#the jl having no idea they’ve been played: wait no-
hijinxinprogress · 26 days
Whenever the JL starts complaining about YJs public image YJ just straight up gaslights them
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the-goofball · 3 years
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Meeting the Qowat Milat & Elnor
Excerpt from ‘The Last Best Hope’ by Una McCormack
[...] “Admiral,” said Raffi’s voice on the comm. “We’re now in orbit over Inxtis. We’ve received a communication from one of the settlements— Sordsol Township. We are invited to meet someone named Zani.”
He went down to the transporter room, where Raffi and [Romulan Cultural liaison officer] Tajuth were waiting. “Zani?” he said to Raffi. “Any idea who this might be?”
Raffi shook her head, nodded toward Tajuth, and put a finger to her lips. “Yeah, I have a hunch about that,” she said. “But let’s keep it close for the moment.”
Inxtis surprised Picard immediately. Beaming down with Raffi and Tajuth, he found himself standing in a long and pleasant valley. A wide slow river ran through; the fields on the gentle slopes were heavy with the harvest. The world’s sun shone lovingly down. It was the very end of summer, in a temperate region, and the greens all around were on the cusp. Picard caught the first hints of red and yellow and brown in the leaves of the trees. In a few weeks, he thought, he might return here to see that most glorious sight: a full and rich autumn. The poignancy of this was almost unbearable. This harvest that he could see would not be taken in; this autumn would be the last for Inxtis. This world was damned, and not through any crime or sin, but through an event on a cosmic, stellar scale. This time, he thought, the fault was in the stars. Raffi, ever alert to the immediacy of her surroundings, checked her tricorder and said, “Numerous life signs. We must be on the edge of the township.” Picard followed her, Tajuth behind, wondering where the buildings were. They saw a huge tree ahead, multitrunked, like a banyan tree, but with the individual trunks much wider, and much farther apart. Here he saw the first signs of civilization: wooden decks, interlocked, lay around the trunks, and hanging from the branches and between the trunks were wide sheer nets. Beyond other trunks, he saw other wooden decks, and behind the sheer nets, he saw the dark shapes of figures moving swiftly. He heard voices from amidst the trees, singing, speaking, and the sound of children playing. He understood, these were the homes.
Picard took a moment to orient himself. He had, over the past couple of years, become used to the claustrophobic nature of Romulan homes; the back doors and hidden passages that concealed even members of the same family from each other, as if the ties that would naturally bind each Romulan to the other must be disrupted, and a veil of secrecy thrown between each and every one of them. Doors, and partitions, and sound barriers, anything to prevent someone in one room knowing whether anyone was in the room next door. But this, here— this was the complete opposite. A house that lay open to all comers: that advertised its inhabitants, that let their voices carry on the air. How had this happened? What made them feel so secure, to live in this way, when so many other Romulans lived with such a sense of palpable fear?
As they came closer, they saw a very old Romulan woman sitting on a barrel, her back against the trunk of a tree almost as gnarled as she was. She saw them, sat up, placing her hands firmly upon her knees, and called out, “Zani! The humans are here! And they’ve been stupid enough to bring a damned tok’tzat with them!”
A voice from behind the nets called out, “I’m coming, Shai! Keep an eye on the tok’tzat!”
Picard heard Tajuth mutter something that from the plosives was surely a curse. Picard’s grasp of Romulan profanity had improved markedly in recent months, but some dialects were still a mystery to him, and Tajuth’s voice, Picard noticed, had gone oddly nasal, as if he had fallen back on some childhood accent. Raffi, hearing, smiled, as if something had been confirmed to her.
“Well, Raffi?” Picard said.
“Qowat Milat,” she murmured. “Well, I never thought I’d see this…”
“Say that again, please, Commander.”
She repeated the words, and he tried them on his tongue. Qowat Milat.
“Not bad!”
“Who are they exactly, Raffi?”
“They’re nuns, JL. Warrior nuns.” Putting her hand on his arm, she moved him away from Tajuth. “Guardians of truth. Traditional enemies of the Tal Shiar. Look at Tajuth. Red alert. A secret policeman’s lot is not a happy one.”
And, indeed, Tajuth— usually so unreadable— was manifestly on guard, his hand resting upon his weapon.
“Told you he was Tal Shiar,” said Raffi smugly. “They hate the Qowat Milat, and the feeling is mutual.”
The old woman, on her barrel, was watching Tajuth with her lip curled. She looked so fierce that Picard was not entirely sure that he would bet against her if it came to blows.
“What makes them such enemies, Raffi?”
“Well, these things are always complicated, but, as I understand it, there’s a fundamental difference in ideology. The Qowat Milat follow what they call the way of absolute candor…”
“What does that mean?”
One of the nets slung between the trees was pushed back, and a nun, younger than the one sitting on watch, came out, wiping floured hands upon her skirts. Raffi said, “I guess we’re about to find out.”
Picard glanced back at Tajuth. No, not a happy man. “Absolute candor. That doesn’t sound very Romulan.”
“And yet here they are,” said Raffi. “It’s a funny old universe, isn’t it?”
“Warrior nuns. Romulan warrior nuns. You know, Raffi, I am grateful.”
“That the universe can still delight me.”
The nun moved, with speed and grace, to greet her visitors. Standing in front of Picard, she held her hands together, palm to palm, and then opened them, slowly and with great care, as if they were a book, or as if she was offering something; her heart, perhaps. “Admiral Picard.”
“Zani?” he said, uncertainly.
She smiled. “Yes, I am Zani. Our house and our hearts are open to you, Picard.”
Picard was suddenly, and deeply, moved. He had not realized, until this moment, how often, on arrival at these worlds, he had been greeted with anger, demands, resentment, hostility. It was not that he expected gratitude— he had not taken on this mission for rewards or thanks— but he had hoped for moments of amity. Now it was being offered. Here, on this quiet and lovely world, a Romulan had offered the hand of friendship. Carefully, he copied her gesture: pressed his hands together; opened them to her. He tried to think of some suitable words. “Jolan tru,” he said. “We come in friendship, and with open hands.”
She looked delighted. She and Raffi exchanged the gesture, and Raffi said, “Qowat Milat. I am… Well. Wow.”
Zani laughed, a full laugh straight from the depths of her belly. Then her eye fell on Tajuth. “You are welcome, Starfleet— despite the company you keep.”
They did not get a chance to discuss this further. Something tiny but very fast-moving came rushing out of the house, pushing itself in the middle of their group. Picard, looking down, saw a boy; about four or five years of age, had he been human— small, serious, and extremely grubby.
“Are these the humans?” said the child. He looked steadily at Picard. “They’re ugly.”
“Thank you,” said Picard gravely.
“Absolute candor,” Raffi reminded him.
“I believe we were both included in that assessment, Raffi.” Awkwardly, Picard bent down on one knee. “Well, young man,” he said. “I am Admiral Jean-Luc Picard. And who are you?”
“Elnor,” said the boy. “I wanted a present.”
Raffi laughed. Picard panicked. “Um. Do you like books?”
“Wow, JL,” said Raffi, “you’re a natural…” She glanced at Zani. “That was a lie. Sorry.”
Zani nodded to show she understood the curious human tendency toward sarcasm. The boy stared at Picard. “Yes,” he said. “I like books.”
He shoved his filthy little hand into Picard’s and began to pull him toward the house. “You can come and read to me.”
Picard glanced over his shoulder to Zani, who said, “Yes, follow Elnor. He knows the way.” She looked back at Tajuth. “Your Tal Shiar friend can come too, if he’s feeling brave.” [...]
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selfcallednowhere · 4 years
March 1, 2018 Solana Beach, CA
When they came out, Flans was using both hands to high five a bunch of people in the front.
Then John said "How the devil is everybody?" I always think it's so cute when he uses old-fashioned expressions like that. Then Flans said that this is the ninth time they've played this club and they really love it. Then he said that they have both new songs and old songs, including songs that are "so old they were written before we were born, by us! Music from beyond the grave! Call the cops!" (John said the "written before we were born, by us" thing at one of the Texas shows--I'm not sure which of them actually made it up.) Then he said that just before the show they'd had some really good strong coffee on the bus.
They opened the show with "I Left My Body," which is I think a good opener since it's basically the single from the album. John sang "Dr. Bronner's soap" instead of "bat-repellant soap," which he didn't do the first couple of times I saw them do the song (before the album was out) but ended up being one of those "live lyrical variations that are so frequent they become pretty much expected" somewhere along the course of the tour.
Next they played "Damn Good Times" (so fun, as always). This was when Flans mentioned the massive shark suspended from the venue's ceiling--in the middle of the song he said, "I'm sorry, I'm distracted by the gigantic shark. I feel like wherever I go on the stage it's looking at me."
Next they played "Why Does the Sun Shine?" I like that they're doing it with Flans signing and John doing the spoken parts right now, just cos John will be so adorably silly during his parts. This time he said that a million Earths could fit inside the sun "and be burned to death," and that the heat and light of the sun was caused by the nuclear reaction between "Paul Manafort, Hope Hicks, Steve Bannon (also known as Hulk), and Jared Kushner."
