#the honey makes me think of dando
beabnormal24 · 6 months
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Oh sweetheart, we know.
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f1-disaster-bi · 10 months
Number 76 and Dando please :)
Okay I cackled at this one because 1. I love this song, and 2. somehow this fits them
There! Right, There! - Legally Blonde the Musical
"There's no way"
"I'm serious George. I'm right, just look at his socks"
"They are just socks Alex! Right, Lando?"
Lando hadn't been paying attention to the conversation going on around him. He'd been busy answering his texts, smiling at his phone and occasionally sending memes to Max F.
"What? Your old man socks? Those a sin against nature, mate", Lando teased, feeling proud as Alex laughed while George just gave him an unimpressed look.
"Not my socks, twit. Daniel's", George rolled his eyes before he looked pointedly at their co-worker on the other side of the break room, "Alex thinks that because Daniel's socks have pink in them, that Daniel swings your way"
"And George here, thinks that the way Daniel practically sits in Verstappen's lap every break time is straight man behavior", Alex defended, "I don't normally get involved in these things, but come on. You can't tell me that the way Daniel is currently looking at Max is straight"
Lando looked up from his phone again to glance across the teachers staff room to where Daniel was, indeed, giving Max heart eyes. The two physical education teachers were always the talk of the staff room or the class room with teachers and students often betting about if they were dating. Daniel, ever the jokester, loved it, and Max went along with it because it made Daniel laugh and it mainly cause he enjoyed causing chaos.
"I have to side with Alex", Lance chimed in as he sat at their table with a mug of coffee and Lando didn't understand how the French teacher survived on just caffeine alone, "Just look at the way he does his hair"
"He has curls? I literally have curls?", Lando laughed as he stole one of Alex's crisps.
"And who made out with the old Spanish teacher at the Christmas Party last year?", Esteban, the food science teacher, pointed out as he joined them, forcing a plate of food in front of Lance, "Coffee isn't lunch, Stroll, don't argue with me"
"Well, I just don't see it! He's just Australian", George huffed, running a hand through his hair, "They can be eccentric. None of these things mean Daniel is queer"
The people at the table hummed because George had a point. There really was no way to judge what Daniel preferred in a partner from how he dressed or acted, but Lando knew one way to settle the matter once and for all.
"Right, I have an idea, bear with me", Lando whispered to the group before turning in his chair, "Dan, come here a second!"
Daniel's head turned towards them and his smile was all sunshine. He patted Max on the shoulder, before standing from the table they were at and crossing the room to stand behind Lando. Everyone was watching them, especially as Lando crooked a finger so Daniel leaned down.
It was then that Lando reached up, cupped a hand around Daniel's neck and pulled him down into a soft kiss making the other's go quiet as they stared with wide eyes.
"Are we still on for dinner with my parents and yours tomorrow?", Lando asked as he pulled away, cheeks flushing a little at having been bold enough to do that and out them to their co-workers.
"Of course, honey bunch", Daniel grinned, kissing Lando's cheek once more, "I'll pick you up after I finish with football practice, yeah?"
"Okay, sounds perfect", Lando agreed, kissing the other's cheek and staring at him softly, "See you later then"
Daniel just laughed, waving at the others before making his way back to Max and continuing their conversation as if he hadn't just helped Lando break the entire staff of their school.
"What the-"
"Does that settle your questions?", Lando grinned, glancing down at his phone to see another text from Daniel that was made up of just kissy face emoji's.
"Yes and no!", George exclaimed, looking shocked, "I have so many more questions now"
Luckily, the first warning bell rang, giving Lando the escape he needed as he cackled at the bewildered looks on his friends faces.
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mcl4r3n · 1 year
From the prompt list (if you're still taking suggestions) - 20 + Dando & it's Lando saying it...
“Oh, don’t worry. I have every plan to make you submit to me.”
From here :3
Daniel has needs, and at this point, Lando has cataloged so many of them, aware of his tells now.
