#the kin poll to beat all kin polls
plant-dragon · 7 months
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Phenex (@thegreatyin) vs. Sylnae Nyrlithar (@slcknasty)
Phenex Info:
Description: Once upon a time there was a race of star demons in space. These star demons get a little silly with it. Unfortunately, "all star demons are inherently goofsters" statistic is actually false. Marquis Phenex, who is canonically the blorbo of the resident love god and is additionally covered in silly little feathers, is an outlier and should not be counted. Also he eats people to survive or something but y'know nobody's perfect!!!!!!
-Cannibalism (frequently) -Murder (even more frequently) -Lying -Outright manipulation -Impersonation -Priding himself on being an active threat to society -Plotting mysterious goals for 2 million years -Being friendly exes with an even more problematic girlboss despite her species mating for life -Being deeply sad about it all -Canonically eating weed -Having two floating heads (that are sentient masks) that she's named Maskieavellian and Maskyangelo -The masks are very much still part of her consciousness -Kinning Dimentio -Psychologically tormenting people as a form of cathartic revenge -Crippling body dysphoria -Being generally untrustworthy -Communism
Other notes from the submitter: do you think demons dream of magic sheep?
Sylnae Nyrlithar info:
Description: She's a girlboss, she's a war criminal, she's died and come back from the dead... Born in an incredibly unhealthy family situation, escaped, was meant to have a redemption arc and then just got *worse.* Joined up with a gang of equally fucked up adventurers to take down a megalomaniacal technology magnate whose solution to population control was to kill a bunch of people and *still* managed to lose the moral high ground. The party was so morally fucked that the "good ending" for the campaign would have been them all dying and the eldritch blood god we were trying to stop taking over the world. So good at lying she got away with some of the world's most ridiculous cover stories. Plays both the violin and chess for maximum manipulative villain tropes.
Crimes: Was part of a reactionary terrorist group that considered civilian casualities as an acceptable cost for getting their aims (taking out a well-loved public figure). Has killed multiple people to do so, and also helped cover up multiple murders. Had a contingency plan to murder all of her party members if necessary. Nearly got all of them killed during a heist so that she could fulfil a personal agenda she hadn't told anyone about. Found a cursed sentient dagger that told her it would grow in power if she killed people with it, went "sure, I can use this" and promptly did exactly that.
Other notes from the submitter: i am so ready to see a batch of terrible women beating the shit out of each other (in terms of popularity but also maybe in a fistfight) (sylnae would lose a fistfight)
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sageoffablesardowin · 8 months
Storytime with the Sage, Part 1: Kheomed, the Living Thunderstorm
Well, in this week's poll, there was such divided interest, I suppose I can discuss the final three, tackling one each day.
Firstly, Kheomed, the Living Thunderstorm. Those with an astute eye for detail and attention to Ardowin history might recognize a parallel to the great beast, Droga. And you would be right to do so.
Kheomed is one of the eight Dragons of Catastrophe. These beasts were the spawn of The Black Dawn, the Great Dragon God of the Void. They are manifestations of the elemental planes--ruthless beasts of endless destructive potential. Even their mere presence on other planes of existence represents a major threat since, as manifestations of the elements, their arrival across planar borders drags those elements with them.
Kheomed is a dangerous foe. When he was first sighted during the Great Catastrophe, chroniclers noted a massive stormfront hurtling across the skies of Raewahld. As the stormwinds grew in intensity, suddenly they saw a shape forming in the clouds. Or rather, from them. Yes, Kheomed was the storm. A great dragon taking the form of a tempest the size of a continent. As his wings beat, stormwinds uprooted forests. As he roared, layers of rolling thunder shattered mountaintops. Wherever he gazed, tumults of lightning incinerated civilizations. At the time, a contingent of planetars under Tempus's leadership were dedicated to Raewahld's protection, and they did their best to hold back the brutish beast. Even the mighty Ananiel, an angel with the power of storms himself, tried to hold the beast back. While his attempt was valiant, and he nearly succeeded in holding Kheomed in place, in the end, the clash caused more death than it would spare. To this day, Ananiel wears a mask or veil over his face to hide from the reality of the destruction he caused. But it was not his fault. The powers of chaos were at their peak; Kheomed and his kin fed on it. In this state, he was unstoppable.
In recent years, it has been said that the gem dragon thanes Charsima and Smargad joined together to overwhelm Kheomed with psionic energy. Combining their mighty roars with the desiccating breath of the topaz dragon thane Tithonnas, they were able to diminish Kheomed's mass down to a more natural form which they could actually do combat with. Still, it required the combined efforts of all three of the thanes to subdue Kheomed and banish him back to the Great Conflagration. By the time the battle was over, much of Raewahld's civilizations were slaughtered, reduced to ash and mush by the lightning and crumbling mountains.
Since the Catastrophe, the church of the Black Dawn has seen the rise of many smaller sects that idolize the Void Dragon's children as deities in their own right, a distinction that some would not argue against. Followers of Kheomed tend to be brash, brutish barbarians--raiders and fighters focused on tackling their opponents in head-on clashes before giving them a moment to prepare. Much like Kheomed himself,
Today, the great Storm of Kheomed gathers strength from the clashing warm and cold winds of the Planes of Air and Fire. While he has not been active since the Great Catastrophe, scholars of the Wheel estimate it is only a matter of time until he awakens. With the recent activity of his siblings Droga and Xeodread, many believe these rumblings to be foreshadowing some new Catastrophe.
