#but got used to it after a few confrontations with no results on their end
traumafactory28 · 4 months
I have a writing concept for a side character duo. The mc rarely hangs out with these two and barely sees them with each other, but every so often, the two would see each other and be in earshot of the mc. And every single time, without fail, they start apologizing for the craziest of things. "Oh hey, sorry for almost stabbing you earlier." "It's fine, I'm sorry for blowing up your car." The mc has no idea any of these things happened until these moments. There is a background character arc through these apologies that is followed by mass destruction no one is noticing. I would like to iterate that these two look extremely innocent and nice, but a tendency to get into some of the most insane situations when around each other. No one knows that these two hang out, the majority of the time they are alone with other people. Almost as if they are sneaking out at night for their own action adventure and terrible luck. They almost always forgive the other and the longest they go from not apologizing to the other is a month, in which they get more upset and distraught as time goes on, then one day it's gone and they are back to normal. No one knows what happened or when they got the time to resolve it, but they did.
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can you write one where y/n flirts with earth 42 miles and shit but hes not into it at first but when she flirts with someone else he gets jealous? then at the end she confronts him and they get into a fight then he confesses during the argument
e-42!miles x fem!reader
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summary after many months of miles not showing interest in you, you finally decide to move on. but he’s not having it.
request by anonymous ! 🎧 been away by brent faiyaz
a/n this was so rushed i’m sorry 😭😭 you can tell at the ending but it’s been a while since i’ve done one of these writings so 🤷‍♀️ enjoy!!
warnings angst, jealousy
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“Morning Miles!” You chirped, watching as he came to sit next to you for Spanish class. He ignored you like he normally did, causing you to roll your eyes.
You’ve been getting tired of him ignoring you constantly despite sending visible hints that you, the only girl in the whole entire school who would talk to him, likes him. Something about his snarky behavior, his accented voice, and his overall appearance drew you closer to him.
It all started when you guys were assigned to sit next to each other resulting in becoming Spanish partners, which made you slowly develop feelings towards him.
And him too.
Though he never expressed it, he loved the comments you made to him, the way your eyes glistened when talking to anyone (he especially loved it when they sparkled when talking to him), and your overall personality attracted him towards you. And he didn’t know why.
What he did know though, was that something was off. From his peripheral vision, he didn’t see you sneak any glances at him. He didn’t hear your voice the whole class apart from the good morning you said to him, and when it was time for class to be dismissed you didn’t say goodbye to him.
You quickly got out of your seat, rushing towards your friends and completely ignoring him. He shrugged it off as you had something important to tell them, but this treatment went on for a week.
You completely ignored him, and he hated it so very much. Even when you had to turn and talk to him, you didn’t say anything to him except for the few words in Spanish you two had to recite to each other.
He got curious one day after class and followed you the way you used to do to him. But a few steps behind, of course.
The sight he was met with was his girl flirting with another guy, laughing and having the same sparkle in your eyes the way you do with everyone else.
It all hit him like bricks when you reached up and moved the hair out of that random guy's face, and topped it off with a giggle that you would only give him. He clenched his jaw and walked away, attempting to keep his calm.
He couldn’t bear you flirting with other guys that wasn’t him, he couldn’t bear the thought of you talking to other guys that wasn’t him.
He wanted to be yours, and he wanted you to be his.
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A week passed with this treatment, and it was paining you as much as it was paining Miles.
You could feel him getting cold again, and you hated it. He probably saw you flirting with that other guy, but you didn’t care. That’s what you told yourself, at least.
“Miles,” you said in the middle of class out of nowhere, causing Miles to become curious.
“Hm?” Miles responded, his usual only response.
“Can we talk after class?”
“If you’re not talking to that white guy, sure,” his words were like poison. He was watching you? You ignored it and rolled your eyes and huffed, his usual behavior coming back.
The rest of the class felt like it went on forever, your leg anxiously bouncing and two eyes pierced through your head the whole class. His eyes.
You knew that the conversation you two were about to have would either result in going back to completely avoiding each other, or maybe it would work it out for you two.
However, you couldn’t get your mind off of him. Miles was the only thought for the rest of the class, and it didn’t help that you felt his sharp gaze on you the rest of class.
It was only when the bell rang you were dismissed from your thoughts, quickly turning to Miles who was already staring at you and motioning for you to lead the way.
“What’s with the hurrying mamí?” He asked as you were leading him through the crowded hallway, although he was dying to hear what you wanted to say to him.
Maybe he could finally tell you how he felt.
You came to a stop when you two exited the school, Miles turning to you.
“Why are you such an ass?” You suddenly asked, causing Miles to be taken aback.
“I’m the ass? The hell are you talking about?” He questioned back, a cold glare on his face.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about! You ignore me the whole year, and then you follow me when I talk to some guy that I barely know.” You crossed your arms.
“Yeah, cause, that guy isn’t good for you. He’s bad news, Y/N.”
“You don’t know shit. You can’t be saying this shit while you don’t even speak a single word to me.”
He scoffed, then crossed his arms mimicking you. “Yeah? I talk to you plenty. More than I talk to anyone else, in fact.” He mimicked.
You two were now causing a scene outside the school, but you didn’t care. You had to let him know how you felt. Even if you still had feelings for this cold blooded ass, you were sick of the way he was constantly ignoring you.
“Miles for the love of god, I’ve given you so many signs! But you haven’t reciprocated any of them! So for you to be constantly following me, looking at me, and getting jealous of other guys is bullshit!”
He was quiet for a few seconds, which made you even more angry. How could he be quiet while you were being so vulnerable to him?
“Maybe I just feel protective over you,” he shrugged. You were left agape, now knowing how to respond. His lips couldn’t help but form into a smirk, knowing he said the right thing. He sighed before he started knowing you wouldn’t respond, “Escucha Y/N, I might not show my feelings well but I know damn well you like me, and it just so happens that I like you too.”
You were shocked, this emotionless man felt the same way that you felt about him? You had to be dreaming.
“Cut it out, Miles, we both know you’re lying.”
“Mamí, you’re the only girl who talks to me, who gives me attention. You happen to be pretty cute too,” he smirked. He knew you weren’t going to respond, so he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and guided you out onto the sidewalk.
“Let’s get food, shall we?”
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wordsarelife · 3 months
—you’re not sorry
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pairing: mattheo riddle x fem!reader
summary: you and mattheo run into each other years after your relationship has ended
warnings: angst, reader is pregnant
word count: 1.4k
you mindlessly stirred the cup of coffee in front of you, just using a gentle move of your fingers to control the spoon magically. it was a day like any other in late november.
you had finished work earlier than expected, leaving time to drink a coffee in your favorite café, before you were heading home.
"y/n?" you recognized the voice right as you heard it, you heart beating faster suddenly.
"mattheo" you said, raising your eyes from the cup to look at the man in front of you.
"hey" mattheo cooed. a feeling of guilt entered your chest as your eyes collided with his. the same eyes that looked so grown now had been so sad the last time you had seen them.
he raised his eyebrows, pointing at the chair in front of you and you nodded, before he sank down on the cushion.
he looked the exact same, just a bit older. the black suit he wore looked awfully like the ones draco had always plastered himself in. but it looked different on mattheo than it had done on draco. it suited him and made him look all the more flattering, the fabric of his suit engulfing his muscular build. it had been a few years since hogwarts.
"how have you been?" mattheo smiled, and you couldn't help but remember a time when he had smiled at you every day.
you had met mattheo on the first day in hogwarts, both of you unknowing eleven year olds, trying to fit into a world that was just beginning to be yours.
you were in the same year, the same house and had most of the same friends. still, you never really spoke until your third year, when mattheo asked you for a quill, because he forgot his.
ever since then you had become friends, your friends and his forming into a group in the following years, considering that your best friend and his started dating in fourth year, so you saw mattheo a lot more often.
what started as a simple friendship turned into more during fifth year when mattheo consoled you after a particularly bad date. he asked you to hogsmead a week later and the rest was history.
he was a good boyfriend. you relationship consisted of sharing secret rendezvous in the room of requirement, mattheo had stumbled upon after a detention with flitwick, late-night walks around the castle, and whispered conversations in the slytherin common room.
what felt like heaven to you, as you got to know him and everything that was inside of him, was hard for mattheo. there were just parts of him he didn't want you to see, scared it would change the image you had of him.
so while you thought everything was perfect, mattheo started to slowly pull away. you didn't notice it at first, excusing his behavior as a result of having to study much more because of tests and exams. but you grew suspicious when exam season ended and he was still keeping you at an arms length.
you decided that confronting him was the only way to know what was going on.
"is it because of a girl?" you asked as he came back to the common room late one evening. the rest of the house had already gone to bed, but you had spent your time reading, waiting for your boyfriend.
"y/n!" mattheo almost shrieked "what are you still doing up?"
"i could ask you the same thing" you said, standing up and crossing your arms. "where have you been? i haven't seen you since this afternoon"
"nowhere" mattheo shook his head, ready to walk around you and go to bed.
"that's not a good answer" you raised your brows "why are you behaving like this?" you asked, the hurt you were feeling swinging in your voice now.
"what? i'm not doing anything"
"yes" you protested "you act like you don't want me anymore, you're pushing me away, mattheo"
he sighed, but kept quiet.
"it's, alright" you assured "you can tell me everything"
"i don't want to, y/n" mattheo admitted. "there are parts of me you wouldn't be able to deal with"
"don't be ridiculous" you argued, shaking your head at his stubbornness. "i'm not in a relationship with you, because i only want to see your good parts"
"you don't understand this"
"what i do understand is that you're hiding from me" you stepped in his way as he tried to walk around you "and you don't have to hide these parts of you. i can deal with it, i promise"
you noticed the sudden anger on his face too late. "i don't want you to" he screamed, pushing you away as he walked across the room and up the steps. you watched after him in shock. mattheo had never screamed at you. not in the two years you had been dating, even when you would fight.
you spent the following days ignoring the other, until days turned into weeks and both of you decided that it was better to end your relationship. school ended not much after that and both of you parted ways.
you started your career in the ministry and only occasionally heard what mattheo was doing from common friends. you did not try to reach out to him and he didn't try to reach you either.
it hadn't always been easy. mattheo had been your first love and your relationship had ended so suddenly, so heartbreakingly, that you always asked yourself what you could've done different.
"how have you been?" mattheo asked and now that you looked at him once again, he had a lot less in common with your matty. he was a grown man and you didn't feel the same anymore when his eyes fell on your face. that he would see you had once been everything that mattered to you. now he was a stranger and his eyes felt foreign, even if they resembled someone you had once loved.
"good" you smiled. "i haven't seen you in a long time, how have you been?"
he nodded. "great" he smiled "i got married last week"
"wow!" you gushed, only noticing the ring on his finger now. "congratulations!"
"thank you" he mused, before he pointed to your hand "you're married too?"
you nodded, as you softly traced your ring with a finger. "yes" you laughed "and we're expecting our first child" your hand fell to your belly.
mattheo looked around the table, only noticing your pregnant belly now. "i'm happy for you" he said with a sudden sincerity in his voice.
"i'm happy for you too"
"maybe, in another universe" he left the sentence unfished, but you knew what he was talking about.
"maybe" you smiled. as you watched him closely. you weren't sure if it was sorrow or regret that was plaguing his features.
"it was good" he said, as if to reassure himself.
"yes, but we don't have to feel sorry about what happened anymore"
"not sorry" mattheo shook his head "just nostalgic"
you smiled brightly at that, knowing that both of you would always treasure your time together, even if the end of it had broken both of your hearts.
mattheo outstretched his hand, to squeeze yours, before he stood up. "take care, y/n" he nodded as he stepped away from the table.
"you too" you muttered, a hint of sadness in your features as you watched him leave like you did all those years ago..
curly hair, tear stained cheeks and an undone tie lazily thrown across his shoulders, as he looked at you in sadness. his eyes reflecting yours.
"i love you" you muttered, your cheeks just as tearstained as his "but i think i have to let you go"
"i love you too," mattheo said, his voice heavy with regret. "i wish things were different, but I know this is what's best for both of us"
"it is" you nodded. mattheo outstretched his hand, taking yours, before he squeezed it. both of you shared the same sadness, even consoling each other, for a short moment, before he looked at you for the last time and walked away.
you were happy for him. happy that he had learned to love the right way, without having to hide parts of who he really was. and you were happy for you too, knowing that your life had turned out the way you had hoped it to.
and for the first time when you looked back on your relationship, you knew what he was feeling about it, and you knew that the feeling was a deep-rooted form of nostalgia. and after all, you're not sorry.
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quikhs · 30 days
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Synopsis : Lately, Shoyo had been onto something and that makes you worried since he's been escaping from your guys 'rules' in the household. And that's lead to confronting him about it.
-> timeskip!shoyo is being slick (but not rlly) so you had to catch him and shred him to pieces/jk. Establish relationship. In general, fluff bc shoyo in angst? *Heart shattered.*
wc : 670 (drabbles)
A/N : theme makes me want to scream, legit had to search for a divider for a few mins and ended up using the ones in my gallery :')
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Goodbye and welcome kisses are a must.
Either when it's Shoyo or you going out, which meant leaving one or the other. Showing love through small pecks, intertwining your pinky with his became somewhat of a routine as a greeting and goodbye. Even when in such a rush, this tradition has no exceptions, as it's a must.
So when Shoyo just disappears, leaving no trace behind except for a 'I'm going!' and the sound of the door shutting, perhaps he's too late for training? Or he had forgotten about—there's absolutely no way,not a bit would he forget the kisses you always share.
Or has his brain got a memory loss? The thought lingered in your mind as you kept on with your daily tasks before taking your leave as well. It happened tomorrow once again, then the next day.
Now, that's suspicious, Shoyo.
But before you can catch on, he always leaves earlier than he normally would. In addition, it makes things worse because that's even more suspicious.
Yet, you wouldn't put an accusation against Shoyo; he's a sweetheart. There's no way he would do something behind your back, maybe.
And that's how you are waiting near the door, awaiting his figure to leave the house with a goodbye kiss because, you’re sure, if this keeps continuing, then you'll be crazy by the end of the week. For your sanity, you have to put an end to this.
In simple terms, you wouldn't let it slide today.
And when Shoyo finally rushes to the door, just to be greeted by someone with a big, wide frown like a pouting child that made him chuckle. Although he tried to refrain from it because that means you're upset. As he picked up his sports shoes, sliding them on easily without any disturbance—only your frown.
Just as Shoyo is about to open the doorknob, holding onto it, you say, "My kiss?" The sharpness in your voice, the glare that could just pierce his back, he swore it was (very) scary for someone who's lovely. Shoyo's head slowly turned to face you with a sheepish smile as he pulled his hand from the knob.
Of course, you noticed.
And how doomed Shoyo is now.
"Aw, miss me that much?" he teases while taking you in his arms, wrapping you close to him before pecking your lips as per usual.
"Well, a certain someone may have forgotten the rules here," you retorted, still keeping the slight resentment in your tone. As a result, Shoyo cackles.
Okay, he's been caught.
"Oh, I definitely owe Atsumu a drink after this," he muses while keeping his arms under yours. Alright, that got your attention fully.
Atsumu? Drink? What is he on to? Shoyo only cackles more when he sees the confusion written on your face.
It turns out Atsumu had made a bet with Shoyo. That if he managed to go without a goodbye and a welcome kiss for about a week, he'd buy Shoyo a drink. Now, everything clicked together like a complete puzzle. Although your nose scrunched at his words before he brushed his against yours playfully.
Maybe that's why he's been running away...
and Shoyo earned a gentle slap on the shoulder from you. "You—fine, no more goodbye kisses then!" you said, trying to escape from his grasp, still upset by how he just acted so casually. "No, wait! I love your kisses!" Jokingly, Shoyo tightened his grip and hoped to never let go.
Well, not now at least.
Perhaps he should do this again; your reaction was absolutely hilarious (and sweet), although he'll keep that to himself since telling you that, would just earn another slap from you.
And how Atsumu was grateful for you because the drink was definitely a blessing. After that, Shoyo noted to not put anything involving love and affection between you two, since in the end, he'll lose anyway.
But did he regret it? Nope, witnessing your reactions towards his (feigning) dismissal of your shared intimacy is the best.
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maxillness · 7 months
Nattely || LN4 x Reader
Warnings: Angst, cheater!Lando (I’m so sorry, babes), breaking up
Wordcount: 0.8k
I promised myself I wouldn’t do anymore Danish songs, but I just love this one so much, and I’m also sorry for all the Lando lovers out there 😭🫶
I promise you there will be a part 2, but they don’t get back together or work it out. I’m sorry 🫶
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God, was she bored out of her mind. She wanted to cuddle up beside her boyfriend like never before, but wasn’t here to hold her
As a result to her boredom, she went on Snapchat. She checked the snapmap, like she always do, but something was different this time
He wasn’t at home. He should be, he has nothing planned, not that she knew of anyway. She decided to call Lando, ask him what he was up to
The phone rang for a moment. She thought he wasn’t my gonna pick up, but he finally did after what felt like forever
“Hey, what’s up?” He asked. His voice was different, so was his wording. There was no ‘Hey, babe’ like he normally said picking up the phone
“I just wanted to know what you were doing. I’m bored out of my mind” She chuckled, but she didn’t get one back
”Oh, I’m be just been at home. Sleeping. This jet lag is getting to be” Was he straight up lying to her? She knew he wasn’t home
“Okay” Her voice was low, realising what he had said “Sleep well, love. See you tomorrow?” A sigh was heard from the other end before he spoke
“Of course. See you tomorrow. Bye, love” It was quick as he hung up
She regretted ever calling him. This feeling in her stomach was turning her inside out. Why would he lie to her like that?