Despite his break off the grid, and despite his triumphant and celebrated return to it, there are still parts of Daniel that he's trying to piece together, make whole again.
A few months off didn't miraculously undo all of the damage from last two years, not when Daniel spent them tearing himself apart, questioning every decision he made, feeling himself fading.
It doesn't help that Lando still feels partly responsible for it, but Daniel has reassured him enough times that he was the only thing that got him through it, and Lando refuses to make Daniel think any longer that he doesn't trust what he says.
So Lando cherishes him, cheers him on, and does his best to give Daniel what he needs, and sometimes, what Daniel needs is to just give up all control, and let Lando lead.
But it's a precarious little dance they have to do, when Daniel gets in one of his moods, when the Lexapro seems to not cut it that day, when the reassurances that his mettle isn't being tested start to fall flat.
Daniel retreats into himself and gets quiet, but he'll plaster on a smile for Lando anyway—the kind that Lando hates, the kind that he spent all of 2022 putting on for the cameras.
He pushes back, his jokes cutting, just erring too much on the side of self-deprecating and outwardly mean.
It's when Lando knows to step in and step up.
Daniel's in one of those moods now, quiet after a poor showing in Mexico, humiliated after causing a collision with Valtteri that put him firmly in P20. Lando sets his phone down on his bedside table while Daniel scrolls through his, frowning at data from engineers that he's been poring over and over for the last hour.
"That's enough, Daniel," Lando says quietly. Normally he wouldn't interfere but Lando can tell that it's eating away at him again, those old demons in Daniel's head telling him he's not good enough, that he's past his prime.
Daniel ignores him like he knew he would. Lando sighs, and swings his leg over Daniel's thighs, sitting on him, his hands grasping Daniel's wrists. They've done this before. Daniel's told him he could, but that he couldn't promise he'd give in easily every time.
"Daniel," Lando says again firmly, and finally his boyfriend looks up at him, his frown now trained on him.
"Lan—don't, I need to go over—"
"No, I said that's enough." He takes Daniel's phone from him, earning him an annoyed grunt. He tosses it to the foot of the bed.
He needs to take Daniel out of this. He needs to take Daniel back.
He cards his fingers through Daniel's hair, longer now since he's been growing it out. He cups Daniel's jaw in his hands, thumbs brushing over the stubble that's started to grow wild since they got back to Monaco.
He makes Daniel look up at him properly, the smallest hint of force in his grip.
"Are you going to be good for me?"
His eyes are honey-brown and stormy but the pleading is there—the exact signal Lando was looking for.
Daniel doesn't answer, his fingers digging into Lando's thighs like he's warring with himself.
“Oh, don’t worry," Lando whispers. "I have every plan to make you submit to me.” He leans in closer, pressing a kiss to Daniel's forehead. "I'll only ask one more time. Are you going to be good for me?"
Daniel lets out a shaky exhale, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opens them again in the space of a breath, his eyes are darker than amber.
"Yes, sir," Daniel says. "I'll be good for you."
Lando smiles, satisfied, and kisses him.
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moodyfairy14 · 2 years
About me
Hi I'm Maxy, I'm 25 and I'm from Germany 🇩🇪
I got into Formula 1 last year and am stuck ever since :)
I also like soccer but I'm more into Formula 1 :)
My works:
I feel safe in your arms (Kimetzka)
Everything will be okay (Kimetzka)
What are you waiting for (Leon x Serge x Joshua)
Worauf wartest du noch (Leon x Serge x Joshua)
Warum sollte er eifersüchtig sein? (Marco x Julian)
Formula 1:
Dando and Sewis pregnancy journey (Series)
Our little honey badger (Dando)
Our miracle (Sewis)
Our life (Dando)
We can't do this here (Lestappen)
See you later (Lestappen)
Please don't say you love me cause I might not say it back (Mick/Nicky)
I think we feel the same but I don't know (lestappen)
Natural (Pierre/Ilies)
Making ups out of downs (Lestappen)
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Mano eu amo vc kkklkklk só entro aqui pelo meu amado Royai , Todomomo e por Vc , amo headcannons do Chisaki com enfermeiras 😏 queria ele com uma no tartarus , e ele dando chilique pq só quer ser atendido por ela kkkkk ( se não for abusar ) bjs
"Man I love you kkklkklk I only come here for my beloved Royai, Todomomo and for you, I love Chisaki's headcannons with nurses 😏 I wanted him with one at the tartarus, and he giving a tantrum because he just wants to be attended to by her kkkkk (if not to abuse) kisses"
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"MISS (L/N)!" a young male nurse had just barged into the room you were currently on, and the poor thing seemed both devasted and like he was attacked by something.