After the song was over Flans started riffing on John listing all the Trump-related people. He said that they were just giving facts and not being controversial. Then he said he was trying to think of "the guy who seems too dumb to be a spy." Someone yelled that he meant Gates. "No, not Gates, Gates is smart. He's a millionaire. The guy who looks like a worm...Carter Page. He's the Kato Kaelin of our time." Then he said we should send our emails about what he was saying to the shark.
Then they started talking about I Like Fun. Flans said, "It's better than it has to be," and John said, "It's really good, but it's also overrated." Flans said that when you have to start working on your 20th album it's "oh fuck o'clock." Then they talked about how they're jut now selling copies of it on vinyl, and it "turns any home into a showplace" and you can show it off to impress your friends.
JL: Unless your friend is a record collector. Then they'd be like, "That's just a record." JF: "You have one record, I have three."
Next they played "Mrs. Bluebeard." John fucked up the lyrics all three times I saw it in Texas, but since he'd had a whole month since then to learn it I thought he'd have it down by now. But NOPE. He totally fucked it up again, including singing one line that was completely unintelligible. Come onnnnnnnnnnnn, John!
Next they played "Your Racist Friend." I'm not really too keen on this song, but Curt is back with them again now and so I enjoy it, because the one part I love is the trumpet party-break part--particularly exciting to witness at times when it's Curt's first appearance in the show and lots of people (presumably quite a few of whom had no idea they were even touring with a trumpet player) just squeal with joy.
After that they played "The Statue Got Me High," one of my absolute all-time favorite songs and this being only the fourth time I'd seen it, but I'm sorry to say I really couldn't get myself to properly enjoy it because I was too busy being extremely upset about it being played on keyboard rather than accordion siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.
After that Flans was introducing the band. He said that Dan Miller had been Tabitha on Bewitched.
After that John got out the contra-alto clarinet. Flans said that he knew we were all using our phones to do a Google image search for "oversized paperclip," but that that wasn't what this was--it was actually a piece of drywall equipment. John said that you can get them at Home Depot, and Flans started listening the other stuff you have to go by to get to them, and John said that you'll find an aisle that says contra-alto clarinets.
So then they played "All Time What." This is probably my second-fav Flansong on the album and it's really fun live, so I'm glad it's one of the new ones they're doing consistently.
After that Flans said that was the contra-alto clarinet and it was "not affiliated with other contra groups."
Then John said that he'd just noticed there are people to the side on the right of the stage too, which he thinks he's noticed times they've played here before but then he always forgets. He said that "they have us surrounded" and it was intimidating, then that there were bleachers behind the wall on the back of the stage too. Flans said that it was like the movie Inception "only even more confusing," and that he stopped being able to understand that movie very quickly. John said, "I was one of the people asleep having a dream."
After that they played "Bangs," and then the song that was the biggest surprise of the night for me: "Hearing Aid." Normally I can recognize songs immediately, but for some reason it took me a minute with this one, and when I realized what it was I was like, "Wait, seriously??" I don't think I've ever seen that song outside of the couple of Flood shows I've been to.
After that Flans said they wanted everybody to take lots of pictures, and he said that there's a filter we should all use that will make him look thinner (awww Flansy).
Then he held up three fingers and said that they're playing two sets, and that the third finger he was holding up was to remind himself to tell us that they're playing two sets. "The second set is all blues jams. No, it's all hits, other people's. We're turning into a really strange version of a cover band." Someone yelled out "Frankenstein," which led to The Johns discussing whether that song was in fact a hit or not--Flans said he thought it was, that it was the last instrumental to chart at #1.
Then John said that they had a new lighting guy, it was only his third day, and he was "crushing it." They discussed the sort of people who use that expression, and John said it was different for him cos he was "using it in quotes." Meanwhile, I was thinking that the lighting guy was definitely not "crushing it"--I thought the lighting setup was completely awful, first of all because everything was backlit, which made it impossible to get even halfway decent pictures. And besides that, the lights were blinding us half the time, and they knew that because John said something about how he'd seen a guy holding one finger up over his eye and he couldn't figure out why at first, and then he realized he was trying to have the shadow from his finger protect his eye from the lights. And I was thinking, "If your audience has to do that, shouldn't that maybe be an indication to you that the lighting setup you're using isn't very good?"
After that, Flans said that earlier that day they'd recorded an appearance on the Marc Maron podcast, and both he and they drank too much coffee, so they were all talking too fast. John said when we listen we should slow down the speed to make it sound normal.
John introduced "The Mesopotamians" by saying it was "from the album with the song 'The Mesopotamians' on it."
After that they did a back-to-back thing that was TOO MUCH: "When the Lights Come On" into "Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes." I LOVE LOVE LOVE both those songs and haven't seen either much, so to see them together like that, mannnnnnnnnn.
Afterwards, Flans said they were about to take the break between sets and if we want them to come back sooner we should remember that it's "National Overtip Your Bartenders Day," which is the same thing he said in Austin. He said if we do that then the bartenders will remember and suggest them if the club is looking to book a band for an entire year. He said it "works like the government."
After that they played "This Microphone," and then the song I'd most been looking forward to as far as Curt being back: "Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had a Deal." I love him on all the songs he plays on, but this one particularly he adds so, so, so much to it. I did plenty of bopping around on this one!
They closed out the first set with "Particle Man," so that was the only accordion song in the whole first set, which is not ok. Before they started playing it John was doing his usual thing with telling everybody to clap on the backbeat, and "don't stop clapping, no matter how much I beg."
After the break and the "Last Wave" video, it was time for the Quiet Storm. This has been the part of the show I've been most looking forward to, both because John plays accordion for so much of it and because that's when they do "A Self Called Nowhere," my song.
They started it with "Older" like they always do. Katie, my friend I was at the show with, said later that she thought it sounded medieval with the contra-alto clarinet--I hadn't thought of it that way, but she was actually right.
After that, Flans thanked us for coming to the show, and then said that "we want to thank those other guys for opening for us." Then he informed us again that the instrument John was playing was the contra-alto clarinet, which had been "stolen from a high school marching band."
They played "I Like Fun," and then Flans started introducing "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too." He said that we might remember that phrase from "just before you passed out in 8th grade history class." He said that it's from the next song, which is an old campaign song. "This is the song that was being played when your 11th-great-grandfather was being punched in the nose. But we like to do it our way, with no punching in the nose."
Then John informed us that we would now be moving from that song (1840), into the future, all the way to 1844, and that in the future there are "tin-foil beards and flying buggy whips." Flans added that in the future there are also "driverless beards." John then said that the next song was supposed to be completely neutral, like an encyclopedia article, and it didn't let on their true feelings about the person the song was about, which was that "he was a dick."
So then some idiot who apparently doesn't know anything about their songs yelled "HARRISON WAS A DICK."
JL: No, not Harrison. I'm talking about Polk. I mean, Harrison could have been a dick. I don't know. JF: If he weren't a dick he wouldn't have died in two months. JL: Sure, Harrison was a dick. I'll give you that. JF: If he had been a patriot.
So then after the expected "James K. Polk" they played "The Famous Polka." When they started it I wasn't sure how well it was gonna work in this stripped-down setup cos it's such a high-energy song, but I actually really liked it.
After that Flans asked Marty to play something that would "put us in a Phil Collins k-hole." So Marty played something on his electronic drums and then Flans said there's something great about hearing the best part of a song over and over, and then said "while my DJ revolves it" over and over a bunch of times.
After that Flans said that the next song they played would be from 1848, and would be about Zachary Taylor. Then they did a little improv song about him--the part John sang was "Zachary Taylor/He's not Norman Mailer/That's a reference I don't get myself" and then Flans's part was "Zachary Taylor has a tail." Flans said they'll have finished the song by the end of the tour, and that he thinks they can license it to a car company. Then John said that he thought Zachary Taylor was not a dick and if you look at the Mexican War he's one of the "less aggressive assholes." Then he said, "Dig him up. Who's got a shovel?"
After that they started to play MY SONG, but they had to stop--after they'd been playing for just a minute John said it was too fast, and then Flans just stopped playing and said, "I fucked it up. I was distracted by the beauty."
Then they started playing it again, and I was once again in awe of hearing this song that means so much to me live. John has been changing a few of the lyrics, and I think he's doing it intentionally cos he's doing it this way every time. Instead of "thinking of a wooden chair" it's "sitting in a wooden chair" and instead of "on the map of the spot" it's "on the back of the spot." I keep forgetting that he's doing it this way and trying to sing it how it is on the album--it's really throwing me off.
That was the end of the Quiet Storm--next they did "Istanbul," with the full band rather than still Quiet Storm duo like I'd seen it a couple of times earlier on the tour.
After that Flans started to say that they knew we had our choice of bands that do Destiny's Child covers, but then he interrupted himself to say that there were pieces of the ceiling coming off and they were "looking forward to the renovations." John said it meant that they'll always carry part of the club with them.
So then they of course did "Bills, Bills, Bills," and as per usual I became a Flansgirl for the length of the song--I usually do on songs where he sings but doesn't play anything and is just struttin' around the stage being all cool, but he gets particularly diva-y on this one and I love it.
"New York City" was next, and then Flans introduced "Birdhouse in Your Soul" by saying "All right, time for the dance contest." And it's true--there's always a lot of dancing during that song. It's one of the reasons I love it so much live--there's just so much energy when they play it.
