#the key is to a magical barrier blocking the entrance to the room further in where he's gonna do some good ol ritual sacrifice
bravest-notts · 2 years
teeing up a party for an NPC betrayal and having them unintentionally assist in that is an incredible experience, oh my gosh
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dcnatural · 4 years
Soaking Wet
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Word Count: 2189
Pairing: John Constantine x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Synopsis: During a storm in London, you find cover in your ex-boyfriend’s apartment.
There were many things you loved about London, but the weather was definitely not one of them. There had been no sign of rain when you left your hotel room for an evening stroll, the sun shone brightly on the clear sky. Then, almost by magic, the clouds turned gray, the wind began to hurl, and a heavy rain started pouring down.
Puddles of water splashed under your feet as you ran through the streets desperate to find shelter. The icy rain pricked your skin like projectiles, the strong winds blowing it at fast speeds. Strands of wet hair clung together in front of your face, blocking your vision and no matter how many times you tried to tuck them behind your ear, they fell off again.
Being mostly a residential area, there were no stores for you to seek shelter in and the open sidewalks offered no protection. By the time you finally found cover under the awning of a four-storey brick building, even your socks were drenched. Although the draped fabric prevented the water from falling directly above you, it did nothing to shield you from the gusts of wind and the droplets of rain it brought along. 
You hugged your coat tightly around your body in an attempt to keep yourself warm. You hadn’t dressed for the weather, your clothes weren’t thick enough to act as an efficient barrier from the cold. Not even your cardigan seemed to do anything against the rapidly dropping temperature. 
You considered walking into the building instead of simply hiding in front of it. The wooden door, however, was locked and without a key, you found yourself stuck where you were. Your battery had run out and, as such, you couldn’t even call yourself an Uber.
When you first heard his voice calling your name, you assumed that you had simply drifted off and were dreaming - no, if he was in it, then it must be a nightmare. But then he called again, each syllable coated heavily in his british accent, and you are pulled out of your musings.
Water beads clung to your eyelashes blurring your vision and you had to squint to see better, but there was no denying that it was actually him. His dirty blond hair was a disheveled mess on top of his head and his trademark trench coat flowed ever-so-gently behind him. A lit cigarette hung from his lips, which were slightly curled into a smirk. 
“John Constantine,” you replied in a mist of distrust and awe. It had been so long since your mouth had last formed those words that your muscles seemed to fight against it, as if trying to remind you what had happened the last time you did so.
He took a drag of his cigarette and puffed out, encircling the two of you in a grayish smoke and you coughed. “That’s me, luv.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I live here,” he stated, grabbing a pair of keys from his pockets and rattling them in front of you, the tiny metal pieces clinking against one another. 
Your mouth opened in a silent “oh”. Of course that, out of all the apartment buildings in London, you would end up stranded underneath his. The wind picked up and a chilling breeze blew across you, causing you to shiver.
“How ‘bout you?” he continued, “Are you stalking me? ‘Cause it would have been easier if you just called.”
You roll your eyes at his insinuation. “Oh please, as if I’d want anything to do with you again. I was just walking and got lost. And then this damned storm started.” As if prompted by your words, a lightning struck the sky, followed closely by the deafening sound of a thunder and you jolted in surprise.
Constantine chuckled and you furrowed your brows. “It’s not funny!” you groaned. “It’s freezing out here and I’m soaking wet!”
He raised an eyebrow but before he could make a sound, you were at it again. “Don’t even start. You know what I meant.”
“I don’t think I do, luv. Why don’t you show me how wet you are?”
You couldn’t believe his audacity. Making jokes and flirting when the last time you spoke to him he had acted like a complete bastard. Not to mention that you were clearly in distress. “Fuck. Off.” you replied harshly, crossing your arms and turning away from him.
“I can’t leave you out here to freeze to death, it would weigh heavy on my conscience.”
“Since when do you have one?” you bickered. 
“Do you wanna come inside or not?" he continued as if he hadn't heard your interruption. "I have some beers in the freezer and we could catch up while waiting for the storm to die out.”
You should’ve said no. But the cold was just too harsh and you could feel your toes going numb. Letting out a small sigh, you nodded. 
"Fine. But that doesn't mean I forgive you or anything like that."
"Noted," he said, his smile widening a bit. You bit your lip to keep yourself from saying something nasty about him. There was a huge list of unflattering adjectives you could call him, all of which would be true.
He unlocked the entrance and you rushed inside, immediately feeling better now that you were out of the wind's reach. John tried to make small talk as the two of you climbed the stairs up to his floor but you ignored his questions, dismissing most of them with a nod or a wave of hand.
His apartment wasn't the mess you expected. The small living room was tidy, there were no dishes on the kitchen sink and the floor wasn't littered with cigarette butts. It even smelled nice: lavender and blueberries, reminiscing of a warm summer day in the countryside.
You removed your muddy shoes and went inside. He turned on the heater and went to get the promised beers from the fridge. You sat on the carpet in front of the radiator and enjoyed the warmth. Constantine handed you an open bottle and you took it, shallowing half of it in one go, not minding the bitter taste. 
Despite the heat, you were still pretty much chilled to the bone, your damp clothes preventing you from fully warming up. You coughed and shifted uncomfortably, hoping he didn’t notice your discomfort. Nor the increasingly damp patch that was forming underneath you in the carpet.
"You should take off your clothes", John suggested casually as he studied you.
You almost choked on your drink. "Excuse me?"
"You are dripping everywhere", he took the now empty bottle from your hand, "and they say that you should never stay in wet clothes when trying to warm up. Do you wanna take a warm shower? I can lend you something to wear."
You squinted. You simply weren’t used to him being this… kind? Prestative? You didn’t even know what to call it. And once more, instead of declining his offer like any sane human being, you said yes.
He led you down the hallway to his bedroom, with its walls covered in posters of classic punk rock bands and sorcery books scattered around the floor, and to the annexed bathroom. 
“I’ll leave a change of clothes on the bed for you,” he said before closing the bathroom door. 
You locked the door, checking twice to ensure it couldn’t be open, and waited until you heard him move to the hallway before undressing. The shower was hot and you welcomed the scalding water, letting it run down your body and wash the cold away. You tried not to think of how his soap smelled like him - citric and earthy; as long as you had known John, he had always used the exact same brand of soap - and how you would smell like him afterwards.
Despite that, you couldn’t deny that it was pleasant to have a shower, and when you were done, you already felt better. Careful to keep your back to the door, just in case his intentions were less chivalrous than he was letting out, you picked the white button-up shirt he had separated for you and got dressed. It was clearly an old, worn-out piece and you could see the markings of cigarette burns and of the places where the fabric had been thorn in combat and had been sewn back together. The garment was too big for your lithe frame, the hem hung just above your knees and the sleeves covered completely your hands, forcing you to roll them up in order to use your hands. He had left a pair of black pants but, given your lack of underwear, you chose not to put them on, the shirt did more than enough to cover your private parts. You pulled your hair in a loose bun to get the wet strands out of your neck and, after a quick glance at the mirror to ensure you were decent, walked back to the living room.
Constantine was slouched on the couch, watching television with a bottle of whiskey in hand. He smiled as you crossed the doorway and his gaze drifted over your body, lingering just a second too long on your cleavage and making you blush. He scooted to the end of the couch and patted the empty space besides him and, seeing no harm in it, you slumped against the cushions.
“Feeling better?”, he asked, passing the bottle to you, which you gladly took.
“I hate to say it, but you were right, everything feels better after a shower.”
On the screen, a man jumped from a helicopter while bombs exploded in the background, and despite not having seen the beginning of the movie, and although you weren’t exactly paying attention, you soon got the hang of the plot. Indeed, John’s presence on your side was quite disconcerting, and throughout the movie, as the bottle emptied out, you found yourself inching closer and closer to him, until your legs were touching.
As the action came to a climax and the hero saved his beloved, you felt Constantine’s hand sliding over your leg, fingers drawing little circles on your skin that sent goosebumps to your core.
“John,” you mumbled, leaning into his touch and sighing as he ventured further upward and his calloused fingers grazed your inner thigh.
“That’s right, luv, say my name,” his words were soft as he whispered them into your ear.
You shook your head. “No, we can’t.” You tried to shove him off, but didn’t put any real strength in it. You knew it was wrong, but his touch was just so good, and it felt so right.
Ignoring your plea, his free hand began to open the buttons of the shirt to expose your breasts. “Can’t or won’t ?”
You lost any ability to form cohesive sentences when his lips closed around your peaked nipple, nibbling at the raised nub. His tongue swirled over your breast and you found yourself gripping tightly at his dirty blond hair to keep him from pulling away.
While he continued to place kisses on your chest, his other hand slipped between your thighs, fingers dangerously close to your already dripping folds. He teased you, scraping his nails where he knew your skin to be the most sensitive until you were squirming under him, basically begging him to give you the relief you craved.
He detached his mouth from your body with an audible pop. “Tell me, still think we can’t?”
You rolled your eyes. “You win. Just-” Your sentence was cut short as he abruptly kissed you and, wrapping an arm around your waist, picked you up from the couch and carried your body to the bedroom.
You giggled as he laid you onto the bed, legs wide open and back propped up against pillows. His eyes were locked with yours as he spread your lower lips apart and dragged his tongue lazily over your entrance. Your hips jerked forward when he made contact with your clit and you moaned as he began to flick his tongue against it. He knew how to get you all worked up, kissing, biting and sucking on the right places to send your mind into heaven. Or perhaps hell.
Praises and profanities rolled out of your tongue as the pleasure built inside of you. Your nails scratched his shoulders leaving red trails of blood behind, urging him to continue. Dark spots formed on your vision as you reached your peak, back arching over the mattress and a lewd scream leaving your mouth.
He laid on your side, a wide grin plastered on his face. “It’s still storming outside, perhaps it would be better for you to spend the night. Just to be safe, you know,” he added with a mischievous wink.
“Shut up,” you replied, leaning over to kiss him, the taste of you still on his lips. “Just tonight. And only because it is freezing out there.”
He nodded half-heartedly and draped an arm around you, pulling you against him. “Sure. Someone has got to keep you warm.”