The kiss she got from him when he arrived the next morning, wasn’t like it usually was. It was quick, and more like a peck
They were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie, but she always felt like it was wrong, knowing he lied to her and he was going behind her back
As the weeks went by, she kept feeling the love they had for each other faded. They went back to strangers like they once were
Each morning, she would have breakfast ready for him in the kitchen, just like they were used to
Each morning, he would give her a kiss on the cheek, just like they were used to
But those actions that was once filled with love, was now replaced with distance and silent empty promises
She wanted to confront him. She needed to confront him. She couldn’t lay this behind her and keep going with her life like she Disney know anything
They hadn’t been intimate since a few weeks before he lied to her. It pained her, and she was starting to yearn for some intimacy
“Where do you go when go from here?” She asked as she heard the sound of him picking up his keys
Her back was turned towards him, but she could still sense his confused state
“I know you don’t go home when you go from here” She tried keeping her sniffles in and kept the tears from falling down her face
“You sleep in another town for the nights you’re not here” She had now turned around, her front facing him
“Love, what are you talking about?” His words were soft, softer than they had ever been
“Don’t ‘love’ me. I know… I know you’re screwing around, Lando” Her lips trembled, trying to not crash down on the floor
“Just tell me. I just want to know. Who is she? Is she better than me? What does she have that I don’t?” She asked questions too fast for him to answer “Do I know her?” Her finally question was the one he was focused on
“No, you don’t know her” She felt a kind of relief, knowing she would only have to cut off one of her friends, and not two
“Good. That’s a start” She was trying so fucking hard to not let the tears stream down her face “Who is she?”
“Someone I met on the paddock once” The paddock. She could have been there when they met
“Is she better than me?” Fright was locked in his eyes
“No. And you’re not better than her. You’re your own in different ways” She couldn’t help but hear the lie in his voice
“Then why her? What does she have that makes you choose her over me?” She wanted to know. It was the least he could do
“I don’t know” He sighed, and it was the truth this time “It happened once, and then I got addicted. Baby, I’m sorry”
“No. You’ve lost your right to call me ‘baby’. Wasn’t I enough? Why aren’t you addicted to me? Is she better in bed? Is that why? You chose sex over love?” She didn’t let him speak before she spoke up again “Get out. This is my apartment. Get the fuck out” She could feel she was gonna burst any second
He didn’t wanna protest. He hurried out the door, letting her cool off. As soon he shut the door, the tears came streaming down her cheeks
Her knees gave out, making her land hard on the floor, pain shooting gin her knees and legs
Why would he do it?
What’s wrong with me?
Did I do something wrong?
The thoughts rang around in her head for weeks, and she couldn’t stop them
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megamindsecretlair · 9 months
Mr. Black, Part 3
Pairing: Tre x Assistant!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. TOXIC FILTH. PWP, cursing, PIV, fingering (fem receiving), dirty talk, praise kink, dumbass reader, power imbalance, Tre is a boss, all consensual.
Summary: Tre has left you alone with your thoughts for too long. You're starting to think it's time to stop...whatever this is between you. But Tre just won't let you.
Word Count: 4,174k
A/N: Why is this man so damn hot. Good lordt. I ain't been able to think of anything else! How did this taglist get so big? I love yall, frfr. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 - Completed
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion @notapradagurl7 @honeyoriginalz @blackerthings @sevikasblackgf @henneseyhoe @miyahmaraj @pinkpantheris @my1onlysenpai @darqchilddaydreamz @badassdoll @playgurlxoxo @eggnox @abeautifulmindexposed @theyscreamsannii @melaninpov @mcdesij @kholdkill @blowmymbackout @theunsweetenedtruth @monaeesstuff @cocoeffects @soft-persephone @duckiesfairy @slippinninque
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Tre was busy. It was two days before Christmas and he was under a deadline to whip the company into shape before the end of the year. He had left you alone for the most part. Left you alone to wonder what the hell you were doing with him.
It wasn’t like this could go anywhere. He was your boss and there was no way that this could continue. You did eventually want to move up in the company, have your own desk with a view, and call the shots. To have your own pretty assistant that you could look at all day. 
You simply could not continue. Yet, the thought of stopping made you violently ill. Who knew that getting this job would result in the best sex you ever had? Too bad it had to be with an asshole like Tre. 
You worked on the invoices, growing anxious as the days went on. Not only did you look at the latest one, you went back to every invoice this year for that contract. This was not in your job duties. You worked around them, rising up to Tre’s challenging demands the closer it got to Christmas.
He was trying to zap the Christmas spirit out of you day by day. He turned into a gremlin before your eyes, demanding shit left and right. What did you expect? That he’d go easy on you just because you sucked his dick? 
He could have anyone he wanted in the office. And you were not the begging sort. It took you longer to do things, longer to understand things, and that was okay. People were hardly direct these days and expected you to read their minds. You didn’t have that superpower. The only thing you could do was your best and that would have to be enough. 
After just a few months of working for him, you knew the rhythm of Tre’s footfalls by now. He was approaching and you schooled your features. If he wanted to be an asshole, you didn’t have to give him any satisfaction that it bothered you.
“Come into the office,” he said tiredly.
“No,” you said. Your heart thumped in your throat. An avalanche of fear and adrenaline made the paper you were holding jump in your hand. You placed it on your desk to hide your shaking. You hated confrontation. 
It was the worst feeling. You hated communicating in a healthy way that something was bothering you. You let it fester until it bubbled in your gut, spilling over in an explosive wave of anger, insults, and hurt feelings. You didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Not that you could possibly hurt Tre’s. He probably locked them away in tiny little boxes and threw them in the bottom of the sea.
“Run that back,” Tre said, smoothly. His voice didn’t rise or fall. He sounded quite bored. You kept your eyes trained on the invoice in front of you. The numbers started to swim before your eyes. Whatever place you stopped at was lost to you now. You’d have to start over for this one.
“I’m busy. Please email or chat me about what you would like handled during your lunch,” you said. You swallowed painfully around the lump in your throat. You hoped you sounded just as cool and in control. 
You found that you didn’t have a lick of will against him. Too weak to resist that solid man and his black outfits. You wanted to jump through hoops for him. And that was the scariest thought of all. It couldn’t go anywhere. 
Did you want it to? 
A wall of black entered your peripheral vision. You flattened your hands on your desk. You felt sick to your stomach, but you had to remain firm. 
“Look at me,” Tre demanded. 
“No.” You bit the inside of your cheek. Stay strong, stay strong, stay strong. 
Tre huffed an incredulous laugh. He placed his hands in his pockets, calling attention to the fact that you were nearly pressed against his groin. You bit your cheek harder, trying with all your might to resist. 
You really shouldn’t be having sex at the office anyway. You were only bound to get caught. The walls were thin and the smell of sex lingered in his office well after you were done. You took the liberty of buying a candle that smelled like driftwood and fresh green apples to help. 
The janitorial staff weren’t stupid, however. There were only so many tissues one used per day. Plus, your poor pussy needed a damn break. With that animal between his legs, it was a wonder you were able to stand properly at all. 
Tre called your name, pulling your attention back towards him. He leaned down as if he were pointing something out to you. “If you think I’m above snatching you up and throwing you over my shoulder, I’d rethink that,” he said, dropping his deep voice to barely above a whisper. 
You closed your eyes briefly, picturing him throwing you over his shoulder like a caveman. Maybe mindreading did exist after all. He managed to peg your particular kinks down to a science. You opened your eyes and finally looked at him. 
His face was set into a smug smirk. His beard was neat and trimmed, covering the lower half of his face. His glasses caught the light overhead so it obscured parts of his eyes. He was dressed in all black, his usual, and he looked damn good. His deep onyx skin looked good enough to lick. 
“I am quite busy and your lunch is getting cold,” you said, matching his quiet tone.
“How can that be when my lunch is sitting right here?” 
You hated that your pussy fluttered. That you wanted what his eyes and smug smile promised. Your attention turned to his lips and he took his time licking them. His pink tongue darted out and dragged from one side to the other. 
Tre moved so fast, you barely registered that he was yanking your chair from your desk. A yelp sprang from your chest but you swallowed it back down, lest you draw attention to yourself. 
“Okay! Okay!” You said, your heart thumping at the thought of someone catching him and his wild ass antics. This had to stop. You got to your feet and he smiled wider, spreading his arm out for you to walk ahead of him. 
You smiled sweetly, but your eyes blazed with fire. You walked ahead of him, your heels digging into the gray carpet, and entered his office. The lunch you grabbed for him was sitting on his desk. So much for your brilliant plan. 
You hoped that you could avoid this scenario by leaving his lunch there and saying without words that you were not on the menu. Nothing was ever easy with Tre. You almost wished that he hadn’t started this little game. You longed for a few days ago when you thought he hated you and you were planning on quitting.
Tre closed the door and the turn of the lock made your nerves skitter along your spine. You clasped your hands in front of your blue and gold dress and stood away from the door. Tre faced you and tilted his head. 
“Why aren’t you sitting on the desk?” He asked.
“I’ve been thinking–”
Tre chuckled. “This ought to be good,” he said. He cleared his throat and dramatically sat on the end of his desk, rubbing his hands together idly. Bastard.
You crossed your arms but then lowered them. You were an adult. It was time to use your big girl words. 
“I am not a sex doll. You cannot snap your fingers and have me come running whenever you want me to. I- We shouldn’t be doing this at the office anyway. We’re going to get caught eventually,” you said. 
It would be downright mortifying if everyone found out. Not only would you lose any respect around the office, you’d have to quit on the spot. This was the most responsibility you had ever been given at a job.
Grabbing lunch and coffee and transcribing notes were not important job duties, but it beat the hell out of working at a college bookstore. You had hated the fake smiling, the dusting, and the entitled customers. You hated that your boss sat on her lazy ass all day, couldn’t process a single transaction at the register, openly played on her phone, and had the nerve to complain if you leaned against the counter for half a second. 
You practically ran that damn store and what did you have to show for it? Nothing but minor sales experience that didn’t qualify you for shit. You were making grown money now. Nothing near what Tre made, but you could afford to treat yourself every now and then. You liked the freedom. And you scolded yourself for putting yourself in this situation. 
Tre tilted his head and looked at you, his eyes starting at your feet and working its way up. It should be illegal to look at someone like that. “When you get all feisty like that, it makes me wanna fuck that attitude out of you,” he said. 
You sighed. He was never going to take you seriously. Tre held up his hands. 
“I don’t mean to treat you like a sex doll, okay? You drive me insane.” He stood up from the desk and approached you. You backed away because you already knew that if he breathed in your direction, you’d be dropping to your knees. 
He followed you until he got in your face anyway, bringing his hand up to caress your cheek. That touch alone set your skin on fire where he touched. “I’m addicted to the way you taste. The way you walk. The face you make when I first slide in. That fuckin’ body,” he said and licked his lips. 
“That’s still using me for my body,” you said. 
He smirked. “I like that you’re not weak. And that you’re a kind person. You care about the people around here even though you’ve never met them. You feed birds and help around the office. You put up with my shit when anyone else would’ve quit on the first day,” he said. 
You swallowed. You had no idea he paid so much attention to you. “You won’t even kiss me,” you said. 
Tre smiled. “Is that what this is about? You want a kiss?” Tre leaned in and you leaned away. 
“I don’t want a pity kiss,” you said. 
“It’s not a pity kiss. Come here,” he said. He placed his hands on your curvy waist and drew you closer to the heat of his body. He licked his lips again before bringing his face closer to yours. You turned your head at the last second and he kissed your cheek. His beard was so damn soft, your knees trembled.
“How can I make this right?” He asked.
“By listening to me. We…shouldn’t do this anymore,” you said. You both got your rocks off and some kinks out of the way. That should be the end of it. You had a wild story to tell your best friend and grandkids one day. You would die with no regrets in your heart. 
“Whoa, whoa. Are you trying to end this?” He asked. His fingers turned bruising, squeezing you tightly. 
“I think so. Yeah,” you said. You nodded your head. Yes, you were trying to end this. “Quit while we’re ahead before something bad happens.” 
Tre blinked behind his glasses and you instantly felt bad. He looked genuinely hurt and it baffled you. He ought to be happy. Why wasn’t he happy about this? 
“I thought we were having fun?” He asked. 
“We were! A lot of fun. But, let’s be real about this.” 
“But don’t I give you what you need? Don’t I make you feel good?” Tre asked. He closed the distance between you, ran his hands over your hips. “Don’t you like the way I make this pussy sing for me?” 
The back of your thighs tingled. “You don’t play fair.” A few well placed words in that deep timbre of his and you were already melting. He liked that you weren’t weak? What a joke. 
“No, I don’t,” Tre said and smiled. He kissed your cheek, making a show of not kissing you on the lips. Great, now he was going to tease you about that too. 
“Sir, can you honestly say that you don’t worry about doing this so often in the office? Anyone can walk by and hear us. Someone can knock on the door right now and it’d be obvious what we’re doing. You will get a slap on the back. But me? I’d be laughed out of here. You have the luxury of not thinking–” 
Tre’s lips pressed into yours and you gasped with surprise. His tongue swooped in, seeking yours. His tongue was surprisingly rough. It toyed with yours, exploring your mouth. Your body heated instantly, responding to his kiss. 
It was better than what you had been imagining the past few weeks. It was slow and sensual. He took his time sucking your lips into his mouth, running his tongue across the width of them before retreating and diving back in. He hummed into the kiss and the vibration made you hum in response. 
His hands cupped your face, tilting your head to the side so he could deepen it. He sucked on your bottom lip and you felt your panties grow damp. Shit. You were supposed to remain firm. Stick to your resolve. 
Instead, your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders and pulled him closer to you. Tre growled low in his throat and his hands lowered down your thighs until he reached the hem of your dress. He dragged the material upwards until it pooled around your waist. 
His hands moved your silky panties to the side, his thumb immediately finding your clit. You moaned as his calloused thumb traced wet circles around it. “Feel that pussy gettin’ wet for me?” He asked against your lips. 
You held onto his shoulders for dear life as he played with your pussy the way he played with your mouth. He slowly moved his thumb in small concentric circles, your arousal gushing out of you. 
“S-Sir,” you whispered. “Please.” 
“Tell me to stop because I can’t. Tell me,” he said. 
Your body shook against him. He was supporting your weight effortlessly while he systematically broke you down mind, body, and spirit. 
You whimpered as your belly tightened painfully. Oh fuck, you couldn’t speak. 
“Tell me to stop because I don’t have the strength to resist you anymore,” he said. 
He kissed you again as his thumb increased in pressure. You whined as your orgasm finally swept through you, burning you from the inside out. Tre held you while you convulsed in his arms, your legs turning to jelly. 
Tre picked you up and moved you over to the office chairs in front of his desk. He sat you down and kissed your cheek. “I have something for you.” 
“What?” You asked. 
Tre sucked on his thumb while he rounded his desk. He opened his desk drawer and plucked something from it. He walked back around the desk and knelt beside you. He held a rectangular turquoise box. 
Your eyes widened as you shook your head. “I can’t accept that,” you whispered weakly. Your head spun. This day was not going according to plan and it was driving you nuts. You had clear intentions this morning when you woke up, determined to stick to it. To not get so easily distracted. Yet here you were. Pussy out and shaking off an orgasm. Again. 
Tre smirked and opened the box. Inside, there was a thick gold chain with a small letter “T” in the middle. Your hands reached out to touch it but you drew back, not wanting your fingerprints all over it. 
“I can’t accept this, Sir,” you said. You looked at him but he only lifted an eyebrow. 
He took the chain out of the box and then scooted back. You watched as he slipped off your heel and then looped the chain around your right foot. He slid the chain upward until it nestled around your thigh. 
Tre grinned, his eyes crinkling in the corners. “Knew I got the size right.” He kissed your thigh. 
Your head tilted as you stared at the chain around your thigh. The small letter tickled as it settled against you. “Sir–” 
“You’re going to keep it. If I find out you took it off, that’s your ass,” he said. 
“I’m trying to break up with you!” You said.
Tre nodded and looked at his watch. Ignoring you completely, he grabbed your wrists and yanked you from the seat. He sat down where you previously occupied and quickly unzipped his pants, freeing that beautiful dick of his. 
He shoved his pants down and then roughly grabbed your hips. “Sir!” 
You slapped at his hands but he continued to ignore you. He pulled you until you straddled him. It was tricky to maneuver around the handles of the chair but it was almost like he had this exact scenario in his head when purchasing these chairs. It was wide and plush, able to accommodate not only his big frame but also you in his lap. 
“Got a meeting in ten, gonna have to make this quick,” he said.
