#the living licorice abyss
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Me when I put every Cookie run Comic I made recently into the same post.
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wonderfull-star · 2 years
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“Finally... we are together again...”
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cookieofearthbread · 1 year
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🏰 👗 🔮 🐈‍⬛ for your cookie kingdom ocs!
🏰 - What city/kingdom is your OC from?
In order; Cinnamon Coffee -> Dark Cacao Kingdom Raspberry Lemon -> A simple village that's near the player's kingdom. Betta Fish -> Crème Republic Carac -> Crème Republic Angel Cake -> Creme Republic Cranberry Milkshake -> Parfaedia Mistletoe -> Hollyberry Kingdom Têtu Têtu -> Comes from afar away land and is a mystery.
👗 - Have you designed any costumes for them?
At the moment; Only Betta Fish, Carac and Têtu Têtu have costumes design, however I'm hoping to design costumes for the others. As well as create a design for Betta Fish's hat in his costume, since he's lacking his hat in the drawing.
🔮 - What is their in-game ability?
Considering that I have eight characters; I will only do a one of them for now and will do the others later.
Têtu Têtu -> Reflection of Hand
The hand in Têtu Têtu's mirror will grab the closest cookie and swallow them for a few seconds before throwing them at the rear cookies to do damage and inflicts injuries to the cookies. When defeated; Têtu Têtu's mirror will do a last ditch by grabbing all the cookies then slamming them into a ground and deals additional DMG whilst applying injuries that can't be healed.
- Têtu Têtu also have a few additional effects, which is basically their defence is heavily increased when using their skills, and it can't be interrupted.
🐈‍⬛ - If they were in Ovenbreak, what would their pet be?
Like the previous ask; I will pick one and do the rest later, but honestly I can see Cinnamon Coffee having a Cacao Hawk which would gather jellies for her and drop energy potion every so often.
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cuppajj · 4 months
Which of the neo beast is the most vunerable or easy to attack amd defeat among the five
No Neo Beast is easy to defeat, let alone even light sweat work; they’re on the levels of the previous beasts themselves, and threaten to grow stronger by the day. However, if you miraculously had what it took to fight each of them, here are the fights from least to most difficult:
The most difficult to determine is Saint Vanilla Cookie, who as is, is only one force. While he may have some zealots yet to meet his touch, he has no army or guard to back him, and thus can easily be outnumbered. However, he’s the deadliest of the Neo Beasts for a reason, and his magic might be able to sweep an entire force in seconds. There’s just no telling, but one thing for sure is that if he achieves his goal, stopping him will truly be next to impossible. He may be the easiest to fight just as he may be the hardest…
Next is either Cheese or Lily; while Cheese has a small force of subjugated cookies, they are intensely zealous and throw away their lives in the name of her gracious vision. Cheese also has the ability to summon countless arms that can turn anything to gold with their touch, which makes close combat virtually impossible. Lily has a larger force of equally loyal troops, but hers are far more organized. Lily’s no commander though, and ruling is still something new to her, so she’s not the same level of strategist as Cheese or Cacao are. However, the fae are deadly if you’re fighting within the forest, especially if their queen is present, because she can turn the entire forest against you with the wave of her hand. Blades of grass can turn into impaling pikes just like that.
Dragonberry may not have much magic, but she’s the physically strongest Beast of the entire group with the largest army to boot. While she has a chain of command who do a sum of the conquering on her behalf, the tides change for the worse if the Beast herself were to show up. With just her shield, she can take on masses of foes, and is ridiculously hearty. She only joins battles when she’s done watching them, and wants to speed the result up; and if she’s feeling fun, she can sic the Red Dragon themself on you. However, her pride can make her stubborn, and her levels of strategy are nowhere near Cacao. It’s why she’s doing whatever it takes to become stronger. Just think of what she could be if she achieved dragonhood…
Speaking of Cacao, he’s arguably the most underestimated Neo Beast in terms of strength. He may be a recluse with his kingdom under ice, but much of his strongest warriors are alive and the entirety of the nightmarish licorice sea is loyal to him. Because he doesn’t look like neither a strategist, commander, or warrior when he’s slumped over and emotionless on his throne, he lets his deceptive appearance weaken any foe who doesn’t know any better. Bear in mind, if you step into his kingdom, let alone his throne room, it’s because he let you. If you and your army think you can take on his army and an unending ocean full of abyssal horrors, he’d be willing to see you try.