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atlantisblasebl · 2 years
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The time has come to decide our finalists. The winners of these polls will represent their respective half of the bracket, and determine who the Fan-favorite Georgias player is. (or at least, the Fan-favorite as far as the people on Tumblr voting in this bracket are concerned).
Our final four candidates are all Georgias OGs from the Expansion Era, including Rigby Friedrich (one of the league's all-time best performers), Niq Nyong'o (arguably the most important player in our lore), Flattery McKinley (a magnet of misfortune that caused many of our most memorable stories), and Neerie McCloud (who spent so long Elsewhere, her name pretty much became synonymous with it). (More in-depth summaries are on the poll posts themselves.)
If you want to bring your favorite to the very end, then don't forget to #Vote!
But first, some Semifinals Statistics!
Both Rigby Friedrich and Niq Nyong'o dominated their respective polls, getting 77.1% each out of 35 votes, and leaving Randy Dennis and Frankie Hambone in the dust! Will they be able to keep this momentum going all the way to the finals? Or is this their final hurrah before they get taken down by more formidable opponents?
You know who didn't dominate their respective poll? Flattery McKinley, who only narrowly beat out Fish Summer with 51.6% of the vote, officially marking the closest poll of the entire event! This was also the poll with the most votes, getting 64 votes total.
The final four players are, in fact, seeds 1-4, showing I probably did something right with my seeding process.
As always, anyone is allowed to participate in voting, whether or not you're familiar with the Georgias (or even Blaseball in general). Just vote for whichever player you like more in each pair, and winners will progress to the Semifinals! And don't be afraid to do a bit of campaigning for your favorites, if you feel like it.
You can find all matchups under the #georgias bracket semifinals tag on our blog, or in the list below:
Rigby Friedrich vs. Neerie McCloud
Niq Nyong'o vs. Flattery McKinley
Current placements for eliminated players are under the cut!
64. Goodwin Morin II - 0%, 0/37 votes 63. Basil Ball - 0%, 0/35 votes 62-61. Nagomi Mcdaniel III/Vernon Glump - 5.6%, 2/36 votes 60. New Megan Ito III - 8.1%, 3/37 votes 59. Poseidon - 10%, 4/40 votes 58. Jenkins Ingram - 11.8%, 4/34 votes 57. Cote Loveless II - 17.6%, 6/34 votes 56. Khulan Kebede - 18.8%, 6/32 votes 55. Alexander Horne - 19.4%, 7/36 votes 54-53. Dickerson Morse/Justin Alstott - 21.2%, 7/33 votes 52. Wyatt Mason III - 23.1%, 9/39 votes 51. Montgomery Bullock - 25.7%, 9/35 votes 50. Lance Serotonin - 26.1%, 12/46 votes 49. Jon Tumblehome - 29.0%, 9/31 votes 48. Goobie Ballson - 30.3%, 10/33 votes 47. Jessica Twolephone - 31.3%, 10/32 votes 46. Pitching Machine - 32.6%, 14/43 votes 45. Kit Ratoon - 34.4%, 11/32 votes 44. Jelly Burgertoes - 35.1%, 13/37 votes 43. Erin Jesaulenko - 35.3%, 12/34 votes 42. Agnes Caster - 35.5%, 11/31 votes 41. Lachlan Shelton - 37.1%, 23/62 votes 40. Gita Biscuits - 39.4%, 13/33 votes 39. Knight Triumphant - 41.2%, 14/34 votes 38. Angelika Aufdiscord - 41.9%, 13/31 votes 37. Mckinney Vaughan - 43.3%, 13/30 votes 36. Zephyr McCloud - 43.8%, 14/32 votes 35. Sosa Hayes - 46.4%, 13/28 votes 34. Doc Cash - 46.7%, 14/30 votes 33. Wyatt Mason IV - 47.5%, 29/61 votes 32. Juan Murphy - 27%, 10/37 votes 31. Jan Canberra - 31.9%, 15/47 votes 30. Geraldine Frost - 32.4%, 12/37 votes 29. Waverly Mori - 33.3%, 12/36 votes 28. Yurts Buttercup - 33.3%, 14/42 votes 27. Emmet Atomic - 35.3%, 12/34 votes 26. Manu Candle - 35.5%, 11/31 votes 25. Son Jensen - 37%, 20/54 votes 24. Norman Muggins - 37.9%, 11/29 votes 23. Hercules Alighieri - 38.5%, 15/39 votes 22. Hiroto Wilcox - 42.3%, 22/52 votes 21. Chorby Soul V - 42.6%, 20/47 votes 20. Mint Shupe - 46.4%, 32/69 votes 19. Ortiz Lopez - 46.7%, 21/45 votes 18. Penelope Video - 46.9%, 15/32 votes 17. Siobhan Chark - 48.3%, 29/60 votes 16. Mordecai Kingbird - 13.9%, 5/36 votes 15. Steals Chark - 5/34 votes 14. Daisuke Witless - 25%, 7/28 votes 13. Ankle Halifax - 26.2%, 11/42 votes 12. Ji-Eun Clove - 45.7%, 16/35 votes 11. Slosh Truk - 46.4%, 13/28 votes 10. Nanci Grackle - 46.8%, 22/47 votes 9. Beck Whitney - 48.8%, 21/43 votes 8-7. Frankie Hambone/Randy Dennis - 22.9%, 8/35 votes 6. Lady Matsuyama - 37.3%, 19/51 votes 5. Fish Summer - 48.4%, 31/64 votes
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tritonposting · 1 year
Saw your tier list of BattleBots you could beat and didn't realize it was a kin thing at first and thought you were maybe one of the BattleBots teams lurking on Tumblr just like they lurk in the BattleBots subreddit and was suddenly like WHOOPS what if they've seen me shit talking.......
