight against your trapped form, he takes a long inhale through his nose.
"Oooh~ I missed you so much baby~" he moans out in a whisper.
"Okay knock it off beej" you groan, clearly embarrassed and done with this embarrassing joke, as you try to shove the demon off, this whole charade of his, everytime you summoned him he would tease you and mess with you for a laugh, but being this weird? More legit? That was new, maybe he was just upping his game to.mess with you?
Your shoves were only greeted with a growl, you huff and finally shove beetlejuice off you completely, with ungrateful thud the ghoul hits the ground.
"Seriously Beej what's gotten into you?" You sigh walking away from him to turn on the lights.
The ghoul grows at you sudden absence, not that you noticed, with a click the room fills with light. You frown, beetlejuice was gone, great he was in a pranking mood, you sigh, it's been a long week and you just wanted to relax and watch an awful movie. With that thought you are knocked to the ground with a rough shove from the back, and with a shriek and a thud you land on your stomach, you freeze as you feel the weight being pressed against your back, the culprit had crawled onto your back, practically laying on top of you.
"Baby wants to play rough tonight huh? Daddy will allow it~"
"Beetlejuice seriously, I don't want to play these games i- oh fuck" it hit you, it finally clicked why you havent seen the demon in over a week, he told you, and you fucking forgot, you got to caught up in your own routine and exhausting life, you forgot.
"Uh, beej? Can you please get off-"
"Soon baby, I'll get off soon" the ghoul purrs in your ear, his body firmly pressed against yours, you freeze as you feel a sudden hardness poking between your butt cheeks, you could hear your heart pounding away in your ears, you like beetlejuice yes, but you weren't ready to tell him, let alone let him fuck you on the floor. You were frozen unsure what to do, been warned you, and you forgot. You could banish him, 3 times in a row is all you need, and when this cycle is over this will be something the two of you can laugh about right?
"you smell so good honey~" your pulled from your thoughts with the ghoul's gravely purr
"Beetlejuice beetlejuice bee-" your voice was small and shaky
You gasp and curse at the sensation of something cold and wet trailing up your neck
"And you taste even better~"
You try again "beetlejuice beetlejuice bee-" again you were cut short with a familiar hand cupping against your mouth
"I dont wanna leave baby" he groans, lightly grinding his ever herding cock against your ass "I missed you, I missed your warmth, I missed your scent, i missed your sweet voice, I'm sick of being alone, i need you y/n" his grinding picks up in pace, the ghoul practicallydry humping you into the carpet, you yelp and squirm, in which beetlejuice responds with a soft moan.
"Beej please" you cry, a weird mix of arousal and fear fill your chest, in all honesty, you could find this whole situation pretty hot, but not now.
With the cry of your voice the ghoul flips you over, having you lay on your back. You finally get a good look at beetlejuice, as he hovered inches above you, pinning you below him.
The ghoul's once Forrest green hair was now a wild electric pink, almost magenta, his pupils once round, now resembled the eyes of a snake. Beetlejuice was practically drooling, and though the demon didnt need to breath, you sure could hear him breathing hard almost panting. You've never seen your ghost like this before,so  this was heat? Again, other circumstances thos could be very hot.
"Bee?" Was all you could muster
The demon started back at you, wordless, it felt like forever until he closed the gap between you, burying his face in your chest, hands finding themselves placed along the hem of your pajama pants.
Beetlejuice was a mess, blabbering on and on "you smell so good, you feel so good, I need ya babes, I need ya bad, please let daddy fuck you" he whined, all the while he kept nuzzling your breasts. As if that was a distraction, the ghoul's hands began to tug on the hem of you pants, slowly he began to tug on them, slowly shimmying them down.
You were alerted to this action with the familiar squeeze of the demon's hand on your bum.
"Beej WAIT" you cry
Unfortunately on deaf ears, the ghoul continues his actions as your pants are finally removed and quickly tossed aside.
Your legs now fully bare were now free realestate to cold undead hands desperate for soft warm skin.
His his hands traveled up and down your legs, always stopping at the rear for a good long squeeze, you squirm and pant at the stimulation.
"You like that doll? You getting all hot under the collar with just a little touching~" he purred looking up for your chest.
You couldnt bare to look him in the eye, it was all too much, truth be told, you werent NOT enjoying his attention.
"Lawrence please-" you whine, not really sure as to what you were pleading, was it for him to stop? Was it for him to go further? So much was happening you felt like this really wasnt real.
But it sure as hell felt real when you felt the ghoul snap the waist band of your panties, you gasp and try to sit up, only to be pushed back down against the carpet.
The ghoul sighs and goes back to his babbling.
"I need this babes, I need you so much, I need you so bad it hurts, nothing else was good enough, I NEED you"
You could feel your ears burning at this, he really wanted you over anything else, it was probably just his heat talking, but in an odd way it was sweet.
You couldn't help but give the ghoul a soft smile at his desperate words, unfortunately the smile was quickly dropped and replaced with gritted teeth as you felt the demon's cold hands quickly yanking down your, now damp with arousal, panties.
"Beetlejuice STOP" you cry
Simple hum was your response
As the garment slowly made it's way down your legs you tried in vain to reason with the lust driven demon, all of your crys were responded the same, ignored.
As the garment made it to your ankles you made one last attempt to reason with beetlejuice
"Beetlejuice please, this isnt like you, just stop and we can just forget this-"
Before you could finish that sentence, as soon as the damp garment was free from your form, the ghoul vanished.
You prop yourself up on your forearms, glancing around the empty room, you slowly sit up on your bare bum, waiting, waiting for another knock down, ments pass and nothing.
You slowly and carefully get up off the floor, glancing around as you walk over to your pajama pants that were tossed aside, you gently slide them on, still staying vigilant.
As the night goes on you're on high alert, waiting to be tackled down or something, but as time dragged into the early early morning, it clicked, beetlejuice wasnt going to do anything else, you finally sigh in relief, and try not to think about how he vanished AFTER  your underwear were removed, and missing completely, you assumed they would have wound up as the same place as where your pants were thrown, unless, he took them with him, you cover your mouth and stare at the floor, you paise for a moment, mind swimming with all the lewd things he could be doing with them, this didnt help how you were all hot and bothered from the ghoul's early actions.
Slipping into bed that night, knowing beetlejuice was gone, you felt okay to tend to those desperate feelings between your legs, you carefully pull out your hidden vibrator and gingerly slip it beneath the covers and eagerly bring it to your desperate sex.
Of course
You werent the only one tending to a desperate need.
Beetlejuice now on the roof of your apartment building, a mix of purple and pink have taken over his form, your panties held tightly in his hand.
Did he feel like shit for losing control and jumping you? Yes
Was he glad your dumbass forgot and called him anyway so he could smell you and feel your soft warm skin? Also yes
Sitting on the edge of roof, not that anyone could see him, he takes the freshly woren garment to his nose and inhales the scent of your excited sex, the purple from the demon's hair is quickly replace with a mix of pink and magenta.
"You smell so good baby" he growls
His free hand fumbles with his pants trying to free his full erection, hell the moment he saw your face he was ready to go.
This wasnt the first time beetlejuice went into heat, not by a long shot, but it WAS his first time going into heat knowing you, and fuck, you were all he wanted.
Having you call him, smelling you, seeing you, feeling you, hearing your sweet voice, hes honestly surprised he didn't blow his load while he was humping that cute rump of yours, he drools remembering how he could feel your warm bum against his cold cock, the demon could only imagine how glorious your pussys warmth was gonna feel.
The night was long and lonely for the demon but the memory of you beneath him and the scent of your desire was enough to keep him content, bit next heat cycle? The demon will have you in his pocket and ready to help him out.
You wake up late and head to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and start your day, at the little table you had in your little kitchen sat beetlejuice, across from him was a hot and ready cup of coffee
"Morning" the ghoul said plainly, giving you an awkward smile, hints of purple popping up in his hair
"Morning" you respond softly sitting down across from the demon and accepting his 'peace offering'
The two of you sat in silence for what felt like an eternity before beetlejuice breaks it
"So about the other night-" he starts, averting your gaze and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Its fine, you werent yourself, you warned me, and I forgot"
The ghoul stares back at you, bug eyed and dumbfounded, was it really gonna be this easy?
"I guess you're back to yourself huh?" You try to make a positive note to this awkward situation
"Uh yeah, just kinda horny, not full on horny" he chuckles rubbing the back of his neck.
This was gonna be an awkward bump to get over.
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marsupials-of-mars · 4 years
Milk and Lavender
I've never really had a "rarepair" but a long time ago I pretty much made this up and thought this ship was the cutest and insert it wherever I can. This fic was one of the ones recovered from my phone I lost a year ago and found recently, and I just finished it last night, so if you see a sudden boost in quality near the end, that's why.
Yan hummed cheerfully as she combed her hair. She’d been growing the top out, but not too much. Long hair got in the way. She winged her eyeliner and, after a moment of thought, drew whiskers on her cheeks. She giggled and rubbed them off. She jumped at a knock at the door.
"You almost ready? Mark says we’re almost late.” Yan opened the bathroom door, almost knocking King to the ground. He let out a spooked chatter.
