#that doesnt mean they know what dirty jokes mean!
traumafactory28 · 4 months
I have a writing concept for a side character duo. The mc rarely hangs out with these two and barely sees them with each other, but every so often, the two would see each other and be in earshot of the mc. And every single time, without fail, they start apologizing for the craziest of things. "Oh hey, sorry for almost stabbing you earlier." "It's fine, I'm sorry for blowing up your car." The mc has no idea any of these things happened until these moments. There is a background character arc through these apologies that is followed by mass destruction no one is noticing. I would like to iterate that these two look extremely innocent and nice, but a tendency to get into some of the most insane situations when around each other. No one knows that these two hang out, the majority of the time they are alone with other people. Almost as if they are sneaking out at night for their own action adventure and terrible luck. They almost always forgive the other and the longest they go from not apologizing to the other is a month, in which they get more upset and distraught as time goes on, then one day it's gone and they are back to normal. No one knows what happened or when they got the time to resolve it, but they did.
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
me whenever the short story "something ends, something begins" is mentioned, or not even mentioned, but i have an opportunity to mention it myself
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freaksun · 21 days
cute, cuter, cutest
you call eddie cute and it leads to more.. allusions to smut under the cut. bestfriend!eddie
you giggle, shoving him lightly “youre cute.”
he visibly jolts, eyes widening slightly. you dont know why hes reacting so harshly, it was a compliment!
he cant stop the fire that engulfs him, the searing red blush that climbs up his neck, covering his cheeks in a beautiful colour that puts his feelings on a platter for you to pick at.
at least he expects you to, to laugh in his face and tell him you were only joking, you dont think hes cute you think hes a loser. a part of him wants to tell you off, to reject you before you can reject him
but you dont. - well,- you giggle a little bit which doesnt help but then you move closer.
“youre even cuter when youre flustered.” you smile at him, a warm inviting thing that makes him wanna lean forward and fall into you. into the pit your unconditional affection and company and sweet sweet laugh, from which he may never return.
pushing through the thorns in his throat, he cant help but make sure youre not making fun of him. even though he trusts you and youre smiling at him like you smile when you watch your romcoms, he still expects you to laugh and run away.
“are you making fun of me?” hes direct. no way around it.
he regrets it immediately when your smile falls, and youre looking at him like he’s a hurt puppy.
“what? of course not, eddie.” something he wouldve never guessed in a million years is when you reach out to touch him. you hold his face so softly and he can just feel the way you care about him in the way your thumb is rubbing his cheek.
you look at the ground, retracting your hand in a whirl of regret and fear of crossing a boundary. suddenly shyer than hes ever known you to be. hes frozen, petrified with tho only thing stronger than fear - hope.
if he wasnt so scared he’d lift your chin with his thumb and maybe even kiss you like hes always dreamed of doing, but hes stuck in fear of ruining things ‘like he always does.’
you look back into his eyes, which both scares him and comforts him at once. he’s been your bestfriend so long that staring into your eyes makes him feel at home in a way no one else can. or maybe thats cause hes in love with you.
“I-“ you start but seem to lose your confidence. this time hes ready. he mirrors you, holding your cheek with his pointer finger above your ear, his others right below it, and his thumb gently stroking the apple for your cheek. his hand fits there so comfortably like he was made to do it.
“im listening.” he nods reassuringly. he always knows how to make you feel ok.
you swallow, eyes flicking between his and the dirty hardwood floor of his room.
“i love you.” you state plainly, eyes burning holes into the wood planks. you say it to each other all the time, but this time its different. this time you cant bare to look at him when you say it, can stand to see him reject you.
“i know, baby..” he tries to hide the disappointment, but you can tell he doesnt get it.
you look back at him, your slight frustration overtaking what was stopping you from looking at him before. hes so beautiful. his brown puppy eyes staring into yours, scared but begging you to tell him what you really mean. it helps you feel more confident that hes not going to reject you, the look on his face makes it clear.
“thats not what i mean.” his eyes widen again, just a smidge. still, its enough to make him look like a cartoon deer.
he can feel the heat emanating from your face.
“what do you mean?” he knows and you know and you know he knows and he knows you know.
still he needs to hear it.
“I mean..” you reach your hand up to your face, holding his wrist and squeezing gently.
“i think you’re beautiful. and cute, and handsome.. and.. hot..” he turns pink quickly, looks like hes hiding away in his mind. its like hes not there, like he just cant hear you being so nice to him.
“you make me laugh every day. i think youre the funniest person i know.” his lashes flutter, and it seems like hes forced himself to be present, to hear you. he turns pinker.
“you’re so fuckin sweet. you care more than anyone ive ever met and i fucking love that.” you make it a point to compliment everything you know he feels bad about everything hes been made to feel bad about
“i think you’re so strong. you hear what people say about you every day and you still prove them wrong. still manage to be kind in the face of hate.” hes red now, tears in his eyes.
“and i love every minute with you. you make time pass so quick.. you make me feel safe and loved and appreciated. i love you, eddie.”
he blinks and his tears fall. you coo and wipe them from his cheeks. he smiles, his hand moving from its dutiful place on your cheek to grab your wrist.
“c-can i kiss you?” ever the gentleman he still asks after you’ve laid out your heart to him. as if you’d say no.
you nod, smiling shyly. he leans in, both your hands on each others faces guiding you both towards each other. you close your eyes and all you feel is his soft pillowy lips brushing yours, gentle as he has always been.
you cant hold back. you’ve dreamed about this forever and you always thought you’d be shy about it, gentle and letting him lead.
instead, in the moment, you pull him closer to you in a sudden desperate haze, shoving his lips into yours. he makes a suprised ‘mmf’ sound you absolutely eat up and it only makes you want him more.
his hand finds your hip, pulling you into him now just as needy. his tongue slides across your bottom lip, begging for permission. you moan softly, hoping he doesnt notice but god knows he does, and he needs more. needs to hear you moaning his name.
the second your mouth opens that centimetre, the kiss deepens tenfold as you pull on his clothes. moaning into each others mouths you suddenly realize where you are and whats happening.
you pull back, smiling and panting heavily.
“im gonna close the door”
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wanzerous · 3 months
you recall a cute trend that happened years ago about offering your hand and someone placing their chin in your palm as a sign of affection. "how cute" you thought, and decided to try it with a few people you know . . . (pt2!)
featuring umemiya hajime, togame jo, sugishita kyotaro!
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offering your hand palm side up, you stood on the rooftop where hajime was working on his 'plant babies'. the sun was high and the breeze was pleasant, and his plants were sprouting healthy colors.
"hm?" lifting his head from the potted plant, he noticed what you were offering, and his eyes lit up, " oh, i know this one! " he beamed, pushing himself up from his previous squatted position.
as he began to approach you, your smile widened, glad that this was going well! patiently, you waited as he propped his chin in the middle of your palm with a laugh.
" did i do it right? " hajime wondered, face smeared with a bit of dirt. he was so handsome even when he was dirty from his gardening. he batted his lashes, large hands reaching over to take your other hand into his.
suddenly, he lifted his head completely, now holding both of your wrists in his hands.
finally, he placed each of your hands onto his cheeks. his face was warm as you held them, watching as he closed his eyes and enjoyed this moment.
" i think it's better with both hands! " hajime cheesed as your hands pressed further, squishing his cheeks. it made his lips pucker slightly, and you felt your heart nearly pound out of your chest.
his smile was brighter than the sun above the both of you. his cheeks were warmer than you expected. how could someone be so cute!?
he slightly pulled his face away and you placed your hands by your sides. hajime, however, wasn't done with this little trend of yours. instead, he was offering his hand to you. without hesitation, he plopped your chin in the palm of his rougher hand, listening to his heartful laughter.
one swift motion, and he was now holding your face between both of his hands much like you were earlier. " its pleasant, yeah? you deserve this, just as much as i did! "
he was right though. being held like this was quite nice. it was a simple gesture, but it was incredibly sweet.
as he pulled his hands away after some time, hajime's eyes widened and a slight gasp left his lips. oh no! " wahh, i left your face dirty! " he cried, looking at his hands and then back at your once perfect skin. your cheeks now had smeared dirt on them.
" its alright. a little dirt doesnt - " you began to speak.
