#the lofi beats come in when i get ready in the mornings or wanna feel cozy while i bake
etherealamoeba · 2 years
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“You should kiss a girl before you leave.”
yoongi x reader (or oc) genre: fluff word count: 2.5K
a/n: Lovelies!!! Ya girl is back from camping, and my god did she write!!! We are getting into the folklore angst for Yoon and Kid, but before we get into the heavy shit, we have to set it up with some cute getting to know each other fluff. This takes place the night after their second date, “You just want to get back to your Zuko fan fiction.” So they’ve had their first kiss, they’re super giddy to see each other, and yeah. There are like two more fluff fics after this one before we get into the angst of it all. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy! :))
p.s. anyone who isn’t a fan of Min/Kid... I’m so sorry because that’s all you’re getting for AT LEAST the next week. Get ready for a honey boy take over y’all. 
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THERE was something thrilling but terrifying about receiving a text from Yoongi saying he just arrived outside your apartment complex. You kissed yesterday, and you hadn’t stopped thinking about it, or him, since.
The knock on your door was a cue for your heart to follow the thump, becoming light and fluttery as if it would fly right out if you could open your chest.  
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves, before you opened the door to a smiling Min Yoongi, skin slightly flushed from the cold weather.
“Hey,” you greeted lamely, a wide grin spread across your face. You wondered if you would ever not feel so giddy to see him.
“Hey,” he replied before patting his own chest, bringing his hands to run along his bare neck. “Shit,” he sighed. “I forgot the scarf.”
You giggled at the comment, opening the door open and stepping aside for Yoongi to walk inside.
“Look who owns a coat,” you joked, tugging on the side of the garment as he began entering your apartment. As he walked in front of you, your back to the front door as you both stood in the middle of the frame, he turned toward you, gummy beam pointed in your direction.
“I’m gonna kiss you, Kid,” he whispered to you.
“Ok,” you bit back a grin, chills spreading across your body as Yoongi’s hands found your waist. You made him lean all the way in, Yoongi noticing you didn’t meet him halfway, scoffing just before his lips met yours, your mouth curving up as you giggled into the kiss.
“Brat,” he smiled into the action, just before pushing you firmer against the door, deepening the kiss just slightly. After a moment of your lips moving together perfectly, he broke the meeting, resting his forehead against yours.
Placing your hands at the back of his neck, you playfully frowned. “No scarf, huh?” He kissed his teeth and you sighed. “Well, I didn’t finish my Zuko essay either.”
“No fanfiction?” He asked in feigned shock, stepping back as he looked you up and down.
“Essay,” you corrected.
“Right, not fanfiction,” he grinned teasingly, making you roll your eyes. Shoving against him, you pushed him inside your apartment before closing the door behind you.
You watched as he looked around the small but nice apartment, decorated in photos of friends and family, stacks of books atop tables, a record player across the living room and a few candles. “Do you want a drink?” You asked him, Yoongi’s gaze slowly shifting from the room to you.
“Uh, yeah,” he nodded.
“Any preference?” Yoongi shook his head, following you into the kitchen. You hummed in thought, looking inside the cabinet with various bottles of alcohol. Grabbing the bottle of red wine, you held it up to him. “This ok?” He simply nodded as he watched you place it on the counter, opening a drawer to your side to grab a corkscrew. As you worked on opening the bottle, Yoongi looked around at the kitchen cabinets.
“Wine glasses?” He asked, you pointing to the cupboard. You watched Yoongi walk past you, dragging his feet on your tiled floor as he went to retrieve the glasses.
It was a few more moments before the sound of glass clinking sounded across the room just as you pulled the cork out. Another few seconds passed before Yoongi’s shoulder brushed against your own as he appeared next to you, placing the glasses on the counter.
“Thank you,” you turned toward him with a soft smile. Instead of responding, he gave a small grin back before leaning toward you and kissing your lips quickly but gently. The ease of the action had your head spinning, though you forced your attention to the bottle, lifting it to pour as Yoongi stayed facing you, sporting a fond grin.
Handing him his glass, he nudged his nose against your temple, whispering, “thank you, Kid,” before leaving a kiss to the spot as he turned straight ahead and took a sip of the alcohol.
“I want to show you a song,” you told him suddenly, his eyebrows raising. “It’s nothing like super special or anything, just something I’ve been listening to a lot lately.”
“Show me,” he encouraged, turning his whole body to face you as you reached for your phone, searching up the song. He inspected your features as you began playing the song, a slow lofi R&B beat resonating through the kitchen, feeling his eyes on you.  
He listened intently for a moment as a slow voice dragged through the lyrics lethargically. “What is this?” He asked quietly, almost afraid of disrupting the atmosphere.
“It’s ‘Will He’ by Joji,” you told him. “For whatever reason I’ve been obsessed.”
Just as you finished speaking, Joji sang the lyrics will your tongue still remember the taste of my lips? Will your shadow remember the swing of my hips? Yoongi pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear. Will your lover caress you the way that I did? Yoongi set his wine glass down, bringing his hand to your chin to turn your face toward him. Will you notice my charm if he slips up one bit?
Your gaze fell to his lips and lingered as the chorus of the song started. Cause I don’t need to know, I just wanna make sure you’re okay. Yoongi leaned forward just slightly, you closing the rest of the gap as you kissed him, struggling to balance the bottom of your glass as you gently but hurriedly discarded it on the counter. I just wanna make sure you’re all safe. As soon as the glass was down, you moved your hand to thread it into Yoongi’s hair at the back of his head, letting out a low, quick moan into the kiss as Yoongi wrapped a hand around your waist, pulling you flush with him.
Forgetting about the partially drank wine, you pulled your face from Yoongi’s, his lips attaching to your neck, another small moan slipping from you. Turning around in his arms, Yoongi adjusting his position to hold you in a back hug. He kissed the side of your neck as you led him toward the couch. Standing in front of the sofa, you grabbed Yoongi’s hand and tugged on it, gesturing for him to sit.
He followed your lead, lowering himself onto the couch as he looked up at you with hooded eyes, you smirking as you placed a hand on his shoulder moving to straddle him. Your lips were on his as soon as you settled atop him, Yoongi’s hands holding onto your hips as he hungrily kissed you.
Your hands settled on the sides of his face and as a low groan left his lips, you smirked into the kiss, Yoongi soon smiling afterward.
“I promise I didn’t come over for this,” he chuckled against your mouth, you pulling away to look at him.
“Is that a complaint?” You teased.
“Absolutely not,” he said instantly, leaning forward to catch your lips in a soft kiss. “Just making it clear that I actually like you,” he told you more seriously.
“I like you too,” you replied with a small smile.
His thumbs began soothing circles overtop your pants, a soft tingling sensation overtaking your body from the sweet gesture. “How was your day, Kid?”
