#the laws of time and space are mine and they will obey me etc etc
I love it when the Doctor is full of hubris I love it when they play god I love it when they mess with time I love it when they interfere
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Kick me off the bus for an arbitrary reason? Fine. Passive-aggressive public shaming days later? Less fine.
A friend reminded me of this story from college days, and it might be funny to someone else, too.
When I was in early college, I liked being barefoot while doing daily activities. I get that this is weird, many people find it kinda gross, etc. I lived in a small, very clean town, it was rare but I wasn't the only one, lotta young people exploring and expressing their crunchy granola, yadda yadda. One day I was running late to something, got on the campus bus to save time, and the bus driver positively flipped out.
Which, whatever your feelings on being a person barefoot in a place that's not a house, I understand them. I was making a choice to be a weirdo, and not everybody's going to be cool with that.
(Side note, I don't know about every state in the US, but in the state I was in there's no laws one way or the other, just an OSHA guideline that says employers are allowed to mandate employee shoes, but not to harass customers about their footwear. But, I wasn't gonna argue too much, that's a really lame hill to die on, and I'm not about to make somebody's day harder because I didn't feel like wearing shoes.)
So the bus driver loudly decided that nope, no barefoot hooligan was riding HIS BUS, he'd never SEEN SUCH A THING, the UNIVERSITY HAS RULES YOU KNOW, etc. I said that I'd looked up the university rules on the subject and I'd respect his rules on his bus, and leave if he personally wanted me to, but that the university itself had no official opinion on the matter. Well, he couldn't believe such disrespect. So I apologized, got off, walked, was late, did the necessary things to make up for being late, and thought no more of it.
...Until like a week and a half later, when I happened to go by the bus stop again, and there was a sign. Not an official university announcement or notice, no, just a single piece of regular white printer paper, block font, landscape for some reason, large text awkwardly centered with a weird amount of white space, scotch taped to the bus shelter, that read:
Which was hilarious, and a strange mix of high and low effort.
Out of curiosity, I looked at the next stop along that route. Another one. Weird. Looked at a couple more. Sure enough, all of them had these pieces of paper. I asked room mates and friends. They had been seeing them, too, though they didn't know why specifically, all over campus.
This bus driver had been so horrified by my feet that he actually went and printed out signs, taped them up all over campus, and had apparently even been replacing them when they blew away. Ok, now this is weird and vindictive, in addition to being hilarious and a strange mix of high and low effort.
So I made my own signs in retribution. The library printers were conveniently located, and along with the meal plan and stuff we got some printing credits I rarely had to use. Had a lot of fun brainstorming silly ideas with friends. Exactly copied his format. Landscape style for some reason, no letterhead, huge, block font in the center of the page, with a weird amount of white space, scotch taped to the bus shelters.
Stuff like:
...And so on.
So everyone I knew who thought this was amusing just started posting them next to his signs, and replacing them whenever one was taken down. Nobody took any of the original signs down or anything like that, we just kept posting the funny ones next to his. Occasionally we'd overhear a stranger laughing about it and wondering what the heck was up, and that was kinda fun.
After a while of this, I want to say at least a month or two although I could be exaggerating in my memory, the university finally took all of the signs down, both mine and his, and replaced them with notices on official letterhead that just said "No posting notices on bus stops" with some citation threat on it. By then it was getting cold so everyone was wearing shoes anyway.
I never rode the bus again anyway, through sheer coincidence.
And that's my small, but definitely petty, revenge story.
(source) (story by bullheadednonsense)
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itsclydebitches · 6 years
On Blogs, Age, and Keeping My Sanity
I wasn't planning to follow up on the original thread (which you can read here) because delving into The Discourse isn’t particularly how I want to spend my Monday afternoon, but I've been pinged and messaged enough that I figured I might as well put my thoughts more clearly into a separate post. This admittedly turned into an essay (apologies), so if you want to read it, cool. If you don't this exists simply so that I have something to vaguely gesture towards instead of answering all the people who apparently think I'm a monster.
In short, a lot of people are taking issue with my stance on whether people should have ages on their blogs as well as whether kids should have any responsibility in their own safety online. I'm going to try and address both of those questions (as well as more minor ones) in as organized a fashion as I can, drawing directly from some of the more common accusations I’ve seen the last few days.
“It takes two seconds to put your age on your blog and it keeps kids safe, why wouldn’t you do that?”
Because I don't think it does keep kids safe, for the simple reason that people lie.
Let me first be clear that I have no problem with people including their age if they want to-- I have mine displayed because I'm comfortable with it. What I found problematic is this insistence that everyone has to do it or else they're some kind of predatory monster. Now let's say for the sake of argument that tomorrow everyone on tumblr woke up and agreed to put their general age on their sidebar. Not their specific age, as the OP originally wanted, but just a "I'm an adult/18+/20+/etc." Now for the people out there telling the truth? Yes, this makes things a little easier. But this conversation was specifically about predators and frankly anyone who wishes a minor harm online will just straight up lie. A predatory adult will write that they're 13 or a minor or whatever they think will lure people in. The minor who wants to be treated like an adult will write that they're 18 or older. Or they’ll tell the truth and announce to the world that they're vulnerable. And instead of learning how to identify whether someone is acting in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable--what they post, how they talk to you, etc.--kids will learn that all they need to do is look at the sidebar. They said they're 15 like me so it's fine, right?  
No, sadly it’s not.  
“But most people WILL tell the truth and if including your age helps some people why wouldn't you do it anyway?”
Because it's going to hurt a lot of other people too. For example,
The adult who grew up in the age where giving out any info could lead to you being sued and that's a hard thing to push past, even if it's not as much of a concern anymore. 
The person with PTSD/depression who isn't comfortable releasing any personal information to people they don’t know. 
The person who is afraid that their age + other info will help people identify them in real life and they want to keep their online persona separate.  
The person afraid that their age + other info opens them up to identity theft. 
The adult who writes they're 30+ and starts getting anons asking why the hell an adult is drawing porn, what's wrong with you? 
The adult who's just learning a new skill (writing, GIF-making, whatever) and hates that everyone knows they're so much "worse" than that 13yo over there. 
The adult who chooses to just write 18+ and strikes up a conversation with a 19yo and everything is great... until it comes out that the adult is actually 40 and now the 19yo feels "lied to" and "tricked." 
The adults who aren't comfortable divulging their age, period. 
The person who isn't comfortable giving out any information online, period.
And that's just what I can come up with off the top of my head. I am comfortable displaying my age, so there's only so far I can step into the mindset of someone who's not. Now, is any of this worse than online predators? Of course not, but again, displaying your supposed age isn't going to solve that problem. The people who want to lie will lie and the people who want to be ambiguous will be ambiguous and soon enough people will insist that they’re uncomfortable that someone won’t tell them their exact age, what are you hiding? Age is a tricky, personal thing and I can't in good conscience insist that people push past their concerns just because having it displayed might do some people a bit of good. (Especially when, again, anyone who is concerned can ask someone’s age on anon. The information is available to you, it’s just not overtly displayed - which I think is a good middle ground overall.) 
“You're claiming that it's the child's responsibility to keep from getting taking advantage of/this is just like 'not all men'/this is the exact same thing as victim blaming”
Okay. There's a lot here. Let's start with a story from my own childhood:
When I was about five or so my mom told me that if anyone ever tried to take me on the street I had to kick and scream and make an absolute fuss. Simple enough. But she was smart enough to know that most kidnappers don't do that. Most were going to try and lure me away by pretending to be someone safe and approachable. So she also taught me how to ask questions. How to pay attention to my instincts if they started screaming, 'This person is creeping me out.' She gave me a password to use if anyone claimed to have been sent by her or my dad.
I wasn't kidnapped (yay), and if I had been my mom certainly wouldn't have blamed me for. Yet at the same time she wouldn't have stopped trying to teach me to take care of myself either. Education is not the same thing as blame.
Are kids responsible for themselves online? Yes, for the simple reason that it's literally impossible for adults to protect them 24/7. It sucks but it's true. The internet is like the street: it's not a kid-specific space, it's dangerous, and though all adults have their eyes peeled to help if they need to, you still teach your kids to look both ways before crossing. Online safety is no different than any other kind of safety: you do the best you can and you help the kid do the rest. It's a parent's job to keep their child safe from kidnappers, but in the event that they're not there they teach that child how to try and protect themselves. It's also the parent's job to make sure their kid doesn't get hit by a car when they’re together, but that doesn't mean they stop teaching them how to obey traffic laws for when they’re on their own. Me telling kids to start thinking critically about who they interact with online is not a precursor to blaming them if something does happen; it's another safety measure to try and keep that from happening in the first place. Someone else sneered at my claim that kids should assume they're talking to an adult online until proven otherwise and asked how in the world a kid is supposed to know to do that. They don't. We don't know anything until we're told it, which is why I said that and bolded it in the original post, with the hope that a kid will read it and perhaps remember it the next time they just assume they're talking to another teen. Kids decided that they’re old enough to go online, that they're old enough to have their own blogs... which that means they’re also old enough to start thinking about all the dangers that come with those privileges. Do your best to protect kids and teach them to protect themselves. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
As for the 'you saying not all adults are predators is the same thing as saying not all men'... I can understand why those two things seem comparable on the surface. However, 
1. Yes all men, in the sense that all men do benefit from a patriarchal society, similar to how all white people benefit from a country built on racism. It doesn't matter if you as an individual are blatantly mysoginistic or not, you still gain all the advantages of the system. Pedophiles though? People targeting and harming others online? That doesn't benefit anyone but the attacker.
2. The phrase "not all men" is not in and of itself up for debate. Meaning, every woman knows that "not all men" are mysoginistic/rapists/etc. (their benefiting from the system aside). The issue with that phrase isn't whether it's true or not, but the fact that it's used to shut down the conversation. Men use the phrase as a shorthand for, "I don't do that and therefore there's nothing left to discuss" when that's clearly not the case. Me saying that not all adults are predators is pointing out a problem with the proposed solution (just put your age on your blog and if you don’t you’re suspect), not shutting down the conversation. I want the conversation to continue because I don't think this is a particularly useful solution and I want us all to keep trying to come up with better ways of keeping everyone safe and happy online. I obviously want the conversation to continue considering I just wrote nearly 2k about it!
Can a simple "I'm an adult/20+/etc." help a child make an informed decision online? Yes. It can, so if you're comfortable including that on your blog please do so and make some people's lives a little easer. But please don't assume this solves the problem and definitely don't assume that anyone who doesn't want to give out their age is evil or predatory or some monster who hates keeping kids safe. It's not that simple.
No issue as important as this ever is.  
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etrrhome · 4 years
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Children have an innate nature of being self-centered.
when all their needs are fulfilled, they are more naturally inclined to help. We want our children to grow up with self-discipline, morals, self-esteem and responsibility.
Taking on responsible roles at an early stage helps develop many qualities in children that will benefit them and the ummah in the future. From birth, start talking to them about Allah , tell them how much you love them and how you will do your best to ensure they grow up being responsible Muslims, within a framework that they can flourish and grow comprehensively.
Productive moms’ goals are greater than just getting our children to stick to a routine.
Our goals should be:
• To establish the oneness of Allah in their hearts
• To love the Prophet
• To teach them life skills and values that will see them into adulthood
But where do we start? Where Luqman [as] did! His main focus was to establish Allah in his son’s heart, by teaching him:
• that God (Allah) is One, and the Only: He has no partners or associates
• that Allah knows everything in the heavens and the earth and is aware of everything you do
• to have and develop clear goals in life
• to have a clear vision and focus of life
Let’s get started!
Here are some essential skills to raise great, productive Muslims in shaAllah:
1. The unique child
Understand that each child is born with individual, inherited personality traits that are beyond our control as parents. It’s for us as parents to identify the unique characteristics and behavior of our children. Also know that children cannot be molded or pushed in directions we like. When we understand this we will be able to provide them with the guidance, nurturing and support they need to fulfill the potential Allah has bestowed them with.
2. Embed the love and power of Allah in your children
Teach them to say “la-illaha illa Allah” (there is no god but Allah) as a start of establishing the love of Allah.
Allah says:
“O ye who believe, save yourself and your family from the fire.” [Qur’an: Chapter 6, Verse 66]
Instill in them the belief that all things happen by the will of Allah : if they ask you for something, ask them to pray two rakaahs with you and make du’aa to Allah to provide whatever they want. This way, you’re teaching your child that when we ask, we ask from Allah alone, and we rely on Allah for our provision.
Teach them to love Allah and follow His laws through your conversations with them. It’s absolutely crucial for our children to understand why we have to obey Allah and His laws – it’s the essence of our worship.