After that Flans was thanking us, and John said there are "two ways to be manly on stage" and demonstrated by saying "thank you" twice, first in a really gruff voice and then in a really high-pitched ones, and said that there's no other option. Flans said they were looking for "the metrosexual thank you" that's in the middle, but then he said if it's too in the middle it doesn't sound convincing. Then he said that instead of saying "thank you" when people applaud they could say "you're welcome." John: "Hi, we're The Douchebags. We'll be here every Tuesday."
Flans introduced "Wicked Little Critta" by saying it's "just like all our other songs, but it's super-fucked up."
After that Flans was going back to the thank you/you're welcome thing, and then talking about waitstaff at restaurants asking "Are you all done here or are you still working on it?" He said he doesn't like it when they say that because he doesn't want eating to be described as "work." Then he went back to the weird joke about Dan Miller being Tabitha on Bewitched, and said that when they switched between the two Darrens "the whole casting department was scrambling." He said you can only see Dan from the back, but if you look at the credits you'll see him listed. Then John played something on his keyboard that sounded like the sound effect when Samantha twitched her nose to do something magical on the show.
After that John said that in addition to "thank you" and "you're welcome" the other option was "please." Flans said that would actually work, cos it would be like you're begging the audience to stop applauding cos they're flattering you too much, and he made us applaud so he could demonstrate.
After "Number Three" (lots of fun but mysteriously placed not third in the set, as always), Flans said that he thinks at the show in LA tomorrow they'd most appreciate "you're welcome." Then John said that now instead of "you're welcome" everyone says "no worries."
After "Twisting" (one of my absolute fav Flansongs to see live, so I'm really glad it's currently in the set), and then "Man, It's So Loud in Here," they closed out the main set with "The Guitar." Another one of my absolute fav live Flansongs, and this was a particularly good version--there was a mirrorball being deployed for some of it which was great, John was hopping which is THE CUTEST, Flans said "And you don't stop," which I always really love, and Curt was an exciting addition to the Future of Sound segment.
When they came back for the first encore, everyone was applauding and Flans was saying "please."
JL: You're welcome, John Flansburgh. You are welcome. JF: I'm still working on it. JL: They say that with manners creativity is not rewarded.
The first encore was KILLER. It was the second time in the show they played two songs I adore back-to-back. First they played "Dead," which had more cool mirrorball effects.
And then next was "Don't Let's Start," YES YES YES. I was rocking out so hard. I couldn't help also thinking it was rather funny to be in a room full of other people rocking out really hard, quite a few of whom were, like me, singing along enthusiastically and ecstatically to lyrics like "Everybody dies frustrated and sad and that is beautiful." Probably if one were to try to explain to a non-fan exactly how joyous such an experience could be they would be baffled, but within the context of a TMBG show it made perfect sense.
The second encore was "Doctor Worm"--always still fun in spite of the millions of times I've seen it, but also in this case I was just thrilled to see some more accordion, as there was way too little of it during the show.
Really great set for this show! Final obligatory comments regarding John's appearance: He was wearing a pink t-shirt with white pinstripes. He's seriously been doing practically nothing but stripey shirts this year. He's always really loved them, but he's seemingly gotten even more into them than he already was this year. He also got a really stupid haircut in between when when they ended the first leg of the tour and this leg. Needless to say I was quite upset about this as his hair is such a huge part of his attractiveness for me, but whatever, such things must be dealt with.
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bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
Second Tuesday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— First Impression
- Is that... a Reach ship? Could it be linked to the machine? It’s fonctionning, nothing good...
- 4 days later. 
- I love how Garfield is respectful and aknowledges Kaldur and M’gann efforts despite the situation. Batman should take him as an example...
- A public Team. So is that what he had in mind in the previous episode? I’m relieved. So much clever that what I thought! But the bad guys will probably guess if there is a public Team, there also is a covert Team. Not all of them were aware of this...
- Kaldur being a protective Big Brother :)
- Lex restricted even more the JL? What does he want them to do? Charity missions and gala?
- Strikes against meta people :( Not really surprising as we have strikes against POC and queer people... Humankind really doesn’t like difference, does they? :(
- Of course bad guys would find a way to make profit of humans. We already do it with pollution,
- Gar has good points actually! My boy had mature so well!
- It’s me or Traci is drown way differently when she is in civics and hero costume? Her face seems different.
- It’s them at the end of the previous episode! And there’s a picture with Gar and Perdita. #RelationshipGoals I agree!
- “We’re gonna start a revolution! A... a small one anyway.” xD It would be a revolution in YJ verse and against the Light actually :)
- “Get on board or get out of the way!” xD And Conner is not really proud about this and probably wonders who told this to Gar xD Who bet Wally?
- “Green skin. Can’t hide.” He’s already a famous star anyway. But easily recognizable because of it.
- “Public doesn’t always get I’m a different guy.” Aw sweetie :( 
- “They already know what I have become. Now I want to show them who I have become.” So powerful :)
- “And there were no way I was gonna let this be a no girl squad.” / “Group needed a little color.” Seriously writers? Can’t they have real character motivation? Like Cassie wanting to be aknowledged as a true hero (to show her growth since her insecurities in season 2) or Virgil wanted to be known as a hero (since in the previous episode the girl didn’t know Static). This kind of comments are in the 4th wall dimension, something the fans see, not something the writers say to show they have included diversity in their characters. It’s something you show, not tell, or it doesn’t have the same impact on the fans. 
- But I like Jaime and Virgil friendship
- “Not ready. Noy yet.” That would also have been a great occasion to give them character development. Like Forager is supposed to be dead, Terra still copes with her abduction and Traci doesn’t trust her control on her powers yet (her hero insecurities) and develop why Halo isn’t ready yet. 
“Guessing we’re too old. Whoa. When did that happen?” Technically Conner is 8 so he can still be part of their Team and I would have love Artemis being with them as their Team lack of martial arts :)
- So it’s Teen Titans Tower but in Hollywood instead of San Francisco? And it’s called the Hub.
- Wait... where’s Traci? I know she’s the only one who isn’t part of the Outsiders or lives there but still!
- “This is so crash!” I agree Bart!
- “Finally! I mean: thank you!” Brion is so glad to have his own personal space again :) The bioship should have felt pretty small compared to his room in a royal palace.
- “Who’s paying for all this?” “Gretchen Goode.” xD
- “Now that what I call payback!” “This is a sympathy bump.” I love Cassie and Virgil frienship! Finally a girl and boy being BF without love involved! :D Please, writers, let’s them stay BF! :( I want Cassie to give poor flirty advice to Virgil when he meet a girl he like xD But fans, still feel free to ship them ;)
- Poor Forager :( 
- “No way 6 teenagers are gonna to live here alone and unsurpervised.” *she says while looking at Violet and Brion* “Yeah, who knows what might happen?” Those two make love (with their respective boyfriend) in the Cave, didn’t they?
- “I would be happy, honored to act as a den mother.” Helga, stop saying honored, that’s weird and suspicious... What everyone else doesn’t find it suspicious?!
- 3 days later. It feels like it’s the same day, doesn’t it?
- Nowadays teenagers reflex: record it before to go in safety...
- Does he... play against himself? Super cute!
- EyeSpasm? What kind of technology is that? Something to make livestream? I don’t like the “Spasm” on it... Look like Granny’s goggles to me...
 - So the Reach ship makes a move 6 days after?
- “Mother of God!” Brion is still so funny while he’s angry xD
- “No drill, the Reach are back!” “No, just no!” My poor babies, please no more trauma for them :( maybe we’ll have flashbacks of Bart’s past and Jaime’s while on mode?
- Kaldur is so great and... beaten to easily? I know it’s Reach tech but I thought he would manage longer as he put Blue inconscious in season 2...
- He’s DEAD? No, he’s ok! Don’t give me heart attack like that! I had enough with Forager already!
- “Chill, Aquaman!” Is that supposed to be a joke? You know, because it’s winter and/or Kaldur is Atlantean.
- *fangirl laugh* I hated that... I just hope she won’t get hurt because the fangirling makes people dumber...
- “My spectacles” Is that an old word for glasses? “Gratitude.” This girl definitely has a high rank vocabulary.
- “Stay calm, citizen, and stay inside.” Cassie feels a little unease and  in a confident character :) Not confortable yet with speaking with the population yet :)
- “Superamalgamated.” No clue of what she said...
- Love that Virgil has a techonological plateform now :) 
- Helga seems so proud of Brion :) Ok, maybe she’s not evil, but just overprotective like I thought...
- “Please, miss, you must get to cover.” Give up, Kal, she’s a teenager AND a fangirl, no way she stay out of danger...
- Wait, why Joan is at hospital? What happened to her? :(
- Aw... Ed showing the Team to his proteges :3 And Wendy is laughing!
- “Maybe it was a bad idea to do this in mid-air.” You think? Didn’t Scarab tell you about this? “This is a really bad idea, Jaime Reyes. You should...” “Don’t worry, Scarab, I’ll handle this!” By the way, why we don’t hear him? It would be interesting to have his pov since it’s the Reach in front of them!
- The scream doesn’t seem to be Jaime’s voice but Brion’s...