"Yep I’m ready! Cmon, I’ve never been to their place!”
“It’s really fun!” King, although one of the babies of the family, was technically one of the oldest, and had been to the Septic’s house a few times. They usually hung out at the Iplier house because it was bigger, and although there were only seven Septics they were always cramped. Yan had met most of the Septics, though a few didn’t like to travel and never ended up coming over.
"Well I’m excited!” Yan smiled and squished King’s chubby cheeks she loved.
"Me too! Cmon!” King grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room and down the stairs. Normally Yan hated people touching or dragging her but King meant no harm and he was one of her favorites, so she always allowed it.
“Yandereplier!” Mark motioned Yan to the group. All the egos were gathered in the living room. It was cramped and Yan had to step awkwardly to avoid Goop’s slime trail. She felt a body bump against her shoulder, causing her to stumble. She whipped her head up.
“Bimothy Trimmer, I will END you!” Bim stuck his tongue out and straightened his tie. Yan growled and reached back for her katana but felt nothing but empty sheathes. “Where are Aiko and Yua?!” She heard a distorted sigh.
"All weapons are confiscated until the end of the visit. The Septics have been thoroughly warned but we’re taking all precautions necessary.” Dark gave Yan a condescending look. Yan whined.
“But Anti ALWAYS brings weapons over here!”
“Anti has no decency or respect for social principle. We’re better than that. Aren’t we Yan?” Yan groaned.
“Anti’s cool DAD you’re just lame...”
"Anti is most certainly NOT cool, he’s volatile and childish. YOU are the bigger person.”
"Ugh, let’s just go. I don’t need you lecturing me In front of everyone. And COOL dad is bringing weapons anyway...” Dark looked behind him to find Wilford loading a golden handgun that seemingly appeared from nowhere. He looked up.
"Wil, leave it.”
"Aw Cmon...”
“No guns. We’re houseguests.”
"Ugh, fine DAD.” Wil dropped the gun in the sofa.
"I’m nobody’s dad! It’s like herding cats...” Dark mumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Are we all ready to go?” A ripple of nods throughout the group. "Good.” Static built around the room and the group was transported.
"Ooo!” Yan looked up at the house. It was smaller for less egos, but it was really nice. Suffice to say it was actually a house rather than a repurposed two story office building. In any case, Brighton was much less painfully hot than California which was worth the trip on its own. Yan opened her arms toward the house and breathed in the cool air. “Finally!”
"FINALLY!” The front door burst open and a spatter of green distortion tore across the lawn. Yan was barely able to tense up before she was tackled to the ground. “Bitch!”
"Slut!” Yan giggled. “Whaddaya DOIN here?!”
"It’s my house, slice n dice!” Anti sat triumphantly on Yan's stomach. She leaned up and grabbed his shoulders, flipping him off and slamming him onto his back so they lay side by side.
“UOGH! Fuck, my ribs!” Anti gasped the wind back into him. Yan giggled.
“Its MY house.” Yan looked up to see Jack leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed. “We’ve talked about tackling guests haven’t we Anti?”
"But it’s THIS bitch! She had it comin.” Jack rolled his eyes.
“Cmon in guys. How many of you haven’t been here before?” Bing, Goop, Yan, the Jims, Eric, Derek, Randal, and Harold raised their hands. "Ooo a lot! Well we’ll make sure you have a good time. Now to my knowledge, anyone who hasn’t been here before has never met...” he thought. “Shneep or Robbie. Shneep has work and Robbie is... fragile. So say hi but try not to bother them too much okay?”
The group nodded. Yan squeaked excitedly. She looked to Anti to whisper something but noticed he was gone. She found him already glommed onto Dark to her superior’s annoyance. She didn’t call Anti a slut for her health. She sighed. It looked like she was going to have to find something else to do with herself.
She pushed her way through the door and looked around. It was a nice house, the ceilings weren’t quite as high but it was cozy, modern, and definitely had charm.
Groups were already forming. The Trick Shots (Chase, Bing, Jackie), The Better Than Everyones (Dark, Google, and a new doctor they’d found who Yan guessed was Shneep), The Innocents (King, Marvin, Eric, The Jims, Jamie), and the rest she hadn’t named to groups drifted about between. She sighed. She’d imagined something more fun. She felt like a wallflower at a high school dance.
Anti was busy hanging off Dark, sharing embarrassing stories about Shneep as the doctor tried to join the group. Everyone else sort of bored her. Sure the Innocents were adorable, and the Trick Shots we’re confident and energetic, but not really in her way. As she lay back on the couch, she thought over the introduction Jack had given. There were two egos she hadn’t met. Shneep, Who she’d now seen, and... Rolly? Robert? Remy?
She sat up. That was something to do. Meet the new one. She stood and went to find Jack. She came across him in the kitchen and pulled him away from Mark, who gave her a lecturing look, but he was lame so she didn’t care.
"Jack, you said there was someone we haven’t met? Besides Shneep?”
"Oh! Yeah, Robbie. He should be up from his nap now so you can go meet him. Though be careful, he’s, quite literally, very fragile. His room is down the hall, third to the left, take Shneep, he needs a check up anyway, and he’d feel more comfortable if someone he knew introduced you.” Yan nodded. She trotted off and pulled Shneep from his group.
"Heh?!” The doctor yanked his coat away. “What are you doing?”
"I want to meet Robbie, and Jack wanted me to bring you along cause he needs a checkup.”
Shneep checked his watch. "I guess it is about time.” He turned to Dark and Google. “I’ll be right back.” Dark nodded and Google pinged in acknowledgment. Yan dragged him off.
“Cmon! Third to the left.”
"I know where his room is, I live with him.” He pushed open the door covered with chalk stick figures and magnets. He put a palm to Yan’s chest before she could enter. "Checkup first.” Yan nodded impatiently. She slid down the doorframe and listened as Shneep entered.
"Hey, good morning my little leiche...” The doctors voice was soft and loving, a sharp contrast to how he carried himself around others. “Are you feeling good? Is anything broken?” A soft mumbling that Yan could barely hear responded.
"Good!” She could hear a smile in Shneep’s voice. “Can we feel your beats? Deep breath.” A pause. “Hmm... a little slow. Shake it out!” A rustle as Robbie shook around. “Good! One more deep breath... much better! Now, the Iplier’s are over and someone wants to meet you. Is that okay? Do you feel good and strong? Good! She’s very excited to see you.” A rustle as he got up from the bed.
"Go ahead, his vitals are good. Just be careful.” Shneep patted Yans shoulder and took her place outside the door. She peered around the door. And gasped. He was stunning.
His skin was a milky lavender, pale and delicate looking, almost translucent. His glazed eyes reminded her of full moons on a cloudy night, and the way he held himself, passively watching but showing no reaction, it conveyed just the kind of mystery she loved in a man. He looked her way, only barely, turning his head a mere 45 degrees. Her breath caught in her throat, she could barely breath, but she instantly regretted stopping. The air in the room was fragrant with the scent of death, corpse, one of her favorite natural perfumes, and she needed to breathe to experience it. She filled her lungs slowly before approaching her soulmate.
"H-hello..." She whispered, afraid to break him from what she assumed was a constant state of meditation. He must be so wise. His head turned further, finally oriented so he was fully facing her. It was difficult to tell where his eyes pointed. They were clouded over, lenses so opaque it was difficult to tell between iris and sclera, but Yan caught the movement. They rolled back slowly, locking with hers.
"Hello." His voice was soft, and he spoke deliberately, like forming the word was difficult. But Yan knew better. Yan could tell it was because he was a man of few words. He could convey what he needed without them. They got in the way of his incredible intellect.
"I was excited to meet you. This is my first time coming here, and I dont get along with many of these people..."
Robbie blinked, one eye after the other. A moment passed as he processed the sentence. "Understand that people... scary. Sometimes. Move fast, yell."
"Is that why you stay in your room?"
Robbie nodded, slowly and steadily. "Zombie is... fragile. Hen and Jack... don't want broken Robbie. Want to play... but scary. Too fast."
Yan's heart was melting more by the second.
"The world isn't fit for someone who knows better. You're a philosopher, I can tell. You like to think about big questions, you don't fit in with all the hustle and bustle of those ruffians. I could learn from you."
"Robbie... philosopher? You... want to... learn?"
Yan gasped at the offer. "Would you really teach me?"
Robbie didn't speak for a minute. Then two minutes. Yan didn't dare speak, for fear of interrupting his process. Her patience was rewarded. Her new senpai offered her the most beautiful gift she'd ever laid eyes on.
He smiled at her. The corners of his mouth gradually pulled up into a wide, bright smile. He had adorable apple cheeks that wrinkled the greyed bags of his eyes. "Yes... Robbie teach."
Yan squealed and grabbed Robbies hand between hers. She squeezed and shimmied her shoulders in excitement.
In a split second, to her horror, she heard a loud snap. It was followed by a fleshy plop as she let go.
She looked down at her hands and her breath left her. A lavender finger, wriggling, a knuckle bone protruding from the end. The movement came to a halt and the phalange lay limp. She looked up to her senpai, her face twisted with mortification and guilt.