"Woah there kiddo calm down!" You exclaimed while getting up, holding the poor young worker's shoulder as he breathed in and out desperately, somehow finding comfort in you again. "What's wrong? Did you went to All for One's cell and he sayed bullshit and then you fell down the stairs?" You giggled while the poor young man growled.
Being a worker on the the most famous villains prison always did indeed messes up with your mind... Tartarus had the most dangerous and cruelest villains ever that Japan had, and clearly sometimes ghey did messed up with tbe workers minds... or at least try it to.
"N-no... please just go talk with the guard outside. I can't deal with this anymore. I don't get ONE STEP closer to that man's cell!" He exclaimed while abruptly getting a cup of coffee on the machine.
You blinked at that and hesitantly walked out of the rest room to be met with one guard and your superior.
"Good morning gentlemans. What's gotten into him?" The guard huffed a puff of irritated air as he pointed with his chin at one direction while your superior sighed in desperation.
"The same thing that happened with the other four nurses that covered your shift on that man's cell (Y/n)... no one can enter that place besides you, is a fact by now." You tilted your head in confusion before the guard manifested.
"That bastard Chisaki, miss (y/n). Even without his arms the son of a bitch can still kick anyone's ass who dares to take one step inside his cell.... except you apparently. "
You really had to hold back your laughter at that one.
Overhaul, Chisaki Kai. He was the new prisoner that had just got in Tartarus one year by now... you were the first; your coworkers sayed 'poor soul'; one to get inside and talk face to face with the villain as you explained to him.
His eyes were so empty and yet so full of terror... only nodding and shooking his head numbly, not even dating to meet your eyes... but even despite that he was still a very arrogant and stubborn man, not letting you touch him by any means for the first few visits you made.
You were patient though... making small conversations, slowly getting why he was here exactly... hearing him talk instead of hearing humors or reading his profile.
After some weeks he allowed you to touch him with gloves; you threatened to his wounds and let him vent... you knew he needed that more than anything by that moment, and you were more than glad to hear that beautiful voice...
After you hearf what exactly took his arms away you were shocked, disgusted and sad... surprising the man in so many levels.
After months of talkating, threating and knowing each other, he was slightly infatuated by you, and the moment you explained to him you were quirkless was just the cherry on top for Chisaki to threat you completely different than his forst meeting with you.
He wouldn't at least complain THAT MUCH when you feeded him at least... both arms losted made the simplest activities seem like it was impossible.
Although there was this one time you couldn't come and sended one friend of yours instead while you took care of a newbie on the prison..
Poor woman came back traumatized and asked to leave her job the next day.
Then another time when you were sick, knewing about Chisaki's mysophobia you asked gently another coworker to go in there instead of you.
The man came back with a beaten up face and in the end the nurse needed to be treated...
This happened at least four times by now... and always ended on the same thing.
"(Y/N), not even us can enter his cell. He knocked out at least five or six guards of ours..." the man exhale desperate.
"And had the nerve of demanding your presence and leaving me with a damn scar on the left side of my face." Yhe guard showed it to you the medium scar adoring his jaw.
"Jesus Christ..." you whispered with widen eyes as you sended him to see the nurse inside, he had a minor healing quirk to that would help a bit... at least.
