#the mafia members are not evil and they love each other very much so shut tf up
saaraofthesand · 1 year
I think the reason I don’t typically like AUs where Soukoku join the ADA together is that writers will use it as a way to villainize the Port Mafia to an extreme and ridiculous degree. Like EVERYTHING becomes their fault. Every mafia member is ooc. Kouyou is always evil. Mori becomes a super villain. All of the nuance of Bungo Stray Dogs, all that gray morality, just disappears because people want Dazai and Chuuya to be good™. And one of them being a mafioso conflicts with that author’s image of what it means to be good. It messes with the roots of BSD’s story to the point that the characters are unrecognizable.
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bloodxbat · 3 years
(Part 1) Triple W Mafia George x Fem! Y/N series
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Warnings: Swearing! that’s it really (unless I've missed something then please let me know)
Word Count: 2,174
Summary:  George Weasley is a renowned Mafia boss who took over from his Father Arthur once he retired, to carry on the Triple W mafia legacy. The only mafia known to be able to keep the Death Eaters (their rival mafia) at bay. However there is one item that they stole from the Triple W’s which George is determined to get back...his mothers necklace, the family heirloom. Y/N Greyback has been forced to comply with the Death Eaters wishes as her family are high up members. What happens when George and Y/N meet? And what happens when they fall in love?
Series Masterlist 
The lights were dim in the what looked like to be an old bar room, the red hue coming from the red lamp shades hitting the walls. Smoke from cigars fogging up the top half of the room barely keeping the floor below visible. At each table there were groups of men, all sitting in perfectly tailored suits, sipping on their glasses of whiskey, laughing and having a good time. At the back of the room however, sat one man, alone. His elbow propped up on the arm of his chair, his finger brushing over his top lip as if he were deep in thought. His other hand held the same glass as every other man in the bar, lazily not caring if it were to fall and smash everywhere.
The man, George Weasley, a tall ginger man who’s eyes were the dark but kind shade of brown. Although seemingly intimidating, George had a kind heart, if he seen someone being attacked or robbed in the street, everyone would end up feeling bad for the attacker by the time George was finished with him. He had no time for the scum who go out of their way to make someone else’s life a living hell in order for them to feel a small, temporary taste for a God complex.
George had only recently taken over the title of the Triple W Mafia Boss, when his father Arthur had decided it was his time to retire and pass over the family ‘business’ to one of his sons. George was one of 6 sons and one daughter within the Weasley family. His identical twin brother Fred was technically supposed to become the next Mafia boss, as he was the older twin. But, he had decided that his brother George was more fit to the job than he was. So, George gratefully took over the role and appointed Fred and his younger brother Ron, to be his sort of ‘Body Guards’ although, of course George was far from needing any form of help when it came to beating or killing a criminal, it was still always good to have a little back up sometimes.
“Hey Georgie, what’s the plan then? What we gonna do about these damn Death Eaters?”
George sat, not moving, deep in thought. ‘What was he going to do about those Death Eaters?’ He has no where to start, the bastards are constantly on the run. He was determined to find their whereabouts however, as they had stolen something very precious to him, his mother’s necklace. The Weasley family heirloom.
In a room that was very clearly abandoned and covered in moss and mould, sat groups of men and some women in black cloaks with peculiar pointed hoods. These people, in contrast to that of which the Triple W members, appeared extremely intimidating. The members of Triple W were intimidating,  but these were the sort of people no one would want to encounter in the streets, day or night. There was no smoke from cigars in this small dingy room, there was however and eye watering stench, that was so strong some of the Death Eaters swore they seen a slight foggy green haze floating around the room.
All cloaked members were sitting in a circle all surrounding their leader Tom Riddle, or as he likes to call himself ‘Voldemort’. A tall man (not as tall as George) with black, short curly hair. He wasn’t wearing a cloak like his ‘followers’ but was wearing something that looked more like a bath robe, it was all black of course to fit in with the rest. All were listening in carefully to what he was saying, all apart form Y/N Greyback, daughter of Fenrir Greyback, a man who is considered very high up in the Death Eater mafia. She was sat in the corner, wearing a contrasting blood red dress that hugged all of her curves perfectly. Her Y/H/C hair was curled at the ends in neat ringlets, and she had some makeup on but not too much so she looked ‘dolled up’.
“We all know that the Triple W are cowering out in some fancy old bar, trouble is we don’t know where, I’ve had a few out scouting round the area, unfortunately they have all been caught” Riddle speaks out gesturing and engaging with his followers.
“What do you suggest we do then sir?” Said Fenrir who was sitting right next to where Riddle was parading around the room.
“I say we send out our most valuable member, of course, real them in, make them vulnerable” he smirked
“You don’t mean…”
“Oh yes, but I do, your daughter shall make excellent bate my dear friend, for she wears what Weasley most desires” Riddle finishes
Y/N too busy sat in the corner reading an old book, didn’t even notice that every Death Eater members eyes were on her, all smiling to themselves.
This may actually work, if we send out Y/N who is wearing that incredibly expensive looking, diamond necklace, it may just lure the idiot ginger straight to us” Fenrir laughed.
So their plan was set, send Y/N as bait and hopefully George would follow.
-     George still hadn’t moved from the position he was sat in, he hadn’t taken a single sip of his drink, his eyes focussed and barely ever blinking. He was seemingly ignoring every person who tried to get a word out of him for some sort of plan to take down their Rival mafia. Sure he had killed a lot of spies they had sent out, but he was getting absolutely no leads on where exactly they were coming from, Riddle was smarter than he thought. It seemed he had Death Eaters coming from all over the country in all different directions and disguises. George had to find some way in order to track down where exactly they were based.
The sounds of other members arguing, specifically Fred and Ron who were standing right next to where George was sat, started to sound like a horrible ringing noise, it was driving him insane, how could he concentrate when these buffoon’s were yelling nonsense at each other.
“WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP” He yelled now getting up from his seat and walking to the middle of the smoky room.
“I can’t fucking think when you’re all fighting and arguing with each other on what we’re going to do. I am very aware that those bastards are close to finding us, alright? They’ve gained more members in the past few months than I can count on my two hands. Problem is, they’re coming from all over the country, there is no set direction from where they’re all coming from, meaning that they aren’t coming from their base. This brings us to our next problem, what we’re going to do about it. The only thing I can suggest right now, which I believe may actually be our only two options, is either we leave and find a new base OR we send out multiple people all round the general area of here just outside the boarders of this town where the forests are. Each mile will have two of our members, armed and ready to capture and interrogate anyone that comes from outside the town. This includes anyone who seems innocent to the eye I.e. a mother and child as we all know by now there are families who have been a part of the Death Eaters for years, long enough for them to welcome their children. If you see a mother and child however, you of course don’t attack them straight away, you take them for questioning and more importantly, you look for that damn skull snake monstrosity that they all have tattooed on their left forearm.”
George stands looking between each of his guys trying to gauge what they were thinking by their faces.
“So what’s it to be? Hands up if you think we should move”
No one put their hands up and George smiled knowing that everyone in Triple W are too loyal to the town of Diagon to even consider leaving.
“Good choice boys, now” he rubs his hands together “who’s volunteering to be part of the watch team?”
- Y/N couldn’t believe her ears when she heard the plan to trick Triple W into following her back to the Death Eaters. She also had no idea that the beautiful silver diamond necklace that hung lazily round her neck was the stolen Weasley heirloom.
The actions of her family disgusted her, she knew that what they stood for and what they were doing was wrong, but putting her in harms way all over a stupid rivalry, AND tricking her into thinking that the necklace she had was a gift. She felt so stupid for believing them, Y/N had no options but to accept that she was going to have to go along with their horrendous plan and bait George and other members of Triple W into following her back into her family and Riddle’s evil grasp.
“Perfect” Riddle smiled grimly when Y/N accepted
“But of course, we can’t just lure them in, in one mere night, no, you have to spread this out over the course of a few days. Have him become intrigued by you, follow you a little while. You’ll be staying in a place called the Leaky Cauldron, don’t let him see you in there, it’ll blow your cover. Make sure he only sees you walking through the streets. Got it?”
Y/N tentatively nodded her head
“Good, and then, when the time is right, you’ll lead him straight here. We’ll be in communication with you, don’t let me down”
Y/N shakily made her way to Diagon, bags packed and the necklace still hanging round her neck. She had since changed into a black, silk dress, helping the bright silver of the necklace stand out against the dark colour of her clothes, further, of course to draw George Weasley’s attention.
Once she had settled into her room at the Leaky Cauldron, she was given specific instruction to make sure she wondered round the street at night, as that is most likely when Triple W members will come out from wherever they were hiding.
