#the illusion of possible peace and the illusion of undivided power
hacked-wtsdz · 2 years
I’m not exactly onto something here, because one of the ideas of hotd was that choosing a side caused the entire Dance, but comparing two coronation scenes I can’t not talk about them. The way Aegon’s coronation feels like doom. It feels so heavy, so dark, almost forced, dystopian. And we know from the books that the crowd didn’t answer in such united cheers, for the most part the people were silent. Despite Aegon being the “rightful” heir because of his gender the crowning still feels like usurpation (which it is), it gives off a feeling of both lostness and corruption. When Rhaenyra’s coronation has an entirely different atmosphere to it. It is smaller and feels less queen-suited, and yet more Targaryen. It is filled with feelings of both grief and hope. She is crowned at her daughter’s funeral, her dead father’s crown placed on her head by her husband. A soft pink dusk, dragons all around, people actually bending the knee, as opposed to the darkness of the dragon pit and the only dragon present brining destruction and death. Idk where I’m going with this but I can’t help but notice how hopeful and powerful Rhaenyra’s coronation is, and how almost terrifying Aegon’s came out to be.
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lovepmd · 8 years
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Timeline EXPLAINED!
Once upon a time, a Pokémon named Zoroark and his human partner set out to train Zoroark in the art of illusions. During their journey, the human and Zoroark found a Pokémon named Xatu. Xatu told the duo that there will be a betrayal among the two. As Zoroark transforms into more and more forms, he slowly began to lose his mind as the emotions of the wild Pokémon battle with his own for control, and his faith in humans, and thus his partner, was shaken. The Zoroark witnessed his human partner capture a Gardevoir, which the human striked up a friendship with much more quickly than he did with Zoroark. Jealous of the attention Gardevoir was getting, along with his fractured mental state, Zoroark fled from the group and lead them into a cave. At the end of the cave, the human and Gardevoir met a Pokémon named Ninetales. Curious, the human grabbed one of Ninetales’ tails, causing it to lay a curse on him. In his stead, Gardevoir stepped in and takes the curse. The Zoroark began to fear his human when, seeing his chance, the human abandoned Gardevoir and fled, not knowing that Zoroark feared this same scenario happening to him. Ninetales noticed Zoroark, and asked if he had any business in his cave. When Zoroark responded with a negative, Ninetales banished him. Zoroark realized that the human now has his undivided attention with Gardevoir gone, but he didn’t feel any satisfaction. Along their travels, the two witnessed a horrifying transformations of two Kyurem into Black Kyurem and White Kyurem at the hands of cruel humans. Zoroark was finally driven to hate his human partner after the human attempted to battle the curse out of the two Kyurem instead of simply capturing them. Zoroark watched the human be defeated and fled the scene, becoming just as bad as the evil he’d feared. Zoroark lead the Kyurem to a human town, and solidified his hatred of humanity by taking a perverse glee in watching the Kyurem kill the humans. Zoroark made it his goal to kill every human he possibly could. He managed to transform into a Psychic-type and worm his way into the Kyurems’ minds and convincing them to serve him and call him “The Master.” The three made their way through the world, killing any humans they came across and leveling any and all of their monuments, recruiting as many distrusting or outright hateful Pokémon as they can. Pokémon were manipulated into rebelling against their masters. Eventually, Legendary Pokémon get involved with the incident, that would soon be dubbed “the Great Pokémon Rebellion.” As each Pokémon finds their sides of the Rebellion, the world’s balance is thrown into turmoil, and mystery dungeons begin to crop up en mass. Eventually, the Master’s army’s hatred and bitterness of humans, and the humans’ own hatred of the Rebels, manifested into a force ultimately dubbed the Dark Matter. The Master found the Dark Matter’s core, and convinced it to eliminate humans. The Dark Matter, never intending to go through with the plan the Master had in mind, agreed. The Dark Matter began to enact it’s plan of uprooting the Tree of Life, sending the world catapulting into the sun. A human and their Mew partner attempted to fight against the Dark Matter, but the damage was done, and the Dark Matter was only rendered dormant by their efforts. The world had returned to its orbit, but the Master, infuriated by the Dark Matter’s treason, sent his forces against the human and Mew, refusing to believe that a human could do good or that a Pokémon could be friends with a human, as well as needing a punching bag. The human and Mew, fearful of their fates, fled to a place that lay beyond the reaches of time and space, believed to never return… In response to the crawling chaos that the world had been consumed by, Arceus, the Lake trio, and the Creation trio all worked together in an attempt to quell the Dark Matter’s remaining agents and save the world’s remaining humans. They saw that they’d stepped in too late, watched every remaining human die