#the lag atl
cattzscosplay · 11 months
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Overwatch babes
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danswank · 2 years
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joe-moi · 3 months
i don't know how he travels the way he does lol and not be tired jet lag gotta be a killer for him if he's not used to it by now, i know the other casts i think stay in ATL when others go to other states. So i think he's in London until end of next week and than back to states if he's not in states now.
I feel like at some point celebrities just get used to it. I saw videos of Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl, and she said that Jetlag is a state of mind I think… Like that’s just deluluing yourself into believing that you’re not tired
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clumsyclifford · 1 year
2022 Writing Evaluation
hi i dug this up from the archives of this time last year because it was fun to do and i wanted to give other writers a chance to reflect if they’re so inclined! so here is my 2022 writing self-evaluation. point of order, i’m mostly filling this out specifically for my bellawritess ao3 and all the rpf stuff i write, not my other secret ao3 where i put fics written about fictional media. okay, onward. 
1. number of stories posted on ao3: 23!
2. word count posted for this year: 117,763
3. fandoms i wrote for: 5sos, atl, and 1d (but also teen wolf, mcu spiderman, hawkeye, and daredevil)
4. pairings: cake, lashton, malum, jalex, narry, halex (you know that very popular harry styles/alex gaskarth ship), and mirry.
5. story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: the answer to all three of these criteria is a change of heart and a silver lining, my winter 2021-22 fic exchange fic, which makes me very happy. i cannot believe that fic was from last year, january feels like forever ago but i love love love that specific work so much, in large part because of how much i was able to tailor it to meg as reciprocation for all the times and ways she tailored things to me.
6. work i’m most proud of (and why): i’m gonna say a three-way tie between (1) i got a radar for trouble (and you’re a renegade), (2) between all the gasping i finally breathe, and (3) play it again and again and again. #1 is the cruel summer prequel fic that i always half-jokingly said i would one day write and then surprised myself by actually writing, and i am incredibly proud of how well i managed to recreate the vibes of cruel summer fic but also write a prequel that made sense with the direction the actual cruel summer story took. #2 was one of the first legit fics i wrote to break myself out of this big 5sos fic slump i had been in (consequence of a perfect storm of a lot of small things), and i may have gotten lost in the metaphor sauce but i maintain that the metaphors are really fucking good which was gratifying to me as a writer who had felt like maybe i’d lost my real writing skill before then. #3 is the christmas fic i wrote for hazel, and what i’m most proud of there is that i fuckin actually wrote that. my love for my friends carried me through the warfields of attempting to romanticize christmas, and in so doing i think i actually learned something about christmas, ugh i feel like i’m getting less jewish every second i spend talking about this but i really am proud of myself for writing that and even moreso because i think i tailored it pretty well to hazel’s taste and that made me happy. it was like an extra challenge i set myself and then i did it well.
7. work i’m least proud of (and why): pretty much all the prompt fics from this year’s batch, tbh. this malum roommates one is really funny if you imagine you’re a fly on the wall of mine and megs’s dorm room but it’s the most nothing fic on the planet otherwise, and you’re my whole house is cute but again, literally nothing. unfortunately these were written while i was binge watching seinfeld which probably contributed to how much they were About Nothing but that’s no excuse.
8. share or describe a favorite review you received: i’m super terrible at remembering comments and stuff that people leave me but a few days ago i got a comment on yssdf saying it was one of the best love stories they’d ever read and that just about knocked my socks off
9. a time when writing was really, really hard: from aboutttt february to september, which is pretty obvious when you notice that i didn’t post a fic (on this account) between march 18th and september 27th of this year. i hit that aforementioned slump in a big way and i was also busy with life stuff and i was also just. unmotivated and uninspired! but in that time i wasn’t really doing a lot of writing to struggle with. something that was actively hard to write was definitely parts of the jet lag songfic i wrote for the fest. megs and hazel both experienced various aspects of my intense battle with Plot and Characters. it was not pretty.
10. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: luke in the muke college beach fic!!! he was so much more gutsy than (a) he’s usually written and (b) i expected him to be. and tbh, michael in that fic also kind of surprised me, although less so because he was based on a real guy i know, so it was more like trying to delve into the fictionalized mind of a real human being i go to school with and understand what it is that makes him only APPEAR to be an asshole and in reality maybe actually have a heart of gold. if that makes sense. character work but the character is based on a real person who is based on a real person. meta af.
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing: ill be the first to admit im a sucker for when there’s a song playing in the in-universe fic scene and then the lyrics tie into the moment. i have that in two fics that i can think of, so here they both are:
(1) from everywhere, everything:
Luke is trembling when he looks up at Ashton, but he only nods. Tilts their foreheads together.
Say it’s me that you’ll adore— Sinatra sings, and then there’s a scratch and a crack, and the whole record player crashes through the glass tabletop.
(the end of that lyric is “for now and evermore” !!!! HOW FUCKED IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(2) from faith in a stolen car (the jean jacket songfic i just wrote for the fest):
Calum’s rumbling laugh shook both of them as Springsteen vowed I’ll love you with all the madness in my soul, and Ashton sang along in a silly voice so Calum knew he meant it with everything he had.
He turned up the music, and ‘No Surrender’ blared out of the surround sound. The lines that had been stampeding around Ashton’s brain since Calum had first swept him up in tonight’s teenage delinquency now screamed against the wind in his ears.
Ashton smiled wider than his face could handle and screamed right back.
“WE MADE A PROMISE WE SWORE WE’D ALWAYS REMEMBER,” Calum’s voice joined his, and together they beat back the deafening gales; “NO RETREAT, BABY, NO SURRENDER!”
12. how did you grow as a writer this year? this year i learned the importance of conflict. “hey bella, didn’t you learn that in seventh grade english?” YES but then i IGNORED it and now i have relearned it in a fanfiction context and in the broader sense that i now understand every story has a conflict and more than that, a story needs a conflict, because that’s what drives it. after i finished writing those prompt fics, i thought, damn, these are fun but nothing is fucking happening in any of them. i wonder why that is! and then i realized. there was no conflict. i was writing “scenes” but nothing interesting within those scenes, so there was nothing pulling the characters from point A (the start of the scene) to point B (its conclusion) and as a result they all became meandering blocks of text with no goal or direction. anyway. point being that i have embraced conflict as a necessary factor in storytelling and i hope this will mean no more seinfeldian fics, prompt or otherwise.