"Please (y/n) go into his cell, he hadn't eaten anything the whole day and didn't changed his bandages... and with the fight he had with our guards and nurse he surely afquired more bruises." You nodded before picking your stuff and walking towards Overhaul's cell.
You placed your card and passed through the door which quickly closed, safety measures in there were serious, as you looked around the cell and smiled at seing the back of the man sitting on his bed.
"You need to stop doing that you know?" Your voice caught his attention as he turned his front to you with a monotonously look while you gave him a sweet but yet nervous smile, pointing at outside.
"Poor thing looked like he had just come out of a war! What did you even do?" You picked a washcloth and rubbed the hints of blood from the walls, which you couldn't help but wince.
"They sended a incompetent useless brat that surely wouldn't be fit for a decent job." He said numbly before sighing when you sitted on a chair next to his bed.
"Then I do a 'decent job' then?" You giggled while he only stared back at you "I will have you know that one of the womans that came in here were one of our best nurses... until she left her work after covering me that timr." You eyed him with a cocky smile and a eyebrow lifted up.
"Didn't sound like she was. And don't get full of yourself now, you just happen to be only one I can atture." He growled, easing up a bit at hearing your giggling a apology.
Such a sweet thing on this dark, depressed and dangerous place... how surprised yet blessed was he?
Did he really deserved any of your kindness? Any of your sweet as honey words?
You brought up on your bag before breaking apart the chopsticks. He arched kne eyebrow at it before noticing that the usual disgusting food or soup; gosh he hated soup more than germs; that he was served at tartarus weren't in the room.
Placing the pieces together he sighed in annoyance and embarrassment before laying his head on the wall.
"You will be fired for that idiot. Giving a prisoner proper food instead of that disgusting and nauseous things..." you look up at him, already a takoyaki on the chopsticks.
"Don't worry." You chirped "First I told them this was my lunch, then after I lost the hunger. Simple as that!" You sayed cutely while he deadpanned.
"What a poor and dumb strategy."
"Hey! Is a good one!"
"No of course it isn't." He showed with his chin at the camera "Those sick can see us and hear us by now."
"Only see. And like my genius plan will work, we've got nothing to worry about it!"
"You will be fired." He said monotonously but still feeling a painful bitter grow on his chest.
You being fired meaned that you weren't coming back. Others will try to replace you... dumb and idiotics... no one could replace such a divine creature.
"Actually I don't think I would be fired... especially when I am the only one that enters in here that Isn't... you know, knocked out or simply left here terrified of everthing."
He hummed in annoyance before frowning at seing you standing a bit of the food you had for him to eat.
He had to control really hard to not to blush.. he never ever had these problems, so why with you was so... warm and left him without air?
He reluctantly parted his lips, averting his eyes before you placed gently the food inside his mouth.
He sighed in bliss at not feeling the lifeless taste he was used to by now or the disgusting misoshiro soup they offered. The flavors on his mouth giving him a moment.
"Is it good?" He nodded monotonously still munching slowly, averting his gaze away from your at seing you had smiled sweetly at him. "That's a good thing Chisaki-kun!"
He swallowed before feeling shivers of displeasure at hearing that name, he wasn't Overhaul anymore and had demanded you to not call him that either... but his first name? Were you even going to accept it?
"Chisaki? Don't want the rest?" Your voice broked him out of his thoughts as he looked at you extending another small amount of food to him again.
He growled again before accepting and opening his mouth again.
This was humiliating...
After he finished you were relieved at least, since your superior had told you that Chisaki havent eaten anything since your last visit...
"Kai." He suddenly said before you offered him a cup of water.
"Call me this. Do not call me 'Chisaki-kun', it sound ridiculous, so call me 'Kai' instead."
He looked at you from the conor of his eye and got surprised at seing the hint of pink on your cheeks.
"Ok then.. Kai." You smiled warmly at him and for the first time that you ever met this man, he half smiled.
You wanted to scream at the sign, despite being a villain, you couldn't deny that Chisaki was attractive, but seing him smile? It was just another level.