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emospritelet · 4 years
Key to the Cell - chapter 10
I’m aware that it’s been like eight months. I was blocked, but I just started thinking of this fic again yesterday, so *throws new chapter at you*
If you need to read it from the beginning (like I did) the first chapter is here, but last chapter, Belle was about to go into Rumple’s library to retrieve his dagger from the Blue Fairy’s enchantment
Belle eyed the library doorway in front of her, fingers twitching on the strap of the leather satchel over her shoulder, her other hand clutching the crystal wand.
“Remember,” said Rumplestiltskin. “Ask the wand to tell you what it sees. Use it to channel your light magic, to aid you in any spells you might cast. Have a care, though. Untrained as you are, you might want to limit your use of it. Wouldn’t want you getting hurt.”
“How will I know if I’m using too much?” she asked, and he tutted.
“Difficult to tell until afterwards,” he said. “Using magic - filling yourself with it - it can be a powerful and alluring thing. Addictive. Careful that in trying to help me, you don’t lose yourself, my Lady.”
Belle glanced down at the wand, anxiety prickling at her.
“I don’t suppose I have enough skill to worry about it at this point,” she said. “But I’ll bear in mind what you say, Rumplestiltskin.”
“And don’t be fooled by soft colours and tinkling music,” he added. “I’ve encountered fairy barriers before, and dealt with their portals and artefacts. They may seem harmless, but pretty can kill just as easily as twisted and dark. Fairies are tricksome creatures at the best of times, and the Chief Gnat is the worst of them.”
Belle glanced over her shoulder, giving him a wry look.
“I’ve never set much store by appearances.”
He smiled slightly at that, his eyes crinkling.
“Good luck, my Lady,” he said sincerely. “Please come back safely.”
Belle turned back to the doorway, and the dagger that hung in the air at the other side of the room. Perhaps it’ll be simple. Perhaps the Blue Fairy only wanted to keep him out of here with her spell against dark magic. I could step through and take the dagger and get back out within seconds.
Taking a deep breath, she squared her jaw and took a step forward, through the doorway. There was a tingle in her skin as she passed through, and she realised that she was holding her breath. She let it out as she entered the library, and squeaked as she was plunged into darkness. It was thick, stifling, total. It was as though she had gone blind.
“I’m here,” he said, his voice soothing. “What is it? Tell me what you see?”
“Nothing!” Her voice was high and fearful. “Just - just darkness!”
“Then perhaps you need some light. Good thing you carry so much with you, hmm?”
Of course. Light magic. Stop panicking, Belle, and think! According to the book, creating light is one of the first things a fairy learns to do, so it can’t be impossible. She took several deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart, and lifted the crystal wand in front of her. Trying to think of a pleasant memory was difficult when fear was making her heart thump, but she concentrated, allowing the pictures to form in her mind. 
“Give me light,” she said aloud, and the darkness winked out as though it had never been. She felt her body sag with relief.
“Good,” said Rumplestiltskin, his voice a low purr. “You have proven that you don’t seek to control me, and that you wield light magic. I think you can walk a little further.”
Licking her lips nervously, Belle took another step forward, and her foot sank into thick, soft grass. Glancing around, she could see that the library had disappeared, and she was standing on a green path that meandered between slopes covered in flowers. The scent of them was in the air, sweet and heady, and a gentle sun shone from a clear blue sky.
“Lady Belle?”
Rumplestiltskin’s voice made her jump, and she turned on the spot. The doorway had disappeared, the landscape beyond the path rolling, flower-strewn fields.
“I can’t see you,” she said. “I’m alright, though.” 
“I can no longer see you, either,” he said, sounding vexed. “It’s as though you’ve stepped through something. A wide circle, rippling in the air. Blasted fairies and their blasted portals!���
“Well, at least we can still hear one another,” she said, and he grunted something.
“What do you see?”
Belle looked around herself again. The horizon seemed indistinct, shifting and blurring, and she frowned, trying to focus on it
“I - I’m in a meadow, I suppose. Grassy banks covered in flowers, and a winding green path.”
There was an amused snort.
“I suppose the interior of the Dark Castle was too much to bear for Her Royal Intolerance,” he remarked. “She wanted to bring a little of the fairy realm with her.  Can you still see the dagger?”
Belle looked around, shaking her head.
“No. I think it was in front of me, in the direction of the path.”
“Perhaps, but best to be sure. A little magic, I think. Use the wand.”
Belle nodded, and held up the wand. Closing her eyes, she focused on happy memories. The gentle warmth of light magic was familiar by now, and made her smile.
“Show me the safest path to the dagger,” she said, and opened her eyes.
A gleaming trail wound across the meadow, following the grassy path for the most part before veering sharply to the right. Belle frowned curiously at what it was avoiding. A clump of flowers in pale shades of blue and lilac. She began walking the path, stopping at the point that the trail turned right. The flowers seemed to sway in a light breeze, but she could feel no air against her skin. The movement was soothing, hypnotic, the heady scent drifting into her nose. Belle stifled a yawn.
“What is it?” Rumplestiltskin’s voice was a little sharper than usual.
“The wand has drawn a trail for me, which follows the path that I’m on before turning to the right,” she said. “It takes me away from a large clump of flowers. They smell - lovely.”
She yawned again, watching the flowers bob and weave. It was as though they were encouraging her to step closer, to bend her head and inhale deeply, and she wondered at her body’s reluctance to move.
“Follow the trail, my Lady,” said Rumplestiltskin, his tone urgent. “Now!”
It seemed to take an age to pry her feet from the ground, taking first one step, and then another. Hesitantly she walked along the glittering trail, and as the scent of the flowers faded, she almost stumbled and fell. Drowsiness disappeared, and she quickened her pace, glancing back over her shoulder to where the flowers danced and swayed in the breeze that wasn’t there.
“What were they?” she asked anxiously.
“A trap, I should think,” he said sourly. “Stick to the trail. Your wording of the spell was quite specific - that is the safest path. Do not leave it.”
Belle nodded, eyes following the trail. It appeared to crest a hill, and she mounted it cautiously, eyes sweeping left to right. The trail ran down to a small copse, a circle of squat trees with smooth, even trunks and tightly-packed foliage. She could see no evidence that the trail came out the other side, and she glanced around nervously.
“What do you see?”
Again, Rumplestiltskin’s voice made her start, but she was relieved to hear him.
“The trail runs down into a grove,” she said. “Short trees with very smooth trunks. I don’t recognise them.”
“Very small, dense leaves?” he asked. “Blue, bell-shaped flowers?”
“I - yes. Yes, I can see blue flowers on the trees, but not the shape of them.”
“Sounds like faewood trees,” he said. “The pollen is a less potent version of fairy dust, and the nectar is an elixir, used by the gnats to revive themselves. Common in the fairy realms. Like travellers’ resting posts.”
“Oh. Will they do me any harm?”
“Not you.” He sounded amused. “I think you’re safe to go down there, my Lady. It appears the Blue Fairy made the entrance to this portal so she wouldn’t have to set foot in my castle a minute longer than necessary. Complete with food and fairy dust, should she need reviving after a hard day of interference. Keep an eye out for traps, though.”
Belle nodded to herself, and channelled magic into the wand.
“Show me anything that may harm me,” she said aloud.
The wand twitched in her hand, and instinctively she turned it over, holding it flat on her palm. It jerked, swinging around to point at a patch of grass to her left. It was smooth and even and perfectly circular, the grass a very deep green. The glittering trail skittered away from it, looping around, and Belle followed it, glancing back over her shoulder at the curious grass patch. Whatever it was, she intended to avoid it. The wand lay quiet in her palm, and so she headed down towards the copse, eyes casting right and left.
Up close, the trees seemed taller and somehow heavier, and she drew to a halt, peering at the darkness beyond the trunks. The trail led between two of the trees, and she squared her shoulders.
“I’m almost in the copse,” she said. “I can’t see anything through the trees, but the trail ends inside. The dagger must be there.”
“Indeed,” said Rumplestiltskin, his voice echoing a little. “Take care, my Lady.”
“It looks quite dark under the trees,” she said. “Perhaps I need a little more light.”
She set down the satchel, unearthing her book on fairies and turning the pages hurriedly. First they learn to summon light, and then to contain it. She found the chapter she remembered looking at, an image of a fairy standing on tiptoes, lifting a wand high and looking at a ball of light hanging in the air in front of her. Belle pursed her lips, reading the page, but there was nothing on how to cast the spell.
“If I wanted to create light and carry it with me, what should I do?” she asked aloud.
“Well, ordinarily I’d say take a lantern.” Rumplestiltskin’s voice was snide, and she rolled her eyes.
“Hilarious. Given that all I have is this wand, what’s your advice?”
“Summon the magic,” he said. “As you’ve been doing most adroitly. Push that power into a ball, and imagine it floating in front of you, lighting your way. You can even tether it to yourself, if that makes it easier.”
Belle wrinkled her nose.
“I’m not sure I can do something that complex yet,” she admitted.
“Never admit weakness in front of the magic,” he chided. “It can hear you. Remember that—all talk of prices aside—it is you that must control it, not the other way around.”
“Is that the same for dark as well as light magic?” she asked. “Or does it again depend on the wielder?”
“I thought we were saving the discussion on magical theory for your return?” His tone was one of mild amusement.
“I know, it’s just - it’s interesting, that’s all. I imagine there are many books in your library I should like to read.”
“Return my dagger to me, and you may read as many as you please.”
Belle concentrated on the wand, feeling the tingle of magic. It seemed easier each time she did it. Easier and more pleasant, as though her body was filled with warmth and light. She imagined that his warning of addiction was one to heed. She held her breath, focusing on the feeling, trying to push the light into one small, compact whole. Her eyes widened as she saw a stream of light flow out of the wand and form a small, glowing ball of white light, tinged with pale blue. It hovered in the air, the edges pulsing a little.
“I did it!” she said delightedly, and the light flicked up into the trees ahead of her, lighting a path in the darkness.
“Good.” Rumplestiltskin sounded satisfied. “I was right. An excellent apprentice.”
Beaming to herself, Belle shoved the book back in her satchel and threw the strap over her shoulder.
“I’m going into the copse,” she said.
“Tell me what you see,” he said, as she walked beneath the branches of the trees at the outer edge. “If, as you say, the trail ends within, then the dagger must—”
His voice cut off, and Belle stopped, glancing around herself, her heart thumping. She had just stepped past the first of the trees, and could hear nothing but a faint rustling in the branches.