Your eyes widened at the question. Yeah, he liked you, but you had never had a person ask you about your day as you straddled them. As random as it was, your heart swelled when you noticed the genuine curiosity in his eyes. Damn, Min, who are you?
“Kind of long, actually,” you replied. “Better now, though.” With a soft smile, you leaned forward, brushing his hair off his forehead before placing a sweet kiss to the spot.
“Same,” he said simply, leaning forward to rest his forehead against your shoulder, leaving a linger kiss to your upper arm.
“Tell me about it,” you told him, bringing your hand to rest at the back of his head, massaging his scalp as you dug your fingers into his hair softly. Yoongi looked up at you, almost scrutinizingly, as he cocked his head to the side. “I want details, Min, don’t spare a thing.”
Yoongi attempted to hold back a wide smile, failing, as he directed his gaze to the empty sofa seat next to you both. Suddenly, he was leaning to the side, falling into a lying position, you falling with him. Facing each other as you both reclined on the couch, he began telling you about his day.
As you listened to the gently spoken words leave his pouted lips, you observed his features and basked in the tone of his voice, all while your body tingled from the drag of his fingers up and down your side.
You don’t know how much time went by as you both listened to each other speak about your days, bounced jokes off each other, laughed as you bickered, and opened up about insecurities within your respective jobs and where the future could take you both. As you spoke, Joji’s album In Tongues played on a loop.
The conversation never lulled, only falling into comfortable pauses occasionally. It wasn’t until Yoongi yawned, you teasingly sneaking your finger between his lips as his mouth closed, that you both realized how late it must have been. With his mouth closing over your finger, he pulled a feigned disgusted expression as he leaned back, grabbing your hand as he chuckled, bringing your limb to his lips, leaving a soft kiss to your knuckles.
“I have to be at dance practice at 6 in the morning,” he told you, a sadness overtaking the brightness of his orbs.
“You should probably head out then, huh?” You asked, smiling softly to show him it was okay.
“What time is it?” He questioned as he pulled his phone from his pocket. He hummed as he looked at the screen. Meeting your gaze, you raised your eyebrows. “2 am.”
“Oh?” Your eyes widened comically, Yoongi grinning at the expression. The man placed his hand at the small of your back, pulling you toward him so he could kiss your cheek softly. “You need to get home,” you mumbled, Yoongi humming dismissively as he pressed a series of kisses to your cheek. “Yoongi,” you whined through a giggle, Yoongi cutting you off as he moved his lips toward your lips.
You kissed him back. Of course, you did. Your lips moving together, both of you momentarily forgot about Yoongi’s impending departure. When Yoongi’s hand slid to your abdomen, fingers toying with the waist of your bottoms, he finally broke the kiss, resting his forehead against your own as he sighed.
“I should go,” he spoke, his voice huskier than before, you clearing your throat as you nodded. You moved first, sitting up and stretching your arms over your head. Yoongi pulled his phone out to order himself a ride home, running a hand through his hair as he did so. “The car will be here in three minutes. A silver Toyota Camry!” He added with playful enthusiasm.  
You turned around to look at him, giving him a wide-eyed expression. “A silver Toyota Camry?!” He sat up, shoulders shaking in light laughter as he placed his large hand on the side of your abdomen, kissing your lips, your hand finding the side of his face as you kissed him back. “I’ll see you again soon, right?” You whispered against his lips.
“As soon as possible, Kid,” he assured you, kissing the side of your mouth. “You have my time, remember?”
You nodded. “I don’t think you know how happy that makes me,” you told him, a vulnerability in your tone that he had never heard before. Even as you talked throughout the night, bringing up topics of fear of failure, and of losing passion for your dreams and goals, that tone never appeared until just then, as you admitted how happy you were to have his time.
It was in that moment Yoongi realized how much it meant for you to let someone in and allow yourself to feel this way for them. The awareness brought a nervousness. What if he wasn’t enough? You watched as the thoughtfulness passed through his eyes, his mind traveling outside the current moment, and you suddenly felt uneasy.
Yoongi simply gave you a forced small smile, pressing one last kiss to your lips before saying a quiet, “me too, Kid.”
With that, he stood up and made his way to your door, you following behind. As he pulled the door open, you almost worried he was going to walk out without looking back at you, but of course he didn’t. Turning to look at you, he smiled, reaching for your hand and pulling you to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and he brought his around the back of your neck.
“I’ll see you, Kid. I promise,” he told you, you nodding against his chest.
“I’ll be waiting, Honey Boy,” you assured him, Yoongi’s chuckles vibrating against your frame. He kissed the top of your head before stepping back, your arms falling to your side as he reached for the doorknob, preparing to exit the apartment. “Bring my scarf next time, you thief,” you teased to lighten the mood, Yoongi’s gummy smile spreading across his lips as his shoulders shook in laughter.
“I think I might keep it for a bit,” he said as he stepped outside your door. “As a safety net. I have to keep you around, Kid.”
“Oh, shut up,” you said sassily. “I think you know you have me.”
The smile slowly faded off Yoongi’s face as he stared at you thoughtfully. “I really hope that’s true,” he told you as you grabbed onto the door frame.
“You should kiss a girl before you leave,” you told him popping your hip out as you stared at him.
The gummy grin was back in an instant as he stepped toward you, placing a hand on your waist, bringing his lips to yours, though he hovered over them as he whispered, “As you wish.” He kissed you without hesitation, though the action didn’t last near long enough. You would kiss him forever if you could.
“Bye, Kid,” he told you through his adorable smile.
“Bye, Min,” you grinned right back, watching him as he left before closing your door. 
Looking around the apartment, it suddenly felt bland and empty. It was too quiet. Spotting the partially drank wine on the kitchen counter, you were struck with the realization that you were all in with Yoongi. All you could do as you cleaned up the glasses and recorked the bottle was hope Yoongi felt the same way. If not, there was no doubt in your mind that he would shatter your heart.
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sleepy-exe · 3 years
Shapeshifter AU - 6
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Iwaizumi x f!reader
<< Part 5 | Part 7 >>
Summary: Mizuki and Y/n have a girls’ night after getting ditched by someone else again. Y/n wants to see Iwaizumi again. Sakusa is done with her shit. 
Word count: 1.7k
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Warnings: none
Genre: sfw (for now, 18+ regardless), shapeshifter au, strangers to lovers
a/n: Is Mizuki modeled after my own friend that I lovely dearly? Maybe.
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Part 6: Girls’ Night
Soft lofi beats play softly in the background. Steam in the air gives the bathroom lights a glowing halo around each lightbulb. Bathtub filled with hot water, a thick layer of bubbles on top. Phone resting in one hand as Y/n relaxed in her bath, unwinding for the evening.
With a sigh, she sunk further into the tub, water splashing her chest. Another night that Mizuki’s plans were canceled. Another night Y/n would likely be the backup plan. Not that she minded being second choice. Mizuki is a major social butterfly, more than Y/n can handle on her own all of the time. So she welcomed not being the first choice every time.