"I'm so sorry! I got excited, I can sew, I can even embroider, I can put it back on and make it look even better than before-"
She stopped when a four-fingered hand softly brushed hers. He closed her fingers around the severed digit. She looked up.
He looked startled, but not particularly bothered.
"Do not... scream. Please. But... friend I teach. Keep. Present. Robbie present."
Yan's eyes widened in astonishment. She clutched the finger to her chest.
"You mean it?" Robie nodded. Yan looked down into her gingerly cupped hands. "Robbie present..." She breathed his words like they were sacred.
"YAN! Where are you you trainwreck? I'm bored!"
Yan looked up. Anti must have given up trying to seduce her boss. But she didn't want to leave, not when she was having such a beautiful moment.
"Go. Play." Robbie smiled. "Anti play scary. You like."
"No, I don't like to play scary, I want to stay with you and be less scary!"
"No. You play scary. Fun. You have fun. I stay, teach later. Scary not bad play."
"But I thought that was the point of teaching me, to teach me to be more calm and wise like you!"
"No. Calm, philosopher, not without play. You not fragile, zombie fragile. Go play scary."
Yan smiled. "You're so smart... I like being with you. I hope you want to see me again...?" She held her breath. She hoped it went as well as she thought it did. She had a tendency to drive love away some way or another.
"Yes, again. Go. But... name?"
"Oh, I never told you! How rude! I'm Yan."
"Yan. Nice name. Goodbye."
Yan stood, staring a moment before turning to leave. She shut the door gently behind her.
"THERE you are! C'mon, I planted some fake coke in Eric's back pocket, I want to see his reaction when he finds it!" Anti reached to grab Yans hand, but Yan jerked away. That hand held her gift. Anti squinted and looked over. "Oh fuck, is that Rob's finger?"
"It was a gift!"
Anti snorted. "You're a sick bitch, you know that?" And without another word, he dragged her out into the main area. Yan tucked the finger in her bra for safekeeping. As she watched Eric lose his shit over some cocaine, she couldn't help but hear two words repeating in her head, over and over.
"Yes, again."
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lost-eternity · 4 years
Match Up Requests: CLOSED.
Please read the rules before requesting
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Match up for: @melancholicbutbeautiful
Okie dokie! I match you with....
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The 9th doctor!
I know. This isn't everyone's favourite Doctor. He isnt as cute as the 10th or as puppy-man incarnate as the 11th but hear me out. I think he needs you.
Let's start simple, shall we?
He absolutely adores your height.
Standing at an impressive 182cm (6 feet), the 9th would be all over you. He's got a good 18 cm on you. Fully expect him to be "accidentally" leaning on your head and cracking short jokes at the most inappropriate times.
You're running from Daleks (it's an occupational hazard)? He'd say something along the lines of "hahah! I'm suprised they can even see you down there!" Cue and unamused glare from you. It's like.... we're trying not to die here and NOW you are making a short joke? Seriously?
You both probably meet at a museum. One of those quirky wax museums. Life-like historical figures expertly sculpted in wax, their empty eyes somehow full with false life. It combines both your passion for history and art, enabling you to walk up close to these esteemed figures who shaped our society.
But you can't focus on the wax creations, nor the historical excerpts that come with them. Instead, you keep getting this unnerving feeling like your being watched. When you turn around, you catch this one guy staring at you. So you look back at him like ???. And instead of quickly looking away like a NORMAL person would he just continues to stare.
So now things are awkward and your kinda tempted to reach for your keys. You know. Just in case.
And that is when you feel someone grabbing you from behind. Weirdly cold hands wrap around your arm, constricting you in a white-knuckle grip. Spikes of numbness shoot up your arm as the blood circulation is cut off to your hand.
You whirl around to face your attacker and are like ???. Why the HELL is Bob Ross attacking you? Like. What?
That was when the fire alarm began to go off.
Before you could react much, someone full on BEHEADED Bob Ross. He immediately releases you and promptly walks himself into a wall. The now headless wax Bob Ross backs up, then moves forward again. Then hits the wall. Rinse and repeat.
The guy who was staring at you earlier, now clutching the ironically red fire axe. Guess you now know who pulled the alarm.
The expression on this guy is borderline mianical as he Cheshire grinned at you. "Hi! What's your name?"
"Uh... y/n..."
"Nice to meet you, y/n, I am the Doctor. Now. Run!"
He grabs your hand and you charge for the exit, herding everyone else out of the museum as more and more wax figures come to life.
Springing into animation, they kinda slowly amble after you. It's not exactly efficient but it is pretty damn threatening.
This moment lead you into a series of events that eventually concluded in you both accidentally almost blowing up Big Ben to stop and alien hive mind from taking over Earth.... whoops. Not that it mattered to much. Because despite the terror and confusion that seemed to now be perpetually stricken in your mind, you had the time of your life.
But despite your pestering and begging, the Doctor adamantly refused to allow you to tag along on his next adventure. He wouldn't explain why. Instead he just dropped you off at your house, swearing to wipe your memory if you spoke a word of this to anyone.
Of course, you called him out on it, asking him if you could meet the "Men in Black" later.
He wasnt amused by your jab, saying that you reminded him of someone who we couldn't afford to lose again... and then promptly vanished after that
At first you thought you would never see him again. That he was just a phantom that emerged in your life, a chance crossing that never should have been. The moment your life was touched by something bigger... greater than the mundane reality you have been so long trapped it.
It was intoxicating. Addicting.
But as fate would have it, you did meet again. Except this time you weren't saving him from a domineering alien race, or robotic tin cans that sewed a path of destruction. No. You were saving him from himself.
Cut off from his own kind, the 9th Doctor was a damaged man, disparagingly grieving over the intense suffering he had witnessed; the destruction he had inflicted on his people as the result of his own actions.
He tore himself up, berated himself. Told himself that he did not deserve to be alive. After all, he was a monster in human skin. Because only a monster could cause the pain he had
The doctor struggled with the idea of isolation, he was the last of the Time Lords, having left the conflict with the excruciating knowledge of his hand in its apparent grisly conclusion and he would react strongly if pushed on the matter.
And for whatever reason, he came to you. You found him delirious and beaten down on your porch step, rambling, hardly making sense of himself and... glowing a little? Wtf?
You took him in, and only did not call for emergency care at his persistence and mumbled pleading. After doing the rather peculiar things he instructed and gave him a few questionable concoctions, the glowing stopped and he checked out.
You were up all night worrying yourself sick over this man. This stranger that you hardly even knew. I guess it is just the kind of person you are.
You were there when he awoke in the morning, calling out for you. At least you think it was you because he never said your name. Instead called for a "Rose". You weren't sure if this "rose" was a person or another wacky demand on his part.
You never did find out exactly what happened to him. From what he would say, he had an encounter with an alien species that really kicked his ass. Although you thought there was something more to it than that. Some more emotional undertones and reconciliation. You also did not understand why he came to you. You hardly knew each other. There was definitely something he was not telling you.
Whenever you asked who Rose was, he merely dismissed you or cracked a joke about your height. If you continued to press the matter, he would quickly get very snappy and drop his energized, maniacal façade.
It was after this moment that the Doctor agreed to allow you on the TARDIS with him. And you officially became his traveling companion. However. It was never all sunshine and rainbows. Although it was a rare occurrence, the Doctor would occasionally slip up and call you "Rose" again. He would always act like nothing happened and deny it if you brought it up. It was clear that this Rose person had a major impact on his life so... what happened to her?
So. I think you would be wonderful with the 9th Doctor because of your empathy and compassion. You unconditional understanding and empathic nature would definitely be unnerving for the Doctor at first. He feels like he does not deserve a person like you in his life. You are too good and pure. He fears that he will hurt you. So he pushes you away like he always does.
And this is why he needs you. I beleive that you would not stop pursuing him. Healing him. Your compassion and life would be what slowly seals up the wounds of his past and his own self-inflicted hatred.
He will finally be able to see his own worth because of you. And that was the primary reason I had for matching the 9th doctor with you. He is the one who needs someone like you the most.
Also. While you are genuinely empathic and loving, you will not allow yourself to be walked over. As you two grow closer, the 9th doctor will greatly appreciate your quips and sarcasm as it mirrors his own. You wont always be lost and confused like most of his companions end up being. Instead, you manage to keep pace with him. It's refreshing for him, honestly. And he will enjoy the playful banter exchanged between the two of you.
Also your dreams to travel align perfectly with the Doctor's noncommittal wanderlust shared by every single one of his incarnates. Your appreciation for other cultures and ways of life is something he can deeply relate to and will have a blast showing you more subtle cultures that may have otherwise bored his previous traveling companions.
Actually, as you two travel the universe together, you slowly grow closer and closer. The doctor begins to develop a kind of dependency on you. Because he only ever feels worthy of this love when he is around you.
Isolation really messes with his psyche. He can't handle being alone with his own thoughts. They constantly remind him of the pain he had caused, jeering and taunting him. They tell him that he will just run away from you. Like he always does.
He probably will try.
Don't think he will get far.
