#the lounge is an easy parallel to a hotel room
hitwiththetmnt · 6 months
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Mikey approaches your Mikey 
He says: sorry about the wall, I heard cerise crying, and I thought someone was hurting her, thank you for watching over my baby girl.
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pt 3 to the taylor!verse or they definitely learn how to communicate. 
content: not entirely smutty, but alludes to smut so 18+ only please, hurt no comfort, matty lies :/
matty’s departure for a tour usually pans out in one of two ways: a. you aren’t even privy to the fact that he’s left until he sends you a random dick pic in the middle of the afternoon, claiming it's two am his time and he misses you so so so much, or b. you’re getting woken up at six in the morning because he’s conveniently forgotten to secure a ride to the airport.
so, you sit and wait for the text. either one would work at this point, (though you’re a bit impartial to not being woken up with a picture of his dick).
you don’t just get a text however, you get multiple. a slew of messages wake you up from your slumber. multiple are him just asking if you’re awake because he’s bored out of his mind without you. others are him telling you all about the city he’s in and that you have to come visit because there’s so much good food and record shops and the vintage store he found has the best band tees he’s ever seen so he needs to know your size as soon as possible so he can buy you one. there’s an interesting use of emojis, too. you laugh to yourself as you begin to reply, but you’re immediately cut off by an incoming facetime from the man in question.
this continues for a few days- him in constant contact and you both ending your night on the phone together with him making promises of sweet nothings and baseless love. it's like he took a page right out of the “how-to-be-a-boyfriend-without-the-label handbook”, the perfect page at least to make you feel that deep down maybe in some parallel lifetime you were his and he was yours. and when he talks you through a mind-numbing orgasm later that night, having you puppeteer a ghost of what he would do to you had he been there, he asks you if you're his. and like you always do, you say yes through gasps for air and contorts of pleasure. you never ask if he’s yours though, the thought slips your mind at the moment. but you don’t need to because you know.
the next day, he calls and asks what your schedule looks like. you tell him there’s a lull in filming at the moment and that you’re free until a little over a month from now. he giggles, deviously, and you have half a mind to ask him what that’s all about. but he ends the call before you can. your confirmation comes about an hour later when you receive a text message with hotel and flight information and a cheeky “see you soon x”. you don’t push the envelope by questioning his intentions. instead, you make sure you tie up any loose ends for the next week and pack a bag.
he picks you up from the airport in yet another rented red convertible.
“you have a type, don’t you?” you laugh.
he shoots you a look, tossing your bag that he insisted on carrying for you into the backseat. “piss off.”
it only fuels your laughter, watching the way his face scrunches up as he rounds the car to get in the driver’s seat.
“mean it. I’ll leave you here,” his tone sounds serious, but there’s a hint of a smile on his lips and a glimmer in his eyes.
you roll your eyes as you hop in the car, “who’s going to get you off then, hm?”
he doesn’t respond. his hand finds itself on your thigh and that’s the answer you need.
for the first few days, it all seems normal. you fall into a sense of routine quite easily; waking up in a new hotel room, eating the hotel’s excuse for breakfast, lounging by the pool for a few hours, getting ready, going to the show, leaving for the after-party, leaving said after party early with matty whispering filthy promises in your ear, ending up in his room yet again, and then sneaking back out to your own hotel room before anyone would notice you were missing. it’s easy, to fall into this routine with him- especially on the days he has off and you two muck about in new cities, acting like tourists and finding new vintage stores. it’s like there was no ignoring and pining, just two friends (who happen to know each other’s bodies like the back of their hands) exploring and having a grand old time. painless, fun. easy.
until it isn’t.
she shows up on the fifth day of your trip. a woman mirroring your features. she’s an actress with a name that sounds like yours.
you had hardly noticed until you go to breakfast the next morning and she’s sat next to matty. your seat. he’s laughing at a joke she’s telling, wrapped up in her effortlessly. you don’t blame him. she’s funny and beautiful. you don’t blame her either for the way she looks at him because it's the same exact way you do.
he introduces you as his friend, with his arm wrapped over her shoulders and a permanent smile on his lips. the knife is twisting deeper. the wound only grows larger as she giggles out how matty’s told her so much about you and how much she loved the last movie you were in and did you know that matty and george had a hand in the soundtracking, they’re so talented, aren’t they? through a pained smile, one that matty would’ve picked up on (should’ve picked up on) had he been paying any attention to you, you’re nodding and thanking her. you excuse yourself before you can endure anymore, blaming it on a conference call. you feel stupid. used and stupid and confused.
you don’t notice matty’s eyes following you out of the room, a sallow expression overtaking his once gleeful smile.
there’s a knock at your hotel room. It’s just after two-thirty in the morning. you’re barely even opening the door before he’s pushing his way in, taking you in his arms and kissing the breath from your lips, sucking all of the air out of your lungs. you melt into him as you always do, fingers tangling in his hair and whines vibrating onto his lips. he takes you apart bit by bit with his tongue like his life depends on it, building you up to a blinding finish over and over and over again. you’re practically pulling him off of you in an attempt to hold onto whatever sanity you have left. and when he kisses you again, you taste yourself in his mouth; a small sliver of the remnants of your fantasy. he kisses you like he’s yours; your own perfectly curated shade of blue, a color mixed so tenderly and carefully like no other you’ve ever known.
you don’t ask him if he is yours, because you don’t have to. you never have to. not with the way he looks at you, a reflected image of your own dazed smile.
the last girl leaves and is replaced with another mirror of you. his late-night visits become far and few. time’s slipping away as quickly as he is, and there’s only three days left before you’re due back home for a photoshoot.
you didn’t notice it all until george brings it up as you two share a smoke on a balcony overlooking a new city. the air is crisp and the warmth brought by the blanket over your shoulders is a necessity.
“where’s matty?” he asks, exhaling the cloud of smoke in front of him with an outstretched hand holding the joint out to you.
you gladly accept, shrugging your shoulders and taking a hit, “haven’t seen much of him besides when he’s on stage.”
his eyebrows furrow and a tilt of his head comes soon after. you don’t like that look. it bubbles a deep feeling in your chest that radiates throughout your body and out into the air. you exhale as a means to eradicate it all, trying to push it away but there’s no use.
“weren’t you with him last night? i called and heard a voice in the back, sounded like yours.”
with the look you give him, he knows he’s ultimately shit the bed. your mind starts racing to matty telling you he was going to be busy for the next few nights, something about rewrites and creative processes but your mind was too hazy from the pleasure induced matty high to have it really resonate with you. you remember how he answered a phone call in the other room, just out of earshot so you wouldn’t be able to hear him. the feeling only grows.
“i uh, i wasn’t. i thought he was with you,” you swallow, thickly. your throat feels dry, but you’re accepting the joint again anyway.
george just shakes his head, offering you a solemn glance.
you feel sick. he’s on tour; singing songs he’s written about you yet, still shacking up with girls that aren’t you but look and act like you at the end of the night. so what's the matter with you, exactly? he makes you promise him that you’re his and you’ve never once asked him if that was reciprocated. he’s never once said it. but he acts like he’s yours in the middle of the night and under the covers and over text messages at ungodly hours. he tastes like he’s yours when he kisses you with so much fervor and longing that you forget how to breathe.
there are two days before you have to leave now. after the revelation on the balcony with george, you find yourself packing your bags, hurriedly. deuxmoi is calling her his next girlfriend, going on and on and gushing about how happy he looks for once. you’re sick to your stomach, excusing yourself from the gig that night with a lie about some casting call with your manager.
it’s late when they get back and matty is still riding his stage high. when he sees you outside the hotel, hushing furious secrets on the phone, it all comes crashing down. bile rises to his throat and he approaches you with a cigarette tucked between his lips.
“so we lie to each other, now?”
you jump, not expecting to see him until morning. your scoff falls into the air, ignored as he stares at you indignantly awaiting your response.
“you’re one to talk, matt.” the name feels foreign on your tongue, syllables that haven’t escaped your vernacular recently.
“if you didn’t want to come tonight, why lie about it?” it was a blow to his ego, no doubt, to not have you there tonight. but he deserved it.
“i’m not the liar here.” your words cast a heavy dark cloud over him, “why have you been avoiding me?”
“i didn't... i’m not avoiding you,” he sputters.
your reserve breaks, another lie.
“did you invite me here just so you could sleep with me if one of your friends didn’t feel up to it?”
the words leak out of your lips, dripping with malice like white-hot venom. they’re out in the open now, there’s no way for you to take them back as you wait for his response. the end of his cigarette illuminates as he takes another hit, eyes forward now. he didn’t dare make eye contact, too afraid of the nonsense that would boil over if he did.
“it’s not.. it’s not like that-”
“then enlighten me, matty.”
matty looks at you, finally, pensive as if waiting for you to go on, “i don’t understand.”
“why did you invite me here?”
“i think it’s pretty obvious?” an awkward laugh falls from his lips.
“god, i’m so fucking dumb,” you groan and run a hand over your face, wishing the earth would just swallow you whole, “i’ve been here waiting for a sign that maybe just maybe things were changing and i didn’t waste years of my life pining after a man who doesn’t care about me but instead sees me as an opportunity to get laid when his long line of women runs dry.”
“that’s bullshit! you were off doing the same things i was-”
“yeah, but i stopped because i…”
“you what?”
“i fell in love with you,” you confess.
you watch as his mouth bobs up and down. the air feels as if it’s been sucked out of your lungs, yet again, and you so badly want to just take back everything you said, beginning with your inquisition and your later revelation to him. you’re not sure if you even want him to say anything at this point, knowing that whatever he says is not going to help you lick the self-inflicted wounds or heal the mess you’ve so brilliantly perpetrated.
there’s an utterance of your name as he tosses aside the ember of his cigarette. you shake your head though, don’t want to hear what he has to say. the moment has come and gone, fleeting like a flash of lightning before a clap of thunder. he steps towards you, hands shifting as he wonders if he should touch you or just keep them to himself. he chooses the latter and you have to swallow down the tears as they sting at the corners of your eyes. you’re not about to give him the satisfaction.
“you don’t have to say anything,” your voice permeates the thickened air. his eyes search yours relentlessly, but you remain stoic in how you speak. “but if it isn’t obvious. this,” you gesture between the two of you, “i can’t do it anymore. at least not like it was before. and i’m not about to push you into something you’re not ready for. so, i’ve decided to just take myself out of the equation.”
“well that’s hardly fair,” he scoffs, his voice laced with his own thick emotion.
“i need to do this for me, though.”