13. how do you hope to grow next year? yes <3 jk but i sincerely have no idea, i don’t have any current ideas on how i plan to grow next year i just very much intend to grow. how it happens is anyone’s guess
14. who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? gotta be a tie between megs @igarbagecannoteven and hazel @allsassnoclass. obviously megs is my #1 rubber duck roomie, whether she likes it or not, and she has helped me solve more problems than i am comfortable admitting. actually i’m very comfortable admitting it megs has untangled a myriad of fic knots on many occasions this year she is the best rubber duck in the world. and hazel has become my virtual rubber duck which is great because it means i have all my bases covered! truly these two are a dynamic duo because they will both just let me sit there and complain and yet always have the right thing to say.
15. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? as always, a great many things. make the same mistakes ‘til the morning breaks and the muke college beach fic are both inspired by things that happened with this one guy i know from school (yes, the same guy, and yes, he is represented by michael both times, and no, i do not know why it happened like that). the latter came from just a single snap i saw on his snap story, and none of the fic is actually based on real events, but the former is HEAVILY based on real events between this guy and one of my good friends at school. lmao! 
i’ve been wishing i could breathe underwater is based on my experience scuba diving, which is to say, pure unmitigated terror, 1/10, do not recommend except to say that you did it. tequila shots from the dark scene of the crime is chock-full of baseball talk, specifically about Worst Team In Baseball the Washington Nationals (affectionate), so those feelings are straight from my heart. the concept of tell me what to see has not happened to me but it was very much inspired by my experience of getting in the habit of working out and realizing your muscles are literally increasing in size. the christmas fic has all my jewish disdain for christmas. that’s the shortlist, i think!
16. any new wisdom you can share with other writers? honestly, nope! i think other writers are thriving on their own fic journeys, as i am on mine. you guys seem to have a handle on things. i can reiterate my vehement loathing of comma splices or otherwise incorrectly-placed commas, but other than that i don’t have much to offer in the way of wisdom.
17. any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? yes!! i am really excited to (hopefully) finish this fic ive been intermittently writing that is based on back together by tss. well, actually it’s based on the specific energy that was created in the world when back together and 2011 were released on the same night. it’s a tss!5sos au. it’s going to be really good okay. it’s tasty. and as always i hope to finish summer camp au i am dead fucking set on finishing that fic there is no question in my mind that it will be completed someday sooner rather than later i hope but definitely eventually. aside from those, i can’t think of any other fic plans i have! just gonna see where the winds of fic fate take me.
18. tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: @igarbagecannoteven @allsassnoclass @kaleidoscopeminds @burstingsunrise @cringeycal (?) <3
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gcngcr · 2 years
still jet-lagged from her travels from home back to ATL, GINGER still wanted to show up to have some fun for night. Once arriving at the park, she began to head toward the most crowded areas as she knew that would signal food. The female’s nose led her to the turkey legs and she was content with life for the night. “I’m not gonna lie, this turkey leg about to hit, all I need is a good ol’ lemonade.” GINGER said to no one in particular as she watched the patrons enjoy the park around her.
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slumberinglabyrinth · 6 years
I’m torn between wanting the new heroes banner to be characters I want and wanting to save my orbs for CYL2 and, let me tell you, trying to reign in my rampaging imagination in an attempt to not hype myself up for something that isn’t going to happen isn’t fun
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albireogames · 2 years
Ren’Py stuff and cool things I put in the demo (part 1)
This is the first game I’ve ever made for myself and I learned a ton from the past couple of demos, so I wanted to showcase them here!
Title screen
The title screen has a star field with a stereoscopic effect that follows the cursor, creating an illusion of depth.  
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This was done by putting a Creator-Defined Displayable in the main menu screen. To be honest I just copied the example CDD code from the Ren’Py docs and edited it to suit my needs (which in my opinion speaks to the importance of example code and how I wish documentation in general included more examples, but I digress). I replaced the child displayable with four layers of star images to create the depth effect and a constellation image that’s randomly chosen every time the main menu is displayed, and did a bit of trial and error to figure out the offsets for how much each layer should move relative to the change in cursor position. The effect is really satisfying and I’m proud of how well it ended up working… I also wanted to have the movement lag behind the cursor a bit so it feels smoother and more weighty, but I don’t know how to do that (yet) lol… I’m sure it’s possible though.
Fte system
The game features an unassuming-at-first-glance free-time event system that lets you view slice-of-life scenes at a range of locations and hang out with the dragon of your choice (as long as you’ve unlocked their events), all independently from the pace of the main story. Our goal was to increase interactivity and incentivize repeat playthroughs in addition to the five existing main routes, as it’s very likely you won’t see every event in one run. We also wanted to flesh out the world and show how the characters and protag exist within it, as it’s an important part of the story we want to tell.
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This event system is actually held together by a veritable spaghetti mess of data structures and classes (that I need to refactor lol… when I haven’t looked at it in a while I get confused by my own naming conventions and some objects that are a little too multipurpose… plus I’ve been learning about good object-oriented design practices thru work recently so the jank is even more glaring). Right now it’s functional, but since I kinda took an ad hoc design-as-I-go approach, it could definitely be a lot cleaner and easier to understand…
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Once I have it cleaned up I might discuss it in more detail, but for now it’s like taking the mess on the floor of my room and shoving it all into my closet so that the houseguests won’t see it… for now the most interesting snippets are these clones I made of Lark for easy testing.
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Screens are your best friend. At first I hated it because the syntax felt so weird and loose and confusing (especially because it’s so similar between screens, ATL, and transitions but they’re not at all interchangeable) but it’s super powerful once you figure it out. Here are a few things that I wish I’d known sooner and would’ve saved me a lot of headache (read: sad debugging hours).
1. If you’re using an image as a background for something, especially for buttons that change appearance on interaction, wrap them in Frame() displayables!!! It takes five extra seconds to type “background Frame(“filepath/image.png”, Borders(2, 2, 2, 2))” instead of just the image name and will keep things from shifting around in unexpected ways.
2. However, if you’re lazy like me and like to use images as-is, and you have a parent screen element that has children whose contents will vary (like a frame containing an hbox), don’t use xalign and yalign to set the position of your parent displayable or it will scoot around every time the child changes and you’ll tear your hair out like I did when I was making the fte menu. Use xpos and ypos it will make everything better I promise. If you need to center something, take half your game resolution width/height and subtract half your image’s width/height to get your xpos/ypos.