before their eyes, and lost their will to continue fighting. Eventually, they sent out the truth that all of the humans are dead. The Master, convinced that he had fulfilled his purpose, withdrew and/or released his soldiers and allowed the Pokémon in the world to live in peace, and the memories of the Rebellion faded into mere legend. The Pokémon managed to recoup and build towns ironically similar to human settlements. The mystery dungeons, originally believed to have disappeared after the end of the Rebellion, sprang back up in full force. Dialga and a Celebi crafted the Time Gears and Temporal Tower in an attempt to stop, or at least slow, the flow of the mystery dungeons. This failed, and the world became dependent on these artifacts as a side effect. A few other legendaries, inspired by this, built their own domains and artifacts in the world to see if that could slow down the spread of the mystery dungeons, but these plans failed, too. The Pokémon Exploration Team Federation was founded to create guilds, which were used to train Pokémon to explore and possibly chart patterns in mystery dungeons. One of their most esteemed guilds was the Wigglytuff Guild. Due to its reputation, Pokémon flocked to join the guild and were either rejected outright, gave up on the training, or convinced themselves to pull through. One of the Wigglytuff Guild’s apprentices, Bidoof, met a Mythical Pokémon named Jirachi and wished to have new apprentices at the guild. Unbeknownst to him, this wish had the very sinister consequence of the Master coming out of hiding and taking the form of a Darkrai. Due to a combination his insanity and Darkrai’s powers, the Master came up with a plan to make a dark world for him to rule over. Darkrai attacked Temporal Tower, causing it to collapse and the flow of time to stagnate. A shiny Celebi managed to go through time just enough to find a human who existed during the Rebellion, and yanked them through time to her own. In the dark future, they met a Pokémon named Grovyle. Grovyle explained to the human that he’s searching for the Time Gears in order to prevent the very future they’re in from happening. Grovyle and the human found a strange rock while trying to find Celebi. Grovyle wondered what it could be for, until the human solved the puzzle and put the stone into a Groudon statue. A telepathic voice from the statue then informed them of Celebi’s wherabouts. The duo advanced through the dark world, unknowingly being pursued by a Pokémon named Dusknoir and his six Sableye companions. Eventually, Grovyle and the human encountered Celebi, who informed them of what’s going to happen when they went back in time. Dusknoir and the Sableye caught up to them and attempted to attack, but they escaped through the Passage of Time. This is when the events of Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky happened. We’ll just skip that to save time. Many centuries later, when the events of Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky had become a mere legend, a Pokémon named Lucario discovered another region that had been relatively peaceful since the Rebellion. Unfortunately, Lucario was rather vain and a little narcissistic. So, when the Pokémon questioned him on who he was, where he came from and what he’d done, he greatly exaggerrated the tales. Soon after his stories were over, he asked the Pokémon of the land why they’d hadn’t heard of him and his Team Pearl. That’s when the Pokémon revealed to him that they were ignorant of the Exploration Team Federation, exploration teams, and guilds. Indeed, they only knew of the mystery dungeons and lived in fear of them. But the Pokémon of the new region weren’t just afraid of the mystery dungeons. There had also been the recent rash of natural disasters. Seeking to fix this, Lucario and the rest of his Team Pearl formed the Pokémon Rescue Organization. This organization sought to save Pokémon from the natural disasters and mystery dungeons by funding rescue teams. Unbeknownst to them, all of their theories were wrong. None of the things they’d theorized were to blame for the natural disasters. Indeed, the Gardevoir who was cursed in the place of her human master sensed that the Master was afoot, and had come up with another mad scheme. Realizing what must be done, she went through the spirit realm to find a human who existed during the Rebellion and proposed that she wipe their memories of their life. Due to the Rebellion’s effects on humanity, they agreed. This is when the events of Red/Blue Rescue Team happened. We’ll just skip that. A rough estimate of eight years later, three Pokémon brothers, all named Slowking, discovered a set of areas in a region entirely ignorant of the Rebellion. In truth, this place had thrived as a Pokémon haven, free from the reach of humans for countless eons. One was a beach, another a volcano, the last a grassland. The Slowking brothers started up the Adventure Squad Association, dedicated to exploring this new region. This is when the events of Blazing/Stormy/Light Adventure Squad happened. We’ll skip that. After a good three decades, humans had become nothing but myths. A few Pokémon found a new region, which had the appearance of a society regressing into more animalistic tendencies due to isolation. In order to address this problem, the Pokémon formed the Institue for Doing Innovative Operations and Travels, or IDIOT, whose purpose was to