As he opens up to you, he finally tells you about Rose. Who she was. What she meant to him (I'm making this an AU where Rose died somewhere along the way).
And the realization is painful.
You dont just REMIND him of Rose. He is PRETENDING that you are Rose. Because for him that is much easier than coming to terms with her death.
I mean. Can you blame him? You look so much like her. Even down to your height.
All of those height jokes were made because of the way he used to tease Rose.
Your hair, your eyes, even your personality is a painful reminder of her. Which is why is tried to abandon you the first time. It is also why he showed up at your house when he got hurt.
He was running on empty and just instinctually went to the place he knew he would be the safest. At your house. With the person he sees as Rose Tyler.
Honestly it's not psychologically healthy.
So now you have a choice.
Do you want to remain with the guy who is clearly still hung up over his ex? Going so far as to convince himself that you ARE Rose? Or do you think you can work with him. Help him. Heal him and allow him to reconcile with not only her death, but the deaths of his own kind.
I guess that decision is up to you...
Aaand, I am done! Whew. Sorry that one ended on such a downer. Haha. But most of the Doctors are psychologically traumatized and their coping mechanisms are super unhealthy. I would feel like I am betraying his character if I did not find some way to portray that. Anyways. I hope you enjoyed 😁. I had fun writing it.
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jinmukangwrites · 5 years
((I promise I had this named Cub before Ort posted their fic!!!!! I swear I’m not purposely naming this fic after theirs, just the title “Cub” works really well with this fic and what im going for and i really dont want to change it. if ort wants me to change it i will))
Prompt: it's not exactly how the prompt wants it, but I had a lot of fun writing it so I hope you'll be happy with this.
Summary: He's the Hero of the Wild, it's only fair that the creatures get to know him.
Notes: this is the most fluff you guys are going to get out of me. There is angst, but not a terrible amount. I had to put a certain hc in this fic... I had loads of fun with the perspectives, it's interesting trying to write in the mindset of creatures instead of humans.
Warnings: brief mentions of physical/emotional abuse towards a child from a parent, extreme fluff, both emotional fluff and animal fluff, Jin struggling to write happy things, Jin struggling to not kill Wild, Jin being Jin.
On a clear, bright, and beautiful night, something magical happens. There's a house sitting in the middle of a field of golden wheat, miles from any cities or civilization. The castle is a far off dream, though the people who live in this house don't mind one bit.
Animals don't usually come here, the scarecrows warn against the birds and the men have bows and arrows. The wolves know by now that the sheep in the barn are off limits, the foxes know that the cuccos are well protected, the rabbits don't dare to nibble on the crops for fear of an arrow piercing their hearts. They make their homes in the forest and they don't go near that house, but tonight… they get a feeling. Something important is happening.
The stars are bright as the stag and his herd step carefully through the golden fields, the moon glitters in the alpha wolf's eyes as his pack approaches through the shadows. The birds land on the roof of the house and bats flutter around. Not a single animal attacks each other, not even the mother bear who arrives with her cubs give the boar a second glance. A squirrel scrambles up the wall of the home and pokes its nose against the glass window from the ledge it sits on. The inside of the house is bright and warm, and across the room is a cracked open door, a man sits besides it with his head in his hands. There's yelling and swearing on the other side of the door, though it's not terrified, it's full of pain but also love.
A beautiful creature jumps up besides the squirrel, it's fur glows and it's eyes are bright and wise. It tilts its head the moment the screaming turns into an infant's healthy cry. The man jumps from his chair and runs into the room, and there is a glimpse of a woman laying exhausted in her bed as a dirty and red baby screams as a towel is wiped across it's squirming body.
Oh, the animals think, this is very important.
A child, just a toddler. His hair is growing long, the owl thinks. Too long for normal Hylian boys his age, though the owl supposes that's nothing out of the ordinary, the child is very special.
The owl sits upon an apple tree branch and watches with wide and very wise eyes as the child swings a wooden sword against a scarecrow in the field. He has gotten the sword as a present from his father just a few days prior and already the child is exceptional at swordplay. The owl thinks that one day the child will grow up one day to become a very, very strong man.
"Link!" The mother calls from her house, her stomach is round, heavy with another miracle, "you're father is leaving! Come wish him goodbye!"
The child looks up from his swordplay and grins before it sprints away towards his home. He dances around the fathers legs, lifting their tiny arms and tugging on the tunic of the father. The father smiles and riffles the boys hair before he fixes the sword strap around his shoulder. "You be good to your mother," he says, "and maybe someday you'll come with me."
"Honey," the mother says, there's a tightness to her smile but the father laughs and kisses it away.
"Bye daddy! Bye bye byeee!" The child sings and the father runs a knuckle over his head kindly. The child grins and waves the little wooden sword in the air.
"When I get back, I'll teach you how to use that, okay?" The father says. "You'll become a knight like your old man."
The mother's lips thin but she doesn't say anything because the child is cheering now and hugging his father's legs tightly.
Then the father leaves not long after, and life continues as normal. The owl hoots and flies away.
The boy is hurt, the fox relizes. She was going through bushes, looking for a rabbit hole or an easy mouse to grab, when her ears perk up to the sound of a cry. Now, she's no fool, she would never approach a child of any species. Mothers can get furious easily, and fathers are quick release their fangs and claws. Hylian children are on a whole other level.
Yet, this boy is alone. She can see him curled up in front of a tree sobbing into his hands. The smell of blood hits her nose and sends the hairs on her back standing. She gently pads forward, careful to not step on any twigs and let herself be found quite yet. As she gets closer she can see where the smell of blood is coming from; there's a long slice going down his arm, allowing precious fluid to escape and stain his sleeves. It looks painful, she wonders what could have hurt a child so small.
The boy continues to cry and no mother or father are coming to comfort him, so she decides it's safe to do so herself. She lets her paws drop more firmly onto the ground and the boy looks up at her with the bluest eyes, rimmed red from his tears. She continues towards him and lays down next to his head, he continues to watch her with silent tears streaming down his face.
She yips at him, trying to tell him that he will be okay, but Hylians cannot understand animals. He seems to calm down though and he smiles at her. He hesetatly reaches out and she allows him to stroke her head. She lifts her snout and gently licks at the wound on his arm, he doesn't move away from her.
After she's content with cleaning his wound she scoots forward. The boy takes the invitation and gathers her into his arms and cuddles her close to his chest.
"Thank you," he says, and his voice is so mature for a Hylian his age.
They stay like that for quite awhile, comfortable and content, his eyes slowly drying, until a voice breaks through the air.
"Link!" A woman calls out, sounding worried.
"Link! Get over here!" A man shouts.
The fox jumps out from his arms and he makes a distressed noise, but the fox knows she cannot be around when the parents find their cub. They will think she hurt the child, and they'll lash out without any hesitation. She jumps into the bushes just as two adult Hylians come into view, sprinting. The mother grabs at the child and cups his face, talking quickly and worriedly as the father stands off to the side, breathing hard and looking angry.
The father's hand lashes out and grabs the child's arm, looking at the exposed wound roughly, too roughly. The fox almost jumps out and snarls at him when she sees the child wince.
"I taught you how to block that move," the father growls and the fox feels her hackles rise. She doesn't like how the child looks down, as if ashamed.
"Don't get mad at him," the mother snaps and tears the child away from the father. She looks at the cut, more gently. "He's three-years-old, he can't use the sword like you."
The father glares down at the woman. "If he's going to be a knight, he has to start now and work hard."
The mother returns his glare and gathers the child into her arms, picking him up and placing him on her hip. "Who says he has to be a knight?"
"If he's my son he will be," the father says. "You want to be a knight, right Link?"
The small child nods slowly and the mother frowns as the father grins triumphantly.
The mother and father begin to walk away back towards where there house must be, arguing back and forth, and the fox is left sitting there, watching as the child pokes his head over his mother's shoulder, waving sadly.
Goats are not very intelligent creatures, but they do really love their owners. They love the grass they get fed, they love their haircuts, they love their exercise. As long as they have space to roam and a source of food, they will love most everything. The farm they live on belongs to a nice family of four. They see the oldest woman and her youngest daughter the most, but sometimes the male and his son come into the fields to fix the fences or pull weeds.
Right now, the big male is holding up a bit of the fence as the son wraps a strand of wire around it to keep it standing. The goats all shift with each other and look at the fence with little interest as they continue to munch on the yummy grass.
"We will leave to the Zora's Domain next week," the adult male speaks, his voice is low and gravely, some of the goats flick their ears to it.
"Harvest starts next week," the son says softly. It's a bit deeper than the last time the goats have heard it, though not like any of the goats care. The grass is too delicious.
"And?" Male asks.
"Well… I was thinking I could stay this year… and help Mom and Angie out."
There's… some sort of tense atmosphere that blankets the land. Some of the goats lift their heads nervously as the grass somehow doesn't taste the greatest anymore. One goat looks at the two owners in anxious curiosity. The adult male is staring at the son with a tight jaw. His posture almost reminds the goat of a wolf or something like it.
"Your relationship with Princess Mipha is very important," the adult says slowly, "it is why the Captain invites you every year."
