#the memes about oblivious Arthur are funny but unoriginal sooo
yallemagne · 2 years
Seward: “Arthur... I figure I should be straight with you.”
Arthur: “That’s new.”
Seward: “Ye- what. Anyway... remember what you said at Lucy’s funeral? I must tell you... the rest of us also gave our blood: me, Quincey, even Van Helsing.”
Arthur: “Oh, I know.”
Seward: “And I don’t want you to misundersta-- what?”
Arthur: “Yeah, Jack. I figured.”
Seward: “Then... what you said?”
Arthur: “I just find it to be a comforting idea for myself. A bit silly, I know... and I knew it would make Van Helsing uncomfortable.”
Seward: “Art!”
Arthur: “What? He told me you sucked poison from his wound once. And then proceeded to tell me to ask you about it. I figured I’d embarrass him.”
Seward: “... I love you.”
Arthur: “Haha, what happened to being straight with me?”
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