allow these feral Pokémon a chance to see the outside world. They were successful, so IDIOT’s focus shifted to allowing friends to form alliances with each other for whatever the purpose may be, and rebranded themselves as the Helping Adventurous Pokémon Prosper Institute, or HAPPI. Despite HAPPI’s positive reception, Pokémon were still bitter. The Voice of Life, embodied in the form of a Hydreigon, saw that this negativity was going to lead into the premature awakening of the Dark Matter. Due to said awakening being early, this incarnation of Dark Matter was simply called “the Bittercold.” Hydreigon took to the time stream to find a human from who was pure of heart, before the Rebellion corrupted everything. Unbeknownst to him, the Master was the one who triggered the awakening with the very first feeling of hatred, with the hopes that he’d get a second chance with the Dark Matter. This is when the events of Gates to Infinity happened. SKIP IT! The Master learned from his mistake last time, and decided to be patient to get his second chance with the Dark Matter. Only about a year later, the opportunity presents itself. Little did he know that two old foes are going to return… Now, we’re here in Super Mystery Dungeon. If a new Mystery Dungeon comes out, I’ll have to expand the timeline… Or this whole thing could be jossed with the next release…
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galactictwilight · 7 years
Powers Explained AU
I was bored one day and decided to look at some Superjail fan art. That is when this AU popped into my head and hasn’t left me since. After a couple days of brainstorming and writing I was mostly done. I have been inspired by a lot of different Superjail fanfic writers and artists. Unfortunately, I am really bad at remembering who I was inspired by. Anyways, it was later that I decided to get a Tumblr account and post some of the things that I write. This is the first time I have ever done this. I hope whoever reads this enjoys it. The meat and potatoes of this post is under the cut. 
Thank you and enjoy!
The Warden is the child of Chaos and the grandson of Order.
                                           Character Sheets
Chaos- It has no true form or gender. Its personality is very similar to the Warden’s. Likes to be entertained and is enthralled with every new, spontaneous, imaginative, and weird thing the universe has to offer. Hates to be bored and will cause mischief to satisfy itself. It is at odds with Order and likes to annoy or one-up the other being to the best of its abilities. Very open minded and accepting as long as it's fun is not disturb (basically anything goes as long as it does not mess with Chaos). Genuinely cares for its offspring, but can be easily distracted and forgets that mortals perceive time differently (i.e. time means nothing to Chaos, so being gone for a hundred years or so would seem like a short stroll to the being). Has a temper if it does not get what it wants and will stop at nothing to complete its goals (such as getting the undivided love and attention of its child as well as get a companion to meander across the universe with from time to time). It can also be very patient should it be determined enough (though, if the payout was not worth the wait, Chaos will be enraged). Is able to completely negate the Warden’s powers (anything he creates or destroys, Chaos can destroy or re-create thus canceling his powers out). When it discovered that Order had a child with a mortal, it decided to seduce him just to mess with Order (later decided to have a child of its own with him).
Order-  It has no true form or gender. It is calm, collective, patient, responsible, serious, and very proper. Hates when things are out of order or chaotic, but will not show its displeasure with a violent outbursts, just a cold and intense fury followed by a swift fitting punishment. Greatly dislikes Chaos and tries its best to stay far away from the other being. Greatly cares for its family, but is to dedicated to its tasks to stay for long (stayed till its child was grown and successful, then left to carry out its duty, but checks on its child from time to time as well as being mindful of a mortals perception of time). It decided to visit it’s son every ten years for one month, but right around the second time it was to visit Chaos started to cause a lot of trouble, more so than usual, which Order had to clean up. Being the responsible being that it was Order visited its son long enough to tell his that it would not be able to stay for long nor visit him for twenty years (right before it left it  learned that it has a grandson and its daughter-in-law had gone missing). By the time it was able checked up on its son, he was dead and its grandson was just out of high school (after checking his grades and looking at him through magical means believed that he would be ok by himself). When it finally met it’s grandson again, it was very disappointed and somewhat blamed itself for the Wardens behavior since it had assumed that he was a mature and responsible adult without meeting him face to face (it also decided to correct that mistake by trying to take him under its wing and teach him discipline, patience, responsibility, and maturity, much to Chaos’s ire). It can bind the Warden’s powers, thus leaving him powerless (Superjail wouldn’t really be affected. His powers are there, he just can't reach them). 