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dampfur · 6 months
Now listen I know Iv already made that Redlico STP AU but I thought it’d be interesting to have an STP AU within the actual CR setting instead of just having an AU that’s word for word of the actual game with just different characters slapped into it
Redlico is not the focus of this one but it’s still definitely Licorice centric
To differentiate it from my other AU the title of this one is “Slay The Abyss”
Just a very basic gist of this AU is Licorice being the cookie half of a dragon split apart and being tasked to kill the other half to rid the Licorice Sea of all monsters
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The Shifting Mound of this AU is called “The Shifting Abyss” and is basically a mash up of the Living Licorice Abyss and my OC Black Water Dragon Cookie
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lilacartsmadsion · 1 month
I’ve been bored so have a writing thing about the ‘That time I adopted a god AU’
Anger Capabilities:
Basically what happens if you anger one of the gods. And the consequences that will happen when it comes to it.
Now it takes A LOT to anger the gods, they get annoyed sure but to anger them completely is like a rare phenomenon and is used as a learning experience for everyone.
Ranked from Least Destructive to Most Destructive.
Strawberry Cookie.
Now Strawberry Cookie is still the shy and considerate Cookie she is, so she won’t fully express her anger, but if you do anger her or insult her ways she will leave you. Like love, if you treat love or the one you love horribly they will eventually leave you. Either through death or hatred. As the manifestation and the goddess of love Strawberry will leave your life forever.
The consequences of this is that you will forever be revolted both romantically and platonically. Everyone is repulsed by you unless you seek her forgiveness. This can range from the person responsible for angering her to a whole village or crowd angering her. Usually the cookie ends up dying alone or killed out of hatred.
I know, shocking. But Gingerbright just straight up gives you the silent treatment and ignores you and your prayers. She doesn’t answer nor does she care if you’re hurt unless you ACTUALLY change. The only reason it came to desperation for Poison Mushroom is because they lived in the dessert where food was not abundant. In addition to this, Gingerbright lets you fend for yourself. She won’t deny you crops or water however she will basically leave you to your own devices. Aka if your crops are no longer growing that’s your responsibility to fix it not her. In addition to this, if you fail to get food outside your living area you won’t be getting answers from her. Instead she’ll just focus on other villages for the time being.
The Consequences of this differ as either people find success through hardship or suffer more hardship, usually the latter. There is no more ‘fun’ or ‘joy’ just constant work just to get food or water or even money. ‘You are alone in this’ is basically her motto if you anger her completely.
Wizard Cookie
Of course Wizard Cookie is one of the ones you definitely do NOT want to anger. Most likely he’d be the one to physically retaliate. Wizard Cookie would be the most likely to send storms against those who wronged him or curse/summon a monster against the cookie. He is the one who is most likely to send disasters and hoards of beasts against those who dared to anger him and basically give you a lifetime of bad luck.
The Consequences are obvious, you cannot hide, you cannot run, you can only fight or seek forgiveness. Angering Wizard Cookie is no joke.
Now Gingerdozer is more than the god of the darkest night, he is also the god of death itself, but letting you feel the abyss of death is probably too merciful. First he’ll let you experience what your life after death will be like if you do not change your ways. If you continue he will send crows and ravens to alert your time of death. Then in the crowd you will see his angel come forth lurking and telling you that your time has come.
And as you try your best to avoid him, suddenly he appears and sends your soul down where you belong.
