#the last magic system I tried to do existed purely on vibes
bonesbuckleup · 9 months
Writing fantasy is so great because you make up all the rules! But writing fantasy is also terrible because you make up all the rules.
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
5 BS Concoction Gwyneth Paltrow And Alex Jones Both Shill
I believe you can tell a lot about a personality by the products they shill. Michael Jordan was some sort of plays guy, so he wanted you to buy hyper-expensive Nike shoes. Jamie Lee Curtis assumes you have trouble shitting, so she developed yogurt. And if Larry the Cable Guy doesn’t feed straight Prilosec, he turns into a Xenomorph. The two luminary endorsers I find the most interesting are Alex Jones and Gwyneth Paltrow. Though they’re about as different as you can possibly get on the surface, both have put together profitable slope business … in a lot of specimen, selling the exact same situations. Jones exchanges( and claims to take) so many augments that I have a theory he’s actually a beanbag chair substance with capsules, while Paltrow is more generally into anything that resonates dumb. But strangely, they do share some common ground. For instance …
They Both Crave Your Teenagers To Shut UP FOR FIVE GODDAMN MINUTES
Infowars Sells:
Alex Jones accuses “modern mind control” — which is everything from music to sugar to unspecified globalist brews — on teenagers being unable to focus and pacify the inferno down. Fortunately, he’s here to force-feed your children catnip and lemon ointment in hopes of allowing you precious fucking instants of peacefulnes to scrapbook all of the excellent occasions you’ve had with your them.
In the commercial for Child Ease, Alex Jones ascribes himself with developing it, while also territory, “Young humans has still not developed their nervous system.” Which prepares me wonder his credentials as an inventor of things that go inside a child’s organization. He knows we’re born with nervous system, right? Likewise, saying “young humans” builds him sound like an alien. If you took the Child Ease commercial-grade and had Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama chronicle it, it would prepare infinitely more sense.
Goop Sells:
Chill Child is a “calming mist” which somehow use sonically tuned masterpiece elixirs and Reiki-charged crystals to “get your kiddos to chill.” It may ogle exactly like what you would use to spray irrigate on a feline to get it off your kitchen bar, but you’re not supposed to do now spraying it instantly on small children. And for the love of god do not tell them inhale it, that would be crazy . It goes on their halo. I can only assume that once the child’s halo is sufficiently coated in this mist, it expires, leaving your child an auraless husk and you free to do Pilates.
I’m pretty sure “sonically chanted masterpiece elixirs” is code for some rocks Gwyneth Paltrow sing to. Nonetheless, mining a little deeper, I found that it’s practice dumber than that. Both “moonlight” and “love” are legitimately listed as ingredients. I can’t promotion but consider all this spraying will do is establish hollering sticky children somewhat chamomile-scented, which I suspect is technically further improvements. At least you’ll be allowed to smell them coming, so you have time to hide.
They Both Crave You To Experience Big, Meaty Boners
Infowars Sells:
Via Infowars
Super Male Vitality utilizes something announced extraction technology, along with various herbs and removes, to give you a super good boner. Just request Boner King Alex Jones, or this commercial-grade, which features Alex Jones announcing a humanity doing a push-up “unprecedented.”( Something that I premise is 100 percent genuine for Alex Jones .)
You determine, according to Alex Jones, who is to boners what Jesus was to Lazarus, someone is putting “estrogen mimickers” in the nutrient and water supply, who the hell is werewolfing gentlemen into the worst possible thing he can imagine: wives. Simply Alex Jones can save you from this horrible fate. So if you’re afraid your dick will shrivel up and fall off, thus robbing you of the one thing retaining you sane in this mad, effeminate world-wide, turn to Alex Jones for not just sorcery boner-giving liquid, but too magic boner- obstructing liquid. It’s $ 50, and I hope you suffocated on it.
Goop Sells:
Via Goop
Sex Dust sounds like an STD that’s going around a nursing home. Who could think “Sex Dust” is a good name for- oh, anticipate, she appointed her business “Goop.” She appointed one of her children “Apple.” I’m pretty sure Gwyneth doesn’t even register “sex” or “dust” as real words.
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Goop wants you to put Sex Dust inside your mas. Specifically, you can add it to any red-hot or cold liquid and booze it, but it’s specially good with nut milk. Fucking – god, this writes itself. Goop describes Sex Dust as a “lusty edible formula alchemized to erupt and agitate sex power in and out of the bedroom.” Unlike Super Male Vitality, Sex Dust doesn’t promise to protect you from the terrors of femininity in your lesbian irrigate, but it does have something announced “horny goat weed” in it, which seems like a promising herb for delivering horniness. This is especially true if you happen to be buying this as a goat.
They Both Crave You To Be Kept From Invisible Demons
Infowars Sells:
Living Defense claims to offer protection against “invading organisms.” I swear to god I tried to figure out what that symbolizes. I ran deep into the Infowars world, which is just a knot of bunkers full of grey men with giant boners, all crying. Please, Alex Jones, Pied Piper of erectile dysfunction, tell me what the hell this product is for.
What I can tell you for certain is that nine out of ten people are infested with harmful creatures. Destructive organisms can spread during sexual practice. And pets are mostly metropolitans for them. So if you enjoy a happening, it’s probably filled with injurious organisms. No one knows what they are, but Alex Jones damn sure known to be they’re bad. Actually , now that I think about it, it’s probably just a metaphor for his posture on immigration.
