#the kel dor conlang
I have managed to get myself back into the fandom at least for the purposes of continuing work on the kel dor conlang, and I'm having a lot of fun coming up with starwarsy example sentences for the particles section on my spreadsheet.
For example:
keldeorinyaa: nak tsalayssa di kohkiyari ksango kai tebansa tari. English: This farm has roughly twelve thousand banthas.
keldeorinyaa: er di veyrani oro tari. (tari tya.) English: I haven't got an airspeeder. (I wish I had one.)
Orrrr my personal fav...
keldeorinyaa: ttansala yajje, zilaoghat ikapsudal. English: As for the Chancellor, he was eaten by the Zillo Beast.
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exosorcery · 2 months
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HASSADURRA (N) - Lightning rod
KOMESSI - (PHR) - Very informal expression of sympathy, more or less "RIP, my dude."
Don't be too concerned about the dude, though. Kel' Dor survive lightning strikes. A lot.
In fact there is a whole clan on Dor'in with a name that essentially expresses "They Who Survive Lightning" - because many members of their clan (in particular) get struck and then live to tell about it.
It might be a force quirk, nobody's sure.
Many thanks to @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows for the Keldeorin'yaa Conlang Dictionary which you can access here:
keldeorinyaa conlang dictionary - Google Sheets
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dukeoftheblackstar · 9 months
got any plo koon fic recs? looking for some new stuff that's good. one shots and long fics welcome! I'll take anything i can get
Shamelessly promoting my own:
Dom!Plo ask by yours truly, submitted by the lovely @mild-disorganization
Some tired dad!Plo headcanons maybe?
And for some that I have read and adored:
Plo Koon Masterlist by @my-head-is-an-animal (Mixed)
Thigh Kink with Plo by @saradika (NSFW)
Not a fic, but hella spice by @saradika (SFW & NSFW)
Friendship - Plo Koon & Wolffe by @wild-karrde (SFW)
PloKit Art (their entire blog) by @uiro-mgmg1 (NSFW - mostly art)
SFW & NSFW Alphabets for Plo by @samspenandsword
My favorite ♥:
Sovereign (PloKit, idk if you're into it, but I am) by @tits-fisto (NSFW but very wholesome)
The Tiniest Councilor by Quiet_Shadow (SFW)
Name and Soul by @decepticonsensual (SFW)
Haven't read but is on queue when I have the mood and will power to actually read and not thirst for our Kel Dor Emperor ♥
of claws and tusks by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- Apparently, it's hella angsty and I reserve the angst for weekend when I'm not out here thirsting for this King.
in deditionem by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- I've seen them write ♥, it makes me squeeeeeeee ♥
Helium by @cynderiaopus who also made my current bomb AF pfp of Plo steepling ♥
Other materials and interesting read:
@exosorcery has very interesting comics and posts about Kel Dors in general. Here's one specific of Plo Koon:
A few faves from them:
@veny-many for their AUs and Plo Koon & Wolfpack Art (also includes others) <- Presenting you the bebbis ♥
My faves:
The entire post AU 66 where Plo lives is a quintessential to any post AU 66 imho because I'm heavily invested in this and I'm about to cry because I need to organize my bookmarks (and update this) so I can give you the proper start to fin link.
I'd post more from @veny-many and @exosorcery, but if you spend a good 10 minutes scrolling, you'll be there forever. Quality art content!
You may also want to check World building and ConLang Kel Dor study, apart from their OC x Plo Koon art. Big thanks for this neat document by @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows
[[ @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows I hope it's okay to share. If not, I can take it down ♥ ]]
So far just these at the top of my head. Thank you for the Plo-related ask :D! I enjoyed sifting through my bookmarks ♥
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Don't forget to give love and reblog, comment, follow these amazing people who do so much for the Plo Koon, Dorin, Kel Dor tags ♥
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
This chapter is mostly Jaster HC and I feel bad for my boy. But guys there's actual...gasp JasPlo in my JasPlo fanfic. I STG I will write a coda or spinoff fic which is just going to be Jaster and Plo being disgustingly fluffy together because the lack of Jaster and Plo actually spending time together in this stupid fic is bordering on false advertising at this point. (It's not, I am exaggerating somewhat)
This also sums up my thoughts on the scene I'm writing.
Jaster: -comes in and sees Plo there after a really exhaustive talk and really needs a hug-
Plo: -hugs him- Do you want to talk?
Jaster: No. -proceeds to talk about it anyway-
Plo: -hugs him more and just lets him talk into his shoulder without saying a thing-
Meanwhile, I'm picking up the clown nose Jaster dropped because my dude.
EDIT: I’m debating just making up bullshit at this point and making up some Kel Dor words cause Jaster has all this luscious canon Mando’a to draw upon and poor Plo has nothing. I want him to have a term of endearment for Jaster GDI. What we know about Kel Dor's homeworld of Dorin though is it’s got super crazy storms and stuff which is why I had Plo use a made-up comment earlier in this fic about ‘storm winds preserve me’ or something like that.