"Yeah but-"
"Don't interrupt me," the adult snarls and the son backs up with his hands raised in surprise. The wire snaps and the chunk of fence falls to the ground with a crash. Both the adult and the son fall silent. The goats look to and from each other, some making nervous baying, others kicking the ground. The adult rubs his face and takes a deep breath. "You are coming."
"I want to help mom-"
"Link, you're coming."
"But the harvest-"
"LINK!" The adult snarls and a goat jumps and runs a few feet in a random direction. The son falls silent, his mouth shuts with a snap. The adult glares at him before he sighs. "You have to go on these things if you want to be a knight, son."
The son looks down to the ground. Mumbles. A goat flicks its ear, though it's not like the goats are interested in what has been said anyway.
"What was that?" The adult asks.
"I… don't want to be a knight… anymore..."
The goats bay loudly in surprise and a few jolt as if they're about the run away in terror as the son falls to his backside, his hand on his reddening cheek and eyes wide.
"You will be joining me to the Zora's Domain," the adult says, his voice eerily steady and calm, "do you understand?"
The son nods and slowly stands up. A goat goes down to munch on the grass again, thinking that maybe the weird tension has finally calmed down.
"Tell me the rules."
"D-don't get in anyone's way."
More goats go back down to the grass.
"Don't talk unless told to."
The grass is very good.
Very, very good. All the goats are eating again, as they should.
"Make you proud..."
The stable dog's name is Cherry, and he's a very good boy. That's at least what his master has told him. He likes to spend his time laying in the sun and getting pets from guests. The horses are all very nice to him though the cuccos are a bit rude. He once tried to play with one and he got his nose pecked. Cuccos are mean.
He hears movement behind him and he opens his mouth, panting excitingly. He loves guests. They like to pet him and give him food. He gets up and spins around to see a blond haired boy swinging a sword back and forth in silence. The boy is very interesting, he looks almost like a kid but he acts like a grown up. He's always standing quietly and doing what he's told, though Cherry has caught the boy staring at him multiple times.
Right now, the boy is alone. The sun is going down and most guests are getting dinner or going to bed. Cherry wants to play with this one.
Cherry shakes out his fur and pads over to the boy. The boy blinks down at him and swings his sword again, though he stumbles just a little. His jaw tightens and he looks above Cherry to an imaginary target and ignores the dog.
That won't do. Cherry wants to play.
Cherry jumps in the air and barks, but the boy just scowls and continues his practices. Won't do. Won't do at all. He lets out a whine and falls onto his back, kicking his legs in the air and letting his tongue loll out cutely—the way most guests find adorable—and he wags his tail when the boy looks down at him again.
Finally, the boy smiles and puts the sword away after he looks around him and sees that there is no one else around. Cherry squirms in victory when the boys hands go onto his stomach and start rubbing gently. Cherry can already tell that the boy is very kind. He loves this boy already.
"Link," a deep voice growls.
The boy jumps up like he's been burned and spins around. Cherry twists his body to see a man standing a few feet away looking very angry. Cherry rolls to his feet and whines but the boy ignores him and folds his arms across his body. Cherry instantly quiets down, knowing something bad is happening.
"Did I tell you you can stop practicing?" The man asks. Cherry doesn't like this man. Cherry does not like him at all.
"I'm sorry," the boy says quietly.
It's silent for just a second before the man suddenly lunges and punches the boy in the gut, or he would have if the boy hadn't whipped his arms out and expertly blocked the blow. Cherry scrambles backwards in surprise and barks, but he goes ignored as the man continues to attack the boy.
"Da- sir," the boy grunts as he blocks another ruthless blow. "I'm tired- can we-"
"Did I give you permission to speak!?"
The boy shuts his mouth with a click and the brutal fight continues. Cherry's tail sinks down beneath his legs and fear makes him whine. The man is still attacking and the boy is slowing down and starting to get hit. Cherry likes the boy, and it makes his whole body flinch when the boy takes a blow to the stomach, bringing a whimper out of him.
Cherry is a good boy. Cherry doesn't bite guests. But something takes over him and suddenly he's launching himself at the man. His jaw snaps closed around an evil arm and the man howls in well deserved pain.
"You pulled the sword?"
Izzy, a cat who lives in the castle, stops when she hears the hushed voice somewhere down the corridor. Curious, she pads forward and sits when she sees a man talking down to a young man. In the young man's arms is the most beautiful sword Izzy has ever seen… not that it matters. It's just shiny. She kind of wants to go over and swat at it.
"You know what this means, do you?"
The young man nods, his fingers are trembling. Strange, though that's not important to Izzy.
"You will bring the family name fame for years to come. This is what I have been training you for. What has the King said?"
"I'm to become Princess Zelda's personal appointed knight."
The man laughs and rubs his chin. Getting bored, Izzy brings her paw to her face and licks at her toes.
"Amazing. The rules are even more important now, son, don't forget them. You must keep up the image I have made for you now more than ever."
"Yes, sir."
The man reaches over and ruffles the young man's hair, but the young man simply stands still and stoney faced during what should have been an intimate gesture. Okay, now Izzy has completely lost interest in what's going on. She yawns and turns to leave.
The vulture is a sign of death, and he thinks there is plenty signs of that right now, but he's not dumb. The thing bringing death is evil and it won't let him eat, it will just kill him too. The sky is red and fire blazes and he just wants to fly away, but he's blinded by a golden light as he flies, a strong, powerful, hopeful golden light. It scares him more than anything, he doesn't stick around to find out what the light was.
The wolf is the most powerful creature in the wild, or that's what this wolf thinks. He wonders alone and hunts alone and is perfectly content doing so. The world is so wide and he's the king of it. He owns the forest, he owns the ruins, he lives and goes where he wants because no one, not even the monsters, will dare challenge him.
He has his territory, anything that goes in it dies.
He's wondering his forest, looking for a bite of food, when he sees something he rarely sees anywhere. A Hylian.
It's male and skinny and wearing horribly tattered clothes, not providing a smidge of protection for it's ugly bare skin. It is walking like a newborn, stumbling and panting. The wolf narrows its eyes. He's seen starvation before, and this Hylian clearly is suffering from it. Many have, he's seen so many Hylians collapse and whither away in the past few years.
Yet, this one seems special, important, even as the Hylian trips over its feet and lands on the ground hard. Even as it stills and clenches it's fists and screams into the dirt in anguish.
The wolf should kill it. Put it out of its misery… but that feeling that this one is special sticks around stubbornly. He growls to himself and turns away.
The sun sinks lower to the ground by the time he returns. The Hylian is still there, completely still, just blinking. The wolf sighs through the dead rabbit in its jaws and walks closer to the Hylian. It looks at him, startled, but too exhausted to do anything. The wolf sets the rabbit carcass down and the Hylian does nothing but stare.
The wolf huffs. Of course. The Hylian needs a fire to eat meat. How pathetic.
He turns and picks up a stick in his mouth, feeling humiliated but also that he needs to do this, and sets it down next to the Hylian. He goes and picks up another, and another, and another, until there's a small pile by the Hylian. Now it's up to it to eat. The wolf can't start a fire, he can't bring the Hylian all the way there.
He sits down and stares as it slowly blinks, then it's hand lifts and it's pushing itself up so it's sitting hunched back against a tree. With hands shaking, the Hylian reaches into its bag and pulls out a small black rock and a dagger. It takes a few tries, but soon there's a fire and the smell of cooking meat.
The Hylian eats, and when it looks up again, the wolf is gone, having finished what he felt he needed to do.
The horse is annoyed. Here she is, just wanting to nibble on the grass when all of a sudden a skinny person jumps on her back and grabs her hair. She's strong, she's wild, and he's weak. She kicks him off and he goes flying. She huffs and glares at him, but he's grinning and standing up from where he's landed, mud splashed against his face, making him look untamed.
She snorts and trots a distance away and continues to eat, but that's interrupted by the same skinny body and impish grin. She bucks him off and is extremely satisfied when she sees his own face screw up in annoyance. Good. He better be annoyed. It's only fair since he's ruining her lunch.
She trots away again, third time's a charm. Or it should be. Because once again the small body jumps on her back and clutches onto her hair. She doesn't even react. She just turns and glares at him.
He gives her a look, letting her know that she's not going to get rid of him.
Sighing in defeat, she shakes her head and let's him soothe her hair behind her ears. It kind of feels good... Though, the moment the small body gets off hers she's going to sprint away. She'll let him think he's won for now.
He rides her all the way to a small stable in the middle of the field. She can feel him get ready to jump off and she's about to bolt when he suddenly loses balance and tumbles hard onto the ground, an apple rolls from his hand.
Intrigued, she goes towards the apple and ignores the little person as he scrambles to his feet and brushes off his pants. He grabs the apple before she can get to it and holds it up in a teasing manner.
"If you want apples, you have to stay with me."
She glares at him. Who does this boy think he is? Does he really think she can be bribed with apples?
She eats it. Gets a new saddle. He calls her Zoie. As long as she gets apples she doesn't care. No, she doesn't care for the small person at all…
The cub is freezing, the bear thinks. The clouds rush above them and rain pelts down, soaking the world. Even she is cold, and she has thick fur to protect her. But this cub doesn't have fur, he's naked except for the strange cloth on his body. She can see him shivering beneath a tree canopy, rubbing his hands and glaring at the grass. The poor cub, she thinks.