“if you just give me some time-”
“matty, i can’t. if it’s taking you this long to even remotely have a response towards me telling you how i feel then it’s not going to happen and we both just need to move on.”
“but,” he swallows, “i want you to stay.”
“i can’t, not like this.”
“you knew what this was when we started, so i don’t know why you’re getting like this. can’t we just forget this happened? i won’t see her again if that makes you feel any better,” matty’s eyes are red and bloodshot and you watch as he blinks a few times as if to ward off tears.
“you can’t treat me one way behind closed doors, telling me you’re mine and kissing me like that and filling my head up with this faithless love and then make it out to be like none of that has ever happened.”
“that’s how it’s always been!”
“why can’t you just face the fact that things have been different between us?”
matty looks down at his shoes, “i didn’t notice that…”
“that’s bullshit, matty.” you cry out.
“i don’t want you to leave. not like this.”
“then give me a reason to stay. tell me that it’s not just in my head, that you feel what i feel, and that i’m not just imagining it all,” you plead, “tell me you want me the way i want you.”
matty stays silent for a minute or two, you’ve stopped counting. instead you’re holding your breath to put off crying, trying to will some kind of higher being to reverse the clock. you feel your grip on the upper hand begin to slide when his eyes meet yours again. he utters your name, begging with you. but it’s too late, you’re exasperated and tired of the back and forth and on and off and hot and cold. you just want to hear him say it. you’ve never had to ask him before, but your assumptions have left you feeling empty and slighted.
the second utterance of your name is all the confirmation you need. your eyes are stinging and you just shake your head at him, but he keeps speaking anyway. you wish you could stop listening, stop falling into his trap.
“i do want you. always," he steps towards you somberly, hands outstretched.
“you know that’s not what i mean,” you whisper in fear of what your voice would sound like even a decibel louder. you’ve lit the candle from both ends, enjoying the feeling of claiming him as your own and having him around without the vindication that he feels the same way. and now you’re left with the ashes of what was, forced to clean up the mess that’s left behind and hopefully clean up yourself as well. for years, you’ve put him first, let his entire being consume you whole, and paint you a shade of blue. but it was all a hoax, a game constructed by the man who stood before you so he could have his cake and eat it, too.
that seems to be enough for him to drop your hand. you hadn’t even realized he picked it up. and that’s the worst part of it all, you think, is he’s letting you go now without so much of a fight. the war is over, a winless fight, and as the dust settles all you can think about is how you’ve never once gotten the clarification.
you never asked him if he was yours because you never had to. but in hindsight, maybe you should have.
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
hii! Could i pls request a j/10: first kiss with cc!Eret with the reader and them being on a streamer party and they flirted a lot in the past months, dancing around each other and now they finally met each other at the party? After dancing for a bit, Eret asked the reader if they wanna chat for a bit on the balcony and thats were they kiss? <3 you are amazing <3
eek omg and I saw your follow up message and ofc <3 no worries at all. I literally stopped watching Netflix for this because this is so big brained! I LOVE IT.
thank you for the event request! how to request for the event here.
{First Kiss} cc!Eret X Reader
pronouns: not mentioned
word count: 2219
trigger warnings: sitting on and ledge, night club vibes, swearing
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600 followers masterlist
regular masterlist
You leaned back in your chair in a deep sigh. The chair floated off the ground just for a second before rebalancing it. You stretched your legs out and propped your arms behind your head, "Did you get invited to that streamer party? I don't even know who's hosting it anymore. It's at the Twitch Headquarters in San Fran?"
Eret combed his hand through his hair, "Yeah, I got invited. I'm assuming you did?"
You smiled and nodded, "Yeah I did. You gonna go?"
He shrugged through the screen, "Thinking about it... I just wanted to see if certain people were going before I made a decision."
"Elaina going?" You fiddled with your ring.
He shook his head, "She has something else to go to."
You chuckled, "I see, you were waiting to see if I was going."
Eret huffed, "Sure... you can't prove a thing."
"Well I'm going, with or without you, pretty boy."
You looked up to see him trying to hide their smile and getting a flushed look to their cheeks, "I'll go too."
You two sat in silence for a while. You spoke up, "This is gonna be our first time meeting up."
He nodded, "It is, isn't it? Well that's exciting."
You smiled, "It is. I finally get to meet the man behind the screen."
"You're telling me," His deep voice soothed your nerves. Just thinking about meeting him, finally getting that long awaited hug was enough to make your stomach turn. "I get to meet the mystery of yourself. You talk all this big shit about how great you are, you better live up to you."
"Oh I'll live up to it, just you wait," You scoffed. "In fact. I'm gonna go and get packing. The party is in less than a week and you know people are gonna get upset if we don't film something together."
"Okay y/n. Have a nice night," Eret told you.
"Goodnight, Eret," You ended the call and typed a quick "<3" in chat.
The next few days were spent organizing and planning. You lived outside of San Francisco, so Eret offered you to stay the night at his place, that way you wouldn't have to make a long drive late at night or get some over-priced hotel.
The day of the party, you got up super early. By the looks of it, there wasn't gonna be anywhere to get ready before the party. You ate a small breakfast, did your routine, and picked out your best outfit that you were positive was gonna impress Eret.
Eret has only seen you in lounge wear. You weren't the type to get all fancy to be on screen. You preferred being comfortable, it helped you be more natural.
It was a longer drive, but you made sure you didn't waste your energy putting on a mini-concert for yourself. You arrived at the party sometime later. You parked a little ways away, that way it would be easier to get out of, plus you can't parallel park.
You set your phone on your trunk and did a few touch ups, making sure that you looked exactly how you wanted too. Once satisfied, you strutted your way to the building.
im here where are you?
eret 👑<3: uh... somewhere on the dance floor. I got turned around. im tall it's hard to miss me
You sighed, how is he already dancing? The party started like ten-minutes ago. You put your thoughts to the back of your head and walked through the double doors and headed upstairs.
The party room was easy to find. The music could be heard from hallways away and the strobe lights peaked from under the door. You headed over to the bouncer and flashed your ID. He gave you a stamp on your hand and opened the glass door.
You found the closet and wrapped your keys and wallet into your jacket, tucking it in a corner.
You felt awkward walking around, trying to find the main area. You didn't know anyone at this party besides Eret. A few people waved at you and said hi, but no one that you talked to regularly.
You turned the corner and there was no doubt that you found the dance floor. There was Eret, the center of attention, literally stealing the show. He had a circle around him, a few people were recording.
You leaned against the wall. Seeing him be so social made you even more nervous. You weren't the type to get involved in things like that. You stayed off to the side and admired his movements. God, he was so pretty. He looked like he came from some modeling company.
You've always had a thing for Eret. What started off as harmless flirting out of boredom developed into the only relationship that you would want on the planet. Seeing him in person just made you fall for him more.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a hand on your waist, pulling you close to them. You looked up and locked eyes with Eret. If this wasn't some "love at first sight" scene, then you didn't know what it was. You couldn't even pay attention to what he was saying to you, all you could focus on was those bright, beautiful eyes.
His hand grabbed yours and brought it up, signaling for you to spin. You shyly shook your head 'no' and laughed.
"Don't tell me you came to a party and you're not even gonna dance. Come dance with me!" He urged.
How could you say no to him? "A 'hello' would be nice before you just snatch me," You told him.
"Hello's are for strangers!" He yelled over the crowd noise, "Now stop stalling and get over here with me!"
You tried grounding your feet, but you were just no match to his strength. You gave up on resisting and let him take your hand and lead you to the center.
He immediately started swaying his body, moving your hands with his, trying to get you to move a little bit. You couldn't help but blush at how romantic this was and how embarrassed you felt. You don't dance. Period. Eret was like some undercover pro.
You started to feel the music more and copied Eret's motions. After a song or two, you really started feeling yourself and let loose. Rather you follow his lead, he was following yours. Both of you were surprised that you unlocked this side of you.
You kept your distance from him as long as you could, until you accidentally got pushed into his chest. Your first instinct was to back up, but Eret's hand on your back kept you in place, close to him.
You two barely said any words to each other, but it felt like in the couple songs that you've danced to, that you've had a million conversations. You could feel yourself getting hotter by the second. There were so many people around you and being this close to Eret made you all different types of flustered.
He leaned down, his breath tickling your neck, "Do you wanna go get some water and chat on the balcony for a bit?"
You nodded, stepping away. Eret kept his hand on your back, making sure that you wouldn't get stolen away from him. You stopped at the coolers and tossed him up a water and he led you to the outside balcony.
It was a huge balcony, but there were no tables. You really didn't want to look up at Eret for this long, you knew your neck was gonna start hurting. Luckily, the edge was nice and wide, enough for you to safely sit on. You hopped up, Eret stayed standing in front of you.
"I didn't even know this place had a balcony," You commented.
"I didn't either," Eret told you. "I overheard some people talking about it before you arrived."
You took a gulp of water, "If you can't tell, I don't go out much."
"For not going out much you sure can get down."
You laughed and looked away, hoping that it was dark enough to hide your blush, "I don't think I've seen a big city from this high up before."
"If you wanna get a better look I'll hold you so that you can hang your feet over."
This fucker knew exactly what he was doing and it was not fair, but you couldn't let your nerves get in the way of missing out on an opportunity like this.
You kicked your shoes off, "Don't want those landing on someone's car..." You slowly brought your knees up and looked at Eret. He took a step closer, ensuring you that you were safe with him.
If your mother could see you now: at some party with influencers, stories in the sky with some hot guy you've never met, trusting him enough to hang over the edge.
You carefully swung your feet over, letting gravity pull them down. You felt Eret snake his hands around your waist, locking his hands in front you.
"Everything looks so small from up here," You commented.
He chuckled and leaned in closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder, "Now you know how I feel when I look at you."
You lightly elbowed him, "Knock that shit off. You promised me no short jokes."
"Sorry, sorry," He apologized. "It was such a great opportunity. Have you had the chance to explore the city yet? There's a lot of great shops around."
You shook your head, "I wanted to go exploring with someone special."
"Special?" Eret questioned. "Got anyone in mind?"
You smiled and leaned back into him, "I guess we'll have to see in the morning." Your hand slowly made its way down to his. Once he noticed, he opened his ups, allowing you to slide in.
"You know..." He started. "Never mind-that's stupid to say."
You chuckled, "No, tell me! You can't start and not finish."
He shook his head, "It's cliche, just forget I said anything. Have you been enjoying your night?"
You nodded, "Yeah I have, I would be enjoying it more if you finish that sentence."
"You're really gonna make me say it?" He whispered into your ear.