“Rumplestiltskin!” she called. “Rumplestiltskin!”
He didn’t reply, and nor did he appear before her. Belle thought quickly, then took several steps back.
“—should be simple enough,” he went on, and she wanted to heave a sigh of relief.
“I lost you,” she said. “In amongst the trees I can no longer hear you.”
“Ah.” He sounded regretful. “A fairy grove in truth, then. I cannot enter.”
Belle swallowed.
“Then I’m alone?”
“And extremely capable,” he said soothingly. “I have faith in you, my Lady. It’s an - interesting - if unfamiliar, feeling.”
She inhaled deeply, raising her chin.
“Then I had better get on with it, hadn’t I?” she said briskly. “Restoring the Dark One’s faith in humanity has to be an achievement of note, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Well, let’s not get carried away,” he said dryly. “Perhaps I merely have faith in you.”
It was said lightly, but the words made her smile.
“I’ll come back,” she promised. “I swear it.”
“I know.”
She turned back, stepping forward. Silence descended as she walked in amongst the trees, the ball of light shining on the path ahead of her. Holding the wand on her palm again, she whispered to it to point out anything that could harm her, but it indicated nothing other than a tree root. Perhaps the Blue Fairy feels safe here, she thought. If the Dark One can’t enter, perhaps no one with evil intent can, either.
The grove was certainly peaceful, a feeling of calm amongst the heavy trunks of the trees. She could see the blue, bell-shaped flowers that Rumplestiltskin had mentioned, scattered in clumps amongst the tiny, spear-shaped leaves, but she left them alone, focusing on the winding trail ahead. It rounded the trunk of a large tree, and Belle walked into a small clearing. Her mouth fell open as she looked around, the clearing filled with glowing spheres of light in a myriad of colours, hanging in the air all around the centre. At the heart of the clearing sat a stone well, its rim carved in looping fairy script. Belle frowned, reading it over. She had studied the fairy language, but it had been some time since she had translated anything, and it was a dialect she didn't recognise. There was a wooden cover set into the well, and she almost lifted it up before drawing back a hand and stepping backwards. Not so hasty, Belle.
Frowning to herself, she moved back from the centre of the clearing, looking around. The trail ended at the side of the well, so she presumed that the dagger was inside. The words around the rim were making her nervous, though, and she was reluctant to open the well without knowing what she faced. She decided to take a moment to think on her next steps, and turned her attention to the glowing spheres in the air around her. They were large enough to fit the palm of a hand, and made of what appeared to be polished crystal. At first Belle thought they were solid, but bending to peer at one showed strands of colour and soft lights inside, dancing and swirling. She reached out to touch one, her curiosity overwhelming. 
Pretty can kill just as easily as twisted and dark. Rumplestiltskin’s voice sounded in her head, a timely memory of his words, and she straightened up, snatching her hand back and shuddering a little. The spheres looked familiar, though, reminding her of something she had read. She slipped the satchel from her shoulder, opening it up and pulling out the book on fairy magic. Leafing through it, she slapped a hand against the page as she found what she was looking for.
“‘Orbs of Avalon have been traded for centuries by the pirates of Smugglers’ Cove’,” she read. “‘The Orbs are used to trap and transport fairies, and change hands for hefty prices. Families not assigned a fairy godmother of their own often purchase an Orb and the fairy it contains, to ensure the health and well-being of their child. The methods used by the pirates to trap such powerful magical beings are alas unknown. It is presumed that strong dark magic is involved, and there are rumours that the Dark One himself creates the Orbs’.”
Belle frowned in puzzlement, looking from the book up at the Orbs and back down again.
“But that doesn’t make sense,” she said aloud. “If these are used to trap fairies, why are they here, in a fairy grove? A fairy grove in the Dark Castle, no less, where the Dark One can't enter?”
She read a little further on in the chapter, and leafed through to the index of the book to see if she could find anything else on the Orbs or on the fairy script at the well, but there was nothing. Chewing her lip in vexation, she closed the book, shoving it in her satchel again, and clutched the wand in her hand. Hesitating only slightly, she held it up, feeling the power of light magic flow down her arm and into the wand as she pointed it at the nearest Orb, which glowed a warm and pleasant pink.
“Probably going to regret this,” she muttered, and took a deep breath. “Shatter!”
The Orb exploded.
Belle squeaked, ducking and covering her head with her arms as shards of crystal flew everywhere, and then something hit her with a thump, bearing her to the soft grass and knocking the breath from her. She struggled, arms tangling with someone else’s, and then all of a sudden the weight was lifted off her, and she blinked up into the soft light from the floating Orbs. A distressed young woman in a pink dress with shining brown hair and an agonised expression on her face was gazing down at her and wringing her hands.
“Oh!” she gasped, blinking rapidly. “Oh, my goodness! I’m so, so sorry, did I hurt you? Gosh, I’m so clumsy!”
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ravioverse · 4 years
The Legend of Hilda: Storm Chaser
The Sacred Realm and the Triforce
Once the barrier that had surrounded the Shelves had disappeared, Compass raced forward and into the library. He didn’t know what he was looking for, but he knew that Hilda had her own secret research somewhere in there. That had to have some answers about why Yuga took her. In her previously-locked room, he discovered several thick, weathered tomes open on her worktable– the pages she must have been looking at discussing the royal family of Lorule. It contained information on Lorulean princesses, how the last known one had sealed away incredible magic, and it would take the power of another to break that seal. Another sheet of paper on her desk showed a family tree - one that went back generations to reveal a familial connection between Hilda and the ancient royal family of Lorule.
The place where the magic had been sealed was supposed to be somewhere in the old kingdom– the same one that had sunk beneath the waves centuries ago. The legendary Sovereign Rod had been lost to the sea as well. That, at least, was enough of a hint to let him figure out where he needed to start. He returned to his ship and ordered the crew to get moving because they were setting out for the Tower of the Gods once again.
At the bottom of the tower, in the very same room where Compass had found the Sovereign Rod, he used it’s awakened power to open an archway that had previously seemed just another part of the wall. The archway opened into a large stone chamber; one ornately decorated with sconces burning on the walls and carpets still lining the floors. Light streamed in through a window, yet there was not a drop of water to be seen.
Before he could venture too far, the Sage of Light informed Compass that the place he had gained entry to was Lorule Castle and that the place he must seek was the princess’ courtyard, which had one entrance and one entrance only. The Sage could not help him further, but wished him luck as he traversed the largely empty castle.
With a roll of his eyes, Compass began his search for the courtyard. Monsters appeared in several rooms and magical traps were set––seemingly recently––to block his path, but Compass merely interpreted them as signs that he was going in the right direction. He ran into several dead ends in the maze-like halls, but eventually found the locked door to his destination and the key that would open it.
Inside, Yuga had already begun his ritual. Hilda was no longer a painting but still looked beyond angry as golden magic radiated from her, only to be harnessed by the sorcerer for his own ends. A monolithic stone rested on the opposite side of the courtyard with a portal of light growing on its surface, revealing the entrance to the Sacred Realm.
When the sorcerer noticed Compass’s arrival, he taunted him, telling him that he was too late to save his princess. Hilda nearly screamed with outrage when Compass claimed that he wasn’t here for her, but rather for revenge.
The battle began, and once the sorcerer’s attention was redirected, his control over Hilda’s magic ended. Though she had only just discovered it, she was angry enough to not care about collateral damage and use it in whatever way she could against the man who had dragged her to this place; and, for once, Compass wasn’t complaining about her input. Together, they overpowered Yuga and Compass used the power of the Sovereign Rod to trap him in a void for eternity.
The two were about to leave, however, the portal to the Sacred Realm still remained open. They quickly decided that this kingdom was old and empty; that the world had moved on without it. If they simply left, then someone might come back and take these artifacts or release Yuga into the world once again. So they entered the Sacred Realm, the Sovereign Rod in hand. They wished upon the Triforce for this kingdom and this issue to be buried beneath the ocean for real.
They left both the Triforce and the Sovereign Rod inside the Sacred Realm, while Compass led the way back out through the Tower of the Gods as water poured down from above. When they emerged at the surface once more, they agreed on fuck that place, and that they’d never speak of it ever again. The old kingdom of Lorule was dead, and if they ever needed a new place to call home, they'd find and build it themselves.
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joonsrack · 5 years
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+Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Jeon Jungkook
+Genre: rags to riches au, kind of college au, SFW, slow burn, WIP.
+Word count: ~2.2k (for this chapter)
+Chapter: Prologue | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | ?
“Funny how even in this ridiculously absurd situation, life had made Taehyung a third-wheel. Or a sixth.
If Bangtan Dry Cleaning was his fairy godmother, Jimin his little mouse, the jacket his magic dress and the club scene his ball, where the fuck was his prince charming?
A knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts.”
+Warnings: very cliché, very unrealistic.
+A/N: betaed by the amazing @shadowsremedy​ 💖
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It all started innocently enough.
“I can’t believe August D and Hope are a few miles away from here, and I won’t be able to be in their general vicinity.” Jimin signed for the nth time after looking at his twitter feed.
Taehyung looked over at his friend, curious as to what had his friend in such a low spirit that night. “Why? Are they doing a gig somewhere around?”
“Even sadder.’’ He sighed again, putting his phone away and aggressively zipping up a garment bag. ”They’re hanging out at Octagon tonight, and well, Octagon’s cover to access the VIP lounge is 150,000 won, so completely unreasonable for my wallet. Plus, I’ve got nothing to wear that doesn’t scream ‘I’m a dirt poor struggling make up artist’. Even if I somehow found a way to get the money, I would never be allowed up to the VIP floor, not with Octagon’s dress code.”
Taehyung was about to morosely agree with his friend when the zipper of the garment bag he was zipping up got stuck on the Versace dress stored in it. Something hit him then. A beam of light brought things into a new perspective. Or maybe it was the fluorescent?
He was closing up shop in a place full of luxury clothes, some pieces more expensive than a whole year of his rent, and none of it would be missed by their owner for the night.
Bangtan Dry Cleaning, Gangnam’s all-time-favorite dry cleaner for VIPs to drop off their barely worn high-end brand pieces, was closed on the weekend. He and Jimin were the last men on scene since their boss usually left early on Friday nights.