Mind always on his damn business. You shoved at him, but his fingers found your clit again. You were soaked from your earlier orgasm and he moaned low and deep. 
“Tell me to stop,” he demanded. His eyes found yours and he paused, waiting for you to make a decision. Weren’t you here to tell him to fuck off? To end…whatever the hell this was? 
“Fuck me,” you breathed.
Tre grinned widely, a downright wicked smile that melted you like butter in a frying pan. He moved your panties to the side again, running the tip of his dick along your slick folds. You groaned as he slipped inside.
“That face there,” Tre moaned. 
You had no idea what you looked like right now. Perhaps a madwoman. Perhaps an idiot. The only thing you knew was that you needed him like a bad habit.
You wished you could see the expanse of his chest. Not just his exposed neck. Sometimes he wore ties, but for the most part he kept the top few buttons loose. You licked your lips, leaning forward to finally lick that vein in his neck.
His hips jerked sloppily and he groaned. “Feel so fuckin’ good squeezing this dick like a good girl,” he said.
You dropped your head to his shoulder as those words activated the demon inside of you. You couldn’t scream like you wanted to or truly bounce on his dick. But you could match his strokes and contract on his dick, sucking him into your body. You rode him more than he made you ride him.
His hand gripped the chain around your thigh. The chain dug into your skin as if he wanted to brand the “T” into it. His head was thrown back. His glasses fogged up and his lips moved, murmuring something you couldn’t hear. The pleasure on his face made you grind into him harder, take him in deeper, and wrap your hands around his neck. 
You chased your pleasure. Your heavy breaths were rushed, escaping you. You thought of nothing else but the slide of his dick inside you. 
“Take what you need. Take this dick,” he groaned. 
And you took it. You rode him until your body squeezed with undiluted bliss. Euphoria zipped through you, catching you on a hook and pulling you through time and space. You were mindful of your moans, biting down on his jacket to keep from screaming out your orgasm. 
Your convulsing walls squeezed his dick and his face twisted. “Fuck me,” he moaned as he spilled inside of you. Hot spurts of cum pulsed inside of you and your thighs shook as you calmed down from your orgasm. 
You collapsed fully on top of him, panting against his chest. You two will never be able to keep your hands off of each other. The truth of it was apparent. You attacked each other every time you got near each other. How had you resisted this man for so long? How had he resisted you for so long? 
What the hell did this mean? You weren’t trying to “define the relationship” because there would never be a relationship. You knew that. But your stupid pussy didn’t. You wanted to keep going. To keep riding him until the sun set and you milked him dry. 
“Come to my place tonight,” Tre said. He looked at his watch. 
You got off of him and stood on wobbly legs. Tre got up and handed you some tissues while he cleaned himself off. You cleaned up what you could, but you’d have to go to the bathroom to truly feel clean. 
He zipped himself back up, fixing his pants. He was a bit crinkled, but he was lucky he was a man. A few flicks and he was fine. No one would care if he had a hair out of place. You on the other hand…it would take you far longer to set yourself back to rights. 
“Should I be worried that your hearing is shit?” 
You sighed and rolled your eyes. He really could be an ass. “Sir–” 
“Just bring your sexy ass to my place.” He looked himself over, finding the spot you bit to keep from letting the office know that Tre was working your shit. He swiped at it but it was wrinkled. He shrugged his shoulders. 
Perks of wearing all black, no doubt. If people stared hard enough to see a wet stain on his jacket, then they were too fucking close. He checked his watch again and then walked up to you, kissing you on the lips. 
You sighed into the kiss, melting once more at the power of it. “Leave work early. Go get pampered. Meet me tonight at seven.” 
You were about to ask what the hell he was talking about. He fished out his wallet and then handed you a black card. You stared at it as if he were handing you a deadly snake. “I can’t take that!” 
Looking at it felt like a crime. It felt like as soon as you touched it, cops would descend from the ceiling and cart your Black ass off to jail. You looked up, making sure there were no places for invisible cops to hide. 
Tre pressed the card into your hands. No cops in sight. It was lightweight but heavy with the burden of taking care of it. Your nerves kicked into overdrive. You couldn’t accept this! You tried to hand it back, but Tre only pecked your lips. 
“Seven on the dot,” he said. 
He disappeared from the room, closing the door behind him. You stared at the card for a hot second. You didn’t even want to think about the balance on this thing. More than your apartment and car combined. More than three of your apartments and cars combined. More than that! 
You huffed a breath, placing the card down on his desk. That didn’t feel right. That felt worse than keeping it in your hand. What if it slipped off and under the desk? What if it fell through the floor and some weirdo found it and spent all of his money? What if you lost it? 
Panic raised your shoulders to your ears. The earlier relaxed feeling leached out of you as you ran through multiple scenarios. Now you have to keep it and hang on to it. It wouldn’t be safe otherwise. 
Underneath the panic, there was a kernel of excitement. You held a black card in your hand. The first and probably last time you would ever hold one. And he said to pamper yourself, right? 
You lit the candle in his office. The light aroma of green apples hit you and you prayed that it would be enough. You tidied the room, trying to get rid of most of the evidence that you were once again being nasty at work. 
Something had to give. This couldn’t continue. You weren’t going to kid yourself. You were definitely going to his place to get dicked down again. He was addicted to the way you tasted and you were addicted to the way he broke your back. It was a dangerous alliance and you were going to regret it when this blew up in your face. 
But hell. For now, you were going to do as he directed. You were going to pamper yourself on his dime. It was only right, right?
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Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 - Completed
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Prince Soma: possibly being the key that causes Ciel to have a conflict with Sebastian?
I don't know if im the first one to notice how Anime!Abberline and manga! Prince Soma have some very striking parallels when it comes to their relationship to O!Ciel, which made me realize a few things.
First of all, I do think that some concepts of season 1 in general do parallel to the manga. Here's an excellent analysis on the topic if you want to dive deeper on that area.
Alright, let's start with me drawing some parallels to make this analysis more digestable, and then explaning how this will theoretically give us a conflict between the demon butler and our petty child.
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Basically, Abberline drawing the similarties with our earl due to a shared trauma/tragedy: They both lost their families, but one learned to heal from the event, and the other completely refuses to accept happiness. (guess who's who, lol)
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Fundamentally, O!Ciel is creating a hypothetical comparassion: If he hadn't gone through his personal tragedy, then he would've been as naive and innocent as Soma.
Something to consider about this parallel: The narrative in both cases textually highlights the similarities between Ciel and Abberline/Soma.
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O!Ciel saying he only needs pawns, and that he has no time to have real emotional connections with people.
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O!Ciel saying he uses people as pawns and doesn't see Soma as a friend, he doesn't need him by his side.
Notes to take here:
In both of these instances, o!Ciel refueses to form real human connection.
Both of these convesations spark up due to confrontation about o!Ciel's true intentions and nature.
His face is turned on both scenes/pannels, making us question how genuine o!Ciel's words are.
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"Keep your distance from me, or you'll get killed" - Ciel to Abberline, season 1 episode 20
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o!Ciel explicitly stating why he kept Prince Soma at arms lenght. He didn't want him and Agni to get hurt/killed in result of their closeness to our earl.
Things to point out:
o!Ciel's entire reason to push people away is because he doesn't want them to get hurt, so his earlier refusal to cut ties with others is due to fear and hestiance to accept love.
Abberline got hurt because of his relationship with o!Ciel, likewise with Soma. Causing our earl to display emotional reactions in both cases, demostrating he does care for the people close to him.
While Abberline ended up dying due to his closeness to our earl, Soma did survive the attack in chapter 125, but a part of him died with Agni as shown in the image below:
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Remember when o!Ciel said that he would've turned out like the prince if it weren't for the amount of abuse and grief he went through? Well, isn't it ironic that Soma is turning out exactly like o!Ciel after losing Agni: Turning his back to salvation, his heart longing for revenge after the injustice he was put through.
(I also want to point out, Yana had made a statement that Prince Soma was originally going to die instead of Agni, but changed her mind in respect for Agni's character.)
Now, lets run back to the title of this post:
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"You do have a chance to move forward, to build a brand new future for yoursef. Don't ever forget that, promise, you won't." - Abberline, Black Butler season 1, episode 20
Before our dear investigator dies, he states that he wants o!Ciel to open up his world despite his desire for revenge.
How does this connect to Soma's resolve and his relationship to Ciel? Well...
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Here, our prince boasts that he wants to become o!Ciel's "Agni." In other words, he wants to provide his friend with love and protection, creating a positive worldview for the earl, who continues to turn away from the light.
It's important to note that this was before Soma thought o!Ciel killed Agni! But of course, I feel like his initiaal intentions to help o!Ciel will come back when he finds out o!Ciel isnt the true killer. (also, Soma now has Agni's powers, so atleast physically, he already has his strenght that he will hopefully use to protect the ones around him.)
So, now what?
Anime!Abberline and Soma having a similar resolve for o!Ciel, as well as their relationship with him. (as if it isn't clear enough, Abberline died protecting o!Ciel, making the earl realize his own life has value).
Prince Soma has his back turned away from the light, and o!Ciel will witness this eventually. I think it's crystal clear that our earl wouldn't want the prince to make this decision, but wouldn't that make him doubt his own quest for revenge?
Circling back to Yana intending for Soma to die, there could be a chace for him to die while becoming o!Ciels "Agni", causing o!Ciel to realize how Soma died protecting him due to love and not bc of revenge, making him question everything about his own resolve??? Plus, if o!Ciel willingly gives his life now, then that would make Soma's sacrifice worthless.
There could be a slight chance, Prince Soma survives this whole ordeal, and completes his mission of protecting o!Ciel without dying. In this hypothetical, he would then decide to florish again and go back to india, which could give o!Ciel a similar relazation that maybe, his life is worth living, just like Soma's.
In the anime, Abberline's sacrifice causes our earl to truly question his contract with Sebastian, as well as his need for revenge.
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This causes the demon to feel obvious anger towards his master. And throughout the following episodes, he desperately attempts to make the earl feel hopeless again. (he clearly doesn't want to lose the meal he has been working on for years).
In conclusion:
Theres plenty of textual evidence that Soma and the earl have lots in common, especially now that the prince lost someone and vows to get revenge.
o!Ciel and Soma's relationship with revenge as of now are in a similar stance, but Soma's initial idea of protecting o!Ciel and living for love instead of revenge will come in fruition soon enough.
What would be the point of having glaring obvious parallels, and not taking advantage of them to further create a long awaited conflict between the two main characters, additionally developing them?
Anyways, that's all I have to say folks! I hope you enjoyed my take and please, let me know your thoughts:)
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enavstars · 11 months
Cyberpunk au characters (Part 2)
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He lives in the city junkyard with his parents Ed and Edna, who work as tinkers and scrap sellers; he got his passion for engineering from them.
When he was a kid, he got extremely sick with a deadly disease that was very difficult to treat. In the shitty society that is the city, his parents could not afford the safest medicines to cure him, so they were forced to risk it and buy a cheaper version from a not so reliable seller.
Unfortunately, even though he did survive and recovered, the medicine was mixed with a drug that had an unexpected side effect: he began to lose feeling on one of his legs until eventually he lost control over it entirely.
Rather than having him to deal with an unresponsive leg, to help their son deal with his disability Ed and Edna decided to spend all the resources they could spare to build him a prosthesis and amputate the flesh, and, after a few months of tireless work, the family’s joint efforts were able to get him walking again.
As a silver lining to this traumatic incident, though, he discovered his passion for technology and realized his aspiration: he wanted to make bionic prosthesis to help other people forced to go through the same kind of situation as his. But his family did not have the proper technique nor the resources to teach him (it had been hard enough just to make a single rudimentary leg), so it was after meeting Nya and eventually telling her about his goal that he finally got the opportunity to learn from an expert. Although he was intimidated by Ronin at first, the two of them grew fond of each other almost like an uncle and his nephew (yes he's become a literal wine uncle).
To this day, the man is (secretly) very proud of his boy and thankful he got him doing something useful again after his retirement.
The anecdotes with these gangs happen when they are older:
He’s the leader (alive and in flesh) of one of the many, many city gangs; particularly one known for their violent tendencies. For the area’s criminal standards, they are in fact relatively tame, because at least they do not ever mess with other arguably more serious criminal activities like drug dealing or pimping. They do like, however, beating the shit out of people for barely any reason at all (most of the time, just to “assert dominance” lmao).
One time, this habit came back to bite them in the ass when Morro decided it would be a good idea to mess with Lloyd. Obviously, underestimating him and the RGB as a whole just for being weird Outsiders was a terrible mistake, because as soon his brother caught wind of the situation, the fool got to taste Kai’s vengeful fury :).
As a result of that encounter, both Morro and Kai got VERY badly beaten, but finally the RGB got famous for being Those People You Don’t Mess With.
The leader of THE most dangerous of the city gangs, known as the Sons of Garmadon (le wink), a cult-like criminal organization whose ideology is basically “survival of the fittest”. In fact, she is so obsessed about demons that she even wears pointy ear accessories to mimic their ears.
The organization itself is almost like a mafia, being at the center of most of the worst shit that goes on in the city. Of course, she loves being the head of all this attention, and she prides herself in being the deadliest and most cunning gang leader of them all.
On one occasion, after learning about the RGB’s (aka the outsiders) reputation of being tough as shit and hard to get advantage of, she figured it would be best to form an alliance with them to expand her contacts and (secretly) keep them in check. However, upon arranging a meeting with their leader, Kai, he is able to discern her true intentions. For this reason, when she eventually oversteps their agreement to try to manipulate the group, he is ready to confront her, and the siblings end up beating the shit out of her, marking the first time the great boss Harumi has ever been beaten up badly (by our queen Nya) and defeated in her scheming :).
Brad (le Greenflawa cuz why not)
Since back when he was a kid, he's been part of a little group of orphans named the Darklys, who like to pull pranks and cause trouble in general.
However, back then it used to be a lot more harmful than it is today, as the children were not completely aware of the damage they were causing. In fact, Brad himself was still an entitled brat, so much so that the first time he met little Lloyd ("Green"), the first thing that came out of his mouth was "Outsider, bow before me!". But it was due to Lloyd's deadpan response (he's used to his brothers being crazy stupid) and the awkward relationship that grew from it that Brad eventually realized that his bratty attitude was not getting him anywhere, and that little gangs' pranks were actually harmful.
So by the time he gets older, his gang is reformed to a more tame biker gang who only really pull harmless pranks from time to time. Brad himself is a far calmer person, but he still holds on to some problematic aspirations:
At one point he became fixated on the idea of him and his gang to join the Sons of Garmadon out of oblivious admiration. It was so bad that only Green was able to convince him, and only after having a pretty serious argument with him about how vicious and deadly they could be and how wild their insane leader's influence had become. But the stubborn Brad was not completely convinced, until in the end, Green managed to get through to him by emphasizing how his life would be in constant danger if he joined the literal most dangerous criminals in town. Most importantly, he confessed just how important of a friend he was to him, to which Brad, insecure and doubting his words, quietly replied that he didn't even know his true name. Right before leaving, though, Green offhandedly revealed his name to him, and Brad, left speechless, became the first person in years to learn his real name.
Long story short, he realized he was being stupid and was rewarded with massive gay panic :)
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shawnxstyles · 1 year
green and gold
DATE: MARCH 29, 2023
summary: tom invites you to the brothers trust charity event that you didn’t really want to go to. you made up countless excuses, trying to run away from him like you usually do, but were convinced anyway. during the event, tom finally confronts you about always running away when he’s close. years of pent-up feelings are unraveled along with some clothes to make up for all the time you lost.
request: yess
song: dress- taylor swift
words: 7.7k
warnings: SMUT (f- receiving [fingering, slight masturbation, some nipple play], exhibitism, small praise kink, unprotected sex [coming inside], dirty talk), pining, lots of fluff, and some language.
note: i used this image because it was one of the only ones i could find of him at the event where he wasn’t with other people lol. this is hardly edited
best friends to lovers :) famous!tom x female!reader
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You really didn’t want to go tonight. You had so many reasons, or excuses is what Tom said, why you didn’t want to go to a high-end charity event. But your best friend put on his puppy dog eyes and played the “I need you by my side tonight” card. It was truly an unfair move.
The “reasons” you gave Tom were all in-the-moment excuses. Like “I have to clean my entire apartment and it’s going to take a week” or “I’m not going to feel good for the next week”. Yeah…your excuses got worse every time he asked.
Tom told you a week in advance and it went like this; he asked if you wanted to go, you said no for three days straight, and then eventually caved because of those stupid puppy dog eyes. That’s how most of Tom’s requests for your presence went. At first, you loved the idea of all the fancy clothes and luxurious events, but after about two nights out, you were already sick of it. You respected that Tom did that and more for a living.
Like every other event he convinced you to go to, you shared a suite in some grand hotel that still made your jaw drop from its lavishness. He made sure his team arranged an outfit for you each time, every dress more opulent than the last. The dresses he got you always fit you so perfectly, you were in disbelief when you looked in the mirror at the final results.
Tonight was no different. Well, it was a bit different. As you stood in front of the full length mirror, you stared at your figure way longer than you usually would have. Tom ordered you a long, green dress with velvet fabric that comforted your skin. It was snug, flawlessly fitting, and had a huge slit that showed your entire leg. You made sure to shave everything and wear your tiniest pair of underwear, so nothing could be seen.