" here! let me get it! " hajime didn't mean to cut you off, but now he was using the hem of his shirt to clear the dirt off your cheeks only for them to smear even more! he was embarrassed! utterly defeated, and he began to pout like a sad pup!
" i'm so sorry! " he stuck his bottom lip out, feeling awful that he didn't clean his hands before touching you, " the water is this way. let me clean you up! " he resolved his issue, pointing near the gardening as you needed.
but for some odd reason, the hose wasn't working! perhaps there was a knot somewhere in the line, or maybe someone was pulling a trick on him for fun!
" well . . . at least dirt is good for the skin! " hajime joked as you laughed.
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offering your hand palm-side up, you stood before togame with a soft expression. he glanced at your hand, then your face, and back at your hand again before offering a lazy smile.
" what is it? " jo wondered, reaching up to push his glasses a bit further on his face. you didn't respond, but merely pushed your hand out even more as if you were emphasizing it.
a soft chuckle left his face as he felt he understood what you wanted. he reached back for his glasses and plucked them off his face. his other hand reached over to grasp your hand and pull you just a bit closer.
with his frames in one hand, he carefully slid them onto your face; pushing them perfectly against the bridge of your nose. he figured this was what you wanted since you always stole them. he assumed this was your way of asking for them again, but without words.
besides, he always thought you were so cute wearing them.
his green eyes admired your face and how his frames complimented your eye color. everything happened so quickly -- so smoothly that you didn't even have the time to correct him!
" say cheese . . . " jo suddenly held his smartphone now, angling the camera in your direction as you absentmindedly gave him a smile. it was like muscle memory now; smiling with your favorite pose.
click! click! click!
you were his favorite model, he'd admit that any day.
" i'm starting to think that you wear my glasses better than me. " jo spoke slowly, offering you his phone, " pick the ones you like and send them to yourself too. " he was never one to really text, and you wondered if he even knew at all!
taking his phone into your hand, you looked over the collection of photos he just taken. some were blurry . . . his finger was in the shot . . . your eyes were closed . . .
but some came out perfect. there were a few where you could see his reflection in those glasses, smiling down at you.
" i'm hungry. lets get lunch. " jo began to pull you along as you stumbled forward, " but - "
" i'll take you to your favorite spot. "
that was enough for you to perk up! who could deny their favorite dish!? " thanks!" you thanked him, allowing him to lead you and be your eyes as you went through the photos.
" anything for you. " jo replied. you have completely forgotten about the trend by now.
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okay, you had no faith here. you really, really didn't think this was going to work! i mean . . . you knew how distant kyotaro was unless you were umemiya-san! you knew how he didn't really speak much but . . . everyone deserved a chance right? even if he stared at you, right now with his usual scowl, you wanted to give it a shot!
so you offered your hand palm-side up as the two of you at a desk. you sat in the main seat, and he pulled a chair over after you persistently called him over. kyotaro stared at you, lips twisted as you wondered if you should explain the trend to him or not.
right now it was a staring contest, and you knew you'd lose!
but kyotaro had one thing in mind. he was full, totally tired, and someone was keeping him from his nap! he let out a grunt before making a move.
yes! good job sugishita!
you were so excited to praise him! he probably knew what you wanted but . . . wait . . . what was he doing!?
sugishita pushed your hand onto the desk that rest between the two of you. your knuckles met the cold desktop and you raised a brow. your confusion was amusing, but sugishita didn't laugh or smile. instead, he scooted just a bit closer and . . .
placed the side of his face into your palm . . .
using your hand as both a pillow and protection from the cold desktop.
his hair splayed, slightly covering his face as he shut his eyes. and before you knew it, he was fast asleep.
what kind of beast was he!? who falls asleep that quickly!?
"s-sugi- " you stammered, but caught yourself.
"never wake up sugishita-kun! he's a total monster. if you do!" you could recall the terrified rumors from some of your classmates that tried to wake him. some of them got snapped on; some got a desk or chair to the face! and you, quite frankly, loved your face!
so you pressed your lips together and listened to his faint snores. you kept yourself still and watched how a strand of hair fell into his face. how soft his expression was now that he got his nap in.
and you'd ignore the drool that was leaving his lips too.
" fine ... " you whispered softly, watching him, " i'll be your pillow just this once."
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thank you for reading! thank you so much love on part one, your tags had be dying LMAOOO !! since it went so well, i figured id write a pt2!! here's part one anyone wanted to check it out!!
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rotthepoet · 2 months
Fwb!lorenzo so cocky cause he has to much control over you. For example you say something mean about one of his friends, he'll raise his eyebrows and tilt his head smirking as you start to stammer or if your beside him he might lightly tap the back over your thigh and mouth 'watch yourself' then being all smug when you melt away against him.
OMGGG YOU GET ITTTTTTTTTTT i have lorenzo brainrot just hear me out let me ramble
He has so much power in your situationship that like its a problem
Man basically owns you(he makes sure you know it too) like… and hes not even in an actual relationship with you??!?!??!! How did he do that???? If he was feeling extra freaky he so might put you in a collar with his name on the tag(honestly you wearing his name gets him going. Wearing his quidditch jersey? Hes cooked)
Okay okay because Lorenzo doesnt do ships. Relationships.
Not this lorenzo anyways, in some other universe you fix him and he gets better and loves you unconditionally, but not this one. This lorenzo has like 20 bitches under his belt aT ALL TIMES. You’re just his favorite right now. He actually likes you. Enjoys your company. Youre not just a fuck, youre a fuck he can stand being around. So with him it def starts as a one night stand but like
It doesnt…. one night
It was supposed to be a one night stand but it just continued, okay?
So anyways hes got you now, and essentially he treats you like a girlfriend but without the title or the love. you’re under his arm half the time. Just pressed against his side while he walks you to class. And like. You love this man. Youre desperate to fix him. Me too. But anyways youre spending a lot of time together.
And the reason it looks like you’re his girlfriend is because Lorenzo is SO controlling! He wants to know what youre doing 24/7, or he wants to tell you what to do. He has a quidditch match? Wear this and sit in this exact spot. You’re going out with your friends? You cant wear that. youre going to a bar? You have to leave if any guy talks to you.
And youre just kinda conditioned to it at some point.
You’re around Lorenzo enough that his friends know you now. They find you fun actually. You’re awesome. Anyways. So theres a lot of playful banner, calling one another pussies, making dirty jokes, you get the idea. And lorenzo really regrets this because he doesnt like sharing you attention! You were just supposed to sit pretty on his lap, not tell Theo to suck your dick!!!!
He isnt a fan of this. And he’ll let you know. A pinch to the back of your thigh? Right under your skirt? Oh you know to knock it off. The look he gives you across the room when you speak “out of turn”? Its such a turn on. He cocks his head to the side with an amused smile and it makes your pussy throb omg. You know youre getting it later.
Especially out in public. Hes got a fucking app on his phone that count up the amounts of times you pissed him off.
He gets so mean sometimes. Youre arguing and fighting and words are getting mean and you say something out of turn and he goes silent. And you go silent. And he has this dark look in his eye as he snaps, “watch your mouth.”
And it makes you crack every time. You’re wrapping your arms around his neck, whispering about how sorry you are, and he’s petting your hair before he grabs it and tells you not to let it happen again. It will happen again. Especially after he fucks the attitude out of you.
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ymiko0 · 1 year
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Characters: Nagi × reader
A/n: so I haven't seen a single nagi nsfw alphabet yet, so I decided to make my own:3 ( pls tag me if theres one already I'd love to read it xoxo ) and also sorry for ghosting yall (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
Tags: implied fem!reader, cum eating, creampies, breeding, mentions of porn, masturbation, mentions or roleplay, E-sex, riding, missionary, mating press, pegging, mommy kink, somnophilia, toys ( vibrators ), size kink, impact play, orgasm control/edging, unprotected sex, penetration, mentions of threesome, oral, big dick Nagi.
I have a lot to say you see...
Learn the alphabet with me !!
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A is for Aftercare ( what're they like after? )
We all know for a fact that Nagi is a big slacker, but hes not that big of an idiot. For aftercare, he wouldn't be able to move much after dumping load after load in you, so he'll prepare a box of tissues in advance so that after the action he would just grab it and clean you up with a tissue and go to sleep with you.
You two will take a bath after.
