#the hidden enemy but it's quinlan instead of asajj
jewishcissiekj · 6 months
just realized just how much fic there is to write until I actually get to the part of the AU I started thinking about...
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blackkatmagic · 3 years
Got any Savage wips??
psst all of these are tagged "wip list" if you want to check for yourself.
1. Role-swap where Feral is the middle child and given to Sidious, Maul is the eldest and raises Savage, and Savage is the youngest. It changes absolutely everything.
2. Savage/Hardcase - Getting kidnapped by a Sith who wants information on his general was not on Hardcase’s to-do list. Neither was ending up unable to go more than ten feet from him due to Nightsister magic. Hardcase isn’t about to betray Torrent, though, and Savage has more going on than just a quest to please Dooku.
3. Savage/Waxer - a reverse of the dragon AU, where it’s the clones, not the Jedi, who can turn into dragons. The Jedi are absolutely delighted by this, and it helps a hell of a lot when the clones can just turn into massive fire-breathing lizards and sit on the Sith currently attacking them. Which is, if you listen to Boil, a tactic that Waxer uses far too often. Especially with this Sith.
4. Savage/Rex - A cracky sort of role reversal, with Jedi!Savage, Sith!Feral, and Feral being an immensely protective younger brother even in the middle of a war. Because someone needs to make sure Savage doesn’t get his heart broken by a clone. (Rex is his clone commander. Rex is maybe sort of sleeping with Savage. Rex is Not Amused to suddenly find himself stalked by a Sith defending his brother’s virtue.)
5. Savage/Sinker - Left for dead after a mission that goes awfully, Sinker stumbles his way out into a Sith temple, only to find a Sith taking cover there. Savage is halfway though Dooku’s training, wracked with guilt from something he doesn’t remember, and the sudden appearance of an enemy makes him react violently. Sinker is absolutely sure he’s about to die when he gets dumped into a strange pool, but instead he drags himself out with a brand new sense of the Force, a cackling ghost talking about revenge on Bane’s line in his ear, and Savage desperate to make a deal that will get him away from Dooku.
6. Savage/Tae - Tae knows that everything depends on him not blowing his cover, or Nico’s, and not letting anyone know he, the rest of the Padawan Pack, and the nomadic Masters are still alive while they work from the shadows to bring down the Sith Lord. Still, when he runs face-first into someone who’s clearly being mind-controlled, he can’t not help.
7. Nyx/Savage, where Nyx wakes up on Devaron just before Savage can kill Knox and Trauma. Realizing that something’s Wrong, he knocks Savage out, grabs Knox and Trauma, and disappears them as best he can. Dooku, interested in what he thinks is a new Sith running around, sends Savage to find them, but the further Savage gets from Dathomir, the more the Nightsisters’ brainwashing slips, and he starts to wake up.
8. Fox/Savage, where Fox stumbles over a huge Zabrak hiding in Coruscant’s underbelly while he’s investigating the Chancellor’s kidnapping. Savage is desperate and hiding an injured little brother, and Fox wants to help him, but there’s more to worry about than the Nightsisters in Coruscant’s darkness.
9. Savage/Quinlan, where Quinlan - undercover as a bounty hunter on Dathomir - ends up meeting and sleeping with a really hot Zabrak warrior, only to meet that same warrior, brainwashed and twisted into knots by Nightsister magics, while undercover in Dooku’s inner circle. He makes the decision to break cover, grab Savage, and run, taking the Jedi padawan Savage almost killed along with them. Knox is wary, and Savage is caught in the Nightsisters’ brainwashing, and Quinlan has no idea what to do and too many people on his heels, but he’s not about to let that stop him.
10. Savage/Sinker with the Sentinel/Guide trope, only Savage is the Guide and Sinker is the Sentinel.
11. Sinker/Savage where Sinker’s ship crashes on Dathomir, and Savage finds him while he’s repairing it and decides to barter passage off-world for himself and Feral by any means necessary. (Really, Sinker would have just let him come if he asked, the very forceful gift-giving is cute but unnecessary.)