3. Establish the extreme importance of salah
The Prophet said: “Teach your children to pray when they are seven and punish them for neglecting it when they reach the age of ten.” [Abu Dawud]
Be punctual with your salah, get into the habit of praying at the earliest hour, teach this to your children, and they will be more than likely to be punctual in everything else they do. Make prayer times a family event: even if children are not of age, let them join in or sit quietly; so that when salah becomes obligatory upon them, they are firm and ready to speak to the King of kings with full concentration (khushu’).
4. Engage them in beneficial activities
Expose your children to Allah ’s creation and by taking them for walks in the parks, visiting the zoo, or watching the sunset – my children love it and they love watching the moon and the stars the most! Many of our Islamic activities are built upon the lunar system: teaching our kids to determine the times for salah through astronomy is an important skill. Let them understand the rising and setting of the moon and the sun – it reconnects them with Allah’s creation and Allah Himself.
Teach your children swimming, horse riding, famous proverbs and good poetry. Gardening is another great activity you can do with the kids – my children love growing their own food!
Cut the electronic baby sitter to a bare minimum – I mean the television. If you can do without it, the better. Enroll your kids in physical activities like karate, football and other games that will build their strength and stamina.
5. Family meetings and meal times
Have family meetings or councils (shura) to discuss any issues and the smooth running of the family home – let family members take turns to chair the meeting. Children will learn the importance of the family unit and will love being in charge!
Through such family meetings, we are teaching them to be leaders, to manage and be managed, presentation and speaking skills and how to resolve issues.
Have fun – play a family game together. In my meetings with my children, we say one thing we love about each other and if someone is upset we all come together for a “family hug” – it’s such a great feeling of security and warmth knowing your family is there for you.
Family meals together are another great time for bonding. A lot of important information is exchanged over meal times because everyone comes together to share their day, their plans and experiences.
If we can establish strong family ties, our children as the future members of the ummah will be able to build a strong community in shaAllah.
6. Make chores fun!
We know as Muslims that cleanliness is half of our faith. If being clean is a large part of us being Muslims, we need to cultivate in our children at an early age how to maintain their home and own space. In their development, we all must play an active part to keep both our internal and external environment clean.
A friend of mine who is a nanny taught the kids not to litter the ground; when she was asked why, she said: why litter the bed we will be sleeping in – i.e. the ground? I think this was beautifully put!
Let children participate in house chores. When you speak to them, rather than saying: “my home” or “my kitchen” say “our home” or “our kitchen”– this gives them a sense of belonging and responsibility. Make sure your kids have something to do consistently and make it fun!
7. Communication
This is one of the most vital skills a child will learn during his development. Speak to children according to their level of understanding. The Prophet spoke in a simple and clear way that everybody could understand.
Consciously make eye contact when speaking to your children so that they have your full undivided attention, even though you may be tempted to multi-task. Look for hidden messages: most of our communication and the meaning of what we say is conveyed through our body language.
Come down to their level: as parents, children know that we are in the authoritative position and they will have to listen – we need to exercise this power in a fair and consistent manner. I had a boss who was about 6.5 feet tall, and I must say it felt intimidating having someone tower over me, a total invasion of my bubble space!
I want you to imagine if I can feel this way, how will our children feel when we stand towering over them while talking to them? No wonder they seem to be oblivious to what we say. Our children will open a channel of communication when we talk to them at their level.
Try it out: next time your child comes to you, either kneel down to speak to them or get the child to sit next to you – more or less on the same level.
Now you are at the same level and your child will see you as part of their world and be more and receptive to what you want to say, with a sense of being valued and respected. Try this repeatedly with your children and see the results!
8. Discipline and boundaries
Discipline and self-restraint are important characteristics of a Muslim. We learn this through fasting and refraining from things Allah has told us to stay away from, like eating pork for instance.
Set clear and positive messages: make sure your boundaries and corresponding consequences are very clear. Identify what you want your child to do instead of what you don’t what them to do.
For example, the consequence of not coming to the dinner table when food is served, will be to eat it as it is!
When you are setting boundaries be clear, specific and remain positive.
Don’t write:
I want to stop Jasmine from watching TV.
I want to stop my mom from giving Faisal to many sweets.
I want Kulthum to memorize a portion of the Qur’an daily.
Instead, write:
Jasmine can watch TV for 30 minutes on a Saturday.
I want Faisal to start eating more fruit and vegetables.
I will arrange for Kulthum to stay awake after Fajr and memorize the Quran for 30 minutes.
Keeping to your boundaries is where the real challenge lies. It’s important to stand your ground.
do your promises, otherwise you will not be trusted! And learn to negotiate: children are the best negotiators I have come across – so be sensible! As you are leading by example, you will be teaching your little gems these skills too! Boundaries show that you care about your child and what they are doing. It also helps them know where they stand and makes them feel secure and valued.
9. Routines
We have many routines for our children including morning, school, homework and bedtime routines. How much emphasis do we put on Islamic routines? What should our primary focus be?
Take some time out to draw up an Islamic routine for your children that looks like the following:
Teach your children to stay awake after fajr (depending on the salah times during the year): the Prophet stayed back after fajr and had beneficial discussions with the sahabah (Companions).
Get them to read/memorize a portion of the Qur’an in the morning and/or evening.
Prioritize that they perform their salah on time.
Get them to reflect on a verse of the Qur’an or a hadith everyday.
Get them in the habit of reading the du’aas the Prophet read before going to bed, waking up from sleep, eating, etc.
Get your children to choose a hadith or du’aa once a week and stick it up on the wall with its meaning for the whole family to learn.
Don’t forget the rewards!
Teach them to be charitable by smiling as stated by the Prophet and helping their neighbors too.
With routines, children learn to be independent and consistent.
We need to teach them to learn to wait, help and be patient, thereby developing solid tolerance levels for patience.
10. Role models
Our Prophet Muhammad is the best of all role models. Read stories about him to your children so they follow his sunnah (path) with love. Read stories about the Prophets and the sahabah. Teach them from an early age about the sahabah and other great heroes of Islam.
If we develop in them a love for Islam and provide them with righteous examples for their heroes, they are less likely to go astray. As we see nowadays, children want to be like their heroes: if they admire the sahabah and sahabiyyat like Abu Bakr , Umar , Ibn Abbas and Aisha , they are more than likely to emulate them and remain steadfast upon their religion, in sha Allah.
11. Plan family fun trips
Visit the local masjid to teach children the etiquettes of the masjid – this will help them acquaint and familiarize themselves with the masjid, especially the boys. Visit historical Muslim cities such as Makkah, Madinah, Timbuktu etc. to give your children an understanding of their heritage as Muslims.
12. Make du’aa for them
As parents, it goes without saying that we need to constantly make du’aa for our children. It was the practice of the Prophets like Ibrahim [as] and Prophet Muhammad as well as pious men like Luqman .
One of the goals of Muslim parents is to have pious children that will pray for them once they have left this world – can you say your child will remember to make du’aa for you when you have gone?
We have to walk our talk and lead by example.
Practice what you preach: after the Prophet , the children see you as their next role model. They watch and mirror most of what you do – you have a direct impact on their lives.
You hold your child’s hand for a short while and their hearts forever. You are your child’s most powerful role model.
Ultimately, ask yourself: are you the mom you want to be? Reflect on the bigger picture. Do not treat your children like an item on your “to-do list” – when they need you, give them your full attention. Don’t wait to complete your daily chores before tending to the children.
You can be a productive mom and make it happen – by the will of Allah . No matter where you are, start now and carry on – be the change you want to see. It takes a strong energetic mom to nurture and nourish their children to grow with confidence and self-esteem.
Start NOW with this exercise:
What would you like your children to see in you?
What would you like to contribute to their lives?
What is one key life lesson that you really want your children to learn from you and carry in their heart always?
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If you want to be Immunized from Volatile Markets or Volatile Economy,or trade war you might learn how to Adjust your 18CEO Super Virtual Reality Goggles you are all wearing to find Some Functions and Programs to be in QUANTUM STATES and/or TIME UNIVERSE or UNIVERSE OF TIME to Deal with Situation or Volatile to make Free of Volatile!!!! They are Human Secrets have been lost for the Last and the Least 2500 years, now I found them again FOR A VERY FIRST TIME SCIENTIFICALLY!!! Note: Time Universe is not the Universe you are looking at! It is Universe you are standing at!You are all wearing 18CEO Super Virtual Reality Goggles and amazingly you do not even know you are wearingthem/ it!Read My Article below to find your Secrets, then Invest in My Programs! Note: There are more information you can have beside 18CEO Super Virtual Reality Goggles you are all wearing:   Teleport is as Reincarnation in Short Cut.       Reincarnation is as Life Time Teleport.        Smallest Particles and Smallest Particles Dynamics.Atomic Transformation Principle, buy One, get 103 Free, No Business can Afford 103 Free, But Mine!Slowdown Time Device.        Dark Matter Easy way that Today Science and Today Physics did not even know yet!You can create Materials as you like! Buy One  Element Creation to get 103 Elements Creation for Free!Before this Article I am even thinking about Organic Creations; then something I have seen in Quantum Field of the Universe related to Human DNA, Human RNA, and Organic Nature, then it changes My Mind for now is Just Non- Organic Materials only! Due to the Facts of Smallest Particles and Smallest Particles Dynamics, I realize there are at least 85 More Particles, at least, not at Most, after Standard Model has been Found!!!!!!!!!! It might be even worse, 85 more Particles LHC and CERN might never could have reached them the ways they do for all Particles they found! They, 85 More Particles, might be as DNA Factors and RNA factors for Non-Organic Materials . . . . .If you can create Materials as You Like, then you can solve many problems for yourself (Selves) and the Whole World to enjoy!Keep in Mind, my ways are different from LHC and CERN, and my ways are cheaper and easier than LHC and CERN and Better than LHC and CERN! How do I know! Simply because I have found more than they do in 50 years in Term of Direct Related to Final that LHC and CERN cannot do, Short Cut? I would not call it as Short Cut, because The End clears the Act  or The Results to prove  the Manners! However, I did not mean to deny LHC and CERN Results, in Fact, I also used some of them for my Works! Some Particle Physicists said "Higgs Field gave the Mass to Particles"You must go down to level of QUANTUM QUANTA before you can say that; otherwise, it is as a MISLED STATEMENT or WRONG STATEMENT or FALSE STATEMENT SCIENTIFICALLY or Insufficient Statement! Even though, LHC and CERN have proved Higgs Field gave the Mass to Particles within their limits and their system and their conclusions of Particles as they said; however, Higgs Field is not Quantum Field, and they did not find All Particles yet!and the most of all they did not count the gravity in standard model, then the Conclusion Higgs Field gave Mass to Particles is totally fail to include with 85 More Particles those might be very Small or even Smallest beyond Higgs Field Reality and Ability!!!!!!!If QUANTA are the Mass of this Universe, then I am sure Mass are Quanta; however, to understand Mass as Quanta is not simple and easy thing to understand! I will explain more later about Quanta and Mass! And do not be confused between Energy and Mass; even though, E = mC^2, they are in same Equation, but they are still in Different Sides, and they are still as 2, because the energy just might be as the bond of Quanta are broken to release energy, but it is not the mass as the equation              E=MC^2 has claimed!!!!!!!! I would say QUANTUM FIELD gave mass to "Particles",simply because Quantum Quanta fields of the Universe is as mass of the universe, and by the way QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE, Max Universe is about:           n.nn x 10^120 Quanta UP TO m.mm x 10^190 Quanta IT IS EVEN MORE INTERESTING, THIS WORLD AND THE OTHER WORLD ARE VERY MUCH IN SAME UNIVERSE, QUANTUM UNIVERSE; HOWEVER, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT FORMATIONS, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT FORMS, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT STRUCTURES, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT ELEMENTS, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT TIME DUE TO LEVELS OF SIZES OF QUANTA, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT SPACE, ALSO DUE TO LEVELS OF QUANTA, THEY ARE EVEN IN DIFFERENT PHYSICS DUE TO DIFFERENT FORMATIONS AND LIGHTER ELEMENTS, AND THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT SPECTRUM OF LIGHT, AND THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT RANGE OF FREQUENCIES AND SOUND . . . ETC, ETC, ETC . . . . They are as Reasons "we and them cannot "communicate" together; however, there are exceptions and the ways to" . . . . .A Damn Thing you did in this World will become Quanta and will follow you thru THIS WORLD and go to the OTHER WORLD, then comeback to THIS WORLD if you have another Life again in this World, or same Universe for 2 World in same Universe, Quantum Universe . . . . . .Note: when I said YOU HAVE ANOTHER LIFE , I meant You are no longer You the moment you were born again in this world, and YOU did not remember Previous Life and You did not know who You are, etc, etc, etc . . . . . I would not say more, because it might have Negative Factors those this world cannot handle them Right Ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!For sure, you will run the Market, Stock Market the way you like and Free of Loss !            QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE.ETC, ETC, ETC  . . . . . . . JUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. . . . . . . . . . .NOTE:My Words might reveal PROGRAMS, FUNCTIONS, SYNTAX, CODES, Main Frame, Technical Designs, LOGICS, Ideas, the ways, and more . . . If you are looking for to Build something . . . . . . . . . There is nothing better than you are the ONE and the ONLY who can and Know how to run Quantum Field!Again NOTHING IS BETTER THAN YOU ARE AS THE ONE AND THE ONLY WHO CAN RUN QUANTUM FIELD!If you can run Quantum Field, then you can live Forever! (Business Talking, Not Scientific Talking, but close!