You weren’t a celebrity like Tom. Yeah, sometimes you went to events with him, but only for support. You were seen on the media with him a lot, and after at least a year of fans either “shipping” you two or hating you, they finally understood the idea that a man and a woman can be friends.
No matter how much you hated it, that’s all you two were. That’s all it was ever going to be.
You and Tom have been friends since you were kids. You only ever saw him as a friend, and he, the same. But as puberty hit and hormones developed, the line of friendship began to blur for you. When he had a few girlfriends (all for short periods of time), it became clear to you that he had no interest in you outside of a friendship.
His name got huge after he landed the iconic role of playing Spider-man for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But your relationship together never faded, along with the confusing feelings you learned to label as a crush. Your “crush” eventually turned into a “like”, and then…well, you would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t in love with the man.
And as you smoothed your hands over the velvet dress, your heart swelled at the idea of it all. A girl in love with her best friend.
You took a deep breath and pulled your conscience away from your reflection. You hastingly put in the dangly, gold earrings with matching green gems that Tom also ordered for you. Sparkling gold heels rested by the bed, waiting for your feet to become ridiculously uncomfortable. You strapped them on and grabbed your black clutch on the bed. You peered one last time at your shared hotel room before walking out and to the elevators.
Outside, a car was ready to escort you to the event. As you rode, you made light conversation with Tom’s driver, Eddy, and asked about his family and how his night was. While entering, sitting, and exiting the car, you repeated numerous thank you’s just like you did every time he escorted you. A few events ago, you overheard him say you were something along the lines of “kind-hearted” and “a keeper”, which made you smile to yourself. But you swear Tom replied saying “that’s the goal”.
Maybe it was all in your head, but it never left you. Even if it was, you wanted to hold onto it–the sliver of possibility that there might be something between you and Tom.
You trailed up the long, creme cemented stairs and opened the double glass doors. The lobby was roomy and extremely tall for no good reason besides the glistening chandelier that hung from the roof. The floor was covered in red velvet carpet with a white and gold marble outline. Heels padding the carpet, you checked in easily and were directed to the ballroom area. You followed and strutted into the decked out event.
Similar to the lobby, red velvet and marble decorated the floor and walls. The foundation of the walls were dark wood, which matched pleasantly with the other colors. Accents of gold were everywhere, including the white-clothed tables; candle holders, golden tassels, and picture frames. Voices buzzed all around you, but you hardly acknowledged anyone before taking in the beauty of the room. This was definitely one of the fanciest events you’ve ever been to.
After a welcoming look, you scanned the crowded tables for a familiar face. Or, familiar faces. Since this was The Brothers Trust charity event, all of the Holland brothers were present. That being said, it was also one of your first questions you had asked Tom when he asked for you to go. Why would you need to go if he had the support of all his brothers? You would just be there.
But that’s all he wanted. He just wanted you there. At his events, by his side; in his house, in his bed, in his arms–he always just wanted you there.
You got easily distracted by the outfits and people that it took you a minute to find him. But when your eyes spotted his face, your heart skipped a beat so frequent and fast that it became comfortable. Tom stood in a criminally charming tux by a table of middle-aged people, conversing with a wide smile plastered on his tan face. You watched as he laughed whole-heartedly when Harry made a joke, clutching onto his arm for support.
Without noticing, you had swallowed all your saliva and weren’t breathing correctly. Once your brain and body wanted to function, you used your legs to wander his way.
Tom was busy talking to one of his associates at another table when you caught his eye from across the room. The words that left the older man’s mouth turned into a muffled hum along with all the other voices in the room as he gazed at you. He’s seen you in a numerous amount of dresses, all beautiful and glamorous in their own way. But the dress you’re sporting tonight caused his breath to hitch in his throat and heart stop–correction, it made everything stop. Everyone around you blurred as he absorbed the image of you strutting towards him in that dangerous green and gold.
Dangerous because he might not be able to hold himself back tonight.
“Uh, Tom?” The associate questioned, causing Tom to shake his head and peer down at the man. Before the man could continue about whatever he was talking about, Tom politely, but quickly excused himself with a pat on his shoulder and met with you in the midst of the room.
He inhaled deeply to appear unaffected, like you didn’t just ruin his entire night–entire life–by taking his breath away and looking drop-dead gorgeous. He wouldn’t be too surprised if you killed him.
“This place is ethereal,” You said, head spinning and arms waving. “I cannot believe you made me come to this.”
“Why? You don’t like it?”
“Tom, I just said it was beautiful. Of course I like it. It’s just…a lot,” Your arms cross and you tuck your clutch under your armpit. “I don’t think this scene works for me.”
“Me either. You stick out like a sore thumb,” He teases with an exaggerated sigh. You dramatically gasp.
“What is that supposed to mean?!” You whisper-shout, leaning closer to him. He feels your breath fan his cheek and a slight blush creeps up his neck at the proximity. He doesn’t want to look down because he knows that he would get a glimpse of your breasts perched up by your crossed arms. However, his eyes betray him as his glances quickly at the pair causing a subtle twitch in his cock.
No more looking, Tom, he tells himself.
“You’re way prettier than all of these people. You’re killin’ all of their egos and raising all of their jealousies. If everyone hates me, I’m blamin’ you and that goddamn dress,” Tom expresses with gritted teeth, eyes wandering anywhere but yours. A wave of heat rushes up your neck and your eyes have a staring contest with the carpet.
When you finally have the courage to look back up, his eyes are piercing into yours causing your skin to feel flushed all over. The glare of his brown eyes kindles a small fire in the pits of your stomach, dull but throbbing. The feeling travels lower until there’s a slight drip in your thong.
“I’m glad I chose a good one,” He adds, eyes drifting to scan your entire frame once again with his hands behind his back. Your breasts raise up and down with the deep breaths you take, still unable to comprehend his previous words. You shake your head.
“You chose it?” You always thought it was some stylist, or literally anyone else but Tom. You thought it was just his money that he used to rent it. “Do you always choose my dresses?”
He nods matter-of-factly. “Of course. I’d like to think I know what you like.”
He wasn’t wrong. Every dress that he chose looked like it was made exclusively for you and only you. Whether it was flowy or tight, red or white, you always managed to leave the hotel room more confident than you had when you entered. Now that you think about it, you don’t remember ever telling Tom your sizing. It must have been something he learned along the way because like you said, every dress fit perfectly like it was tailored for you.
Before you could respond, a lady tapped on his shoulder and introduced herself. Tom didn’t hesitate to take a step back and introduce both himself and you. You greeted the lady kindly as you three talked about the goodness of the event. After a few minutes, the auction was set to begin and Tom had to excuse himself.
Before he went on stage, he showed you your seat, which was right in the front with Harry, Sam, and Paddy. You didn’t sit before giving them each a heartwarming hug, even though you saw them all yesterday. Even though you were in a glamorous ballroom you weren’t used to, you felt comforted by the boys you were close enough with to call the brothers you never had.
Sometimes, you wished you saw Tom that way. But when you compared the feelings in your heart and your head, you knew they could never be the same.
Finally, the auction started. Tom’s name glowed in dotted lights on the striped wall behind him. You turned your whole body to face Tom as he introduced the entire event before it got kick-started. Many items were being auctioned; paintings, autographed guitars, and other things that were so far out of your price range that you were deaf to all numbers over the thousands.
In between each item were fun little trivia games to keep the people awake and alert. It was an entertaining way to support a charity, and you felt a sense of pride because you knew it had been Tom’s idea. One of the trivia questions had been to guess how many na’s there were in “Hey Jude” by The Beatles. Some people got insanely close, but no one got it on the money.
After all the auctioning and bidding was over, you felt immensely poor, but felt instantly better when Tom came to sit next to you. The room chatted away, wining and dining while Tom’s brothers did the same. Unlike them, Tom turned to you.
“How are you?” His voice was raspy, probably from talking for hours. That subtle fire in your stomach tingles at his voice. You turn your body to face him.
“I’m good. You did really well up there, by the way,” You said, lifting your nearly empty wine glass to your lips. There’s a blurring stain from your shiny lip gloss on the rim.
“Thanks, love,” The graveliness of his throat doesn’t fade, even after he takes a few sips of water. You watch as his fingers wrap around the cup, and it’s embarrassing that you’re obsessed with his simplistic movements. You subconsciously lick your lips, unable to rid the dirty thoughts piling in your head.
Tux. Pretty. Hot. Raspy voice. Thick fingers.
Tom’s lips started moving, but you weren’t paying enough attention, too caught up in your head to focus on the living dream in front of you.
“What?” You asked, subtly leaning toward him. He leaned closer, lying a hand on your bare thigh through your slit. You quietly gasp because his hand is chilly from the water, but also because it was so close to where you ached. Your skin burned nearly causing you to break out in a sweat, contradicting his icy palm.
“Are you okay?” His other hand gently patted against your forehead and caressed your hot cheek with his thumb. “You’re warm.”
No shit. Does he see what he’s doing?
You couldn’t formulate a response when his hand traveled down to rest on the curve of your shoulder and neck. His hand on your mid-thigh rubbed reassuring circles as your heart thumped a million miles an hour.
“I’m fine,” You vaguely answered in a squeak, subtly squeezing your thighs when his touch got too much. His eyes glance briskly at your tightened thighs and anxious hands in your lap, a knowing eyebrow raising slightly. Tom didn’t mean to put his hand on your thigh, but now that it was there, he didn’t want to remove it. When he saw you squirm for a sliver of a second, he engaged in the idea that you might be turned on.
The thought made his cock twitch needily in his pants.
You didn’t notice, too concentrated on the feeling of his hands on you.
You wanted him to slide his hand up higher, to break that boundary that you’ve waited years to cross. But of course, when your chances were closer than ever, you had to be at some stupid, very public event. And doing anything explicit would be stupid.
“Are you sure? You’re burning up, love,” Tom’s hand squeezes the back of your heated neck causing you to inhale sharply. “And you’re so tense. What’s up, Y/N?”
You clenched your teeth. You began to run through every excuse in your mind, just like you had when Tom first asked you to this event. But he wasn’t texting you or calling you this time. He was sitting right in front of you with his hands on your neck and thigh. You nearly moaned out from just him rubbing your skin, his touch delicate with his rough skin. With every excuse you thought of, you couldn’t think of one that made sense enough for Tom to want to leave you alone for the rest of the night so you could collect yourself.
“I’m just really hot,” You complained in a low voice. Tom’s eyebrows raised, pursing and tightening his lips. To Tom, your voice sounded whiny and lustful. His dick stirred, slightly hardening at the growing conclusion that you’re highly aroused. Like him.
“What can I do, love?” He noticed the smallest quiver of your lip at the name, almost as if you were holding something in. He’s called you love for ages, so maybe it was something else. Or someone else…
What if it wasn’t even him? If it wasn’t him then what had you so worked up?
“Um…can we go outside? Need some air,” Your eyes traveled down to his pink lips, looking so soft and kissable. You were barely a foot away from him before he nodded and stood up. You didn’t know you were holding your breath until a wavering sigh left your mouth. Tom extends his hand and you follow him to what you assume is outside.
He leads you out a back door after giving a curt nod to a security guard. The chilly February night breeze brushes over your skin, finally cooling you down as Tom releases your hand. The exit led to an alleyway, a brick wall that grew darker one way. You strained your eyes on each brick and attempted to concentrate on your breathing. But Tom’s looming presence made it impossible because that fire in the pit of your stomach never dulled.
“Feelin’ better?” He broke the silence and it had you swinging your head to face him. You shakingly nodded your head with a quick hum.
You couldn’t take it. You couldn’t stand so close to him while you were feeling this way.
“I have to go,” You exhaled briskly before beginning to walk away. Tom told you to wait, but you didn’t.
You didn’t get more than a few steps before Tom caught your hand and spun you around magically. Your shoulders collided with the surface as he stood in front of you, caging you to the wall. Your breathing faltered as your heart bounced crazily against your ribs, skin beginning to burn up again. He faced the floor before finally meeting your wide eyes. He gazed at you as if he was searching for something and you wanted to give it to him, whatever it was, so he would stop looking at you intensely.
“Why do you always do that?” His voice was a whisper, low and still a tad raspy.
“What?” You scanned his features, allured by his lips only inches away from yours. He’s never been so close and it was dangerous. So, so dangerous. The only barrier in between you was that line of friendship that thinned with every passing second.
“Always run away. Every time…”
Your heart raced faster than it ever has before. It thumped out of your chest like a lovestruck cartoon character as he had you hanging on every single word.
He closed his eyes for a moment, seeming to collect his thoughts. “Every time I get close. Every time I want to be closer, you make up some excuse so you don’t have to be near me. Am I that horrible, Y/N? Is the possibility of this that horrible?”
Possibility? Possibility of what? Oh, please be what you’re thinking.
“No, God, of course not. You’re perfect. You’re too perfect that I get…overwhelmed when I’m near you. I can’t do this,” You shake your head and try to duck away under his arms. You’re completely disarmed when one of his hands drops to pin your hip down. Your wiggling comes to a halt.
“There you go again. Just stay, Y/N,” He leans toward you, mouth hovering near your ear. Your senses dial up to a hundred when you feel his breath tickle your skin. “You’re still warm, Y/N.”
You bite your lip, holding in a whimper that was threatening to leave your mouth. Your hips subtly moved against his hand that stationed you to the wall, but you weren’t going anywhere.
A thick thigh parts your legs, pinning you to the wall more securely. You gasp as his hand that was on your hip travels up and brushes over the warm skin of your cheek. You search for the words in your brain.
Maybe instead of avoiding it, just go with it.
Tom is struggling. Being this close to you has his cock rock hard under his trousers. He’s sure you could feel him against your bare leg, which was slightly spread for his own leg. His chest was restricting and blocking his air flow because he couldn’t breathe correctly. Your glossy lips were plush and soft, and he wanted nothing more than to kiss you until you shared oxygen.
You felt what you assumed was his large boner on your thigh. You mewled so delicately you weren’t sure if he heard it, but he did.
You felt years of friendship being slowly torn apart with every second he didn’t say something. You were about to push him off of you and sprint towards your hotel, which was miles and miles away, so you could die of embarrassment. Or maybe you would die because of your lack of cardio.
When you looked away from him, his hand adjusted your chin so you were staring directly at him. A soft kind of smile adorned his lips, but no words were spoken quite yet. You hated the sliver of hope that leaked from your heart. His thumb rubbed against your bottom lip and pulled it down, smearing your lip gloss.
“Do you know how long I’ve waited to kiss these lips?” Throat husky, he pushed himself impossibly closer to you, lips barely an inch away now. His nose bumped yours and you felt the breath evaporate from your lungs. “Sixteen years.”
“Sixteen years…” You repeated breathily. If you were to do the math, which your brain was very incapable of doing right now, that would be your entire friendship. Since you were only ten years old, Tom has been waiting to kiss you.
Tom’s been waiting to kiss you for sixteen years? That must mean…
“Promise you won’t run away,” Tom said, on the edge of pleading and demanding. A slow nod was all you did, and then Tom’s thumb slid down to your chin and tilted your head.
He pressed his lips to yours gently, slowly molding you both together. The motions are so agile, but you can feel everything this way. The tip of his tongue nudges yours, eliciting sparks of fire with every push of your lips. Your polished nails trail up and lightly scrape the soft hair on the nape of his neck. A swirl of passion ignites in your stomach, encouraging and begging for more. Eagerly, your movements got faster, rocking your heads together as you took in as much of one another as you could.
His body pins desperately into yours, smushing you against the rough wall. He removes his hand from your chin and slams it on the wall beside your head. His free hand lifts one of your legs, so he can slot himself in between you. A needy whimper escapes you as his clothed bulge presses against your damp thong. You clench around nothing but the aching and throbbing of your pussy.
“T-Tom, the dress–” You pant.
“I’ll buy you another one,” He slams his lips back on yours to shut you up, which of course, it works. But not for long before another excuse is popping up in your head.
“What if someone walks out here–”
“I’ll kill them,” He goes to kiss you again.
“Tom!” You dramatically shout with a giggle as your hand rests on his chest while the other is on his neck.
“Okay, I won’t actually kill them. Unless you want me to…” He drifts off, getting lost in your smile and your sparkling eyes.
At that moment, it hit him. He had you. He finally had you. Like he’s said, he’s waited sixteen years to have you. He’s been through trial and error with other girls, but they weren’t you. No one could ever be you.
Suddenly, someone bursts through the exit door and has both of your heads turning hastingly. Tom gently releases your leg as he scoffs annoyingly when he realizes it’s just his brother. His hand balls into a fist on the wall as he smiles irritatingly at Harry.
“There you are! Can you save this for later? We have things to sign and people to acknowledge,” Harry says before walking briskly back into the building.
“Yeah, let’s just “save this for later” like I haven’t waited long enough,” Tom mocks his brother with a grumble. You feel Tom sigh into the air. You bring your hand to caress his cheek reassuringly. After the last few minutes, you’ve gotten the courage to be a bit more vulnerable with him, without feeling the urge to run away.