Having the keys to the shop also meant having access to an unlimited amount of resources; clothes that could easily be borrowed for a few hours, refreshed over the weekend, and found undisturbed by their boss on Monday morning.
Ok, so maybe the idea had been slowly simmering inside of him for months.
“What?’’ Jimin pressed, pout deepening. “I know that look, Tae.”
“Say the clothing part was covered, would you have enough for the regular entry fees?”
His eyebrows pinched in confusion, trying to understand Taehyung’s point.
“I guess? But that would be useless, I doubt they’d hang out with the regular people. They’ll probably stick to the VIP section… ’’
Taehyung’s lips slowly crept into one of his signature mischievous smile.
“I think I have an idea.”
Jimin took one look at him and shook his head violently. “Last time you said that we had to hitchhike for four hours in the rain in the back of a pick-up truck to get back home. I might be poor, but I have a pretty face to maintain. You don’t get to have ideas anymore.”
“Jimin, just this once, you’ll have to trust me.”
About an hour later, dripping from head to toe in designer clothes carefully selected by Taehyung, both men exchanged perplexed looks.
“Is this what it feels like? To be rich? I’m pretty sure I could buy a year's worth of groceries with my outfit.” Jimin said, scratching his head with stiff movement, feeling out of place in his newly borrowed Gucci bomber jacket.
Taehyung was messing around with his blazer, a million-something-won Christian Pellizzari piece he had his eyes on since he’d seen it earlier.
“That jacket you’re wearing is worth 5 million won alone.” He said, then caught his friend’s reaction in the mirror.
“Five what now?” Jimin repeated, face going pale and body tensing up like any wrong movement could rip the jacket apart. “I want it off,” he said, voice quiet but with a cutting edge. “I’m not doing this.”
“Hey, look here,” Taehyung grabbed him delicately by the face, both hands framing his jaw. “Jimin. Jiminie. We’ll have to be careful, but everything will be fine. It’ll all be fine.”
“I’m not so sure. 5 million won, Taehyung. Million.”
“We’re literally the person to come to if anything gets stained. We got this. Plus, you look amazing! And if we play our cards right, you might get to meet with- with … Automne D and-“
Jimin couldn’t hold back a small snicker, finally relaxing a little. “Agust D.”
“Yeah, that's what I said. And, huh,-“
“Yes, exactly. Now go get your makeup case, you got two faces to beat.”
While Jimin was counting the creased bills in his hands, making sure he had enough for the regular entree fees, Taehyung was observing the entrance of the club on the other side of the street. The line was slowly getting longer, while no one was let in. They would not make it inside anytime soon, his friend’s favorite musicians probably long gone by then, but Jimin didn’t seem to have noticed.
“Hmm?” He said, not looking away from his small change he was now recounting.
“You remember those jeans I made for you, perfectly tailored to make you look bomb-ass-tic?”
“Why are you bringing that up, Tae? That was ages ago, I told you I was sorry I ripped them-”
“That’s not the point,” Taehyung said, now facing his friend. “Remember how you walked in those? Like the weight of the world’s beauty was pushing your chin up and making you look like a stuck up asshole?”
“A beautiful one, yeah.”
“I’m going to need you to walk like that again. Channel that beautiful stuck up asshole.”
“Now, let’s go.”
“Wait, I think I’m missing a bill.”
“Put your money away. If we do this right, you won’t need it.”
His friend made an interrogative noise but pushed the money back into his (borrowed) pocket nevertheless.
Then, after making sure Jimin was following with his chin high as the sky, he started walking the walk, the same walk he taught the students that modelled for his collection at the traditional end of semester runaway.
Taehyung crossed the street without looking, ignoring Jimin’s muffled shrieks as he made his way to the entrance. The bouncer, a 6ft superhuman looking man, probably hearing all the commotion of cars braking and honking, was now making direct eye contact with him. Taehyung held it coldly, going for ‘unimpressed important person’. Celebrities were usually let in for free, right? So if they could manage to pass off as some idols, maybe they could make this plan work. New groups were popping up left and right these days; with their looks, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for people to assume Taehyung and Jimin were members of a group or something.
He knew his neutral face made him look kind of intimidating, all he was hoping for was for Jimin to not freak out.
Without a word, once the street was crossed and most of the people in line had gone silent looking at them, the bouncer took a step aside, opening the rope barrier and nodding them in.
Not risking a look back at his friend, Taehyung patted the bouncer’s shoulder on the way in, hoping the man wouldn’t notice the slight tremble of them.
The bouncer followed them in, sidestepping them to whisper something into the ear of a big burly man posted inside. Taehyung couldn’t hear anything over the loud music, but he didn’t like it.
He didn’t know how but they had somehow made it inside without paying, and all he needed now was to find a way to get into the VIP lounge. The look on the big burly man’s face though, it wasn’t good.
The bouncer went back to his post outside, leaving them with the literal tank standing in front of them and blocking their access to the rest of the club. He was studying them with a crooked eyebrow, something nonchalant in his look.
But if Taehyung was good at something, it was mirroring those kinds of looks.
“This way, sir.” He finally said after stretching the minutes, barely loud enough to be heard over the loud thumping of the bass playing somewhere further into the club. He felt Jimin’s cold hand grab at his wrist but followed nonetheless. The worst that could happen would be to be kicked out.
Which is not what happened.
They were led through a narrow hallway and up a little staircase, then through a door with another bouncer. And then, they were in a room with a whole wall made of glass that overlooked the main dance floor.
Sitting in the softened light of the luxurious lounge were a few people, conversing among each other in various corners of the room furnished with little couches and tables.
Taehyung could make out at least five famous people, and the rest were probably rich chaebols who got to hang out with them.
Somehow they had ended up in the VIP Lounge much sooner than expected, and Taehyung suddenly started believing in miracles.
They sat on one of the empty couches, a drink menu rapidly dropped in front of them.
“Tonight is on the house.” The tankman said as parting words and promptly disappeared.
An attractive waitress took his place only a fraction of second later, sporting a cool smile.
“What could I get you, sir … ” She said, dragging the last vowel in a question.
“Kim.” Taehyung said, “And Park,” He added. “Just sparkling water for now, please. Thank you.”
The waitress bowed slightly before disappearing behind yet another door, leaving them alone save for the people softly conversing among themselves.
“I think I’m gonna pee my pants in excitement,” Jimin whispered, voice going high. “Is this what you meant when you said you had an idea?”
“Up until that part where they let us in,” he said, voice equally as soft. “I have no idea how we ended up in the VIP lounge without paying. Didn’t even have to try.”
“Maybe they mistook us for someone else?”
“Maybe? she asked for our names, though.” Taehyung took the drink menu to look like he was doing something. Truth is, he didn’t know how to act. He felt like ordering the wrong drink would out them as poor people. Most of the bottles listed on the menu went over 200,000 won, though. “D’you think ordering a somaek will blow our cover?”
“We don’t even know what our cover is!” Jimin said, panicking a little. He suddenly didn’t look so excited to be there. “They clearly think we’re something or somebody we’re not.”
“Breath Jiminie.” He said, putting a hand on his knee. “You have got to stay calm. We aren’t robbing a bank here. We just somehow got really fucking lucky. Plus, they said it was on the house, we can drink things tonight we will most likely never get to drink again.”
As if on cue, the waitress showed up with a tray, unloading it with graceful and practiced movements, starting with two crystal tumblers in which she delicately dropped perfectly shaped ice cubes with some golden ice thongs. Then, she set on the table a cone-shaped bottle adorned with little crystals, and topped off with a literal crown-shaped cap.
After she was done pouring their glasses, she retreated behind that same door.
“Jiminie. Jimin. What the hell. That’s Fillico.”
“What?” He said, reaching for the tumbler and bringing it up to his mouth, the excitement of the night making his throat feel parched.
“That bottle of sparkling water is worth almost 250,000 won.”
He froze, mouth going tense, and put the tumbler back down. “Honestly, this night is getting too much for my heart,” Jimin said, just as the most handsome man they had ever laid eyes on appeared in front of them.
“I just heard the most fantastically hilarious rumor.” The man said without waiting for introductions, amused smile making his handsome features look childish. He had his hands on his slim hips, body framed by a Balenciaga outfit. The loose t-shirt stretched by a set of wide shoulders made it look classy yet comfy.
He carried on, not letting them speak.
“Apparently, terrifyingly handsome heirs of a mob empire are sipping sparkling water in my VIP lounge. Would you happen to have seen them?”
Jimin and Taehyung shared a look of understanding, the reason they were sitting where they were sitting finally dawning on them. After a stretch of silence, the man’s amusement not receding, Taehyung finally answered.
“It’s the eyeliner, isn’t it?” He said, aiming for vague.
The man’s smile grew.
“Now, maybe my petrified employees might have mistaken you two for scary mobsters, with that blue steel look in your eyes, but I went to school with a bunch of heir and heiress of the mafia and I know one when I see one. I bet you two aren’t.”
Jimin shrugged as their only response, which prompted a peal of laughter from their interlocutor.
“I’m Kim Seokjin, my family owns this place. I’ve never seen my employees so terrified. It’s very entertaining, especially our bouncers. They’re all combing the web for information on the family trees of the main mod clan of Korea as we speak.” He sat down with them, presenting them his hand.
“Park Jimin,” his friend said, reciprocating the hand. “I can play up my Busan satoori if you want.” He added with a shy smile.
“That would be fantastic. Maybe fake a phone call where you make super vague allusions to things that seem illegal?”
“Just tell me when.” He answered with a small laugh. Then Seokjin turned his attention to him.
“Kim Taehyung,” he said, “My satoori is less intimidating though.”
“Just keep your handsome face neutral and you won't have to talk to scare them.” Seokjin said with a wink, making Taehyung try to hold back a blush.
“Is it your first time at Octagon? I’m pretty sure I would have remembered you guys if you’d been here before.”
“We don’t really go out… But-”
The three of them turned around to watch a small group of people approach. They all looked familiar to Taehyung, but he couldn’t remember from where. It’s only when he saw Jimin’s face, blank with shock, did he remember the original reason why they were sitting in a VIP lounge, drinking 250,000 won sparkling water, dressed in borrowed luxury clothes and chatting with someone who probably made three times their monthly salary in a minute.