B is for Body Part ( favorite body part of theirs and yours )
He loves all all of you, from the tips of your hair down to the heel of your feet, but there is one body part that he loves the most, your boobies!! I mean, you can lay on them, sleep on them, grab them, look at them, suck on them, rest his hands on it while he games, everything! What more could he want? And no he does not and absolutely does not care if they're big, small, flat, has stretch marks, scars, or anything, if they are breasts, they. Are. Breasts.
And his, is most probably his hands. So he can grab your boobs. As much as he hates moving his arms around, he loves his hands. He has complete control of them all the time, and he uses it to game too!! I love his hands too
C is for Cum ( anything that has to do with it )
Hes an accidental breeder, his pull out game is shit like he doesnt even try.. he thinks pulling out is such a hassle and the mess is just much more shittier to handle with, so he really just blows his load inside to avoid the mess. With sucking off he wants you to swallow but he also sometimes cums on your face, he thinks you look pretty with his cum on your face, licking off the drops that goes closer to your mouth.
When it comes to your cum tho, oh he gets so pussy drunk when he eats you out. Once he gets a taste of your needy cunt, he will never let go of it until his jaw locks. He'll drink every last drop like a madman, he just loves you that much.
D is for Dirty Secret ( what are they hiding? )
Before he met you and became a couple, he jerks off while watching hentai or porn. He probably has these online friends that sends him porn links that he can jerk off too. He may have shoved all of those actions at the back of his mind, but he really cant help of thinking you roleplaying as one of the actresses/characters he frequently watched.
Yeah and he came on his phone once while having E sex with you I'm sorry
E is for Experience ( do they know what they're doing? )
As I said, he watched a lot of porns before so he knows what hes doing, but when he did do it with you for the first time, he didnt know how to do what he knows he should do, so the first time was kind of awkward. But as time flies by he'll eventually get a grasp of it hes a quick learner after all.
F is for Favorite Position ( how they like to take you )
When he's feeling submissive, he loves it when you ride him on a cowgirl position or a reverse cowgirl. He also loves the face off, good old missionary, and if hes feeling motivated, the mating press self indulgent.
G is for Goofy ( how serious are they )
Hey definitely serious, it's too much of a hassle to make jokes especially when you're taking him so well. But that doesnt mean he'll be a tough nut, at the moment hell say whatever it is in his mind, and that includes puns. Yes I said it, Nagi is a pun guy, fight me.
" gotta preheat your oven 'cause I'm going in raw "
" Nagi what.. "
H is for Hair ( grooming habits )
This lazy prick is inconsistent. He rarely shaves to the point that you'll actually have to shave him yourself ( if you want him trimmed ). But it's okay because you get to stare at his dick:3 ( hes HUNG ) before that, he shaves when he feels like it, I mean taking a bath is a hassle to him so..
I is for Intimacy ( is he romantic in the moment or rough/dirty )
Dont be deceived by his cute face, this hoe is dirty as hell. An innocent look from him could mean a lot of things, since his dirty head is full of dirty thoughts. He'd whisper the most dirtiest things to tour ear when you ride him chest-to-chest.
J is for Jack Off ( do they masturbate often? )
Nagi before he met you probably jerks off atleast 3-4 times a week, depending on his mood because this big baby sometimes ignores his boner because hes too lazy to take care about it.
But after meeting you, he only jerks off when you're not around like, matches on another countries, business trips, or you going somewhere. Why would he deal with his boner when you're there ready to help him?
K is for Kink ( what kinks do they have? )
Oh boy where do I start, whenever i hear Nagi's name, i hear breeding I'm sorry. Pegging too obviously, he deff has a thing with Mommies, oh did I mention he like creampies, I can see him liking somnophilia, dont forget about his size so he has a big thing for size kink ( get it? ), maybe a bit of toys too, mainly vibrators, how many times have I mentioned E-sex already..hmm maybe orgasm control/edging, impact play, and degradation too
L is for location ( where they like to do it )
The number one spot is, obviously, the bedroom. The bed is comfortable and the privacy it provides is also comforting. Second is the bathroom, though not as comfortable as the bedroom, it's much more easier to clean up after while the shower is still running. You two love to do it in reos bathroom apartment too. And lastly, the locker rooms. Self explanatory, it's when hes too impatient to go home and just fuck you right then and there.
M is for Motivation ( what turns them on )
When you wear something just for him, something that shows off the beauty of your boobs right infront of him, and then he'll pounce on you.
Or when you give him that look while sucking his neck, he'll stop whatever he's doing and shift his attention to you.
This might seem weird but, when you cosplay as one of his favorite characters. He thinks that you look so perfect and that he'll actually put effort this time.
N is for No ( absolute turn offs or wont do )
Since Nagi is famously known for being a slacker, he'll definitely make you do most of the work in bed, but if you're feeling tired, he wouldnt hesitate switch positions and give you the loving you need.
Even if impact play is one of his kinks, he wouldnt go that far as much as actually hurting you painfully to the point that you wont like it.
O is for Oral ( do they like giving oral? Are they skillful? )
This bitch gets pussydrunk the second his tounge touches your drooling cunt. He likes receiving head, but not as much as he likes giving head. He loves the taste of you so much that he knows how your pussy works like the back of his hand. The first time, he sloppily ate you out, but given the time, the amount of times hed done it, and his talent, he sure is skilled.
P is for pace ( are they fast or slow? )
I think we all agree to this, Nagi is slow paced, he thinks moving fast is a hassle and that it'll drain his energy.
No energy = no more stamina to fuck you
He loves the way you feel when hes slow too, he can feel every clench, every twitch of your gaping hole while you feel every inch, every vein and every twitch of his wet cock.
Q is for Quickie ( do they prefer fast and hard )
Absolutely not, it's too much of a hassle for him and hed rather jerk off. A quickie doesnt really pique is interest since you cant really enjoy eachother if your in a rush.
R is for Risk ( do they like to try new things )
Hes absolutely down to try new things, as long as both parties agrees then its welcomed with open arms ( and open legs ) he'd sometime soon tell you about the dirty secret he held secret for a long time to see if you're okay with it.
S is for Stamina ( How long do they last? )
Nagi trains regularly. He definitely built up his stamina, in the U-20 match, he stayed longer in the field than chigiri, he stayed there for a full 90 minutes of running and actions so hes definitely gonna last longer than average men. Hell last about 2-3 rounds, maybe even 4-5 if hes feeling very energetic that time. Hes just a cutie patootie yk
T is for Toys ( do they use sex toys to themselves or their lover/s? )
Oh he LOVES vibrators. Any type of vibrator, he loves them all. When he feels a little cheeky, hell put a vibrator against your clit while he fucks you from behind, his slow pace just adding in to the pleasure as he randomly presses buttons on the controller to edge you for a bit.
He'll also live it if you use it on him. Play with his big cock while you put a Hitachi magic wand against his sensitive tip while you stroke him agonizingly slowly.
U is for Unfair ( how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
Nagi likes both. He loves it when you tease him in public, putting a hand on his thighs, caressing it, getting dangerously closer to his crotch, but just to pull away. When you stare at his chest when you take off his shirt and your hands start wandering instead of putting it against somewhere he really needs it to be. Oh when you pull out when you ride him while he was on the brink of cumming.
He also loves it when he sees you stiffen up when he put his palm on your bare back when you wear backless dresses to parties. Or the way you shy away when he stares a bit too long at your breasts, taken back by its beauty ( like he doesnt see them everyday ). Or the way you whine and grind on him if he halts his movements when you're just about to get closer to your release.
V is for Volume ( how loud are they )
Nagi is Loud. He does not hold back with his desperate noises at all. He know you love it when he openly expresses that he feels oh so so good. He definitely whimpers, groans, moans, you name it. He moans out your name when he finally cums and let out breathy whimpers after that. He would also whisper some things to your ear too, he says whatevers in his mind and u mean whatever. This man has no shame.
W is for Wild Card ( random sincannon of some sort )
He wants to have a threesome with you and reo, or atleast watch reo fuck you. Hes the closest friend he ever had and did mostly of the things he needed to do, gratitude.