Goop Sells:
Man, when you get into a crazy-off with Infowars and prevail , that’s really saying something. Something pathetic. I was certain the most maniac concoction bestow would go to Mr. Jones. Unhappily, Ms. Paltrow, in a last-minute volley of idiocy, secreted psychic ogre repellent. And no, that’s not a restate, parody, or ridicule. That’s literally what it’s called.
The spread wasn’t in her advantage, but she took home the W with a 3.4 oz bottle of pure Reiki-charged insanity. This bottle of sadness sea claims to “banish bad vibes( and shield you from the people who may be causing them ). ” I generally use pepper spray for that, but I’m sure if you got this right into someone’s eyeball, it might protect you from them. Once again, you’re not supposed to spraying this directly on someone else, because also once again, that would be crazy. It goes on your aura. Again.
They Crave You To Have A Squeaky-Clean Rectum
Infowars Sells:
Via Infowars
Oxy-Powder is an oxygen-based intestinal disinfectant, which means that if you take it, you’re about to get real acquainted with your porcelain cousin. Which is the nice style of saying “You’re going to shit out your actual soul.” Infowars certainly spells this out for you in the important information region at the bottom of the sheet, territory: “Oxy-Powder will effect runny, gaseous stools. This is no longer clinical diarrhea; it’s the byproduct of oxidation.” So don’t worry, it’s just oxygen vacating out your colon like Godzilla on a sea slide.
Wait, how the blaze does oxygen clean out your colon? According to the chiropractor who shills these super not-FD-Aapproved capsules, it’s “using time-released oxygen through oxidation reduction.” And one thing I heavily agree with is that those are all messages that exist in the English language.
Wait, isn’t that the same guy from the boner capsule commercial-grade? Huh.
Goop Sells:
I’m now a ex-serviceman of the bullshit augment battles, and like the prophecy of Delphi, I can accurately interpret the glittery predicts lovingly dispersed around this product. The ten-day detox supplement kit promises to treat, purge, and repair the gut, increase force, improve climate and sleep, shorten stress, restore glow and vitality to surface and hair, and more. If it shapes me glow, I hope it’s in the dark so I can frighten all my friends.
What it for sure will do is shape you poop your whole butt off. This knowledge came to me as I was reading the advise in the description: “It’s best to start over a weekend so you can get abundance of rest.” The subtext there is that you will need to rest between all of the pooping you will be doing. It will be so much pooping that you are required to hire an extra bottom for all the resting you will need to do between all of the pooping you will definitely be doing. I don’t know who you are we equate pooping a lot with having a health mas, but apparently everyone does. In Goop’s case, beings are willing to pay $169 to achieve what one fried chicken quesadilla from Taco Bell could do for $5.
They Require You To Use Vegan Deodorant
Infowars Sells:
If you didn’t just knowing that Infowars was and stumbled into their shop by some inauspicious internet accident, you are able to think it was a website for a health food store in Portland. Who would have believed cruelty-free vegan deodorant would be so important to a humankind who caused the parents of assassinated children to be provoked?
It’s also free of gluten, soy, and dairy, in cases where you want to eat it, I guess? I would fully expect to hear from Goop that you can use “the earth’s mineral crystal be included with natural botanicals” as deodorant. But nope, that’s from Alex Jones. And I think it’s exceptionally important that you understand that I’m not reaching up the “mineral crystal” thing, so here’s the sheet, where you can see it for yourself.
It’s vegan deodorant for everyone who dislikes Muslims but affection swine. You can also get a variety of organic shampoos and soaps from the Infowars shop, so you can get the government out of your gun locker and your grace number!
Goop Sells:
I know Goop isn’t a surprising region to meet vegan disinfectant. It is precisely the kind of commodity I would expect Gwyneth Paltrow to shill. Goop flows on the proposition that the world is a soiled place full of poors, and they are able to cleanse their dreadful aroma away with an $18 rail of charcoal-gray soap motivated by shamans.
This was the make that really hammered residence for me the way both Goop and Infowars tango around FDA regulations. They sell concepts they claim are organic and natural and therefore safer and more efficient than trash like real drug prescribed by real physicians … or merely be convinced to take 30 pills a daylight that aren’t sanctioned by authority oversight. After writing this article, I’ve decided to never eat anything organic for the rest of “peoples lives”. It’s all bullshit. I’m putting nothing but Cheetos, Baja Blast Mountain Dew, and pure plastic in my figure, and I’m going to live to be 100.
You can follow Lydia on Twitter . Almost any multitude of soap and deodorant should fit your needs. Most importantly you won’t have to jeopardy utilizing some expensive fear-based quack concoctions that might as well be peddled by a Batman scoundrel . If you desired this article and crave more content like this, support our locate with a see to our Contribution Page. Or sign up for our Subscription Service for exclusive content, an ad-free know, and more . For more, check out 4 Celebrity Products That Are Proof People Will Buy Anything and 27 Disappointing Ads By Celebrity Who Should Know Better . Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out The 6 Most Surreal Fame Endorsements, and watch other videos you won’t examine on the site !
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