You nodded, "You've intrigued me, Eret."
He took back one of his hands and rubbed his face, "It was something stupid, like: 'You light up my world like the way the lights light up the city'. Like, of course the lights light up the city, they're called city lights-that’s how it works."
You bursted out laughing, "That's stupidly sweet, Eret. Thank you."
Your hands left him as you balanced yourself to turn back towards him. He kept close, standing between your legs with his hands on either side of you. You both smiled at each other, the awkward eye contact making you both laugh.
"I didn't think that this was how we would meet," He admitted. "I thought it was gonna be some random day or VidCon."
"Yeah..." You replied, looking down at the ground.
Eret held your cheek, making you look back at him, "Penny for your thoughts?"
You shrugged, "It's just crazy y'know? This whole streamer thing. I didn't think I would end up getting this far and being able to meet amazing people like you."
He smiled, tucking your hair behind your ear, "We gotta get you a better camera then. You look way better in person than on camera."
You dipped your head down and pressed it against his chest, hiding your blush, "You need to stop doing that."
"Doing what?" He asked you.
"We're not on camera y'know. You don't need to keep the act up."
He gently grabbed your chin. He didn't force you to look up, instead pressed your forehead against his. "This was never an act," He whispered. "I've wanted to have a night out with you like this since the first month we started talking. I've waited so long for this... I think we both did."
You rubbed his cheek with your thumb, "Yeah, I did too."
His hand moved to your side, gently rubbing it in sync with you, "Can I kiss you?"
Instead of replying, you moved your free hand to behind his neck, pulling him in and connecting your lips. His lips were even softer than you imagine. At first, it was slow and gentle, but you've two waited so long for this moment. Eret straightened up and reached at your back, pulling you closer to him. Your lips hungrily moved in sync with his. You scooted as close as you could to him, wrapping your legs around his waist. His hand gripped at you, gently massaging your head. You pulled away, in desperate need of air. He chased your lips, but got the hint that you needed a break. He kissed your cheek and pulled you tightly into his chest.
"You should stay for a while," Eret offered. "Elaina wouldn't mind. I don't want you to leave yet. Just for a couple more days, two days isn't enough."
You nodded, "I'm staying until you kick me out."
He laughed, kissing your forehead one last time, "Better get used to me then."
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theliterateape · 5 years
How To Hide A Body In Illinois
An excerpt from the newly released novel, “The Lyrebird Threat” by J. L. Thurston
Her body was crumpled in post-mortem yoga. Folded like a greeting card. Her ass stuck straight up in the air and her face was smashed into the white plush carpet.
She was a fresh corpse, still warm and scented with flowery perfume. Doing the downward dog next to the dining room table in the Attorney General of Illinois’ home.
The dead woman was in her mid-sixties but appeared older by the way she dressed and by the gray bun at the top of her head. She had been in excellent health up until the poisoning.
There were no signs of trauma. No blood, no gore to soil the cleanliness of the barely-used home.
Standing over the body was a woman who looked exactly like the Attorney General, Magda Loughty. But she wasn’t. This was a woman of many faces and many voices. A true master of disguise.
She was the Mimic.
Born with a voice that could make any sound, imitate anyone, and with the right connections to special effects makeup artists, the Mimic had everything she needed to overthrow the country’s biggest and darkest secret.
 Her heels clicked on the wood floors on her way to the garage. She refused to break character, even when no one was around. The Mimic wore her face like a mask, maintaining Loughty’s trademark mild disappointment. She had studied her for years. She could perfectly mimic the way Loughty made sure most people avoided speaking to her unless they had to. The way she intimidated all those who had the misfortune to meet her.
If Loughty wasn’t tearing someone’s confidence down, she wasn’t awake.
Inside the three-door garage was the victim’s SUV. Beneath the backseat was a tightly folded black tarp and roll of duct tape, both of which the Mimic removed and carried inside to the body.
She moved as quickly as she could, not caring for the noise she made. Speed outweighed stealth.
The body was heavy despite its slender habitus. It flopped and sagged as the Mimic pushed and rolled it onto the tarp.
Sweat began to form on her brow. It would take buckets of sweat to get the facial prosthetics to come unglued, but she worried about her makeup. Too much sweat and she’d begin to look partially melted.
The body was finally tucked into the tarp, rolled and folded. The duct tape made obscenely loud noises as she ripped off strip after strip.
The Mimic was racing against the clock. Her breathing was ragged, her heart thumping high in her throat. She hadn’t felt this exhilarated in years. She reveled in the quaking sensation in her knees. It was all finally happening.
The Mimic dragged the body through the hall to the garage, where she let it roll roughly down the three cement steps to the cold gray floor. She opened the tailgate to the SUV. The body flopped only slightly in the tight tarp roll-up while the Mimic loaded it in and piled on a blanket. Panting, sweating, she threw herself into the driver’s seat and allowed herself time to reapply powder and crank the air conditioning.
According to the dashboard clock, she had just enough time to dump the body, change disguises, and make it to morning coffee at work before being noticeably late.
While she made her way out of Chicago, her mind replayed the old woman’s death. Her graying face choking on the poison, eyes bulging as her heart and lungs failed her. The imagery would be disturbing if it wasn’t so liberating. Nothing that happened in Loughty’s dining room that morning was undeserved.
The long drive took her passed the suburbs where only farmland and woodland could be seen in all directions. She knew of a perfect little pond deep in a heavily wooded area. It was the final resting place for a few Eagle agents. There was room for one more.
The Mimic parked the SUV on the side of the road near a thin deer trail. She kicked off Loughty’s high heels and laced on some hiking boots. She hoisted the tarped body around her shoulders and stomped off into the woods.
Yellow light filtered through a heavy ceiling of green. White tufts of cottonwood pollen drifted whimsically all around. The humidity was high that day. It caused sweat to sting her eyes and soak her back.
She had to rest often. The facial prosthetics began to slide out of place and wilt, but she did not concern herself with them now that she was out of the city. She was careful not to lose anything, however, as she would have to become Loughty again for another murder. Or a suicide, depending on how one looked at it.
The pond seemingly materialized out of the trees. A forgotten water hole surrounded by a ring of mud and rocks, the water was a dark brown speckled with floating blobs of algae.
Panting, muscles aching, the Mimic chose six large rocks to weigh the tarp down. Once they were secured by duct tape, she dragged the body into the water and began to swim out to the center. The weight of the tarp pulled her under and she struggled to swim to the center of the pond with it.
When the effort was too much, she released her package and scrambled to the surface, gasping and choking on the murk. She had swallowed some of the fishy water and nausea was trying to cramp her gut. She paddled to shore and lay in the mud, staring up at the blue morning sky until she caught her breath.
The ticking clock forced her to press on. Once she reached the SUV, she stripped off her ruined business suit and stuffed them under a bush. Underneath the passenger seat in the SUV was a shirt and sweat pants. She still reeked of fish water, but at least she was in dry clothes.
Smiling placidly to herself, she drove back into the city. To Lyrebird Headquarters.
In the puzzling, tightly-packed buildings that filled Chicago, it was easy to overlook the abandoned places. Factories, warehouses, hotels, apartment buildings. All shut down and boarded up. Left to decay until someone with money tears it down for another parking garage, or mall, or restaurant. The Lyrebirds had many options for their headquarters when they moved to Chicago.
The Mimic pulled into a small underground parking lot. Water pooled on the severely cracked pavement where she parked. The brick building that loomed overhead was once a giant in Chicago, but now was overshadowed by skyscrapers four times its size.
It had originally been a thread factory, then its upper levels were used as apartments, then it was abandoned and condemned and used mostly as a crack house until the Lyrebirds moved in.
She parked the SUV and dodged dark and dirty puddles on her way to the door.
Feeling time wasting away, she hurried through the building that had been her home for the past year. The first two levels were uninhabitable. Old, rusted factory equipment made homes for spiders and rats. A metal staircase took her to the third floor where the building had been renovated in the 1960’s for apartments.
Due to the work of her Lyrebirds, they had a clean living space, some creature comforts, and- most importantly- running water in the four bathrooms. A generator provided electricity, but sparingly.
She showered in the bathroom at the end of the hall, closest to her room. The water was ice cold, but it rejuvenated her. At that point, being clean was all that mattered to her.
The long hallway had peeling wallpaper and faded carpet. The Mimic toweled off, naked as she moved from the bathroom to the dressing room down the hall. She passed no one. Her Lyrebirds were busy, finishing the last steps editing the film. She hoped to be able to look it over tonight, or perhaps tomorrow.
She passed by bedrooms, a locked office, and a conference room. The bedroom doors were open, exposing the cots, sleeping bags, and other belongings that filled the living spaces. It looked like a refuge in a zombie apocalypse flick.
The last room on the right was the dressing room. It was the place where she underwent her transformations, almost as if by magic. Toby Bennett was a special effects makeup artist who was a genius of the highest caliber in his field.
She found him lounging in a chair by the window, reading. He did not blink at her naked form. Her body was not a secret to him. She was a canvas on which his art came to life. At the makeup table, her new set of prosthetics and palettes awaited. Her new identity awaited.
As the hour passed, Toby worked up a sweat while he transformed the Mimic into a completely different person. She ran information over in her head as though memorizing a script. All the people she’d impersonated had been a challenge, but this was the ultimate test. Any mistake would be blaringly obvious. She had to focus, to alter her mind so that it ran parallel with her latest victim’s.
This new disguise would be her ticket to the final moves in her revenge scheme. She was so close to her checkmate and Eagle was still completely unaware of her existence. But that was about to change. She had plenty of mind games in store for Loughty. That bitch would know the Mimic was closing in on her, and she would be helpless in stopping her.
But, best of all, the world would know about Eagle when it was all said and done. The world would hate Eagle, and Eagle would be no more. Soon.
 Now a different person, but still pressed by time, the Mimic drove her SUV back to the Attorney General’s house for a quick errand. She had a delivery to make. A wooden lyrebird, ornate and handcrafted in Australia, found a new home at the front door, facing the sidewalk.
The bird gave her comfort, gave her purpose. But to the Attorney General, the bird would send a message of fear. She will know pain is coming.
Note from the author:
If you enjoyed this excerpt (I certainly hope you have, since I have found you here at the end of it) please locate the novel in its entirety on Amazon.com, and do be so kind as to leave a review and share your thoughts with fellow readers.
