#the interview: part one
illuminatedquill · 4 months
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Story Summary: It has been 10 years since Lothal was liberated from the Empire. As the annual memorial ceremony marking this historic event approaches, close friends and associates of the legendary Rebellion hero, Commander Ezra Bridger, are interviewed for a documentary being made to celebrate his life and achievements. Captain Garazeb Orrelios, a close friend and comrade of Ezra Bridger, has volunteered his time for the first interview.
First of a Five-Part Interview Series
The dive I find Captain Garazeb Orrelios, call-sign Specter-Four, is far from the Galactic Core and serves a peculiar type of clientele: current and former Republic fighter pilots, smugglers, Mandalorians, and any who find themselves wandering beyond the usual travelled routes of the galaxy. Sitting on a non-descript barren planet floating in the middle of an otherwise empty sector of space, the establishment has gained a remarkable reputation of being a "neutral place" among the people who live out here beyond the prying eyes of the New Republic. Mandalorians, bounty hunters, and even some of the more reputable smugglers all habit here semi-regularly.
Noting the name of the establishment before stepping inside from the arid heat, I am greeted by the murmur of quiet, friendly talk. The space inside is half-filled, scattered with an eclectic array of different species wearing the colors of their chosen affiliations.
I spot Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios waiting for me by the bar. Next to him is his partner, Aleksandr Kallus, an Imperial defector who once worked for the infamous Imperial Security Bureau. They wave me over to begin the interview.
Captain Orrelios; Agent Kallus. A pleasure and privilege to meet you both.
[Kallus nods in acknowledgement and sips at his drink. I get the sense he is studying me closely.]
Ah, don't mind him. Just old habits from the war. You can just call me 'Zeb', by the way. All my friends do.
If you don't mind, then I'll do just that.
Sounds great. So, you're here to talk about that goober, eh? About time he got a documentary. Deserves one, just like that Skywalker fellow everyone's talking about.
Goober? You mean Commander Ezra Bridger?
Oh, we're using the official title for him are we? He'd have a good laugh about that. 'Goober' is a nickname me and Sabine used for him. Cause he was a goober - it just fits, you know? Oh, he hated it at first but grew into it over time. Especially since Sabine used it so much. Said it made him feel special, when I asked him about why he didn't seem so bothered by it anymore. She didn't have nicknames for anyone else on the crew. That was always used just for Ezra . . .
[Kallus nudges him with an elbow. The Lasat shakes himself and looks embarrassed.]
Uh, you're not here to listen to all that, though. Sorry. Getting lost in old memories. I figure you want to hear the more interesting stuff.
No, this is perfect actually. This is definitely what I would want to hear in a documentary about Ezra Bridger.
Well . . . if, you're sure. Go on, ask me some questions then. You want to know how we first met?
I'd appreciate if you just wanted to talk more about Ezra himself. What kind of person was he?
[Zeb takes a moment to think about this. Then he points up towards the ceiling, where a row of various stormtrooper helmets - all different designs - hang from strings like grim trophies. With a small smile, the Lasat reaches up and taps one of them, a scout trooper variant.]
He was a thief. When we first met him; a street-rat that hit up the occasional unlucky Imperial patrol for food and supplies. Plucky little kid, if you can imagine, stealing from these Imps and bucket-heads. They would have shot him dead if they caught him - or worse, considering what he turned out to be.
I'm sure you've seen Sabine's mural on Lothal. How strong and serious he looks. Ezra was that, sure, but he was so much more also. If he ever comes back, I'm sure his head will swell just seeing how good she made him look.
He had a collection of these helmets when we took him on the Ghost. Sabine painted a few of them, as a gift. They were always his favorite. Over the years, as he grew up and the war continued, the collection stopped growing. Our enemies were multiplying . . . the goober needed to focus. So, I started to collect them for his sake.
[I observe the collection of helmets and note that there must over a dozen different variants hanging from the ceiling. Almost every type of stormtrooper design is present from the Empire's reign. Some of these would go for an astonishing number of credits on the black market.]
It's quite the collection. I'm sure Ezra would love seeing these.