LMAO that's hilarious what
but honestly I think if any of them were on Tumblr, they wouldn't reveal themselves because of how much more unhinged we are on here than on the subreddit (*affectionately points at the sexiest bot polls*)
like if Team Overboard ever found this blog, I might actually shrink into subatomic particles from sheer self-aware cringe, because there is no way they could have a positive opinion of me after *gestures at my post history* ALL THIS
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scribomaniac · 4 years
One Step Ahead Ch 9: Family Matters
“Now it’s your turn to listen,” Aelin told him, her eyes burning into him like blue fire. “Come with me and I’ll explain everything.”
Rowan stared down at the ring in his hands, trying to determine if she was telling the truth. He couldn’t detect a trace of a lie in her voice, but she’d be good at lying. She’d have to be, in their line of work. The ring felt cool against his skin. Clean too. If there was a poison on this ring, it had rubbed off long ago or was near untraceable.
None of this made sense to him. His mistress was many things, but kin killer? And those tears she had cried for him earlier . . . those had seemed so real to him. Still believing Arobynn of someone similar to be behind all of this, Rowan resolved himself to see it through. If He could gain more information then he’d figure out who was responsible. And if he could do that, if he could reunite Maeve with her long lost great niece—the only family she had left—then he’d be Maeve’s champion, a hero.
Something inside Rowan’s chest fluttered at the prospect. A hero, just like she always thought him to be . . .
“Okay,” Rowan nodded, his green eyes trained onto her blue. “I’ll hear you out.”
Tension unfolded from Aelin’s shoulders like ice breaking off a glacier. Flexing her hands, breaking them out of their curled form, the assassin nodded and said, “Let’s go.”
Silently, the two packed up their camp and returned to the car. Aelin drove her way through a dark and narrow path with only the towering trees of Oakwald to accompany them. After several minutes where not a word was spoken between them, the forest opened up and a great manor came into view. The manor was grand, to be sure, but time had taken its toll on the building. In some parts the roof was coming apart, showing holes into the interior, and in others the glass of the windows looked so unclean they were pitch black. All the foliage which must have at one point in time been beautiful and cared for had overgrown and begun to creep up the brick walls, swallowing the manor one leaf at a time.
“Where are we?” Rowan asked when Aelin turned off the car.
“Somewhere safe. Now come on. They’re waiting for us.”
The inside of the manor wasn’t much better off than the outside. The entry hall and rooms beside it were dark and cold. Cobwebs grew a plenty and Rowan knows he heard some critter moving down the hall. But as they walked further into the home, Aelin led him to a door outlined with a warm light.
Adarlan’s Assassin gave the door a series of knocks, a code signaling to those on the other side that they were in safe company. A double knock returned Aelin’s and then it opened to reveal a young man with dark hair and piercing brown eyes and a scar tearing through his eyebrows and running down his cheek. His eyes flashed from Aelin to Rowan. His distrust of the Cleaner was obviously apparent in the way his eyes narrowed and his lips pursed, but he still moved aside to let them in.
Inside the room was much better kept than the rest of the house. There was a fire burning in a grand fireplace, an expensive, but worn, rug on the floor, and several comfortable looking couches and chairs. Most of which were already filled. Carefully taking in his surroundings, Rowan was surprised to find, once again, Dorian Havilliard and Chaol Westfall. He blinked at them slowly, trying—and failing—to think of some way to link the two of them and Aelin together.
Unsurprisingly, Aedion was lounging across the room. He was so slumped down in his seat it almost looked like he could slide off at any moment. Rowan wouldn’t be fooled though. If necessary, Aedion was ready to spring into action the microsecond he was needed. The white haired man wondered where the rest of his gang were. Since he didn’t see their bikes on his way in, he assumed they were guarding the manor and keeping watch for any unwanted visitors. Prowling in the dark like a pack of rabid wolves.
Next to the leader of The Bane sat the Faliq girl, which was curious. Her sharp eyes were trained on him, watching his every move. Remembering what she said earlier, about never missing her mark, he made himself a mental note not to keep his back towards her.
There were three other people in the room. The first was the young man who opened the door for them. He stood by the fire, behind a winged back chair which seated a frail old man. Rowan assumed this was the owner of the house.
And finally, sitting across from the fire on a sad looking fainting couch, a pillow clutched in his arms, was Athril Dearst.
Shooting Aelin a look, one that said—what the actual fuck are you playing at—Rowan found himself standing so close to her that he could easily spot the ring of gold within the blue of her eyes.
Staring right back at him, her determined gaze answered him, What I have to.
Explain, Rowan demanded, not looking away even when he heard Athril stand.  
Sighing, Aelin nodded. She looked over Rowan’s shoulder at Athril and said, “You start—you’re the one that set this all into motion, after all.”
Athril nodded. He looked at Rowan, then away, and then, as if he’d found a bit of courage deep within himself, locked eyes with Rowan and began, “Right. Well, I’m not sure if you know this, but it’s an election year.”
He waited for the Cleaner to nod.
“The polls weren’t looking great. There wasn’t a lot of public interest and when that happens it could go either way come Election Day. My campaign manager and I thought it’d be best to find something, a cause, to bring the people together and catch their attention.” The Wendlyn District Attorney cleared his throat, “So I decided to look into cold cases, and there was one that caught my eye. It was out of my district, but Terrasen’s D.A., welcomed me in with open arms and agreed we could share in any of the spoils closing such a notorious case would bring.”
