#the light squares are available spaces where you can put gems
dravidious · 5 months
You're quite the cool one
Got started on the tetris puzzle equipment system thing, it's currently able to display the available/unavailable spaces of equipment!
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bookalooza · 5 months
Engaging ideas for the World Book Celebration
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World Book Celebration: Spark a Love of Reading with Fun Ideas!
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World Book Day is a fantastic time to celebrate the magic of books and reading! Whether you're a teacher, librarian, parent, or just a bookworm yourself, there are tons of ways to make this celebration fun and engaging for everyone.
This blog is bursting with ideas to bring the joy of reading to life. So grab a bookmark, settle in, and get ready to be inspired!
Dress Up and Book Character Parade:
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- Let your imagination soar! World Book Day is the perfect excuse to dress up as your favorite literary character. Think Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, or even Where's Waldo?
- Organize a book character parade: This is a great way to encourage participation and spark conversation about different books.
- Bonus points for creativity! Did you go all out with a DIY costume? Did your group come as a team, representing a whole scene from a book?
Book Scavenger Hunt:
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- Turn your library or classroom into an adventure zone! Hide clues related to different books throughout the space.
- Clues can be riddles, quotes, or even pictures. The first team to decipher all the clues and find the hidden treasure (a book prize, perhaps?) wins!
- Make it age-appropriate: For younger children, use simpler clues and focus on picture books. For older kids, you can get more creative with the difficulty.
Book Exchange or Book Swap Party:
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- Declutter your shelves and discover new favorites! Organize a book exchange where people bring their gently used books and swap them with others.
- This is a fantastic way to promote reading on a budget. Plus, it's a great way to meet fellow book lovers and discover hidden gems.
- Theme it up! You could have a mystery swap, where people bring wrapped books so the surprise is part of the fun!
Storytelling Extravaganza:
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- Unleash the inner storyteller! Host a storytelling session where people of all ages can share their favorite stories, be it a personal anecdote, a poem, or a reading from a book.
- Invite a guest storyteller: If you know someone who's great with capturing an audience's attention, invite them to share their talents.
- Make it interactive! Encourage the audience to participate with sound effects, or even act out parts of the story.
Creative Book Crafts:
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- Books inspire all sorts of creative activities! Organize a craft session where people can make bookmarks, book covers, or even miniature books out of paper.
- For younger children, finger puppets of their favorite characters are a fun option.
- Get inspiration online! There are tons of amazing book-themed craft ideas readily available with a quick search.
Author Spotlight and Book Discussions:
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- Invite a local author to your celebration! Having an author share their writing journey and answer questions can be incredibly inspiring for aspiring writers or simply for book lovers in general.
- Host a book discussion group: Choose a book in advance and have a lively discussion about its plot, characters, and themes.
This is a great way to gain different perspectives and appreciate the book in a new light.
Reading Challenges and Activities:
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Put those reading skills to the test! Organize a reading challenge where participants aim to read a certain number of books within a set timeframe.
- You can have different categories for the challenge, like reading a book in a different genre or by a new author.
- For younger kids, create a reading bingo card with squares like "Read a book with pictures" or "Read a book to a friend."
Beyond the Celebration:
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- Spread the book love! Donate gently used books to local libraries, schools, or shelters.
- Volunteer your time to read to children or elderly people.
- Talk about the importance of reading with friends and family. Encourage them to visit their local library or bookstore.
- Make reading a regular habit at home! Set aside some time each day for everyone to curl up with a good book.
Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and celebrate the joy of reading! With these engaging ideas, you can create a World Book Celebration that will spark a lifelong love of books in everyone who participates.
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dtdcpackers · 2 years
Things to do before packing Car for Relocation
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Figure out WHAT TO PACK IN YOUR Vehicle
Knowing what to pack in your vehicle is fundamental for pressing your vehicle well on moving day. Vehicles have fundamentally less accessible space than moving vans; realizing what ought to be in your vehicle with the help of packers and movers from delhi to amritsar will assist you with deciding how best to utilize the restricted space on offer.
In the event that you're moving a critical distance, for example, to another state or country, your vehicle ought to contain things you'll require on your excursion. These will incorporate attire for the excursion, tidbits, and toiletries. Many individuals additionally pack electronic things like individual video recorders and PCs in their vehicles in light of the fact that their interior parts are so delicate. As per car shifting service gurgaon to banglore if they're utilizing pet vehicle administrations, animal people ought to likewise hold space for the adorable little dogs that don't regularly go with them and things they'll require.
Utilize ALL Suitable SPACE
Vehicle space may be restricted, yet there's most likely more available to you than you understand. You can fall off the back seats of hatchbacks and numerous different vehicles to amplify the space in your boot. This is great for individuals who don't have full vehicle heaps of travelers. The wheel wells around the rear of a hatchback are likewise great for putting away knapsacks and packs of garments. Stash some stuff in the space around your extra tire, however ensure you don't pack it on the off chance that your tire goes level. Little things can likewise be put around the feet of travelers without impinging on their solace.
Your moving van is most likely brimming with boxes, however while you're pressing your vehicle there are in many cases more proficient ways of shipping your stuff. Boxes can be massive, so think outside the square. Sacks are an extraordinary choice, since they're sufficiently adaptable to fit into little spaces. Vacuum capacity packs that can recoil your things down are shockingly better. You could likewise consider buying an above baggage transporter for putting away things outside your vehicle.
Safeguard Delicate AND Important Things
Essentially pressing your delicate and important things in your vehicle where you can watch out for them will not safeguard them on your excursion. Enclose delicate things by garments, towels, or bedsheets for padding on the drive. As per office relocation service greater noida Assumption that you'll have to stop for the time being or at eateries en route to your home, ensure important things are kept hidden. Hardware, gems, and other helpful things are magnets for cheats, so conceal them under other less alluring merchandise.
PACK Fundamental Things FIRST
Indeed, even with exhaustive preparation, misjudging how much space accessible in your car is simple. That is the reason you ought to constantly pack your fundamental things first.
Certain individuals might contend that you ought to pack those fundamental things last, as this implies you'll have the simplest admittance to them during your excursion and when you show up at your new home. In any case, assuming that you've misconstrued the space accessible you'll have to begin pressing without any preparation to guarantee those must-have things make it into your vehicle. That requires some investment you can sick manage the cost of on moving day. You can take care of the entrance issue by pressing every one of the things you realize you'll require in one focal area, like the front traveler's seat or on the other hand, assuming that all seats are involved, one side of the boot.
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boazshol-blog · 5 years
H E A D C A N O N S // boaz.
01. Tell us about your character’s name. Was it given to them or chosen? Does it hold any special meaning? If your character has aliases or nicknames, how did they get them and what do they mean?
BOAZ — it was more or less given to him, the name his parents gave him has long been forgotten along with his parents. as a child, watching the stars, he thought it was the name of a hero that chased villains through the void, that battled warriors like the stories on the monoliths. he wanted to believe something like that about himself. there was a group of children and they ran wild through the digs, through the quarries, through the histories that were dug up about their people — and boaz was just what they called him. 
VIPER — reputation means a lot in his type of work, you’re selling a front and that front need to be bought before you even walk through the door. viper is a scare tactic. he picked it up in the business — with eyes like a snake, it started to follow him around. silver tongued ; temptation ; liar. they begin to expect something larger than life to walk through the door with a reputation blood-red as his. something with teeth, with a trigger-happy finger, with no intention of letting them get out of here alive — and that’s not what they get. viper is just a man. and they relax. it makes it easier for him to sell his story — easier to strike a still target.
02. What is your character’s relationship to their homeworld? Do they hold fond memories of it, or do they hate it? Are they still here, and if not, do they miss it?
simocadia was a dusty, mountainous world of buried history, monoliths sunk beneath the ages, rock quarries left to age beneath the stars along with their stories and histories. they would run out beneath the night sky, surefooted against the rocks, pretend they were warriors of legend that have long been buried. boaz has fond memories of that part of it. that small sense of freedom. it’s something he’ll never return to and has become something to crave.  he always fails to mention the body he put beneath the rocks there. he knows that he’ll never go back. simocadia is a strange place now. the emptiness of space, the blood on his hands, has left that terrible place of home in his mouth. 
03. Describe your character’s relationship with those who raised them. Was it positive? Negative? Neutral? What sorts of ideologies were they raised with, and do they still stand by them now?
boaz was raised more or less by the children who ran wild among the digs. he had parents, he was sure but he didn’t know them. they could have been any of those obsessive types, lost in a history that didn’t matter anymore. and children do as children will — they live lives as big as they can before reality starts to connect. there wasn’t much of impression left on him except that if you wanted to be the one everyone liked, you had to push the bigger kid off.  xerda has left more of a mark. simocada is rich in agrocite — a rare ore that can be used for fuel and to enhance beam tools such as cutters, lasers, and rifles. it’s quite useful to have one of those quarry kids who know the mines better than anyone on your side. she saw something in boaz — he’ll never really understand what it was, he never asked. but the life she offered was much different and far away from the body he buried. xerda has was not a gentle person. she didn’t coddle or protect him, she didn’t teach him right from wrong. she taught him: business is business and the only way to get where you want is to push the bigger kid off. not exactly in those words but it was something boaz understood. he is very underhandedly ambitious and doesn’t believe there is a line that would be too far to cross. it’s kept him alive thus far. 
04. What is your character’s relationship with the Force? Is your character Force-sensitive? Whether or not they are, do they believe in it? Do they lean more towards the dark or the light or are they somewhere in between?
boaz is aware of that he has something. xerda has saw it when he ran guns for her. he knew the right people to talk to, he could find his way back to her even if she left him on the other side of the planet, he was the good luck charm to many of the runners. neither of them knew what it was. he was informed of it when he allied himself with the sith but it was simply left at that. he might be a tool to be sharpened, they told him but boaz has seen nothing of that promise.  he believes in it but his belief is based in more of there must be something better out there. he doesn’t want to believe that what he is right now is it. it’s something he keeps to himself, however.  boaz is squarely in between but he very much does not want to lean towards the dark. he sees how it corrupts, how it mangles, how cruelty can be the only advancement in a place like this and boaz knows he’s not like that. or — he believes he isn’t. he desperately wants someone to show he isn’t like that. 
05. What three word would you use to describe your character? What three words would your character use to describe themself? What three words would someone close to them use?
dumb ambitious bastard.
miserable exhausted bastard. 
manipulative sleepy bastard. 
06. Describe your character’s aesthetic. Do they tend towards fashion or function? Do they like to accessorize? How does this extend into their own personal spaces, such as their home or their workspace?
he tends to be decently put together for the most part. he leans toward functionality but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate fashion. it’s just functional clothing tends to hold up better in his line of work. black clothing hides blood splatter and you still look professional after four days of not sleeping / torture. accessories extend only to jewelry and while he doesn’t wear it often, he actually has a lot of it. too much. necklaces to earrings to rings, precious gems to precious metals to a few items he’s taken off bodies.  boaz keeps his appearance in order but his living spaces are very much not in order. he tends to fall apart when left to his own devices, falling into a quiet survival. he doesn’t live like a slob but it’s clearly just lack of effort. there are clothes and jewelry and weapon components spread out pretty much on any available open space. 
07. What are your character’s vices? Guilty pleasures? Bad habits? Weak spots?
gambling. something he got into with xerda, finding potential buyers in casinos or gambling dens and luck usually lends itself to him. it becomes almost a place of comfort for him. he can melt into the crowd and listen, sell his trade when he isn’t needed for an interrogation. he can lose himself in the tides and pull of whatever game he’s playing. 
the jewelry he collects. he has a rather bird brain about shiny things. he likes to collect them even if he will never wear them. he just like having them around him. they remind him of stars. 
tends to zero in on annoyances. pops his knuckles in the quiet to see who hates it and then exclusively pops his knuckles when they’re around. he doesn’t do it to everyone ( because he might get killed if he does it to the wrong person. ) but once he finds something — he won’t drop it. 
08. Tell us about your character’s relationship with food. What are their favorites? Do they enjoy cooking? Are they adventurous? Will they eat absolutely anything or are they hard to please?
He’s not a picky eater, he likes to try new things and doesn’t think twice about what it looks like so long as it’s food. growing up, a good meal was rare and then it was a battlefield with xerda has. he tends to find new places to try out, hole-in-the-wall types to noodle shops to street food — he’ll give it a try at least once. 
09. How does your character feel about engaging in relationships—romantic and / or sexual—with others? What is their history like? Do they fall in love easily? Are they constantly in and out of relationships?
boaz never really thought about it. in his line of work, there’s not much really beyond the occasional stress relief which boaz didn’t take part of much. love is a little more complicated. boaz has thought about it, wondered, tried to see himself with someone but he has never acted on anything. he isn’t curious about it, really. it’s more — he has no idea. it’s something that’s not happened much and he doesn’t have to think about it. 
10. What is your character’s pain tolerance like? Can they hold their own in a fight, despite injury? If someone hurts them with the aim of gaining information, how much can they take before they cave?
a high pain tolerance but he doesn’t like to just keep going, going, going. he would much rather just have you come along willingly. if it comes to fighting, his aim is take you down within the first five seconds of a meeting going sour. due to the fact that he is an interrogator, he can hold out a while before he caves because he knows how interrogations for information works.
11. What is your character’s weapon of choice? Are they more skilled as a melee fighter or do they have more skill with ranged weapons? What’s their fighting style like? What sort of training do they have behind them?
a gun runner as teenager and then a dealer as an adult, boaz has a preference for guns, particularly rifles. he can fight with his hands but he just would rather not because he has to use those later. he isn’t a sharpshooter _ well, he isn’t really much of a fighter. if he can talk his way out of it, he will. his fighting style is dirty and quick and he is not afraid to grab for any advantage. there was no training beyond what he picked up on simocadia and the other runners with xerda has which was just fighting to win rather than skill. 
12. Does your character have any words or catchphrases that they say frequently? Tell us about how they picked them up.
boaz tends to pick up and drop things easily. it’s easier to blend in when you don’t have something that can be traced back to you. he can be whatever the room calls for — a gambler with a bad cursing habit. an arms dealer who can’t stop swearing on his mother. a drunk who won’t stop trying to saying ‘now this is how it really went down’. that said — he tends to repeat words as in, “listen — no, listen.” / “look. look. LOOK.” / "what? .... what? no, what?” 
13. Tell us about a negative experience your character has had with either the Jedi or the Sith, and how this has affected their standing. Whether currently aligned or unaligned with either faction, if forced to choose, how would they side?
boaz has very little, probably no interaction with jedi. he knows they’re out there — well, they used to be out there. with the sith, he sees the corruption even if he doesn’t understand it. something within him actively rebels against it even if he isn’t sure why it’s happening. because of that, he has a tendency to not trust anything the sith say or do. they’ve mentioned word about training him in using the force but that has never actually happened. as his employer, there have been times when answers / information has been unsatisfactory and he’s had to answer for that. torture isn’t beyond the sith. and neither is withholding pay. although gun to his head, life on the line — he would side with whatever they wanted to hear. deep down beyond his immediate survival instinct, he would probably choose jedi. 