"U-uh.. Oh! I remembered!" You messed around on your bag before taking out a black surgeon mask, his eyes widening a bit at the sign. "I brought this for you. Sorry for taking too long, im such a cloud head!" You rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment as his eyes still were pierced to the mask.
"Why...?" He asked sorely and weakly, making your soine go cold.
"Well, I know how you aren't the most comfortable in here, and also your mysophobia... so I went to look for masks, but I knew you also prefered black so it took me a while to find it... the majority of them are always white or even blue..."
He looked up at you, eyes full of disbelief yet shock.
"C-Can I put it for you?" It ook a bit of time for him to answer back before he slowly but suspiciously nodded.
Instead of feeling jis skin errup in irritation, he felt waves of electricity and warmth surround all of his body when he felt the tinies and quickiest brush of your fingers on both sides of his face.
He arched one of his eyebrows at you when he heard your whine when you got back. Silently demanding a explanation for that sound.
"Is just that... now I can't see your smile neither your whole beautiful face anymore..." you immediately smacked a hand over your mouth in panic.
Did you really just said that OUT LOUD?!
His low disbelieved yet relieved chuckle made you ease uo a bit before tensing at seing how tjose golden eyes were luff red, but knowing him, he wouldn't let any tear fall, evem if he needed.
"I think you're mistaken things here... you're the... you still have bkth of your arms and also are the... beautiful one... not the lther way around... I'm hideous... not from outside, but inside... can't you see..?" he swallowed the sob before he saw your own eyes tearing up.
"Why are you crying for now?" He asked quite angrily before returning to his cold composture again.
"I guess... its because I think you're the last lerson that deserved to go through this..."
"You're a idiot." He dropped his head hund low "I know you readed and know what I've done, so stop pretending-"
"You just wanted to repay your father... righ Kai?"
He felt his body freeze at your commentary, he slowly looked up at you and cri ged at the sign of you, ghe most beautiful and pure person he ever saw, crying because of him.
"I know how you feel... I'm so sorry. The yakusa shouldn't had ended in that way..."
Before he knew it a sob escaped from his mouth and he immediately cursed out loud. He felt your arms envelope around him, not feeling irritated but instead... relieved.
"I can check on him if you want..." you offered as his silent tears fell from his eyes.
"I did that to him...he just wouldn't accept it and I did that with him... I-" he interrupted himself at feeling your hand to pat his head gently.
"I know... I know." He let himself relax at your body, it was way comfortable than that project of bed of his...
"You better had showered and not to tell this-"
"Showered at least two times today and why would I tell this to someone?" You asked while resting your head on his neck as he did the same with your head.
"... I have no idea. You're definitely the most weird perso I ever met... and I have met plenty."
"Is that a good or a bad thing at least?"
"...good. A... good thing. A weird... angel.." you widened your eyes and vlushed furiously at hearing of what he called you.
You looked up and saw how his eyes were peaceful closed... poor man didn't get good sleep...
A guard passed through and you made a signal to him, clearly telling him to go away and that you were spending your whole shift on here.
You were falling for this criminal... it was wrong? Deadass wrong... but you couldn't control it.
Both of you had putted each other on a spell and didn't even knew it...
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tarotagustina · 4 years
Pick a Card ♥ ¿Qué siente por mi? /What does he/she feels about me?
¡Mi primera tirada interactiva! Esta vez, el tema está centrado en el amor, para saber si tu persona especial tiene sentimientos hacia ti, y cómo son estos sentimientos. Estas son tiradas generales, así que por favor quédate solamente con lo que resuene contigo. Si quieres una tirada personalizada, no dejes de pasarte por mi blog, donde subiré toda la información acerca de las tiradas personalizadas. ¡Elige con el corazón, siguiendo tu intuición!
My first interactive tarot reading! This time, the theme is love, to know if your special one has feelings for you, and what these feelings are like. These are general readings, so please only stick with what resonates with you. If you want a personalized reading, be sure to visit my blog, where I will upload all the information about it. Choose with your heart, following your intuition!