She rested her head back and closed her eyes, hand with the phone hanging over the edge of the tub. Her friend’s night may need to be rescued, but it's not like it's an emergency or anything. She could take some time to enjoy her bubble bath first, right?
Sudden ringing jerked her from her relaxed state.
Or not..
Glancing at her phone she could see Mizuki was trying to video call her. With a groan she denied the call and sat up, quickly texting before her friend could call again.
>> To ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “not now in the bath”
>> From ‘My Best Bitch <3’: “so?”
Her phone started ringing again and with another groan Y/n shifted lower into the tub once more, fishing bubbles to her chest before answering the call. With a tap, Mizuki was now looking right at her through the screen. “Can’t a girl enjoy her bath?”
“Don't sound so grumpy! Anyway, like I was saying, A-“
Checking in the little box in the corner that displayed her own face, she made sure she was covered enough.
“Are you even listening? Ugh, you’re acting like I’ve never seen you naked before.” The aggravated woman snarled through her screen.
“Sorry, sorry! And yes, he’s at the gym with Sakusa tonight. I already knew that.”
“But our plans!” The video shook as Mizuki moved about.
“No, your plans, Mizu’. Girl, I love you to death, but making plans with someone’s gotta go both ways. He didn't even know about your plans before he planned to go with ‘Kusa, did he?” She spoke calm but sternly. “I can’t say that’s his fault, dove.”
Mizuki was frowning, “Sigh! I guess you’re right, okay? But I was really hoping we could have gone out tonight, but he’s too busy with Sakusa.” Her frown faded to curiosity. “Say.. Do you think there’s anything go-”
“Yeah yeah. They just spend a lot of time together is all.”
“They’re friends, colleagues, and neighbors and only one of them has a car. Of course they're together a lot. Besides, you spend every day with someone and yet you’re single, right?  That doesn’t mean anything.” She slipped further into the bath, knees poking out of the water and popping some bubbles with her free hand.
“Unfortunately, I am single! Otherwise I’d be spending my time with my date!”
“Uh huh,” emotionless she brought her attention back to her friend.
“Anyway..” Mizuki squinted at her. “How’s your love life going, huh? Pretty sure you’re married to your work.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “Have any cute guys or gals around.”
“Mizuki,” she whined.
“What? We can’t all four be lonely and starving for intimacy,” she sang, batting her eyelashes.
“I’m not sure that any of us could possibly be lonely as much as we are around each other,” she said dryly, earning a whine from her friend. “And as far as I know, you’re the only one searching for.. intimacy.”
“Uh huh. Didn’t you spend your time with someone like two nights ago? Or did you just forget to let Sakusa know when you got home.”
Y/n looked away from her phone as if she was messing with something off screen so Mizuki didn't see her blush.
I messaged ‘Kusa that morn-.
Oh. Right.
“Mhmm. So who is this guy that you left me all alone for in my time of need?”
“You weren't alone,” she eyed her friend.
“I may as well have been without my sweet, dear Y/n.”
She tapped the side of the tub in annoyance. “So are you coming over or not?”
“Duh, I’m on my way already. Have you even been paying attention? I’ll see you in five!” She flashed her hand to the screen displaying five fingers.
“What!” Y/n lurched forward.
She cackles loudly. “So much not seeing you naked.”
Covering her chest with her available arm, she stood and pulled her phone close to her face. Scowling at the realization, “Really, Mizuki?!”
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Throwing on shorts and a baggy sweater just in time for Mizuki to bang on the front door, Y/n raced over and let her in. She quickly locks the door again before rushing back to her bedroom. “Come on, Mizu’.”
“Yeah, I’m coming.” She chased after Y/n after removing her shoes and coat.
Mizuki walked in the bedroom to find her friend laying across her bed. And of course she flopped down beside her. “Can we get takeout?”
“You just got here!”
She whined, “But Y/n! You don't want to go out and I was hoping to go out to eat!”
“Ugh, okay.” She rolled to her side. “You order the takeout and pick something to watch, okay?”
“Okay! I have the app for that yummy noodle place down the road.”
“Cool. I just hate calling places.” She rolled again, this time onto her stomach and locked a leg around one of Mizuki’s.
Mizuki laughed. “Girl, don't you call places for work?”
“Yeah, but that’s different.”
“I don't see how ordering food over the phone is worse than that.” She tossed her phone next to Y/n’s head. “Put what you want on there.”
She orders from that noodle place enough to enter her order in a few swift clicks. “Here.” She handed the phone back then unhooked her leg from Mizuki and crawled across the bed to get her own phone.
“Aight, it's in!”
There was a sudden blaring for all of two seconds. “Oh look, if it isn’t your bestie.” She brought the phone to her ear, “Hey, shithead.. What?”
At least she didn't put him on speaker. Together they were always so loud.
Unlocking her own phone, she opened her messages.
>> To ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’)’: “you ratted me out to MIZUKI??”
A text from Iwaizumi popped up before Sakusa had even read her message. So she went back and forth between the two chats to talk to each of them.
>> From ‘zumi’: “Oikawa is on the plane. Idk if you planned to still talk to him but there's a major time distance where he lives. Just a heads up.”
>> From ‘zumi’: “Sorry if he freaked you out earlier”
>> From ‘zumi’: “He can be loud”
>> From ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’)’: “Punishment for not letting me know that you didn't get murdered.”
>> To ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’)’: “I did text you yesterday!”
>> From ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’)’: “Not when you got home.”
>> To ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’)’: “I did forget.. But to be fair I wasn’t home until almost noon”
>> From ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’)’: “I’m sure Mizuki is asking plenty of questions and loving that.”
>> From ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’)’: “I just like to know you’re safe when you start check-in texts like that. It’s not like I care what you do.”
>> From ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’)’: “Well as long as you aren’t being careless on your runs again.”
Internally moaning, she looked over her shoulder. Mizuki was still on the phone walking laps around the room.
>> To ‘zumi’: “no no he’s great! And thanks for the heads up. Let me know when he's back safe?”
>> To ‘zumi’: “Sorry to run out i really did need to get going and i wanted to let you have time with Oikawa before he left”
Suddenly, Mizuki jumped onto the bed. “So anyway. What were we talking about?”
“Uhh.. I don’t know.” Y/n kicked at her playfully. “How long until the food is here?”
>> From ‘zumi’: “Will do”
>> To ‘zumi’: “maybe I’ll see you again”
Mizuki grabbed her legs to avoid getting hit. “It’ll be quick. Who ya texting?”
“Just Sakusa,” she lied.
>> To ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’): “So here’s the thing.”
>> To ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’): “I didnt get spotted or anything! I’ve learned my lesson”
>> To ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’): “That will never happen again!”
>> To ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’): “But the guy I met at the bar may have been the guy that might have spotted me that night I was with you.”