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cchmissions · 6 years
Israel Day Nine: Tuesday 1/08/19
Waking up Tuesday morning was difficult, for many reasons; knowing we wouldn’t be returning to the hotel; the stress of packing, unpacking, and repacking your suitcase hoping to get everything to fit once again; trying to mentally prepare ourselves for our 36 hour day and all the travels that the day held; and most grim, knowing our time in Israel was running out. Yet we made the best of our situation and left the hotel with high hopes of what our last day might have in store for us. Our hotel was located in the Northeastern part of Israel and our airport, the final destination of the day, was located near the middle of the country on the western side along the coast of the Mediterranean.
Because we did have such a long day of driving, our tour guide planned a stop along the way at Caesarea. In 22 BC, King Herod had a dream that he wanted to build the largest port on the Mediterranean. Twelve years later, his dream came true. Caesarea, named after Augustus Caesar, used to be a very powerful city because of it’s location along the shore and the numerous entertainment options it provided. Before modern-day cruises became popular, ships would only sail shore-to-shore and dock every night so the fisherman or passengers could sleep on land. Caesarea offered its’ inhabitants and guests with plenty of leisure activities: chariot racing, gladiator games, and live theater at the large amphitheater that would have held 6,000 people. Unfortunately, a lot of this materialistic city was destroyed by conquest or overtaken by the waves of the Mediterranean. The amphitheater though is still functioning and used weekly for concerts. Most sites we stopped at had a gift shop, Caesarea being no exception. This shop was special though in that it had Bamba, our new favorite Israeli snack. More than half the group bought a bag to eat on the trip home.
Our next stop was Tel Aviv, or the New York of Israel. It is Israel’s second largest city and most populous city, oddly enough it is also one of the newest cities in Israel. Founded in 1909, Tel Aviv became a place where Jewish refugees would flood throughout the 20th century. Today it is a major tourist attraction, known for its’ nightlife, shopping, and fashion industry. It was very fitting that we spent the majority of our time in Tel Aviv at the Caramel Market, the largest market in Tel Aviv. Two city streets, parallel to each other, were full of vendors selling handmade crafts, produce, off-brand clothing, spices, sweets, electronics, wall décor, and so much more. The narrow streets were packed with other market goers all trying to get a look at the goods being offered; it really did feel like New York.
While at Caesarea, our guide Efrat received an exciting phone call saying that we would be able to tour Independence Hall, the building where Israel declared it was a nation, while in Tel Aviv. The Hall was supposed to be closed for visitors for the next few years, so our visit was truly an unexpected treat. Beginning as a house, then an art museum, and now a historical site the Independence Hall has had about as many changes as Israel has. During our tour, we sat where guests sat in 1948 during the meeting that would eventually declare Israel a nation. There is nothing particularly special about the house, which makes it a rather odd place to have such an important meeting. But because Israel was still not at peace, the founders needed somewhere safe where they could meet. The then art museum seemed like the perfect disguise, and the shelter walls and high windows of the basement didn’t hurt either.
After being educated about the creation of Israel as a nation, we got on the bus and took a short ride to Joffa/Joppa. This ancient port has many biblical stories attached to it: Solomon transported cedars here to build the First Temple (2 Chronicles 2:5-6), Jonah the prophet fled from God (Jonah 1:3), and where Peter brought Tabitha back to life and stayed with Simon the Tanner (Acts 9:36-43). Our first stop was an outlook of the shoreline and St. Peter’s church, built to commemorate the visit and miracles of Peter while in Joffa. Efrat shared that most churches face east, in Israel however, because sunlight and Jesus will eventually come from the east. St. Peter’s church is no exception, but because it faces east towards the Mediterranean Sea, it is meant to represent that the church is open to all people even those across the sea—even Gentiles. We then walked to the believed site of Simon the Tanner’s home, and Lance retold the story of Peter healing Tabitha Dorcus. Back on the bus it was time to go to the Closing Dinner.
The entire trip, Passages had provided five-star accommodations, but the Closing Dinner was the most luxurious of all. The conference hall where we ate was two stories tall, with one wall being glass windows from the ceiling to the floor. Before being served, our group along with Efrat and Michael, our body guard, met in a separate lounge to hold a debrief of the trip. Everyone shared their favorite part of the trip and something they learned/want to take back with them. It was interesting hearing the 38 different perspectives of the trip, and how some people’s highlights were others deleted scenes. It was very bittersweet, sitting all together one last time, knowing we wouldn’t ever be able to recreate this trip.
Since my return, many people have asked me “Would you want to go back?”. And the easy answer is yes, yes I would. But honestly, I feel that it would be a disservice if I went back outside of Passages. Having started only three years ago, it was amazing how developed, professional, and pristine Passages and the entire trip was. They provided us with so much extra information, viewpoints, and insights that made the trip all the more meaningful. The immense amount of detail and effort that is poured into our schedule really showcases Passages desire for the students to learn and be more than just mindless tourists. I also couldn’t imagine coming back and not having Efrat as my personal guide. Her knowledge of the bible, land, Jewish culture, and Israeli history was absolutely inspiring. She said that she started giving tours after college just trying to make some money before something better came along, 29 years later she has mastered the art of tour-giving and could probably do it in her sleep. I would say without any doubts, that every single person on our bus was positively affected by her presence and inspired to learn more about our own faith because of her.
For our last supper, pun 100% intended, we were served our choice of veal, chicken, or fish. A significant amount of sides and pita was also consumed. While dessert was being served, we acknowledged each of the 8 buses, the faculty, tour guides, and body guards that were represented in the room. Once we were done eating, we had to rush to the airport to have enough time to make it through customs before our flight departed. Many hugs were given to Efrat and Michael, before we finally had to go our separate ways. Both of our flights went smoothly without any issues. The one thing on most people’s minds after landing was when they could get fast food. It seemed that a week without a hamburger or pizza was more difficult than expected. Honestly though, does anything say America more than a McDonalds?
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The partially destroyed amphitheater in Caesarea Phillippi, and view of Mediterranean
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The view of the amphitheater from the stage; it used to be 3 stories tall
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Remains of Caesarea Phillippi, most washed away by the sea
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The bus with all of our Bamba 
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Carmel Market in Tel Aviv 
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The original photo of Ben Gurion, the leader of Israel during both World Wars, in Independence Hall
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Staircase down to the port 
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Jaffa port 
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Luxurious location of our last meal in Israel 
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The last meal in Israel (chicken served at the fancy dinner) 
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First meal post-Israel (please laugh at the comparison between this and the last meal in Israel) 
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olympictickets · 5 years
Olympic Hospitality: Most anticipated hotel openings in 2020 (Q1 & Q2)
Kickstarting Tokyo Olympic, Hotel Designs takes a glance at some of the most significant hotel projects that are expected to complete in the next 12 months (edited by Hamish Kilburn). Olympic fans from all over the world are invited to book Olympic 2020 tickets from our online platforms for Olympic Tickets. Olympic Hospitality fans can book Olympic Hospitality from our ticketing marketplace exclusively on discounted prices.
If 2019 was anything to go by, then the next 12 months on the international hotel design and hospitality scene is going to be a jam-packed series of hotel openings in all corners of the globe. But with the industry churning out all kinds of hotels, it can be a challenge identifying the projects that will make the biggest impact.                                       
In order to cut through the noise, the editorial team has sifted through the lists of projects on the boards in order to determine which among them are the most significant hotel projects that are slated to complete and open in Year 2020. We start our series by putting the spotlight on the hotels forecasted to the opening in Q1 and Q2.
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Fusion Suites Vung Tau (Q1)
Fusion’s latest hotel, Fusion Suites Vung Tau, is set to open in January in southern Vietnam’s popular coastal playground. The new 21-story property structures 171 well-appointed suites and apartments, an assembly of dining options, a spa, a yoga studio, and a rooftop infinity pool. The property offers opinions of the ocean, and counterparts the setting with playful insides dressed in sea green, ocean blue, and a wide range of ocean-inspired hues in between. The same sense of whimsy informs the building’s complex facade with pastel-colored glass panels that zig-zag upwards. For dining options, the hotel has the Fresh eatery, a rooftop bar, and market stalls in the vestibule. The property’s 12 treatment room spa is inspired by the sea and features signature therapies based around salt. Conveniently located in the heart of Vung Tau, the hotel is just a short trip by boat or road from Ho Chi Minh City.
Mama Shelter Paris West (Q1)
Following a successful soft opening, Mama Shelter’s second hotel in Paris, located in the eclectic 15th arrondissement, will officially open in January 2020. With cutting-edge design elements by up and coming French designer Dion & Arles, featuring the playful design and vibrant color palettes – guests can unwind in front of the open fire in the all-day restaurant or dine al fresco on the terrace, complete with its very own half-size basketball court. This will be Mama Shelter’s 12th property.
Hotel Brooklyn, Manchester (Q1)
Designed by Squid Inc – the team behind renowned Hotel Gotham – the long-awaited Hotel Brooklyn is scheduled to open in February 2020. The 189-key hotel is inspired by the New York Borough and chosen for its resonating similarities to Manchester, in terms of its buzzing industrial growth, as well as its strength of identity and culture.
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Riggs Washington D.C.
The long-awaited brainchild of The Brit List 2019 judge Jacu Strauss, Riggs Washington D.C. is expected to open its illustrious doors in February 2020. The famed designer has invoked the spirit of the building’s former bank while preserving and restoring much of the property’s original design features to reimagine the storied building for the modern traveler. The 181-room property features playful nods to the building’s rich past, drawing on the parallels between the activities that take place in banks and at hotels to offer something personal and serendipitous around every corner.
Atocha Hotel Madrid – Tapestry Collection by Hilton (Q1)
Tapestry Collection by Hilton is making its debut in EMEA and will soon land in two of the most iconic European cities.
Atocha Hotel Madrid will be the first hotel to join Hilton’s Tapestry Collection in Europe. It is located in the buzzing heart of Madrid, within walking distance from popular tourist attractions such as the Museo Reina Sofia and El Retiro Park.
Crowne Plaza Sydney Darling Harbour (Q1)
The new-build hotel features 152 modern guest rooms and suites suspended in a prime position just a short stroll to the CBD’s commercial & transport hub, the lively Darling Harbor precinct, and the International Convention Centre. The new hotel will feature a heated outdoor plunge pool with a vista across Sydney’s skyscraper as well as three restaurants & bars.
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W Ibiza/Baranowitz + Kronenberg
Conceived and designed by BARANOWITZ + KRONENBERG, W Ibiza is slated to open in April ahead of the Tokyo Olympic season. Located off the beaten track, the 167-key hotel will strike a pose on the palm-fringed beachfront of Santa Eulalia. As the only global brand on the island, the design brief was to marry the parallel realities of Ibiza with a magnetic pull that turns up the sass.