“If it makes you feel any better, I’ve waited a long time, too,” You curl the corners of your lips into a faint smile as you watch your own thumb smooth over his tan skin. Tom practically melts into your touch, smiling goofily at you. “But we’ve waited this long, what’s a few more hours going to do?”
“Kill me,” Tom mumbles dramatically and you roll your eyes. “I don’t want you to run away.”
Your heart aches at his words. You made a promise to him, and you planned to fulfill that. After that kiss and feeling him in ways that you only imagined, you couldn’t run away now. You needed more of him, all of him. But even if you had all of him, you don’t think you’d be able to leave him again.
“I’ll stay by your side all night. Just like you asked,” You reassured and he nodded. He slowly backs away from the wall, releasing you, and all the heat between you dissipates. But your skin still burned from his touch and your clit still throbbed for him. You quickly adjusted your dress and wiped your hands over the fabric.
“How does the dress look? Fucked up?” You asked, spinning in a half circle. Tom cursed to himself, getting a view of the curve of your ass. That dress really did fit you perfectly, but he wanted nothing more than for it to be off of you.
“Not nearly as bad as I want it to be,” He husked, the sexual innuendo hanging in the air. He quickly swipes his thumb under your lip to fix your smeared gloss before leading you back inside. You blink a few times as he drags you through the door. You weren’t used to him being so blunt, but you loved it. It made you aware that there was something between you and Tom.
You had both surpassed the line of friendship ages ago. You looked back at it like a distant horizon as you entered a new, long-awaited arena; romance.
After what you swear was the longest two hours of your life, Tom had talked to every person at least twice with the addition of his goodbyes. Ever since you came back from outside, the tension between you and Tom was undeniable. You stuck to your word and were tied to Tom’s side for the straining hours. His hand was placed on your lower back for most of the night torturing you, and it was no different when he was ushering you out of the front door. Hastily, you both went down the steps and into the car with Eddy.
You tried your best to make normal conversation with Eddy like you usually do, but when Tom placed his large hand on your bare thigh again, it was hard to comprehend anything. Eventually, you entered traffic and Eddy got a phone call. He pressed a button and the wall that separated him from you and Tom was rolled up.
Tom gave you a knowing look as his hand raised higher on your thigh. Your breath hitched as his fingers were merely inches from your drenched heat. You instinctively spread your legs a bit wider, allowing him more access. He leans toward you, purposefully missing your lips and pecking your cheek. He tucks a stray strand of hair around your ear causing shivers to crawl up your spine.
“Are you wet, darling?” His thumb rubs dangerously close to your clothed cunt. Finally, his finger skims over the laced fabric, soaking. You whine when his delicate, teasing touch pets your clit. He chuckles hoarsely. “You’re soaked, baby. Have you been like this all night?”
You nod with closed eyes. “Please, touch me, Tom,” You plead quietly, in fear that Eddy might hear you.
“In the back of the car? Naughty thing,” His fingers press harder into your seeping hole, still covered by your panties. He rubs your hole, thumb petting your clit while your hand slaps over your mouth to keep you quiet. Your chest rises quickly with your racing breaths, your nipples poking at velvet material.
Tom slides your thong to the side, making bare contact with your dripping cunt. He massages your arousal around your folds while his thumb quickens its pace on your throbbing clit. That fire in your lower belly burns deliciously as his movements send you into a frenzy.
“Tom,” You mewled behind your hand suctioned to your face. Tom groans as his middle finger slips into your hole easily. Your hips buck into his touch, back slightly arched.
“Almost there, Mr. Holland,” Eddy informs on the other side of the wall. Your eyes widen as your heart beats quickly in a panic.
What if you get caught? Oh God, you would seriously die of embarrassment.
“Okay,” Tom replies simply, as if he’s unaffected and he isn’t fingering you in the back of a car. Tom’s voice lowers and instantly becomes raspier. “Are you almost there, Y/N?”
You remove your hand from your face, so you can hold onto his shoulder and nod briskly. Your nails dig into his tux jacket as your head slams against the leather seat. Rolling your hips for more, Tom inserts another finger into you and curls them. Your teeth stab into your bottom lip, probably drawing blood, so you don’t scream and alert the whole street.
“I need you to come, love. Right now,” His order was soft and sexy, but demanding and dirty. The thrusts of his fingers only increase in pace as he tries to get you to your orgasm before the car comes to a stop. With another curl of his fingers and a nudge to your clit, your stomach tightened until relief flooded over you.
Noticing this, Tom crashes his lips onto yours to dull your sweet noises. Every moan, scream, and whimper melts into his mouth as his fingers gradually pump into you. Your legs spasm intensely as your release coats his fingers. Tom pulls away from you and takes his fingers out from your sopping cunt, messy with your arousal and cum.
He doesn’t hesitate to raise the substance up to his pink lips, licking it clean off his hand with a devilish smirk on his face. You watch him do so with a widened mouth while you try to catch your breath, panting.
“Did so good, love,” His smirk never fades as the car comes to a stop. Before you know it, Eddy is unlocking and opening your door for you both. You exit first while trying to fix your disheveled appearance, so your post-orgasm look isn’t too suspicious. You mumble a thank you as you hurriedly walk to the front door of the lavish hotel. You stop in your tracks, almost forgetting your clutch in the car. Turning around, you walk back to the car and overhear Eddy and Tom again.
“I’m no fool, Mr. Holland. You told her.”
“I know you’re not, Eddy. And I did. Finally,” Eddy pats him on the shoulder. “And you can call me Tom, you know. We’re friends.”
“I know, I know. Because as your friend and driver, I know when to roll up the partition.”
As a wave of heat rushes up your neck and cascades onto your face, you realize that the clutch wasn’t that important and someone would return it. You resume your fast-paced walk into the hotel with an uncontrollable smile on your face.
A girl in love with her best friend.
Since you didn’t have your clutch, you were standing in front of your hotel room waiting for Tom. He wasn’t long after you, finally walking up to you with a smug smirk on his face. And your clutch in his hands. You snatch it from him.
“Finally, I can take these heels off,” You moan, slipping them off as he scans the card and unlocks the room. You place them on the floor near the door and head straight for your room. You don’t get too far, though, because Tom captured your hand and is twirling you around just like earlier in the night.
He traps you on the door, instantly warm against you. You feel his bulge poke your bare thigh as he spreads your legs slightly, fitting in between them. He grabs your hands and pins them above your hands.
“Your dress,” Rough and raspy, his breath fans your cheek.
“What about it?” You whisper, swallowing as your heart falters.
“I need it on the floor,” He husks. You hesitate, so aroused you can’t think straight. You just had an orgasm in the car and you were already horny again. This man made you insatiable.
“Then take it off,” You reply. Everything was so quiet around you. The only things you could hear were your ragged breathing and galloping heart. Tom groans, but listens.
He drops your hands and then folds the straps off your shoulders until your dress is pooled around your ankles. Now, you stood anxious in nothing but a black thong.
“Fuck me,” He grumbles after just looking at you for a second. Your breasts were bare and perky, nippled pebbled from being so turned on. He wanted to put them in his mouth and suck on them until you were sore and begging him to stop.
“That’s the goal,” You’re not sure if he got the reference, but he chuckled, voice even more raspy from the low talking.
“I knew you heard that conversation, you minx,” Without a warning, Tom sweeps you off the ground and throws you over his shoulder. You squeal, squirming in his hold, but it doesn’t even phase him as he leads you toward his bedroom. He jokingly slaps one of your ass cheeks causing you to shriek at the jolt of pain. You won’t lie, it turned you on even more.
Tom tosses you on the bed easily, watching as you scramble to lay on your elbows. You gaze at him with a seductively lip bite, wondering what he has in store for you.
“Touch yourself,” He orders as he loosens his bowtie around his neck. “C’mon, want to see what you can do.”
Hesitatingly, your hand sails down to your laced thong, slick with arousal. Your fingers rub your throbbing clit causing you to sigh and spread your legs. Your eyes drift shut as you get immersed in the feeling of your own hand. Your other hand massages your breast, gently pulling on your nipples. Getting eager, you yank your panties off. You get a glimpse at Tom, who is admiring your every move in nothing now.
You’ll never get used to Tom’s body. He was attractive on a God-scale level and sometimes that scared you. But finally seeing his whole body was jaw-dropping. His cock was girthy with a good amount of length that you had a feeling would kill you. His tip was pink like his lips, and like his lips, you wanted your mouth on it. Was he even real?
You didn’t get too much time to think about it because Tom was removing your hand from between your legs while hovering over you. His brown orbs ogle yours, piercing into your soul and reading you. Although you were way past friendship, entering the “romance” area was very scary. If not, scarier. Tom’s body above yours and the way you could see every detail of his skin terrified you. But you’ve never wanted something more in your entire life.
You pushed your head up, interlocking your lips with his. You melt into a passionate kiss, your hands entwining with his brown locks. Tom drags his lips down your neck, sucking for a moment on a sensitive part. Moaning, his smirks smugly against your skin, trailing lower. He meets your breast and immediately begins to suck on it.
You sharply inhale as his tongue swirls around the bud. His other hand twists the other causing your back to bend off the mattress. It should be illegal for him to be this good with his mouth. He could cause some serious damage.
He sails lower and lower until he’s kissing the skin near your heat. You’re already panting and he hasn’t even touched you yet. His mouth licks your thighs, teasing you immensely. You had already come once tonight around his fingers, you didn’t expect his mouth too. Although you would love to have his mouth on you, right now, you just needed him inside of you. You needed to feel him stretch you out and officially break that boundary.
“I really need you inside of me. Like right now,” You yank on his hair, pulling him towards you. He moans at your words and you love how vocal he is.
“Need a condom, fuck, hold on–”
“Can you actually um…not have one?” You suggested, voice shaky as the question came out. You just wanted to feel him. Everything that he was willing to give you, you wanted. You’ve both waited too long for this. In some way, you felt like you were in a relationship with him this whole time.
Maybe that’s what friendship to relationship feels like.
“Are you…are y’sure? I mean, I’m clean and everythin’–”
“Tom,” You put a reassuring hand to his warm cheek. “I’ve never wanted something more.”
“Christ,” He grits and strokes his shaft above your cunt a few times. His tip teases your entrance, and the small, but very bare contact had you both hissing into the air. “So fucking wet for me.”
His dribble of pre-cum mixes with your arousal as he rubs himself against you. Finally after ten years of waiting, literally, he slowly pushed himself inside of you. The crown of his cock is squeezed by your walls as if you were going to lose him. He curses, pulling himself out an inch, just to add more of his length.
Just like you craved, you feel the impending stretch as his entire cock gradually enters you. Once he’s fully in you, you sigh as he holds the position for a moment. You both take in the feeling of the moment; you’re never going to forget his body on yours or the look on his face as he slowly moves.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ tight, darlin’,” Tom moans with a lip bite.
“Please, please, move,” Just as eager as you, he obeys your request.
He lifts his hips, almost pulling completely out, before thrusting back inside. You cohesively moan, your mixed sounds echoing off the hotel walls. His leisure rocks gently accelerate into powerful pumps, hitting that sensitive spot with a simple nudge of his cock. Your body naturally levitates toward his body, pushing your neglected breasts on his skin.
Tom rams his cock into you, pinning you to the bed with his harsh thrusts. His head falls in the cradle of your shoulder as one of his hands lifts your leg to spread you wider. When his dick sinks entirely deeper, you gasp and drown in a mix of moans and screams. Your nails dig into his tough shoulder blades, probably leaving crescent moon shaped marks. Your leg wraps around his backside, forcing him to be deep inside of you forever.
Your head is thrown back onto his pillow, hair fanned out wildly. When Tom lifts his head to look at you, the wind practically gets knocked out of him. You were drop-dead gorgeous in your dress, like he said. God, your naked, bare figure nearly sent him into cardiac arrest. But watching you wither in complete bliss underneath him gave him a sense of pride that he was the one making you feel this way. No one else. And it would never be anyone else ever again.
With this thought, his cock pumps barbarically into you, rightfully proving to you that your friendship will never be the same. He repeatedly pokes at your G-spot, eliciting debauched shrieks from you. When you thought it couldn’t feel any better, Tom’s hand sneaks between you both and circles lightly on your clit.
“Feels so good. God, you’re so good,” You praise breathily. Clenching around him, a shuddering moan leaves him. “I’m so close, please.”
“Gonna come for me, hm? Need to feel you come around my cock,” Tom orders with another jarring thrust into your cunt. Your eyes roll to the back of your head with his demanding words, your body on the verge of caving.
Squeezing around him greedily, your entire figure tenses as an overpowering wave of relief floods over you. Your abdominal muscles clench intensely, your hands cramping from fisting his skin so hard. Your legs flutter around him as you begin to coat his cock in your release. At the same time, you feel the twitch of Tom’s length inside of you, alerting you that he’s close.
“Where do you want me to…” He grunts when you clutch around him from overstimulation. A string of curses leak from his mouth as he holds back his load, waiting for your response.
“I-Inside, please. Fuck, I need it inside of me, Tom,” You panted as he practically growls against your perspired skin.
“Fuckin’ killing me, angel. Shit,” Finally, Tom releases into you, pumping sloppily as he does so. You sigh relievingly as his orgasm covers your walls, tingling your insides. He slowly pushes every drop inside of you, ensuring you didn’t miss any.
Your eyelids flutter closed as Tom falls on the bed beside you. Your body sinks into the mattress beneath you, suddenly too tired to move. You had a keen feeling that tomorrow you would struggle to walk, or move in general.
“Tom,” You start. “I think you just ruined me forever.”
“Good,” His post-orgasm was somehow even more sexy. It was groggy and double raspy. He drags your body towards him and holds you close. Your head relaxes on his buff chest, his rapid beating heart making you smile to yourself. “I want to ruin you for everyone else.”
The heat on your skin that you thought had ceased never did, not with his flirtatious and alluring comments. A flush creeps up and makes your cheeks all warm against his torso.
“You know you’re mine now, right?”
“That’s definitely not how I pictured you asking me out…”
“Well, how did you picture it?” The truth is, you never really pictured it. You never let yourself think that far because then you would start getting hopeful. And being hopeful made you scared, and when you were scared…you ran away. It was a constant loop of life you lived in. However, with Tom lying beside you as your face was cradled in his chest, you had a feeling you wouldn’t have a problem staying this time.
“How about “Will you be my girlfriend?” That seems better.”
“But what if you said no? Might as well jus’ say you’re mine, so you can’t,” He kisses the top of your head softly while you roll your eyes at his foolishness. “Aren’t you glad you went now?”
“Yeah, yeah,” You wave him off. Realizing you have to get up from the comfort of his security, you gently push yourself up into a sitting position.
“I really don’t want to get up.”
“Then don’t? Just stay here. We don’t ever have to leave this room again.”
“As much as I love you, I’m not sleeping with a face full of makeup,” You begin to slide off the bed before you realize what you just said.
Oh fuck. Did you just admit you loved him after not even five minutes of being in a relationship?
“You love me?” He gripped your wrist, but didn’t spin you like what he did earlier. This time he let you stand still in shock of your own words. In every other situation you would have run away or made some excuse. But you wanted to be different. You didn’t want to be so easily intimidated by intimacy or vulnerability anymore. You really did love Tom, you always have, even if it took you a little longer than him to realize it.
Maybe instead of avoiding it, just go with it.
“Yeah, I do,” You smile full-heartedly at Tom, delicately biting your lip. A part inside of you bursted open, unlocking all sorts of emotions you didn’t know how to comprehend or express.
“I love you too, So much,” You both lean in to share a passionate kiss, but you cut it short to seriously push him off of you, so you could leave and wash up. If you didn’t have an ounce of self-control for the both of you, you would never leave this hotel room. Tom was clearly the insatiable one.
“If you don’t come back to my bed in five minutes, I’m dragging your ass in here. No warnings,” Tom says before you strut out of his room completely naked. You hear him groan to himself, which makes you giggle like a young school girl.
Walking to your bathroom, the same uncontrollable smile etches on your face like the one you had when you returned to the hotel. You splashed icy cold water to your heated cheeks and tried to rub away the plastered grin, but nothing could dull the adoration you felt for the other man in your hotel room. Instead of trying to erase it, you stared and allowed yourself to feel the emotion without running away from it.
A girl in love with her best friend.
A boy in love with his best friend.
Best friends who are stupidly in love with each other.
this was wayy longer than i thought. i liked this a lot more than i thought i would, too. i hope you enjoyed it just as much :D
tags: @lnmp89 @crybabyddl @pretty-npeach @marine-mayday @aerangi @justanotherpasserby-blog @tinafuentes @moniffazictress11 @eywaheardyou @alwaysclassyeagle @mrstealuregirl @bisexual-desi @sherlockstrangewolf @madsttx @graywrites20 @bradtomlovesya @raajali3
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callmelittlebuttercup · 4 months
Peace Offerings Pt. 12
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Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Chapter Summary: Reader is tired of the slowness of recovery and decides to venture to the mess hall. There, she learns that she’s been lied to about where her brother is. Reader confronts Joel and forces him to tell her the truth, resulting in them leaving the safety of Jackson to find Matthew and his group.