- Aw... Mom Arty is sad they’re leaving :( Or did they already have? Violet is crying :( “One last sleepover.” They haven’t leave yet.
- So cool Gar is introducing his team :)
- The Sheriff is funny but what kind of American accent is that? Is it cliché? I find it annoying :/ (no offense, it’s just difficult to understand)
- “We prefer protégé.” = “don’t call us sidekicks!” in season 1 xD But more diplomatic.
- Whisper A’Daire and Intergang are back! Blue already met her in season 2 with Superboy. And here are Scorpia A’Daire (her little sister I guess?) and Cairo Defrey. Is she from Egypt? Is she old or does she have metapowers with her white hair?
- Scooby Doo vibes? I mean the Team appeared in an episode, so why not? Wait, so the two girls are from Scooby Doo Team too? (Don’t know their names in English...)
- This bip doesn’t look good... The big ship is awake again! So the Reach will come? But it seems pretty empty so? Did the signal activate because of Whisper’s line? As she said they didn’t succeed?
- “Look what they’ve done to our library!” It’s just a glass sir, pretty sure it’s no big deal compared to a destroyed city... Have you seen Central City after Neutron?
- Tommi Tompkins, sound like a boy name... Wait! Is Tommi transwoman and his dad just use his dead/birth name? He’s really a jerk :( 
- He’s on Lex Luthor’s side, that’s why...
- The ship is huge! Is it the same than where the heroes and Runaways were abducted in season 2?
 “This is so moded!” “No way...” “Yes way! I mean: look at us! We’re in chackles!” They still have the same dynamic! :’)
- When the bad guys told you to call the JL, you know you’re in trouble! Except if you’re a dumb jerk...
- He called the US Air Forces. Is he dumb or... No, there’s no other explanation that stupidity (I mean a lack of knowledge, but essentially common sense...)
- And... they’re dead... Mayor, your stupidity caused two deaths (maybe 4?) of soldiers. Are you proud? Remorsed? “No, no, no!’ He’s a stubborn dumb jerk, isn’t he?
- “Mine aren’t (tied). Just handcuffled.” and they break free so easily it’s funny xD Why do you think they use collar in Belle Reve, stupid mayor?
- Tara’s flashbacks are heartbreaking :( She couldn’t see her parents again after her kidnapping :( 
- “Do you see how brave Tara and Violet are? You can be brave like them.” *Violet hides because of thunder* It was sweet and funny :) And Artemis is educating Lian to be brave like her parents and auntie :)
- Big sisters Artemis and Tara :) It’s rare to see Tara smiling, those family moments do good to her :) 
- Gar still likes to perch on people’s shoulder :) 
- “No baddies, just their bones.” Bart, the Reach are insect-base, they don’t have bones... Wait, could be the bones of the abducted teens in season 2 who didn’t have the metagene? Virgil said there were kids they never saw again and they were only 5: the Runaways plus Chimmer. Where were the other kidnapped kids? Dead. And that won’t make any sense the Reach stay on that ship to die at the end of season 2... And the Team didn’t kill anyone while saving the abductees. So yeah, it have to be the murdered abducted kids :’( 
- “bad news, there are still militaries air force.” The mayor is really stupid or the soliders didn’t get the memo their colleagues are dead in one blow?
- “Good news.” “Please no bad news, Please no bad news.” “Bad news.” “Urg!” xD
- Virgil’s sarcastis comments are back! xD
- Gar still has clever solutions :) 
- Of course, Ed is worried :) And Wendy doesn’t have the collar anymore! The Team did inspire her! :D 
- Joan :( 
- Big Bro Kaldur is so proud of them!
- “No concept of how much that thing is gonna cost to get out of my lake?” Sorry, mayor, we thought Brooklyn was a democraty, not Tompkins’ kingdom... And the taxes aren’t your money either but serve the city... --’
- “A Young Justice League” that a recall of the show title, isn’t it?
- “We are all Outsiders.” Catchy indeed!
- “Relax, your time will come.” Tara can’t wait to act, but against what? against who? Those family moments didn’t stop Tara for working with Slade :( 
- Is she looking at Lian? Why? :o :(
- So the ship was indeed empty for 2 years. Man, Jaime and Bart would be so mad at them when they’ll learn the Anti-Light thing and that they knew there were no Reach on it... 
- Lag’aan! Is still in the hero game! Only for Atlantis or he’s part of the League now?
- Oracle!
- So Kal was indeed holding back!
- Who is the second guy? He looks like Garth’s old brother. Edit: name’s Wyynde. he appeared in the tie-comics. 
- “I don’t think he’s ready for that, for this.” M’gann also talks about the lies and secrets the Anti-Light has to come up with. She doesn’t want that responsibility and burden on her brother’s shoulder. And maybe fears his reaction to this.
- What is the Anti-Light mission?
- Brucely and Wally plushie! Wait... is that text sounds? This’s Tara but where is... In Lian’s room? In her own room? Are they sleeping in the same room just like Violet and Artemis?
2 notes · View notes
lookslike-wemadeit · 5 years
January 2011
1- At 12:13 AM, Louis tweets his first tweet of 2011 “#harrylouyear <<< GENIUS ! :) HAPPY NEW YEAR :)”
1- Hannah tweets at 12:43 AM “My head is pounding from Louis playing 'The Musical Theatre Game' aghhh xx”
Louis rides the train to London to see Stan
1- Hannah tweets her NYE with Louis “@AlexheartsQuiff I stayed at home with Louis & my sister and played Smurf Village hahaha xxx”
1- Harry spends New Year’s Day with family
2- Louis tweets “So excited for today :) xx”
2- Show at the Forum in Hatfield, Hertfordshire
2- Harry tweets about the show “Brilliant gig at The Forum! Got a brilliant book from Italy:) Thanks You Everyone!! :D”
2- Jay tweets Robin “@robintwist My beautiful little sugarbreasts :) So lovely to have you on twitter land xx “ (Louis mum and Harry's step dad)
2- Robin responds to Jay “@JayTommo my little swamp duck, why aren't you following Mr Womderful? “
2- Louis tweets “Great gig today , thank you Hatfield :) we love you !!!!
2- next to you during the concert
3- Dusty posts Ted makes me feel like the only cat in the world :)
3- he also tweets- going to watch a film with the best boyfriend in the world
3 - Harry goes shopping in Manchester with his cousins
4- Dusty posts a picture of flowers he got for Ted. And a video and my boyfriend is sexy
4- Louis tweets “Big shout out too @joekenners thanks for tonight !!!“
4- Harry tweets about the game “Off to the football :D  Not much is better than a trip to Old Trafford with the father @louis_Tomlinson and @rioferdy5 :) .x”
4- Harry & Louis go to Rosso for dinner and later drinks
4- Harry tweets again about what a great night it was “Great night with @louis_Tomlinson , @ashwils84 , @joekenners and @rioferdy5 :) .x”
4- Louis tweets “Niall has been hacked so ignore his funny tweets ha”
4- Louis tweets a picture of him and Harry with Nemanja Vidic before they’re even home “Me Harry and Vidic http://yfrog.com/h6y7hdj”
4- 20 minutes later Louis tweets again “Great night with @Harry_styles and @anton_Ferdinand !!!“ Anton was not there. Rio had tagged the wrong Louis (Louie Spence) in a tweet earlier in the evening and Louis was getting him back for it.
4- Harry & Louis have a sleepover at Harry’s house in Holmes Chapel
4- Louis tweets “@AshWills84 unlucky mate I'm just sat at home drinking tea haha good to see you mate !”
4- Louis tweets at 1:54AM “sleep over at Harrys :)”
4- Louis tweets X Factor contestant John Wilding who was eliminated at Judge’s Houses in 2010 “miss you man !!”
4- Louis tweets “:)” in response to a fan telling him he was lucky for sleeping over at Harry’s
5-Louis tweets Rio Ferdinand “@rioferdy5 when you gonna come play for doncaster rovers then boss haha”
5- Louis tweets Joe Kennedy who asks Louis “haha have u seen ok today? jk.” Louis responds “no what does it say ? X”
5- OK! tweets article “One Direction fan Rio Ferdinand catches up with Harry and Louis at the footie”
5- Louis goes home to Doncaster late in the afternoon. He hangs out with Hannah at her house for about 3 hours
5- Louis tweets “Just got @BrunoMars ' album... what a talented guy ! Great album!!!” He was talking about Doo-Wops & Hooligans
6- Zayn & Louis ride down to Brighton together in the afternoon
6- Louis tweets while in the car “Hello everyone :) x”
6- Louis tweets asking if anyone has the unauthorized One Direction biography “Anyone got this a to z book ? X”
6- Louis tweets the Larry Stylinson Twitter account “@LarryStylinson :) have a nice day x”
6- Louis tweets Aiden Grimshaw “@Mr_Grimshaw well my name is Aiden and I smell of poo poo and still wee the bed !!”
6- Louis tweets Rio Ferdinand “@rioferdy5 man up !!”