There, walking toward them, was the rapping duo August D and Hope, and their equally talented and acclaimed friend RM.
And that moment was the beginning of the beginning.
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darkelfshadow · 6 years
Session Summary - 60
AKA “Caught Between A Rock And A Hard Place”
Adventures in Taggeriell
Session 60  (Date: 9th March 2019)
Players Present:
- Rob (Known as “Oloma”) Human Female.
- Bob (Known as “Sir Krondor) Dwarf Male.
- Travis (Known as “Sir Lee”) Human Male.
- Paul (Known as “Labarett”) Elf Male.
- Arthur (Known as “Gim”) Dwarf Male.
Absent Players
- (Known as “Naillae”) Elf Female. <Controlled by DM>
- (Known as “Nac”) Half-elf Male. <Controlled by DM>
- Sunday, 7th Calistril in the year 815 (Second Era). Spring.
- The party begin this session, in the early morning, still within the corridors of the Dark Pyramid Of Sorcerer’s Isle. Having just defeated a group of Cultists, Red Wizards and Thay warriors last session, the party begin resting in the torture room.
- Labarett begins the Ritual of Detect Magic, Nac begins the long Prayer Of Healing, Sir Krondor begins searching the torture cages (and finds a large red gem), Sir Lee stands solemnly by the frozen body of their lost comrade Shaemus, killed last session, Naillae is guarding one dark corridor, Gim and Sir Sir Lee are resting, whilst Oloma moves towards a door at the end of short corridor.
- Sir Krondor places the red gem into his pocket, and seeing Oloma heading towards the door says, “Don’t go poking around, we need to rest before exploring further.”
- Oloma does not slow down and as she reaches the door replies back, “Stop worrying Dwarf, I am only going to listen.”
- The arcane ward that had been placed just outside the door, by the paranoid Red Wizard Rorreth, alerts him. He stops his searching of the room and turns to one of his personal body guards, “See what they want. If the rabble out there are still complaining of lack of food, tell them to choose one to kill and eat. That should shut them up for a while.”
- The Thay Warrior nods, “My lord” and moves to the door.
- Just as Oloma nears the door and begins to listen, it swings open and the tall solid looking Thay Warrior, dressed in black armour and with the sigil of Thay sees Oloma. The Thay Warrior shouts, “Intruders!”
- Two Thay Warriors run out the open door and rush Oloma, each holding a long sword and short sword. Before the rest of the party can respond more enemies rush out of the open door, another warrior and a Red Wizard of Thay. The newly arrived warrior is holding a large gold horn and holds it up to blow towards the party. A mighty sound bellows out, making the very walls shake, the sound hits the party like a wave of force making the party fall back in pain and Oloma loses her hearing (Unsuccessful Save). Whilst the party is still reeling from the blast of sound, the Red Wizard of Thay casts a spell that summons a raging Wall Of Fire separating the party from each other. Sir Lee and Naillae are now cut off from the party, a tall wall of fire blocking them. Nac, Gim and Sir Krondor are surrounded by a wall of fire, the heat forces them back as they suffer serious burns, and Labarett and Oloma are now the only ones able to effectively attack the enemies being by themselves on the same side as the enemy.
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- The battle rages on. Sir Lee and Naillae are effectively out of the combat. Sir Krondor, Nac and Gim are forced to fire arrows, bolts or magic through the blazing fire but are finding it hard to aim through the blaze. Oloma is now forced to use her psionics without restraint, expending vast amounts of her mental reserves in this dire situation, as Labarett in a wild rage starts to hack into the enemies one by one. The Veteran Warriors of Thay are proving deadly but thanks to Oloma’s Cloak of Displacement and Labarett’s rage, most of the blows are either avoided or resisted though they still take damage. The Red Wizard of Thay is casts several Magic Missile bolts into Oloma, her cloak providing no defence.
- When Labarett leaps past two of the Warriors to thrust his sword into the Red Wizard, killing the mage, the Wall Of Fire abruptly disappears. This frees up the rest of the party to now join the battle proper and turn the tide. With the combined force of the party, and without the powers of the Red Wizard to aid them, the Veteran Warriors of Thay are eventually killed.
- The party are now very badly wounded and burnt, Sir Krondor has suffered a serious burn and Oloma is only just standing. Nac again begins the Prayer Of Healing. Naillae returns from the dark corridor to inform the party that she heard sounds coming the corridor, she says, “What ever is down there heard our fight and will be ready.”
- Oloma and Sir Lee enter the small room revealed by the open door and find a study room that appears to have been ransacked and searched. It looks like the Cult were searching the room. A naked male Half-Elf, badly wounded, is tied up and seated in one corner. Sir Lee tries to convince the prisoner that they are here to help but the prisoner keeps insisting that they are simply another illusion of the Red Wizard, Rorreth, who has been torturing and questioning him for days.
- The prisoner bellows, “Kill me and be done with it Rorreth! I will not tell you anything to aid you or the dam Cult. You may kill me but the Cult will not succeed. Others like me will raise to defeat you.”
- When Sir Lee unties the prisoner and Nac heals the wounds of everyone, including the stunned and confused prisoner, finally he believes the party and reveals his name to be Thilren Sohj.
- When Nac hears the name he instantly moves towards the prisoner and pulls him to the side to speak privately. After a moment the pair move back to the party and Nac speaks, “I vouch for this man. He is the informant that Whelsea told us about.”
- Thilren moves back into the study and shows the party a hidden floor compartment that was holding a quantity of potions that Rorreth had secreted and also all of Thilren’s gear, which he begins to put back on. The party learn from Thilren that he has been posing as a member of the Cult Of The Dragon Queen, sending information back about their operations. He came to the Pyramid a week ago with a large group of Cultists, meeting another group of Cultists that had already been working on and restarting the mechanism of the Pyramid for a month. The Cultists initially befriended a tribe of Lizardfolk that lived within and around the pyramid but then betrayed them and killed half the Lizardfolk tribe when the tribe would not let them go up to the highest level of the pyramid, as the tribe believed the level cursed with evil spirits and only the Shaman of the tribe are allowed up there. Whilst the Cultists moved upwards, forcing their way through the Lizardfolk, upon arriving at the top level two of the Cultists who had been sick, suddenly had creatures burst through their chest and start attacking the Cultists. Thilren is not sure what the creatures are, as he never went to the upper level, but knows that the Red Wizards were very fearful of the creatures and were very hesitant to try to engage them. The Warriors of Thay launched an attack on the upper level but were forced back, losing half the numbers.
- Thilren searches the body of Rorreth and locates a hidden small stone triangle which he informs the party is the only way to exit the pyramid. They stole the triangle from one of the Lizardfolk Shaman and he knows that it has to used with some magical portal stone to activate the only way to exit the Pyramid. The Shamans could use the stone triangle from the level above to somehow open the Pyramid entrance and summon a magic portal that allowed travel in and out of the Pyramid.
- The rest of the bodies are searched and the valuables taken. Labarett takes possession of the golden horn.
- The party try to take the well made and expensive full plate armours of the Thay Warriors, by trying to place them piece by piece into the Bag Of Sharing but soon learn that won’t work, as the Bag does not seem to be working.
- Nac sighs rubbing his head, “Of course the bag doesn’t work! This pyramid has a strong arcane field around it, nothing can pass it. That’s why Thilren was not able to send a message out via arcane means. Teleporting, communication, planar portals, scrying, nothing will pass it. We’re stuck in here unless we can get to the portal stone Thilren described in the upper level. It must be keyed into the barrier around the Pyramid.”
- Once the party is ready, with Thilren now wearing his armour and somewhat healed, they leave the torture room and proceed down a dark corridor where two doors await. The party enter and search the small rooms beyond both the doors to locate two ancient storage rooms whose contents are ransacked. Only a small acid vial is located by Oloma.
- Pressing onwards, the party follow the corridor towards where Naillae heard the sounds earlier. The party arrive at a set of large double doors, just beyond a series of pillars. There is visible light coming from the edge of the double doors.
- Thilren tells the party that the Lizardfolk control the area on the other side of that door and that they are very hostile. The party move slowly towards the door, Naillae examines it and sees that there is a solid metal bar on the other side, and she suspects there has been placed objects on the other side to reinforce it.
- Sir Krondor whispers, “We should barge the door and rush in!”
- Naillae shakes her head, “Not with a metal bar on the other side. The door won’t move. I could remove the bar but it would make a loud noise, there’s no way to do quietly.”
- Oloma says in a low voice, “If I gave you an acid flask Naillae could you use that on the metal bar?”
- Naillae nods, “Yes. I could weaken the bar at the mid point and then we could barge through the door. We would surprise anyone on the other side.”
- Sir Lee, looking impatiently shouts out in a loud voice, “Hear me! I am Sir Lee. We are not your enemy. We have dealt with the Cult. Open the door!”
- Sir Krondor bows his head down, “There goes our surprise!”
- Oloma, trying to make the best of a bad situation, also shouts out, in Draconic, “Open the door. We are not the Cult. I am a follower of Pelor and here to help you.”
- Thilren starts to move towards one of the pillars, “The Lizardfolk know nothing about our politics, the Cult, or our gods, and we all look the same to them. You’re wasting your time, Rerroth said the same words of friendship, in Draconic, before he betrayed them and killed half their tribe.”
- The light flickers at the top of the door edge, as if one or more persons had moved to the upper part of the door to look out the small gap, and then suddenly a crocodile and swarm of poisonous snakes appear near the party. The snakes appear in the air above Gim and fall down upon him. The party begin a confusing and unfocused battle. They soon find themselves in a predicament in which they can not see their attackers, a pair of Lizardfolk Shaman, but the Shaman can see the party through a small gap at the door. Spell after spell is cast at the party, a Spiritual Weapon appears in the air and begins to attack Sir Krondor, multiple swarms of poisonous snakes and crocodiles are summoned into the small area, and worse still the ground erupts with vines and roots that grab onto the party making it almost impossible to try to move to breach the door. And soon the vines erupt into arcane flames that deal severe damage to those trapped within.
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- Sir Krondor can see the panic in the party. Some of the party have managed to move back, having broken free of the flaming vines, and have taken up positions behind the pillars but are unable to counter attack. Some of the party can not free themselves from the vines and face the grim prospect of being burnt alive. Oloma, standing behind a pillar, keeps shouting out in Draconic to the door, telling the Lizardfolk that they are friendly.