Series Warnings: Extreme slow burn, Age gap (reader is 34, Joel is 56), 18+ Minors DNI, Sexual Themes, Violence, Injuries (depictions of blood, bruising, broken bones), Cursing, Grumpy!Joel, Minimal depictions of reader's appearance (hair color/length.)
Chapter Warnings: Jackson AU, Lying/Manipulation, Crying
Part Twelve
The next few days were filled with laying in bed, sleeping, and eating. Despite the fact that he reassured me every time that it wasn’t too much for me to stay with him, I felt like a burden. I hated the fact that I had very little independence. I couldn’t go up the stairs by myself or stand for too long because of vertigo. The only things I could do were make my own food, go on small walks around town, listen to the radio for short periods of time, and take baths. It was a fruitless, repetitive life, but I was only going to be stuck in it for one more week according to Joel’s makeshift calendar. 
          My brother had been gone for two weeks. Joel kept saying “Don’t worry, extended missions take anywhere from two to five weeks.” But something didn’t feel right. The way that Matthew never told me he was leaving, the vague explanation I got at the infirmary. They didn’t want me to know what was really happening. They didn’t want me to worry. 
         One morning, I decided I was tired of the gruel Joel would cook up on the stove. “Where are you going?” He asked as he watched me shrug my coat on. “Was just going to the mess hall to see what they had to eat.” I answered casually. He began to peel himself off of the couch and walk towards the door. “I can go by myself.” I said in a soft tone. He paused as he pulled his other boot on, “You sure?” I nodded, “Yeah. I’m feeling better today.” His eyes lingered on me for a moment, deciding whether to oblige or not. He pressed his lips together and nodded stiffly before stepping out of my way. 
         I made it to the mess hall with very little trouble except for having to squint at the sun. 
As the door opened with a loud creak, the usual constant conversation died down into murmurs. I felt the sting of eyes on me, and the hairs on my skin stood on end. I peeled my feet off of the threshold and continued to walk into the mess hall, ignoring the nosy assholes. My accident was weeks ago. I  figured there’d be something new for everyone to talk about by now. 
         I kept my head down and made a plate of eggs, jerky and a piece of fresh bread. My stomach rumbled, eager for the real stuff and not the “food” Joel attempted to make for us. Despite wanting to run back to Joel’s house and eat in a safe, quiet place, it was nice to be somewhere that wasn’t a bedroom or a couch. I set my plate down on a table in the corner and dug in. 
         A few moments later, a woman with graying hair came up to me and placed a hand on my arm. “Matthew’s sister, right?” She asked. I nodded, my mouth full of the seedy bread. Her face twisted into a pitiful look, “Oh I’m so sorry to hear about your brother, dear. That’s the last thing you’d need after that accident you had a few weeks ago.” I almost choked on the food in my mouth. Without the option to spit it back onto my plate, I swallowed it down with difficulty. After taking a sip of water, I stated, “Matthew’s just on an extended watch mission. He’ll be back soon, but thank you.” I smiled lightly. She shook her head, and her pity turned into concern. “You haven’t heard, I guess. But Matthew’s watch group has gone missing. They’ve been out of contact for days. Last time they heard from them was when they were just reaching Colorado.” She explained. Blood rushed to my ears and I could hear the pulse of my racing heart in them. I slammed my fork down on the table before saying, “No, I hadn’t heard. Excuse me.” I pushed out of my chair and forced myself past the woman. I heard her call out, “My name is Lisa if you need anything, dear!” 
          I burst out of the mess hall and back into the chilled air. I swallowed back tears of frustration and terror as I made my way back to Joel’s house. I couldn’t help thinking of what was out there. Matthew’s group could’ve been taken by anything-anyone. Hunters, raiders, and of course, infected. 
          “How could he lie to me? How could everyone lie to me?” I mumbled to myself as I made my way up the wooden steps and to the door. Before my hand could reach the tall wooden door swung open. My name fell from Joel’s mouth and his face was inhabited with worry. “When were you going to tell me?” I asked, my voice thick with the tears I was holding back. “I was going to tell you when you were doing better.” He mumbled as he moved to the side and ushered me out of the cold. “I’ve understood English this whole time Joel. There’s no reason for you not to have told me.” I shrieked angrily. “The nurse said stress wouldn’t allow you to heal properly.” He explained, trying his best to remain calm despite my hysteria. “My brother’s life is more important than some staples in my head.” I seethed, “I cannot believe you would keep this from me. You’re the only other person I’d trusted in this place.” Joel moved to place his hands on my arms but I shook out of his grip and blurted, “No-Don’t fucking touch me.” 
           I could no longer hold the tears back, and they fell in heaves as I leaned my elbows onto the kitchen island. As I tried to wipe my eyes, I spotted a map on the corner of the marble countertop. An idea popped into my head. One that Joel would definitely not approve of. I moved to grab the map and opened it to see a route already drawn. “What’s this?” I demanded before picking it up and showing it to him. “That’s where they think Matthew’s group might be. It’s another community in Colorado. More like a cult.” He grunted as he walked over to me. He attempted to pluck the map out of my hands, but I tugged it away aggressively. “Did you draw this route?” I asked. He shook his head, “Tommy. He’s getting a group together to go looking for them.” He said the second part reluctantly, as if he knew exactly what I was going to say next.
            “When are we leaving?” I questioned as I folded my arms over my chest. I was finally distracted enough for him to grab the paper out of my hand. He folded it and put it in his pocket. “They are leaving tomorrow. You are staying here.” He said sternly. “No fucking way. That’s my brother out there, Joel. I’m not sitting here chewing my nails raw while other people search for him.” I said impatiently. He sat down onto the couch and ran his hands through his hair before stopping to clasp his fingers together against the back of his head. “That’s another reason why we didn’t tell you.” He muttered, “Knew you’d want to go but you’re not ready. You just cracked your skull for fuck’s sake.” I planted my hands on my hips, “That was weeks ago, Joel. I’m fine.” He stood up again. His face was wearing a look I hadn’t quite recognized. “You know damn well what is out there and you know damn well that you still can’t go up the stairs without gettin’ dizzy. Don’t fuckin’ think for a second that I’m going to let you go out there and get yourself hurt again.” He ground out. “It’s not up to you.” I breathed. His face dropped in defeat. He knew I was stubborn and that I would argue until we both ran out of air. “Well I’m not goin’.” He said, keeping his eyes on the floor. “I didn’t ask you to.” I said in the same tone. 
          I stood there for a moment, secretly hoping he would change his mind. Though I knew that after everything he’d already done, I couldn’t ask him to come. This was my issue, my family. Joel's mission to find his brother was over. He deserved to stay behind and rest. I forced myself to walk away from him and towards the stairs. I fought the dizziness by gripping the railing tight as I ascended. His eyes were still on me. Despite the anger between us, he still wanted to make sure I was okay.  When I got to my room, I pulled my backpack out from under the bed and began to stuff whatever I could in it and decided that after packing, I would pay Tommy a visit to see what time the group was leaving tomorrow. 
           Joel didn’t say a word when I opened the door and slipped back into the cold. He didn’t follow me either. I was relieved, but at the same time I couldn’t help but feel like I’d lost him again. 
           When I reached Tommy’s house, I knocked lightly on the door. It took a few moments, but eventually the door opened slowly, revealing not Tommy, but Maria. My name left her lips in a confused tone. “Hi Maria.” I said, trying my best to be polite. She stood there with a hand draped over her swollen belly, “What can I do for you?” She asked. “Well… uh. Tommy’s not here, is he?” I stuttered. She shook her head, “He’s in a meeting.” I nodded, “Well I know Matthew’s watch group went missing, and I also know that Tommy is getting a group together to find them. I need to know what time they’re leaving tomorrow.” Her eyebrows furrowed further, “Who told you all of this?” She questioned. “Some lady in the mess hall told me they were missing. Apparently everyone knew before I did. Joel told me about the group.” I explained. She sighed, I could see her grip on the door frame tightening. “He told us not to tell you himself and now he’s just spewing information all over the place isn’t he?” She muttered under her breath before moving aside to let me walk in the doorway. 
          I entered the warm, homey space. The fireplace was crackling and there were two rocking chairs framing it. “I kind of forced him to tell me.” I confessed. She nodded in understanding. “You deserved to know. I didn’t like that they were keeping it from you. But Joel said you were stubborn, that you would run out the door the minute you heard Matthew was in danger. So he made us form a group of people to find them before we told you with the hope that you might just let them go.” My heart warmed at the thought of Joel doing something so thoughtful.  “He’s right, I am stubborn.” I chuckled, “But he’s so wrong to think that I’m not going to want to help find my brother. The whole reason I traveled across the country was to find him.” Maria nodded again as she crossed her arms over her belly, “I figured as much. Could tell the day you got here that you were strong-willed, in a good way.” I copied her stance before mumbling, “Joel thinks the opposite.”
           I enjoyed Maria’s presence. It was good to have someone on my side for once and not berating me about following directions and whatnot. We talked for a while before she finally gave me the answer I was looking for just as I was leaving. “Anyway, I guess I should give you the information you came for in the first place. Tommy said they will leave at sunrise tomorrow.” I smiled and said, “Thank you, Maria. For everything.” She returned my smile. “Of course. Take whatever you need from the mess hall and armory. Stay safe out there, and I’ll see you when you get back.” Her words felt like a promise. As if she was telling me everything would be okay. 
           I took her advice and stocked up on food at the mess hall, then stopped by the armory to get ammo for my handgun. My head pounded in my ears as I made my way back to Joel’s house, and I knew I needed to lay down and rest before I left the comfort of Jackson for god knows how long. When I got back, Joel wasn’t in his usual spot in the living room. In fact he wasn’t in the house at all. I figured he’d stormed off somewhere to clear his mind, and just climbed into bed. 
           When I awoke, I had no idea what time it was. After blinking away the sleep, I glanced at the window. The sun was just peeking above the treeline. Panic flooded my gut at the possibility of the group leaving without me and I practically jumped out of bed to get dressed. I went down the stairs as quickly and quietly as I could, but froze when I heard Joel call out my name. I turned towards his figure on the couch. “Joel, if you’re here to stop me, it’s a little late for that.” I warned. He stood up off of the couch and came into the light shining in through the front door. He was fully clothed, jacket, boots, and all. My stomach flipped when I saw the bag he had slung over his shoulder. He changed his mind. I took a step towards him and my hand moved to the collar of his coat. “I’m not here to stop you,” He said quietly as his hands moved to adjust the straps on my back pack. “You’re coming?” I asked. He pressed his lips together and nodded, “Figured if I couldn’t stop you…” 
           Relief washed over me, but the guilt was still at the forefront. “I can’t let you do that, Joel. You’ve done too much for me already.” I pressed. “It’s not up to you.” He said. There was a smugness to his tone. He was throwing my words back at me for once. My mind was screaming at me to kiss him and I was about to, but we were caught off guard by a knock at the door. Joel moved to open it, and it revealed a man around his age who had light grey hair and blue eyes. His facial hair looked well kept and his clothes looked to be so too. 
           “You Joel?” The man asked. Joel nodded. “Cool, let’s move.” He said gruffly. Great, another gruff man who doesn’t speak more than 3 words at a time, just what I needed. “Who’s she?” He gestured to me as we followed him out the door. I introduced myself as politely as I could and explained, “I’m Matthew’s sister.” He held out a hand to shake and finally introduced himself, “I’m Evan.” I smiled lightly before turning my gaze to Joel, seeing that he was already staring daggers towards the man. This was going to be fun. 
          As we made our way towards the gates of the community, we caught up with the rest of the group and the three horses Maria graciously lent us. It was two women, Melanie and Amelia, and another man named Jacob. The three of them seemed closer to my age and were members of the watch. Before we set off, Evan and Joel stared at a map and murmured to each other while I stood awkwardly with the others. 
          “So how long do you think this is going to take?” Melanie asked. She was shorter with dark, straight hair and I could see tattoos peeking out of her sleeves. “It’ll probably take a week to get down there. God knows when we’ll be heading back up.” Jacob answered, and Melanie nodded before turning to me  who nervously twisted the straps of my backpack as I waited for the two men to return. “What’s up with you? I didn’t see a sixth person on the list.” She remarked. I gazed up at her, “My brother is in that group. Just wanted to tag along.” She chuckled, “Tag along? Have you even had one shift on the watch?” I prepared myself to answer, but felt Joel’s presence behind me. “She hasn’t, but she can shoot and she’s smart in combat. I wouldn’t worry about her too much.” He grunted. Melanie scoffed and looked at Jacob, her face twisted into an expression that said can you believe this? Jacob shrugged then turned to smile at me weakly. Despite already being doubted by the team, it felt good to know that Joel had my back. I had to admit, I felt more powerful with him behind me 
As we stood by the gate, Tommy caught up to us. He handed us a sack filled with food and medical supplies. He winked at me, “Bandages for the clumsy one.” I rolled my eyes, but shot him a smile. “Thanks, Tommy.” I said. He nodded, “Of course… You know, there’s a place for you two here when you get back. “I’m countin’ on it.” Joel said.  Tommy turned to his brother and said, “Adios, big brother.” They hugged each other, neither letting go for a couple of moments. “Adios, little brother.” Joel muttered while he adjusted the positioning of the rifle Tommy handed him. My heart warmed at the interaction between the two, and I longed to have something like that again with Matthew. 
         We mounted our horses, two people on each. Melanie rode with Amelia, and Jacob with Evan. Joel helped me mount a chestnut colored horse, and then hoisted himself up behind me. I gripped the reins tight in my hands, ignoring the nervous excitement I felt from his body against mine. As we approached the gates and they opened in front of us, I felt my heart beat faster and sweat begin to wet my brow. The thought of being out of this haven and back into the unforgiving reality of the world made everything in me want to turn back. My only motivation to continue forward was my brother being in danger, and Joel’s strong hands resting on my hips as I steered the horse. Every once in a while he'd squeeze lightly, silently reassuring me that everything would be okay.
A/N: Thank you for reading! <3
Taglist: @ashleyfilm @demonsasss @ayamenimthiriel
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linkspooky · 3 months
I'm out of touch with the manga, but how come Dabi's fate is so cruel and bad?
Your guess is as good as mine. My speculation is that Hori changed his endgame plans three times. At first Hori planned on killing Endeavor early during the high-end battle.
 "Truthfully, Endeavor was supposed to die during the 6th season, but when I was drawing the High-End battle in Kyushu, I decided to delay that. Maybe because of that impact, there was a little delay after the High-End battle..."
At this point you can tell that Hori didn't think of how keeping Endeavor alive would effect the endgame plot, because Endeavor's arc remains stagnant since the Pro-Hero arc. He basically doesn't do anything, but is kept alive on the promise that he will eventually do something to atone. My guess is Hori simply didn't plan far ahead enough to think the point he wanted Endeavor's arc to end at.
In the original scenario me and class1akids speculated together that since Enji wasn't going to be there, Shoto using Phosphor would actually work to take down Dabi non-lethally and the confrontation would end there.
The second change is because Hori kept Endeavor alive, he needed to make it so Enji and Dabi had a final confrontation, but because he also made the choice to have Enji fight AFO instead, the battle had to be split into two parts with the finale being Enji and Dabi's confrontation.
This second change is what resulted in the horrific burning off of Dabi's skin. If not for this change then likely we would have got an ending where Shoto visits Dabi either in prison or in rehabilitation like Rei, and that's the first step to Dabi's recovery paralleling the end of the Tournament Arc.
The third time is that it's clearly foreshadowed that Toya would eventually be able to sit down at the dinner table, and Shoto would ask him his favorite food. Enji has a dream about his family eating dinner together and wants Toya to be there too, Natsuo once mentions he doesn't know Shoto's favorite food, much much later this prompts Shoto to think about Toya's food and declare he'll make him sit down and eat Udon.
What we got instead was Dabi in an iron coffin on life support, with his family just expressing their condolences and getting to say their goodbyes in the short time Dabi has left.
I have no idea why this change was made. Maybe to pander to a part of the fandom that loved Enji's redemption arc, but despised Dabi because of all of the trouble he caused his family. Either way it's very weird, because it's not just killing each character off. It's subjecting them to these ironic hells like it's the twilight zone. Toga wanted to know if the heroes would save her or they'd kill her like twice, the answer is no and they'd just put her in prison so she kills herself. Shigaraki was afraid that he was born evil and wasn't in control of his life, AFO reveals to him that apparently AFO controlled his entire life from the beginning, and then Deku kills him and he dies having destroyed nothing meaning his life was indeed meaningless. Dabi's greatest fear was that he was a born failure, his life meant nothing, his death was unmourned and his family moved on without him. Well, now Dabi is going to die in a life support machine with no skin that looks like the torture devices from hellraiser, slowly, painfully, only able to be conscious a few minutes a day and his family is just going to move on without him.
This isn't just "the villains have to die to atone for their sins" this is like Hori specifically torturing them for the audience and also insisting they brought their suffering upon themselves for not wanting to atone like Hawks, Endeavor, Lady Nagant and Gentle and therefore are disqualified from being human in the end.