Mizuki moaned, “Why’d he steal my dinner buddy?”
She snorted. “Maybe you should ask him.”
>> From ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’): “Y/n what the hell”
>> To ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’): “It’s fine!”
She clapped. “Done. Maybe he’ll feel bad and let me go next time.”
“You? At the gym?” She laughed.
Mizuki threw a pillow which whacked the back of Y/n’s head and bounced to the floor. They both laughed. “Yeah, you’re right. I don't wanna work out or be around some stinky guys.” She got up and walked up to the window, picking up the pillow and tossing it back on the bed. “Man, I really need to move. My window just faces a parking garage. Boring!”
>> From ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’): “Is it?”
>> From ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’): “Is it still a ‘maybe’ seen you?”
>> To ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa): “I think it’s fine.”
“Girl, you have the money. When’s your lease up?”
>> From ‘zumi’: “Hopefully not by accident next time.”
“Ugh! Not for like six more months,” Mizuki complained.
“Well, I can help keep an eye out for available units here. But why don’t you make a list of places you think you’d like.”
“Yeah, that sounds real fun.”
“Funner than waking up to the slight of a parking garage?”
“Oh you ass!” She balled up a shirt from the floor to chuck at Y/n, but a knock at the front door caught her attention. “Food is here! I’ll go get it.”
“Thank you, Mizu’.”
>> To ‘Emergency Contact (‘Kusa’): “It’s fine. I was just keeping an eye on him is all.”
>> From ‘zumi’: “Do you go to the park during daylight hours or is that strictly an after hours thing for you?”
“Hey girly!” Mizuki popped her head through the doorway. “I've got the goods and Netflix is ready. Come on!”
Y/n rolled out of bed. “Alright, alright. Let’s get this girls’ night started, yeah?”
>> To ‘zumi’: “depends..”
>> To ‘zumi’: “are you asking to go with me next time?”
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Part 7>>
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paradise-creator · 4 years
Hellooo!! I love love LOVE the diamond box matchup you did!! You're amazing!! Your blog is incredible!! Now I'm here for a romantic haven box Haikyuu matchup pls🥺
Appearance: My name is Kay! She/her, black, straight, 5'1, I have a slightly athletic & curvy-ish figure (lol idk), short-ish hair(like mid-neck), dark brown eyes, shoe size 9, I like to dress comfy so I'm always in oversized hoodies, sweatpants, sneakers, sweatshirts and shorts. I like colorful clothes too, high waisted jeans and shorts and boots. I'm not very fashionable but I try lol.
Basics: infp-t, Hufflepuff, Taurus sun, scorpio moon, sanguine, chaotic good, ambivert.
Some positive traits: I'm optimistic, friendly, energetic, organized, enthusiastic, observant, happy, open-minded, loving, encouraging and inquisitive!!
Some negative traits: I'm annoying, perfectionist, insecure, forgetful, easily distracted, kinda lazy, argumentative, too nice at times and clingy.
I love learning new things!! Currently I'm learning Korean, how to draw, how to paint and songs on the saxophone.
When I'm up for it, I love fun physical activity!! Going for a hike, going to the gym, bungee jumping, mountain climbing, going camping and etc :D
Although I love going out, nothing beats lazy days at home. I can spend hours by myself and still be happy. When alone I usually sleep or watch a movie/anime or practice my drawing or saxophone or try and learn something new!
I have a horrible memory and can never remember important dates 😭 I've forgotten my own birthday a few times (rip) so people can get mad at me for missing appointments, forgetting birthdays and other important days. I try my best to organize everything necessary on my phone calendar so I can be reminded.
I love seeing people happy! Nothing can fulfill my day more than knowing I put a smile on someone's face! I usually try my best to help out anyone who needs it and to the best of my ability! This has led to me getting taken advantage of in the past but I can't help but try and make others happy. I've developed a thicker skin and some trust issues as I've grown up because of it.
I love hyping my friends/family up!! Do you need a boost in confidence? Here I am, ready to help you remember the absolute king/queen/royalty that you are!! I'm usually very energetic and enthusiastic about many things and I love spreading positivity around!!
My love language is physical touch! So touch is very important to me in my relationships. Though I am insecure so I tend to think that I smother the people I care about with too much affection idk lol. I live for hugs and cuddles and hand holding 👉🏿👈🏿 but because of that I feel like I'm very clingy and annoying skskfksjd
I'm introverted in nature so although I mean usually full of energy and love making new friends, I can't do it for too long lol. My social battery runs out really fast and I have to hide away and recharge before I can be fully social again, otherwise I won't be my best self. I treasure personal time and understand when people need time for themselves too.
I love spontaneity!! I love living in the moment and doing stuff just for the hell of it!! Wanna go on a road trip? Dance in the rain? Build houses for charity? Go to McDonald's at 2am? Go on a long walk? SIGN ME UP!!
I can also be lazy and unmotivated to do stuff. If something doesn't interest me, I'd find myself incapable of doing it or I'd do it with great difficulty. I'm one of those 'do something when inspiration/motivation hits you otherwise it'll be absolute shit' types.
But when I do have motivation/inspiration that's when my perfectionism comes in and I have to do it in the best possible way and anything less is an insult to me, my family, my ancestors and descendants lmaoo. Unfortunately I subconsciously set a very high bar for myself which can be overwhelming and stressful but when I manage to produce work of that quality, it's very satisfying and rewarding jshkshdhsj
I have more to add but I feel like this is getting way too long 💀 lemme just move to the next section heheheh
Hobbies: I LOVE listening to music, learning new things, watching movies/anime, sleeping, reading, writing, playing saxophone (I'm still learning tho lol), swimming, drawing, journaling, making friends, and cooking!
My music taste: any type of rock (punk rock, grunge, j-rock, metal), pop, KPOP, RnB, jazz, dubstep, lofi hip hop, rap, trap, krnb, anime OP's and bangers from: Elvis, the beach boys, Queen, Khalid, Ateez, Harry styles, Kendrick Lamar, p!atd, mcr, fallout boy, Nirvana, BTS, mxmtoon, Marianas trench, twenty one pilots, stray kids, Jay Park, crush, Dreamcatcher, Skrillex, MJ, troye sivan etc
Fun facts:
I'm more of a cat person but I live dogs and think they're adorable!!
I have four piercings and I plan on getting more soon!!
I'm a night owl, and get super grumpy in the mornings especially when woken up unexpectedly >:/
Although I love making friends, I only have like 1/2 super close friends and like 20+ acquaintances lol
I want to get a tattoo soon but idk what to get :(
I'm super addicted to coffee (rip) and if I don't take some for some time (like a week) I'll get the worst migraines and I won't feel better until I drink some coffee 😭
That's it!! I hope i wrote enough stuff!! Did I leave anything out? If you need more pls tell me and I'll send another ask :D Take your time!! I'm in no rush. I'll patiently wait even though you get writers block or have a large amount of asks 😌 pls stay safe and healthy!! Drink lots of water, sleep well and have an amazing day/night!! 💙✨
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Dream catcher loading...