14. How would your character react to seeing a relative or friend on the opposing side of a battle or mission?
he would be at first shocked to see them but then he would carry out his job. it’s just good business. 
15. Describe a memory that your character finds embarrassing.
the only thing that really embarrasses boaz is being make to look unprepared in front of people that either he works for or is doing business with. among the runners, hazing was a thing and they would put the new kid in dangerous situations with no proper protection or gear and they would just have to figure out how to deal with it. this is a lot where boaz learned to be such a smooth talker because he hated to be made a fool of. xerda has once set him up with a buyer with no preparation and sat there while boaz bumbled through trying to sell the guy a gun he didn’t want. in the end, boaz’s persistence got him a hard fist to the nose all while xerda laughed. 
16. What goals does your character hold for themself and what steps have they taken towards achieving them? How far are they willing to go to reach them? What is their be-all and end-all?
his main goal is to stay alive. he will do everything it takes to stay alive even if it means taking down the people next to him. he will do what it takes to survive and that’s an instinct he’s never been able to overcome. he can be compassionate but his ambitious rules utmost. all that said — boaz wants to be saved. he believes that the sith do not hold the answer to what he’s looking for and he’s putting a lot of faith into the order. he wants to know that he can be better than this.
17. What is the one thing your character would change about their life if they were given the chance? What other lives could they have lived as a result?
he wishes instead of xerda has finding him, the jedi found him first. he believes that has they found him first then he would be on a very different path. probably one where he likes himself better. 
18. Living in such a high-conflict time, how does your character feel about doing what they must to survive? Will they hurt or kill others—either directly or indirectly—to protect themself and / or those close to them? If so, do they regret it when all is said and done?
he will do anything and everything to survive. boaz is focused on keeping himself alive. every one of his dealings, all of his business is to secure a future for him. he will absolutely hurt or kill someone in order to do this and has done so before. boaz can be ruthless when it comes to making sure he gets what he believes he needs in order to survive. he has no regrets at all about the things he’s done — well. except for one. the only regret that boaz still carries is the boy he killed on simocadia by accident. 
19. What is the biggest problem your character is currently dealing with?
getting paid. and probably vaelre but in that ‘they’re My problem” way. 
20. Give us 3+ headcanons of any length or subject matter.
boaz really enjoys stargazing. so much so that he’ll extend visits planet-side long enough that he can look up at the stars and try to find planets he’s visited, systems he remembers, and places that he’ll probably never see again. it links back to his childhood, lying on top of huge, half buried monoliths of history and staring up at the stars and having that sense of hearing the stars sing and knowing what they were saying. watching the stars is probably the closest he’s ever been to interacting with the force. 
he is actually a fairly good teacher when it comes to teaching people things such as weapon handling, gambling games, and probably even torture tactics if someone really wanted to learn that. he can be patient and even gentle with showing someone how things work. a lot of the things he knows he had to learn on his own and he doesn’t feel like it should be as much of a struggle as it was for him.
although he doesn’t have regrets and he doesn’t think of himself as an evil person — just someone misguided, he wishes he was what someone would call a ‘good person’. and he tries to do things that could be classified as doing good despite his line of work. this comes out in different ways for different people. trying, however, doesn’t not mean doing. a lot of times his survival instinct kicks in and it overrides the good things he’s done.  
bonus. Give us a list of any length telling us why our “fave is problematic.”
thinks it’s totally okay to just leave his dirty socks around. 
“i need to clean my gun” is not a valid excuse to leave a conversation, boaz. it’s not. come back here and face ur decisions. 
vael: i have done nothing wrong ever in my life boaz: i know this and i love you 
i can go the distance.mp3 but in the key of bad decisions 
probably dabs
“i want a better life.” continues to make poor decisions 
100% will betray you if a better deal comes along
bites his nails 
has a thing for rings. ( gollum voice: pr. ecio .. u . s . ) 
sold his boss into slavery that happened who does that
viciously ambitious 
gambles a lot and loses your money sometimes on purpose 
“i’m going to bed” and then doesn’t sleep 
has a lot of emotions but thinks he’s a stone cold bitch
“do as i say, not as i do” as he fucks off and does god knows what 
“......... Look.” 
says he’s a ‘people person’ but spends all his time alone
doesn’t Actively create drama but loves drama 
sith sith they’re our man, if they can’t do it GREAT 
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shopfenlo · 2 years
Four Creative Ways to Use a Showcase Shelf
If you’re lucky enough to be one of the few homeowners with a Fancy 3-in-1 Dimmable Luxury Display Shelf with Integrated LED Lighting, then you must also have a good taste for interior design, practical living, and making the most of a space.
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This gem of a showcase shelf, available online at ShopFenlo.com, is made from high-strength MDF (a type of engineered wood), finished with an environmentally friendly UV coating, and is impressively strong.
Plus, it has tons of display space and features dimmable LED mood and display lighting built right in. On that note, here are a few creative ways you can use one of these showcase shelves to the fullest.
Bring the Outdoors In… A showcase shelf makes a great place to display all your indoor plants, even if you only have a few.
Besides, many plants will grow better indoors or simply can’t tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. Some great choices for bringing greenery in are:
● Orchids
● Snake Plants
● Spider Plants
● Succulents and Certain Cacti
● English Ivy
● Pothos
● African Violets
● Spathiphyllum
● And Many Others!
Besides, plants can help filter VOCs from the air, release oxygen, absorb excess noise, and help regulate humidity.
Showcase Your Family Pride… Some living rooms and offices simply have too many examples of family portraiture for the space they have available.
That’s a whole lot of family pride and no way to show it off!
Fortunately, with a showcase shelf like FENLO’s Fancy 3-in-1 Dimmable Luxury Display Shelf, you’ll have plenty of space - nearly 4 square feet of space, in fact!
Aromatherapy Creativity… While you won’t want to light a candle on a showcase shelf, you can still use one for wax warmers or simply to display candles.
Another creative way to use a display shelf is to house aromatherapy diffusers, which are often artistically designed and as visually appealing as they are functional.
Plus, placing them on a display shelf will put them front and center for the entire room to enjoy.
Create a Mini Library… Some settings simply have no room for bookshelves. Others can’t comfortably incorporate a bookshelf into the space for aesthetic purposes.
That’s no issue with a showcase shelf like this gem from FENLO. It has plenty of space for books and each shelf can hold up to 60 pounds despite the fact that the display shelf itself only weighs 16 pounds.
For those of you that are booklovers and just have nowhere to store your favorite titles, with a showcase shelf like this, you’ll be able to give them a place of honor while keeping them close for easy reference.
Where Can You Learn More About This Unique Showcase Shelf Interested in learning more about this unique display shelf available online at ShopFenlo.com? Take a look through their collection online via the link above - it’s not the only thing they offer.
In addition to this unique display shelf, they also offer charging desks, floor lamps, and much more - and most importantly, their products are made using environmentally friendly, sustainable materials and processes, are incredibly lightweight and strong, and use energy-efficient LED technology.
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torontotravelblog · 4 years
10 of the Prettiest Places in Toronto
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Toronto is filled will certainly pretty areas, both inside your home as well as out. Some are covert away, while others are out in the open and apparent. I've currently discussed the very best places in Toronto to Instagram, however this time around I'm focusing on several of the prettiest areas you can discover in or near the city.
These are areas that make it very easy to leave busy city life if you need a break, or just want a tranquil spot to believe or bliss out in nature for a while. Oh, and also they're all rather Instagram-worthy too should you seem like snapping a couple of photos (and also why not?).
01 of 10 Toronto Music Yard.
ADDRESS. Harbourfront, Toronto, ON M5V, Canada. PHONE +1 416-973-4000.
A slow-moving stray with the Toronto Music Yard at Harbourfront Centre never ever gets old and also it is indeed a very rather find to uncover on a warm, bright day in the city.
Made by globally popular cellist Yo Ma as well as landscape developer Julie Moir Messervy, the style of the stunning green space was inspirited by Bach, especially, his Suite No. 1 in G Major for unaccompanied cello, BWV 1007 and every section of the garden corresponds to a movement in the piece. So essentially, the garden is designed like a lilting, relocating piece of music. Admission is cost-free and also the garden is open year-round. You can additionally take place a cost-free guided excursion, supplied June with the end of September.
02 of 10 Platform Eco-friendly Roof at City Hall.
ADDRESS. 280 The PATH - Town Hall, Toronto, ON M5H 2N3, Canada.
In can feel hard to run away the bustle of Toronto when you're right downtown, however there is a slice of serenity you can conveniently gain access to. City Hall is residence to Toronto's largest openly available green roof, which opened in the springtime of 2010. What was previously a gigantic spot of concrete is currently a prospering eco-friendly room in the heart of the city and also an excellent area to get some fresh air in beautiful environments. You'll discover designed gardens, twisting walkways, yards, balconies and seating, in addition to some great views of the city below. Access to the roofing system garden is free and it's open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. as well as weekends and vacations from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
03 of 10 Edwards Gardens.
ADDRESS. 755 Lawrence Ave E, North York, ON M3C 1P2, Canada. PHONE +1 416-392-8188.
Edwards Gardens offers visitors a double dosage of garden beauty since it also takes place to be the place of the Toronto Botanical Garden. The calm room is house to rock yards, floral gardens, fountains, a water wheel, greenhouses, enchanting wood arc bridges as well as countless walking tracks where to enjoy all of it. If you wish to actually learn more about the attractive plants you're passing, the Toronto Arboretum offers numerous garden scenic tours as well as other instructional programs as well as workshops for both adults and also children.
04 of 10 Allan Gardens Conservatory.
19 Horticultural Ave, Toronto, ON M5A 2P2, Canada. If your suggestion of pretty includes a myriad of tropical plants, you'll definitely wish to make your method to Allan Gardens Sunroom, house to six greenhouse breaking with vibrant plants from all over the world. The conservatory itself is over 100 years of ages as well as an elegance per se. Head here to see gardens having every little thing from hands to bromeliads to cacti. The permanent collection of unique plants covers over 16,000 square feet. Admission is free as well as you can see 356 days a year from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
05 of 10 Cloud Gardens Conservatory.
ADDRESS. 14 Temperance St, Toronto, ON M5H 1Y4, Canada. PHONE +1 416-392-7288.
Sort of a surprise gem within the downtown core, Cloud Gardens Sunroom is a method to seem like you've gone on a miniature trip someplace tropical without every leaving the city. Put in between office towers downtown, the park is residence to a range of plants, however the greenhouse is the real celebrity. With a comforting waterfall and also a host of hands, brushes and other greenery you would certainly or else discover in a rainforest, it's simple to believe you have actually been hair transplanted to the tropics.
The sidewalk in the greenhouse goes from the reduced level entryway to an upper degree departure, something that truly makes you seem like you're walking up into an exotic forest. You can locate the sunroom on the south side of Richmond Street between Yonge Street as well as Bay Road.
06 of 10 Simcoe Wavedeck.
ADDRESS. 243 X Queens Quay W, Toronto, ON M5J 2G8, Canada. PHONE +1 416-214-1344.
Watching out onto the Simcoe Wavedeck can be a trip for the eyes. The undulating wood wavedeck on Toronto's waterside is a whopping 650 square metres with large curves that swell almost three metres above the lake. The wayward style of the deck is what makes it so interesting the eye and also it creates a perfect place to hang around by the water. In the evening the wavedeck is lit from under making it even more gorgeous.
07 of 10 Sherbourne Common.
ADDRESS. 61 Dockside Dr, Toronto, ON M5A 1B6, Canada. PHONE +1 416-338-4386.
This waterfront park is yet one more quite place to check out in the city. The almost four-acre park covers more than 2 city blocks and includes a vast swath of eco-friendly space, an ice rink in the winter months which becomes a dash pad in the summer and water network that's residence to three huge pieces of public art. The three sculptures rise up almost nine metres over the 240-metre water network producing a result that's as significant as it is distinctive. The art piece is entitled "Light Showers" by musician Jill Anholt.
08 of 10 Crothers Woods.
ADDRESS. Crothers Woods Route, East York, ON M4H 1P6, Canada. PHONE +1 416-392-2489.
You'll locate Crothers Woods in the Don River Valley and the 52-hectare woodland places you within easy accessibility to nearly 10 kilometres of routes to discover. The timbers themselves are house to lots of trees that more than a century old. Hiking these routes is an excellent method to shed yourself in nature without needing to leave the city.
09 of 10 Distillery District.
Distillery Area, Toronto, ON M5A, Canada. Toronto's historical Distillery District is a nationwide historical site as well as among the prettiest places to walk in the city. Explore the pedestrian-only patched streets as you stroll amongst Victorian-era Industrial design. The Distillery District is full of a variety of shops, theaters, cafes, restaurants (lots of with extensive patio areas) as well as art galleries so you can quickly spend a whole day right here and not get bored momentarily. There are likewise various occasions organized here throughout the year, from concerts to markets.
10 of 10 Tommy Thompson Park.
ADDRESS. 1 Leslie St, Toronto, ON M4M 3M2, Canada. PHONE +1 416-661-6600.
If you want to be among the biggest existing all-natural habitat on the Toronto beachfront, make your method to Tommy Thompson Park. One of one of the most fascinating things about the city park is that it lies on the Leslie Road Split, a synthetic peninsula that stretches out 5 kilometres right into Lake Ontario. The location is home to whatever from cobble coastlines and also sand dunes, to marshes and wildflower meadows. This is likewise a good spot for bird enjoying in Toronto.
The article “ 10 of the Prettiest Places in Toronto “ was first appeared on tripsavvy.com
The IV Lounge - IV Therapy Toronto Drip Clinic
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vernoncallum45852 · 4 years
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Ever considered purchasing a home safe? Buying a safe for your home, office, or business bodes well in the event that you have resources that you need to ensure. For example, your significant other may have bunches of gems you need to store in a home safe or you might need to keep cash, gold, business archives, or family legacies safe from likely hoodlums. One of the most widely recognized kinds of home safes are those for weapons and guns. Picking the correct safe for your home or business isn't that simple since there are endless assortments and highlights you can pick. 
We propose that you initially choose what it is that you will store in the safe so way you can decide the best possible size you'll require. A few safes are incorporated with dividers or floors, so you'll have to consider a room that could oblige that style on the off chance that you so pick. What highlights do you need in your safe? Continue perusing beneath to see our purchasing guide.
Purchasing Guide - There are 4 fundamental kinds of safes - divider safes, firearm safes, in-floor safes, and general safes. For most property holders, an essential safe is all you need since they are worked to secure your assets and can be found anyplace in your home. Attempt to discover one that is weighty enough that if a looter were to go into your home and attempt to pull off it, the weight may deflect them from attempting to divert it.