6 - Louis tweets “@LoveForAnneCox big love for Anne cox :)” (Harry's mum)
6 - Louis tweets “@SupportHStyles hollister and that is a silly thing to say cos I support Harry x”
6- Louis tweets “Damn I miss all the interactive stuff like megamind :(”
6- Louis tweets Rebecca Ferguson’s old account “@beccaxferguson good thanks lovely how are you superstar :) ? X”
6 - Louis tweets Niall “@NiallOfficial poopoo”
6- Louis tweets Rebecca Ferguson again “@beccaxferguson ha you miss us anyway!! Can't wait for the tour x”
6- At 8PM, Louis tweets “Let's start a trend :) any ideas ?”
6- At 8:20PM, Louis tweets “More trends ....?”
6- At 8:30PM, Louis tweets “If it trends world wide I will tweet an never seen before picture :)”
6- At 8:47PM, Louis tweets “If you want that unseen picture get tweeting :)"
6- At 9PM, Louis tweets “Two trends related to me love it !!! I love you all !!!!”
6- Louis posts “never before seen” picture of him and Harry before the first live show “Before the 1st live show http://yfrog.com/gym6leyj“
6- 15 minutes later, Jay tweets “Silly Ol' @Louis_Tomlinson for tweeting a photo a previously seen one :) Louis aged 6 xx http://plixi.com/p/68274395″
6-9: The boys in Brighton doing “band stuff,” including recording “I Want”
9- Harry’s friend, Ashley, tweets “harry would go a hint of gay for Louis, he never shuts up about him ;)HA!”
9- Harry posts picture of him and Louis playing with light sabers at 9:30 pm. I think that was taken in the studio in Brighton. Hannah said Louis had the light sabers in his car forever, but didn’t have the Clio anymore at this point. He sold the car before moving to London from X Factor. “Star Wars Is Always Cool. Enough Said.
10- The boys move into the X Factor rehearsal hotel, The Richmond Hill Hotel in Surrey
10- Harry (and the other boys?) have dinner at Nando’s
10- Harry tweets “ And i say,What a way for the Ice to break.....”
10- Harry tweets “ Night Everyone!!  I leave you with this, "The Awkward Moment When............................................" :) “ at 11:19 PM
10- Harry tweets link to video of father and daughter doing a cover of “Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes at 11:24 PM
10- Harry tweets lyrics to “Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes at 11:32 PM “ We laugh until we think we’ll die,Barefoot on a summer night..Nothin’ new is sweeter than with you :D night .x “
10- Zayn tweets at 11:35 PM he’s “chillin with @harrystyles :),” tags the wrong Harry on twitter
11-The boys record “Gotta Be You” in southwest London with Steve Mac
12- Zayn’s birthday
12- The boys take Zayn out to lunch for his birthday
12- Harry tweets “The awkward moment when your mum walks past the shop at dinner time and the whole of One Direction start shouting milf -.-  hahaha!!“
12- Harry then tweets “I feel like I should tweet something not directed at the mother now.....a Turtle wearing a helicopter hat. Done. :D”
12- Niall says Louis sleep walks “In the night louis started sleepwalkin, he got into my bed, I pushed him off and he sat on the floor singin the tune t jungle book!wierd”
13- Harry gets a haircut
13- Sugarscape tweets “Harry and Louis are dancing with each other aahhhhh!”
13- mutual we discussed it
Lots of flirting
Pretty much always touching
louis slapped Harry's bum
13- Louis posts “Secret Video Diary” from X Factor on twitter which is about 3 minutes of him searching for Harry
13- Dinner at Nando’s
14- Someone on Twitter claims to work for Sugarscape and says they were at the shoot the previous day; Says Harry asked for her number; the official Sugarscape twitter says they’ve never heard of the person and they were not at the shoot
15- G-A-Y performances,1 public and 1 private, at Heaven nightclub in Central London; The owner of the club booked the boys for his birthday party; Hannah got to the club around 11:30PM, waited in line with fans and stayed in a separate hotel room with friends
16- Harry posts picture of him and Louis with Brian May from Queen at 6:58 PM “ Brian May.....Hero.
16- pictures of all the boys together they are clingy
16- The boys go to the JLS concert at the O2 Arena in London
17-Choreography rehearsals in Surrey for X Factor tour
17- pictures of One Direction outside Richmond Hill Hotel
17- Niall tweets he ate Domino’s with Harry & Louis around 9:30 PM “ Just had dominos with @Harry_Styles and @Louis_Tomlinson ..harry just had sweetcorn on his “
19- Article published saying they were thrown out of “health club” for rowdy behavior; In actuality, they were scolded for playing around in the pool at their hotel
19- Harry tweets “I'm being serenaded by Zayn :P" w/ picture
19- Harry tweets “Finally something to do in our hotel rooms...but word of warning, xbox kinnect is tricky in a tiny hotel room :D haha!”
19- Photoshoot
20-23- Days off
20- Louis tweets from the One Direction Twitter account “  Morning everyone , have a lovely day :) - Louis :) xx”
20- About 90 minutes later, Louis tweets from his own account about official One Direction Twitter account “Everyone follow @onedirection !! We will all be using the group twitter alot more as well as our personal accounts :) #followonedirection”
20- At about 7:54pm, the One Direction account (Louis), tweets “likes Who Let the Dogs Out by Baha Men on Ping http://itun.es/iFV6dW  #iTunes ”
20- At 7:54 pm, Louis tweets from the One Direction account again “Will everyone please follow the one direction iTunes ping :) - Louis.”
20- Louis sets his profile pic on ping to a cropped picture of him and Harry in Holmes Chapel in December
20- Harry leaves late in the evening to visit Gemma “On the way to visit my sister :D .x
21- Harry at home
21- Louis tweets about official One Direction facebook page
21- The One Direction account tweets “Who wants a follow 5 people will get followed today just type #followme1d and your reason :) we will pick the best 5 :)”
21- One Direction account tweets the now defunct URL “Check out a new webpage :)  http://www.1direction.co.uk/ join our news letter for the latest updates and video diaries :)”
21 - One Direction account tweets “18th in The Shorty Awards, Best Musicians Twitter Account http://bit.ly/voteonedirection #voteonedirection ..Keep it up lets get to 10th :)"
21- Harry tweets “So tired....kinnect volleyball all day:P but now I'm a 'pro' ;) haha .x”
22- Niall tweets from One Direction account “Hello twitter :) great few days at home , see you soon .... COME ON DERBY !!- Niall xx”
23 - At 11:54AM Harry tweets from the One Direction account “  I think thats the best lie in i've had so far :) Harry .xx”
23- At 12:01PM, Harry (?) tweets from the One Direction account “  i'm just chilling out today :)”
23- At 12:04PM, the One Direction account (Harry again?) tweets “  Shorty Awards: Vote @onedirection for music!! Louis for humor and Harry for Fashion...They're near the top!! :D“
23- At 12:05, Harry tweets from his personal “Haha Just seen I'm 8th for Fashion in the Shorty Awards!! :D ^^^”
23-Hannah tweets a picture of her and her friends before the G-A-Y performance in London
23- Hannah immediately tweets a picture of her mother’s desk at work, saying the picture is from Louis’ birthday
23- Hannah immediately tweets a self-described “blurry pic of Louis”
23- Hannah tweets a fan how long her and Louis have been dating, saying “For about 17 months x“
23- Hannah tweets “@louis_tomlinson is NOT leaving One Direction! Don't know where that rumour came from xx“
23- Hannah tweets her anniversary with Louis is March 18th
Hmm math... It would either 22 months or 10... Not 17?
23- Harry & Louis leave Surrey early in the afternoon and ride a Southwestern train 45 minutes into Central London
23- Harry & Louis go to TGI Friday’s in Haymarket Square and go shopping
23- Harry & Louis go to Odeon Leicester Square to see Black Swan
23- Harry tweets “Vote @louis_tomlinson for humour in the shorty awards!! :D” at 3:37 PM
23- Harry tweets “TGI Fridays......heaven.” at 3:41 PM
23- Louis tweets “Please RT my last tweet love you all :) if I am 2nd by tonight me and Harry will do a twitcam , bromance special ;)” at 3:41 PM
23- Harry tweets lyrics to “California” by Phantom Planet at 3:51 PM “On the stereo,listen as we go,nothing's gonna stop me now..California here we come..Right back where we started from :D“; He later played this song during the twitcam the same day
23- Hannah tweets link to Shorty Awards after fan tells her Louis is in 1st Place “Louis is 1st!! Keep voting please & keep him there :) http://shortyawards.com/category/humor
23- Hannah tweets the link to vote again, this time with Harry and One Direction included “@louis_tomlinson for humor, @harry_styles for fashion & @onedirection for music.. please vote! http://shortyawards.com/category/humor”
23- Hannah announces she is booking flights for Dublin to see the X Factor tour
23- Harry & Louis ride the train back to Surrey around 8PM
23- Hannah tweets a fan 15 minutes before the twitcam begins that she’ll watch the twitcam if she was on her laptop “@1OneDirectionx If I'm on my laptop then yep xx”
23- Harry & Louis do promised twitcam lasting an hour, beginning at 9:53PM and ending at 10:50PM
23- Hannah tweets a fan 20 minutes into the Twitcam “@xsarahloveharry Won't load! Never mind, I'm tired anyway xx”
23- Harry tweets “:) (@Harry_Styles live on http://twitcam.com/3m2lg)“
23- Anne watches the twicam, calls them “my boys”
23- Niall tweets he saw Little Fockers with Zayn at 11:30 PM “ Went to see little fockers wi @zaynmalik and TM..really funny!! ";
The film was still in theaters at the time; They did not go with Harry & Louis to their movie, and likely went to the movie theater an 8 minute bus ride from their hotel
23-Harry tweets at 12:13 AM “I Wish #thepersonunderthistweet A Very Nice Sleep :D .xx“
23- Harry tweets at 12:20 AM “It's not about the Money money money,We don't need your Money money money..We just wanna make the World Dance..forget about The Pricetag :D”
23- only Larry Twitter cam
Harry: Me and Louis had a really nice girl’s day out today.