The Consequences of this is usually unexplainable anxiety, fear and paranoia as well as subtle hallucinations. The reason as to why this is most destructive is because the angel (Licorice) showing up is unable to conceal himself in front of his victim, and as a bonus, if multiple cookies from the same area anger Gingerdozer, they will get the fright of seeing Licorice. As though the ravens and crows might just mean anyone, Licorice showing up is the final nail on the coffin that you are going to die.
This also causes slight insanity.
So now we have the one god that is incredibly difficult to anger, Nameless is unfortunately a really really kind god who tends to lean under the goodness of cookies’ hearts, so to anger him is like unleashing the very wrath of the Witches he slew.
Nameless is more than the god of light, he is the god of life, all cookies were made by him, the dough, the flavor and life powder. The other Five handle the rest (Wizard is the Mind, Strawberry is the Soul, Gingerbright is the Heart and Gingerdozer is handles mortality.) As such if you take advantage of life, Nameless will slowly take it away from you.
He first takes away your abundance, your mortal wants and desires, then he takes away your needs, your food your water anything that gives you life and nourishment, next he takes away everyone closest to you, leaving you alone in your wake and lastly, he appears before you, and takes away your power, your will and your mortality. He makes you relive the way cookies were originally baked. Into the realm of fire you go and never wake again.
Consequences? Usually other people around you are affected, and though Nameless feels sorry for those people they needed to find the motivation to see what wrongs that the person caused. Sometimes this unfortunately leads to others dying, but it is an ultimate consequence for when you anger the god who worked hard to keep others at peace.
Also land destruction at best…Nameless will actually STOP making plants grow, he will contaminate the waters and cause plagues in the process with the help of the other gods.
I mean damn he kicked out the Wizards what did you expect?
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affableboar-zero · 6 months
I've had a long week so I'm gonna reveal some stuff about my CR:K AU for a bit cause I deserve it.
I've been calling it the Pastry AU but yeah I have a lot more thoughts to say about this AU so I'd love to answer any questions about it! Info can be found below vv vv vv
Strawberry Cookie is an Ex-Member of the St. Pastry Order. She was trained as a bodyguard for other higher-up members. She never knew their secrets
Custard Cookie III is currently traveling with Clotted Cream Cookie and Financier Cookie, both of whom he sees as older siblings. Financier thinks this is cute. Clotted does not
Chili Pepper originally grew up in the Mala Tribe but was kicked out after a heist gone wrong almost caused a Dragon to destroy their home.
Gingerbrave meets Strawberry and Wizard after he falls and knocks himself out running away from the Witches. Wizard Cookie is in search of the City of Wizards, because he believes he is a chosen champion of the Wizards. Gingerbrave decides to tag along.
Because Gingerbrave is the chosen Champion of the Sugar Swan, he has the ability to see if others are Champions by locking eyes with them. So far, this has only happened with two Cookies: Wizard Cookie and Pastry Cookie.
The original like Bad Guy team is slightly different. It consists of Pastry Cookie (who sort of takes on the role of Pomegranate), Licorice, Poison Mushroom, and Caramel Arrow Cookie.
Pastry Cookie is believed to be the chosen champion of the Witches, and the sort of "Second Coming" in the Order. She is tasked with taking the returning Dark Enchantress Cookie down. She does not know of Dark Enchantress Cookie's true origins
Licorice originally lived in the Dark Cacao Kingdom. An incident left him to fall into the inky abyss of the Licorice Sea. There, he was met by a creature of the depths who saved him from death, allowing him partial control over this cycle as well. He was kicked out due to his "wicked" nature.
Licorice found Poison Mushroom near a field of Poisonous Mushrooms and tried to bring them back. He succeeded. Now Poison Mushroom follows him around, not know who he was before or why he ended up there in the first place.
Caramel Arrow...refuses to talk about her past. It's clear the sword she holds in her hands has something to do with it. She never lets it leave her side. She also came from the Dark Cacao Kingdom, since Licorice would see her helping train Dark Choco. He was kicked out before he saw what happened. He's left to speculate on how she got that scar.