So I kinda envision things like air and stuff having a powerful meaning to them. As in their atmosphere is legit so shit they had to evolve to survive where no other oxygen-breathing creature could exist. So I want it to mean something like ‘breath of my lungs’ or something along those lines. I of course have no clue how to actually make a conlang. Thus the extreme bullshitting part here.
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@saengak and anyone else who was interested in the kel dor conlang, i have a first-draft dictionary for u: link to google sheets
at some point i will add details on the noun class system and some IPA for pronunciation, but that won't be anytime soon bc i am soooo tired of looking at spreadsheets lmao
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the kel dor conlang is up to 1700 words!! 1706 exactly! 8DDD
Fav new addition: if u want to go pspspsps to a critter on Dorin, u go tsatsatsatsa instead!
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Good morning! I have a keldeorinyaa insult for y'all.
tatva di tanjen tta bekssisän.
[tah-tvah dii tahn-zhen chah bek-shi-san]
Literally translated, it means: You are the descendant of sea creatures.
Colloquially translated, it means: You have no fucking manners.
You can drop the tatva di part, that's just the pronoun. bekssisän means descendant, or junior member of a bloodline; you might refer to your assorted younger relatives as this, although if you aren't emotionally close to them it takes on shades of insult - this is a strong speech word.
tanjen has a more detailed post coming - long story short, it means 'sea creatures'. Lots of Dorin's sea creatures are either food or will turn you into food, and frequently both qualities co-exist...
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I've figured for ages that Little 'Soka is more or less a direct translation of a keldeorinyaa endearment, but until now I haven't thought about what that endearment might actually be!
Answer: gepetka sosoka.
gepetka is simple: the word gep, meaning 'young' + etka, the gentle agent suffix.
sosoka is how Ahsoka's name would be nicknameified in keldeorinyaa - basically, pick a pleasing syllable and duplicate it. Ahsoka's name is three syllables, compared to native kel dor names which are almost always two syllables or less, so she loses a syllable in the process.
On a related note... Plo's childhood nickname was laolao, and Sha would have been ssassa. :D
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@dukeoftheblackstar - new post so we don't blow up exosorcery's notifications XD I don't have a taglist but most of my kel dor stuff is tagged with kel dor headcanons or kel dor conlang on my blog - some posts show up in both tags bc they have elements of both. I've got a shitload more bouncing around in my brain but I haven't gotten around to putting much on tumblr yet skhdfkshj
Also yes, I'm on board with carbonated drinks. Surprisingly enough, I have that as my HC too. I'm exploring liquor and variety of food that do well with Dorin gas which may play a part in their digestive. But I'll need someone more into chem than me to get that accurate.
[handshake meme] yeah i don't have nearly the chem knowledge to know if any of my headcanons for their biology are at all plausible - most of mine kinda started off as jokes XDD
I do have thoughts on kel dor treats tho! :D The main one I've come up with is called koyaalo, which means 'armored snail' - it's a thick-shelled bite-sized mollusc found in temperate regions of Dorin and it tastes delicious when pickled in noterazu (cooking wine, unfortunately explosive offworld). Something like a cross between nice crispy bacon and maple syrup. I like to think of it as a seasonal harvest delicacy, hard to farm so carefully managed for sustainability.
Of course, it is ARMORED smail, so you have to crack it open to get at the goods. Non-kel dor can do this with aid of a nutcracker; kel dor just go chomp. XD I hc that they have some heavy-duty molars for cracking open bones &such - beak and tusks for fine manipulation and nibbling, molars for gnawing.
there's also ttantta, which I'm imagining as sort of a sauce/pate-like thing that you can dip stuff into or just eat straight out of the jar if ur feeling decadent. It's a savory thing, sort of cheesy, but I think there's like a million regional variants with all sorts of additional seasonings and everyone argues about the best way to eat it lmao.
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some kel dor conlang terms of endearment for @dukeoftheblackstar! :D I have 6 to start with, but I will add more at some point! (
kissi — (n.) /ki.ʃi/ — 'my love', 'my dear', a fairly basic and very common term of endearment, used in romantic and close platonic relationships alike. Can be used ironically or sarcastically, like the English term 'bestie'.
ssinaan — (n.) /ʃi.na:n/ — 'lover', 'beloved', also fairly basic but less common, used only between lovers.
iminssinyana — (n.) /i.min.ʃin.ja.na/ — a very saccharine term of endearment, mainly used between lovers, from the words iminyana (bright) and ssinon (love).
de minaa — (n.) /de.mi.na:/ — 'my moon', often de giya minaa (my little moon), used broadly for a lover or a treasured friend. You use the de directional particle for relationships between people, rather than either of the genitives.
kyairai, kyairayetka — (n.) /kʲai.ɾai/, /kʲai.ɾa.jet.ka/ — literally 'spouse', but cutesy forms of the word. Has the same vibe as 'hubby' or 'wifey', perhaps.
koossek — (n.) /ku:.ʃek/ — literally a sort of sweet seafood pastry or dumpling, but commonly used as an affectionate diminutive, sort of like 'sweetie' or 'baby'. Used broadly with all relationship types.
nessi — (n.) /ne.ʃi/ — literally 'hatchling', an infant still sealed within the broodpouch. Used exclusively by parents for their children, for obvious reasons.
dakidakaanhi — (n.) /da.ki.da.ka:n.hi/ — literally 'my nonsense baby'; a very colloquial babytalk-ish term of endearment used exclusively by parents for their children. The joke is that your kid is so cute it has reduced you to speaking absolute nonsense! You can use the same endearment on your grown-up children, except then it's probably at least 50% teasing lol.