X is for X-ray ( how big he? )
Speaking of big, Nagi is HUNGGG like I'm not even joking. He doesnt know that hes carrying a literal monster inside his pants. It probably has average girth but his Length. I think 8.3 inches would be enough for him, I dont have a ruler rn but he has average girth but hod does he know how to use it. Two moles decorating the underside of his cock, while 2 viens with the hint of blue hue runs down to his pelvis.
Y is for Yearning ( how high is his sex drive? )
Hes above average because most of the time hell be either be napping, or gaming. You two will fuck 3-6 times a week, depending on his mood really.
Z is for Zzzz ( do they sleep after if so how quickly? )
This is nagi who we are talking about. Ofcourse hell sleep after. As I said at the beginning, he'd be pretty spent and exsaughsted after you two fuck. Hell quickly pass out/sleep after he cleans you up or you clean him up. He dowsnt wait for you to sleep tho, he might ask a few questions while cuddling but after that, hell shut down... it'll take like 10 minutes ( minus the cleaning up part ) for him to sleep.
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A/n: FINALLY IM FINISHED WOOOOO, This took me a day.. ( I finished this in church help me ) I'm also sorry about the grammatical errors too huhu and typos (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
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b1mbodoll · 1 year
i love ur works so much ㅠㅠ
could i req for some noncon/dubcon with momo? her with 10thmember!maknae!reader n just sneaking up on r while she's doin something mundane and r's jus soo confused because why is her unnie doing this to her :(?? why does it feel good???? (n then maybe after she goes to jihyo for advice because she doesnt know how to feel about the experience but jihyo just takes advantage of that n fucks her too!!)
pairings: hirai momo + park jihyo x f! reader
warnings: g!p + noncon + gaslighting + victim blaming + creampies + degradation + mommy kink + virginity ment
💌: this is wordy and idk how much sense it makes but i tried!!!!!!! enjoy
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debuting with twice as their maknae means you’ve been in the industry since you were young, having to drop out of school n focus on your career as an idol. you’re so innocent n its obvious when your older members make dirty jokes n ur silent, looking like a confused puppy as the girls continue joking around.
momo is the most affected by your innocent nature, her cock hardening when she thinks about how you don’t even know what sex is n if she wanted, she could ask you to touch her cock n you’d do it bc you dont realize its inappropriate.
she’s finally had enough of you strutting around in the tightest outfits, fabric clinging to your skin n decides to have sex with you. she tells you her dick hurts so bad n she needs to fuck your tight little pussy to make the pain stop. momo grins wickedly when you cry n tell her that you’re sorry but she can’t use your pussy n ur not ready to have sex.
“quit crying, slut. ‘s not gonna make me stop.” she’s being so mean, not bothering with prepping your cunt n it’s so deliciously painful when she slides in. your sobs only grow louder when she calls you a dumb whore n tells you that no one is gonna believe you if you snitch on her. momo’s torment lasts for what feels like forever before she sends you to your room with your womb full of cum.
the next day you go to jihyo, informing your leader of what momo did to you and she laughs condescendingly, says it’s your fault that momo did those things to you bc you were teasing the older girl. jihyo’s no better than momo n she forces you down on her cock, wails of pain escaping you because she’s so much thicker and it hurts. makes you call her mommy and says that you better get used to taking dicks cus theyre never gonna stop fuckin u ><
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thepepsislvt · 8 months
I’m finally home from a trip.. what if hear me out.. nsfw alphabet for my favorite bgs either Kid, Killer, or of course Barto
-Tulipp 🌷🌷🌷
(acc still doesn’t work)
also evryone istg im alive ive just been violently sick WAAAAHHH
anw here you go braincell sharer Kid and Killer nsfw alphabet
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A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Kid tries his damn hardest to at least clean you up but usually hes conked out within 3 minutes
Killer on the other hand is a trooper. He will run you a bath, get you water, a snack, anything you could ever think of he does. Hes so sweet about everything
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I think we all agree that Kid is an ass man. he loves to grope it, bite it and smack it
Kid likes his arms and hands with how strong they arms. He loves how he can easily bend you over anything and fuck you from behind
Killer likes your collar bones with how easy he can bite them and leave a mark
On him Killer also likes his arms with how easy he can carry you around if needed
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Kid cums A LOT okay? its thick and fills you up so much. He loves to cum on your face the most
Killer’s is also thick but he doesnt shoot as much as Kid. He especially loves to cum all over your stomach
D: Dirty Secret
Kid really doesnt have any secrets, if he wants something hes going to announce it
Killer really wants you to top him. He sees how snappy and mean you get with Kid when you are bickering and he wants you to do that to him. he just doesnt know how to ask
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Kid slept around a lot when he was younger while trying to deny he was gay for Killer but he eventually got over his ego and just went for it. When you joined the relationship you often called Kid a slut for being so skilled
Killer didn’t have any experience outside of you and Kid but he sure knows how to make you feel good
F: Favorite Position
ANYTHING WITH YOUR ASS POINTED TOWARDS KID! Kid really likes your ass and never hesitates to let you know how much he loves it
Killer loves to hold you close so he usually has you in his lap with your back against his chest
G: Goofy (Are they more serious at the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
They both agree that Sex is serious and shouldn’t be taken as a joke
H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Kid either doesnt know what grooming is or he really doesnt care. hes untrimmed and yes the carpet does indeed match the drapes
Killer really doesnt care either but he does trim a little bit. he will do more if you really want him to
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Kid tries but just know degrading is his love language. He does kiss you a lot but its usually rough and sloppy
Killer is way more romantic than Kid in everyway. He constantly tells you how good youre doing and checking up on you. he whispers a lot of praise and ‘i love you’s at least 90% of the time
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Kid is a big man with a big sex drive. so much so he has to rub one out a lot if youre “to busy” or “not feeling it” (even though he has literally drug you away from your work several times before
Killer isnt much into having to Jack off unless hes really desperate but most of the time he just holds out
K: Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
Kid loves spanking you. hes an ass man, you got a nice ass its just common sense according to him.
Killer loves hair pulling. Theres just something about the extra pain that is slowly soothed when you rub his scalp that just adds the cherry on top for him.
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Kid will do it anywhere he doesnt care he doesnt have any shame but you do so you convince him to do it in at least a semi public location which isnt much better but youll take it.
Killer likes it anywhere in private since he is more of a private person himself
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Kid is turned on by literally anything you do. all that anger quickly gets turned to horny when you or Killer walk into the picture
Killer gets turned on most when you kiss his neck it ear
N: No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
they both wouldnt do anything that would seriously hurt you other than that theyre pretty open to trying whatever
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Kid Prefers to receive hes a little whore who only thinks abt himself
Killer doesnt mind giving or receiving as long as youre happy
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Kid is Fast and ROUGH and its not hard to believe at all
Killer also likes to be fast and rough but still takes it easy on you
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Kid will take it if thats all he can get but prefers to take his time fucking you brain dead
Killer isnt fond of them but if you need it then he’ll do it for you
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Kid is all about risks because he runs on that type of adrenaline
Killer also isnt too opposed but likes to play it safer
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Kid can last up to 5 maximum before telling you to fuck off and then falling asleep
Killer can go as many as you want, he’ll stir up as much energy as needed to make you happy
T: Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
i wouldnt think so but if yall do have any toys its made from Kid himself
U: Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Kid is a GOD at teasing, he loves to be in control and to tease you until are crying for him
Killer also loves to tease even more so than Kid, you would never expect
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Kid is loud, he doesnt shut up, he groans and growls, mf laughs when he degrades you shut shut up man
Killer not loud he just lets out a few grunts and small moans
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
Killer is the only one who has ever topped Kid
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Kid is rlly thick and girthy. like oh my god you gonna need a few minutes to stretch out around him
Killer isnt as thick but he is long omg
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Kid is up ready to go at any given moment all that pent up anger gotta go somewhere
Killer isnt as hyper sexual as Kid but he still enjoys it at least 3-4 times a week
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Immediately after for Kid, like bro will nut and then you hear his loud ass snoring
Killer doesnt fall asleep as fast as Kid mainly cause he needs to calm down first and catch his breath. he also loves to clean everyone up so yall not sleeping all dirty
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jelly-fishie · 2 months
Gojo N$FW Alphabet 🩵
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A - After care
I feel like Satoru would either be like a mix between tired or superrr affectionate, eg: kisses, getting you food, helping bathe basically all that kind of stuff. On the other hand if hes tired he'll probably just pull you in and cuddle with his head on your nape, muttering how good you were or just random things till you both fall asleep
B - Body part (fav part of you and him)
Gojo loves every last bit of you, but his favourite bit is hands down your Thighs, he loves to leave love bites all over and decorate them with hickeys. He loves to lay on them, hold or squeeze, to feel them when your straddling his face and the way they Tighten on him. He cant get enough of them.