She's about to leave it at that, she has her own cubs to think about back at the cave. She has to get food for her own, not this strange cub who looks like he won't survive the night with this rain.
Oh whose she kidding?
She goes through the undergrowth and approaches him. The moment the cub sees her his eyes widen and he jumps to his feet, a sword is drawn.
Not that it would do anything to her, he's weak and she's strong. The fear in his eyes confirms that he knows this. The wolves think they own the land, but the bear owns the wild. Nothing is stronger than she is.
She continues to approach and he sinks down to the ground, as if accepting his fate, but she doesn't bite his head off like what he must think. No, she grabs him by that strange cloth behind his neck and starts to drag him like she would with any other cub. He makes a surprised noise and a strange protest, but she ignores him and continues to gently carry him over to her home in the face of a cliff.
Her cubs make excited noises when they see the one in her mouth and they accept him willingly when she lays down and pushes them all against her, trying to keep them all warm. The strange cub stays very still for a very long time before she feels him relax and slowly fall asleep. She huffs and memorizes his scent, he's hers now. A child of the wild. He has a long road ahead of him, she's sure. But… she just knows he'll do just fine. Call it a mother's instinct.
The birds love to fly, but there is one place they never go. It's that really tall pointy thing in the middle of the fields. There's evil that lives there and strange monsters that like to shoot fire from their eyes. No way, they would like to keep their feathers on their bodies thank you very much.
But one day, that evil goes away with a grand explosion of golden light. It's so pure, and so beautiful. They watch as the great beast is taken down and destroyed, as light returns to the land. They fly, fly towards that structure and they wonder why they thought it was evil. It isn't, it's just a building. As they fly, they see a small Hylian. Two of them. One with a beautiful sword on it's back and the other with the face of a goddess.
Something special has happened, they think. Something very, very special.
"Wild, don't-"
The sound of a Hylian's voice is all the warning the stag gets before he's pounced on. Legs straddle his body and hands grab at his horns and he runs.
There's laughter coming from the person on his back, but the stag isn't happy at all.
For all of Wild's life, he has known the animals. They have always been there for him when people weren't, they have always brought him comfort, food, shelter, something to kill the boredom. He feels connected to them, even the ones he kills for food. He whispers thanks to them as he ends their lives, and he promises not to waste a single bit of their bodies. It's the least he can do, he thinks.
He's the Hero of the Wild, after all. The wild is his home, and the creatures that roam it are his brothers and sisters. It's strange, he knows, but he wouldn't ask for it to be any different.
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sebbysheepie · 4 years
There was a study from like 2015 showing that only around 20-30% of dairy farmers use anaesthesia when dehorning calves. I wanna ask you about your perspective on this as while I dont think dehorning is cruel it would be better if use of anaesthesia increased
I think using a numbing agent would be wonderful myself. Anything that would make it easier on the animals would be great. A simple spray or such. Back years ago we used nippers and those where deemed very humane since it was a dig into the skin and a snip and the horn bud was out. But they had to be used very young. We didn’t have numbing sprays or needles. They had the nip then the peroxide spray and done. One of the main things people don’t realize thou is that cows have a way higher pain threshold then any humans. Things that you would assume would hurt them, Does not. Not to say they don’t feel pain. But if a cow stepped on another’s foot. Meh. Us? Broken foot.
That all being said. As long as the animal was not put under and it was just something simple like a bit of numbing around the horn area, awesome. Let’s have the farmers use the sprays or such. But if we are talking needles then no. It’s better for the animal to be up and aware of what’s happening. You don’t want them stressed more about what’s happening then they will be. Also. Something not a lot even bring up. Not a ton of dairy or beef are to even have horns. We try very hard to keep that bred out. It’s not the first trait we try and avoid but it is something we do look at. Most dairy don’t have horns now. So when you have a herd of say 100. And 20 percent of that is horned. Then from those 20 you’re gonna dehorn them of you can. But from that it will be more like 10 because horns pop up at different sizes and times as they grow. And even then. Usually small. Stunted. I wouldn’t even bother removing it unless it was very young with large frowned horns. Older cows growing some small horns? Unless they are causing an issue. No. She can keep them. Only come off if she uses them on other animals or a health risk. So. I dunno. Are your numbers giving you how many horns are being removed actually or just if they use the painkillers? Cause all I can say back in the 80’s. we only removed about 10 horns a year from about 1500 dairy and that includes adults that had regrown or had issues or such. From that 10 maybe one or two where vet done and no painkillers where used. Not even a thought to it because the animals where usually calm and bored during it all. The calves seemed more annoyed at being constrained. Throw corn down and some never even cared as long as they got to eat.
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thorsstorms · 5 years
Abroad pt 16
(Chris Hemsworth x Reader)
Summary: Being the Hemsworth Kids’ Nanny, you were vowed to keep it strictly professional for their sake, but do the stolen glances go unnoticed between you both?
Word count: 5.3k
Warnings: injured pregnant reader. 
A/N: if you want to be tagged, PLEASE SEND AS AN ASK. Y'all should know by now that this fic is pretty inspired off my real life. well let me tell you something. my brother just dropped out of college. that means he quit baseball too when he had a full ride to the best baseball lead college in the state. i got back from mexico and he dropped it that morning and moved back home while we were gone. needless to say it was a major shock for my entire family and my mother cried for hours. we were expecting major leagues from him. he had so many scouts watching him from Orioles, Pirates, and Marlins. He said he didn't enjoy it anymore and he didn't want to do this with his life. its been a tough week. it was out of the blue and we don't know what had gotten into him. all we can do is pray on it really. the back up for him is now Welding school....anyway. 
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Chris saw you go down the first time, knowing it was a hard fall and started in your direction. A breath escaped him when he saw you break the surface, seeing that you were okay. He started moving faster when he saw the second wave coming. The water was swallowing you above the shoulders, that or you couldn’t stand up straight. He watched you moving in slow motion to reach the board but he knew you wouldn’t get to it in time. He called for you, but you couldn’t hear him.
The wave came and you were gone, the only sense of your location was the board floating a few feet from where you presumably were. His arms were straining against the current of the water, trying to get there faster, waiting for you to break the surface.
When you did, he could see the panic on your face just barely above the surface while your arms ripped at the ankle wrap. Sporting a dripping red down the side of your face while watching the next wave come seemingly faster than any others, it gave him a clear view of the hit.
He screamed your name again, not necessarily to get your attention but more out of shock, Ty finally running in towards you as well. Chris was close enough, just barely out of reach, but close enough to see the third hit harder than the first two. His wrap was off and he was in the water in a split second grabbing ahold of your arm under the surface.
He expected you to react in some way at least. But what he got was nothing but limp weight when he tugged you forward. He spoke your name again with urgency, wrapping his arms around you, headed to the shore when another wave crashed around his shoulders. His hand came to your head, to turn you so he could see where the rush of red was coming from. A knick above your temple shone when he pushed your hair back. A thin gash on the underside of your chin, a bruise already forming. Your eyes were fluttering and unable to come to your senses, like a fog had been placed over your brain. His steps grew faster, lighter when he neared the shore. Ty meeting him in a panic at your limp body tagging along.
What ever words Ty was speaking, Chris didn’t hear them. He was zoned in, laying you on the ground, watching, waiting for you to move. He moved on auto pilot, checking your pulse, checking for breathing.
Chaz’s voice came clear, Chris replayed his address to a woman on speakerphone who was trying to get answers to send help. He felt a current rip through himself when you turned your head, coughing, wincing at the pain flooding through your head.
Though you still were not responding to him, to his hands, to his voice, nothing.
Chris listened to the emergency operator coming through the speakers asking him questions. There was one answer he knew she needed to have for the first responders. Chris looked to the others defeated, sitting on his knees, his hands propped under your shoulders to hold you up and closer to him. He whispered an apology to you, but there wasn’t much he could do. He had to. There wasn’t a choice, and he almost hated himself for having to say it, steal your moment.
“She- she’s pregnant,” he directed towards the phone, not looking up to your looming brother. “12 weeks.”
He didn’t move from you, watching you slip in and out of consciousness for the next few minutes, whispering apologies hoping that you some how could hear them. He didn’t react to Tyler’s panicking, his yelling. He didn’t react to Chaz as he dragged the boards out of the water clapping against the sand at the shore. He didn’t realize that there wasn’t three other little bodies standing beside him as Emily herded them into the house. He didn’t drag his eyes away from your lacerated skin, or his ears from your labored breathing until the paramedics made their way through the sand.
He stood flat against the wall of the room while others worked their way around you listening to your lungs, starting an IV for the pain in your head you were bound to have when you woke again, checking your eyes for dilation to rule out serious injuries inside.
The room almost vacated after a few minutes of him answering yes and no questions, Chaz shoving a shirt and shoes into his hands from the house and exiting the small room just as soon as he had entered.
“Press this button when she wakes, shouldn’t be too long, when she does we can remove the IV and determine the grade of injury.” He merely nodded at the nurse while pulling a chair to the bedside.