Rowan caught Aelin’s eye and she nodded, confirming he meant her family’s murder.
“So I put pressure on the police to reopen the case, which led to,” Athril trailed off, looking towards Westfall to pick up the story.
Sitting up straighter, Chaol looked at the room with wide eyes. He looked alarmed by the prospect that he’d have to address the room. “I found it,�� he got out, “the ring.  It,” he looked towards Faliq who nodded encouragingly to him which was . . . interesting, “had fallen into a vent beside his night table.” Westfall shrugged, “I guess no one looked there the first time around.”
Aelin snorted, “More like they were bribed not to.”
Rowan nodded at that, though who had bribed the police all those years ago, he was still unsure.
“That’s how we got involved,” Havilliard spoke up, clapping his friend on his shoulder. Westfall sighed quietly before relaxing back into his seat. “Chaol brought the ring to light and the news traveled up the channels and into my ears so we,” the prince of Rifthold’s lips split into a sly grin, one that hinted at something deeper, something hidden beneath the surface, “began exchanging conspiracy theories.”
“We thought for sure the ring belonged to Adarlan’s Assassin,” Westfall sat up again, his confidence growing, it seemed, now that he’d had time to think about what he wanted to say. “We thought this was the missing piece needed to finally pin it on her, but we quickly realized we were wrong.”
“How?” Rowan asked. The only way he’d been able to rule out the possibility of it being Aelin was because he knew her age and that the time line couldn’t match up. For anyone who didn’t know the famed assassin wasn’t even twenty, it’d be a natural assumption to make.
Both Westfall and Havilliard turned to look at Faliq. The young woman shrugged, “They were talking about it in my bakery, so I set them straight.”
A beat passed, and when Rowan kept his green eyes locked on the dark haired woman, she continued, “I’d already met Aelin at that point—knew her as Celeana, I mean—and knew she couldn’t have made that kill.”
Rowan nodded, though he had a few more questions, like why would Westfall and Havilliard take a random baker for her word, and how did she prove it to them? He still didn’t know how the sons of two powerful men had become friends with such a notorious member of the Underworld, but he had a feeling that information would come to light soon enough.
“Once Nesryn told me about the ring, I knew I had to act fast,” Aelin told him, her hip cocked and her hand resting on it as if she hadn’t a care in the world. “If I knew, that mean Maeve knew too, or would know soon enough.”
Following her train of thought, the white haired male said, “So you stole it before she could.” Aelin gave him a wide smile, one that showed off an awful lot of teeth and was surely meant to set him on edge. However, all it did for him was send a spark down his spine.
Still, this didn’t explain everything. Cocking his head at her, he silently asked, And this group? How’d this all happen?
For once, Aelin answered him aloud, “After our meetup in the bakery, I got Dorian, Chaol, and Nesryn to convince Athril to come here.”
Which was smart, considering Maeve would more than likely take him out to ensure no one kept sniffing around the Galathynius case. But no, Rowan reminded himself. Maeve wasn’t responsible for this. Nothing anyone had said had properly condemned his mistress. He needed more information if he was going to convince Aelin properly.
“I have to say,” Athril sat back down on the couch, grabbing for the pillow, “having these two,” he jerked his thumb at Havilliard and Westfall, “pick me up was a wise choice. I thought she,” know his thumb was aimed at Faliq, “had come to carve out my lungs.”
“That’s just her face,” Westfall said quietly, earning him a pillow to the face courtesy of Faliq. “What? It’s true!”
“Anyway,” Aelin said pointedly, giving Westfall a very tired look, “once we had the ring, we sent it out for testing.”
Rowan hummed, pulling the ring out from his pocket. “You said it was poisoned.”
“The interior, to be specific,” Athril pulled a briefcase out from underneath the couch and took some papers out. “There were only trace amounts left by the time we found it. The rest was absorbed into Orlon’s skin. Based on what Dr. Towers said, it wouldn’t have taken long for the poison to do its job.”
“What’s the name of the poison?” Rowan looked back over to Aelin, “If we know the name and the ingredients that could help us find the real killer.”
Aelin raised a delicate brow. Really buzzard? Her expression asked. Still trying to defend your mistress?
“It doesn’t have a name yet,” Westfall, of all people, told him. Rowan would have thought his participation in this conversation had ended, and yet he continued on as if he himself was the expert on the poison. “It’s an unknown. We have a breakdown of the ingredients though,” he nodded at Athril, who stood and handed Rowan several pages worth of data. “They’re very rare, which is good, and should help us narrow down the suspects. In fact, it already has.”
“Have you ever been to Valg, Rowan?” Aelin asked, moving over to stand before the fire and warm her hands. The hairs on the back of Rowan’s neck stood up, knowing that Aelin ever acted nonchalantly like this when she was at her most dangerous, when she had something up her sleeve.
Rowan hadn’t ever been to Valg. There was no reason for him to, considering what a crap hole the place was. It was full of empty buildings, the hollowed out husks of addict-addled bodies, and rusted over pipes. There was only one reason people ever went there and that was to die.
With her back to him, Aelin continued, “It’s a horrible place, run by three brothers who care nothing for it besides whatever money the junkyards and desperate bring in. But it does have an interesting collection of foliage that are renowned for their toxicity.” Turning around to face him again, Aelin’s face looked like it had been cut from marble, betraying none of the emotions Rowan was sure were raging through her.
“Why are you telling me this?” It was nothing new to the Cleaner. The King brothers, Orcus, Mantyx, and Erawan, were well known by the world for their brutal business practices and known in the Underworld for their vast supply of drugs and poisons.