Y/N took a step out into the cold crisp night air, her heels click clacking off the stone pavements. She couldn’t help but take in the beauty of the town, cobblestone roads winding all through it, the windows on each building slightly askew but somehow didn’t seem out of place. It was as if she were walking through an old victorian town.
Snapping her thoughts back to the task at hand, she pulled her black shawl over her shoulders more and continued to wander aimlessly round, trying to find some form of clue as to were Triple W were hiding.
- George was more than satisfied with the outcome of the meeting they had today. He had 40 people on a list to keep watch each mile surrounding Diagon, meaning that all 20 miles would be covered. They all had their instructions ingrained into their heads and were ready to get to work the next day. Fred and Ron as usual would stay within Diagon with George, communicating to those who were out surrounding the area getting updates and passing round information. George had also decided to send a few extra spies out, including his younger sister Ginny to be on the look out for any Death Eater members who may still be lurking round the town.
George, Fred and Ron made their way out of the old bar room, and onto the streets. George made sure that they each had means of contacting each other. Fred whom George would normally live with, agreed that they each should have their own flats or place to stay in order to cover more of Diagon, and therefore be more accessible to those out in the forest. With their last goodbyes and a few phone calls to book places to stay, the three brothers separated all going in opposite directions.
George headed down the street, his hands becoming slightly red from the cold, and he could see his breath in the air. The dim orange streetlights barely lighting up the path as he walked past the old crooked houses and shops.
Just a George turned the corner he bumped into someone, a woman, dressed in a black dress and shawl.
“Oh I’m so sorry miss, I wasn’t looking where I was going properly, these damn street lights barely light up 2 feet in front of you. Are you alright” George asked looking into her eyes with worry
“I’m perfectly fine, sir, thank you” she smiled back and walked away
But George followed her with his eyes, more specifically he followed her neck, because what was hanging from it made him do a double take. He knew those diamonds from anywhere, they way they glistened brightly in every light. Was that, his mother’s stolen necklace?
Taglist: @amourtentiaa​ @love-peachh​ @pens-and-roses​ @rosietoesy​ @comfortwriting​ @famdomhideout​ @dracofknmalfoy​ @pandaxnienke​ @georgeweasleysbabe​ @le-weasley-simp​ (MESSAGE/ASK IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED)
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sly-merlin · 4 years
killing me - 10 |n.y
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings of this chapter : cursing, explanatory mention of a pistol! 
words :: 5.3k
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
                   “  curiousity got the cat hitched”
taglist :: @kpop-choco​​​ @moon-yuta​​​ @kawaiiayasan​​​ @btm-taeyong​​​ @exfolitae​​​ @lanadreamie​​​ @cheersskznct​​​ @hyuckiesgf​​​ @theworld-accordingtocasey​​​  @yiyi4657​​ @sorrywonwoo​​ @sillywinnergladiator​​​ @suhweo​​​ @minejungwoo​​ @leesalts​​  @mal-nakamoto23​​ @ro2424​​
@kafenetwork​​​​​ @neowritingsnet​​​​​
K.M masterlist
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Previous night
“What the fuck were you spitting out there hmm! Have you lost your mind? Why aren’t you answering me you shit!”
jaehyun avoided prying when mark and yuta were arguing but he couldn’t keep it in anymore. mark shifted the gears to park the car in the middle of nowhere, tense silence hugging all of them. jaemin was annoyed with jaehyun’s endless remarks at mark but it was hyuck who was most confused as he was unable to form any kind of judgement.
“why did you stop the car now? Its midnight-
“can you stop drunk talking hyung. I can’t drive like this!”
“I’m very sober. Its you whose brain is dead mark. Did you even notice yuta’s face when you-
“just stop hyung. I’m not ashamed of what I said there. I stand by each and every word! Now can we go back home or do you have anything else?
“you can’t be real! He has done so much for you all these years and this is how you repa-
“yes exactly! He has made so many sacrifices for me all these years, that’s why its my responsibility to show him the right way that he is clearly not following at all and you all are partly responsible for it! You are feeding his selfish ego by showing him hollow sympathy but that’s gonna bite him in the ass at end.”
“woah woah tiger. So what you gonna do? Instruct him how to live his life. Are you making him realise that he doesn’t hate y/n when he clearly cant stand her presence for even a minute and by some miracle, even if you end up pacifying yuta, then what about that cold hearted queen! She’s just here t-
“she is not here on her own! And I am not going to repeat myself, so fix it in your head hyung. She is not here to replace anyone!! Yuta hyung just hates the thought of her coerced and fortuitous presence in his life and I’m not trying to create a miracle here. I just want our lives back to normal and I’ll go to every extent to make it possible!” his chest heaved up and down as the anger subsided a bit, his heart feeling at ease after getting his thoughts out. Jaehyun only scoffed at him.
“you are too naïve markie. This is not how emotions work.”
“this is the only way emotions work hyung!” with that said, he shifted the gear, driving on the road with the same silence lurking again but he felt better. much better.
“who do you think is right?” hyuck whispered in jaemin’s ear, in the hope that he would solve his dilemma.
“I don’t know but I’d love if she stays forever. We are missing one member anyway” he whispered back earning a small tight lip smile from donghyuck who fell into a deep slumber right after that.
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Slowly he moved himself to the other side, bruised elbow secured in his hand, grunts exiting him. You knew you were fucked up as soon as his cold eyes fell upon you.
“I guess it’s my time to call taeyong.” He glared, the strong eye contact not lasting for too long as he tried to lift himself up from the floor.
Meanwhile you kept observing him, biting your left thumb, feet glued to the ground. your eyes followed his hobbled travel from the kitchen to the couches from where you heard his long sigh of relief as he placed his leg on the table while stroking his knee. his head fell on the couches and suddenly your conscience kicked in while watching his painful expressions. You found yourself sluggishly walking out of the kitchen with careful steps to avoid the spill, sleepiness fading away.
Yuta’s scraped elbow was in the vision as you neared him. He was still nursing his knee, elbow forgotten by now. Maybe it was the momentary pain! you deliberated about asking him first but then remembered that you don’t have to communicate with him to show that you were still human! So you quietly went to bathroom to find your first aid kit that you placed somewhere the day you settled your stuff. It was not easy to locate it with the lack of cooperation of your hands and mind in the current state, but still you tried your best.
With same motion you went back. Yuta’s hand was still cupping the knee but his features seemed to be much more peaceful than before. But you still approached hesitantly and placed the box on the table, near his foot.
“have a seat please. We have some unfinished business here beautiful!” he sneered, signalling you to sit beside him.
“no thanks. I have work to do.” You tiredly replied, moving away.
“I.Said.Sit.Here! I also wanna experience the thrill of whinning like a baby!
“oh please , I have nothing to fear! Just call him already. I’ve work to do!” you told him in stern voice while circling the table to sit far away from him.
Yuta smirked a little at your show of bravery when anyone could see right through you at the moment. Your eyes were half shut, shoulders slumped down but still upright when it came to fighting him. But yuta clearly knew he had the upper hand this time.
Or he thought!
Your heartbeat sped up with each ring. Very dramatically , yuta had put the phone on speaker to prove his point.
After 5 rings, tayeong picked up and so did your pulse.
“who it is?” a yawn filled voice was heard from the other side.
“are you still sleeping bitch?” yuta inquired with annoyance.
“ye-yes. We cleared the month last night so everyone is sleeping. What el-
“just wake up! I’ve something important to tell!”
“later. I’m bus-
“its about your precious y/n!”
“is she gone?” it sounded like he was suddenly awake!
“tsk tsk. The fuck is your problem? Do you even care about my wellbeing or should I find a new father!” yuta growled at him, his voice pierced through your ears.
“I’ll call her myself!”
“like she would tell you about her plan to lay my 6 feet under the ground!”
Yuta heard a deep sigh from the other side.
“this story better be good coz I don’t wanna lose my sleep ov-
“this is not a story. She spilled water to make me slip and –
“and kill you. what kind of man dies after a little slipping! Huh!”
“have you adopted her or something taeyong! Your attitude is fucking me up. Can you hear me for once or do you-
“what do you wanna say exactly! That you slipped and broke your legs and arms. Make it believable yuta. She might be a bit bitchy but can’t be that evil.”
“so I am a bitch!” your sleepy and cold voice interrupted.
“no no , I meant-
“It was unintentional. i didn’t even know he was home. And it was him who decided to barge in when I was finding food. He was not even invited into the kitchen in the first place!”