However his favourite part of him is his hands. He knows the effect they have on you, he loves it when you tell him how good they fit, How perfect they are for you. How even regularly you tell him he has beautiful slender hands.
C - C0m3 (anything to do with it)
Gojo is the biggest pervert when it comes to his cum, he is messy with it. Even after a wash you'll still find some place he managed to get it stuck in. In fact hes practically fascinated by it, every chance he gets he will just stare at you filled up with it, hell he'd even eat it out if you let him.
He also love love loves getting it in your pants after a quickie, just so you're walking around with some of him by you.
D - dirty secret
This man has the worlds most sensitive nipples, but he will never admit it you have to find out yourself. In fact you want it finished faster or earlier all you have to do is give them a little fiddle and a bite and he's moaning and cumming more then you.
E - experience (how experienced are they?)
Honestly he isn't as experienced as you'd think. Hes definitely got a few bodies and hookups under his belt but hes so busy being a sorcerer most of his knowledge comes from the p0rn and h3nt41 he watches when he rubs one out. that doesnt mean hes bad though.
F - favourite position
Satoru loves a mating press or missionary, he loves watching the face you make and how you react, he also gets a food view of your tits at the same time so win win, he isn't too particular but anything considered a a bit more extreme requires some convincing. He'll never say no to a good 69 of course.
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Satoru is fairly serious but that doesn’t mean he won’t make sly comments or even joke with you a bit. He adjusts his own “humor” to what you like. He wants you to be comfortable so if you seem to relax more when he jokes around and talks to you a lot while fucking, he’ll do it. But he’s also capable of keeping the talking to a minimum, letting his body do the work while praising you endlessly. Though if one of you fumbles around a bit, he will not hesitate to chuckle. He thinks its really cute so don’t take offense. 
H - Hair (are they well groomed?)
For him the carpets match the drapes and considering how rare it is he likes to show off a little, he keeps himself neat and tidy but never bare really. Unless you make a special request of course.
Oh and he doesn't expect you to do the same, he loves 'exploring the jungle' as he puts it, just try tidy though of course.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Gojo can be sickeningly sweet and romantic during the moment, especially when its like one of your first three times together. He blabbers and praises you about how perfect you are and beautiful, of course he does loves a bit of tongue and cheek in the moment and playful sex is never off the table.
J - Jacking off
honestly his libido is just little higher then average, and if your away or not in the mood he makes it clear hes going to do it. Hes not really too shy about it, he'll clear time out of his day too if he really needs too he just claims it clears his head. It changes how often depending on his schedule and how much he sees you.
bonus: he also doesn't care if you do it or he'll ask to watch but is usually turned down on that one since sometimes you just wanna get it out without all the hassle of actual s3x
K - Kink (one or more)
This man loves to be praised, and loves praising others. Truthfully he loves toys and teasing as well, but he wont really say too much about it unless his partner mentions it. He's probably tried every kind of toy there is, y'know to level up the experience for both you and him.
L- Location and length (where he prefers it, how long it lasts. 2 in 1)
Satoru knows himself and his body well enough to know he will knock out after sex 9/10 times or at least tire you out or make you need a good clean, so he prefers to keep it private in the house,any surface will do but its usually the bed or shower, if your lucky maybe a bathroom when your out. He loves to keep a mental note of where you have done it as well in fact he seems to have made it his mission to fuck you in every part of the house.
He loves to take his time with you so honestly it could last anywhere between 10 minutes and hours with him, it really depends on you.
M - Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly its easier then you think, all it takes is the right bit of touch in the right spot and hes got you in his arms carrying to the nearest fuckable surface. If you really want to go to pound town a cute dress or some frilly lingerie never hurt anybody but your back.
N - No's (thing they would absolutely never do)
He would NEVER force you, in fact if he thinks your too drunk or sleepy he wont even give you a cheeky neck kiss, but if you ask nicely and are sober enough he'll try just about anything once. Another thing he hates is hurting you, he wont slap you hard or anything of the sorts even if you beg. All you'll get is a hair pull or spank on the ass.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Satoru is addicted to you going down on him. This man lives for blow jobs and he is not ashamed to admit that. He also adores going down on you, considering himself very skilled in that aspect. But fuck does he love it when you suck him off. 
P - Pace (are they fast, slow, sensual?)
Honestly it totally depends on the mood and how you like it. He usually adjusts it to the fit the both of you, but this man is naturally rough and fast, but hes just as capable of taking it easy.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Don't get me wrong he'll rarely turn down a chance with you but quickies aren't his favourite, he might be naturally fast and rough but he still loves taking his time with you. he also is immediately knocked out after blowing his load,he gets pussy drunk basically so usually you need to tempt him with sweets or a good coffee.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Like i've said he'll try anything just about once, he isn't afraid to take risk and totally understand the different effects thing have.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he is 1000% a one and done kind of guy, but its never that bad considering how long he can go for. honestly if hes worked up enough the max you can get is 3 rounds, 4 if your lucky maybe. He really only needs one though because once he busts there's so much and hes probably already cuddled up next to you.
T - Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes, in fact you guys have a whole box under the bed or in the drawers. he uses them to enhance the experience instead of letting it do all the work. He’s very partial to the “magic wand” vibrator he bought for the two of you to use. Going as far as to buy a backup for when the original stops working.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease) 
He is the biggest tease ever if he wants to be, in fact if he really wanted to he could have you sobbing. Luckily he doesn't, and if he feels like he hurt your feeling hell shower you with praise and pleasure till the beds soaked and your happy again. He also loves it when you tease back, he loves knowing the feeling is reciprocated.
V - Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
satoru is anything but quiet, he will make any and every kind of sound and not care about the volume and who hears him. What he really loves is hearing you though, he wants the neighbours down the street to hear you if he could make it happen he loves loud rough s3x.
W - Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He cannot stand sharing. He will never share in fact he never lets you show too much skin if your going somewhere with a lot of guys, he's not over controlling nor will he tell you what to wear usually just says something like, 'do you want a jacket?' instead.
X - X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Gojo's dick matches his body, its long and a little beefy. I'd say around 5 1/5 inches soft and he is definitely a grower, probably reaching like 7 inches when its hard. He’s girthy, enough to need preparation before entering you but nothing too painful. Also this man Is VEINY, like veiny that you can feel the veins.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Its definitely higher then most but he has a good enough control over it, but he can get really pent up if hes forced to jack off or hasn't done it at least three times that week.
Z - Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
literally within 30 seconds flat if you don't give him sweets. he gets tired after busting a load anyway but if he went down on you or just got pussy drunk anyway hes gone faster then you can blink.
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marunalu · 4 months
Hi. Many fans disappointed with new chapter. I see many complaining. I am more pissed because of Bakugo.
I am now sure that in next chapter Izuku will be catched by Ochako or sonehow Shigaraki give Izuku OFA back or his original quirk. Dont know.
How do you think DFO will be revealed then Shigaraki and AFO destroyed? Both spirituality and phisicaly.
Well, its no wonder people are upset after that shitfest of a chapter. That propably was the most anticlimactic final bossfight I have ever seen in a manga and after all the talking how izuku wants to safe tomura, dude just dies and izuku is fine with it. He just failed his attempt to save the person he wanted to save the most, but hey I guess the fistbum makes up for it (it does NOT!) Im actually curious how the japanese fanbase reacted to all of that.
I mean, of course hori had to force bakugou in it for a final time. Hes his golden baby boy afterall. Izuku cant do anything without bakugous or other peoples help. He is not allowed to shine on his own in his own fight against the main villain in HIS story. Nope, bakugou needed to help to give the final blow to afo TWICE, because HE is the true VIP of mha! I have actually seen quite a few bakugou fan who were not happy about it. If even his FANS complain about how forced and unnecessary that part was, maybe hori should ask himself if his staning for that one specific character is not going a little bit to far. I mean, seems like we just were all dumb. At the beginning of the story we were told izuku is a useless loser because he cant do anything without the help of others and in the end it turns out it was true. How could we not see that comming? The mc was not allowed to defeat the main villain himself and needs others, espicially his abuser to help him. Wow, what a great message! And the most depressing point is that hori was clearly trying to make that look like a positiv thing. There is one thing I can say for sure. I will never touch any work from hori ever again.