Yeah. Took a bit to get all of these. He was just a kid, you know? I don't have any other input for this documentary, but I really want you to emphasize that Ezra Bridger was just this pipsqueak when he first joined. None of us knew what would happen to him, or what he would do. Not even Kanan.
He was just a kid who needed a home. So, we gave him that. I didn't always do right by him - to be fair, he was kind of annoying at times like most humans his age - but I hope . . . I hope he knows that I wouldn't change a thing about any of it. He was our kid. We loved him.
[Kallus pats the Lasat's shoulder affectionately. Zeb clears his throat, looks away for a moment to compose himself.]
I know you'll probably want to focus on the more heroic aspects of him, but that's how I remember Ezra. He was a goober. He was a kid. He and Sabine shouldn't have been fighting this war; sacrificing so much for it. That's the job for us adults. We're supposed to be making this galaxy a better place for them. Not the other way around.
A thief turned rebel. It's not an uncommon story for those who served in the Rebellion. The Specters were an already diverse group of individuals -
Not individuals. We were a family. Not in the literal or traditional sense, though. Sure, Kanan and Hera took on a more parental/mentor role in the group and, to some extent, you could view Ezra and Sabine as their kids. But it was also more than that. We were more than that.
We bled, suffered, sacrificed, and cared for each other. We cried for each other. And, yeah, we annoyed the kriffing stuffing out of each other. It was . . . in some ways, it was more fulfilling than my time as an honor guard.
How did Ezra fit into your group?
Heh, not easy at first. Hera was the only one who really made an effort at first. Kanan was still reluctant to take him on as a student, despite Ezra being gifted in the Force. Sabine - well, she's Sabine. Also didn't help that the goober had the galaxy's biggest crush on her during those early months.
Poor kid. Looking back on it now, I suppose I could have been nicer. He had to share a room with me, you know. I'm a huge snorer.
[He chuckles at this, sharing a look with Kallus. His partner just rolls his eyes and takes another sip of his drink.]
Yeah, it was rough for that first year. Everyone sort of eased into having him around as a permanent crew member after they had their own special moments with him.
Me and him - we stole a Tie Fighter one time, did you hear? That was a fun joyride. We were sent out to get meilooruns for Hera and . . . things sort of spiralled from there, heh.
When Hera and Kanan found out we were both sentenced to cleaning duties for a solid month. But that wasn't the event that really brought Ezra closer to the crew.
What was it then?
[Zeb takes a long sip of his drink, suddenly looking sad.]
Finding out about his parents. We didn't know . . . none of us know, until we caught up with Ryder - Governor Azadi Ryder, I should say - later on. They were still alive, incarcerated in a max-security Imperial prison somewhere.
After Ezra sent out his message to the sector, they must have heard him somehow. They rallied the other prisoners, started a riot. Ryder was stuck in there too; managed to escape because of their efforts.
Mira and Ephraim Bridger are listed as -
Still missing, I know. But they're dead. Ryder says he saw it happen, and we have no reason to disbelieve him. I know there was no record or recovery of their bodies. Believe me, we tried looking. Once the war ended, Hera and I tried to track down any lead to see if we could find anything - even just a scrap of their clothing for Ezra's memorial.
Nothing. They were lost, just like the countless others the Empire buried.
Just you and General Syndulla? What about Commander Wren?
She was . . . she was dealing with her own personal loss, at the time. We extended the invitation, but she never responded.
I thought the Specters were like a family? But records state that you all went your separate ways after the Battle of Lothal. You led your own squadron of pilots, while Hera Syndulla was promoted to the rank of General. Commander Wren -
Sabine was the only one to stay behind, yeah. We found a holo-recording, stashed away in his old comm-tower. Left there just for her. She changed after watching it. Hera and I never knew what he said to her.
Hera had Jacen not too long after that battle. I took Kallus back with me to La-Liresan, to help fortify their defenses, gather volunteers, and coordinate supplies with the Rebellion. And Sabine . . . well, she had her promise to Ezra to keep.
We lost Kanan and Ezra so quickly, one after the other. It just hurt too much for us to stick together after so much loss. We were all living reminders of what had been sacrificed. And staying on the Ghost - it felt too big, too empty without those two.