BESIDES, THERE IS NO MORE AFTER QUANTUM FIELD, YOU CANNOT LOOK FOR MORE!!!!!! If you are looking for more after Quantum Field and out of Quantum Field, then you are in Different Universe, not in the Universe you are being at or the Universe you are looking at!!!!!!! There are plenty enough to reach, to find, to discover before THERE IS NO MORE!!!! KEEP IN MIND POSSIBLE REALITIES ARE UP TO N.NNX10^370 quanta quantitatively . . . .I am as the ONE and the ONLY who has such Information, High Value Information, BEST Information you cannot find anywhere else on Earth, but Here, and it is ME!There are:     1) 6 Organs: Eyes, Ears, Noses, Tongue, Body, and Brain       2) 6 Elements of Life: Colors (Matters), Sound, Fume, Taste, Touch (Senses), All of Physical Existences.       3) 6 Consciousnesses: Eyes Consciousness, Ears Consciousness, Noses Consciousness, Tongue Consciousness, Body Consciousness, Brain Consciousness     6 Organs, O’s, 6 Elements, E’s, and 6 Consciousnesses, C’s, then TOTAL is 18OEC, or 18OCE, or 18CEO, or 18COE, or 18ECO, or 18EOC, then there might be 18! Combinations of CEO or 18! Possible Virtual Realities, PVR, thoseHuman might face in Life, PVR:POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS OF REALITIES = PCoR = 18! = 6.402373706 x 10^15 PVR      18CEO Super Virtual Reality Goggles, 18ceoSVRG will make Visions and Realities of Life, Possible Cases of Realities of Life: PCoRoL = 6.4024 x 10^15 PVR (Possible Virtual Realities)There are 5 Manifolds to make a Human Inner:*5 Manifolds*, I would reveal here and More Later in:        1) First Fold contains and covers : Matter, Colors, Ground, Water, Fire, Wind                 Notes: Ground is standing for Hardness is as Bone.   Water is standing for Fluid is as Water Circulation in Human Body.   Fire is standing for Heat is as Temperature in Human Body.         Wind is standing for Air Circulation or Breath in Human Body.It does not mean Human Physical Body is structed by 4 Elements: Ground, Water, Fire, and Wind; instead, they are Standing Characters of Human Physical Body, and they related to environment that Build Human Physical Body in the way that Everything relates to Everything or in One thing there everything else presents . . . . For example, Everything other than Flower are in the Flowers . . . . . . .       2) Second Fold contains and covers: Absorbance from Eyes, Ears, Tongue, Noses, Feeling (BODY), Thinking (IDEAS)       3) Third Fold contains and covers: Understanding, knowing, all of things have been recognized and analyzed by thought.       4) Fourth Fold contains and covers: Frame (Body)- Mouth - Thought - Actions (Karma) Note (Karma)Note: Most People in the West did not know Karma and did not understand Karma; however, I will explain briefly about Karma in Large way and in Macro Way:                      @1) Large Way: Karma are Actions, WITHIN 18CEOSVRG AND 5 MANIFOLDS, have been repeated repeatedly many times in Reasonable of Time and Space with Intentions in Mind or Tam and Manner of the Action; for example, Karma of a Teacher is as Actions of Teaching, Repeated Teaching Actions made Teaching Karma.                     @2) Macro Way: Karma will become Quanta to be Recorded in Minds, then in Brain, then in Memory, then in Subconsciousness, and then in DNA, RNA, and those QUANTA have to obey THE LAW of CAUSALITY and EFFECT or the LAW of CAUSE and RESULTS . . .; For example, Seed of Orange will play as CAUSE for Orange Tree, and then Orange Fruits as RESULTS; however, there are at least 12 Conditions and Preconditions before the Seed, Orange Seed in this Example, to grow and become a Tree successfully, then Fruits, Orange Fruits . . . . WITHOUT 12 PROBABILITIES,PRECONDITIONS, AND CONDITIONS, THEN SEEDS OF ORANGE AS CAUSE MIGHT NOT BECOME TREES, ORANGE TREES TO PRODUCE FRUITS, ORANGE FRUITS AS RESULTS OF ORANGE SEEDS! IF IT IS THE CASES, THEN I CAN SAY CAUSES ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO PRODUCE RESULTS! It is still Cause and Result; however, in this case Result is fail or as Fail ResultS FOR ORANGE SEEDS TO BECOME ORANGE TREES AND FRUITS!Everything relates to Everything in this World!!! Everything is relative and Nothing is perfect!!!        5) Fifth Fold contains and covers: Consciousnesses or Mindfulness.There are more Details about 5 MANIFOLDS, I WOULD RELATE AND REVEAL THEM MORE LATER WITH TIME GOES ON . . . . . . .   And then you use all of the Above to Observe the Universe with 121 Different Kinds of Mind, then the Possibecame Combinations of 121 Different Kinds of Minds, PCo121DKoM:PCo121DKoM = 121! = 8.092024827 x10^200    = 8.1 x 10^200 PCo121DKoM      It did not stop there, 8.1 x 10^200 PCo121DKoM, because the Possible Combinations of 121 Different Kinds of Minds will work together with 18CEOSuper Virtual Reality Goggles to learn, to observe, to analysis, to understand, to know, etc, etc, etc . . . to solve Realities of 18CEOSuper Virtual Realities Goggles have visioned for Life and the World and the Universe.Possible Cases of Realities you can see from the Universe and around you, PCoRYCSFU&AY:PCoRYCSFU&AY = 51.85944 x 10^215 Possible Cases of Realities  = 5.186 x 10^216 PCoR  = 5.2 x 10^216 PCoRNote: The Number I have calculated somewhere else before I brought them here!!Make sure you understand all Components you have to Observe the Universe, then you might know where is your Universe suppose to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Answer is already in you; unfortunately, you must find where it is in you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Answer of the Universe, WHERE IS THE UNIVERSE? is not far away from you, in fact it is in you quantitatively !                   It is already in you quantitatively !It is even more incredible, it is not the Final Answer! For Life, it is as the Final Answer; unfortunately, you must find the Answer within 5.186 x 10^216 PCoR, Possible Answers, then it is crazy, and it is not easy at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Fortunately, the overall answer is not stop at the Answer for Life, there is more, and good news, the Answer for Enlightenment will be easier than the Answer for Life after all have been through!!!!!! Simply, because Life is so much of Hallucinations and Delusions those made Answer for Life is more Difficult* than the Answer for Enlightenment! Note * I would not use the word Impossible here, I did not want Negative Mark for Life and Living! Instead, DIFFICULT IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR EXPRESSION! And you must get through Life to learn and have experiences before Enlightenment!You have to be through all before you can reach the Answer of Enlightenment, the Answer for everything! May Be I should Call The Enlightenment is as THEORY OF EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!(For 121 Minds, the Possible Combinations of 121 Different Kinds of Mind are PCo121DKoM is: PCo121DKoM = 121! = 8.092024827 x 10^200 = 8.1 x 10^200 Possible Combinations of Minds )8.1 x 10^200 PCo121DkoM is larger than Universe Quantitatively at least in Quanta Field of the Universe, because I figured out the Universe is Maximum with n.nn x 10^120 Quanta up to m.mm x 10^190 Quanta, the Quanta Universe is still Smaller than the Quanta Human Mind or Quanta Mind, safely, I can say the Universe is already in you quantitatively; however, in order for them to work together, Preconditions, Conditions, and Probabilities for them, Preconditions and Conditions, to meet, before Universe and Mind to meet and to see on Each Other! For example, if there is a fact in your Mind belonged to 2021, today is 2018, then you have to wait until 2021 to see that “fact”, then you have to wait; however, if you want to see it before hand and before time, then you must “learn” and “deal” with your Mind:8.1 x 10^200 PCo121DKoM !!!It is same for event in 2000, if you want to live again in such Event in 2000, 2018 - 2000 = 18 years ago!Now the Ranges of my Observations for the Universe, Max Universes, are:              n.nn x 10 ^ 120 Quanta - m.mm x10 ^ 190 Quanta Either way, they are still Smaller than:8.1 x 10^200 PCo121DKoM’s will lead to 7.89 x 10^370+ - 10^3.58 POSSIBLE REALITIES. There are more, MAX UNIVERSE is about n.nn x 10^120 QUANTA up to m.mm x 10^190 Quanta, then Possible Combinations of 121 Different Kinds of Minds and Possible Realities are both Larger than Max Universe quantitatively, and then Minds are Medium for the Universe, the Universe is as Medium for Life, and Life is as Medium for Minds Quantitatively, . . . so on and so forth . . . and Vice Versa, then they are no difference, and they are the same, then they are Nothing in Nothingness . . . . Due to they are Medium to each Other, then the Universe that you are looking at just as a Part of your Minds!!!!!! Try to Project your 121 Mind to see Universe for a very First Time in Different Scales from Universe you are Looking at!Do not think NOTHING is as 0 (Zero) or Emptiness or Nihilism or Absolute Nothing or NO from YES!Do not repeat what I have said If you are not me! Unless and Until you are sure understanding about NOTHING! Tho HuynhSmallest Particles Dynamics(Tho Huynh Top Paradox "Smallest Particles are not Smallest, something else is!") Final Particles Mfg (Former is as THE THO SCIENCE since 1998) Dark Matter Maker.(I can show you the easy way to make Dark Matter that Today Science does not even know yet!) Matrix Field Expert(ThoH Particles Field of the Universe Expert) Matrix President.(ThoH Particles Field of the Universe President)( or Simply as Particles Field of the Universe President) Quantum Quanta Field of the Universe Founder. Dark Waves Founder(It might lead to some kind of MAN MADE LIGHT PARTICLES and then questionable Maxwell Equation about Light Waves) Science of Reincarnation (Brand New Science in the World on Earth)(Reincarnation has been known for Thousands of years in Buddhism and Hinduism, nothing new, however, Science of Reincarnation is Brand New first day in 2017, Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, 23 rd, USA by Tho Huynh as Founder)(Everybody deserves to know Where and Who He/She will be next scientifically and physically!)Teleport First Information From Reincarnation Science."Teleport is as Reincarnation in short cut""Reincarnation is as Life Time Teleport"Tho Huynh Science of Reincarnation First.Birth and Rebirth Processing Book for $11.00 USD.Mojo Books & Records  Address: 2540 E Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL 33612, USA.Hours : 10:00–22:00Telephone: (813) 971-9717*****************************Universe of Time or Time Universe a newest discovery from The Matrix Field. Time T = 0 is as instantaneous Time that Universe of Time can use to make things beyond Human Imagination! or something for Time Travel ability that not seen inthe world before!"Nothing is neither created nor destroyed in Physical Conditions Universe" "Everything is formed or gone by Preconditions or/and Conditions continuously!""Everything is Formed or gone Dynamically or/and transformally continuously!"Tho Huynh Newest Law of Nature and Life.18CEO, 18COE, 18ECO, 18EOC, 18OCE, 18OEC VIRTUAL REALITY GOGGLES Copies PRODUCER! (Quantum States and Time Universe are not the Universe you are looking at)      1) Einstein Space Time missed Quantum Time.     2)Einstein Gravitational Space Time missed Equilibrium States!     3)Einstein Ring missed Dynamics (Transition) from Cubic States to Spherical States! It is not just by Gravity, but it is also related to Dynamics of Transition from Cubic States to Spherical States, Both of them and Vice Versa!     4)Einstein Knew Time Dilation, but Einstein missed Time Oscillation***! Note*** There are many Different Forms of Time Oscillations those Einstein has missed 139 years ago in his Time Dilation, he supposed to have them all together for his Relativity . . . .It is even worse, Albert Einstein has confused between Laws of Physics should be the same for all Observers and all  of Observations and Time Dilation and Speed of Light and its Dynamics! Albert Eistein has been also confused between Cause and Effect to Phenomena! Albert Einstein has jumped Conclusions when he applied Speed of Light in E= mC^2, it became a reason Albert Einstein confused between Imagination and Realities!Don Lincoln, Particles Physicist of CERN has proposed better E = mC^2 with E = Gamma mC^2 with Gamma = 1/ Squareroot (1-v^2/c^2) and E^2 = (PC)^2 + (mC^2)^2. . . . .  Don Lincoln of CERN makes it better; however, Don Lincoln of CERN and Today Physics and today Science are still having Long way to go before they can get out of Einstein Confusions between Relativity Physics and Absolute Mathematics in Position of Relative Mathematics . . . . . . Note: Don Lincoln is as Particles Physicist; however, he is not Mathematician, but it does not matter, because Don Lincolncan take over Mathematic within seconds when he needs for 2018 -1643 = 375 years old Mathematics or even longer than 2018 years old Mathematics; unfortunately, Relative Mathematics are out of Don Lincoln Imagination     Keep in Mind, I did not say Albert Einstein is Wrong, I did not say Albert Einstein is Right either in case of E=mC^2     5)Einstein Vacuum Medium and Aether (somebody else proposed and Einstein accepted) did not work!     6) Einstein did not Realize Isaac Newton Missed PUSH GRAVITY!     