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Hello and Welcome my Starlight!
The Haven box includes:
- Match up
- Sun drop
- Journal of Feelings
- 3 am shenanigans
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I'd match you up with
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Sugawara Koushi, Vice-captain of Karasuno
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Sun drops
- OKAY so like, as I read your description I thought of Akaashi or Yaku or Sugawara
- Me being the indecisive author I am had trouble picking
- But then I remembered that you loved to do spontaneous things.
- And that's when I realized that Sugawara is THE ONE
- You two would be deemed the "3 am couple"
- Or in the team it would be "Epitome of Chaos"
- He takes care of you
- He will alway remind you that you don't need to be perfect
- Insecurities? BE GONE
- Nagativity? BE GONE
- That's basically his motto
- He is both your mom and partner in Crime
- did I mention he will take care of you?
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Journal of feelings
- Once this man realizes that you LOVE physical affection. He will give it to you. EVERYTIME HE SEES YOU
Kay entered the gym to watch her boyfriend play. She tried sneaking in and so far it has been great. She thought she was off the hook but then felt a familiar arms wrapped around her waist. "I found you~" Sugawara said with a smile.
- You both would often plan pranks and majority of the times, it would succeed
"Okay okay, so what are we doing today?" Kay asked the silver haired male. "Oh~ maybe we can scare Asahi or anyone for that matter with a beetle?" Sugawara suggested. "That's--no," Kay responded.
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3 am shenanigans
It’s 3 am in the morning. Almost everyone is fast asleep or in their homes, well almost. The night sky is littered with diamond in the sky. The streets were silent but it was comforting. A few people walked here and there. And a few cars passes by there and here. “What are we doing up so late?” A silver haired man said as he yawned. “We’ll be going to Mc Donald’s! What else?” The female responded as she smiled at him. “Is it even open at this time?” He asked. “Koushi, darling, it is open,” Kay, the lover of our beloved silvered male man said as she smiled. Sugawara chuckled and held her hand, the smile on his face was evident. “You know, we should be sleeping by now right?” He said as he pulled her closer. “And so what? I wasn’t planning on sleeping early! I slept the whole day yesterday and missed the chance to hang out with you,” The girl responded.
A small blush appeared on the male’s face and he giggled. “That’s very sweet bu-“ He was about to say but was silenced by the girl. “That was very sweet but we could’ve done this later on or tomorrow. Well, sorry to break it to you, Love. But, we are here,” She said as she pulled the male inside the fast food chain. And soon enough, the two got their orders and enjoyed their meal. “I don’t know why but this hits different,” Kay said as she eat a French fry. “It really does. Especially since you are here,” Sugawara stated as he patted her head. Now, she was the one blushing. As the two chatted, the other customers and staff glanced at them every now and then. None of them were annoyed at their interactions. On the contrary, they enjoyed watching them,
Some felt envious of their relationship. Some dreamt to have something like that. And others remembered the times of old. The two were so sweet, it’s almost too much. Laughter and chattering echoed through the building from both the couple and the people around them. Then they were dub the “3 am couple” as the two would often venture in that restaurant at 3 am in the morning.
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Author's note
I'm so so sorry for the long wait! This week has been hectic. Anywho, I hope you enjoy this matchup~ and thanks for requesting!
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7 notes · View notes
bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
Start from the way beginning here!
Chapter 32: Chill Lofi Beats to Panic To
It’s that final few weeks before graduation and I’ve slowed down a bit. I’m on track to graduate and the only final I need to worry about is the one in my hero class. Plus with my Labyrinth test coming up, training is a must and is to be squeezed in as much as possible.
-Hero class, Gym-
“Okay class today will be a little different” Aizawa announced “today Miss Palma is going to take on all of you one by one to test her agility” he holds up a timer “it will be timed, the fighting rubric is the first one out of bounds or unable to fight marks time” he motioned to Palma to step into the ring “your position Miss.”
“Thank you sensei” I walk into the circle “Who’s the unlucky first?”
“Heh, It’s Bakugo” Aizawa checked the list “step in there.”
“Remember our first time in the ring?” Bakugo reminisced “and you whooped my ass clear across the floor?”
“How could I forget?!” I get into fighting position “no holding back now, I want an honest fight.”
“I will” he sneered as he got in his position “because I’m gonna win this time!”
Time started and in 30 seconds, I got him pinned to the ground.
“...And that’s time” Aizawa clicked on the timer “great work out there.”
“Dammit!” Bakugo growled as I lifted my foot off his back “defeated again! Guess that’s why they call you the undefeated.”
“But you’ve improved greatly” I said as I extended my hand “thank you for the fight.”
“Heh, shut it American-san!” he snickered as he grabbed my hand to hoist him up.
Everyone else’s fights ended under a minute, proving my power and agility.
“Last fight, Shinso” Aizawa announced “please enter the ring.”
“Oh Hitoshi, Hitoshi” I sighed “it’s been a while since we tussled.”
“Heh sure, a while” he laughed “guess last night was a while ago to you huh?”
“HEY! Watch it!” I blush and get in position “lest you want to get ya ass beat in more than one way.”
“Oh?! Is that a promise?” he gets in his position “I’d love to see you try.” Once the timer clicked, I dashed forward and try to get close enough for the copy. “Hey here’s a concept, What color is your underwear?”
“Check your bedroom floor” I said without missing a beat, knowing his plan to get me in his control.
“Too clever of an answer” he tries to dodge my attacks, barely evading “okay then riddle me this, Kiss me.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me in.
“That’s my line!” I shake myself loose “getting bold are we?!”
“I learned from the best” he smiled “isn’t that right?”
“Why of cours-” I froze in place, I fell for his trick!
The class gasped “I can’t believe it!” Momo broke the silence “she’s finally going to be defeated, after so long.”
“Come on Palma-san!” screamed Kirishima “you can snap out of it!”
“Yeah! Fight your way out like you aways do!” Mina stood up to chant “Palma-san! Palma-san!” Most of the class followed suite.
“END HER REIGN SHINSO KUN!” Mineta and Kaminari screamed “SHINSO KUN! SHINSO KUN!”
“Why don’t you come here and give me a kiss” Shinso commanded her “before I send you out of bounds.”
The chanting increased as I got closer to him, just before kissing his cheek, I broke out of the brainwash and slapped him. “HA! Didn’t think I’d do that huh?!”
“Dang it, so close too!” he rubbed his cheek “you play a very sneaky game kitty.”