12. Waxer/Savage, Waxer dies on Umbara and wakes up on Dathomir, only to be rescued from the swamps by Savage and Feral. But there are strange things happening to Waxer, giving him premonitions, giving him the ability to move things without touching them, and even beyond that, staying hidden in the Nightbrother village gets a hell of a lot harder when Asajj Ventress turns up.
13. Savage/Jon, Savage drags himself out of the palace on Mandalore, desperate to save Maul from Palpatine, and ends up on a strange ocean planet with a presence in the Force like he’s never felt. As he’s recovering, though, a strange Jedi trips over him, in the middle of searching for the first Jedi Temple. Savage, without the Nightsisters’ power, is willing to do anything to gain the power to defeat Palpatine, so he goes along with Jon.
14. Savage/Quinlan, where time-traveling Quinlan decides that the best way to avoid everything going to hell is to rescue Savage and Feral and teach them to be Jedi, then turn them loose on Maul and get them to convince him to give up the Dark Side. Which is great, right up until feelings get involved.
15. Padme/Savage/Thorn, where the three of them come unstuck in time, and only close proximity keeps them from sliding randomly through the timeline.
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gffa · 6 years
      He didn't know why he did; he just felt that he should. Normally, he couldn't leap more than a meter off the ground without a pair of jump boots. And a hover crate's repulsors were weak, with a ceiling of only a few meters. Yet his jump took him higher than that. Much higher.       It wasn't natural. But it felt natural.       His legs relaxed. His body soared. It was as if a little voice inside him had been released to sing. It connected him to the world around him, which was ablaze with life and energy. The green grass on which he had snoozed so many times had sprung him upward like a trampoline. Tiny insects buzzed around him, the flutter of their wings giving him lift. The outstretched hand of the ponytailed man seemed to pull him to the ship like a magnet.       It all happened so suddenly, so unexpectedly, Ezra could scarcely believe it.       In that hesitation, the surge of force that propelled him vanished.       Ezra fell.
→ Ezra Bridger (The Rebellion Begins, x)
      He put the arm back in his backpack and entered a room as spare as a monk's quarters. The bunk itself was a lean mattress without a blanket, as if no one slept there.       Someone did. Ezra could feel his presence drifting about the room. The ponytailed man. Kanan Jarrus. This was his cabin. And he had hidden something there.       Relying on his instincts, Ezra raised his hand and waved it through the air. His fingertips tingled and his palm felt like a rudder in a stream. The stream's current drew him under the bunk.       He bent down to touch the wall. It was smooth and cold but didn't give him shivers. Rather, he felt refreshed.
→ Grand Inquisitor (Ezra’s Duel with Danger, x)
      He stood in the cockpit of the shuttle and watched the descent toward an abandoned clone trooper base. The two presences inside couldn’t hide themselves from him. One burned bright, like a torch; the other less so, but growing in intensity, like a candle that had just been lit.
→ Rey, (Forces of Destiny, x)
      She closed her eyes, drew in a big breath, and let it go.  She imagined her mind focusing down to a narrow pinhole of light.  She thought of nothing but the worm.
→ Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi novelization, x)
      Anger swirled around his nephew like a cyclone.  It was an anger spurred by distrust and disappointment, expectation and entitlement.
→ Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi novelization, x)
      Luke had registered nothing beyond his nephew’s presence when he’d found him with Rey, back on Ahch-To. Now he blazed in Luke’s sense of the Force, almost radiant with power. It was the kind of power Luke had foreseen for him—first as near-infinite promise, then later as an equivalent peril.       That power was fed by emotions so strong, they seemed almost to pollute the Force around Kylo. Rage poured out of him, and a near-malignant cruelty—a lust to deform and destroy everything around him, to blot it out and erase it.
→ Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi junior novelization, x)
      He placed his hands on the meditation stone on which Rey had sat a few hours before.  He could still feel her there, specks and motes of her presence drifting in the currents of the past.
→ Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi novelization, x)
      The sounds grew to a crescendo, a thunderclap that was followed by a bewildering, blinding rush of images.       Seek your center. Find balance.       Luke’s body felt like it was on fire. He knew it wasn’t. He accepted the feeling, denying it power over him, and then let it ebb. In its place came a familiar sense of warmth, of belonging, of finding himself part of an endless lattice of connections that held him and everything else, each fixed in its proper place.       A Force.