3. If you ARE using xalign and yalign for something, make sure you use a float i.e., 0.0 instead of 0 and 1.0 instead of 1 or your shit will be fucked up
4. In my opinion the way that style prefixes are explained in the docs is kind of confusing, but basically they just save you some time on typing. For example, if I’m editing my choice menu screen and I have “style prefix “choice””, and I have a frame, a vbox, and a button, it’ll automatically search for and apply the “choice_frame” style to my frame and the “choice_vbox” style to my vbox . For buttons it’s split into “_button” and “_button_text” suffixes, so putting font properties into the “choice_button” style wouldn’t change my button text appearance at all. The built-in choice screen already uses a style prefix, which makes it a convenient example:
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5. This one might be obvious but it took me a while to figure out—wrapping your screen displayables in a transform (using the “at” property) renders any of its position style properties outside of the transform ineffectual. 
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Because of the transforms wrapping the frame and textbutton, those elements don’t have position properties defined. Strangely enough, this (thankfully) doesn’t apply to the button text properties. Adding these transforms results in a menu UI that moves on and off screen elegantly and feels responsive to the user, and I was pretty proud of being able to code it and bring the artist’s design to life.
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6.       You can use screens for literally anything. The demo has a screen that just overlays another instance of the background image on top of everything in order to create the effect of hiding every sprite on screen without having to a) figure out which sprites are being shown and hide them individually and b) keep track of where they were on screen so you can put them back afterwards. Shoutout to the users on Lemmasoft forums for this clever trick, it saved me hours of not having to hack together a stupid sprite hiding implementation lol
The stupid menu problem
If you set menu captions to be spoken by the narrator instead of displayed as an empty button, your menu choices will be shown at the same time as your menu caption. Unless you have text speed set to instantaneously appear, this results in the weird experience of seeing your dialogue options before the character even finishes talking, and there’s no way to change this in Ren’Py’s default options.
My first solution was to have two instances of the menu caption: one that was a normal say statement with a {nw} tag, placed right before the menu, and then in the menu itself, a menu caption that had {fast} on the end to make it appear instantaneously and {done} to keep the duplicate from showing up in the history. This way, it looks like the character finishes speaking before the menu seamlessly appears to give the player their options. However… the problem was that when I added a click sound effect that plays whenever the player clicks to advance the game, the menu textbox will click twice since it’s actually split over two textboxes (making the game Literally Unplayable).
The next idea was to rewrite the choice screen entirely to handle waiting for the caption to finish displaying, but I was worried that I’d no longer be able to use the typical menu statement with indented blocks (which I really like for readability) and I didn’t want to dig into stuff built into the Ren’Py engine… but honestly the solution was way easier than that.
In the screenshots for the choice screen in the previous section, you might’ve noticed a “wait” parameter—every time I use the menu statement, I pass in a call to my menu_caption function that takes the current text speed and the length of the dialogue to calculate how long the menu’s “on_show” transform should pause before it slides the dialogue choices in:
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And it’s used like this:
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BAM, easy. While I was brainstorming solutions and googling stuff I strangely didn’t find a single other person with this problem, so it could totally be that I just missed something obvious or the default design choice makes sense to everyone else, but hopefully this is helpful for anyone else that was frustrated by this.
I think that’s it for now—I might do a part 2 later focusing on ftes or specific screens, and another one on the writing process that went into the demo. If there’s a feature or function in the game you’re curious about, let me know and I’ll write about it!
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thisisthinprivilege · 4 years
Being underweight is one of the diagnostic criteria of anorexia.You cant see a doctor and claim that youre anorexic if you are overweight. Im not saying that your eating disorder isnt valid,im just saying that if the doctor bursts laughing at your self-diagnosis it wont be a surprise.You cant put a label you dont know the meaning of on yourself.Reach out for help,just because you arent underweight it doesnt mean you dont have an eating disorder.You need to take care of yourself and love yourself
The DSM is not a bible. It’s a very controversial set of guidelines created by fallible humans that are constantly being debated and often change. Big changes, changes that can go against previous versions entirely. Not long ago, the DSM pathologized sexuality. Some psychiatrists claim that a DSM-type manual that discretizes diagnoses is scientifically worthless. So yeah, I don’t see the point in policing people’s language on eating disorders. If people are experiencing a disorder that looks and acts in all ways like one that has a familiar pattern and name, then in order to communicate with other humans about it, they will use that name regardless of whether or not the APA agrees on all points in the latest edition of their diagnostic criteria.This is how science works. If often *lags* the truth, not the other way around.-ATL