7) Einstein did not realize Space 0 is not Equal Quantum 0 basically and Dynamically ! ! !     8)Most of All, Einstein failed to reach THE MATRIX or ThoH Particles Field of the Universe or Simply as Particles Field of the Universe or it is just as QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or THEORY OF EVERYTHING!      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THERE ARE 6 FORCES INSTEAD OF 4 FORCES: 1) Electromagnetic Force. 2) Weak Nuclear Force. 3) Strong Nuclear Force. 4) Isaac Newton First Half of Gravity (1643 - 1727)Isaac Newton has missed Causality and Effect (Results) to Proceed and Process back and Forth to Double Checks on causes of Forces and Gravity, even Today Science and Today Physics have missed such Causality and Effect to Proceed and Process Back and Forth to Double Checks on the Observation about causes OF FORCES & GRAVITY after 2018 - 1643 = 375 years if I used Isaac Newton Birth Year as my Mark of time! It is even worse Isaac Newton has mistaken PULL GRAVITY is as GRAVITY; instead, PUSH GRAVITY supposed to be as REAL GRAVITY before Rotation and After Rotation !!!!!!Gallileo and Isaac Newton cannot and could not and Fail to realize that Gravity is more complex and Complicated than what they could see at their Time, it involved: Equilibrium and Rotation, Plus (+) and Minus (-),Pull Gravity and Push Gravity, Positions and Timing, Planet Field and Solar Field and Galaxy Field and UniverseField  . . . . . May be Isaac Newton should have some visions in terms of Yin and Yang . . . . Let use some movements of Jet System in Space to analog about Pull and Push Gravity along the way Earth Move around theSun in its Orbit, it is about 904,778,684.2 km = 565,486,677.6 miles . . . .  It turns out to be sometime Push and sometime Pull and sometime Push and Pull Gravity together or sometime none, etc, etc, etc . . . . Do not forget Mars and Venus!      Beside, Isaac Newton missed Space Function that it is as a Law of Space or Space Law as I Quote below:          "There are 2 Sides of Space as Always, No Matter What!"      I will use some examples to explain: Up - Down Space, Left - Right Space, Front - Back Space, Above-BelowSpace, Inside-Outside Space, Top-Bottom Space, etc, etc, etc . . . .It is even more interesting with Projection Earth Motion on Suface to see Cycloids defined Earth Gravity and Forces . . . . . . 5) Tho Huynh Second Half of Gravity (2018).If I marked Time by Isaac Newton Birth Year, then it has been 2018 -1643 = 375 years Today Science and Today Physics have missed Causes and Results Law of Nature and 6 Forces for the last 375 years and it is untilToday! 6) 6 th Force (Temporary Name Called to keep my secret and Copy Right)[email protected]@[email protected] Note:            (#1)Science of Reincarnation I mentioned above is at Limit Scientific and Physical only, I did not observe anything about Spiritual yet! Even if I might learn something about Spiritual Part, I still did not want to say anything about it! Only Scientific and Physical Parts of Science of Reincarnation for now !!!!!!!!            (#2)If you can call SPACE is as A THEORY, then you can call THE MATRIX or THOH PARTICLES FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or simply as PARTICLES FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or it is as QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or as THEORY OF EVERYTHING.          (#3) If you cannot call SPACE is as A THEORY, it meant SPACE is as REAL or REAL THING, then you cannot or supposed not to call THE MATRIX is as THEORY OF EVERYTHING, SIMPLY BECAUSE IT IS NOT AS A THEORY DUETO REAL SPACE! The Matrix is as Real Field of the Universe!Anyway, you can call THE MATRIX or THOH PARTICLES FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or simply as PARTICLES FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or it is just as QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE as THEORY OF EVERYTHING By Tho Huynh. And it is available for Sale!        (#4) Life is continue to fool everybody from Day One to the Rest of His/ Her Natural Life, then Everybody fools on each other Day Two, and then Death fools everybody Day Three or Final Day!!!!!!!        (#5) Physical Conditions Universe is continuing to fool people with its Hallucinations and Delusions.         (#6) Causality and Results is as Law of Nature for Billions of years, it is as Long as the Age of the Universe. Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, has explained best about Law of Causality and Results about 2600 years ago!      I am as the One and the Only and First to observe CAUSALITY and EFFECT in Science and start SCIENCE OF CAUSALITY AND EFFECT ON SUNDAY 30 SEPTEMBER 2018 AT 12:50:37 pmLaw of CAUSALITY and EFFECT (RESULTS) has existed in the Universe for Billions of years, it might be long as the Ageof the Universe. Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha, has explained best Laws of Causality and Effect 2600 years ago today, I am as the First to look at CAUSALITY and EFFECT in Manner of Science, I am as the First Person who use Science to observe CAUSALITY and RESULTS. I am also as the FIRST PERSON to Observe CAUSALITY and EFFECT Scientifically!!!!!!! However, Siddhartha Gautama way is better way for causality and Effect than Scientific Way of Causality and Effect in term of Enlightenment!      Scientific Way is only for Life Answer and Technologies and help Life get better Living and Understanding forward Enlightenment in Part; however, Scientific ways can go either way for Good and For Bad due to who used Science and what for, it is even worse Science did not offer "The Way Out", it will go to Dead End one way or the other ways! Mean Time Siddhartha Guatama Way is only for Happiness and Enlightenment and Way out and Free; unfortunately, it is not easy at all! Be careful with what you know about Buddhism, because there are so many misplaces, mistranslations, misunderstanding, misinterprtations about Siddhartha Gautama Teaching; for example, Siddhartha Gautama did not say that Life is as Ocean of Miseries, people keep to say Life is as Ocean of Miseries; however, Siddhartha Gautama said "There are Miseries and there are causes of Miseries"Another example of Misunderstanding, Siddhartha Gautama did not say Nirvana is Final, actually, he said Free is Final. Besides, his words are only recorded in Documents about 500 years after his death and before his words are only transfered orally for 500 years before Documents!Life is Suck! Suck is Good! Good is Life! 3 steps to Life is Good!Life Sucks! Suck Good! Good Life! Life Good! 3 Steps to Life Good! ----Tho Huynh (11/11/2018 at 10:10AM) What is Life? Life is Like  Atoms if you did not Know them, then they will lead you to where they supposed to!Life likes  Atoms if you know them, then you will lead them where you want them to be or you set them [email protected] QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE FOUNDER Florida, Brooksville, USA, 34602. Sunday, September 30, 2018, 12:50:37 PMAbove it is as First Day for Science of Natural Law Causality and Effect (Results) on Earth.A NOTE FOR VIETNAM AIRLINE:WITH QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE HAS BEEN FOUND BY THO HUYNH, THEN YOUR AIRPLANE MIGHT FLY WITH LESS FUEL OR EVEN WITH BETTER FUEL FROM DEALING WITH QUANTUM FIELD!                                                                       (Page 5 of 5)
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mayacatmaster · 5 years
Tumblr media
“Student”(solar): “My Master, in this world...how many people living in DOG/Sheep RULES world and how many people their will become a non-player in their vibrational balance by don’t kiss any kind of dark-tyrant-ruler-ass?
No matter of it’s on religion/morality/political/country/social/family/education/personal-belief-system???”;
*** *** ***
"Master"(Mr. Bean):“My dear solar, it too hard to Counting those  living in DOG/Sheep RULES world-fool, why do you only Counting those can alignment with their Source and as an alignment-deliberate-creator!!! “
*** *** ***
Life and time are the two best teachers, life teaches us To make good use of time and us the value of life. *** *** *** And…: We meet ourselves time and time again in thousand disguises on the path of Life. ~Carl Jung *** *** *** We are caged by our cultural programming. Culture is a mass hallucination, and when you step outside the mass hallucination you see it for what it's worth. ~Terence McKenna *** *** *** 
You wait a lifetime to meet Someone who understands you, accepts you as you are. At the end, you find that Someone, all along, has been you.” - Richard Bach
*** *** ***  Otherwise…: “Family”(family-social-country-belief-system) dysfunction rolls down from generation to generation, like a fire in the woods, taking down everything in its path until one person in one generation has the courage to turn and face the flames. That person brings peace to their ancestors and spares the children that follow. - Terry Real *** *** ***
My dear solar, you know…:
You are not a sheep, meant to follow blindly behind shepherds obediently?  You are a wolf, meant to howl wildly at the Fu11 Moon and run free through the' trees; never tamed and never chained. - Ara
*** *** ***
The nightingale does not make his nest in a cage lest slavery be the lot of its chicks.
*** *** ***
*** *** *** The problem with being brainwashed is believing you haven't been brainwashed. *** *** ***
No matter of what area, topic or who? *** *** ***
So my dear solar, do you ever…: Look at your mindset. *** *** *** 
The moment you become aware of the ego in you , it is strictly speaking no longer the ego, but just an old conditioned mind-pattern. Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist. ~Eckhart Tolle  *** *** ***  “We all have a choice to either live our lives as unconscious slaves to the pre-established social order (as sheep) or consciously take the road less traveled and reclaim our true identity as infinite Consciousness (God).” ~Anon I mus  *** *** *** 
So my dear solar, do you ever…: Look at your mindset. *** *** ***  When you recognize that there is a voice in your head that pretends to be you and never stop speaking, you are awakening out of your unconscious identification with the stream of thinking. When you notice that voice, you realize that who you are is not the voice. the thinker, but the one-who is aware of it. *** *** ***  And there have a lot of DOG/Sheep RULES, ...service, loyalty for outer world rulers, not service, loyalty for alignment with your “Source”(True Self; Tao) and as alignment-deliberate-creator. *** *** ***  Do you have ever ... Look at your mindset…..My dear solar!!! *** *** ***  And you can decide living through your lifetime after lifetime or Generation after generation to obey dog’s ruler or you can realize this conversation…: *** *** ***  THERE SHALL BE NO RULER OVER YOU" IS A VERY ANCIENT LAW, SO ANCIENT, THAT IT IS LONG FORGOTTEN. *** *** ***
No matter of it’s on religion/morality/political/country/social/family/education/personal-belief-system….:
*** *** ***  Do you have ever ... Look at your mindset…..My dear solar!!! *** *** *** 
Sometimes a small change in language changes everything. Try replacing 'my; myself; me' with 'this'!!!  *** *** *** This body, this mind, this person, this family, this work, this company, this social, this country, this religion-morality-education-belief-system,...this problem...etc.  Just consider as if you are aliens… see another stranger, another street man. *** *** *** Just take it as if happen on another stranger, not happen on your body-mind….: *** *** *** Watch Life, as if you are watching a movie! Watch your own 3D-life-movie, as if you are watching another peoples 3D-life-movie. Watch your own self, as if you are watching another people's self. Watch your own beliefs, as if you are watching another peoples’ beliefs.... inquiry and question it. *** *** *** It makes space to offer all For a Divine solution. *** *** *** *** *** *** Think about this…: Between your heart and their heart, If this same thing happen in other people ,  If other people tell you about the same story,  If other people tell you about the same problem,  If other people tell you about the same situation,  *** *** ***  In everything which happens keep before thy eyes those to whom the same things happened, and how they were vexed, and treated them as strange things, and found fault with them: and now where are they? Nowhere. Why then dost thou too choose to act in the same way?  And why dost thou not leave these agitations which are foreign to nature,to those who cause them and those who are moved by them? And why art thou not altogether intent upon the right way of making use of the things which happen to thee? For then thou wilt use them well, and they will be a material for thee to work on. Only attend to thyself,and resolve to be a good man in every act which thou doest: and remember...