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ryumunecanon · 8 months
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el oc de una amiga, se llama Licorice Monster Cookie
vendría siendo el hijo de Living Abyss Cookie...
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year
Dark Choco Cookie Headcanons
 ... But they’re all very specific to how I interpret his character and includes self-projection, because I am due for a reality check and God has not been vibing with my rancid maladaptive daydreaming.
(PS: I won’t be doing any headcanons regarding the Strawberry Jam Sword because all of my headcanons are tied to one of my OCs, so yeah)
TW (CW?) for mentions of suicidal ideation and eating disorders (there’s nothing too in-depth or detailed, but they do get mentioned). If there’s anything I missed you can add them in the tags
- He’s demiromantic asexual
- The “Young Prince” costume/stage of his character represents his teenage years. I’m thinking from about... maybe 14-18? When do people in South Korea get officially recognized as adults? (since, y’know, Dark Cacao Kingdom is based on Korea)
- He was an absolute menace during his teenage years. I’m talking an absolute GREMLIN. Absolutely feral. If there’s a way to get into trouble, he’s doing it. Dark Cacao Cookie had to get a child leash for his TEENAGER
- This man cannot cook for shit. If any of you play Genshin Impact, think of the Raiden Shogun and how you literally cannot use her to cook, except its worse. You guys know those jokes about people cooking and some unknown substance comes out, but it’s actually alive? THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS. You let this man make ANYTHING, be prepared to deal with the Living Abyss 2.0 because he’s recreating the Licorice Sea in that pot
- With that being said, there’s even a sign in the Black Citadel and COD’s lair that reads “Dark Choco Cookie, NO”. Bro isn’t even allowed to step foot into a kitchen anymore (the Cookies of Darkness learned the hard way)
Poison Mushroom Cookie: Do you remember... the Shroomies incident?
Pomegranate Cookie: We agreed to never speak of the Shroomies incident ever again.
- Similar to how I headcanon Dark Cacao Cookie, Dark Choco Cookie is actually fully resistant/immune to the cold. If anything, it just makes him stronger. On the contrary, he doesn’t do well with hotter temperatures and will literally get sick is exposed to heat for too long
- He is... gender~ (when I picture him in my head, I do not picture a man nor a woman. I picture gender)
- When he was younger, he had a music box that he treasured a lot. It would help him fall asleep as a child and the nostalgic value carried into his teenage years. It’s still in his old bedroom, collecting dust, and playing it will only give a sad, broken version of the once lovely melody
- He knows how to dox (is it spelled dox or doxx) people, but he’s never done it because he doesn’t have a reason to (just you wait Pomegranate Cookie)
- Bro probably has insomnia and an eating disorder, or had them at some point in the past
- He has a weird obsession with lemon-scented cleaning products. If it doesn’t smell like lemons, or at least like some kind of citrus, he’s not using it
- He has/had a habit of running his hand through his hair, playing with his hair, chewing his hair, and just... holding it in his mouth. After his hair got cut short, he would instinctively reach back to grab his hair, only to grab nothing
- He has severe ADHD and autism (if I have to suffer them so does he)
- He has a math-related disability. The numbers just don’t compute, the logic doesn’t work. He can do basic math and that’s it (same as above)
- He plays Skyrim and somehow always ends up as a stealth archer thief
- He watches ASMR compilations to fall asleep and never ends up falling asleep
- He gets the crispy chicken sandwich from McDonald’s
- His favorite sodas are Dr. Pepper and the cherry Pepsi and Coke
- He listens to a combo of Melanie Martinez, Vocaloid, Billie Eilish, Twenty One Pilots, you get the idea
- When he was younger, he was very curious about the Licorice Sea, almost to a concerning degree. There were many times where he would try to sneak away to the shore to get closer to it, in some cases being caught trying to go into the sea. During the COD’s mission, even though he was able to keep himself from wandering off, they noticed how he seemed to absentmindedly stare into the horizon of the ocean. To this day, no one knows why he was kept in such a trance by the cursed waters
- When he was younger, like teenage years, he struggled with intense pyromaniac tendencies. He could not be left alone with matches, lighters, explosives, anything
- While he’s not actively suicidal, he is passively suicidal
- He has maladaptive daydreaming (bro imagine how boring and empty his childhood was)
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pinemartenstudios · 1 year
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Licorice got creaturified too! The concept of "the use of necromancy has its consequences" it's very, very old, so why not becoming an undead in consequence of using magic for reanimating dead bodies? The influences were Skullgirls and the Living Abyss, the lil imp tail is because of the super epic costume xD
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puntastic-artist · 2 years
Eddsworld and OCs but it's cookie run
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Annnnnd here's their skills!!!