If this was really the conclusion of the final fight, then congratulation hori, you managed to write a more rushed and horrible conclusion for your story, then tite kubo did with bleach (which to be fair was not kubos fault but shonen jumps). Hori did literally EVERY SINGLE character except bakugou dirty and in the end even startet to write against his own established themes in the story.
Regarding dfo: I already mentioned it a few times in the past. Im still positiv dfo is canon BUT I also said I dont think anymore that dfo will end in a satisfying way. Which actually goes against what hori said, that readers wont feel dissapointed when he reveals hisashis true identity. But, right now I dont see how hori plans to manage that even with a twist. Even if lets say the clone theory ends up true (which would be hilarious because I was JOKING when I came up with it), it still would feel like so much wasted potential. And the thing is, while it would make me happy if it turns out true I would still be mad about all the rest hori fucked up which would make it impossible for me to enjoy the dfo reveal. And as much as I love dfo, if it turns out the afo clone theory is true and hisashi is the real afo who gets a happy ending while tomura stays dead and doesnt get one after everything afo did to him and the rest of the lov stay miserable too, I will still give hori the middlefinger. The only way I would be able to enjoy it is if hisashi ends up as the afo clone who choose a different path then his original body. It would still make dfo canon just in a unexpected way and it could be interesting to see in hisashi that afo COULD have been happy if he had choose a similar way.
I dont know, maybe in the end there is really some kind of twist involved. Shonen jump still hasnt announced that mha will end in the next few chapters and normally they do that at least 5-10 chapters before the final chapter. Maybe we are just panicking over nothing and hori has everything planned out perfectly. Maybe there is more to come. We really cant say for sure. There are still some plots who need answers and I cant see how hori wants to conclude everything in just 2 more chapters. On the other side this final arc was horrible rushed, even more horrible written and all in all a big dissapointment and waste of a lot of peoples time.
Who knows maybe thats why there is a break next week. So hori can wait for the reactions of the readers and include whatever twist he may think could work.
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raw-diggity-dog · 1 month
rd in rut and he's usually so laid back and friendly and sweet and a bit shy and awkward but when rut hits him he's almost a different person
the rest of the server knows when its coming because he starts getting snappy and short tempered over the littlest things, possessive and even a bit mean. theres a visible tension bubbling under his increasingly thin facade of affablity, and at nights he starts prowling the perimiter of his base. hes looking for a mate, trying to pick up the scent of someone in heat, but there's no others like him on the server and even as he scents the air and howls he knows there'll be no answer.
some ruts he stays in his base and his friends help him out as best as they can. in the days at it's peak he wakes up hazy and desperate, mounting and fucking anything halfway decent he can get his claws on - pillows, bundled blankets, a used labcoat doc handed to him the other day with eyebrows pointedly raised. someone, usually doc or cleo, will bring him food and water (he always forgets to store those...some alpha he is) and if hes not too far gone he'll let one of them hold him, stroking him and squeezing his knot until he comes and comes and comes with a choked-back snarl and watering eyes. theyre not like him, but they help him as best they can, and he's grateful for their patience and their love.
but some ruts hit him too hard and too fast, and he can feel it spreading through his brain like ink in water, until all he is is a beast who cannot be reasoned with, and those are the ruts he spends off the server.
the hermits are like any other player; they can jump between open worlds easily as long as they know where it is. when the ruts are especially bad, he'll widen his hunt from just his territory to across as many servers as it takes to find a receptive mate. its exhausting but his body urges him onwards, flickering in and out of world after world, scenting the air, eyes yellow and frenzied. when he catches the scent of a heat, the hunt begins in earnest, and hes following it through snowy taiga, through swamps and marshes, tracking the owner over sand dunes and mountains until he finds them curled in a nest with their human thoughts as slow and honey-thick as his own. instinct overtakes them both and without even learning their name he'll lick his eager new mate open and fuck them over and over, knot them full again and again until they're babbling and clawing at his back. the days pass in a haze of sensations, sleeping and waking and pounding his mate into a drooling mess and sleeping again.
by the time the rut calms, theyre both exhausted and filthy, and as his clarity returns he'll apologise and introduce himself. it gets a bit awkward once theyre both back to being more or less themselves again, and ren isn't the smoothest guy at the best of times. they almost never stay in touch afterwards and he tells himself that's a good thing.
back on his home server he washes away the past few days dirt, digs around in his shulkers for cleanish clothes, makes himself a cup of tea and a sandwich. the other hermits will send 'welcome back's and tactfully avoid asking where he was. doc might drop by, or cleo, and make some dirty jokes for ren to get mock indignant over. he'll return to the habits and patterns of being a civilised member of a server. he'll go back to being sweet and approachable ren. he'll pack his memories of what he did during rut neatly away in the back of his mind and pretend that part of him doesnt exist. he's just the same awkward, silly puppy everyone knows and loves.
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s4turnzbarzzz · 1 year
michael myers (dead by daylight) nsfw alphabet
requested: no
Tw: smut
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
michael wont stick around after sex, your on your own to clean up
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
he likes his arms because he knows how strong he is
his favorite body part of yours is your neck because he loves the sounds you make when he chokes you
C= Cum (anything that has to do with cum basically)
he will cum anywhere but prefers to creampie you, he likes the way his cum drips from your overly used hole
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
he loves it if you try to fight back but hell never show it
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
hes not very experienced but he learns fast
F= Favorite position
missionary, he loves how he can see himself thrusting in and out of you, he also likes that he can choke you and see your facial expressions
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
hes serious, not because hes a dick or anything, he just struggles to laugh if you crack a joke and doesnt see the point in being aything but serious during sex
H= Hair (grooming habits)
he isnt groomed and he doesnt care if thats what you prefer. hes never had the time to focus on that and youll just have to accept it
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
hes rough with you, he only really has sex to get himself off but he will subconsiously learn what you like and will eventually get you off too
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
he doesnt really jack off, why would he need to now that he has you?
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
dacryphyllia (crying), knifeplay, bdsm, choking, manhandling, hair pulling, primal play, voyeurism, cnc
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
anywhere, as long as youre the last survivor
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick)
he gets off on stalking and chasing you, especially if you put up a good fight
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
hell try anything once, but you have to suggest it
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
he prefers recieving because he knows hes in control. if you ask him really nicely im sure hell eat you out though
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
he goes fast and hard, he has really high stamina so i hope youre ready for at least 6 rounds and then some after he gives you a break
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
he prefers to take his time with you but wont tyrn down the oppertunity to have a quicky
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
he will try new things but you have to suggest something first for him to consider it
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
hes got really high stamina so he can definently go 6-7 rounds without a break, but if he takes a break its 10-12 rounds
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
hes not a fan of toys but if you want them hell let you use them on yourself
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
he'll tease you but he wont tease himself or let you tease him
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
the most youll hear from him is panting and the occasional groan, hes not loud by any means
W= Wild card (nsfw headcanon of any sort)
he would absolutely take photos of you after youre all fucked out
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
11 inches hard, 7 inches soft and hes girthy with afew larger veins un the bottom and sides. his dick also hangs a little bit even when hes fully hard (good luck♡)
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
his sex drive isnt super high but if he sees you doing something hell get hard from watching you while youre oblivious
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
im not sure he sleeps at all actually but no he doesnt sleep afterwards, he just gets up and leaves to do something else
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Alright, I took a quick nap and Ive decided that I wanna get the UTM reenactment over with as quickly as possible so Im reading chapter 42 and then I'll reward myself with some pain au chocolats and not thinking about this book for the rest of the day and watching the 2002 takarazuka flower troupe production of elisabeth instead. lets go
Chapter 42
here we fucking go with the illyrian wingspan-dicksize correlation, how would Amren even know that isnt she above sex or something. Honestly, I think Cassian would know wayyyyy more about that. on account of all the gay sex hes having i mean. I thought of that joke and then I realized that you could interpret it to mean that he knows about that because hes illyrian and has a dick, but I want to make it very clear that this is a gay sex joke
how come wings are so sensitive that just barely stroking them makes you moan and shudder but you can still fly with them in harsh winds with no issue. My headcanon is that wings arent actually that sensitive, Rhysand and Cassian are just weirdos with a specific kink
This conversation Feyre and Rhys are having about his wings is so weird, its like dirty and yet uncomfortably clinical
oh Rhysand is quicker than death just fucking kill me, im getting so angry again
Syphons are called 'Trichtersteine' ['funnel stones' or 'funnel gems'] in german which is more accurate to how we're actually told they work imo but it sounds pretty lame
Is it just me or is Rhysand being kinda weirdly paranoid rn. I mean granted, they did just get attacked with ash arrows so maybe hes actually doing a good job for once and Im just biased against him
Okay so we finally get some night court fae wearing white, but of course its not for moon symbolism its so they can blend in with the rock of the mountain because this series does nothing but disappoint me
The Hewn City actually sounds really cool, why couldnt this have been the secret city where we spend most of our time, you couldve made it a whole thing about Feyre healing from her trauma UTM through like, exposure therapy or something idk. That wouldve been neat and dramatic, her healing from her UTM trauma in the place that inspired it with the person that inflicted it. I mean, maybe that would be less healthy and even more controversial than Feysand already is but then you could atleast lean into the dark romance of it
I mightve said this already but you knowwww sjm is NOT a painter and consulted ZERO painters because Ive never heard of anyone think about creating art the way feyre does
and Mor is wearing red AGAIN why would you make this a trigger for Feyre just go back and edit it out its not like it matters
God, the description of her outfit is so deeply discomfortingl like it literally is exactly what she wore while she was being drugged assaulted but atleast they left the bodypaint out this time
"[Keir] looked at my face, then my body. I had thought that he would stare and drool greedily but... there was nothing. No emotion. Just ice cold. Shaking internally, - from anger and revulsion - I followed Mor." Im sorry, is she mad that Keir doesnt find her hot????