Louis: Yes. Me and Harry spent all day shopping...dining...eating cookie dough...and watching girly films like The Black Swan. Which ended up being not that girly, quite rude and quite violent.
Harry: [quietly] It was good though.
24- Harry tweets at 7:47 AM “It's National Pie Day...And I got hit in the head with a Cream Egg!! :D”
24-Louis tweets at 6:55 PM “I love every single one of our fans !! You are amazing ! We are so lucky to have you !!”
25- One Direction Twitter account tweets “Good bye to all our lovely fans see you soon , lots of love Louis , Harry , Niall , Zayn and Liam”
25- Louis tweets at 9:18 AM “Please keep voting on the shorty awards it's so close now!”
25- Louis posts link to vote in Shorty Awards “  http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson please vote humour :) RT love you all xx”
25- they arrive at LAX
25- Hannah tweets “I'll do my best to keep you updated on the boys if you all keep me company while they're away? xx”
25- Hannah tweets 2 pictures of Louis
25- Hannah tweets Danielle Peazer, Liam’s very new girlfriend at the time “@DaniellePeazer Lou asked me what I wanted but I didn't have a clue so I'm excited to see what he brings back!Bet we get the same stuff ha!x”
25- Hannah responds to Danielle who said she texted Liam her US clothing sizes with “@DaniellePeazer Oh great well I didn't think of that so I'll trust Louis' judgement haha.. I just want them back safe xx
25- Hannah tweets with the hashtag 1Dupdate to let fans know the boys would land soon in LA “#1Dupdate The boys should be landing soon!! And I think it's about 2pm in America xx  “
25- The boys fly to Los Angeles, arriving at mid afternoon local time
25: Louis tweets “So excited to be in L.A will tweet pictures when I can :) xx”
25: Louis emails Hannah “@larrybromance Lou says the hotel is incredible & they're living not being recognised xx” It was the Days Inn Hollywood.
25- in LA they are whispering and cleny
25-30: The boys in Los Angeles recording “Save You Tonight”
26- Louis tweets from the one direction Twitter- hey everyone me and Harry just had pancakes and maple syrup great way to start the day :) miss you all Louis and Harry x
26- 4 minutes later, Louis tweets from his personal account “Ohh yeah and we had sausage with our pancakes :) x”
26- Hannah replies to Louis’ tweet “@Louis_Tomlinson Sausage and maple syrup together?? That's even worse than pasta on toast x”
26- 6 minutes later, Hannah tweets  “In all fairness to Louis, pasta on toast is quite tasty but makes the bread a bit soggy.. I'd choose that over maple syrup sausages anyway x”
26- Louis tweets a picture of himself “Doing the American look :)"
26- One Direction spotted in West Hollywood with Cher Lloyd and Savan Kotecha Harry and Louis are not far apart the whole time
26: The picture from the train hits the internet
26- Louis tweets from the One Direction twitter account “Having a great time and met up with Savan and cher :) - Louis
26- An hour later, Louis tweets from his personal “Voting closes Monday please keep voting for me on humor guys it means a lot! http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson”
26- Louis then tweets from his personal “lets trend #votelouis :) Please RT :)”
26- 2 minutes later, Louis (most likely) tweets again from the One Direction account “Everyone ! Voting closes on Monday please vote One Direction for music :) http://shortyawards.com/onedirection #voteonedirection  ”
26- At the same time, Louis tweets again from the One Direction account “Also vote Harry for fashion http://shortyawards.com/Harry_Styles :) #voteharry :)”
26- 1 minute later, the One Direction account tweets “And Louis for humor :) http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson #votelouis”
26- Harry tweets “The Sun Has Got His Hat On And He's Coming Out To Play :D”
26- Hannah tweets “Louis has bought new shoes...And no, they aren't Tom's.. America has changed him already! :(”
27- Reports emerge that the first single will be released on March 13th
27-Harry tweets around 8AM “Here comes the sun,du dun doo doo,Here comes the sun,I say...it's alright :D”
27- Harry tweets “Have a good day everyone :D. Will tweet some pictures later from @onedirection :) .xx“
27- Louis tweets at 6:35 PM “  Hello everyone hope your well . Missing tweeting you guys so much ! Xx”
27- Louis tweets at 11PM LA time “I think it's funny how some people are just getting up and I'm not even asleep yet !!”
27- Louis tweets “Keep voting on the shorty awards please #votelouis”
27- Louis tweets a fan “@heyimisabella good babe how are you ? X“
27- Hannah tweets Louis’ Clio was named Cheryl “@katiejburroughs Louis used to drive a Clio (called Cheryl) but he sold it when he went to London so now he hires cars when he's home :) xx“
27- Hannah tweets “Definitely getting used to this Louis not being here thing.. You've all been so lovely to me as always. 3 sleeps until they're back! Night x”
28- Hannah tweets early in the morning UK time/late night LA time “Spoken to Louis - he's having an amazing time, meeting lots of people & now he's going to bed :) xxx”
28- Hannah tweets a fan “@leprechaunxo The only time he ever cooked for me was when he made this tasty salmon pasta :) xx“
28- Anne tweets Jay about the Shorty Awards  “@jaytommo :-) we must be doing something right :) xxxx http://shortyawards.com/category/lovelyonedmummys” ( Harry and Louis' mom's)
28- The One Direction account retweets Harry “RT @Harry_Styles Have a good day everyone :D. Will tweet some pictures later from @onedirection :) .xx“
28- Robin tries to win tickets to the Brit awards and says since “Harry (S) and Lois (T)” can’t go he would take Anne (Harry's step dad)
28- Hannah tweets “@Louis_Tomlinson is only 3 points ahead of 2nd place so can we all please #voteLouis again!! http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson”
28- Harry tweets “ Thank everyone who's been voting me, @louis_Tomlinson and @onedirection in the Shorty Awards...Keep Going!! :D. Love you all .xx“
28- Hannah tweets “When you #voteLouis or #voteHarry you have to make sure your reason has something to do with humour/fashion or it won't count!! RT”
28- Harry tweets from the One Direction Twitter account “  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL_WvOly7mY BEVERLY HILLS!! :D  -Harry .xx http://twitpic.com/3u6zh2″
28- Harry tweets “Look what Liam showed me... HAHAHA!! :D http://yfrog.com/h8r4ejj”
28- Harry tweets from the One Direction account “Sunny Again Today in L.A.!! Have a Good Day Everyone :D  - Harry .xx”
28- Louis tweets “Expected more from skins , disappointed :(”
28-Jay tweets that Louis got into bed with Harry “@tomlinson_love he got in bed with Harry last week lol”  
29- Hannah tweets a fan “@xx_annemarie_xx Louis doesn't have bebo babe xx” ( x ) (Even though it’s well-documented that he did)
29- Hannah tweets what time the boys are landing at Heathrow “  If my maths is correct (and my world clock) the boys will land at 4pm tomorrow UK time which is 8am LA time. That should mean that they leave 5am tomorrow UK time & 9pm tonight LA time. Wow does that make sense??”
29- Anne tweets ”to all those asking: to my knowledge Harry isn't dating anyone”
29- Harry tweets “Have a good day everyone :D. Love you guys and see you soon!! .xxx”
29- The band in West Hollywood posted by Paul on his facebook
29- Ashley (ash_sherls) does a twitcam while drunk with her friend and says Harry isn’t a virgin; An uproar on Twitter ensues; Ashley defends her statement to Twitter user @CaraStalik: “cus trust me...he won’t care.”
30- Hannah tweets “Not long until the boys are home!! #welcomehome1D” and encourages fans to use that hashtag in all tweets
30- Hannah tweets “When I spoke to Louis last night the boys were sunbathing by the pool & didn't want to come home!! Lets trend#welcomehome1D to make them happy to be home”
30- Hannah tweets two fans about something Harry & Louis bought in LA “Louis' are brown & Harry's are sand coloured ha xx” and “Yes they did, lou got brown and Harry got sand x”
30- Hannah tweets “I'm not seeing Louis today, I'm just excited for him to be back in the same country as me!! #welcomehome1D xx“
30- Hannah tweets “They've landed, prepare guys xxx”
30 - The boys arrive back in London and are mobbed at Heathrow
30-Harry tweets “Oh..my..days. Wow!!”
30- Louis tweets from his personal “My jumper got ripped in the chaos so I give it to someone ! Love you all x”
30- Louis tweets from his personal “Every needs to stop saying sorry it's fine it was crazy cos there was so many people but don't worry :) love you all !”