Grandfather (Wilfredo MacGillivray Warford)- a very fair, successful, and orderly judge. Caught Order’s eye with his revolutionary methods of keeping peace and order in his town. He then kept the being interested enough to keep watching till he gained its respects, which is where it decided to grace him with its presence and bless him with a child (he is infertile and wanted a child of his own). His ‘wife’ ‘died’ two years after their son became a successful prison warden and began to build prisons in places that had a high crime rate, but no place to put the convicts. He died a few weeks after his grandson was born.
The Prison Mogul (Walton Oonagh Warford)- Is very OCD about order and used to be very patient. He wants everything to be done in an orderly fashion, but is prone to violent outbursts when something isn’t just so or follows his ideal order. The reason he wanted to be a prison warden was so that he could punish and get rid of the people that broke the law and caused chaos in society as well as put them to better use. When his ‘wife’ disappeared, it threw his entire world into chaos and horribly triggered his OCD to a maddening degree. When he finally got some semblance of order back into his life, he was left with a very short fuse (he really wished he had inherited his mother or father’s temper rather than his grandfather’s). The new order he had reached lead to his son being treated more like an employee/prisoner than his child. The main thing he inherited from his ‘mother’ was the ability to enforce his order upon the world (this meant that he was able to subdue the Wardens powers when he was young, thus stopping the Warden from affecting reality). When he died the Warden’s powers were freed, but was only used subconsciously thanks to his father constantly bashing what was and wasn’t possible into the Warden's head. While his ‘wife’ was still around the Warden was able to use his powers freely since ‘hers’ stopped ‘her’ Husbands powers from binding the Warden’s (though, he didn’t know that). He also ages slowly and could have lived for three and a half thousand years, but put an illusion over himself so as to not alert normal people to his demi-primordial self and his death was so fast he could not have saved himself (his ‘mother’ made it so that he would aged like a normal person until he reached his prime were it slowed down to a snail's pace. He does not have eternal youth, just slow aging, and he is a bit easier to kill then his almost unkillable son).
The Warden (Warren Carlisle Oziel Massimo Warford the 2nd)- inherited many things from his ‘mother’, but not as much from his father. Is ¾ primordial and very powerful. His physical appearance is actually an unconscious illusion brought about by the knowledge that he is supposed to be growing older (like how superman does not need to eat, sleep, or breath since he can survive with just the light of a yellow sun, but does because he was brought up thinking he was suppose to). He is actually supposed to look younger than he already is (he’s supposed to look like a toddler, his ‘mother’ did not believe it was important enough to temporarily speed up his ageing). Has eternal youth, but not immortality, just really hard to kill. He ages really slowly and won't stop till he reaches his prime (when he is a thousand years old). Can bend reality to his will, create whatever he wants with just a thought, do whatever he wants, can set up laws or rules that any mortal being must follow in his area, and create his own little reality (his ‘mother’ and ‘grandmother’ are the only ones that can fight him with little difficulty should he fight seriously). Real form is two feet and ten point five inches, which means he looks like a 2 and a half year old. The dream machine episode showed a fraction of what the Warden can do if he consciously uses his powers. Superjail is actually a construct of the Wardens powers and is connected to him on a subconscious level and reflects his emotional status should they be potent enough, if the Warden ever became truly aware of his powers his connection to Superjail and all that resides there would be strengthened immensely (he would be everywhere and nowhere at once). He hates his full name and will go to great lengths to make sure no one finds out (he finds it very embarrassing). If he ever truly tried to remember his ‘mother’ the only thing that would come up clear as day would be ‘her’ presence and a nearly unintelligible voice bringing him comfort.
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