[The Lasat takes another big swig of his drink. Kallus glances at him, worried.]
I don't know how Sabine does it. Living there. She never went back home. She could have - but the crazy girl chose to stay. And she lost so much afterwards, too . . .
We all had our own things to focus on after the battle. The war had begun in earnest. The Rebellion had declared itself on a galactic stage after the Battle of Yavin. We were on the run, fighting for our lives, fighting to see another day.
Hera and I . . . we made the choice to move on. She had Jacen, alongside her duties as a Rebellion General. And I found new purpose with protecting my resurrected people on their new planet. We had to move on. Ezra would have wanted us to move on.
Do you remember the last conversation you had with him?
[Zeb seems to shrink within himself.]
I - I don't. I hate that I don't. I can't remember if we spoke before Kanan's death, or after. When Kanan died, everything else after that just turns to a blur.
You'll want to talk with Hera or Sabine, if you're looking for specific details about any of that before his . . . his disappearance.
Official New Republic record states that Ezra Bridger died during the Battle of Lothal. You believe otherwise?
[Kallus' gaze snaps to me, intense. I plow forward with my questions, trying not to show how unnerved I feel from the former ISB's agent scrutiny.]
I don't know. I want to believe, you know? But it's been so long. No one who has disappeared into the Unknown Regions has ever come back. Not even Thrawn came back. Wherever they went . . . there would have been a sign, I know it. Ezra's a smart kid, he would have figured out a way to send a signal or something.
Did he inform you of his plans before he left? Anything about where he planned to take Thrawn?
Ha! That was the whole point. Crazy goober. Part of me thinks he was making it up as he went along. But Ezra was a Jedi. A damn good one, too. Kanan would have been proud to see him at the end, leading the way for everyone.
To answer your question: no. Ezra didn't tell us anything about where he and the purrgils were heading off to. I don't think even he knows. Only the Force knows.
You never went looking for him?
[Zeb is silent, staring into his drink. Kallus watches his partner quietly. After a long moment, he stands up abruptly.]
I tried.
[Zeb turns and leaves through a back door leading into the kitchens. Kallus sees him go and then turns back to me.]
It's a sensitive subject for him, you have to understand. He wanted to look for Ezra.
Why didn't he? Ezra Bridger was his friend.
I forbade him. He was going to get himself killed. Zeb kept volunteering for missions farther and farther from the Galactic Core. Hera and I realized that he was scouting in the Outer Rim, looking for signs - any trace of Ezra Bridger or Grand Admiral Thrawn.
He got too reckless. People on his squadron almost died. After that, he was forced into retirement. Hera's intervention is the only reason he's not rotting away in a New Republic prison right now.
Zeb retired and settled out here? I don't understand. Why didn't he go back home?
[Kallus signs, takes another sip of his drink.]
He's still looking for Ezra, in his own way. Zeb had to get creative, you see. He had been stripped of his license to pilot. So, he found a plot of land on a planet no one was interested in and bought it with his pension. Pitched the idea of a bar for New Republic pilots flying patrol missions way out here as a place to rest and recharge; a chance to stretch their legs, after spending hours in a cramped cockpit.
Pilots who have been flying all over the Outer Rim. Who have probably seen and heard a few interesting things in the course of their duties.
Now you get it. He owns this bar, listens to all the folks who come in. Still looking for leads - anything he thinks could lead to Ezra.
He even named the bar in memory of him. I think he hopes that Ezra might wander through this sector in space someday, see the bar's name, and get curious. A fool's hope . . . but I dare not take it away from him.
But he can't follow up the leads himself, since he no longer can fly.
Correct. So, he sends the information to the one person who is still looking for Ezra Bridger.
Which is . . .
Sabine Wren.
[He pauses, thinking for a moment.]
Are you planning on interviewing her for this documentary?
Yes, of course. It wouldn't be complete without her. Why?
I advise caution. She was the most affected by Ezra Bridger's . . . absence. Time and further tragedies have not made her kind or open to company of any kind. Even from close friends.
[There's a yell from the kitchen. Zeb stumbles out, covered in soot.]