“but I got hurt and it was because-
“hurt? you mean as in injured! Oh god. You can’t come back then. take leave for a few days if you are hurt badly and call jun , he’ll be there with medicines and bandages. Consider this an extension of the suspension but you aren’t leaving the hous-
“fuck you taeyong! I hope you die in your sleep!!”
Slamming the phone on the table, he pulled at his roots, lidded eyes boring into you.
“you’ll pay for this.” his finger threateningly pointed towards you.
You let out a yawn before getting up to leave the space to him,
“whatever just don’t finish the spray bottle. Its new”
After that you didn’t hear anything from yuta or anyone.
And it just went like that for 2 more weeks!
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“why don’t you shift to the dorms for two months! You can hang out with minjun while he complete his reports.”
“so you want me to lose my sleep and baby your baby?” you snickered, slurping the soup a bit louder this time.
“I’m not a baby!” minjun whined.
“oh you are!” a collective response resounded through the room and your reached out to pet minjun’s hair but he swatted your hand away in annoyance.
“no seriously shortie. You’d be alone for a whole month. Even chelin is going home this time. you can spend some time with junie and he’d treat you to homemade food Is it tempting enough?” jungkook suggested.
“not that I’m any interested in the offer but I can teach you the Japanese you were talking about earlier.” At minjun’s comment, everyone raised their brows, silently questioning your new interest.
“what? You all are so nosy. My new roommate is always dissing me in Japanese and I can’t answer that fucker coz I don’t understand anything he spits out at me.”
“HE?” another group chant resonated.
“why is your roommate a man?” yugyeom added.
“because he was born a man!”
“haha very funny y/n l/n. what’s his name and is he from our university?”
“his name is nakamoto yuta and no, he’s not a student. And before you enquire, he’s home only for like few hours so you don’t need to worry him being a pervert or anything.”
“where is your new residence anyway?” you almost choked at yugyeom’s sudden interruption but it confirmed your suspicion that jungkook hadn’t revealed anything yet.
“instead of me, shouldn’t you love birds be worried about the unbearable separation that’d last for a whole month. How are you gonna cope with it gyeom? Especially when yeong is going to be in Incheon and you in busan, stuck with the sweaty sports team and jungkook, who’d be slapping with you with kisses every now and then, thinking you are min-
A shove of dumpling into your mouth caused you to inhale back all the words that were supposed to leave.
“if you don’t wanna meet, then atleast call him daily after your moon internship and he can also accompany you to busan if you want.”
The colour of the air faded at the mention. Slowly, you swallowed the piece in your mouth , instantly finding a distraction to lighten the mood.
“why are these so delicious?”
Rummaging through the empty boxes, jungkook found the pamphlet and shoved it in your face which you curled into a ball and threw towards minjun, hitting him right in the face.
“yaa jun. keep it safe. We’ll order while watching movies and take keys of this house from your boyfriend,” you ordered, pointing to jungkook, “and his Netflix password and his wallet and if he allows, his car ke-
“shut your mouth love-hater!” jungkook exclaimed while stuffing your mouth with two dumplings. And everyone else just laughed at your troubled state, silently agreeing with jungkook’s statement.
What a good day to be a foodie!
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Three days!
Taeil had granted you three days to de-stress yourself before you’d be joining your so called trainer for a self defence training program of two months. You wondered who could it be but it was definitely not the person you wished for! Johnny had been in france since two weeks, right from the day your exams started. He left his phone at home but he did contact you through a payphone to wish luck for exams. Since then, it’d been complete silence from the other end. You didn’t even know whether you really missed his presence or just the thought of being with someone who really showed some care for you.  
eat, tv, sleep repeat seemed to be a very reasonable routine! your happiness had elevated when you saw a notification of chois about a job opening. Though you wanted to start from an internship in the main office but a moderate salary job as an assistant researcher of a junior lawyer wasn’t so bad as well!
no. actually it was awful seeing how much over-qualified you were for this job but with all the diminishing digits in your wallet, there was some significant scope for the bargain in your situation. But you still had to wait for 2 weeks for the acceptance of your application that would take you a step closer to your dream. Just two more weeks!
Is he still alive, you thought before leaving the kitchen, ready to finish the homemade meal.
High on a happy chemical , you cooked yourself ramyeon and eggs and completed your fancy dinner with a bottle of coke.
While slipping out of the kitchen , your eyes fell on the clean sink reminding you of the presence that you hadn’t felt since the last week.
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“I’ll accompany jeno. We’ll be done in two minutes” yuta proposed with a lopsided grin.
The place was more livelier with yuta’s return. Not that he wasn’t already present, but the day he returned to his usual routine was when everyone got their sunshine back. He acted like nothing has changed but still noone could ignore his overcautiousness. He was engaging too much as if to make up for the lost time and not that anyone objected for they were happy to see the old yuta with old ways. Just something was odd!
While most of them were oblivious, others understood what he was hiding behind that façade. They had noticed how he took late night activities just to avoid being sent home or how he took jaehyun and mark with him to avoid any interaction with you.
But the most irksome was how day by day,he was drifting apart from taeyong.
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“do you wanna take him home?” taeil snapped his fingers in front of your eyes as you registered his words. You were looking or shamelessly staring at the face of the man. He was dangerously tall as compared to you but his face was shining brighter than the sun itself. Your head snapped towards him again as taeil went on,
“don’t stare like you are gonna eat him y/n.” jungwoo eyes were dancing in the whole room as he avoided your curious ones. You didn’t mean to be creepy but you were having a hard time believing that the man sitting in front of you was a street fight champ and a former drug lord’s son. He seemed too….human.
“who’s staring?” you feigned innocence, looking at taeil.
“way to go advocate!” he said before continuing , “as I told you, jungwoo is a trained fighter, assassin and has a strong grip on pistols. Seeing what you can carry, a pistol is best for you. and jungwoo is a softie here so he won’t even give you a scratch during the training. But you have to actually listen to him or I’ll assign someone that won’t go easy on you.
“like ten or jeno, they both don’t have any control over where they are hitting once they start so either you can cooperate with jungwoo or be ready to break some of your limbs.”
“how subtle taeil. but I can work with him.” you smiled at jungwoo which was returned with a shy one.
“okay then. Take care of each other and if you need anything then I’m not home.” Ad with a wave , he was gone.
“what do you wanna start with?” jungwoo asked in a small voice.
“you are teacher so whatever you say.”
“okay them. we’ll start with grip practice.” He got up, signalling you to follow him.
You ended up in a small part of the basement. It was divided into two sections with a glass used as the separation. Raw grass kind hard padding was attached to the walls on the both sides. On the other side of the wall were pasted two targets looking like giant sized dart boards that you suppose were for the practice.
While you were glancing around, jungwoo came back with a small metal box. He opened it to reveal a matt black pistol that looked even smaller when he held it.
“you can’t start with a semi-auto one just yet so for basics this is good for you. though I’m here but please don’t drop it. it belongs to taeyong hyung and he doesn’t know it’s here so please don’t mention it either.” He pleaded in a soft voice to which you found yourself nodding, copying his motion.
“so , you don’t need to memorise every part of a pistol but remember the few terms so if you ever held a new gun or pistol, someone can instruct you as to the handling of it.” you kept nodded as he went on,
“this is the exposed barrel, slide stop, safety lever , trigger and trigger guard and the most important magazine, if its empty ,your body would become the home of enemy bullets. Try clicking the safety lever!”
You did as he instructed. For about thirty minutes, he taught about pulling the barrel that drained your wrists of all the strength they had. He let you go only when he was sure you won’t forget the basics, atleast not until tomorrow.
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You hadn’t felt this exhausted in your life as much as you did in the last week. If Thesis research and jungwoo’s lessons were not enough then minjun’s new found love of photography was surely doing its work on your body. Who knew holding flowers and leaves for aesthetic photos was so much draining! And the time you were alone at home was spent sleeping and that too only if yuta and his gang were not screeching out their lungs, fighting with someone online with no regard for the well-being of others in the house. You knew he was aware of his actions but with zero communication, even you didn’t bother pointing him out.
But when had avoidance created peace!
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12:30 p.m
As you flipped the glossy leaves of the photo album, the three humans behind that transparent film seemed to come alive, albeit in your memories. Pausing at every page, you tried to live those moments once again ,just like every year. Though you and that photo album were bound by a thread of sadness, the memories it contained made you feel immense joy that was incomparable for you.
The small album was the only memory that reminded you of the family you had once! and today was the day you’ll go to meet them again.
