#the lara-su chronicales
visionoasis · 5 months
I bought it.
I preordered the Lara-Su Chronicles.
To say I bought it as a hate-read would be entirely incorrect. But I won’t obscure the fact that I don’t like Penders. I think this dude is an asshole. The real best way to put it would be… genuine curiosity based on my nostalgia for the original comics. And while I think he’s an asshole, I don’t hate him. Both can exist I think.
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I want to see how he connects it to Archie. I want it for archive purposes, even if it isn’t good. I want to see what he actually does with this thing and these characters. Is it still a Sonic comic? He keeps connecting it to the Sonic comics. So maybe. Penders also just makes weird decisions both artistically and writing wise. I kinda want to see how that pans out in a not patronizing way. I want to see what he changes about characters and lore. Has his writing style changed now that he’s not under as many restrictions? He’s free to write what he wants in this setting. That’s going to be fascinating! And I’m not even expecting to hate it. I very much expect it to be a meh nothing experience. But I want to know for sure. In fact I am hoping this experience is as bizarre as it looks. For better or worse.
And if it’s good I’ll be as honest about that as I am the bad.
And if I feel that way why would I buy it all? Simple. I’m the lore lady. The “I’ve read it all” lady. I like being an archivist for Sonic works and this applies. I want to read everything both obscure and not. Hell, I’ll buy stuff just for the flavor text. (Like those Amy tarot cards coming up.) And in my time with “fan” works, stuff like this gets pricey later because there aren’t typically reprints. If I’m wrong that’s okay. And if I’m right then… that’s okay too. Ha ha.
But expect several reviews when this thing finally ships to my doorstep. I’ll cover it all so you can enjoy it by proxy.
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visionoasis · 3 months
The next fan product I review will be me eagerly waiting for my signed copy of The Lara Su Chronicles Beginnings. I can’t wait to share all the nitty gritty details for the two people who will actually end up reading my review. 😂
But I want those details documented somewhere for those who fairly do not want to give Penders money. But also I can totally see this as something that becomes lost media.
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I love me a mess. This is good Sonic tea. 🫖
I’ve seen spoilers and boy howdy… I am excited let me tell you. At one point I genuinely thought this was never going to come out in a Yandere Simulator way. Where he just works on it for his whole life and then nothing. Because I want to say he announced this when I was in high school?
I just Googled it. It was in 2011 when he announced he started working on it. Almost 14 years. I was a Junior in high school at that point. So while it is a mess, and it’s… Penders…, I’m just surprised we got a product at all. Which genuinely is a bit exciting to see in a weird way.
I picked up a copy because… I’m too curious not to. I gotta read it. It’s Sonic related. And my goal is to read all side or relevant material related to the franchise. This is juicy side material. Cannot be skipped for me.
Volume 2 will be in 2039. 🤪
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