- Sir Lee snaps at Oloma, “By the gods Oloma, leave it be! We aren’t going to convince them we’re friendly when we’re trying to bash down their door with weapons!”
- Sir Krondor bellows to Naillae, “Jimmy that metal bar off now! Gim to me! We breach the door once the bar is off!”
- Gim hears the sound of the Shaman running away on the other side of the door.
- Naillae and Gim, the flames dancing around them, move to follow the Knight’s commands. Soon the metal bar is off but the wooden door is proving hard to push, as the Lizardfolk have placed a large quantity of heavy barrels and boxes on the other side. Labarett runs into the flames and helps the two Dwarves to push at the door. With one final push, one side of the large double doors opens enough to allow entry as the boxes and barrels are pushed aside.
- Sir Krondor can see beyond the open door into a long, odd shaped room that is filled with ready and waiting Lizardfolk. As he leans out to get a better look, ten javelins are thrown at him, most hitting the side of the door.
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- Without any fear, the Dwarf Knight races in, screaming a Dwarf battle cry. He leaps towards the two closest Lizardfolk and kills one instantly.
- Standing at the back of the chamber, a large muscular Lizardfolk warrior shouts in Draconic, “Kill them all!”
- Next to him, is one Lizardfolk Shaman, who looks at one of two side curtains. The curtain is flapping back into place, as if someone had just run through it. The Shaman calls out in Draconic at whom ever is running away, “Warn the others! The deceivers are back!”
- Oloma can see that one of the doors is now open and has watched Sir Krondor run inside. She sighs, “This had better work, this will use the last of my psionic reverses.” She concentrates her mind and focuses on a spot on the far side of the flaming vines and just past the open door. With a rush of air she teleports herself inside to be standing facing the large group of Lizardfolk. Using the last reserves of her psionics she unleashes everything she has left into a forward blast of energy, just missing Sir Krondor and one of the Lizardfolk. The energy wave strikes all the other foes, killing all the Lizardfolk except for their leader and their Shaman, both of which kneel down in pain from the attack.
- With the powerful psionic blast that hit the Shaman he loses concentration on his spell and the flaming vines disappear, allowing the rest of the party to move forward and through the door, except for Naillae who sits down onto the ground, badly burnt and injured, and urgently takes out a magical Healing potion.
- The injured Shaman and patrol Leader do not survive long under the combined onslaught of the party. When the last foe is killed the party are look around at each other. They are barely alive, badly wounded and burnt.
- Nac is sweating and panting, “I am almost out of all my divine spells. Don’t expect much healing from me.”
- Sir Lee says, “Well, with Oloma popping about and unleashing devastation like that we should be fine.”
- Oloma leans on a wall, catching her breath, “Unfortunately, that was the last of my reserves of power. I have almost nothing left, and would not be able to do anything of note like that again until we sleep.”
- Nac answers, “Sleeping in this pyramid is not an option. We need to press on and get out before we get corrupted like them.” As he says this he points to the Lizardfolk and the party now see that they are all showing the first signs of suffering from the magical mutation. Some of them have small extra fingers growing out at off angles and places, some have secondary or even tertiary mouths growing over the bodies, some have extra eyes beginning to form, and most of them have boils and lesions with oozing liquid all over their bodies.
- The party look at the dead Lizardfolk in revulsion.  
- The bodies are quickly searched and a pouch of uncut, different coloured gems are located on the large patrol Leader. There are two curtained exits to this chamber. One leads to a small area that appears to be used as a latrine, which the party refuse to enter, and the other curtain leads to a wide long corridor. After Thilren scouts ahead, the party move forward and have the choice of either following the long bending corridor or entering a wooden side door.
- The party decide to go via the door, and after it is checked for traps by Naillae, Sir Lee uses a lit torch around the door, to check for danger and any combustable gases, when some of the party see small amounts of mist coming from the door edges.
- The door is opened and beyond is a swirling fog, so thick that only a very short distance can be seen into it.
- Labarett speaks, “That is no ordinary fog, see how it stays put and does flow out past the open door way. It must be of magic origin.”
- The party decide to slowly move into the fog, only able to see a few feet in front of them. They find another door, close to the entry door, and Labarett opens it to see a small room, with no fog. He enters it to find open boxes filled with an assortment of crudely made, natural looking implements, that he recognises as being typical of items used in tribal and ritual life. This must be a storage room for the Shamans.
- Moving onward, using the walls to guide them, they eventually make their way to another door. This time when the party step in front of it, the air begins to change colour and thicken, causing the people within it to cough and choke as poisonous fumes begin to fill their lungs.
- Sir Krondor decides to open the door and finding a small chamber with no fog he leaps in and then calls out for everyone to follow him. The party do so and once they catch their breath see a set of stairs leading up that are covered in thick webs. When the party begin to cut and burn the webs away, they see that the webs are slowly growing back.
- Nac says, “More dam magic! At that speed the webs will grow back to cover these stairs again in about five minutes.”
- Thilren looks up nervously and says, “What ever is up there, terrified the Red Wizards. I heard the fear in their voices when they spoke about this level. Twenty elite warriors of Thay were killed up there trying to deal with the threat.”
- Naillae looks around the tired and wounded party, “Is there any other way out of this pyramid?”
- Thilren holds up the stone triangle that he took from Rorreth, “No. We have to use this key in the portal stone above. Is that or we wait here to starve or be turned into mutants.”
- Naillae sighs, “So we’re caught between a rock and a hard place.”
- Sir Lee speaks, “Comrades, now is time for heroes to attack. We do not live simple lives. We are not simple men and women. If we are to die here today then let our deaths be glorious, and be sung by the Bards for ages to come.”
- Nac moves past Sir Lee and begins to cut away at the regrowing webs, “I would rather my life’s deeds be sung by paid whores, as I drink myself to a stupor in a comfortable brothel. I don’t intend to die today.”
- Sir Krondor moves to the front of the group and addresses them, “I also would like to avoid dying today. We are in this position because we have not been smart. We have been reckless, we need to approach the above position carefully and as a combined strength of arms. We can’t go up there half cocked!” Sir Krondor moves his eyes about the group, catching each of their gaze.
- The Knight Of The Anvil continues, “We need to work as a group! We are tired, injured, and low on the powers of Nac and Oloma which we have depended on greatly in the past. Some of us may not survive the threat we are about to face and if I die today, then I shall do so, knowing that I died for the lives of my friends and family. What more can I Dwarf ask for.”
- Gim smiles and puts a hand on Sir Krondor’s shoulder, “Aye cousin, if we die, we die together.” The two clink their weapons together and smile.
- The party all nod their heads, determination upon their faces, and slowly make their way up to the final level.
<And as the party ascend into the final confrontation within the Dark Pyramid of Sorcerer’s Isle, unsure of who will survive, that is the end of the session.>
XP Allocation
Group - Combined (This is equally divided by the number of players who were involved)
Quests (Only quests that are completed or rendered undoable, during this session, are shown here)
- Rescue Thilren Alive = 1000 XP
- Exit 2nd Level of Pyramid = 800 XP
Creatures Overcome
- Veteran Warriors of Thay = 2800 XP
- Rorreth - Red Wizard of Thay = 2300 XP
- Lizardfolk = 900 XP
- Lizardfolk Leader = 1100 XP
- Lizardfolk Shaman = 450 XP
Individual (This is only given to that person and is not divided amongst all players)
Special Bonus (Outstanding Role Playing)
XP Levels and Player Allocations
Player : Start +  Received = Total  (Notes)
Rob : 63317 + 1392 = 64709 (Level up to Level 10)
Arthur : 47776 + 1392 = 49168 (Level up to Level 9)
Travis : 54133 + 1392 = 55525
Paul : 45661 + 1392 = 47053
Bob : 50546  + 1392 = 51938
NPC (Naillae) : + (696)
NPC (Nac): + (696)
1 note · View note
undertale-rho · 4 years
Underearth: Book 5 - Chapter 9
Stepping from the elevator, Frisk proceeded into the main parts of Elysium: the Elysium Palace. Reaching Asgore's home, Frisk stepped inside. Looking around, he noticed Chara seemed a bit sluggish.
"Hey Chara," he called, "you alright?"
Chara snapped back to attention. "Y... yeah. Yeah, I am alright."
Turning back around, Frisk walked over to Asriel's and Chara's old room. Opening the door, a wave of dust shot across the floor from the air pushed away by its opening. Within, Frisk walked across the room and grabbed both the locket and the dagger, placing the former around his neck, and the latter into his bag. Chara simply floated along, taking in the atmosphere of her old home.
Stepping from the room, Frisk went and grabbed the first key at the end of the hall. Upon turning around, an Elysian Guard stood behind him.
"Alright. Come along, I've got to make it to Asgore himself." Frisk said, passing.
As the machine spoke, Frisk grabbed the second key in the kitchen and unlocked the chain blocking the stairs in the foyer.
Chara, who Frisk had been watching while the Elysian told its story, twitched at this last line.
"That... that is wrong..." Chara whispered, her eyes starting to flood with tears. "This whole thing is wrong."
Frisk, who walked along the entire way, saw the archway to the Judgement Hall come into sight.
The Elysian spread its wings and shot off into the air, flying out of sight.
Frisk looked over at Chara, who was half-curled into a ball, her face buried in her hands.
"Are you okay?"
"... no..." Chara mumbled. "No, I am not okay..."
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"I... I..." Chara finished curling into a ball. "No, I don't want to talk about it..."
"Okay." Frisk sighed before entering the Judgement Hall.
Within, he ran into Sans, who judged him just as he had back in the second World. At the end, Sans then told Frisk that Undyne wanted to give him something before he left. Nodding, Frisk left the Hall soon after Sans, backtracking to Helios Station, then back to the MTT Resort, where Undyne called and asked him to stop by. From there, Frisk hurried to the R3 elevator, down to the L1 elevator, and then finally headed to Charon's boat, where both Calibri and Charon stood waiting.
"Ah, Frisk. Knew you'd be coming this way right about now." Calibri said.
"Yeah. Off to get Undyne's letter and deliver it to Alphys."
"Wanna postpone that for a bit?"