He had a few seconds, laying his head in his hands before Ty came through the door. He stalked over to the bed waiting for Chris to lift his head and look at him.
He didn’t.
“It’s not your fault,” Ty’s voice broke the silence of the room.
Who could be to blame then, who else promised that she would be fine, that it was okay for her to do so?
“I didn’t think she would actually do it, but I was wrong. Not like it was a fuckin’ competition or something.” Ty tore his eyes away from him. Bruises were sporting purple where you had come in contact with the board repeatedly, a sight he couldn’t stand to look at for too long. “Of course I didn’t know she was pregnant. I almost joked some dumb shit about, about- God I dont even know- about lettin’ herself go. That wouldn’t’ve gone well.”
Chris sat up straight and looked at the bed. “She only told me this morning. She wanted to tell you. She was so excited, nervous to tell you. Wants you to be there when she tells your parents.”
“-oh fuck, my parents!” Ty stalked back out of the room, reaching in his pocket for his phone.
You started to come to, recognizing the throbbing pain your head was in. As soon as he sensed the movement in your hands, your face, he was pressing the button. He stood from his chair looming over you.
“Hey princess wake up, stay awake this time please.” His hands were careful to avoid the steri-strips on your skin, avoiding the two darkening discolored bruises that looked worse every minute.
Your chest still felt like it was under bricks, making it hard to breath, almost painful to inhale. “Can you hear me?” You could but you didn’t want to move your head to add to the pain. Your hand lifted from the bed and found his arm, he felt it and reached for it, breaking his resolve, melting his demeanor.
“My head,” the sound croaked from your throat, the salt water drying you up.
“Yea,” he let out a breathe hearing you speak, “I know, I know. The nurse is on his way in, I’m going to get you some water.”
The next hour was filled with questions. You were concussed. No driving, no screen time, no reading. Moving your eyes to fast set you off, speaking to loudly felt like your brain was a balloon that was going to pop. Normally they would have let your leave after waking and being able to speak, but because of your pregnancy they advised you to stay over night just to monitor.
It felt like it was hours before the ultrasound tech came. She was flushed coming in, merely saying hello and introducing herself before hooking it into the wall. Your hands rested on top of where your little bean (well, more like a lime now, but lil bean was going to stick) was being held captive. All you could do was stare at Chris, all he could do was stare at you.
You heard her words and you moved on auto pilot, slowly lifting the gown. Listening as she wiggled and pressed against you, her eyes and ears drawn to the screen as Chris’s were. You could take the time and pain of drawing your head towards and your eyes up to the screen but you wouldn’t know what you were looking at anyway. In return you watched his eyes trail the screen, keen to listen for a heart beat.
You heard it. It was small, delicate little thumps coming through a speaker on the monitor.
“Is that-?” You questioned him, a breath escaping you. You didn’t know what you were expecting, but the reassurance of the anthem coming to your ears was enough to break a smile on your face.
“It is,” he said. His hand was in yours, burying his face in the bed sheet that rest upon your legs. His shoulders rose and fell as he took a deep breath of relief, lifting his head again.
She left you with another ultrasound picture at his request. He held it quietly in his hands, pondering his thoughts to himself when Bri came through the door. Ty followed slowly behind her, making his way in and shutting the door behind him. She came and sat on the bed looking at you with tears in her eyes.
“What did you do this time?” You forced yourself into a slight snicker that turned quickly into a wince.
“Don’t make me laugh,” you muttered, laying your head back and closing your eyes.
“When Ty told me to come to the hospital, I- I was so worried. Is, Is the baby okay?” Her hand hovered over yours with hesitance, resting it slowly on top of yours. It became a small repetitive action that you took on, laying your hand where you were bound to start growing so people other than yourself could tell.
“Yea,” you whispered. She nodded looking back to Ty, seeing the relief wash over his face. They both turned to stare at you like they were thinking of a million things to say but they didn’t speak.
“Hi Chris,” she chuckled, finally acknowledging his presence in the room. He strained his smile back to her, quickly back to avoiding conversation unlike his usual self.
“I called Dad,” you snapped your eyes at Ty, “he didn’t answer, probably sleeping. I left him a message.” Probably better that way that he called him first instead of your mother. “I didn’t say much. I was pretty vague, I’m sure he’ll call when they wake up.”
Painful minutes passed until you told them both to leave, go home, eat and sleep. There was nothing exciting going on here. They left with promises of bringing clothes and food when they came back. Promised to bring the kids. A lazy thumbs up was thrown at them before they closed the door.
The sulking quiet man in the corner was the next to conquer, though the energy was becoming hard to find. You were tired.
“Will you come squeeze up here?” You asked him. Your eyes were getting heavy.
“I can try princess.” You inched yourself to the side, throwing your head back into the pillow from the rush, but it was worth it. He laid on his side while you tucked the blanket over his hip. You propped up on your shoulder, without help while he watched amused as you situated yourself. You tugged his arm to go under your neck, ready to go for the other hand but he knew where it belonged.
You melted into the now somewhat comfortable position while he tugged the blanket farther up to your shoulders, knowing you were probably cold at the moment. He watched you relax, caving into a sleep that was hopefully free of all the pain he knew you were in. He couldn't help but stare your face. The skin there was so pure, decorated lightly with freckles that he had memorized from the moment he laid eyes on you. The fresh delicate skin was now tainted with colors of torment. The purple shades reaching their deepest hues in the dim lighting of the room. It became the new markings to memorize, one that would paint his nightmares in shades of bruising and hues of red that symbolizes a much more morbid out come.
A concussion and bruising, that he could live with, but nothing more.
It was a feeling that catered deep inside him today, one of fear, he had never known fear like that. The happiness that the morning had brought was quickly sealed behind the looming fear of your unconscious body. When he had loomed over you trying to detect how bad it could be, how much worse it could have been. He could have not reached you fast enough, your injury could be worse, the trauma could have caused a loss that he knew you would never shed the weight of.
He reached for his phone after coming to a loosely set up plan in his mind. His weight shifted under you, freezing when he feared you might wake. You needed the sleep, deserved the sleep. He was sly, pulling from under your head slowly, shutting the door quietly behind him.
The clock was only displaying the time of 7PM. He took a small walk down to the food court, settling for trail mix and a drink before find a table in the corner, he faced the wall to avoid staring. He might have settled for the ‘I can’t see you, you cant see me’ fallacy. He couldn’t talk on the phone in your room and risk waking you anyway.
He didn’t know what time it was wherever she was at, he didn’t care to pay it any mind anyway. He pressed on the contact, hearing the ringing sound through the speaker pressed to his ear. She owed him this at least.
“Hello?” Elsa’s voice was groggy through the phone, but he paid no lingering attention to the thought that he may have woken her up.
“I need you to come stay with the kids.” He said quickly to the point. She didn’t question why but recognized a desperation in his voice instead. She didn't say anything, but waited for him to continue, there was obviously more he wanted to say.
“We had an accident this morning, Well, (Y/n) did. She’s pretty banged up, has got a bad concussion. And I’m here until next Thursday but I have to leave again and she cant stay with them alone right now. If you can’t, I’ll call my parents but before I do that you should know that the kids miss you, a lot. You can have the house to yourself, but India has to go to school.” He spoke quickly, his voice low. The stress was radiating off of him and she could tell.
She started to wake up at the information. “What happened?”
He wanted to tell her and was going to until his voice got caught in his throat. If there was someone he was going to talk to this about, it was going to be her. And not for any special reason other than the fact that she would understand. He held on to a love for her, but it was so different that it had been long ago. It was the type where a friend was there with similar life experiences. She held a free spirit surrounding her life, there was not a sign of resentment among her soul when he spoke of you.
He took a deep breath pulling himself together. It was not the end of the world, he knew that this was minor in the grand scheme of things but he held on to the fault. His hand fell over his face in a way to wake himself from the long days events. Maybe he needed to sleep more than he thought.
“We were surfing this morning and her brother is in town. She was always too chicken to try it but he finally got her to try.” He scoffed a laugh at the thought of Ty being able to get her out there but not himself. “She did good for a while but got caught in the waves after she fell. She couldn’t keep up with it and the board got her twice in the white caps. Knocked her clean out.” His nervous laugh fell out.
“She,” he closed his eyes a minute to take in the information for himself. “She’s pregnant.” His words were quick to avoid a wavering voice. “And when I pulled her out, she couldn’t stay awake.” He pulled the phone away from his face to take a deep breathe to clear the stupid tears that wanted to keep coming. It was over with, you were okay but his head didn’t seem to care.
He picked the phone back up to his ear just in time to hear her say his name filled with sorrow for him. “Can you- can you come or not? I’m going to take her back to the states with me.” He didn’t want to hear the pity yet. He just wanted a yes or no answer.
She said she would be here on Wednesday and that was all he needed to hear before quickly wrapping the phone call.
You woke slowly to a nurse coming in the room. Your eyes scanned the area but it was empty of anyone else. No one was here. You knew that much. You weren’t going crazy. “Your brother will be back in a minute so you just rest a while. He brought you some clothing to change into over there. As soon as he gets back we can sign these papers and get you out of here.” She informed you and was out of the room almost quickly as she came.
