#the host danger in fiction
sprucedarkstache · 2 years
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mothgodofchaos · 2 months
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I'm on Nightmare Duty.
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ricky-tiki-tah · 2 months
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old habits die hard
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urdadsceilingfan · 1 year
HELLO since I enjoy your style and saw the opportunity I would like to request more Host and Dark content :)!
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They were in the middle of a conversation
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yellow-hollow · 4 months
Favorite…? You’re too kind, listener. The Host wonders what he’s done to warrant such high standing…
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As for the other egos, The Host is thankful to know people as strange as himself. Although they can be chaotic or frightening at times, he finds comfort in their presence and enjoys their rambunctious gatherings. Perhaps staying with this group would be good for The Host, but he’s unsure if he’d be welcome to do so, considering The Author’s ahem… history of trying his “talents” on certain egos.
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rebar2042 · 1 year
the host
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nintendo-killed-atari · 11 months
The Host chillin' in a chair with his bat :)
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No lighting in the undercut!
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moonymoonsiplier · 4 months
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Host and Author at another meeting...
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meo618 · 2 years
No rendering today, felt like drawing The Host. for the simps ig.
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silly4goose20 · 6 days
beetlejuice more like uhhhhhhhhh beetlefruit
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okay so.
Beetlejuice haunts Gatsby's attic, waiting for someone to find his silly little paper. One day, as Cindy and Raven [Cindy is a pink scene aussie-greek succubus, Raven is a german goth vampire stoner who writes arotica. I love them as a ship] are searching the attic for records on Raven's immigration, Cindy comes across that sacred paper. Of course being Cindy, she laughs at it.
"Aye, Raven, Look at this er picture."
"What is it with you and finding random things that are haunted?"
"Don't be like that, baby. I'm gonna do it, I doubt anything will happen..."
In usual Cindy fashion, she was VERY wrong.
And out popped Beetlejuice! Cindy was astonished, losing her mind that she had just summoned a fellow demon right to her. Raven? Raven was fucking horrified.
"uh, Cindy, say his name again, three more times-"
"Wh- oh shit."
"Hi, Laurence."
"You're still alive? I swore you died right after we broke up...."
yep. Bet you didn't expect that curve ball. Raven and Beetlejuice are ✨EXES✨...because he has a thing for goth bitches.
Obviously, Raven leaves the attic and thats when Gatsby becomes aware of the new presence [being a stand in God will do that..] . Beetlejuice scares the living hell out of Gatsby, making the poor blonde fire his pistol into the floor. Otto wasn't too happy about that. However, once Beetlejuice profusely apologized, Gatsby took a liking to the strange demon.
Now? Beetlejuice looks different. He was given a role as a Don of the neitherworld branch of the Clef-Gatsby-Carraway Mafia. Beetlejuice also serves the purpose of a distraction in times of need.
Gatsby has a leesh on him though, not allowing Beetlejuice to kill or harm any one. This is because I fully believe the more he kills, the more powerful he gets. He simply acts as a distraction, either chasing the enemies away or harrassing them to allow the other members to escape. Obviously since he works directly with the platoons, he got to know the platoon leaders pretty well.
Beetlejuice especially got along with a certain musical loving prisoner...
And to explain The Host and Yancy? Idk. Writer and a music composer? Perfect combo. I'm pretty sure The Host told the tale of how they met.
Beetlejuice got really close with the stealth platoon leader, eventually joining his public theater club. Yancy and Beetlejuice bonded over their love for music and performance, running their own musicals with kids from the local orphanages 🥹.
Look guys, he's still an a$$hole, don't get me wrong..but I have to give Beetlejuice a few good traits!
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Here he is!!!! He gained his demon horns/double tails from Chronos as a blessing to him. Oh, and the Sandworm around his neck is a trained service animal named Sandy 🥹 [he's got PTSD leave him alone gang....].
- Hypersexual. Literally look at 90% of his dialogue across ALL his sources. He's literally known for being overly sexual and scandalous.
- Dyslexia. Literally expresses he can't spell in "The Whole Being Dead Thing".
- "I do this bullshit like 8 times a week." Is literally how he feels when he is summoned forth for a mission.
His mechanic in the mafia;
Beetlejuice signed onto the Mafia after being summoned by Cindy. Of course she was literally just shit posting, having found the paper within Gatsby's attic.