 A divider safe is the most ideal decision for those that need to conceal the safe from any expected cheat. Divider safes can be introduced effectively in homes or organizations and they can be put in cement or wood dividers. To conceal the divider sheltered, simply spread it with a mirror or picture and immediately you have a shrouded safe. Divider safes arrive in an assortment of profundities, so ensure your divider space can deal with the model you pick. Weapon safes are enthusiastically suggested for any individual who claims guns. 
Protect your firearms and guns from youngsters and outsiders who may be interested. In-floor safes are an inventive method to store and secure your resources. The protected will be introduced directly into your floor and lowered beneath the floor level. Cupboards or carpets are the ideal method of masking the area of an in-floor safe. The locking systems on safes are offered in 3 different ways - key locks, electronic locks, or mix locks. Key locks are the most essential and presumably all you need by and large. 
Keep an additional arrangement of keys around on the off chance that you lose the main set and never store the protected keys close to the safe. Blend secures are preferable terms of security over key locks since it is workable for somebody to pick a key lock. Mix bolts typically expect you to turn a dial and enter 3 or 4 numbers so as to open the safe. You can get a safe with both a key lock and mix lock joined. Electronic locks on safes are the best (other than unique mark bolts) and work incredible if more than one individual will get to the safe. Fireproof safes are unquestionably the best approach if there should be an occurrence of a fire. 
Remember that the protection materials will contrast ablaze safe safes relying upon the substance you will store. Effect safe safes are additionally accessible on the off chance that your safe has something fall on it. Water obstruction is another element to consider when taking a gander at safes. If there should arise an occurrence of a flood or a fire (the firemen will dowse the flares with water), you would need a protected that opposes water or fluids. 
The top brands in home safes are American Lock, Cannon Safes, Fire Fyter, FireKing, Gardall Safes, Gun Vault, Honeywell, MasterLock, Schwab, and Sentry. We went online to locate the most mainstream and top of the line home safes available. Costs extend from around $100 to $1300 for quality home safes. They don't convey the enormous, weighty safes, however they convey an assortment of littler models, including numerous Honeywells. You can peruse their rundown of smash hit safes here.
Protex is one of the principle provider of safes for lodgings, inns, and sports clubs. You have likely observed one of their safes in a lodging or utilized one yourself. The Protex HD-100 Burglary Safe ($1000) is the ideal home safe with 5 dynamic chrome locking fasteners, 30 minutes of fire assurance, a velvet lined inside (shield gems from scratching), and an electronic keypad for speedy programming and access. 
The Protex accompanies pre-penetrated grapple gaps at the base in the event that you need to join this beast to your floor, yet at 256 pounds it isn't essential. Just a unimaginably solid or clever hoodlum will make it out of your home with safe. The strong steel plated entryway is 5/16" thick and the inside proposals more than 5 cu. ft. limit. There are 4 inside racks so you can arrange your significant at any rate you like. Protex makes home security safes in all sizes and they give dial mix locks, electronic bolts, and unique mark locks for the most noteworthy security conceivable. 
You can see a greater amount of their line of items online. Proprietors state they are anything but difficult to utilize and hold cash, coins, gems, and all-size documents.Wall safes, as in-floor safes are a significant responsibility relying upon where you put them. A story safe should consistently be secured and a divider safe once put into a divider will watch off-kilter whenever taken out. Something else to consider is the manner by which profound you will require your divider safe to be. 
Not all dividers will stretch out back far enough, so you may require a protected that is taller as opposed to being profound. At last, an inherent divider safe ought to have a mirror, picture or household item before it to help cover its area. To introduce a divider safe you need to cut a gap in the divider between studs, at that point embed the safe and jolt it into the studs from within - there must be sufficient space behind the divider for it to fit, so a divider that backs to shut off loft space or something works best, however many smaller models are intended to fit into simply the few creeps of room in a standard divider. 
The Honeywell - Digital Anti-Theft Safe ($89) is a mind blowing worth and offers more than 1 cubic feet of room. The Honeywell divider safe is basically robber safe with a re-programmable computerized electronic locking system. Strong steel development, covered pivots, protected dividers make this an all around fabricated divider safe that is a top merchant on a few sites. Requires both a key and mix to open it for twofold assurance. Extraordinary spot to store your gems, significant reports, or cash. 
The LockState 52EN-BWS Large Wall Safe ($180) is intended for business just as home use. It's very nearly 3 1/2 inches down and will hold every one of your resources. LockState safes are substantial in development and have fantastic dependability records. Highlights electronic computerized lock, 1 ace code (3 to 8 digits), hoodlum safe strong steel packaging, and simple to introduce mounting equipment that is incorporated with the safe.
There is not any more significant motivation to possess a safe than if you have a firearm. Safes intended to hold guns will spare lives. We hear stories on the news all the time where a youngster went into their folks firearm cabinet and pulled out a gun just to incidentally fire their companion or kin. These are silly passings that can be maintained a strategic distance from if weapon proprietors would basic purchase a weapon safe and store every one of their guns in it (bolted obviously). 
The measure of weapons you have to place into your firearm safe will no doubt figure out what size you get. With just a solitary hand firearm in the house, consider the Mini-Vault Deluxe Quick Access Gunsafe ($150) from GunVault. Keypad passage (even in obscurity), movement sensor caution and inside light. On the off chance that you have various weapons the Stack - On 10 - Gun Safe with Combination Lock ($330) might be the arrangement. 
Holds up to 10 rifles or shotguns and highlights a 3 number blend lock with a strong steel, pry safe entryway. Stack On is a legitimate firearm safe producer and this model gets superb surveys from weapon proprietors posting commments on the web. Customers call the sheltered "solid" and "ideal for putting away guns". Suggested - We propose perusing the top of the line weapon safes here.
An in-floor safe is extraordinary for those hoping to make their safe imperceptible to thieves and thiefs. Simple to cover up under rug or furniture, the floor safe will secure your advantages. Once more, size is a basic factor in determing the expense. You can get a Gardall - Square Tube In-Floor Safe for $275 and comes in little or medium sizes. The pyramid shape lets you secure it to the floor pleasantly and the entryway has no depend on it. 
Your lock alternatives incorporate a mechanical blend lock or an electronic punch-buttom lock. The Cobalt FS-B In-Floor Safe ($500) is more pleasant than the Gardall and offers more inside room (7" x 11" entryway freedom). The entryway is 1/2 strong steel and the body is 1/4" strong steel. Accompanies a mix lock, spring stacked entryway, and gauges a strong 113 pounds. Floor safes are incredible for littler things, however infrequently will you see an in-floor safe that will hold huge assets (they're simply not advantageous). View all top of the line floor safes here.
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neuelib · 4 years
From the confines of a cramped rented room along the rhythms of machines growling. As statistics, as slaves, as ants, as lazy sloths. Our May Day Poetry Picks: poetry by and about the working class.
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1. Ruminating life and death from a cramped rented room
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Walking along the thin line separating life from death is Xu Lizhi’s poem titled “Rented Room”. Xu worked for Foxconn, a technology company based in Shezhen, China, one of the major producers of Apple’s iPhone. In 2014, the migrant worker took his life jumping out of his dorm window, one of the numerous suicide attempts by Chinese factory workers struggling with harsh workplace conditions while barely making ends meet. 
The poem below was among those collected by his friends and published in the Shenzhen Evening News posthumously. It was translated through the Nào project.
出租屋 Rented Room
by Xu Lizhi
十平米左右的空间 A space of ten square meters
局促,潮湿,终年不见天日 Cramped and damp, no sunlight all year
我在这里吃饭,睡觉,拉屎,思考 Here I eat, sleep, shit, and think
咳嗽,偏头痛,生老,病不死 Cough, get headaches, grow old, get sick but still fail to die
昏黄的灯光下我一再发呆,傻笑 Under the dull yellow light again I stare blankly, chuckling like an idiot
来回踱步,低声唱歌,阅读,写诗 I pace back and forth, singing softly, reading, writing poems
每当我打开窗户或者柴门 Every time I open the window or the wicker gate
我都像一位死者 I seem like a dead man
把棺材盖,缓缓推开 Slowly pushing open the lid of a coffin.
2. Cutting the bullshit 
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Capturing the essential bullshit of all tedious, repetitive work, Jim Waters’ nihilistic take on the mundanity of work contains more numbness than anger. Statistics was originally published in Poems for Workers, an anthology showcasing poems for working class readers.
by Jim Waters
I'm tired of listening to sun-shine talk, This pie-in-the-sky stuff, This travesty on patient toil;
Let the Jesus-screamers, The open-shop artists, And their ilk. . . Hook their fat necks over a flying emery wheel For. . . . eight. . . . long. . . . hours; And to the beat and whir of machinery,
                            Chant this:
"I work to get money to buy food to get strong, So I can work to get money to buy food and get strong.". . . Then, maybe, they will understand Why the church pews are empty,  And men die for unionism.
3. Commuting from work in the rough hours
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Ratri Ninditya’s poem “Ursula” is a raw, candid sensory journal of a coming-home-from-work trip any "poor, unfortunate soul” from and around Jakarta would deem familiar. We can almost feel the sweat dripping.
Read more from Ninin in her 2019 poetry book, Rusunothing.
by Ratri Ninditya
di pinggir sudirman kau punguti kecoa-kecoa setengah matang. koyo berlubang sudah menempel di lehermu 1 minggu, dan kamu selalu tertidur di 76 dengan kepala tertempel di dada.
mau pergi ke mana, bu?
jalan raya beraroma minyak goreng, hujan asam, keringat sales unicef pantang menyerah. pernahkah tusuk gigi bekas siomay nyangkut di rambutmu karena dilempar orang dari atas jembatan? aku pernah. selokan itu tak pernah melaju lebih cepat. semacet malam jumat. mengalir di dalamnya wajah-wajah yang terlupakan, belum sempat diterimakasihkan.
mereka yang reyot sebelum kehidupannya sendiri dimulai. those poor unfortunate souls. this poor unfortunate soul. kita jadi tikus-tikus yang malu dengan jembrewi sendiri. makan, olah raga, makan lagi, lalu mati.
tubuhmu terbungkus botol plastik. transparan dan statik.
4. Marking inequalities and stark contrasts—with dignity
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Contrasting one worker-related experience to another with prowess, Ernest Jones points at how workers are considered fitting for growing food and undeserving to eat them, how it is acceptable for them to make clothes and to not afford wearing them. This work is powerful as it captures Jones standing on his dignity through a declaration of his principles—”too low to vote the tax, too low to touch the spoil, but not to pay and kill the foe.” “The Song of the Classes” sings like a chant, emphasising on the burdens and expectations put upon workers with so much taken away from them to the point that they appear to deserve nothing. 
Jones was a working-class male suffrage leader who was imprisoned in 1848 for his seditious speeches. This poem is also available in the Poems for Workers anthology. 
The Song of the Classes
by Ernest Jones
We plough and sow—we're so very, very low        That we delve in the dirty clay, Till we bless the plain—with the golden grain,        And the vale with the fragrant hay. Our place we know—we're so very low.         'Tis down at the landlord's feet: We're not too low—the bread to grow,         But too low the bread to eat.
Down, down we go—we're so very, very low,         To the hell of the deep sunk mines, But we gather the proudest gems that glow         Where the crown of a despot shines. And whenever he lacks,—upon our backs         Fresh loads he deigns to lay: We're far too low to vote the tax,         But not too low to pay.
We're low—we're low—mere rabble, we know,       But at our plastic power The mould at the lordlings’ feet will grow       Into palace and church and tower Then prostrate fall—in the rich man's hall,        And cringe at the rich man's door: We're not too low to build the wall,         But too low to tread the floor.
We're low—we're low—we're very, very low,      Yet from our fingers glide The silken flow—and the robes that glow       Round the limbs of the sons of pride. And what we get—and what we give—      We know, and we know our share: We're not too low the cloth to weave,        But too low the cloth to wear.
We're low—we're low—we're very, very low,     And yet when the trumpets ring, The thrust of a poor man's arm will go      Through the heart of the proudest king. We're low—we're low—our place we know     We're only the rank and file, We're not too low to kill the foe,        But too low to touch the spoil.
5. Confronting the pains of physical work in the intimate exchange between humans and machines
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The ramifications of capitalist exploitation are real and most of the time physical. Through this poem, Xu Lizhi creates a narrative on work using the body—both workers’ and machines’—as a starting point. 
On each line, as machines go to sleep, emotions disappear into dust, stomachs turn hard as iron, ore separating machines peel the skin, we witness a total, brutal, industrialist catastrophe involving the human body and machines, where it becomes hard to tell which from which.
最后的墓地 The Last Graveyard
by Xu Lizhi
机台的鸣叫也打着瞌睡 Even the machine is nodding off
密封的车间贮藏疾病的铁 Sealed workshops store diseased iron
薪资隐藏在窗帘后面 Wages concealed behind curtains
仿似年轻打工者深埋于心底的爱情 Like the love that young workers bury at the bottom of their hearts
没有时间开口,情感徒留灰尘 With no time for expression, emotion crumbles into dust
他们有着铁打的胃 They have stomachs forged of iron
盛满浓稠的硫酸,硝酸 Full of thick acid, sulfuric and nitric
工业向他们收缴来不及流出的泪 Industry captures their tears before they have the chance to fall
时辰走过,他们清醒全无 Time flows by, their heads lost in fog
产量压低了年龄,疼痛在日夜加班 Output weighs down their age, pain works overtime day and night
还未老去的头晕潜伏生命 In their lives, dizziness before their time is latent
皮肤被治具强迫褪去 The jig forces the skin to peel
顺手镀上一层铝合金 And while it's at it, plates on a layer of aluminum alloy
有人还在坚持着,有人含病离去 Some still endure, while others are taken by illness
我在他们中间打盹,留守青春的 I am dozing between them, guarding
最后一块墓地 The last graveyard of our youth.
6. Exploring surrealist cities (and selves)
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Originally appeared in Subbed In, Bullen’s "City Exchange” set in Birraranga (Melbourne, Australia) is a surreal encounter with the city, without the self. 
City Exchange
by Brianna Bullen
I order my eyes off Amazon, my spine off eBay and a cochlear implant straight from Coles. Falling apart in reverse has never been so seamless. We talk about moving to the city (permanently, in parenthesis: city as a homogenous w/hole because we can’t see the specific suburbs yet) but it’s crumbling in its own catharsis, a release from structure and history. I’m nostalgic, neurotic and in the process of learning semiotics, signifying nothing and searching for home and meaning in a postcard, the latest neurochemical upgrade and failed relationship. The advertisement on the high-rise for GMHBA glitches to a teaser trailer flickers to Coca-Cola: the duality of (hu)man. I take The Frankston line between Southern Cross and Flinders train rides my liminal stage where I can watch people yawn in the latest fashion and flick through a book page or two on the commute which won’t be remembered. I turn twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five Body machine the old biological clock running in analogue and cellular death. Not a teenager, or a young adult: am I a human yet? I now feel the cynicism I only used to perform now too apathetic to bother expressing the dissatisfaction in vogue. I flicker in industrial space, vague.