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Boo Frank Miller Scrooge jumpscare
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Now that i’ve got your attention:
Here look ifnonity dime thoughts im so quick whatsoit spoilers under the cut
It was first just thoughts quickly typed but then it became more of a review so enjoy the first infinity dime review on blumber i guess
So my main gripe with the comic (aside from that its short as balls) is that they skip the most interesting part. The actual traveling through the multiverse. That was what I thought me and everyone was looking forward to. To see Scrooge traveling through the multiverse and meet his other selves and react to that. But Aaron just went nah bitch: “a few weeks later”.
We have a prologue beautifully drawn by Paolo Mottura (who even though he greatly did the atmospheric dark Christmas should have done the action sequence imo) that is available to read in the previews anyways. Then chapter 2 which is half available to read in the previews as well. Little confrontation between Scrooge and evil Scrooge or whatever which is nice and all. Then we skip to the real ‘meat’ of the story and its just a really long action sequence…. Greatly drawn by Alessandro Pastrovicchio, but still just a very long action sequence. Maybe this is very usual for Marvel, i don’t know, i haven’t really read enough Marvel comics to know what is usual, but we have what is basically a 12 page long prologue, fight fight punch punch (insert don rosa reference here) and then epilogue.
And like this could mostly be due to the short page count, but had it been longer, i wonder if we would’ve just gotten a more drawn out action sequence instead of more actual story development. Because there was a very deliberate choice made to skip ahead to the fighting and have that be the main attraction. Such a fight scene should be a nice reward at the end after a buildup that makes us feel like this action-packed climax is deserved. After we see Scrooge struggle through time and universes to get to work together with himself, we see the result of that hard work in the fight scene. We can’t just skip over the build up and plop us in a “and then they punched each other for the rest of the chapter”. The action sequence would have probably been quite nice at the end of a longer story, but right now it feels like it’s taking the place of an actual storyline.
Because the entire thing is literally: there is a bad Scrooge (very well set up though). He steals from everyone including the Scrooge we know. They find a way to get to bad Scrooge. They get to bad Scrooge. They fight bad Scrooge. They defeat bad Scrooge. It’s just, they go there, they fight him, over. Everybody clap.
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Bad Scrooge himself is great. Really well set up. Is it a dumb fucking Rosa thing? Yes it is, I’m my country’s biggest Rosa stan (aside from Diederik Jekel probably) whatcha gonna do about it?
“What if? Donald and the boys never arrived on Bear mountain…” is an immaculate premise. Which, though it has been done better before, is still really cleverly utilized here. It’s also a very good showing of what we mean when we say that comic Scrooge is always one step away from being a villain. He is no different than Glomgold. One is not good and the other is not evil. One just got lucky with family. The other did not.
Then the ending needed to be wholesome and redeem bad Scrooge and uhuhejshsh but sure
rosareference.cbr loaded
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You have the literal multiverse at your fingertips. Then you decide to reference Don Rosa and Don Rosa only. Which I mean wasn’t a surprise I literally predicted it in that long speculation post of mine, but it still feels like a missed opportunity. When the army of Donald’s gets send in, there isn’t even one wearing an all black and white suit. Would it have been really so difficult to get a small DT17 reference in there?
What annoys me, and I find surprising considering the enormous talent of the artists, is that all the multiverse characters look the same. Like on the last page, all the Donalds look exactly the same. There is no sense of individuality for even one of them. They give more the sense that they all came out of a cloning machine.
Even Scrooge. He traveled the entire multiverse and only got one guy who isn’t himself from a different point in time? Or maybe it’s future him, could be! Why not make it a time travel story where a Scrooge from the future has gone mad with power? Because the Scrooges we see are almost all the same. It’s a fun reference of course, but this ain’t showing multiverse. And it’s not like there aren’t already established AU versions of Scrooge. Even then, a little creativity would have still been nice. For an example of such a multiverse story I would like to point to Crisis On Infinite Darkwings, which does a phenomenal job at showing multiverse diversity. Infinity Dime wouldn’t need to do all the pop culture references Crisis does, but again, a little more creativity in the designs would not have hurt at all.
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And now that i’ve been yapping for long enough anyways, let’s talk about the length too. It’s not even 30 pages. It’s 29. The artists do a good job at making it feel big and grand. No matter though how epic and great they made and could have made it. If your comic is shorter than the average Donald Duck gag comic, it’s gonna be difficult to make it feel like “his greatest adventure yet”. Then comes with that the irregular layout. There are a few double page spreads and almost all pages are just a few ‘panels’. Instead of an usual 8 or 6 panels per page (and so 8 or 6 panels to develop your story) it is usually 3 or even 1. The amount of panels make the comic even shorter than it already is. Christmas on Bear mountain will likely take you longer to read through.
Not that irregular layout is bad. I love irregular layouts! I love seeing them. Usually they really help elevating my enjoyment of a duck comic! But when you know you have a big story you want to tell, and a limited amount of pages, it is a risk to spread your story even thinner by having many big splash pages where the pretty drawing takes front and center instead of the story.
Then it makes it EVEN SHORTER because there is not a lot of dialogue. Mostly because half of it is action without that much talking. There is a pretty fun way of using the narrator boxes. They are quite melodramatic but I like em.
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Jason Aaron’s introductory page was very sweet.
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Regardless of the quality of this story, I really, really hope that these kinds of releases continue. It was very fun and special to read something like this.
If these do continue, I would absolutely love an actual comic series. A longer continuing story please! Pretty please? This page count is just not enough to tell stories like these and more pages to properly flesh out things would be absolutely wonderful. I’m personally not that looking forward to the upcoming Marvel parodies, but if original stories continued, it would be the first American comic series I followed.
I cannot overstate enough how much I want more Marvel Disney comics actually. I need them. I get what people mean now on here when they say “going absolutely feral”. I feel it.
Oh and apparently I have 100 followers now on this blog so that’s nice. Consider this the celebratory post! My review of my most anticipated comic. To end it look at the only Mangiatordi pages in here because looking at Mangiatordi art makes all well
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Damn actually this one isnt even that good what happened Vitale- sorry no great comic more please marvel disney
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shadyvoxtruth · 9 months
How ShadyVox Threatened Myself & Others For Years
My name is Martin Billany but I am also known as LittleKuriboh in the YouTube sphere/Yu-Gi-Oh fandom.
I am posting this here for posterity in case all of my other posts elsewhere about it are removed. Also because there has never been a single unified place to find all of this information presented in sequence.
Patrick, also known by his pseudonyms of ShadyVox or Scratch21's Matt Robinson or Blake Swift, spent the better part of 2019-2023 both threatening me and manipulating a group of real victims.
A brief history - for those who don't know, Patrick/ShadyVox and myself were heavily involved in the "abridged series" world in the late 2000s/mid 2010s. I myself started the whole abridged parody nonsense with Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, and Patrick would follow suit by doing a Yu-Gi-Oh GX Abridged. We met through content creation and formed a friendship through it. Not best friends or anything, but friendly enough.
Patrick would later leave the abridged series stuff behind and start over making music, working in original animation for popular internet channels, etc. Stuff he was genuinely very good at. It was a strong choice to move away from parody content, as it likely would have held him back at some point.
At a certain point in 2018, I received a communication from him that requested I remove certain YouTube comments on my videos that featured him. These comments were demanding to know why Patrick was following various right wing channels and were calling him alt-right, etc.
I agreed to remove the comments because I considered him a friend and automatically assumed there was some big misunderstanding. As it turned out, he was subscribed to a few channels that caused me to confront him.
I was emotional and upset, admittedly. Things politically were at a fever pitch and I had been swept up by it. I have included screencaps of our conversation.
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Later I would apologize to him for my outburst and try to make amends. You're probably wondering why I would include this since it doesn't seem to involve Patrick threatening me, and it seems if anything to suggest I got upset at him.
That is because I truly believe this is the moment Patrick decided he was going to find some way to come after me. I believe that Patrick had spent a lot of time creating a mask for himself, and had worn it very well, and the moment someone saw through it for even a moment he decided I had to be dealt with somehow.
At this point - mid 2018 - Patrick and I were not close. We hadn't worked on anything together in half a decade. We really only kept in touch in a cursory fashion. So I imagine this interaction stuck in Patrick's craw something awful.
I was, however, closer with the person Patrick had worked in conjunction with on his abridged series, X. These days X is my best friend. Back then, I don't know how close we were. But definitely closer than either of us were with Patrick.
One day in 2019, entirely out of the blue, Patrick messages me privately to inform me that X once slept with a girl who was 17 when he was in his early 20s.
My own spouse was sexually assaulted before I met them, and as a result I have a no tolerance policy on anything that even could resemble assault. So I immediately ended my friendship with X.
And as I was doing so, Patrick told me repeatedly that I was overreacting.
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As you can see, by Patrick/Shady's own words, this was a long time ago. Just under a decade or so, by my count.
And most importantly, Patrick had been aware of this for the whole decade or so and chose this very moment to tell me that this happened.
I want you to keep that in mind, especially the fact that when I said I was ending my friendship with X, Patrick's actual response was "it was a long time ago, he's gotten better."
It was painful to end my friendship with X, but I did. I told him that if he could provide satisfactory proof that what Patrick had said didn't represent the facts of the situation, I could be his friend again. Until then, I cut off all communication from X.
A week or so later I received specific evidence that pointed to a situation wherein Patrick was intentionally misrepresenting what happened, or the alleged victim's story. The alleged victim VERY specifically disagreed with Patrick.
You'll note that I'm not including screen caps of these conversations - that is because the alleged victim, and other involved parties, DO NOT WANT to be part of any of this and have needed actual therapy because of Patrick's behavior in the past. Not just here.
I returned to Patrick/Shady and told him there had been a misunderstanding. I wanted to clear the air and give him a chance to say something along the lines of "oh okay, obviously I had my facts wrong." I mean, as you yourself have just read - he said himself that this was a long time ago. Maybe he got some wires crossed.
This is how Patrick actually responded:
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The screenshots were taken on different dates, hence why his twitter icon looks different suddenly.
But yes. His response to me explaining that the alleged victim disagreed with his stance, was to insist that the alleged victim must be lying and that I should be absolutely infuriated.
After he'd tried to tell me that there was no point in being upset about this information that he had sat on for the better part of a decade.
Patrick continued to scream at me via dm, repeatedly requesting that I give him my phone number so we could talk about this. I assume this is because he didn't want any kind of text evidence of what he was going to say to me, or what he was doing.
He would later, mid-conversation, tell me that he was deleting all of his dms to me. Not sure why. It doesn't remove them from my side of the conversation, so I still have access to all of them. I have not shared the entire private message thread yet, because it's sensitive and involves people beyond just myself. But if the dms ever do need to be made public entirely, I have them.
I ended up blocking Patrick during this very conversation because he had begun screaming at me, behaving extremely unhinged and in a frightening manner. I honestly think he had hoped that I would initially try to defend my friend from his accusation, in which case he was going to fly off the handle then. But because I had genuinely believed him and removed my friend from my life, only to then learn Patrick's story didn't hold water, he had no choice but to lash out now. When it didn't make any sense to suddenly be irate about a thing he had told me about, and had literally just said "it was a long time ago."
Within 24 hours, Patrick had sent me a threatening email saying he was going to expose me for everything I was doing. I have attached the highlights of the email, parts that don't involve other people's names.
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Some of the references in this email - specifically about how I've associated with others and ignored people calling me out for it - are related to a podcast I was on, alongside Patrick. Until recently I had indeed tried to move on with my life after a number of the people involved had revealed themselves to be toxic. I had made efforts to separate myself from those people. It had been years since I'd really had any direct connection to any of them.
I do indeed regret not speaking out about it sooner.
Having said this, Patrick himself was equally as guilty for not speaking out - and had in fact spent a significantly larger amount of time talking to/working with the people in question.
As such, I believe a lot of this is some form of bizarre projection on his part.
I ignored the email because I was a) worried that he had suddenly snapped, and b) I didn't think any of the content warranted a response.
A day later, I received this email from Patrick where his tone has changed entirely:
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As you can see, this is more in line with the reality of the situation. He is apologizing profusely and insisting I didn't actually do anything wrong, and that he was the one in the wrong.
You'll also note that he signs this particular email "Patrick." That is because it is his real name, and I believe he was possibly appealing to my humanity and the part of me that might still have seen a friendship worth salvaging. Otherwise I could not tell you why he signed his real name - he typically hates using it.
I still did not reply because at this point I was confused and scared and wanted him to leave me alone. And to that point, he had specifically stated at the end of his email that he was the problem and he would not "involve himself in my life any longer."
The police were contacted and they told him to stop. I had hoped that my part in all of this was over.
Later that very month, Patrick announced on his ShadyVox twitter account that a new GX Abridged was coming out for April Fools.
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When it is posted on April 1st - less than a month after he had sent his email saying he would remove himself from my life, and not long after the police have visited him - the video contains many references to our conversations, and specifically the fact that the police got involved.
Yes, after being told by the police to stop - and after writing an email that insisted he knew he was the real problem and would be getting help - he decides to make a mockery of the situation publicly, in a manner that nobody else will understand. Except the people it is targeting.
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The tweets about this video are the only thing remaining on Patrick's twitter account, as he had purged it some time ago.
(An aside - I do recall someone attempting to call Patrick out for being toxic previously on twitter, and his response was to spam them with the words "PROVE IT. PROVE IT. PROVE IT." until they gave up. I would include screenshots of this, but like I said - he purged his entire twitter except for this specific GX Abridged video he'd thrown together in a week to respond to the fact that the authorities had intervened to get him to stop)
One other important element of this video - which is where, I believe, this whole thing veers into genuinely disturbing territory - is that it is interspersed with garbled footage intended to look like some sort of creepypasta/vhs effect. At the end of the GX Abridged video, it is clear that Patrick is using this video to allude to some upcoming song tracks he is producing.
Songs that are tailored to threaten me in cryptic, indirect ways that very few people pick up on.
But I'll get to those later.
During 2019, Patrick reaches out to actual victims of the toxic individuals from the podcast I used to be on more than half a decade before any of the stuff chronologized in this post. He tells them lies, and demonizes me to the point that it convinces them that I am still both defending/supporting the toxic individuals, and actively mocking their victims in private.
I am aware of this because Patrick tweets about it - before deleting the tweets entirely. He even attempts to throw popular abridging group TeamFourStar under the bus, which I assume was merely out of spite because they had absolutely nothing to do with any of this.
I wish I had screengrabbed the tweets when they were still up, but there is still remaining evidence that they did exist.
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Here is someone posting on Reddit about it - he only references one tweet, but this was around the time Patrick was posting and then immediately deleting what he'd said. I honestly can only assume - but I think he was fishing for people to latch on to what he was saying and contact him privately.
Not to mention the fact that the police had specifically told him to stop, so that was likely in the back of his mind also.
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Here is someone replying to a since suspended twitter account that was discussing what Patrick was saying about TeamFourStar. Obviously I have no clear way to prove it, but please know that I have no reason to make that much up and point to a random ass tweet.
I imagine Patrick (not the suspended person in the above screencap) realized the best way to not seem directly to blame or involved at all was to remove any and all posts he'd made. Admittedly it would have worked if I didn't have the dms and these emails.
Speaking of emails, I received a third one in late 2019 - as you can see, Patrick's promise of leaving me alone forever didn't even last a year.
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You'll note that he's speaking as though the second email never even happened. He's also just plain lying through his teeth for a significant part of it, but I think it's most important to note that this email requires you to assume the second email never got written.
He has gone from pages and pages of "of course it wasn't your fault, I'm the problem, you're good, I'm bad" to "I told you..."
Also, I think the words "You tried to damage me" should be highlighted here as it reinforces my theory that all of this was about me insulting him for all the right wing channels he'd subscribed to. Which, to me, was barely even a thought in my mind at this point.
So I choose to ignore this email also. Because y'know, why would I even humor responding to the guy at this point? I decide that I will only speak on any of this if it becomes public conversation. Until then, anything that happens would be because of Patrick's actions.
I do let my friends know about all of this - including TeamFourStar, who through this entire thing have been blameless and didn't even do anything to Patrick to begin with. And every time Patrick does something, I make sure people in my circle are aware and to be cautious.
Meanwhile Patrick alludes to all of this indirectly in the songs he posts to his YouTube channel. Yes, a situation that involves actual victims and one alleged victim that Patrick hadn't spoken to in years. He chose to make reference to all of this in videos where he raps, amongst other things.
There are a number of songs that feature references to this, it's mainly these two that I want to focus on
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Birdy Boy is a song that is explicitly referencing Patrick's issues with me, without actually going into any details about what the issue is.
It is so clearly about me that people pick up on it - and rather than confront the issue or have a dialogue, Patrick decides to pin the comment about it to the top of the comments page.
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Of course, if Patrick made any attempt to directly describe the issue or explain himself, it would likely result in the police becoming involved once again.
So he sticks to singing about the whole thing.
This next song is the most upsetting one.
Patrick/Shady writes a song called "Joker" about a psychotic individual murdering someone who "used to be funny." This is, specifically, the song that he teases at the end of the GX Abridged Episode 21 video he posted earlier in 2019 for april fools.
He has teased it multiple times on his twitter, and elsewhere, with the words "Coming Soon." The very same words he used to title his third threatening email.
Here is the email, placed next to some lyrics from the song Joker.