“I’m telling you this,” Aelin said slowly, taking in a deep, slow breath, “because all of the ingredients in the poison originate from Valg and because of Maeve’s connection with it.”
Rowan frowned, trying to connect the dots and finding he couldn’t. There was no connection between Maeve and Valg. Silently, Rowan told her so.
Shoulders dropping back, Aelin stood up straighter. Rowan felt as if a stone dropped into his stomach, knowing he was about to be proven wrong.
“Maeve was married before, did you know?” Aelin cocked her head to the side, almost inquisitively. “It was only for a year or so, but it was legal. Apparently it ended in fire and brimstone, but I’m sure Maeve wouldn’t call it a complete loss.”
Athril handed him another piece of paper. It was a copy of a marriage certificate.
“Look at the names, Rowan.”
He did, and what he found there took the air right out of his lungs. Orcus King. Maeve had been married to Orcus King. Orcus King, the mastermind behind all the poisons produced in Valg. If Maeve had been married to him, had gained knowledge of his formulas and ingredients, then it’d be easy for her to . . .
“I need some air,” Rowan shoved the papers back into Athril’s hands and stormed out of the manor. There was a chill to the night, a welcomed sensation to combat his burning skin. He was going to be sick. Maeve was vicious, he always knew that—she didn’t become a mob boss by being nice, he knew that—but this was her family. Family was everything and she just—if Aelin was right then she just threw that all away.
Rowan closed his eyes and found a pair of chestnut eyes staring back at him. The wind carried the sound of a laugh, warm and infectious and familiar. Bile rose up Rowan’s throat. He’d give anything to just—and Maeve had thrown—he was going to be sick.
“Rowan,” Aelin’s voice broke through Rowan’s thoughts, through the laughter and the bile, and brought him back down into himself.
Dragging a hand down his face, Rowan turned to look at Adarlan’s Assassin. Standing before him now, Aelin looked so small and vulnerable, but she was looking at him as if he looked the same.
Opening her mouth, Aelin was about to say something else but Rowan cut her off, “I’m in. Whatever you need me to do.” He swallowed down the last remnants of the bile and resolved himself, “I’m in.”  
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soniaaristo · 5 years
Relief given to kin of drowned FBOs
Relief given to kin of drowned FBOs
Beat officers were out early in the morning
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biofunmy · 5 years
Early results in Hong Kong district council elections show pro-democracy parties sweeping establishment aside
Pro-democracy parties had comfortably surpassed the number of seats they won in 2015 and were on course for their strongest showing ever in district council elections. They also appear to have secured all 117 seats afforded to them on the 1,200-member election committee that votes for Hong Kong’s leader — a system designed to give an upper hand in the process to pro-Beijing groups and business interests.
The pro-Beijing Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB), the largest party in the district councils, had won just 26 races and lost 156. The pro-democracy Democratic Party, in contrast, had won 54 and lost only two.
The turnout — 2.94 million, or more than 71 percent of the 4.13 million eligible voters — was more than double the 1.4 million who voted in local elections in 2015. Voter registration was also a record high, driven in part by 390,000 first-time voters.
“Hong Kongers regard the election as a referendum and have clearly spoken that they are unhappy with how Hong Kong and Beijing have dealt with the ongoing protests in the last six months,” said Kelvin Lam, who won the South Horizons West seat, according to the South China Morning Post.
Lam was drafted to contest the seat for the pro-democracy camp after prominent activist Joshua Wong was barred from standing.
In 2015, pro-Beijing parties won just over 54 percent of the vote and 298 of the 452 seats to take control of all 18 district councils. They tend to be better funded and organized than pro-democracy groups, with solid links with the business elite and political establishment that allow them to argue that they are in the best position to get things done for their constituents.
Pro-democracy groups won 40 percent of the vote and 126 seats in 2015. Independents took the remainder.
But this time around, elections that have typically been fought on issues such as traffic, trash collection and the nuisance of pests such as wild boars became a referendum on the most fundamental issue in the territory: Whether one stands with the movement fighting for democratic freedoms, or with the pro-Beijing establishment that has had a grip on the former colony since Britain handed it back to China in 1997.
The protests were sparked in June by a proposal to allow criminal suspects to be extradited to China. The government eventually withdrew the proposal, but not before demonstrators added more demands: Full democracy, retracting the official description of the protests as riots, amnesty for arrested protesters and an inquiry into alleged police brutality.
“The voice of the public is loud and clear: Five demands, not one less,” said Roy Kwong Chun-Yu, who won in the Pek Long constituency. If Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam “doesn’t listen to our voice,” he said, “she must still not be awake.”
Even in pro-Beijing strongholds such as North Point, fresh-faced candidates running on an explicitly pro-democracy platform unseated longtime incumbents. Among them was 23-year-old Karrine Fu, who beat 45-year-old Hung Lin-Cham, the DAB incumbent who had won the past three elections.
DAB threw its weight behind the unpopular extradition bill. Its vice chairman, Holden Chow, lost his seat to a 25-year-old pro-democracy activist in one of several upsets for the party.
Lo Kin-Hei, vice chairman of the Democratic Party, called the result a “clear win” for the pro-democracy camp. “Really wonder what Carrie Lam & [Chinese President] Xi Jinping thought when they see the record-breaking turnout & result today,” he tweeted.
Voters waited in hours-long lines that snaked around city blocks, an unusual experience for Hong Kong residents. Almost every neighborhood in the city has seen violent unrest at some point over the six-month long protest movement, with police firing tear gas and rubber bullets and protesters countering with molotov cocktails and projectiles.
