#the legend of the condor heroes
nemainofthewater · 7 months
Best character surnamed: Ouyang
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgotten anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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dangermousie · 11 months
The Legend of Condor Heroes 2008 - ep 1
I largely ffed through this ep since this is a rewatch and I am not here for the backstory, except insofar as how our mains interact with it.
This was a great way to go out - we are barely ten minutes in and one of the fathers of our mains just got flambeed. I miss that sort of unthinking brutality in my narrative.
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Bwahaha I love this subtitle. These are eventually Guo Jing's teachers but their main purpose for me is to save time by ffing all their scenes. I get the idea I am supposed to find them more interesting/entertaining than I do, but alas...
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This is this lady's whole character summed up. No really. I am not fond of her because anyone who makes my daring Huang Rong angst is not a fave. Guo Jing belongs to Huang Rong, why yes I know people can't belong to other people. Guo Jing is an exception, he belongs to Huang Rong. I am vvvv rational.
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Hello there, Guo Jing! God, in a drama full of characters I adore, he is 110% my favorite and this is a vvvvv boss entrance.
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Anyway, this was fun but what I can't wait until is:
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Guo Jing is nature's boyscout - he might not be the brightest bulb out there by far but he is honorable, forthright, and really good at fighting. REALLY good. However, despite being the most amazing martial arts fighter the world has ever seen, Guo Jing is not the sharpest tool in the shed so it's AMAZING when his path crosses with that of Huang Rong. Huang Rong is sharp as a tack, occasionally morally flexible, and pure FUN. Oh, and she can outfight most men. She gives him smarts and he gives her a moral center. They smite enemies together and hug an awful lot and cry over their love. I bask in the OTP!
Did I mention that when he first meets her she is cross-dressing as a boy?
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apsupmix · 10 months
Last night I finished reading The Legend of The Condor Heroes. Or to be exact, the fourth book in the series that consist the Finish translation of The Legend of The Condor Heroes. Book’s good. So good that I really felt I wanted to tell people about it, good enough that I wanted to shout to world “I read these things and really enjoyed them.” But sitting here, writing this, I don’t know what I actually want to say beyond that.
I just had a good time following the adventures of Good Boy Guo Jing and slightly less Good Girl Huang Rong. Seeing Guo Jing encounter various eccentric old masters that keep teaching him more and more unbeatable martial arts techniques and then having him face opponents way beyond his experience that even such skills aren’t enough. And importantly worrying who is going to die or get hurt anytime Huang Rong’s dad gets on the scene.
Also it was just generally interesting to get to read wuxia as literature. I’m not expert of the genre by any means, but I’ve seen some films. In film martial arts bring out cool, choreographed fights that are spectacle to the eyes, meanwhile books can zoom in to the momentary decision making “No time to dodge the move have to block it, no wait it’s too strong to block, have to dodge it at least partially to survive.” And occasionally it just lets the beautiful evocative names of various moves flow. Also there were two times in the books where I went “oh shit they are using that technique, what’s going on here,” and feelings like that felt like they absolutely belonged in martial arts fiction, have plot revelations be driven by the martial arts.
Now I’m just little bit sad that the first part of the sequel is coming 2024 at earliest. But I understand that translating is hard, and I have lots of respect for the translator and I’m super glad I got to enjoy this.
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teafiend · 3 months
The latest adaptation’s main theme song is quite good, and the duet is beautifully rendered. It hits quite different from previous theme songs, and could end up to be another iconic Wuxia theme song, though it does lack a certain punch. But just a matter of time, I expect.
I am finding the pacing of the latest adaptation to be relatively easy to digest and am enjoying it a lot. Especially love the casting and actress for 黃蓉 ⭐️ The portrayal of 郭靖 is also impeccable, though am not yet partial to the actor. It is so nice that we have another good adaptation for fans to enjoy.
(Waiting for more episodes to drop before I subscribe to WeTV for a bit. In the meantime, starting “Joy of Life” S1 because it is fully available to watch).
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raraavisalterego · 3 months
The legend of heroes is out l but im not sure if i want to check it out. I have not watched any adaptation of legend of the condor heroes, i read 2 books i think back in middleschool when i had no contact with wuxia stuff so my interpretation of it is probs far from what any adaptation is doing. So idk...
But the cast intrigues meee
If anyone has checked it out is it any good?
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tentative-wanderer · 1 year
Surprised that Xiao Zhan is acting as the dim-witted Guo Jing in (yet another version of) the Legend of the Condor Heroes. I really wonder how he’s going to pull off “himbo” when he has an innocent shidi face and build.