Busan was not that far away but the location of the graveyard added a whole hour to the already 3 hour long journey. You were supposed to meet your orphan warden at the station directly and like every year she'd be accompanying you to Busan so you could meet them. Even though you were a grown-up now , she didn't had the heart to let you go alone. So it had became a tradition.
After memorizing every picture, you got up to get ready for the long journey. Taeil had excused you for this weekend so there were no worries from his side. you rotated the doorknob to open but it didn’t budge.
You shoved your body against the door but nothing happned! Though you didn't want to rely , there was only one option left!
"yuta!" You shouted in a hope that his lazy ass would respond but silence replied instead.
"yuta! Can you hear me. I'm locked!" You tried again, both shouting and trying the knob, banged the door but none worked in your favour.
Then realisation dawned on you! Why won't he hear anything when he was right outside the room! because he didn't want to!
"yuta I swear I'm gonna kill you! let me out!"
Raking your hands through your hair, you decided to find your phone but it looked like the whole universe was conspiring against you as the phone was not in the room. you had probably left it on the kitchen counter earlier. The only communication you had was with yuta and he was not listening to you , delibrately!
Your fist met the door with all the power you could muster but only the echo was heard which fainted within few seconds.
"fuck you yuta" you mumbled dejectedly before throwing yourself on the mattress. Contempt filled your heart as you watched the fan moving endlessly and your mind grasped the reality that maybe you won't be visiting them. Not if he didn't open the door. But he couldn't lock you for years!
And whenever that door opens , you'll make sure to close it forever.
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"eat slugs , haechan!" Yuta exclaimed into the microphone, killing another of haechan's Avatar in the game. He winced as haechan groaned loudly, trying to get some pity out of yuta.
Calling it a day, he teared the headphones away , the sudden silence bringing peace to his ears. Stretching his limbs, he got up but as he trudged for the kitchen, he heard a knock that didn't come from the front door.
He stopped abruptly as if to check if his mind was playing games on him but he heard it again, this time a fainted one.
His stopped in front of your room and slapped his hand against the door , checking his suspicious. Another fast and hard bang came in response and he rotated the knob to open but nothing happened. Forcing his body against the door, a metal dropping sound reached him before the door opened. Without even glancing at you, he leaned and picked up the screws that were stuck in the door hinges. But before he could show you those, you pushed him backward, releasing all the anger at once.
"what the fuck is wrong with you!" Not paying any attention to any of his words, you searched for your phone that you found on the counter and shot your warden an apologetic message. The orphan was near the station so you were sure she won't have waited for more than thirty minutes but you knew she'd have been worried for you.
Quickly working , you called taeyong while running for the main door, a confused yuta following you.
"you are home taeyong?" You asked him while wearing your shoes and exited , ignoring yuta's perplexed questions.
Yuta stood in the doorway, contemplating what the heck he had witnessed!
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Taeyong jerked forward on his chair as you slammed open the door of his office and marched in. When you called earlier , he thought you were going to complain about something that yuta did but the heat of the anger radiating through your body was enough to burn his senses from a distance.
"sit and calm-
"I'm not here to witness your hospitality Lee taeyong. Relieve me of the agreement here and now. my way or your way! I don't wanna live under the same roof wi-
"why are you shouting so much?" Jaehyun interrupted ,entering the room in a swift motion. Following him were few others who might have been awakened by your outburst.
"shut up jaehyun! For once do something with your worthless life" you spit out, eyes boring into jaehyun's.
"can you atleast tell me what has happened!"
To answer taeyong , you moved forward, resting your hands on the head of a chair continued,
"yuta locked me today. My phone was outside in the kitchen. I shouted , pleaded but he didn't open the door for 5 hours. I was supposed to go to Busan but that motherfucker don't ha-
"Busan? Your hometown?" Taeyong disrupted your speech,
"f-for my parents' death anniversary! I was suppose to visit their graves like every year.b-but he chose today of all days to play his little revenge games on me." With broken voice and tears threatening to spill, you managed to proceed,
"i don't wanna live with him anymore. I didn't sign up for this torture. Kill me for all you want but don't try to convince me into staying with that bastard!" Your nails holed into the leather chair, creating small crescents on the surface.
Uncomfortable silence fell over the whole room . As you turned around to leave, you were met with yuta's figure. His hand motioned to reach you but you closed the distance before he could.
"i hope you enjoyed it today!" With venom laced words, you finalised your proposition by flinging the ring straight into his face, his face scrunching at the hit , before walking past him.
Before taeyong could complete, taeil was already was on your heels.
"why do you have to be an asshole yuta?"
" i didn't do anything!" He started as he picked up the ring from the floor, “the door was ja-
“you shouldn’t have stooped so low nakamoto yuta!” tayeong growled with eyes glistening with fire.
“what now?” yuta’s jaw clenched at jaehyun’s nonchalant words. Pocketing his annoyance for him, he opened his mouth to explain himself,
“nothing now ok! I did nothing.i didn’t lock her and certainly didn’t try to forbid from going anywhere. She wa- the door was jammed due to some loose screws. I had to push it so it’d open. I-i-I wasn’t even aware of her plans. Heck, you can ask hyuck. I was playing with him for 6 hours straight. I had headphones in my ears all that time and you know how much hyuck yells. Even if she was stuck, there was not a sound that reached me taeyong. I was as oblivious to all this as much as you all were till now and knowingly, I won’t ever do anything so harsh. You know me very well! don’t you?” he ended with a hopeful question glancing at everyone in the room. With each passing second, his anxiousness elevated at the silent and calculating faces of everyone.
“you don’t believe me, do you?” his broken voice resembled the one they just heard few minutes ago.
“no yuta.i-its not like that . message taeil hyung about all this so he can calm her down.” Taeyong muttered with eyes searching up yuta’s for any malice he might be planning but found nothing. he was innocent.
But yuta panicked at his words, “why? I can explain by myself. It’s not that difficult. I can handle her taeyong.” he turned for the door but taeyong’s words stopped him in his tracks.
“you think so! You should be glad you are alive yuta”
“then release us taeyong. I’m begging you, LET HER GO!” the shout that echoed was enough to send shivers through every living being in the vicinity.
“I will. If taeil hyung say so. Message him yuta and you should know I don’t repeat my words without expense!”
He did as told, head hung low to avoid the pity looks that were thrown his way!
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“don’t follow me taeil!”
“I’ll stop if you’ll stop!” taeil politely replied, tracking your steps on the sidewalk. He tried to obstruct your way but ended up following you instead. 15 minutes had passed since you both left the house but your anger was not simmering down and you were stunned at his patience.
“you can’t walk till university.” You deadpanned.
“neither can you.”
Stopping abruptly, you faced him, “you can’t stop me taeil.”
“I won’t. but the bus driver would. Even pretty girls don’t get a free ride home.” You groaned at his unnecessarily true words. He was right, you had nothing on you except for the phone.
He silently observed your slumping body, before walking a step closer to check the waters. When you didn’t push him away, he lightly took your hand in his, tugging you to come along.
“I don’t wanna go with you.” your hushed voice gave him some courage to proceed further,
“we aren’t going home. Lets just sit”
He dragged you to the park you had passed just five minutes ago. Sitting on the bench , he asked you to explain everything that had happened in the last 6 hours. You recited the whole story till the end where you threw the ring at yuta. Taeil only hummed in response when he heard a buzz from his phone.
Reading yuta’s message , he suddenly knew where to start!
“read this y/n.” he said before giving you the phone.
You absorbed each and every word written. It made sense. But did it?
“he’s lying.” You scoffed , returning the phone.
“he’s not.”
“ofcourse you’ll take his side.”
“and why would I do that?”
“he’s your brother”
“and you are my sister”
“no I’m not. I never would be.” You retorted, hiding the effect his words had on you.
“I might not be your brother but you can’t stop me from calling you my sister and I’d prefer you over yuta anyday.”
“but you still think I’m lying and he’s right”
Taeil massaged the back of his neck, clearly getting annoyed by your snapping.
“when did I say you are lying? I just said he’s not lying.”
“isn’t it the same thing?”
“no its clearly not. You just don’t wanna admit that you misunderstood!”
Uncrossing your legs, you faced him, “ because I am not in the wrong here. he is ! he did it so he can have the house all to himself while I’m locked. The truth is he hates my guts. He wont ever pass an opportunity against me!”
“and like you love his guts! Your hatred for him is the reason that you don’t wanna believe he’s innocent. Your heart wants to believe that everything that had unfolded after that night is yuta’s fault. You don’t wanna believe because you just don’t want to! You are rejecting his reason because your mind says its the perfect chance to break taeyong! your anger and emotions are playing games with you and you are letting them! and this is exactly what yuta had been doing from the very first day! He’s no different than you. No matter how much you discard it, the truth won’t change! Impulsive actions lead you nowhere!” His polite yet authoritative voice was providing inputs that you didn’t want to believe. Not yet.