7.  Condemning dreadful nine-to-five jobs
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Disclaimer: It is never 9 to 5.
Letter to John Martin (1986)
by Charles Bukowski
August 12, 1986
Hello John:
Thanks for the good letter. I don’t think it hurts, sometimes, to remember where you came from. You know the places where I came from. Even the people who try to write about that or make films about it, they don’t get it right. They call it “9 to 5.” It’s never 9 to 5, there’s no free lunch break at those places, in fact, at many of them in order to keep your job you don’t take lunch. Then there’sovertime and the books never seem to get the overtime right and if you complain about that, there’s another sucker to take your place.
You know my old saying, “Slavery was never abolished, it was only extended to include all the colors.”
And what hurts is the steadily diminishing humanity of those fighting to hold jobs they don’t want but fear the alternative worse. People simply empty out. They are bodies with fearful and obedient minds. The color leaves the eye. The voice becomes ugly. And the body. The hair. The fingernails. The shoes. Everything does.
As a young man I could not believe that people could give their lives over to those conditions. As an old man, I still can’t believe it. What do they do it for? Sex? TV? An automobile on monthly payments? Or children? Children who are just going to do the same things that they did?
Early on, when I was quite young and going from job to job I was foolish enough to sometimes speak to my fellow workers: “Hey, the boss can come in here at any moment and lay all of us off, just like that, don’t you realize that?”
They would just look at me. I was posing something that they didn’t want to enter their minds.
Now in industry, there are vast layoffs (steel mills dead, technical changes in other factors of the work place). They are layed off by the hundreds of thousands and their faces are stunned:
“I put in 35 years…”
“It ain’t right…”
“I don’t know what to do…”
They never pay the slaves enough so they can get free, just enough so they can stay alive and come back to work. I could see all this. Why couldn’t they? I figured the park bench was just as good or being a barfly was just as good. Why not get there first before they put me there? Why wait?
I just wrote in disgust against it all, it was a relief to get the shit out of my system. And now that I’m here, a so-called professional writer, after giving the first 50 years away, I’ve found out that there are other disgusts beyond the system.
I remember once, working as a packer in this lighting fixture company, one of the packers suddenly said: “I’ll never be free!”
One of the bosses was walking by (his name was Morrie) and he let out this delicious cackle of a laugh, enjoying the fact that this fellow was trapped for life.
So, the luck I finally had in getting out of those places, no matter how long it took, has given me a kind of joy, the jolly joy of the miracle. I now write from an old mind and an old body, long beyond the time when most men would ever think of continuing such a thing, but since I started so late I owe it to myself to continue, and when the words begin to falter and I must be helped up stairways and I can no longer tell a bluebird from a paperclip, I still feel that something in me is going to remember (no matter how far I’m gone) how I’ve come through the murder and the mess and the moil, to at least a generous way to die.
To not to have entirely wasted one’s life seems to be a worthy accomplishment, if only for myself.
yr boy,
An audio version is available here.
8. Asking difficult working class questions
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From one of our favorite poets Gratiagusti Chananya Rompas is this poem asking difficult, working class questions. Set at a metropolitan mall, Anya describes the whole consumerist brouhaha as she verbalises the personal terror of discomfort lurking in the everyday.
Berada di Sebuah Mall Pada Suatu Akhir Pekan
by Gratiagusti Chananya Rompas
kadang aku perlu beberapa detik untuk memutuskan eskalator berjalan atau berhenti aku tak mengerti orang orang di depan dan di belakangku ingin pergi ke mana mereka berbaris berseliweran mendorong bayi bayi mereka di dalam stroller atau mengejar anak anak mereka yang sudah pandai berlari aku menggandeng anakku tangannya kecil dan lembut menuntunku membelah lautan orang orang yang tak kukenal itu
kadang orang orang diam tetapi suara mereka tumpang tindih dengan suaraku sendiri kadang orang orang begitu banyak bicara tapi aku tak mengerti apa yang mereka katakan beli selusin donat dapat potongan setengah harga kalau beli selusin donat? siapa yang akan makan begitu banyak donat di rumah? beli satu set alat masak dapat diskon 25% kalau punya kartu kredit dari sebuah bank tapi aku hanya perlu centong? beli semangkuk nasi daging lengkap dengan minum bisa beli boneka seharga 75 ribu? apa hubungan antara makan siang dan boneka? beli frozen yogurt small dapat 1 topping, medium dapat 3 topping, tapi large dapat 3 topping juga? beli makanan dengan kartu anggota bisa dapat satu makanan gratis tapi harus top up dulu tidak bisa pisah bill? yang gratis bisa yang paling mahal mbak?
anakku sayang, tolong antar mama keluar dari sini
dan di dalam mobil dalam perjalanan pulang mobil ini bergabung dengan mobil mobil lain seperti gorong gorong yang mampat
aku harus berkedip dua kali karena aku merasa permukaan jalan di jalur sebelah yang masih kosong terlihat mengalir seperti sungai yang airnya hitam.
9. At last—embracing rage
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What’s a May Day poetry list without the angry verses? In “Canned”, Jim Waters exclaims in great fury a slogan we can all relate with—to hell with you!
by Jim Waters
          To hell with you!
          You ain't the whole earth, 
          Not by a damn sight!
You sneak around shaking your fat paunch shouting: "I'm losing money . . . hurry-up . . . pull-out. . . "Step-on-it!" . . , and you "can" anybody that talks back. I've seen your kind before—always losing money—Riding in limousines, showing off on the golf links, And talking open shop at the Union Club.
On Sunday you go to church and tell everybody What a nice employer you are. . . On Monday you go blue in the face cursing your men.
          You can't bull-doze me!
          To hell with youl
          You ain't the whole earth, Not by a damn sight!
Bonus poems
We’ve added four poems to this post that were not included on our Instagram version of May Day Poetry Picks. “Self Inquiry before the Job Interview” by Gary Soto, “Coal Deliveryman” by Ramón Cote Baraibar, and ultimately another work from Xu Lizhi, “I Swallowed An Iron Moon”, just because.
10. Self-Inquiry before the Job Interview
by Gary Soto
Did you sneeze? Yes, I rid myself of the imposter inside me. Did you iron your shirt? Yes, I used the steam of mother's hate. Did you wash your hands? Yes, I learned my hygiene from a raccoon. I prayed on my knees, and my knees answered with pain. I gargled. I polished my shoes until I saw who I was. I inflated my résumé by employing my middle name. I walked to my interview, early, The sun like a ring on an electric stove. I patted my hair when I entered the wind of a revolving door. The guard said, For a guy like you, it's the 19th floor. The economy was up. Flags whipped in every city plaza In America. This I saw for myself as I rode the elevator, Empty because everyone had a job but me. Did you clean your ears? Yes, I heard my fate in the drinking fountain's idiotic drivel. Did you slice a banana into your daily mush? I added a pinch of salt, two raisins to sweeten my breath. Did you remember your pen? I remembered my fingers when the elevator opened. I shook hands that dripped like a dirty sea. I found a chair and desk. My name tag said my name. Through the glass ceiling, I saw the heavy rumps of CEOs. Outside my window, the sun was a burning stove, All of us pushing papers To keep it going.
11. Coal Deliveryman
by Ramón Cote Baraibar
translated by Craig Arnold
Like finding a bar of aluminum wedged in a bull’s jaw. Like discovering in a sea chest a short obsidian head. Like looking through a padlock   and seeing an undeserved dawn. As impossible as all these, as melancholy and lonely, was it to see the green truck that with the punctuality   of a sacrament delivered the coal each month. On the slope its strained   heart would announce itself vociferously, at the brink of death, and it   would stop in front of the house as if to deliver the agonizing news of   the fall of Troy. And then a man, wrapped in sacking, would pitch   his cargo, resonant and angular, into an orange-painted crate.
Like opening a Bible and finding three leaves of laurel. Like lifting   a stone and remembering someone’s name. Like finding the same   snail again a hundred miles away. As impossible as all these, as melancholy and lonely, would it be to find, fifteen years later, the same coal    deliveryman carrying on his trade, bent from the strain, determined   to show the heavens that a man might do that job his entire life, that   he scraped in the mines, that he stole thread from his wife to sew his   sacking, that he dreamed of infinite excavations, of tunnels, and that   they might forgive him for not having done more than that.
12. I Swallowed An Iron Moon
by Xu Lizhi
I swallowed an iron moon
they called it a screw
I swallowed industrial wastewater and unemployment forms
bent over machines, our youth died young
I swallowed labour, I swallowed poverty
swallowed pedestrian bridges, swallowed this rusted-out life
I can’t swallow any more
everything I’ve swallowed roils up in my throat
I spread across my country
a poem of shame
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Tell Me Everything
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Part 2 of In the Dark
Same thing applies, there's AU content.
 Out of everything Zircon had expected, this wasn't it.  The Gem’s fists were clenched, but they rested now, though she did take a step back.  “Who… who are you?” As Zircon let the question escape, she could have sworn the other Gem mouthed the same words.   The taller Gem gave no response, seemingly frozen in time. Zircon had no control over the questions pouring into her mind.   “Where is this!? Why am I here? Why are there so many Gems bubbled here? Is this the Harvester? Why aren't you talking to me!?” She breathed, weighed down by so many more inquisitions, but without the energy to ask.  The other Gem relaxed just a bit more and sighed. She took a few steps forward, now standing only a few feet in front of Zircon. She offered her left hand, which bore a circular, square-faceted gemstone. Zircon instinctively moved farther away.  Just as it seemed that the Gem was going to speak, Zircon found the motivation to ask more. “Where is Rose Quartz? Did the Diamonds send me here? Is she—”  The Gem suddenly tensed, stood taller, and balled her fists once more. “Rose Quartz!?” Her voice held a heavy accent, and her tone was exasperated.  Just because she was so scared, Zircon's tongue took far too long to find such a simple “Yes.” So she just nodded.  “You've seen Rose Quartz… Where? When?”  The confusion, the tension of the moment, it pushed the reply out of Zircon without any forethought. “She– she was put on trial! By the Diamonds! I– I defended her!” She searched the room for a window to indicate a time of day, but to no avail. “By my guess, recently?”  A rapid stream of muttering came from the other Gem. Repeatedly, Zircon heard “Diamonds”, “shattered”, and “Ste….”— something she didn't recognize.  The Gem’s voice silenced, she was obviously trying to relax herself.  “Let's start over.” She said. “You are?”  After a moment’s hesitation, Zircon felt it would be safer to tell her than not to. “Zircon… Facet 3S6—”  “Alright, Zircon.” The Gem cut in. “I'm Garnet. This is Earth. You're safe.”  So she was on Earth with an off-colored Garnet.  Garnet sat facing Zircon, legs crossed, and her hands rested on her knees. “Tell me what happened. Tell me everything.”  So Zircon ignored the confusion it brought her to think that she'd somehow ended up on the planet where it had happened— Rose’s planet— and explained what she'd felt when she received the many, many files for Rose’s case. How long she'd spent just trying to reassure herself, causing her to arrive just moments before the trial began, leaving her minimal time to improvise, but she was too absorbed in the mystery of Rose’s disguise.  Garnet’s fingers moved rapidly in her lap.  Zircon explained what the Yellow had presented, and how it really did nothing to prove Rose’s guilt. And how despite that, Zircon herself had nothing better. How Rose Quartz kept insisting that she was, in fact, guilty of shattering Pink Diamond. Yet, when Blue Diamond asked, Rose couldn't provide the explanation she wanted.  With every one of Zircon's words, Garnet’s fidgeting sped up.  Zircon continued, telling Garnet about the defense she'd been able to come up with after hearing that Rose knew next to nothing about how it really happened, and how easily it came to her.  When Zircon was finished, to the point where it all became a mystery, Garnet had buried her face in her hands. “They won't understand.” She mumbled under her breath.  Zircon found it best to wait. Garnet’s shoulders fell and her shuddering stopped. She folded her hands together in her lap and sat up, for all Zircon knew, making eye contact from behind her visor.  Zircon didn't know if Garnet was still waiting, so she finished off with “And now, we're here.”  Garnet waved a hand over her face, and the visor dissolved into nothing but a few remaining sparkles of light. Zircon now looked into three different colored eyes, all showing a glint of concern.  “You do realize,” Garnet sighed. “That the Gem you met wasn't Rose Quartz?”  Zircon tensed, not wanting to seem oblivious, she told what might have been half of the truth. “Well, yes, the possibility occurred to me.”  “Then you were right. Steven isn't Rose Quartz. He bears her gem and her powers, but only knows as much of her as he's been told. Do you understand?”  Really, no. But Zircon couldn't just say that. “So, what exactly is ‘Steven’?”  “Rose’s son, a human hybrid.”  “A human hybrid?” Zircon put an extra emphasis on each word; she had no idea how she was supposed to respond to this, much less if she was really going to believe it.  Garnet almost seemed to be smiling, which Zircon found just a bit insulting. “Rose gave up her life to bring Steven into the world. He's something completely new, but he chose to pay for Rose's actions so that Earth’s safety would be ensured.”  It really made more sense now. Zircon nodded in correspondence to Garnet.  “It's far too dangerous for him on Homeworld. You didn't understand, the Diamonds won't either.” Garnet looked back to a doorway on a far edge of the room. “I'm not the only one who needs to know about this.”  Garnet stood up, and Zircon followed suit.  “You need to tell them what you told me. Can you do that?”  By now, Zircon knew there was no other choice. “Yes.”  Garnet led her to the door, and raising her glowing palms, it split down the middle.  They stood in the doorway to a living space, a warp pad a few feet in front of them, and a room full of Earth objects Zircon wasn't familiar with, as well as a group of Earth Gems.  There was a Pearl, her appearance like the remnants of a designer’s scrap bin; an arrangement of clothing unlikely for any other Pearl to wear, and in far too many different hues to give any indication of who she might have belonged to.  Next to her was a small, purple, Quartz-like Gem with an outfit just as out of uniform. Behind them were a Peridot, a Lapis Lazuli, a Topaz, a Beryl soldier, a Fluorite, an Obsidian, and what looked like two other humans.  The Pearl was the first to look in Garnet and Zircon's direction. “Garnet, did y- WHO IS THAT!?” She jumped mid-sentence, and her tone became panicked.  Everyone else whipped around. Zircon felt the attention, and she hated it.  The Quartz seemed totally unfazed compared to the rest. Her brow was just raised a bit, and there was casualty in her voice as she gave the strangest greeting Zircon had ever received. “Hi.”