I liked Hu Ge’s portrayal of Guo Jing. The side effect is that every time Hu Ge puts on a blank face as Mei Changsu in Nirvana in Fire, I immediately inappropriately think “himbo”.
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tavina-writes · 7 months
tbh for new loch maybe I should've just led with "have you ever wanted to watch Meng Ziyi play a hot evil woman who's also unhinged because boy do I have the show and the character for you!"
anyway 2024 loch has Meng Ziyi playing Mei Chaofeng, who is a hot evil woman with gr8 clothes.
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anyway bon appetit I will be here with bells on when this drops.
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rainbowsky · 2 months
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China Film Group has announced that Legend of the Condor Heroes will be released toward the end of this year or beginning of next.
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zhansww · 1 year
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Xiao Zhan as Guo Jing
© 豆包夏阳
※re-posted with permission ※please don’t remove the source
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
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xiao zhan - legend of the condor heroes update
from this interview, The movie "The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Greatest Hero" directed by Tsui Hark and starring Xiao Zhan and Zhuang Dafei has been completed and is in post-production. The film will be released this year and is planned to be released simultaneously around the world. This high-profile new film may not only be the masterpiece of a martial arts film after many years, but also a collision between director Tsui Hark and young actors such as Xiao Zhan and Zhuang Dafei. It is an encounter between martial arts culture and young audiences.
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add1ctedt0you · 3 months
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Meng Ziyi as Mu Nianci in The legend of the condor heroes (2017) Meng Ziyi as Mei Chaofeng in The legend of heroes (2024)
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nemainofthewater · 6 days
They've been deathly ill. Maybe they've died and come back from the dead. Maybe they were born like this.
Whichever it is, these characters have had their wigs tossed into a vat of bleach and there's no going back now!
*this poll is for a full head of white hair, there will be a separate poll for a white streak later
Write-ins, propaganda, and images are welcome!
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dangermousie · 3 months
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Since we are about to meet the newest Guo Jing, pls have my favorite drama Guo Jing, from 2008 adaptation of The Legend of Condor Heroes, played by the one and only Hu Ge.
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I’ve been watching the 2017 Legend of the Condor Heroes (with fanmade english subtitles, thank you for your hard work, various fansubers and especially youtube user Emycee Chin) and I’m really enjoying it for lots of reasons but one thing I can’t stop thinking about is how like. Technically 90% of the story wouldn’t have happened if not for Bao Xiruo saving Wanyan Honglie’s life.
And it would be so so easy for the narrative to focus on that. To turn it into this tragic tale of how Xiruo’s ‘soft, woman’s heart’ doomed her family. How her fatal flaw was mercy. But they… don’t really do that? Her kindness ultimately leading to her ruin is definitely a part of the tragedy of her story/character, but it’s never framed as weakness, as something that means she’s *to blame* when her good intentions are turned back around on her.
Instead, we see how each and every person who takes advantage of her kind heart is cruel and manipulative. She’s a tragic character by virtue of being a kind person in a cruel world, but the tragedy isn’t framed as an inevitable consequence of her kindness. There’s no implication that she ‘should have known better’ or that if she had been harder and ‘stronger’, she could have had a happier ending.
She’s not tragic for being kind in the face of cruelty, she’s tragic because the world is cruel in the face of her kindness. She’s tragic because she deserves better and she doesn’t get it.
Idk that might not seem like a big difference to some people, but it’s huge to me.
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teafiend · 4 months
As the new adaptation for another version of “Legend of the Condor Heroes” makes an appearance in 2024 (in honor of the centennial celebration of Jin Yong’s birth), I am moved to record this for myself.
Jin Yong, his Wuxia and love stories had a deep imprint on how I conceptualise love between a man and a woman, and no other pairing has managed to influence my world view as markedly and deeply as Guo Jing and Huang Rong did.
He fed me my “man feeds love interest”, “man is a major simp”, “man almost always defer to the smartness of his partner”, “man is kind and generous”, “man is a gentle protector” etc tropes to me, and I will always thank the master for letting me know an egalitarian romantic relationship is a desirable aim. Guo Jing is also one of the few male fictional characters I have continued to love over decades. Without his wonderful understanding and portrayals of noble masculinity, I think my instinctive dislike of men would be much worse 🫥
All that mush out of the way, I am looking forward to the latest adaption of this classic, though will likely just pick up the second half of the drama, when it appears the story will finally focus on GJ and HR and their arcs/journeys.
(Keeping fingers crossed it will be available on an accessible streaming platform for me)
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little1005village · 1 year
Forget Me, No?
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