“I just wanted to go to busan taeil. If he hadn’t been home the-
“if he hadn’t been home , then you would not have even made it out! And I’m sure you have heard him playing games. He’s a loudspeaker and believe me haechan is yuta part two. I’m sure he didn’t hear you.”
“but why would anyone even care! I’m the one at loss here.”
“what loss. Just because you missed it today doesn’t mean you can’t go tomorrow and If you want i can take you there. we can go right now! But y/n , loved ones live in your heart!. You don’t need a day to show them your respect and love. They know you and they watch over you. don’t crumble under the weight of customs and rituals. We’ll go tomorrow morning. Be ready by 8 a.m !” his soothing voice managed to calm the storm but you weren’t going to budge from your first condition.
“I don’t wanna go back with him.”
He sighed heavily before pressing his phone to his ear,
“taeyong. replace yuta in france. For two months and I don’t want any further discussion.”
You sniffled, finally letting out the tears that were in the waiting since the morning.
“I can drop you to the dorm for tonight until he packs his stuff and you can go back home tomorrow. Sounds right?” he described his plan , petting your hair.
You weakly nodded, letting him ease your worries with sympathetic words that you didn’t even know you needed!
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next morning 
Uncomfortable silence welcomed you as you entered the house. You were told that he was gone and it sounded about right with the present atmosphere.
After finding the fruits, you made you way to the room but stopped in your tracks as you spotted something on the counter.
Three moulded screws were placed on a paper along with the ring that you thought would never be seen by you again. you breath quickened as you read the words on the plain paper
I’m sorry!
What were you supposed to do with it now?
thank you for reading ! feedback is always appreciated \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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Can I maybe get a imagine of the v3 boys minus korekiyo and add hajime nagito and gundham as Angels/demons? Like which would they be and how it effects there personalities with a human s/o please and ty.
Oof I found out so much interesting stuff about Angels and demons!
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Demon/Angel V3 boys (minus Korekiyo) Hajime Nagito and Gundham with human S/O
Gundham Tanaka (Demon)
He wasn't the worst kind of it but very powerful indeed it made him be able to Materialize in this world wich was very hard for a Demon to achieve.
He mostly reacted to calls of those whose souls were the most sinful. But when mortals did it and managed to make great Gundham Tanaka ansver... Evened dead.
He had a lot of dark companions that he sent upon earth and while he decided to live in human world as his power was able to keep him in this form for how long he desires those companions were allways near him.
Even though he was something that pure existence was evil he wanted to live another life without just doing the same thing over again. Finding fools and killing them got very boring over centuries.
He thought that simple human life could bring his soulless form joy. And so he met you... There was no word to describe the way he felt around mortal named S/O. It began with confusion untill he decided to speak with you.
The confusion was getting bigger as he never felt like this before. That's when it hit him. But was it OK for him to have this feelings for you? Probably not... He heard of few Human/Demon relationships but all of them ended with disaster... But he knew he was different so he can't compare himself to those fools.
There was a lot of hesitation since he whould have to tell you that he isn't a human still you might get it wrong becouse of his figure of speech.
Still he can't live in a lie since he wanted to live human life. And what if you whould begin being scared of him? He couldn't take that risk... And yet there was something about you that was able to move him and feel different in centuries.
He finally decided to tell you. You were worried since he looked very serious. He told you the truth but he proved it as his shape-shifting form showed what he really looked like. Beforehand you promised him to not run away. You were quite scared but you didn't break that promise.
Gundham was shocked he thought you whould just run away. That's when he said this "S/O I know you probably think less of me but there is also one thing I wanted to confess. I went here for a reason and it was finding different purpose. And I think that I have found it. Its staying by your side S/O. Even if you do not feel the same way I will wait for you and thus I will protect you from other demons" he looked away and was surprised to feel your hand on his cheek when you said that you felt the same way and you don't care about him being a Demon.
Dating Gundham was wired on the beginning as you learnt what he was able to do. But with time you got used to it and it felt... Normal.
Ryoma Hoshi (Fallen Guardian Angel)
He used to guard one girl who was killed by the mafia. And suddenly the mafia members who were responsible for her death died as their death was fast and painless. No human was able to say how the mafia died tho... Ryoma the guardian angel of that girl was the one who killed every single one of them. That's how he became fallen Angel.
Nothing was able to tell why he did this. But it happened so he ended up on this world. He acted like human yet he felt empty and without any reason to exist.
That is until he met you. He denied his feelings and thought that just being able to call him your friend was enough.
Also he didn't confess since he thought you deserved better. Still he whould feel guilty if you were with him and you whouldn't know about what happened. But even if you were friends he felt bad for not telling you the truth.
So he decided to stop hiding it even with risk of losing you. He told you entire story and you remember that case everyone was talking about it when it happened. In the end it was a supernatural death... You could tell how guilty he felt and why he was allways acting so lifeless all thanks to the story.
But even now you still liked him and enjoyed his company. He was very surprised that you decided to still hang out with him still he didn't told you how he felt towards you.
You were the one to confess. Another surprising statement for him. He of course said that he felt the same but he was hesitant it was becouse he does not know if he will be able to give you what you deserve. Of course you shut him up with a kiss and he returned it.
After that you gave him a reason to smile and move on.
K1B0 (Angel)
He was a guardian to people who were bullied. Keebo really cared about every human and hoped that all the bullies will find a path towards redemption.
What keebo wanted is to live among the humans he loved so much. He didn't thought that through tho... What can he do? He sure wants to talk with humans but how does he approach them?
As he was walking you bumped into him and he was quite surprised. He immediately helped you up and he thought it was the best time to take an action. He greeted you very politely and his smile wich was very sweet. Since you were in a rush you had to excuse yourself as you told him that you needed to go. He understood you and when you left he felt very satisfied that he finally got to see a human but from this close and interact with it.
Even though he felt like he wanted to meet you again... You were very pretty/handsome... Wait what is he thinking!? He can't have feelings like that! If he whould he whould become a fallen angel... But doesn't it ment that he could walk around for how long he desired? No... It whould be selfish of him. People needed him. And so he came back to heaven and couldn't help but observe you.
Of course it didn't distract him and he was able to do multi tasks one was his guidance and other was looking after you.
He wanted to meet you again but he can't be greedy. It was about week later and he decided to meet you again but this time you weren't in a rush. So when he approached you the two of you had very friendly conversation you were quite surprised that he approached you but you became good friends.
And so he was coming down to you from time to time. You started to think of him bit more often and looked forward to see him.
After you two knew each other for so long both of you found yourself falling in love with each other. For keebo it felt wrong but without you he whould feel lonely and empty... He had to decide. And he picked you.
He of course told you the whole truth and you accepted him. The two of you had very supportive but not the most affectionate relationship.
You mostly limited yourself to holding hands it's not like it matters much. With time Keebo got used to it and you were more affectionate as time passed by.
Gonta Gokuhara (Angel)
He was very often on the human world since he adored life too much too look at it from further distance.
He was allways trying to not caught much attention. But it was hard... Of course he often helped those in need and was true gentleman. But around you... He felt different.
The first time you two met was in the park the lighting made you look even more gorgeous. Since you were sitting alone he decided to talk with you so you whouldn't feel lonely.
It was very nice chat and he made you feel happier. He was very impressed by the way you spoke. Your smile was a light for his day. He then felt wierd and soon he realized what it was.
Gonta panicked as he never heard of Angel falling for a Human... What will happen to the both of you!? He didn't thought that his feelings were alright for him to have. That wasn't the only issue what if he whouldn't be able to make you feel happy?
But all those feelings got worse as you confessed. Gonta never told you about the fact that he is an Angel. So now he had to say it. He said everything including him sharing those feelings with you. You were shocked but happy.
About your relationship Gonta was treating you like you deserved as he was able to give up anything to be with you.
Kaito Momota (Angel)
He believes in everyone and allways try to guide humans towards their goals.
What he wanted was to be able to talk to any of them. Every single one was interesting in their own ways and he just got really curious on how the interaction with them feels like.
As he was finally able to get to you- the human he observed lately as you caught his attention he was quite nervous as he didn't knew what to say...
He started with basic introduction you were quite surprised for a stranger to approach you but you decided to keep talking with him. He was very funny and inspiring. It made your day meeting him as you hoped to see him more often. And he did appear often in your life.