「古今"道"(Logos; Matt)惟一,對談吐所謀!」, ***  面對發生的一切事情,回憶一下這樣一些人, 同樣的事也曾對他們發生,他們曾是多麼煩惱啊, 把這些事情看做奇怪的、不滿於它們,而現在他們到哪裡去了呢? 無處可尋。那麼你為什麼願意以同樣的方式行動呢? *** *** *** 「抱"一"(Logos; Matt)為天下式!,執古之道,以御今有,以人為鑑知吉凶,以之見知天下而不惑!」, ***  你為什麼不把這些與"大道"(Logos; Matt) 自然本性相歧異的焦慮留那些引起它們並被它們推動的人呢? 你為什麼不完全專注于利用對你發生的事物的正確契合聯結「古今不二精真信久」"大道"(Logos; Matt) 方式呢? 因為那樣你將好好地利用它們,它們將給你契合聯結心願夢想的工作提供質料。 僅僅傾聽自身自性光明, 在你做的一切行為中都決心做一個契合聯結「古今不二精真信久」"大道"(Logos; Matt),「以《道》度己度人覺己覺人」的好人,記住……! *** *** *** Look within. Within is the fountain of“Good”(Source; Tao; True Self; Matt; Dharma; All That Is), and it will ever bubble up, if thou wilt ever dig.
59、觀照內心。契合聯結「古今不二精真信久」"大道"(Logos; Matt), 「以《道》度己度人覺己覺人」之善的源泉是在內心, 如果你挖掘,它將汩汩地湧出。 *** *** *** *** *** ***  The Meditations BOOK SEVEN By Marcus Aurelius *** *** *** *** *** *** To awaken means to awaken out of the self-talk in the head because the self-talk is a form of hypnosis ---- self-hypnosis. ~Eckhart Tolle *** *** *** *** *** *** In order to awaken out of the self-talk in our mind,. True power is sitting back & observing everything with "logic"(Ma-at; Logos; Tao; Source; True Self).  True power is "restraint"(don't identify with it as "true; me & mine),  *** *** *** *** *** *** Step Two: *** *** *** *** *** *** Then, if this same thing happen in other people ,  if they tell you about the same story,  if they tell you about the same problem,  if they tell you about the same situation,  Between your heart and their heart,  how do you walks in their shoes,  how do you give wise advice ,  To help them to as a alignment-deliberate-creator,  To help them to get rid of painful and get sweet fruit. *** *** *** *** *** *** "Sometimes the greatest adventure is simply a conversation. -Amadeus Wolfe *** *** *** *** *** *** Physical attractions are common.  But a mental, intellectual and spiritual connections are rare. *** *** *** The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept. *** *** *** MY HEART IS AT EASE KNOWING THAT WHAT IS MEANT FOR ME WILL NEVER MISS ME, AND THAT WHICH MISSES ME WAS NEVER MEANT FOR ME. *** *** *** Because…: Satisfied life is better than successful life. Because our success is measured by others. But our satisfaction is measured by our ’ own soul, mind and heart. And real understand come from Satisfied life. And what can really, really, really let you have Satisfied life, only you know, not come from outer world.  *** *** *** *** *** ***
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey LIII
2701. What does 'equal' mean? >> www.google.com 2702. Do you believe in the phrase 'all men are created equal'? What about woman? >> I don’t believe in that phrase because the people who coined it didn’t even believe in it -- the “men” they were thinking of were not men that looked like me and mine, for example. So when they said “all” they didn’t even mean “all”. And, of course, they certainly weren’t counting women either. So. 2703. Have all persons been specifically 'created'? >> Not to my knowledge. 2704. Are all persons exactly equal? >> Of course not. 2705. Or do they just have equal rights (in theory)? >> Yes. That is what the phrase is supposed to mean. Can we move on now?
2706. Does art reflect society or does society reflect art? >> I assume the former makes more sense than the latter. 2707. Are you living under a little black raincloud or a ray of sunshine? >> I mean, weather conditions are variable things... 2708. What do you wonder about? >> I wonder about a lot of things, but nothing is at the forefront of my mind right now. 2709. What is better..being single and free or being in love and responsible to another person? >> That’s a fundamental weirdness in how people think of relationships, to me. To say that being in a relationship means you are no longer “free” kind of disturbs me. I haven’t lost any freedom by being in a committed partnership. In fact, I’ve gained some -- I’m not forced to deal with everything on my own, so I have more time, space, and money to do what I want. And having a sense of responsibility towards someone else isn’t exactly a negative thing, I don’t know where people get that idea from but it’s kind of fucked. 2710. What vitamins do you take? >> I don’t take vitamins. 2711. In checkers..red or black? >> I don’t play checkers. 2712. Is The Crow a great movie? >> I love it, personally. 2713. Do you wear all black frequently? >> Yes. 2714. Do you ever call yourself a poet, artist, or musician? Has your writing been published, your art been hung in a gallery or your band been signed? Does it matter? >> I call myself a writer because writing is a thing I like to do. I’ve actually had art hung in a gallery once -- I made a collage at queer art camp and a small gallery in SoHo displayed all of our art at the end of the camp. That was pretty fuckin cool, to be honest. Anyway, no, that kind of thing is fun but it doesn’t matter to me -- I don’t want to make a career out of any art form. 2715. When insects get into your house, do you kill them or catch them and take them ouside or leave them alone and let them live with you? >> I either leave them alone and let them die on their own (because they probably will, eventually), or usher them outside if I can. Flying insects are the worst because the dumbasses will evade every attempt at shooing them back into the open air where they belong, but crawling insects are very easy to put back outside. 2716. Name at least one person who's birthday is in: Jan.- Feb.- Sparrow’s father Mar.- Apr.- May- me June- July- Aug.- Sept- Sparrow’s sister Oct- Sparrow Nov- Dec- 2717. Which would you consider to be a worse criminal: a pedophile or a necrophile? What if it was between a pedophile, a necrophile and a murderer? >> I’m not going to rate criminals, lmao. I think paedophilia has a far more lasting direct impact on a living person’s life than necrophilia does, though (of course necrophilia has negative impacts on the lives of the deceased’s loved ones, but that’s indirect impact). 2718. Do we start to die the day we are born or start to live the day we die? >> What the fuck... 2719. Have you ever called your mom or dad a four letter word? >> No. I would have been beaten real good for that. 2720. Do you believe america should go to war with iraq? >> Well, no matter what I thought about it, that’s exactly what America did, so. 2721. Agree or disagree? “There is too much concern in courts for the rights of criminals.” >> Disagree. “Abortion should be legal.” >> Agree. “The death penalty should be abolished.” >> Agree. “Marijuana should be legalized.” >> Agree. “It is important to have laws prohibiting homosexual relationships.” >> Disagree. “The federal government should do more to control the sale of handguns.” >> Agree. “Racial discrimination is no longer a major problem in America.” >> Hard disagree. “Wealthy people should pay a larger share of taxes than they do now.” >> Hard agree. “Colleges should prohibit racist/sexist speech on campus.” >> Agree. “Same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status.” >> Agree. “Affirmative action in college admissions should be abolished.” >> I’m actually not knowledgeable enough about how affirmative action works (and whether it’s been beneficial or detrimental in the end) to have an opinion. “The activities of married women are best confined to the home and family.” >> Hard disagree. “People should not obey laws which violate their personal values.” >> This one seems a bit more loaded than I’d like to deal with. “Federal military spending should be increased.” >> Disagree. “Realistically, an individual can do little to bring about changes in our society.” >> Disagree. If the only change that matters to you is widespread systemic change, then yeah, this statement would be correct. But that’s not the only kind of change that matters to me. Why did you agree or disagree to that last statement? >> Because I think people tend to discredit the benefits of small, local change. A lot of small-scale changes can often jump-start widescale change, in fact. I just think individuals get demoralised because they think they either have to change the world or not do anything at all and that’s not how it works. Our actions matter too, even if it’s as simple as just helping a friend in need or refusing to be a party to discrimination when you witness it. 2722. Let's say that after you die you become a spirit and you join all the other spirits. Not all of them have lived. You are talking to some who have never lived about how you HAVE lived. One of the spirits who has never lived says they think they will travel to earth in a human body soon and live. They ask you what three things on Earth should I be sure not to miss? You say... 1. What the fuck is this question 2. 3. 2723. What kind of ass is the sexiest (flat, round, tight, hard, meaty, juicy, small, big, stacked, packed, petite, barely there, curvey, muscular, etc.)? >> --- 2724. Is there something beautiful and special about everyone? If yes is there something beautiful and special about Hitler? How about Bin Laden?What is it? >> It seems more likely than not that there’s something beautiful about everyone. Since I did not know Hitler or bin Laden personally, and especially since the former’s actions were so heinous that it pretty much overwhelms anything good about him, I cannot tell you what’s beautiful about them. 2725. Have you ever moshed? If yes to what bands? If no then would you ever? >> No, that’s not my idea of fun. I do like watching other people do it, though. 2726. Do you like sushi? >> Yes. 2727. What mood are you in? What does your mood depend on? What depends on your mood? >> I’m not really in any sort of mood. I’d imagine my mood depends on my nervous system and the balance of chemicals in my brain and shit like that. 2728. wHAT IS faith? what is common sense? Do you have either or both of them? >> Faith has a pretty simple definition. I don’t know about common sense, that one gets used to mean “anything I know that I think everyone else should know or otherwise I’ll think they’re stupid idiots” way too often and it’s made me hate the term. 2729. Is perfection or imperfection more beautiful? >> --- 2730. Would you think a person doing the following things has a healthy or unhealthy level of insanity? gives the finger while driving? tells their life story to people they just met? walks up to people and tried to convert them to a religion? says blah? >> I don’t judge people on a scale of sanity <-> insanity like this, that seems pretty fucked up. 2731. Do you think this is a great line of poetry: "Journey with me into the mind of a maniac. Doomed to be a killer since I came out the nutsac" Why or why not? >> It doesn’t speak to me personally, but that’s fine. Much poetry doesn’t. 2732. Do you think that song lyrics are poems with music? >> I think that’s one way to think of them. 2733. In cases of rape which do you think is more of a crime: a stranger rapes a girl OR a girl's boyfriend rapes her? >> I can’t imagine thinking that a rape is “more of a crime” depending on whether the victim knew the rapist or not. Rape is rape. 2734. Did you know that in the USA it is considered to be LESS of a crime if a rapist knows the victim (because it is 'less of a crime' the rapist gets a less severe punishment)? Do you agree or disagree and why? >> The US has a lot of weird ideas, yes, I know. Obviously I disagree, considering my answer to the last question. 2735. In the USA a few weeks ago a guy had beaten up and raped his girlfriend, for which he got 70 days of community service. He had been found guilty, got a year and a half of jail, BUT can you guess why his sentence was reduced to mere community service? He had a steady job. That's right. He was found less guilty, because he had a long-term steady job. How does this make you feel? >> This doesn’t surprise me because there are many cases like this. Shit like this happens all the time in this country -- a man (it’s usually a man) has a steady job, or is a “pillar of the community”, or simply is white, and he gets away with murder (sometimes literally). Our justice system has been corrupt from the start. 2736. Does the character limit of notes or entries annoy you more? >> --- 2737. wHO'S YOUR FAVORITE WRESTLER? >> I don’t have one. 2738. Have you ever been trapped in an elevator? >> No. 2739. What is more important, tact or honesty? >> They are partners. Honesty delivered with tact gets the best results. 2740. Do you have a mentor? Who? >> No. 2741. If you like guys: would you rather have a 'bad' guy (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good' guy (family, domesticated, nice guy)? Would you rather have a virgin or a more experianced guy? If you like girls: Would you rather have a virgin or a more experianced girl? would you rather have a 'bad' girl (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a 'good' girl (family, domesticated, nice girl)? >> ---
2742. Do you feel nervous in crowds? >> I feel overwhelmed and overstimulated in crowds. 2743. Did you write a real entry today? What about? Was it your best writing? >> Like, a journal entry? I keep a daily journal, yeah, but I update it throughout the day so it’s not finished right now (it’s only 10a). It’s not supposed to be my “best writing”, it’s just for myself. 2744. If you were making a 'best of' entry about your BEST entries ever what would be your top 5 best entries? >> --- 2745. Do you like to play the lottery? >> No. 2746. Guess what? >> --- 2747. Why did you choose to live one more day? >> I didn’t choose, technically. I mean, I chose not to kill myself or whatever, but generally I’m still alive because my body is still running, not out of any conscious choice that I made. 2748. What is the most beautiful myth you have ever read/heard? >> --- 2749. Have you ever been stood up? >> Yes. 2750. Finish the following senatances any way you want. It's always darkest before.. Never underestimate the power of.. Don't bite the hand that.. A miss is as good as a.. If you lie down with dogs, you.. Love all, trust.. The pen is mightier than.. An idle mind is.. Where there is smoke, there's.. Happy is the bride who.. Two is company, three's.. None are so blind as.. You get out of something what you.. When the blind lead the blind.. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. Cry and.. >> I feel like if I was in the mood, I could think of some silly ass answers for these, but I don’t feel like it right now.
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mojput-mypath · 6 years
Show must go on! (or how I became a star)
I've gone through some hard-core stuff in the past. I have had such a difficult time beginning of this summer. Is this now the reward? They say that after the storm, the sun shines. It is truly shining through and through for me right now.