“Look at this kitty!” I lifted my shirt and a bit of the front of my pants to fully flash my breasts and part of my crotch, away from everyone else’s eyes. He freezes in place, at the mercy of my command. “Why don’t you walk toward that line?” I pointed to a line and he walked right up to the edge “Oh this so much fun! Do that little cat dance Hitoshi!” he does the dance and I pull down his pants to show everyone is cat boxers “When I kiss your cheek, take one step forward and you’ll be out of my command.” I kiss his cheek and he obeyed the last command before realizing what just happened.
“AYAH! How could I give in like that!” he turned red as he fumbled to pull up his pants “I knew you’d embarrass like this too!”
“Hehehe aw I’m sorry I went a little over board with the commands” I put my hands together “forgive me? please Hitoshi?”
“I can’t stay mad at you!” he got soft and hugged her “you’re a little cutie, kissy wissy baby wayby cuddle bug! Yes you are!”
“Hitoshi!” I blushed “this is so cringe! Please sensei, what was my time for that?”
“2 minutes and 24 seconds” he checked the clip board “and that makes Palma-san the undefeated streak record holder!” he clapped and everyone did the same “for 3 straight years, no defeats nor forfeits in any of our sparring training.”
“Aww thanks yall” I said as Shinso let go “though you didn’t defeat me, I’ve seen you improve greatly with every spar, thank you for constantly improving yourselves despite the high chance of defeat.” 
We did more training and the locker room talk was a buzz. “Hey Palma-san” spoke up Jiro “what was with that dialogue with Shinso?”
“What do you mean?” I said as I took off my shirt.
“It was awfully” Jiro was making a suggestive face “flirtatious, even for one of your iconic taunts.”
“I’ve just upped my taunting is all” I took off my shoes and tossed them into the locker “I had to or it would’ve been hard to evade his questions.”
“How did you know he does that little dance?” asked Uraraka.
“I can see his window from my window very clearly” I chortle “the things he’s not aware of at 3am!”
“Don’t hide it Palma-san” Momo said as she turned to face me “it’s clear that you and Shinso have a thing for each other.”
“Yea, I mean, you two have been awfully close since you woke up from your condition” Jiro stated “and I don’t know what kind of friends casually kiss and do baby talk like that.”
I felt all the girls’ eyes on me as I stopped buttoning my shirt and got visibly sweaty “It was just a kiss on the cheek no big whoop!”
“Oh yea? If it’s nothing, kiss one of the other boys on the cheek” Mina crossed her arms “kiss Bakugo on the cheek, you’re all buddy buddy with him! do it.”
“You know what, I will!” I huffed as I finished getting dressed “I’ll walk out there, get his attention and give the most platonic cheek kiss you’ve ever seen!” The girls hurried to see me do the thing. I spot him along with the other boys that were talking to each other about something “HEY BLASTY!”
“YEA?!” Bakugo yelled back.
“IMA GIVE YOU THE MOST PLATONIC BRO PECK OF YOUR LIFE!” I matched his energy as I stomped toward him.
“I’D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!” he growled as he squared his shoulders.
As I bumped his shoulder and leaned in for the cheek kiss, I chickened out and growled “OH! I can’t fucking do it!” I stepped away from him “I’m a big ol’ softy and I can’t just kiss some dude I don’t have feelings for.”
“Urm, what-” Tokoyami tried to call me out of our escapades.
“Shut ya beak Toko!” I squinted loudly at him, then shifted my gaze toward Todoroki “Shoto! set me on fire! do it!” I got in a T pose.
“I can’t set you on fire, you have a date with Shinso later.” Todoroki bluntly said and the girls immediately squealed.
Shinso stepped forward, blushed and defeated “They interrogated me too” he sighed as he held my hand “it’s all true, we’ve been dating for nearly a year now and I wanted it to be a private matter but I guess I was also a bit heavy handed on the flirty taunts.”
“Yea, can’t believe everyone had to find out this way” I squeezed his hand “I guess the word was going to get out eventually.”
“I ship this so hard!” Hagakure squealed
“Please don’t-” Shinso and I started to say but was cut off by another squeal.
“Your ship name is the Control Duo!” she hopped and clapped “because you can control anyone with your brainwash and you can control anything and any quirk with your telekinesis and copy! The perfect combo!”
“That’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said about our relationship ever” Shinso and I said in sync “do you see why we kept things secret?”
“They even synchronize! Why aren’t we like that?” Kirishima said to Bakugo.
“Ugh, want warp outta here?” I groaned
“Yes please! I just wanna eat in peace.” Shinso said as we did our little ‘chest bump to teleport’ thing to warp us to the classroom to get our packed food.
“Man I wish I had a girlfriend that’d transport me out of situations” Kaminari sighed “they’re so lucky to have fallen for each other, they oddly make a cute couple, don’t you think Iida-kun?” he turns to where Iida was standing but he wasn’t there. “What the? where did he go?”
Iida was at the 2nd floor of the school, looking out of the window to see the couple eating under the tree in the patio. “What does he have that I don’t” he sighed in defeat “she’s too good for him, my turn will come next!”
Time passes and it’s 2 weeks before graduation, preparations to move out were on their way for the couple.
-Hero Dorms, Sunday evening-
“Shinso, what’s with the boxes?” Iida said as he passed by Shinso’s room and stopped “move out day isn’t until 4 days before graduation.”
“I know but I’m getting my stuff ready because, well” he motioned for Iida to come in and close the door “Don’t tell anyone but I’m moving in with Ita in this nice house in a protected community.”
“What?” Iida whispered
“Yea it’s hard to believe but it’s a great place and it’s close to where I’m going to be placed to work” he stuffed his books in the propped up box “she offered me to co-habit with her in July and of course I said yes. We officially move in the day after New Years but I’m getting a head start on packing so I can have things ready to go.”
“So what about the days leading up to the move in?” Iida questioned 
“We’ll be staying at my parent’s house until then” he placed the last book in the box “they’ll finally meet her! And then we’ll be living together” he sighed “I can’t wait to just wake up in our shared bed and have her next to me, every morning, forever.”
“Forever? Are you planning to marry her?!” Iida chopped as he asked.
“Marriage? Nah, I don’t like putting labels on us” he scoffed “we’re just forever partners, besides, we haven’t had that talk yet so who knows.”
“Right, well I’ll leave you to your packing” he turned to leave “I wish you the best on your move in.” Once he got to his room, his mood changed drastically. He wasn’t nice and patient Iida, he was jealous and bitter Iida. “How could she not ask me? I’m never going to get my chance if he moves in with her! I’d never disrespect her like that, I’d marry to proclaim my love for her!” he mumbled to himself “She deserves better, she should be with me!” This resentment grew and grew as the days went by until finally he couldn’t contain it anymore.
-Move out day, Sunset-
“Oh wait Hitoshi” Palma stopped walking before remembering what she’s been meaning to do “I need to invite Tenya.”
“Alright, I’ll wait for you in the commons area” Shinso said as he saw her stamper off to Iida’s room.
She knocks on the door “Who is it?”
“It’s me, Ita”
“Come in!”