After months Kaito realized that he shouldn't have done it since now he ended up falling for you... He knew that if he picks you there will be consequences...
But for how long you felt the same does he have to worry? You knew about him being an angel and kinda felt dumb when saying how you felt since you thought he whould reject you but you couldn't hide it anymore.
Him being quiet to you was a sign of rejection and you were ready for it. Your eyes widen when he said that he whould love to become your lover.
Your relationship with him was very healthy and affectionate. You often went on a dates. And Kaito was just amazing.
Hajime Hinata (Angel)
He wasn't any different from other angels. But he didn't mind as he didn't look for any changes.
That is until he saw you... He became more interested in humans (tho he already was) and hoped to be able to see them one day from up close.
His wishes weren't greedy as he just wanted to see you you'd probably ignore him anyways. After thinking for a long time he came down to earth.
He was walking the same direction as you did but it didn't look too suspicious. But when you tripped he helped you up. For him it was almost automatic. You thanked him.
Hajime felt a bit different and that's when he decides to head back. He said his goodbyes and walked out of your sight.
And so you were seeing each other quite often yet you didn't talk to each other. You were curious about him. After longer time you decided to approach Hajime.
He was very surprised and so you two started talking to each other. You catched yourself having feelings for him but you didn't knew anything about him... Ok you only didn't knew about him being an angel.
He felt the same way and told you about it (both feelings and truth).
As for your relationship it was very normal. He didn't regret anything and lived happily by your side.
Shuichi Saihara (Angel)
He had huge sense of responsibility and Justice. Still he allways believed in everyone.
He often investigated this world but no mortal knows what he is looking for. Upon his research he found you. You saw how lost he was and you offered your help. He said that he did not needed help but appreciated your concern.
He didn't knew why but he couldn't stop thinking about you. Maybe it was because of your voice? Maybe because of how stunning you looked? Or the fact that you wanted to help? He just couldn't stop thinking about you and that's what it matters for now.
When he sees you in public he thinks about approaching you. But he can't stop his investigation. He was often distracted but he needed to focus on finding demons since you can be in danger! He needs to protect you- I mean every human.
But he felt wierd whenever he saw you. He felt like he needs to be with you. He denied it tho... But with time he started talking to you. After some talk he felt like falling even deeper for you. At this point he felt lost... What can he do?
After knowing each other for 3 months he was lost in thought. You saw how bothered he was and asked what's wrong. Him not being able to lie said that he thinks he is in love with you. Of course you were quite surprised but you felt the same way.
That's when he told you full truth. He was an angel trying to find one very powerful Demon that was able to materialize and the worst thing is that he isn't able to find him... And he is quiet the demon whould probably cause a riot but they know he is after them so they do something small but still harmful...
You were ready to help Shuichi but he asked you not to since for mortal it's a suicide mission. When he finally found that demon he was able to stop it.
After that you two became a couple. As for your relationship it was quite akward but as you learnt more about each other it became natural.
Rantaro Amami (Guardian Angel)
He was special guardian of 12 girls. He was very often visiting this world as their babysitter.
You two met when he took the girls to park and they were playing together. When you saw Rantaro it was very well hypnotizing he had very honest smile as he played with 12 siblings.
When one of the girls tripped in front of you you immediately helped her out. Rantaro was thankful for your help. Both of you tried to comfort little girl.
After that you joined them at one of the kids request. You had funny time with them and after that you had a small chat with Rantaro when he was taking the girls home. Then he walked you home and the two of you started seeing each other often.
You quickly became good friends and so Rantaro decided to tell you the truth wich kinda made you feel wierd... He was a guardian angel all along huh? Makes sense... Since he was a bit too perfect. You felt dumb that you let yourself fall for him...
Rantaro on the other hand felt troubled... Since he felt like he liked you too... But it was wrong for him to have this feelings for you... Well he can't hide it forever.
You were surprised to see him in front of your house. You greeted him and invited him inside. He told you about the way he felt. You were shocked... Rantaro liked you? In *this* way? You know he can't lie to you so you told him that you felt the same.
When you finally became a couple you took care of the siblings together but of course it wasn't only thing you did. Traveling even not far was something you did often.
Kokichi Ouma (Demon)
Kokichi is well a Demon who rathers to mess with sanity of his victims as he never killed in the end. If anyone said that he never kills becouse he's soft he'd say something like "Killing makes things less interesting since I can't come back to my victim".
Kokichi was capable of killing and was very strong so he can do it with closed eyes but he never whould kill.
Of course since he was strong he was able to materialize and live between humans. And that's what he did since that place where he lived got very boring.
Now he can mess with everyone on daily basis! When he met you he of course targeted you as his victim. What he did was quite funny and you laughed too since it didn't harm you in any ways. He was surprised since everyone so far was furious wich was reaction he was looking for...
But your laughter was something he whould not expect. He asked you why you were laughing and not chasing him down.
When you said it simply amused you he had to rethink his life. There was a human that wasn't boring? He wanted to get to know you and so he did.
With time Kokichi didn't knew that feeling but he was in love with you. When he found out about his own feelings he was feeling serious... Since each Human/Demon relationship he heard off so far was a disaster he decided to back off but at least lie his way out of this.
It hurt him to do this but he had to. What he didn't knew was that you liked him back. Still it whouldn't change fact that he is a Demon.
After some time when you decided to confess was the same time where he stopped caring about it and wanted to confess too. When you told him that you wanted to say something important he nodded and let you talk. After that he didn't respond and started his own talk. When he said about being a Demon you didn't knew how to react...
Still the two of you ended up together. Your relationship wasn't much different. Much teasing and a lot of fun that's what your relationship was like.
Nagito Komaeda (Demon)
He was a Demon that brought everyone around bad luck. Nagito is able to control it but he wants humans to fight with despair of bad luck (not in every case).
Every Demon thought of him as a traitor since he adored Angels. The fact that he was Demon of bad luck didn't mean that he had a shitty luck. His luck was almost magical since he drains this luck from humans.
Thanks to that he was powerful enough to materialize and finally escape that hell.
Now he could see a battle with despair from up close and probably get noticed by an angel and then vanish for good. This seemed almost too perfect for him.
When he was walking around spreading bad luck he saw you. At that moment you needed some luck since you were helping someone out.
Ah you were giving someone hope he decided to give you some of his luck and you did it.
He knew he was a trash but wanted to speak to you. This desire was something he had for about a week. Untill he finally talked to you. He knew he couldn't just approach you so he gave you some bad luck just so he can save you.
The conversation was akward but surprisingly friendly. With time you became a good friends. Nagito felt bad for not telling you about him being a Demon...
So another week passed and he told you about it. This fact didn't change your friendship but you kept that in mind.
Months pass and the two of you got really close. And you were acting just like a couple.
You decided to go for it and ask him to make it official. He was surprised but accepted your offer.
Your relationship was very supportive the two of you were also quite affectionate.
~Mod Chiaki
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dramaclover · 5 years
The Man Who Kills Troubles: Thoughts & Ending Summary
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Every year TVB would release a drama that does extremely well in ratings but for some reason no one really talks about it. And sort of becomes a “forgotten drama” in a sense. It may sound confusing but I don’t know how else to explain it. It was The Unholy Alliance for 2017 and Fist Fight for 2018. It’s not like it had a bad plot or bad acting but it just wasn’t memorable. And unfortunately for this year it’ll go to this drama.
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Honestly, it’s not surprising this got good ratings. It has everything that appeals to Hong Kongers. Romance, friendship, family, lost love, triads vs police, secret identity all set within the backdrop of a school. It also boasts a popular cast with Vincent Wong portraying O Sir while Natalie Tong portrays Jovy Cheung. But it was so predictable - so very predictable. I already knew what was gonna happen. There wasn’t any plot twists errr any plot twists that I didn’t catch on. The cliches were endless as well. The predictability is no joke. Right away I knew Jovys Father is gonna die, & obviously it wouldn’t be because of old age. He is the triad leader of course he’s on everyone’s hit list. Jovys brother is involved in his fathers death- not a shocker since he’s been vying for that power. O Sirs girlfriend Chloe Wong played by Kelly Cheung dies in an accidental lab explosion death - yeah right, it’s never an accident. O Sirs master, who raised him turned out to be the one that kills Chloe. Not a twist for me it’s never a stranger killing - it always has to be connected to the main character in some way. Jovy gets shot & falls into the ocean and dies - of course she’s not dead there’s 30 episodes! Linda is a doctor that turns out to have an ulterior motive in helping O Sir - well yeah, it’s not like she got bored and moved from Australia to Hong Kong out of boredom & accidentally encountered O Sir.