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ok so i was trying to come up with a word for 'clone' in keldeorinyaa, right? after many failures i finally thought of uanyaan, from the roots 'reflection' and 'person'.
the catch is that this is DEFINITELY going to sound like 'onion' to Basic speakers. i.e., the clones. skjhgdfkjhs
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kel dor proverb: there are no strangers in a storm.
baran di nadiyeh nna, kvorokyaan orodi ya.
more literally....
[storm][topic marker][to come/go-ongoing][time frame particle][stranger][is not][moral particle]
"When a storm is coming, you must not be strangers."
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exciting news! the kel dor conlang lexicon is at almost 1000 words apparently!
some fav recent additions:
gadinai — (vb.) // — to celebrate uproariously; to riot; [colloquial] to really lose one’s shit
kayamassi — (vb.) // — to persist, to keep going; largely used for encouragement, esp. cheering for a favourite sports team: kayamassi ge!
kolmagel — (n.) // — atmospheric pressure-sense, housed in the sensory horns (kolmi); air pressure
kyaogheran — (n.) // — warm outer garment similar to a poncho or a greatkilt, often woven with symbolic patterns or embroidered to show clan or village loyalties
nolna — (n.) // — heat-inducing spices as a class; a plant which produces chemicals kel dor perceive as spicy (and other species perceive as disgusting)
tsipangiri — (vb.) // — to have faith in a person; to be emotionally intimate with someone, to trust them with the details of your life (compare angiri, to simply trust someone to do their damn job)
tvaoruni — (vb.) // — to be at a standstill, to stagnate; [colloquial] to be bored comatose
uani karaak — (n.) // — a spirit of the sea mist said to appear in the guise of one’s loved ones to lead unwary travellers into the sea
zaygeli — (vb.) // — to make sweet, to cover with sugar; [colloquial] to sweeten a deal, to bribe, to entice with rewards, to go out of one’s way to be nice (in hope of reward, it is implied)
zikulikan — (n.) // — ceremonial dances performed on festival days; different dances are performed by different groups, and those performed by the Baran Dao can last for hours or even days.
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whooooo wants some keldeorinyaa slang??
some of these are regular levels of informal. some are strong speech (rrumyarinyaa) a register of formality used to denote... informality lmao. It means familial intimacy (and also real bold flirting, and also picking a fight).
koysaa = "thank you", but fairly casual and informal. Comes from kohti aysaa, which is the more formal thankyou. Both are broadly appropriate for everyone.
gisi = "chur bro" [strong speech]. also means thankyou, but with much more of a casual vibe. Do Not confuse this with gisiya, which is 'little sister'.
komessi = more or less "rip my dude" [strong speech]. used to express sympathy in a very casual way... or to laugh at someone's misfortune.
messi de = more or less "sucks to be you I guess" [strong speech]. does not express sympathy, so much as that you probably should have seen whatever it was coming. Carries strong connotations of a self-inflicted injury, or the natural consequences of a stupid fuckin idea.
both of the above come from kohti messinai, a semiformal expression of sympathy. Where english uses "I'm sorry" to express both fault and sympathy, keldeorinyaa distinguishes between the two.
komez = "oops my bad." [strong speech]. Comes from kogonati komezakhai de, the formal expression of owning up to your own bullshit. komez can be used genuinely, to apologise for something relatively minor between friends and family... or it can be used when you aren't actually sorry and just want to be a dick.
lekde = literally means 'next', as in "seeya next time!" Informal but broadly appropriate for everyone.
leksana di = "seeya soon!" Contraction of lekde ksana ditta, more or less the same thing. Also informal but broadly appropriate - use this when you're know you're gonna be seeing them again soon.
ssaapage = "piss off!" (affectionate, usually). [strong speech]. Use this when your best buddy is hanging around past his welcome and you're tryna sleep cause you got work in the morning, or something. Like most strong speech, this tends to be used with intimate friends/family and carries connotations of 'with love' as a result, but you can also use it to tell assholes to fuck off.
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putting together some headcanons for coruscant's kel dor district and i'm trying to decide what to call it lmao. options so far are kondeorssanya and halmiade indeornao but i'm not totally sold on either yet, hmmm
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i have now added some IPA and grammar / verb conjugation notes to the kel dor conlang spreadsheet. I am going to go cook dinner and hopefully add more after i eat. :D
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