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He is seemingly very specifically trying to threaten me without anyone noticing, in plain sight. I was unable to watch the video in full until after all of this stuff came out into the public. It was only through reading people's responses and the lyrics that I realized what he was doing.
Again, at this point I am doing and saying nothing publicly. Just watching this behavior and waiting.
Meanwhile in 2021, a videogame based on the web series TOME gets fully funded and Christopher Niosi - the creator of TOME - reaches out to the voice cast to see if they'll return. I myself was the voice of Nylocke, one of the main characters, and Patrick was the voice of THE main character.
As such, I told Christopher no and explained my reasons.
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And here is Christopher's response.
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Please pay careful attention to the fact that Christopher Niosi flat out says he already knew Patrick was doing this stuff - it isn't just me imagining it.
As a result of this interaction, I do not reprise my role as Nylocke and Christopher Niosi chooses to just recast every single character. Please note that he could have just recast Patrick, but did not. As a result, I feel responsible for all of the original cast losing out on work. It hurts to think about. But at least I feel like I did the right thing.
One member of the TOME production staff takes it upon themselves to reach out to Patrick personally. They discover that he is planning to write more songs/raps that target me. They ask him nicely to stop. He insists that he has to do this. Y'know, make vague allusions to extremely sensitive topics that he lied about in the form of song. Has to do it.
The member of production staff tells Patrick he should seek professional help.
Patrick ignores them.
Patrick continues to engage in behavior that, while not openly hostile or even specifically targeting anyone, is very clearly intended as mockery at best and a threat at worst until 2023 when all of this comes to a head.
In August of 2023, the real victims that Patrick has manipulated make a callout post aimed at myself and TeamFourStar. It specifically cites Patrick's testimony and the songs he has posted. They have been misled, but their anger is understandable.
Within a week, it becomes apparent to all sides that this is Patrick's fault. The person who posted the callout takes it down and apologizes to everyone. Not just me. They apologize to TeamFourStar, and to X.
And only then do I speak publicly about what Patrick has been doing.
I share all of the screencaps I've posted here, and give context. It's all a little muddled as at the time, my cat was dying of terminal cancer and so all of my posts are somewhat scatterbrained and aren't in chronological order. But it's still remarkably clear to everyone that Patrick has manipulated this whole thing, starting in 2019.
And that's only the stuff I feel comfortable sharing.
Since the callout post first dropped in 2023 and I began pointing people's attention toward Patrick, Patrick himself has been entirely silent. He has dropped off the internet with nary a word in defense. Not a single person directly associated with what happened has attempted to dispute my description of events.
This isn't my word versus his. It is my word versus silence.
I have it on good authority that Patrick is alive and well. I am grateful for that much. My attempts have not been to hurt him, but to defend myself. My efforts have not been to hunt him down and crucify him, but to make people aware of what transpired - and what could have easily been undone by Patrick/Shady just choosing to stop.
Instead a number of victims, and people who never did a thing, experienced a considerable amount of trauma as a result of his thoughtless and spiteful actions.
Patrick is a remarkably talented individual, and it makes me sad I have to be the one to show people who he is. I genuinely think all of this could have been avoided. It's so meaningless. It's just pain on top of pain.
And Patrick stood in the center of it all, not just pulling people's strings but practically uprooting them and then acting like he didn't do a thing.
I'm not expecting an apology, and I'm not asking for his cancelation, whatever shape that would take. But I do think it's important that people know this happened, that he chose this.
He did this for almost no reason to a person he considered a friend, who worked on videos with him.
It just seems like the responsible thing, to make sure people are somewhat aware that he could do this to them if they aren't cautious and careful and super aware.
I'm sorry to anyone disappointed and hurt by all of this information.
Believe me, I understand.
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waterfire1848 · 18 days
Can you expand on the brave au?
Hello, anon!!! @stardust948 feel free to add anything you want!
1. Ozai grew up in Iroh’s shadow. He was constantly overlooked by Azulon in favor of his older son for being the better firebender and fighter. Ozai thought that wouldn’t matter to him when he got older but he was wrong. His son, Zuko, who, although he is a very sweet boy, isn’t a warrior. He’s not a stronger firebender or fighter. The only saving grace is that he’s good with swords but Ozai knows that isn’t enough for Azulon. Instead, all his attention is focused on Iroh’s better son: Lu Ten. Lu Ten is the spitting imagine of a warrior and Ozai is constantly angered that Azulon is giving his attention to him and Iroh and ignoring him and Zuko. When Azula and Kiyi are born, Azulon does little more than raise an eyebrow before walking away. The two are stronger benders but Azulon doesn’t care for second and third borns. Despite his kids and Ursa being an amazing family, Ozai still feels like something is missing.
2. When Azulon dies, Iroh is made Fire Lord and holds a great festival and celebration for his coronation. After the crowning, Iroh asks Zuko to perform some firebending moves which gets Ozai mad. When Zuko can’t perform as well as Lu Ten (this isn’t a malicious thing. Lu Ten thinks he’s helping his cousin and Iroh is kinda drunk/wanted to see what Zuko could do. Neither of them meant to embarrass Zuko) Ozai confronts Iroh and yells at him for humiliating his son. Iroh ignores Ozai, saying that Zuko is a good son just not as good as Lu Ten. Zuko then gets angry and yells at his father. A fight that ends with Zuko burning their family portraits and cutting himself out (Zuko: You’d be happier right?!? With me out there!?). With that, Ozai leaves the party in anger, partly because he believes Iroh is right and because he knows Iroh is wrong. Zuko isn’t a great warrior but he’s an amazing son. While wondering alone through the jungle close to the palace, Ozai is greeted by a spirit that offers a way to help. She gifts him with a small cake and says it will change Zuko. Ozai returns to the palace and offers a piece to Zuko (as an apology), who instantly grows sick after having a piece. Ozai gets Zuko back to his room but quickly realizes something isn’t right. Ozai leaves to get a wet cloth for Zuko’s head but when he returns, there’s a medium sized disoriented red dragon in Zuko’s room, looking at him with the same eyes his son has. (Ozai: Zuko? Zuko: *Roar?*)
3. Ozai sneaks Zuko out of the palace and into the jungle for his own protection (Ozai: Iroh boasts about his dragon killing abilities and Lu Ten has never killed one. If they knew one was in the palace, they… Zuko: *Growl* *Whine* Ozai: I’m not going to let them hurt you, Zuko. I promise. We’ll figure this out). Ozai can’t find the spirit that did this to Zuko but he does remember the spirit telling him that if he was unsatisfied with the results then he had to fix the bond he broke. Ozai just doesn’t know what that means. In the time of looking for some kind of cure, he and Zuko do start to bond more and more. They go fishing, Zuko gets the hand of flying, and Ozai tells him stories of things his mother used to tell him. It’s only a few days (and Zuko can’t even talk) but it’s nice. Then it all comes crashing down then when Ozai wakes up and can’t find Zuko. He later finds him, having killed and eating a hippo cow. (Ozai: Zuko! You can’t kill livestock! What are you- Zuko, with slit dragon eyes: *Growl* Ozai: Zuko? Zuko, what’s wrong? Zuko: *Roar!* Ozai: Zuko! Zuko: *Breaths fire at him and runs after him. He easily pins him down and raises his claws* Ozai: Zuko, stop! It’s me! It’s your father! Zuko: *Roar!* *eyes change back* *Growling in confusion* *whimper* Ozai: We really need to fix this). Ozai and Zuko discover that the cure might be back in the palace, in the picture Zuko broke, so Ozai agrees to return while Zuko remains in the jungle.
4. Things go from bad to worse very quickly. When Ozai returns, Zuko completely turns again but this time flies around and Iroh spots him. Ozai tries to stop Iroh but the man refuses, getting everyone together to kill the dragon. Even worse is that, while looking for the portrait, Ozai has to pass through the kitchen and sees Ursa, Azula and Kiyi eating pieces of the cursed cake. (Ursa: What? Ozai: You have to promise not to leave me. Ursa: What? Ozai: Just promise you won’t get mad at least. Ursa: I promise I won’t get mad. What’s wrong? *Ozai explains everything* Ursa: WHAT?!? Ozai: You said you wouldn’t get mad! Ursa: That was before I knew you poisoned our son! Ozai: I did not poison him!! I-…Kiyi… Kiyi, now fully a dragon: *Chirp* Ursa: We’ll talk more about this when I get the ability to talk again. Ozai: I’m dead, aren’t I? Ursa: Very much so.) Thankfully, most of the palace residents are gone because of Zuko’s flight so it’s easier to sneak three dragons through the palace. (Ozai has to hold Kiyi to keep her from running off). They find the painting and Ursa tears it down while Azula grabs needle and thread from her parent’s room. Ozai, having learned from his mother, starts working on fixing the cut when the family hears a dragon roar from the jungle. (Ozai: All of you, stay- *Everyone is gone* Ozai: No, no, no, no).
5 (part 1). Ozai rushed out to the jungle, trying to find everyone, and ends up coming across Ursa, Azula and Kiyi….with dragon minds. For a moment, Ozai is positive he’s about to die and that’s when Zuko shows up and fights them to protect Ozai. Ozai’s conflict really comes into play here because he did want Zuko to be a great warrior and taking on two dragons (he can’t count Kiyi) at a time is very impressive but in the other hand Zuko is fighting his mother and sister and they all might be stuck like this forever. Ozai notices when Ursa and Azula come back and runs in front of Zuko, telling him to stop. (Ozai: Zuko! Not that I don’t appreciate the help but you can’t hurt your mother or sister. Zuko, looking at Ursa and Azula: *GROWL?!?!*) Ozai apologizes to Zuko for what happened and how he tried to change him, saying that he has a way to change him back now and is about to put the portrait over him when Iroh arrives.
5 (part 2). Once again, the three fight but Iroh has more men who capture them. Ozai tries to reason with Iroh, telling him the truth and that they’re not really dragons. Iroh, of course, doesn’t believe him and tells Lu Ten to kill one to officially get his title. (Ozai is currently being held back by guards). Lu Ten picks Ursa but before he can kill her, Kiyi jumps on his face and starts clawing at him, giving Zuko enough to break free and wack Lu Ten with his tail into the tree and roaring at Iroh. (Again, really big thing Ozai wanted to happen. His son has enough power to take on Lu Ten and Iroh but this isn’t how he wanted it to happen.) Ozai frees Ursa and Azula who join in the effort with their firebreathing. While they do that, Ozai puts the portrait over Zuko but nothing works. Tearfully, Ozai apologizes to Zuko and admits that he was wrong. (Ozai, feeling Kiyi tap his back: Not now, Kiyi. Go with your mom and sister. Kiyi: Daddy? Ozai: Kiyi, I said- Zuko: Dad? Ozai, opening his eyes and seeing everyone is back: You’re back! Zuko: We’re back. Ursa: Ozai. Ozai: I’m dead).
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a-sentient-horax · 10 months
G/T Headcannons
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So much of G/T is science-adjacent just because of the nature of the trope. But this got me thinking about like, G/T in the setting of science academia.
A scientist and an engineer who have a years-long dispute about whether it's possible or not to change someone's size. The scientist swears up and down that they have worked out the math and theories and it just is absolutely not possible. Meanwhile, the engineer is certain that they are close to a solution. One night, perhaps long after they stopped working together, the scientist wakes from their sleep to their roof being ripped off above them. "I fucking told you!" The now gigantic engineer gloats down at them.
Bonus if the scientist is so blinded by disbelief of their math failure that they aren't even afraid. They place their tiny hands on their hips and raise their chin up to stare right into the giant's eyes. "You had to have used a different theory. Did you make the room-temperature superconductor? Do you have any idea how vast the implications of that are? And you used it to do THIS to yourself? Are you working with [another scientist whose theories they disagree with]?"
A scientist who turned themselves giant and had a falling out with their partner who works in the same field as they do. One of them didn't include the other in a hugely impactful research paper, ending in a blowout fight. Now they both go to the same conferences and have to awkwardly avoid each other.
Additionally, one could approach the other sheepishly to ask for help on a new project. It could work both ways, a giant peering down angrily at a tiny human, or a defensive human crossing their arms and getting terse with their giant ex. "What, do you need to steal more of my ideas?"
A sizeshifter who tries to slyly shrink down to retrieve a fallen piece of lab equipment. They are caught by a coworker but instead of freaking out about their size their coworker panics about how this does NOT adhere to lab safety standards, demanding to know how many times they have done this.
A sizeshifter who pulls an all-nighter in the lab, not realizing that their frustration with not getting good results has made them gradually grow all night. The first person to come into the lab in the morning is greeted with the sight of their coworker poring over reams of printed data, towering over the equipment, and trying to rub exhaustion out of their eyes. (Queue the 'dropping the coffee cup in surprise' scene.)
A giant scientist who is at the cutting edge of their field, when a human intern starts on their research project and realizes very quickly that they have (for now) unrequited feelings for this giant. The scientist's huge form looms over the intern's workstation, casting a huge shadow. They squint their eyes at the schematics on the table. Bending over slightly, their large arm lightly brushes the human's shoulder as they point to an equation. "Is this doubling every time?" "D-doubling? I-" "If it is doubling, it should be natural log two, not log two." The giant lowers their head. Their annoyed face only a few inches from the human's. The human is blushing deeply, inhaling the smell of the giant's sweet breath. "It-d-er...doubling. Doubles." The giant's face remains unamused and annoyed. Despite their impatience, they make the effort to whisper gently, to not blow out the human's ear drums. "Then why did you write log two? Fix it."
The lead scientist and lead engineer on a project are always squabbling. In an accident, one of them gets shrunk down or grows to a large new size. Now their disagreements take place with the smaller one on some form of scaffolding, waving sheets of complex equations in the air while the other crosses their arms and shakes their head.
Two young scientists get passed over and are not included in the credits of a research paper, despite their extensive work. They go to confront the senior researcher, when one suddenly doubles, or triples in size and pins the senior researcher down, demanding credit for both of them. Their tiny friend is caught in a mix of horror and amazement as they realize that their friend could just as easily pin them down like that.
"Well, aren't you just soooo smart Mr. Giant Shithead." "That's Dr. Giant Shithead to you."
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AITA for slowly ghosting a fwb instead of confronting him when I found out he's been stalking people again?
He (twenties, M) and I (twenties, X) knew each other from college. He's genuinely a fun guy. Also, a cis person being into you as a nonbinary person (as your gender, not despite it) in a non-fetishy way is frankly too powerful. So yeah, we started talking more some time after graduation, and it turned into a digital-only friends-with-benefits situation.
I was wary of him in college, but willing to give him a second chance. It was an open secret among our friend group that he'd stalked a couple of people he was into in college -- resulting in court ordered therapy and a restraining order and everything. I was still mentally/emotionally recovering from an abusive relationship years prior that the ex stalked me after for a few years. So you can see why it was a big deal that I gave this distant friend another chance, willing to get as close to him as I did. I guess I thought that like, the therapy had worked?
Well, fast forward to us being close after college. He doesn't know that I know about his previous two times getting nearly expelled for stalking people. I have not told him anything about my years-ago abusive relationship, but it's possible he has some awareness of it due to mutual friends. I kept firm with a boundary that he will have no more specific geographic information about me than my city, and he's certainly never learning my address. He has no way to know about my more "personal" social media like Tumblr. I am protecting myself.
But a few months into us being fwb and having fun and me repeatedly asserting my boundaries regarding irl interaction. He complains to me that someone is claiming that he's stalking them. I casually ask about the situation, assert that yeah what he's doing is shitty, he should stop, and it does sound like stalking (even though he insists it isn't). We never talk about it again.
He started showing up in my trauma nightmares, and suddenly the second chance I gave him seems like a terrible idea. So, over the next few months, I make a planned retreat. I respond less frequently, less promptly, and with less emotion. I planned out my strategy by the week to look like a natural loss of interest, or a natural "got busy with other stuff."
My logic is that he clearly has not learned to stop stalking people. I am not willing to continue exposing myself to that personal risk. But I am also not willing to say "I refuse to remain friends with an unrepentant stalker." I'm afraid that if I do that, he will get the wrong lesson: that he needs to never admit to any other friend what he's done, or else he'll lose them. The right lesson obviously would be: don't follow people to their houses after they've cut contact and don't send them letters asking whether they're living alone again yet, what the fuck. I am afraid that if I tell him why I'm ghosting, he will simply never talk about this pattern ever again, thus removing the ability of future friends like me to make informed decisions about who they're spending their time with.
We're now one year into when I fully ended contact. I did not block him. I still get two texts a week from him -- sometimes "are you okay" sometimes life updates, usually just "hey". He has made no indications that he has visited the city where I live, thank god. I have not explained to any of our mutual friends what I did. I have not talked to anyone, not my therapist not my spouse, about what I did. I am not going to speak to him again, but I am not going to block him, because I need my cutting contact to look natural.
So yeah. AITA for not making a bigger deal of his continued stalking of other people? In my mind I'm protecting myself, and reducing the likelihood he'll start hiding his nature from future friends, so this way they can be informed and protect themselves as needed. But AITA for lowkey ghosting him instead of having a serious conversation about his behavior? I know he sucks. I just don't know if I also suck.
What are these acronyms?
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