She opens the door to see a nearly cleared out room “Oh dang, you’re almost done” she closes the door behind her “wanna take a break and come with me to the carnival at the school?”
“The carnival? Oh the intel one!” he exclaimed “I’d love too, let me just put on my shoes.”
“Cool! I got my little squad of you, Mimi, Jin, Hitoshi ready to go and-”
“Wait, it’s not just us?” Iida stopped reaching for his shoes.
“Well, no, I wanted to go as a group so I can have one last high school memory with yall before I leave to take my exam in 2 days”
“Then I won’t go if Shinso is going too” 
“Why? What’s wrong?” she got suspicious “you’ve been distant lately, did something happen?”
“It’s just that” he tightened his fists “you’ve been hiding things from me like you don’t trust me! How can you call me your friend, chosen family, if you don’t tell me everything?!”
“What are you talking about?!”
“About you and Shinso moving in together!” he raised his voice “do you not trust me with that?”
“How am I supposed to tell you anything if you’re always busy?!” she clapped back “you’re my friend and I won’t disrupt your time to get things done to tell you something because I want us to converse about it when I tell you.”
“Well, then maybe we shouldn’t be friends!” he exploded whatever he had pent up.
“Tenya what are you-”
“Put some respect on my name! Last name to address me Palma-san!” he loomed over her with anger in his eyes, clearly not himself.
“Let’s talk this out, please tell me what’s wrong” she pleaded “this isn’t like you and I’m scared, talk to me.”
“There’s nothing to be said here!” he turned to finish packing “leave or I’ll throw you out.”
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong!”
“You’ve always been the disobedient one” he picked her up, opened his door and tossed her out like rag doll before slamming his door closed. The noise got the attention on everyone in the hall and commons room.
“Palma-san!” Tokoyami rushed over to her side “are you alright? what happened?”
“I don’t know” she was in shock “Tenya just threw me out of his room when I tried to talk things out.”
“That doesn’t sound like him” Shoji said as he picked her up “I’ve never heard him yell like that to you, what did you say?”
“I just asked him to come with me to the carnival and it escalated from there.”
“Babe” Shinso said in a monotone voice
“Yeah?” she responded and froze in place.
“Stand up and come here” he commanded as she walked into his arms “I’m going to take care of things here, don’t worry about us.” He commanded her until they were at the carnival. Palma couldn’t enjoy herself because the argument was still fresh in her mind. “Hey, don’t sweat it babe” Shinso comforted her as they rode the ferris wheel “give it time and I’m sure he’ll own up to what happened.”
“I hope so” she loosened up and sighed “because I don’t get why he got so hostile” she put her head on his shoulder “thanks for keeping me together.”
“No problem love” he rested his head on hers “soon we’ll have better days, together.”
-Labyrinth test day, End of the school day, Hero Wing-
“Oh this just in class” Aizawa paused his lecture to see the text on his phone “Miss Palma passed her exam, unscathed.” The class exploded in cheer and sighs of relief. “She’ll be back tomorrow before the end of the school day to take her exam, please contain your congratulations until she finishes her exam tomorrow” Aizawa puts his phone back on the table “now back to what I was saying...”
Shinso peers behind him to see Iida staring at the empty desk between them, that was really bothering him, especially since Iida hasn’t apologized. After class, Shinso confronted him in the hallway.
“Iida-kun, may I have word with you?” Shinso got his attention by blocking his way.
“What can I do for you?” Iida fixed his glasses, glaring back at Shinso.
“You can start by apologizing to Ita” Shinso crossed his arms “you have some nerve to treat your friend like that.”
“How can you talk to me about her when you knew I loved her first” Iida clenched his jaw “she was mine and you took her away from me! I don’t even see why she’d choose you over me!”
“You hurt her because of her choice?” Shinso raised his voice “she told me you made it clear that you’re friends and nothing more.”
“She’s the literal love of my life” tears formed in Iida’s eyes “I had plans with her, I was going to tell her how I feel but it’s hopeless now” he takes slow steps forward “I’m a better man than you! She deserves better!” He shoves Shinso.
“Why hurt her then?!” Shinso regains his balance “I won’t fight you Iida-kun, but she has made her choice and as her friend, you should respect that!”
“Easy for you to say” Iida huffed “you’re the one that’s going to wake up to her everyday!” he throws a heavy punch to Shinso’s shoulder, escalating everything into a full blown fight. They didn’t get away with this, though, Nezu and Aizawa had them separated until graduation since it was their first offense and very close to graduation. Everyone knew about the fight by the dinner time, including Ita. When she came back and did her exam, she was terrified of Iida and even more confused on why he’s like this now.
-Graduation day, in the intel dorms-
“Look at us!” Mimi exclaimed as she watched me smooth over my now short, curly hair “in our country’s traditional wear, we did it!”
“I’m just excited to final be not be responsible for those twinks!” I joked “can’t wait to just live my wildest, domestic life with Hitoshi.”
“To think we’re going to be living in the same community” Jin said over his garment fastening “what adventures are going to await us after this!”
We finish getting ready and portal into the auditorium to get to our seats. After a lot of speeches, awards came next.
“May all of our graduating international students come up to the stage?” Nezu announced and waited for everyone to get on stage “these students came from far and wide, away from family and are graduating at the top hero school in Japan” the crowd applauded “but one of them has stood out the most, they’ve excelled in everything they’ve been given and went beyond plus ultra to help their fellow student. Not only that, but is a top 3 in their program!” Nezu motioned for Midnight to bring out the plaque “It’s none other than Itati Palma from the United States of America, Bear tamer, Commanding Officer and Talented young lady.” The crowd roared with cheers and clapping as she received her award.
“Oh geez, wow thank you UA and thank you to my fellow international student for their hard work, we did it!” I look at my plaque and smile “I have something to confess, I’m here not by choice, but by duty. I was nearly killed in my home community because I didn’t want to see my friends or teachers hurt by organized crime. And with no hero culture to save us, I put my life on the line when I should’ve fled. I’m not a hero and I’m not an agent, I am bravery that ignited the duty in the hearts of many to continue the fight back home. I work hard for them so when I do return home, we could finally put a stop to the terror that oppresses us.” I scan the room “I want all of you, future heroes, agents and business moguls alike, to make the promise that you’ll continue your fight to spark the will and bravery to make our community a safer place to live, thank you!”
More talking and naming us one by one for our diplomas later and we were finished. I saw a whole lot of that button tradition happening and cringed at the fact that I got some before. I spotted Iida walking toward the parking lot and ran after him.
“Ten- Iida! Hey!” 
“Hm? Oh Palma-san” he said flatly, like he wasn’t excited to see me “you cut your hair.”
“Yeah, it’s what I do after completing something” I peer over his shoulder to see his parents and brother talking to other parents “oh sorry if I was interrupting your family time but I just wanted to say that I hope you have nice holiday and to not be a stranger and text or call me every once in a while.”