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thedolivecom20 · 3 years
Carragher cho biết Salah sẽ tiếp tục ở lại cầm quân sau mùa giải này
Trong một cuộc phỏng vấn gần đây, Carragher cho biết Salah sẽ tiếp tục ở lại cầm quân sau mùa giải này bongdaso tv Salah chắc chắn là mẫu cầu thủ coi trọng sự nghiệp của mình. Có lẽ anh ấy hy vọng rằng những câu lạc bộ như Real Madrid và Barcelona sẽ xuất hiện trong lý lịch của anh ấy. tên đầu tiên. Nhưng tôi nghĩ tình hình của Salah bây giờ là, yếu tố kinh tế và tuổi tác, anh ấy 28 tuổi, Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid? Tôi nghĩ họ sẽ ưu tiên cho Mbappé và Harland, lựa chọn của họ trước Salah vì tuổi của Salah trận bóng đá mới nhất  là một trong những trang bóng đá tốc độ tải nhanh cùng hình ảnh âm thanh sắc nét , không bị giật,lag  món ăn tinh thần không thể thiếu của người hâm mộ bóng đá miễn phí và chất lượng  phương thức xem phù hợp và nhanh nhất có thể  nơi bạn có thể thỏa sức đam mê với sở thích bóng đá của chính mình trận bóng đá mới nhất  là một trong những trang bóng đá tốc độ tải nhanh cùng hình ảnh âm thanh sắc nét , không bị giật,lag  món ăn tinh thần không thể thiếu của người hâm mộ bóng đá miễn phí và chất lượng  phương thức xem phù hợp và nhanh nhất có thể  nơi bạn có thể thỏa sức đam mê với sở thích bóng đá của chính mình  Hai câu lạc bộ này không được tài trợ đủ và hợp đồng của anh ấy với Liverpool vẫn còn một thời gian nữa. Là một người hâm mộ Liverpool, tôi không lo lắng rằng anh ấy sẽ ra đi sớm. " Tottenham: Theo Romano, gã khổng lồ của Pháp, Paris hy vọng sẽ ký hợp đồng với tiền vệ Ali của Tottenham trong tuần này, và cầu thủ người Anh hy vọng sẽ rời câu lạc bộ Bắc London càng sớm càng tốt. Trong hoàn cảnh như vậy, thành công của thương vụ này phụ thuộc vào mong muốn của câu lạc bộ Tottenham và chủ tịch Danny Levy. Bản thân Ali tôn trọng câu lạc bộ Tottenham, nhưng anh ấy muốn có nhiều thời gian chơi hơn . Các trận đấu sắp diễn ra trên Thedolive : Leverkusen - Dortmund (02:30 Jan 20) Leicester - Chelsea (03:15 Jan 20) Fulham - Man Utd (03:15 Jan 21) Man City - Villa (03:15 Jan 21) Alcoyano - R. Madrid (03:00 Jan 21) Leipzig - U. Berlin (02:30 Jan 21) Eibar - Atl. Madrid (03:30 Jan 22) Gladbach - Dortmund (02:30 Jan 23) PSG - Montpellier (03:00 Jan 23) Man Utd - Liverpool (22:00 Jan 23) Leverkusen - Wolfsburg (21:30 Jan 23) Milan - Atalanta (00:00 Jan 24) Udinese - Inter (00:00 Jan 24) Monaco - Marseille (03:00 Jan 24) Juventus - Bologna (18:30 Jan 24) Schalke - Bayern (21:30 Jan 24) A. Madrid - Valencia (03:00 Jan 25)
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thedolivecom01 · 3 years
Alaba sắp gia nhập Real Madrid, nhưng giá cao nhất là Liverpool
Thedolive là một trong những trang website phát sóng trực tiếp bóng đá tốt nhất, tại đây bạn có thể xem các trận đấu bóng đá trực tiếp tốc độ cao, âm thanh sắc nét rõ ràng, xem trực tiếp các trận đấu bóng bị lag,giật.  Trang website với ngôn ngữ tiếng việt, phát sóng và bình luận bóng đá và tường thuật bóng đá tất cả đều bằng tiếng việt, hãy truy cập Thedolive để xem các trận đấu bóng đá nảy lửa đầy hấp dẫn, và xem trực tiếp các đội tuyển và bạn yêu thích tỏa sáng trên sân cỏ nào...
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Thedolive  ngày 20 tháng 1, hôm nay, phóng viên Sky Sports nổi tiếng của Ý, Fabrizio Romano, đã cập nhật số mới của anh ấy về Here We Go Podcast, mang tên hậu vệ hiện tại của Bayern Munich, David Alaba.Romano cho biết, chi tiết hợp đồng giữa Alaba và Real Madrid vẫn là bản hợp đồng 4 năm, với mức lương hàng năm là 12 triệu euro sau thuế, trong vài tuần tới, các chi tiết về vụ chuyển nhượng của Alaba sẽ gần như hoàn tất. Và ước mơ của anh ấy luôn là gia nhập Real Madrid, đó là lý do tại sao anh ấy muốn đàm phán nhất với Real Madrid.
 Tuy nhiên, người đại diện của Alaba là Zahavi cũng đang liên hệ với các câu lạc bộ khác, nhưng ở giai đoạn này, Alaba vẫn là người gần nhất gia nhập Real Madrid, và về cơ bản anh sẽ trở thành cầu thủ của Real Madrid trong mùa giải tới.Romano sau đó đã đề cập rằng có 5 đại gia quan tâm đến Alaba và liên hệ với người đại diện của anh ấy, bongdaplus trong đó đối xử tốt nhất với Alaba về điều kiện kinh tế bất ngờ là câu lạc bộ Premier League Liverpool. Về phần Barcelona, ​​hiện đang tranh cử tổng thống, không có người đứng đầu và tình hình tài chính không mấy lạc quan, Romano cho rằng Paris Saint-Germain thực sự quan tâm đến Alaba hơn là Catalan.Vì vậy, Liverpool và Paris Saint-Germain vẫn đang trong cuộc chiến giành Alaba, nhưng Real Madrid luôn dẫn đầu trong cuộc đua marathon, vì vậy Alaba vẫn là người gần nhất với Real Madrid. 
Thedolive.com là trang web xem bóng đá trực tuyến hôm nay, trực tiếp bóng đá ngoại hạng anh, Cúp C1, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A tường thuật tiếng việt với đầy đủ video chất lượng cao HD k+ và đường truyền cực kì ổn định
Khi nói về mối liên hệ giữa hai sự cố Alaba và Ramos, Romano cho biết Real Madrid rất hài lòng với sự đa năng của Alaba ở vị trí trung vệ, hậu vệ trái hoặc trung vệ, nếu Ramos ra đi thì Alaba Việc ký kết hợp đồng là rất quan trọng. Tuy nhiên, anh cũng nhắc nhở người hâm mộ rằng hợp đồng của Varane chỉ còn một năm sau mùa hè này, và trung vệ người Pháp cũng vừa thay đổi công ty chủ quản, vì vậy anh có thể sẽ rơi vào tình trạng giống như Alaba sau mùa hè này. , Tình hình hợp đồng sẽ phức tạp hơn. Tuy nhiên, ông nói rằng ông không ám chỉ rằng Varane sẽ rời Real Madrid, mà việc gia hạn hợp đồng của Varane là một chủ đề rất quan trọng đối với Real Madrid.