30- Louis tweets from the One Direction account “What a way to be greeted back to the UK how we've missed you :) love you all - Louis x”
30- Jay tweets she talked to Louis & Harry on the phone and the boys are fine
30: Hannah tweets “Please follow mine & Louis' best friend @DanWoollett - he did the live link from Doncaster on the finals & is going to a London tour date :)”
30- Hannah tweets “Feel a bit sick after watching those videos but on a brighter note I love you all for trending #welcomehome1D worldwide all day!!”
30- Louis tweets “http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson - Keep voting :)”
30- Louis tweets “  Massive thanks to @AJ_RedOne @Savan_Kotecha and the rest of the boys !!  “
30- Louis tweets “Just been watching my old Grease videos , it makes me sad :( That was a fantastic part of my life!
30- Louis tweets James Corden “  @JKCorden Jamesy baby chips and gravy how are you old bean ?”
30- Harry tweets “Goodnight :D Thanks for all the support..you guys are amazing...seriously. .xx”
30- Louis tweets “Voting closes tomorrow and I am 200 votes behind please keep voting me for humour :)http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson.”
30-Louis tweets “Let's trend #votelouistomlinson”
30-Louis gives instructions on how to vote “You can only vote once and have to leave a reason or it will not count. #votelouistomlinson”
30-Louis tweets Joe Kennedy and Ashley Wills “@joekenners @AshWills84 Hey mate yeah I'm really good! yeah was a top day , hope to have another day soon! Just signed Ash on FM haha“
31- At around 6:45PM, @CaraStalik creates the Twitter account @HarrysVirginity and puts in the bio “I seem to be lost according to @ash_sherls”
My thoughts
Harry and Louis spend most of the month together.
They went on a few dates
Hannah spent most of her time tweeting Louis
Louis never tweeted Hannah
Hannah had no clue when they actually started dating.
Harry was not a virgin.
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jlskpopfanfictions · 7 years
Friends With Benefits - Bobby (IKON) [Angst/Fluff]
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(For hyunseung-ruined-my-life and Anon! Thank you for the request idea Anon! :) ~JLS)
You wake up, the left side of the bed where Bobby laid down after your... activity, cold and made up. 
“Of course he’s already left,” you say aloud, huffing rather loudly after and sitting up in bed. 
You look around to see that the lamp you knocked over last night was sitting upright again, your dress, folded neatly along with your panties and bra, is sitting on your vanity chair. Bobby’s clothes are gone, like they had never been thrown around your room in the first place, the only thing tying him to your tiny apartment being the scent of his cologne on the pillow next to you. You gather that pillow up in your arms and hug it to your body. You bury your face into the soft feathery mass in your arms and take in a deep breath. All the air in your lungs wooshes out as you begin to sob. 
Seeing as you live quite far from the YG building, Bobby has to walk to the nearest bus station. Sure he could take a taxi and cut the travel, but he needs the cool air. Deciding that the hour and a half long walk would do him good, he left your apartment early. As he was walking out a sight caught his eye. You, fast asleep. Your purple blankets pulled all the way up to your chin and hiding your naked, hickey covered body from him. Bobby smirks at the thought of the bruises covering your skin. The smirk slowly washes away as he realizes how much concealer you’ll have to use to cover up the bright red and purple marks. Suddenly, his heart clenches. No one knows the two of you are doing what your doing. To everyone else, your single. To him, you’re single. With that thought on his mind, Bobby left your apartment just as your eyes were fluttering open.
Bobby felt bad leaving you like that, but he had practice at 10 am and you were sleeping like the dead. 
“She’s probably still fast asleep, curled up like she was when I left her room a few minutes ago. Wait, why do I care?” he thinks, shaking his head as if clearing cobwebs, “It’s not like ________ is my girlfriend.”
“That doesn’t mean shit! Just because she isn’t your girlfriend doesn’t mean you should treat her like some whore!” the moral side of his brain argues, “She’s your best friend you act like she’s just some human flesh light. Get over yourself asshole!”
“That’s not true!” his logical side argues back, “I treat her like my friend! We hangout after practice, we go out on friend dates, we hold each other when we’re sad!”
“And who’s holding her when she’s crying because of you, huh?” his moral side throws back.
Bobby continues tossing the argument back and forth between what his morals are and what his logic thinks. He’s so lost in his mind that he doesn’t realize he’s getting a call.
You stand in your bedroom, a clean pair of jeans hanging open and low on your hips, and a black bra covering your breasts from the world. You have a concealer sponge in your dominant hand and are dabbing concealer on the red and purple bruises left by Bobby in the height of your shared pleasure. Your other hand is preoccupied with holding your phone to your ear, the high ringing of the call dialing ringing in your ear. 
“Come on, Bobby,” you whisper, applying concealer to the acne spots on your face.
“I’m sorry your-” the automated voice signalling your call reached Bobby’s voicemail begins.
You hang up and toss your phone on your bed from across the room. You huff a heavy sigh and turn to finish your make up. 
After putting your make up on and your work outfit, you headed out for a long 8 hour shift at work. While you were occupied at work, Bobby was sitting in a corner of one of YG’s many practice rooms, listening to his members talk. It would have been fine if their conversation wasn’t centered around you.
“She’s gorgeous!” B.I. comments, “I love her take-no-bullshit attitude! That’s a real woman.”
Junhoe nods. “I doesn’t help that she balances it out with a sweet side. I swear, the girl could see a baby, squeal and dote over it in baby voice, then turn around and berate someone who grabbed her ass. She’s so damn perfect,” he says, looking back down to the phone in his hand.
Rage and jealousy bubble up in Bobby’s chest and he clears his throat, hiding a growl. Why is he getting so upset? You’re. Not. His! So, the two of you fuck sometimes, that doesn’t mean he wants to be with you forever. So, why does his heart feel like it’s about to explode when he thinks about NOT being with you for the rest of his life? 
Bobby stares at the floor in front of him, realization hitting him like a train. Donghyuk, noticing his hyung’s unusually quiet demeanor taps Jinhwan on the shoulder and whispers, “What’s wrong with hyung?”
Jinhwan shrugs and looks at the second youngest. “He is unusually quiet. I wonder if something happened between him and ________. He hasn’t talked about her lately, usually she’s all he talks about. They’ve been friends for years,” Jinhwan says, staring worriedly over at his dongsaeng. Jinhwan makes to stand and go over to talk to Bobby when the door to the practice room opens.
You walk in, a bright smile on your face and a Starbucks drink in your hand. You are in your work outfit and your hair is pulled up into a bun, strands falling out of it and framing your face.
“Well you assholes are sure doing a bunch of work,” you comment, taking a sip from your drink.
“Noona!” Chanwoo and Donghyuk call, standing from their places on the floor and running over to you.
The maknaes, ever touchy, wrap their arms around you. 
“Hi babies,” you coo, pinching their cheeks.
Both boys giggle and blush. You look over at Donghyuk and grab his shoulder.
“You’re getting to skinny!” you exclaim, your voice taking a mothering tone, “You’re coming over for dinner tonight and eating everything I put in front of you young man! I won’t have one of my babies withering away to nothing. I don’t know what I’d do without the two of you,” you comment, causing the two maknaes to swell with pride.
“Noona~!” Donghyuk whines, “I’m trying to lose weight.”
“What weight? If you wanna lose some you can help me lose some of mine,” you say, poking at your stomach.
“Noona! You don’t have any weight either!” Chanwoo says, laying his head on your shoulder. 
“Thanks Channie,” you say, playing with his hair.
You turn your attention from the two attention needy maknaes to look at the other men doting the room. B.I. and Junhoe occupy a couch at the far end of the room across from you, Jinhwan is sitting on the floor in front of the couch, Yunhyeong’s head resting in his lap as he lays across the floor, and Bobby is sitting in the furthest corner away from his members.
“Odd,” you think, “I wonder if he’s okay.”
“How are my favorite idols?” You ask, staring at them yet still playing with the maknaes’ hair.
“Good. How’s our favorite Ikonic?” B.I. asks.
“Tired. Boss let me off early though, which is insane! He said I had been working hard and deserved a day or two off,” you say.
“He’s not wrong,” Yunhyeong says, “You’re the most hardworking person I know. I’m surprised he didn’t approach you earlier.”
“Thanks Hyeong,” you say.
You turn to address Bobby, ask him if he’d like to go out to dinner since you needed to talk to him. The two of you make eye contact, and just as you go to call out to him you’re interrupted.
“Ooh! Noona! Look what Donghyuk and I learned!” Chanwoo cheers, pulling you towards the middle of the room.
The maknaes begin to dance, pulling your attention away from Bobby and onto them. Bobby feels the rage from earlier fill his chest. Didn’t the maknaes know you were his?! 
“She’s not,” Bobby’s logical side puts out. “Yet,” his moral side replies.
Your laugh fills the room and Bobby’s heart jumps, then quickly fills with jealousy. That laugh wasn’t brought on by him. It was brought on by, “your babies.” Bobby loved you, but he hated that you treated the maknaes like babies and that they ate it up. From anyone else, his dongsaengs would growl and exclaim, “We’re adults! Not babies!” But for you, they’d put on diapers and onesies and drink from baby bottles if you asked. Bobby hated that. He stands from his place in the corner and makes his way over to you. He grabs your arm and proceeds to drag you out of the room. 
You gasp as Bobby grabs you, his grip around your wrist tight. You try to pull away, yet his hold tightens.