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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So, you’ve decided to take on Australia’s largest National Park, Kakadu. But where do you start when you have up to 20,000 square kilometres of floodplains, estuaries, waterfalls and stone country to explore? The place is so big, so bold and so beautiful, and is alive with Australian Aboriginal culture.
Understandably there are still some areas inaccessible to the public due to its cultural significance to the traditional landowners, but there are a couple of secret spots we can let you in on.
So here is a guide to get you on your way to packing your bag, loading the car or booking flights.
Noarlangie Rock at Kakadu National Park. 
When to go
The top end of Australia doesn’t experience the usual four seasons. The wet season comes with the first crack of lighting on a late afternoon in November, and Kakadu goes from burnt orange to luscious green overnight.
When the wet season ramps up, so does the humidity. So a normal 35°C day starts to feel more like 45°C. It’s impossible to keep your shirt dry and there isn’t enough cold water in the world to satisfy your thirst. As beautiful as it is in the wet season, you need to know what you are doing in order to stay safe.
So with that, I suggest this hot tip, travel between May and July. At the start of the dry season, the waterfalls are still cascading heavily, the nights are cooler and the Barramundi are biting.
Walk to the top of Gunlom Falls to look out over the park. 
Getting there
Kakadu National Park is 133km from Darwin and 149km from Katherine. If you are planning on flying, Darwin will be your best and cheapest option, accessible by direct flight from most capital cities.
As the Northern Territory’s capital city you’ll find plenty of options for 4WD/van/motorhome hire and accommodation options before venturing into Kakadu. Darwin is also a great place to stock up on food and fuel. Fuel prices are about 20c/L more expensive in the park.
Remember that you are about travel in to remote Australia. Although there is a good supermarket, medical centre and bank in Jabiru, near the centre of Kakadu NP, options are going to be limited.
The sunset over the Nourlangie rock lookout. 
Choose your ride
It is not all bulldust and backroads like we had come to believe. So we were pleasantly surprised to be driving through the heart of the national park on the smooth surface of the Kakadu Highway. There is a good chunk of Kakadu that you can do in a standard 2WD, but if you want the full, unlimited experience we would definitely recommend a 4WD.
You do not necessarily need to be an experienced four-wheel-driver. You just need a high clearance vehicle that can make a shallow creek crossing or two and won’t rattle into smithereens on the dirt roads. Have you heard of corrugations? You will know all about these incessant bumps in the road as soon as you hit the turnoff to Jim Jim Falls, and they are relentless.
You’ll need a pass to access the wonders inside Kakadu NP. 
Have you got your park pass?
You will need a park pass to access Kakadu National Park. You can buy your pass online, at the Katherine Visitor Centre or the Bowali Visitor Centre in Jabiru. Pass prices range from $12.50 for children and $25 for adults and last for up to 14 days.
Children under 4 are free and other discounts are available for families and concession card holders. 100% of this money goes right back into the park and supports the traditional landowners and general park upkeep.
Sandy Billabong is our top pick for camping in Kakadu. 
Where to stay
If you can camp, camp. Kakadu offers 26 different campgrounds across the park, which range from fancy caravan parks to basic bush camping. So if you want a pool, hot showers and to treat yourself to dinner out, you can base yourself at the Cooinda Campground and Caravan Park.
But if you are like us and would prefer to light up a fire in a quiet corner of the park our top pick would be Sandy Billabong (it must be the sandy track and long drop toilets that deter a few people from getting in here). All of the big hitters like Gunlom, Jim Jim Falls and Maguk have a campground nearby so that you can really make the most of these special places. Camping fees depend on the facilities available and you will find some of the more remote sites are free of charge.
If you were not planning on camping at all, fear not, you have 7 hotels/lodges/resorts with varying degrees of luxury to choose from.
A campfire dinner at our campsite at Sandy Billabong. 
What to bring
An alarm clock. There is a reason this place gets busy, so if you want to beat the crowds and enjoy some time to yourself at the top of Jim Jim Falls, set your alarm. Getting up early is also the best way to beat the heat. Speaking of heat, here are some things you will need to have with you in order to prevent heat exposure.
Water, minimum 1L per hour of activity, or 4L per day
Lightweight, long sleeved shirts
You’ll need sun basics such as hats and a daypack for exploring the park. 
Some other things you will also need to include;
Mosquito repellent
Hiking boots
Backpack for day trips which must always contain water, snacks and a basic first aid kit
Park pass
National Park map
With so many opportunities to enjoy the water, swimmers and a towel are a must. 
Our top 5
1. Maguk
Mother Nature did some amazing work on this playground. Blue water, glowing orange rocks and waterfalls that lead into more waterfalls. Read a bit more about it below in Secret Spots.
2. Jim Jim Falls
This one is a tour bus favourite so timing is everything. The earlier the better, or you might get lucky around 3 pm when they start loading their customers back on the bus. After making the rock scramble to the first beach on the right-hand side, we would suggest holding your backpack above your head and swimming around to the second beach to find a bit of space that is all yours. Once again, check out Secret Spots for a hidden gem close by.
Swimming through the pristine waters of Maguk.
3. Ubirr
If you are looking for an education on Australian Aboriginal history this is the place. Once a great meeting place and educational hub, the area is covered in densely intricate rock art that dates back 3000 years and tells a vivid story of life in the area. There is a Ranger-guided walk through the site that really gives you an understanding of the Aboriginal culture that is alive in Kakadu.
Ubirr is also an amazing place to watch the sunset, with floodplains on one side and stone country on the other. Give it time and watch the colours change over the landscape and the shadows lengthen across stony escarpments.
4. Yellow Water River Cruise
Ever thought of feeding your kids to the crocs? this would be the place… don’t though. The crocodiles here are brazen and about as big and bold as Kakadu itself. It is not only crocodiles you’ll see, but Asian Buffalo and wild horses on the banks.
There are plenty of Barramundi and Saratoga if you are going to wet a line. And the most beautiful water lilies stand proudly along the edges of Yellow Water.
A saltie we spotted on the Yellow Water Cruise. 
5. Twin Falls
An immense waterfall that is open for a limited time each year due to high waters and a shuttle boat crossing. It would be worth looking into a helicopter flight in order to see this beauty in full flow if you can’t gain access
Secret Spots
There are a couple of places that just don’t get much hype. Or they get a lot of hype but some crucial information is missing, for example, Barrk Marlam.
Barrk Marlam
You have heard of Jim Jim Falls (I’ve definitely mentioned it a few times), but have you heard of Barrk Marlam? Well, it is one of our absolute highlights and not well marked. From the car park at Jim Jim Falls you follow the path to the falls for about 200m before turning off (there is a small sign) to the right across the creek.
The hike requires you to follow the pink ribbons hung in the trees to guide you to the top of Jim Jim Falls. Now it says that this hike is 6km return, but it is so intense it feels like twice that distance. At the top, you will be rewarded with spectacular views and private swimming holes.
Barrk Marlam is a challenging bushwalk, but well worth the hike. 
Maguk’s infinity pool
Maguk’s infinity pool, we would not have noticed this sneaky spot if it wasn’t for a tiny little head that poked over the falls when we were swimming in the main gorge. To get to Maguk’s infinity pool you will need to stay on the left-hand side of the creek when the arrows tell you to cross. Look straight ahead and you’ll see the making of a well-worn path, follow it.
This walk is quite a bit easier than Barrk Marlam and just as rewarding. Be sure to take some goggles to see this gorge below the surface. If you are brave you probably won’t hesitate to swim through one of the underwater rock tunnels.
Motor Car Falls
Motor Car Falls is accessed via part of the Yirmikmik trails. 3.75km of fairly level ground will take you from a dry and dusty service road into a tropical oasis. Drape yourself over a giant boulder with sun rays pouring between prehistoric-looking trees, and then float on cool waters beneath zebra printed rocks. You are almost guaranteed to get this place to yourself any time of day.
The infinity pool at Maguk is not to be missed. 
The Rockhole (Moline)
Lastly, a secret local’s hotspot, The Rockhole (Moline). Not marked on the map or signposted from the road, this one has been saved for some small tour group exclusivity. Time to put it on the map. As you are heading south down the Kakadu Highway and coming down the range, at the bottom of the hill is a right-hand turn off with what looks like a green postbox on the corner.
The road in is rocky and can be narrow in sections, with only a small turning area at the end (take care if towing). Just 200m from the carpark is a pool with natural rocky seats along its sides, a waterfall that cascades down a narrow gorge and into the water, where curious turtles pop up to check you out.
The Rockhole Moline is a spot loved by the locals.
Croc safety
The Top End is alive with crocodiles, both saltwater and freshwater. Although you can often safely swim in the same pool as a “freshie”, “salties” will not allow that same kind of luxury.
We’ve done our fair share of travel along the top end of Australia and shared the water with some big crocs on fishing trips, but we have never met crocs like the ones in Kakadu. Kakadu is the first place we have had a crocodile come in direct pursuit of our boat. These guys are no joke. Obey signs and check with Rangers on where it is safe to swim. The changing water levels in Kakadu mean that crocs can get in anywhere.
When picking a camp spot, stay at least 50m from the water’s edge and always leave at least 5m between you and the water when walking or fishing. Respect these prehistoric beasts, there’s a reason they have been around longer than us.
Make sure you obey signs of where you can swim. 
That’s all from us
We hope that this has given you enough information to confidently book your flight, hire a car or drive straight in there on part of your Australia trip.
Be sure to check in at the Warradjan Cultural Centre or any of the visitor’s centres to pick up your park maps and activity timetables.
You’ll find lots of hikes, Ranger-guided activities, and birdwatching, and enough places to fish to keep you fed. It’s a Kaka-DO from us!
  What have your trips to the top end been like? 
The post Guide to Visiting Kakadu in the Northern Territory appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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partwildflower · 7 years
Amsterdam city guide: where to shop, eat, stay and more
It could be said that Amsterdam holds the key to idyllic laid-back living. From minimalist coffee hangouts to hip boutiques, grand canal houses to some of the world’s greatest artworks, the city is an endless treasure trove of secrets and it’s the perfect size for a weekend break – much to explore but not overwhelming. Amsterdam always has its loyal visitors running (or peddling) back for more. Looking for a few tips? Our city guide will help you make the most of this postcard-perfect destination.
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Amsterdam. Image: iStock/KavalenkavaVolha
Where to eat
Pannenkoekenhuis Upstairs
When in Amsterdam, pancake-quaffing is the order of the day – so you’d be forgiven for walking into the first pancake shop you’ll find as you amble out of the central station (the sheer number of them will overwhelm you faster than you can say gouda). Hold on to your hotcakes, though, and seek out Pannenkoekenhuis Upstairs: tucked away up a steep set of stairs in a typical Amsterdam-style house, this restaurant is filled with Delftware and old paintings, and offers authentic charm alongside sizeable Dutch pancakes topped with options that range from cheese to Cointreau. It’s no surprise it has been was awarded a TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence for four years running.
Venus & Adonis
Putting charcoal-grilled surf and turf dishes at the top of its menu, this Prinsengracht restaurant is ideal if you can’t quite decide whether you’re after a perfect steak or a lemon cream crab cake. Open daily for both lunch and dinner, it also offers an intriguing cocktail menu and an extensive wine list – so you can while your post-dinner hours away with a drink, either in the stylish and cosy dining room, or out overlooking the canal. We’d recommend visiting for dinner to make the most of the romantic, low-lit interiors.
My Little Patisserie
Sweet treat connoisseurs, prepare yourselves for a macaron-hued adventure at this bijou patisserie in the cool De Pijp neighbourhood. Its clean, modest and minimalistic interiors make way for scene-stealing gateaux, pastries, chouquettes and other French delights. Sample the white chocolate cheesecake, grab a selection of petits fours to take away with you, and leave room to indulge in the heavenliest of coffee eclairs – featuring light-as-air choux pastry and a delicate touch of flavour that will soon have you returning for more. Head back to the centre via Gerard Doustraat for some of the area’s best independent boutiques.
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My Little Patisserie, Amsterdam. Image courtesy of My Little Patisserie
Indonesia’s Dutch colonial history has certainly left its mark in Amsterdam, and foodies will find quite the unmissable Indonesian and Surinamese culinary scene here. If all that sightseeing has worked up an appetite, you’ll find yourself eager to try rijsttafel (“rice table”), a feast of up to 40 small dishes served with rice. It’s the perfect chance for even the most indecisive foodie to try a rich and diverse array of flavours in one sitting, and can be sampled at Sampurna, where statues and wood carvings fill the dining room with a relaxing and traditional atmosphere.
De Foodhallen
If you’re hoping for international produce, plentiful options and a buzzing atmosphere under one roof, head straight to De Foodhallen on Bellamyplein square. The sheer variety of sweet and savoury food stalls here is set to delight any foodie – dim sum, ice-cream waffles, hot dogs, Iberico ham, and even a seafood and oyster bar are all available on tap, amongst others. You’d not want to miss a chance to sink a few drinks at this buzzing day-to-night hotspot. Try the Wine Bar for international labels, enjoy a refreshing gin and tonic or choose from a large selection of beers.
MOOK Pancakes
Providing an American-style, healthy and confidently on-trend option for pancake-seekers, MOOK Pancakes on De Clercqstraat is slightly more removed from the city centre yet entirely worth the tram journey. Its white, plant-filled decor offers a restful space within which to enjoy eye-poppingly colourful, fruit and nut-topped, nutritious pancakes. Whether you’re after a sweet or savoury option, this café is a must-try: friendly service comes as standard, as does a complimentary second dollop of syrup – how could anyone say no to that?
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MOOK Pancakes, Amsterdam. Image courtesy of MOOK Pancakes
Where to drink
Monks Coffee Roasters
Whether you’re making a quick stop or looking to kick back and while an hour away, Monks Coffee Roasters on Bilderdijkstraat is a fail-safe pick for a well-deserved shot of caffeine or indulgent smoothie, coupled with fresh breakfast options, sandwiches and salads. Simply decorated and flooded with natural light, it provides an unfussy and contemporary space – perfect for planning the rest of your itinerary as you slow-sip a special house blend espresso or Ethiopian filter coffee.
De Koffieschenkerij
Grab yourself a divine hot chocolate with a serious side of history at this café, housed within the former sacristy of Amsterdam’s oldest building – the 800-year-old Oude Kerk. This red-shuttered and red-brick, cottage-like spot is quite the gem for peace-seekers: tucked away in a popular and very central location, it’s almost hidden from plain sight. Its drinks and pastries are best enjoyed either in the charming courtyard or up on its first floor, styled in a pared-back yet very inviting, vintage retro-inspired decor.