“Everyone just asks what side you are on, pro-democracy, or pro-establishment,” said Sabrina Koo, a pro-democracy candidate. “Only after that do they ask us what our plans are for the community and about local issues.”
Voters, relishing the opportunity to express their democratic rights, were unperturbed by the lines. Gloria Lai, 40, took her two children to a polling station close to a major protest flash point in Wan Chai: A road that in the past months has seen tear gas, water cannons and massive fires. They waited an hour to vote.
“I want my children to always remember that it is their right to vote, it is their right to voice out their opinion, and this is something to be treasured,” she said. “We don’t have the right to vote for our chief executive, but we have this.”
The contest for district council is the only fully democratic election in Hong Kong. The city’s leader is not directly elected. Only half of the Legislative Council, the lawmaking body, is chosen by the people.
Another voter in Wan Chai, which is currently represented by pro-Beijing politicians, said he flew back to Hong Kong from Britain, where he has lived for the past decade, to cast his ballot. The 39-year-old man, who asked to be identified only by his last name, Chan, said he has never seen such lines in an election, including in Britain.
“This is the best way to express our views, it is the right way,” he said. “We don’t want violence on the streets, but if we don’t have a way to express our political views in any other way, that will happen.”
Francis Lee, who researches public opinion and the media at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said the high turnout, while “expected because of the heated political and social atmosphere” of recent months, was still impressive for Hong Kong.
“A combination of police tactics and the [subway and rail network’s] tendency to close numerous stations during protest events has made it extremely difficult to hold any large-scale peaceful protests,” he said. “Many moderate supporters of the movement were frustrated by the lack of opportunities to express themselves,” he said, and see the election as a way to reenter the fold.
The well-funded establishment camp was hoping for support from a “silent majority” that has grown uncomfortable with protest violence in Hong Kong.
Some voters expressed a desire for a return of peace to the city streets, and said they were voting for experienced candidates.
“Nothing is more important than bettering the lives of ordinary people,” said a 74-year old pro-Beijing supporter who gave his last name as Chow. “The responsibility of our youth is to study hard, not to make society a mess.” 
Others said the protest movement had changed their views. Two voters in Sai Wan Ho, where a young protester was shot at close range this month, said they were deeply influenced by what they had seen.
“I couldn’t sleep well last night, I’ve been anticipating this election for so long,” said a 52-year-old man who gave his last name as Wong. “I really hope these elections can change the situation and change the political development of Hong Kong.”
The election was overwhelmingly peaceful and orderly, making a rare weekend without violence or police action in Hong Kong. Riot officers in green fatigues, some wearing masks, were seen at some polling stations, but the atmosphere was generally calm.
Otherwise, it felt like a typical weekend in the city before the protests began in June: Families out shopping and eating and people running errands. The weeks leading up to the vote saw the biggest escalation in violence since the protests began more than five months ago, with hundreds of demonstrators arrested after police seized a university campus that had become a fortified base for the movement.
Two protesters still holed up in the Polytechnic University held a news conference urging people to vote.
Hundreds of candidates chose to run in response to the events of the past months. These include Cathy Yau, a police officer who left the force over concerns that they were abusing their authority and is now running on a pro-democracy platform; Jimmy Sham, a leader of the Civil Human Rights Front, the group behind the largest peaceful rallies in the movement, and Tommy Cheung, who decided to contest elections in Yuen Long after mobs attacked protesters at a subway station there.
Sham appeared at his constituency in Sha Tin, walking with the help of cane, a reminder of the political violence against candidates ahead of the vote. Sham was attacked in October by a group of men wielding hammers.
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New Post has been published on https://cryptomoonity.com/kin-developer-program-apps%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8alive-in-week-1/
Kin Developer Program Apps — Live in Week 1
Kin Developer Program Apps — Live in Week 1
Kin Developer Program Apps — Live in Week 1
The Kin Developer Program participants are off the the races! Last week, 32 apps were given the opportunity to proceed in the program — more than half of which received the green light to move immediately to production. Some were asked to make minor changes to their integrations, and teams are expected to submit updated demos soon and go live to the public. In order to reach the first of the Kin Developer Program’s three milestones, apps must go live with a Kin integration on the App Store or Google Play by Nov. 14.
This week, five apps went live, and we’re excited to say that the second iOS Kin-powered experience is the result of the Kin Developer Program! These teams have received the first incentive payout of $15,000 USD and 50M KIN.
Now that these apps are live, they have until Oct. 15, 2019 to reach the program’s remaining milestones. Apps must have 10,000 monthly active wallets for at least two months in the coming year to reach the second milestones, and 50,000 monthly active wallets for at least two months in the coming year to reach the third.
