#the last two days i've been like IT'S ALMOST FALL LETS FUCKING GOOOOO
eugeniedanglars · 1 year
the truth is i don't have a favorite season because i get more excited about the change of seasons than the seasons themselves
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vigilvntes · 2 years
How would Bruce and Adrian each react to realizing they've fallen in love with someone?
warnings: i probably used bad language in here somewhere it's me what did we expect, a little teensy weensy bit of spice / adult content whoops again it's me what did we expect. just crumbs of it though
this is gonna be LONG AND MESSY i have a lot of thoughts because i've been gone for a while okay and im nervous to post this because i really mean it when i say it's been a WHILE anyway let's fucking gooooo
I feel like Adrian is very easily infatuated, and it doesn't take a lot for him to lust after someone. so i think he'd have a hard time drawing a line between when the surface level infatuation ends and when the falling in love begins. he likes the way you make him feel (although at first he's convinced he's on his way to an early grave when his heart skips a beat at just the thought of you). the warmth that spreads across his body whenever you touch him and the butterflies in his stomach when you smile at him when he attempts a card trick he taught himself from a youtube video at 3am ("is this your card?" "uh. no..." "....can we pretend it's your card?" "i lied. that's my card" "fuck yeah"). he likes the fuzzy feeling he gets when you so much as brush your fingers against his. he thinks about you a lot, all the little things about you that he adores. he thinks about you in the morning, at work, on the drive home, when he's patrolling the streets at night.
i think the only time he doesn't think about you is when he's out on a mission. he's focused. driven. he's probably the best fighter they have, and a great strategist. when he's out in the field, his mind is trained on one thing only: finishing the mission and caving skulls. until it isn't. until your face flashes across his mind and his shot almost misses the target and fumbles the whole thing. oops. emilia chastises him, asks him what the hell is going on inside that head of yours? and peacemaker just sits back with a smug smirk on his lips and proudly announces to everyone that adrian chase is in love (because of course he told peacemaker everything about you after he invited himself back to chris' trailer for a beer after a night of patrolling and shooting appliances)
adrian will deny it to the ends of the earth in front of the team, and he'll deny it to himself, really (because love is for LOSERS, as chris once told him after a particularly brutal breakup). but the more he thinks about it in the weeks following, the more it starts to make sense. before, he could push you out of his mind before a mission. he felt guilty, but it was just for one night. now, he can't last an hour without mentioning your name. he cant even go five minutes without thinking about you and your face. it's not just infatuation. it's not just your face and your smile and the way you laugh at all his dumb jokes or soothe him after every minor inconvenience that leaves him in a sour mood. it's love.
once he accepts that he's in love with you, he gets GIDDY. he wants to tell you and everyone that'll listen that he loves you in every waking moment. but he holds back, because he's sure there's an etiquette to it. that he has to wait for the "right time", or whatever. he'll want to be around you at all times. touching you, kissing you, hugging you, making you laugh, fucking you into the mattress until your brain is mush and the only word you can speak is his name. it'll physically pain him when he has to leave your side for a few days for a mission, or even for a few hours when he has to drag himself out of your bed and go to work. how rude of his responsibilities to even exist when he's in love.
i'm in two minds as to how he'd tell you he loves you. one part of me thinks it would happen during a really inconvenient moment. like when you're on the phone to your wifi company. or when you're just about to leave for work. or after he cums on your face bye. whatever the scenario it would leave you spluttering. the other part of me thinks you'd wake up to him banging on your door at 3am, sweaty and out of breath because he ran all the way to your apartment just to tell you that he loves you because he couldn't sleep and it was killing him that you didn't know yet. you receive noise complaints from your neighbours but you don't care because your boyfriend is in love with you and you're in love with him. so they can, in adrian's words, "shove a knife up their ass"
one word: avoidant. bruce makes a point out of not allowing himself to grow close to anyone, because everyone leaves or gets viciously ripped away from him in the most brutal way eventually. alfred is the only person who bruce considers to be close to him. until you came along! he's honestly not sure how he allowed you to get close enough for him to fall in love with you. but somehow, with your gentle touches and soothing words and bright smile even when he's at his most miserable, you've wormed your way into his heart and he can't stand it.
he can ignore the fuzzy feeling in his chest. that's easy enough for him to brush off, because he can just leave the tower. he can put on the suit and forget about you and the warmth you radiate while he patrols the streets of gotham, right? wrong! it starts with him taking a few more hits than usual from the punks he's fighting down a back alley because he found himself thinking about how nice it'll be when he gets back to the tower and crawls into bed with you (he probably wont sleep, but he likes to listen to your gentle snores and watch the way your chest rises and falls). then, he's getting jumped by some bastard he beat up a few weeks ago and his unsavoury friends because as he's walking the streets he can't stop thinking about the fact that you'd kissed his lips, forehead, cheeks, nose — everywhere, before he left for the night. in a way he resents you for it. being batman is the one thing he's good at, and you're ruining it. he cant concentrate on being what gotham needs if all he can concentrate on is, well, you.
he'll grow distant, and it'll probably happen quite quickly. you'll be left completely in the dark as to why he's rejecting you whenever you ask him to eat dinner with you upstairs. or why he brushes you off when you sleepily tug on the sleeve of his sweater and ask him to come to bed because he looks too tired and you're worried about him. whenever he does slip into bed next to you he'll genuinely consider sending a short and curt breakup text to you from the phone he bought specifically to text you. he'll spend more time patrolling or in the batcave, leaving you sad and alone and wondering what the fuck you did to warrant this.
bruce comes to his senses eventually after a stern talking to from alfred about how miserable you've been lately and how much you care for him and how it's okay for bruce to allow himself feel and care and love someone. it's probably then that bruce realises that alfred's right, and that he's in love with you. alfred wouldn't need to tell him twice that he needs to apologise for his behaviour. he hates the idea that he's hurt you and honestly he doesn't want to endure another stern lecture from alfred.
i think it'd take him a while to admit it to you. admitting it and accepting it himself was hard enough. he learns to adapt, to regulate his thoughts when he's out patrolling the streets. he learns to stop resenting you because you've been nothing but good to him and fuck, he loves you, and that's not a crime, is it? instead, he thinks of you as motivation. once he's finished his nightly duties for the good of gotham he can go home to you. i think he'd say it to you after a particularly rough night spent helping out commissioner gordon. he'll slip into bed next to you, pull you close and bury his nose into the crook of your neck. he thinks you're asleep, but you're not because you know that familiar dip in the bed all too well, and the creaky floorboard he steps on every single night followed by a series of quiet curses. it's barely above a whisper when he tells you he loves you, but you hear it loud and clear. he falls asleep peacefully (for once), and you fall asleep with a fuzzy heart and a soft smile on your lips. when you wake up, he's gone. but you know where to find him, so you pull the blankets around your shoulders and head down to his batcave. you find him sat at a desk, analysing the footage from the night before. he pushes the chair back to accommodate you, as he always does, and you plop yourself down in his lap. you lean your head against his shoulder and for a while the two of you sit in a comfortable silence as he works. until you press a soft kiss against his neck and tell him that you love him too. he stiffens at the sudden admission, but soon relaxes. you love him too, and it's not scary or wrong or unpleasant. it's nice.
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