Kallus, the blasted caf maker is malfunctioning again! Help me out here, would you?
[Kallus sighs and rises from the bar. I take this as my cue to leave.]
Oh, by the way. I haven't heard anything regarding this documentary. It seems rather hush-hush for something like this. I've been asking around and no-one seems to know anything.
It's meant to be a surprise for the citizens of Lothal. The anniversary is coming up. My benefactor suggested it as a gift, to help commemorate Ezra Bridger's heroic sacrifice for the planet.
[He narrows his eyes at me.]
A surprise, hmmm? I'm sure. And who is this gracious benefactor supplying the funds for this project?
I'm sorry, I can't disclose that. They are a private person. I hope you understand.
[The former ISB agent stares me down. After a tense second, he relents.]
My apologies. Old habits die hard. If it's alright, could you send a copy to me and Zeb for review once all this is finished? It would be greatly appreciated.
I'll be sure to do that. Convey my sincere thanks to Zeb, if you can.
Of course. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to prevent my partner from burning this establishment down.
Leaving the way I come in, I turn around outside the old bar and take a quick picture, for my own record, of the name now that I know the origin behind it:
The Benefactor: Were there any issues?
?????: None. Although the agent accompanying Orrelios seemed suspicious at times. I managed to prevent any further inquiries into my work, however.
The Benefactor: Kallus is intelligent and extremely competent at what he does. Do not underestimate him. It is likely he will continue investigating behind the scenes.
?????: Still unsure what it is you're looking for with these people. Seems like they don't have the information you're seeking. The Benefactor: That is for me to decide. Continue with your work.
?????: Of course. Logging out now.
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erebus0dora · 16 days
a quick sequel to this one: basically a 4:19/4:20 meme, come to think of it...
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oh, and i remembered to switch on the recording of the process; i sketched this straight over the prev one, so it looks a tad weird, but still... adding it for those who asked
all that said: if you want to chew it, you have my enthusiastic permission 💜
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Everytime I go into the Zosopp tag, I just see people SCREAMING CRYING SOBBING about the lack of posts IN the Zosopp tag. THE ZOSOPP ECONOMY IS IN SHAMBLES
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prahacat · 7 months
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when the horrors catch up and you take an evening off to batch-process
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cuntyarmand · 2 months
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my favourite armand fits 5,6,7/∞
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deadrlngers · 4 months
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I'm the reticent vampire of the Ninth Arrondissement. I walk the night capturing disappointment and regret as only the reticent vampire can.
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dun-dun-dune · 5 months
No freaking way-
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Pg 226 (Dune, Frank Herbert)
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You guys have no idea how funny this is to me
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khaopybara · 6 months
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FirstKhaotung having an enemies to friends to soulmates relationship is one of my favorite things about them.
Translation credits: ✦✦
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claudiaeparvier · 3 months
Watching Louis descend into rage filled madness while plotting the demise of the coven, seeing him enter the theatre and soaking it with gasoline while the troupe slept, him reclaiming Claudia’s dress and her journals, his rage igniting the room, getting to listen to the coven scream as they’re burned to death or hacked apart or both, Eglee and Celeste caught completely by surprise and exploding in flames on their bikes, Louis baiting Santiago and not just cutting his head off (which I hope he felt every agonizing second of) but kicking it away like a fucking soccer ball
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rainbowresurrection · 2 months
Can't believe Leonard Nimoy was straight up like. I'm not saying I ever played Spock gay or straight because I was just playing each scene by Vibes. And if those Vibes are Spock wanting to fuck a man then so be it, I don't control the art the art controls me
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sevenines · 6 days
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i saw this tweet and found it interesting for two reasons. one is that some people base how good cartoon network would be to toh by how it treated su, and despite the fact that su’s treatment by the network was considered poor at the time, now its thought to be exceptionally good in comparison to modern shows.
two is how exactly su got impacted by a limited budget. a common criticism is how characters like connie, peridot, and lapis are left out of missions. but balancing a lot of characters is not only hard but also costly (extra animation, extra voices—it’s been revealed that the show is limited to a set number of characters per episode otherwise they’re over budget). animation mistakes are not uncommon since retakes cost extra. the entire reason the original show got cut short was due to loss of funding!