By opening up the public spaces to become a flexible social hub, the hotel becomes a place that nurtures human connections, and through the use of subtle levels creates touchable distance between each functional area. “The idea is that the energy descends into the unconventional pool area,” Alon Baranowitz told Hotel Designs in an exclusive interview.
As you move up levels, the lobby/lounge area becomes more reclined, but the open architecture scheme allows for a clever connection between all spaces. The hotel will open as part of Marriott International’s goal to add more than 30 new luxury hotels to its extensive worldwide portfolio in year 2020.
The Emerald House Lisbon, Curio Collection by Hilton (Q2)
One of the world’s most historic cities, known for its one-of-a-kind beauty and unique dining, will soon welcome The Emerald House Lisbon, Curio Collection by Hilton. The hotel will be located a few streets away from the historical districts of Chiado and Baixa, famous for their impressive plazas, vibrant restaurants, and boutique shops, making it ideal for curious travelers seeking unexpected and authentic experiences.
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Rosewood São Paulo (Q2)
Rosewood Hotels & Resorts will launch its first South American property situated in the center of São Paulo, featuring 151 guestrooms and 114 owners’ suites, two restaurants, including one located on a veranda overlooking hotel gardens and complemented by a bar and a caviar lounge. Entertaining accommodations will include two swimming pools with one rooftop pool and the other set amongst the redesigned grounds and a large spa and a fitness area.
Hotel visitors will also be able to entree an adjoining music studio, screening room and luxury retail stores within the development. Rosewood Hotels and Resorts are collaborating on this project with leading international figures such as the Pritzker Prize-winning architect Jean Nouvel and designer Philippe Starck, to create a one-of-a-kind building.
The Tokyo EDITION, Toranomon (Q2)
Set to be the first EDITION Hotel in Japan, the Tokyo EDITION Toranomon is slated to rise as part of the redevelopment of the former Pastoral Building, a mixed-use project comprising offices, residences, and a medical center. The 205-key hotel has been created in partnership with the globally renowned architect and designer Kengo Kuma, who designed the Tokyo Olympic National Olympic Stadium. It is expected to offer easy access to some of Tokyo’s most iconic sites, including the Tokyo Tower and the Tsukiji fish market. Within walking distance to the buzzing nightlife and restaurants of Roppongi, The Tokyo EDITION Toranomon will further raise the bar in entertainment and gastronomy for the area.
Voco Edinburgh (Q2)
Not only a capital city, but Edinburgh is also the leading centenary city in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With a plethora of world-class attractions, sightseeing in Edinburgh is effortless, with visitors able to experience different centuries of history from street to street. IHG’s new voco brand is to open in Edinburgh on Torphichen Street, close to Edinburgh International Conference Centre. The hotel will feature all the usual comforts afforded by Voco properties, such as an indoor pool, eco-friendly bedding, a health club, an on-site bar.
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The Pig at Harlyn Bay, Cornwall (Q2)
The Pig brand is going from strength to strength. Following its latest opening in Bridge, Kent, The Pig brand is heading west coast of Cornwall. Inside a stunning Grade II-listed building, Harlan House, THE PIG-at Harlyn Bay is positioned near Padstow in Cornwall. Expected to open in June 2020, the hotel is just a short stroll from Harlyn beach, Constantine Bay beaches, Trevose Golf Club, and is also only a 10-minute drive to the sea-side honeypot of Padstow.
Ikos Andalusia (Q2)
Marking the brand’s arrival into Spain – and the first property outside Greece – Ikos Andalusia is slated to open in May 2020. The stylish resort is set amongst olive trees and has both modern features and local touches, such as traditional Moorish windcatchers perched atop its seven buildings. Individually commissioned pieces of art and colorful hand-painted tiles will be on display throughout the restaurants and guest rooms. A Cherry Blossom tree at Anaya restaurant, encircled by seating for guests to enjoy Asian dishes in an al-fresco setting, will be a particular stand-out feature.
Six bars will be situated around the resort’s lush gardens and pools serving cocktails arranged by award-winning Ikos mixologists, using branded international and local state of mind.
The resort will boast eight outdoor and indoor pools, including kids’ pools, spa pools, and adults-only pools, plus a number of private pools. Each of the outdoor pools will feature a cascading design overlooking the beach and the Mediterranean Sea.
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Banyan Tree Krabi (Q2)
Singapore-based Banyan Tree Holdings Ltd, one of Asia’s primary luxury hotel groups, has broadcast plans to open a new resort in Krabi in the second quarter of Tokyo Olympic. Currently, under development in a serene location on Tubkaek Beach, Banyan Tree Krabi fronts powdery white sands and the shallow-shelved coast of the Andaman Sea.
The new Thai resort will offer 72 pool suites and villas, among them seven two-bedroom options and one three-bedroom villa. Facilities include all-day dining, a ballroom, a wedding chapel, a beach club, a kids’ club, and a fitness center. In possession of Banyan Tree’s holistic branding, the possibility will also host a rainforest-themed spa.
Olympic 2020 supporters can get Olympic Tickets through our trusted online ticketing market place. OlympicTickets2020.com is the most consistent source to book Olympic Packages.
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july-19th-club · 8 years
Century 12
aka, My Very New Very Unfinished Immortal People Short Story, bc some of you asked for it and let’s be honest, I wanted to share it anyway
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One of us has died.
          The strangest part about it is that the dead woman—she was a woman, from Argentina, short and stout and always wore her hair in a thick bun and sold handknit products online—was one of our youngest. Only on Century 3, she’d been doing well. That we knew of. She kept in touch, had been saying on the forum that she was going to bring treats to the meet, something homemade. And then three weeks before, when most of us were planning or packing or already en route, we all got notices on our group messages—she was dead.
         Suicide, of course. It’s all my seat partner on the plane talks about on our way over. He’s a long-legged guy from New York—long enough for it to give him an accent, anyway. He’s businesslike and well-dressed, but looks cramped and crumpled in the airplane seating. He’s doing good right now, he says. He’s in a stable relationship; they just adopted a new cat. He shows me pictures—a young, impossibly handsome blue-eyed man proudly holding up a disgruntled orange tabby. 
          “Found him in an alley. His name’s Mewcutio,” says my seat partner—and then he cracks a grin. “The cat, not my boyfriend,” he amends.
          “It’s so good right now,” he adds, looking at me earnestly. But I don’t know whether he’s trying to convince himself or what. Relationships—I gave up on those a long time ago. And this guy looks like maybe he did too, for a while. His face, when he talks about his blue-eyed boy, is a mixture of adoration and mourning.
          It’s not hard to guess why.
At the meet, we don’t sit down and break out a session immediately. That’s what local groups and semilocals are for. The coping, the therapy. This is a celebration for us—the precious few, to gather every ten years and remind each other that we’re still here, that we can and will and must by nature endure. For some of us it’s the thing that saves us. For others, it’s a reminder of how unsavable we really are.
          Upon arrival, we split up in the entrance to the hotel—we’ve booked over half of it for the occasion, as we do every ten years in a different venue in a different country—and we look for old friends. My seat partner and I walk in opposite directions, and in my head I wish him a good fifty-sixty-seventy with his blue-eyes. It’s the best they’re gonna get. I watch him jog down the steps and I take the elevator upstairs. Julie and Kim Mbege are already in the room they’re sharing. They’re sisters, which is rare. It’s not like anyone picks this—it just…happens. Family members who both get it are as rare as…well, as rare as the Argentinian doing what she did. As awful as it is, who we are, what we have to look forward to—it’s rare that we let go of it.
          Except…as the Mbege sisters and I sit on the made-up beds and chat and drink ice water from the minifridge, we can all taste it. The atmosphere has changed this meet. What normally feels like a giant, strange, supportive family reunion has taken on the tone of a tense political summit. Whispers are everywhere. Julie and Kim tell me that on their flight over—from Johannesburg; I can’t imagine the layovers—they were joined by the groups from Lesotho and Botswana. It’s all anyone talked about there, too. When we head downstairs we’re interrupted by Brazil and Chile, which is uncomfortable mostly because the Argentinian was apparently the only one of us from her country. That meant that these people were her semilocals; they actually knew her. In the crush of gossip and discussion, they’re subdued. They don’t know how she did it, they say, and they don’t want to know. It must have taken an enormous effort. They don’t think she left a note of explanation, or if something in particular in her recent life drove her to it.
          I tell them about my new pal from the flight over. “He’s dating,” I say. I suddenly feel worried for a near stranger. “But his partner, he’s not one of us. He says he’s so happy. Do you think that’s what happened to the Argentinian? She got too happy?”
          Getting too happy is a real concern for us. It leads to all sorts of shitty things, like engaging in relationships that are headed for the cliff edge. I haven’t dated seriously since…has to be…who was on the throne then? George II? I want to say it was. I was in Scotland, then. After that time I swore off closeness to people who weren’t us, very deliberately. We discussed it in my local group. And I realized that the only way to survive—the only way to not pull an Argentinian—was to swear off things that brought me to that place of sharp darkness, the pit you can’t claw out of. I spent a long time in that place. I know how bad it is to be there and have no discernible way out. I know how to avoid it, how it’s the worst feeling in the world, as easy to enter and hard to leave as quicksand, which I was once ensnared in and which is the only natural, physical thing that has ever really made me scared for my life.
          So now I avoid it, and I spend most of my time with others of us or with people who won’t worry if I don’t stick around. I’ve gotten close a few times to missing them after I’ve gone—but that’s how it works. It’ll always be like that. And I’m lucky in that I have a fairly big local and semilocal, and that I have friends out elsewhere in the world. We keep each other together. We call each other at four in the morning when we’re having a bad one, and somehow, we make it work. Even if we’re missing something all the time—faith, like Julie’s friend Clark—love, like…well, me—a sense of reality, like my new buddy on the plane—we find ways to fill that gap, for long enough that we can survive it.
          That’s what it’s really about.
Julie and Kim and I take on the bar downstairs dressed up, and we mingle with the non-meet guests at the hotel. They look breakable to me, always have. There’s a—speed—to them. Like hummingbirds or the clear, slender bugs you can find skating on the surface of a pond. Across the room, there’s a lot of whooping and hollering and synthesizer, someone’s trying to start a party—Kim points, and we all stop and stare, right in the middle of a tourist gang also staring. 
         “I think it’s The Stuntman,” Kim says.