Main 4
Edd: Defense
Skill: Cola blast
When activated, Edd becomes periodically resistant to interrupting effects. He gains his superpowers and does AOE damage, blasting the enemies back. Causing knock back and a 3 second stun, as well as lowering their defense while raising the teams. If activated when the team has lots of debuffs, Edd provides a quick debuff resist.
Tom: Magic
Skill: Monster Smash
When his skill is activated, Tom transforms into his gummy monster form, jumping to the backline of the battle field, dealing more damage to the rear most enemies (targets cookies first), causing Max HP reduction, healing reduction, and a zapped effect for the enemies. When taken down he gets back up in his monster from as a summoned creature, moving to the front lines and attacking.
Matt: Support
Skill: Sweet, sweet, and more sweet!
Matt is a safeguard cookie who cannot be damaged. When his skill is activated he provides the team with periodic healing, a stun resistance, a max HP reduction resistance, a crit boost, and attack boost. When the team is below 40% total HP the crit and attack boost is stacked and the cookie with the highest attack is given an HP shield.
Tord: Ranged
Skill: Attack of the killer Robots
When the skill is activated, Tord summons a giant robot in his place that deals AOE damage, increases attack speed, and causes the opponent defense down, as Tord gets moved to the frontlines, he rapid fires his pistols and causes healing reduction as well as providing his team with an attack boost. The robot remains for 6 seconds until it explodes and Tord returns to his original placement. When the robot explodes it provides an HP shield to the team if it knocks down an enemy.
The Neighbors
Eduardo: Charge
Skill: Aluminum Destruction
When activated, Eduardo gains his powers back, and gives the team a major attack and crit boost. Sending out a green blast to the enemy for AOE damage, destroying HP shields, causing damage reduction, lower defense, and giving the shocked status effect for damage over time. Once the attack is over he returns to normal and the buffs remain for 5 extra seconds.
Mark: Bomber
Skill: Book smarts
When the skill is activated, Mark summons 1 of 3 different creatures from his book, a red velvet dragon, living licorice abyss, or a cookie from his team. When the dragon is summoned, it blasts a breath of fire, dealing healing reduction, defense reduction, and the burn status. The licorice abyss causes the licorice ocean to rise and temporarily stun the enemy, lowering defense, causing the poison status effect, and lowering attack speed. Finally when a fellow cookie is summoned, the skill from said summoned cookie is activated, giving the buffs and debuffs they cause.
Jon: Healing
Skill: ghastly ghosts
When activated Jon summons ghosts from beyond the grave to steal the HP from the opposing enemies. Causing max HP reduction and damage down. His team receives defense up and periodic healing as the ghost acts as an HP shield protecting his team. If destroyed before the ghosts disappesr, the ghost charges the cookie with the highest attack and disappears, giving them an attack speed reduction.
Erica: Ambush
Skill: Wine about it
When the skill is activated, Erica uses her strange otherworldly abilities to move under the opposing enemies and draw them back into one group before bursting out of the ground and causing damage, giving her team attack up as well as an HP shield, and giving the enemy team the terror of the abyss debuff.