Thus, Gatsby is now plague with this annoying fucking demon...which drives him up the wall. Sure, Alto is his husband and best friend, but Beetlejuice is literally just a copy paste of Clef in a more skrunkly body.
Anyways, he can be summoned forth with his chant. Bring him forward and he will chase what he presumes is a threat. He cannot kill, as per Gatsby's rules, but he is a distraction until on foot fleets or flying fleets can arrive. He's very dedicated to his job, and some even say he enjoys it. He denies it fully, even though he has his own branch of the mafia in the neitherworld and has free range of the living world now.
BJ truly fears abandonment. The BPD is strong with this one y'all 😒. He clings to anyone he can get close to, and it isn't just in a sexual sense..though it is rumored him and a certain pink succubus get it on when no one is paying attention.
- Pansexual lmao, all the way through. He truly has no preference sexually but is inclined to flirt romantically with women more.
A sucker for sour candy. He will devour whole bags in one sitting and Gatsby finds it kind of scary
Him and Gatsby are interesting. Gatsby doesn't like to acknowledge BJ, choosing to just let the ghost wander behind him. No one knows how Beetlejuice even got his paper into the huge CGC Manor, but he did. Some speculate that there's something more going on, but no one knows for sure as Beetlejuice just alludes the public and Gatsby hasnt been seen by the public since his near assassination back in June.
Beetlejuice loves music in all aspects. He spends a lot of time with Yancy when he isn't bothering Jay. They write and sing and occasionally can be found in the auditorium preforming [of course with Host as witness]
In his own words about 10 minutes ago: "everyone things I love Halloween and hate Christmas, but honestly? I love Christmas. I love having an excuse to be cheery as I don't have that often." He then backpeddled....but we know he wasn't lying.
Chronic stoner sorry not sorry. Once Cindy got him on the zaza he couldnt resist 😔
Dude has range. He can go all the way up to screeching notes while also singing really low. We think it's because he uses magic to adapt his voice but we'll never know [he has his Alex Brightman voice :3]
Secret keeper. Not just his own secrets, but some think Yancy has disclosed his past to Bj....which the only other person who knows is Host
REFUSES TO SCARE CHILDREN..or atleast we think? Cindy thinks it's cause Gatsby told him not to but neither will tell
Ough, if there's a character I'm afraid to canonize in my universe it's gotta be B.J., especially since he's such a great character already [and he's got a lot of die hard fans]. I hope his lore is accurate and that it makes sense. Yes ...the events of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice happened before he was summoned by Cindy [They truly don't know if he's even from their own universe.].
Sorry for the yap fest.....
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sprucedarkstache · 2 years
Cursed host hcs pls👉👈
OK somewhat TW for disturbing imagery
I haven’t thought about this bloody boy in a while
which is weird bc for the longest time he was my favorite
until Dark became canon and took over my life
but here we go
first off, this is somewhat canon, but I don’t think he’s changed his bandages
like ever
they’ve just been crusting with blood
I have many HCs of how he actually lost his eyes
like maybe he was being stupid and rubbed a fucking California ghost pepper under his eyes and his eyes got so hot they just
i know this kind of thing has nothing to do with his character but I feel like at one point he just picked up a scorpion and ate it
he just seems like he’d do that
i feel like I should clarify I think he has like some spacial omnipotence (meaning that although he’s blind his demon magic or whatever it is helps him be very aware)
if he can’t find a door he just
breaks a window
and slides out
i feel like he’d in secret draw shit on dark’s paper’s (like a PP) and frame Wil for it
Because like
no one suspects the blind man
he doesn’t wear socks. Ever. Like while wearing shoes.
he licked a wall at one point and told Wil that he did it for some fancy reason like “he can taste the spirits of the people who have died here”
this of course prompts Wilford to start licking walls whenever he gets the chance
“Wil, why on earth are you licking the freshly painted wall?!” “I’m tasting the ghosts, Damien! :DDDD” “ON OUR FUCKING FRESHLY PAINTED-”
Send in an ego’s name to hear some cursed headcanons!
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mothgodofchaos · 1 month
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I'm On Nightmare Duty: New Cameras Unlocked
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ricky-tiki-tah · 2 months
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Adding this here, my dtiys. If you want to join just be sure to tag me so I can see the awesome art :)
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Two sides of the same coin
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urdadsceilingfan · 1 year
You could draw host he looks really good in your art style
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A couple others requested to see the babygurl and I’m so happy y’all did
His one and only prized possession is his bat you can fight me on it
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