Check out the first live integrations from the Kin Developer Program, available for download now:
Blastchat is a multi-purpose messaging app that lets you blast direct messages to your most important friends, customers, and fans. Category: Communication & social Download now on: Android and iOS Available to: All users How to earn Kin: Sign up for Blastchat products (ex., Blastchat Safety — a safety alert product); share content on Blastchat; earn tips from other users. How to spend Kin: Tip other users, or like their content; unlock the ability to add or edit Blastchat moments (similar to a blog, where users can share photos, videos, and GIFs); unluck ability to show blasts for more than the default 24-hour period. Other resources: Website: https://whatsblasting.com/ Twitter: @joinblastchat App support: [email protected]
Kinguist is a language-learning app that lets users create modules in their native language to help others learn new languages. Anyone can create a language-learning pack, complete with challenges and quizzes. Category: Education Download now on: Android Available to: All users How to earn Kin: Create a module for others to learn your native language; sell modules you created; answer quiz questions correctly; beat challenges within each module. How to spend Kin: Unlock new modules, and ask questions to module creators Other resources: App support: [email protected]
Kinny enables users to earn Kin in-app and send and receive Kin through social media. Category: Tools Download now on: Android Available to: All users How to earn Kin: Complete surveys and polls through Pollfish, a third-party polling service, and earn tips from other users How to spend Kin: Send tips to other users Other resources: Website: https://kinny.io/? Twitter: @kinnytips App support: [email protected]
Nearby is a social network that helps you meet new people near you. Category: Communication & social Download now on: Android Available to: All users (public beta) How to earn Kin: Be the first to message a new Nearby user, and complete quizzes and polls in the Kin Marketplace How to spend Kin: Purchase Nearby Points, the app’s existing native currency. Once the atomic swap feature is available, they intend to replace their existing currency with Kin and enable more spend opportunities. Other resources: Twitter: @NearbyHQ Website: https://www.wnmlive.com/ App support: [email protected]
Reveald is a mobile dating app that throttles the rapid judgement that most modern dating apps promote by revealing a user’s personality traits while simultaneously revealing their photos. Category: Communication & social Download now on: Android Available to: All users How to earn Kin: Complete your profile; review the profiles of others and choose their best photos for them; complete quizzes and polls in the Kin Marketplace How to spend Kin: Unlock the ability to have others review your profile Other resources: Website: https://reveald.app/ App support: [email protected]
Download these five apps now and let us know what you think on Reddit, Telegram, or Twitter! More apps will be going live in the coming weeks, so be sure to check back here for our next weekly roundup.
Kin Developer Program Apps — Live in Week 1 was originally published in Kin Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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One Man Can Unite Democrats: James Comey
One Man Can Unite Democrats: James Comey
July 26, 2018 5:57 p.m. ET
You probably have a relative who drives you crazy. Yet if someone from outside the family complains about him, you’ll defend your kin. When strangers attack, families pull together.
So it is in politics. Since
Donald Trump
emerged as front-runner in the 2016 primaries, Republican voters have braved a relentless torrent of criticism about their ethics, their tastes, even their patriotism. Liberals, NeverTrump Republicans and other outsiders keep trying to drive a wedge between factions of the Trump coalition. But these critics, shouting from outside the tent, don’t have standing. That’s why Mr. Trump is more popular within his party than any Republican president except
George W. Bush
immediately after 9/11.
We’re seeing the same phenomenon among Democrats. The divide between progressive populists and corporatist centrists goes back decades.
Ted Kennedy’s
1980 primary challenge left President
Jimmy Carter
wounded. In 2016 supporters of
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton
waged a brutal battle.
The party faithful are studying this year’s local primary results, particularly a single upset in New York. Is 28-year-old Sanders acolyte and Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the future of her party, or a fluke?
James Comey.
Wading into this internecine furor with the grace of
Chris Christie
on rollerblades, the fired former FBI director—a registered Republican until 2016, when he became an independent—took to
with an endorsement: “All who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats this fall. Policy differences don’t matter right now. History has its eyes on us.”
But then he added a qualification: “Democrats, please, please don’t lose your minds and rush to the socialist left. This president and his Republican Party are counting on you to do exactly that. America’s great middle wants sensible, balanced, ethical leadership.”
Notwithstanding Mr. Comey’s loathing for Mr. Trump, Democrats resent him. They believe his October 2016 announcement that the FBI was reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails tipped the election toward Mr. Trump. So his latest intervention might have helped heal the Democratic progressive-centrist schism.
“No one is asking for your advice. As we saw during the campaign, your judgment isn’t great!” replied Obama White House veteran
Tommy Vietor.
President Obama endorsed Mrs. Clinton before Democratic primaries were over and is thus viewed with suspicion by many Sanders fans.
Novelist and NPR star
Kurt Andersen,
who also chose Hillary over Bernie, helped circle the wagons in favor of progressives like Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. He shot at Mr. Comey: “What do we mean by ‘the socialist left’ (Comey’s scaremongering phrase) apart from the goal of a health care system like those in the rest of the rich world, and a few things America used to have, like cheap public higher education and higher taxes for rich people?”
Maybe Democrats can all just get along—if they unify to repel annoying outsiders.
Joe Lieberman’s
call in this newspaper for New York voters to reject Ms. Ocasio-Cortez at the polls this November—despite opponent
Joe Crowley’s
public pledge not to try to keep his seat—landed like a lead balloon.
Due to a quirk in New York’s ballot laws, Mr. Crowley will appear on the ballot as nominee of the leftist, union-backed Working Families Party. Working Families was quick to say thanks-but-no-thanks to the proposal of Mr. Lieberman, who won his final Senate term in 2006 by running against the Democrat who beat him in the primary: “New York voters aren’t going to take their cues from @JoeLieberman, a disgraced ex-senator who now works as a lawyer at Donald Trump’s law firm.”
The Democratic coalition might regroup—stronger than ever before—were Mr. Trump to denounce Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and the red peril of democratic socialism. So far, however, the president has been too smart for that.
Mr. Rall is a political cartoonist and author of “Francis: The People’s Pope,” the latest in his series of graphic novel-format biographies.