Lịch thi đấu bóng đá nổi bật trong tuần: Xem bóng đá trực tiếp tại website Thedolive.com
Cagliari – Milan (02:45 Jan 19) Arsenal – Newcastle (03:00 Jan 19)
Leverkusen – Dortmund (02:30 Jan 20) Leicester – Chelsea (03:15 Jan 20)
Fulham – Man Utd (03:15 Jan 21) Man City – Villa (03:15 Jan 21) Alcoyano – R. Madrid (03:00 Jan 21) Leipzig – U. Berlin (02:30 Jan 21)
Eibar – Atl. Madrid (03:30 Jan 22) Gladbach – Dortmund (02:30 Jan 23) PSG – Montpellier (03:00 Jan 23) Man Utd – Liverpool (22:00 Jan 23) Leverkusen – Wolfsburg (21:30 Jan 23)
Milan – Atalanta (00:00 Jan 24) Udinese – Inter (00:00 Jan 24) Monaco – Marseille (03:00 Jan 24) Juventus – Bologna (18:30 Jan 24) Schalke – Bayern (21:30 Jan 24)
A. Madrid – Valencia (03:00 Jan 25)
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Hey i was wondering if you could do one where the readers band is on tour with all time low and at night she sings herself to sleep and jack listens to her and starts developing a crush on her? You can change it up a bit so it doesn’t suck but thanks :)
AN Hey guys! Sorry it’s been three years since I’ve posted lmao. I think I’m slowly coming back to these. For one thing I’m at my job, and I work graveyard so I’m bored as hell. For another, I really miss creative writing. I’ll update you on my life if you want next time I visit this, but other than that, hello! I won’t be updating the halloween imagines for the time being, especially since I’m trying to come back to this. I know I had one  (1) request to update the side blog fanfics I had going on, but as for now, I’m going to try to do it one at a time. @ my motivation? Where r u (and im so sorry i cannot sleep i cannot dream tonighttttt) Anyways! Also I just realized that it was Creeper who were atl’s opening band on the european mainland tour for lyr and now im emo all over again. The text conversation is in the story already, I just felt the need to make it for you lol
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Your POV
I knew we were going on tour with All Time Low. Our manager knew we were going on tour with All Time Low. My bandmates knew we were going on tour with All Time Low. We all were well aware, and now the fans were too. But holy shit, is it surreal. Starting from nothing, playing a max of ten people, then going to 1,000 cap rooms, oh my god is it fucking incredible. Not to mention All Time Low have been my heroes for as long as I can remember.
I’m in a pop punk band, and I play the bass. I’m not quite a singer, but I can do back up. I have three other bandmates. One sings, her name is Maria, one plays guitar, that’s Drew. And we have Allison on drums. Altogether we’re pretty badass.
I had heard in the industry that Jack was a bit of a flirt. Having Drew in our band, we didn’t think much of it. Granted, Maria was engaged, and Allison’s gay, so it’s not like either of them were available. But I knew of Jack’s wiles, so I knew to stay on my toes. We were touring in Europe around the mainland for Last young Renegade, All Time Low’s new album, and it was my band’s first time being in Europe, so we were stoked. We were up at like 8 am, exploring around the city. Though trying to fall asleep is critical, especially jet-lagged. I don’t know about most things, but what I do know is anytime I go anywhere, even if it’s in the same time zone, I’m always jet-lagged. Maybe I’m just always tired?
So we arrived in Copenhagen, Denmark, the first stop on our European tour, and we meet the guys at their bus, and I’m a little star struck. Alex Gaskarth and his iconic hair. I’m not saying I’m in the fandom, but Alex’s brown hair is nothing short of iconic. Especially when it’s longer. Huge throwback to Timebomb era, and hooo boy. That was an era to be alive. Alex was wiping down the table in his bus, muttering about these “good for nothing men, who can’t even pick up after themselves.” Jack is behind him opening the fridge, then opening the cupboards, then opening the fridge, then opening the pantry, I smiled a bit at that. Zack and Rian weren’t anywhere to be found, at least from what I could see, staring down the bus’s hallway. We were to be dragging behind them in our small little van pulling a trailer. Drew coughed, and Alex looked up. “Guys!” he smiled, throwing away his wipe. “You’re here!”
Jack looked over from his rampant searching of food and smiled at us as well. I felt my face grow hot, but tried to brush it off like I was alright. I kicked my other food and looked down at the ground to try and forget I existed for a bit. I noticed Maria smiling at me, probably knowing exactly what was going on. She knew that Jack has always been a celebrity crush of mine since 2008. “What’s up,” he said to us, nodding in our direction.
“We’re in GutterPunk,” Drew responded, usually taking initiative. “Nice to meet you guys. We’ll be on tour with you throughout the mainland.”
“Sweet!” Alex smiled, and came over to us, probably intending to shake our hands. “What’ll you be riding around?”
“We kind of don’t really know yet? We have to go pick up the rental van and trailer soon. We just wanted to meet you guys.”
“Well I’m Alex,” he said gesturing to himself. “And that fiend over there is Jack.” Jack paused from his cupboard raid and waved, then went back to it. “Hope to enjoy your guys’ music and energy out there.”
“Stoked, dude.” Drew shook his hand, and turned to walk away, out of the bus. We were all standing in his way. So he had nowhere to go.
“I’ve been a fan since middle school!” Allison told him, also shaking his hand. “Y/N and I have always dreamed of touring with you guys. It’s been a dream, really. You’re a huge inspiration! At least half of it. Tre Cool has always been my biggest, but don’t sweat it. He’s a fucking god on drums.”
“Here here!” came a voice in the back.
“That’s Rian,” Alex chuckled. “He always makes himself known at any mention of Green Day.”
I thought I had seen Jack peak over at us when Allison mentioned my name, but then again, it was all happening so fast, I didn’t have any idea as to what was going on. I tucked my hair behind my ears and introduced myself to Alex. We talked a bit before we had to go to the rental agency and get our modes of transportation. It was to be about a month in the van with these guys, tightly packed. Thank god we weren’t a ska band.
After a couple days on tour in Europe, I was getting my bearings. I started to get a feel of how it would be like throughout the month. It was a show every night for a couple days, then we’d have one or two days off. Our van broke down the fifth day, and we were ready to call it quits, me being on the verge of tears, and Allison kicking the wheel of our shitty van rental. Alex graciously offered to let us stay in their bus, but we all refused, trying desperately to figure out another way to travel. He insisted.
“Are you sure this is okay?” Maria asked him as we gathered our stuff in their bus
“Oh, it’s fine!” Alex waved us off. “You’ll just stay with us. It’s not fair that we get this huge ass bus for four of us and you guys all have to share that tiny van. Make sure you get your money back though, because that’s bullshit. Jesus Christ, man. I told Fueled that we should’ve just shared a tour bus but they’re all about ‘separating bands’ or whatever. Why we ever signed to this record label I’ll never know.”
“It was your idea,” Zack chimed in. We all laughed. “Well it was! After going to Hopeless, twice, Alex wanted to branch out. Which we all agreed to anyway. It was funny though, because he complained about it every chance he got.”
“I’m well aware of that. But Fueled by Ramen seems to forget that we were once small too! Power to the little people!”
We all laughed again and gathered in their bus to prepare for the next night which was to be a day off. I was nervous, because this meant that Jack would be just down the hall, if you can even call it that, from me. It reached 1 am that night after the show, and we had all gathered in our beds to try and sleep so we could get out and do fun things around France.
