#the mc starts to subconsciously send them on dangerous missions together
traumafactory28 · 4 months
I have a writing concept for a side character duo. The mc rarely hangs out with these two and barely sees them with each other, but every so often, the two would see each other and be in earshot of the mc. And every single time, without fail, they start apologizing for the craziest of things. "Oh hey, sorry for almost stabbing you earlier." "It's fine, I'm sorry for blowing up your car." The mc has no idea any of these things happened until these moments. There is a background character arc through these apologies that is followed by mass destruction no one is noticing. I would like to iterate that these two look extremely innocent and nice, but a tendency to get into some of the most insane situations when around each other. No one knows that these two hang out, the majority of the time they are alone with other people. Almost as if they are sneaking out at night for their own action adventure and terrible luck. They almost always forgive the other and the longest they go from not apologizing to the other is a month, in which they get more upset and distraught as time goes on, then one day it's gone and they are back to normal. No one knows what happened or when they got the time to resolve it, but they did.
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