Scooting to the edge of the bed, merely sitting up by yourself sent a head rush that made you want to vomit on the spot. You grabbed the handle on the bedside before pulling yourself to your feet. You teetered to the window sill, taking the clothes with you to the bathroom.
The first look in the mirror was hard to see. You examined the bruised skin along your jaw, it was ugly. You shy your eyes away from the reflection, no more looking at it. All it will do is make you cringe at yourself. The glass was avoided while you dressed yourself.
You slipped the gown off your shoulders, it pooled to the ground. There was no way your were bending down to pick it up and risk the blood rush to your head. Looking downward at the discarded scratchy gown, your tummy was one to notice. The small protrusion was catching your eye. Seemingly growing more and more every time you admire it. From what you could tell, you were smaller than average at the 12 weeks mark, but you didn’t worry about it.
When you emerged from the doorway, you sat back on the edge of the bed and looked around. Your phone wasn’t anywhere to be seen, not that you were allowed to be looking at it anyway. You took your time folding your stuff and putting them in the bag that was brought with the new clothes. You brush your hair out and pull it into a loose ponytail slowly, it was not without major difficulty. You huffed in the silence of the room. You didn’t like it. Being used to the never ending noise at the house was comforting compared to this lonely feeling of an empty hospital room.
The door pushed open, it was your brother coming through. If you had the energy, it wouldn't have slipped past you to roll your eyes at his annoying sympathetic look when he sees your face. You sat defeated and ready to go home. He hugged you with his arms around your shoulders while you sat painly on the edge of the bed.
“Im sorry,” you mumbled into his shirt.
“For what?”
“I’ve probably ruined your whole trip down here. I had stuff planned for us to do, I wanted to show you around…”
“Whatever, shut up. Let’s go already, paperwork is done.” He pushed aside your comment and was silent till we were pulling from the parking lot when you gave him directions on how to get back home.
“He was taking India to school, it’s Friday. I told him I would bring you home. He’ll probably be back by the time we get there.” You hummed in response. You weren’t angry that Chris wasn’t there when you woke up this morning. It would be selfish of you, he has kids that he hasn’t seen in weeks as well. But there was a stupid whiny feeling, wishing he was there, wishing he was being your own personal heater in that god awful cold room. It was stupid, so you didnt mention it anymore. You had voiced many times before that you hated waking up alone when he was able to be there, he knows.
“I talked to dad, I told him what happened and that you were fine. But I didnt-didnt tell them, uh that you were, like, like… that.” He swiped his palm over his forehead, not liking to say it outloud.
“Say it Ty,” you teased him. “Say it. I'm pregnant, say it.” You forced a smile at him while he just looked at the road with a stressed facial expression. “I'm pregnant,” you said again looking back out your window. Your eyes were squinting through the sunlight, a nagging throbbing in your head was ever present.
“Chris, I can walk by myself.” It came out more harsh than you intended, admittedly. When Ty pulled in the garage, Chris was out the door and opening yours instantly. A simple hello would have been nice, rather than him trying to guide you like a child into the house.
You walked past him and Ty, not waiting for the reaction and not looking up at the three waiting in the kitchen, but went straight to his bathroom and locked the door behind you. It’s not like you could go retreat to your own space with your guests here. You needed a shower anyway. You needed more minutes to yourself so you don’t come out being snitty again. Chris didn’t deserve it.
You pulled your shirt over your head and threw it on the counter. Catching yourself in a mirror almost made you cringe. You very much looked like death itself. You turned away, kicking off your shoes when there was a knock on the bathroom door.
Two minutes, you silently prayed. All I need is two minutes.
“Can I come in?” His voice was polite, more polite than you probably deserved for your nasty remark earlier. You sighed, leaning against the counter. You were sure it was the headache that was affecting your mood, but you might as well learn to control that now because it won’t be going away so soon.
“I just need a few minutes. Im, I’m gonna take a shower.” You were unsure if he heard you through the door or not. Your voice echoed through the room even at such a quiet tone, courtesy of the white marbled tiles.
“Okay just be careful of the water on your face, Princess... Can you just let me in?” He was right, what if it hurts? You were half dressed in a bra and shorts, but you made your way to the door anyway. How much worse could you look? Pretty sure it was bottomed out at this point.
You unlocked the door handle and pushed it open but didn’t meet his eyes, instead turned around and reached to put your shirt back on.
“Hey, how about a bath instead? So you don’t have water beating down on your head?” Once you nodded he retreated to turn on the bathwater. You dropped your shirt back on the counter and tried to shimmy your shorts without bending down, your head already angry at the movement of your shoulders dipping in the slightest.
You winced, closing your eyes and leaning back against the counter when they dropped to your ankles. “Hey…” you heard him, then felt his hand touch your neck so you would look up at him. The touch was nothing pleasing.
“Nu uh,” you winced away from him, nowhere else to go against the countertops. The gentle touch causes a not so gentle reaction that you are at the receiving end of. His hand jerked away while you opened your eyes and pushed his arms away slightly.
“Just tell me what I can do to help?” Chris didn’t like seeing you in pain. Most of what you felt wasn’t even visible, which made it that much harder for him to comprehend… dont touch you there, or here. He didn’t know.
You blinked back tears, looking past him to the right. “Help me undress,” you muttered. Your voice was small, any louder and you were sure your ears would burst from a weird pressure.
He didn’t say anything else but helped slide your sports bra over your shoulders, him trying to not react to your own grimace.  His hands silently worked as he pulled your panties down your legs, holding his shoulder as you stepped out of them. You would have normally blushed, or atleast thanked him for helping you but you didn’t have the energy for both. Your mind felt void of the emotion. All that was left up there was snark and grimaces.
You lowered into the hot water while he pulled the kids’ step stool from under the counter and over to the edge of the tub to sit on. You wanted to tell him that he didn’t have to stay here but who are you kidding, the attention was nice regardless of the circumstances. You slowly washed your body, listening silently while he talked softly to you, distracting you. Talking to you about anything while you lie your head back against the tub wall.
You both came to figure that washing your hair was not going to be an easy task, but it needed to happen. It was nappy enough from the salt water drying up and not being brushed out. Your hands were white knuckling against the edges of the tub while he repeated apologies over his gentle hands that were coated in shampoo. He was gentle, you could tell that much but it didn’t seem to make a difference.
He tried to work fast, not bearing to be the cause of the hurt look on your face or the tear on your cheek that could have passed as bath water. He just wanted to help, wished you would tell him what he could do to make this better.
It was best to ride it out for these few minutes and sit still for the rest of the day, trying to avoid quick movements and speaking to much.
Not an hour later you were sitting up on the couch with your head laying back on Chris’s outstretched arm. This was only uphill from the pain of forcing Bri to brush your hair for you and braid it loosely so it wouldn’t get tangled. She was afraid to hurt you even more but you were stubborn enough to talk her into it.
Hiding away in bed and sleeping or staring at the ceiling did not seem appealing at all. Your brother was here, Chaz and Emily too and your were not going to be rude and hide away. They wouldn’t have thought you as rude, but pretended to appreciate you joining them. Even though Emily sat at the table coloring with Sasha and Tristan sat on the floor with his eyes glued to the tv, you were glad to be in their presence.
You stayed quiet, listening to them bicker about stupid things. Talk about what they should do while here. Hearing what Chris suggested. You were thankful no one tried to engage with you. You were content to catch it all by ear, sitting silently with your head back and hands rested low were the little one would start to show themselves more.
Your eyes were cast out the window behind their heads, staring outside into the back yard. You were listening, just not looking. Bri was sat across from you, next to Ty with a tea in her hand, watching your own mannerisms closely. She smiled at you, at how it was completely subconscious of you to hold your hands over your bump. It tugged your navy t-shirt dress tight downward, where she could tell her future god child was waiting. She had a trained eye, not sure a stranger would be able to recognize it as a pregnancy bump at this point, but she could.
The minutes passed and your eyes grew heavy. It was merely 10 oclock in the morning, but sleep sounded inviting enough for your eyes to close whether you wanted them to or not.
“You have a ring?” Ty’s voice shot up a few octaves at Chris’s confession. He had carried you to the bed almost half an hour ago. Everyone but those two were in the pool while they sat on the patio chairs.
Ty’s eyeballs about bugged out of his head. “You have it here?”
“Yea I picked it up a few weeks ago and have had it with me.”
“Wow. Sorry, but this is just weird.” Ty shook his head and looked out at Tristan trying to copy Chaz by diving into the pool.
“Do you want to see it?”
“Hell yea?!”
Chris walked back out the patio doors with it in his pocket. He had snuck into the room and sluthed around to not wake you up. His suitcase was not unpacked and open in all its messy glory. He had reached inside a shoe and pulled it out. Not very smart of him considering you dislike disarray and the suitcase was perfect bait.
“Okay you have to tell me what you think. I kind of designed it, or picked everything out. Its original-”
“Just show me the damn thing already!” Ty urged him to quit talking and get on with it. Chris was so nervous he could talk his ear off and never even show it to him.
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