Door 74
Charm and character abound at this 1920s-style speakeasy bar (the first of its kind in The Netherlands), where dark woods, Art Deco interiors, antique barware and elegantly-presented cocktails create an exciting and intimate atmosphere. We aren’t the only ones who’d head straight here for a sophisticated night out – Door 74 has also been listed on World’s Best Bars, so you can rest assured its signature and incredibly creative cocktails will more than meet your expectations.
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De Koffieschenkerij, Amsterdam. Image courtesy of De Koffieschenkerij
Café Heuvel
For history with an edgier twist, try this traditionally Dutch “brown café” on Prinsengracht. One of Amsterdam’s oldest, it provides a laid-back setting where jukebox music, refreshing brews and scenic al fresco slow-sipping combine. While located along one of the city’s quieter canalside streets, it’s a small space with al fresco seating, and can be particularly popular amongst locals on sunny days.
Those after the capital’s best tea as well as a unique tasting experience should look no further than Formocha Premium Tea House. Here, Chinese tea culture is firmly rooted in a simple and traditionally-inspired setting, complete with handthrown cups, clay teapots, understated decor, and a most serene atmosphere. You’ll find a healthy selection of green, oolong and black teas, as well as jasmine and chrysanthemum blossom, all prepared with precision and lovingly served.
Hannekes Boom
If you can’t quite get enough of Amsterdam’s ultra-laid-back atmosphere and are looking for more ways to unwind into the evening, then make a beeline for this shack-style waterfront café where, post-work hours, you’ll find a bustle of locals spilling out onto its outdoor picnic tables to line the water’s edge. Decorated with recycled furniture and offering light snacks and bar food, it’s your go-to for a fun time near Amsterdam Centraal station.
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Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Image courtesy of Rijksmuseum
What to see
Combine your love for paintings, history and admirable architecture with a stop at the Rijksmuseum: ideally located in the heart of Amsterdam’s Museum Quarter, it easily tops the list of any museum-hopper thanks to its seemingly endless collection, spanning the works of Rembrandt, Johannes Vermeer, Frans Hals and many more. Families will relish the guided multimedia tours on hand here, while drawing lessons provide further entertainment for budding artists.
Amsterdam’s Canal Ring
Amsterdam’s Canal Ring is perhaps the one architectural wonder you would want to lose yourself in. Built during the Golden Age of the 17th century, this UNESCO World Heritage List member offers more than a chance to snap a few pretty pictures. Fashion boutiques, gift shops and bookstores provide a spot of retail therapy, a wide array of bars and cafés offer respite from all the sightseeing, while canal tours and annual overwater parades – such as the extravagant Gay Pride celebration in the summertime – will give you a chance to see this district from a different angle. Take to the streets in the evening for a more peaceful and picturesque stroll, or if you’re feeling up to it, join the city’s fearless cyclists to tour the area like a local – just remember to take a map along with you.
The Smallest House in Amsterdam
Accomplish a mini bucket list-ticking feat – quite literally – with a visit to the world’s smallest house, located at Oude Hoogstraat 22 in the old city centre. Measuring in at 6 feet 8 inches in width and 16 feet 5 inches in depth, and now housing a tea room, this landmark sight resembles a typical canal house and provides an intriguing slice of history as well as an indulgent slice of cake.
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Meet Vincent van Gogh at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. Image courtesy of Bibi Neuray/Van Gogh Museum
Van Gogh Museum
If you find yourself thirsting for more fine art masterpieces, cross the road to indulge in a journey through the works of Post-Impressionist painter Vincent Van Gogh, at a dedicated museum showcasing everything from his early pieces straight through to his most celebrated. As well as view a permanent collection of paintings, drawings, letters and memorabilia spread across four floors, you’d have a chance to join a free lecture or partake in a walk-in workshop.
Make the most of fine climes at this expansive urban park, spread across 47 hectares. Its location by the city’s museums quarter, which means it’s the best place to end up in for a contemplative wander once you’ve had your cultural fill. You might even find its Tulip Island in bloom, for a chance to pick a few of your own – although true appreciators of the perennial flower should make time for a day trip to Lisse’s Keukenhof, which showcases every variety of tulip under the sun (combined entry and travel passes can easily be found at Schiphol Airport, too, so you’ve little need to plan the trip yourself).
Those with a penchant for modern art could never set enough time aside for the eclectic contemporary displays and photography exhibitions at Foam. Located in an old canal house within easy reach of central sights, this small Keizersgracht gem has showcased and honoured the works of internationally-renowned artists – William Eggleston, Helmut Newton and Ai Weiwei, to name a few – as well as hosting debates and educational projects.
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Hutspot Rozengracht, Amsterdam. Image courtesy of Hutspot
Where to shop
Set up on opposite ends of the city, on Van Woustraat and Rozengracht, Hutspot’s ultra-sleek decor provides a confident setting for its fashion pieces and special design products, with stocked labels including Samsøe & Samsøe, Elka Rainwear, Monokel Eyewear and more. Inspiring a sense of calm, you’ll be in no rush to leave this haven of contemporary style. Its Van Woustraat branch also houses a barbershop and café – so you’ve little need to look elsewhere if you’re feeling peckish.
Royal Delft Experience Amsterdam B.V
If you’re after a more complete Delftware experience, head to this iconic museum and shop housed within the Munt Tower, for a chance to discover beautiful one-of-a-kind ceramics, watch a painting demonstration, or even take a workshop before picking up a few pieces to take home – perhaps adding a customised plate to the lot.
Green-fingered travellers, rejoice: filled with hanging plants, homeware and other eye-catching bits and bobs, this charming Bilderdijkstraat shop is a true sanctuary for nature and pottery lovers – and it’s certainly worth making a trip out of the city centre for. If you can’t take any plants back home with you, you’ll find plenty of covetable trinkets here and it’s worth the trip just to keep your Instagram grid looking on point.
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Wildernis, Amsterdam. Image courtesy of Haarkon
De 9 Straatjes (The 9 Streets)
Comprising nine photogenic streets in the city’s Canal Ring, this character-packed spot is ideally placed just moments from the Anne Frank House to one end and the buzzing Bloemenmarkt – the world’s only floating flower market – to the other. Here, you’ll find a fun and eclectic, vintage-meets-designer mix of fashion, art, lifestyle and homeware boutiques (including marvellous antiques store ‘t Runnertje, Dutch-Scandi label AMATØR and leather goods expert RIKA Boutique), the odd chocolate or cheese shop, plus a long list of cafés, eateries and more – from the cosy and rustic-chic Ree7 to wine specialists De Wijnwinkel Renalda.
Pluk Amsterdam
Set amongst vintage shops and fashion boutiques on Reestraat, you’ll find no shortage of adorable homeware, jewellery and accessories here, all screaming for you to take them home. Also a restaurant with a cosy seating area on its first floor, Pluk offers a healthy (yet no less mouthwatering) menu of drinks, fruit bowls, salads, sandwiches, cakes and more, should all that shopping leave you hungry for more.
Kramer Kunst & Antiek
For home decorators and art collectors wanting to grab a piece or two of Delftware, the white and blue tin-glazed earthenware for which The Netherlands is famous, don’t look further than this antique shop. If you’ve a fairly big budget to work with, it offers endless shelves of miniature canalhouses, baubles, plates and other intriguing ornaments. Your inner historian is certain to find happiness at this family-run spot, as its large and authentic collection of Dutch tiles dates as far back as the 1600s.
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Pluk, Amsterdam. Image courtesy of Pluk Amsterdam
Where to stay
Hoxton Amsterdam
Located on Herengracht in the heart of the city’s shopping haven, De 9 Straatjes, this Hoxton base is a mecca of classically cool design and style, with guest rooms offering a dose of quirkiness, mid-century modern sharpness, and a lush blend of cream and warm brown hues. The hotel is home to the hip and happening Lotti’s, where Italian fare meets Dutch traditions, as well as a mezzanine coffee and cocktail den, a lobby bar, and staple canal views.
Hotel Arena
Both inside and out, this modern, Green Key-certified sleep is dressed to impress: housed in a former church that dates back to 1886, it stuns with a historic facade as much as it does through its urban-style, minimalist-inspired, greenery-adorned interiors. Discover its grand staircase on your way up to a gorgeous white-on-white room, or settle down with a Mediterranean-inspired menu at the chic restaurant, where a terrace provides a lovely setting on warmer days. Situated between Oosterpark and the canal, it’s a 10-minute drive from Amsterdam Centraal station.
Villa Nicola
A deserving TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence winner, Villa Nicola is something of a sanctuary for lovers of attentive design, personable service and tranquillity. With just two suites, where vintage and modern decor as well as fine art pieces are blended to create perfect urban and nature-inspired havens, it makes a supremely chic and unique bolthole – and a well-placed one, too, being just a 15-minute stroll from the museums quarter and Bloemenmarkt.
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The Hoxton, Amsterdam. Image: The Hoxton
Morgan & Mees
Set a 10-minute walk from Anne Frank House, this Westerpark base delivers cool, functional design, complete with ultra-cosy Coco-Mat beds, up-to-date amenities, a calming grey colour scheme offset by beige tones, and the occasional ethic or rustic decorative touch. No trip to this city would be complete without a pit stop at the hotel’s restaurant where minimalist and rustic-inspired, white-on-wood interiors provide a relaxing canvas for breakfast, lunch and dinner – expect fresh and expertly-presented fare, such as guinea fowl with spinach and cream of artichoke, or sea bass with Dutch shrimp, spaghetti, cockles and chilli.
First time to Amsterdam? Here are a few handy things to know:
A word to the wise: Amsterdam’s museums are rarely free, so pick up a museum card if culture-seeking is the focus of your trip – with it, you’ll have access to a plethora of art-filled attractions and beyond, including the Rijksmuseum, Anne Frank House, NEMO Science Centre, Amsterdam Museum, the Oude Kerk and the Royal Palace Amsterdam.
While smoking weed is legal here, doing so is generally frowned upon by the locals – so if you must try it, remember to do so with respect and awareness of your surroundings.
While you may want to explore Amsterdam on foot (or perhaps even grab a bicycle like a local), wandering its maze-like streets will likely lead to tired legs before you know it. We recommend investing in a travel pass, of which Amsterdam offers several options: an all-in public transport ticket that also covers journeys to and from the airport, a one to seven-day pass covering the trams, buses and metros operated by GVB (Amsterdam’s main public transport provider), and another offering comprehensive coverage of public transport links (GVB, EBS, NS and Connexxion) in the city for up to three days. Buying an I amsterdam City Card will grant you access to top attractions as well as a GVB travel pass, while an Old Holland Tour pass is also available for those looking to discover the charms, windmills and cheeses of Volendam, Edam and Zaanse Schans. ■
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Villa Nicola, Amsterdam. Image: Villa Nicola
Written for Secret Escapes’ blog, The Great Escape, published 7 July 2017.
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Diamond paintings are rapidly gaining momentum from the sphere of crafting. You might be somewhat comfortable with it and looking for the best method on how to frame diamond paintings? Or you may find yourself wondering, what is diamond painting? Not to worry, we'll cover all you want to know about DIY diamond painting and also get you on your way to frame it.
The way to framework A Diamond Painting
Diamond painting involves building your image by means of a canvas and implementing the gems using the template and color guide to guide your own process. Many crafters refer to the procedure as being similar to a crossover involving directed variety painting and cross legged. The final product, however, is much more gratifying and aesthetically pleasing for many. When you've obtained your diamond painting kit, then you'll be eager to get started right away. It is worth going over the fundamentals and preparing your own supplies beforehand, however. For more info visit Colorelaxation. In preparation for beginning your slice, You Will Need to do a few things:
1. Prepare your own work space. Make sure you've got a clear, uncluttered area where you're going to be able to enjoy focusing on your diamond painting is best.
Don't neglect to take care of your health. Avoid neck and back pain from the Stand for Diamond Painting; avoid the eye problem from the Light pad
2. Unpack and sort your own supplies. Included in your kit will be the canvas, pen, tweezers, wax, diamonds, tray, and an instruction paper.
Make sure don't mess it up! There is a must-have storage container which nearly diamond painters are utilizing it. You can refer the Magic Handbag here.
3. Set your diamonds. Most crafters work with one color at a time, which is suggested for beginners. If you realize that you'd rather work with all colors in a section, be well prepared with a sectioned crafting tray.
Once you've prepared your space, you are ready to begin. Simply put a little bit of wax onto your pen, pick up the stone, and set it in the correct symbol. The quantity of time needed to finish a diamond painting kit may fluctuate widely, based upon many factors, like your skills level and the size of this canvas.
The way to frame A Diamond Painting
Frequently, diamond painting kit fans find as much enjoyment in displaying their finished product as they do working on it. The alternatives for displaying finished paintings are really versatile.
Completed paintings can be sewn onto other objects as added ornamentation. Whether it's decorative cushions, a tapestry style wall hanging, or a seasonal banner, the options abound.
Often, kits possess a traditional rectangular or square shape which makes them popular for framing as a wall mounted display piece. But, there are a number of diamond painting kits available that veer from such conventional contours. Some great examples are Landscape Diamond Painting and the Mandala Diamond Painting. The round diamonds adds an excess dimension about options for screen.
My Website: https://colorelaxation.com/collections/diamonds-flowers
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holmjanson-blog · 5 years
4 Unique Places to Stay in Quebec Winter
When you think of Quebec winter and snow, you normally think of a big comfy lodge with a couch you can sink into, a big fireplace, hot toddy, and lots of flannel. But I don’t like to do the expected, so instead of staying in a big cozy lodge for my winter adventures in Quebec, I instead opted for the unique, rustic, unusual, scary, and some would say just plain weird accommodations around Quebec.
I normally say that people don’t go to a destination to experience a hotel, but in this case, I may be wrong! Each of these places provided such a unique experience that you may go to Quebec just to sleep there!
Note: Due to a few things outside of my control, like flights and some maintenance, I didn’t actually get to stay at all of these places, but I did go visit the ones I was unable to sleep at.
Intriguing Quebec Winter Accommodations
Ice Hotel –Hôtel de Glace
I know, I know – sleeping in a room made of ice at 19F to 23F degrees inside might seem pretty uncomfortable (shiver), but it’s an incredible experience that you can boast about for years! The Hotel de Glace is North America’s only Ice Hotel, and it’s full of incredible ice sculptures and designs.
  Creating the Hotel de Glace This process starts each year in December and it takes 50 people 6 weeks to build. It normally tops out at 32,000 square feet and it made entirely of ice (500 tons) and hard packed snow (30,000 tons). The structure is created with a mold. A special mixture of water and snow is packed on and around the mold until it freezes and then the mold is pulled out and suddenly you have a section of building! They have to do a small section at a time with the mold which basically created the Great Hall. The hall even has curves and turns in it all created from the mold process. This is also where you will find a number of the intricate ice sculptures and snow wall carvings.
Each April the structure is completely destroyed and they start over again next winter! It really is an engineering marvel, so if you are the type of person who love to visit cool engineering sights, then don’t miss this!