Theres something uncomfortable about Feyre referring to Rhysand as 'Mor's Lord' especially when we just had a whole paragraph describing her as a proud and empowered queen
"Usually, one Syphon was enough for an Illyrian to to able to steer his urge to kill down the right path." what???
Now shes describing Azriel as dark and beautiful as death and oughhhhhh i knoww im the only who cares about this and its for a pretty stupid reason but I care a lot and it makes me very angry
Feyre referring to a 19 year old Mor as 'barely more than a child' is weirdddddd
of COURSE hes wearing a black tunic for this, I cant believe this is the guy that the fandom has designated the fashion lover when he has two (2) outfits
Feyre describing Rhysand as sooooo powerful and beautiful with a face of nightmares and dreams makes me want to vomit, but more importantly, it makes me yearn to rewatch the 1996 takarazuka star troupe production of Elisabeth with Asaji Saki as Death who unirionically fits all of Feyres descriptors 1000 times better
Not Rhysand using Feyres Cursebreaker title while hes thoroughly humiliating her
Now Feyre is calling him a god, bro youre not gonna be able to have sex if you jack him off this hard hes gonna be all sore
Imagine being a hewn city noble and you all get together because your high lord wants something from you and youre kinda scared because hes the worst, and then you just have to watch him finger some random lady. and you cant leave because then he'll just kill you
I dont like that this is framed as empowering to Feyre, i think its one thing to write a female character who sexualises herself in order to empower herself but the fact that Feyre is doing this at the behest of Rhys automatically renders it non-empowering to me. Like yeah, she obviously consented to this but it wasnt her idea but this was not her idea and this is not something she usually does, the only times shes been sexualized like this is because it was part of some plan that Rhysand came up with
"[Keir] apparently clung to the power. But Rhys was the power." i hate that that sentence made me think of Keir/Rhysand as a ship why am I so goddamn yaoi-brained. And yeah, i know theyre related but according to Rhys himself, he and Mor are only cousins in the most distant sense, so. Man, that would make the IC dynamics so much more fucked up but also so much funnier
Theyre trying so hard to make this hot n sexy but its just so unappealing and dragged out. Granted, sorry if this is TMI, but I did just jerk off so Im all out of horniness for the next little while so maybe I just dont like this because Im not in the mood but idk. theres something so annoying about this, i think its how over-the-top and artificial Rhysands hotness feels, not to mention the fact that he is absolutely not my type
Imagine being Keir rn, just trying to do your job and tell your high lord everything that he needs to know, meanwhile his high lord is sitting in front of him fondling his new sex slave and you just have to keep a straight face. i mean, he sucks ass so i guess he deserves it but man
Presented to you with no further comment: "My breasts became heavy and full, longing, desiring, just like my crotch."
goddamnit, Rhysand just said that he put Feyre on his leash and then Keir made a kinda slutshame-y remark about her clothes and then I thought Rhys was like "maybe I'll put you on a leash too" but it was Feyre who said that. another loss for big gay incest
"He liked this as little as I did" uhhhhh no offense girlie but you actually seem to be having a pretty great time rn
I dont even know what to say about this part where Feyre is like, detaching herself from her thoughts that are calling her a traitor a liar and a whore ?? I think thats whats happening here?? Like, its trying so hard to be sexy but its invoking the imagery of Feyre's (and even Rhysand's) trauma and its just very strange
It took Rhys a fucking eternity to actually touch her pussy
What if Keir developed a voyerism kink because of this. would that be fucked up or what
Its so weird how Feyre thinks about how maybe Rhysand doesnt like sex or being desirable anymore because of amarantha and that certainly sounds like a trauma response he should have but instead it just never matters
"I had been tortured and tormented but my pain was nothing compared to his." YOU DIED
Oh man I cant believe I completely forgot about the absolutely iconic part where Rhysand gets so mad Keir for calling the woman he introduced as a whore a whore that he telepathically breaks his hand about it
what was the point of doing that, Feyre didnt even seem to like it that much
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Keefe and tam totally started dating but like. no one knew. they thought that they were best friends or already dating (linh is the only who falls into the latter)
Keefe tries to mess with tams hair. he's in awe about it. like, what does that mf put in it. and why's it so stiff-
They totally wear each other's iconic colours. keefe wears silver jewelley, belts, accessories even if it doesnt fully suit him, and tam just has ice blue stuff on him. im talking. pins and badges, stickers and a pair of earrings.
Keefe is such a swiftie. not up for debate. he just is.
Keefe is bi, and i mean the most useless bisexual ever. he finger guns at everyone. he makes bi jokes. he has frog EVERYTHING. everyone is his type and he is everyones type,
tam is gay and ace. he's totally cool with keefe's flirty/dirty jokes because tam knows and consents to them.
They are the most. physically affectionate people ever. especially keefe with tam. im thinking. the classic boyfriend hug (i like to call it the partner hug), squeezing tam way too tight hugs, lifting tam up hugs. as well as kisses everywhere. like you could map out where keefe has kissed tam and its a whole adventure.
keefe and tam totally have a matching sweater and pj set. its something totally obnoxious and they love it.