I have serious reason to believe that I am in a very good place. Also, my horoscope looks nice. Ra-Sk-Gu. Soon to turn into Ra-Sk-Sa -> for those who can read the astrological-physics formulas. I again have good reason to believe the next few months spent in the Shadow of the Magnificent Saturn will just allow me to come closer to that beautiful empty, yet completely full space inside. When Saturn is around (a little app tells me when that is), I usually speak less, feel more, and just become generally more quiet and internal. My sadhana (meditation) becomes the most beautiful thing to do, and I can spend hours and hours just yogiying out. There is no boredom there. Only one thing I am not so sure I like is that Saturn makes me feel a tiny bit detached, in a way I feel far from people. A tiny bit of sadness keeps coming up in my heart and I can only bear it. Let us see this time how it will be, the sadness might be more bearable. Maybe it is time to transcend it, to see it, but not feel it deep in the hurting heart.
One more thing. I have finally opened up to handling that other people watch me and listen to me sing and play guitar. I know this sounds silly, as I have sung in front of close to or over a thousand people, on more than one occasion. Only at those moments, I kept my eyes closed, and even if they were opened, I kept a part of myself hidden and kept the outer rigidity to show for others. I have now almost completely relaxed to sing and play however, whatever, in front of whoever – and I must admit, it sounds amazing. It feels amazing. It is amazing.
Everything seems to have drastically changed since June. July and August were full of activities and the summer flew by as fast as lightning disappears in the night sky. All of a sudden I was chilling out at home/in Croatia. Beach, sun, forest, breeze, chatting, walking, cooking. All in good measure. Altogether, a period to remember, yet I do not recall much of it except when I make a great effort to tune back to what was.
Then, October. How did that happen? Jumping from June to October. This year brought me so much turmoil, so much doubt in myself, the organisation I felt so connected to, people, lifestyle, world, friends, family… Today to be swept away like none of it was ever there. Such doubt! Such agony! And now. Nothing of it. Like it never happened. I feel like a completely different person, with a completely different life. At the same time, it seems like nothing has changed. It even feels I am more of who I always was and less the personality I grew to exhibit in all these years. Are you following? Sometimes I feel I write in a cryptic way, yet to me it is all clear as quartz.
Is this sensation/feeling/state going to linger? I think yes. G says: when you take 10 steps forward, you can never go back to step 1. Maybe a couple steps of throwback happen, but you never go to the very beginning, the game keeps you a few fields ahead of yourself.
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Ukuleles in a shop Freiburg, I might even get me one of these!
My sad kid story is alcohol and drug-abuse, unnecessary drug-drunk relations. It is not a story of a street thug life nor domestic violence nor abuse. It is just a regular story of divorced parents and living through a bit of war that later resulted as me being the violent one. Many stories I know are far, far worse than mine. Yet, I feel mine is meaningfully terrible to me. I cannot underestimate my experience, even if I rationally chose to. I feel I had an emotionally crap childhood. Parents’ divorce hit me harder than I would ever wish to admit. To this day a ball of anger rises in my chest when I hear of parents being selfish, rather than selfless to the core, in regard to their kids. Yes, I do know each and every life follows a law, as a river needs to flow between two banks. Whatever we do or want, will not necessarily determine what actually happens. I do know. Yet, my heart wants to protect the little “victim me” I see in others.
Then the war. My mother kept me protected as is rarely seen in these situations. Kept us protected by the strength she exhibited in that 3-year period we spent with booms and bangs, running to shelters at odd times. We knew that this is not a normal life situation where you should defy your parents. We obeyed instructions like little soldiers. What she said to do was just law that needed to be followed. It made me feel secure and safe. I felt she knew what to do, and how that fact would keep us away from harm. I remember the exact moment where that strength faltered. It was the exact same moment we left the war-stricken city of Zadar.
The other protection she provided for us was the neutrality she kept, very sincerely, towards, what the media called, the aggressor. I did not feel there was any aggressor. I knew the people fighting had no choice but to fight, even though I could not understand why they were fighting. All the stupid stuff I have ever uttered about the war in my later age was a copy-paste of society and television expressions – but none of it had come from my mother.
Later on, after having changed few cities in a few years, I ended up to be amongst the bad students. It was hard to follow the school programs when you change school every half year. I later felt we were just lazy kids, but now if I look into it, it was more that it was just difficult to cope with all the changing of schools and teachers, systems and kids. We were always the odd ones, and you know how kids can be mean when someone is “different”. I can actually say that I was bullied at school for speaking in a different dialect. I mean, insulted and beaten. Not severely, though. Yet, I always thought that was kind of normal. It was not.
Similar with drugs, I always thought it is normal for youth to take drugs, was it not? I came across another person’s story recently, he was more into gang stuff and drugs, but I could totally relate to the story, it was very similar to mine. That reminded me how my story is not ordinary or average. The people I chose to associate with were not so average. What I also found common was that most of the rebel kids were more from well-off families, but also from poor and abusive ones. I have been associated with the Art of Living prison programs and I felt a natural connection to the “naughtiest” of society. I always wanted to work with youth in juvenile prisons, as I felt I can relate to them so easily. I used to be proud of taking drugs from the early age of 13 (LSD and weed at the time), like I was progressive. Now it seems there is not much reason to be proud of trying to ruin my body and mind at the age when the body is still developing.
From a delicate kid, traumatised by divorce, war and bullying, having used sex and drugs to cope – I grew up to have a mission of “saving the world”. At least I think what I do is helping. It seems to help. Some science people say it does. And people here smile a lot. You could also say that I turned to “religion”, because of my drug-alcohol-related past. Maybe. Maybe not.
I always had the ability to chameleon and I think so many things I am interested in are generally weird to people, yet I, myself, I hope, at least do not seem like a complete weirdo. Even though I really am. I listen to Tommy Cash, dude. And I do Art of Living. And healing. I have a Guru. (He’s really cool.) 
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Super (cute) G
I don’t speak to my dad so often, but am not super upset with him, just a little tired of his monologues that include attempts of ego-crushing for me. I re-discovered a huge admiration for my mom, with whom I had not such a very close connection at some point earlier in my life. So, everything changes. No way to know what life will bring along.
I even took part in a youth documentary covering topics like civil freedom, gender equality, addictions, activism etc. called “Direkt”. Needless to say my sister and I starred in a show themed young alcoholics. We shared our story how we have been drinking regularly for many years (it was 2004 and I was 21 – the next year I did my first Breathe SMART course in Art of Living). The same got an award at a Croatian documentary festival (Zagrebdox), which was, as a consequence, shown in smaller cinemas across the country (yes, my mother had seen it as well). I remember getting a call from someone I knew, she told me: “People told me you would be great for a documentary on alcohol.” I was so proud. I was known for having a long-term alcoholic carrier at the age of 21. Someone wanted to film me drinking and talking about booze.
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Former addicts, today’s ashram divine sisters
I smile at all this today, but I also think it is fascinating how proud I was of being successful at something, and was well known for it. For my drinking carrier!
How did I think that was alright? How did I think it was a little out of the “average” how I lived?
Well, today I live and want to continue living in an ashram and follow the teachings of a Master. The difference is that now I am well aware it is not quite normal. 
I was always cool, only the reason changed. Don’t you think I’m cool? If you didn’t like me one bit, you would probably not be reading so far, so thank you for supporting me. Love you back, darlings!
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Wouldn’t you love to live here?
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bikechatter · 7 years
Follow these 15 driving tips and make streets safer for everyone
A great city for biking must have great drivers. (Photo: J. Maus/BikePortland)
This post was submitted by BP Subscriber Alex Reed.
We all know driving is a challenging endeavor that carries grave responsibility – lives are on the line. But even driving according to the law dependably is difficult – much less going beyond the law to be truly courteous and helpful to other road users.
Here are some ideas I’ve found useful – starting with how to obey the law. If you don’t drive, please share this with your friends and family that do.
8 Tips To Help Get You to A+, 100% Lawful Driving
1. Take a deep breath – don’t rush. If you’re reading this for tips, I bet you already obey the speed limit without fail. But don’t forget the Basic Speed Law (layperson’s version: don’t drive too fast for conditions)! There are tons of places and times where the speed limit is way too fast. Don’t be in a rush. Opting for slower and safer is better than just going on autopilot at the speed limit. As we leave the summer, allow more and more extra time for less than ideal conditions.
2. No ice is nice. Have you ever seen those sad, scary people who only cleaned off a small portion of their frosted-over windshield hunching forward to see through it? Don’t be them. Be way better than them. Buy a frost scraper for your car and keep it there. Scrape off all of your windows and mirrors and your rear windshield – you use these pieces of glass to drive safely in the summer, why should you tolerate having them unnecessarily obscured in the winter? If you are caught without one, a credit card works just fine.
3. No H20, yo! Have you noticed that just the dew on your car can obscure your vision almost as much as frost? Keep a rag or two in the car and dry your windows off. If you drive long distances with the heat on, just lay the rag over a heat vent and it’ll dry. If you don’t, you’ll need to dry it outside the car. Just leaving it in the car leads to bad things… ask me how I know!
4. Regularly clean the INSIDE of your windshield. I think most of us know to clean the outside of our windshield (pro-tip: use the time Oregon’s gas attendant law gives you to clean it with their nice soap and squeegee EVERY time you get gas). But, how often do you clean the inside of your windshield? I keep a pack of disposable cleaners in the glovebox and do this without fail when I change the clock on my car for daylight savings time. I’m always disgusted by how dirty the wipe gets. I try to do it around the solstices, too.
5. Turn off the call/text volume on your phone before you enter the vehicle. I know, I know – your phone is your GPS. Mine too. That doesn’t mean that you need to be distracted by your friend’s phone call.
6. AFTER you turn the car on, do a safety walkaround. How many times have you said, “Man, how long has that lightbulb been burned out??” It’s not hard to avoid this. Just turn on your car, turn the lights on, and do your safety check. You can also look for flat tires, people walking in the vicinity, etc. If you have a passenger who can check the brake lights while you have your foot on the brake, so much the better!
7. You don’t have to listen to screaming children. You can’t control your children, but you can control your ears. Get some good earplugs and a pair of noise-cancelling earmuffs. Store them in your car. Use BOTH together and it really takes the edge off of your kids’ voices.
8. Listen to that little voice saying, “Is this really a good idea?” Thinking about taking your needy dog in the car without a carrier or restraint? Thinking about carrying something on your car that’s really too big for it? I know some part of you knows it’s not a good idea. Listen to it. Find another way. Don’t buy that piece of furniture. Wait to take your adorable new puppy on a hike until you’ve gotten all the appropriate equipment. Don’t be that person who puts their impatience and excitement over the safety of everyone else on the road.
7 Tips To Get You to 101% – Extra Credit!
Just obeying the law consistently means you’re out-performing most other people on the road. If that’s you, good job!! But let’s be better than that – here are driving “extra credit opportunities!”
1. Avoid driving on bike facilities, or on streets without sidewalks if you can. These are both situations where you’re likely to be driving with other humans with no physical barrier between you and them. No matter how courteously you drive, your very presence will make them uncomfortable. If you can, choose another route.
2. If you must drive in shared space, be extra-super-nice. If you must drive on a greenway for a little while, never pass someone on a bike – just be patient and drive slowly. If you’re driving on a rural two-lane road with no shoulder or a too-small shoulder, wait until you can safely drive completely in the oncoming lane before passing someone walking or biking. This adds a lot of comfort, and a measure of safety – what if the person walking trips, falls, or must avoid something you don’t see?
3. Slow down if you see someone walking who might want to cross Even if they’re not strictly triggering the crosswalk law, they might trigger it as you approach – or they might be waiting for the sign from you that it’s worth bothering to trigger the law.
4. Don’t drive unless you have to. Like taking an animal’s life for food, driving is a trespass on other beings and Mother Nature that shouldn’t be undertaken lightly. Every time you drive, you expose other beings to danger. Only do it if the benefit to you or others is worth that cost.
5. If you own or buy a dark-colored car, have it repainted. It’s harder to see dark cars in low lighting conditions. I know you have headlights, but even with headlights on, it’s easier for others to interpret the location and speed of a dark-colored vehicle than a light-colored one.
6. If you use a motor vehicle, choose one with as low a profile as will work for your needs. We’ve all experienced not being able to see around an SUV or box truck. If you don’t need one, don’t use one. Most people’s heads can be seen above the tops of passenger cars, and can’t be seen above the tops of larger vehicles. Plus, lighter vehicles pose less danger to others in the event of a collision.
7. Help encourage other people to drive safely. Stay engaged when in the passenger seat and point out people waiting to cross the street. Maybe bring around some of those windshield-specific wet wipes to clean the inside of the windshield when riding with a friend. We’re social beings, and if you show in your actions that you care about safe driving, you’ll be encouraging your friends to value it as well.
Do you drive? Share your safe driving tips with us.