I always used to sing myself to sleep to calm my nerves, and after about an hour of tossing and turning, it seemed like that was my only option if I wanted to sleep. I started off by humming softly, in case I would wake anyone up. After about ten minutes of that, and no sounds of stirs happened, I sang quietly. First was Lullabies, which is my go to song to sing when I need to sleep. Something about the line “Sing me to sleep, I’ll see you in my dreams” makes me feel at peace. After I finished with that, I heard the quiet patter of feet. I stopped for a bit, to wait to see if it came again, and when it didn’t I started again. Snuff by Slipknot is another one that calms me down, and I sang that, but right at the bridge I heard the patter again. I drew back the curtain, and saw Jack standing there. He looked scared to see me notice him, and promptly turned back towards his bed, and didn’t look back at me.
I frowned but pulled the covers up. I guess he doesn’t actually want to get to know me. I closed my eyes to try for the.. Was it the fourth time? Third time? I lost count. But I tried once more to sleep. Then I heard the pang next to me of a text message.
I promise I wasn’t trying to listen to you sing.
It was from Jack. We had all exchanged numbers at the beginning of the tour. My thumbs danced over my screen as I thought of what to say.
Don’t worry about it
I just heard it and then i couldn’t stop
It’s fine, jack. Really
Your voice is really pretty tho Can we talk tomorrow? I have something I need to tell you
What could he possibly need to tell me? I was freaking out. And now I can’t sleep even more. Fuck. This was going to be a long night.
I mean I’m awake right now
I can’t really say it right now
Well, what the fuck does that mean? I sigh and then turn around and face the wall. The bus was moving, but I felt like my stomach was moving ten thousand times faster. Him talking to me like this is the first real conversation he’s had with me. Most of the time he avoids me. Whatever it is, I guess I can wait. I prepared for a long sleepless night after that.
When I woke up, everyone was bustling about, getting ready for the day off. “Jack! Y/N!” Rian called down to us. I guess neither of us had gotten up. “We’re going out to breakfast!”
I moaned in recognition, and heard nothing from Jack, so I assumed he had gone with them. I threw my covers off and went straight to the bathroom. When I got out, I saw a tall lanky man with bed head staring at me.
“Uh. Hello.” I said stupidly.
“Hey, uh. About last night.”
“It’s fine if you don’t want to say anything. I get it. I’m a backup singer for a reason.”
“No that’s not it! Um.” He stopped talking to look down at his feet. “Look. I know this is weird. Especially since I hardly know you. But, I’ve actually been following your band for a while. And dude, you’re like insanely hot. And then I find out you’re a good person too? Last night, hearing your singing it made me realize.. Fuck, this is so stupid. It made me realize I’m in love with you.” With the last uttering of  those words, he looked up at me. “Sorry.”
“Are you fucking serious?” I raised my eyebrows, completely awestruck. Jack Barakat, the celebrity crush of my teen years was telling me he was in love with me? When it looked like he in fact, was not kidding, I immediately blushed and looked away. “Dude. I’ve been in love with you since I was like 14.”
A smile lit up his face as he started talking really fast, rambling. “Oh my god! Really? Holy shit okay, so like we can go get breakfast with the others, or we can go get breakfast by ourselves, we could walk down the Seine, we are in France after all. Holy fu-”
I started laughing, but grabbed his hand with mine, since he was waving it all around. “Slow down there, I can barely keep up. Let’s go get breakfast first, and talk this out. You’ve basically been avoiding me since I got here.”
“Well yeah, I didn’t really know how to strike up a conversation.”
I chuckled. “This is weird, huh?”
“So weird.” He nodded in agreement. I realized I was still holding his hand, but I didn’t let go. Instead we walked off the bus, headed towards the cafe for breakfast. My heart was in my throat but this felt right. After the initial break of the ice, he wouldn’t shut up, but I loved hearing his voice. He could talk for hours on end if he really wanted to.
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rememberthattime · 5 years
Chapter 47. Fiji
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I was born on May 13, 1989. I don’t remember much about the day, but from pictures, it looked like a great time. My parents were celebrating, there were balloons, someone brought a children’s Chicago Cubs baseball set.
Today is my 30th birthday, so I’m reflecting … looking back all the way to the very start.
It’s interesting to imagine my mom & dad’s thoughts in that delivery room 30 years ago. They must have been terrified by the responsibility of raising a toddler (I would be), but also excited for their new son’s future. What will he grow up to be? Where will he live? What will he do? Their dreams for me had to be bigger than their 1980’s hair.
In the least dramatic way I can say this: they couldn’t have predicted where I’d end up 30 years later.
Birthdays are important to celebrate, but especially milestone birthdays. This is mainly Chelsay’s influence speaking, but I agree with her: milestone birthdays are ones you’ll always remember. 15 years from now, we’ll think back and ask: “What did we do for your 30th birthday?” ... I won’t let that be an ordinary memory. Life is busy though, so it’s tough to carve out a day for festivities, let alone plan them. Even a month ago, Chelsay and I didn’t know how we’d be celebrating. Chels had plans in motion, but my work complicated things by scheduling meetings in Atlanta the week before. My trip back to Sydney would require 24 hours of flights, so would we still be up for a big celebration? The answer is Yes. I’m not 70, and I just said milestone birthdays were important, so we’re making this happen. Work would pay for me to get from ATL back to SYD via any route, so Chels and I started looking for convenient connecting destinations. Hong Kong, Tokyo, Patagonia, and Hawaii were all considered, but in the end, we found the perfect blend of celebration, relaxation, adventure, and convenient flights in Fiji. Fiji is a county made up of 330 islands, and each island chain has its own unique characteristics. Viti Levu is the main island and home to Nadi Airport, but most tourists don’t stay here. Near Viti Levu are the Mamanucas, small sandy dots amongst the expansive blue. The Mamanucas are stunning, but they’re typically more resort-y and popular with nearby Aussies & Kiwis. Then there are the Yasawas, where Chelsay and I chose to stay. The Yasawas are further from the mainland, and their remoteness means their less touristy.
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This is a double-edged sword though, because less tourists means there’s less tourist infrastructre, so finding a comfortable option would take some research. We eventually decided on Paradise Cove, which perfectly balanced vacation comforts (comfy bed, outdoor shower, and excellent food, which can’t be understated on a remote island) with a sense of wild adventure (fewer guests, great snorkelling, and hiking paths around the large island).