THEY. HAVE. HAIRCARE. NIGHTS. these two shits totally exchange hair products and keefe is like "what even is this" and tam is all "this would take like give hours" "beauty takes time." "and money i see"
as for surnames, i cant imagine them taking their parents. especially tam. if at all, they'd both have sencen. but i feel they'd come up with their own surnames. maybe "sensong" or even "samsung" without knowing about the brand (sophie makes fun of them)
sophie was the first to accept them. shes been around humans and understands how hard coming out is because of her highschool classmates (there was 100% gay kids in her class). the rest of them are confused and are like "whats gay" but they support their friend (and learn a bit about them too.........)
sophie 100% takes them both to the forbidden cities after they come out. to buy pride pins. keefe is absolutely enamoured by them and tam is more worried about the environment.
on this fateful trip, keefe learns about different human aesthetics. and it becomes his everything. one day a vsco girl. one day emo. one day barbiecore.
keefe uses the word coquette frequently without knowing what it means. like hed just point and say "thats coquette" and its a crushed soda can.
tam eventually tells him about coquette. does not stop keefe.
tam and keefe are not picky eaters. these two mfs will guzzle anything down
but sophie and fitz are, so when they visit, they just eat mallowmelt. just. mallowment.
kam, fedex, linhella and jenstina. sosingle and marusingle.
cassius didnt know about kam until their wedding day. and boy that was DRAMA
when kam wanted to get married, they went to the council, half of whom freaked out and half of whom applauded. it was a lot of battle, but eventually, a year later, the definition of marriage was changed in the law.
so obviously these two made headlines for being like. the first gay marriage in the lost cities. and lo and behold, cassius finds out.
hes so against it, but he doesnt show it to people in public. ofc, keefe got an angry imparter call from him that he laughed off.
quan however. oh dude was raging. he tried to call tam but BLOCKED.
then fedex and linhella got married and everyone was wth. did the human kid just bring the gay with her?? and not be gay herself??
anywho, on the topic of marriage. keefe totally proposed.
keefe was sick of waiting for tam to propose and caved and bought a ring. it was silver with a blue stone in it in the shape of a kite.
keefe brought tam to a cliff and proposed to him there (saying that if tam said no, its alright bcuz he could jump off)
tam was competely pink and told keefe to "shut the fuck up" and pulled out a ring. BECAUSE TAM WAS PLANNING TO PROPOSE (at a later date)
okay im sucked dry of HCs. lmk if yall have any
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Okay okay so i know i JUST sent that pervy hob creeping on waiter dream ask but i came up w more bc im not well.
Dream doesnt want anyone but his supervisor Lucienne to know hes Morpheus Endless bc hes 19 and everything is a catastrophic level of embarrassment at the age of 19 also hes afraid he might get picked on or hazed or something. Hes shy and most of the summer employees are his age but everyone is either nice or neutral but not mean. He gets invited to a few staff bonfires and kinda sits at the edge and keeps to himself bc hes never done this or been allowed to have friends before but its pleasant and sometimes someone will come over and make small talk to help him feel included. The Corinthian is a poolboy, he makes jokes about it constantly saying how hes trying to have as much gay sex as possible and being poolboy seemed the best bet. Hes charming and isnt weird about dream being sorta gender neutral/fluid and dream Likes him. The Corinthian saw hob slap dreams ass that first time and matthew told dream he had to physically hold the Corinthian back so he didn't go beat a guest up. Dream sits with the Corinthian on the dock and thanks him for his gallantry and the Corinthian is shy being alone w him all like "well,, i didnt do it for anything other than selfish reasons im hoping to get some nepo points when you go back home" and dream is all shook and worried now but the Corinthian laughs like "yeah you should've chose a different nickname if you didnt want to be associated with the god of SLEEP" but he doesn't tell anyone and even catches on to dreams vague rambling explanations of being Into hob which he only teases him a LITLLE for which is very generous in his opinion. Things get hot and heavy in both directions and its a proper YA summer romance love triangle. The Corinthian is kinda worried when dream texts him to come to hobs suite but hes kinda looking to get into it w this asshole anyway but when he shows up its hob who answers and dream is a blushy blissed out mess in the sheets and hob explains how dream was going to go to the Corinthian first and now hob wants to see what the Corinthian would have done to his darling now that his virginity is already taken now:) they have a really hot really psychosexual threesome and dream gets to take both of them in one night and go to bed pressed up between them❤️
AHH yeah here's a link to the last resort au we talked about.
I always love the idea of Hob and Cori competing over Dream, and this is a really nice way for it happen. The love triangle is so tense and sexy.
Hob is still giving all his attention to Dream - flirting, touching, teasing him all day long. But there are moments when Dream actually has to do his job for half a moment instead of just being a toy for Hob to enjoy. When Dream is off folding towels or helping in the dining room, Hob takes the opportunity to pounce on Cori.
And Cori doesn't just accept it like Dream does. He calls Hob a dirty old man, threatens to report him, even holds the knife he was using to slice fruit to Hob’s throat at one point. Mostly its because he doesn't want to steal Dream’s man when he knows there's feelings there. But also, he's really enjoying the thrill of the chase.
So when he's invited to Hob’s suite, it's fair to say that the sexual tension is heavy. Cori pretends to be all focused on Dream (and he is!! Absolutely thrilled to get between Dream’s legs finally) but he's glancing at Hob the whole time, daring him to do something. Hob is only too happy to oblige.
Cori finally gets to fuck Dream (having Hob’s sloppy seconds is more of turn on than he'll ever admit). All while Hob tongue-fucks Cori's hole. Cori has never been rimmed like that before and he has to admit that Hob is talented. He barely lasts any time before coming inside Dream, but he can't even begin to care. This is the gay sex he was hoping for.
Cori is definitely getting those nepo points for making Dream cum. And don't tell anyone, but he totally sucked Hob’s dick. He had to do something to make sure that he's invited back for more!!
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doomsdaydicecascader · 7 months
What would you say was the thing that really shifted your opinion on postcanon stuff? I remember reading your long form posts about it and finding them pretty eloquent and interesting given the information I had (and I admit they did nudge me to me to end up not reading the epilogues along with the sheer length and my own squeamishness, though of course you also gave them their due when you felt it was fair)
if i'm being real, it's primarily interaction with other homestuck fans - my social media spaces tend to be pretty heavily curated, i basically only follow people i trust to be intelligent, since like. there is a level of comfort and complacency with social media? i don't like following new people, i don't like unfollowing old people. so i just dont branch out that much.
but i joined the mspfa discord in........ may of last year? while i really enjoy playing the role of like, i compared myself to solaire of astora once. guy who is there to help. i enjoy doing that, there is fun in that. i have spent many hours over the past months explaining homestuck plot points in ways that basically only i would and it is largely, pearls before swine, because the fact is that people dont want to understand post-canon, they don't want to like, pick at it critically, to understand why the decisions were made, they want to hate post-canon. and this is a very critical difference between me not liking post-canon and the majority of people hating post-canon.
and there is something to be said about experiencing homestuck as it is perceived by other people, to really solidify what i liked about homestuck post-canon, because there was stuff i liked to begin with. and seeing people who hate it without good reason frustrate me! genuinely, if you had to see the same "i heard jade has a dog penis" discussions every 2 weeks from some sprout who showed up only to be mad, you would start to defend it too.
like, i actually delayed that second blog post at the time because hatred for the team was flaring up again, for whatever reason, i don't even remember. but i remember putting it off because i didn't want to contribute to people who were blindly angry about homestuck^2
there are reasons to not like post-canon, lord knows there are plenty. i actually stand by basically everything i said about it not actually working and the times where it goes too far. in the second blog post, not the first one. but like, there is a total and all-encompassing difference in what the conversation is, "yeah, the meat and candy thing doesnt really work and dirks graphic suicide is ill-considered at best" doesnt matter at all when the level people are operating on is "say a plot point as a joke, make people mad, have fun circlejerking over how bad it is"
part of it is also that in the process of writing my own comic, it kind of comes with the territory to be less precious about the characters. like, team slime, my home discord server, watches movies every saturday. for a while, our theme was musicals, and eventually, we watched hamilton. and i realized that lin manuel miranda writes alexander hamilton in the exact way i am always afraid i am writing jane and vriska, like. just. truly relentlessly protective of them. and so being less precious about these characters means recognizing the flaws therein, not being afraid to write them just being kind of disasters. i still am pretty precious about them, but its a work in progress. you gotta get your hands dirty with them, and that puts it in context of respecting when others do the same
like, there are still a lot of really glaring flaws in post-canon, dont get me wrong, but theyre not insurmountable, and it helps to have spaces like burning down the house for me to express directly like. what i wanted out of homestuck. post-canon is not what i want it to be, but when has homestuck ever given anyone what they wanted without any complications whatsoever
and i think it is genuinely capable of being extremely good - this recent update (yiffy overlooking the rosemary drama) is extremely choice! i genuinely love how everyone involved is characterized, the panels are flashy, it puts to bed really stupid shit, like. its unbelievably fucking good how the problem kanaya has isnt "rose had another kid with jade in secret, our marriage is in shambles" but "jane knows about this kid", like. the absence of infidelity conflict is refreshing and says so much about everyone involved. and i have been thinking nonstop about how rose and jades daughters takes after caliborn of all characters. like. "you hope they eat each other alive" with the perspective of like, a caliborn grin is such an INSANE direction to take yiffy! holy shit! its awesome!!!!!!!!
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