          I’ve never met The Stuntman in person, but I know him by sight. He’s somewhat famous, not just among us but in the rest of the world too. He’s not much to look at—a tall, scrawny Irish teenager with wild hair and a frail figure—but when you get a close-up, you see big mournful eyes and delicate facial structure, boyish and brittle, like an early Bob Dylan. He’s really quite attractive then, mostly because he looks so mortal.
          That couldn’t be further from the truth. The Stuntman is one of our newest, and everybody knows who he is by reputation. His personality is said to be infections—filled with manic, hyperactive energy. He’s vulgar, unflappable, loud, YOUTHFUL, arrogant. It’s understandable. The first ten or twenty years are always like that. You’re drunk on the future because you don’t yet fully grasp exactly how heavy that future will settle on your bones. But The Stuntman has another gift that contributes to his particular reckless abandon—not only can he not age, he cannot die period. It’s a rarity so extreme that some people refuse to believe it’s actually possible. Some people even say that Jesus himself had that ability—regenerative immortality. Of course, since nobody’s seen Him for two thousand years and only a handful of us are old enough to have lived parallel to Him, it’s likely that the Jesus thing is faker than The Stuntman.
          The Stuntman is nothing if not visible. He blared onto the sensation-TV scene eight and a half years ago, hailing from a tiny factory town and quickly rising in international notice. Now he’s got this show, Live to Die, in which he tests rumored ‘killer acts’ and then, if it turns out they’re actually fatal, resurrecting himself over and over and over and over again. He doesn’t seem to care if most of his viewers think it’s an elaborate magician’s act. He knows that some of us see everything he does.
          The rumors are that he’ll probably stage something this week. It’s his first international meet, and he won’t be able to resist the attention. And before the Argentinian, we were looking forward to it, everyone talking about how he’d try to top his biggest tricks.
          But this is after the Argentinian. And watching him downing inhuman amounts of booze, the alcohol poisoning negligible when you know for a fact that you’ll wake up eventually, I think that he’s dancing a fine line between performance and something far more dangerous.
          The girls and I make our way through the buffet-style dinner spread, and bring canapes and drinks out to the poolside. I set a little plate of lemon-scented mussels and a glass of champagne in the special holders on my deck chair, and we stick our legs out long and coconut-oily to bask in the evening. Julie tosses us pairs of neon-rimmed sunglasses, and we lounge. The pool gradually empties while guests go back inside for food, then fills up again as they come outside for drunken games of chicken in the water. The smell of chlorine rises up past the bubbly and anchors me down, its sharpness clearing my head.
          There’s another commotion around 8:30, as the sun starts to sink past the bluffs beyond the resort. “He’s here,” somebody says, and Kim waves across the pool to the speaker.
          “Oh,” says Kim, raising her sunglasses onto her forehead, and flips a few stray twists of hair back over her shoulder.
          I don’t need to know what they mean by HIM. Rembrandt – sorry, Mounet – sorry, Reeves – is the rarest of birds. Despite being Century 7-plus, he actively relishes his eternity, not in the brash, destructive way the Stuntman does, but in the way that you’d think we all would. He puts himself in the spotlight – as an artist, usually – never enough to be overwhelmed with celebrity, but enough to be memorable. There are even rumors out there: he’s a vampire, he’s immortal, he’s a time traveler. They’re idle rumors, the kind of thing people create conspiracy photosets of when they’re bored on the internet – but they’re rumors anyway. It’s not about vanity, I think, for him: just proof. I exist in a way that I should not. I have been and am still here.
          The downside, I’d imagine, is that to be visibly immortal, one must be constantly reinventing oneself – not just moving to new locations with slightly new papers, but changing identities entirely, complete with fake deaths and paper trails that aren’t just ruined, but burnt away completely. That’s got to be harder now than ever before, and soon enough, the man will have to come up with a public ending for himself. A plane crash, maybe, or a mysterious accident. In the Victorian times, if one of us got too heard-of and had to disappear, then illnesses used to be popular. Tuberculosis. Cholera. The ever-ubiquitous Brain Fever.
          In the meantime, he’s the closest thing we’ve got to a unanimous leader. Generous, tall, striking, adjacent to universally handsome, friendly to all – the kind of person you’d put your trust into in a crisis, believing that they could, if not fix the situation themselves, at least make you feel better about it until the proper authorities saved the day. As he enters the deck, long-haired, neatly bearded, holding a wine glass, we all turn, consciously and subconsciously. The atmosphere quiets down a little, the desperate fun-having slowing its pace. Tension dissipates. It’s all right, the new mood says, to mourn or be afraid. You don’t have to put on a brave face. The One Who Is Comfortable Enough For All Of Us is here.
Author’s Notes: ayyyyyyy hope you liked it don’t be dicks and repost this shit it’s original content right here 
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gingerhotelsindia · 5 years
Must-have Features of a Good Executive Lounge at the Hotels in Pimpri
All kinds of luxury hotels have one feature in common – a highly elaborate executive lounge. The executive lounge of any hotel is highly impressive and decorated. However, not all the executive lounges of the hotel are created equal. Some of these offer you with plenty of food and beverage choice while others are totally bare bones. Thus, unless an upgrade is free, it is imperative for you to educate yourself about what exactly these executive lounges at the hotels in Pimpri have for you.
If you are still not clear whether it would be worth your while to pay an extra charge to make the most of the executive lounge, you shouldn’t hesitate in inquiring with the front desk about the same. Here are the must-have features of a good executive lounge at the Pune Hotels near Railway Station and Pimpri area:
Buffet-style breakfast
This impresses a number of guests who are staying at the best hotels in Pimpri. Most numbers of travellers and families love the convenience of enjoying a good breakfast early in the morning without having to leave their hotel. When the hotel itself provides for a nice breakfast, these guests do not have to search for a place to have the same. The best thing here is that the Pune hotels near Railway Station make sure to serve you a full buffet-style breakfast where you can enjoy a variety of dishes and beverages, thereby filling your tummies and eating till your heart’s content.
Extravagant happy hour
The happy hour feature which has been started in the hotels and restaurants a few years ago has gathered a lot of popularity in recent times. It has been adopted by the many hotels in Pimpri to serve the comfort and convenience of the guests. A number of hotels offer drinks and appetizers as a free option during the evenings or ‘happy hours’ to all their guests. All the lower-end Pune hotels near Railway Station offer options such as cheese, potato chips, etc.
Ample seating space
What is the use of an executive lounge if it is not able to provide ample seating space to all its guests? The executive lounge of the best hotels in Pimpri provides for a large room. This large room embraces ample seating which can occupy all the guests very comfortably. The lounge also comprises of plush furniture pieces and beautiful decorations. This makes the overall arrangement aesthetically appealing as well.
Unlimited beverages
Though a number of hotels in Pimpri offer unlimited bottled waters, coffees, and sodas throughout the day, some properties in the city are not very generous. However, as a guest, you will always spot significant discrepancies in terms of alcohol. The lower end lounges offer you with the options such as cheap wine and beer in their hotels whereas the higher ones feature a range of beers, hard liquor, and artisan wines so as to make sure that the guests have an amazing experience while staying at these plush hotels.
An easy upgrade
Upgrading to the executive level using an additional charge is nothing but a win-win situation for both the guest, as well as a hotel. Many luxury hotels in Pimpri serve you with the option of an easy upgrade and hence, you can make the most of this opportunity. The cost of an upgrade may, however, vary from one hotel to the other.
Separate family area
A growing number of Pune hotels near Railway Station catering to families now provide the facility of a separate room for them. This kind of room is filled with toys, books, comics, and a range of quintessential TV/video set which can keep your kids occupied so that you don’t get bothered by their tantrums. Parallel to this, the adults can have a great time enjoying their drinks in the concerned area.
Many food choices
A good executive lounge at the hotels in Pimpri is the on which is not only rich in terms of quantity but the quality of food served as well. These hotels put their best foot forward in living up to this expectation of all their guests. Thus, they offer mini-buffets which boasts incredible selections of finger foods, appetizers, salads, desserts, and many more which are exclusively prepared by the learned chefs at these hotels. Hence, you can always have a great time relishing on these food items.
Uninterrupted hours of endless services
Last but not least, the best hotels in Pimpri would always make sure to extend to their guests uninterrupted hours of endless services in their lounge. The top properties in Pune go out of the way in terms of providing full-time service to their guests. Thus, the guests can always end up having the best time at the executive lounge of these hotels.
It is imperative for you to check what an executive lounge has got for you prior to booking your hotels in Pimpri. This would ensure a quality stay for sure.
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zillowcondo · 7 years
The Best Hotels In San Francisco
With new ownership and recent renovations, a number of San Francisco’s most iconic hotels remain the best places to stay
While San Francisco may becoming to expensive to live in, it is still relatively affordable to visit. And unlike New York City’s hotel scene which seems to grow and grow, with trendy newcomers stealing the show, many of San Francisco’s top places to stay are the same properties they have always been—despite minor name changes.
The following list is not ranked in any particular order nor does it represent the most expensive hotels—though most are on the pricer side. Our criteria included price, neighborhood, proximity to quality restaurants and attractions and overall allure.
The St. Regis
A relative newcomer (opened in 2005), The St. Regis San Francisco is located in the vibrant SoMA district affording guests magnificent views of the San Francisco cityscape. Rooms feature stylish contemporary decor in creams and dark woods, with standard features such as flat-screen TVs, crisp Pratesi linens and deep bathtubs. The hotel is home to Remède Spa San Francisco, a Forbes Travel Guide ranked four-star spa in San Francisco. The hotel is also home to the Japanese inspired Ame restaurant which features a sophisticated offering of limited edition sakes and a 300-bottle list of handcrafted wines from around the world.
The Fairmont
An institution atop Nob Hill, this luxury San Francisco hotel has been host to some of the most influential meetings and events, breathtaking weddings and personalized special occasions of the century. Each of the hotel’s spacious guest rooms and suites have been elegantly updated including flat screen TVs, luxury linen ensembles and pillow top beds. In addition to its 591 guest rooms and suites the hotel offers several dining choices including the Tonga Room & Hurricane Bar offering exotic Asian cuisine, along with the city’s best Mai Tai. The hotel offers panoramic views of the City and the Bay from high atop Nob Hill and it’s central location is a short cable car trip from the bustling Downtown, Financial District, Union Square and Fisherman’s Wharf.