Sleeping at the Hotel de Glace After you go through the Great Hall, you’ll come to the rooms; each one uniquely designed. There are suites that include a bigger room and some even have fireplaces. However the fireplaces are just for looks, not heat is actually emitted…boo.
However, when you stay overnight at the hotel you get all of the tools you need to stay warm, and it starts with an orientation. There you learn all about how to dress for sleeping (use dry, light and synthetic clothing which has not been worn during the day). You’ll also learn about the sauna garden that is at your disposal to warm up your body before hopping in the arctic sleeping bag (rated at -22F) to doze off in your ice room. Don’t worry, you aren’t just sleeping on a block of ice, you actually have a nice, thick mattress that sits on top of the ice block bed. And if it’s just too cold for you, your Ice Hotel room actually also comes with a real hotel room, so you can bail out and go to your normal hotel room nearby too. However, if you do everything right and wear the right, dry clothes, don’t worry – you’ll stay toasty warm.
Sadly, due to a delayed flight I had to forfeit my stay at the ice hotel, but I did go and tour it the next day. The Hotel de Glace is open to the public for tours all day until 8PM when the guests take their rooms.
Stay At Or Visit the Hotel de Glace
Learn more about opening times and reserve a room in the ice hotel here
Sleeping with Wolves
Head north from the Ice Hotel in Quebec City and go where the snow is even more plentiful, Saguenay Lac Saint Jean! Here you’ll find a number of other unique winter lodgings like Aventuraid; a unique overnight wildlife experience.
My little A-frame chalet was toasty warm when I went inside; the wood stove bellowing out heat in a welcoming way. The cabin was simple and cute. A little sink (no plumbing), hot plate, bed downstairs, table, and then a ladder that led up to the loft where there was another bed. The lighting was by solar and there was a shared kitchen, bathroom, and shower space in a bigger building about 30 feet away. But the most important part of the chalet was the windows. The windows were what gave me a view of my neighbors, an Arctic wolfpack.
Aventuraid is a tour company that specialized in dog sledding, snow shoeing, canoeing, and wolf encounters. You might find this combination strange, but as the owner, Gilles, explained to us “When you do dog sledding, you are fascinated by wolves.” Some people are bird lovers, Gilles is a wolf lover. His objective with the park is to show wildlife in their natural state. “It’s not a zoo, it’s an observation center,” he states.
You can observe the wolves a number of ways. The 3 wolf packs are enclosed by fences, so the first thing I did was get my camera and take a walk in the deep snow around the perimeter of the large fenced off area. As I walked around the fence-line, the wolves would lurk behind you and stop when you stopped. They never got close, and many times they would disappear, but you always felt like you were being watched – in a slightly creepy way.
Gilles also offers a contact activity with the wolves in which people are able to go inside the enclosure (only if the wolves are in a good mood according to Gilles), and spend time interacting with them. It’s a strange feeling to have them growling and fighting among themselves as you stand in the middle of the pack; they are powerful animals. Few people have the chance to put their hand in their thick, coarse fur but for those who do – it’s a beautiful experience.
Learn more about my wolf contact experience at Aventuraid here
And finally, you can stay overnight at the little A-Frame Chalet basically sleeping right next to the wolves. It’s sort of like having your own little, warm blind to hide inside while you observe the wildlife outside. as I lay there in my bed trying to sleep, I realized I could hear the wolves walking around; their paws crunching in the snow. I sat up in the dark and looked out the window above my bed. Thanks to the full moon, the white snow was lit up as if there was a light on in the forest. I could easily see some of the wolves outside my window. I watched as they ran around together, played, ate, and howled. Before I knew it, I had been sitting there watching for over an hour, mesmerized by their every move and interaction.
You can have dinner catered to you in the shared building as part of the overnight ‘sleep with wolves’ package. Breakfast is also included in the morning.
Sleep with Wolves in Quebec
Whether you are looking for a wolf contact experience or sleeping overnight near the wolves, you can contact Gilles at Aventuraid here.
Igloft Winter Glamping
If like me, you love wide open spaces and desolate landscapes, then maybe you’d like to sleep in the middle of an ice desert. What’s that, you’ve never heard of an ice desert, well…that’s because I sort of made it up. But that’s what it feels like when you sleep out on frozen Lac Saint Jean in the middle of winter in your little Igloft. The lake is about 27 miles long and 15 miles wide – and the winds howl across the flat iced over lake. Sounds like a perfect place to sleep – doesn’t it?!
The ice desert
Hugues Ouellet, of Equinox Adventure, is one of the visionaries of the igloft; a small tiny home-esque building that sits out in the middle of Lac Saint Jean. He describes it as “a loft and igloo of modern times.” Thanks to the Igloft, it is possible to stay in this unique geography. It is a real immersion in a polar environment with a hotel comfort.
The little structure is small but mighty; it even floats just in case the ice decides to crack beneath you! It is equipped with everything you need for a short stay; a futon/bed, small kitchen, a little toilet area, a pop up table and fold up chairs, plus a little wood stove that looks more like a Barbie stove! The igloft is full of windows and even a skylight so that you can get a great view of that ice desert and of the stars as you sleep.
Upon arrival, guests receive a starter kit/manual containing all info you need to stay overnight. They also must attend a mandatory meeting for 30 minutes that ensure you’ve gone through the material. Next they provide you with your food for the night, they give you snowshoes, and a sled to pull your things; you are now ready to hike out to your igloft accommodation located less than one kilometer from the shore. My advice is to make sure you bring a few bottles of wine to really enjoy your stay!
Stay in the Igloft on Frozen Lac Saint Jean
You can find more information on renting the igloft here. They are expanding their ‘fleet’ next winter! Plus – they also have a summer one that floats on the lake that is completely sold out. The iglofts will work in the winter or summer.
Imago Yurt Village
If the other Quebec winter lodging options were just a little too extreme for you, here’s one that is slightly more normal – a winter stay in a yurt. That’s right – a colorful yurt that could withstand even the Mongolian winters! My blue yurt named Oslo was nestled back in the trees. As I pulled my sled with my suitcase in it to the entrance I could see smoke coming out of the chimney – a welcoming sight on the cold night.
The 16 foot yurt can sleep up to 4 people, but I had this little gem all to myself. They’ve taken the typical Mongolian Yurt design and utilized every bit of space to make the place a cozy lofted accommodation. It packed a lot into a small space; 1 double bed and 1 single bed and a sofa bed, a deck, a compost toilet a sink, a fridge microwave corner, wifi, and a pellet stove. The beds were up a ladder in a loft area. The loft had a domed ceiling so you could gaze at the stars as you slept – it really was magical. Showers, toilets and running water are available at the separate building nearby.
This was my first time using a pellet stove. You use little wood pellets and just dump them in the top of the stove and they release and burn all night. It was so easy and it kept the entire yurt toasty warm all night. You can bring your own food to cook, or have dinner in the Village Imago Bistro-Bar like I did. Tip – get the poutine with steak – it was delicious! Imago village provides breakfast of fruit, brie bread, coffee, and juice in the morning for your yurt experience.
The yurt looks out over the Valin Mountains and even comes with a little deck. I only stayed one night, but I wanted to stay a week, it really was a unique, special little getaway in the woods! This is the perfect place for a relaxing winter getaway with so many things to do nearby.
Stay in the Imago Yurt Village
Rent your very own yurt in the winter or summer at Imago Village here
As you can see, each of these unique places to stay in Quebec winter is worth making a special trip for. Or better yet, go for a week and stay in all of them like I did!
The post 4 Unique Places to Stay in Quebec Winter appeared first on Ottsworld Unique Travel Experiences.
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tonyduncanbb73 · 6 years
Five Restaurants to Try This Weekend Around Boston: The New Restaurant Edition
Pay a visit to these recently opened spots
Welcome back to Five Restaurants to Try This Weekend, a weekly column in which the Eater Boston team recommends, well, five restaurants to try this weekend. Every Friday, we offer up a blend of old and new spots, typically including a mix of suggestions in Boston proper, Cambridge/Somerville, and farther afield. Sometimes there’s a topical theme; sometimes we just share our favorite standbys or the new places that are exciting us. Bookmark this page for updates; we add new recommendations to the top each week. Can’t hit ‘em all in one weekend? That’s what next weekend is for.
Want more recommendations from Eater staff and fellow readers? Join the Eater Boston Facebook group. Want to make sure your favorite hidden gem is on our radar? Send tips to us via email.
March 30, 2018: The New Restaurant Edition
If you’re not otherwise tied up with Easter or Passover celebrations this weekend, it may be a good time to score a reservation at one or two (or five) of the hot new dining destinations around town. This week’s Five Restaurants to Try are newish to very new and are quickly making names for themselves. From spicy seafood to fried chicken to sashimi, here are some recommendations for the weekend.
For beautiful ceviche and friendly hospitality: Celesteis tiny and adorable and wonderful. The Peruvian restaurant joined Union Square’s bustling dining scene earlier this month, serving up ceviche, lomo saltado (pictured above), and more, along with a nice selection of booze, with a focus on pisco and mezcal. Want to try it this weekend? Note that it’s closed Sundays but open until midnight on Saturdays, with an abbreviated late-night menu kicking in at 10 p.m. 21 Bow St., Union Square, Somerville
For a taste of Uruguay and beyond in a swanky old diner car: La Bodega— from the owners of Cambridge’sacclaimed Salts, which was forced to close in early 2014 due to a burst pipe — sort of quietly opened around Christmas with plans to slowly extend the menu and hours as time went on. It’s been building up momentum over the past few months, and regardless of whether it’s actually celebrated a “grand” opening yet, it’s already well worth a visit. It’s a unique, romantic space (be warned that it can get loud, especially in the diner car section, so don’t count on a very quiet evening.) Drink some wine; eat some steak and assorted small plates; be happy. 21 Nichols Ave., Watertown
For heavenly hushpuppies and hot chicken: And biscuits, too. Southern Proper really does smell like pine, as promised, and the attractive space is the perfect spot in which to gorge yourself on fried chicken — available in classic and hot styles; get the hot if you can handle a bit of a slow burn. Perhaps it’s a bit of a carb-heavy combo for one sitting, but the hushpuppies, biscuits, and chicken are all must-try items, so wear your stretchy pants and dig in.600 Harrison Ave., South End, Boston
For a fun, messy date night: Another newbie in the neighborhood is Bootleg Special, jumping into Boston’s growing Cajun seafood boil scene. Throw on the provided bib and gloves before diving into a big bowl of spicy seafood — choose from crawfish, lobster, shrimp, and more — and be sure to add something boozy on the side, such as a hurricane or daiquiri. 400 Tremont St., South End, Boston
For pretty plates of Japanese food with a touch of Hawai‘i, not to mention loads of sake: Momi Nonmiis the elder of this batch of recommendations, having opened back in October 2017, but we’ll allow it. Located in the former East by Northeast space (it was briefly a burger joint after that), Momi Nonmi serves up beautiful dishes of sashimi, tempura, and more. Splurge on the wagyu beef dumplings, don’t miss the duck confit rice dish, and try out the sizzling loco moco if you’ve got room left. Fan of sake and shochu? The staff will be eager to discuss options with you. 1128 Cambridge St., Inman Square, Cambridge
March 23, 2018: The Bao Edition
Rachel Leah Blumenthal/Eater
Squid ink oyster bao and pork belly bao at Pagu
Today’s theme is bao, simply because we’ve been eating them a lot lately and want to share a few recent favorites with you. Bao is a bit of an ambiguous word; it pops up on menus all over town to refer both to fully enclosed baozi (steamed or baked buns stuffed with various meats or other fillings) and to the wide world of variations on gua bao, or pork belly buns, which sort of resemble a fluffy taco or a sandwich where the bread’s connected on one side. Boston’s got both, but we’re just going to focus on the latter today — steamed bread folded around the traditional filling of pork belly or a range of other meats, sauces, and toppings.
For a meal that fuses Japanese food with Spanish and beyond: Now a little over a year old, Pagu is part of the increasingly awesome edge of Central Square by MIT, a short stretch of Massachusetts Avenue that includes Saloniki, A4cade, Naco Taco, Abide, and lots more. The pork belly bao, served with pickles, peanuts, and cilantro, is exceptional, and there’s another option as well — jet-black squid ink oyster bao, stuffed with panko oyster, “norioli” (nori aioli, naturally), and purple cabbage. Decidedly less traditional; equally worth trying. Also eat: jamón ibérico, Guchi’s midnight ramen, and cedar campfire black cod. 310 Massachusetts Ave., Central Square, Cambridge
For a fun, boozy meal to a loud hip-hop soundtrack: You know it; you love it. Shojo is still going strong in Chinatown — and it’s now a big sibling to two nearby spots, BLR by Shojo and Ruckus. Order a cocktail and get the bulgogi beef bao (with marinated carrots and shinko pear gochujang), the Shojo pig bao (smoked barbecue sauce, kimchi, jalapeno), or the curry cauliflower bao (black bean mayo, onion rings, pea greens). Also eat: pork belly dumplings and shadowless fries. 9A Tyler St., Chinatown, Boston
For a Tiki hangover that is totally worth it: New downtown spot Tiki Rockis a blast. It’s colorful, it’s noisy, and it’s serving up a variety of Tiki drinks that’ll make you happy and pretty tipsy. The food menu focuses on sushi, but there are also some non-sushi entrees, skewers, and appetizers, including the pork belly bun. The pork has a chili maple soy glaze, and it’s served with uni mayo, lettuce, and nori seasoning. Also eat: coconut shrimp and winter squash dumplings, and how about a bowl of ramen at Oisa Ramen next door? 2 Broad St., Downtown Boston
For even more sushi and even more cocktails: Here’s another loud, energy-packed, sushi-packed, boozy option — Fat Baby in South Boston. There’s steak bao (skirt steak, hoisin, pickled Fresnos, bean sprouts) and chicken bao (Thai herbs, carrot, daikon, green chiles, hoisin, and “boom boom” aioli). The Loco Taqueria & Oyster Bar sibling also has some solid cocktails. Also eat: the crispy rice cake snack with tuna, any of the crudo options, and the spicy tuna roll. 118 Dorchester St., South Boston
For bao that are not quite bao but eat them anyway: This is theleast bao-like option of the bunch, but Eventide Fenway’s acclaimed brown butter lobster roll and fried oyster bun are served on light, squishy bao-style buns. It’s an easy win for anyone who loves bao and seafood. Also eat: Maine lobster stew, the green salad, and brown butter soft serve. 1321 Boylston St., Fenway, Boston
March 16, 2018: The Beard Edition
Rachel Leah Blumenthal/Eater
Harissa barbecue duck at Sarma
The James Beard awards — aka the “Oscars of the food world” — are coming up fast, and the nominee list was just announced earlier this week, including a handful of local folks. For the inaugural edition of Five Restaurants to Try This Weekend, we’re featuring restaurants from Boston’s nominees.