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Reina de Espadas - Dos de Oros invertido - La Templanza
Tengo que decírtelo, ¡La percepción de tu P/S hacia ti ha cambiado muchísimo! En el pasado, él o ella parecía poner una distancia muy grande entre ustedes dos, o bien no había señales de un interés romántico. Muchos de ustedes han conocido a esta persona en un ámbito laboral o de estudios. Debes saber que esta persona está comenzando a sentirse más interesada hacia ti, pero también debes saber que no es un camino fácil: A él o a ella le cuesta mucho abrirse emocionalmente y normalmente es alguien que controla mucho sus sentimientos y le da prioridad a otros aspectos de su vida, por lo que ahora mismo está haciendo malabares entre sus emociones y sus pensamientos. Debes tener paciencia, pues si bien esta persona está comenzando a sentirse atraída por ti, también es un proceso que irá muy lento ya que primero deberan tener una fuerte amistad; ya que a tu P/S le gustan las relaciones con una base sólida más que las pasajeras.
Queen of Swords - Two of Pentacles (Reversed) - Temperance
I have to tell you, the perception of your S/ O towards you has changed a lot! In the past, their seemed to put a very great distance between the two of you, or there was no sign of romantic interest. Many of you have met this person in a work or study setting. You should know that this person is beginning to feel more interested in you, but you should also know that it is not an easy path: Their find difficult to opening up emotionally and usually controls their feelings a lot and gives priority to other aspects of their life, so right now they are juggling their emotions and their thoughts. You must be patient, because although this person is beginning to feel attracted to you, it is also a process that will go very slowly since first you two must have a strong friendship; since your S/ O likes relationships with a solid base more than the fleeting ones.
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Los Enamorados Invertido - Cinco de Bastos - Rey de Copas Invertido
Primero que nada, siento que muchos de los que eligieron esta opción tienen un corazón roto. Es posible que en el pasado te hayan hecho mucho daño y estés intentando buscar nuevamente el amor, pero en el fondo sabes que esa herida aún no ha sanado del todo y por lo tanto aún no estás listo para iniciar una nueva relación. Por otro lado, siento que has sentido casi un flechazo instantáneo por esta persona, pero él o ella no corresponden estos sentimientos. Esta persona no está interesada en ti a nivel emocional, sino más a un nivel superficial y sexual; por lo que las cartas te aconsejan que no esperes nada más que una aventura. Siento muy fuerte que esta persona puede estar conciente de lo que sientes por él o ella y se aprovecha de ello jugando contigo. En el fondo tú lo sabes y eso te está haciendo mucho daño, siento que has llorado y te has entristecido mucho gracias a esta persona. También has estado luchando mucho por él o por ella, porque al parecer no eres él o la única/o interesada/o; o bien así como habla contigo, habla con muchas personas. Cariño, eres importante y te mereces un amor que te quiera y te valore de verdad, si alguien no te valora de esa forma entonces es momento de seguir adelante. Vas a estar bien, te lo prometo, intenta trabajar en tu amor propio que créeme que es el amor más importante que tenemos en nuestras vidas.♥ ¡Ánimo!
The Lovers (Reversed) - Five of Wands - King of Cups (Reversed)
First of all, I feel like many of those who chose this option are heartbroken. It's possible that in the past you have been hurt a lot and you are trying to find love again, but deep down you know that this wound has not yet fully healed and therefore you are not ready to start a new relationship. On the other hand, I feel like you've felt almost an instant crush on this person, but they don't reciprocate these feelings. This person is not interested in you on an emotional level, but more on a superficial and sexual level; so the cards advise you not to expect anything more than an adventure. I feel very strongly that this person is aware of what you feel about they and take advantage of it by playing with you. Deep down you know it and that is doing you a lot of damage, I feel that you have cried and you have been very saddened by this person. You have also been fighting a lot for their love, because apparently you are not the only one interested on them; or just as they talk to you, they talk to many people. Honey, you are important and you deserve a love that really loves you and values ​​you, if someone does not value you that way then it is time to move on. You will be fine, I promise you, try to work on your self-love, which, believe me, is the most important love we have in our lives. ♥ Cheer up!