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I nailed my meetings in Atlanta, so my birthday weekend was off to a good start even before boarding the plane. For the next 24 hours of flights, I had nothing to worry about - just enjoying a few movies and catching up on sleep. Chelsay and I met up in the Nadi Airport after extremely disproportionate flight times (hers was only 4 hours), and caught a ferry to Paradise Cove. Seaplanes were an option, but they were 5x the price and this wasn’t our honeymoon. The other advantage of the ferry is that it allowed us to see the different Fijian islands up close. Viti Levu and the Mamanucas were very nice, but Chelsay and I knew we’d made the right choice as we arrived in the less crowded Yasawas.
We were in heaven as we stepped onto the sandy beaches of Paradise Cove. A jungle of palm trees lined the beach, at first hiding the resort before eventually revealing a dream island getaway: shaded cabanas, pool-side lounge chairs, and a bar concocting frozen, fruity treats.
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The pineapple on top of this pina colada was that Chelsay told the resort it was both of our birthdays, so they upgraded our villa and outfitted it with balloons and welcome drinks. As birthday surprises go, drinks on a beach in Fiji was pretty good.
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After drinks on the beach, scuba diving wasn’t really an option, so we decided to snorkel in Paradise Cove’s house reef. I was really surprised by its color. It was just last week that I wrote about the scale of the Great Barrier Reef... but out in the middle of the Pacific, Fiji’s immense soft coral, highlighter vibrancy, and sea life abundance were incredible.
Now, it was inevitable that jet lag would catch up to me. Atlanta is 16 hours behind Fiji, and I was mentally nearing midnight. Chelsay was also dealing with severe time zone change (2 hours), so she was equally down for a nap. We gave ourselves 90 minutes but would wake up well before our 6:30 dinner. Apparently we woke up to the alarm at 5:30... I don’t remember. I guess I turned it off and only woke up once Chelsay checked her phone. 6:20. Woof. I say all this only to give you an idea of the mental state I was in over dinner. It was similar to that infamous Innsbruck dinner, where Chelsay and I giggled through our whole meal in a tired haze. After our mains, I asked Chelsay if it was time to call it a night... Despite having sour straws in the room, she insisted we stay at the restaurant for dessert. “Alright, well if we’re going to be here awhile, I need some extra bug spray.” I stumbled back to the room and, as I was re-applying, I heard singing in the distance. “Must be the ‘Kava Social’ by the fire pit,” I thought. ...These resorts always put on a show. Still in a sleepy haze, I leisurely made my way back to Chelsay. As I got closer though, I realized the singing wasn’t coming from the fire pit… it was coming from the restaurant. I turned the corner and could see they were surrounding Chelsay and I’s table... and Chelsay had her hands clasped over her mouth... and they weren’t making eye contact with her... and they had a cake. OH NO! They’d been singing this whole time for me!!!! Ahhhhh-I rushed back to the table, face bright red, and started clapping along as they sang a Fijian happy birthday song. I don’t know what they sang actually... it could’ve been the alphabet. I just tried to focus on Chelsay and not on the fact that the song had been going for at least three minutes. I thought to myself, “Chelsay must be so embarrassed!” And then I thought, “Oh no everyone thinks I was taking a shit!” The song finally wrapped up, and the waiters were laughing with Chelsay and I. They accusingly pointed out that it was the longest they’ve ever had to sing happy birthday… “Guys, I swear, I was putting on more bug spray!” Luckily a nearby couple caught the awkwardness of camera.
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The next morning, Chelsay and I had scheduled back-to-back dives. We’ve been diving quite a bit recently, but it was still fun to float around the bottom of the ocean. Much like the local humans, Fijian fish seemed incredible friendly: the sea life was very comfortable with divers, staring back at Chelsay and I from only a few inches away.
After our dives, Chels and I took a 1.5 hour hike around the island, stopping at a secluded beach for private snorkelling. Along the hike, the resort had set up a few small exercise stations. One station was a tire flip... like what NFL prospects train with. This is probably why all the Polynesian players are so big. Anyway, Chelsay challenged me to flip it and I did so without difficulty. It must not have looked hard, because Chelsay confidently stepped up to try it herself. She bent down, grabbed the tire, lifted from her legs for less than one millisecond, and walked away with nothing but a “Nope.”
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At dinner that night, first of all, there were no birthday song surprises. Second, we had phenomenal steak with a spread of beetroot, pea, and garlic purée. It was exceptional, as was every meal we ate at Paradise Cove. This can’t be overstated. I mentioned earlier that food in many Yasawan islands is poor, often limited to rice and fries. These resorts just aren’t prepared to meet all vacation comforts... Paradise Cove was ready though. Over our three days, we enjoyed tasty local kokoda, beef lettuce wraps, coconut crusted chicken, and their many fresh catches of the day.
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The next morning, Chelsay and I joined a snorkel excursion through a nearby island channel. In Fiji, these channels serve as a funnel for pods of manta rays, which are probably my favorite non-dog animal. See, ever since our failed hunt for mantas in the Maldives, I’ve had an appreciation for how hard they are to find. Even though we’ve since seen entire pods of mantas, I’ll always jump at the slightest chance to see another. Our boat between the two islands, and the guide jumped in the water. He wore a weight belt so that he could sink down where the mantas swim, which I only mention because I want to remember how easily he descended 10 meters (30 feet), sitting in the dark blue for 2 minutes before resurfacing. This guy is a fish. On the other hand, Chelsay had a less graceful descent. When we scuba dived the day before, we exited the boat by sitting on the ledge, tanks over the water, and just falling backwards. The weight of the tank would naturally fall into the water and 360-degree flip you back to the surface. When snorkelling though, you don’t have the weight of the tank. Chelsay threw herself back and entered the water, but was too buoyant to complete a flip. She’d contoured herself into an arch, with her belly sticking out of the water and fins frantically trying to rotate over. She probably scared the mantas away. It took about 30 minutes of tense anticipation, but while staring down at the blue abyss, we heard the guide yell, “Manta!” Chelsay and I swam over quickly to take in the majestic giant. At around 3 meters wide, this female manta was bigger than me, yet swam with such gentle grace. Its grace is deceptive though, because it’s actually still moving quickly - between our hunt and subsequent chase, I probably swam 3 km that morning.
Chels and I were tired when we got back to Paradise Cove, but it was our last day so we decided to snorkel the house reef one more time. It was cool to see the soft coral again, but we were pooped. I actually had to tow Chelsay back: you know, when I swim in front and my wife just holds onto my foot.