“That won’t be necessary” he turned to leave “we aren’t friends anymore, I thought I made that clear.”
“Oh I see” my smile disappeared and my heart ached from his words “maybe fate will-”
“Good bye Palma-san” he said without looking at me and walked toward his family to leave.
“Bye” I weakly waved him off but it was in vain as he just fully ignored me.
“What a jerk!” Jin exclaimed behind me “like what is his problem?! Can’t even say good bye to you like a decent human? I swear I had a bad feeling about him.”
“You okay babygirl?” Mimi put her hand on my shoulder, I didn’t respond “let’s forget him and go for a nice smoke sesh.” She carried me to Shinso and we all smoked before having to part ways until we moved in.
The days rolled by slowly, even though I was very comfortable with Shinso and being under the same house with his family, I still was hurt by all things Iida said. I know it was wasn’t like him to say all that and pick fights, it felt like it was all my fault and I didn’t know what I did wrong. Shinso was there to make me forget about all my worries and refocus on the now.
-Move in day-
“...and here’s the keys to the place” my caseworker hands over a ring of labeled keys “oh before I forget! An update from home.”
“Oh cool, um Hitoshi, will you-” I started to say but Shinso knew what to do.
“I’ll be upstairs, setting up the office space” he rubbed my back “come up when you’re done.”
“What a considerate one you got yourself” the caseworker waited for him to be out of earshot “but anyways, it looks like nothing has changed but they’ve stopped spreading their territory. Its massive but still away from your family, but just in case, we’ve put your family under a no travel lock.”
“Oh that’s not good” I worried “how come?”
“With all the activity, we can’t have your family traveling outside the upstate county in case of targeting” she pulled up photos “they’ve targeted that boy you were with, we’ve lost track of him but we’re not sure if he died or escaped. Last sighting was him running in the middle of the night with just a backpack, trying to train car jump. We suspect he caught a train heading to Los Banos.”
“To El Rancho county?! How long ago was this?” I was perplexed by that part as he doesn’t like rancho anything.
“3 weeks ago, but his family didn’t put a missing persons report on him” she sighed “I think they encouraged him to run away from the violence.”
“I believe that” I said as I looked at a security camera quality picture of him jumping onto a box car “I hope he’s alright then.”
“We do too, and that completes our update” she gathers the pictures “I’ll get out of your hair to continue moving in and such.”
“Thank you so much, I hope I hear soon from you” I handed back the picture. They left and I headed up to where Shinso was “Hey, need help with the desk?”
“Nah I got it” he said as he looked up from the printed instructions “everything okay?”
“Yeah, everyone’s fine. It’s just that my family can’t come see me for a while” I sighed deeply and crossed my arms “and one of my friends ran away from home to escape the violence, I just hope they’re alright.”
“Aw babe, come here” he stands up and brings her in for an embrace “life hasn’t been fair for you in a while but I’m here, don’t worry about the big stuff. You’re here, safe and very much loved.”
I buried my face in the crook of his neck “You’re right, I can’t keep worrying myself like this, I love you.”
The weeks turned into months, things back home didn’t get better nor worse and I felt myself have something missing from my life. But I really couldn’t figure it out.
-Downtown Sumida, after work-
“My legs are killing me!” Jin groaned “honestly, who’s idea was it to enable the quirk suppress field when my job relies on my quirk?!” we all sit at the local tea shop for some boba “but I’m happy we can finally hang out after weeks of just work.”
“Yeah SPEAKING OF WHICH! Did you tell Hitoshi about your admittance?” Mimi perked up “I nearly forgot you applied for the local university!”
“I did and he wasn’t very supportive” I recalled everything he said “we got in a fight over it because he doesn’t like the idea of me being so busy with academics that I’d hardly have time for us. He’s cooled off since then but he’s upset that it’ll change our already busy schedule.”
“Oh I’m sorry he’s being like that” Mimi said as our order came “are things okay with you two?”
“Not to air out our troubles but things aren’t that great” I stab the straw into my drink “he doesn’t want to do the things I suggest nor compromise, we had a future plans talk and he doesn’t want to marry nor own a house but kids are a maybe. Plus on top of all that, he’s been very sexually needy, it was fun for like 4 days but I can’t have him eating me out every-time I lay on the couch or rip my pants off to do me on the kitchen counter when I come home from work!”
Mimi and Jin looked at each other “So what are you going to do?”
“I’m gonna go to college and deny him of unwanted sex” I took a sip “and if he really cares, he’d respect my wishes! Because I want to do things worth-while and our idea won’t launch itself!”
“I love that, you’re making your own happiness” Jin takes a sip “also I can’t believe you’re going to make our silly little high school project into reality.”
“It’s not silly! That little robo dog is still functional after all this time!” I exclaimed “the only thing silly about it is that 3 teenagers made it out of thrift shop electronics and scraps for an A minus!”
“I’m still salty at sensei for that” Jin crossed his arms.
“Point is, we have the potential to make it into a small security companion company. With the increase of working heroes with families, this could be the mediator for their security” I put my hand over theirs “and I’m so happy to have at least you two in support on this venture. Even if there’s a chance we’d flop.”
“I hope we expand big enough to have one of those cool low rise buildings as our headquarters AND have a staff!” Mimi started to get excited “So that way things run smoothly, even if we’re not always there.”
“Woah one step at a time Mimi!” I giggled “for now, lets focus on step number one, credentials to start such a thing.”
“To us, and the future of our success!” Jin raised his drink.
“TO US!” we dinked drinks and laughed.
I got home later with slight dread that Shinso was going to say something about being out a little past than promised. “I’m home.”
“Babe!” Shinso walked up excitedly to me as I closed the door “okay so I know I’ve been sorta a jerk to you about your future plans and we haven’t really pushed past it” he held my hands as he explained himself “I’m just a little afraid that you’ll get lost in your studies that you’ll be rushing yourself to get to other things, so I got something to ground you back on whats important.” He leads me to the living room and points to an open box on the coffee table “take a look.”
I peered in and saw an orange tabby with a leather collar looking back at me and meowed. “You got a cat?!” I nearly lost my shit in excitement.
“Yup, I adopted him from the shelter near my work” he walked up to me “he’s a little over a year old, has all his shots, no quirk and no name until I picked him up” he picked up the cat and flipped the metal tag for me to read “look.”
“HIS NAME IS BISCUIT!” I gushed and almost cried “Hitoshi! We’re pet parents, I’m literally crying!” I cry with a smile and pet the cat’s head.
“I thought you might like him” he chuckled as he kissed my cheek “he’s the new edition to our family...along with Muffins.” he said as he caught a glimpse of the little robo dog manually adjust the thermostat.
In that moment, a sort of forgot all the rough patches and re-aligned myself to be the best so I can give a good future to my expanding family.....nothing will go wrong, right?    
-Chapter 32, End-
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