→ Rey (The Last Jedi novelization, x)
      "Breathe," he said. "Just breathe. Now reach out with your feelings. What do you see?"       The image came to her almost immediately, and was reassuringly familiar: the island, seen as if she were one of the seabirds overhead, just as it had looked in her dreams back on Jakku.       But almost immediately, there was more. The images were vivid, almost hallucinatory, but later she couldn’t be sure if she’d seen them in her mind’s eye or somehow actually experienced them as her awareness expanded out from her body to encompass the island and the sea around it.       Her first impression was life—life all around her. She could sense herself, and the Caretakers pottering about near the huts, but there was so much more than that. She felt the presence of flowers and grasses and shrubs. Birds and insects and fish, and creatures too tiny for the eye to see. Her awareness of all of it seemed to crowd her senses, plunging her into something so deep and intense that for a moment she thought she might drown in it, only to realize that was impossible, because she was a part of that life.       But there was death, too—and decay. Dead flesh and vegetable matter, sinking into soil that hid bones and dry sticks from bygone seasons of the island. She shrank from this new awareness, but sensed almost immediately that there was nothing to fear. From the death and decay sprang new life, nourished by what had come before.       She could feel the warmth of the suns—not just on her face but on the rocks and the surface of the ceaseless tumble of the water. And cold, too, which surrounded the dark places where the roots of the island and the seafloor were revealed as one and the same. There was peace—mother porgs with their eggs, sheltered and safe in warm hollows—but also violence that left behind broken nests and shattered shells.       And all that her senses showed her had been but a moment. That moment was but one of trillions, part of a never-ending cycle that had begun eons before she was born and would go on for eons after she was dead. And it was itself part of something vastly larger, so enormous that her mind couldn’t grasp it, an immensity even the stars were but the tiniest portion of.       Rey, her eyes still closed, tried to tell Luke what she had experienced, frustrated that her words were so small and inadequate.
→ Anakin Skywalker (Thrawn: Alliances, x)
      Double vision: blaster bolts coming at torso, at side, at head, at side—the Force speeding his perception, slowing down time—moving his hands in a blur—no longer deflecting bolts away, but sending them back to their points of origin—       Anakin had given the first attack what Obi-Wan liked to call a second-thoughts chance, deflecting the bolts into the woods instead of bouncing them directly back into the shooters. Now, with nine-to-one odds, he didn’t have that luxury.       Double vision: bolts coming at chest, at chest, at head—controlling with precision, sending back to arm, to leg, to shoulder—       But not to kill. Only to wound, to disable and dissuade. If Padmé wasn’t here, they might know where she was.       If Padmé was here, and if they’d hurt her, her attackers would need to suffer a little before they died.       Double vision: bolts coming at head, at torso—attack faltering as wounded enemies cease fire—
→ Asajj Ventress (Dark Disciple, x, via @glompcat)
      "What kind of life will that be, Quinlan?" Her voice broke. "The kind where we're slaves to our hatred? Our rage? That's what the dark side made me. That's what it does. Nothing is ever enough. You get more, and more, but you're never happy. It's a trap baited with all the things you want most. That life-it's not worth living." She squeezed his hand, imploring. "I already left that behind. You can, too. You have a choice."       All at once, warmth flooded through her. It was as if she were being bathed with soft light. It washed away the pain, and the fear, and the anger, leaving only perfect clarity in its wake. Ventress realized that it was the Force, but it had never felt like this. And it was giving her a gift.       Time slowed to a crawl as a sudden, calm sense of knowing permeated her. She saw, all at once, every possible outcome of the turn of this fraction of a second. Every convolution, every manifestation, every repercussion that would echo far into the future. Death, and life, and new chances lay down one path. The restoration of balance. Fear and disaster, an existence that could never be called living but merely crawling about in a shell of flesh that had no spark of joy-that, too, could be the future; burning vengeance that only increased the hunger for more. 
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