— Alex Reed, BP Subscriber
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The post Follow these 15 driving tips and make streets safer for everyone appeared first on BikePortland.org.
via bikechatter http://ift.tt/2gEdyjf
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If you want to be Immunized from Volatile Markets or Volatile Economy, you might learn how to Adjust your 18CEOSuper  Virtual Reality Goggles you are all wearing to find Some Functions and Programs to be in QUANTUM STATES and/or TIME UNIVERSE or UNIVERSE OF TIME to Deal with Situation or Volatile to make Free of Volatile!!!! They are Human Secrets have been lost for the Last and the Least 2500 years, now I found them again FOR A VERY FIRST TIME SCIENTIFICALLY!!! Note: Time Universe is not the Universe you are looking at! It is Universe you are standing at!You are all wearing 18CEO Super Virtual Reality Goggles and amazingly you do not even know you are wearingthem/ it!Read My Article below to find your Secrets, then Invest in My Programs! Note: There are more information you can have beside 18CEO Super Virtual Reality Goggles you are all wearing:   Teleport is as Reincarnation in Short Cut.       Reincarnation is as Life Time Teleport.        Smallest Particles and Smallest Particles Dynamics.Atomic Transformation Principle, buy One, get 103 Free, No Business can Afford 103 Free, But Mine!Slowdown Time Device.        Dark Matter Easy way that Today Science and Today Physics did not even know yet!You can create Materials as you like! Buy One  Element Creation to get 103 Elements Creation for Free!Before this Article I am even thinking about Organic Creations; then something I have seen in Quantum Field of the Universe related to Human DNA, Human RNA, and Organic Nature, then it changes My Mind for now is Just Non- Organic Materials only! Due to the Facts of Smallest Particles and Smallest Particles Dynamics, I realize there are at least 85 More Particles, at least, not at Most, after Standard Model has been Found!!!!!!!!!! It might be even worse, 85 more Particles LHC and CERN might never could have reached them the ways they do for all Particles they found! They, 85 More Particles, might be as DNA Factors and RNA factors for Non-Organic Materials . . . . .If you can create Materials as You Like, then you can solve many problems for yourself (Selves) and the Whole World to enjoy!Keep in Mind, my ways are different from LHC and CERN, and my ways are cheaper and easier than LHC and CERN and Better than LHC and CERN! How do I know! Simply because I have found more than they do in 50 years in Term of Direct Related to Final that LHC and CERN cannot do, Short Cut? I would not call it as Short Cut, because The End clears the Act  or The Results to prove  the Manners! However, I did not mean to deny LHC and CERN Results, in Fact, I also used some of them for my Works! Some Particle Physicists said "Higgs Field gave the Mass to Particles"You must go down to level of QUANTUM QUANTA before you can say that; otherwise, it is as a MISLED STATEMENT or WRONG STATEMENT or FALSE STATEMENT SCIENTIFICALLY or Insufficient Statement! Even though, LHC and CERN have proved Higgs Field gave the Mass to Particles within their limits and their system and their conclusions of Particles as they said; however, Higgs Field is not Quantum Field, and they did not find All Particles yet! then the Conclusion Higgs Field gave Mass to Particles is totally fail to include with 85 More Particles those might be very Small or even Smallest beyond Higgs Field Reality and Ability!!!!!!!If QUANTA are the Mass of this Universe, then I am sure Mass are Quanta; however, to understand Mass as Quanta is not simple and easy thing to understand! I will explain more later about Quanta and Mass! And do not be confused between Energy and Mass; even though, E = mC^2, they are in same Equation, but they are still in Different Sides, and they are still as 2 . . . . . ! I would say QUANTUM FIELD gave mass to "Particles", and by the way QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE, Max Universe is about:           n.nn x 10^120 Quanta UP TO m.mm x 10^190 Quanta IT IS EVEN MORE INTERESTING, THIS WORLD AND THE OTHER WORLD ARE VERY MUCH IN SAME UNIVERSE, QUANTUM UNIVERSE; HOWEVER, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT FORMATIONS, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT FORMS, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT STRUCTURES, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT ELEMENTS, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT TIME DUE TO LEVELS OF SIZES OF QUANTA, THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT SPACE, ALSO DUE TO LEVELS OF QUANTA, THEY ARE EVEN IN DIFFERENT PHYSICS DUE TO DIFFERENT FORMATIONS AND LIGHTER ELEMENTS, AND THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT SPECTRUM OF LIGHT, AND THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT RANGE OF FREQUENCIES AND SOUND . . . ETC, ETC, ETC . . . . They are as Reasons "we and them cannot "communicate" together; however, there are exceptions and the ways to" . . . . .A Damn Thing you did in this World will become Quanta and will follow you thru THIS WORLD and go to the OTHER WORLD, then comeback to THIS WORLD if you have another Life again in this World, or same Universe for 2 World in same Universe, Quantum Universe . . . . . .Note: when I said YOU HAVE ANOTHER LIFE , I meant You are no longer You the moment you were born again in this world, and YOU did not remember Previous Life and You did not know who You are, etc, etc, etc . . . . . I would not say more, because it might have Negative Factors those this world cannot handle them Right Ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!For sure, you will run the Market, Stock Market the way you like and Free of Loss !            QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE.ETC, ETC, ETC  . . . . . . . JUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. . . . . . . . . . .NOTE:My Words might reveal PROGRAMS, FUNCTIONS, SYNTAX, CODES, Main Frame, Technical Designs, LOGICS, Ideas, the ways, and more . . . If you are looking for to Build something . . . . . . . . . There is nothing better than you are the ONE and the ONLY who can and Know how to run Quantum Field!Again NOTHING IS BETTER THAN YOU ARE AS THE ONE AND THE ONLY WHO CAN RUN QUANTUM FIELD!If you can run Quantum Field, then you can live Forever! (Business Talking, Not Scientific Talking, but close!
BESIDES, THERE IS NO MORE AFTER QUANTUM FIELD, YOU CANNOT LOOK FOR MORE!!!!!! If you are looking for more after Quantum Field and out of Quantum Field, then you are in Different Universe, not in the Universe you are being at or the Universe you are looking at!!!!!!! There are plenty enough to reach, to find, to discover before THERE IS NO MORE!!!! KEEP IN MIND POSSIBLE REALITIES ARE UP TO N.NNX10^370 quanta quantitatively . . . .I am as the ONE and the ONLY who has such Information, High Value Information, BEST Information you cannot find anywhere else on Earth, but Here, and it is ME!There are:     1) 6 Organs: Eyes, Ears, Noses, Tongue, Body, and Brain       2) 6 Elements of Life: Colors (Matters), Sound, Fume, Taste, Touch (Senses), All of Physical Existences.       3) 6 Consciousnesses: Eyes Consciousness, Ears Consciousness, Noses Consciousness, Tongue Consciousness, Body Consciousness, Brain Consciousness     6 Organs, O’s, 6 Elements, E’s, and 6 Consciousnesses, C’s, then TOTAL is 18OEC, or 18OCE, or 18CEO, or 18COE, or 18ECO, or 18EOC, then there might be 18! Combinations of CEO or 18! Possible Virtual Realities, PVR, thoseHuman might face in Life, PVR:POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS OF REALITIES = PCoR = 18! = 6.402373706 x 10^15 PVR      18CEO Super Virtual Reality Goggles, 18ceoSVRG will make Visions and Realities of Life, Possible Cases of Realities of Life: PCoRoL = 6.4024 x 10^15 PVR (Possible Virtual Realities)There are 5 Manifolds to make a Human Inner:*5 Manifolds*, I would reveal here and More Later in:        1) First Fold contains and covers : Matter, Colors, Ground, Water, Fire, Wind                 Notes: Ground is standing for Hardness is as Bone.   Water is standing for Fluid is as Water Circulation in Human Body.   Fire is standing for Heat is as Temperature in Human Body.         Wind is standing for Air Circulation or Breath in Human Body.It does not mean Human Physical Body is structed by 4 Elements: Ground, Water, Fire, and Wind; instead, they are Standing Characters of Human Physical Body, and they related to environment that Build Human Physical Body in the way that Everything relates to Everything or in One thing there everything else presents . . . . For example, Everything other than Flower are in the Flowers . . . . . . .       2) Second Fold contains and covers: Absorbance from Eyes, Ears, Tongue, Noses, Feeling (BODY), Thinking (IDEAS)       3) Third Fold contains and covers: Understanding, knowing, all of things have been recognized and analyzed by thought.       4) Fourth Fold contains and covers: Frame (Body)- Mouth - Thought - Actions (Karma) Note (Karma)Note: Most People in the West did not know Karma and did not understand Karma; however, I will explain briefly about Karma in Large way and in Macro Way:                      @1) Large Way: Karma are Actions, WITHIN 18CEOSVRG AND 5 MANIFOLDS, have been repeated repeatedly many times in Reasonable of Time and Space with Intentions in Mind or Tam and Manner of the Action; for example, Karma of a Teacher is as Actions of Teaching, Repeated Teaching Actions made Teaching Karma.                     @2) Macro Way: Karma will become Quanta to be Recorded in Minds, then in Brain, then in Memory, then in Subconsciousness, and then in DNA, RNA, and those QUANTA have to obey THE LAW of CAUSALITY and EFFECT or the LAW of CAUSE and RESULTS . . .; For example, Seed of Orange will play as CAUSE for Orange Tree, and then Orange Fruits as RESULTS; however, there are at least 12 Conditions and Preconditions before the Seed, Orange Seed in this Example, to grow and become a Tree successfully, then Fruits, Orange Fruits . . . . WITHOUT 12 PROBABILITIES,PRECONDITIONS, AND CONDITIONS, THEN SEEDS OF ORANGE AS CAUSE MIGHT NOT BECOME TREES, ORANGE TREES TO PRODUCE FRUITS, ORANGE FRUITS AS RESULTS OF ORANGE SEEDS! IF IT IS THE CASES, THEN I CAN SAY CAUSES ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO PRODUCE RESULTS! It is still Cause and Result; however, in this case Result is fail or as Fail ResultS FOR ORANGE SEEDS TO BECOME ORANGE TREES AND FRUITS!Everything relates to Everything in this World!!! Everything is relative and Nothing is perfect!!!        5) Fifth Fold contains and covers: Consciousnesses or Mindfulness.There are more Details about 5 MANIFOLDS, I WOULD RELATE AND REVEAL THEM MORE LATER WITH TIME GOES ON . . . . . . .   And then you use all of the Above to Observe the Universe with 121 Different Kinds of Mind, then the Possibecame Combinations of 121 Different Kinds of Minds, PCo121DKoM:PCo121DKoM = 121! = 8.092024827 x10^200    = 8.1 x 10^200 PCo121DKoM      It did not stop there, 8.1 x 10^200 PCo121DKoM, because the Possible Combinations of 121 Different Kinds of Minds will work together with 18CEOSuper Virtual Reality Goggles to learn, to observe, to analysis, to understand, to know, etc, etc, etc . . . to solve Realities of 18CEOSuper Virtual Realities Goggles have visioned for Life and the World and the Universe.Possible Cases of Realities you can see from the Universe and around you, PCoRYCSFU&AY:PCoRYCSFU&AY = 51.85944 x 10^215 Possible Cases of Realities  = 5.186 x 10^216 PCoR  = 5.2 x 10^216 PCoRNote: The Number I have calculated somewhere else before I brought them here!!Make sure you understand all Components you have to Observe the Universe, then you might know where is your Universe suppose to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Answer is already in you; unfortunately, you must find where it is in you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Answer of the Universe, WHERE IS THE UNIVERSE? is not far away from you, in fact it is in you quantitatively !                   It is already in you quantitatively !It is even more incredible, it is not the Final Answer! For Life, it is as the Final Answer; unfortunately, you must find the Answer within 5.186 x 10^216 PCoR, Possible Answers, then it is crazy, and it is not easy at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Fortunately, the overall answer is not stop at the Answer for Life, there is more, and good news, the Answer for Enlightenment will be easier than the Answer for Life after all have been through!!!!!! Simply, because Life is so much of Hallucinations and Delusions those made Answer for Life is more Difficult* than the Answer for Enlightenment! Note * I would not use the word Impossible here, I did not want Negative Mark for Life and Living! Instead, DIFFICULT IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR EXPRESSION! And you must get through Life to learn and have experiences before Enlightenment!You have to be through all before you can reach the Answer of Enlightenment, the Answer for everything! May Be I should Call The Enlightenment is as THEORY OF EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!