For a truly lovely meal you probably won’t be able to eat this weekend because the restaurant’s basically booked up forever: Look, it’s probably too late to get reservations to Sarma for this weekend; sorry. Plan ahead for next weekend…or, like, a month from now. (Or walk in and put your name on the bar waitlist. Try showing up right at 5 p.m. on Sunday.) From Best Chef: Northeast nominee Cassie Piuma, Sarma — sibling to Oleana and Sofra (home to Outstanding Baker nominee Maura Kilpatrick) — serves up “an exhilarating survey of the herbaceous, sun-baked flavors of the Middle East,” according to Eater’s national critic Bill Addison, who named it to his 2016 list of the best restaurants in America. Highlights on the current menu include the Black Sea cornbread, venison wrapped dates, and harissa barbecue duck (pictured above). When ordering, save room for the specials that circulate the room like dim sum, especially the fried chicken. 249 Pearl St., Winter Hill, Somerville
For a dim sum brunch: Sarma’s got its dim sum-like trays of specials; Myers + Chang has dim sum brunch on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. — you’ve got plenty of time to sleep in. The self-proclaimed “indie diner,” a longtime South End staple, serves a “very personal interpretation of Chinese, Taiwanese, Thai, and Vietnamese specialties,” which includes brunch necessities like Mama Chang’s pork and chive dumplings; grilled corn with Sriracha butter; tea smoked ribs; wild boar dan dan noodles (“hotterest” on the restaurant’s spicy scale); and lots more. Executive chef and partner Karen Akunowicz is a nominee for Best Chef: Northeast. 1145 Washington St., South End, Boston
For a mai tai-soaked brunch: Let’s say you make it to Myers + Chang for Saturday brunch. Why not hit up Tiger Mamafor Sunday brunch (11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.), from Best Chef: Northeast nominee Tiffani Faison? There’s everything from Fruity Pebbles doughnuts to a bacon and cheddar-stuffed waffle that comes with Thai chili butter and maple-glazed bacon, not to mention a rotating selection of enticing cocktails. Past Sundays have featured mai tais; a bloody mary that included tamari, sambal, and wasabi; and more. 1363 Boylston St., Fenway, Boston
For a baller sushi feast: Go nuts at Uni, and don’t even worry about thinking — there are a number of omakase options that leave it all in the hands of the chef, spanning from a 10-piece nigiri omakase ($58) up to $185 for an epic tasting of the restaurant’s immaculate sushi. There are plenty of other ways to drop some major cash here as well, from a whole tray of Maine uni for DIY hand rolls ($65) to beluga hybrid caviar ($375). While sushi’s the focus, there are some don’t-miss hot dishes as well. Our pick: the Korean rice cakes with kalbi oxtail, kimchi butter, and gremolata. Chefs and partners Ken Oringer and Tony Messina are both up for Beards — Oringer for Outstanding Restaurateur and Messina for Best Chef: Northeast. 370 Commonwealth Ave., the Eliot Hotel, Back Bay, Boston
For the weirdest “I can’t believe this menu actually works” menu: Oringer is also behind, among other spots, Little Donkey in Cambridge’s Central Square, which he co-owns with Jamie Bissonnette. (The two of them recently debuted a ready-made food crawl that brings diners to Toro, Coppa, and Little Donkey in a row, with transportation included in the price.) When the duo opened Little Donkey in 2016 — one of the top newcomers of the year — they spoke about how they’re tied to certain themes at their other restaurants, but Little Donkey is a place to break the rules and cook whatever they want. That means that matzo ball ramen co-exists with an extensive raw bar selection, duck nachos, seriously spicy Jamaican jerk chicken wings, and lots more. It shouldn’t work. It does. Don’t miss the manti (Istanbul meat ravioli), poke, or Parker House rolls. 505 Massachusetts Ave., Central Square, Cambridge
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dailynynews-blog · 7 years
The 9 Best San Jose Hotels of 2018
New Post has been published on https://www.usatelegraph.com/2018/9-best-san-jose-hotels-2018/
The 9 Best San Jose Hotels of 2018
Surrounded by the rolling hills of Silicon Valley, San Jose is where history, innovation and outdoor recreation meet. A hub for business and leisure travelers alike, the picturesque landscapes, quirky museums and attractions such as the San Pedro Public Market and the SAP hockey arena and concert venue provide entertainment options for visitors. When searching for a place to rest, be aware that hotel prices are higher than many expect, but several quality hotels are available. Here are the best hotels in San Jose, Calif.
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Best Overall: HYATT House San Jose Silicon Valley
No matter what reason brings you to San Jose, The HYATT House San Jose Silicon Valley offers comfort, amenities and convenience for families, couples or business travelers. Standard Rooms include a free hot breakfast and Wi-Fi, plus modern décor, soft bedding, microwaves and mini refrigerators. Guests can go for a swim in the outdoor pool or work out in the fitness center. The hotel has a 24-hour market and a chic bar for cocktails, American fare and socializing. A free shuttle transports guests within five miles of the hotel to the airport, California’s Great America theme park and the Santa Clara Convention Center. Guests can also walk to Levi Stadium and several restaurants and bars.
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Best Luxury: Dolce Hayes Mansion
If you are looking for a peaceful, luxurious hotel in San Jose, consider the Dolce Hayes Mansion, a 214-room hotel located in the scenic outskirts of San Jose. The 100-year-old estate is located 15 miles from San Jose airport and is surrounded by gardens and mountains. Elegant rooms have a minimum of 340 square feet of space and are made of wood and marble with plush bedding, separate showers and soaking tubs. Guests can unwind in the full-service spa for hot stone massages, facials and other body treatments. There’s also an outdoor pool and Jacuzzi, an 18-hole golf course and three restaurants.
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Best Nightlife: Hotel de Anza
The historic, Art Deco-era Hotel de Anza is steps away from bars, restaurants and the SAP Center concert venue, making it an excellent choice for travelers seeking the nightlife in San Jose. With a minimum of 218 square feet of space, some Standard Rooms are a tad on the small side, but are stylishly designed and feature amenities such as docking stations, plush robes, mini refrigerators and glass-enclosed showers. The hotel has two dining options: an award-winning Italian restaurant and a casual café, while the Hedley Club is perfect for live jazz and craft cocktails by the fireplace lounge. Guests can walk from the hotel to the trendy San Pedro Square, SoFA District or Japan Town.
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Best for Families: The Hampton Inn and Suites San Jose
The Hampton Inn and Suites San Jose is a reliable choice for families, with comfortable accommodations and amenities that the famous brand is known for. Guests enjoy free parking at the hotel, a hot breakfast buffet and wireless Internet. The outdoor pool is a great place to relax after a day exploring. Parents can burn off some stress in the fitness center or enjoy the evening reception of snacks and drinks during the week. Each of the 80 guestrooms are spotless, with soft, premium bedding, a microwave, sofa and mini refrigerators. The hotel is located nine miles from downtown, near the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, the Happy Hollow Park and Zoo and the Rockin’ Jump trampoline park.
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Best Boutique: Hotel Clariana
If you prefer a boutique hotel experience, the Hotel Clariana is a recently remodeled hotel that’s listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Built in 1913, the hotel has a unique turquoise exterior and classic classical Beaux-Arts style architecture, but modern amenities such as a business center, fitness center and guest lounge. For a historic hotel, rooms are fairly spacious with a minimum of 310 square feet of space and Keurig coffee makers, tile bathrooms, USB charging stations and mini refrigerators. If you are sensitive to noise, request a stay away from the street (the windows are not soundproof). The hotel is located in the center of downtown San Jose and free on-site parking is available.
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Best City Center: Westin San Jose
For a central stay that puts you in the heart of downtown, the Westin San Jose is an excellent choice that makes it easy to visit attractions such as the San Jose Museum of Art, California Theater and Santana Row. Built in 1926, the hotel was considered San Jose’s “million-dollar hotel,” and still maintains its glamour, sophistication, plus modern comforts. Traditional Rooms have a minimum of 220 square feet of space, mini refrigerators and plush bedding. The hotel also offers guests a fitness center, business center, in-room dining and an Italian restaurant. The Westin is within walking distance to the SAP Center, the convention center and the children’s museum. Pets are welcome free of charge, but valet parking is additional.
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Best for Romance: Hotel Valencia Santana Row
If romance brings you to San Jose, the Hotel Valencia Santana Row is an excellent place for couples to stay. The 215-room hotel is perched in Silicon Valley’s shopping center with restaurants and boutiques just steps away. Rooms have custom-designed oak furnishings and headboards, a minimum of 350 square feet of space, plantation shutters, private balconies (in some) with views of the courtyard or Santana Row, as well as specialty bathrobes. Couples can dine at the elegant tapas restaurant or al fresco at the wine terrace. There’s also a lovely outdoor swimming pool. In the evenings, guests can visit two swanky bars – including one rooftop bar overlooking the city. Romance packages are available.
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Best Business: The Fairmont San Jose
San Jose is a business traveler’s mecca and the Fairmont San Jose tops the list of business hotels for its convenient location, high-end accommodations and business-friendly amenities. With a 24-hour automated business center, 65,000 square feet of meeting and event space, audio visual equipment and catering options, it’s a top choice for events. After work, guests can unwind in the beautiful rooftop pool, relax with a spa treatment or unwind in one of five restaurants and bars serving California fare and craft cocktails. Each of the 731 spacious guestrooms have marble baths with separate showers, luxurious beds, and fantastic views. The San Jose McEnery Convention Center is within walking distance, as are numerous restaurants and bars.
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Best Budget: Flamingo Motel
With most hotel prices in San Jose hovering well over $200, the Flamingo Motel is a hidden gem for budget travelers. With neon lights on the exterior, the 23-room motel gives off a “retro” vibe; it’s clean, convenient and affordable. Many guestrooms have fully equipped kitchens – perfect for longer stays – but they all have the basics including microwaves, Wi-Fi, flat-screen televisions and mini refrigerators. Located within walking distance to the SAP Center, as well as several restaurants and bars, it is possible to leave the car at the motel and avoid morning traffic (free parking is available). TripAdvisor members felt that it was a great value and noted that the owners will go out of their way to make guests comfortable.
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lizeindisneyland · 7 years
Hi guys and welcome to another Blogmas post! Today I thought I’d share with you my top picks for Disney stocking fillers!
These are all available in stores now, so I’ll tell you where they’re from, how much they cost, and if possible, I’ll leave a link to them.
What you’ll need
A friend who loves Disney
A stocking
A little bit of cash
I got a stocking this year from Primark, £8. The stocking isn’t essential but if you want to put that extra bit of Disney magic into your friend’s present, I’d highly recommend one of these. They go a Mickey Mouse version too, but so far I’ve only managed to find the Minnie Mouse. If I do come across the Mickey Mouse stocking, I will definitely buy it.
Stocking fillers
To me, a stocking filler is something small (even if you’re not using a stocking, it should still be able to fit in one) and reasonably priced – for this I will say under £10. It’s very hard to get presents outside of Primark that are both small, cute and cheap – but if you look hard enough, you can find some real hidden gems.
Tsum Tsums
Various prices, various stores – Disney Store charges £3, Clinton’s £3.50, and sometimes supermarkets can sell them for a little more but then put them in their reduced to clear section. If you’re after a particular one, it would be best to try Disney Store or Clinton’s rather than supermarkets as their range is never as good. These are a cute little present to put in someone’s stocking and it starts off their collection.
£5, Disney Store – these are new to the Disney Store, with a new Beauty and the Beast range added last Friday. They’re cute and squidgy, smell really nice and they’re a lovely present to put in someone’s stocking this year. They also do mini versions if you’d prefer to give them something smaller.
Disney Emoji plush
£4.99, Disney Store – again, these are a new addition to the Disney Store due to the success of the Disney Emoji Blitz game. Personally, I love this game and when I dip into it I become addicted for weeks, so naturally I’ve become addicted to the merchandise too. They are double sided, so that they look like the Emojis in the game, and I think they’re a really nice gift for someone.
Disney Emoji Keyring
£3.99, Disney Store – another new addition to the Disney Store are these Emoji keyrings – I got all of the Frozen ones and they’re displayed next to my tree. Again, these are really sweet and especially if you have a Frozen fan in your life, these are a perfect gift to put in someone’s stocking.
Coin Purses
This particular coin purse was £2.50, Primark – but they do have other styles for various prices. I got this to go with the backpack I was taking to Disneyland Paris which you will have seen in my packing post, but since I got this they have released one that looks exactly like the backpack. Coin purses are really good for trips to the Parks, because the circular ones can hold surplus pin traders in, and the square ones can hold fast passes. They’re a really nice gift for a Disney parks fan.
£6, Typo – I love this keyring, as you’ll know from last month’s Disney haul. Keyrings are always a really nice keepsake, and I get them a lot in the Parks. Typo do some really cute gifts this year, and I picked this up for myself because I simply couldn’t resist. But bear in mind, many places such as Forbidden Planet and the Lego shop will do Disney keyrings for you to gift to your loved ones as well.
£3, Tesco – although some consider socks to be a bad gift for someone at Christmas, there are some beautiful Disney socks around this year from Tesco, The Disney Store and Primark among others. I think if you need to fill the stocking up, there’s nothing wrong with putting some Disney socks in there.
£4, Primark – now, I’m not just suggesting you buy any tights, I’m suggesting you buy these  gorgeous Mickey print tights from Primark. I’ve bought myself two pairs to take on my Disney trips, and they’re a very small package to slip into a stocking.
LED Lights
£3, Primark – these are one of my favourite buys from this year, to the point that I’ve bought my self a second, ‘back up’ set in case anything happens to my first set. They’re in a really tiny box, so they’ll fit perfectly in a stocking, and I just think they’re a beautiful decoration for someone’s room.
Small supermarket gifts
Ooshies, £2 are cute little collectable pencil toppers that I usually buy from Tesco or Asda. They’re small rubber figures with a whole at the base to put on top of a pen or pencil. They also come with a little checklist so you can track your progress.
Disney Emoji, £3 are available from Tesco and Asda, as well as the Disney Store. They are also available in ‘chat packs’ and collectable tins – and like the plushes above are based on the Disney Emoji Blitz game.
These are good to just fill a little bit of space in your stocking, and they are great, cheap items to start collecting.
So there you have it, my top picks for Disney stocking fillers this year! Obviously Primark do a lot of Disney stuff, but as most of it won’t fit in a traditional stocking I have only included the things that make perfect stocking fillers.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this post, don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe, and I’ll see you tomorrow for another BLOGMAS post!
COMING TOMORROW: My favourite Christmas films!
  My favourite Disney stocking fillers to buy this Christmas! Hi guys and welcome to another Blogmas post! Today I thought I'd share with you my top picks for Disney stocking fillers!
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