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In the beginning it focused heavily on the school storyline. This is also where Jovy and O Sir officially meet. Jovy as a music teacher and O Sir as a gym teacher. O Sir is given the task of reviving the disbanded popular rugby team. And of course the star player is the schools typical bad boy, Wong Ko Chun that always ditches class but has a heart of gold. Oh, he also happens to be Chloe (O Sirs dead girlfriend) little brother. Ko Chun has lost his passion for rugby after his sisters death, so O Sir is the one that convinces him to return & helps him find his love for the sport again. Ko Chun is not a team player with him always wanting to hog the ball to ensure they win. The other members aren’t happy as he steals the limelight. *Insert Ko Chun learning the meaning of teamwork* (I know eh? How cheesy & predictable). The school scenes were definitely meant to be lighthearted to contrast against the mafia vs police issues. I thought this part of the story was cheesy. I did like the friendship that ends up forming though.
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Then slowly, it moves into a more darker setting. Jovys Father passes away & she takes up the position as head of the company. O Sir becomes the head of security detail. Her brother Cheung Tai Bong has gone over to the dark side. Here comes the revelation of O Sirs real identity of being the fixer, Chloe’s death, Man Sir played by Jonathon Cheung becoming evil & a new villain is introduced. It’s interesting to see how it goes from an innocent school setting to something more sinister. And I wish I could say that the second part of the story was good, but it truly wasn’t. I guessed everything that happened & nothing made me shocked. It wasn’t a thriller to me at all. I didn’t end up being invested into any character. Sure, some parts were interesting but it didn’t need to be a 30 episode drama.
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The love story between O Sir & Jovy wasn’t as romantic as they made it out to be. The only obstacle was O Sir, not getting over Chloe’s death. I never felt the love between O Sir & Jovy. They had a lot of cheesy, lovey dovey scenes but to me they were just cringy. I felt nothing for them. And I can’t say it’s cause Vincent & Natalie had no chemistry because they do - they were sweet together as Saving & Cherry in “My Unfair Lady”. For me, the problem lies on Jovy being too similar with his ex girlfriend Chloe. And oh boy, this drama never made us forget about it. Every time Jovy does something, it’ll flashback to Chloe doing the same thing. Both Jovy & Chloe plays the flute & studied in Australia. Chloe wanted to become a teacher, well Jovy becomes a music teacher. It’s also because of their similarities that O Sir, even rescued Jovy the first time. So to me, it just seemed like Jovy was a replacement for Chloe. I actually thought O Sir had better chemistry with Chloe. In fact, I loved the both of them together. I felt they were a better matching couple. It was because of Chloe, O Sir finally decided to stop being a fixer. It was because of Chloe he finally wanted a family. I wish they hadn’t made both characters so similar. It’ll always look like O Sir settled for Jovy cause she reminded him of Chloe. I believe this was a mistake on the writers part.
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There is also a side storyline that focuses on Man Sir turning evil. And a romance he has with Ace played by Crystal Fung. Unfortunately their story fell super flat. At times I even forgot they were even a part of the drama. Their storyline was so disconnected from O Sirs. It wasn’t until the last 8 episodes did Man Sir & O Sir finally collide. I’m pretty sure if you take away Man Sirs story and just only followed O Sir, you wouldn’t be confused. Because literally they go their own separate ways. You don’t even need to know why Man Sir turned evil - you just need to root for O Sir to win. Man Sir turned evil because he found out his Father was actually a black cop the entire time & he accidentally murders someone out of self-defence. He just thought he needs to get rid of the people that knows about his Father being a bad cop to save his Fathers dignity. At first I thought the main romance was a fail but it wasn’t compared to this one. Man Sir & Ace were a total bust. Seriously they were hugely boring. And I was terribly disappointed with Ace. You knew he was turning evil, and did nothing to stop it. I thought Ace would be the voice of truth & the one that would end everything. But she didn’t do squat. She literally watched him do more and more evil deeds. And other than whining about it she didn’t do anything more. All because she was so deeply in love with him WTH. What kind of cops are they? One turns evil over a a dumb reason, another just sits by and watches. She kept her mouth shut the whole time & it wasn’t until he died that she’s like “oh by the way he’s a black cop ahaha okay byeeeee”. I could’ve done without their backstory and stupid loveline, they did not even contribute much to the story.
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The ending was way too rushed. And was a clusterfuck of what the heck is going on. It was dumb cause a big part of the storyline was Man Sir trying to kill Qiao Yik Fung, who is the biggest villain on the show. You’d think since it’s so hard to kill him as evident by the amount of episodes he’s been alive, that his death would be interesting to watch. Well it wasn’t! He literally just tricked him into going to an isolated area & shot him in the head. Like seriously? That’s all it took? You couldn’t have done that 5 episodes ago? And the fact O Sir also helped you come up with that plan! This villain got killed off so quickly that it was pathetic.
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After that, it was basically a showdown between Man Sir & O Sir. Man Sir causes O Sir to crash his car, and then they started to fight each other with their bare hands. Who wins? We don’t know. Like for real - they just time jumped to one month later. Before the time jump it shows them both falling to the ground head first - & then admitting to their mistakes. Man Sir confesses saying how when he had killed someone - he should’ve surrendered to the police, instead of choosing the dark road. O Sir, wishes he spent more time with Jovy. And then they both try to get up to get back to their love ones, but you know they failed. We don’t know who won. Imma consider it a tie. So the showdown was a fail. All the hype only to end up like that. And then we flash forward to a month.
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Man Sir survives the fight and has turned back into a good person. He plans on leaving Hong Kong to start a new life with Ace. But he gets stabbed by Yik Fungs underling Ray & he dies. Then another month passes. O Sir, ends up surviving only to find out Jovy died from poisoning. After all that Jovy dies, the amount of times O Sir saves her & she still dies. Is O Sir cursed? Both of his girlfriend ended up dying. You know Man Sir dying made sense since he did many bad things. And justice must be served. But wait - did everyone forget? O Sir was a fixer for the triads. They use a fancy word like fixer but it basically means he’s an assassin. Triad leaders would send him a target & he has to finish them off- that’s his job. O Sir killed so many people. He didn’t even have a good reason for the killing, he did it for the money. Why is that O Sir, is still alive & living well when he killed so many? Yet his girlfriend Jovy was the one who died? What are you saying TVB? And I feel like no one even remembers all the bad things O Sir did as the fixer. They made him seem so glamorous. Who are we even rooting for? Killer #1 or killer #2? Though I want to point out Man Sir, technically only ever killed two (and one was out of self- defence), all the other victims were indirect. O Sir, on the other hand did directly kill a lot of people.
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I’m not sure what to say. I can’t say it was a terrible drama. It was very fast paced, the action scenes & scenery were very nice. I just felt that the villains were dealt with too easily. Some stories were still left open. Jovys death had no impact on me - I never connected with her character. I felt more sad when Chloe died despite the fact she only appeared in a couple of flashback scenes. The ending would’ve been more impactful if Ace had died for Man Sir, and through this he reforms and confesses to all his wrong deeds & goes to jail. Cause that’s what you should do - and not run away from your past, seriously if he didn’t get stabbed, he would’ve literally gotten away with it all. O Sir should’ve been the one that died - in the end he’s an assassin! Hes the one who killed for a living. It should’ve shown his gravestone next to Chloe’s. And the ending should’ve been Jovy & her Mother reuniting with Tai Bong after he leaves prison. With the final scene of Jovy going back to being a music teacher with her class. Now that’s my ideal ending. Hmm I guess there was a plot twist. I guess I was shocked. I stand corrected the ending was not predictable. O Sir not dying is probably to keep his ending open in hopes of a sequel. To me, it was definitely a forgettable drama. It wasn’t a super waste of my time. However, I don’t see myself ever rewatching this.