The Scarlet Huntington (formerly The Huntington Hotel)
Also perched atop Nob Hill (across the street from the Fairmont) lies the Scarlet Huntington, which opened in 1924. While some of the old school charm has been compromised by the new ownership and mixture of Asian influence, traditionalists will be pleased to see the hotel’s signature red brick façade, illuminated sign, and period character have been preserved, not to mention it’s other assets—The Big 4 Restaurant and The Nob Hill Spa. Staying at the Huntington (excuse me…The Scarlet Huntington) feels like you’re in the San Francisco of old but with modern amenities and a little more flare.
The Loews Regency (formerly the Mandarin Oriental)
Positioned on the top 11 floors of a 48-story tower, The Regency in San Francisco offers breathtaking views over San Francisco Bay—along with a timeless design and modern amenities. The hotel’s central location in the Financial District places you at the heart of San Francisco, with the city’s major attractions, including Fisherman’s Wharf, Union Square and the Ferry Building, all within easy reach. Brasserie S&P, their on-site restaurant, serves fresh California fare, along with fine wine and carefully crafted cocktails. Amenities include a 24-hour fitness center and a spa with three treatment rooms, one couples’ suite, and a relaxation lounge.
Taj Campton Place (formerly Campton Place)
The quintessential landmark San Francisco boutique hotel on Union Square, Campton Place is now a part of the Taj family of hotels. For over 100 years Campton Place has been a sanctuary for discerning travelers from around the world earning “Best Hotel in the United States” in 2010 by the Global Traveler GT Tested Awards and a Michelin Star for Campton Place Restaurant.
The Ritz San Francisco
This downtown (Nob Hill) San Francisco hotel attracts guests with a sophisticated urban retreat presenting 336 recently reimagined guest rooms and suites featuring an alluring color palette of steely blue, grey and silver. According to HBA principal designer Kathleen Dauber, the new guestroom design was inspired by San Francisco’s Wilkes Bashford — one of the city’s iconic luxury department stores – and the legacy of former Mayor Willie Brown, known for his suits.The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco also features contemporary Californian dining in Parallel 37, as well as a cable car stop just outside that is ready to whisk visitors to the city’s most treasured sites. Guests will experience distinguished luxury at this timelessly elegant Nob Hill hotel, which was just awarded the 2015 AAA Five Diamond award for the 21st consecutive year.
The Omni
What the hotels that sit atop Nob Hill (Fairmont, Scarlet Huntington and Ritz) have in great views, the Omni has in location. Situated in the heart of the financial district, guests have only a short walk to Union Square, Jackson Square, The Ferry Building on the Embarcadero and many of the best restaurants in San Francisco. Guests will appreciate modern amenities in a boutique ambiance due to its Florentine Renaissance architecture. Built as a bank in 1926, the lobby is adorned with Italian marble, rich fabrics and Austrian crystal chandeliers. And Bob’s Steak & Chop House, located off the lobby on the ground floor, has carved out a reputation as one of the best steak houses in town.
The Best Hotels In San Francisco was originally featured on GoodLife Report. Reprinted with permission.
The post The Best Hotels In San Francisco appeared first on Pursuitist.
The Best Hotels In San Francisco published first on http://bogouzunshang.tumblr.com/
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slobbr · 7 years
Slobbr Travels
Hey guys! Slobbr is introducing a series of travel blogs from our favorite bloggers and social media influencers. First up is our friends at @knoxandbear who recently traveled to the uber dog-friendly, luxury oceanfront Inn by The Sea. Enjoy!
"I hope that each of you had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend and were able to spend some time with those you love most! My sister and I treated my mom to a weekend getaway at the beautiful Inn by the Sea in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. I decided to take Bear along for the trip while Rich watched Knox and Harper back at home in Boston. 
It took us a short 2 hours to arrive at the charming Inn by Sea. When we pulled up and entered the lobby, I laid eyes on their six-year-old hound mix foster dog, Swink! I was overwhelmed by the Inn's initiative and partnership with the Animal Refuge of Greater Portland as they have placed 88 dogs over the past two years in permanent homes after being fostered at the Inn! After meeting Swink and looking around at all the dogs enjoying the property I knew we were in for a treat. 
Our two-level Spa Suite with a wet bar kitchenette, balcony and a lofted bedroom was nothing short of impressive. Our room overlooked Crescent Beach and the gorgeous gardens of the inn. The staff left Bear his own LL Bean bed mat, an adorable paw printed towel, doggie bowls, a dog menu (you read that right!) and peanut butter dog treats! There was also information on their pet massages, dog walking and doggie day care services as well as a comprehensive list of nearby walking trails, pet-friendly beaches, and free-range parks. Needless to say, he was instantly in doggie heaven!
We spent most of Saturday walking the parallel paths of Crescent Beach as dogs are not allowed on the beach from April 1 – September 30. That didn’t stop us from our exercise as there were plenty of paths down the boardwalk of the hotel to explore. The Inn is an easy 10 minute drive to Portland where there are plenty of options for dining and shopping. 
At dinner time Bear tried out the doggie menu. He definitely could not have enjoyed it more. He ordered the bird dog which consisted of grilled chicken on top of rice, peas, and carrots topped with a LARGE organic peanut butter cookie. He also licked up their probiotic frozen yogurt in under a minute. Two paws up from this guy! 
After his yummy doggie room service Bear had cocktails with us in the lounge area. He sat by our feet and the kind bartender gave him belly rubs, cookies and a water bowl of his own. While Bear was not allowed in the dining room due to obvious food related laws the three of us enjoyed a fabulous three-course meal prepared by Chef Chadwick in the stunning Sea Glass Restaurant with spectacular ocean views.
As many of you know, when traveling with our dogs we typically rent private homes, but with the ease of this luxury Maine property and having our well behaved Bear we were relaxed, extremely content, and at home. Needless to say Bear now has some extremely HIGH expectations for his next hotel vacation. The doggie room service, constant attention, unlimited supply of doggie biscuits and many dog pals around the hotel made the stay an A+. We look forward to returning!"
***If you are interested in contributing to this blog series please email [email protected]!
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flightsglobal-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on FlightsGlobal.net
New Post has been published on http://flightsglobal.net/cabo-del-sol-world-class-golf-in-the-mexico-sun/
Cabo Del Sol - World Class Golf in the Mexico Sun
Looking For Cheap Flights To Mexico [tp_search_shortcodes id=1 origin="" destination="MEX" hotel_city="Riviera Maya, Mexico, 1992, 4468, city, Mexico" type="avia_hotel" subid=""] [tp_in_our_city_fly_shortcodes destination=MEX title="" limit=100 paginate=true stops=0 one_way=false subid="" currency="USD"] [tp_hotelmap_widget coordinates="20.50807, -87.2287" width=500 height=500 zoom=12 subid=""] [tp_ducklett_widget responsive=true limit=9 type=slider filter=0 subid=""]
by Nick Kenrick..
You have to hand it to the Cabo del Sol Golf Courses in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for two of the most brilliant and dramatic golf courses in the world - the Ocean and Desert Golf Courses designed by Jack Nicklaus and Tom Weiskopf respectively. They've gone and taken golf to another dimension, where sun, surf, and golf have come together under the heavens to create the most vivid and memorable play.
Golf Magazine is right on the money by listing the Cabo del Sol Ocean Course as the #1 golf course in Mexico and a spot on its "Top 100 Courses in the World". You will be absolutely dazzled with marvelous views of the Sea of Cortez, but only after starting away from the water on the desert plateau. Your patience of playing in the desert will be greatly rewarded once you get the sixth hole as the course earns it's 'Ocean Course' name. Keep in mind, this is no easy course with a par-72 and 137-slope and the impeccable course is exceptional.
The Cabo del Sol Ocean Course features typical Nicklaus challenges with sand, strategy, and lengthy challenges. Check this quote out from the greatest golfer of all time (and one of the most accomplished architects), Jack Nicklaus: "(The Ocean Course has) the three finest finishing holes in golf". Wow.
The 11th hole is a 328 yard par-4 doozy. Risk the shot over the desert area on the left and you'll have a short shot to the green. If you miss it, say hello to the sand. The 12th is a par-5, 473 yard hole with an elevated and well-bunkered green. The finishing stretch starts with the 16th, a 342 yard par-4 playing downhill towards the jagged shoreline. The gem of the finishing holes is the picturesque 17th, a 178 yard par-3 playing parallel to the Sea of Cortez. The beautiful track finishes with the stunning 18th, a par-4 that hugs the Sea of Cortez all the way to your last putt on the sloping green.
The Desert Course (ranked #5 in Mexico by Golf Digest), is another par-72, is 7,053 yards idyllically set between the mountains, desert, and the ocean. You'll experience spacious greens, wide fairways, traditional type bunkering, and astonishing views. Since opening in 2002, Tom Weiskopf has impressed golfers with his clever design of incorporating ocean views from just about every hole, with five sets of tees to make any golfer at ease.
Services abound at the Cabo San Lucas Golf Resort. Before or after a round enjoy the 40,000 square foot Clubhouse offering a full service snack bar, indoor/outdoor fine dining, and separate men and women's lounges. There are private meeting and event rooms available for groups and a fine golf shop with the latest in golf wear, equipment, and accessories. If you're in need of a golf lesson, the excellent professional staff at Cabo del Sol can sharpen your game while on vacation.
Do check ahead for course maintenance schedules during the summer. One course will always remain open but Cabo del Sol typicaly shuts down one of the courses for extended maintainance during the summer.
For superb accommodations while golfing, a solid choice is the Fiesta Americana Grand Los Cabos Golf & Spa. You'll enjoy great views of the Sea of Cortez from your balconied room. All rooms include wireless internet access, mini-bar, coffee/tea maker, and in-room safes. For excellent dining, there's a variety of restaurants including Rosato, with terrace seating overlooking the beach, a wine bar, and live piano music.
When the golf courses aren't keeping you busy, there's a plethora of activities available including a full service spa, including the chance to recharge at the beach-side massage huts. Since whales come to winter in Cabo, treat yourself to a whale watching tour. There's scuba diving, parasailing (quite fun if you're not afraid of heights), and fishing nearby to complement your beach stay (additional fees apply).
Another great hotel in the Cabo del Sol development is the Sheraton Hacienda del Mar. Picture cobblestone walkways, winding paths, and a genuine Old Mexico feel. This hotel offers 5-star accommodation, four pools, five restaurants, 2 bars, and all 270 rooms offer balconies, and in-room Jacuzzis.
First-class condo accommodations are also available with shuttle service to and from the Cabo del Sol golf courses. There are three infinity-edge swimming pools and three 6-person spa tubs. The fitness center includes free weights and cardio machines. In these non-smoking condos and villas, you'll have fully equipped kitchens, washer/dryer, and a DVD & CD player, all with a patio or balcony viewing the Sea of Cortez.