#i don’t know if pay rates differ per networks#but a.ivi and s.urrashu have said that they needed to work outside of su in order to make sufficient funds#it only makes me wonder what other ways su suffered from a lower budget#that we as the audience never got to see#in the vein of the too-little characters complaint#another part of that is that low-stakes episodes should’ve been abt the main cast instead of the townies#like last one out of beach city and too short to ride vs restaurant wars and kiki’s pizza delivery service#i definitely see that especially since that isn’t budget related#nor would it seem to be network related (even if cn had an ‘episodic episodes’ quota it could still be abt the gems#(another side note: /would/ cn even have a requirement that the show make episodes that can be watched standalone?#this is a question for the people who were around when su was airing#what episodes often got rerun?#was it the townie eps or the lore eps?#for example i heard that su once did a ‘peridot event’ where they just reran peridot episodes#which had eps that skip around in the show#did they even care about airing the story so that it made sense anyways?#id get it if the low stakes townie episodes were the ones getting rerun))#but i have such a boring view on that which is i think it’s simply because the creators like townie eps#like in interviews r.ebecca s.ugar has said she’s the type to be really invested in background characters#answers in interviews have been crafted in ways to hide what’s really going on though tbf#prime example of this is rebecca and ian saying the wedding being interrupted was meant to follow the common trope#when later in the art book they said that it was bc cn rejected the ep bc it ‘wasn’t interesting enough’#both could simultaneously be true! it’s a psychology thing though where people make up nice-sounding explanations behind what they create#in retrospect because they want it to be thought out in such a nice way they believe in it#the bigger problem is that not matter how many episodes there are of them#it can be hard for ppl to be invested in the townies the same way they are invested in the main cast#i’m sure that a million writers have made surefire advice on how to get an audience to care about characters#but off the top of my head i think it’s because 1. most don’t have strong motivations to get truly invested in#(exception is ronaldo but people find him too annoying to care about him)#okay i had more points and explanations but i hit the tag limit and idk if anyone is actually reading this so bye
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e-vasong · 1 month
ive seen a lot of people talking about armand following daniel around trying to keep him safe on the down low because daniels book and also his general existence (which itself violates like two of the great laws) put him at risk. and to be clear i DO love that and could read a million zillion words of it (please and thank you). but at the same time i think its worth noting that daniels "violations" are also armand's, thanks to armand being the one who turned him. and i think the funniest possible armandiel reunion is daniel getting a vampire subpoena to armands vampire trial. and he convinces himself he doesnt care and is just gonna say his piece at the trial then leave. but takes one look at armands pathetic little face and is like. fine i guess im his vampire lawyer now. your honor he did all that shit but seeing as the jury is also composed of serial killers, im gonna suggest that vampires in glass houses dont throw stones. bye.
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idlyingabout · 8 months
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Doggy :D
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nessberry · 3 months
Uhh something something the way armand broke out of whatever character he was doing when daniel started genuinely sobbing and breaking down something something the way armand immediately comforted older daniel when he teared up about the proposal to "alice" something something that's the love of his existence something something
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laniidae-passerine · 1 month
Louis is such a Catholic good girl btw. Gets courted by a wealthy gentleman for months before they even kiss. Married in a church. Gets himself a precious baby daughter because he’s been dreaming of that perfect family since he was a little girl. Loyal to his man not even multiple deaths can separate them. Says Hail Mary like fifty billion times to cancel out the anal sex he keeps pretending he didn’t enjoy but also calls that dick his personal black tar heroin. Gonna lie to everybody he meets including himself. Feels guilt for a century about things that weren’t his fault but also kinda doesn’t give a shit about the things he did do. God’s gonna see him through <3
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danlous · 3 months
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You used your cloud gift. You flew the accused high up into the air, then you let him fall. Two kilometers approximately. Yes, I know, I know, I know. It's lethal distance for a mortal. But for a vampire? It's a hard fall, nothing more. Lestat has within his veins a most ancient blood. A godlike strength. Remember, he put his fist through a priest's skull. Did you do that to the accused? No, you did not.
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