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El Sumo Sacerdote - Seis de Oros Invertido - Cuatro de Copas Invertido
Es muy curioso, porque si elegiste esta opción, no veo que las emociones complicadas las tenga tu P/S, ¡Sino tú! Veamos: Muchos de ustedes han conocido a su P/S en un ambiente relacionado a los estudios, o quizás en algún club. Tu persona especial parece ser muy popular, hace mucho tiempo que la conoces y se nota que ha sido un apoyo incondicional hacia ti, en el pasado y en el presente. Le veo con muchas ganas de tener algo en serio contigo, románticamente hablando, una relación comprometida (Ya sea de forma literal.o no); te ha abierto su corazón...Pero al mismo tiempo, siente que tú no estás dando lo mismo por él/ella. Hay un desiquilibrio, donde aparentemente él ha estado poniendo todo de su parte y tú en cambio, no pareces responder de la misma forma, más bien, estás un poco a la defensiva.  Cariño, se que a veces abrir nuestras emociones puede dar miedo, si has tenido malas experiencias en el pasado es común que suceda. ¡Pero no tengas miedo de abrir tu corazón! Esta persona tiene sentimientos genuinos hacia ti, quiere una relación, no dejes que tus miedos o tus dudas hagan que dejes pasar la oportunidad de tener algo muy bonito con esta persona. Deja de pensar tanto y simplemente confía, ¡Te espera un amor muy hermoso!
The Hierophant - Six of Pentacles (Reversed) - Four of Cups (Reversed)
It is very curious, because if you chose this option, I don't see that complicated emotions are from your S/O, but from you! Let's see: Many of you have met your S/O in an environment related to studies. They seems to be very popular, you have known them for a long time and you can tell that they have been an unconditional support for you, in the past and in the present. I see them wanting to have something serious with you, romantically speaking, a committed relationship (Whether literally or not); they have opened their heart to you ... But at the same time, they feel that you are not giving the same for them. There is an imbalance, where apparently they have been putting everything on they part and you instead don't seem responsive in the same way, rather, you are a bit on the defensive. Honey, I know that sometimes opening our emotions can be scary, if you had bad experiences in the past it is common for it to happen. But don't be afraid to open your heart! This person has genuine feelings for you, wants a relationship, do not let your fears or doubts make you miss the opportunity to have something very nice with this person. Stop thinking so much and just trust, a very beautiful love awaits you!
¡Eso es todo por hoy! Espero que les haya gustado y les haya sido de ayuda, me encantaría que me contaran su expeciencia en los comentarios. Más adelante seguiré subiendo otras lecturas sobre diferentes temas.
That's all for today! I hope you liked it and it has been helpful, I would love to hear your experience in the comments. Later I will continue to upload other interactive readings on different aspects. And to the English community, I apologize if I have had any grammatical mistakes, lol. 
See you next time  ♥
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inkskinned · 7 years
oh, magic is real, mija. watch the women of it; the men in their loud mouths put it away long ago. they got the strong bodies, they tell us, and when you think you built even the earth, you forget how to spring life from blood. but women and the quiet ones remember. se fue pero se queda. 
watch woman magic. the knots in the sweater she knits him. the stories that pass grandmother-mother-daughter. the way a woman with her eyes says a novel, with her lips says a prayer when only frowning. when you’re older you’ll learn the lowering of lashes, and how to bear a city on your shoulders. the magic of knowing the right gift. knowing who is at the door.
this is the totem you carry, hold it and say his name until it gets warm, this is the way you twist your hair that will say love me, here is the words you write to burn to curse him when he does not, careful not to link blood or spit into that, honey, bueno es culantro, pero no tanto. throw salt over one shoulder into the evil one’s eyes, keep your hands clean when lying, pour water out on the first evening. 