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Thee Privy Texter's chuckle Paris pal Airline to Tel Aviv '— Vu' (Warwick hit) PBS funder Scatter about Encore presentations Chortles Asian temples Peacekeeping org. Actress Ward Hgt. Bro or sis Gossip source 'Got it' Pottery oven Skin-care brand Spy org. Rams fans? Apiece Thanks Served soup RenFest waitress Man-mouse link String quartet player Big waves Genetic stuff Corn spike Peruke Brock of baseball Reuben cheese Hearty quaff Tic-tac-toe win Macho type Painter Vermeer Bit by bit Yalie Tram load Seriously loyal Swiss metropolis Greek vowels Costa — Sol Rail Kathmandu's land Christmas Bit of advice Low-fat Appointments Snake's sound Leb. neighbor Prefix with pad or port Capital of Rwanda Fabrics Unwell High card Elvis Presley's home Like sashimi 'If I — rich man …' Actor McKellen 'My word!' Grimace - See more at: http://crosswordpuzzlehelps.com/clue/Eugene-Sheffer-Crossword-Puzzle-Solutions-January-16th-2017-#sthash.5sMQz2pI.dpufVictorian __ Nil 'Lovely' Beatles ticket writer Watermelon cover Sunrise direction Marsh denizen Bay Area NFLers Colossus island 'SNL' alum Kevin Empathize Ladders partner in a kids' board game Novelist Morrison Wise guys? 'Popstar!' and 'Tiger Beat,' casually Humongous You may get a whiff of one Hit the road BBC time traveling hero __ get-out: to the utmost degree Pleistocene period Rear end in a fall? 'Gimme a few __': 'Be right there' Stridex target Vaulted church areas Maroon, as after a shipwreck Guileful Couple's word 'Little' deception Russian ruler until 1917 Tennis Hall of Famer Gibson Fawcett who played one of Charlie's Angels Sci-fi princess Supporter 'As seen on TV' record co. O'Neill's 'The Iceman __' Feeble Detox program Mgr.'s underling Concludes Treaty Cubic meter Half a picking-up tool Showy perennial Down-yielding duck Et __: and others Letter after epsilon First to walk on the moon Move it, old-style Modern: Ger. Word before a birth name Singer's syllable Looney Tunes rooster with a Southern accent Separate by percolation King's decree Sunset direction RBI and ERA Letterhead design 'All My Children' vixen Hammerhead parts 2007-'14 E! comedy talk show host Sixth sense, for short Old nuclear agcy. Apr. is in it Started to eat, with 'into' Record-setting aviator of the 1930s Opposite of stuffy, roomwise Jazz trumpeter Al Hercules types Shabbat service site Agreement to shake hands on Cybermessage Go Fish request __ Romeo: sports car Car roof accessory - See more at: http://crosswordpuzzlehelps.com/clue/La-Times-Crossword-Puzzle-Solutions-January-16th-2017-#sthash.cFgeV7wi.dpuf
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Dove's sound 'Alas …' Exams Sign of a beaver's activity, maybe Larsson who wrote 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' Completely … with a summation of 17-, 30- and 47-Across Nut-bearing tree Pizazz Abbr. before an alias Co-ops, maybe: Abbr. Sheet on a mast Prop for a golf ball Rare occurrence on 'Jeopardy!' Table tennis Odor Eye part with the iris Stairs Ancient Peruvian Mixes Something that may be hidden behind a framed picture Walkie-talkie Play about Capote 'Ah, now it's clear' Intestinal fortitude, informally Have a mortgage, e.g. Apparatus pulled by oxen Nut popular in ice cream Somehow Like four-leaf clovers, supposedly Highly classified Poet Robert who spoke at J.F.K.'s inauguration ___ Longstocking, girl of children's literature 'Penny Dreadful' channel, for short French seasoning British ref. work Freshly painted Syringe, for short Duck-hunting attire, informally Common Core dept. Other: Sp. W.W. II foe Toy on a string Aide: Abbr. Transmitted Most-wanted groups for parties Thin but strong 'Hop to it!' Lipton products Scissor cut Falafel bread 10 things in an Olympic swimming pool Missouri river or tribe 'Goodnight' girl of song Golfer's gouge Given to crying Stomach woe Cowboy's workplace 1960s dance craze Readily accept Cushiony '___ the night before Christmas …' Inquisitive Lavish party favors Lebanese city that was once the center of Phoenician civilization Polling bias Eight: Sp. Sign of a well-worn trail Daisies and dahlias Roma's country Arrested suspect, informally One who gives tips (and gets tips?) at a country club Slippery, as winter roads Alternative to bubble wrap Grp. that includes Iraq and Qatar Sharpen, as skills 'Halt!' - See more at: http://crosswordquizanswers.co.uk/clue/New-York-Times-Crossword-Puzzle-Solutions-January-16th-2017-#sthash.4UQ1xsVB.dpuf
Lightning catchers Cheese type Hurried Border lake or canal Slow river boat ___ to the occasion Pig-out party? Mel who voiced Fudd Jan. 1 song title word Attractive male features, for many Dutch master Jan Home of poles and hides Fatal August feature Pile One of 12 lengthy things Hither and ___ Where professors take shape? Feminine pronoun Take five Stories passed on through the ages Barbecue accessory Eastwood and Black Measure in 18-Across Requires NBA strategy encouraged by Phil Jackson Village kin 'White Cliffs' city in England Emailed already With many decibels Busy Midwest hub Elegant lake swimmer Teen's facial blemishes Angelic symbols Lima's country Drags to court Sudden incursion Mark replacement Picnic side dish Falls back at the beach? Ice cube grabbers Belafonte or Lewis of entertainment Vital beat Provide with gear Former Russian rulers Aquatic slitherer They can be wild on tables Chaired 'Friends' friend Bird long extinct Kuwait noble (var.) Cable sports award 'Physician, ___ thyself' Christmas toy, sometimes Have a role to play  
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