"And do what?"
"Take a quick boat-ride with Charon. You were gonna ride with him to Snowdin anyway, why not continue past and see everything the Acheron has to offer?"
Frisk looked over at Charon. "If it's okay with you, I don't see why not."
Charon simply waved his hand to his boat. Frisk climbed aboard and sat down. Charon quickly followed.
"Oh," Calibri said, "before you go, take this." he handed a small light-blue rock to Frisk. "I meant to hand this to you back in the MTT Resort, but you left before I could."
"Thanks." Frisk said, taking the stone. "Er... what is it?"
"It's a diaphone stone. Basically, a two-way radio, but magical. Both Sans and I have one. I'm sure you saw Sans holding his at some point before."
"Yeah, I remember."
"Excellent. This will allow instant communication between us. Just put a bit of SOUL AURA into it to activate it. That will either cause a call to be sent out, or to be answered. Send a bit more in to reverse it."
"I see. Thank you."
"No problem. Enjoy yourself." Calibri said, waving goodbye to them as Frisk and Charon began moving up the river.
Frisk placed the diaphone stone in his pocket.
"Tra la la, I will be dropping all my illusions on this journey." Charon said.
"Works for me."
As the boat slid along, they quickly reached and passed the dock to the Quiet Village, then the Snowdin docks, and finally entered the Citadel. Quickly after entering, a warm, familiar light shone ahead in the tunnel. Reaching the source, Frisk saw a great water wheel turning in the water, along with the front courtyard of Toriel's home. Toriel, unfortunately, was not present.
Continuing along, they once again entered a dark tunnel, which soon ended in the grand opening of many purple buildings. Banners bearing a sword situated behind a shield were flown in various places.
After a few minutes, the boat re-entered a tunnel at the other end of the Citadel. Emerging, Frisk saw a massive portcullis blocking a just as massive archway in the middle of the Citadel wall.
"Is that the main entrance?" Frisk asked Charon.
"Yes. Originally, there was a path that led to it, but it has long since been destroyed."
"Destroyed? By whom?"
"My brother. Or, at least, he gave the order. It would be more accurate to say the Unitary Republic of Home destroyed it. Ever since, besides this river, the fortified postern in Snowdin has been the only reliable way in and out of the City of Home. Nobody uses it, however, because it was designed to prevent an invasion, and so Asgore was more than wise to end his direct conflict with the Republic."
"Why were they in conflict."
"The Republic believed Asgore was a faulty ruler and wished to leave his tyrannical kingdom. The Underground, being a prison, made this particularly difficult. So, they took refuge within the walls of the Citadel and blocked off all attempts to force them back under Asgore's rule."
The boat continued along the river. As it continued, a palace soon came into view.
"We come upon the Oldtown Palace." Charon said.
"Can we stop there for a bit, Frisk?" Chara asked.
Frisk repeated the message to Charon, and he simply nodded.
Going inside a massive archway, Frisk and Charon entered a great hall covered in vines. Stopping in the center, Frisk disembarked and went further inside; Charon opted to stay with the boat.
The inside was brilliant. The walls were made of granite and were covered in great cloths of purple, gold occasionally finding its way in places. Walking the halls, Frisk found the interior to be quite simple. Two great halls featured themselves on either side of the palace; one leading into the City itself (which Frisk didn't dare enter), and the other being the one he'd emerged from originally. Both connected to an outer square of a hallway, which led to an inward hallway, which continued to an inner courtyard.
Upon turning the corner to this courtyard, Chara shot ahead, into the center. Confused as to why, Frisk looked ahead himself, catching sight of a great golden tree which seemed to emit this otherworldly golden light. Chara floated near one of the branches, taking in the radiant glow.
The golden tree itself was shaped like a great goblet, though the "cup" portion made up numerous symmetrical branches that continued in a pattern perfectly, as though it were constructed rather than grown.
Stepping toward the courtyard, Frisk suddenly found a couple spear-points aimed right at his throat.
"THIS IS A RESTRICTED AREA. TURN BACK IMMEDIATELY." a robotic voice sounded from Frisk's left.
Moving his eyes to see what was there, he found a winged Elysian, battle-ready and not looking like it was into joking around. Stepping back, the Elysians that pointed their spears at him relaxed their aggressive stance and returned to a more passive posture. Taking a second to properly look at the rest of the courtyard instead of just at the tree, Frisk noticed that both doorways into the courtyard had two Elysians stationed at it. Within the courtyard itself, Frisk also noticed at least four orb-like Elysians—with horns coming out the tops and a great eye watching for trespassers—situated around the corners of the courtyard, floating far above where one would normally think to look.
Floating back, Chara asked Frisk what happened.
"These kind Elysians decided that it would be rude if I entered." Frisk answered.
"What? Why? It's just Chrykardro."
"That is what this tree is called... My tree. It has the most spectacular fruit. You should try some!"
"I'd love to, but like I said, these Elysians won't let me enter."
Chara looked back at the machines, which stood completely still on either side of the doorway.
"Maybe Calibri will know why?" Chara suggested.
Frisk thought about it for a second. "Good idea." he said, pulling the diaphone stone from his pocket.
Looking over the stone, he eventually tried pouring a bit of magic into it. Immediately, the stone started glowing light blue. A few seconds later, the shade darkened to a more modest blue.
"Joe's bar 'n grill. How may I take your order?" a voice came from the stone.
"Er... what?" Frisk said.
"Oh, hey kid, it's Sans. Cal gave you a rock, huh."
"Yeah. Speaking of them, you know where Calibri is?"
"Give him a second. It usually takes him a bit."
The stone flashed light blue again before returning to the more modest shade.
"Calibri here. What's up?"
"Ah, Calibri. I wanted to ask you something." Frisk said.
"Ask away."
"Alright. I'm currently in the City of New Home, specifically the palace here."
"You're asking about the Tree of Golden Leaves?"
"Er... yes?"
"A giant golden tree in the courtyard of the palace surrounded by Elysians, that sound about right?"
"Yeah, that's the place."
"What'd you want to know?"
"Why are there so many Elysians?" Frisk asked.
"That's an excellent question. One I don't have a confirmed answer for, however. If I had to guess, I'd say it's because that tree is the greatest reminder Asgore has of Chara, and so he wants it protected at all costs. Interestingly enough, that courtyard is the most guarded location in the entire Underground."
"You're kidding."
"Nope. You try to step foot in there, and every Elysian in the Underground is liable to kill you."
Frisk shuttered and stepped further away from the doorway. "Thanks for the heads-up." he said.
"No problem. If you need anything else, feel free to contact me again."
Frisk sent another wave of magic into the stone, causing it to stop glowing. In the following minutes, Frisk backtracked to the chamber through which the Acheron flowed. Nearing Charon, Frisk noticed a grand purple curtain veiling something at the back of the hall. Jumping over the river, Frisk continued to the curtain, pulling it aside.
Behind the curtain, Frisk found a grand painting, standing at least three times his height, depicting a fluffy white goat-Monster, and a Human with rosy cheeks and crimson-red eyes. They were both draped in flowing purple cloaks, with the Monster crest—the winged orb with three triangles beneath—pinning the two sides of the cloak together.
Both Frisk and Chara stood speechless in front of the painting, taking in its every detail. Eventually, however, Frisk stepped away. Returning to Charon, he climbed back aboard his boat and they all sailed back upstream.
Soon after leaving the palace, Mount Hot once again came into view. Passing the Hotlands and Waterfall again, the boat slowed to a stop at the edge of Snowdin.
"Thanks." Frisk said, disembarking.
"Come again some time. Tra la la."
Frisk walked further into the town. First stopping by the shop, Frisk hurried and bought the dagger sheath, placing it on his belt and sliding the dagger into it. He then hurried to Papyrus's house. Upon reaching Papyrus's house, he called out to Undyne.
"Oh hey! So, um, I have a favor to ask you." Undyne said.
"Delivery, right? What do you need me to take, and where do you need me to take it?"
"Uuuuh, I... oh, right. It's... to Doctor Alphys."
"And you want me to take it because Hotland eats away at your energy, right?"
"What? I mean, uh... yeah. Yeah that's why!" Undyne pulled the letter from her pocket and thrust it into Frisk's hands.
"Did you remember to sign it so she knows who sent it?" Frisk asked, taking the letter.
"Ye— w... wait a second..."
"Welp, better get on with my delivery."
"WAIT!!!" Undyne shouted.
In an instant, Undyne snatched the letter back from Frisk's hands. She then ran into Papyrus's house.
"Wow, she seems rather absent-minded."
"REALLY?" Papyrus said.
"You haven't noticed?"
"Oh, wow, thanks."
The front door burst open again, with Undyne running back out. "Here!!!" she shouted, shoving the letter into Frisk's chest, knocking him down into the snow.
"Thanks..." Frisk said, standing up. Looking at the letter, there was now writing streaked across the back of the envelope. Not that it helped, seeing as it was practically illegible, but it was forward progress.
"So? What are you waiting for?" Undyne asked. "The sooner you get it over with, the better!"
"You know, you could just call her, right?"
Undyne stepped back, her face growing just a few shades red. "N... no! Th... that wouldn't work."
"Whatever. I'll go deliver it now." Frisk started making his way towards the Waterfall Caves.
"You won't be taking the boat?" Chara asked.
"Nah. I know it's faster, but I'm fine with walking for now."
Entering the Waterfall Caves, Frisk walked through the encroaching darkness for a few minutes before conversation restarted.
"So, what is the deal with Undyne?" Chara asked. "She seemed... odd. Distracted."
"She likes Alphys."
"What what? Undyne likes Alphys, so she stumbles over her words when talking about her, or to her, and so on. Honestly, I find it silly. If you like somebody, you should just tell them."
"But... isn't... aren't they both... female?" Chara asked.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Barbarian!" Chara shuddered bitterly.
"Excuse me?" Frisk stopped walking and looked right at Chara, who wore a look of disgust. "Did you just call Undyne a barbarian?"
"Of course! She is participating in a barbarous act!!"
Frisk scratched his head. "So what?" he asked.
"So, if that vile act spreads, all of civilization could collapse. They must be stopped! Burn that letter—"
"Chara!" Frisk shouted firmly. "Relax!"
Chara, looking reprehensively at Frisk, eventually calmed down.