For the most enjoyable golf, excellent accommodations, exquisite beaches, make your trip soon to visit Cabo San Lucas and the enchanting Cabo Del Sol Golf Course. Viva la Mexico!
Trent Ricker is the Senior Editor at Golf Tours Online (http://www.golftoursonline.com), a golf travel website with golf course and golf resort reviews as well as golf travel discounts. Trent also writes for Golf Over 50 (http://www.golfover50.com), the online magazine for Baby Boomer Golfers featuring golf tips, articles, and travel info for golfers over 50. Trent is the co-author of Fairways to Heaven: The Journeyman's Guide to American Golf, a book on the top public-access golf courses in the United States.
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zillowcondo · 7 years
The Best Hotels In San Francisco
With new ownership and recent renovations, a number of San Francisco’s most iconic hotels remain the best places to stay
While San Francisco may becoming to expensive to live in, it is still relatively affordable to visit. And unlike New York City’s hotel scene which seems to grow and grow, with trendy newcomers stealing the show, many of San Francisco’s top places to stay are the same properties they have always been—despite minor name changes.
The following list is not ranked in any particular order nor does it represent the most expensive hotels—though most are on the pricer side. Our criteria included price, neighborhood, proximity to quality restaurants and attractions and overall allure.
The St. Regis
A relative newcomer (opened in 2005), The St. Regis San Francisco is located in the vibrant SoMA district affording guests magnificent views of the San Francisco cityscape. Rooms feature stylish contemporary decor in creams and dark woods, with standard features such as flat-screen TVs, crisp Pratesi linens and deep bathtubs. The hotel is home to Remède Spa San Francisco, a Forbes Travel Guide ranked four-star spa in San Francisco. The hotel is also home to the Japanese inspired Ame restaurant which features a sophisticated offering of limited edition sakes and a 300-bottle list of handcrafted wines from around the world.
The Fairmont
An institution atop Nob Hill, this luxury San Francisco hotel has been host to some of the most influential meetings and events, breathtaking weddings and personalized special occasions of the century. Each of the hotel’s spacious guest rooms and suites have been elegantly updated including flat screen TVs, luxury linen ensembles and pillow top beds. In addition to its 591 guest rooms and suites the hotel offers several dining choices including the Tonga Room & Hurricane Bar offering exotic Asian cuisine, along with the city’s best Mai Tai. The hotel offers panoramic views of the City and the Bay from high atop Nob Hill and it’s central location is a short cable car trip from the bustling Downtown, Financial District, Union Square and Fisherman’s Wharf.
The Scarlet Huntington (formerly The Huntington Hotel)
Also perched atop Nob Hill (across the street from the Fairmont) lies the Scarlet Huntington, which opened in 1924. While some of the old school charm has been compromised by the new ownership and mixture of Asian influence, traditionalists will be pleased to see the hotel’s signature red brick façade, illuminated sign, and period character have been preserved, not to mention it’s other assets—The Big 4 Restaurant and The Nob Hill Spa. Staying at the Huntington (excuse me…The Scarlet Huntington) feels like you’re in the San Francisco of old but with modern amenities and a little more flare.
The Loews Regency (formerly the Mandarin Oriental)
Positioned on the top 11 floors of a 48-story tower, The Regency in San Francisco offers breathtaking views over San Francisco Bay—along with a timeless design and modern amenities. The hotel’s central location in the Financial District places you at the heart of San Francisco, with the city’s major attractions, including Fisherman’s Wharf, Union Square and the Ferry Building, all within easy reach. Brasserie S&P, their on-site restaurant, serves fresh California fare, along with fine wine and carefully crafted cocktails. Amenities include a 24-hour fitness center and a spa with three treatment rooms, one couples’ suite, and a relaxation lounge.
Taj Campton Place (formerly Campton Place)
The quintessential landmark San Francisco boutique hotel on Union Square, Campton Place is now a part of the Taj family of hotels. For over 100 years Campton Place has been a sanctuary for discerning travelers from around the world earning “Best Hotel in the United States” in 2010 by the Global Traveler GT Tested Awards and a Michelin Star for Campton Place Restaurant.
The Ritz San Francisco
This downtown (Nob Hill) San Francisco hotel attracts guests with a sophisticated urban retreat presenting 336 recently reimagined guest rooms and suites featuring an alluring color palette of steely blue, grey and silver. According to HBA principal designer Kathleen Dauber, the new guestroom design was inspired by San Francisco’s Wilkes Bashford — one of the city’s iconic luxury department stores – and the legacy of former Mayor Willie Brown, known for his suits.The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco also features contemporary Californian dining in Parallel 37, as well as a cable car stop just outside that is ready to whisk visitors to the city’s most treasured sites. Guests will experience distinguished luxury at this timelessly elegant Nob Hill hotel, which was just awarded the 2015 AAA Five Diamond award for the 21st consecutive year.
The Omni
What the hotels that sit atop Nob Hill (Fairmont, Scarlet Huntington and Ritz) have in great views, the Omni has in location. Situated in the heart of the financial district, guests have only a short walk to Union Square, Jackson Square, The Ferry Building on the Embarcadero and many of the best restaurants in San Francisco. Guests will appreciate modern amenities in a boutique ambiance due to its Florentine Renaissance architecture. Built as a bank in 1926, the lobby is adorned with Italian marble, rich fabrics and Austrian crystal chandeliers. And Bob’s Steak & Chop House, located off the lobby on the ground floor, has carved out a reputation as one of the best steak houses in town.
The Best Hotels In San Francisco was originally featured on GoodLife Report. Reprinted with permission.
The post The Best Hotels In San Francisco appeared first on Pursuitist.
The Best Hotels In San Francisco published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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zillowcondo · 7 years
The Best Hotels In San Francisco
With new ownership and recent renovations, a number of San Francisco’s most iconic hotels remain the best places to stay
While San Francisco may becoming to expensive to live in, it is still relatively affordable to visit. And unlike New York City’s hotel scene which seems to grow and grow, with trendy newcomers stealing the show, many of San Francisco’s top places to stay are the same properties they have always been—despite minor name changes.
The following list is not ranked in any particular order nor does it represent the most expensive hotels—though most are on the pricer side. Our criteria included price, neighborhood, proximity to quality restaurants and attractions and overall allure.
The St. Regis
A relative newcomer (opened in 2005), The St. Regis San Francisco is located in the vibrant SoMA district affording guests magnificent views of the San Francisco cityscape. Rooms feature stylish contemporary decor in creams and dark woods, with standard features such as flat-screen TVs, crisp Pratesi linens and deep bathtubs. The hotel is home to Remède Spa San Francisco, a Forbes Travel Guide ranked four-star spa in San Francisco. The hotel is also home to the Japanese inspired Ame restaurant which features a sophisticated offering of limited edition sakes and a 300-bottle list of handcrafted wines from around the world.
The Fairmont
An institution atop Nob Hill, this luxury San Francisco hotel has been host to some of the most influential meetings and events, breathtaking weddings and personalized special occasions of the century. Each of the hotel’s spacious guest rooms and suites have been elegantly updated including flat screen TVs, luxury linen ensembles and pillow top beds. In addition to its 591 guest rooms and suites the hotel offers several dining choices including the Tonga Room & Hurricane Bar offering exotic Asian cuisine, along with the city’s best Mai Tai. The hotel offers panoramic views of the City and the Bay from high atop Nob Hill and it’s central location is a short cable car trip from the bustling Downtown, Financial District, Union Square and Fisherman’s Wharf.
The Scarlet Huntington (formerly The Huntington Hotel)
Also perched atop Nob Hill (across the street from the Fairmont) lies the Scarlet Huntington, which opened in 1924. While some of the old school charm has been compromised by the new ownership and mixture of Asian influence, traditionalists will be pleased to see the hotel’s signature red brick façade, illuminated sign, and period character have been preserved, not to mention it’s other assets—The Big 4 Restaurant and The Nob Hill Spa. Staying at the Huntington (excuse me…The Scarlet Huntington) feels like you’re in the San Francisco of old but with modern amenities and a little more flare.
The Loews Regency (formerly the Mandarin Oriental)
Positioned on the top 11 floors of a 48-story tower, The Regency in San Francisco offers breathtaking views over San Francisco Bay—along with a timeless design and modern amenities. The hotel’s central location in the Financial District places you at the heart of San Francisco, with the city’s major attractions, including Fisherman’s Wharf, Union Square and the Ferry Building, all within easy reach. Brasserie S&P, their on-site restaurant, serves fresh California fare, along with fine wine and carefully crafted cocktails. Amenities include a 24-hour fitness center and a spa with three treatment rooms, one couples’ suite, and a relaxation lounge.
Taj Campton Place (formerly Campton Place)
The quintessential landmark San Francisco boutique hotel on Union Square, Campton Place is now a part of the Taj family of hotels. For over 100 years Campton Place has been a sanctuary for discerning travelers from around the world earning “Best Hotel in the United States” in 2010 by the Global Traveler GT Tested Awards and a Michelin Star for Campton Place Restaurant.
The Ritz San Francisco
This downtown (Nob Hill) San Francisco hotel attracts guests with a sophisticated urban retreat presenting 336 recently reimagined guest rooms and suites featuring an alluring color palette of steely blue, grey and silver. According to HBA principal designer Kathleen Dauber, the new guestroom design was inspired by San Francisco’s Wilkes Bashford — one of the city’s iconic luxury department stores – and the legacy of former Mayor Willie Brown, known for his suits.The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco also features contemporary Californian dining in Parallel 37, as well as a cable car stop just outside that is ready to whisk visitors to the city’s most treasured sites. Guests will experience distinguished luxury at this timelessly elegant Nob Hill hotel, which was just awarded the 2015 AAA Five Diamond award for the 21st consecutive year.
The Omni
What the hotels that sit atop Nob Hill (Fairmont, Scarlet Huntington and Ritz) have in great views, the Omni has in location. Situated in the heart of the financial district, guests have only a short walk to Union Square, Jackson Square, The Ferry Building on the Embarcadero and many of the best restaurants in San Francisco. Guests will appreciate modern amenities in a boutique ambiance due to its Florentine Renaissance architecture. Built as a bank in 1926, the lobby is adorned with Italian marble, rich fabrics and Austrian crystal chandeliers. And Bob’s Steak & Chop House, located off the lobby on the ground floor, has carved out a reputation as one of the best steak houses in town.
The Best Hotels In San Francisco was originally featured on GoodLife Report. Reprinted with permission.
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