Anne: Bomber
Skill: Show time!
When activated, Anne tosses a bunch of fireworks towards the enemy team, causing MASSIVE damage, the burn affect, a stun, and HP reduction!
Jenn: Support
Skill: Nap Time
Jenn is a deep sleeper, and she never goes anywhere without a pillow. While she's asleep, she'll do periodic healing to her team. But when the skill is activated and she's rudely woken up, she tosses an alarm clock that causes an explosion, forcing the enemy to come closer. Once she falls back asleep she quickly does a big heal and falls back asleep.
Maya: ranged
Skill: Sour shots
Just like her Dad and uncles in a zombie apocalypse, Maya has a gummy rifle (NERF for younger, actual for older) at the ready. When activated, she jumps to the backlines and rapid fires gummy bullets to the enemy with the lowest defense (targets cookies first), causing knock back and a stun before coming back to the front and hitting the entire enemy line with a shovel, doing one final stun!
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So many questions. Alas Devsisters will likely never give any answers(please jinx me and say sike, please I can't keep searching the same two tags and reading the same two fics)
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wonderfull-star · 2 years
I have some little creepy theory about what happened with licorice villagers and where they all gone. After passing chapter 13, I thought about the fact that what if they didn’t go anywhere at all... What if all these villagers are actually living licorice abyss??? And they become like this because of some curse? And Licorice cookie was the only one who managed to escape from this.
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hyperhimes · 9 months
Welp, looks like I’m back in the Dark Mode of World Exploration for Cookie Run: Kingdom, and we’re close to beating the 13th stage, Snow on the Black Wall! We’ll probably be able to fly through everything with a bit of ease, but that doesn’t mean we can milk this abyssy beast for all of the content that it’s worth! THE LIVING LICORICE ABYSS IN DARK MODE! (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
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aurinn-n · 3 years
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i wanna go to the dark cacao kingdom so bad but this massive fucking dragon is in the way
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shadowknight465 · 3 years
Dark Cacao hanging out with his other son and his daughter-in-law
(Because fuck canon, Choco Fam Supremacy)
Dark Cacao : I know you love her.
Mint Choco : I am not in love with Cocoa!
Dark Cacao , staring at Mint Choco : I never said who...
Mint Choco : *realizes*
Mint Choco : Shit. Well, anyways-
Dark Cacao : Ooh, somebody has a crush
Mint Choco : Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Cocoa I just think she's cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about her.
*Later that night*
Mint Choco , very much awake: Uh oh.
Mint Choco : Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Cocoa a little bit.
Dark Cacao , holding Mint Choco 's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Mint Choco : No, that's our joint tombstone.
Dark Cacao : My mistake.
Dark Cacao : That shirt looks great, Cocoa.
Cocoa : Thanks.
Dark Cacao : But I bet it would look even better on Mint Choco 's floor.
Mint Choco : Are you hitting on Cocoa ... for me?
Mint Choco : What’s it like being tall?
Mint Choco : Is it nice?
Mint Choco : Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Dark Cacao : We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Cocoa : It was one time!
Dark Cacao : I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Mint Choco : Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Cocoa walks in*
Mint Choco : Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
*Cocoa dies in a game with ships*
Mint Choco : This ship is no longer a ship of love, it's a ship of vengeance, a gavel of justice against all that is wrong in the world, showing no mercy, as no mercy was shown to us.
Mint Choco : The spark of love will now fuel the fires of destructive glory as I wage my war across the world with righteous fury.
Dark Cacao : Legend has it that Cocoa still haunts the ship, stealing my fucking cocoa.
Cocoa : Of course I do.
Cocoa : The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it.
Dark Cacao : Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Mint Choco : Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the Licorice Seas in a large metal box.
Dark Cacao : Did Cocoa say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'?
Cocoa : It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Mint Choco , blushing: Okay.
Dark Cacao : It's fucking summer.
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