“Let go!” you growl, ripping your arm from his hand. “What the hell is your problem?!” you yell.
Bobby just stares at you. 
“Well? You gonna tell me why you’re dragging me out of the room like some neanderthal instead of using your words like a dignified human being? Oh, wait, you’re not one of those are you? You’re one to fuck ‘em ‘n leave ‘em,” you say, voice dripping venom.
Bobby looks taken aback for a moment before getting in your face and growling, “The fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
You laugh mirthlessly. 
“I think you know exactly what I mean. I’m sick and tired of taking you into my bed every night then waking up in the morning to find you gone. I’m not just some whore, Bobby. I’m your best friend, I think I deserve better than one night stand rules,” You yell, you’re so done with being treated like you are by Bobby that you don’t even realize that you’re telling everyone in the room your little secret.
“You think I don’t know that? This wasn’t even supposed to happen! We weren’t supposed to end up like this. I wish I could be there for you every morning after, but I have a job, ________. I can’t just stick around,” Bobby says.
“Not even to say goodbye? I thought you were better,” you throw back.
Bobby’s quiet for a second before he whispers, just loud enough for you to hear it, “If I stick around, even for a goodbye, I don’t think I’d be able to leave.”
Bobby looks up then, staring into your eyes.
“God, ________, I love you so much it hurts. I never mean to start a relationship like this with you. I’ve wanted to be with you for years, I just realized that today. I made myself think, after that first night, that the feelings I had for you were just physical. I’ve made myself believe that for the last two years. Today, leaving you was so damn hard. You looked so beautiful asleep. All I wanted to do was stay. I wanted to take my clothes back off, crawl back in bed with you, and hold you. I stared at you for ten minutes before I finally left. It hit me today, in this room, that my feelings for you are 100% more than just physical. I love you with all of my soul, ________,” Bobby whispers, leaning his forehead against yours.
Tears fill your eyes at Bobby’s confession and you stare into his deep brown eyes.
“I’m glad you feel the same way,” you whisper.
“What?” Bobby asks.
“I love you too, dumb ass,” you reply, playfully hitting his chest.
Bobby laughs and leans forward, pressing his lips to yours. The little bubble you and Bobby are in shatters like glass as the room around you erupts in cheers.
“Go hyung!” Chanwoo yells.
Bobby and you look at each other, the weight of what just happened slamming down on you. The two of you begin to smile quickly after though.
“Be my girl?”
“Was me telling you I love you not enough confirmation?” You ask, launching yourself into his arms and pressing your lips to his.
Bobby laughs and holds you against his chest tight, his lips molding against yours as the two of you kiss in the middle of the practice room. 
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dalepwithchari · 6 years
Y Combinator’s Jessica Livingston on Dropbox IPO: “It was just a dream of ours”
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Dropbox, after more than a decade, finally went public this morning — and the stock soared more than 40% in its initial trading, making it a marquee success for one of the original Web 2.0 companies (at least for now).
While we still have to wait for the dust to settle, it’s been a very long road for Dropbox. From starting off as a file-sharing service, to hitting a $10 billion valuation in the middle of a massive hype cycle, to expectations dropping and then the announcement of a $1 billion revenue run rate. Dropbox has been a rollercoaster, but it’s another big moment this afternoon: it’s Y Combinator’s first big IPO. And Y Combinator still has a very deep bench of startups that are, thus far, obvious IPO candidates down the line like Airbnb and Stripe.
That isn’t to take away anything from the work of CEO Drew Houston and the rest of Dropbox’s team, but Y Combinator’s job is to basically take a bunch of shots in the dark based on good ideas and potentially savvy founders. Houston was one of the first of a firm that now takes in a hundred-odd founders per class. Y Combinator Founder and partner Jessica Livingston was there for the start of it, recalling back to the day that Houston rushed to her and Paul Graham to show him his little side project.
We caught up with Livingston this morning ahead of the IPO for a short interview. Here’s the conversation, which was lightly edited for clarity:
TC: Can you tell us a little bit about what it’s like to finally see the first Y Combinator company to go public?
JL: I feel like 13 years ago, it was just this dream of ours. It was this seemingly unattainable dream that goes, ‘maybe one of the startups we fund could go public someday.’ That was the holy grail. It’s an exciting day for Y Combinator. It shows what a long game investing is in early-stage startups. I do feel kind of validated.
TC: How did Y Combinator first end up in touch with Houston?
JL: He applied as a solo founder. We had met Drew the summer before. Back then, we were so small that we always encouraged people to bring friends to a Y Combinator dinner. [Xobni founder Adam Smith] brought [Houston], and we met him then and talked it through. When he applied, we invited him to come to an interview, and Paul [Graham] before the interview reached out to [Houston]. He said, “I see you’re a solo founder, and you should find a cofounder.” Three weeks later Drew showed up with [co-founder Arash Ferdowsi]. It was a great match that worked well.
TC: As Dropbox has grown, what’s stood out to you the most during changes in the market?
JL: They’re a classic example of founders who are programmers who built something to solve their own problem. Clearly, this is a perfect example of that. Drew gets on the bus, he forgets his files, and he can’t work on the whole trip down. He then creates something that will allow him to access files from everywhere. At the time, when he came on the scene with that, there were a lot of companies doing it but none were very good. I feel like Dropbox, regardless of market dynamics, from the very beginning was always dedicated to wanting to do well by building a better solution. They wanted to build one that actually works. I feel like they’ve stuck to that and that’s been driving them since. That’s been their guidepost.
TC: What was your first meeting with Houston like, and do you think he has changed in the past 10 years?
JL: When I first met him, he was young — he was very young — and he was always a good hacker, and very earnest. During Y Combinator he was very focused on building this product and was not distracted by other things. That’s when there were just two people. He’s really evolved over the years as an incredible leader. He’s grown this company and he’s navigated through all different parts of his life cycle. I’ve witnessed his growth as a leader and as a human being. He’s always been a great person. It’s sort of exciting to see where he is now that he’s come a long way, it’s really cool.
TC: Houston and Ferdowsi still own significant portions of the company even after raising a lot of venture capital. Do you think Y Combinator had any effect on companies looking for more founder friendly deals?
JL: I think when Y Combinator started, our goal in many ways was to empower founders. It was to level the playing field. You don’t have to have a connection in Silicon Valley to get funding. You just have to apply on our website. You don’t have to have gone to an Ivy League school. We [try to tell them], don’t let investors take advantage of you because you’re young and have never done this before. In general, times have changed over the past 15 years. Hopefully Y Combinator played a small role in some of those changes in making things a little more found friendly.
TC: What’s one of your favorite stories about Houston?
JL: He was always very calm, cool, and collected under pressure. I remember that was definitely a quality about him. His feathers didn’t get ruffled easily. One of the things I remember most clearly is from that summer when we had demo day. Back then it was, like, 40 people tops. Still, there was a lot of pressure. I remember Paul [Graham] came up with this idea that, ‘hey, Drew, during your demo day you should show people how well Dropbox actually works by deleting your presentation live and restoring it through Dropbox.’ That’s kind of risky, right? To delete your presentation. You’re just standing up there without anything. And he did it and he nailed the presentation. It sounds a little gimmicky, but it really worked and showed his product worked. I remember thinking, like, wow, he’s pretty calm. If it were me I don’t think I could hit the delete button in front of these people. That’s an important quality in someone, not to get flustered.
By the way, we funded them in 2007. If you asked me in 2008 how were they doing, I would say, well, they’re making progress. But it wasn’t like we funded them and we could say, ‘this is gonna be a great one.’ We just knew, yeah they’re making progress, but it’s always hard to know there.
TC: Back then, what were you just expecting? M&A? Did you even anticipate an IPO?
JL:  As we were formulating the idea, the hope was rather than going to work at Microsoft — I use them as an example because that was the company back then — and rather than going to get a job out of college, why not build a company and make Microsoft acquire you to get you to work for them? We had low expectations back then. We were hoping there’d be some small acquisitions. But yes, the hope was always acquisitions, but maybe someday in our wildest dreams there’d be an IPO. We didn’t even think YC would work when we started, people didn’t believe in YC’s models for many years.
TC: Looking back, what would you say is one of the biggest things you’ve learned throughout this experience?
JL: What a long road it is for startups. When we started YC back then, it wasn’t a popular thing to do a startup. Now, thank goodness, more people are starting them, and more types of people are starting them. It’s not just super high-tech companies. That’s exciting, but what I think a lot of people don’t realize is how hard startups are. You say, yeah, I know how hard, but people don’t realize how difficult they are and how long the commitment is. If you’re successful, it takes such a long time. For [someone like Houston] to make it to that point, they’ve committed a lot of their life and energy and all their intellectual capacity to making this work. To me, that’s so exciting, but I think it would surprise people to know realistically how long that could take.
TC: What would you tell startups with the hindsight of what happened with Dropbox’s valuation hype cycle?
JL: I will say, with startups, sometimes you just have to stick to what you’re doing. There’s a lot of stuff going on around you, especially now with social media and things like that. With a startup, you just have to keep moving forward with building a company and building a great product.
Y Combinator’s Jessica Livingston on Dropbox IPO: “It was just a dream of ours”
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