(For 121 Minds, the Possible Combinations of 121 Different Kinds of Mind are PCo121DKoM is: PCo121DKoM = 121! = 8.092024827 x 10^200 = 8.1 x 10^200 Possible Combinations of Minds )8.1 x 10^200 PCo121DkoM is larger than Universe Quantitatively at least in Quanta Field of the Universe, because I figured out the Universe is Maximum with n.nn x 10^120 Quanta up to m.mm x 10^190 Quanta, the Quanta Universe is still Smaller than the Quanta Human Mind or Quanta Mind, safely, I can say the Universe is already in you quantitatively; however, in order for them to work together, Preconditions, Conditions, and Probabilities for them, Preconditions and Conditions, to meet, before Universe and Mind to meet and to see on Each Other! For example, if there is a fact in your Mind belonged to 2021, today is 2018, then you have to wait until 2021 to see that “fact”, then you have to wait; however, if you want to see it before hand and before time, then you must “learn” and “deal” with your Mind:8.1 x 10^200 PCo121DKoM !!!It is same for event in 2000, if you want to live again in such Event in 2000, 2018 - 2000 = 18 years ago!Now the Ranges of my Observations for the Universe, Max Universes, are:              n.nn x 10 ^ 120 Quanta - m.mm x10 ^ 190 Quanta Either way, they are still Smaller than:8.1 x 10^200 PCo121DKoM’s will lead to 7.89 x 10^370+ - 10^3.58 POSSIBLE REALITIES. There are more, MAX UNIVERSE is about n.nn x 10^120 QUANTA up to m.mm x 10^190 Quanta, then Possible Combinations of 121 Different Kinds of Minds and Possible Realities are both Larger than Max Universe quantitatively, and then Minds are Medium for the Universe, the Universe is as Medium for Life, and Life is as Medium for Minds Quantitatively, . . . so on and so forth . . . and Vice Versa, then they are no difference, and they are the same, then they are Nothing in Nothingness . . . . Due to they are Medium to each Other, then the Universe that you are looking at just as a Part of your Minds!!!!!! Try to Project your 121 Mind to see Universe for a very First Time in Different Scales from Universe you are Looking at!Do not think NOTHING is as 0 (Zero) or Emptiness or Nihilism or Absolute Nothing or NO from YES!Do not repeat what I have said If you are not me! Unless and Until you are sure understanding about NOTHING! Tho HuynhSmallest Particles Dynamics(Tho Huynh Top Paradox "Smallest Particles are not Smallest, something else is!") Final Particles Mfg (Former is as THE THO SCIENCE since 1998) Dark Matter Maker.(I can show you the easy way to make Dark Matter that Today Science does not even know yet!) Matrix Field Expert(ThoH Particles Field of the Universe Expert) Matrix President.(ThoH Particles Field of the Universe President)( or Simply as Particles Field of the Universe President) Quantum Quanta Field of the Universe Founder. Dark Waves Founder(It might lead to some kind of MAN MADE LIGHT PARTICLES and then questionable Maxwell Equation about Light Waves) Science of Reincarnation (Brand New Science in the World on Earth)(Reincarnation has been known for Thousands of years in Buddhism and Hinduism, nothing new, however, Science of Reincarnation is Brand New first day in 2017, Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, 23 rd, USA by Tho Huynh as Founder)(Everybody deserves to know Where and Who He/She will be next scientifically and physically!)Teleport First Information From Reincarnation Science."Teleport is as Reincarnation in short cut""Reincarnation is as Life Time Teleport"Tho Huynh Science of Reincarnation First.Birth and Rebirth Processing Book for $11.00 USD.Mojo Books & Records  Address: 2540 E Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL 33612, USA.Hours : 10:00–22:00Telephone: (813) 971-9717*****************************Universe of Time or Time Universe a newest discovery from The Matrix Field. Time T = 0 is as instantaneous Time that Universe of Time can use to make things beyond Human Imagination! or something for Time Travel ability that not seen inthe world before!"Nothing is neither created nor destroyed in Physical Conditions Universe" "Everything is formed or gone by Preconditions or/and Conditions continuously!""Everything is Formed or gone Dynamically or/and transformally continuously!"Tho Huynh Newest Law of Nature and Life.18CEO, 18COE, 18ECO, 18EOC, 18OCE, 18OEC VIRTUAL REALITY GOGGLES Copies PRODUCER! (Quantum States and Time Universe are not the Universe you are looking at)      1) Einstein Space Time missed Quantum Time.     2)Einstein Gravitational Space Time missed Equilibrium States!     3)Einstein Ring missed Dynamics (Transition) from Cubic States to Spherical States! It is not just by Gravity, but it is also related to Dynamics of Transition from Cubic States to Spherical States, Both of them and Vice Versa!     4)Einstein Knew Time Dilation, but Einstein missed Time Oscillation***! Note*** There are many Different Forms of Time Oscillations those Einstein has missed 139 years ago in his Time Dilation, he supposed to have them all together for his Relativity . . . .It is even worse, Albert Einstein has confused between Laws of Physics should be the same for all Observers and all  of Observations and Time Dilation and Speed of Light and its Dynamics! Albert Eistein has been also confused between Cause and Effect to Phenomena! Albert Einstein has jumped Conclusions when he applied Speed of Light in E= mC^2, it became a reason Albert Einstein confused between Imagination and Realities!Don Lincoln, Particles Physicist of CERN has proposed better E = mC^2 with E = Gamma mC^2 with Gamma = 1/ Squareroot (1-v^2/c^2) and E^2 = (PC)^2 + (mC^2)^2. . . . .  Don Lincoln of CERN makes it better; however, Don Lincoln of CERN and Today Physics and today Science are still having Long way to go before they can get out of Einstein Confusions between Relativity Physics and Absolute Mathematics in Position of Relative Mathematics . . . . . . Note: Don Lincoln is as Particles Physicist; however, he is not Mathematician, but it does not matter, because Don Lincolncan take over Mathematic within seconds when he needs for 2018 -1643 = 375 years old Mathematics or even longer than 2018 years old Mathematics; unfortunately, Relative Mathematics are out of Don Lincoln Imagination     Keep in Mind, I did not say Albert Einstein is Wrong, I did not say Albert Einstein is Right either in case of E=mC^2     5)Einstein Vacuum Medium and Aether (somebody else proposed and Einstein accepted) did not work!     6) Einstein did not Realize Isaac Newton Missed PUSH GRAVITY!     7) Einstein did not realize Space 0 is not Equal Quantum 0 basically and Dynamically ! ! !     8)Most of All, Einstein failed to reach THE MATRIX or ThoH Particles Field of the Universe or Simply as Particles Field of the Universe or it is just as QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or THEORY OF EVERYTHING!      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THERE ARE 6 FORCES INSTEAD OF 4 FORCES: 1) Electromagnetic Force. 2) Weak Nuclear Force. 3) Strong Nuclear Force. 4) Isaac Newton First Half of Gravity (1643 - 1727)Isaac Newton has missed Causality and Effect (Results) to Proceed and Process back and Forth to Double Checks on causes of Forces and Gravity, even Today Science and Today Physics have missed such Causality and Effect to Proceed and Process Back and Forth to Double Checks on the Observation about causes OF FORCES & GRAVITY after 2018 - 1643 = 375 years if I used Isaac Newton Birth Year as my Mark of time! It is even worse Isaac Newton has mistaken PULL GRAVITY is as GRAVITY; instead, PUSH GRAVITY supposed to be as REAL GRAVITY before Rotation and After Rotation !!!!!!Gallileo and Isaac Newton cannot and could not and Fail to realize that Gravity is more complex and Complicated than what they could see at their Time, it involved: Equilibrium and Rotation, Plus (+) and Minus (-),Pull Gravity and Push Gravity, Positions and Timing, Planet Field and Solar Field and Galaxy Field and UniverseField  . . . . . May be Isaac Newton should have some visions in terms of Yin and Yang . . . . Let use some movements of Jet System in Space to analog about Pull and Push Gravity along the way Earth Move around theSun in its Orbit, it is about 904,778,684.2 km = 565,486,677.6 miles . . . .  It turns out to be sometime Push and sometime Pull and sometime Push and Pull Gravity together or sometime none, etc, etc, etc . . . . Do not forget Mars and Venus!      Beside, Isaac Newton missed Space Function that it is as a Law of Space or Space Law as I Quote below:          "There are 2 Sides of Space as Always, No Matter What!"      I will use some examples to explain: Up - Down Space, Left - Right Space, Front - Back Space, Above-BelowSpace, Inside-Outside Space, Top-Bottom Space, etc, etc, etc . . . .It is even more interesting with Projection Earth Motion on Suface to see Cycloids defined Earth Gravity and Forces . . . . . . 5) Tho Huynh Second Half of Gravity (2018).If I marked Time by Isaac Newton Birth Year, then it has been 2018 -1643 = 375 years Today Science and Today Physics have missed Causes and Results Law of Nature and 6 Forces for the last 375 years and it is untilToday! 6) 6 th Force (Temporary Name Called to keep my secret and Copy Right)[email protected]@[email protected] Note:            (#1)Science of Reincarnation I mentioned above is at Limit Scientific and Physical only, I did not observe anything about Spiritual yet! Even if I might learn something about Spiritual Part, I still did not want to say anything about it! Only Scientific and Physical Parts of Science of Reincarnation for now !!!!!!!!            (#2)If you can call SPACE is as A THEORY, then you can call THE MATRIX or THOH PARTICLES FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or simply as PARTICLES FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or it is as QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or as THEORY OF EVERYTHING.          (#3) If you cannot call SPACE is as A THEORY, it meant SPACE is as REAL or REAL THING, then you cannot or supposed not to call THE MATRIX is as THEORY OF EVERYTHING, SIMPLY BECAUSE IT IS NOT AS A THEORY DUETO REAL SPACE! The Matrix is as Real Field of the Universe!Anyway, you can call THE MATRIX or THOH PARTICLES FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or simply as PARTICLES FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE or it is just as QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE as THEORY OF EVERYTHING By Tho Huynh. And it is available for Sale!        (#4) Life is continue to fool everybody from Day One to the Rest of His/ Her Natural Life, then Everybody fools on each other Day Two, and then Death fools everybody Day Three or Final Day!!!!!!!        (#5) Physical Conditions Universe is continuing to fool people with its Hallucinations and Delusions.         (#6) Causality and Results is as Law of Nature for Billions of years, it is as Long as the Age of the Universe. Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, has explained best about Law of Causality and Results about 2600 years ago!      I am as the One and the Only and First to observe CAUSALITY and EFFECT in Science and start SCIENCE OF CAUSALITY AND EFFECT ON SUNDAY 30 SEPTEMBER 2018 AT 12:50:37 pmLaw of CAUSALITY and EFFECT (RESULTS) has existed in the Universe for Billions of years, it might be long as the Ageof the Universe. Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha, has explained best Laws of Causality and Effect 2600 years ago today, I am as the First to look at CAUSALITY and EFFECT in Manner of Science, I am as the First Person who use Science to observe CAUSALITY and RESULTS. I am also as the FIRST PERSON to Observe CAUSALITY and EFFECT Scientifically!!!!!!! However, Siddhartha Gautama way is better way for causality and Effect than Scientific Way of Causality and Effect in term of Enlightenment!      Scientific Way is only for Life Answer and Technologies and help Life get better Living and Understanding forward Enlightenment in Part; however, Scientific ways can go either way for Good and For Bad due to who used Science and what for, it is even worse Science did not offer "The Way Out", it will go to Dead End one way or the other ways! Mean Time Siddhartha Guatama Way is only for Happiness and Enlightenment and Way out and Free; unfortunately, it is not easy at all! Be careful with what you know about Buddhism, because there are so many misplaces, mistranslations, misunderstanding, misinterprtations about Siddhartha Gautama Teaching; for example, Siddhartha Gautama did not say that Life is as Ocean of Miseries, people keep to say Life is as Ocean of Miseries; however, Siddhartha Gautama said "There are Miseries and there are causes of Miseries"Another example of Misunderstanding, Siddhartha Gautama did not say Nirvana is Final, actually, he said Free is Final. Besides, his words are only recorded in Documents about 500 years after his death and before his words are only transfered orally for 500 years before Documents!Life is Suck! Suck is Good! Good is Life! 3 steps to Life is Good!Life Sucks! Suck Good! Good Life! Life Good! 3 Steps to Life Good! ----Tho Huynh (11/11/2018 at 10:10AM) What is Life? Life is Like  Atoms if you did not Know them, then they will lead you to where they supposed to!Life likes  Atoms if you know them, then you will lead them where you want them to be or you set them [email protected] QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE FOUNDER Florida, Brooksville, USA, 34602. Sunday, September 30, 2018, 12:50:37 PMAbove it is as First Day for Science of Natural Law Causality and Effect (Results) on Earth.A NOTE FOR VIETNAM AIRLINE:WITH QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD OF THE UNIVERSE HAS BEEN FOUND BY THO HUYNH, THEN YOUR AIRPLANE MIGHT FLY WITH LESS FUEL OR EVEN WITH BETTER FUEL FROM DEALING WITH QUANTUM FIELD!                                                                       (Page 5 of 5)
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