As I was towing her, we passed over a shallow part of the reef but I kept powering along. Suddenly, Chelsay let go of my foot and started slapping the water. I stopped in my tracks, unsure what she was freaking out about. She swam off, so I followed, and it wasn’t until we’d gotten to shore that she told me what it was: apparently a venomous white-banded sea snake popped out and launched within 1.5 ft of me. That was enough sea life for this trip, so we spent the rest of the day on the resort’s inflated jungle gym. We laughed, played around, and attempted backflips (key word: attempted). Just a reminder that I’d turned 30 a few days before.
That note actually transitions well into my conclusion…
A lot of people get anxious about their 30th birthday. It isn’t a vitality thing - too early for that - but the anxiety comes more from gauging where you are vs where you thought you’d be. Life isn’t a checklist, but it’s natural to have expectations for when you turn 30, 40, etc. Well, I’m writing this from my villa patio in Fiji, so I’m nailing the “Where you are” part. To answer that question less literally though, I’ll instead consider “Where I am” against Chelsay and I’s life motto, something we wrote in our wedding vows: “We’ll never let age get in the way of our youth.” This is perfect motto for age-related milestones because youth isn’t a concept tied to age. It isn’t chapter in your life that just fades away. It’s a mindset, and it’s one you can measure whether you’re 5, 20, 30, 40, or 80. To be youthful is to be energetic, playful, and optimistic. Now I’m technically 30, but this milestone age doesn’t bother me. “Where I am” is energetic enough to swim with Mantas, playful enough to laugh at awkward cake situations and splash around on an inflatable jungle gym, and optimistic enough to make a celebratory Fiji weekend happen despite all of life’s complexities. I’m not worried about turning 30, because after the past weekend, I know I’m as youthful as I’ve ever been.
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warofawesome · 5 years
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Back in ATL, finally got over jet-lag! Currently working on my gaming system, any suggestions for a mic? #beyourself #msms #fashion #dollskill #rainbow #colorfulhair #travel #relax #purplehair #longhair #gothiclolitawigs #rockstarwigs #confidence https://www.instagram.com/p/BwNMLd5gVc6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kw4z061c9o50
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dermontag · 2 years
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Was für ein Slalom-Showdown Straßer feiert famosen Coup beim Klassiker 25.01.2022, 21:53 Uhr Kurz vor den Olympischen Spielen in Peking gelingt Linus Straßer eine dicke Überraschung. Das deutsche Slalom-Ass gewinnt den spektakulären Klassiker in Schladming. Auch der Österreicher Manuel Feller schreibt eine irre Geschichte unmittelbar nach seiner Corona-Infektion. Linus Straßer schrie seine unbändige Freude in den Schladminger Nachthimmel - einmal, zweimal, dreimal. Dabei standen die Besten nach dem ersten Lauf noch oben an der legendären Planai. Doch als bei der Generalprobe für die Olympischen Spiele unter Flutlicht ein Favorit nach dem anderen scheiterte und auch der Schwede Kristoffer Jakobsen am zweiten (!) Tor ausschied, gab es für Straßer kein Halten mehr. Dritter Sieg im Weltcup - und das so kurz vor Peking! "Ich habe probiert, mein Ding durchzuziehen, was mir wirklich geil gelungen ist", sagte der Münchner im BR, "nur bei mir und meinem Skifahren zu bleiben. Ich genieße das extrem." Experte Felix Neureuther war voll des Lobes: "Er ist so smart gefahren im zweiten Durchgang. Tolles Rennen, großer Sport - mit einem verdienten Sieger." Im "Maracana-Stadion" des Skisports (Neureuther) war das noch keinem Deutschen gelungen. Armin Bittner triumphierte 1990 noch bei einem "normalen" Slalom in Schladming, Neureuther fuhr 2013 dort zu WM-Silber und insgesamt dreimal aufs Weltcup-"Stockerl" - aber nie nach ganz oben. Der FC Bayern drückt die Daumen Am Fernseher drückten Bayern-Trainer Julian Nagelsmann beim "absoluten Pflichttermin für mich" und Thomas Müller ("Reiß ihnen den A.... auf!") die Daumen - und Straßer, der für Lokalrivale 1860 fährt, schien es zu beflügeln. Für den 29-Jährigen war es die siebte Fahrt aufs Podium, die zweite in diesem Winter nach Platz drei in Adelboden am 9. Januar. Gewonnen hatte er zuvor nur den Slalom in Zagreb im vergangenen Jahr und das City Event 2017 in Stockholm. Dennoch: Im Slalom bei den Winterspielen in Peking am 16. Februar gehört er jetzt zu den Anwärtern auf eine Medaille. Mehr zum Thema Winzige 0,03 Sekunden lag er auf dem anspruchsvollen Hang vor dem jungen Norweger Atle Lie McGrath, der sensationell aufs Podium fuhr und vor Freude in Tränen ausbracht. Manuel Feller (+0,39), gerade erst von einer Corona-Infektion genesen, ließ mit seiner Aufholjagd von Platz 28 auf drei die 1000 österreichischen Fans jubeln. Er war, so hieß es, tatsächlich ohne Trainin zum Rennen gekommen und diese herausragende Leistung vollbracht. Straßer hatte eine gewisse Vorahnung, wie er verriet. Ja, zuletzt sei es bei ihm nicht gut gelaufen mit dem Aus in Wengen und Rang 14 auf dem "Schweinsberg" in Kitzbühel. Doch bei der Fahrt an die Planai habe ihm beim Tanken jemand zugeraunt: "Des g'winnst heut, Straßer!" Gesagt, getan - und wie! Nach dem ersten Durchgang hatte Straßer das Podium als Fünfter mit einem knappen Rückstand von 0,15 Sekunden auf Rang drei bereits im Blick. "Ich habe genau das geschafft, was ich mir vorgenommen hatte", sagte er zufrieden, "cooler Lauf." Im zweiten Durchgang wollte er "nochmal genau sowas runterziehen, dann schaut's ganz gut aus" - und das tat es.
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pharah · 6 years
Okay, I’m back home.
Jet lagged and a little weary, but I’m back.
Now comes the part where I slowly settle into my old routine (while also being mournful of the fact that I’m no longer in Atlanta).
And I still have a lot of great stories to tell from the con, and my time in Atlanta as well.
I can safely say my trip to Atlanta was a success, with the only drawback being that some of the food was underwhelming.
Other than that, it was a great time, and I am definitely coming back to the ATL.
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