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What I want to hear more than anything is any and all of your thoughts involving Kushinada? Because I LIVE of them I need all of your ramblings about her and every AU she is currently apart of. You could type out thousands of words and I'd still want more.
since you did write about that hot fenrir X kushinada stuff in your latest fic (which was the most adorable thing btw omg) i figured i might provide a few scenarios for that (a few meaning 1000+ words of cute stuff oops! never mind it’s 2000+ hahaha fuck)
high school au
i know i said it in the dating sim route for fenrir but him giving his leather jacket to kushinada when they go out and it’s cold??? that’s one of my fav tropes omg
also kushinada accidentally comparing fenrir to a loyal dog when talking to aphro and light hel and him overhearing that and being all embarrassed about it bc he can’t deny that he’s literally a dog in human form
he has a very strong sense of smell, always noticing all the flower perfumes that kushinada wears and he always compliments her about how nice she smells even when she’s come back from her garden (he likes the smells of nature hehe)
also he’s very protective of her and gives people the nastiest stares if they say anything remotely negative about her. when kushinada opens up about having an unrequited crush on cu chu and her past with relationship with susano she has to drag away fenrir and get him to promise not to fight those two on sight
also it’s a lil nsfw but i think he’s totally into leaving hickeys around the place so when kushinada shows up at school on a super hot day with a scarf aphro is like “so things must be moving nicely between you and fenrir huh?” and kushinada is just a blushing mess and silently nods
oh, and him just resting his head on kushinada’s when she’s gardening and wrapping his arms around her UwU
so when they start dating i really like the idea of fenrir learning how to grow stuff with kushinada (and him actually having a decent green thumb after learning the basics)
also i couldn’t get the idea out of my idea about fenrir trying to grow kushinada roses/or forget-me-nots/camellias(they all mean love apparently?? that’s cute n sappy hehe) and trying to keep it a secret from her
so while he’s checking some plants during club time, fenrir just snatches a seed packet from her collection and takes her gardening equipment and other materials when he needs them
bc he’s just a beginner he fails pretty badly and goes around asking for help from tyr (as he’s been talking about kushinada w/ tyr who serves as a sorta personal confidant and a father figure who is more stern w/ fenrir than loki). tyr’s all for this as that’s how he wooed ullr over on their first date (and promptly got laid as well) so they both read a few gardening books and search the internet for info…
…unfortunately tyr’s pretty shit w/ gardening as well so they ask chiron for help and, although he’s got the knowledge, it somehow doesn’t work out either…
…so they ask for inari’s help which who suggests that they just hire a professional gardener or just buy some really expensive and rare flowers for her(which they’ll pay for; inari is all for fenrir trying to be romantic and trying to cater to kushinada’s interestseven if it doesn’t turn out)
fenrir eventually decides to come clean and presents her with what he’s got and kushinada kisses him for all his effort UwU. she really appreciates the effort even if she was aware that he was stealing from her the entire time (she’s gotta keep a tight budget with the club, the school only gives her a certain amount of money to run the place and it’s she may be forgetful at times but her equipment disappearing every time fenrir was around was a lil convenient)
also if we’re going full cheese then i want fenrir to confess his love to kushinada all anime-style w/ cherry blossoms and everything :’^)))))) like kushinada would be the first to say that she loves him but it’s really hard for him to say, like he’ll just say “i do too” and avoid saying “i love you”
also just in general they’d probs both like going out to parks, botanical garden or go hiking and have peaceful walks when kushinada points out all the plants while fenrir listens, he likes hearing her ramble on bc it’s cute seeing her so excited about something
so they’re at some botanical garden place and kushinada is really excited and basically dragging fenrir by the arm to point out all the different flower types but all he can think about is how much she’s changed him for the better, how he doesn’t deserve her at all. he’s just smitten with her, with how adorable she is when she’s ranting, even if he’s heard all the information before - he just wants to listen to her beautiful voice. and, wow, she looks so stunning amongst the blooming flowers and he thinks, no, he knows he’s in love with her and how he wants to marry her and that sorta mushy stuff hehe
kushinada snaps him out of his thoughts by asking if she’s boring him with her explanations and then he just blurts out that he loves her and it’s just silence between the two for a moment before kushinada, as the sappy bitch she is, starts crying tears of joy and leaps into his arms :’))))))) (yes i’m the world’s softest bitch, what about it)
mafia au
fenrir stumbles into kushinada’s bakery after a street fight with a rival gang, all bloody and bruised and telling her to not touch him before promptly passing out. kushinada tends to his injuries while he’s out and drags him into her beroom falling asleep beside the bed bc she was so exhausted from work + this incident
fenrir wakes up with a nasty headache, only made worse by him not knowing where he is - he’s still alive, probably due to the beautiful japanese woman uncomfortably lying on the side of the bed with bandages in her hands. he knows he could snap her neck with ease, but something in the back of his mind tells him not to - tyr’s words and actions ring in his ears
also on a side note i’m imagining that fenrir has a rough childhood bc of loki being involved in shady gang operations and that fenrir was preened by him to succeed him but fenrir was betrayed by the norse gang and left to get caught by the cops during a major heist. i imagine that tyr, a cop (duh), went onto the scene and tried to communicate with a scared and furious fenrir. fenrir probably lashed out at him, scarring tyr’s arm (and then it later being infected or something? i’m not here for arm severing lmao) and then breaking down in his arms while tyr comforted him.
fenrir spent some time in prison after that and got out due to tyr lobbying for him and he’s trying to separate himself from his family and old ties to his gang although it obviously catches up with him here :^)
the attack was probably bc in the past fenrir was an asshole and very cocky, brash and abusive to others and he made a lot of enemies bc he thought we was untouchable as one of the norse gang members with really high connections bc of his father
anyways fenrir explores the small apartment before hearing the ring of the bell downstairs (i imagine the bakery to underneath a small apartment like this). he walks to check that out, hiding on the stairs just in case the gang members have found where he ended up
fortunately (or rather, unfortunately) for him it’s not the gang members - it’s inari, wanting to get a pastry and tea from her favourite bakery. when they can’t see kushinada or smell anything being made that’s when they decide to check on her
fenrir makes a mad dash for kushinada’s room, pretending to sleep once again while kushinada is in the shower. she gets out and greets inari, trying to nicely introduce the topic of the strange and ruggedly handsome man resting in her room (it just hit me that this is essentially just that scene from tangled but inari isn’t an evil hag lmao)
inari is really annoyed - they don’t want kushinada to get further involved with any more gang acitivity than she already is and they know about fenrir’s past and what he’s done. they fight for a bit before inari relents, knowing that coddling kushinada and treating her like a defenceless child isn’t going to help her out any.
fenrir is shitting himself - he never expected to get so close to the elusive and destructive inari and it doesn’t help that inari ends the conversation with “if he does anything to hurt you i’ll make sure to put that mangy mutt down and make him regret ever stepping out of prison” before asking kushinada to have a cup of tea with her
after they’re done, kushinada comes up while fenrir pretends to wake up for the first time. she checks on his injuries and she asks about what happened to him but he shuts her down before she has to chance to speak and tries to leave - of course, in his injured state he just makes things worse and falls over. kushinada scolds him for trying to move in this state, and says that even if he won’t co-operate that she’s still going look after him just to prove inari that she can handle looking after herself when dealing with the mafia business.
she leaves for a bit and brings a breakfast tray for him. he wolves it down, reluctantly saying thanks and apologising for his manners - kushinada finds him kinda cute when he’s all blushing and red (although she won’t admit it). she tries to more subtly ask what happened to make him so ravenous but he brushes her off again. fenrir asks for some coffee instead of the tea she’s brought and she makes sure that he uses his manners this time.
she goes down again, leaving fenrir to his own devices. he eventually walks around the apartment for a bit, taking special notice of all the greenery around the place. she pops up behind him while he’s admiring some lillies. he asks how she gets the plants to look so nice - she says that you can gorw anything as long as the conditions are right
then their usual routine sets in - kushinada will get up before him and they’ll eat meals with each other while she runs the bakery downstairs, popping up whenever she has the time to see him.
when he can walk without major discomfort again then kushinada gets him to man the counter and when his arm heals she starts teaching him about how to bake to tend to her plants - he’s not half bad at either activity and when he’s polished his skills enough he makes breakfast for her UwU
of course y’all can imagine as many fluff moments as possible while they fall in love and that cute stuff like
fenrir talking about his tats and what they mean
talking about his past, maybe a lil bit of angst and comfort bc i’m a sucker for emotion support scenes
cute baking moments, fenrir licking the spoon and kushinada getting on his case about that
i’m sure you can think of a few dramatic situations to progress the plot but i’m just here for fluff hehe
or maybe something about fenrir running into some old gang members and them giving him shit about losing his edge and how pathetic he looks manning the bakery - he’s barely keeping himself together but he does for his and kushinada’s relationship together but he snaps when one of the group starts talking about kushinada and threatening to attack her to coax the old fenrir out. it probs gets into a bad back alley sprawl with the gang needing a large ambulance as a result of his anger (i like to imagine that inari was watching around the corner ready to back him up and they’re like “good job kid”)
and maybe fenrir’s family comes to see him?? at the very least i want light hel to work for kushinada at the bakery bc i want Dramatic™ family reunions yo and she’d fit the role p well
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