a dios rogando y con el mazo dando. red lipstick for to make your words come out prettier. pretty underwear will make you as confident as armor. when they tell you that you cannot, take it to mean they have not, and that you will be able to prove them wrong. work thrice as hard and smile twice as often. here is how you bear that weight. here is how you talk softly when you are arguing. here is how you hide a threat in a flash of teeth. here is how you be lady and be demon. it is the magic of small morning, of bone-tired, of needing.
but it is yours, mija. learned quietly. do you know what your ancestors went through to carry you to me. how women had to learn to ask the clouds for assistance in a world where their voices were not even mice? come here. it’s scary to think of. but we carry that with us, don’t we. they survive. and we thank them by thriving.
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 years
Dando 4 please 🥺
Hmmmm 🥺
"Baby, love of my life, my honey bear"
Lando kept his arms crossed and eyes narrowed as Daniel gave him a sheepish look as he walked into the apartment. His arms spread as if waiting for a hug but Lando held strong.
"Where did you go?", Lando questioned watching for Daniel's tells.
And sure enough there they were.
Daniel's eye twitched slightly and for a milisecond, his grin faltered as his brain whirred. Lando could almost picture the wheels spinning in his head to try come up with an answer.
"Don't lie to me, I know what you did!" Lando cut him off.
"I didn't go anywhere....", Daniel tried, sneaking closer to Lando and trying to pull him into a hug, "Okay so maybe I did but I was thinking of you the whole time"
"And yet you still went!", Lando complained, weakily resisting until he gave in, letting Daniel squish him into a hug, "Hate you"
"Baby, I'm sorry, I just couldn't stop myself", Daniel apologised, kissing Lando's temple and rocking him softly, "would it make you feel better if I said the ice cream didn't taste as good without you there?"
"I told you not to lie to me", Lando grumbled, huffing a little, "but if you buy me some tomorrow, I might forgive you"
"Anything you want baby"
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f1-disaster-bi · 3 years
The schitts Creek coming out Episode is possibly my favorite episode of the entire show. Do you have a headcanon for that with Dando?
I love that episode. It makes me cry so much, just how David is ready to fight the Brewers and how Patrick is so scared and how accepting they are. I'm going to cry
So here we go:
Lando organising like a 30th birthday for Daniel
And he want's it to be a surprise, and he works so hard at it
Because he knows Daniel is the only person that Lando can give things to without them being taken advantage of
And he wants to give him everything
That includes inviting Daniel's parents who he hasn't seen in ages
Yet when they get here, Lando realises while talking to them that they think Daniel is still in an off period with his ex-fiancee and don't know Lando is his partner
It hurts for a minute before he realises that he is the first man Daniel has been with, Dan has admitted this to him and now Lando is panicking about having outed Daniel
Daniel confirming his parents don't know, and that he's scared when Lando casually asks about it at home and Lando's heart breaks because Daniel is crying in fear over them possibly not loving him anymore and Lando just holds him because he loves him
And he has to go talk to Daniel's parents because his dad (Jenson) let the cat out the bag
Daniel's parents being so shocked, and confused, and asking that damn question of 'could we have done something different?', and Lando getting ready to fight because fuck homophobia and starting his speech before Grace is horrified and reaching out to him cause 'Honey no, this changes nothing. We just don't understand why he feels he has to hide you and himself?'
Lando sitting down and having a more in-depth discussion about why its hard to come out before having to go tell Daniel that he had this whole party planned and Lando invited his parents
And he feels awful about it and offers to just be his friend for tonight
But Daniel just hugs him and kisses him and tells him he loves him and he could never do that to them
Daniel coming out to his parents, and it's hard and he's scared but he looks across the room and Lando is there
He's there and he's smiling and he knows it will all be okay if he has Lando
So he takes a deep breath and there are tears but he is so lucky and so loved and he gets to spent his 30th being himself, with the people and the man he loves
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