"Okay..." Frisk breathed. "What the hell?"
"What?" Chara asked, bemused.
Frisk's thoughts raced. Even on the surface, same-sex attraction was a contentious subject, and Frisk had seen on a few occasions some people with very strong opinions one way or another.
Taking a deep breath, Frisk looked back at Chara. "Okay, help me understand. You called Undyne a barbarian. Why is she a barbarian?"
"Because she likes Alphys in that way."
Frisk brought his hands forward, gesturing for her to continue. "That's it?" he eventually said when she didn't. "That's the only reason?"
"Do I need another?"
Oh boy...
"Alright, what makes same-sex attraction barbaric?"
"Because that is what is said within the Thiakereexe too Politismoo. The document from which the Anendotos Kingdom held to and lasted for three thousand years from. To stray from it is to accept the destruction of our way of life."
Frisk froze, then sighed. "Nevermind." he went back to thinking.
"Say your right..." Frisk eventually said. "Say this... act is barbaric. So what?"
"What do you mean?"
"Just that. So what? What Undyne feels for Alphys doesn't affect me or you, and the same is true in reverse. Speaking of the reverse, why didn't we have this conversation outside Alphys's lab when Mettaton stated that Alphys had a crush on Undyne?"
"I... I was going to mention something about that, but it was just an attraction at that point, not an attempt to act on the attraction. So, I didn't bother."
"So now that I'm delivering this love letter, you feel that you must provide your own input."
"Well then, I go back to my earlier question. So what? So what if Undyne and Alphys love each-other? What they do doesn't affect either of us, so why worry about it?"
Chara remained silent.
"Think about this for now. If you wanna resume this conversation later, I'd be more than willing to continue." Frisk said as he resumed walking.
Down the tunnel, Frisk reached a chamber that started with a wooden bridge. Crossing it, he then saw something... unexpected.
"What in the hell?" he said.
"What?" Chara asked.
Frisk pointed at the object.
It was a Human. Or, at the very least, humanoid. Stepping closer, it looked to be a giant doll, standing a head or two above Frisk. The doll featured pink hair, spanning into two long pigtails that stretched out from either side of its head. Above the pigtails, around the middle-top of its head, were two cat ears with a large golden bell secured below each ear. It wore a pink dress that stretched down to its knees, the lower half of which was white, with white gloves and boots worn over its hands and feet. Bells were secured to the bridge of the boots. A long tail, roughly the length of one of the doll's legs stretched out from beneath the dress.
"What is this?" Chara said, floating around the back of it.
"Kinda looks like something Alphys would be interested in..."
Frisk reached up to the head of the doll and scratched behind its cat ears.
"What are you doing?" Chara asked.
"It looks like a cat."
"What's a cat?"
Frisk didn't bother answering. Instead, he just continued scratching.
"ENOUGH!!!" a shout sounded throughout the room. "ENOUGH!!!! ENOUGH!!!!!!"
Frisk quickly pulled his hand back to his side. The doll suddenly shot backward, its face contorting into a nasty grimace.
What the... what...? Frisk thought, staring at the doll.
"Huh? You don't recognize me...?" the doll then asked.
"Can't... can't say that I do."
"Ohhh ho ho... That's all for the better~! Once I fuse with this perfect new body, mew~, A brand new, wonderful life is going to begin!"
"This kind of sounds like that one angry dummy from the garbage dump." Chara said, observing the situation with distant glee.
"You think so?"
"... but as much as I try to fuse..." the doll continued, unaware of Frisk and Chara's dialogue, "IT'S!! NOT!!! WORKING!!!! MY EMOTIONS AREN'T PURE ENOUGH!! I need TENSION! CONFLICT! Something to bring out my ANGER!!!" something then clicked within the doll. "That's it!!!" it shouted in a cutesy voice. "YOU!!! Human!!! Fight with me!!! COMBAT!! BLOODLUST!! DESTRUCTION!! It's the perfect emotional cocktail... To fuse with my new body, mew~"
As the doll finished speaking, numerous giant orbs appeared around it and shot straight at Frisk. Frisk, seeing these approaching, summoned a shield.
"You, I remember you now." Frisk said dramatically. "You're that dummy from the garbage dump!"
"Correct you are." the doll said. "But I have shed that bleak form for this new fantastic (and cute) body. Wondering where I got it from?"
"Would be interesting to know."
The doll laughed. "I found it in... a strange place. A... sciency place." the doll launched more orbs at Frisk, who either blocked or dodged them. "No idea what was going on there, but... as soon as I saw this body, I just knew... IT WAS ME!!! ME!!! ME!!!! So I took it! You can't blame me! Why does a scientist need a life-sized girl statue anyway!?"
So it did belong to Alphys before, huh. Well, it's in better hands now.
Frisk dodged more orbs launched his way.
"I probably saved it from experiments!!!" the doll continued. "I'm a hero, and I rescued myself!!! And now, with this new body, I've got a brand-new life ahead of me!! And now, I'll finally be able to... I'll... finally be able to... uhh, continue being Undyne's training dummy. BUT BETTER!!! Ah, Undyne... Sweet, violent Undyne~. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees me~."
Ah, another person interested in Undyne... Frisk thought, letter still tight in hand. Chara let out an annoyed sigh, floating backwards away from the fight. The doll simply continued daydreaming, absentmindedly summoning more orbs to throw at Frisk.
"She'll blast me with a storm of spears~. I'll be the world's greatest pin cushion~." the doll opened its eyes from its daydream, noticing Frisk's now somewhat somber face. "H-huh...!? That look on your face, she's already got... somebody else?" the doll's own face went dark.
"Sorry to say, but... yeah."
The doll stood there in silence for a few seconds. Eventually, though, it began laughing maniacally. "Well, if she's got somebody else..." it started saying. "THEN YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GONNA DO TO THEM!?? I'LL RESPECT THEM!!! I'LL RESPECT HER RELATIONSHIP!!! HAHAHA!!! HAPPY FOR HER!! NOTHING BUT THE BEST!!! BEST OF LUCK!!!" with each exclamation, the doll fired more orbs, far more fiercely than before. As Frisk listen, he couldn't help but feel there was a hint of... melancholy hidden beneath the shouts and violent projectiles.
The doll snapped focus back onto the battle. "Enough. ENOUGH. ENOUGH!!! Why haven't I fused yet!? Do I have to use my full power!?" it looked back at Frisk. "COME ON! IS THIS ENOUGH FOR YOU!?" the doll fired more orbs, yet nothing it fired could pierce Frisk's indomitable shield.
"Enough. ENOUGH. ENOUGH!!!" the doll shouted again. "WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING!? NO MATTER HOW MAD I GET, NO MATTER HOW MUCH I FIGHT, I JUST CAN'T FUSE WITH THIS BODY!!! WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!?!?" the doll dropped its fierceness and slumped backwards against the chamber wall. "What am I doing wrong..."
"You think that maybe anger is the wrong emotion to use?" Frisk asked.
"H... huh? You mean I might have to try... other... emotions? You mean something like... love? Then, I... I'll..." the doll went silent.
Frisk walked over to the doll and hugged it.
"Huh...? Such... such kindness...!" the doll said, surprised at the sudden Human now hugging it. "It's... making me feel something!"
Frisk let go and stepped back. The doll looked down at itself, deep in contemplation, then up at Frisk.
"It may be a while before I can truly fuse with this body." it said. "But I think this is a start...! Heh, to think that even though I hid here to be alone... I somehow made a friend!!! Thank you. Thank you! THANK YOU!!"
"No need to thank me. I'm just... glad I could help out." Frisk said. "Say, if we're friends now, shouldn't we know each-other's names?"
The doll looked contemplatively at Frisk. "Heh, of course!" it said, outstretching its hand. "I'm Chilabl—" it froze for a second. "Chilaton."
"Nice to meet you, Chilaton." Frisk said, taking her outstretched hand. "I'm Frisk."
They both shook on their greeting.
"Anyway, I'd best get going." Frisk said. "See you around."
Crossing a river between him and the exit, Frisk passed through a doorway, where he found Chara waiting on the other side.
"Took you long enough." she said.
"Sorry, was making sure Chilaton felt better before continuing on my way."
"Oh, so her name is Chilaton, huh. Another damn barbarian, it seems."
Frisk's teeth clenched. "What the hell is your problem!?"
"EVERYTHING!!!" Chara shouted.
Frisk stepped back, surprised at her sudden uproar. Chara, too, seemed a bit astonished, but continued regardless.
"I don't understand anything! Everything I've learned within these past few hours... don't you get it? I... I feel like my entire life was just one big lie... one big lie I only discover after I gave my life to save the deceivers."
"I'm not finished! My father—my real father—sought my own death because I believed in something contrary to him. My adoptive father—Asgore—apparently butchered all of Diesian Lake, among other things. My adoptive mother—Toriel—is a damned coward who runs from responsibility. Even my adoptive brother—Asriel..." tears began seeping from her eyes as she spoke. "he's now just a flower who seeks joy in the death and suffering of others."
Chara focused back on Frisk. "And you!!!" her voice burned with acid. "The damn, vile Human filth I just had to be bound to. Perhaps the worst of them all. The one who, after making great friends out of Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, mom, dad, and all the other Monsters you took the time of day to get to know, even marginally; you return with that horrid power and butcher them all. Not once. Not twice. Not thrice or quice, but five times!! Five times you saw fit in carving a path through Monsters, uncaring of who you killed, all in the name of some 'greater good' or whatever. A desire to protect your friends. And at the end of it all, you have the gall to take my SOUL, and try to become friends with me? You want to know what my problem is? My problem is you! You and your entire filthy species. My problem is that you threw everything away for some naive want. My problem is that, even after everything I did to my family, most of all Asriel, I'm not suffering in the darkest pits of Tartarus!"
Chara breathed heavily as she finished, the burning of her flame of hatred bringing a subtle wetness to her eyes again. After a few seconds, she turned away and floated into the wall behind her.
"Cha—" Frisk called out, yet his call was ignored.
Looking up at the twinkling gems above, Frisk collapsed to the ground. Bringing his knees up to his chest, he then buried his head in his arms and remained there, the occasional sound of sobbing echoing off the tunnel walls and out the orifices of the surrounding echo flowers.
Emergence : Ghost Fight
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